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Grand Sierra Resort & Casino - Reno, NV
March 23-26, 2010

                                              HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT
In the pages that follow, you’ll see several marketing pieces, media coverage and extensive images
and captions that portray the experience during The V Foundation Charity Poker Tournament.

The three-day event boasted a schedule full of activities that made the experience for the
celebrities so intriguing.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
> Celebrity guest arrivals
> Informal gathering and musical performance from The Jacob Luttrell Trio

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
> Celebrity ski trip to Mount Rose
> Welcome Party & Cocktail Reception
> The V Foundation Charity Poker Tournament

Thursday, March 25, 2010
> Take It Downhill Celebrity Ski Off
> Gemstone Winery - Winemaker Dinner at Briscola

                                                HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT

                                                          Left: Phil “Unabomber”
Above: Christian Fauria with                              Laak getting a massage on
Liv Boeree.                                               his legendary mug.
Below: Grand Sierra CEO                                   Top Right: Event Host Alex
Richard Silverman.                                        Outhred rocked the mic.

                                                                                           Above: Fauria chats
                                                                                           with the ailing Matt
                                                                                           Below: Dani Stern’s not
                                                                                           happy about losing a
                                                                                           big pot.
                       Left: Maria Ho poses with
                       McLean Karr during a break in
                       between deals.
                       Below: Jeff Madsen ponders
                       his next move as the action at
                       the final table heats up.

                                                        Above: Antonio Esfandiari
                                                        steals the mic from Outhred
                                                        to call the action at his table.

Below: The V Found.                                     Bottom Right: Local Derek
mainstay Julie                                          Farrington gets his ESPN
Constantin with final                                    moment after taking
tableist Dani Stern.                                    down 3 pros for the title.

                               Right: Power Poker
                               couple, Liv Boeree
                               and Allie Prescott
                               ponder which items
                               to bid on at the
                               enormous silent
                               auction selection.

                                           HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT
                                                             Christian Fauria and Trishelle Cannatella
                                                             report from the top of Mount Rose just
                                                             before Rick Fuller shoots out of the gate for
                                                             his first run wearing jeans!

                                                                           McLean Karr brags to Trishelle
                                                                           after knocking out Eric Aude
                                                                           from the competition, while
                                                                           Alex Outhred shows love to
                                                                           Antonio Esfandiari even though
Liv Boeree ripped her way to the finals                                     he lost by the tip of his skis.
but in her interview seemed to think
Antonio had an unfair advantage.

                                         Antonio confesses
                                         his Gatorade was
                                         his lucky charm
                                         and it seemed to
                                         have worked with
                                         carves like this.

                                               HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT

                                         At the reception even the
                                        spread was all about poker!
                                        Julie with movie star Jennifer
                                          Elise Cox and winemaker
                                                Michael Turner.

The Jacob Luttrell Trio kicks off the                                     The V Foundation’s Julie Constantin
festivities at the Pre Poker Tourney                                     thanks the crowd before introducing
Cocktail Reception.                                                            the powerful Jimmy V Speech.
                                                 Phil Laak, actress
                                                 Jennifer Tilly and
                                                 Antonio Esfandiari
                                                 pose with Tourney
                                                 Winnner Derek
                                                 Farrington and his
                                                 wife Angel.

                                                                                            Below: Derek &
                                                                                        Angel with Julie and
                                                                                         Gemstone Winery’s
                                                                                          owner Paul Frank

                                                 Guests enjoyed an
                                                 intimate setting
                                                 and a wonderful
                                                 four course
                                                 meal paired with
                                                 extravagant wines
                                                 from Gemstone

                                                 HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT
Selection Of Pre & Post Print Media Coverage & Testimonials
Full Tilt, Poker From the Rail:
The poker tournament takes place on Wednesday, March 24th at the Grand Sierra Resort Casino in Reno, NV
for a buyin of just $200 with $100 rebuys. Half the prize pool will benefit The V Foundation with the other half
going into a prizepool. There will also be sponsor prizes, pro poker lessons and the winner will have a cancer
grant created in their name. There are many pros scheduled to participate including Antonio Esfandiari, Alex
Outhred, Liv Boeree, Lacey Jones, Adam “Roothlus” Levy, Allie Prescott along with Full Tilt pro Jeff Madsen. The
tournament kicks off at 7pm following a cocktail party which will entertain and loosen up bankrolls.
                          The following day brings an interesting twist to the standard charity tournament.
                          Many of the pros will move from the poker table to the mountain for a “Celebrity
                          Heads Up Ski-off” which will pit competitors against each other as they race down
                          the mountain. It should be a great spectacle as many young guns of poker take to
                          the slopes in an attempt to raise more money and entertain the masses. They will be
                          paired up and begin racing at 11am on March, 25th with a BBQ to follow.

