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5.2 Publication 2
(1) My second book was called “Twenty One”. The book was sold at the Hong Kong
Book Fair 2010 and is available at major bookstores in Hong Kong. All money earned
by the author will be used for charitable purposes.
(2) Comments from leaders of different organizations;
1. 從新舊中外二十一部電影切入,從而以文字記錄感受、反思人生。本書其
Through twenty one old and new films from Asia and the West, the authors
documented their feelings and reflection of life. This book is indeed a stage for a
creative concept, which contemplated the spiritual path of several young students at
this stage of their lives.
Prof. Xu, Kou-man. Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
2. 有人慨嘆年青人不關心社會,卻有人大聲指責"八十後"在政治方面太激
電影是文化的其中一種載體,本書通過兩個 21 歲年青人對這種載體閱
Some people lament that young people do not care about the community, but
these young people are also accused of being politically too radical, too impulsive ...
shouldn’t we listen to their ideas?
Film is one of the carrier of culture. This book, written by 21-year-old
youngsters, expresses the youngsters’ own thoughts on this carrier of culture. I hope
you and I can also do the same.
This book, not only provide a better understanding of those movies, but this
young generation through their own words!
Dr. Ho Wai Chi Vichy, Language Instructor from the University of Hong Kong,
Adviser of the Debating Society (University of Hong Kong) and Chairman of Hong
Kong Association of Applied Chinese Language
3. 年輕的心,一顆又一顆在跳動;筆端下,一段又一段寫出年輕的感受,毫
These young hearts are beating one by one; these writings show the younger
ones’ feelings, there is no pretensions, no cover up. This book is unsullied, offering a
fresh feeling.
Dr. N.L.Cheng, Senior Teaching consultant from the School of Chinese of The
University of Hong Kong
4. 你如想了解八十後、九十後的成長、心態和人生願景,我建議你細讀這本
李焯芬博士 - 香港大學專業進修學院前任院長
If you want to know about the personal growth, mind and life vision of the
“children of the 80s and 90s”, I suggest you read this "truthful, and consequently,
touching" book.
Professor Lee Chack Fan, SBS, JP, Former Director of The University of Hong Kong
School of Professional and Continuing Education, HKU SPACE and Chair of
Geotechnical Engineering at The University of Hong Kong
5. 五個人組成一個樂隊是基於緣份,我們五人有緣遇上他們。他們用自己筆
Mr. - 香港樂隊
Five individuals joining together to form a band is because of fate; the five of
us were destined to encounter them (the authors). They use their own pen and ink to
infect us, so we will use our act to support them. There are many people who need
support; after reading this book, you will know what you need and what is missing in
you. Supporting this book will support a group of authors, as well as a group of
orphans who need your care.
Mr. – a popular band in Hong Kong
6. 看過《21》這本書,最少有下列 21 種感覺:命運、成長、關愛、鼓勵、信
蘇鑰機博士 - 香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院院長 (教授)
After reading "21", I at least have the following 21 kinds of feeling: fate,
growth, affection, encouragement, confidence, helplessness, weakness, pain, grace,
forgiveness, youth, the truth, doubt, life and death, unexpected sensation, freedom,
sentiment, mysteries of love, reasoning, search and dream. I invite you to take a fine
taste of this book, and get more feeling.
Prof. So York-kee – Dean of School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong
7. 當你看到我們的世界好像被黑暗吞沒之際,我們需要腳前的燈帶我們繼續
前行,這本書就像 21 盞照在人生路上的燈,讓我們不至走迷路。
高皓正 - 香港藝人
When you see our world seems to be swallowed by the darkness, we need
lamps to guide our feet to move on; this book is like 21 lamps that shines along the
road of life, helping us not to go get lost.
Zac Koo Ho Jing, a Hong Kong popular artist
8. 幾位素昧平生的年青大學生,在 FACEBOOK 上傳來信息,他們正在籌備
梁家傑 - 香港資深大律師及立法會議員
Several young students sent me information through FACEBOOK; they are
preparing for a publication entitled "21", and the author’s earnings will be donated to
orphans. Nowadays, it is not easy to find young people living with heart, thinking for
others, and having compassion. This book shares rich content, and is full of surprises.
The sincerity behind the words is worthy of support. I recommend "21" to everyone,
as an appreciation and encouragement to the authors.
Hon. Alan Leong Kah-kit, a Senior Counsel in Hong Kong and Legislative Councillor
in Hong Kong
9. 看了書名有點迷惘,「21」,是指什麼了?細看之後就知道原來是由一
蔡穎恩 (Evelyn Choi) - 電影《歲月神偷》主演演員
Initially, reading the title, I was wondering what is "21" referring to. After
reading the book in detail, I realised that the work is written by a group of 21 year-old
friend, commenting on the 21 films (or I should say discussing 21 films).
