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Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Is there life after death? 
Do angels exist? Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Can we tap into ancient 
secrets of the supernatural? Are healing miracles real? Sid Roth has spent over 35 years 
researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of It’s Supernatural. 
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. There is such 
a presence of God in this studio. You see, we're in the last of the last days. Why do I say this? 
There was an emphasis on the Holy Spirit, the charismatic movement, and rightfully so. There 
was an emphasis on the power of the Word of God and the name of Jesus, and rightfully so. But 
the final emphasis will on Father God, Abba. Malachi puts it this way: "Before Elijah comes to 
announce the return of the Messiah, the hearts of the children will be knit with the hearts of the 
fathers. And the hearts of the fathers will be knit with the hearts of the children or there will be a 
curse." But guess what, the reverse is also true. If the hearts of the children are knit with Father 
God, it will be great, great blessing. Hank Kunneman has never shared what he's going to share, 
completely publically. Why now, Hank? 
HANK: The Lord told me to. He said the reason why you grew up in the family that you did and 
you went through some of the things that you did is so that you can help others. People are 
hurting today. You know, one of the first things that Jesus came to proclaim was healing to the 
broken-hearted. People today are wanting to know, God, are you angry at me? Are you ashamed 
of me? Lord, do you really want to be involved in my life? And I feel that God is saying, I want 
to be involved. Hank, share your story. Tell people how much the Father loves them and 
SID: Now it's kind of painful, I'm sure, for you to share this. At age one, your birth father walks 
out on the family. Age two, your mother remarries, blended family, non-Christian family. How 
did you feel? 
HANK: Well I felt a sense of like, first of all, I didn't really want anybody to know my business, 
so to speak, and I thought, really what difference would it make? And I felt like the things that I 
went through were just kind of my own story. But I realize that sometimes, especially as 
ministers, the whole reason we're a minister is to minister to others to give people things that 
they can relate to in their life. And growing up and having a biological father, of course he's not 
alive today, disappear from you, never knowing what he looked like, what he sounded like, what 
his futures were like, and having to hold on to that was very difficult. I came to know my stepdad 
who adopted me at two years of age and he would raise me, growing up really in a non-Christian 
home, never really hearing the words, "I love you." It was difficult. It was tough. And I just felt 
like how can anybody relate to this. And I didn't realize at the time that, Sid, there is a generation 
of people that some have grown up without a dad. Some have grown up and had to see their dad 
walk away. Some are feeling the effects of abuse and rejection. Some have never been told that 
God loves them and we have to get this story out because I believe it's the final revelation before 
Jesus comes. And if I can take my life to help somebody else, I'm willing to do it.
SID: Okay. Christmas time, did you see a difference between your adoptive grandparents to their 
natural grandchildren and you? 
HANK: Growing up, because it was a blended family, again I was adopted by my stepdad. He 
was a very disciplinary military guy. He didn't really grow up with the greatest example of what 
love is and really how to be a dad that expresses that kind of love. And so at Christmas, the 
adoptive grandparents would treat me, and they would say out of their mouths something very 
hurtful. They would say to me, "You're not real blood. You're not one of us." They would talk 
about how they had a lot of money and that I wouldn't get any of the inheritance like the other 
grandkids would. They would say, "We'll you're not going to get a present or you're going to get 
a smaller present because you're not real flesh and blood." As a young kid 10, 11, 12 years old, I 
didn't understand it. I didn't understand why I couldn't be like them, why I was being treated 
different, and it took a lot of time to feel, not feel rejected. 
SID: You told me that you would go to your bedroom by yourself and weep. 
HANK: I would cry. Yeah. I would cry because I didn't feel that sense of love. I felt them push 
me away and yet I loved my stepdad no different. But to them, it didn't matter. I didn't carry their 
same blood. And so they made life difficult, and unfortunately it brought a lot of strife into the 
family, trying to divide the family over, you know, real blood, non-real blood. 
SID: And you know how wonderful God is? With this kid that his heart is crying, I need a 
daddy, at age five, God speaks to him. What did He say? 
