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TOP DOG                                                                                                                                            MIAMI AD SCHOOL

                                               top dog [top dawg ]: n. (Slang)
      1. One considered to have the dominant position or highest authority, especially as a result of a competitive victory.
                      2. A person who is in charge; “the head of the whole operation” [syn: head, chief]
                  Source: 1. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. 2. WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University
                                            hy did we choose a dog for our logo in the first place? Well, dogs are nice. Much nicer than human beings.
                                            More consistent. More loyal. They listen better. Research shows you live longer if you have a dog. When you
                                            come home after a terrible day, dogs wag their tails, happy to see you. How many spouses do the same? Ca-
                               nines know instinctively when you’re down and they try very hard to lick your worries away. Rub a dog’s soft ear, then
                               rub a human ear and see the romantic difference (in the dogs’s favor). Dogs work for us and demand very little salary.
                               A little dry kibble and a squeaky toy, that’s about it. They keep you very warm at night and keep one eye open for the
                               burglar at the same time. They’ll even do our dirty work like sniffing out a terrorist’s bomb. They’ll search for lost skiers
                               or even lost souls in the worst kind of tragedy. They’re eyes for us when we’re blind. They can even fetch milk from
                               the fridge if we’re paralyzed. Dogs will do whatever we ask, whenever. Yet, the truth is, we have so much to learn from
                               them. Above all, they really know how to play. Something we’ve forgotten long ago. Life, for a dog, is fun. Just smelling
                               life makes their juices flow. Waking up in the morning is an incredible experience for a dog. It’s being alive! Is it any
                               wonder there are so many dogs in advertising? (Want to win an advertising award? Just put a dog in the ad.) Advertising
                               legend Lee Clow brings his big German Shepherd to work. Everyone else at TBWA/Chiat/Day is welcome to bring their
                               dogs, too even the interns. (Thankfully, Lee was out of the office the day a Miami Ad School intern’s dog pooped in
                               his office. Lee still doesn’t know so don’t tell.) Crispin Porter + Bogusky’s move into new office space was conditional
                               on the owner of the building making an exception to their “no dog” policy. The official lease reads, “No dogs allowed
                               except for the Chairman’s dog, Suzy”. Now all the dogs that come to the agency are named “Suzy” and belong to the
                               agency’s Chairman, Chuck Porter. You’ll find dogs working at agencies all over the world: StrawberryFrog, Jung von
                               Matt, Goodby Silverstein & Partners, Scholz & Friends, Butler Shine & Stern, Buder Engel & Friends, Carmichael Lynch,
                               Wieden & Kennedy, KesselsKramer, Lowe Brindfors, and BBDO. Students and teachers bring their dogs to Miami Ad
                               School, too. We use the dogs to select our students. If a prospective student comes to the school and shows fear or
                               disrespect to the pup at the door, we advise the prospect of another school. We know that person isn’t cut out for ad-
                               vertising and probably hasn’t a creative bone in his body. Dogs make our educational environment far more creative.
                               Smudge, a Chocolate Labrador Retriever and the official school mascot, wanders in and out of classrooms, sits on the
                               sofa and listens. And he hasn’t farted during a critique in two years.

                                                                                                                   “Smudge,” poster dog for the Top     “Smudge
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                                                                                                                    Dog icon and Official School Dog.    founder of ith Ron Seichrist,
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                                                                                TIP NUMBER 1: GET A DOG
            n the following pages you will see award-winning work from Miami Ad School students. Our
            students have won more international awards than any other school in the world. For several
            years in a row they’ve won the Grand Prize or Gold Award at the International Andys, Clios,
Athenas and Young Guns. This past year Miami Ad School students won the Gold and Silver One Show
awards. Students also regularly have their work showcased in international magazines including: CMYK,
HOW, Archive and Graphis. Even while interning in agencies Miami Ad School students have won pro-
fessional awards. Five of Leagas Delaney’s winning campaigns in the One Show Awards were created by
a Miami Ad School student intern. (Not surprisingly, this student was also named advertising student of
the year in Germany and Holland.) Two of the Cannes Lions won by Leo Burnett, Prague were created by
Miami Ad School students who were interning there. Another team that was interning at DDB, Chicago
concepted and sold the first ever global TV commercial for McDonald’s. The students missed their gradu-
ation ceremony because they were in Sydney, Australia shooting the spot. DDB hired the team and within
a year the Miami Ad School grads had finished their next TV commercial. The spot, for Bud Light, aired on
the Superbowl and was named best Superbowl spot by USA Today.

       However proud we are, the purpose of this brochure is not to beat our chest. Instead we want to
make this publication useful to young people who may be considering a career in the advertising or design
business. So, wherever we can we’ll offer insights into how an ad was done, perhaps details about the strat-
egy or comments on the execution. We’ve asked some of the leading creative directors around the world
to comment on the students’ campaigns. Some of these CDs teach at one of our locations or invite Miami
Ad School students to intern at their agencies. Others have hired our graduates, but all have years of experi-
ence in mentoring. They are very free and open about their approach to creativity. Actually, there are no
secrets in this business. The great work is done by the risk-takers. They see the world differently and have
the courage to show what they have seen. Often it’s a simple thing. Something that everyone sees every day
and walks by without noticing. Can this kind of creativity be taught? Well, you have to be a creative person
in the first place. But a good teacher can peel away layers and years of crap, leaving the student ‘raw & ready.’
Sometimes a gentle nudge will do wonders. Sometimes a big kick in the...
S      implicity. KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. The visual solution, thank you.
      Who has time to read? Who does read, anymore? Just clear, to-the-point
       communication. Life is short, as it is. Besides, if you want to know prod-
ucts and benefits, go to the internet and read all about it. But, for print ads,
let’s make it simple. Powerful images with lasting impact. Close-ups. Even
closer. Try to make it funny. Outrageous. Over-the-edge. Remarkably, the
one-two punch of the camera and the computer has given the students tools
so professional, student work can be as professional as the professional. And
if the professional was born before 1973, his work will be sloppy compared
to today’s kid who grew up with Sony Playstation and XBox. It’s all visual
these days. If there is a headline, usually the type size requires a magnifying
glass. No body copy whatsoever. Mostly, there’s just a tagline. But the photos
and illustrations in the ads are magnificent. Mouth-watering, hair-curling and
groin-tickling. In such an environment we give the following advice to our
art direction students. Shun stock photographs whenever possible. Fall in
love with the camera. Learn all you can about photographic lighting. Study
the great masters of photography. But haunt all the art galleries as well. Take
up “tagging” or whatever it’s called today. Collect hand-made signs. Take a
play-doh class with 2nd grade kids. Take up taxidermy; maybe you’ll put to-
gether a bull-frog band for a music campaign. Enroll in a Japanese calligra-
phy course. Collect hand-carved tombstones. Go to a flea market and collect
Ninja Turtle stuff. Ask your grandmother for her old photographs. Talk your
grandfather out of his early pornography. In other words, collect solutions
now for problems you’re going to have some day in the future. Become one
giant reservoir of useless, but interesting trivia.

Award: Cannes Lion Silver, Addy Gold, selected to run in Archive magazine
Art Director: Hunter Fine
Copywriter: Jennifer Robison
Instructor: Basil Mina, CD, Leo Burnett
School location: Miami Ad School Prague

After graduation: Hunter was hired at Cliff Freeman, New York.

                                       “Jen  Hunter represent the best of what Miami Ad School does. They’re mature beyond their years. They spent their time in Prague as valued interns (at Leo Burnett) rather than tourists.

                                         I’m a huge admirer of the School, particularly their international perspective - it takes students off campus  pulls their head out of the Award Show annuals. At the end of the day, our whole industry
                                         is going to benefit from that.

                                        This brief for the Museum of Torture was a lot tougher than it looks. The inherent drama in the brand leads you down some pretty strange paths. You tread a fine line between “Olde World” Medieval
                                        Kitsch  some pretty sick shit. To be quite frank, I expected these two to stumble but they churned through tens of campaigns—some very good—before ending up here. I think the campaign is intel-
                                        ligent and provocative, but I guess I like it most of all because it manages to use the phrase “rectal plough” without causing undue offense.”

                                         Basil Mina is Regional Creative Director of Leo Burnett Europe, Middle East and Africa.

                                         He currently lives in Paris, having lived and worked in Cape Town, Toronto, Hong Kong, Chicago, Johannesburg and Prague.
Award: Australian Young Guns Best Of Show, Graphis Magazine
                                                                                              Art Director/Copywriter: Danny Noval, Angela Finney
                                                                                              School location: Miami Ad School London
                                                                                              Instructor: Ron Seichrist, Founder of Miami Ad School

                                                                                              After graduation: Danny was hired by Young  Rubicam, New York.
                                                                                              Angela was hired by BBDO, Chicago.


                                                                                              Award: Student Advertising Young Gun Of The Year, Australian Young Guns Competition Gold, Andy finalist
                                                                                              Art Director/Copywriter: Satoko Takada, Patwin Lawrence
                                                                                              School location: Miami Ad School Minneapolis
                                                                                              Instructor: Melissa Johnson, Carmichael Lynch

                                                                                              After graduation: Satoko was hired by Leo Burnett, Tokyo.

“The student category at the Young Guns Competition was a privilege to judge and the work was exceptional. I would go so far as to say that it was as good, and on par with the bulk of
 the rest of the work (in the professional division), which is very encouraging for the industry.

The jury quickly arrived at three Golds. The first Gold went to Kodak for a beautiful execution called “Baby”. It makes you realize that this is probably the most important photograph parents
will ever take, so who but Kodak would they entrust to preserve the moment forever. The ad displays a maturity and intelligence you so rarely see in student work today. It emotionally touches
you in a way that is so right for the Kodak brand. It was created by Danny Noval and Angela Finney at Miami Ad School.

...Another student team from Miami Ad School, Satoka Takada and Patwin Lawrence, also won a Gold, this time for a Bazooka Bubble Gum campaign that visually dramatized the aftermath
 of an exploding Bazooka bubble. Again the work broke the mold.”

 Mark Tutssel is Deputy Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett Worldwide.

Awards: One Show Bronze                                                          After graduation: Monica was hired at Ogilvy  Mather, New York.           Award: Clio Gold, Andy commendation
Art Director: Monica Escobar                                                     Gaston was hired by Lapiz, Chicago.                                        Art Directors: Hunter Fine, Brandon Mugar
Copywriter: Gaston Gorali                                                                                                                                   Copywriter: Nathan Frank
School location: Miami Ad School Minneapolis                                                                                                                School location: Miami Ad School San Francisco
                                                                                                                                                            Instructor: Matt Elhardt, Goodby Silverstein  Partners

                                                                                                                                                            After graduation: Hunter and Nathan were hired at Cliff Freeman, New York.
                                                                                                                                                            Brandon was hired by TBWA/Chiat/Day, San Francisco.

                                   “What do I like about this work? It’s visual. It’s tasteful. It communicates quickly. And it’s simple, simple, simple.

                                     In most advertising, less is definitely more, and Monica knew that intuitively. And to the question of what makes a young creative successful––that’s easy. Success comes from having an
                                     insatiable curiosity; showing the willingness to learn; putting the brand first and your ego second; maturity; and knowing there are more ideas where that one came from.

                                     If young creatives need inspiration, they should look everywhere: museums, comedy clubs, the subway, the dinner table. The more you know, the more you can draw from.”

                                     Josh Tavlin is Senior Partner, Creative Director of Ogilvy in New York. He’s created global campaigns for American
                                     Express and IBM. And currently head up with my partner, Joe Johnson: Delta, Miller, American Express, SAP, Kraft and Hershey’s. Working at a big agency
                                     is hard, but incredibly rewarding. If you can crack marketing problems for Fortune 500 clients, you can do anything.

                                   *Note from the President of Miami Ad School, Pippa Seichrist, about the campaign above: “Monica and Gaston created this work in 1999, long before Microsoft started using the same
                                    executional technique, white lines superimposed over a current photo. I’m not implying the ad agency creatives who produced the Microsoft work saw Monica and Gaston’s campaign
                                    prior to doing theirs. Frequently students are perceived as not having the same business sense to create big brand ideas, but Monica and Gaston did obviously. And their idea was so
                                    good that a big brand thought of it too.”

Instructor: Diego Yurkievich, Weiden  Kennedy
Awards: Young Guns Competition finalist, selected for Graphis book for New Talent
Art Director/Copywriter: Kevin Koller, Tushar Date
                                                                                    After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami.
School location: Miami Ad School Miami
                                                                                    Tushar was hired by Leo Burnett, Chicago.

Awards: Clio Gold and Addys Grand Prize
Art Director/Copywriter: Marjorieth San Martin, Jinho Kim
School location: Miami Ad School London

After graduation: Jinho Kim was hired by Fallon, Singapore.
Marjori eth was hired by Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg.
Awards: Young Guns Grand Prize, Clio Gold
                                                                                                                                                  Art Directors: Tom Zukowski, Christina de la Cruz,
                                                                                                                                                  Copywriter: Matt Burgess
                                                                                                                                                  School location: Miami Ad School San Francisco
                                                                                                                                                  Instructor: Eric Sorenson, Carmichael Lynch

                                                                                                                                                  After graduation: Tom was hired by Crispin Porter +
                                                                                                                                                  Bogusky, Miami. Christina was hired by Publicis West,
                                                                                                                                                  Seattle. Matt was hired at Best Buy in Minneapolis.