Unlike the movie reviews you see in a magazine, these writings are, not just
"comments", but "discussion." Movie comments/reviews may just put the focus on
the surface of a film; however, this book has focused not only on the surface in each
film, instead, the authors demonstrated the meaning behind each film, which is often
ignored by us.
A good movie does not simply involve good actors or famous movie stars. In
the end, it’s about whether the movie could really convey the meaning it wanted to
show. In fact, most of the films have in-depth meaning behind them and the questions
they want to raise out. In this book, the authors discussed 21 films, demonstrated and
analysed the issues behind the films. I have seen only seen some of the films
discussed. I read the discussion about the movies I've seen; I was surprised to
discover that there can be such meanings behind what I thought were just
straightforward films!
This is the fun about movies!
I want to suggest to you this book because just by reading its content, I thought
the book was written by some senior film critics.
Evelyn Choi – Actress in a leading role in the movie, Echoes of the Rainbow
10. 年青的作者們,本著赤子之心,以摯誠一筆一筆地寫出他們的信念和價
戴耀廷 - 香港大學法律學院副教授
Young authors, with their utter innocence, wrote sincerely about their beliefs
and values, as well as the reflection and struggle of the experience; it’s hard not to be
Prof. Benny Tai, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
11. 一群 20 歲的年青人,會把自己的感受寫成書,將收益損出作善事。這樣正
寇鴻萍 - 香港小姐、慧妍雅集成員及 ISAWORKSHOP 行政總裁
This group of 20-year-olds express their feelings through a book and use the
authors’ income for charity. I will definitely support such a positive kind-hearted
move. There is still a long life in front of us, keep up the good work!
Isabella Kau Leong, Miss Hong Kong, CEO of ISAWORKSHOP and member of Wai
Yin Association
12. 電影除了娛樂也有人生。本書的作者都是二十歲剛出頭的青年,借電影反
陳韜文 - 香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院講座教授
In addition to entertainment, movie includes the experience of life. Authors of
this book are all youths in their early twenties, reflecting on the meaning of
compassion, belief and personal growth through films. Their vision for life and
sincere attitude throughout their exploration, are shown in the book. Any youngster
with a pursuit about life a little bit more than others will probably find resonation and
associations when they read this book.
Prof. Joseph M. Chan, Professor of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese
13. 由這本書可以看到幾位年青人的內心情懷, 借助 21 部電影表達他們對如幻
人生的積極盼求, 出離現代經濟掛師物質世界的束縛, 展現心靈的奇葩 ! 我誠
意地向大家推介 !
黃華生博士 - 香港大學佛學中心副教授
Through this book, one can witness a few young people's inner feelings;
through 21 films, they express their positive hope for life; getting away from the
burden of the economic material world, they show the wonderful work of the mind! I
sincerely propose this book to you!
Prof. Wong wah-shung – Associate Professor at the Center for Buddhist Studies,
University of Hong Kong
14. 有人說戲如人生,人生如戲,人生就像舞台一樣,我們每天都扮演著不同
的角色和身份。 作者用 21 套電影去描述 21 個有關人的生活故事,內容豐富及
令人有不少反省的地方。 誠意向大家推薦這本書,看完後你就會明白該如何走
李輝平 – 基督教互愛中心事工總監
Some said “life is like a drama, as drama like life!” Life is like a stage.
Every day, we play different roles and have different identities. The authors used 21
films to describe 21 life stories about people. The book is rich in content and provides
a lot of areas for reflection and soul searching. I sincerely recommend this book to
you. After reading it, you will understand a way of life that prevents you from getting
Mr. Lee Fai Ping - Programme director of Wu Oi Christian Centre (for drug
rehabilitation in Hong Kong)
15. 這書主要是一群「80 後」青年對 21 套電影所作的反省散文。文章雖然是
黃成榮博士 - 香港城市大學應用社會科學系副教授
This book is mainly composed of writings reflecting on 21 films written by a
group of “children of the 80s”. Although the articles are written by youths, I found
great connection to the writings. The articles are full of life reflection, touching and
genuine sharing, and rich emotions. Although the authors are not very old, the articles
are full of loving feeling and virtuous ideals. This book is refreshing.
Prof. Dennis Wong, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Social Studies, City
Univeristy of Hong Kong
16. 每一個人對任何事物都可有其獨特的聯想, 同一件事同一部電影對不同人
都可能有不同的心靈觸動, 最重要是從中我們得到些甚麽樣的啟發及頓悟。 肯
思考的年輕人是藉得嘉許及鼓勵的, 「21」內的不同故事正正標誌着這班青年
人在成長中的點滴及看法。 後事如何便看各人的造化了, 還記得我也曾年輕過!
