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Pedagogical Changes And Challenges
For The Future Growth Of Decision

Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe & Dr. P. S. Rao


Knowledge, Innovation and change in business schools have not been researched as

intensively as business and industrial organizations anywhere. If these three are to flourish

in B-schools it is critical that the mechanism which can sustain and encourage should be

understood clearly. The significance of these three raises the need of new teaching and

learning methodologies. B-schools require constant monitoring to identify the areas of

potential improvement and to improve the quality of teaching and learning models. An
attempt is made in this paper to address the new challenges and emerging issues for both

teaching and practice of decision sciences.

Key words: Knowledge, Innovation, change, teaching methodologies.


Management Science (MS), or Decision Science (DS) is the discipline of
using scientific research-based principles, strategies and other analytical
methods, such as mathematical modeling to improve any organizations
ability to enact rational, meaningful business management decisions. The
field is also known as Operations research (OR) in the United States, or
operational research in the United Kingdom. These three terms are often
used interchangeably to describe the same field.

Decision Sciences are concerned with developing and applying models
and concepts that may prove useful in helping to illuminate management

issues and solve managerial problems. The models used can often be
represented mathematically, but sometimes computer-based, visual or
verbal representations are used as well or instead. The range of problems
and issues to which management science has contributed insights and
solutions is vast. It includes, deciding the appropriate place to site new
facilities such as a warehouse or factory, identifying possible future
development paths for parts of the telecommunications industry,
establishing the information needs and appropriate systems to supply them
within the health service, and identifying and understanding the strategies
adopted by companies for their information systems.

In the modern economic scenario all over the world- "Management" - as a
stream of education and training has acquired new dimensions.
Management as a Decision Science is an exciting field where you can have
an immediate impact on the operations of any business. The field of
Management is dynamic in nature. New tools and techniques are
continually being introduced to improve the efficiency, productivity, and
profitability of any organization. All organizations and their departments,
functions, or groups use Management methodologies, which include
problem solving techniques and guidelines for various related activities.


The main objectives of this paper are

1.   to examine the present status of management education and to find
     out ways for quality improvements in the current system so that
     business responds to current paradigm shifts and global dynamics.

2.   schools to improve the quality of teaching and learning models.


The methodology used was secondary data sources and survey of literature
available on the internet, journals, newspapers and the proceedings of the
Annual Conventions conducted by AMDISA, South Asian Management
Forum, AIMS, IAMD and ICUBER. This gave a broad overview of what has
been happening in the areas of management education in different business

Quality of Management Education - challenges of changing scenario

The world around us is changing and changing very fast. The speed of
change is so fast that we cannot turn back. The changes are visible in
multiple forms and in multiple directions. The qualitative aspects of
management education are as important as its technical aspects. It should
equip students with management skills and expertise and develop in them
the right attitude.

Knowledge is the driving force in the rapidly changing globalised economy
and society. Quantity and quality of specialized human resources in
management education determine their competence in the global market.
Emergence of knowledge as driving factor results in both challenges and
opportunities. It is well known that the growth of the global economy has
increased opportunities for those countries with good levels of education.

In a true sense, Internationalization of management education needs
number of changes and the thrust areas of management education
requiring quality improvement are the following:

1.   Course Curriculum 2.Teaching Methods 3.Teaching Faculty 4.Research
     and Innovation, 5.Industry Institute Linkages and 6. Foreign

1.   Course Curriculum

In the context of a rapidly changing global economy, Universities / Business
Schools have to learn to cope up with the emerging challenge. It calls for
changes rather than updating curriculum to take up the challenges. The
updating / restructuring course curriculum includes the following

i)   International Orientation

     The course curriculum should be of international character. The
     curriculum bounded by national boundaries will not serve the purpose
     in present scenario. The stiff competition from global players made it
     mandatory for every organization, to study the issues from
     international perspective. The studies should include global issues
     like gender, nuclear, economical, social, political, cultural diversity and
     foreign policy etc.

ii)   International Marketing

      As market is wide open for every nation and every organization,
      knowledge of international marketing is of utmost importance. The
      curriculum should include understanding of overseas markets, their
      needs, their purchasing patterns, opportunities, political scenario,
      foreign trade policy, etc. Study of principles of trade, bi-lateral and
      multilateral agreements, regional groupings, foreign direct investment
      is highly needed.

iii) Understanding Foreign Language / culture

      There is the need for understanding of foreign consumers, their culture
      and language. It is said that culture changes at every 50 km, but to
      understanding foreign consumer, its study is of immense value.
      Cultural pattern gives basic information like behavioral pattern,
      consumption pattern, likes and dislikes, etc.

      So there is a need for organized programmes like 'Cultural Immersion
      Programme', Language studies Programme' etc., in collaboration with
      foreign universities / organizations. It is a novel way to know about
      diversity in culture and developing partnership /collaboration with
      other higher educational institutions around the globe, The
      universities/ Institutions have to take entrepreneurial role and be more
      proactive in negotiating and arriving at mutually satisfactory exchange

iv) Understanding Technicalities of Foreign Trade Practices

      With the emergence of WTO, the International trade is governed by
      unique trade practices. There is need to understand these unique rules
      of governance. So one must know the features of national and
      international trade. This includes study of various agreements of tariff
      and trade like, agreement on preshipment inspection, agreement on
      technical barriers to trade, agreement on valuation of goods, principles
      of WTO etc., and last but not the least documentation i.e. procedural
      part of international trade.

v)    Knowledge of E-commerce / Internet

      Internet is just not one more point in the long continuum of inventions,

but a moment of real transformation that is now beginning to be
     appreciated. Development of Internet is a real boon for
     internationalization of management education.