HANK: It was interesting. I was five years old. I was on the island of Guam because my dad 
was in the military. And I was leaning up against my parents' car and I was looking up at the sky, 
and all of a sudden I heard a voice. I'll never forget it. And it was almost like off to my right side, 
and it began to speak to me. And it talked to me, obviously in a childlike way where I would 
understand. It was Abba revealing himself to me, telling me His hand was upon my life, telling 
me He had good things for my life. He told me that He was going to reveal who He was over a 
period of time in my life, and that I was to do good things, and always try to do what was right. 
That dramatically changed me because I started feeling like there was someone or something out 
there that really was interested in who I was. 
SID: You know, the presence of God is getting so strong in this studio right now. Someone's 
neck and spine has just been healed. And I'm going to tell you something else. When you capture 
this revelation, no one is going to take it away from you. We'll be right back. 
We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. 
We now return to It’s Supernatural. 
SID: You think Hank Kunneman had problems. He had an adoptive father. He was a 
disciplinarian. Never said I love you, never affirmed him. His teachers said, you should never 
publically speak, you should never write. I mean, he would go into his bedroom and weep. But at 
18, he became a believer in the Messiah, and in his bedroom, he was filled with the Spirit of God 
and began to speak in supernatural languages. What happened? 
HANK: I had a vision of Heaven that night that I was filled with the Spirit of God. My mom, in 
fact, was yelling at the top of the steps trying to get my attention. Had no idea what was going 
on. And as I was praying in tongues, all of a sudden, I saw myself in a place where there was like 
a golden river and I could see a light all around me. It was so bright. And I could see a figure on 
a throne. I fell immediately down. I couldn't stop weeping in the presence of what I believe now 
is I was getting a glimpse of Abba, Abba Father sitting on His throne. But the Glory was so great 
I couldn't see beyond it. And that was a very, very dramatic experience for me. 
SID: Now how did your parents take to the fact that you are now a believer in Jesus? 
HANK: Well my dad and I had a working relationship. I worked for him and that was basically 
how I would sense any kind of love from my dad. We had a great working relationship. But he 
didn't like the fact that I had just gotten saved because I didn't use a lot of wisdom. Sometimes 
you know, when you're first saved the tendency is you want to get everybody saved. You don't 
use a lot of wisdom in the sense that you beat them over the head. I was pretty aggressive, over-zealous. 
SID: Okay. They're not happy with that. I get it. You had severe acne. 
HANK: Yes. 
SID: How bad was it? 
HANK: Well that's the part that made my dad even more angry. I had severe acne. Obviously, I 
worked at a service station, gas station, oil. And the Lord healed me at a service that I was 
attending. The pastor starts speaking a supernatural word of knowledge, calls out that somebody 
is being healed with severe acne. And I'm thinking, I didn't what miracles were about. I had just 
gotten saved. But somebody next to me, an older woman who became a spiritual mother to me, 
said, "God's healing you of acne." All of a sudden, within a matter of days, it looked somebody 
took their handprints and went to my cheeks and left their fingerprint imprints, and little circles 
were appearing, different sizes on my face. My dad could not deny it. I began to tell him that I 
not only got saved, but I was being healed. 
SID: But wait a second now. He saw severe acne. He saw it all gone. 
HANK: Yeah. 
SID: Did you see those fingerprints?
HANK: Yes. But he said this: "It would be a cold day in hell before I believe in miracles." 
SID: But he just saw one. So how could he say that? 
HANK: Well I think part of it was, was my over-zealousness and my desire for him to get saved. 
Something happened. My dad was so angry with me declaring that I was being healed, even 
though he did see my face was clearing up, he said something to me. We got in a heated 
exchange. He said, "Hank, deny this Jesus or get out." We were face to face. He was that close to 
me. I couldn't believe it. Why am I in this confrontation with my dad? I don't want this to be 
happening, but it was happening. And I said, "I won't deny Jesus." Now what he was saying is he 
thought I was an occult because he hadn't heard of Divine healing like this. So he said, "Deny 
this Jesus." Really, deny this cult in his mind or get out. And I said, "I will not deny this Jesus." 
And the next thing I know, Sid, I'm tumbling down the stairs. 
SID: He pushed down the stairs? 