張學潤 (Nelson Cheung) - 電影服裝、美術、形象指導
Every individual can have an unique association with anything; the same
event or the same film may stir up different people’s soul in dissimilar ways. The
most important thing is what kind of inspiration and insight we can get from these
things. Young people, who are willing to think deeply, should be praised and
encouraged, The different stories of "21" marked the growing process and views of
this group of young people. What each of these young individuals will become is
undecided. This reminds me of the fact that I also have been young in the past!
Nelson Cheung, Movie costume, art and image designer
17. 本書是幾個大學生的「影評」集,以電影為媒體,反省人生、信仰和愛
情,讀者不論年青和世故,應該都感到作者的 heart,可能泛起共鳴,或者有些
永遠不到糜爛,是不會甘心的。這也許是青春的專利。 《最好的時光》
周立基博士 - 香港中文大學決策科學與企業經濟學系高級導師
This book is a collection of film reflection by a few undergraduate students.
They use films as the media to reflect on life, belief and love. Both young and
worldly-wise readers should feel the authors’ heart; the book may give readers a
peculiar resonance or some mixed feelings. For example, in one paragraph: “youth
actually is pain, right? Growth without pain is unjustified and cannot lead to a
commendable life… In youth love, one is always unsatisfied until one is dissipated.
This is perhaps the youth’s patent…”
You may necessarily not agree with everything the authors said but the
emotion is genuine and the points are clear in the articles. The book is a very
enjoyable read.
Dr. Chow, Lap-kei, Senior Instructor, Department of Decision Sciences and
Managerial Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
18. 看到這本書的人有福了,這是一本有愛的書,你愛自己嗎?就讓我們把這
黃泆潼 (DJ Miss Yellow) - 香港藝人及 DJ
Blessed are those who read this book. This is a book of love. Do you love
yourself? Let us slowly spread this love to our family, friends, society and even
countries, so we can be resuscitated. The book seems very imposing but after
reflection, the reader becomes well relaxed.
DJ Miss Yellow, Hong Kong popular artist and disc jockey
19. 我自己也是一個很喜歡看電影的人。我很欣賞這一群年青人的創意和決
莊太量博士 - 香港中文大學經濟系副教授
I am also a person who likes to watch movies. I appreciate this group of
young people's creativity and determination. More importantly, I support their
motivation for writing the book as they would like to use this book to raise funds to
help orphans. After reading this book, I feel that the level of maturity, depth, and
breadth of these 21-year-olds’ movie examination are very high. While people spend
a lot of effort and time to produce a film, we only need to spend a few bucks to be
able to watch a movie. The value of this item is beyond its price. When we are
watching a movie, we can learn about the message the film director wanted to convey.
After reading this book, we can engage in the authors’ feelings to some extent and
raise our level of film appreciation. Furthermore, we can help some orphans with this
book. Therefore, I strongly recommend this book to young people and those who love
Prof. Terence Chong, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Institute of
Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
20. 人生如戲,戲如人生!以一顆赤子之心,他們遊走在 21 套電影的世界裡,
對生命作出省思, 帶出領悟,也帶出啟示。邀請您貼近年青的心,與他們一起
張德恩 - 馬來西亞多媒體製作人
Life is like a drama, as drama like life! With their pure hearts, the authors
walked through the world of the 21 films to reflect on life, to provide insights, and to
bring revelations. I invite you to get close to the young hearts, and experience life's
surprises with them!
Cheung Tak Yan, Multimedia Producer in Malaysia
21. 多麼令人忌妒的書名!如果我也是二十出頭,無論如何要把自己的文章塞
樊善標博士 - 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系副教授及香港文學研究中心主任
This is the title to be jealous of! If I were to tell you that I am in my early
twenties, I would place my own articles into this book no matter what.
Prof Fan Sin-piu, Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language and
Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
22. 消費能帶來人生反省 , 心靈洗滌是一種超值的消費 , 就如你買下本書細讀
林以諾牧師 - Network J 義務執行董事及暢銷書《遇見天天微笑的自己》作者
Consumption can bring us to reflect on life. Cleansing the soul is a type of
consumption that is of great value; likewise, buying the book is a worthy
Pastor Enoch Lam, Voluntary Executive of Network J. and Senior Pastor of the
Crossroad Community Baptist Church
23. 透過這本書, 我看見七個年青人下了相當功夫做資料搜集, 更讓我稍稍看見
享利潘 - 電影《生命揸 FIT 人》、《賭神之神》導演
Through this book, I saw seven young people putting a considerable effort to
collect data. The book let me see a part of the world through the eyes of these children
of the eighties.
Henry Poon, film director of The Boss Up There (1999) and Return From The Other
World (2002)
24. 有情才有生命,忙碌的你,為何不靜下來傾聽赤子訴說心聲!
何佩然博士 - 香港中文大學李和聲香港歷史資源中心主任
Only when you have sentient, you have life. Why not let your busy soul calm
down and listen to the voice of the young pure hearts?