The internet education facilitates not only e-learning process but utmost
needed to understand a new trading practice i.e. electronic commerce (e-
commerce). The objectives served by Internet in learning process are.

     a)   surfing through the information highways.
     b)   promise on-line library
     c)   international orientation of curriculum
     d)   facilities in learning

The motto of learning internet is that now a days e-commerce becomes
the watchword for business world. Internet has an exclusive potential to
elicit business from 100 million-plus Internet users world wide. There is no
second opinion that Internet in general and e-commerce in particular is
overturning the old rules about competition and strategy. Many companies
choose to engage in this type of business practice in addition to traditional
business methods, while others use the internet exclusively to reach existing
and potential customer. It also facilitates to complete the transaction over
web only. Hence keeping in mind this very fact, the knowledge, especially
of Internet and e-commerce is of great importance.

vi) Benchmarking course Curriculum against Institutes - Overseas

     Apart from the above, the business schools in the country must also
     continuously upgrade themselves by comparing themselves with their
     counterparts in other parts of the world. Infact they should benchmark
     their course curriculum against such Institutes overseas.

Here the following aspects must be stressed upon

a)   course on technology should stress not specific computer techniques,
     but the very dynamism of information revolution.

b)   course curriculum to stress on strategic planning, systems analysis and
     design and operations.

c)   inclusion of International policy study and

d)    offer electives like global money, market games, Asian management
      models, Lab in group dynamics and the like over the traditional
      electives offered.

2.    Teaching Methods

Already we are witnessing several paradigm shifts in management
education. Globalization demands change in existing structure, mode of
delivery of education system etc. thanks to the major developments in
information technology, learning is made easier, highly customized and
learning centred. Electronically delivered educational services make use
of the real time television and computer links and make interactive learning
possible. It makes it possible to bring real life experience to class room.

Paradigm Shifts

A paradigm shift is taking place in higher education particularly in
management education. According to Barr and Tagg (1995), the paradigm
that has governed our universities is one that defined a university as "an
institution that exists to provide instruction. Subtly but profoundly we are
shifting to a new paradigm where a university becomes an institution that
exists to produce learning.

                                 Pedagogical Changes
Old paradigm of teaching and testing            New paradigm of continuous learning
                                                and improvement
1    Success is artificially limited to a few   1   Unlimited, continuous improvement
     "winners." All others are made to              and successes are the aims of the
     consider themselves and their work as          school and community.
     mediocre or inferior.

2    Competition-based                          2   Cooperation-based.

3    Lessons are linear, consecutive            3   Learning is like a spiral with offshoots,
     segments of one-way communication.             with energy directed toward
                                                    continuous improvement.

4    Product-oriented. Focused solely upon      4   Process-oriented. Goals are important,
     results, without acknowledgment of             but the process of getting to the goal is
     their short-term nature. Grades and            at least as significant. Assessments are
     rankings are important in themselves.          used for diagnostic and prescriptive

Old paradigm of teaching and testing         New paradigm of continuous learning
                                             and improvement

5    The system and its processes don't      5   The integrity and health of the system,
     matter, as long as the ends are             its processes, and its people must be
     achieved.                                   maintained, or the system will be
                                                 suboptimized and will eventually fail.

6    School is a place where teaching is     6   School is a true community of learner
     done to (at) students. Students are         in which administrators, teachers, and
     passives, while teachers are active.        students learn how to get better and
                                                 better at the work they do together, so
                                                 that everyone succeeds optimally.

7    Teachers are isolated from each other   7   Teachers work together on school time
     by time and space.                          to build success with each other and
                                                 with a manageable number of students
                                                 in a cohort group.

8    Single-discipline instruction.          8   Multi- and cross-discipline instruction.

9     School learning is restricted to the   9   School learning is the foundation for
     curriculum, often in its narrowest          life-wide, life-deep, and lifelong
     interpretation.                             learning. 3-Dimensional Learning.

10 Tayloresque factory model: Rule by        10 New model: Lead by helping and by
 compliance, control, command.                providing vision and support, making it
 Authoritarian, hierarchical.                 possible for teachers and students to
  Management based upon fear.                  take pride in their work together and to
                                              have joy in the processes and products
                                              of continuous improvement. (In Japan
                                               this is called kaizen.)

11 Centralized control over resources,       11 Site-based management of resources,
 curriculums, teaching methods, length        curriculums, teaching methods, length
 of class periods, etc.                       of class periods, etc.

12 External validation of truth and the      12 External and internal truths are
 "one right answer" for every question        discovered through teachers' and
 asked by teacher, text, test.                students' questioning together.

13 Testing as the primary means of           13 Testing, when appropriate, to help
 assessing results of the learning             modify (improve) the teaching-learning
 process.                                     process. Other modes include process
                                              portfolios, exhibitions, performances,

Old paradigm of teaching and testing           New paradigm of continuous learning
                                               and improvement

14 Instruction is set up to generate (right)   14 Instruction is set up to generate better
 answers.                                       and better questions, followed by
                                                student inquiry into some of the areas
                                                of those questions. Student
                                                performances demonstrate improve
                                                understanding of the nature of the
                                                questions and some of the ways they
                                                 might be solved. Teachers are

15 Teachers are expected to know               15 experts in their field. But more
 everything about their subjects. They          importantly, they are the most
 give students data and information;            enthusiastic and dedicated learners in
 students memorize it, then forget               the classroom. Students learn from
  most of it.                                    teachers, other students, the
                                                community and other sources, and
                                                incorporate these learnings into their
                                                lives, applying their insights as
                                                appropriate to real-life challenges.