HANK: I don't know exactly. I'm not going to say that my dad did that. But all I know is 
however it happened, we had a physical confrontation and I landed on the bottom of the stairs. I 
looked up and my dad was raging with anger. He said, "Get out!" I had just graduated out of high 
school. I had just accepted Jesus, been filled with the Spirit of God. I had nowhere to go. I didn't 
know what to do. And so I began to pack my clothes and I remember the surreal feeling of 
backing out of that driveway that day not knowing where to go, questioning in my mind, is this 
Christianity really worth it? It just cost me my home. It cost me my dad. And I thought, well 
maybe I could just go back and patch this up. But I knew if I went back, I'd have to deny the 
expressive radical Christianity that I was living. 
SID: And then his father develops terminal cancer. What happened? 
HANK: So fast-forwarding into the future some 20 years later, my dad develops stage 4 cancer. 
I begin to talk to him about the Lord and about healing. I asked him, I said, "I know somebody 
who has a healing ministry, Dad. Have you ever heard of Oral Roberts?" He said, "Yeah." But 
again, his thing was, he would say it often in life, it would be a cold day in hell before I believe 
in miracles. So he didn't believe in it. But he said, "You know what? I know who Oral Roberts 
is." I said, "Well I know his son, Richard Roberts who has a healing ministry. He's having 
tremendous success praying for people with cancer. Can I have him call you?" I was surprised. 
He agreed. Richard prays for him. The doctors are amazed because the spots on my dad's lungs 
are disappearing and they don't have an explanation for it. My dad is seeing healing— 
SID: Now did your father believe that was a miracle? 
HANK: He said, yes. He told me, "Hank, I cannot deny." In fact he said, because his words 
were, it would be a cold day in hell. He said, "Hell has a little bit more ice on it than it used to." 
SID: Hold that thought. We're going to be right back because you are going to capture a 
revelation of how much God accepts you, loves you and is for you. Don't go away.
We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. 
We now return to It’s Supernatural. 
SID: So Hank Kunneman, pushed out of his house, pushed down the stairs, nowhere to go 
because he would not deny Jesus. And his father has stage 4 cancer, terminal cancer. Richard 
Roberts calls him on the phone. He's healed. The doctors don't understand it. Richard leads him 
to the Lord. Do you remember the first time your dad said to you, "I love you"? 
HANK: If I would say, "I love you," he would say, "Same here" or he wouldn't acknowledge it. 
But to hear him say, "I love you" is like feeling the love of God the first time that you say, Jesus 
come into my heart. Something happened. I was throwing some papers away trying to empty out 
a desk. And all of a sudden as I was tossing them into the trash can, something started swirling 
almost like a snowflake out of the sky, and it landed down at my feet. And I brought it with me. 
It was a little note that my dad wrote ending it with, "Take care. I love you. Dad." Hearing those 
words for the first time to where it wasn't forced or "same here" response, it began to heal my 
heart, and I began to have the dad after salvation that I always wanted, one that I could talk about 
the Lord with, one that would tell me he loved me. 
SID: Did he tell you often? 
HANK: Yeah. Every time. Every time I talked to him on the phone, every time, I remember one 
time he said, "Hank, I want to talk to you," I was so afraid, because my dad never wanted to talk 
or ask my advice. I was scared. I called him back and I said, "Dad, can I ask you why?" He said, 
"I just want to talk. There's some things I wanted answered." He wanted to know about Heaven. 
He wanted to know about healing. He wanted to know about Jesus. And then he would say to me 
whenever I would leave or drop him off at his home, he'd say, "I love you, son." And when you 
hear that, growing up not hearing it, it touches your heart. Even now it's hard holding back the 
tears. That's why I didn't want to share this story, but I need to share it. 
SID: I'm telling you, everyone has a void in their heart over father and it's really over Father 
God. Go ahead. 
HANK: I release that anointing right now to you, whether you grew up with a father. He never 
said he loved you, maybe he did, but you've been hurt and wounded. The Bible says that, "love is 
patient, love is kind, love doesn't boil over in jealousy or in anger." We often think that's the love 
we should have for one another and it is. But I say God is love. So therefore, Abba is patient with 
you. He's kind. He's considerate. He doesn't act unbecomingly. He doesn't take in account of a 
suffered wrong. Receive that anointing right now. Some of you are being healed physically. 
Some of you are being touched now in your heart. Years of memories of bad experiences are 
going [clap] like that because the Anointing is touching and destroying that yoke and undoing 
heaving burdens. Receive Abba's love. Say, I receive Abba's love.