Prof. Ho Pui-yin, director of Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre,
Shaw College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
25. 希望你們看完這本書後會感受到這班擁有善心的青年帶給你們一點一滴的
李蘢怡 - 演員及歌手
After reading this book, I hope you will feel every drop of love this group of
good-hearted youth would like to bring you.
Tiffany Lee, Hong Kong actress and singer
26. 要了解香港現時年青一代,特別是他們的夢想、感受、對世界、對事物、
劉紹麟博士 - 香港中文大學社會學系導師
If you want to understand the younger generation in Hong Kong, in
particular, their dreams, feelings, and their views on the world, different issues, and
life, this anthology, which is designed, written, and published by them, should be a
good choice.
Dr. Lau Siu-lun, Instructor, Department of Sociology, the Chinese University of Hong
27. 我在下著大雨的兩個晚上看了好幾個故事……沒錯, 最好和最壞的時光當
然會一併遠去……無論最壞與最好;順境或逆境, 信念是最重要的。活在當
盧巧音 - 多媒體藝人
I read several stories in the past two nights with heavy rain ... Yes, of
course, the best and worst time will be gone ... whether this is the worst or the best
time, and whether this is a good or bad time, faith is the most important. Let’s live for
the present moment.
Candy Lo, Hong Kong multimedia artist
28. 《21》由一幫有心有力有思想的八十後耗用了無數過日與夜撰寫出的一本
Phat - 24HERBS 成員
"21" is a good book written by a group of considerate and determined
youths of the 80s, who spent countless nights in completing the work.
Phat, member of 24HERBS, a Hong Kong Hip Hop group
5.3 Collaboration/Promoted Book List:
Good Idea - Book Fair 香港書展 2014
香港浸會大學 HKBU
HK Libraries
HKMA K S LO COLLEGE 香港管理專業協會羅桂祥中學
中華傳道會李賢堯紀念中學 CNEC Lee I Yao Mem. Sec. Sch.
迦密愛禮信中學 CALFSS
北角協同中學 CLSNP吳凱軒
聖公會梁季彝中學 SKHYSS
五育中學 NYSS
聖安當女書院 SAGC
保良局董玉娣中學 PLKTYTC
基督教崇真中學 TTCA
中華傳道會劉永生中學 LWS
香港神託會培基書院 Stewards Pooi Kei College
聖言中學 Sing Yin Secondary School
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Twenty One Book Awards and Recommendations

  • 1. 5.2 Publication 2 (1) My second book was called “Twenty One”. The book was sold at the Hong Kong Book Fair 2010 and is available at major bookstores in Hong Kong. All money earned by the author will be used for charitable purposes. (2) Comments from leaders of different organizations; 1. 從新舊中外二十一部電影切入,從而以文字記錄感受、反思人生。本書其 實是一個創念的舞台,觀照了幾位年青學子在這個階段的心路歷程。 許教文博士-香港中文大學副校長 Through twenty one old and new films from Asia and the West, the authors documented their feelings and reflection of life. This book is indeed a stage for a creative concept, which contemplated the spiritual path of several young students at this stage of their lives. Prof. Xu, Kou-man. Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong 2. 有人慨嘆年青人不關心社會,卻有人大聲指責"八十後"在政治方面太激 進、太衝動……我們是否應該聆聽他們的想法? 電影是文化的其中一種載體,本書通過兩個 21 歲年青人對這種載體閱 讀,表達自己的想法,我期望你與我都能 從本書更深入地理解,不只是那些電影,而是文字背後的這一代! 何偉幟博士(香港大學中文學院語文教師、香港大學演辯學會顧問、香港應用 語文溝通學會主席) Some people lament that young people do not care about the community, but these young people are also accused of being politically too radical, too impulsive ... shouldn’t we listen to their ideas? Film is one of the carrier of culture. This book, written by 21-year-old youngsters, expresses the youngsters’ own thoughts on this carrier of culture. I hope you and I can also do the same.