“What do I like about this PlayDoh campaign? I like the strategy. I can imagine that most of the work on this assignment had to do with imagination. Which is cool but expected and probably
 not very convincing because I bet pretty much everybody would agree that using PlayDoh would be good for a child’s imagination. What I like about this is that it puts a stake in the ground.
 It does something we always like to do and that’s pick an enemy. In this case the enemy being uninspiring toys.”

Alex Bogusky is Executive Creative Director, Crispin Porter + Bogusky; Young Guns Jury Chair. Under his direction, the agency has become arguably one of the
world’s most awarded. Alex has been profiled in Luerzer’s Archive, Communication Arts, Graphis, Adweek and Creativity. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall
Street Journal, USA Today, Newsweek, TIME, Adweek, Brandweek, Advertising Age and Creativity as well as on national television and radio. In 2002, Alex was inducted into the American
Advertising Federation’s Hall of Achievement. And, on top of all that, Alex is also Miami Ad School’s Worldwide Creative Director.

Award: Athena’s Best Of Show, Show South Silver
                                                                                                                          Art Director: Peter Cortez, Copywriter: Chris LaRocque
                                                                                                                          School location: Miami Ad School Miami

                                                                                                                          After graduation: Peter was hired by CDA Advertising in
                                                                                                                          New York. Chris works at O’Brien Advertising in Denver.


                                                                                                                          Award: Clio Silver
                                                                                                                          Art Director: Richard Ardito
                                                                                                                          Copywriter: Grant Smith
                                                                                                                          School location: Miami Ad School Miami
                                                                                                                          Instructor: Ron Seichrist, Founder of Miami Ad School

                                                                                                                          After graduation: Grant and Richard were hired as a team
                                                                                                                          at Cliff Freeman, New York. Now they work for Eric Silver
                                                                                                                          at BBDO, New York

“When commenting on work, it’s all extremely subjective. I believe there is only one legitimate test in determining if an advertising campaign is sound. Do you say, “I wish I’d thought of that.”
 I did with the Weight Watchers campaign and a lot of other work in Grant and Rick’s portfolios. They were obvious hires.

 I think a successful portfolio needs to have a couple pieces in it that blow you away or even just one thing that is clearly “out of the box” thinking. I would rather see a fair book with a couple
 of outstanding things in it than a very good book where everything is “close.”

There are three things I look for when assessing creatives: portfolio, personality, and a desire. They have to have a willingness to work long hours... and, most importantly, they love working
those long hours. This is mandatory if the team is just starting out.

Advice to young creatives: Study the One Show annual. Study DAD. Go back about ten years for each. Memorize every ad in there and then forget them. Do not try to replicate what
has been done. However daunting it may seem the only way to succeed, as a creative in advertising, is to carve out your own niche. After you’ve studied advertising annuals, pay equal
attention to films, books, and anything that creates that elusive spark.”

 Eric Silver is Executive Creative Director for BBDO New York. As a writer and creative director, Eric has won every major creative award several times over, including Best
 of Show at the One Show twice, Best of Show at the Clios twice, the Grand Prix at Cannes, and 6 DAD pencils. He has worked at Chiat/Day, Earle Palmer Brown, Wieden  Kennedy,
 FCB, Goodby Silverstein, Cliff Freeman and was a staff writer for The Late Show with David Letterman.

Award: Addy Best Of Show
                                                                                                                                              Art Director/Copywriter: Kevin Koller, Tushar Date
                                                                                                                                              School location: Miami Ad School Miami
                                                                                                                                              Instructor: Steve O’Connell, Crispin Porter + Bogusky

                                                                                                                                              After graduation: Tushar was hired by Leo Burnett, Chicago.
                                                                                                                                              Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami.

“Overlooking young talent is like a football team overlooking the draft. If you miss out on the up-and-comers, you’re missing out on the future. We must hire, and even more importantly, cultivate
 junior talent in order to infuse the industry with the next generation of great ad makers. And as you can see with the Perrier work, the industry will be in good hands.

The secret of any good ad is to stop you in your tracks and grab you by the eyeballs. These do just that. Visually, they are very striking and beautifully art directed. I like the fact that they
credit the consumer with intelligence and you have to extract the meaning of them. Given the body is 78% water, clearly H2O, or in this case H2Eau, is vital to life.

 I was first exposed to this art director’s partner while judging the Andy Awards. “Frog”, an ad for Baby Einstein was inspired (see page 18). It was fresh, original and unusual. It threw the rule
 book away. It went on to win the Student “Grand Prize”. To me the ad demonstrated a natural talent for this business, so I found out who had created it and quickly hired Daniel Hofstadter
 along with his partner Tushar, the creative responsible for these Perrier ads.

At the end of the day, advertising thrives on the infusion of fresh blood into agencies. Similar to the Perrier ads, to me, young creatives are “vital to life”. “

 Mark Tutssel is Deputy Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett Worldwide. He is one of the world’s most awarded creative directors, and his work has garnered every major
 industry award, including the prestigious Cannes Grand Prix. He oversees the creative for blue-chip clients including Kellogg’s, General Motors, McDonald’s and Procter  Gamble. Prior to
 joining Leo Burnett USA, Mark served as Executive Creative Director of Leo Burnett London. Under his leadership the agency was the most highly awarded agency in the world in 2001.
Award: Clio Silver
                                                          Art Directors: Rafael Donato, Lauren Sala
                                                          School location: Miami Ad School San Francisco
Award: International Andys Grand Prize
Art Director/Copywriter: Jennifer Parke
                                                          After graduation: Rafael was hired by Spirit Advertising, London.
School location: Miami Ad School Miami
                                                          Lauren was hired by Secret Weapon, Los Angeles.
After graduation: Jennifer was hired by BBDO, New York.

Awards: Clio Gold                                         Instructors: Bettina Olf and Timm Weber, Creative Directors, at Springer  Jacoby
Art Director: Menno Kluin                                 After graduation: Menno was hired by Saatchi  Saatchi, NYC
School location: Miami Ad School Hamburg
When this brochure was printed Menno was still in school.
Award: Clio Gold
Art Director: Isabela Ferriera
Copywriter: Miguel Hernandez
School location: Miami Ad School Amsterdam

The TV spot has a rugby player brushing the single tooth he has in his mouth announcing the
beginning of the rugby season. Miguel and Isabela did this spot while interning at KesselKramer
in Amsterdam.

After graduation: Isabela was hired by Young  Rubicam, Chicago.
Miguel was hired by Euro RSCG, Chicago.

                                                                                                  Awards: Graphis New Talent book                                         Award: CMYK Magazine
                                                                                                  Art Director: Kevin Koller                                              Art Director: Bill Montgomery
                                                                                                  Photographer: Erika Blanco                                              Copywriter: Bridget Prophet
                                                                                                  School location: Miami Ad School Miami                                  School location: Miami Ad School Chicago
                                                                                                  Instructor: Ron Seichrist, founder of Miami Ad School
                                                                                                                                                                          After graduation: Bill was hired by TBWA/Chiat/Day, New York.
                                                                                                  After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami.   Bridget was hired by Merkley Newman Harty, New York.
                                                                                                  Erika is a freelance photographer.

Award: Creatividad Mexico Student Grand Prix, International Andys Runner-up   After graduation: Kelly was hired by The Richards Group.
Art Director: Kelly Andrews, Copywriter: Ian Graham                           Ian was hired by Ogilvy  Mather, Los Angeles.
School location: Miami Ad School Miami

Award: Selected to fun in HOW magazine                                        Instructor: Diego Yurkievich
Art Director/Copywriter: Kevin Koller, Tushar Date                            After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami.
School location: Miami Ad School Miami                                        Tushar was hired by Leo Burnett, Chicago.
Award: Addy Silver                            After graduation: Ali was hired by Leagas Delaney, Hamburg
                                                                                                                                        Art Director/Copywriter: Ali Ali
                                                                                                                                        School location: Miami Ad School Miami
Award: Selected for Graphis magazine for outstanding young talent.   After graduation: Santiago was hired by Del Rivero Messianu        Instructor: MIhai Coliban, D’Arcy Bucharest
Art Director: Santiago Mussfeldt, Copywriter: Chad Williamson        DDB, Miami. Chad was hired by King, Stockholm.
School location: Miami Ad School Miami
Award: Athena’s Grand Prize, Addy Gold, CMYK Magazine
                                                                                                                           Art Director: Kevin Koller
                                                                                                                           School location: Miami Ad School Miami
                                                                                                                           Instructor: Diego Yurkievich, Weiden  Kennedy

                                                                                                         Award: Andy
                                                                                                         Art Director: Kevin Koller
                                                                                                         School location: Miami Ad School Miami
                                                                                                         Instructor: Kier Beard, Freelance Art Director

                                                                                                         After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami

“Why did I hire Kevin Koller? Who knows? I hire people for very weird reasons. I think with Kevin it was that he had a good book and I felt he had an even better soul. Nice hair too...
he’s been very prolific (since hired) and has had lots of stuff presented to clients and ultimately produced. The biggest disappointment for both of us was some really amazing IKEA TV that
he and his partner did that was very close to production but eventually died. The work was so good it actually weighed heavily on our decision to resign IKEA. And what do I think about
advertising education? I think in general it’s probably the best example of the old saying that you get out of it what you put into it. The teaching is in the trying. And without a lot of trying,
the student will not learn. And what about Miami Ad School’s approach? Well, Ron (Seichrist) was the originator of the whole concept of a portfolio school. And the reality is today it is very
difficult to get into the creative department without a polished student portfolio. There’s just too much competition. The teachers at Miami Ad School in Miami and all across the globe are
amazing and really varied in their personal approaches. I think this has a huge value for a student who will ultimately need to find their own style. And the more unique approaches you’re
exposed to, the easier it is.”

Alex Bogusky is Executive Creative Director, Crispin Porter + Bogusky.

Awards: Glen C. Smith $5000 Scholarship,
     Grand Prize International Andys, Clio Bronze
     Art Director: Rune Degett
     Copywriter: Dylan Berg
     School location: Miami Ad School Hamburg
     Instructors: Doerte Spengler-Ahrens and Jan Rexhausen
     are creative directors at Jung von Matt

     When this brochure was printed Rune and Dylan were
     still in school.

Award: One Show Gold
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Art Director: Michael Bae
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Copywriter: Frankie Garcia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    School location: Miami Ad School New York
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Instructor: Donnell Johnson, Creative Director,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Spike DDB, New York, and Miami Ad School

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    When this brochure was printed Frankie was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    still in school.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    After graduation: Michael was hired by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    BBDO, New York. Frankie was hired by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mcgarrybowen, also in New York.

Headline: Sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun rain, photosynthesis, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun.
Tagline: It’s a process. Not processed.

Headline: SERVING SIZE:       1 tsp.                                                                              Headline: WARNING: Our product has been tested on animals. They usually put it in their coffee.
CALORIES: 15                                                                                                      Tagline: It’s a process. Not processed.
CARBS:                        4g

Tagline: It’s a process. Not processed.

Award: Glen C. Smith $5000 Scholarship, Grand Prize,
                                                                                                                                International Andys
                                                                                                                                Art Director: Kevin Koller, Joel Guidry
                                                                                                                                Copywriter: Dan Hofstadter
                                                                                                                                School location: Miami Ad School Miami
                                                                                                                                Instructor: Bob Geffert, Beber Silverstein

                                                                                                                                After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky,
                                                                                                                                Miami and Dan and was hired by Leo Burnett, Chicago.

Award: Andy, Clio Bronze                 Instructor: Will Roth, Grant, Scott  Hurley
Art Director: Svetoslav Nikolov          After graduation: Roberto was hired by Goodby Silverstein  Partners, San Francisco.
Copywriter: Roberto Lastra               Slav was hired by Publicis, New York.
School location: Miami Ad School Miami
Posters for Gap back to school sale.

Award: FIAP (South America) Silver                                               Award: Selected for Graphis book for outstanding new talent.
Art Director: Alexandre D’Albergaria, Copywriter: Rogerio Baran                  Art Director: Robin Milgrim
School location: Miami Ad School São Paulo                                       School location: Miami Ad School Miami
After graduation: Rogerio was hired by Lapiz, Chicago.                           Instructor: Ron Seichrist, Founder of Miami Ad School

                                                                                 After graduation: Robin was hired by Saatchi  Saatchi, New York.

                                      “There was no brief, no assignment. Rogerio and Alexandre had read the sad news and, as good creatives, transformed it into a brilliant ad. As true creative people, they were inspired by
                                       life (and death) itself, not by somebody else’s work. The original ad had a headline, and I suggested they remove it because it was unnecessary – the visual and the small copy were enough
                                       to make you stop, understand and grieve. That’s one important thing you try to teach young writers and art directors. To get rid of things. When interns from Miami Ad School come to Lápiz,
                                       they’re so full of hopes, dreams and good principles, the least we can do is try not to destroy their innocence.

                                       We managed to hire Rogerio. Alexandre, though, was restless and hungry to travel the world.”

                                       Laurence Klinger is SVP, Chief Creative Officer of Lapiz. His work has received all major International awards, and in 2004 Lápiz was elected Multicultural Agency of the Year
                                       by the Association of American Advertising Agencies. He has worked in São Paulo, Barcelona and Lisbon but calls Chicago home now. In his free time, Laurence writes short stories. He
                                       has two books published in the United States: Still Life with Fish and The Dignity of the Wounded.