SID: I receive Abba's love. You tell me you have a little private place you go to and you crawl 
into your Abba or your daddy's lap. Explain. 
HANK: It's like this. The best things are those that you experience. My upbringing, my 
testimony has forced me to a place where I go into my prayer time. I have a little ottoman. We 
should always set a time and a place. And I have this ottoman and kneel down, and I do what 
Jesus did. If you're seeing, Jesus said, "If you're seeing me, you're seeing my daddy." And he 
gathered the children to himself and he blessed them. I imagine myself coming to Abba's lap, 
receiving His hands to bless me, not to harm me, not to hurt me, but to receive me to His own. 
And imagine my heavenly daddy putting His arms around me, and embracing me. Sid, I have 
heard the tender voice of God so clearly over very specific things in the earth when I've imagined 
myself in Abba's lap and His arms around me. 
SID: Tell me, tell me about what's going to happen in the political situation in America, because 
Hank is a recognized known, proven prophet. 
HANK: Here's what happening. Political shakings. We're going to see people who have held 
seats of government be thrown off their seats, so to speak. People who we don't even know about 
are going to fill those seats. God is looking at someone right now that He's going to put His hand 
upon. It's one thing to choose like they did with Saul. It’s another thing when God finds David. 
There is being one, I'm not sure the timing, that the Lord is putting His hand upon who will pray, 
who will be connected to God and will help bring a reform to this nation. And God is going to 
take that person like a David and couple him with a compassionate woman. And together it's 
going to begin to bring the visitation of God again. The Lord is going to deal with the pride that 
has been upon some of these world leaders, even in our own nation. With arrogance, they penned 
legislation. God is going to overturn the seats and not let them sit in them any longer. And there's 
going to be a lot of changing of the guard, changing of faces. Doesn't matter what political party 
because God's had enough. Jesus fashioned his whip, went in and cleansed the temple. He's 
going to do the same thing. 
SID: And don't let sin, you know what sin is, just interrupt that flow of God's love. God's love is 
always coming towards you. But it's like a shield. And when you believe that Jesus died in your 
place for your sins and you repent, you tell God you're sorry, He says, "I remember it no more." 
And then open yourself up to the love of God. Ask Jesus to be your Lord and live inside of you, 
and begin to live, and be able to say, Abba, Daddy. 
We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. 
We now return to It’s Supernatural. 
SID: Next week on It’s Supernatural. I have a guest, he sees what are known as panoramic 
visions. He'll see a light over someone and he'll pick that person out, and then he'll see 
photographs of their entire life right above their head, their past, their present, their future. 

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Transcript kunneman

  • 1. 1 [music] Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Is there life after death? Do angels exist? Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Are healing miracles real? Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of It’s Supernatural. SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. There is such a presence of God in this studio. You see, we're in the last of the last days. Why do I say this? There was an emphasis on the Holy Spirit, the charismatic movement, and rightfully so. There was an emphasis on the power of the Word of God and the name of Jesus, and rightfully so. But the final emphasis will on Father God, Abba. Malachi puts it this way: "Before Elijah comes to announce the return of the Messiah, the hearts of the children will be knit with the hearts of the fathers. And the hearts of the fathers will be knit with the hearts of the children or there will be a curse." But guess what, the reverse is also true. If the hearts of the children are knit with Father God, it will be great, great blessing. Hank Kunneman has never shared what he's going to share, completely publically. Why now, Hank? HANK: The Lord told me to. He said the reason why you grew up in the family that you did and you went through some of the things that you did is so that you can help others. People are hurting today. You know, one of the first things that Jesus came to proclaim was healing to the broken-hearted. People today are wanting to know, God, are you angry at me? Are you ashamed of me? Lord, do you really want to be involved in my life? And I feel that God is saying, I want to be involved. Hank, share your story. Tell people how much the Father loves them and demonstrate— SID: Now it's kind of painful, I'm sure, for you to share this. At age one, your birth father walks out on the family. Age two, your mother remarries, blended family, non-Christian family. How did you feel? HANK: Well I felt a sense of like, first of all, I didn't really want anybody to know my business, so to speak, and I thought, really what difference would it make? And I felt like the things that I went through were just kind of my own story. But I realize that sometimes, especially as ministers, the whole reason we're a minister is to minister to others to give people things that they can relate to in their life. And growing up and having a biological father, of course he's not alive today, disappear from you, never knowing what he looked like, what he sounded like, what his futures were like, and having to hold on to that was very difficult. I came to know my stepdad who adopted me at two years of age and he would raise me, growing up really in a non-Christian home, never really hearing the words, "I love you." It was difficult. It was tough. And I just felt like how can anybody relate to this. And I didn't realize at the time that, Sid, there is a generation of people that some have grown up without a dad. Some have grown up and had to see their dad walk away. Some are feeling the effects of abuse and rejection. Some have never been told that God loves them and we have to get this story out because I believe it's the final revelation before Jesus comes. And if I can take my life to help somebody else, I'm willing to do it.
