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Cost-benefit Analysis of Sparqlycode for Software
Artefact and Development Chain Analytics
Paul Worrall
Interition Limited
April 2015
Version 1.2
email: ,
twitter: @interition
tel: 0845 838 286 5
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Note on the Author............................................................................................................................................ 4
Cost-benefit Analysis of Sparqlycode for Software Artefact and Development Chain Analytics........................5
Value offered by Sparqlycode...................................................................................................................... 5
Prototypical Customers of Sparqlycode....................................................................................................... 5
Cost-benefit Analysis Methodology.............................................................................................................. 6
Period of Analysis................................................................................................................................... 6
Resources and Time Allocation.............................................................................................................. 6
Investigative Questions........................................................................................................................... 7
Resource and Time Allocation With and Without Sparqlycode............................................................... 7
Cost-Benefit Analysis........................................................................................................................................ 8
Content........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Return On Investment.................................................................................................................................. 8
Cost of Investigation Without Sparqlycode.................................................................................................. 9
Cost of Investigation With Sparqlycode..................................................................................................... 10
Process Efficiency Improvement with Sparqlycode....................................................................................11
Total Investment Cost................................................................................................................................ 12
Sparqlycode CI Engine......................................................................................................................... 12
Sparqlycode CI Developer.................................................................................................................... 12
Sparqlycode Dependency KB............................................................................................................... 12
Professional Services........................................................................................................................... 13
Internal Implementation and Support.................................................................................................... 13
Infrastructure (Store)............................................................................................................................. 13
Training and Change Management...................................................................................................... 13
Appendices..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Labour Rates............................................................................................................................................. 14
Assumptions and Parameters.................................................................................................................... 14
Technology of Sparqlycode........................................................................................................................ 15
Semantic Web...................................................................................................................................... 15
What is Sparqlycode?........................................................................................................................... 15
Sparqlycode for Open Source Software............................................................................................... 16
Sparqlycode Engine.............................................................................................................................. 16
Sparqlycode Knowledge Base Store.................................................................................................... 16
The Company and its Partners.................................................................................................................. 17
Interition................................................................................................................................................ 17
emagine................................................................................................................................................ 17
1066 Research..................................................................................................................................... 17
Epimorphics.......................................................................................................................................... 17
Acronyms................................................................................................................................................... 18
Other information....................................................................................................................................... 18
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Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Executive Summary
This is a Cost-benefit Analysis of Sparqlycode: a solution for Software Artefact and Development Chain
Analytics. Sparqlycode is a product of Interition Limited, a startup founded in May 2014 to build high value
applications of the W3C Semantic Web. Sparqlycode enables software, its configuration and it's deployment
environment to be queried, linked with other information and reasoned over in a highly automated fashion.
The current high profile issues around cyber security are driving a need for organisations to have greater
controls over their software, its construction and supply chain. The process of software development and
deployment remains to this day predominantly a manual exercise. Responsibility for software development is
isolated to the developers themselves. There has been little or no tools to engage senior managers or other
representatives of the business with the detail of software construction. If we compare this situation to the
automotive industry it is like using a car from a manufacturer, who has no knowledge or control, of how it was
constructed or what components were used in it. It is common in software contracts to state the following:
If a similar message was displayed to you as the driver of a car you would think it highly inappropriate. This
is because years of health and safety issues in the automotive industry has educated us to expect that
manufacturers take responsibility for any failure of the vehicle. Even though many of us have suffered the
frustration of software not working on our computers or smartphones society does not yet hold vendors to
account for the reliability of their software. However, today whole economies are dependent on software
operating safely, and with the exponential growth of software controlled devices, it is generally recognised
that the problem will reach epidemic proportions. This concern is reflected in most governments now making
cyber security a high priority in their economy.
Most IT departments are not familiar with writing software. They use software as it is provided. They learn
how to operate it but, without knowledge of how it is constructed, have no insight into what it is, can do or
could be influenced to do. However, absolutely everything a computer does is dictated by a sequence of
instructions that are executed. Instructions that are built upon layer and layer of other instructions. With
Open Source Software these instructions are publicly available and have surprisingly little accountability.
Even software developers have been educated to apply software design practices that have actually run
contrary to being able to control software at the code level. For example, the Law of Demeter (LoD) or
principle of least knowledge is a design guideline for developing software. It is based on the fundamental
notion that a component should assume as little as possible about the structure or properties of anything
else in accordance to the principle of "information hiding". These design principles have enabled software
developers to create solutions rapidly but conversely has made an end to end view of a software system
almost impossible. Organisations now need to be cognisant of the code that executes their business
processes on their behalf and to do that requires a means to make their software transparent.
Currently to answer questions about software and its environment involves considerable manual
investigation by domain experts. This does not scale today. This cost-benefit analysis demonstrates that, in
comparison to manual investigation, a $1m investment into Sparqlycode can provide $33m of benefit. The
analysis is based on a hypothetical organisation with 50 software development projects being asked a
number of questions about their software.
The potential ROI from Sparqlycode is significantly greater as it provides a fabric of knowledge on which
software can be directly related to business processes and its role in the organisation. Sparqlycode is a
completely new breed of product addressing the need to recognise software as a first class business asset,
to be controlled and managed like any other part of the business.
© Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 3
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
expressed or implied.
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Note on the Author
The author of this document is the founder of Interition: Paul Worrall. He has over 25 years experience in
enterprise technology and software development. He was VP Lead Architect at JPMorgan Chase where for
six years he led a number of teams applying Graph database and Semantic Web technology to some of the
bank's highest profile problems. He left in May 2014 to commercialise his experience into a number of
applications of the Semantic Web.
Paul has a long history of leading development teams in various organisations building software applications
in business domains such as investment banking, mobile messaging and IT service management.
The subject of this Cost-benefit Analysis is Sparqlycode. Sparqlycode is the first product released by
Interition as a Minimum Viable Product.
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Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Cost-benefit Analysis of Sparqlycode for Software Artefact and
Development Chain Analytics
Value offered by Sparqlycode
Sparqlycode significantly reduces the time to resolution and the cost of manual investigation into software
code, its configuration, dependencies, who worked on it and its deployment information. It provides an
information architecture over your software estate on which you can evolve an automated software
management tier that specifically reflects your unique business processes and their relationship to software.
Prototypical Customers of Sparqlycode
Sparqlycode delivers considerable value to enterprises that have large software development portfolios in-
house, typically global, and dependencies or obligations to other technically interconnected parties. These
are being held to account, and are transitively holding their technology vendors to account, by:
• New regulatory awareness of the risks posed by technology failure
• Government concern about the economic and political impact of Cyber Security failures
• Shareholders concerned about catastrophic business failure
• Customers concerned about personal security
Organisations benefitting from Sparqlycode are likely to be considered Systemically Important Financial
Institutions (SIFIs) or Technology Enterprises (SITEs). Failures in these organisations could permeate the
world economy and therefore need a higher consciousness in their transparency and control mechanisms for
how they build and sustain the technology that underpins their businesses.
© Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 5
Illustration 1: Warning of multiple versions of a component
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Cost-benefit Analysis Methodology
This cost-benefit analysis for Interition's Sparqlycode uses a hypothetical software development team and a
number of questions that they may be asked to investigate. It hypothesises that these questions will be
representative of those asked of a number of project teams on a weekly basis. A proportion of their weekly
work will therefore be allocated to answering these questions. Any reduction in the time taken in these
investigations will be reinvested in other business value. This will be the return on investment in
Note: In Agile Development the roles will be shared by the team. The same model applies for this exercise.
Period of Analysis
The analysis is performed over a four year investment cycle where the first year has an initial investment and
subsequent years have operation and maintenance costs.
Resources and Time Allocation
The following roles exist in the example development team.
Development Manager
Lead Developer
Database Administrator
System Administrator
Business Analyst
Depending on the type of question asked of the team one or more roles will be involved for varying degrees
of time. The amount of time a role spends responding to a question is expressed as a % of their working
week. The first $ figure is the total weekly cost for a particular roles time involved in investigating questions.
Reference roles and salaries can be found in the Appendices.
The $ figures in rows marked 25, 50 and 100 reflect aggregate costs across the same number of projects.
This is reflective of organisations that have large software development portfolios with 100 being not
uncommon in typical global corporations with multi-billion $ internal technology spend.
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Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Investigative Questions
The investigative questions are based on significant experience of managing large software development
estates. Today these questions are probably not asked in your organisation.
What projects depend on component X?
What is the impact of changing component X?
What code has Person X effected?
What web application has redundant http services?
What web services serve business transactions?
What code used object X in database Y?
Where does the application write to disk?
What code is using deprecated code?
What code relates to business requirement X?
If these questions were asked the answer might be of low quality and probably only done in response to a
one off audit.
However, these questions and others like them are most likely to be asked more often as organisations
respond to new levels of executive accountability for attesting to controls over software and its management.
For example, Insurer attestation requirements for underwriting Cyber Security risk.
When these types of questions do become the norm it would be uneconomical and unsustainable to do it
manually. Sparqlycode allows structured questions like this to be asked of generally unstructured software
development artefacts on an automated basis as part of the software development process.
Resource and Time Allocation With and Without Sparqlycode
The resources, the time allocation and the questions are presented based on manual investigation without
Sparqlycode and with automation using Sparqlycode. The difference between the two is the net benefit.
© Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 7
Early feedback on this document proposed many more questions. For example:
Couple of questions which we would like to ask are -
What automated tests are written to validate a particular change?
(I say automated as manual tests are valid for one time only)
Which databases are used?
Which reports are impacted?
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Cost-Benefit Analysis
This cost-benefit analysis starts with the Return On Investment and gradually builds up the detail to explain
how it was arrived at. The ROI is based on the 50 project scenario but the detail does show figures for 25, 50
and 100 project scenarios.
The model is available on request for you to customise with your own parameters.
Return On Investment
Table 1 ROI is significant at 3164%. This reflects the transparency and high degree of automation possible
with Sparqlycode. Non-domain experts can ask questions of the software and its environment and questions
can be asked in the same way of all projects.
The figures that follow will show that this ROI is realistic if not conservative. Table 2 summarises the yearly
costs, benefits, net benefit and present values.
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Table 1: Return On Investment over four years
ROI Total Cost (PV) Total Benefits (PV) Net Present Value (NPV)
3164% 1 $1,048,286 $33,169,472 $32,121,186
Payback Period
Table 2: Summary of costs, benefits and PV of the period
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total PV
Cost $560,000 $238,500 $238,500 $238,500 $1,275,500 $1,048,286
Benefit $10,464,000 $10,464,000 $10,464,000 $10,464,000 $41,856,000 $33,169,472
Net benefit $9,904,000 $10,225,500 $10,225,500 $10,225,500 $40,580,500 $66,338,944
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Cost of Investigation Without Sparqlycode
Table 3 shows % time allocation for investigating the questions raised. For example, 2% of a Development
Manager's time is equivalent to almost an hour. A Lead Developer is often the one to take responsibility for
investigating and reporting against a question because they feel more capable of dealing with it effectively
and wish to avoid distracting junior members of the team: 10% of their time is equal to 4 hours per week.
Depending on the breadth of a question other roles will also be involved. For example, strategic technology
questions may require endorsement from an Architect and those that are business requirement related may
involve the expertise of the Business Analyst. If answering a question involves building the software a Tester
may be required to do regression testing.
As we have pointed out these types of questions are probably not currently asked. If there are investigations
they are likely to be retrospective. An organisation will still carry significant risk as long as there is the
possibility of change. Software is not a static system. Even if new business features are not being introduced
there will be changes to its components, its infrastructure and environment that are likely to require change.
This means a proactive solution is required.
© Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 9
Table 3: Cost of Investigation Without Sparqlycode
% Time Investigating per Week
Manager Architect Developer Tester
Example Question
What projects depend on component X? 2% 5%
What is the impact of changing component X? 2% 10% 5% 10%
What code has Person X effected? 2% 10% 5%
What web app has redundant http services? 2% 10% 10%
What web services serve business transactions? 2% 10% 5% 10%
What code uses Object X in Database Y? 2% 5% 5% 10% 5%
Where does the application write to disk? 2% 5% 5% 10% 10%
What code is using deprecated code? 2% 5% 10%
What code relates to business requirement X? 2% 5% 5% 10% 10%
Weekly cost of one project $576 $1,800 $1,080 $1,320 $120 $240 $240 $560 $5,936
Weekly cost by number of Projects 25 $14,400 $45,000 $27,000 $33,000 $3,000 $6,000 $6,000 $14,000 $148,400
50 $28,800 $90,000 $54,000 $66,000 $6,000 $12,000 $12,000 $28,000 $296,800
100 $57,600 $180,000 $108,000 $132,000 $12,000 $24,000 $24,000 $56,000 $593,600
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Cost of Investigation With Sparqlycode
The same questions investigated using Sparqlycode change the roles required and the time taken to
respond. As fewer people are required the Development Manager has less to coordinate. They can also
answer many of the questions themselves without recourse to the domain experts in the team.
It is clear in Table 4 that the Lead Developer in particular is freed of much of this investigative work. The
more junior members of the team can take some responsibility because Sparqlycode is a knowledge tool
and, as it is less distracting from other work, use of it broadens the teams comprehension across the
The like for like comparison answering the hypothetical questions with and without Sparqlycode actually
understates the benefits. Sparqlycode is providing the bases for a sustainable software risk solution. It
facilitates a high degree of automation and provides an extensible information tier that will evolve to provide
a unique understanding of your software relationship to your business processes.