T      he wonderful world of Words. Oh, for the Good Old Days. The six-
       ties, for example. Back when Bill Bernbach had his New York Yiddish,
       street-smart headlines wise-cracking like a Big Apple taxi-driver. And
in London, David Abbot was leading an erudite, very, very dry-witty group
of writers to stardom. A most wonderful time to be a copywriter. Copy was
King. Art directors were in awe and didn’t dare to reduce headlines to the
size of today’s tagline. Only the writers knew how to use a typewriter. But
sadly, over the years, Copy died and the art directors alone held the secrets
to the computer keyboard. Ads became a visual playground. Writers were left
to trickery. To somehow hide a headline cleverly in a photograph or an illus-
tration that the AD just couldn’t see. Writers went underground. They even
learned to dress exactly like an art director. Their portfolios were identical to
an AD’s book. They lay hidden, like a spider from the light. They wrote radio
(but usually no one paid attention to radio. Everyone should.). Writers wrote
TV, but usually the copy was buried in the visual somehow. Sure, writers were
still part of a team. Like beer and pretzels are a team. So, what if the pret-
zels are gone. Have another beer. But, hold on. While no one was looking,
copywriters made a comeback. Writers had been sneakingly sharpening their
teeth on the internet stuff that no one cared about. Words slipped under the
radar. Words came back with a vengeance. Poetry slams went national. The
spoken word. Hip Hop happened. Copywriters arose from the dead! So, fill
your portfolios with sentences, phrases, movie scripts, even a poem or two.
A short story. Some long copy ads. Radio spots–because they’re fun to do,
even if the CD won’t listen to your tape. Headlines? Why not? In the mean-
time, take a stand-up comedy class. Our students do. Get everything off your
chest. Speak up.

Award: Silver Lion, Cannes Awards Festival                                                                                                  After graduation David was hired by BBH, New York and Steve works at Dimassimo.
Art Director: David Cuccinello, Copywriter: Steve Porcaro
School location: Miami Ad School Prague

                                                                                                                                                      Award: Addys Best Of Show, One Show magazine, Critique magazine
                                                                                                                                                      Art Director: Mark Andeer, Copywriter: Kristen Wallace
                                                                                                                                                      School location: Miami Ad School Miami

                                       My teacher at Miami Ad School Minneapolis, Greg Hahn, said to our class, “You need at least one FGA (F#!?ing Great Ad) in your book.” With that, I went back to Miami to finalize my
                                       book under the tutelage of Ron Seichrist. Ron is famous for two things, working you hard and knowing where your book is lacking. In my case, Ron wanted to see a smart campaign that
                                       would showcase my typography skills.

                                       Typical to Miami Ad School’s way of working I was teamed with a writer, Kristen Wallace. Kristen and I came up with many ideas that Ron helped us make sense of. Once we had the base
                                       idea we worked non-stop; going to bookstores researching typography of different time periods and reading (yes, reading) classic books. The result is the campaign you see here, which
                                       was honored with: Best of Show in the Addys, featured in The One Show magazine, Critique magazine and some others that escape me.

                                       Mark Andeer, VP, Group Creative Director and Miami Ad School graduate. Mark joined BBDO Minneapolis in 2003. Previously he had successful stints at Lowe, New
                                       York and DMBB, Detroit. He has a broad range of experience building brands on a variety of clients including: Hormel, Spam, Heineken, Sprite, Pontiac, MTV and Lego. In helping these
                                       brands he’s won numerous awards including: The One Show, Addys, Art Directors Club and Graphis. Mark also teaches at Miami Ad School Minneapolis.


Is is possible I can get bread made into
a special kind of shape?


I don’t know if we shape bread. We do
make 6-foot bread that we bake special…


I do not know but I’m looking to be
wrapped up from head to toe…


Oh, you don’t sell the dough? See, I’m
an artist and I like to wrap myself in the
dough and layout on the beach and
bake myself inside the bread.


It’s safe for me to be in there right… To
be cooked within the dough, like a big
little Snausage?

You would know about these things. I
wouldn’t want to catch yeast infection or


I do not know if you can catch yeast                                                                                                           Award: Clio Gold
infection but that’s the funniest thing        Award: Clio Grand Prize                                                                         Art Director: Kamal Collins, Mark Infusino, Copywriter: Adam Kanzer Photographer: Scott Cirlin
                                               Art Director: Laura Metrano, Copywriter: Eddie Hahn                                             School location: Miami Ad School Minneapolis
I’ve ever… How much dough do you
                                               School location: Miami Ad School Miami
need man?                                                                                                                                      After graduation: Mark was hired by Element 79. Adam by Saatchi  Saatchi, New York and Scott was hired
                                               After graduation: Eddie was hired by Mullen, Winston Salem. Laura went to TBWA/Chiat/Day, NYC   by FCB.

                                 As a copywriting student at Miami Ad School, Eddie Hahn, with art director partner, Laura Metrano, created this TV spot for Bell South. The chairperson of the Clio jury recommended
                                 that this student work be awarded the Grand Clio of the entire show even over the professional work. The Director of the Clios, agreed such a distinction be given to the work, but alas,
                                 the rules would not permit it. This was the only year that two Grand Clios were awarded. Eddie and Laura are the only students to have been awarded the Grand Clio.

                                 The TV spots were originally an assignment for a class in radio commercials. After the spots were recorded, it was determined that TV was a much better medium for this concept. Eddie
                                 Hahn, a copywriting major, wrote the three spots, using his own voice with 3 different dialects as he called the baker, the massage parlor manager and the undertaker. None of those
                                 he called ever realized the call wasn’t real.

                                 Eddie Hahn and Laura Metrano won the only Grand Clio ever awarded to students. Eddie works at McGarry Bowen, New York. Laura, now teamed with another
                                 Miami Ad School graduate, Mandy Hoveyda, works at Ogilvy  Mather, New York.

Award: Top Dog Gold                                            Award: Clio Bronze                                      After graduation: Susana was hired by Energia Young  Rubicam, Lima.
Art Director/Copywriter: Michael Buss                          Art Director: Matt Parsons, Copywriter: Susana Pareja   Matt used his art direction skills to create documentaries on the West
School location: Miami Ad School Miami                         School location: Miami Ad School New York               Coast.

After graduation: Michael was hired by GSDM in Austin.   2
         uerilla. An old term, perhaps. These days we call it “innovative media”. That includes
         anything from post-it notes on the laundromat bulletin board to a BMW film on the web.
         Sometimes the only way to reach your target is to get down in the street with them.
The big deal today has been product placement. Have you watched a football game recently? The
player’s name is nearly invisible, covered by a dozen sponsors. Or a better example, a NASCAR
race? Technology is able to change the sponsors to suit the audience. Better yet, simply make the
products themselves—the story. The next great series on American TV after “Sex in the City” will
be Budweiser getting in bed with Diet Pepsi. The idea is to somehow get the attention with a sell-
ing message in some way that doesn’t look like an ad. The consumer is so jaded that you must
disguise your sales pitch. Many people just don’t want to look at ads nowadays. Not magazine ads.
Not TV commercials. Sure, there was a time when everyone talked about great TV commercials
on their coffee break. The commercials were bolder and fresher than the program itself. Not
these days, Even in the conservative American TV, sex is rampant and grandmothers use four let-
ter words. TV commercials play things much safer. It’s simply not all about print ads or television
any longer. Those times are gone forever. So is mainstream advertising dead? Not likely. But it will
certainly change. If you want a glimpse of its competition, go on the web. You can use any kind
of vocabulary or four-letter words you wish, in any language you like. And best of all, the com-
munication can be (or seem like) one person-to-one person dialogue. That’s the real objective of
innovative media, isn’t it. “Psst. Hey, fella. Yes. You. I’m talking to you. I got a real good deal for
you. French postcards. The real stuff. Special price. Just for you. All the way from Gay Paree. Take a
quick look. You don’t like these, I can get you just what you want. Just for you.” It’s scary. All some-
one needs to do is to download all the stored data that exists on every purchase each and every
individual made over a given period of time, (Hey—don’t be naive—the data exists!) along with all
the other existing data on that particular individual. Put all that data together and it’s quite easy
to individualize both a message and the media to reach each and every one of us. Bottom line, it
all comes down to solving an advertising problem first, then finding the appropriate media to use.
Perhaps a simulated recording of mom saying, “Buy this one, dear. It’s OK.”

Award: Clio Bronze
Art Director/Copywriter: Menno Kluin, Martin Edman
School location: Miami Ad School Hamburg
Instructors: Niklas Frings-Rupp, Oliver Voss
This idea was later purchased and produced by Bacardi.

                                                                                                                                  Award: Top Dog Gold, Young Guns Finalist
                                                                                                                                  Art Director/Copywriter: Katia Rojas, Marjorieth San Martin
                                                                                                                                  School location: Miami Ad School Chicago
                                                                                                                                  Instructor: Tom Lichen, Lapiz

                                                                                                                                  After graduation: Katia was hired by Del Rivero Messianu DDB, Miami. Marjorieth was hired by Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg.

Award: Top Dog Gold                                      After graduation Ana was hired by Del Rivero Messianu DDB, Miami.        Award: DAD London Commendation                               Instructor: Tom Lunt, Leo Burnett Chicago
Art Director: Ana Testa                                                                                                           Art Director: Rodrigo Fernandes Teixeira                      After graduation Rodrigo was hired by Avalanche.
School location: Miami Ad School Chicago                                                                                          School location: Miami Ad School Chicago

       igs for sale. No doubt that was the first outdoor billboard. Maybe even carved by
       Neanderthal Joe. (You had an extra hog or daughter, so you posted a sign outside
       your cave for anyone walking by who was hungry or horny.) After the guy in the
next cave put up a slightly larger sign, Joe had an advertising problem. So, he added an
illustration of a pretty sexy Neanderthal girl, in fur-skin “hot pants”. Then Joe’s neighbor
made his illustration bigger. Joe decided to go higher and put his sign on a rock. Even-
tually he added neon and a revolving image. And so on until the twenty-first century.
Things haven’t really changed that much. Outdoor is still a great medium when it’s
good and even when its done poorly, it’s still pretty good. Sure, huge billboards clutter
up the landscape when there’s an amazing view of the Alps to see. But if you’re on the
highway and your stomach is telling you to stop and the billboard shows you a “Big Mac”
at the next exit, you’re grateful for the intrusion. The truth is, art directors and copy-
writers love the outdoor medium in any environment. First of all, it’s sooo big! Your
creation is standing there like a giant monolith for the whole world passing by. (Finally,
your mother understands what you do for a living. “My son does billboards”, she tells
the bridge club.) You are famous. And you deserve recognition because the medium
is a real test of creativity. What can you show or say to someone traveling 70 miles an
hour? Of course, not all outdoor advertising is on interstate highways. There are signs
in bus shelters where your message can be read leisurely along with the graffiti etched
into the metal benches. There are plastic signs on a wooden stake urging dog owners
to clean up after their dog. There are emergency signs. Stop signs. For Rent signs. Even
whole buildings wrapped in signs. But we tell our students to really respect outdoor
advertising. We remind them when they produce a newspaper ad–it lasts one day. But
a billboard, that’s something else. “Go rent a red convertible Ferrari,” we tell them, “and
race out on the interstate with your blonde curls flowing in the wind, drive by your hi-
larious billboard, give a slight wave of your hand and let your heart swell in your chest.
Smile a little smile, and drive on down the road.”

Award: Top Dog Gold                            After graduation Piper was hired by Lowe  Partners, New York.
Art Director/Copywriter: Piper Hickman
School location: Miami Ad School Miami

                                                                                                                Award: Show South Gold                                        After graduation: Clarence was hired by BBDO, New York
                                                                                                                Art Director: Alejandro Ortiz, Copywriter: Clarence Bradley   and Alejandro was hired by Deustch, Los Angeles.
                                                                                                                School location: Miami Ad School Chicago

                                                                                                                Award: CMYK Magazine                                                After graduation: Sage was hired by the Foley Group
                                                                                                                Art Director: Nick Michaelson, Copywriter: Sage Rider               in Minneapolis.
                                                                                                                School location: Miami Ad School Minneapolis

Award: Top Dog Gold                             After graduation: Colleen was hired by MC Saatchi, London
Art Director/Copywriter: Colleen Phillips
School location: Miami Ad School Minneapolis

        ime has come to put the ART back in art direction. While simplicity is the predominant
        approach in print advertising, complexity, if artistic, also has its place. The history of Art
        is filled with such contradictions. One extreme is always balanced by its opposite. Yin and
yang. Apples and oranges. But, unfortunately in too many cases the mechanical look of the com-
puter has replaced the vision of the artist. Yet, since the computer is merely a tool, in the hands of
an artist, beautiful things can be produced in megapixels. But, we see too many students sitting
in front of a blue screen waiting for an idea. Or they grab the quickest image they can find from a
stock photo book and toss it on a scanner. Ah, the scanner, perhaps the perfect example of Jekyll
and Hyde. Evil or good? What will it be? We advise our aspiring art directors to re-visit their child-
hood. Way back when they saw the world around them in vivid imagery. Back in the time when
they could be fascinated by a doodle-bug. Chances are they could draw. Most likely they were the
ones to put black “Hitler” moustaches on the lady principal’s photograph. Undoubtedly these kids
were the ones who could scribble out a reasonable likeness of Donald and Daisy Duck “doing it” in
the school gymnasium. Find that freshness of feeling again, we tell our art direction students. Look
hard the for the artists out there who never lost their vision. Take at look at folk art and “outsider
art.” Look at some of the outrageous photographers who produce images nearly impossible to
look at. Human flesh oozing from knots in tree limbs. Monsters invading a suburban ranch house.
But, beautifully, very skillfully, artistically, executed. Get up from your swivel chair and walk into
an art gallery. Or into a cathedral with monumental stain glass windows that bathe the wooden
carvings with luminous color. Visit a holocaust museum. Or a dog pound. Don’t forget to take a
camera with you. Or a sketch pad. Even a tape recorder. Sounds can be the very origin of a bril-
liant visual idea. Listen to subway conversations. Pay attention to the dialogue and accents; that’s
your next television commercial happening right in front of you. You’re in your 20s, 30s. Could you
really concept a TV spot set in a nursing home? Go visit your grandmother or an old aunt and pay
attention this time. Don’t give up concerts, but listen to music you never heard before. Re-create
your life by experiencing things you never knew existed. Then express yourself artistically.