Teaching to learning paradigm shift

The Learning Paradigm

A paradigm shift is taking place every where in the world in higher
education. In its briefest form, the paradigm that has governed our B-School
is this: A B-School is an institution that exists to provide instruction.

Subtly but profoundly we are shifting to a new paradigm: A B-School is an
institution that exists to produce learning. This shift changes everything. It
is both needed and wanted.

The Learning Paradigm frames learning holistically, recognizing that the
chief agent in the process is the learner. Thus, students must be active
discoverers and constructors of their own knowledge. In the Learning
Paradigm, knowledge consists of frameworks or wholes that are created or
constructed by the learner. Knowledge is not seen as cumulative and linear,
like a wall of bricks, but as a nesting and interacting of frameworks. Learning
is revealed when those frameworks are used to understand and act.

In the Learning Paradigm, learning environments and activities are learner-
centered and learner-controlled. They may even be "teacherless." While
teachers will have designed the learning experiences and environments
students use-often through teamwork with each other and other staff-they
need not be present for or participate in every structured learn activity.

The prominent changes needed in teaching methods are:

i)    Interactive Teaching

      The two way flow of information will always be more fruitful than a
      traditional way of teaching. Interactive teaching is the best techniques
      of understanding the subject.

ii)   Learning through real life cases

      They will lead to better understanding of subject than merely teaching
      the text. The applied nature of text always leads to the thorough
      understanding of the subject.

iii) Continuous education

      The tasks of Institute just not end at educating the students once for a
      life time. Institute should educate their students on continuous basis.
      Life long education should be made available to all, at all places and
      all times. The student access centres should be built up all over the
      world. These centres will facilitate in providing a copy of related
      material as well as copies of information databases in CD-ROM format

iv) Learning support through the Web

      This has lead to a significant interest in the implementation of the
      internet based teaching through the virtual classrooms. The interaction
      between spatially separated learners can be organized in the following

      a)   Interaction between teachers and students

      b) Work on assignment alone or collaboratively with other students.

      c)   Internet Relay Chat (ITC) is a method by which students and
           teacher can communicate synchronically on different 'channel'
           and from different locations.

v)    Global Study tours

      Global study tours should be made part and parcel of the course, the
      leading business school in India and abroad send the groups of
      students to take a review of business environment in various parts of
      the world. In the recent news the California University sent a group of
      students to India to study the Indian Business environment.

      Very recently the University of Mumbai sent groups of Principals and
      Directors from various colleges and institutes to UK, USA, Australia
      and Newzeland on study tours to interact with their counter parts
      abroad. These study tours will lead to better understanding of business
      environment around the globe.

3.    Teaching Faculty

Globalization also demands, preparing teaching faculty to take up
challenges of tomorrow. The faculty must be international in composition
to a very significant degree. Employment of teaching faculty on the basis
of nationality is just not enough.

If we want to internationalize the management education, faculty of
international composition must be recruited. This will not only result in
knowing diversity in culture but also about various issues across the
national boundaries

The prominent changes need to be made are

i)    Core Faculty

      A lot of development and value addition of management students
      take place only in classrooms. Therefore, a critical component of core
      faculty is must for running a successful Management Programme. A
      team of dedicated and committed core faculty enables the Head of
      the management institution to effectively run, evaluate, improve and
      monitor the Programme. Paradoxically, both in universities and
      privately managed institutions, the situation is far from encouraging.

ii)   Visiting Faculty

      The purpose of inviting professional and practicing managers from
      industry and senior academics from management institutions is to
      bring the real life situation to classroom exposing students to practical

day to day problems which the managers were facing in running the
     affairs of corporate world and to develop a deep theoretical insight
     among them.

     Moreover, the intention is also to build the image of the institute in
     industry and enhance the industry academics interaction which will
     ultimately facilitate arranging summer training, final placement of
     students and sometimes even to know the requirements of industry in
     terms of syllabus and courses being taught in business school etc.

4.   Research and Innovation

Management education system should be highly vibrant, dynamic system
which is constantly experimenting, innovating and evolving. It should have
the confidence to experiment and the ability to nurture innovations to
success. Innovation requires autonomy and strong internal institutional
mechanisms to protect quality. Any live system evolves in constant 'search'
for a better 'fit with the changing environment.

Research in Decision Sciences is crucial for improving the practice and
teaching of management. It is a mater of fact that quantity and quality of
research undertaken by Business Schools has been largely inadequate.
Research is a crucial activity for promoting all round development of the
institution and exchanging the quality of academic processes.

It conveys an important message to the students, future industry leaders
that research is thus a key educational strategy to be adopted across the
entire management education system.

Research carried out should not be restricted to national boundary. The
research on various issues of international aspects is need of the time. Joint
research programmes with leading foreign institutes or agencies can be a
good option for this. Also organizing the seminars, conferences, workshops
on various issues of international aspects will facilitate in

a)   research on various issues of national and international interest

b)   platform for exchanging information of international issues around
     the globe and

c)   an opportunity to know about foreign cultures, consumption pattern

5.   Industry- Institute Linkages

In the changing times the need for better Industry-Institute linkages is
compelling. If education has to keep pace with the technological and job
market changes, it has to take proper steps to develop industry institute
interface. And if industries strive to become cost effective and efficient
they will also have to ask help from the universities / Institutes.