Poker News Daily:
On March 24th, the Grand Sierra Resort Casino in Reno will host a $220 buy-in charity poker tournament ben-
efiting the V Foundation. The event will be televised on ESPN2 and kicks off at 7:00pm local time.
A bevy of poker players are slated to appear in the name of charity, including Victory Poker front man
Antonio Esfandiari, pro Adam “Roothlus” Levy, two-time World Series of Poker (WSOP) bracelet
winner Jeff Madsen, poker instructor Alex Outhred, Alec “traheho” Torelli, former “Amazing Race” contestant
Tiffany Michelle, Erick Lindgren’s significant other Erica Schoenberg, 2007 Playboy Playmate of the Year Sara
Underwood, actor Mekhi Pfifer, embattled baseball great Jose Canseco, Absolute Poker’s Trishelle Cannatella,
and Liv Boeree.

Poker Listings:
“UB and Absolute Poker’s Trishelle Cannatella are co-hosting a two-day
charity poker tournament to benefit cancer research in Reno beginning
today. The V Foundation Charity Poker Tournament also features a silent
auction, private dinner and a “Take It Downhill” Poker Pro Ski Challenge.”

Poker Road:
The Grand Resort and Casino in Reno, Nevada, will be hosting a special charity poker tournament this
Wednesday, March 24th, to benefit The V Foundation and it’s ongoing efforts to fight against cancer, and quite
a few familiar names are hoping regular folks will join them when they attend.
This special $230 buy-in (w/$100 rebuys) event, currently is expecting numerous top players and celebrities
including Antonio Esfandiari, Liv Boeree, Jose Canseco and Mekhi Phifer, and is just one part of an exciting
overall gathering that also features an impressive private dinner the next day prepared by top chefs, with
complimentary wine from Gemstone Vineyard, as well as a special silent auction with many significant donated

Pros Step Up in Reno to Play for Cancer Research - Luck Dog Poker:
“The chance to play against top-level poker pros for just a $230 buy-in (plus $100 rebuys) was a great

Liv Boeree:
“The evening was a fun night of charity tournament rebuy madness (I managed to dump $700 during the rebuy
period by getting two outed every hand)... and fun was had.”

                                                      HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT
Jimmy V Foundation Charity Event in Reno/Tahoe - Adam “Roothlus” Levy
Last week Katie, Amit, Trishelle, & I went on a 3-day vacation to Reno, Nevada for a charity tournament. The organiza-
tion putting together the charity tournament was the Jimmy V Foundation and if you’ve never heard of them, you should
definitely google the name, Jimmy Valvano. He was a basketball coach who took a Cinderella team, NC State, to a na-
tional championship but unfortunately succumbed to cancer years later. ESPN endorses the foundation and it is cancer
research group....

The next day we took to the slopes. It was Amit & my first time ever. After having to buy $200 worth of ski clothes and fill-
ing out some waivers, we were good to go...Once we did, they told us to take the skis for a ride and somehow I didn’t fall
after going down a small hill. Amit however wasn’t so fortunate. Granted he didn’t hurt himself or anything but it still was
funny to watch. Speaking of watching it, you can check out my Youtube account, Roothlus1, and watch exactly what I just
described plus other cool videos. Amit and I were able to get lessons from a really cool guy who was a great teacher....
I fell a few times initially, not because it was hard, but because I had trouble stopping...Takes a long time to get going but
once I do, look out!...Our instructor was riding a little faster in front of us. He was swerving back and forth when I started
picking up steam and couldn’t get myself to slow down. I screamed “Watch out! I’m coming!”. He didn’t hear me and I
crashed into him. Luckily we weren’t going too fast so we were okay. Amit was behind us both and he was able to maneu-
ver around us. As we’re down on the ground laughing we hear him make some sort of a yelp while trying to dodge hitting
us...We’re down on the ground watching him and he can’t stop himself. There was a fork in the trail approaching and he
decided to go the uphill way but when he angled his skis that way, he turned to fast and went off the trail at a decent
speed. He hit a bump and got airborne and he smacked into a stone wall with his skis first. We had to see if he was okay
and once we saw that he was, we burst out in laughter...Once we finished the trail, the lesson was over and overall our first
day on the slopes was a success...

Later that night we played in the charity tournament. I ended up having both Amit and
Tara at my table and I knocked them out in back-to-back hands. Go figure. I was able
to play with Jan from the Brady Bunch, which I thought was pretty cool. She was really
nice and made our table a lot of fun. I ended up going pretty deep in the tournament
getting 17th. Jeff Madsen busted me and hopefully that footage will show up on ESPN
when they air this...Matt Graham ended up going on to finish 2nd and hopefully got
some tv time as well. A local Reno poker player scooped up first place so that was
cool that a local beat out all the poker pros there.

