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Traditions of
Unification Movement
Part 3of3
v 2023.1
All major religions have
the return of a Holy Man
• Jewish Messiah
• Christian Christ
• Islam Imam/Mahdi
• Hinduism Avatar
• Buddism Maitreya
Dr. Young Oon Kim
Google: World Religions 1,2,3
Some early European Church-history:
Why would a person nowadays
still accept an arranged marriage?
What is this "Matching"?
How about these International
Blessings? How do they work?
Why would somebody give up a
steady job to be part of a traveling
fundraising team, with no personal
My hope is that these stories will
answer these questions.
About faith and beliefs
— about a group of people
and the culture they created.
Online – Google for it!
Unification Disciples
The rise of South Korea is one of the most
unexpected and inspirational developments
of the latter part of our century.
A few decades ago, the Koreans were an
impoverished, agricultural people.
In one generation they came out of
the fields and into Silicon Valley.
In 1997, this powerhouse of a nation reeled and
almost collapsed as a result of a weak financial
system and heavily indebted conglomerates.
The world is now watching to see whether
the Koreans will be able to reform and continue
their stunning growth.
See also
Sun Myung Moon, The Early Years, 1920-53 by Michael Breen
Unification Disciples
Kevin Mc Carthy
Jon Quinn
Available online
Unification Disciples
No 2
The Story of the Rev Sun Myung Moon
in the Collapse of Communism
• Part I
Freedom, Family and Faith:
The Role of the Media in the 21st Century
• Part II Reagan and the fight for freedom
• Part III Today in the Light of Dispensational History
Today, compared to the size of the communists' power, the New Yorker
Hotel (Unification Church World Mission Center) is like that small cubbyhole
of 20 years ago. We have only a handful of people, yet we are talking about
the liberation of the communists; we are talking about Moscow. I am sure
most people laugh. Let them laugh now. I know one thing: In the communist
world, the children of the communist leaders are on the side of God. The
next generation in the Soviet Union will be on my side.
• Part V CAUSA
Latin American heads of state expressed an interest in
hearing an ideological response to Marxism.
Heartened by the genuine interest expressed by Latin American
governmental, religious, and civic leaders, Reverend Moon established
CAUSA International. The first nation to express an interest in the CAUSA
program was Bolivia. The first CAUSA seminar took place there in
December 1980.
Since the demise of the Soviet Union, the American Leadership Conference
continues to hold seminars for state legislators and religious and civic
leaders; however, their major focus is no longer communism but rather
strengthening the family and ethical values.
Gorbachev with
(many ethnical roots
(maybe also korean roots!)
A melting pot of religions, Russia’s Stavropol region is home to 14
ethnicities, which makes its diverse culture truly unique.
The Caucasus has been home to a multitude of ethnic groups for
Whether it’s a traditional Russian song, the serenity of prayer within an
Armenian church, or even the simplicity of daily conversation around the
dinner table in an Islamic home, the cultural, religious and ethnic diversity
in the region is special.
“There are Christians, Muslims and Jewish people here. We even have
Catholics, but we try not to consider the religious differences. We
consider ourselves people of our town who live together,” says Sultan
Temirov, who is the head of the Cherkess Society in the resort city of
Koryo-saram is the name which ethnic Koreans in the post-Soviet states
use to refer to themselves. Approximately 500,000 ethnic Koreans reside
in the former Soviet Union, primarily in the now-independent states of
Central Asia.
There are also large Korean communities in southern Russia (around
Volgograd), the Caucasus, and southern Ukraine. These communities
can be traced back to the Koreans who were living in the Russian Far
East during the late 19th century.
Unification Disciples
Unification Movement
Spiritual Phenomena
I Am in This Place
Testimonies about
Jesus & Sun Myung Moon
I found myself walking in a dark corridor, at the end
of which I saw a light. Getting closer,
I saw in that bright light the face of Jesus.
Then Jesus’ face changed into Sun Myung Moon’s face.
I had the strong feeling that it was the same heart;
only the external appearance changed.
I felt profoundly happy!
This remains in my heart as extremely precious evidence
that our True Parents embody God’s love.
/ Elisabeth Ciacciarelli Schneider
Unification Disciples
Shirley Stadelhofer
Unification Disciples
All of a sudden, something in the form of
a soft light appeared at the foot of my bed.
It did not speak and I was not afraid, but I had a strong
feeling that it was a spiritual manifestation of Jesus.
I believed he was trying to tell me something,
but I wasn’t sure what it was. After the vision faded, a
strong conviction came to me that this “appearance”
was a confirmation that the revelation from
Sun Myung Moon, which I had been studying, was not
false prophecy or heresy, but a new truth from God!
Unification Disciples
Ambassador K. V. Rajan
Ambassador from India to
Nepal (1995-2000)
As a professional diplomat, I recall my
curiosity several decades ago about the
controversy generated about Father Moon in the United
I was then serving in Washington, D.C., and was invited
by a group of fellow diplomats from Asian countries
for a series of informal brainstorming sessions with
academics, media persons and young professionals
on how, utilizing Father Moons initiatives,
civil society could strengthen official efforts to create
a more peaceful world order.
Ambassador K. V. Rajan
Ambassador from India to Nepal (1995-2000)
Gandhis emphasis on peacebuilding through concentric
circles of human commitment the individual at the center
surrounded respectively by the family, community, nation
and the world had much to do with Indias success in
liberating itself from the colonial yoke through non-violent
means, and it remains at the root of Indias aspiration for
becoming a major world power dedicated to peace.
This finds an echo for Indians in Father Moons emphasis
on each individual being prepared to serve, sacrifice,
and if necessary, suffer in the cause of peace.
The essence of Father Moons message is that unless
the root causes of violence are tackled, the world will
witness human tragedy on an unprecedented scale.