In partnership with industry can be found common goals, shared initiatives,
and the mutual eagerness to create, integrate and spread new knowledge.
In this mission the human resources have to be involved. Process of
educational reconstruction and transformation is a people's movement
and when people are involved nothing can fail.

Together a strengthened society can emerge, a better future and relevant
education can flourish and happy productive individuals can thrive. The
institute-industry tie up is beneficial not only for the education centers i.e.
the institutes and the work centres i.e. the industries but also the student
and the worker i.e. the individual. It is a symbiotic relation where the three
viz. institute, student and industry depend on each other and are benefited
mutually by this interdependence.

6.   Foreign Collaborations

Foreign collaborations with leading Universities / B-Schools help in
improving course material, technology transfer, and joint research
programmes in addition to generating additional resources. This also gives
boost to faculty exchange programme which in turn leads to international
composition of teaching faculty.

Globalization also offers new challenges as well as opportunities to the
universities around the world in general and management education in
India in particular. To successfully operate in a borderless world,
management institutes have to maintain high quality standards, gain a
multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary perspective, ability to work in different
cultures, strategic planning, developing up-to-date infrastructure facilities,
and acquire the ability to internationalize their curriculum and courses
and ensure greater mobility to staff across the borders that would enrich
academic life and experience.

Future challenges of Decision Sciences

Today's instructors are finding that their "tried and true" teaching methods
are no longer effectively reaching today's students. Instruction must
respond to students' changing learning needs and this response can be
accomplished with continuous improvement through teaching

1. Learning Environments and Learning Preferences

The new learning environments for this Net Generation should be active,
collaborative, experiential, team based and a self- paced. The NetGen
student prefers to learn at his own pace. They like and are comfortable with
an online environment for testing, lectures and assignments. They are
informal learners, preferring "any time any place" learning to traditional
classroom. Class time is most effective for these students when it involves
interaction, demonstration and social networking.

2. Student- Paced learning

Students prefer accessibility of information on their own terms. Not only
should you be posting all of your course materials online, you should also
post them in portable formats.

3. Peer-to-peer learning

Why do you think they are always asking you if they can "work together"
on an assignment? They like to brainstorm and spend considerable time in
online discussions boards and blogs. In fact some of the most popular
learning environments today involve the use of Wikis (on -line editable
web encyclopaedias) and blogs. This is a culture that is very social and
thrives in on-line communities.

For larger projects in class, such as marketing, research survey, promotional
plan, service analysis or strategic marketing plan put your students into
groups. Just be sure that peer evaluations can be used to reduce the "free
rider" effect of groups.

4. Engagement and Experience

Gaming and simulations are also comfortable modes of learning for today's
students. Games have the true potential to excite students through

competition, exploration, preparation, chance encounters and the thrill of
the unknown. Participating in games and simulations perceive them to be
fun and a useful learning activity.

5. Things that matter - Student's Skill

Students need to be "sold" on what you are making them to do for a class,
so be a marketer and sell! Students value skill-building with applications
so as you teach them how to use software, simulations or other tools to
complete an assignment, remind them to put that skill on their resume.

Students particularly find real projects to be useful resume builders; these
projects can act as a substitute internship and also have a tangible outcome
an employer could see. Students often see even more value in doing these
consulting projects for non-for-profit organizations as a way of serving the
community. Being able to double-count a project both for volunteer service
work and for marketing skills is more valuable to a student for their own
internal motivations as well as their resume.

6. Learner Expectations

Students must be engaged using the three H's: 1) Head 2) Heart and 3)
Hands. Most NetGen students do not question the instructor's knowledge
on the subject - to the contrary- they expect the instructor to be an expert in
the topic ("head") and be able to pass that knowledge on to them. NetGen
students also need to feel that the instructor has a heart and cares for the
students, including responsiveness and the empathy for them and their
problems. It also includes an enthusiasm for the topic and teaching in
general. Finally, good teaching skills are necessary. Use of the "hands" to
convey ideas at the right level, in a clear and systematic manner, which
stimulates their interests and learning, is vital.

Implementation and Innovation

The NetGen learner is here to stay and a new type of learner will be here
tomorrow. As instructors, we need to acknowledge and adapt to new
learning styles, lest they "tune us out" and find the material irrelevant.
Today's student is more technology savvy than ever before and their
comfort with the digital environment presents some challenges for teachers
who are often less than comfortable with this new paradigm. If you have
not already done so, begin looking at your course delivery methods and
incorporate some of the technologies and methods discuused.

A key factor is finding multiple solutions for learning. Engage yourself in
teaching blogs, read journal articles about marketing teaching innovations
and interact with peers at conferences to exchange teaching ideas. Think
about a single class that involves brainstorming, peer exchange, debate,
concept mapping, case involvement and an authentic project. The
multidimensional approach is the path to success.

There are several learning outcomes that remain over time such as
communication skills, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration.
The major change factor involves how these concepts and ideas are
communicated to the students. Business School is the place to allow
students to learn and explore new ideas and topics as they prepare for a
future that has never been more uncertain, but also one that has never
had as many possibilities. Teaching is a process of continuous improvement
, not one finding a single teaching method and staying with it forever, so
you should also continue to engage and explore the possibilities in
innovative marketing education.


The present state of affairs of our management education demands
immediate attention if the drift and decay is to be avoided. The educational
culture of the 21st century warrants new reform packages and an altogether
fresh approach in tune with global futuristic trends in management
education. The fast expanding domains of knowledge, owing to increasing
pace of information explosion, necessitates radical changes involving
newer options of academic renewal. The need of the hour is for greater
introspection on innovative methodologies of teaching and research in
our B-Schools, the emphasis should be on improving the quality in all
aspects-right from the intake of students till they are placed.