The charity event was a blast and I would happily go back again if they decided to have another one of these. I’ll also be
way more inclined to go skiing now that I learned a thing or two. Now I’m off to Fort Lauderdale to visit the fam and then
Mohegan Sun on the 6th. It’s always nice to visit home and see old friends. It puts things in perspective a bit and makes
me appreciate everything more. Until next time peace out!

Reno Charity Tournament - Matt Graham
                                    Hey guys. Really short blog today because I broke my elbow and tore liga-
                                    ments in my elbow in a ski wipeout. I am out in Reno for a V Foundation charity
                                    tournament. The tournament was last night and I actually got 3rd despite being
                                    zoned out on pain killers the whole time...I got 3 outed vs a local player for like
                                    85% of the chips in play. I was giving it all back to the charity anyways in the
                                    form of half straight to the charity and the other half to be used to buy items in
                                    the charity auction. I was able to get two totally awesome items though...So all
                                    in all it wasnt too bad of a day despite the injury...

                                                  HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT
Crazy good week! - Michael Binger
I went to Reno for a charity poker tournament benefiting the V Foundation. This was founded by the late great
basketball coach Jimmy Valvano and ESPN to benefit cancer research. After spending a couple days with the
V Foundation people I was totally impressed... this is one of the most worthy charities out there. So I was very
happy to go crazy during the rebuy period: I think I was in for 15-18 buy-ins (at $100 each). I didn’t make it very
far in the tourney but I had a lot of fun anyway. I also bid on and won several items from the silent auction...

The next day we went to Mount Rose ski resort. The conditions were pretty
good, with 6 inches of fresh powder. I also participated in the Poker Pro ski
race. Now this sounds dangerous: taking very competitive (and sometimes
reckless) poker players and having them race down a mountain! Somehow
nobody got injured during the race, probably because it was somewhat short
slalom course. I was the only snowboarder out of the 16 competitors. In
hindsight, I think being on a board was a serious detriment... it was hard to
compete with a competent skier. Anyway, not making excuses (ok I guess I
am), but I lost my first round race to Alex Outhred, a very good skier and great guy. Antonio went on to win the
whole thing.

The rest of the day was blissful boarding. That evening we were treated to an amazing wine dinner...
Seems like I couldn’t get any better...

best of luck,
Michael Binger

My March Madness – Tiffany Michelle
Shortly after that trip I headed to Reno for another cool charity event. I joined several of my poker pro and
celebrity pals for the V Foundation’s charity poker tournament. Of course, after making it deep in the tourney
                                                  I knew I had NO SHOT the moment I sat down at Brandon Cantu’s
                                                  table – aka THE LUCKIEST PLAYER ON EARTH. I got all in with 10s
                                                  verses his 7s and obviously he went four to a flush to knock me
                                                  out... which is what we call getting “CANTU-ED”! On this trip we
                                                  were all able to get out of the casino for the day and hit the ski
                                                  slopes! It was pretty funny to see so many poker players out of
                                                  their element, wrapped up in scarves, beanies, winter jackets and
                                                  boots, trudging through the snow. ESPN was covering our “poker
                                                  and powder” weekend which included a Celebrity Poker Pro ski
                                                  race. I was hopeful about my first heat, racing against Liv Boeree
                                                  but a last minute change paired me against Antonio Esfandiari. I
grew up skiing and thought I’d had a decent chance against that goofball, especially when the little Hustler
told me he MAYBE skis once a year. Needless to say, Antonio SCHOOLED ME! It wasn’t even close. I was kinda
just happy just to make it down the icy hill without a major wipeout, which the TV cameras would have been
delighted to catch. I also felt like less of a loser when Antonio went on to beat every other racer and win the
entire thing! Nice job Esfandiari.... WE SHALL MEET AGAIN!

                                                 HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT
Nevada High Points:
“It was a wild and exciting ride last night at the V Foundation’s Celebrity/Charity Poker Tournament held at the
Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada.”

Bluff Magazine:
When Derek Farrington’s wife wandered into the Grand Sierra Resort and
Casino poker room this week, the last thing she expected was to end up
seated next to Phil “The Unabomber” Laak playing $1/$2. The serendipitous
moment did in fact occur though and it resulted in her husband taking part
in the charity poker tournament benefitting The Jimmy V Foundation.
Farrington was one of 48 players who took part in the $200 rebuy event at
the Grand Sierra. He was surrounded by a long list of pros including Laak,
Antonio Esfandiari, Tiffany Michelle, Maria Ho, Adam “Roothlus” Levy, Jerry Yang, Jeff Madsen, Dani Stern and
Jennifer Tilly. Emceed by Alex Outhred and Trishelle Cannatella, the tournament and accompanying silent
auction raised in the realm of $50,000 for the organization, which raises money for cancer research.
                     The charity event raised both money and awareness for the cause and the representa-
                     tives from the Jimmy V Foundation were more than pleased with the results. Board mem-
                     ber Julie Constantin told Bluff she thought, “the event went incredibly. “You want to raise
                     money, but you also want to raise awareness,” she added. “It’s been an incredibly inspir-
                     ing evening for me.”
                    There is the potential for the event to inspire others as well, as it was filmed by ESPN2
                    and will air on the network later this year in tandem with a downhill ski race featuring
poker pros and celebrities held on Mt. Rose. The finals of the tournament style ski-race came down to Liv
Boeree and Esfandiari, with the Magician claiming the honor of poker’s best ski bunny.
Farrington collected the top prize of $4,877, some of which was spent on silent auction items benefitting the
charity. Graham pledged half his winnings to the charity and spent the other half on silent auction items and
several other players followed suit donating a portion of their winnings.