Father Moons personal sacrifices and sufferings,
his incredibly punishing daily schedule, and his
perseverance in building trust where there was enmity,
interdependence where there was non-communication,
harmony where there was conflict, and love where there
was hatred, are examples for the rest of humanity.
Ambassador K. V. Rajan
Ambassador from India to Nepal (1995-2000)
Unification Disciples
I realized at one point that the 12 points that are mentioned
in Understanding Marriage are all part of the Principle of
Creation (in Divine Principle) –
so I rearranged them into their rightful place within the PofC
and then I could see what was missing from the course –
the section on Mind/body unity and the section on
growth and the role of vitality elements.
They come together as a whole philosophy when you understand that
our mind and heart should embody the positions of a true parent,
true child, and true brother/sister.
The 12 points are all part of achieving those three positions -
If you fulfil all the 3 positions, you embody the 12 points and more.
Stephen Stacey
Comparing Science and Human Love
In my field these 5 qualities can termed as;
Protective Parent (more masculine qualities + ve)
Nurturing Parent (more feminine qualities - ve)
Adult (Neutral)
Free child (Neutral)
Adapted child (neutral):
Comparing Science and Human Love
Protective Parent (more masculine qualities + ve): Providing protective
boundaries and rules, ensuring effective discipline, contracts, protecting the
organism from outside threats etc.
Nurturing Parent (more feminine qualities - ve): Offering encouragement,
support, praise, growth, empathy, education, and a desire to offer yourself
for the benefit of something larger.
Comparing Science and Human Love
Adult (Neutral): Making sure the work gets done, planning, problem
solving, day to day running of the organism
Free child (Neutral): Creativity, ability to express needs, fun, laughter,
celebration, honesty
Adapted child (neutral): Responds to requests, lives within rules, loyalty,
respectful behaviour, sense of fairness
The new course I teach is based on the Principle of creation -
see for full theory.
A New Course in a New Era - Sun Jo Hwang
Sun Jo Hwang February 18, 2001. Rev.
Relating with God Through Living for Others.
Sun Jo Hwang March 2002 ...
The Path to True Ownership in Cheon Il Guk. Sun Jo Hwang March 16,
2003 The providence can't be completed through the power of human
reasoning. ...
Powerpoint slides: Google for “Rev Hwang”
Book 2008:
Power through a Providential Perspective
Hwang Sun-jo
Unification Disciples
The 2010–11 Middle East and North Africa protests, also known as
the Arab Spring, are a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests
which have been taking place in the Middle East and North Africa since
18 December 2010.
Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt;
a civil war in Libya; major protests in Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iraq,
Jordan, Syria, Oman andYemen; and
minor protests in Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Saudi Arabia,
Sudan and Western Sahara.
Comment: DP “There is no freedom outside the Principle”
2009 2012
Christian Nseka
Born in Kinshasa,
Unification Disciples
Ali Majhoub
His Dreams & Spirit World
Unification Disciples
Written in a down-to-earth, familiar style, Ellanson’s book has a noteworthy
rhythm. It leads the reader from amazing spiritual experiences to heart-stopping
dangers he faced to joyful times to deep experiences of the Divine Principle,
God, and the marriage tradition of the church.
Lowell artfully weaves together all of these elements to create a volume that not
only fascinates but naturally educates any reader in the exciting basics of the
theology of the Unification Church and the Marriage Blessing for which
it is famous.
Lowell C. Ellanson
Unification Disciples
Anslie H Abraham
Born in India,
Family converted
to Christianity
Grew up in Hindu
Muslim environment.
Unification Disciples
Gerhard Peemoeller
Unification Disciples
An extremely valuable
book. Both for us UC
veterans to relive the "good
old days" and for younger
folks and others to
understand something of
the history of our
movement. And what
wonderful personal
testimonies of our True
Parents. /amazon Review
Father's last words were, "I have completed everything"
True Fathers Seung Hwa
25 February 1920 – 3 September 2012
See: Theological Meaning of date, time and age
True Father's Passing
Slide 137
Ron Pappalardo
Unification Disciples
Bret Aaron Moss
Unification Disciples
Johannes Stampf
Unification Disciples
by Robert and
Janice Maddox
Based on five
basic elements
of Sin
Unification Disciples
Unification Disciples
Sun Myung Moon not only revealed the Divine Principle
He fulfilled all the promises in it, and in the Bible.
The continuation of the incarnation the Christ, not Jesus, but a Christ,
is the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit has never been silent – never been
inactive. God - in many names ~ and worshiped in many ways –
will touch the hearts of people, and many prophecies will be fulfilled. /A Ford
Cheong Il Guk
Now we must bring OT, NT and CT into one
And I saw in the right hand of him who was seated on the throne
a scroll written within and on the back, sealed with seven seals;
and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “
Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?"
…the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David,
has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals."
- Rev. 5:1
The publication of the new scriptures commissioned by
True Mother, which were unveiled during the joint celebration
of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Holy Spirit
Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC)
and the publication of a new edition of the
Cheon Seong Gyeong (12 Chapters) and
Pyeong Hwa Gyeong
at the Cheong Pyeong Training Center in Gapyeong,
Korea on June 10, 2013.
June 10, 2013
New Start
True Father & Jesus
in Spiritual World
April 2013
Inspired painting
The Spirit-Person and the Spirit-World:
An Otherdimensional Primer
by Kerry Pobanz (2001) Life In Eternity:
Human Beings In
the Spirit World (2013)
by Kerry Pobanz
Unification Disciples 2013
May 2013
Jennifer P. Tanabe
Unification Disciples
Shigehiro Suzuki
Unification Disciples
May 2013
Jennifer P. Tanabe
Unification Disciples
"A Testimony to God's Word,
in Regard to Divine Principle"
Gil Ja Sa Eu 2013
Early Testimonies from UC 50’s
Unification Disciples
Ancestor Liberation
Unification Disciples
Google for more Books
by Wiliiam Selig
Michael Hentrich
Unification Disciples
2013 2014
The tune of the Cheon Il Guk anthem comes from
the joyous and powerful melody of Holy Song number 3,
“New Song of Inspiration.”