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    17. Lee MW, "It's Good To Be in a Business School", Business Horizons, 3/
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    18. McKeachie , W, 1999. Teaching tips, 10th ed Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

    19. NISE (National Institute for Science Education), 1997 Collaborative
      learning: Small group learning page .

    20. Mintu-Wimsatt, Alma, Kendra Ingram, Mary Anne Milward, and
      Coutney Russ (2006), "On Different Teaching Delivery Methods: What
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    21. Naik B.M. (2000), "Industry - University partnership, Global trends and
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    23. Skipton, Charles, Erika Matulich, Raymond Papp, and John Stepro
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    24. Trehaan . Allpana (2000), "Total Quality in Management Education
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      system", University News , June 5, pp 1-6.

      Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe is Group Director of We School
      Dr. P. S. Rao is Dean Quality & new initiatives of We School

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Uday salunkhe pedagogical changes and challenges

  • 1. Pedagogical Changes And Challenges For The Future Growth Of Decision Sciences Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe & Dr. P. S. Rao Abstract Knowledge, Innovation and change in business schools have not been researched as intensively as business and industrial organizations anywhere. If these three are to flourish in B-schools it is critical that the mechanism which can sustain and encourage should be understood clearly. The significance of these three raises the need of new teaching and learning methodologies. B-schools require constant monitoring to identify the areas of potential improvement and to improve the quality of teaching and learning models. An attempt is made in this paper to address the new challenges and emerging issues for both teaching and practice of decision sciences. Key words: Knowledge, Innovation, change, teaching methodologies. Introduction Management Science (MS), or Decision Science (DS) is the discipline of using scientific research-based principles, strategies and other analytical methods, such as mathematical modeling to improve any organizations ability to enact rational, meaningful business management decisions. The field is also known as Operations research (OR) in the United States, or operational research in the United Kingdom. These three terms are often used interchangeably to describe the same field. Decision Sciences are concerned with developing and applying models and concepts that may prove useful in helping to illuminate management 4
  • 2. issues and solve managerial problems. The models used can often be represented mathematically, but sometimes computer-based, visual or verbal representations are used as well or instead. The range of problems and issues to which management science has contributed insights and solutions is vast. It includes, deciding the appropriate place to site new facilities such as a warehouse or factory, identifying possible future development paths for parts of the telecommunications industry, establishing the information needs and appropriate systems to supply them within the health service, and identifying and understanding the strategies adopted by companies for their information systems. In the modern economic scenario all over the world- "Management" - as a stream of education and training has acquired new dimensions. Management as a Decision Science is an exciting field where you can have an immediate impact on the operations of any business. The field of Management is dynamic in nature. New tools and techniques are continually being introduced to improve the efficiency, productivity, and profitability of any organization. All organizations and their departments, functions, or groups use Management methodologies, which include problem solving techniques and guidelines for various related activities. Objectives The main objectives of this paper are 1. to examine the present status of management education and to find out ways for quality improvements in the current system so that business responds to current paradigm shifts and global dynamics. 2. schools to improve the quality of teaching and learning models. Methodology The methodology used was secondary data sources and survey of literature available on the internet, journals, newspapers and the proceedings of the Annual Conventions conducted by AMDISA, South Asian Management Forum, AIMS, IAMD and ICUBER. This gave a broad overview of what has been happening in the areas of management education in different business schools. 5
  • 3. Quality of Management Education - challenges of changing scenario The world around us is changing and changing very fast. The speed of change is so fast that we cannot turn back. The changes are visible in multiple forms and in multiple directions. The qualitative aspects of management education are as important as its technical aspects. It should equip students with management skills and expertise and develop in them the right attitude. Knowledge is the driving force in the rapidly changing globalised economy and society. Quantity and quality of specialized human resources in management education determine their competence in the global market. Emergence of knowledge as driving factor results in both challenges and opportunities. It is well known that the growth of the global economy has increased opportunities for those countries with good levels of education. In a true sense, Internationalization of management education needs number of changes and the thrust areas of management education requiring quality improvement are the following: 1. Course Curriculum 2.Teaching Methods 3.Teaching Faculty 4.Research and Innovation, 5.Industry Institute Linkages and 6. Foreign collaborations. 1. Course Curriculum In the context of a rapidly changing global economy, Universities / Business Schools have to learn to cope up with the emerging challenge. It calls for changes rather than updating curriculum to take up the challenges. The updating / restructuring course curriculum includes the following i) International Orientation The course curriculum should be of international character. The curriculum bounded by national boundaries will not serve the purpose in present scenario. The stiff competition from global players made it mandatory for every organization, to study the issues from international perspective. The studies should include global issues like gender, nuclear, economical, social, political, cultural diversity and foreign policy etc. 6