Poker News Daily:
At the tournament itself, the Tweets flew as fast as the cards themselves. WSOP double bracelet holder
Brandon Cantu started by Tweeting, “Jimmy V foundation charity tourney i have matt graham to my right any
time he enters a pot i’m moving in.” Others would follow with their Tweets, with Liv Boeree and Tiffany Michelle
chirping about their defeats at the hands of Cantu. “I swear @BrandonCantu is my poker nemesis,” Michelle
commented. “Got it all in with 10s v his 7s obv he goes four to a flush. That’s what we call getting Cantued!”
Boeree would prove to have no better luck when she went head-to-head with Cantu: “Playing the charity
tournament. just got Cantued for big pot, obv.”
Fellow WSOP double bracelet winner Jeff Madsen had much better luck in going up against Cantu, however.
“Wow beat Cantu in an all in,” Madsen Tweeted as he made his run to the final table of the event. “Final table.
I make every charity final table. All of my proceeds will be donated to the Jeff Madsen Fund,” Madsen jokingly
tweeted after he made it. The winner of the tournament will have a cancer research grant created in their
The mountains of Reno would prove to be a tempting diversion for several of the participants in the V
Foundation event. Hitting the slopes for some skiing and snowboarding were poker pros Amit “amak316”
Makhija, Adam “Roothlus” Levy, and Boeree, prompting Savage to Tweet, “please don’t break anything!”
Madsen, who was boarding with Trishelle Cannatella and Cantu, looked to get some action on the activity
by Tweeting, “I put the number of broken bones in the group at over 0.5.” Apparently, all made it though the
mountains without issue because Michelle Tweeted to fellow snow surfers Alex Outhred, Boeree, Cantu, and
Madsen this morning, “4-6 new inches of snow on the mountain today... we might not kill ourselves YEAY!”

                                                       HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT
  TiffanyMichelle                                                                                                 TiffanyMichelle
                                                                                                                  Poker Pro Ski Challenge at Mt. Rose next
  If you’re in the Reno area come join your                                                                       week in conjunction with the charity event
  favorite poker pros and celebs for a super                                                                      - my 1st heat is vs @liv_boeree BRING IT
  fun charity tourney next week                                                                                   BRITAIN ;-)
                                                                   Arrived at The Grand Sierra. Let
                                                                   the festivities begin...

       Come join me in Tahoe for a charity trnmnt                                                   Gamblindude
       benefitting the Jimmy V foundation. March                                                     SEA -> RNO for the V foundation
       23rd-26th should be great...                                                                 charity tournament and ski race.

                    Flying to Reno with a huge crew to
                                                                                                          Just tried to play some guitar
                    play a charity tournament for the
                                                                                                          with a funk-blues band in Reno.
                    Jimmy V foundation.

TrishelleC                                                                                                          Playing the Jimmy V Foundation charity
At the grand Sierra for the V charity                                                                               tourney. What a great cause. Have Jan
poker tourny cocktail reception with                       Gamblindude                                              from the Brady Bunch. She’s really cool.
everyone. Fun Times!
                                                           Playing in the Jimmy V foundation charity
                                                           poker tournament in Reno. Already got it all
                                                           in with 75 against Maria Ho’s KK. Rebuy!

   playing the charity tournament.                                                                          brandoncantu
   just got Cantued for big pot, obv.                                                                       Jimmy v foundation charity tourney
                                                                                                            i have matt graham to my right any
                                               TrishelleC                                                   time he enters a pot im moving in
                                               Long day on the slopes filming take
                                               it downhill with poker pros for ESPN.
                                               Christian Fauria was an awesome co host.                            AlliePrescott
                                               Resting then dinner
  Gamblindude                                                                                                      Congrats @liv_boeree for your near rise to
                                                                                                                   greatness and appearance in the final 4...last
  Out in 18th place in this charity
                                                                                                                   girl will still never beat me
  event. I guess I have to try and win
  the ski race tomorrow!
                                                             finished second in the ski race to
                                                             antonio esfandiari... so close!!!!!
                                                             Such a fun day!
@jb_SID V Foundation Event was                                                                                      MariaHo
great thanks to all of you guys and
                                                                                                                    @SportsIdentity It was great meeting you in
all your hard work!! See y’all soon!
                                                             TiffanyMichelle                                        Reno and I had a wonderful time! You guys
                                                                                                                    put on a great event!!! =)
                                                             Excellent time in Reno with these
                                                             ladies, raising $ for the V Foundation.
                                                             Made some delicious new friends too!

