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Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 1
About me
• Freelance software developer
• Doing functional programming, microservices, DevOps
• Co-organize the Underscore Scala meetup
• Hit me up if you want to work together!
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 2
• Why Event Sourcing and CQRS are worth your time
• How we can use functions to implement them
• How abstractions from FP help us
• (shortly) Hooking this up to a stream
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Event Sourcing
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That's not the only
• No determinism
• Lowly available
• High coupling, barely autonomous
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 14
What can we do to fix this?
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Focus on behaviors.
The objects will follow.
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Responding to queries
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Responding to queries
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Materialized views
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CQRS: Command/Query Responsibility
We store the events in an append only stream.
We handle reads using a specialized store, derived from the
Now you know CQRS!
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 28
What do we gain?
• Faster response time
• Availability
• Determinism, take your debugging home
Event-sourced services are like pure functions!
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And speaking of pure functions
Let's see some code!
The examples ahead assume:
import cats._,, cats.implicits._
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Zoom in
We'll now focus on the reservation service.
Let's event-storm this!
What commands/events are we going to use?
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We might be asked to:
• Create a reservation
• Add a person to a reservation
• Cancel a reservation
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And these will cause the:
• Reservation to be created
• Reservation to be updated
• Reservation to be canceled
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Command Definitions
I promised some code, right?
sealed trait ReservationCommand
case class Create(roomId: String, guests: Int)
extends ReservationCommand
case class ModifyGuests(reservationId: String, amount: Int)
extends ReservationCommand
case class Cancel(reservationId: String)
extends ReservationCommand
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Event Definitions
And we have the corresponding events:
sealed trait ReservationEvent
case class Created(id: String, roomId: String, guests: Int)
extends ReservationEvent
case class Updated(id: String, roomId: String, guests: Int)
extends ReservationEvent
case class Canceled(id: String, roomId: String, guests: Int)
extends ReservationEvent
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So technically, we need:
1. Validation of commands
2. State representation, state mutation
3. Event generation
4. Persistence
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So we want a function, right?
def processCommand(command: ReservationCommand): ???
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So we want a function, right?
def processCommand(command: ReservationCommand): Either[Error, Unit]
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So we want a function, right?
type Error = String
type Result[A] = Either[Error, A]
def processCommand(command: ReservationCommand): Result[Unit]
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Let's start with simple validation: the number of guests should be
def validateGuests(command: Create): Result[Unit] =
if (command.guests <= 0) Left("Non-positive guests")
else Right(())
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Stateful validation
Next, we want a stateful validation - no duplicate reservations.
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Stateful validation
Next, we want a stateful validation - no duplicate reservations.
To do that, we need some sort of state:
case class Reservation(id: String)
trait Reservations {
def byRoomId(id: String): Option[Reservation]
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And here's our validation:
def validateDup(reservations: Reservations,
command: Create): Result[Unit] =
reservations.byRoomId(command.roomId) match {
case Some(_) => Left("Duplicate reservation")
case None => Right(())
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 51
Validation - continued
Our command processing now looks like this:
def processCommand(reservations: Reservations,
command: ReservationCommand): Result[Unit] =
command match {
case create: Create =>
(validateGuests(create), validateDup(create, reservations))
// case modifyGuests, case cancelReservation, etc.
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Validation - continued
What's that (a, b).tupled function?
This will combine the result of both validations into a single
val guestValidation: Result[Unit] = validateGuests(create)
val dupValidation: Result[Unit] = validateDup(create, reservations)
val tupled: Result[(Unit, Unit)] = (guestValidation, dupValidation).tupled
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Validation - continued
What's that (a, b).tupled function?
This will combine the result of both validations into a single
val guestValidation: Result[Unit] = validateGuests(create)
val dupValidation: Result[Unit] = validateDup(create, reservations)
val tupled: Result[(Unit, Unit)] = (guestValidation, dupValidation).tupled
If one of them fails - both fails too.
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Validation - continued
What else can we say about Result?
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Validation - continued
What else can we say about Result?
It's an Applicative - so we can use tupled.
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Validation - continued
What else can we say about Result?
It's also a Monad, so we can use for comprehensions:
for {
a <- validate1(cmd)
b <- validate2(cmd, a)
} yield f(a, b)
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 57
Validation - continued
A few side notes:
• Our validation unfortunately short circuits. We don't see all
Check out for a solution.
• Applicative s are essential for joining independent
computations. Definitely read up on them!