Award: Silver Clio
                                                                                                                                      Art Director: Kevin Koller
                                                                                                                                      Copywriters: Joel Guidry, Dan Hofstadter
                                                                                                                                      School location: Miami Ad School Miami
                                                                                                                                      Instructor: Steve O’Connell, Crispin Porter + Bogusky
                                                                                                                                      After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky and Dan was hired by
                                                                                                                                      Leo Burnett, Chicago.

                                                                                                                                      Copy for Red Bull Bedtime Stories:            Tagline: Up All Night

                                                                                                                                      Three Little Pigs: There once were 3 little pigs who, after some bad experiences with
                                                                                                                                      shoddy home construction, built a very secure home virtually impenetrable by any intruder.
                                                                                                                                      One stormy night, however, a loud banging on the front door interrupted the pigs eve-
                                                                                                                                      ning. “Little pigs, little pigs, let me in,” cried the wolf. The pigs approached the door and
                                                                                                                                      replied, “not by the hair on our chinny chin?” Cut the rhyming catch phrases!” The wolf
                                                                                                                                      interrupted. “You’re in danger!” You have to leave the house right now!” With the pigs
                                                                                                                                      attention focused on the wolf, they didn’t notice the closet door open and a figure creep
                                                                                                                                      out behind them. The pigs stared at the wolf and answered, “You can’t fool us! You might
                                                                                                                                      be big and bad, but we’re smart.” The wolf continued pleading his case in vain as the
                                                                                                                                      figure stopped just behind the pigs and raised an enormous meat cleaver over his head,
                                                                                                                                      his wild eyes and blood smeared apron illuminated with each flash of lightning. The pigs
                                                                                                                                      laughed, oblivious, “Forget it, Wolf, with all these locks and bolts on the door, you’ll never
                                                                                                                                      get in!” Then a voice from behind them answered, “and you’ll never get out!!”

                                                                                                                                      Goldilocks: The girl with golden locks arrived at a house deep in the woods just before
                                                                                                                                      nightfall. She was delivering a letter for an old blind man in town. No one answered
                                                                                                                                      when she knocked, so she entered the house and was pleased to smell porridge. Three
                                                                                                                                      bowls were set out, so she helped herself from one and found the porridge to be just
                                                                                                                                      right. She then became very sleepy and decided to go upstairs and retire. She chose
                                                                                                                                      one of the three beds and found it to be just right. She took out the letter and laid it on
                                                                                                                                      the night table next to the bed. Just before she dozed off, something occurred to her. She
                                                                                                                                      never read what the man had written. She reached for the letter, but froze before it was
                                                                                                                                      opened. From down stairs, she heard a deafening roar and what sounded like three fero-
                                                                                                                                      cious bears clawing their way inside the house and up the stairs. The girl sprang to her
                                                                                                                                      feet, ran toward the door and discovered some very bad news. First, the door had only
                                                                                                                                      led to a closet, and second, stuffed inside were dozens of foul smelling corpses flattened
                                                                                                                                      into human skin rugs! As she stared in horror, the bears crashed through the bedroom door
                                                                                                                                      and bore down on her. All she could do was look down at the letter, still in her hand. It
                                                                                                                                      read, “This is the last one I’m sending you this week.”

“So, what did the Clio judges think about this campaign? The judges were exposed to over 10,000 ads in five days. They had to look at all of them, judge them and award a few. Most of
 the ads looked “Brazilian”: a simple idea, a strong visual (mostly a photograph) no more than one sentence of copy, and logo. After 9,999 ads that were done this way, the Red Bull ad felt
 very fresh: totally different from the ad that wants to be understood in only two seconds. This ad was confident that people would be curious about it and look at it longer. That was worth an
 award. If you take the time to look at it, you find out that the ad is really done with lots of attention to detail: first the brilliant copy with a clever tag line, then the nice illustration, and overall
 the whole look. I like this work because it reminds me what I learned at Wieden  Kennedy. One credo of the agency was: “Never give them what they expect”. If you think of Red Bull you
 wouldn’t think of a layout like this, would you? This ad is 180 degrees from typical ads of young people with beautiful people and sports-like photography. This ad tells me something about
 the person who did it. He has his own style, own beliefs and own way. Nice to feel that in an ad.

 And what about Miami Ad School education? I love it. I wish it had been around when I needed it. The students have about 20 different creative directors that they work with in only two years.
 (I had only about five in my whole life.) The students go abroad and experience first hand how it is to work in the US, Brazil, Europe––anywhere in the world. And the students know what they
 are talking about after that time. After only one year, the Miami Ad School Europe location produced the best student of the year in 2004––awarded by the German Art Directors Club. And
 don’t think this the only talent coming out of there.”

 Oliver Voss is the Executive Creative Officer/Partner of Jung v. Matt. He’s also one of the most awarded creatives in Europe. After guest teaching at Miami Ad School for
 years and hosting the school’s interns at Jung von Matt, In 2003 Oliver co-founded Miami Ad School Europe.
Award: Top Dog Silver
                                                                                                                                                         Art Director/Illustrator: Karla Laugerud
                                                                                                                                                         School location: Miami Ad School Miami

Award: Top Dog Gold                                                     After graduation: Victor was hired by Premier Euro, Puerto Rico. David founded
Art Director/Illustrator: David Steinberg, Copywriter: Victor Cabezas   an interactive advertising agency, Steinberg Advertising + Design, Miami.
School location: Miami Ad School Miami

Award: Top Dog Gold
Art Director/Illustrator: Svetoslav Nikolov
School location: Miami Ad School Miami
After graduation: Slav was hired by Publicis, New York.

                                                                                                                                                         Award: Top Dog Gold
                                                                                                                                                         Designer/Illustrator: Christian Liu
                                                                                                                                                         School location: Miami Ad School Miami
                                                                                                                                                         Instructor: Ron Seichrist, founder, Miami Ad School.
Award: Clio Silver
                                                                                                                                                        Art Director/Illustrator: Matthew Woodhams-Roberts
                                                                                                                                                        Copywriter: Rick Herrera
                                                                                                                                                        School location: Miami Ad School San Francisco
                                                                                                                                                        Instructor: Will Elliot, Goodby Silverstein  Partners
                                                                                                                                                        After graduation: Matthew was hired by TBWA/Chiat/Day, NYC

Award: Clio Bronze                                          Award: Appeared in CMYK magazine                                        Award: Top Dog Gold
Designer/Illustrator: Monika Pobog Malinowska               Art Director/Illustrator: Kevin Koller                                  Art Director/Illustrator: Svetoslav Nikolov
School location: Miami Ad School Miami                      School location: Miami Ad School Miami                                  School location: Miami Ad School Miami
After graduation: Monika was hired by Publicis, New York.   After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami.   After graduation: Slav was hired by Publicis, New York.
T      ypography just ain’t what it used to be, say some creative directors. Stu-
       dents’ portfolios just don’t exhibit the strength in designing with type
       as they did in the 70s and 80s. Some creative directors insist students
don’t study type in school. Some blame the demise of typographic excel-
lence on overuse of the computer. Perhaps everyone is using the computer
too much, but there’s a different reason the computer may be contributing
to the problem. We call it the “Big Picture”. World-wide, students sit at a Mac
that has a monitor of about ten inches square. By the time the student pulls
up the necessary boxes of computer tools, the available screen area is about
the size of a rat’s ass. In the old days, back in the Middle Ages, before com-
puters, art directors had to trace each letter actual size on a layout and then
paint the letterforms with a brush. The shape of that letterform was etched
on the art director’s brain forever. Working big, the art director could “feel”
the space and the result was a beautiful page of type. We can’t go back to
working by hand, can we? But we offer a great solution to the type dilemma.
Simply buy a giant monitor screen. Too expensive? Then do what our clever
students do. They tile their work out very large, correct the type and then
reduce the work to size. The results are dramatic, as good as the “good ol’
days”. It’s simply not true that students are not as talented as the old dogs of
yore. In fact, take a close look at ads that are running currently in magazines.
The typography doesn’t knock your socks off. Why not? One reason is there’s
not much copy on most ads these days; everything is visual. The professional
type is not much better than the student type. Now look at editorial design
in magazines. Lovely type. But in an ad, student or professional, there’s often
no headline to beautify. However, given a typographic opportunity, students
can do the job. Take a look at the typographic design in the next few pages
that won big. These guys get the Big Picture.

Award: Type Directors Club Of New York Gold   After graduation: John was hired by Goldforest Advertising, Miami.
Designer: John Tommervik
School location: Miami Ad School Miami

                                                                                                                        Award: Type Directors Club Of New York Gold
                                                                                                                        Designer: Steve Timana
                                                                                                                        School location: Miami Ad School Miami


                                                                                                                        Award: Top Dog Gold
                                                                                                                        Designer/Photographer: Viveca Ljung
                                                                                                                        School location: Miami Ad School Miami
                                                                                                                        Instructor: Judy Penny
        hotography is no longer a bastard child. In fact, photography is the pre-eminent expression
        of our world. All of us record all of our joys and all our sorrows photographically. Births,
        Deaths, and every high and low point of our lives. In fact, we tell our students, “Get thee to
a camera store”. And these days they come back with a digital camera that downloads their images
directly into the computer. No film, No processing. No waiting. Even copywriters now produce
visual images as impactful as any art director. We also tell our students to “Shun stock photography
books”. And they do stay away from stock photos ninety-eight per cent of the time. The exceptions
happen when, for example, they need a penguin. And in Miami there are many, many parrots,
but we’ve yet to see our first penguin on South Beach. After our students have fallen in love with
photography, they avoid “stock” anyway. They found they can do it better themselves. But they do
study the great photographers. Then they discover the weird ones and Weird is always interesting
to young people. Weird is where they live, how they live. They pour over the weird stuff in fashion
photography, Remarkably fast, they shoot photographs that rival the things in Vogue, Paper, Flaunt,
Zoom. The students also get good at “street photography”. Even catalog photography. Food. Por-
traits. They get tremendous confidence because they can shoot whatever they want to shoot. We
also see a big change in the way they use Photoshop. As they get more skilled at photography, the
image manipulation often begins before the photograph is taken. They also see their immediate
environment more critically. They scout the city for interesting sets for photo backdrops. They cast
local characters. They even become an observer of light and atmosphere. This, of course, changes
the way they think, the way they concept. Ideas happen that never could have happened before
they knew their way around photography. This way of thinking also spreads into their student tele-
vision commercials. No longer do they pick up a video camera and treat it like a “point and shoot”.
They use a careful approach to lighting, with reflectors and scrims and they understand what they
are doing. We see some video spots lit “high key” and others straight out of a Rembrandt painting.
The only issue we find are with a few of the older instructors. Some of us still have a hard time
looking at photographs and commercials on a lap top. We remember the old days of storyboards
and contact sheets. Of course, some of us have bi-focals and it’s hard to focus on the lap top screen
and we have to sit while the student skillfully operates the mouse. Humiliating, really.