The basic melody of this holy song is preserved
but it has been arranged with a more majestic,
powerful and joyous rhythm to better reflect the vision
of Cheon Il Guk, of creating a world
of freedom, peace, unity and happiness.
New Song of Inspiration
Nelson Mandela from the spirit world:
"Dr. Moon was the first person who met me
when I came over here!"
Nelson Mira
Unification Disciples
Very well done. This book does a good job of conveying
what the believers believe.
It’s written by Nelson Mira who is a UC member with a
master’s in religious education and a clear, tight prose style.
David Kasbow shares about the early days of the movement (Free as pdf)
David Kasbow
Unification Disciples
The completion of the 8 textbooks
Proclamation of the Word that firmly establishes
the True Parents of Heaven , Earth and Humankind
Proclaim Gods Holy Word
Think of the last 2 000 years in which we just had the Bible.
Now with True Parents, we have the path to Cheon Il Guk
clear ahead of us, and the foundation that True Father has
given us is his word.
There are three core books in preparation that are a
summary of Father’s words:
• the Cheon Seong Gyeong,
• Pyeonghwa Gyeong (Peace Messages)
and a third
• the Champumo Gyeong, or True Parents life story
/True Mother 2013
True Parents [Hak Ja Han]
bestowed a motto for the victory of 2020!
/Dae Mo Nim Jan 1, 2014
'Let us become true owners of Cheon Il Guk who practice
true love in resemblance to our creator,
the Heavenly Parent!‘
Finally the year 2014 was welcomed with much anticipation.
On this day at the Hoon Dok Hae True Mother bestowed
the New Year Motto which will be the direction for the
unification family for the victory of year 2020.
Chambumo Gyeong, the third of a trilogy of new scriptural
works known as the Holy Scripture of Cheon Il Guk,
has been published in Korean, and translation into English
is already well under way.
There was great rejoicing on September 1, 2015
in Cheong Pyeong, Korea, with the successful
publication of the Cham Bumo Gyeong
in Korean, English and Japanese.
According to the Buddhist scriptures, Udumbara
is an imaginary flower that only blossoms every 3000
years when the King of Falun comes to the human world.
This heavenly flower is a sign of rare preciousness
and a miracle.
Same dress without knowing!
Amazing coincidence!
Or a greeting from True Father in Spirit World
Listen to this amazing story!
Ron Pappalardo
Unification Disciples
Jan-Peter Östberg
in Swedish
Personal Testimony
Unification Disciples
Who is Father Moon
2016 - 160313 - German TV channel ProSieben
the Blessing 2016 - English
"HJ" = Hyo Jeong (filial and affection)
Cheon Won = Heavenly Garden
A plain-language companion to Exposition of Divine Principle
Unification Disciples
Jennifer Tanabe.
Eternal Life in the Spirit World,
which I co-authored with the late
Dr. Dietrich Seidel, discusses
what we know about the spiritual
realm starting with the thoughts
of the Greek philosophers,
Plato and Aristotle, and their influence on contemporary
We continue with more recent sources,
including Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Sang Hun Lee,
as well as reports from those who had near-death
experiences, which all serve to make the spiritual realm
seem much more substantial. - link
Unification Disciples
1951 Hungnam
David Hanlon (auth. Father),
a young seaman from Medford, MA,
stood on the flight deck of the carrier
USS Leyte and watched the bombing
in the distance.
The ship also housed hundreds of
US Marines who later came ashore
in Hungnam. Few, if any ever returned home.
Unification Disciples
A few days after the invasion, seaman Hanlon went ashore with
a friend of his on shore leave and strolled through the streets of
Hungnam, believing it was safe.
While the two walked together they were spotted by a lone
North Korean sniper. The snipers bullet spared young David.
Unfortunately his friend lost his life. My father (the young David),
of cource, never even heard of the Rev. Moon until I joined
26 years later (1977).
Unification Disciples
Unification Disciples
A captivating autobiographical account of Ali Mahjoub.
Born as a Muslim in north Africa, he tells the story of how God
worked miracles throughout his life, leading him through an
unending chain of prophetic dreams and what the author coined
as “divine” acts of coincidences, to meet the Unification
Movement in America, in a mysterious synchronization of time,
place and events.
If you’re still wondering how the Bible and the Divine Principle
relate with each other, this unique book will help make it clear.
Unification Disciples
Would you like to know what Buddha, Jesus, and other great souls would say
if they could speak today?
Through the extraordinary spiritual channeling of Philip Burley, you can.
Their uplifting messages will touch your heart, enlighten your mind, and better your
understanding of how to live in our increasingly complex world.
Unification Disciples
HTM – Heavenly Tribal Messiah
The Quest to Pass on our Religious Tradition to the Next Generation,
By Jennifer Tanabe co-authored with Dr. Rollain Nsemi Muanda,
discusses the difficult challenge faced by all parents of faith in passing on
their tradition to their children.
Unification Disciples
As Jesus faced his final days before his crucifixion, he offered a pray (in John 17)
that all believers in the future could be perfectly one “as God and Christ are one.”
Yet two thousand years later we see Christians divided by doctrine, denominational
structures, political interests and contentions over moral and social values.
"Realizing Jesus" strives to be the hoped-for wake-up call and attempts to shed light
upon the numerous mysteries and unanswered questions that traditional doctrines
have ignored or glossed over.