Check out the mapN, *>, <* combinators.
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 58
Validation - summary
This is all I'm going to say about validation!
• Write an Either returning function
• Give it what it needs to compute
• Combine with the Applicative combinators
• Profit Validated!
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 59
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Generating events
The path of least resistance is another function for generating:
def events(reservations: Reservations,
command: ReservationCommand): List[ReservationEvent]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 61
Generating events
We return the events inside Result:
def processCommand(reservations: Reservations,
command: ReservationCommand)
: Result[List[ReservationEvent]] =
command match {
case create: Create =>
(validateGuests(create), validateDup(create, reservations))
.map(_ => events(reservations, commands))
Since we're using List, we can output 0, 1 or many events.
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Generating events
This is great if we can separate validation and event generation.
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Generating events
This is great if we can separate validation and event generation.
This isn't always possible!
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Generating events
This is great if we can separate validation and event generation.
This isn't always possible!
We'll upgrade the two functions with event generation.
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Generating events
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Generating events
There's a cool data type called WriterT we can use here:
case class WriterT[F[_], Log, Value](run: F[(Log, Value)])
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Generating events
We'll modify the validation return type to be:
WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], A]
Which wraps values of type
Result[(List[ReservationEvent], A)]
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Generating events
Now, when we use the .tupled syntax, we get back:
val writer: WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], Unit] =
(validateDup(reservations, command),
And it actually concatenated the lists for us!
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Generating events
We can "peel" this using .run:
val writer: WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], Unit] =
(validateDup(reservations, command),
val result: Result[(List[ReservationEvent], Unit)] =
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Generating events
Or, if we only want the log:
val result: Result[List[ReservationEvent]] =
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Generating events
So let's give this new type a name:
type EventsAnd[A] = WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], A]
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Actually writing those functions
Here's an example of how one of those functions would look like:
def validateGuests(command: Create): EventsAnd[Unit] =
if (command.guests <= 0)
WriterT.liftF("Non-positive guests".asLeft[Unit])
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Generating events - summary
We're done! Our functions now validate and generate events:
def validateGuests(command: Create): EventsAnd[Unit]
def validateDup(reservations: Reservations,
command: Create): EventsAnd[Unit]
val result = (validateGuests(c), validateDup(s, c))
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 74
Generating events - summary
We're done! Our functions now validate and generate events:
def validateGuests(command: Create): EventsAnd[Unit]
def validateDup(reservations: Reservations,
command: Create): EventsAnd[Unit]
val result = (validateGuests(c), validateDup(s, c))
Of course, if validation fails - everything still fails.
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A few side notes on WriterT
• WriterT is also a Monad and an Applicative.
• Lots of combinators - check out the docs!
• WriterT can be quite allocation-heavy.
We'll touch a possible solution towards the end.
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State mutation
Our function doesn't do anything currently:
def processCommand(reservations: Reservations,
command: ReservationCommand): EventsAnd[Unit]
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State mutation
It's pretty awesome that we can reason about it just by looking at
the type:
(Reservations, Command) => WriterT[Result, List[Event], Unit]
Nothing else happens. WYSIWYG.
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State mutation
The path of least resistance is to return a new state:
def processCommand(reservations: Reservations,
command: ReservationCommand): (Reservations, EventsAnd[Unit])
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State mutation
The path of least resistance is to return a new state:
def processCommand(reservations: Reservations,
command: ReservationCommand): (Reservations, EventsAnd[Unit])
We're not saying anything about whether it was modified.
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State mutation
However, we want to guarantee that nothing happens if
validation fails.
def processCommand(reservations: Reservations,
command: ReservationCommand): EventsAnd[Reservations]
If validation is fine, we get a new state.
If it fails, we keep the previous state.
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State mutation
But - how do we reconcile the two resulting states?
def validateGuests(s: Reservations, c: Create): EventsAnd[Reservations]
def validateDup(s: Reservations, c: Create): EventsAnd[Reservations]
val result: EventsAnd[(Reservations, Reservations)] =
(validateGuests(s, c),
validateDup(s, c)).tupled
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State mutation
Ideally, we'd just carry the state from function to function:
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State mutation
Let's modify the functions slightly:
def validateGuests(s: Reservations, c: Create): EventsAnd[Reservations]
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State mutation
Let's modify the functions slightly:
def validateGuests(s: Reservations, c: Create): EventsAnd[Reservations]
def validateGuests(c: Create): Reservations => EventsAnd[Reservations]
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State mutation
Functional programming saves the day again- this is StateT:
case class StateT[F[_], State, Value](run: State => F[(State, Value)])
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State mutation
We add yet another type alias on top:
type CommandProcessor[A] = StateT[EventsAnd, Reservations, A]
def validateGuests(c: Create): CommandProcessor[Unit]
def validateDup(c: Create): CommandProcessor[Unit]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 88
State mutation
We can now compose our command processors:
def validateGuests(c: Create): CommandProcessor[Unit]
def validateDup(c: Create): CommandProcessor[Unit]
val resultProcessor: CommandProcessor[Unit] =
But where did our initial state disappear to?