If you are a large organisation with a lot of software projects, local views of software will always have variable
quality and consistency. Sparqlycode is providing the basis for consistent quality and sustainable global view.
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Table 4: Cost of Investigation Without Sparqlycode
% Time Investigating per Week
Manager Architect Developer Tester
Example Question
What projects depend on component X? 1% 1%
What is the impact of changing component X? 1% 5% 3% 5%
What code has Person X effected? 1%
What web app has redundant http services? 1% 5%
What web services serve business transactions? 1% 5% 5%
What code uses Object X in Database Y? 1% 5%
Where does the application write to disk? 1% 3% 3%
What code is using deprecated code? 1% 1%
What code relates to business requirement X? 1% 5%
Weekly cost of one project $288 $150 $450 $228 $0 $60 $120 $280 $1,576
Weekly cost by number of Projects 25 $7,200 $3,750 $11,250 $5,700 $0 $1,500 $3,000 $7,000 $39,400
50 $14,400 $7,500 $22,500 $11,400 $0 $3,000 $6,000 $14,000 $78,800
100 $28,800 $15,000 $45,000 $22,800 $0 $6,000 $12,000 $28,000 $157,600
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Process Efficiency Improvement with Sparqlycode
Table 5 shows the % increase in time gained by each role for the decreased involvement in investigations.
The Development Manager gets 9% of their time back to focus on more strategic business value. It is
significant that a very capable resource like a Lead Developer benefits from 55% extra time to spend on
other business value or mentoring the team. In Agile, Architects are considered to be contributors like other
developers. The 17.5% additional time Sparqlycode has given the Architect role in this case makes it
possible to adopt the Agile principle. The Developer role also gains 45.5% more time to work on business
value, resolve technical debt or training. Of course the same type of benefits apply to the other roles gaining
between 5 and 10% extra time.
When the demands on teams increase to attest to aspects of their software it will be the most knowledgable
who will be expected to assume this reporting role: a very poor use of resources.
All roles find investigation quicker but it should be noted that the Tester is the least benefitted because they
still have to carry out that testing which is manual. We mention this to assure the reader careful consideration
has been given to what each role does when responding to these types of questions.
© Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 11
Table 5: Process Efficiency Improvement with Sparqlycode
% Time Saving on Investigations Per Week
Manager Architect Developer Tester
Question example
What projects depend on component X? 1% 0% 0% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0%
What is the impact of changing component X? 1% 5% 3% 0% 0% 0% 5% 0%
What code has Person X effected? 1% 10% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
What web app has redundant http services? 1% 10% 0% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0%
What web services serve business transactions? 1% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5%
What code uses Object X in Database Y? 1% 5% 0% 10% 5% 0% 0% 0%
Where does the application write to disk? 1% 5% 5% 8% 0% 8% 0% 0%
What code is using deprecated code? 1% 5% 0% 9% 0% 0% 0% 0%
What code relates to business requirement X? 1% 5% 5% 10% 0% 0% 0% 5%
Total time saved in % 9.00% 55.00% 17.50% 45.50% 5.00% 7.50% 5.00% 10.00%
Weekly savings on one project $288 $1,650 $630 $1,092 $120 $180 $120 $280 $4,360
Weekly savings on number of Projects 25 $7,200 $41,250 $15,750 $27,300 $3,000 $4,500 $3,000 $7,000 $109,000
50 $14,400 $82,500 $31,500 $54,600 $6,000 $9,000 $6,000 $14,000 $218,000
100 $28,800 $165,000 $63,000 $109,200 $12,000 $18,000 $12,000 $28,000 $436,000
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Total Investment Cost
The investment required for Sparqlycode, its adoption and operation is broken down in Table 6 .
Sparqlycode CI Engine
Sparqlycode consists of a set of publishing components which integrate into the normal software build
process. It would normally be applied in the Continuous Integration infrastructure of a project's SDLC.
The Sparqlycode Knowledge Bases are published into a store which can be housed in the CI or other server.
The store is also your choice: you can use a commercial or open source store. Note that if your choice of
store incurs a cost it will be additional to the figures here.
This ROI model is based on a 50 project portfolio sharing 5 CI servers. A CI Server license for the
Sparqlycode Engine is $12,000.00 with 20% annual maintenance thereafter.
Sparqlycode CI Developer
The Sparqlycode publishing components will also run similarly on a developers workstation with no, or
marginal, change in configuration. The Sparqlycode Knowledge Bases are published onto the developer's
workstation and not into a store. However, there are a number of configuration choices that enable
Sparqlycode KB on developer workstations to be included in across-estate queries.
This ROI model is based on a 50 project portfolio with two developers having a Sparqlycode license each.. A
Sparqlycode Developer license is $800 with a 20% annual maintenance thereafter.
Sparqlycode Dependency KB
Most software projects consist of many third party components known as dependencies. One of the key
benefits of Sparqlycode is the ability to track dependencies at the code level. Most other tools only track
dependencies at the module level. This extra granularity makes it possible to more accurately determine the
dependency on, impact of and the resources required to respond to any change or vulnerability of a
Most projects do not manage the actual source code of their dependencies. Up to a claimed 90% of most
software is open source (OSS). The underpinning philosophy of OSS is that the source code is available to
scrutinise. However, the resources required to do that would be prohibitive. By extension it would also be
very expensive to produce Sparqlycode Knowledge Bases for dependencies.
When the source code is publicly available it makes economic sense to have the Knowledge Bases for OSS
produced by one authority and shared across all customers. Interition provides an ongoing OSS Knowledge
Base publishing service responding to new releases, upgrades or security fixes for $1,000 per dependency
per annum.
This ROI model reflects the cost of a 50 project portfolio sharing 100 OSS Knowledge Bases purchased from
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Table 6: Total Investment Cost and Present Value
Product # Licenses Unit Cost Initial Y1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total PV
Sparqlycode CI Engine 5 $12,000 $60,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $96,000 $81,675
Sparqlycode Developer 100 $800 $80,000 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 $128,000 $108,900
Sparqlycode Dependency KB 100 $1,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $400,000 $316,987
Professional Services $180,000 $0 $0 $0 $180,000 $163,636
Internal Implementation and Support $75,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $345,000 $271,652
Infrastructure (Store) $30,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $39,000 $34,055
Training and Change Management $35,000 $17,500 $17,500 $17,500 $87,500 $71,382
Total costs $560,000 $238,500 $238,500 $238,500 $1,275,500 $1,048,286
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Professional Services
These are services provided by Interition in assisting with the assessment, planning, and setup of the
Sparqlycode product suite. We will spend 1,100 hours upfront and 100 hours on an ongoing basis engaged
with you to ensure the success of the product. The cost of these services are $180,000 in the initial year of
Internal Implementation and Support
This is the cost of your staff to integrate the Sparqlycode tools into your environment and to support the tools
on an ongoing basis. They will invest 1,200 hours upfront to aid in the implementation and roughly
require 0.75 FTEs to support Sparqlycode on an ongoing basis. Assuming an hourly rate of $60, the total
cost over the period is $345,000.