Unification Disciples
Unification Disciples
Most of the past publicity about the Unification Church (Unification Movement),
and Reverend Moon has been negative. Jo Ann attempts to give an
understanding of what this movement is all about, based on her experiences,
and as seen through her eyes, and explain what made her and thousands
of American young people join this movement.
She also tries to give a basic understanding of the Divine Principle.
She says, "I believe if the world knew even the basics of the Principle,
we could see the way to peace on earth, as we could overcome the things
that divide us now."
Unification Disciples
New Inspiration through
Morning Devotion from Belvedare USA
by Rev. Dr. Chung Sik Yong
link here
The Year of World corona-pandemia
Monthly Unification Global Peace rallies
and zoom-sessions on internet.
link here
April 24 2021 Hyo Jin Cosmic Blessing
2022 Cosmic Blessing
Aug 21 4th Generation - Moon Jeong-ah
Born in Korea
New Vocabulary:
Boonbongwangs Anointed - Peace King Representatives
"HJ" = Hyo Jeong (filial and affection)
Cheon Won = Heavenly Garden
Cheon Bo Won Blessing of those who fulfilled
430 Couples on Earth and in Spiritual world
Heavenly Tribal Messiahs = HTM
Cheon Bo Ancestor Liberation & Blessing
New Books
Unification Disciples
New Books
Unification Disciples
New Books
Unification Disciples
Unification Missionaries Testimonies
Kang Hyun-shil,
first evangelist
of the Unification Church
“I Cannot Forget
True Father's Praying Voice, Even Now”
I Honor this presentation to those Early Pioneers
Who believed…when there was not much …
Mr Eu, early
The Pioneer of Pioneers
Christ – Messiah
True Man & True Women
True Parents
of Mankind
Unification Church Universal Holy Blessing
It is the Word of the Lord of the Second Advent
that convince Future Mankind that Christ has come!
She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron (Truth).
He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. Rev 12:5 &19:12
The Messiah will come with a "New Name“ = New Adam
…rule all nations with a rod of iron (Truth). Rev 12:5
The Holy Scriptures Cheon Seong Gyeong,
Cham Bumo Gyeong and Pyeong Hwa Gyeong
There was great rejoicing on September 1, 2015
in Cheong Pyeong, Korea, with the successful
publication of the Cham Bumo Gyeong
in Korean, English and Japanese.
New Books
Essentials of Unification Thought: Headwing Thought
Proclaming a New Heavenly Unified World: True Parents Thought
Theory of Heavenly Unified Korea
Share the Gospel of Gospels
Christ & His Bride has come
A New Bright Future for Sinless Mankind
Some Online Resources:
True Mother’s Providence | 10th AP Sung Hwa Youth WS
True Parents Advent and the Era of True Parents by Yong Jin-hun,
President of Sunhak Institute of History
Morning Devotion by Rev. Chung Sik Yong in Belvedare
Ep 29-36 The Perfection of Gods Lineage
Joining the dots- Reading Life through the Principle -
Moses and the Israelites - Joseph to Jesus - The Life and teachings of Jesus
Familyfireplace - Link 2
by William Haines
15 Day DP WS online - Fuchs, Crosthwaite, Gali, Balcomb
Some Online Resources:
21 days 2-hour online ws - Joining the Dots William Haines
15 Day DP WS online - Fuchs, Crosthwaite, Gali, Balcomb
Pastoral Training Webinar
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
CHOSEN - Online DP sharing Testimonies
Some Online Resources:
Videos Family Church of San Diego - Walter Frank
DP and Bible Stories - William Haines in Stockholm
DP Dojo - Las Vegas
The Singularity is Near - John R. Kenny, San Diego
DP1-DP16 - Blessed Family Sanctuary - Montana2015
Last 400 Years and the Present Time - John R. Kenny, San Diego
Lets Study Divine Principle - Andrew Compton
Text Reading of Divine Principle -
2014 Principle Videos - Family Fed NY
Divine Principle Lectures - Tyler Hendricks
Exposition of the Divine Principle - Phillip Schanker
2013 Divine Principle 1 - Laura Lee, Dallas Texas
Divine Principle 2 - John Jackson, Dallas Texas
Divine Principle 3 - John Jackson, Dallas Texas
Divine Principle 4 - Mark Hernandez, Dallas Texas
Divine Principle 5 - Mark Hernandez, Dallas Texas
Some Online Resources:
Deeper DP - Re-Discovering True Parents and DP Michael Hentrich
Divine Principle - Kevin MCArthy
Principle Talks - Tim Miller and David Hanna
Prof. Yong Taek Oh's presentations Aug 2012 Slides
Prof. Yong Taek Oh's presentations Aug 2012 Audio
Rev. Yong - October 2012 - EU tour 2012 Slides
Rev. Yong - October 2012 - EU tour 2012 Audio
The reality and prospect of God’s Providence Rev Hwang
Character EducationThe Need for Character Education
Settlement Age Lectures Ken Sudo
Unificationism: Perspectives on Christian Faith Kevin McCarthy
Main Source: Divine Principle:
Journal of Unification Studies Volume:
Speeches by Sun Myung Moon:
Cheon Seong Gyeong
+ Unification and Christian friends and some own Inspiration
Unification Theological Seminary
More slides: Google “slideshare bdp003”
Remember the beauty in Gods nature
is there to inspire us of the coming KoH!
Have a great Blessed week.
Prepared for 2nd,3rd,4th... many Gen. inspiration by Bengt.
Everything will be All right in the End
If it is not All right, it is not yet the End!