                  HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT

Thank You To All Of Our Partners & Sponsors
Event created and managed by Sports Identity, Inc.

                 840 Summer Street
                     Third Floor
                  Boston, MA 02127

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The V Foundation - Reno Hold 'Em & Celeb Ski

  • 1. Grand Sierra Resort & Casino - Reno, NV March 23-26, 2010
  • 2. CHARITY NO-LIMIT RENO 2010 HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT VISUAL EVENT RECAP In the pages that follow, you’ll see several marketing pieces, media coverage and extensive images and captions that portray the experience during The V Foundation Charity Poker Tournament. EVENT ITINERARY The three-day event boasted a schedule full of activities that made the experience for the celebrities so intriguing. Tuesday, March 23, 2010 > Celebrity guest arrivals > Informal gathering and musical performance from The Jacob Luttrell Trio Wednesday, March 24, 2010 > Celebrity ski trip to Mount Rose > Welcome Party & Cocktail Reception > The V Foundation Charity Poker Tournament Thursday, March 25, 2010 > Take It Downhill Celebrity Ski Off > Gemstone Winery - Winemaker Dinner at Briscola
  • 3.
  • 4. CHARITY NO-LIMIT RENO 2010 HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT Left: Phil “Unabomber” Above: Christian Fauria with Laak getting a massage on Liv Boeree. his legendary mug. Below: Grand Sierra CEO Top Right: Event Host Alex Richard Silverman. Outhred rocked the mic. Above: Fauria chats with the ailing Matt Graham. Below: Dani Stern’s not happy about losing a big pot. Left: Maria Ho poses with McLean Karr during a break in between deals. Below: Jeff Madsen ponders his next move as the action at the final table heats up. Above: Antonio Esfandiari steals the mic from Outhred to call the action at his table. Below: The V Found. Bottom Right: Local Derek mainstay Julie Farrington gets his ESPN Constantin with final moment after taking tableist Dani Stern. down 3 pros for the title. Right: Power Poker couple, Liv Boeree and Allie Prescott ponder which items to bid on at the enormous silent auction selection.
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  • 6. CHARITY NO-LIMIT RENO 2010 HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT Christian Fauria and Trishelle Cannatella report from the top of Mount Rose just before Rick Fuller shoots out of the gate for his first run wearing jeans! McLean Karr brags to Trishelle after knocking out Eric Aude from the competition, while Alex Outhred shows love to Antonio Esfandiari even though Liv Boeree ripped her way to the finals he lost by the tip of his skis. but in her interview seemed to think Antonio had an unfair advantage. Antonio confesses his Gatorade was his lucky charm and it seemed to have worked with carves like this.
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  • 8. CHARITY NO-LIMIT RENO 2010 HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT At the reception even the spread was all about poker! Julie with movie star Jennifer Elise Cox and winemaker Michael Turner. The Jacob Luttrell Trio kicks off the The V Foundation’s Julie Constantin festivities at the Pre Poker Tourney thanks the crowd before introducing Cocktail Reception. the powerful Jimmy V Speech. Phil Laak, actress Jennifer Tilly and Antonio Esfandiari pose with Tourney Winnner Derek Farrington and his wife Angel. Below: Derek & Angel with Julie and Gemstone Winery’s owner Paul Frank Guests enjoyed an intimate setting and a wonderful four course meal paired with extravagant wines from Gemstone Vineyards.
  • 9. CHARITY NO-LIMIT RENO 2010 HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT Selection Of Pre & Post Print Media Coverage & Testimonials Full Tilt, Poker From the Rail: The poker tournament takes place on Wednesday, March 24th at the Grand Sierra Resort Casino in Reno, NV for a buyin of just $200 with $100 rebuys. Half the prize pool will benefit The V Foundation with the other half going into a prizepool. There will also be sponsor prizes, pro poker lessons and the winner will have a cancer grant created in their name. There are many pros scheduled to participate including Antonio Esfandiari, Alex Outhred, Liv Boeree, Lacey Jones, Adam “Roothlus” Levy, Allie Prescott along with Full Tilt pro Jeff Madsen. The tournament kicks off at 7pm following a cocktail party which will entertain and loosen up bankrolls. The following day brings an interesting twist to the standard charity tournament. Many of the pros will move from the poker table to the mountain for a “Celebrity Heads Up Ski-off” which will pit competitors against each other as they race down the mountain. It should be a great spectacle as many young guns of poker take to the slopes in an attempt to raise more money and entertain the masses. They will be paired up and begin racing at 11am on March, 25th with a BBQ to follow. Poker News Daily: On March 24th, the Grand Sierra Resort Casino in Reno will host a $220 buy-in charity poker tournament ben- efiting the V Foundation. The event will be televised on ESPN2 and kicks off at 7:00pm local time. A bevy