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State mutation
We haven't run anything yet! Let's run the processor:
val result: EventsAnd[(Reservations, Unit)] =
This does a lot of stuff!
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State mutation
Here's how we actually write one of these functions:
def validateGuests(command: Create): CommandProcessor[Unit] =
if (command.guests <= 0)
StateT.liftF(WriterT.liftF("Non-positive guests".asLeft[Unit]))
for {
state <- StateT.get[EventsAnd, Reservations]
events = generateEventsSomehow(state)
_ <- StateT.liftF(WriterT.tell[Result, List[ReservationEvent]](events))
newState = generateNewStateSomehow(reservations, event)
_ <- StateT.set[EventsAnd, Reservations](newState)
} yield ()
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 91
State mutation
Here's how we actually write one of
these functions:
def validateGuests(command: Create): CommandProcessor[Unit] =
if (command.guests <= 0)
StateT.liftF(WriterT.liftF("Non-positive guests".asLeft[Unit]))
for {
state <- StateT.get[EventsAnd, Reservations]
events = generateEventsSomehow(state)
_ <- StateT.liftF(WriterT.tell[Result, List[ReservationEvent]](events))
newState = generateNewStateSomehow(reservations, event)
_ <- StateT.set[EventsAnd, Reservations](newState)
} yield ()
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 92
• I bet you're loving the boilerplate by now ;-)
It gets worse as you add more layers!
• Don't worry though! This is solvable.
• As before, StateT is also a Monad and an Applicative.
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 93
We now have a pretty powerful type as a building block:
type Result[A] = Either[Error, A]
type EventsAnd[A] = WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], A]
type CommandProcessor[A] = StateT[EventsAnd, Reservations, A]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 94
If we expand everything, we get:
type CommandProcessor[A] =
Reservations => Either[Error, (List[Event], (Reservations, A))]
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Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 99
Is that it?
type Result[A] = Either[Error, A]
type EventsAnd[A] = WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], A]
type CommandProcessor[A] = StateT[EventsAnd, Reservations, A]
The command processor can return values, signal failures, log
events, and accumulate state.
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 100
Is that it?
type Result[A] = Either[Error, A]
type EventsAnd[A] = WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], A]
type CommandProcessor[A] = StateT[EventsAnd, Reservations, A]
The command processor can return values, signal failures, log
events, and accumulate state.
No magic! These are just functions!
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 101
Fitting this into an application
We still have some work to do:
• we need to hook this up to a source of commands,
• and we actually need to persist the state and events.
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Fitting this into an application
Where can commands come from?
Treating these as infinite streams makes our life easier.
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We'll use fs2 for our examples.
Akka Streams can definitely work too! Check out the slides
when I publish them.
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 104
fs2 is based on one type:
Stream[Effect[_], Element]
A possibly infinite stream of Element, with effect Effect.
Effect can be cats IO, scalaz IO, Monix Task, etc.
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fs2 is based on one type:
Stream[Effect[_], Element]
A possibly infinite stream of Element, with effect Effect.
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 106
To run our command processor, we can use mapAccumulate:
class Stream[F[_], Element] {
def mapAccumulate[State, Out](init: State)
(f: (State, Element) => (State, Out)): Stream[F, (State, Out)]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 107
To run our command processor, we can use mapAccumulate:
class Stream[F[_], Element] {
def mapAccumulate[State, Out](init: State)
(f: (State, Element) => (State, Out)): Stream[F, (State, Out)]
We'll set:
• Element = Command, State = Reservations
• Out = (Reservations, List[ReservationEvent])
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 108
def process(commands: Stream[IO, Command], initial: Reservations)
: Stream[IO, (Reservations, List[ReservationEvent])] =
commands.mapAccumulate(initial) { (state, command) =>
processCommand(command).run(state) match {
case Left(error) => (state, (state, Nil))
case Right(nextState, (events, _)) => (nextState, (nextState, events))
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 109
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 110
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 111
Persisting events and state
def persist(reservations: Reservations): IO[Unit]
def produce(events: List[ReservationEvent]): IO[Unit]
stream.evalMap {
case (state, events) =>
(persist(state), produce(events))
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 112
Where to go from here
• The solution to monad transformer overhead: finally tagless
• Keep the effect abstract, interpret into Task+IORef.