  • 2. This book, not only provide a better understanding of those movies, but this young generation through their own words! Dr. Ho Wai Chi Vichy, Language Instructor from the University of Hong Kong, Adviser of the Debating Society (University of Hong Kong) and Chairman of Hong Kong Association of Applied Chinese Language 3. 年輕的心,一顆又一顆在跳動;筆端下,一段又一段寫出年輕的感受,毫 不造作,也不掩飾。這本書的作品呵氣若蘭,給人清新的感覺。 鄭雅麗博士(香港大學中文學院高級教學顧問) These young hearts are beating one by one; these writings show the younger ones’ feelings, there is no pretensions, no cover up. This book is unsullied, offering a fresh feeling. Dr. N.L.Cheng, Senior Teaching consultant from the School of Chinese of The University of Hong Kong 4. 你如想了解八十後、九十後的成長、心態和人生願景,我建議你細讀這本 「唯其真實,所以感人」的好書。 李焯芬博士 - 香港大學專業進修學院前任院長 If you want to know about the personal growth, mind and life vision of the “children of the 80s and 90s”, I suggest you read this "truthful, and consequently, touching" book. Professor Lee Chack Fan, SBS, JP, Former Director of The University of Hong Kong School of Professional and Continuing Education, HKU SPACE and Chair of Geotechnical Engineering at The University of Hong Kong 5. 五個人組成一個樂隊是基於緣份,我們五人有緣遇上他們。他們用自己筆 墨來感染我們,我們就用行動來支持他們。需要支持的人還有很多,閱畢這書
  • 3. 後你會知道自己需要甚麼、缺少甚麼。至少,能夠支持一班需要你的作者,還 有需要你的一班孤兒。 Mr. - 香港樂隊 Five individuals joining together to form a band is because of fate; the five of us were destined to encounter them (the authors). They use their own pen and ink to infect us, so we will use our act to support them. There are many people who need support; after reading this book, you will know what you need and what is missing in you. Supporting this book will support a group of authors, as well as a group of orphans who need your care. Mr. – a popular band in Hong Kong 6. 看過《21》這本書,最少有下列 21 種感覺:命運、成長、關愛、鼓勵、信 心、無助、軟弱、苦痛、恩典、寬恕、青春、真理、懷疑、生死、奇情、流 浪、感悟、談情、說理、尋覓、夢想。我邀請大家一起來品嚐細味,並發掘更 多感覺。 蘇鑰機博士 - 香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院院長 (教授) After reading "21", I at least have the following 21 kinds of feeling: fate, growth, affection, encouragement, confidence, helplessness, weakness, pain, grace, forgiveness, youth, the truth, doubt, life and death, unexpected sensation, freedom, sentiment, mysteries of love, reasoning, search and dream. I invite you to take a fine taste of this book, and get more feeling. Prof. So York-kee – Dean of School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 7. 當你看到我們的世界好像被黑暗吞沒之際,我們需要腳前的燈帶我們繼續 前行,這本書就像 21 盞照在人生路上的燈,讓我們不至走迷路。 高皓正 - 香港藝人
  • 4. When you see our world seems to be swallowed by the darkness, we need lamps to guide our feet to move on; this book is like 21 lamps that shines along the road of life, helping us not to go get lost. Zac Koo Ho Jing, a Hong Kong popular artist 8. 幾位素昧平生的年青大學生,在 FACEBOOK 上傳來信息,他們正在籌備 出版名為《21》的作品,並會將賣書所得全數捐贈予孤兒。在這個年頭,要找 來肯用心生活,為別人設想,有惻隱之心的年青人,實在不容易。文字分享內 容豐富,讀來時有驚喜。背後那份誠意,更是值得支持。我向大家推薦 《21》,作為對作者的欣賞和鼓勵。 梁家傑 - 香港資深大律師及立法會議員 Several young students sent me information through FACEBOOK; they are preparing for a publication entitled "21", and the author’s earnings will be donated to orphans. Nowadays, it is not easy to find young people living with heart, thinking for others, and having compassion. This book shares rich content, and is full of surprises. The sincerity behind the words is worthy of support. I recommend "21" to everyone, as an appreciation and encouragement to the authors. Hon. Alan Leong Kah-kit, a Senior Counsel in Hong Kong and Legislative Councillor in Hong Kong 9. 看了書名有點迷惘,「21」,是指什麼了?細看之後就知道原來是由一 羣同樣是21歲的朋友,寫下了21個電影的評論(或者可以說是討論)。 這些評論有別於在雜誌上看到的,因為這些評論,不只是「評」,可是「討 論」。評論的焦點可能只是放了在電影的表面上,但討論卻不只是把焦點放了 在電影的表面,而是放了在電影的背後意思,那是往往大家都會忽略的。 一套好的電影,並不只是因為有什麼好戲之人在,或是有什麼大明星參與。而 是到底這套電影能不能把真真正正想說的意思表現出來。其實,大部份的電影 都有它背後的意思和想要帶出的問題。在這本書,他們所討論的21套電影 中,他們也把背後的問題道了出來並分析。討論的電影當中有的看過的,也有