  • 4. ii) International Marketing As market is wide open for every nation and every organization, knowledge of international marketing is of utmost importance. The curriculum should include understanding of overseas markets, their needs, their purchasing patterns, opportunities, political scenario, foreign trade policy, etc. Study of principles of trade, bi-lateral and multilateral agreements, regional groupings, foreign direct investment is highly needed. iii) Understanding Foreign Language / culture There is the need for understanding of foreign consumers, their culture and language. It is said that culture changes at every 50 km, but to understanding foreign consumer, its study is of immense value. Cultural pattern gives basic information like behavioral pattern, consumption pattern, likes and dislikes, etc. So there is a need for organized programmes like 'Cultural Immersion Programme', Language studies Programme' etc., in collaboration with foreign universities / organizations. It is a novel way to know about diversity in culture and developing partnership /collaboration with other higher educational institutions around the globe, The universities/ Institutions have to take entrepreneurial role and be more proactive in negotiating and arriving at mutually satisfactory exchange agreements. iv) Understanding Technicalities of Foreign Trade Practices With the emergence of WTO, the International trade is governed by unique trade practices. There is need to understand these unique rules of governance. So one must know the features of national and international trade. This includes study of various agreements of tariff and trade like, agreement on preshipment inspection, agreement on technical barriers to trade, agreement on valuation of goods, principles of WTO etc., and last but not the least documentation i.e. procedural part of international trade. v) Knowledge of E-commerce / Internet Internet is just not one more point in the long continuum of inventions, 7
  • 5. but a moment of real transformation that is now beginning to be appreciated. Development of Internet is a real boon for internationalization of management education. The internet education facilitates not only e-learning process but utmost needed to understand a new trading practice i.e. electronic commerce (e- commerce). The objectives served by Internet in learning process are. a) surfing through the information highways. b) promise on-line library c) international orientation of curriculum d) facilities in learning The motto of learning internet is that now a days e-commerce becomes the watchword for business world. Internet has an exclusive potential to elicit business from 100 million-plus Internet users world wide. There is no second opinion that Internet in general and e-commerce in particular is overturning the old rules about competition and strategy. Many companies choose to engage in this type of business practice in addition to traditional business methods, while others use the internet exclusively to reach existing and potential customer. It also facilitates to complete the transaction over web only. Hence keeping in mind this very fact, the knowledge, especially of Internet and e-commerce is of great importance. vi) Benchmarking course Curriculum against Institutes - Overseas Apart from the above, the business schools in the country must also continuously upgrade themselves by comparing themselves with their counterparts in other parts of the world. Infact they should benchmark their course curriculum against such Institutes overseas. Here the following aspects must be stressed upon a) course on technology should stress not specific computer techniques, but the very dynamism of information revolution. b) course curriculum to stress on strategic planning, systems analysis and design and operations. c) inclusion of International policy study and 8
  • 6. d) offer electives like global money, market games, Asian management models, Lab in group dynamics and the like over the traditional electives offered. 2. Teaching Methods Already we are witnessing several paradigm shifts in management education. Globalization demands change in existing structure, mode of delivery of education system etc. thanks to the major developments in information technology, learning is made easier, highly customized and learning centred. Electronically delivered educational services make use of the real time television and computer links and make interactive learning possible. It makes it possible to bring real life experience to class room. Paradigm Shifts A paradigm shift is taking place in higher education particularly in management education. According to Barr and Tagg (1995), the paradigm that has governed our universities is one that defined a university as "an institution that exists to provide instruction. Subtly but profoundly we are shifting to a new paradigm where a university becomes an institution that exists to produce learning. Pedagogical Changes Old paradigm of teaching and testing New paradigm of continuous learning and improvement 1 Success is artificially limited to a few 1 Unlimited, continuous improvement "winners." All others are made to and successes are the aims of the consider themselves and their work as school and community. mediocre or inferior. 2 Competition-based 2 Cooperation-based. 3 Lessons are linear, consecutive 3 Learning is like a spiral with offshoots, segments of one-way communication. with energy directed toward continuous improvement. 4 Product-oriented. Focused solely upon 4 Process-oriented. Goals are important, results, without acknowledgment of but the process of getting to the goal is their short-term nature. Grades and at least as significant. Assessments are rankings are important in themselves. used for diagnostic and prescriptive purposes. 9
  • 7. Old paradigm of teaching and testing New paradigm of continuous learning and improvement 5 The system and its processes don't 5 The integrity and health of the system, matter, as long as the ends are its processes, and its people must be achieved. maintained, or the system will be suboptimized and will eventually fail. 6 School is a place where teaching is 6 School is a true community of learner done to (at) students. Students are in which administrators, teachers, and passives, while teachers are active. students learn how to get better and better at the work they do together, so that everyone succeeds optimally. 7 Teachers are isolated from each other 7 Teachers work together on school time by time and space. to build success with each other and with a manageable number of students in a cohort group. 8 Single-discipline instruction. 8 Multi- and cross-discipline instruction. 9 School learning is restricted to the 9 School learning is the foundation for curriculum, often in its narrowest life-wide, life-deep, and lifelong interpretation. learning. 3-Dimensional Learning. 10 Tayloresque factory model: Rule by 10 New model: Lead by helping and by compliance, control, command. providing vision and support, making it Authoritarian, hierarchical. possible for teachers and students to Management based upon fear. take pride in their work together and to have joy in the processes and products of continuous improvement. (In Japan this is called kaizen.) 11 Centralized control over resources, 11 Site-based management of resources, curriculums, teaching methods, length curriculums, teaching methods, length of class periods, etc. of class periods, etc. 12 External validation of truth and the 12 External and internal truths are "one right answer" for every question discovered through teachers' and asked by teacher, text, test. students' questioning together. 13 Testing as the primary means of 13 Testing, when appropriate, to help assessing results of the learning modify (improve) the teaching-learning process. process. Other modes include process portfolios, exhibitions, performances, etc. 10