Infrastructure (Store)
This project assumes you will run Sparqlycode Knowledge Base stores on your Continuous Integration
servers but if not this investment is to accommodate dedicated servers. As Sparqlycode starts to form an
analytical tier used across the business it is very likely that you will want to separate the store from the
development infrastructure.
We have estimated $39,000 over the four year period for infrastructure.
Training and Change Management
This is the cost of training the person to support Sparqlycode and educating team members and others to
query and analyse the Knowledge Bases. The cost equates to $87,500 over the four year period.
© Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 13
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Labour Rates
Assumptions and Parameters
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Assumptions Consequences
Standardised on Java language One language environment
Maven build environment One consistent build configuration technique
No dependency repository
Development, UAT and Production environments Increases number of environment to reconcile
No Developer access to UAT and Production Increases people involved in research
Teams are conscious of transitive dependencies Time is provided to manage all dependency source code
More people involved greater time taken Coordination and discussion time longer
Time answering questions will be stopping development Delays in delivery of business functionality
Based on the 50 projects customer All comparisons relative to investment into Sparqlycode
50 projects used 5 CI servers
2 developers per project The developers that have Sparqlycode licenses
Management of 100 dependencies The third party components used by the software
36 weeks of professional services For implementation
20% annual maintenance fee
1 FTE supports the product
IRR – Internal Rate of Return 10.00%
48 working weeks per year
No resource cost inflation
No golden source of firmwide dependencies
Table 7: Labour rates used in calculations
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
Technology of Sparqlycode
Semantic Web
What is Sparqlycode?
Sparqlycode is a Knowledge Base technology based on the W3C Semantic Web standards RDF/OWL and
SPARQL. These W3C standards are based on open data principles which means the data is self describing
and easy to integrate with other data. Combined with the SPARQL query language you get a domain
specific language that can be used by any application that supports HTTP. This could be a web browser, a
spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel or a business intelligence platform like QlikView.
Sparqlycode is a RDF/OWL representation of knowledge in the SDLC - For example the code, its
configuration, the developers that worked on it, and its deployment configuration. Sparqlycode is published
using a proprietary tool known as the ScE (Sparqlycode Engine). This is a component that runs in the build
process of your software, most commonly during Continuous Integration, and publishes Sparqlycode. The
© Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 15
Illustration 2: The Sparqlycode Ecosystem
Illustration 3: An example query of Sparqlycode using W3C's SPARQL
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
flexibility provided by RDF/OWL and SPARQL enables Sparqlycode to be easily linked to get that essential
end to end view.
Sparqlycode for Open Source Software
ScE processes your in-house software to publish Sparqlycode but, as up to 90% of software is based on
open source components today, we provide Sparqlycode for open source projects as a data feed. This saves
a considerable amount of expense managing and processing the code of third party dependencies so they
can be included in the end to end view of the SDLC.
Sparqlycode Engine
The Sparqlycode Engine is a suite of publishing components that interrogate specialist data sources in the
SDLC and represent them as Ontologies using the W3C RDF/OWL schema for graphs and knowledge
bases. The resulting KB can be combined easily and queried as one coherent data set.
Sparqlycode Knowledge Base Store
The stores for knowledge represented in the W3Cs RDF/OWL schema are known as Triplestores. Both
freely available open source and commercial Triplestores are available and you are free to choose your own.
When we are asked to provide the store we will use the one we feel is most likely to provide you with a
reliable, scaleable and maintainable solution at low cost.
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Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
The Company and its Partners
Interition was founded (refounded) in May 2014 by Paul Worrall to provide applications of the Semantic Web.
The Semantic Web technologies enable data on the Web to become an integrated universe of knowledge
that can be understood and reasoned over by machines. Paul's vision is that the explosion in interconnected
software will only be manageable if it can be processed by machines. Interition's Sparqlycode exemplifies
his vision by making it possible to see the software code with which you interact and be able to verify it is
doing what you expect of it.
Emagine, a subsidiary of the globally successful GFT group, provide customised solutions for technology
and business products. They are developing service propositions based on Sparqlycode and providing sales
and marketing assistance.
1066 Research
1060 Research, has a Resource Oriented Computing platform called NetKernel. Sparqlycode plans to evolve
from a static to a dynamic knowledge base technology using NetKernel.
Epimorphics are experts in all aspects of the W3C Semantic Web. They provide services to help you model,
publish and exploit data assets. They also maintain the Apache Jena software, a free and open source Java
framework for building Semantic Web and Linked Data applications.
TekWurx, a consultancy and software vendor specialising in BMC ADDM. They are evaluating Sparqlycode
as an extension to their IT discovery tools to link operating infrastructure to the software code bases that they
© Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 17
Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode
SDLC - The Software Development Lifecycle
ROI – Return On Investment
PV - The Present Value of a future cashflow discounted using an Internal Rate of Return
NPV – The Net Present Value is the value of a future inward cashflow minus any outwards cashflow
IRR – The Internal Rate of Return (%) used to discount the value of project cashflows
KB – A Sparqlycode Knowledge Base expressed using the W3C RDF/OWL data format
OSS – Open Source Software is software that can be freely used, changed, and shared (in modified or
unmodified form) by anyone
W3C – The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community that develops open standards
to ensure the long-term growth of the Web
ScE – The Sparqlycode Engine. A suite of Knowledge Base publishers for specialist domains of the SDLC
RDF – The W3C Resource Description Framework is a standard model for data interchange on the Web
OWL – The W3C Web Ontology Language is a language designed to represent rich and complex knowledge
about things, groups of things, and relations between things
SPARQL – The W3C standard query language for Linked Open Data and the Semantic Web
Linked Open Data – Linked Open Data is a a way of publishing structured data that allows metadata to be
connected and enriched, so that different representations of the same content can be found, and links made
between related resources.
Semantic Web - is an extension of the Web through standards by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
The standards promote common data formats and exchange protocols on the Web, most fundamentally the
Resource Description Framework (RDF)
Reasoning – Reasoning is the process of applying rules, axioms, pattern matching or other inference
techniques to automate understanding and the meaning of the information.
Information Hiding - Information hiding is the principle of segregation of the design decisions in a computer
program that are most likely to change, thus protecting other parts of the program from extensive
modification if the design decision is changed
Other information
WWW.SPARQLYCODE.COM – eCommerce platform where you can acquire Sparqlycode Knowledge Bases
for popular Open Source Software.
CONFLUENCE.INTERITION.NET – Confluence site with training screencasts and example queries you can
make of Knowledge Bases. The queries used as Illustrations in this document can be found here.
WWW.INTERITION.NET – Interition website.
Page 18, © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015.