• Check out the links on next slide.
• You can also hire me and I'll help you make it work ;-)
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 113
Where to go from here
• Ben Stopford, Designing Event-Driven Systems:
• Martin Kleppman's blog:
• The FS2 guide:
• Finally tagless and Free:
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Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 115
Thank you!
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 116
BonusItamar Ravid - @itrvd 117
Digression: Folds
If you squint, our function looks like a foldLeft:
def foldLeft[S, A](init: S)
(f: (S, A ) => S ): S
def processCommand: (Reservations, ReservationCommand) => Reservations
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 118
Digression: Folds
There's also an interesting variant of foldLeft when the result
has an effect:
def foldLeftM[S, A](init: S)(f: (S, A) => IO[S]): IO[S]
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Digression: Folds
Since EventsAnd is a Monad, we can use foldLeftM:
val commands: List[ReservationCommand]
val resultState: EventsAnd[Reservations] =
Any failed validation will halt the processing,
and all the events would be accumulated.
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Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 121
Digression: Folds
Another interesting type of fold is a scan:
def scanLeft[S, A](init: S)(f: (S, A) => S): List[S]
Looks exactly like a fold, but you get a list of intermediate states.
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Digression: Folds
Scanning commands would get us a list of intermediate
val commands: List[ReservationCommand]
val states = commands.scanLeft(Reservations.empty)(processCommand)
// List(reservations1, reservations2, ...)
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What's the shortest way to make processCommand work
on a List[ReservationCommand]?
def processCommand(command: ReservationCommand): CommandProcessor[Unit]
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Let's try mapping.
val cmds: List[ReservationCommand]
val mapped: List[CommandProcessor[Unit]] =
We get back a list of functions; not very helpful.
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The operation we're looking for is an effectful map:
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Lucky for us, we have the sequence function:
val cmds: List[ReservationCommand]
val mapped: List[CommandProcessor[Unit]] =
val sequenced: CommandProcessor[List[Unit]] = mapped.sequence
So now we get one giant processing function that runs
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As the title gave away, this can be expressed as:
val traversed: CommandProcessor[List[Unit]] =
And we can actually run it: match {
case Left(_) =>
// log the error
case Right(resultState, (events, _)) =>
// persist the events and state
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 128
This is our Traversable typeclass:
trait Traversable[F[_]] extends Functor[F]
with Foldable[F] {
def traverse[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: F[A])
(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 129
If you line traverse up with map, the effectful map analogy is
def map [A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B ): F[B]
def traverse[G[_], A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]]
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 130
Akka Streams
With Akka Streams, we can use the scan operator to process
class Source[Element] {
def scan[State](zero: State)(f: (State, Element) => State): Source[State]
If we set:
• Element = ReservationCommand
• State = (Reservations, List[ReservationEvent])
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 131
Akka Streams
def commandProcessFlow(initial: Reservations):
Flow[ReservationCommand, (Reservations, List[ReservationEvent]), NotUsed] =
.scan((initial, List[ReservationEvent]())) {
case ((state, _), command) =>
processCommand(command).run(state) match {
case Left(error) => (state, Nil)
case Right(nextState, (events, _)) => (nextState, events)
Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 132

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Traversals and Scans and CQRS, oh my!