Award: Selected to run in Popular Photography Magazine   Photographer: Daniel Lugo                     Award: Selected to run in HOW Magazine
Photo: Morris Moreno                                     School location: Miami Ad School Miami        Photo: Samantha Scott
School location: Miami Ad School Miami                                                                 School location: Miami Ad School Miami
                                                                                                       After graduation: Samantha is now a freelance photographer. She works in the US and
                                                                                                  37   Japan and has recently been published in Ocean Drive Magazine, Lincoln Road Maga-
                                                                                                       zine and Florida International Magazine.
Award: Top Dog Gold
     Photo: Morris Moreno
     School location: Miami Ad School Miami

     After graduation: Morris is a freelance photographer. His latest projects
     were for Complot and Home  Design magazines.
Photographer: Daniel Lugo                                                                                                                                        Photographer: Ken Pao
School location: Miami Ad School Miami                                                                                                                           School location: Miami Ad School Miami

                                                                                                 Photographer: Erika Blanco               After graduation: Erica is a freelance photographer. Her recent work includes shoots for Western Union, Home Magazine
                                                                                                 School location: Miami Ad School Miami   and Fashion Week of the Americas.
Photographer: Nadine Kahn                  School location: Miami Ad School Miami
After graduation: Nadine is a freelance photographer. Her most recent shoot was for BellSouth.                                    39
Photographer: Jan Riggert
                                                         School location: Miami Ad School Miami

Photographer: Jan Riggert
School location: Miami Ad School Europe (Hamburg)

                                                         Photographer: Joanna Swistowski
                                                         School location: Miami Ad School Europe (Hamburg)

Photographer: Ken Pao                                    Photographer: Joanna Swistowski
School location: Miami Ad School Miami                   School location: Miami Ad School Europe (Hamburg)

Award: DAD Commendation               At the time this brochure was printed Rune was till in school.                               Award: Top Dog Gold
Photographer: Rune Degett                                                                                                           Photographer: Daniel Lugo
School location: Miami Ad School Europe (Hamburg)                                                                                   School location: Miami Ad School Miami

Award: Top Dog Gold                                              At the time this brochure was printed Daniel was till in school.   Award: Top Dog Gold                                      Award: Selected to run in How Magazine
Photographer: Daniel Lugo                                                                                                           Photographer: Daniel Lugo                                Photographer: Danny Noval
School location: Miami Ad School Miami                                                                                              School location: Miami Ad School Miami                   School location: Miami Ad School Miami
                                                                                                                                                                                             After graduation: Danny was hired at YR, NY.

                                    “Great photography tells a story. At Miami Ad School you are forced to develop the skills to take the photos you need for your work, because we loathe stock photography. Some students
                                     actually become outstanding photographers, like those featured on this page. For example, notice the tension in the tree shot - nature’s imperfect backdrop, bent and snarled, combined with
                                     strong, elegant styling - an editorial winner. It is very strong, themed to perfection, Man (in this case, woman) vs. nature... brilliant! And the cat photo: The mystique of the feline species has
                                     always been a strong theme in fashion. Somehow the photographer here summons Marlene Deitrich.”

                                     Ian Brooks is sought after for his ability to tell stories through his photographs. His work has been featured in L’Uomo Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, Paper, New York
                                     Times Magazine. Ian shoots for massive clients from Dreamworks to Revlon and even a nude Dennis Rodman.