If you like the slides and want to support more: Paypal bengtdpbackup – much apreciated :-)

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UC Symbols & Traditions Part 3of3

  • 2. All major religions have the return of a Holy Man • Jewish Messiah • Christian Christ • Islam Imam/Mahdi • Hinduism Avatar • Buddism Maitreya Dr. Young Oon Kim Google: World Religions 1,2,3
  • 3. Some early European Church-history: Why would a person nowadays still accept an arranged marriage? What is this "Matching"? How about these International Blessings? How do they work? Why would somebody give up a steady job to be part of a traveling fundraising team, with no personal income? My hope is that these stories will answer these questions. About faith and beliefs — about a group of people and the culture they created. Online – Google for it! 2003 Unification Disciples
  • 4. The rise of South Korea is one of the most unexpected and inspirational developments of the latter part of our century. A few decades ago, the Koreans were an impoverished, agricultural people. In one generation they came out of the fields and into Silicon Valley. In 1997, this powerhouse of a nation reeled and almost collapsed as a result of a weak financial system and heavily indebted conglomerates. The world is now watching to see whether the Koreans will be able to reform and continue their stunning growth. See also Sun Myung Moon, The Early Years, 1920-53 by Michael Breen 2004 updated Unification Disciples
  • 5. 2005 Kevin Mc Carthy 2003 Jon Quinn Available online Unification Disciples
  • 7. The Story of the Rev Sun Myung Moon in the Collapse of Communism 2006 1991 1990
  • 8. • Part I Freedom, Family and Faith: The Role of the Media in the 21st Century • Part II Reagan and the fight for freedom • Part III Today in the Light of Dispensational History Today, compared to the size of the communists' power, the New Yorker Hotel (Unification Church World Mission Center) is like that small cubbyhole of 20 years ago. We have only a handful of people, yet we are talking about the liberation of the communists; we are talking about Moscow. I am sure most people laugh. Let them laugh now. I know one thing: In the communist world, the children of the communist leaders are on the side of God. The next generation in the Soviet Union will be on my side. • Part IV INTRODUCTION TO REV. AND MRS MOON by Bo Hi Pak
  • 9. • Part V CAUSA Latin American heads of state expressed an interest in hearing an ideological response to Marxism. Heartened by the genuine interest expressed by Latin American governmental, religious, and civic leaders, Reverend Moon established CAUSA International. The first nation to express an interest in the CAUSA program was Bolivia. The first CAUSA seminar took place there in December 1980. POST-COMMUNIST ERA Since the demise of the Soviet Union, the American Leadership Conference continues to hold seminars for state legislators and religious and civic leaders; however, their major focus is no longer communism but rather strengthening the family and ethical values.
  • 10. Gorbachev with (many ethnical roots (maybe also korean roots!) A melting pot of religions, Russia’s Stavropol region is home to 14 ethnicities, which makes its diverse culture truly unique. The Caucasus has been home to a multitude of ethnic groups for centuries. Whether it’s a traditional Russian song, the serenity of prayer within an Armenian church, or even the simplicity of daily conversation around the dinner table in an Islamic home, the cultural, religious and ethnic diversity in the region is special. “There are Christians, Muslims and Jewish people here. We even have Catholics, but we try not to consider the religious differences. We consider ourselves people of our town who live together,” says Sultan Temirov, who is the head of the Cherkess Society in the resort city of Pyatigorsk.
  • 11. Koryo-saram is the name which ethnic Koreans in the post-Soviet states use to refer to themselves. Approximately 500,000 ethnic Koreans reside in the former Soviet Union, primarily in the now-independent states of Central Asia. There are also large Korean communities in southern Russia (around Volgograd), the Caucasus, and southern Ukraine. These communities can be traced back to the Koreans who were living in the Russian Far East during the late 19th century.
  • 13. Unification Movement Spiritual Phenomena I Am in This Place Testimonies about Jesus & Sun Myung Moon 2006
  • 14. I found myself walking in a dark corridor, at the end of which I saw a light. Getting closer, I saw in that bright light the face of Jesus. Then Jesus’ face changed into Sun Myung Moon’s face. I had the strong feeling that it was the same heart; only the external appearance changed. I felt profoundly happy! This remains in my heart as extremely precious evidence that our True Parents embody God’s love. / Elisabeth Ciacciarelli Schneider Unification Disciples
  • 16. 2006 All of a sudden, something in the form of a soft light appeared at the foot of my bed. It did not speak and I was not afraid, but I had a strong feeling that it was a spiritual manifestation of Jesus. I believed he was trying to tell me something, but I wasn’t sure what it was. After the vision faded, a strong conviction came to me that this “appearance” was a confirmation that the revelation from Sun Myung Moon, which I had been studying, was not false prophecy or heresy, but a new truth from God! Unification Disciples
  • 17. 2007
  • 18. Ambassador K. V. Rajan Ambassador from India to Nepal (1995-2000) As a professional diplomat, I recall my curiosity several decades ago about the controversy generated about Father Moon in the United States. I was then serving in Washington, D.C., and was invited by a group of fellow diplomats from Asian countries for a series of informal brainstorming sessions with academics, media persons and young professionals on how, utilizing Father Moons initiatives, civil society could strengthen official efforts to create a more peaceful world order.
  • 19. Ambassador K. V. Rajan Ambassador from India to Nepal (1995-2000) Gandhis emphasis on peacebuilding through concentric circles of human commitment the individual at the center � surrounded respectively by the family, community, nation and the world had much to do with Indias success in liberating itself from the colonial yoke through non-violent means, and it remains at the root of Indias aspiration for becoming a major world power dedicated to peace. This finds an echo for Indians in Father Moons emphasis on each individual being prepared to serve, sacrifice, and if necessary, suffer in the cause of peace.