  • 5. 我沒有看過的。在我閱讀我看過的電影的討論之後,我很意外的發現原來我以 為只是簡單的電影,原來背後有著這樣的意思! 這就是電影的樂趣。 而這本書,我也很想推介給你們,因為就這樣子看,我以為是什麼資深的電影 評論員寫的書。 蔡穎恩 (Evelyn Choi) - 電影《歲月神偷》主演演員 Initially, reading the title, I was wondering what is "21" referring to. After reading the book in detail, I realised that the work is written by a group of 21 year-old friend, commenting on the 21 films (or I should say discussing 21 films). Unlike the movie reviews you see in a magazine, these writings are, not just "comments", but "discussion." Movie comments/reviews may just put the focus on the surface of a film; however, this book has focused not only on the surface in each film, instead, the authors demonstrated the meaning behind each film, which is often ignored by us. A good movie does not simply involve good actors or famous movie stars. In the end, it’s about whether the movie could really convey the meaning it wanted to show. In fact, most of the films have in-depth meaning behind them and the questions they want to raise out. In this book, the authors discussed 21 films, demonstrated and analysed the issues behind the films. I have seen only seen some of the films discussed. I read the discussion about the movies I've seen; I was surprised to discover that there can be such meanings behind what I thought were just straightforward films! This is the fun about movies! I want to suggest to you this book because just by reading its content, I thought the book was written by some senior film critics. Evelyn Choi – Actress in a leading role in the movie, Echoes of the Rainbow 10. 年青的作者們,本著赤子之心,以摯誠一筆一筆地寫出他們的信念和價 值,及經歷過的反思與掙扎,是不能不令人感動的。
  • 6. 戴耀廷 - 香港大學法律學院副教授 Young authors, with their utter innocence, wrote sincerely about their beliefs and values, as well as the reflection and struggle of the experience; it’s hard not to be impressed. Prof. Benny Tai, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong 11. 一群 20 歲的年青人,會把自己的感受寫成書,將收益損出作善事。這樣正 面善心的舉動,絕對會大力支持。前面人生的道路還長呢,要繼續努力加油 呀! 寇鴻萍 - 香港小姐、慧妍雅集成員及 ISAWORKSHOP 行政總裁 This group of 20-year-olds express their feelings through a book and use the authors’ income for charity. I will definitely support such a positive kind-hearted move. There is still a long life in front of us, keep up the good work! Isabella Kau Leong, Miss Hong Kong, CEO of ISAWORKSHOP and member of Wai Yin Association 12. 電影除了娛樂也有人生。本書的作者都是二十歲剛出頭的青年,借電影反 省人情、信仰和成長的意義。他們對人生憧憬之情和真摯探索的態度,躍然紙 上。凡是對生活有多一點追求的年青人,大概都會從本書閱讀中產生共鳴和聯 想。 陳韜文 - 香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院講座教授 In addition to entertainment, movie includes the experience of life. Authors of this book are all youths in their early twenties, reflecting on the meaning of compassion, belief and personal growth through films. Their vision for life and sincere attitude throughout their exploration, are shown in the book. Any youngster with a pursuit about life a little bit more than others will probably find resonation and associations when they read this book.
  • 7. Prof. Joseph M. Chan, Professor of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese University 13. 由這本書可以看到幾位年青人的內心情懷, 借助 21 部電影表達他們對如幻 人生的積極盼求, 出離現代經濟掛師物質世界的束縛, 展現心靈的奇葩 ! 我誠 意地向大家推介 ! 黃華生博士 - 香港大學佛學中心副教授 Through this book, one can witness a few young people's inner feelings; through 21 films, they express their positive hope for life; getting away from the burden of the economic material world, they show the wonderful work of the mind! I sincerely propose this book to you! Prof. Wong wah-shung – Associate Professor at the Center for Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong 14. 有人說戲如人生,人生如戲,人生就像舞台一樣,我們每天都扮演著不同 的角色和身份。 作者用 21 套電影去描述 21 個有關人的生活故事,內容豐富及 令人有不少反省的地方。 誠意向大家推薦這本書,看完後你就會明白該如何走 人生的路才不致迷路。 李輝平 – 基督教互愛中心事工總監 Some said “life is like a drama, as drama like life!” Life is like a stage. Every day, we play different roles and have different identities. The authors used 21 films to describe 21 life stories about people. The book is rich in content and provides a lot of areas for reflection and soul searching. I sincerely recommend this book to you. After reading it, you will understand a way of life that prevents you from getting lost. Mr. Lee Fai Ping - Programme director of Wu Oi Christian Centre (for drug rehabilitation in Hong Kong)