Top Dog
Top Dog
Top Dog

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Top Dog

  • 1. TOP DOG MIAMI AD SCHOOL TIPS ON PRODUCING AWARD-WINNING STUDENT WORK AND JOB-WINNING PORTFOLIOS top dog [top dawg ]: n. (Slang) 1. One considered to have the dominant position or highest authority, especially as a result of a competitive victory. 2. A person who is in charge; “the head of the whole operation” [syn: head, chief] Source: 1. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. 2. WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University
  • 2. W hy did we choose a dog for our logo in the first place? Well, dogs are nice. Much nicer than human beings. More consistent. More loyal. They listen better. Research shows you live longer if you have a dog. When you come home after a terrible day, dogs wag their tails, happy to see you. How many spouses do the same? Ca- nines know instinctively when you’re down and they try very hard to lick your worries away. Rub a dog’s soft ear, then rub a human ear and see the romantic difference (in the dogs’s favor). Dogs work for us and demand very little salary. A little dry kibble and a squeaky toy, that’s about it. They keep you very warm at night and keep one eye open for the burglar at the same time. They’ll even do our dirty work like sniffing out a terrorist’s bomb. They’ll search for lost skiers or even lost souls in the worst kind of tragedy. They’re eyes for us when we’re blind. They can even fetch milk from the fridge if we’re paralyzed. Dogs will do whatever we ask, whenever. Yet, the truth is, we have so much to learn from them. Above all, they really know how to play. Something we’ve forgotten long ago. Life, for a dog, is fun. Just smelling life makes their juices flow. Waking up in the morning is an incredible experience for a dog. It’s being alive! Is it any wonder there are so many dogs in advertising? (Want to win an advertising award? Just put a dog in the ad.) Advertising legend Lee Clow brings his big German Shepherd to work. Everyone else at TBWA/Chiat/Day is welcome to bring their dogs, too even the interns. (Thankfully, Lee was out of the office the day a Miami Ad School intern’s dog pooped in his office. Lee still doesn’t know so don’t tell.) Crispin Porter + Bogusky’s move into new office space was conditional on the owner of the building making an exception to their “no dog” policy. The official lease reads, “No dogs allowed except for the Chairman’s dog, Suzy”. Now all the dogs that come to the agency are named “Suzy” and belong to the agency’s Chairman, Chuck Porter. You’ll find dogs working at agencies all over the world: StrawberryFrog, Jung von Matt, Goodby Silverstein & Partners, Scholz & Friends, Butler Shine & Stern, Buder Engel & Friends, Carmichael Lynch, Wieden & Kennedy, KesselsKramer, Lowe Brindfors, and BBDO. Students and teachers bring their dogs to Miami Ad School, too. We use the dogs to select our students. If a prospective student comes to the school and shows fear or disrespect to the pup at the door, we advise the prospect of another school. We know that person isn’t cut out for ad- vertising and probably hasn’t a creative bone in his body. Dogs make our educational environment far more creative. Smudge, a Chocolate Labrador Retriever and the official school mascot, wanders in and out of classrooms, sits on the sofa and listens. And he hasn’t farted during a critique in two years. “Smudge,” poster dog for the Top “Smudge ,” w Dog icon and Official School Dog. founder of ith Ron Seichrist, Miami A co- a critique d of soccer School, during posters. i Miam lD og at Schoo fficial d. té,” O ri “Salu hool Mad Ad Sc Oliver Voss, ECD of Jung Ad School Eu v. M rope (Hambu att and co-director of Miam dog, “Trixie.” rg) with the fer ocious school i guard iously inal School Dog, obv “Applesauce,” orig t behind the ear.” thinking, “That’s the spot, righ TIP NUMBER 1: GET A DOG 2
  • 3. O n the following pages you will see award-winning work from Miami Ad School students. Our students have won more international awards than any other school in the world. For several years in a row they’ve won the Grand Prize or Gold Award at the International Andys, Clios, Athenas and Young Guns. This past year Miami Ad School students won the Gold and Silver One Show awards. Students also regularly have their work showcased in international magazines including: CMYK, HOW, Archive and Graphis. Even while interning in agencies Miami Ad School students have won pro- fessional awards. Five of Leagas Delaney’s winning campaigns in the One Show Awards were created by a Miami Ad School student intern. (Not surprisingly, this student was also named advertising student of the year in Germany and Holland.) Two of the Cannes Lions won by Leo Burnett, Prague were created by Miami Ad School students who were interning there. Another team that was interning at DDB, Chicago concepted and sold the first ever global TV commercial for McDonald’s. The students missed their gradu- ation ceremony because they were in Sydney, Australia shooting the spot. DDB hired the team and within a year the Miami Ad School grads had finished their next TV commercial. The spot, for Bud Light, aired on the Superbowl and was named best Superbowl spot by USA Today. However proud we are, the purpose of this brochure is not to beat our chest. Instead we want to make this publication useful to young people who may be considering a career in the advertising or design business. So, wherever we can we’ll offer insights into how an ad was done, perhaps details about the strat- egy or comments on the execution. We’ve asked some of the leading creative directors around the world to comment on the students’ campaigns. Some of these CDs teach at one of our locations or invite Miami Ad School students to intern at their agencies. Others have hired our graduates, but all have years of experi- ence in mentoring. They are very free and open about their approach to creativity. Actually, there are no secrets in this business. The great work is done by the risk-takers. They see the world differently and have the courage to show what they have seen. Often it’s a simple thing. Something that everyone sees every day and walks by without noticing. Can this kind of creativity be taught? Well, you have to be a creative person in the first place. But a good teacher can peel away layers and years of crap, leaving the student ‘raw & ready.’ Sometimes a gentle nudge will do wonders. Sometimes a big kick in the...
  • 4. S implicity. KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. The visual solution, thank you. Who has time to read? Who does read, anymore? Just clear, to-the-point communication. Life is short, as it is. Besides, if you want to know prod- ucts and benefits, go to the internet and read all about it. But, for print ads, let’s make it simple. Powerful images with lasting impact. Close-ups. Even closer. Try to make it funny. Outrageous. Over-the-edge. Remarkably, the one-two punch of the camera and the computer has given the students tools so professional, student work can be as professional as the professional. And if the professional was born before 1973, his work will be sloppy compared to today’s kid who grew up with Sony Playstation and XBox. It’s all visual these days. If there is a headline, usually the type size requires a magnifying glass. No body copy whatsoever. Mostly, there’s just a tagline. But the photos and illustrations in the ads are magnificent. Mouth-watering, hair-curling and groin-tickling. In such an environment we give the following advice to our art direction students. Shun stock photographs whenever possible. Fall in love with the camera. Learn all you can about photographic lighting. Study the great masters of photography. But haunt all the art galleries as well. Take up “tagging” or whatever it’s called today. Collect hand-made signs. Take a play-doh class with 2nd grade kids. Take up taxidermy; maybe you’ll put to- gether a bull-frog band for a music campaign. Enroll in a Japanese calligra- phy course. Collect hand-carved tombstones. Go to a flea market and collect Ninja Turtle stuff. Ask your grandmother for her old photographs. Talk your grandfather out of his early pornography. In other words, collect solutions now for problems you’re going to have some day in the future. Become one giant reservoir of useless, but interesting trivia. TIP NUMBER 2: SIMPLICITY WITH VISUAL IMPACT
  • 5. Award: Cannes Lion Silver, Addy Gold, selected to run in Archive magazine Art Director: Hunter Fine Copywriter: Jennifer Robison Instructor: Basil Mina, CD, Leo Burnett School location: Miami Ad School Prague After graduation: Hunter was hired at Cliff Freeman, New York. “Jen Hunter represent the best of what Miami Ad School does. They’re mature beyond their years. They spent their time in Prague as valued interns (at Leo Burnett) rather than tourists. I’m a huge admirer of the School, particularly their international perspective - it takes students off campus pulls their head out of the Award Show annuals. At the end of the day, our whole industry is going to benefit from that. This brief for the Museum of Torture was a lot tougher than it looks. The inherent drama in the brand leads you down some pretty strange paths. You tread a fine line between “Olde World” Medieval Kitsch some pretty sick shit. To be quite frank, I expected these two to stumble but they churned through tens of campaigns—some very good—before ending up here. I think the campaign is intel- ligent and provocative, but I guess I like it most of all because it manages to use the phrase “rectal plough” without causing undue offense.” Basil Mina is Regional Creative Director of Leo Burnett Europe, Middle East and Africa. He currently lives in Paris, having lived and worked in Cape Town, Toronto, Hong Kong, Chicago, Johannesburg and Prague.
  • 6. Award: Australian Young Guns Best Of Show, Graphis Magazine Art Director/Copywriter: Danny Noval, Angela Finney School location: Miami Ad School London Instructor: Ron Seichrist, Founder of Miami Ad School After graduation: Danny was hired by Young Rubicam, New York. Angela was hired by BBDO, Chicago. ____________ Award: Student Advertising Young Gun Of The Year, Australian Young Guns Competition Gold, Andy finalist Art Director/Copywriter: Satoko Takada, Patwin Lawrence School location: Miami Ad School Minneapolis Instructor: Melissa Johnson, Carmichael Lynch After graduation: Satoko was hired by Leo Burnett, Tokyo. “The student category at the Young Guns Competition was a privilege to judge and the work was exceptional. I would go so far as to say that it was as good, and on par with the bulk of the rest of the work (in the professional division), which is very encouraging for the industry. The jury quickly arrived at three Golds. The first Gold went to Kodak for a beautiful execution called “Baby”. It makes you realize that this is probably the most important photograph parents will ever take, so who but Kodak would they entrust to preserve the moment forever. The ad displays a maturity and intelligence you so rarely see in student work today. It emotionally touches you in a way that is so right for the Kodak brand. It was created by Danny Noval and Angela Finney at Miami Ad School. ...Another student team from Miami Ad School, Satoka Takada and Patwin Lawrence, also won a Gold, this time for a Bazooka Bubble Gum campaign that visually dramatized the aftermath of an exploding Bazooka bubble. Again the work broke the mold.” Mark Tutssel is Deputy Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett Worldwide. 6
  • 7. Awards: One Show Bronze After graduation: Monica was hired at Ogilvy Mather, New York. Award: Clio Gold, Andy commendation Art Director: Monica Escobar Gaston was hired by Lapiz, Chicago. Art Directors: Hunter Fine, Brandon Mugar Copywriter: Gaston Gorali Copywriter: Nathan Frank School location: Miami Ad School Minneapolis School location: Miami Ad School San Francisco Instructor: Matt Elhardt, Goodby Silverstein Partners After graduation: Hunter and Nathan were hired at Cliff Freeman, New York. Brandon was hired by TBWA/Chiat/Day, San Francisco. “What do I like about this work? It’s visual. It’s tasteful. It communicates quickly. And it’s simple, simple, simple. In most advertising, less is definitely more, and Monica knew that intuitively. And to the question of what makes a young creative successful––that’s easy. Success comes from having an insatiable curiosity; showing the willingness to learn; putting the brand first and your ego second; maturity; and knowing there are more ideas where that one came from. If young creatives need inspiration, they should look everywhere: museums, comedy clubs, the subway, the dinner table. The more you know, the more you can draw from.” Josh Tavlin is Senior Partner, Creative Director of Ogilvy in New York. He’s created global campaigns for American Express and IBM. And currently head up with my partner, Joe Johnson: Delta, Miller, American Express, SAP, Kraft and Hershey’s. Working at a big agency is hard, but incredibly rewarding. If you can crack marketing problems for Fortune 500 clients, you can do anything. *Note from the President of Miami Ad School, Pippa Seichrist, about the campaign above: “Monica and Gaston created this work in 1999, long before Microsoft started using the same executional technique, white lines superimposed over a current photo. I’m not implying the ad agency creatives who produced the Microsoft work saw Monica and Gaston’s campaign prior to doing theirs. Frequently students are perceived as not having the same business sense to create big brand ideas, but Monica and Gaston did obviously. And their idea was so good that a big brand thought of it too.” 7
  • 8. Instructor: Diego Yurkievich, Weiden Kennedy Awards: Young Guns Competition finalist, selected for Graphis book for New Talent Art Director/Copywriter: Kevin Koller, Tushar Date After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami. School location: Miami Ad School Miami Tushar was hired by Leo Burnett, Chicago. Awards: Clio Gold and Addys Grand Prize Art Director/Copywriter: Marjorieth San Martin, Jinho Kim School location: Miami Ad School London After graduation: Jinho Kim was hired by Fallon, Singapore. Marjori eth was hired by Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg.
  • 9. Awards: Young Guns Grand Prize, Clio Gold Art Directors: Tom Zukowski, Christina de la Cruz, Copywriter: Matt Burgess School location: Miami Ad School San Francisco Instructor: Eric Sorenson, Carmichael Lynch After graduation: Tom was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami. Christina was hired by Publicis West, Seattle. Matt was hired at Best Buy in Minneapolis. “What do I like about this PlayDoh campaign? I like the strategy. I can imagine that most of the work on this assignment had to do with imagination. Which is cool but expected and probably not very convincing because I bet pretty much everybody would agree that using PlayDoh would be good for a child’s imagination. What I like about this is that it puts a stake in the ground. It does something we always like to do and that’s pick an enemy. In this case the enemy being uninspiring toys.” Alex Bogusky is Executive Creative Director, Crispin Porter + Bogusky; Young Guns Jury Chair. Under his direction, the agency has become arguably one of the world’s most awarded. Alex has been profiled in Luerzer’s Archive, Communication Arts, Graphis, Adweek and Creativity. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Newsweek, TIME, Adweek, Brandweek, Advertising Age and Creativity as well as on national television and radio. In 2002, Alex was inducted into the American Advertising Federation’s Hall of Achievement. And, on top of all that, Alex is also Miami Ad School’s Worldwide Creative Director. 9
  • 10. Award: Athena’s Best Of Show, Show South Silver Art Director: Peter Cortez, Copywriter: Chris LaRocque School location: Miami Ad School Miami After graduation: Peter was hired by CDA Advertising in New York. Chris works at O’Brien Advertising in Denver. ____________ Award: Clio Silver Art Director: Richard Ardito Copywriter: Grant Smith School location: Miami Ad School Miami Instructor: Ron Seichrist, Founder of Miami Ad School After graduation: Grant and Richard were hired as a team at Cliff Freeman, New York. Now they work for Eric Silver at BBDO, New York “When commenting on work, it’s all extremely subjective. I believe there is only one legitimate test in determining if an advertising campaign is sound. Do you say, “I wish I’d thought of that.” I did with the Weight Watchers campaign and a lot of other work in Grant and Rick’s portfolios. They were obvious hires. I think a successful portfolio needs to have a couple pieces in it that blow you away or even just one thing that is clearly “out of the box” thinking. I would rather see a fair book with a couple of outstanding things in it than a very good book where everything is “close.” There are three things I look for when assessing creatives: portfolio, personality, and a desire. They have to have a willingness to work long hours... and, most importantly, they love working those long hours. This is mandatory if the team is just starting out. Advice to young creatives: Study the One Show annual. Study DAD. Go back about ten years for each. Memorize every ad in there and then forget them. Do not try to replicate what has been done. However daunting it may seem the only way to succeed, as a creative in advertising, is to carve out your own niche. After you’ve studied advertising annuals, pay equal attention to films, books, and anything that creates that elusive spark.” Eric Silver is Executive Creative Director for BBDO New York. As a writer and creative director, Eric has won every major creative award several times over, including Best of Show at the One Show twice, Best of Show at the Clios twice, the Grand Prix at Cannes, and 6 DAD pencils. He has worked at Chiat/Day, Earle Palmer Brown, Wieden Kennedy, FCB, Goodby Silverstein, Cliff Freeman and was a staff writer for The Late Show with David Letterman. 10
  • 11. Award: Addy Best Of Show Art Director/Copywriter: Kevin Koller, Tushar Date School location: Miami Ad School Miami Instructor: Steve O’Connell, Crispin Porter + Bogusky After graduation: Tushar was hired by Leo Burnett, Chicago. Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami. “Overlooking young talent is like a football team overlooking the draft. If you miss out on the up-and-comers, you’re missing out on the future. We must hire, and even more importantly, cultivate junior talent in order to infuse the industry with the next generation of great ad makers. And as you can see with the Perrier work, the industry will be in good hands. The secret of any good ad is to stop you in your tracks and grab you by the eyeballs. These do just that. Visually, they are very striking and beautifully art directed. I like the fact that they credit the consumer with intelligence and you have to extract the meaning of them. Given the body is 78% water, clearly H2O, or in this case H2Eau, is vital to life. I was first exposed to this art director’s partner while judging the Andy Awards. “Frog”, an ad for Baby Einstein was inspired (see page 18). It was fresh, original and unusual. It threw the rule book away. It went on to win the Student “Grand Prize”. To me the ad demonstrated a natural talent for this business, so I found out who had created it and quickly hired Daniel Hofstadter along with his partner Tushar, the creative responsible for these Perrier ads. At the end of the day, advertising thrives on the infusion of fresh blood into agencies. Similar to the Perrier ads, to me, young creatives are “vital to life”. “ Mark Tutssel is Deputy Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett Worldwide. He is one of the world’s most awarded creative directors, and his work has garnered every major industry award, including the prestigious Cannes Grand Prix. He oversees the creative for blue-chip clients including Kellogg’s, General Motors, McDonald’s and Procter Gamble. Prior to joining Leo Burnett USA, Mark served as Executive Creative Director of Leo Burnett London. Under his leadership the agency was the most highly awarded agency in the world in 2001. 11