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TotalEconomicBenefitOfSparqlycode 1.2

  • 1. Cost-benefit Analysis of Sparqlycode for Software Artefact and Development Chain Analytics Paul Worrall Interition Limited 7th April 2015 Version 1.2 email: , twitter: @interition tel: 0845 838 286 5
  • 2. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Table of Contents Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................................... 3 Note on the Author............................................................................................................................................ 4 Cost-benefit Analysis of Sparqlycode for Software Artefact and Development Chain Analytics........................5 Value offered by Sparqlycode...................................................................................................................... 5 Prototypical Customers of Sparqlycode....................................................................................................... 5 Cost-benefit Analysis Methodology.............................................................................................................. 6 Period of Analysis................................................................................................................................... 6 Resources and Time Allocation.............................................................................................................. 6 Investigative Questions........................................................................................................................... 7 Resource and Time Allocation With and Without Sparqlycode............................................................... 7 Cost-Benefit Analysis........................................................................................................................................ 8 Content........................................................................................................................................................ 8 Return On Investment.................................................................................................................................. 8 Cost of Investigation Without Sparqlycode.................................................................................................. 9 Cost of Investigation With Sparqlycode..................................................................................................... 10 Process Efficiency Improvement with Sparqlycode....................................................................................11 Total Investment Cost................................................................................................................................ 12 Sparqlycode CI Engine......................................................................................................................... 12 Sparqlycode CI Developer.................................................................................................................... 12 Sparqlycode Dependency KB............................................................................................................... 12 Professional Services........................................................................................................................... 13 Internal Implementation and Support.................................................................................................... 13 Infrastructure (Store)............................................................................................................................. 13 Training and Change Management...................................................................................................... 13 Appendices..................................................................................................................................................... 14 Labour Rates............................................................................................................................................. 14 Assumptions and Parameters.................................................................................................................... 14 Technology of Sparqlycode........................................................................................................................ 15 Semantic Web...................................................................................................................................... 15 What is Sparqlycode?........................................................................................................................... 15 Sparqlycode for Open Source Software............................................................................................... 16 Sparqlycode Engine.............................................................................................................................. 16 Sparqlycode Knowledge Base Store.................................................................................................... 16 The Company and its Partners.................................................................................................................. 17 Interition................................................................................................................................................ 17 emagine................................................................................................................................................ 17 1066 Research..................................................................................................................................... 17 Epimorphics.......................................................................................................................................... 17 Acronyms................................................................................................................................................... 18 Other information....................................................................................................................................... 18 Page 2, © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015.
  • 3. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Executive Summary This is a Cost-benefit Analysis of Sparqlycode: a solution for Software Artefact and Development Chain Analytics. Sparqlycode is a product of Interition Limited, a startup founded in May 2014 to build high value applications of the W3C Semantic Web. Sparqlycode enables software, its configuration and it's deployment environment to be queried, linked with other information and reasoned over in a highly automated fashion. The current high profile issues around cyber security are driving a need for organisations to have greater controls over their software, its construction and supply chain. The process of software development and deployment remains to this day predominantly a manual exercise. Responsibility for software development is isolated to the developers themselves. There has been little or no tools to engage senior managers or other representatives of the business with the detail of software construction. If we compare this situation to the automotive industry it is like using a car from a manufacturer, who has no knowledge or control, of how it was constructed or what components were used in it. It is common in software contracts to state the following: If a similar message was displayed to you as the driver of a car you would think it highly inappropriate. This is because years of health and safety issues in the automotive industry has educated us to expect that manufacturers take responsibility for any failure of the vehicle. Even though many of us have suffered the frustration of software not working on our computers or smartphones society does not yet hold vendors to account for the reliability of their software. However, today whole economies are dependent on software operating safely, and with the exponential growth of software controlled devices, it is generally recognised that the problem will reach epidemic proportions. This concern is reflected in most governments now making cyber security a high priority in their economy. Most IT departments are not familiar with writing software. They use software as it is provided. They learn how to operate it but, without knowledge of how it is constructed, have no insight into what it is, can do or could be influenced to do. However, absolutely everything a computer does is dictated by a sequence of instructions that are executed. Instructions that are built upon layer and layer of other instructions. With Open Source Software these instructions are publicly available and have surprisingly little accountability. Even software developers have been educated to apply software design practices that have actually run contrary to being able to control software at the code level. For example, the Law of Demeter (LoD) or principle of least knowledge is a design guideline for developing software. It is based on the fundamental notion that a component should assume as little as possible about the structure or properties of anything else in accordance to the principle of "information hiding". These design principles have enabled software developers to create solutions rapidly but conversely has made an end to end view of a software system almost impossible. Organisations now need to be cognisant of the code that executes their business processes on their behalf and to do that requires a means to make their software transparent. Currently to answer questions about software and its environment involves considerable manual investigation by domain experts. This does not scale today. This cost-benefit analysis demonstrates that, in comparison to manual investigation, a $1m investment into Sparqlycode can provide $33m of benefit. The analysis is based on a hypothetical organisation with 50 software development projects being asked a number of questions about their software. The potential ROI from Sparqlycode is significantly greater as it provides a fabric of knowledge on which software can be directly related to business processes and its role in the organisation. Sparqlycode is a completely new breed of product addressing the need to recognise software as a first class business asset, to be controlled and managed like any other part of the business. © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 3 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied.
  • 4. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Note on the Author The author of this document is the founder of Interition: Paul Worrall. He has over 25 years experience in enterprise technology and software development. He was VP Lead Architect at JPMorgan Chase where for six years he led a number of teams applying Graph database and Semantic Web technology to some of the bank's highest profile problems. He left in May 2014 to commercialise his experience into a number of applications of the Semantic Web. Paul has a long history of leading development teams in various organisations building software applications in business domains such as investment banking, mobile messaging and IT service management. The subject of this Cost-benefit Analysis is Sparqlycode. Sparqlycode is the first product released by Interition as a Minimum Viable Product. Page 4, © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015.