  • 20. The essence of Father Moons message is that unless the root causes of violence are tackled, the world will witness human tragedy on an unprecedented scale. Father Moons personal sacrifices and sufferings, his incredibly punishing daily schedule, and his perseverance in building trust where there was enmity, interdependence where there was non-communication, harmony where there was conflict, and love where there was hatred, are examples for the rest of humanity. Ambassador K. V. Rajan Ambassador from India to Nepal (1995-2000)
  • 22. I realized at one point that the 12 points that are mentioned in Understanding Marriage are all part of the Principle of Creation (in Divine Principle) – so I rearranged them into their rightful place within the PofC and then I could see what was missing from the course – the section on Mind/body unity and the section on growth and the role of vitality elements. They come together as a whole philosophy when you understand that our mind and heart should embody the positions of a true parent, true child, and true brother/sister. The 12 points are all part of achieving those three positions - If you fulfil all the 3 positions, you embody the 12 points and more. Stephen Stacey 2007
  • 23. Comparing Science and Human Love EVERY LIVING ORGANISM, SOCIETY, RELIGION OR ORGANISATION, TO BE IN A STATE OF HEALTH,NEEDS TO EMBODY 5 DIFFERENT QUALITIES - ALL FLOWING AND WORKING TOGETHER IN SOME DEGREE OF HARMONY. In my field these 5 qualities can termed as; Protective Parent (more masculine qualities + ve) Nurturing Parent (more feminine qualities - ve) Adult (Neutral) Free child (Neutral) Adapted child (neutral):
  • 24. Comparing Science and Human Love Protective Parent (more masculine qualities + ve): Providing protective boundaries and rules, ensuring effective discipline, contracts, protecting the organism from outside threats etc. Nurturing Parent (more feminine qualities - ve): Offering encouragement, support, praise, growth, empathy, education, and a desire to offer yourself for the benefit of something larger.
  • 25. Comparing Science and Human Love Adult (Neutral): Making sure the work gets done, planning, problem solving, day to day running of the organism Free child (Neutral): Creativity, ability to express needs, fun, laughter, celebration, honesty Adapted child (neutral): Responds to requests, lives within rules, loyalty, respectful behaviour, sense of fairness The new course I teach is based on the Principle of creation - see for full theory.
  • 26. Online: A New Course in a New Era - Sun Jo Hwang Sun Jo Hwang February 18, 2001. Rev. Relating with God Through Living for Others. Sun Jo Hwang March 2002 ... The Path to True Ownership in Cheon Il Guk. Sun Jo Hwang March 16, 2003 The providence can't be completed through the power of human reasoning. ... Powerpoint slides: Google for “Rev Hwang” Book 2008: Power through a Providential Perspective Rev. Hwang Sun-jo 2008 Unification Disciples
  • 28. ARAB SPRING (?) The 2010–11 Middle East and North Africa protests, also known as the Arab Spring, are a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests which have been taking place in the Middle East and North Africa since 18 December 2010. Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt; a civil war in Libya; major protests in Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Oman andYemen; and minor protests in Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Western Sahara. 2010,2016… Comment: DP “There is no freedom outside the Principle”
  • 29. 2009 2012 Individuals 2012 Families 2013 Christian Nseka Born in Kinshasa, Zaire Unification Disciples 2006 2005 2013
  • 30. 2010 Ali Majhoub His Dreams & Spirit World Unification Disciples 2015
  • 31. Written in a down-to-earth, familiar style, Ellanson’s book has a noteworthy rhythm. It leads the reader from amazing spiritual experiences to heart-stopping dangers he faced to joyful times to deep experiences of the Divine Principle, God, and the marriage tradition of the church. Lowell artfully weaves together all of these elements to create a volume that not only fascinates but naturally educates any reader in the exciting basics of the theology of the Unification Church and the Marriage Blessing for which it is famous. Lowell C. Ellanson 2010 Unification Disciples
  • 32. 2011 Anslie H Abraham Born in India, Family converted to Christianity Grew up in Hindu and Muslim environment. Unification Disciples
  • 33. 2011/2012 Gerhard Peemoeller Unification Disciples An extremely valuable book. Both for us UC veterans to relive the "good old days" and for younger folks and others to understand something of the history of our movement. And what wonderful personal testimonies of our True Parents. /amazon Review
  • 34. Father's last words were, "I have completed everything" 2012 True Fathers Seung Hwa 25 February 1920 – 3 September 2012
  • 35. 2012 See: Theological Meaning of date, time and age of True Father's Passing Slide 137
  • 39. 2012 by Robert and Janice Maddox Based on five basic elements of Sin Unification Disciples
  • 41. Sun Myung Moon not only revealed the Divine Principle He fulfilled all the promises in it, and in the Bible.
  • 42. The continuation of the incarnation the Christ, not Jesus, but a Christ, is the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit has never been silent – never been inactive. God - in many names ~ and worshiped in many ways – will touch the hearts of people, and many prophecies will be fulfilled. /A Ford
  • 43. Cheong Il Guk Now we must bring OT, NT and CT into one
  • 44. And I saw in the right hand of him who was seated on the throne a scroll written within and on the back, sealed with seven seals; and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “ Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?" …the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals." - Rev. 5:1
  • 45. The publication of the new scriptures commissioned by True Mother, which were unveiled during the joint celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) and the publication of a new edition of the Cheon Seong Gyeong (12 Chapters) and Pyeong Hwa Gyeong at the Cheong Pyeong Training Center in Gapyeong, Korea on June 10, 2013. June 10, 2013
  • 46. New Start True Father & Jesus in Spiritual World April 2013 Inspired painting
  • 47. The Spirit-Person and the Spirit-World: An Otherdimensional Primer by Kerry Pobanz (2001) Life In Eternity: Human Beings In the Spirit World (2013) by Kerry Pobanz Unification Disciples 2013
  • 48. May 2013 Jennifer P. Tanabe Unification Disciples
  • 50. May 2013 Jennifer P. Tanabe Unification Disciples
  • 51. "A Testimony to God's Word, in Regard to Divine Principle" Gil Ja Sa Eu 2013 Early Testimonies from UC 50’s Unification Disciples
  • 52. Ancestor Liberation 2013 Unification Disciples Google for more Books by Wiliiam Selig
  • 54. The tune of the Cheon Il Guk anthem comes from the joyous and powerful melody of Holy Song number 3, “New Song of Inspiration.” The basic melody of this holy song is preserved but it has been arranged with a more majestic, powerful and joyous rhythm to better reflect the vision of Cheon Il Guk, of creating a world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness. Anthem New Song of Inspiration
  • 55. Nelson Mandela from the spirit world: "Dr. Moon was the first person who met me when I came over here!" Source: 2014 Jan
  • 56. Nelson Mira 2014 Unification Disciples Very well done. This book does a good job of conveying what the believers believe. It’s written by Nelson Mira who is a UC member with a master’s in religious education and a clear, tight prose style.