  • 2. 2 SID: Okay. Christmas time, did you see a difference between your adoptive grandparents to their natural grandchildren and you? HANK: Growing up, because it was a blended family, again I was adopted by my stepdad. He was a very disciplinary military guy. He didn't really grow up with the greatest example of what love is and really how to be a dad that expresses that kind of love. And so at Christmas, the adoptive grandparents would treat me, and they would say out of their mouths something very hurtful. They would say to me, "You're not real blood. You're not one of us." They would talk about how they had a lot of money and that I wouldn't get any of the inheritance like the other grandkids would. They would say, "We'll you're not going to get a present or you're going to get a smaller present because you're not real flesh and blood." As a young kid 10, 11, 12 years old, I didn't understand it. I didn't understand why I couldn't be like them, why I was being treated different, and it took a lot of time to feel, not feel rejected. SID: You told me that you would go to your bedroom by yourself and weep. HANK: I would cry. Yeah. I would cry because I didn't feel that sense of love. I felt them push me away and yet I loved my stepdad no different. But to them, it didn't matter. I didn't carry their same blood. And so they made life difficult, and unfortunately it brought a lot of strife into the family, trying to divide the family over, you know, real blood, non-real blood. SID: And you know how wonderful God is? With this kid that his heart is crying, I need a daddy, at age five, God speaks to him. What did He say? HANK: It was interesting. I was five years old. I was on the island of Guam because my dad was in the military. And I was leaning up against my parents' car and I was looking up at the sky, and all of a sudden I heard a voice. I'll never forget it. And it was almost like off to my right side, and it began to speak to me. And it talked to me, obviously in a childlike way where I would understand. It was Abba revealing himself to me, telling me His hand was upon my life, telling me He had good things for my life. He told me that He was going to reveal who He was over a period of time in my life, and that I was to do good things, and always try to do what was right. That dramatically changed me because I started feeling like there was someone or something out there that really was interested in who I was. SID: You know, the presence of God is getting so strong in this studio right now. Someone's neck and spine has just been healed. And I'm going to tell you something else. When you capture this revelation, no one is going to take it away from you. We'll be right back. [music] We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. We now return to It’s Supernatural. [music]
  • 3. 3 SID: You think Hank Kunneman had problems. He had an adoptive father. He was a disciplinarian. Never said I love you, never affirmed him. His teachers said, you should never publically speak, you should never write. I mean, he would go into his bedroom and weep. But at 18, he became a believer in the Messiah, and in his bedroom, he was filled with the Spirit of God and began to speak in supernatural languages. What happened? HANK: I had a vision of Heaven that night that I was filled with the Spirit of God. My mom, in fact, was yelling at the top of the steps trying to get my attention. Had no idea what was going on. And as I was praying in tongues, all of a sudden, I saw myself in a place where there was like a golden river and I could see a light all around me. It was so bright. And I could see a figure on a throne. I fell immediately down. I couldn't stop weeping in the presence of what I believe now is I was getting a glimpse of Abba, Abba Father sitting on His throne. But the Glory was so great I couldn't see beyond it. And that was a very, very dramatic experience for me. SID: Now how did your parents take to the fact that you are now a believer in Jesus? HANK: Well my dad and I had a working relationship. I worked for him and that was basically how I would sense any kind of love from my dad. We had a great working relationship. But he didn't like the fact that I had just gotten saved because I didn't use a lot of wisdom. Sometimes you know, when you're first saved the tendency is you want to get everybody saved. You don't use a lot of wisdom in the sense that you beat them over the head. I was pretty aggressive, over-zealous. SID: Okay. They're not happy with that. I get it. You had severe acne. HANK: Yes. SID: How bad was it? HANK: Well that's the part that made my dad even more angry. I had severe acne. Obviously, I worked at a service station, gas station, oil. And the Lord healed me at a service that I was attending. The pastor starts speaking a supernatural word of knowledge, calls out that somebody is being healed with severe acne. And I'm thinking, I didn't what miracles were about. I had just gotten saved. But somebody next to me, an older woman who became a spiritual mother to me, said, "God's healing you of acne." All of a sudden, within a matter of days, it looked somebody took their handprints and went to my cheeks and left their fingerprint imprints, and little circles were appearing, different sizes on my face. My dad could not deny it. I began to tell him that I not only got saved, but I was being healed. SID: But wait a second now. He saw severe acne. He saw it all gone. HANK: Yeah. SID: Did you see those fingerprints?