  • 5. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Cost-benefit Analysis of Sparqlycode for Software Artefact and Development Chain Analytics Value offered by Sparqlycode Sparqlycode significantly reduces the time to resolution and the cost of manual investigation into software code, its configuration, dependencies, who worked on it and its deployment information. It provides an information architecture over your software estate on which you can evolve an automated software management tier that specifically reflects your unique business processes and their relationship to software. Prototypical Customers of Sparqlycode Sparqlycode delivers considerable value to enterprises that have large software development portfolios in- house, typically global, and dependencies or obligations to other technically interconnected parties. These are being held to account, and are transitively holding their technology vendors to account, by: • New regulatory awareness of the risks posed by technology failure • Government concern about the economic and political impact of Cyber Security failures • Shareholders concerned about catastrophic business failure • Customers concerned about personal security Organisations benefitting from Sparqlycode are likely to be considered Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs) or Technology Enterprises (SITEs). Failures in these organisations could permeate the world economy and therefore need a higher consciousness in their transparency and control mechanisms for how they build and sustain the technology that underpins their businesses. © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 5 Illustration 1: Warning of multiple versions of a component
  • 6. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Cost-benefit Analysis Methodology This cost-benefit analysis for Interition's Sparqlycode uses a hypothetical software development team and a number of questions that they may be asked to investigate. It hypothesises that these questions will be representative of those asked of a number of project teams on a weekly basis. A proportion of their weekly work will therefore be allocated to answering these questions. Any reduction in the time taken in these investigations will be reinvested in other business value. This will be the return on investment in Sparqlycode. Note: In Agile Development the roles will be shared by the team. The same model applies for this exercise. Period of Analysis The analysis is performed over a four year investment cycle where the first year has an initial investment and subsequent years have operation and maintenance costs. Resources and Time Allocation The following roles exist in the example development team. Development Manager Lead Developer Architect Developer Database Administrator System Administrator Tester Business Analyst Depending on the type of question asked of the team one or more roles will be involved for varying degrees of time. The amount of time a role spends responding to a question is expressed as a % of their working week. The first $ figure is the total weekly cost for a particular roles time involved in investigating questions. Reference roles and salaries can be found in the Appendices. The $ figures in rows marked 25, 50 and 100 reflect aggregate costs across the same number of projects. This is reflective of organisations that have large software development portfolios with 100 being not uncommon in typical global corporations with multi-billion $ internal technology spend. Page 6, © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015.
  • 7. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Investigative Questions The investigative questions are based on significant experience of managing large software development estates. Today these questions are probably not asked in your organisation. What projects depend on component X? What is the impact of changing component X? What code has Person X effected? What web application has redundant http services? What web services serve business transactions? What code used object X in database Y? Where does the application write to disk? What code is using deprecated code? What code relates to business requirement X? If these questions were asked the answer might be of low quality and probably only done in response to a one off audit. However, these questions and others like them are most likely to be asked more often as organisations respond to new levels of executive accountability for attesting to controls over software and its management. For example, Insurer attestation requirements for underwriting Cyber Security risk. When these types of questions do become the norm it would be uneconomical and unsustainable to do it manually. Sparqlycode allows structured questions like this to be asked of generally unstructured software development artefacts on an automated basis as part of the software development process. Resource and Time Allocation With and Without Sparqlycode The resources, the time allocation and the questions are presented based on manual investigation without Sparqlycode and with automation using Sparqlycode. The difference between the two is the net benefit. © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 7 Early feedback on this document proposed many more questions. For example: Couple of questions which we would like to ask are - What automated tests are written to validate a particular change? (I say automated as manual tests are valid for one time only) Which databases are used? Which reports are impacted?
  • 8. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Cost-Benefit Analysis Content This cost-benefit analysis starts with the Return On Investment and gradually builds up the detail to explain how it was arrived at. The ROI is based on the 50 project scenario but the detail does show figures for 25, 50 and 100 project scenarios. The model is available on request for you to customise with your own parameters. Return On Investment Table 1 ROI is significant at 3164%. This reflects the transparency and high degree of automation possible with Sparqlycode. Non-domain experts can ask questions of the software and its environment and questions can be asked in the same way of all projects. The figures that follow will show that this ROI is realistic if not conservative. Table 2 summarises the yearly costs, benefits, net benefit and present values. Page 8, © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Table 1: Return On Investment over four years ROI Total Cost (PV) Total Benefits (PV) Net Present Value (NPV) 3164% 1 $1,048,286 $33,169,472 $32,121,186 Payback Period (Yrs) Table 2: Summary of costs, benefits and PV of the period Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total PV Cost $560,000 $238,500 $238,500 $238,500 $1,275,500 $1,048,286 Benefit $10,464,000 $10,464,000 $10,464,000 $10,464,000 $41,856,000 $33,169,472 Net benefit $9,904,000 $10,225,500 $10,225,500 $10,225,500 $40,580,500 $66,338,944
  • 9. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Cost of Investigation Without Sparqlycode Table 3 shows % time allocation for investigating the questions raised. For example, 2% of a Development Manager's time is equivalent to almost an hour. A Lead Developer is often the one to take responsibility for investigating and reporting against a question because they feel more capable of dealing with it effectively and wish to avoid distracting junior members of the team: 10% of their time is equal to 4 hours per week. Depending on the breadth of a question other roles will also be involved. For example, strategic technology questions may require endorsement from an Architect and those that are business requirement related may involve the expertise of the Business Analyst. If answering a question involves building the software a Tester may be required to do regression testing. As we have pointed out these types of questions are probably not currently asked. If there are investigations they are likely to be retrospective. An organisation will still carry significant risk as long as there is the possibility of change. Software is not a static system. Even if new business features are not being introduced there will be changes to its components, its infrastructure and environment that are likely to require change. This means a proactive solution is required. © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 9 Table 3: Cost of Investigation Without Sparqlycode % Time Investigating per Week Manager Architect Developer Tester Example Question What projects depend on component X? 2% 5% What is the impact of changing component X? 2% 10% 5% 10% What code has Person X effected? 2% 10% 5% What web app has redundant http services? 2% 10% 10% What web services serve business transactions? 2% 10% 5% 10% What code uses Object X in Database Y? 2% 5% 5% 10% 5% Where does the application write to disk? 2% 5% 5% 10% 10% What code is using deprecated code? 2% 5% 10% What code relates to business requirement X? 2% 5% 5% 10% 10% Weekly cost of one project $576 $1,800 $1,080 $1,320 $120 $240 $240 $560 $5,936 Weekly cost by number of Projects 25 $14,400 $45,000 $27,000 $33,000 $3,000 $6,000 $6,000 $14,000 $148,400 50 $28,800 $90,000 $54,000 $66,000 $6,000 $12,000 $12,000 $28,000 $296,800 100 $57,600 $180,000 $108,000 $132,000 $12,000 $24,000 $24,000 $56,000 $593,600 Lead Developer Db Admin Sys Admin Business Analyst Total Resource Cost