  • 12. Award: Clio Silver Art Directors: Rafael Donato, Lauren Sala School location: Miami Ad School San Francisco Award: International Andys Grand Prize Art Director/Copywriter: Jennifer Parke After graduation: Rafael was hired by Spirit Advertising, London. School location: Miami Ad School Miami Lauren was hired by Secret Weapon, Los Angeles. After graduation: Jennifer was hired by BBDO, New York. 12
  • 13. Awards: Clio Gold Instructors: Bettina Olf and Timm Weber, Creative Directors, at Springer Jacoby Art Director: Menno Kluin After graduation: Menno was hired by Saatchi Saatchi, NYC School location: Miami Ad School Hamburg When this brochure was printed Menno was still in school. 1
  • 14. Award: Clio Gold Art Director: Isabela Ferriera Copywriter: Miguel Hernandez School location: Miami Ad School Amsterdam The TV spot has a rugby player brushing the single tooth he has in his mouth announcing the beginning of the rugby season. Miguel and Isabela did this spot while interning at KesselKramer in Amsterdam. After graduation: Isabela was hired by Young Rubicam, Chicago. Miguel was hired by Euro RSCG, Chicago. Awards: Graphis New Talent book Award: CMYK Magazine Art Director: Kevin Koller Art Director: Bill Montgomery Photographer: Erika Blanco Copywriter: Bridget Prophet School location: Miami Ad School Miami School location: Miami Ad School Chicago Instructor: Ron Seichrist, founder of Miami Ad School After graduation: Bill was hired by TBWA/Chiat/Day, New York. After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami. Bridget was hired by Merkley Newman Harty, New York. Erika is a freelance photographer. 1
  • 15. Award: Creatividad Mexico Student Grand Prix, International Andys Runner-up After graduation: Kelly was hired by The Richards Group. Art Director: Kelly Andrews, Copywriter: Ian Graham Ian was hired by Ogilvy Mather, Los Angeles. School location: Miami Ad School Miami Award: Selected to fun in HOW magazine Instructor: Diego Yurkievich Art Director/Copywriter: Kevin Koller, Tushar Date After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami. School location: Miami Ad School Miami Tushar was hired by Leo Burnett, Chicago. 1
  • 16. Award: Addy Silver After graduation: Ali was hired by Leagas Delaney, Hamburg Art Director/Copywriter: Ali Ali School location: Miami Ad School Miami Award: Selected for Graphis magazine for outstanding young talent. After graduation: Santiago was hired by Del Rivero Messianu Instructor: MIhai Coliban, D’Arcy Bucharest Art Director: Santiago Mussfeldt, Copywriter: Chad Williamson DDB, Miami. Chad was hired by King, Stockholm. School location: Miami Ad School Miami 16
  • 17. Award: Athena’s Grand Prize, Addy Gold, CMYK Magazine Art Director: Kevin Koller School location: Miami Ad School Miami Instructor: Diego Yurkievich, Weiden Kennedy Award: Andy Art Director: Kevin Koller School location: Miami Ad School Miami Instructor: Kier Beard, Freelance Art Director After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami “Why did I hire Kevin Koller? Who knows? I hire people for very weird reasons. I think with Kevin it was that he had a good book and I felt he had an even better soul. Nice hair too... he’s been very prolific (since hired) and has had lots of stuff presented to clients and ultimately produced. The biggest disappointment for both of us was some really amazing IKEA TV that he and his partner did that was very close to production but eventually died. The work was so good it actually weighed heavily on our decision to resign IKEA. And what do I think about advertising education? I think in general it’s probably the best example of the old saying that you get out of it what you put into it. The teaching is in the trying. And without a lot of trying, the student will not learn. And what about Miami Ad School’s approach? Well, Ron (Seichrist) was the originator of the whole concept of a portfolio school. And the reality is today it is very difficult to get into the creative department without a polished student portfolio. There’s just too much competition. The teachers at Miami Ad School in Miami and all across the globe are amazing and really varied in their personal approaches. I think this has a huge value for a student who will ultimately need to find their own style. And the more unique approaches you’re exposed to, the easier it is.” Alex Bogusky is Executive Creative Director, Crispin Porter + Bogusky. 17
  • 18. Awards: Glen C. Smith $5000 Scholarship, Grand Prize International Andys, Clio Bronze Art Director: Rune Degett Copywriter: Dylan Berg School location: Miami Ad School Hamburg Instructors: Doerte Spengler-Ahrens and Jan Rexhausen are creative directors at Jung von Matt When this brochure was printed Rune and Dylan were still in school. 1
  • 19. Award: One Show Gold Art Director: Michael Bae Copywriter: Frankie Garcia School location: Miami Ad School New York Instructor: Donnell Johnson, Creative Director, Spike DDB, New York, and Miami Ad School graduate. When this brochure was printed Frankie was still in school. After graduation: Michael was hired by BBDO, New York. Frankie was hired by Mcgarrybowen, also in New York. Headline: Sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun rain, photosynthesis, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun. Tagline: It’s a process. Not processed. Headline: SERVING SIZE: 1 tsp. Headline: WARNING: Our product has been tested on animals. They usually put it in their coffee. CALORIES: 15 Tagline: It’s a process. Not processed. CARBS: 4g SCIENTISTS: 0 Tagline: It’s a process. Not processed. 19
  • 20. Award: Glen C. Smith $5000 Scholarship, Grand Prize, International Andys Art Director: Kevin Koller, Joel Guidry Copywriter: Dan Hofstadter School location: Miami Ad School Miami Instructor: Bob Geffert, Beber Silverstein After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami and Dan and was hired by Leo Burnett, Chicago. Award: Andy, Clio Bronze Instructor: Will Roth, Grant, Scott Hurley Art Director: Svetoslav Nikolov After graduation: Roberto was hired by Goodby Silverstein Partners, San Francisco. Copywriter: Roberto Lastra Slav was hired by Publicis, New York. School location: Miami Ad School Miami 20
  • 21. Posters for Gap back to school sale. Award: FIAP (South America) Silver Award: Selected for Graphis book for outstanding new talent. Art Director: Alexandre D’Albergaria, Copywriter: Rogerio Baran Art Director: Robin Milgrim School location: Miami Ad School São Paulo School location: Miami Ad School Miami After graduation: Rogerio was hired by Lapiz, Chicago. Instructor: Ron Seichrist, Founder of Miami Ad School After graduation: Robin was hired by Saatchi Saatchi, New York. “There was no brief, no assignment. Rogerio and Alexandre had read the sad news and, as good creatives, transformed it into a brilliant ad. As true creative people, they were inspired by life (and death) itself, not by somebody else’s work. The original ad had a headline, and I suggested they remove it because it was unnecessary – the visual and the small copy were enough to make you stop, understand and grieve. That’s one important thing you try to teach young writers and art directors. To get rid of things. When interns from Miami Ad School come to Lápiz, they’re so full of hopes, dreams and good principles, the least we can do is try not to destroy their innocence. We managed to hire Rogerio. Alexandre, though, was restless and hungry to travel the world.” Laurence Klinger is SVP, Chief Creative Officer of Lapiz. His work has received all major International awards, and in 2004 Lápiz was elected Multicultural Agency of the Year by the Association of American Advertising Agencies. He has worked in São Paulo, Barcelona and Lisbon but calls Chicago home now. In his free time, Laurence writes short stories. He has two books published in the United States: Still Life with Fish and The Dignity of the Wounded. 21
  • 22. T he wonderful world of Words. Oh, for the Good Old Days. The six- ties, for example. Back when Bill Bernbach had his New York Yiddish, street-smart headlines wise-cracking like a Big Apple taxi-driver. And in London, David Abbot was leading an erudite, very, very dry-witty group of writers to stardom. A most wonderful time to be a copywriter. Copy was King. Art directors were in awe and didn’t dare to reduce headlines to the size of today’s tagline. Only the writers knew how to use a typewriter. But sadly, over the years, Copy died and the art directors alone held the secrets to the computer keyboard. Ads became a visual playground. Writers were left to trickery. To somehow hide a headline cleverly in a photograph or an illus- tration that the AD just couldn’t see. Writers went underground. They even learned to dress exactly like an art director. Their portfolios were identical to an AD’s book. They lay hidden, like a spider from the light. They wrote radio (but usually no one paid attention to radio. Everyone should.). Writers wrote TV, but usually the copy was buried in the visual somehow. Sure, writers were still part of a team. Like beer and pretzels are a team. So, what if the pret- zels are gone. Have another beer. But, hold on. While no one was looking, copywriters made a comeback. Writers had been sneakingly sharpening their teeth on the internet stuff that no one cared about. Words slipped under the radar. Words came back with a vengeance. Poetry slams went national. The spoken word. Hip Hop happened. Copywriters arose from the dead! So, fill your portfolios with sentences, phrases, movie scripts, even a poem or two. A short story. Some long copy ads. Radio spots–because they’re fun to do, even if the CD won’t listen to your tape. Headlines? Why not? In the mean- time, take a stand-up comedy class. Our students do. Get everything off your chest. Speak up. TIP NUMBER 3: WORDS ARE WORTH A THOUSAND PICTURES 22
  • 23. Award: Silver Lion, Cannes Awards Festival After graduation David was hired by BBH, New York and Steve works at Dimassimo. Art Director: David Cuccinello, Copywriter: Steve Porcaro School location: Miami Ad School Prague Award: Addys Best Of Show, One Show magazine, Critique magazine Art Director: Mark Andeer, Copywriter: Kristen Wallace School location: Miami Ad School Miami My teacher at Miami Ad School Minneapolis, Greg Hahn, said to our class, “You need at least one FGA (F#!?ing Great Ad) in your book.” With that, I went back to Miami to finalize my book under the tutelage of Ron Seichrist. Ron is famous for two things, working you hard and knowing where your book is lacking. In my case, Ron wanted to see a smart campaign that would showcase my typography skills. Typical to Miami Ad School’s way of working I was teamed with a writer, Kristen Wallace. Kristen and I came up with many ideas that Ron helped us make sense of. Once we had the base idea we worked non-stop; going to bookstores researching typography of different time periods and reading (yes, reading) classic books. The result is the campaign you see here, which was honored with: Best of Show in the Addys, featured in The One Show magazine, Critique magazine and some others that escape me. Mark Andeer, VP, Group Creative Director and Miami Ad School graduate. Mark joined BBDO Minneapolis in 2003. Previously he had successful stints at Lowe, New York and DMBB, Detroit. He has a broad range of experience building brands on a variety of clients including: Hormel, Spam, Heineken, Sprite, Pontiac, MTV and Lego. In helping these brands he’s won numerous awards including: The One Show, Addys, Art Directors Club and Graphis. Mark also teaches at Miami Ad School Minneapolis. 2
  • 24. caller: Is is possible I can get bread made into a special kind of shape? baker: I don’t know if we shape bread. We do make 6-foot bread that we bake special… caller: I do not know but I’m looking to be wrapped up from head to toe… caller: Oh, you don’t sell the dough? See, I’m an artist and I like to wrap myself in the dough and layout on the beach and bake myself inside the bread. caller: It’s safe for me to be in there right… To be cooked within the dough, like a big little Snausage? You would know about these things. I wouldn’t want to catch yeast infection or something. baker: (Laughter) I do not know if you can catch yeast Award: Clio Gold infection but that’s the funniest thing Award: Clio Grand Prize Art Director: Kamal Collins, Mark Infusino, Copywriter: Adam Kanzer Photographer: Scott Cirlin Art Director: Laura Metrano, Copywriter: Eddie Hahn School location: Miami Ad School Minneapolis I’ve ever… How much dough do you School location: Miami Ad School Miami need man? After graduation: Mark was hired by Element 79. Adam by Saatchi Saatchi, New York and Scott was hired After graduation: Eddie was hired by Mullen, Winston Salem. Laura went to TBWA/Chiat/Day, NYC by FCB. As a copywriting student at Miami Ad School, Eddie Hahn, with art director partner, Laura Metrano, created this TV spot for Bell South. The chairperson of the Clio jury recommended that this student work be awarded the Grand Clio of the entire show even over the professional work. The Director of the Clios, agreed such a distinction be given to the work, but alas, the rules would not permit it. This was the only year that two Grand Clios were awarded. Eddie and Laura are the only students to have been awarded the Grand Clio. The TV spots were originally an assignment for a class in radio commercials. After the spots were recorded, it was determined that TV was a much better medium for this concept. Eddie Hahn, a copywriting major, wrote the three spots, using his own voice with 3 different dialects as he called the baker, the massage parlor manager and the undertaker. None of those he called ever realized the call wasn’t real. Eddie Hahn and Laura Metrano won the only Grand Clio ever awarded to students. Eddie works at McGarry Bowen, New York. Laura, now teamed with another Miami Ad School graduate, Mandy Hoveyda, works at Ogilvy Mather, New York. 2
  • 25. Award: Top Dog Gold Award: Clio Bronze After graduation: Susana was hired by Energia Young Rubicam, Lima. Art Director/Copywriter: Michael Buss Art Director: Matt Parsons, Copywriter: Susana Pareja Matt used his art direction skills to create documentaries on the West School location: Miami Ad School Miami School location: Miami Ad School New York Coast. After graduation: Michael was hired by GSDM in Austin. 2
  • 26. G uerilla. An old term, perhaps. These days we call it “innovative media”. That includes anything from post-it notes on the laundromat bulletin board to a BMW film on the web. Sometimes the only way to reach your target is to get down in the street with them. The big deal today has been product placement. Have you watched a football game recently? The player’s name is nearly invisible, covered by a dozen sponsors. Or a better example, a NASCAR race? Technology is able to change the sponsors to suit the audience. Better yet, simply make the products themselves—the story. The next great series on American TV after “Sex in the City” will be Budweiser getting in bed with Diet Pepsi. The idea is to somehow get the attention with a sell- ing message in some way that doesn’t look like an ad. The consumer is so jaded that you must disguise your sales pitch. Many people just don’t want to look at ads nowadays. Not magazine ads. Not TV commercials. Sure, there was a time when everyone talked about great TV commercials on their coffee break. The commercials were bolder and fresher than the program itself. Not these days, Even in the conservative American TV, sex is rampant and grandmothers use four let- ter words. TV commercials play things much safer. It’s simply not all about print ads or television any longer. Those times are gone forever. So is mainstream advertising dead? Not likely. But it will certainly change. If you want a glimpse of its competition, go on the web. You can use any kind of vocabulary or four-letter words you wish, in any language you like. And best of all, the com- munication can be (or seem like) one person-to-one person dialogue. That’s the real objective of innovative media, isn’t it. “Psst. Hey, fella. Yes. You. I’m talking to you. I got a real good deal for you. French postcards. The real stuff. Special price. Just for you. All the way from Gay Paree. Take a quick look. You don’t like these, I can get you just what you want. Just for you.” It’s scary. All some- one needs to do is to download all the stored data that exists on every purchase each and every individual made over a given period of time, (Hey—don’t be naive—the data exists!) along with all the other existing data on that particular individual. Put all that data together and it’s quite easy to individualize both a message and the media to reach each and every one of us. Bottom line, it all comes down to solving an advertising problem first, then finding the appropriate media to use. Perhaps a simulated recording of mom saying, “Buy this one, dear. It’s OK.” TIP NUMBER 4: SOLVE THE PROBLEM FIRST, THEN FIND THE MEDIA 26
  • 27. Award: Clio Bronze Art Director/Copywriter: Menno Kluin, Martin Edman School location: Miami Ad School Hamburg Instructors: Niklas Frings-Rupp, Oliver Voss This idea was later purchased and produced by Bacardi. Award: Top Dog Gold, Young Guns Finalist Art Director/Copywriter: Katia Rojas, Marjorieth San Martin School location: Miami Ad School Chicago Instructor: Tom Lichen, Lapiz After graduation: Katia was hired by Del Rivero Messianu DDB, Miami. Marjorieth was hired by Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg. Award: Top Dog Gold After graduation Ana was hired by Del Rivero Messianu DDB, Miami. Award: DAD London Commendation Instructor: Tom Lunt, Leo Burnett Chicago Art Director: Ana Testa Art Director: Rodrigo Fernandes Teixeira After graduation Rodrigo was hired by Avalanche. School location: Miami Ad School Chicago School location: Miami Ad School Chicago 27