  • 8. 15. 這書主要是一群「80 後」青年對 21 套電影所作的反省散文。文章雖然是 出於年輕人的手筆,我卻看得很有共鳴。文章充滿了對人生的反省、真摰的分 享、及豐富的情感。作者雖是入世未深,但文章卻滿有愛人情懷和擇善固執的 理想。這書令人耳目一新。 黃成榮博士 - 香港城市大學應用社會科學系副教授 This book is mainly composed of writings reflecting on 21 films written by a group of “children of the 80s”. Although the articles are written by youths, I found great connection to the writings. The articles are full of life reflection, touching and genuine sharing, and rich emotions. Although the authors are not very old, the articles are full of loving feeling and virtuous ideals. This book is refreshing. Prof. Dennis Wong, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Social Studies, City Univeristy of Hong Kong 16. 每一個人對任何事物都可有其獨特的聯想, 同一件事同一部電影對不同人 都可能有不同的心靈觸動, 最重要是從中我們得到些甚麽樣的啟發及頓悟。 肯 思考的年輕人是藉得嘉許及鼓勵的, 「21」內的不同故事正正標誌着這班青年 人在成長中的點滴及看法。 後事如何便看各人的造化了, 還記得我也曾年輕過! 張學潤 (Nelson Cheung) - 電影服裝、美術、形象指導 Every individual can have an unique association with anything; the same event or the same film may stir up different people’s soul in dissimilar ways. The most important thing is what kind of inspiration and insight we can get from these things. Young people, who are willing to think deeply, should be praised and encouraged, The different stories of "21" marked the growing process and views of this group of young people. What each of these young individuals will become is undecided. This reminds me of the fact that I also have been young in the past! Nelson Cheung, Movie costume, art and image designer
  • 9. 17. 本書是幾個大學生的「影評」集,以電影為媒體,反省人生、信仰和愛 情,讀者不論年青和世故,應該都感到作者的 heart,可能泛起共鳴,或者有些 感慨,例如這一段: 青春就是痛楚吧?沒有痛楚的成長,實在說不過去,愧對人生。…年輕的感情 永遠不到糜爛,是不會甘心的。這也許是青春的專利。 《最好的時光》 你不一定同意作者所言,但感情真摰、觀點鮮明的文章,讀來十分過癮。 周立基博士 - 香港中文大學決策科學與企業經濟學系高級導師 This book is a collection of film reflection by a few undergraduate students. They use films as the media to reflect on life, belief and love. Both young and worldly-wise readers should feel the authors’ heart; the book may give readers a peculiar resonance or some mixed feelings. For example, in one paragraph: “youth actually is pain, right? Growth without pain is unjustified and cannot lead to a commendable life… In youth love, one is always unsatisfied until one is dissipated. This is perhaps the youth’s patent…” You may necessarily not agree with everything the authors said but the emotion is genuine and the points are clear in the articles. The book is a very enjoyable read. Dr. Chow, Lap-kei, Senior Instructor, Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 18. 看到這本書的人有福了,這是一本有愛的書,你愛自己嗎?就讓我們把這 份愛慢慢傳開去,我們自己,家人,朋友,社會甚至國家才得救。看起來很凝 重的書,思想過後,人會變得好輕鬆。 黃泆潼 (DJ Miss Yellow) - 香港藝人及 DJ Blessed are those who read this book. This is a book of love. Do you love yourself? Let us slowly spread this love to our family, friends, society and even countries, so we can be resuscitated. The book seems very imposing but after reflection, the reader becomes well relaxed.
  • 10. DJ Miss Yellow, Hong Kong popular artist and disc jockey 19. 我自己也是一個很喜歡看電影的人。我很欣賞這一群年青人的創意和決 心,更重要的是此書背後的動機,他們希望藉着這一本書去籌募經費,幫助孤 兒。看完這本書後,我覺得以二十一歲的學生的水平,他們觀賞電影的成熟 度、深度、廣泛性都非常出色。一部電影,是由很多人花很多的心血、時間去 製作出來,我們只需花費數十元便能觀賞一部電影,實在是物超所值。在觀賞 電影的同時,我們亦能從中了解導演希望藉電影傳達的信息。看完這本書,某 程度上,我們可以投入作者的情感之中,使欣賞電影的水平提高。與此同時, 亦能幫助一些孤兒。因此,我強烈推薦這本書給一些年青人以及喜愛電影的朋 友。 莊太量博士 - 香港中文大學經濟系副教授 I am also a person who likes to watch movies. I appreciate this group of young people's creativity and determination. More importantly, I support their motivation for writing the book as they would like to use this book to raise funds to help orphans. After reading this book, I feel that the level of maturity, depth, and breadth of these 21-year-olds’ movie examination are very high. While people spend a lot of effort and time to produce a film, we only need to spend a few bucks to be able to watch a movie. The value of this item is beyond its price. When we are watching a movie, we can learn about the message the film director wanted to convey. After reading this book, we can engage in the authors’ feelings to some extent and raise our level of film appreciation. Furthermore, we can help some orphans with this book. Therefore, I strongly recommend this book to young people and those who love movies. Prof. Terence Chong, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Institute of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 20. 人生如戲,戲如人生!以一顆赤子之心,他們遊走在 21 套電影的世界裡, 對生命作出省思, 帶出領悟,也帶出啟示。邀請您貼近年青的心,與他們一起 體驗生命中的驚喜!