  • 10. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Cost of Investigation With Sparqlycode The same questions investigated using Sparqlycode change the roles required and the time taken to respond. As fewer people are required the Development Manager has less to coordinate. They can also answer many of the questions themselves without recourse to the domain experts in the team. It is clear in Table 4 that the Lead Developer in particular is freed of much of this investigative work. The more junior members of the team can take some responsibility because Sparqlycode is a knowledge tool and, as it is less distracting from other work, use of it broadens the teams comprehension across the software. The like for like comparison answering the hypothetical questions with and without Sparqlycode actually understates the benefits. Sparqlycode is providing the bases for a sustainable software risk solution. It facilitates a high degree of automation and provides an extensible information tier that will evolve to provide a unique understanding of your software relationship to your business processes. If you are a large organisation with a lot of software projects, local views of software will always have variable quality and consistency. Sparqlycode is providing the basis for consistent quality and sustainable global view. Page 10, © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Table 4: Cost of Investigation Without Sparqlycode % Time Investigating per Week Manager Architect Developer Tester Example Question What projects depend on component X? 1% 1% What is the impact of changing component X? 1% 5% 3% 5% What code has Person X effected? 1% What web app has redundant http services? 1% 5% What web services serve business transactions? 1% 5% 5% What code uses Object X in Database Y? 1% 5% Where does the application write to disk? 1% 3% 3% What code is using deprecated code? 1% 1% What code relates to business requirement X? 1% 5% Weekly cost of one project $288 $150 $450 $228 $0 $60 $120 $280 $1,576 Weekly cost by number of Projects 25 $7,200 $3,750 $11,250 $5,700 $0 $1,500 $3,000 $7,000 $39,400 50 $14,400 $7,500 $22,500 $11,400 $0 $3,000 $6,000 $14,000 $78,800 100 $28,800 $15,000 $45,000 $22,800 $0 $6,000 $12,000 $28,000 $157,600 Lead Developer Db Admin Sys Admin Business Analyst Total Resource Cost
  • 11. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Process Efficiency Improvement with Sparqlycode Table 5 shows the % increase in time gained by each role for the decreased involvement in investigations. The Development Manager gets 9% of their time back to focus on more strategic business value. It is significant that a very capable resource like a Lead Developer benefits from 55% extra time to spend on other business value or mentoring the team. In Agile, Architects are considered to be contributors like other developers. The 17.5% additional time Sparqlycode has given the Architect role in this case makes it possible to adopt the Agile principle. The Developer role also gains 45.5% more time to work on business value, resolve technical debt or training. Of course the same type of benefits apply to the other roles gaining between 5 and 10% extra time. When the demands on teams increase to attest to aspects of their software it will be the most knowledgable who will be expected to assume this reporting role: a very poor use of resources. All roles find investigation quicker but it should be noted that the Tester is the least benefitted because they still have to carry out that testing which is manual. We mention this to assure the reader careful consideration has been given to what each role does when responding to these types of questions. © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 11 Table 5: Process Efficiency Improvement with Sparqlycode % Time Saving on Investigations Per Week Manager Architect Developer Tester Question example What projects depend on component X? 1% 0% 0% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% What is the impact of changing component X? 1% 5% 3% 0% 0% 0% 5% 0% What code has Person X effected? 1% 10% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% What web app has redundant http services? 1% 10% 0% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% What web services serve business transactions? 1% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5% What code uses Object X in Database Y? 1% 5% 0% 10% 5% 0% 0% 0% Where does the application write to disk? 1% 5% 5% 8% 0% 8% 0% 0% What code is using deprecated code? 1% 5% 0% 9% 0% 0% 0% 0% What code relates to business requirement X? 1% 5% 5% 10% 0% 0% 0% 5% Total time saved in % 9.00% 55.00% 17.50% 45.50% 5.00% 7.50% 5.00% 10.00% Weekly savings on one project $288 $1,650 $630 $1,092 $120 $180 $120 $280 $4,360 Weekly savings on number of Projects 25 $7,200 $41,250 $15,750 $27,300 $3,000 $4,500 $3,000 $7,000 $109,000 50 $14,400 $82,500 $31,500 $54,600 $6,000 $9,000 $6,000 $14,000 $218,000 100 $28,800 $165,000 $63,000 $109,200 $12,000 $18,000 $12,000 $28,000 $436,000 Lead Developer Db Admin Sys Admin Business Analyst Total Resource Cost
  • 12. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Total Investment Cost The investment required for Sparqlycode, its adoption and operation is broken down in Table 6 . Sparqlycode CI Engine Sparqlycode consists of a set of publishing components which integrate into the normal software build process. It would normally be applied in the Continuous Integration infrastructure of a project's SDLC. The Sparqlycode Knowledge Bases are published into a store which can be housed in the CI or other server. The store is also your choice: you can use a commercial or open source store. Note that if your choice of store incurs a cost it will be additional to the figures here. This ROI model is based on a 50 project portfolio sharing 5 CI servers. A CI Server license for the Sparqlycode Engine is $12,000.00 with 20% annual maintenance thereafter. Sparqlycode CI Developer The Sparqlycode publishing components will also run similarly on a developers workstation with no, or marginal, change in configuration. The Sparqlycode Knowledge Bases are published onto the developer's workstation and not into a store. However, there are a number of configuration choices that enable Sparqlycode KB on developer workstations to be included in across-estate queries. This ROI model is based on a 50 project portfolio with two developers having a Sparqlycode license each.. A Sparqlycode Developer license is $800 with a 20% annual maintenance thereafter. Sparqlycode Dependency KB Most software projects consist of many third party components known as dependencies. One of the key benefits of Sparqlycode is the ability to track dependencies at the code level. Most other tools only track dependencies at the module level. This extra granularity makes it possible to more accurately determine the dependency on, impact of and the resources required to respond to any change or vulnerability of a component. Most projects do not manage the actual source code of their dependencies. Up to a claimed 90% of most software is open source (OSS). The underpinning philosophy of OSS is that the source code is available to scrutinise. However, the resources required to do that would be prohibitive. By extension it would also be very expensive to produce Sparqlycode Knowledge Bases for dependencies. When the source code is publicly available it makes economic sense to have the Knowledge Bases for OSS produced by one authority and shared across all customers. Interition provides an ongoing OSS Knowledge Base publishing service responding to new releases, upgrades or security fixes for $1,000 per dependency per annum. This ROI model reflects the cost of a 50 project portfolio sharing 100 OSS Knowledge Bases purchased from Interition. Page 12, © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Table 6: Total Investment Cost and Present Value Product # Licenses Unit Cost Initial Y1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total PV Sparqlycode CI Engine 5 $12,000 $60,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $96,000 $81,675 Sparqlycode Developer 100 $800 $80,000 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 $128,000 $108,900 Sparqlycode Dependency KB 100 $1,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $400,000 $316,987 Professional Services $180,000 $0 $0 $0 $180,000 $163,636 Internal Implementation and Support $75,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $345,000 $271,652 Infrastructure (Store) $30,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $39,000 $34,055 Training and Change Management $35,000 $17,500 $17,500 $17,500 $87,500 $71,382 Total costs $560,000 $238,500 $238,500 $238,500 $1,275,500 $1,048,286