  • 4. 4 HANK: Yes. But he said this: "It would be a cold day in hell before I believe in miracles." SID: But he just saw one. So how could he say that? HANK: Well I think part of it was, was my over-zealousness and my desire for him to get saved. Something happened. My dad was so angry with me declaring that I was being healed, even though he did see my face was clearing up, he said something to me. We got in a heated exchange. He said, "Hank, deny this Jesus or get out." We were face to face. He was that close to me. I couldn't believe it. Why am I in this confrontation with my dad? I don't want this to be happening, but it was happening. And I said, "I won't deny Jesus." Now what he was saying is he thought I was an occult because he hadn't heard of Divine healing like this. So he said, "Deny this Jesus." Really, deny this cult in his mind or get out. And I said, "I will not deny this Jesus." And the next thing I know, Sid, I'm tumbling down the stairs. SID: He pushed down the stairs? HANK: I don't know exactly. I'm not going to say that my dad did that. But all I know is however it happened, we had a physical confrontation and I landed on the bottom of the stairs. I looked up and my dad was raging with anger. He said, "Get out!" I had just graduated out of high school. I had just accepted Jesus, been filled with the Spirit of God. I had nowhere to go. I didn't know what to do. And so I began to pack my clothes and I remember the surreal feeling of backing out of that driveway that day not knowing where to go, questioning in my mind, is this Christianity really worth it? It just cost me my home. It cost me my dad. And I thought, well maybe I could just go back and patch this up. But I knew if I went back, I'd have to deny the expressive radical Christianity that I was living. SID: And then his father develops terminal cancer. What happened? HANK: So fast-forwarding into the future some 20 years later, my dad develops stage 4 cancer. I begin to talk to him about the Lord and about healing. I asked him, I said, "I know somebody who has a healing ministry, Dad. Have you ever heard of Oral Roberts?" He said, "Yeah." But again, his thing was, he would say it often in life, it would be a cold day in hell before I believe in miracles. So he didn't believe in it. But he said, "You know what? I know who Oral Roberts is." I said, "Well I know his son, Richard Roberts who has a healing ministry. He's having tremendous success praying for people with cancer. Can I have him call you?" I was surprised. He agreed. Richard prays for him. The doctors are amazed because the spots on my dad's lungs are disappearing and they don't have an explanation for it. My dad is seeing healing— SID: Now did your father believe that was a miracle? HANK: He said, yes. He told me, "Hank, I cannot deny." In fact he said, because his words were, it would be a cold day in hell. He said, "Hell has a little bit more ice on it than it used to." SID: Hold that thought. We're going to be right back because you are going to capture a revelation of how much God accepts you, loves you and is for you. Don't go away.