  • 57. David Kasbow shares about the early days of the movement (Free as pdf) David Kasbow 2014 Unification Disciples
  • 58. The completion of the 8 textbooks Proclamation of the Word that firmly establishes the True Parents of Heaven , Earth and Humankind Proclaim Gods Holy Word
  • 59. Think of the last 2 000 years in which we just had the Bible. Now with True Parents, we have the path to Cheon Il Guk clear ahead of us, and the foundation that True Father has given us is his word. There are three core books in preparation that are a summary of Father’s words: • the Cheon Seong Gyeong, • Pyeonghwa Gyeong (Peace Messages) and a third • the Champumo Gyeong, or True Parents life story /True Mother 2013
  • 60. True Parents [Hak Ja Han] bestowed a motto for the victory of 2020! /Dae Mo Nim Jan 1, 2014 'Let us become true owners of Cheon Il Guk who practice true love in resemblance to our creator, the Heavenly Parent!‘ Finally the year 2014 was welcomed with much anticipation. On this day at the Hoon Dok Hae True Mother bestowed the New Year Motto which will be the direction for the unification family for the victory of year 2020. 2014
  • 61. Chambumo Gyeong, the third of a trilogy of new scriptural works known as the Holy Scripture of Cheon Il Guk, has been published in Korean, and translation into English is already well under way. 2015
  • 62. 2015 There was great rejoicing on September 1, 2015 in Cheong Pyeong, Korea, with the successful publication of the Cham Bumo Gyeong in Korean, English and Japanese.
  • 63.
  • 64. According to the Buddhist scriptures, Udumbara is an imaginary flower that only blossoms every 3000 years when the King of Falun comes to the human world. This heavenly flower is a sign of rare preciousness and a miracle.
  • 66. Same dress without knowing! Amazing coincidence! Or a greeting from True Father in Spirit World Listen to this amazing story! 2015
  • 68. 2016 Jan-Peter Östberg in Swedish Personal Testimony Unification Disciples Who is Father Moon
  • 69. 2016
  • 70. 2016 - 160313 - German TV channel ProSieben the Blessing 2016 - English
  • 71. 2016 "HJ" = Hyo Jeong (filial and affection) Cheon Won = Heavenly Garden
  • 72. 2016 A plain-language companion to Exposition of Divine Principle Unification Disciples
  • 73. 2018 Jennifer Tanabe. Eternal Life in the Spirit World, which I co-authored with the late Dr. Dietrich Seidel, discusses what we know about the spiritual realm starting with the thoughts of the Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, and their influence on contemporary understanding. We continue with more recent sources, including Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Sang Hun Lee, as well as reports from those who had near-death experiences, which all serve to make the spiritual realm seem much more substantial. - link Unification Disciples
  • 74. 2018 1951 Hungnam David Hanlon (auth. Father), a young seaman from Medford, MA, stood on the flight deck of the carrier USS Leyte and watched the bombing in the distance. The ship also housed hundreds of US Marines who later came ashore in Hungnam. Few, if any ever returned home. Unification Disciples
  • 75. 2018 A few days after the invasion, seaman Hanlon went ashore with a friend of his on shore leave and strolled through the streets of Hungnam, believing it was safe. While the two walked together they were spotted by a lone North Korean sniper. The snipers bullet spared young David. Unfortunately his friend lost his life. My father (the young David), of cource, never even heard of the Rev. Moon until I joined 26 years later (1977). Unification Disciples
  • 76. 2018 Unification Disciples A captivating autobiographical account of Ali Mahjoub. Born as a Muslim in north Africa, he tells the story of how God worked miracles throughout his life, leading him through an unending chain of prophetic dreams and what the author coined as “divine” acts of coincidences, to meet the Unification Movement in America, in a mysterious synchronization of time, place and events.