  • 1. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 1
  • 2. About me • Freelance software developer • Doing functional programming, microservices, DevOps • Co-organize the Underscore Scala meetup • Hit me up if you want to work together! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 2
  • 3. Agenda • Why Event Sourcing and CQRS are worth your time • How we can use functions to implement them • How abstractions from FP help us • (shortly) Hooking this up to a stream Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 3
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  • 14. That's not the only downside! • No determinism • Lowly available • High coupling, barely autonomous Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 14
  • 15. What can we do to fix this? Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 15
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  • 21. Focus on behaviors. The objects will follow. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 21
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  • 25. Responding to queries Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 25
  • 26. Responding to queries Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 26
  • 28. CQRS: Command/Query Responsibility Separation We store the events in an append only stream. We handle reads using a specialized store, derived from the events. Now you know CQRS! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 28
  • 29. What do we gain? • Faster response time • Availability • Determinism, take your debugging home • ! Event-sourced services are like pure functions! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 29
  • 30. And speaking of pure functions Let's see some code! The examples ahead assume: import cats._,, cats.implicits._ Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 30
  • 31. Zoom in We'll now focus on the reservation service. Let's event-storm this! What commands/events are we going to use? Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 31
  • 32. Commands We might be asked to: • Create a reservation • Add a person to a reservation • Cancel a reservation Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 32
  • 33. Events And these will cause the: • Reservation to be created • Reservation to be updated • Reservation to be canceled Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 33
  • 34. Command Definitions I promised some code, right? sealed trait ReservationCommand case class Create(roomId: String, guests: Int) extends ReservationCommand case class ModifyGuests(reservationId: String, amount: Int) extends ReservationCommand case class Cancel(reservationId: String) extends ReservationCommand Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 34
  • 35. Event Definitions And we have the corresponding events: sealed trait ReservationEvent case class Created(id: String, roomId: String, guests: Int) extends ReservationEvent case class Updated(id: String, roomId: String, guests: Int) extends ReservationEvent case class Canceled(id: String, roomId: String, guests: Int) extends ReservationEvent Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 35
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  • 42. Breakdown So technically, we need: 1. Validation of commands 2. State representation, state mutation 3. Event generation 4. Persistence Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 42
  • 43. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 43
  • 44. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 44
  • 45. Validation So we want a function, right? def processCommand(command: ReservationCommand): ??? Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 45
  • 46. Validation So we want a function, right? def processCommand(command: ReservationCommand): Either[Error, Unit] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 46
  • 47. Validation So we want a function, right? type Error = String type Result[A] = Either[Error, A] def processCommand(command: ReservationCommand): Result[Unit] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 47
  • 48. Validation Let's start with simple validation: the number of guests should be positive. def validateGuests(command: Create): Result[Unit] = if (command.guests <= 0) Left("Non-positive guests") else Right(()) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 48
  • 49. Stateful validation Next, we want a stateful validation - no duplicate reservations. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 49
  • 50. Stateful validation Next, we want a stateful validation - no duplicate reservations. To do that, we need some sort of state: case class Reservation(id: String) trait Reservations { def byRoomId(id: String): Option[Reservation] } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 50
  • 51. Validation And here's our validation: def validateDup(reservations: Reservations, command: Create): Result[Unit] = reservations.byRoomId(command.roomId) match { case Some(_) => Left("Duplicate reservation") case None => Right(()) } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 51
  • 52. Validation - continued Our command processing now looks like this: def processCommand(reservations: Reservations, command: ReservationCommand): Result[Unit] = command match { case create: Create => (validateGuests(create), validateDup(create, reservations)) .tupled.void // case modifyGuests, case cancelReservation, etc. } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 52
  • 53. Validation - continued What's that (a, b).tupled function? This will combine the result of both validations into a single value: val guestValidation: Result[Unit] = validateGuests(create) val dupValidation: Result[Unit] = validateDup(create, reservations) val tupled: Result[(Unit, Unit)] = (guestValidation, dupValidation).tupled Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 53
  • 54. Validation - continued What's that (a, b).tupled function? This will combine the result of both validations into a single value: val guestValidation: Result[Unit] = validateGuests(create) val dupValidation: Result[Unit] = validateDup(create, reservations) val tupled: Result[(Unit, Unit)] = (guestValidation, dupValidation).tupled If one of them fails - both fails too. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 54