of poker players are slated to appear in the name of charity, including Victory Poker front man Antonio Esfandiari, pro Adam “Roothlus” Levy, two-time World Series of Poker (WSOP) bracelet winner Jeff Madsen, poker instructor Alex Outhred, Alec “traheho” Torelli, former “Amazing Race” contestant Tiffany Michelle, Erick Lindgren’s significant other Erica Schoenberg, 2007 Playboy Playmate of the Year Sara Underwood, actor Mekhi Pfifer, embattled baseball great Jose Canseco, Absolute Poker’s Trishelle Cannatella, and Liv Boeree. Poker Listings: “UB and Absolute Poker’s Trishelle Cannatella are co-hosting a two-day charity poker tournament to benefit cancer research in Reno beginning today. The V Foundation Charity Poker Tournament also features a silent auction, private dinner and a “Take It Downhill” Poker Pro Ski Challenge.” Poker Road: The Grand Resort and Casino in Reno, Nevada, will be hosting a special charity poker tournament this Wednesday, March 24th, to benefit The V Foundation and it’s ongoing efforts to fight against cancer, and quite a few familiar names are hoping regular folks will join them when they attend. This special $230 buy-in (w/$100 rebuys) event, currently is expecting numerous top players and celebrities including Antonio Esfandiari, Liv Boeree, Jose Canseco and Mekhi Phifer, and is just one part of an exciting overall gathering that also features an impressive private dinner the next day prepared by top chefs, with complimentary wine from Gemstone Vineyard, as well as a special silent auction with many significant donated prizes. Pros Step Up in Reno to Play for Cancer Research - Luck Dog Poker: “The chance to play against top-level poker pros for just a $230 buy-in (plus $100 rebuys) was a great opportunity.” Liv Boeree: “The evening was a fun night of charity tournament rebuy madness (I managed to dump $700 during the rebuy period by getting two outed every hand)... and fun was had.”
  • 10. CHARITY NO-LIMIT RENO 2010 HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT Jimmy V Foundation Charity Event in Reno/Tahoe - Adam “Roothlus” Levy Last week Katie, Amit, Trishelle, & I went on a 3-day vacation to Reno, Nevada for a charity tournament. The organiza- tion putting together the charity tournament was the Jimmy V Foundation and if you’ve never heard of them, you should definitely google the name, Jimmy Valvano. He was a basketball coach who took a Cinderella team, NC State, to a na- tional championship but unfortunately succumbed to cancer years later. ESPN endorses the foundation and it is cancer research group.... The next day we took to the slopes. It was Amit & my first time ever. After having to buy $200 worth of ski clothes and fill- ing out some waivers, we were good to go...Once we did, they told us to take the skis for a ride and somehow I didn’t fall after going down a small hill. Amit however wasn’t so fortunate. Granted he didn’t hurt himself or anything but it still was funny to watch. Speaking of watching it, you can check out my Youtube account, Roothlus1, and watch exactly what I just described plus other cool videos. Amit and I were able to get lessons from a really cool guy who was a great teacher.... I fell a few times initially, not because it was hard, but because I had trouble stopping...Takes a long time to get going but once I do, look out!...Our instructor was riding a little faster in front of us. He was swerving back and forth when I started picking up steam and couldn’t get myself to slow down. I screamed “Watch out! I’m coming!”. He didn’t hear me and I crashed into him. Luckily we weren’t going too fast so we were okay. Amit was behind us both and he was able to maneu- ver around us. As we’re down on the ground laughing we hear him make some sort of a yelp while trying to dodge hitting us...We’re down on the ground watching him and he can’t stop himself. There was a fork in the trail approaching and he decided to go the uphill way but when he angled his skis that way, he turned to fast and went off the trail at a decent speed. He hit a bump and got airborne and he smacked into a stone wall with his skis first. We had to see if he was okay and once we saw that he was, we burst out in laughter...Once we finished the trail, the lesson was over and overall our first day on the slopes was a success... Later that night we played in the charity tournament. I ended up having both Amit and Tara at my table and I knocked them out in back-to-back hands. Go figure. I was able to play with Jan from the Brady Bunch, which I thought was pretty cool. She was really nice and made our table a lot of fun. I ended up going pretty deep in the tournament getting 17th. Jeff Madsen busted me and hopefully that footage will show up on ESPN when they air this...Matt Graham ended up going on to finish 2nd and hopefully got some tv time as well. A local Reno poker player scooped up first place so that was cool that a local beat out all the poker pros there. The charity event was a blast and I would happily go back again if they decided to have another one of these. I’ll also be way more inclined to go skiing now that I learned a thing or two. Now I’m off to Fort Lauderdale to visit the