  • 77. If you’re still wondering how the Bible and the Divine Principle relate with each other, this unique book will help make it clear. 2019 Unification Disciples
  • 78. Would you like to know what Buddha, Jesus, and other great souls would say if they could speak today? Through the extraordinary spiritual channeling of Philip Burley, you can. Their uplifting messages will touch your heart, enlighten your mind, and better your understanding of how to live in our increasingly complex world. 2019 Unification Disciples
  • 79. HTM – Heavenly Tribal Messiah 2019
  • 80. The Quest to Pass on our Religious Tradition to the Next Generation, By Jennifer Tanabe co-authored with Dr. Rollain Nsemi Muanda, discusses the difficult challenge faced by all parents of faith in passing on their tradition to their children. 2019 Unification Disciples
  • 81. As Jesus faced his final days before his crucifixion, he offered a pray (in John 17) that all believers in the future could be perfectly one “as God and Christ are one.” Yet two thousand years later we see Christians divided by doctrine, denominational structures, political interests and contentions over moral and social values. "Realizing Jesus" strives to be the hoped-for wake-up call and attempts to shed light upon the numerous mysteries and unanswered questions that traditional doctrines have ignored or glossed over. 2019 Unification Disciples
  • 83. 2020 Most of the past publicity about the Unification Church (Unification Movement), and Reverend Moon has been negative. Jo Ann attempts to give an understanding of what this movement is all about, based on her experiences, and as seen through her eyes, and explain what made her and thousands of American young people join this movement. She also tries to give a basic understanding of the Divine Principle. She says, "I believe if the world knew even the basics of the Principle, we could see the way to peace on earth, as we could overcome the things that divide us now." Unification Disciples
  • 84. 2020 New Inspiration through Morning Devotion from Belvedare USA by Rev. Dr. Chung Sik Yong link here
  • 85. 2020 The Year of World corona-pandemia Monthly Unification Global Peace rallies and zoom-sessions on internet. link here
  • 86. 2021 April 24 2021 Hyo Jin Cosmic Blessing
  • 88. 2022 Aug 21 4th Generation - Moon Jeong-ah Born in Korea
  • 89. New Vocabulary: 2008 Boonbongwangs Anointed - Peace King Representatives 2016 "HJ" = Hyo Jeong (filial and affection) Cheon Won = Heavenly Garden 2020 Cheon Bo Won Blessing of those who fulfilled 430 Couples on Earth and in Spiritual world Heavenly Tribal Messiahs = HTM Cheon Bo Ancestor Liberation & Blessing
  • 93. Kang Hyun-shil, first evangelist of the Unification Church “I Cannot Forget True Father's Praying Voice, Even Now” I Honor this presentation to those Early Pioneers Who believed…when there was not much … Mr Eu, early DP-Lecturer The Pioneer of Pioneers Christ – Messiah True Man & True Women True Parents of Mankind
  • 94.
  • 96. It is the Word of the Lord of the Second Advent that convince Future Mankind that Christ has come! She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron (Truth). He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. Rev 12:5 &19:12 The Messiah will come with a "New Name“ = New Adam
  • 97. …rule all nations with a rod of iron (Truth). Rev 12:5 The Holy Scriptures Cheon Seong Gyeong, Cham Bumo Gyeong and Pyeong Hwa Gyeong
  • 98. 2015 There was great rejoicing on September 1, 2015 in Cheong Pyeong, Korea, with the successful publication of the Cham Bumo Gyeong in Korean, English and Japanese.
  • 99. 2022 Official New Books Essentials of Unification Thought: Headwing Thought Proclaming a New Heavenly Unified World: True Parents Thought Theory of Heavenly Unified Korea
  • 100. Share the Gospel of Gospels Christ & His Bride has come A New Bright Future for Sinless Mankind
  • 101.
  • 102. Some Online Resources: 2021 True Mother’s Providence | 10th AP Sung Hwa Youth WS 2020 True Parents Advent and the Era of True Parents by Yong Jin-hun, President of Sunhak Institute of History Morning Devotion by Rev. Chung Sik Yong in Belvedare Ep 29-36 The Perfection of Gods Lineage Joining the dots- Reading Life through the Principle - Moses and the Israelites - Joseph to Jesus - The Life and teachings of Jesus Familyfireplace - Link 2 by William Haines 15 Day DP WS online - Fuchs, Crosthwaite, Gali, Balcomb
  • 103. Some Online Resources: 21 days 2-hour online ws - Joining the Dots William Haines 15 Day DP WS online - Fuchs, Crosthwaite, Gali, Balcomb Pastoral Training Webinar Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 CHOSEN - Online DP sharing Testimonies
  • 104. Some Online Resources: 2017 Videos Family Church of San Diego - Walter Frank 2016 DP and Bible Stories - William Haines in Stockholm DP Dojo - Las Vegas The Singularity is Near - John R. Kenny, San Diego DP1-DP16 - Blessed Family Sanctuary - Montana2015 Last 400 Years and the Present Time - John R. Kenny, San Diego Lets Study Divine Principle - Andrew Compton Text Reading of Divine Principle - 2014 Principle Videos - Family Fed NY Divine Principle Lectures - Tyler Hendricks Exposition of the Divine Principle - Phillip Schanker 2013 Divine Principle 1 - Laura Lee, Dallas Texas Divine Principle 2 - John Jackson, Dallas Texas Divine Principle 3 - John Jackson, Dallas Texas Divine Principle 4 - Mark Hernandez, Dallas Texas Divine Principle 5 - Mark Hernandez, Dallas Texas
  • 105. Some Online Resources: 2012 Deeper DP - Re-Discovering True Parents and DP Michael Hentrich Divine Principle - Kevin MCArthy Principle Talks - Tim Miller and David Hanna Prof. Yong Taek Oh's presentations Aug 2012 Slides Prof. Yong Taek Oh's presentations Aug 2012 Audio Rev. Yong - October 2012 - EU tour 2012 Slides Rev. Yong - October 2012 - EU tour 2012 Audio 2011 The reality and prospect of God’s Providence Rev Hwang 2007 Character EducationThe Need for Character Education Settlement Age Lectures Ken Sudo 1970s Unificationism: Perspectives on Christian Faith Kevin McCarthy
  • 106. Resources: Main Source: Divine Principle: Journal of Unification Studies Volume: Speeches by Sun Myung Moon: Cheon Seong Gyeong + Unification and Christian friends and some own Inspiration Unification Theological Seminary More slides: Google “slideshare bdp003”
  • 107. Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire us of the coming KoH! Have a great Blessed week. Prepared for 2nd,3rd,4th... many Gen. inspiration by Bengt. Everything will be All right in the End If it is not All right, it is not yet the End! If you like the slides and want to support more: Paypal bengtdpbackup – much apreciated :-)