  • 55. Validation - continued What else can we say about Result? Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 55
  • 56. Validation - continued What else can we say about Result? It's an Applicative - so we can use tupled. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 56
  • 57. Validation - continued What else can we say about Result? It's also a Monad, so we can use for comprehensions: for { a <- validate1(cmd) b <- validate2(cmd, a) } yield f(a, b) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 57
  • 58. Validation - continued A few side notes: • Our validation unfortunately short circuits. We don't see all errors. Check out for a solution. • Applicative s are essential for joining independent computations. Definitely read up on them! Check out the mapN, *>, <* combinators. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 58
  • 59. Validation - summary This is all I'm going to say about validation! • Write an Either returning function • Give it what it needs to compute • Combine with the Applicative combinators • Profit Validated! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 59
  • 60. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 60
  • 61. Generating events The path of least resistance is another function for generating: def events(reservations: Reservations, command: ReservationCommand): List[ReservationEvent] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 61
  • 62. Generating events We return the events inside Result: def processCommand(reservations: Reservations, command: ReservationCommand) : Result[List[ReservationEvent]] = command match { case create: Create => (validateGuests(create), validateDup(create, reservations)) .tupled .map(_ => events(reservations, commands)) } Since we're using List, we can output 0, 1 or many events. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 62
  • 63. Generating events This is great if we can separate validation and event generation. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 63
  • 64. Generating events This is great if we can separate validation and event generation. This isn't always possible! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 64
  • 65. Generating events This is great if we can separate validation and event generation. This isn't always possible! We'll upgrade the two functions with event generation. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 65
  • 67. Generating events There's a cool data type called WriterT we can use here: case class WriterT[F[_], Log, Value](run: F[(Log, Value)]) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 67
  • 68. Generating events We'll modify the validation return type to be: WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], A] Which wraps values of type Result[(List[ReservationEvent], A)] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 68
  • 69. Generating events Now, when we use the .tupled syntax, we get back: val writer: WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], Unit] = (validateDup(reservations, command), validateGuests(command)).tupled.void And it actually concatenated the lists for us! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 69
  • 70. Generating events We can "peel" this using .run: val writer: WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], Unit] = (validateDup(reservations, command), validateGuests(command)).tupled.void val result: Result[(List[ReservationEvent], Unit)] = Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 70
  • 71. Generating events Or, if we only want the log: val result: Result[List[ReservationEvent]] = writer.written Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 71
  • 72. Generating events So let's give this new type a name: type EventsAnd[A] = WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], A] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 72
  • 73. Actually writing those functions Here's an example of how one of those functions would look like: def validateGuests(command: Create): EventsAnd[Unit] = if (command.guests <= 0) WriterT.liftF("Non-positive guests".asLeft[Unit]) else WriterT.putT(().asRight[Error])(List(ReservationCreated( Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 73
  • 74. Generating events - summary We're done! Our functions now validate and generate events: def validateGuests(command: Create): EventsAnd[Unit] def validateDup(reservations: Reservations, command: Create): EventsAnd[Unit] val result = (validateGuests(c), validateDup(s, c)) .tupled.void Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 74
  • 75. Generating events - summary We're done! Our functions now validate and generate events: def validateGuests(command: Create): EventsAnd[Unit] def validateDup(reservations: Reservations, command: Create): EventsAnd[Unit] val result = (validateGuests(c), validateDup(s, c)) .tupled.void Of course, if validation fails - everything still fails. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 75
  • 76. A few side notes on WriterT • WriterT is also a Monad and an Applicative. • Lots of combinators - check out the docs! • WriterT can be quite allocation-heavy. We'll touch a possible solution towards the end. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 76
  • 77. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 77
  • 78. State mutation Our function doesn't do anything currently: def processCommand(reservations: Reservations, command: ReservationCommand): EventsAnd[Unit] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 78
  • 79. State mutation It's pretty awesome that we can reason about it just by looking at the type: (Reservations, Command) => WriterT[Result, List[Event], Unit] Nothing else happens. WYSIWYG. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 79
  • 80. State mutation The path of least resistance is to return a new state: def processCommand(reservations: Reservations, command: ReservationCommand): (Reservations, EventsAnd[Unit]) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 80