  • 28. P igs for sale. No doubt that was the first outdoor billboard. Maybe even carved by Neanderthal Joe. (You had an extra hog or daughter, so you posted a sign outside your cave for anyone walking by who was hungry or horny.) After the guy in the next cave put up a slightly larger sign, Joe had an advertising problem. So, he added an illustration of a pretty sexy Neanderthal girl, in fur-skin “hot pants”. Then Joe’s neighbor made his illustration bigger. Joe decided to go higher and put his sign on a rock. Even- tually he added neon and a revolving image. And so on until the twenty-first century. Things haven’t really changed that much. Outdoor is still a great medium when it’s good and even when its done poorly, it’s still pretty good. Sure, huge billboards clutter up the landscape when there’s an amazing view of the Alps to see. But if you’re on the highway and your stomach is telling you to stop and the billboard shows you a “Big Mac” at the next exit, you’re grateful for the intrusion. The truth is, art directors and copy- writers love the outdoor medium in any environment. First of all, it’s sooo big! Your creation is standing there like a giant monolith for the whole world passing by. (Finally, your mother understands what you do for a living. “My son does billboards”, she tells the bridge club.) You are famous. And you deserve recognition because the medium is a real test of creativity. What can you show or say to someone traveling 70 miles an hour? Of course, not all outdoor advertising is on interstate highways. There are signs in bus shelters where your message can be read leisurely along with the graffiti etched into the metal benches. There are plastic signs on a wooden stake urging dog owners to clean up after their dog. There are emergency signs. Stop signs. For Rent signs. Even whole buildings wrapped in signs. But we tell our students to really respect outdoor advertising. We remind them when they produce a newspaper ad–it lasts one day. But a billboard, that’s something else. “Go rent a red convertible Ferrari,” we tell them, “and race out on the interstate with your blonde curls flowing in the wind, drive by your hi- larious billboard, give a slight wave of your hand and let your heart swell in your chest. Smile a little smile, and drive on down the road.” TIP NUMBER 5: IMPRESS YOUR MOM AND DAD 2
  • 29. Award: Top Dog Gold After graduation Piper was hired by Lowe Partners, New York. Art Director/Copywriter: Piper Hickman School location: Miami Ad School Miami Award: Show South Gold After graduation: Clarence was hired by BBDO, New York Art Director: Alejandro Ortiz, Copywriter: Clarence Bradley and Alejandro was hired by Deustch, Los Angeles. School location: Miami Ad School Chicago Award: CMYK Magazine After graduation: Sage was hired by the Foley Group Art Director: Nick Michaelson, Copywriter: Sage Rider in Minneapolis. School location: Miami Ad School Minneapolis Award: Top Dog Gold After graduation: Colleen was hired by MC Saatchi, London Art Director/Copywriter: Colleen Phillips School location: Miami Ad School Minneapolis 29
  • 30. T ime has come to put the ART back in art direction. While simplicity is the predominant approach in print advertising, complexity, if artistic, also has its place. The history of Art is filled with such contradictions. One extreme is always balanced by its opposite. Yin and yang. Apples and oranges. But, unfortunately in too many cases the mechanical look of the com- puter has replaced the vision of the artist. Yet, since the computer is merely a tool, in the hands of an artist, beautiful things can be produced in megapixels. But, we see too many students sitting in front of a blue screen waiting for an idea. Or they grab the quickest image they can find from a stock photo book and toss it on a scanner. Ah, the scanner, perhaps the perfect example of Jekyll and Hyde. Evil or good? What will it be? We advise our aspiring art directors to re-visit their child- hood. Way back when they saw the world around them in vivid imagery. Back in the time when they could be fascinated by a doodle-bug. Chances are they could draw. Most likely they were the ones to put black “Hitler” moustaches on the lady principal’s photograph. Undoubtedly these kids were the ones who could scribble out a reasonable likeness of Donald and Daisy Duck “doing it” in the school gymnasium. Find that freshness of feeling again, we tell our art direction students. Look hard the for the artists out there who never lost their vision. Take at look at folk art and “outsider art.” Look at some of the outrageous photographers who produce images nearly impossible to look at. Human flesh oozing from knots in tree limbs. Monsters invading a suburban ranch house. But, beautifully, very skillfully, artistically, executed. Get up from your swivel chair and walk into an art gallery. Or into a cathedral with monumental stain glass windows that bathe the wooden carvings with luminous color. Visit a holocaust museum. Or a dog pound. Don’t forget to take a camera with you. Or a sketch pad. Even a tape recorder. Sounds can be the very origin of a bril- liant visual idea. Listen to subway conversations. Pay attention to the dialogue and accents; that’s your next television commercial happening right in front of you. You’re in your 20s, 30s. Could you really concept a TV spot set in a nursing home? Go visit your grandmother or an old aunt and pay attention this time. Don’t give up concerts, but listen to music you never heard before. Re-create your life by experiencing things you never knew existed. Then express yourself artistically. TIP NUMBER 6: REVISIT YOUR CHILDHOOD CURIOSITY 0
  • 31. Award: Silver Clio Art Director: Kevin Koller Copywriters: Joel Guidry, Dan Hofstadter School location: Miami Ad School Miami Instructor: Steve O’Connell, Crispin Porter + Bogusky After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky and Dan was hired by Leo Burnett, Chicago. Copy for Red Bull Bedtime Stories: Tagline: Up All Night Three Little Pigs: There once were 3 little pigs who, after some bad experiences with shoddy home construction, built a very secure home virtually impenetrable by any intruder. One stormy night, however, a loud banging on the front door interrupted the pigs eve- ning. “Little pigs, little pigs, let me in,” cried the wolf. The pigs approached the door and replied, “not by the hair on our chinny chin?” Cut the rhyming catch phrases!” The wolf interrupted. “You’re in danger!” You have to leave the house right now!” With the pigs attention focused on the wolf, they didn’t notice the closet door open and a figure creep out behind them. The pigs stared at the wolf and answered, “You can’t fool us! You might be big and bad, but we’re smart.” The wolf continued pleading his case in vain as the figure stopped just behind the pigs and raised an enormous meat cleaver over his head, his wild eyes and blood smeared apron illuminated with each flash of lightning. The pigs laughed, oblivious, “Forget it, Wolf, with all these locks and bolts on the door, you’ll never get in!” Then a voice from behind them answered, “and you’ll never get out!!” Goldilocks: The girl with golden locks arrived at a house deep in the woods just before nightfall. She was delivering a letter for an old blind man in town. No one answered when she knocked, so she entered the house and was pleased to smell porridge. Three bowls were set out, so she helped herself from one and found the porridge to be just right. She then became very sleepy and decided to go upstairs and retire. She chose one of the three beds and found it to be just right. She took out the letter and laid it on the night table next to the bed. Just before she dozed off, something occurred to her. She never read what the man had written. She reached for the letter, but froze before it was opened. From down stairs, she heard a deafening roar and what sounded like three fero- cious bears clawing their way inside the house and up the stairs. The girl sprang to her feet, ran toward the door and discovered some very bad news. First, the door had only led to a closet, and second, stuffed inside were dozens of foul smelling corpses flattened into human skin rugs! As she stared in horror, the bears crashed through the bedroom door and bore down on her. All she could do was look down at the letter, still in her hand. It read, “This is the last one I’m sending you this week.” “So, what did the Clio judges think about this campaign? The judges were exposed to over 10,000 ads in five days. They had to look at all of them, judge them and award a few. Most of the ads looked “Brazilian”: a simple idea, a strong visual (mostly a photograph) no more than one sentence of copy, and logo. After 9,999 ads that were done this way, the Red Bull ad felt very fresh: totally different from the ad that wants to be understood in only two seconds. This ad was confident that people would be curious about it and look at it longer. That was worth an award. If you take the time to look at it, you find out that the ad is really done with lots of attention to detail: first the brilliant copy with a clever tag line, then the nice illustration, and overall the whole look. I like this work because it reminds me what I learned at Wieden Kennedy. One credo of the agency was: “Never give them what they expect”. If you think of Red Bull you wouldn’t think of a layout like this, would you? This ad is 180 degrees from typical ads of young people with beautiful people and sports-like photography. This ad tells me something about the person who did it. He has his own style, own beliefs and own way. Nice to feel that in an ad. And what about Miami Ad School education? I love it. I wish it had been around when I needed it. The students have about 20 different creative directors that they work with in only two years. (I had only about five in my whole life.) The students go abroad and experience first hand how it is to work in the US, Brazil, Europe––anywhere in the world. And the students know what they are talking about after that time. After only one year, the Miami Ad School Europe location produced the best student of the year in 2004––awarded by the German Art Directors Club. And don’t think this the only talent coming out of there.” Oliver Voss is the Executive Creative Officer/Partner of Jung v. Matt. He’s also one of the most awarded creatives in Europe. After guest teaching at Miami Ad School for years and hosting the school’s interns at Jung von Matt, In 2003 Oliver co-founded Miami Ad School Europe. 1
  • 32. Award: Top Dog Silver Art Director/Illustrator: Karla Laugerud School location: Miami Ad School Miami Award: Top Dog Gold After graduation: Victor was hired by Premier Euro, Puerto Rico. David founded Art Director/Illustrator: David Steinberg, Copywriter: Victor Cabezas an interactive advertising agency, Steinberg Advertising + Design, Miami. School location: Miami Ad School Miami Award: Top Dog Gold Art Director/Illustrator: Svetoslav Nikolov School location: Miami Ad School Miami After graduation: Slav was hired by Publicis, New York. Award: Top Dog Gold Designer/Illustrator: Christian Liu School location: Miami Ad School Miami Instructor: Ron Seichrist, founder, Miami Ad School. 2
  • 33. Award: Clio Silver Art Director/Illustrator: Matthew Woodhams-Roberts Copywriter: Rick Herrera School location: Miami Ad School San Francisco Instructor: Will Elliot, Goodby Silverstein Partners After graduation: Matthew was hired by TBWA/Chiat/Day, NYC Award: Clio Bronze Award: Appeared in CMYK magazine Award: Top Dog Gold Designer/Illustrator: Monika Pobog Malinowska Art Director/Illustrator: Kevin Koller Art Director/Illustrator: Svetoslav Nikolov School location: Miami Ad School Miami School location: Miami Ad School Miami School location: Miami Ad School Miami After graduation: Monika was hired by Publicis, New York. After graduation: Kevin was hired by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami. After graduation: Slav was hired by Publicis, New York.
  • 34. T ypography just ain’t what it used to be, say some creative directors. Stu- dents’ portfolios just don’t exhibit the strength in designing with type as they did in the 70s and 80s. Some creative directors insist students don’t study type in school. Some blame the demise of typographic excel- lence on overuse of the computer. Perhaps everyone is using the computer too much, but there’s a different reason the computer may be contributing to the problem. We call it the “Big Picture”. World-wide, students sit at a Mac that has a monitor of about ten inches square. By the time the student pulls up the necessary boxes of computer tools, the available screen area is about the size of a rat’s ass. In the old days, back in the Middle Ages, before com- puters, art directors had to trace each letter actual size on a layout and then paint the letterforms with a brush. The shape of that letterform was etched on the art director’s brain forever. Working big, the art director could “feel” the space and the result was a beautiful page of type. We can’t go back to working by hand, can we? But we offer a great solution to the type dilemma. Simply buy a giant monitor screen. Too expensive? Then do what our clever students do. They tile their work out very large, correct the type and then reduce the work to size. The results are dramatic, as good as the “good ol’ days”. It’s simply not true that students are not as talented as the old dogs of yore. In fact, take a close look at ads that are running currently in magazines. The typography doesn’t knock your socks off. Why not? One reason is there’s not much copy on most ads these days; everything is visual. The professional type is not much better than the student type. Now look at editorial design in magazines. Lovely type. But in an ad, student or professional, there’s often no headline to beautify. However, given a typographic opportunity, students can do the job. Take a look at the typographic design in the next few pages that won big. These guys get the Big Picture. TIP NUMBER 7: LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE
  • 35. Award: Type Directors Club Of New York Gold After graduation: John was hired by Goldforest Advertising, Miami. Designer: John Tommervik School location: Miami Ad School Miami Award: Type Directors Club Of New York Gold Designer: Steve Timana School location: Miami Ad School Miami _________ Award: Top Dog Gold Designer/Photographer: Viveca Ljung School location: Miami Ad School Miami Instructor: Judy Penny
  • 36. P hotography is no longer a bastard child. In fact, photography is the pre-eminent expression of our world. All of us record all of our joys and all our sorrows photographically. Births, Deaths, and every high and low point of our lives. In fact, we tell our students, “Get thee to a camera store”. And these days they come back with a digital camera that downloads their images directly into the computer. No film, No processing. No waiting. Even copywriters now produce visual images as impactful as any art director. We also tell our students to “Shun stock photography books”. And they do stay away from stock photos ninety-eight per cent of the time. The exceptions happen when, for example, they need a penguin. And in Miami there are many, many parrots, but we’ve yet to see our first penguin on South Beach. After our students have fallen in love with photography, they avoid “stock” anyway. They found they can do it better themselves. But they do study the great photographers. Then they discover the weird ones and Weird is always interesting to young people. Weird is where they live, how they live. They pour over the weird stuff in fashion photography, Remarkably fast, they shoot photographs that rival the things in Vogue, Paper, Flaunt, Zoom. The students also get good at “street photography”. Even catalog photography. Food. Por- traits. They get tremendous confidence because they can shoot whatever they want to shoot. We also see a big change in the way they use Photoshop. As they get more skilled at photography, the image manipulation often begins before the photograph is taken. They also see their immediate environment more critically. They scout the city for interesting sets for photo backdrops. They cast local characters. They even become an observer of light and atmosphere. This, of course, changes the way they think, the way they concept. Ideas happen that never could have happened before they knew their way around photography. This way of thinking also spreads into their student tele- vision commercials. No longer do they pick up a video camera and treat it like a “point and shoot”. They use a careful approach to lighting, with reflectors and scrims and they understand what they are doing. We see some video spots lit “high key” and others straight out of a Rembrandt painting. The only issue we find are with a few of the older instructors. Some of us still have a hard time looking at photographs and commercials on a lap top. We remember the old days of storyboards and contact sheets. Of course, some of us have bi-focals and it’s hard to focus on the lap top screen and we have to sit while the student skillfully operates the mouse. Humiliating, really. TIP NUMBER 8: PHOTOGRAPH THE REAL WORLD, THEN YOUR DREAMS 36
  • 37. Award: Selected to run in Popular Photography Magazine Photographer: Daniel Lugo Award: Selected to run in HOW Magazine Photo: Morris Moreno School location: Miami Ad School Miami Photo: Samantha Scott School location: Miami Ad School Miami School location: Miami Ad School Miami After graduation: Samantha is now a freelance photographer. She works in the US and 37 Japan and has recently been published in Ocean Drive Magazine, Lincoln Road Maga- zine and Florida International Magazine.
  • 38. Award: Top Dog Gold Photo: Morris Moreno School location: Miami Ad School Miami After graduation: Morris is a freelance photographer. His latest projects were for Complot and Home Design magazines.
  • 39. Photographer: Daniel Lugo Photographer: Ken Pao School location: Miami Ad School Miami School location: Miami Ad School Miami Photographer: Erika Blanco After graduation: Erica is a freelance photographer. Her recent work includes shoots for Western Union, Home Magazine School location: Miami Ad School Miami and Fashion Week of the Americas. Photographer: Nadine Kahn School location: Miami Ad School Miami After graduation: Nadine is a freelance photographer. Her most recent shoot was for BellSouth. 39
  • 40. Photographer: Jan Riggert School location: Miami Ad School Miami Photographer: Jan Riggert School location: Miami Ad School Europe (Hamburg) Photographer: Joanna Swistowski School location: Miami Ad School Europe (Hamburg) Photographer: Ken Pao Photographer: Joanna Swistowski School location: Miami Ad School Miami School location: Miami Ad School Europe (Hamburg) 0
  • 41. Award: DAD Commendation At the time this brochure was printed Rune was till in school. Award: Top Dog Gold Photographer: Rune Degett Photographer: Daniel Lugo School location: Miami Ad School Europe (Hamburg) School location: Miami Ad School Miami Award: Top Dog Gold At the time this brochure was printed Daniel was till in school. Award: Top Dog Gold Award: Selected to run in How Magazine Photographer: Daniel Lugo Photographer: Daniel Lugo Photographer: Danny Noval School location: Miami Ad School Miami School location: Miami Ad School Miami School location: Miami Ad School Miami After graduation: Danny was hired at YR, NY. “Great photography tells a story. At Miami Ad School you are forced to develop the skills to take the photos you need for your work, because we loathe stock photography. Some students actually become outstanding photographers, like those featured on this page. For example, notice the tension in the tree shot - nature’s imperfect backdrop, bent and snarled, combined with strong, elegant styling - an editorial winner. It is very strong, themed to perfection, Man (in this case, woman) vs. nature... brilliant! And the cat photo: The mystique of the feline species has always been a strong theme in fashion. Somehow the photographer here summons Marlene Deitrich.” Ian Brooks is sought after for his ability to tell stories through his photographs. His work has been featured in L’Uomo Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, Paper, New York Times Magazine. Ian shoots for massive clients from Dreamworks to Revlon and even a nude Dennis Rodman. 1