  • 13. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Professional Services These are services provided by Interition in assisting with the assessment, planning, and setup of the Sparqlycode product suite. We will spend 1,100 hours upfront and 100 hours on an ongoing basis engaged with you to ensure the success of the product. The cost of these services are $180,000 in the initial year of adoption. Internal Implementation and Support This is the cost of your staff to integrate the Sparqlycode tools into your environment and to support the tools on an ongoing basis. They will invest 1,200 hours upfront to aid in the implementation and roughly require 0.75 FTEs to support Sparqlycode on an ongoing basis. Assuming an hourly rate of $60, the total cost over the period is $345,000. Infrastructure (Store) This project assumes you will run Sparqlycode Knowledge Base stores on your Continuous Integration servers but if not this investment is to accommodate dedicated servers. As Sparqlycode starts to form an analytical tier used across the business it is very likely that you will want to separate the store from the development infrastructure. We have estimated $39,000 over the four year period for infrastructure. Training and Change Management This is the cost of training the person to support Sparqlycode and educating team members and others to query and analyse the Knowledge Bases. The cost equates to $87,500 over the four year period. © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 13
  • 14. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Appendices Labour Rates Assumptions and Parameters Page 14, © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Assumptions Consequences Standardised on Java language One language environment Maven build environment One consistent build configuration technique No dependency repository Development, UAT and Production environments Increases number of environment to reconcile No Developer access to UAT and Production Increases people involved in research Teams are conscious of transitive dependencies Time is provided to manage all dependency source code More people involved greater time taken Coordination and discussion time longer Time answering questions will be stopping development Delays in delivery of business functionality Based on the 50 projects customer All comparisons relative to investment into Sparqlycode 50 projects used 5 CI servers 2 developers per project The developers that have Sparqlycode licenses Management of 100 dependencies The third party components used by the software 36 weeks of professional services For implementation 20% annual maintenance fee 1 FTE supports the product IRR – Internal Rate of Return 10.00% 48 working weeks per year No resource cost inflation No golden source of firmwide dependencies Table 7: Labour rates used in calculations
  • 15. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Technology of Sparqlycode Semantic Web What is Sparqlycode? Sparqlycode is a Knowledge Base technology based on the W3C Semantic Web standards RDF/OWL and SPARQL. These W3C standards are based on open data principles which means the data is self describing and easy to integrate with other data. Combined with the SPARQL query language you get a domain specific language that can be used by any application that supports HTTP. This could be a web browser, a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel or a business intelligence platform like QlikView. Sparqlycode is a RDF/OWL representation of knowledge in the SDLC - For example the code, its configuration, the developers that worked on it, and its deployment configuration. Sparqlycode is published using a proprietary tool known as the ScE (Sparqlycode Engine). This is a component that runs in the build process of your software, most commonly during Continuous Integration, and publishes Sparqlycode. The © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 15 Illustration 2: The Sparqlycode Ecosystem Illustration 3: An example query of Sparqlycode using W3C's SPARQL
  • 16. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode flexibility provided by RDF/OWL and SPARQL enables Sparqlycode to be easily linked to get that essential end to end view. Sparqlycode for Open Source Software ScE processes your in-house software to publish Sparqlycode but, as up to 90% of software is based on open source components today, we provide Sparqlycode for open source projects as a data feed. This saves a considerable amount of expense managing and processing the code of third party dependencies so they can be included in the end to end view of the SDLC. Sparqlycode Engine The Sparqlycode Engine is a suite of publishing components that interrogate specialist data sources in the SDLC and represent them as Ontologies using the W3C RDF/OWL schema for graphs and knowledge bases. The resulting KB can be combined easily and queried as one coherent data set. Sparqlycode Knowledge Base Store The stores for knowledge represented in the W3Cs RDF/OWL schema are known as Triplestores. Both freely available open source and commercial Triplestores are available and you are free to choose your own. When we are asked to provide the store we will use the one we feel is most likely to provide you with a reliable, scaleable and maintainable solution at low cost. Page 16, © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015.
  • 17. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode The Company and its Partners Interition Interition was founded (refounded) in May 2014 by Paul Worrall to provide applications of the Semantic Web. The Semantic Web technologies enable data on the Web to become an integrated universe of knowledge that can be understood and reasoned over by machines. Paul's vision is that the explosion in interconnected software will only be manageable if it can be processed by machines. Interition's Sparqlycode exemplifies his vision by making it possible to see the software code with which you interact and be able to verify it is doing what you expect of it. emagine Emagine, a subsidiary of the globally successful GFT group, provide customised solutions for technology and business products. They are developing service propositions based on Sparqlycode and providing sales and marketing assistance. 1066 Research 1060 Research, has a Resource Oriented Computing platform called NetKernel. Sparqlycode plans to evolve from a static to a dynamic knowledge base technology using NetKernel. Epimorphics Epimorphics are experts in all aspects of the W3C Semantic Web. They provide services to help you model, publish and exploit data assets. They also maintain the Apache Jena software, a free and open source Java framework for building Semantic Web and Linked Data applications. TekWurx, a consultancy and software vendor specialising in BMC ADDM. They are evaluating Sparqlycode as an extension to their IT discovery tools to link operating infrastructure to the software code bases that they support. © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015. Page 17
  • 18. Cost-benefit Analysis for Sparqlycode Acronyms SDLC - The Software Development Lifecycle ROI – Return On Investment PV - The Present Value of a future cashflow discounted using an Internal Rate of Return NPV – The Net Present Value is the value of a future inward cashflow minus any outwards cashflow IRR – The Internal Rate of Return (%) used to discount the value of project cashflows KB – A Sparqlycode Knowledge Base expressed using the W3C RDF/OWL data format OSS – Open Source Software is software that can be freely used, changed, and shared (in modified or unmodified form) by anyone W3C – The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community that develops open standards to ensure the long-term growth of the Web ScE – The Sparqlycode Engine. A suite of Knowledge Base publishers for specialist domains of the SDLC RDF – The W3C Resource Description Framework is a standard model for data interchange on the Web OWL – The W3C Web Ontology Language is a language designed to represent rich and complex knowledge about things, groups of things, and relations between things SPARQL – The W3C standard query language for Linked Open Data and the Semantic Web Linked Open Data – Linked Open Data is a a way of publishing structured data that allows metadata to be connected and enriched, so that different representations of the same content can be found, and links made between related resources. Semantic Web - is an extension of the Web through standards by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The standards promote common data formats and exchange protocols on the Web, most fundamentally the Resource Description Framework (RDF) Reasoning – Reasoning is the process of applying rules, axioms, pattern matching or other inference techniques to automate understanding and the meaning of the information. Information Hiding - Information hiding is the principle of segregation of the design decisions in a computer program that are most likely to change, thus protecting other parts of the program from extensive modification if the design decision is changed Other information WWW.SPARQLYCODE.COM – eCommerce platform where you can acquire Sparqlycode Knowledge Bases for popular Open Source Software. CONFLUENCE.INTERITION.NET – Confluence site with training screencasts and example queries you can make of Knowledge Bases. The queries used as Illustrations in this document can be found here. WWW.INTERITION.NET – Interition website. Page 18, © Copyright, Interition Limited, 2015.