  • 8. Old paradigm of teaching and testing New paradigm of continuous learning and improvement 14 Instruction is set up to generate (right) 14 Instruction is set up to generate better answers. and better questions, followed by student inquiry into some of the areas of those questions. Student performances demonstrate improve understanding of the nature of the questions and some of the ways they might be solved. Teachers are 15 Teachers are expected to know 15 experts in their field. But more everything about their subjects. They importantly, they are the most give students data and information; enthusiastic and dedicated learners in students memorize it, then forget the classroom. Students learn from most of it. teachers, other students, the community and other sources, and incorporate these learnings into their lives, applying their insights as appropriate to real-life challenges. Teaching to learning paradigm shift The Learning Paradigm A paradigm shift is taking place every where in the world in higher education. In its briefest form, the paradigm that has governed our B-School is this: A B-School is an institution that exists to provide instruction. Subtly but profoundly we are shifting to a new paradigm: A B-School is an institution that exists to produce learning. This shift changes everything. It is both needed and wanted. The Learning Paradigm frames learning holistically, recognizing that the chief agent in the process is the learner. Thus, students must be active discoverers and constructors of their own knowledge. In the Learning Paradigm, knowledge consists of frameworks or wholes that are created or constructed by the learner. Knowledge is not seen as cumulative and linear, like a wall of bricks, but as a nesting and interacting of frameworks. Learning is revealed when those frameworks are used to understand and act. 11
  • 9. In the Learning Paradigm, learning environments and activities are learner- centered and learner-controlled. They may even be "teacherless." While teachers will have designed the learning experiences and environments students use-often through teamwork with each other and other staff-they need not be present for or participate in every structured learn activity. The prominent changes needed in teaching methods are: i) Interactive Teaching The two way flow of information will always be more fruitful than a traditional way of teaching. Interactive teaching is the best techniques of understanding the subject. ii) Learning through real life cases They will lead to better understanding of subject than merely teaching the text. The applied nature of text always leads to the thorough understanding of the subject. iii) Continuous education The tasks of Institute just not end at educating the students once for a life time. Institute should educate their students on continuous basis. Life long education should be made available to all, at all places and all times. The student access centres should be built up all over the world. These centres will facilitate in providing a copy of related material as well as copies of information databases in CD-ROM format also. iv) Learning support through the Web This has lead to a significant interest in the implementation of the internet based teaching through the virtual classrooms. The interaction between spatially separated learners can be organized in the following ways: a) Interaction between teachers and students b) Work on assignment alone or collaboratively with other students. c) Internet Relay Chat (ITC) is a method by which students and teacher can communicate synchronically on different 'channel' and from different locations. 12
  • 10. v) Global Study tours Global study tours should be made part and parcel of the course, the leading business school in India and abroad send the groups of students to take a review of business environment in various parts of the world. In the recent news the California University sent a group of students to India to study the Indian Business environment. Very recently the University of Mumbai sent groups of Principals and Directors from various colleges and institutes to UK, USA, Australia and Newzeland on study tours to interact with their counter parts abroad. These study tours will lead to better understanding of business environment around the globe. 3. Teaching Faculty Globalization also demands, preparing teaching faculty to take up challenges of tomorrow. The faculty must be international in composition to a very significant degree. Employment of teaching faculty on the basis of nationality is just not enough. If we want to internationalize the management education, faculty of international composition must be recruited. This will not only result in knowing diversity in culture but also about various issues across the national boundaries The prominent changes need to be made are i) Core Faculty A lot of development and value addition of management students take place only in classrooms. Therefore, a critical component of core faculty is must for running a successful Management Programme. A team of dedicated and committed core faculty enables the Head of the management institution to effectively run, evaluate, improve and monitor the Programme. Paradoxically, both in universities and privately managed institutions, the situation is far from encouraging. ii) Visiting Faculty The purpose of inviting professional and practicing managers from industry and senior academics from management institutions is to bring the real life situation to classroom exposing students to practical 13
  • 11. day to day problems which the managers were facing in running the affairs of corporate world and to develop a deep theoretical insight among them. Moreover, the intention is also to build the image of the institute in industry and enhance the industry academics interaction which will ultimately facilitate arranging summer training, final placement of students and sometimes even to know the requirements of industry in terms of syllabus and courses being taught in business school etc. 4. Research and Innovation Management education system should be highly vibrant, dynamic system which is constantly experimenting, innovating and evolving. It should have the confidence to experiment and the ability to nurture innovations to success. Innovation requires autonomy and strong internal institutional mechanisms to protect quality. Any live system evolves in constant 'search' for a better 'fit with the changing environment. Research in Decision Sciences is crucial for improving the practice and teaching of management. It is a mater of fact that quantity and quality of research undertaken by Business Schools has been largely inadequate. Research is a crucial activity for promoting all round development of the institution and exchanging the quality of academic processes. It conveys an important message to the students, future industry leaders that research is thus a key educational strategy to be adopted across the entire management education system. Research carried out should not be restricted to national boundary. The research on various issues of international aspects is need of the time. Joint research programmes with leading foreign institutes or agencies can be a good option for this. Also organizing the seminars, conferences, workshops on various issues of international aspects will facilitate in a) research on various issues of national and international interest b) platform for exchanging information of international issues around the globe and c) an opportunity to know about foreign cultures, consumption pattern etc., 14