fam and then Mohegan Sun on the 6th. It’s always nice to visit home and see old friends. It puts things in perspective a bit and makes me appreciate everything more. Until next time peace out! Reno Charity Tournament - Matt Graham Hey guys. Really short blog today because I broke my elbow and tore liga- ments in my elbow in a ski wipeout. I am out in Reno for a V Foundation charity tournament. The tournament was last night and I actually got 3rd despite being zoned out on pain killers the whole time...I got 3 outed vs a local player for like 85% of the chips in play. I was giving it all back to the charity anyways in the form of half straight to the charity and the other half to be used to buy items in the charity auction. I was able to get two totally awesome items though...So all in all it wasnt too bad of a day despite the injury...
  • 11. CHARITY NO-LIMIT RENO 2010 HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT Crazy good week! - Michael Binger I went to Reno for a charity poker tournament benefiting the V Foundation. This was founded by the late great basketball coach Jimmy Valvano and ESPN to benefit cancer research. After spending a couple days with the V Foundation people I was totally impressed... this is one of the most worthy charities out there. So I was very happy to go crazy during the rebuy period: I think I was in for 15-18 buy-ins (at $100 each). I didn’t make it very far in the tourney but I had a lot of fun anyway. I also bid on and won several items from the silent auction... The next day we went to Mount Rose ski resort. The conditions were pretty good, with 6 inches of fresh powder. I also participated in the Poker Pro ski race. Now this sounds dangerous: taking very competitive (and sometimes reckless) poker players and having them race down a mountain! Somehow nobody got injured during the race, probably because it was somewhat short slalom course. I was the only snowboarder out of the 16 competitors. In hindsight, I think being on a board was a serious detriment... it was hard to compete with a competent skier. Anyway, not making excuses (ok I guess I am), but I lost my first round race to Alex Outhred, a very good skier and great guy. Antonio went on to win the whole thing. The rest of the day was blissful boarding. That evening we were treated to an amazing wine dinner... Seems like I couldn’t get any better... best of luck, Michael Binger My March Madness – Tiffany Michelle Shortly after that trip I headed to Reno for another cool charity event. I joined several of my poker pro and celebrity pals for the V Foundation’s charity poker tournament. Of course, after making it deep in the tourney I knew I had NO SHOT the moment I sat down at Brandon Cantu’s table – aka THE LUCKIEST PLAYER ON EARTH. I got all in with 10s verses his 7s and obviously he went four to a flush to knock me out... which is what we call getting “CANTU-ED”! On this trip we were all able to get out of the casino for the day and hit the ski slopes! It was pretty funny to see so many poker players out of their element, wrapped up in scarves, beanies, winter jackets and boots, trudging through the snow. ESPN was covering our “poker and powder” weekend which included a Celebrity Poker Pro ski race. I was hopeful about my first heat, racing against Liv Boeree but a last minute change paired me against Antonio Esfandiari. I grew up skiing and thought I’d had a decent chance against that goofball, especially when the little Hustler told me he MAYBE skis once a year. Needless to say, Antonio SCHOOLED ME! It wasn’t even close. I was kinda just happy just to make it down the icy hill without a major wipeout, which the TV cameras would have been delighted to catch. I also felt like less of a loser when Antonio went on to beat every other racer and win the entire thing! Nice job Esfandiari.... WE SHALL MEET AGAIN!
  • 12. CHARITY NO-LIMIT RENO 2010 HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT Nevada High Points: “It was a wild and exciting ride last night at the V Foundation’s Celebrity/Charity Poker Tournament held at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada.” Bluff Magazine: When Derek Farrington’s wife wandered into the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino poker room this week, the last thing she expected was to end up seated next to Phil “The Unabomber” Laak playing $1/$2. The serendipitous moment did in fact occur though and it resulted in her husband taking part in the charity poker tournament benefitting The Jimmy V Foundation. Farrington was one of 48 players who took part in the $200 rebuy event at the Grand Sierra. He was surrounded by a long list of pros including Laak, Antonio Esfandiari, Tiffany Michelle, Maria Ho, Adam “Roothlus” Levy, Jerry Yang, Jeff Madsen, Dani Stern and Jennifer Tilly. Emceed by Alex Outhred and Trishelle Cannatella, the tournament and accompanying silent auction raised in the realm of $50,000 for the organization, which raises money for cancer research. The charity event raised both money and awareness for the cause and the representa- tives from the Jimmy V Foundation were more than pleased with the results. Board mem- ber Julie Constantin told