  • 81. State mutation The path of least resistance is to return a new state: def processCommand(reservations: Reservations, command: ReservationCommand): (Reservations, EventsAnd[Unit]) We're not saying anything about whether it was modified. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 81
  • 82. State mutation However, we want to guarantee that nothing happens if validation fails. def processCommand(reservations: Reservations, command: ReservationCommand): EventsAnd[Reservations] If validation is fine, we get a new state. If it fails, we keep the previous state. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 82
  • 83. State mutation But - how do we reconcile the two resulting states? def validateGuests(s: Reservations, c: Create): EventsAnd[Reservations] def validateDup(s: Reservations, c: Create): EventsAnd[Reservations] val result: EventsAnd[(Reservations, Reservations)] = (validateGuests(s, c), validateDup(s, c)).tupled Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 83
  • 84. State mutation Ideally, we'd just carry the state from function to function: Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 84
  • 85. State mutation Let's modify the functions slightly: def validateGuests(s: Reservations, c: Create): EventsAnd[Reservations] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 85
  • 86. State mutation Let's modify the functions slightly: def validateGuests(s: Reservations, c: Create): EventsAnd[Reservations] def validateGuests(c: Create): Reservations => EventsAnd[Reservations] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 86
  • 87. State mutation Functional programming saves the day again- this is StateT: case class StateT[F[_], State, Value](run: State => F[(State, Value)]) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 87
  • 88. State mutation We add yet another type alias on top: type CommandProcessor[A] = StateT[EventsAnd, Reservations, A] def validateGuests(c: Create): CommandProcessor[Unit] def validateDup(c: Create): CommandProcessor[Unit] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 88
  • 89. State mutation We can now compose our command processors: def validateGuests(c: Create): CommandProcessor[Unit] def validateDup(c: Create): CommandProcessor[Unit] val resultProcessor: CommandProcessor[Unit] = (validateGuests(c), validateDup(c)).tupled.void But where did our initial state disappear to? Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 89
  • 90. State mutation We haven't run anything yet! Let's run the processor: val result: EventsAnd[(Reservations, Unit)] = This does a lot of stuff! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 90
  • 91. State mutation Here's how we actually write one of these functions: def validateGuests(command: Create): CommandProcessor[Unit] = if (command.guests <= 0) StateT.liftF(WriterT.liftF("Non-positive guests".asLeft[Unit])) else for { state <- StateT.get[EventsAnd, Reservations] events = generateEventsSomehow(state) _ <- StateT.liftF(WriterT.tell[Result, List[ReservationEvent]](events)) newState = generateNewStateSomehow(reservations, event) _ <- StateT.set[EventsAnd, Reservations](newState) } yield () Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 91
  • 92. State mutation Here's how we actually write one of these functions: def validateGuests(command: Create): CommandProcessor[Unit] = if (command.guests <= 0) StateT.liftF(WriterT.liftF("Non-positive guests".asLeft[Unit])) else for { state <- StateT.get[EventsAnd, Reservations] events = generateEventsSomehow(state) _ <- StateT.liftF(WriterT.tell[Result, List[ReservationEvent]](events)) newState = generateNewStateSomehow(reservations, event) _ <- StateT.set[EventsAnd, Reservations](newState) } yield () Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 92
  • 93. Summary • I bet you're loving the boilerplate by now ;-) It gets worse as you add more layers! • Don't worry though! This is solvable. • As before, StateT is also a Monad and an Applicative. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 93
  • 94. Recap We now have a pretty powerful type as a building block: type Result[A] = Either[Error, A] type EventsAnd[A] = WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], A] type CommandProcessor[A] = StateT[EventsAnd, Reservations, A] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 94
  • 95. Recap If we expand everything, we get: type CommandProcessor[A] = Reservations => Either[Error, (List[Event], (Reservations, A))] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 95
  • 96. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 96
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  • 98. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 98
  • 99. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 99
  • 100. Is that it? type Result[A] = Either[Error, A] type EventsAnd[A] = WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], A] type CommandProcessor[A] = StateT[EventsAnd, Reservations, A] The command processor can return values, signal failures, log events, and accumulate state. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 100
  • 101. Is that it? type Result[A] = Either[Error, A] type EventsAnd[A] = WriterT[Result, List[ReservationEvent], A] type CommandProcessor[A] = StateT[EventsAnd, Reservations, A] The command processor can return values, signal failures, log events, and accumulate state. No magic! These are just functions! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 101
  • 102. Fitting this into an application We still have some work to do: • we need to hook this up to a source of commands, • and we actually need to persist the state and events. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 102
  • 103. Fitting this into an application Where can commands come from? Treating these as infinite streams makes our life easier. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 103
  • 104. Streams We'll use fs2 for our examples. Akka Streams can definitely work too! Check out the slides when I publish them. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 104
  • 105. fs2 fs2 is based on one type: Stream[Effect[_], Element] A possibly infinite stream of Element, with effect Effect. Effect can be cats IO, scalaz IO, Monix Task, etc. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 105