  • 12. 5. Industry- Institute Linkages In the changing times the need for better Industry-Institute linkages is compelling. If education has to keep pace with the technological and job market changes, it has to take proper steps to develop industry institute interface. And if industries strive to become cost effective and efficient they will also have to ask help from the universities / Institutes. In partnership with industry can be found common goals, shared initiatives, and the mutual eagerness to create, integrate and spread new knowledge. In this mission the human resources have to be involved. Process of educational reconstruction and transformation is a people's movement and when people are involved nothing can fail. Together a strengthened society can emerge, a better future and relevant education can flourish and happy productive individuals can thrive. The institute-industry tie up is beneficial not only for the education centers i.e. the institutes and the work centres i.e. the industries but also the student and the worker i.e. the individual. It is a symbiotic relation where the three viz. institute, student and industry depend on each other and are benefited mutually by this interdependence. 6. Foreign Collaborations Foreign collaborations with leading Universities / B-Schools help in improving course material, technology transfer, and joint research programmes in addition to generating additional resources. This also gives boost to faculty exchange programme which in turn leads to international composition of teaching faculty. Globalization also offers new challenges as well as opportunities to the universities around the world in general and management education in India in particular. To successfully operate in a borderless world, management institutes have to maintain high quality standards, gain a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary perspective, ability to work in different cultures, strategic planning, developing up-to-date infrastructure facilities, and acquire the ability to internationalize their curriculum and courses and ensure greater mobility to staff across the borders that would enrich academic life and experience. 15
  • 13. Future challenges of Decision Sciences Today's instructors are finding that their "tried and true" teaching methods are no longer effectively reaching today's students. Instruction must respond to students' changing learning needs and this response can be accomplished with continuous improvement through teaching innovations. 1. Learning Environments and Learning Preferences The new learning environments for this Net Generation should be active, collaborative, experiential, team based and a self- paced. The NetGen student prefers to learn at his own pace. They like and are comfortable with an online environment for testing, lectures and assignments. They are informal learners, preferring "any time any place" learning to traditional classroom. Class time is most effective for these students when it involves interaction, demonstration and social networking. 2. Student- Paced learning Students prefer accessibility of information on their own terms. Not only should you be posting all of your course materials online, you should also post them in portable formats. 3. Peer-to-peer learning Why do you think they are always asking you if they can "work together" on an assignment? They like to brainstorm and spend considerable time in online discussions boards and blogs. In fact some of the most popular learning environments today involve the use of Wikis (on -line editable web encyclopaedias) and blogs. This is a culture that is very social and thrives in on-line communities. For larger projects in class, such as marketing, research survey, promotional plan, service analysis or strategic marketing plan put your students into groups. Just be sure that peer evaluations can be used to reduce the "free rider" effect of groups. 4. Engagement and Experience Gaming and simulations are also comfortable modes of learning for today's students. Games have the true potential to excite students through 16
  • 14. competition, exploration, preparation, chance encounters and the thrill of the unknown. Participating in games and simulations perceive them to be fun and a useful learning activity. 5. Things that matter - Student's Skill Students need to be "sold" on what you are making them to do for a class, so be a marketer and sell! Students value skill-building with applications so as you teach them how to use software, simulations or other tools to complete an assignment, remind them to put that skill on their resume. Students particularly find real projects to be useful resume builders; these projects can act as a substitute internship and also have a tangible outcome an employer could see. Students often see even more value in doing these consulting projects for non-for-profit organizations as a way of serving the community. Being able to double-count a project both for volunteer service work and for marketing skills is more valuable to a student for their own internal motivations as well as their resume. 6. Learner Expectations Students must be engaged using the three H's: 1) Head 2) Heart and 3) Hands. Most NetGen students do not question the instructor's knowledge on the subject - to the contrary- they expect the instructor to be an expert in the topic ("head") and be able to pass that knowledge on to them. NetGen students also need to feel that the instructor has a heart and cares for the students, including responsiveness and the empathy for them and their problems. It also includes an enthusiasm for the topic and teaching in general. Finally, good teaching skills are necessary. Use of the "hands" to convey ideas at the right level, in a clear and systematic manner, which stimulates their interests and learning, is vital. Implementation and Innovation The NetGen learner is here to stay and a new type of learner will be here tomorrow. As instructors, we need to acknowledge and adapt to new learning styles, lest they "tune us out" and find the material irrelevant. Today's student is more technology savvy than ever before and their comfort with the digital environment presents some challenges for teachers who are often less than comfortable with this new paradigm. If you have not already done so, begin looking at your course delivery methods and incorporate some of the technologies and methods discuused. 17
  • 15. A key factor is finding multiple solutions for learning. Engage yourself in teaching blogs, read journal articles about marketing teaching innovations and interact with peers at conferences to exchange teaching ideas. Think about a single class that involves brainstorming, peer exchange, debate, concept mapping, case involvement and an authentic project. The multidimensional approach is the path to success. There are several learning outcomes that remain over time such as communication skills, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration. The major change factor involves how these concepts and ideas are communicated to the students. Business School is the place to allow students to learn and explore new ideas and topics as they prepare for a future that has never been more uncertain, but also one that has never had as many possibilities. Teaching is a process of continuous improvement , not one finding a single teaching method and staying with it forever, so you should also continue to engage and explore the possibilities in innovative marketing education. Conclusions The present state of affairs of our management education demands immediate attention if the drift and decay is to be avoided. The educational culture of the 21st century warrants new reform packages and an altogether fresh approach in tune with global futuristic trends in management education. The fast expanding domains of knowledge, owing to increasing pace of information explosion, necessitates radical changes involving newer options of academic renewal. The need of the hour is for greater introspection on innovative methodologies of teaching and research in our B-Schools, the emphasis should be on improving the quality in all aspects-right from the intake of students till they are placed. References 1. Achieving Quality and Continuous Improvement through Self- Evaluation and Peer Review. Accreditation Handbook of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, St Louis, MO. 2. Angelo TA (1996). Transforming assessment: high standards for higher learning, AAHE Bulletin, April, pp. 3-4. 3. Ashok Chandra, 'Challenges in Management Education', JIMS 8M,October - December 2004 18
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