Bluff she thought, “the event went incredibly. “You want to raise money, but you also want to raise awareness,” she added. “It’s been an incredibly inspir- ing evening for me.” There is the potential for the event to inspire others as well, as it was filmed by ESPN2 and will air on the network later this year in tandem with a downhill ski race featuring poker pros and celebrities held on Mt. Rose. The finals of the tournament style ski-race came down to Liv Boeree and Esfandiari, with the Magician claiming the honor of poker’s best ski bunny. Farrington collected the top prize of $4,877, some of which was spent on silent auction items benefitting the charity. Graham pledged half his winnings to the charity and spent the other half on silent auction items and several other players followed suit donating a portion of their winnings. Poker News Daily: At the tournament itself, the Tweets flew as fast as the cards themselves. WSOP double bracelet holder Brandon Cantu started by Tweeting, “Jimmy V foundation charity tourney i have matt graham to my right any time he enters a pot i’m moving in.” Others would follow with their Tweets, with Liv Boeree and Tiffany Michelle chirping about their defeats at the hands of Cantu. “I swear @BrandonCantu is my poker nemesis,” Michelle commented. “Got it all in with 10s v his 7s obv he goes four to a flush. That’s what we call getting Cantued!” Boeree would prove to have no better luck when she went head-to-head with Cantu: “Playing the charity tournament. just got Cantued for big pot, obv.” Fellow WSOP double bracelet winner Jeff Madsen had much better luck in going up against Cantu, however. “Wow beat Cantu in an all in,” Madsen Tweeted as he made his run to the final table of the event. “Final table. I make every charity final table. All of my proceeds will be donated to the Jeff Madsen Fund,” Madsen jokingly tweeted after he made it. The winner of the tournament will have a cancer research grant created in their honor. The mountains of Reno would prove to be a tempting diversion for several of the participants in the V Foundation event. Hitting the slopes for some skiing and snowboarding were poker pros Amit “amak316” Makhija, Adam “Roothlus” Levy, and Boeree, prompting Savage to Tweet, “please don’t break anything!” Madsen, who was boarding with Trishelle Cannatella and Cantu, looked to get some action on the activity by Tweeting, “I put the number of broken bones in the group at over 0.5.” Apparently, all made it though the mountains without issue because Michelle Tweeted to fellow snow surfers Alex Outhred, Boeree, Cantu, and Madsen this morning, “4-6 new inches of snow on the mountain today... we might not kill ourselves YEAY!”
  • 13. CHARITY NO-LIMIT RENO 2010 HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT TiffanyMichelle TiffanyMichelle Poker Pro Ski Challenge at Mt. Rose next If you’re in the Reno area come join your week in conjunction with the charity event favorite poker pros and celebs for a super - my 1st heat is vs @liv_boeree BRING IT fun charity tourney next week BRITAIN ;-) AlliePrescott Arrived at The Grand Sierra. Let the festivities begin... TrishelleC Come join me in Tahoe for a charity trnmnt Gamblindude benefitting the Jimmy V foundation. March SEA -> RNO for the V foundation 23rd-26th should be great... charity tournament and ski race. amak316 liv_boeree Flying to Reno with a huge crew to Just tried to play some guitar play a charity tournament for the with a funk-blues band in Reno. Jimmy V foundation. Hmmm. roothlusuncut TrishelleC Playing the Jimmy V Foundation charity At the grand Sierra for the V charity tourney. What a great cause. Have Jan poker tourny cocktail reception with Gamblindude from the Brady Bunch. She’s really cool. everyone. Fun Times! Playing in the Jimmy V foundation charity poker tournament in Reno. Already got it all in with 75 against Maria Ho’s KK. Rebuy! liv_boeree playing the charity tournament. brandoncantu just got Cantued for big pot, obv. Jimmy v foundation charity tourney i have matt graham to my right any TrishelleC time he enters a pot im moving in Long day on the slopes filming take it downhill with poker pros for ESPN. Christian Fauria was an awesome co host. AlliePrescott Resting then dinner Gamblindude Congrats @liv_boeree for your near rise to greatness and appearance in the final 4...last Out in 18th place in this charity girl will still never beat me event. I guess I have to try and win liv_boeree the ski race tomorrow! finished second in the ski race to antonio esfandiari... so close!!!!! Such a fun day! MariaHo @jb_SID V Foundation Event was MariaHo great thanks to all of you guys and @SportsIdentity It was great meeting you in all your hard work!! See y’all soon! TiffanyMichelle Reno and I had a wonderful time! You guys put on a great event!!! =) Excellent time in Reno with these ladies, raising $ for the V Foundation. Made some delicious new friends too!
  • 14. CHARITY NO-LIMIT RENO 2010 HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT Thank You To All Of Our Partners & Sponsors
  • 15. Event created and managed by Sports Identity, Inc. 840 Summer Street Third Floor Boston, MA 02127 617-268-0001