  • 106. fs2 fs2 is based on one type: Stream[Effect[_], Element] A possibly infinite stream of Element, with effect Effect. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 106
  • 107. fs2 To run our command processor, we can use mapAccumulate: class Stream[F[_], Element] { def mapAccumulate[State, Out](init: State) (f: (State, Element) => (State, Out)): Stream[F, (State, Out)] } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 107
  • 108. fs2 To run our command processor, we can use mapAccumulate: class Stream[F[_], Element] { def mapAccumulate[State, Out](init: State) (f: (State, Element) => (State, Out)): Stream[F, (State, Out)] } We'll set: • Element = Command, State = Reservations • Out = (Reservations, List[ReservationEvent]) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 108
  • 109. fs2 def process(commands: Stream[IO, Command], initial: Reservations) : Stream[IO, (Reservations, List[ReservationEvent])] = commands.mapAccumulate(initial) { (state, command) => processCommand(command).run(state) match { case Left(error) => (state, (state, Nil)) case Right(nextState, (events, _)) => (nextState, (nextState, events)) } } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 109
  • 110. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 110
  • 111. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 111
  • 112. Persisting events and state def persist(reservations: Reservations): IO[Unit] def produce(events: List[ReservationEvent]): IO[Unit] stream.evalMap { case (state, events) => (persist(state), produce(events)) .tupled .void } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 112
  • 113. Where to go from here • The solution to monad transformer overhead: finally tagless • Keep the effect abstract, interpret into Task+IORef. • Check out the links on next slide. • You can also hire me and I'll help you make it work ;-) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 113
  • 114. Where to go from here Resources: • Ben Stopford, Designing Event-Driven Systems: • Martin Kleppman's blog: • The FS2 guide: • Finally tagless and Free: Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 114
  • 116. Thank you! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 116
  • 117. BonusItamar Ravid - @itrvd 117
  • 118. Digression: Folds If you squint, our function looks like a foldLeft: def foldLeft[S, A](init: S) (f: (S, A ) => S ): S def processCommand: (Reservations, ReservationCommand) => Reservations Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 118
  • 119. Digression: Folds There's also an interesting variant of foldLeft when the result has an effect: def foldLeftM[S, A](init: S)(f: (S, A) => IO[S]): IO[S] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 119
  • 120. Digression: Folds Since EventsAnd is a Monad, we can use foldLeftM: val commands: List[ReservationCommand] val resultState: EventsAnd[Reservations] = commands.foldLeftM(Reservations.empty)(processCommand) Any failed validation will halt the processing, and all the events would be accumulated. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 120
  • 121. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 121
  • 122. Digression: Folds Another interesting type of fold is a scan: def scanLeft[S, A](init: S)(f: (S, A) => S): List[S] Looks exactly like a fold, but you get a list of intermediate states. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 122
  • 123. Digression: Folds Scanning commands would get us a list of intermediate Reservations: val commands: List[ReservationCommand] val states = commands.scanLeft(Reservations.empty)(processCommand) // List(reservations1, reservations2, ...) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 123
  • 124. Traversals What's the shortest way to make processCommand work on a List[ReservationCommand]? def processCommand(command: ReservationCommand): CommandProcessor[Unit] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 124
  • 125. Traversals Let's try mapping. val cmds: List[ReservationCommand] val mapped: List[CommandProcessor[Unit]] = We get back a list of functions; not very helpful. Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 125
  • 126. Traversals The operation we're looking for is an effectful map: Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 126
  • 127. Traversals Lucky for us, we have the sequence function: val cmds: List[ReservationCommand] val mapped: List[CommandProcessor[Unit]] = val sequenced: CommandProcessor[List[Unit]] = mapped.sequence So now we get one giant processing function that runs everything! Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 127
  • 128. Traversals As the title gave away, this can be expressed as: val traversed: CommandProcessor[List[Unit]] = cmds.traverse(processCommand) And we can actually run it: match { case Left(_) => // log the error case Right(resultState, (events, _)) => // persist the events and state } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 128
  • 129. Traversals This is our Traversable typeclass: trait Traversable[F[_]] extends Functor[F] with Foldable[F] { def traverse[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: F[A]) (f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]] } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 129
  • 130. Traversals If you line traverse up with map, the effectful map analogy is clearer: def map [A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B ): F[B] def traverse[G[_], A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]] Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 130
  • 131. Akka Streams With Akka Streams, we can use the scan operator to process commands: class Source[Element] { def scan[State](zero: State)(f: (State, Element) => State): Source[State] } If we set: • Element = ReservationCommand • State = (Reservations, List[ReservationEvent]) Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 131
  • 132. Akka Streams def commandProcessFlow(initial: Reservations): Flow[ReservationCommand, (Reservations, List[ReservationEvent]), NotUsed] = Flow[ReservationCommand] .scan((initial, List[ReservationEvent]())) { case ((state, _), command) => processCommand(command).run(state) match { case Left(error) => (state, Nil) case Right(nextState, (events, _)) => (nextState, events) } } Itamar Ravid - @itrvd 132