  • 11. 張德恩 - 馬來西亞多媒體製作人 Life is like a drama, as drama like life! With their pure hearts, the authors walked through the world of the 21 films to reflect on life, to provide insights, and to bring revelations. I invite you to get close to the young hearts, and experience life's surprises with them! Cheung Tak Yan, Multimedia Producer in Malaysia 21. 多麼令人忌妒的書名!如果我也是二十出頭,無論如何要把自己的文章塞 進去。 樊善標博士 - 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系副教授及香港文學研究中心主任 This is the title to be jealous of! If I were to tell you that I am in my early twenties, I would place my own articles into this book no matter what. Prof Fan Sin-piu, Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 22. 消費能帶來人生反省 , 心靈洗滌是一種超值的消費 , 就如你買下本書細讀 一樣。 林以諾牧師 - Network J 義務執行董事及暢銷書《遇見天天微笑的自己》作者 Consumption can bring us to reflect on life. Cleansing the soul is a type of consumption that is of great value; likewise, buying the book is a worthy consumption. Pastor Enoch Lam, Voluntary Executive of Network J. and Senior Pastor of the Crossroad Community Baptist Church
  • 12. 23. 透過這本書, 我看見七個年青人下了相當功夫做資料搜集, 更讓我稍稍看見 八十後眼中的世界。 享利潘 - 電影《生命揸 FIT 人》、《賭神之神》導演 Through this book, I saw seven young people putting a considerable effort to collect data. The book let me see a part of the world through the eyes of these children of the eighties. Henry Poon, film director of The Boss Up There (1999) and Return From The Other World (2002) 24. 有情才有生命,忙碌的你,為何不靜下來傾聽赤子訴說心聲! 何佩然博士 - 香港中文大學李和聲香港歷史資源中心主任 Only when you have sentient, you have life. Why not let your busy soul calm down and listen to the voice of the young pure hearts? Prof. Ho Pui-yin, director of Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre, Shaw College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong 25. 希望你們看完這本書後會感受到這班擁有善心的青年帶給你們一點一滴的 愛。 李蘢怡 - 演員及歌手 After reading this book, I hope you will feel every drop of love this group of good-hearted youth would like to bring you. Tiffany Lee, Hong Kong actress and singer 26. 要了解香港現時年青一代,特別是他們的夢想、感受、對世界、對事物、 對人生的看法,從這本由他們構思、執筆、推動出版的文集入手,應是上佳的 選擇。
  • 13. 劉紹麟博士 - 香港中文大學社會學系導師 If you want to understand the younger generation in Hong Kong, in particular, their dreams, feelings, and their views on the world, different issues, and life, this anthology, which is designed, written, and published by them, should be a good choice. Dr. Lau Siu-lun, Instructor, Department of Sociology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong 27. 我在下著大雨的兩個晚上看了好幾個故事……沒錯, 最好和最壞的時光當 然會一併遠去……無論最壞與最好;順境或逆境, 信念是最重要的。活在當 下。 盧巧音 - 多媒體藝人 I read several stories in the past two nights with heavy rain ... Yes, of course, the best and worst time will be gone ... whether this is the worst or the best time, and whether this is a good or bad time, faith is the most important. Let’s live for the present moment. Candy Lo, Hong Kong multimedia artist 28. 《21》由一幫有心有力有思想的八十後耗用了無數過日與夜撰寫出的一本 好書。 Phat - 24HERBS 成員 "21" is a good book written by a group of considerate and determined youths of the 80s, who spent countless nights in completing the work. Phat, member of 24HERBS, a Hong Kong Hip Hop group
  • 14. 5.3 Collaboration/Promoted Book List: Good Idea - Book Fair 香港書展 2014 1 香港浸會大學 HKBU GOOGLE BOOKS edir_esc=y HK Libraries HKMA K S LO COLLEGE 香港管理專業協會羅桂祥中學 中華傳道會李賢堯紀念中學 CNEC Lee I Yao Mem. Sec. Sch. 迦密愛禮信中學 CALFSS 3%CD%B0a 北角協同中學 CLSNP吳凱軒 &csc=t&ffn&type=ae 聖公會梁季彝中學 SKHYSS 8&act=HS&lang=0&arg1=吳凱軒&csc=t&ffn&type=ae 五育中學 NYSS 3%CD%B0a WordPress 聖安當女書院 SAGC %CD%B0a 保良局董玉娣中學 PLKTYTC
  • 15. %B3%CD%B0a 基督教崇真中學 TTCA %CD%B0a 中華傳道會劉永生中學 LWS %CD%B0a 香港神託會培基書院 Stewards Pooi Kei College 8&idx=idxid8&rcn=ACPN&lact=HS&ffn=201404190713292V27K.flg&pbr=all&ma t=all&sidx=1&hpg=1&loc=all&type=ae&act=FS&arg1=吳梓明 &arg2&csc=t&pby=all&dbc&arg1ex&lang=1 聖言中學 Sing Yin Secondary School 宣道會屯門堂 TMA CHURCH