  • 5. 5 [music] We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. We now return to It’s Supernatural. [music] SID: So Hank Kunneman, pushed out of his house, pushed down the stairs, nowhere to go because he would not deny Jesus. And his father has stage 4 cancer, terminal cancer. Richard Roberts calls him on the phone. He's healed. The doctors don't understand it. Richard leads him to the Lord. Do you remember the first time your dad said to you, "I love you"? HANK: If I would say, "I love you," he would say, "Same here" or he wouldn't acknowledge it. But to hear him say, "I love you" is like feeling the love of God the first time that you say, Jesus come into my heart. Something happened. I was throwing some papers away trying to empty out a desk. And all of a sudden as I was tossing them into the trash can, something started swirling almost like a snowflake out of the sky, and it landed down at my feet. And I brought it with me. It was a little note that my dad wrote ending it with, "Take care. I love you. Dad." Hearing those words for the first time to where it wasn't forced or "same here" response, it began to heal my heart, and I began to have the dad after salvation that I always wanted, one that I could talk about the Lord with, one that would tell me he loved me. SID: Did he tell you often? HANK: Yeah. Every time. Every time I talked to him on the phone, every time, I remember one time he said, "Hank, I want to talk to you," I was so afraid, because my dad never wanted to talk or ask my advice. I was scared. I called him back and I said, "Dad, can I ask you why?" He said, "I just want to talk. There's some things I wanted answered." He wanted to know about Heaven. He wanted to know about healing. He wanted to know about Jesus. And then he would say to me whenever I would leave or drop him off at his home, he'd say, "I love you, son." And when you hear that, growing up not hearing it, it touches your heart. Even now it's hard holding back the tears. That's why I didn't want to share this story, but I need to share it. SID: I'm telling you, everyone has a void in their heart over father and it's really over Father God. Go ahead. HANK: I release that anointing right now to you, whether you grew up with a father. He never said he loved you, maybe he did, but you've been hurt and wounded. The Bible says that, "love is patient, love is kind, love doesn't boil over in jealousy or in anger." We often think that's the love we should have for one another and it is. But I say God is love. So therefore, Abba is patient with you. He's kind. He's considerate. He doesn't act unbecomingly. He doesn't take in account of a suffered wrong. Receive that anointing right now. Some of you are being healed physically. Some of you are being touched now in your heart. Years of memories of bad experiences are going [clap] like that because the Anointing is touching and destroying that yoke and undoing heaving burdens. Receive Abba's love. Say, I receive Abba's love.
  • 6. 6 SID: I receive Abba's love. You tell me you have a little private place you go to and you crawl into your Abba or your daddy's lap. Explain. HANK: It's like this. The best things are those that you experience. My upbringing, my testimony has forced me to a place where I go into my prayer time. I have a little ottoman. We should always set a time and a place. And I have this ottoman and kneel down, and I do what Jesus did. If you're seeing, Jesus said, "If you're seeing me, you're seeing my daddy." And he gathered the children to himself and he blessed them. I imagine myself coming to Abba's lap, receiving His hands to bless me, not to harm me, not to hurt me, but to receive me to His own. And imagine my heavenly daddy putting His arms around me, and embracing me. Sid, I have heard the tender voice of God so clearly over very specific things in the earth when I've imagined myself in Abba's lap and His arms around me. SID: Tell me, tell me about what's going to happen in the political situation in America, because Hank is a recognized known, proven prophet. HANK: Here's what happening. Political shakings. We're going to see people who have held seats of government be thrown off their seats, so to speak. People who we don't even know about are going to fill those seats. God is looking at someone right now that He's going to put His hand upon. It's one thing to choose like they did with Saul. It’s another thing when God finds David. There is being one, I'm not sure the timing, that the Lord is putting His hand upon who will pray, who will be connected to God and will help bring a reform to this nation. And God is going to take that person like a David and couple him with a compassionate woman. And together it's going to begin to bring the visitation of God again. The Lord is going to deal with the pride that has been upon some of these world leaders, even in our own nation. With arrogance, they penned legislation. God is going to overturn the seats and not let them sit in them any longer. And there's going to be a lot of changing of the guard, changing of faces. Doesn't matter what political party because God's had enough. Jesus fashioned his whip, went in and cleansed the temple. He's going to do the same thing. SID: And don't let sin, you know what sin is, just interrupt that flow of God's love. God's love is always coming towards you. But it's like a shield. And when you believe that Jesus died in your place for your sins and you repent, you tell God you're sorry, He says, "I remember it no more." And then open yourself up to the love of God. Ask Jesus to be your Lord and live inside of you, and begin to live, and be able to say, Abba, Daddy. [music] We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. We now return to It’s Supernatural. [music]
  • 7. 7 SID: Next week on It’s Supernatural. I have a guest, he sees what are known as panoramic visions. He'll see a light over someone and he'll pick that person out, and then he'll see photographs of their entire life right above their head, their past, their present, their future. [music]