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Titleist Essay
Analysis of a Titleist Irons Advertisement There are so many companies that boast that they have the best irons and longest driver in golf, but Titleist
has associated themselves as the elite golf club manufacturer. Known mostly for golf balls, Titleist has come a long way with their exceptional feel
and great looks to improve the games of every golfer. Titleist ran a print advertisement in the April 2010Golf Digest magazine displaying advanced
performance in their clubs. The tagline reads, "Improvements You Can Feel" (16–17). The Titleist AP1 & AP2 irons are the products being sold in
this ad. When people think of golf, Nike or Callaway is normally what comes to mind, but Titleist is known for their performance in the clutch. The more content...
It establishes logos by showing that serious golfers can turn into PGA Tour players with these irons... not exactly, but it can be done. According to
Psychologist Jib Fowles, author of "Advertising's Fifteen Basic Appeals," this advertisement demonstrates the need to achieve, dominate, and attract
attention (421–423). The need to achieve relates directly to the headline of the ad, "Improvements You Can Feel. Advanced Performance" (16–17). In
the ad, Titleist wants people to feel dominant with these irons and destroy the golf course because of all the improved technology packed into such a
small club head. Everyone wants to feel the need for attention and Titleist does just this. Possessing these irons means that golfers want the biggest and
best clubs out on the market with the latest design.
The type of headline used in this Titleist golf ad according to BovГ©e and others, authors of the article "Making the Pitch in Print Advertising," is a
slogan/logo headline (433). The combined headline gives the reader two reasons to buy, one for the "Advanced Performance" and "Improvements
You Can Feel." This is the only club in which golfers get both for greater impact and playability. The ad also conveys a picture
–and–caption copy that
relies on the photographs to tell the story. Below the photo is a club shown piece by piece, it lists all the details and selling points that make the reader
take action.
The use of black and white dominates,
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9/11 Creative Writing
My phone's alarm went off early in the morning; I let it play a little more as the alarm was my favorite song. Instead of being cranky by the alarm,
I bumped to it. The birds chirped from all angles, the neighbor's dogs barked at each other, while he was too busy mowing to lawn. But, I was in a
terrific mood anyway. The blinds, slightly open, let bright sun rays hit my floor, while the A/C blasted. I slowly got up, and let out a loud yawn.
Bones cracked at every single body joint. The pleasing aroma of coffee and the savoring smell of eggs filled up my nostrils. I put both feet down, and
head to the pull–up bar where I hang on it for a few seconds, stretching out my spine. I turn my head toward the calendar to make sure today was the
day. Indeed it was, reading the month of July with 2008 written in big, bold letters. Butterflies filled up my stomach with goosebumps everywhere.
"Kam, are you done packing?" yelled my mother from the hallway closet. "Yeah, just got to get my toothbrush and razor." responded back my dad.
My dad always packed his things last. Suddenly, my heart stopped. I turn my head slowly over my shoulder, only to see myluggage bag laying on the
floor, open, with nothing but dust in it. The brimming list of things I was supposed to pack layed on my desk. "Oh my, I totally forgot more
I ran around the house, informing everybody that I found my ticket. Although my parents were so relieved that my ticket was found, they were also
worried we would miss the flight. My dad quickly carries down everyone's luggage, putting it by the door. With only a matter of minutes to spare,
everyone grabs their luggage and runs out the door. My parents help my sister and I put our luggage into the trunk and everyone grabs their seat in the
car. As the car engines fires up, everyone makes a last minute check, making sure they have everything, especially their
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Marching Band Essay
What is your stereotypical marching band geek? Weak, thin, and clumsy, having broken glasses and always seem to be holding their instrument?
Well if you think that, then you are probably right. Many band kids seem to appear that way to the general public, but if you take a more in depth
look at your band kids, it may surprise you what you will actually see. What even is marching band? Marching Band, as described by
Merriam–Webster's Dictionary as ВЁa group of musicians who play instruments while marching together at a parade or sports event" is much more
then that definition. There are many more types of marching band then a typical football halftime show. Parade marching, are bands who will march in
parades (duh) generally down more content...
Being beautiful and athletic are not mutually exclusive, in fact, in our modern society if you are not athletic and fit, you are not seen as beautiful.
So why can they not be put together? Or can they? Is Marching Band an Art? According to a poll sent out to a group of 10th grade students at Elk
River High School asking if Marching Band is seen as a Sport, Art, or Both, 47.6% said they would only consider it an Art. So is it an art?
Marching Band is an Art. This is true. Much time goes into making a show, and getting every detail and set practiced to perfection. A Marching
Band's main goal is to provide entertainment to the people who choose to watch them, through the combination of peppy music and jaw dropping
drill sets to get the crowd going. Or is it a sport? But could it not be considered a sport as well? In the same poll given out to 100 10th grade students at
Elk River High School, 71% said they had seen a marching band, 44% said it could be considered as both a sport and art, but only 2.9% considered it
just a sport. Does
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Personal Reflection On Creativity
Reflection Paper on Creativity Throughout this creative arts class, I have learned much about creativity and how it fits in our world around us. I
see myself as creative person and am so thankful that I understand and appreciate God's gift of creativity given to us. We are to use our creativity to
glorify God in all that we do. I appreciate all of God's creation and use it to be more creative. My views of creativity have changed by learning more
about how creativity has been valued over time in our cultures. Creativity is essential for sustainability in the future. I believe that creativity will
continue to change over time. Werner (2000) sums this up, "I believe that as our lives and our global ideology of creativity evolve, we will
acknowledge more clearly both how much lies beyond creativity, and how creativity is our human drive toward the beyond" (p. 270). Being
created in God's image allows us to be creative and to glorify God through our own creativity. In Genesis 1:27, the Bible tells us that God created
man in his own image. "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them". Being
created in the image of God, as Christians we are to glorify God through our creativity. Since we are created in His image, we therefore possess some
of the characteristics of God, including creativity. Creativity is the human impulse to take what God has made, shape it, and make it new. This can be
a painter, a
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Cemetery Descriptive Writing
A cold wind blew bitterly, chilling me to my bones. Overhead, dark clouds blotted out the moon from time to time, casting the centuries old cemetery
into an inky blackness, yet further a field, I could see the storm gathering. Lightning flashed in the distance and I hurried along with the chore that
brought me out in the middle of the night.
Moving further into the cemetery, a fresh chill ran anew along my spine. Grayish white head stones dotted the landscape before me. Everywhere I
turned, a silence prevailed, yet not so silent that no noise at all spoke to my ever un–steading nerve. Amongst the trees, the wind wisped. A bush, rattled
against some unknown tombstone.
There were hundreds of tombstones around me and each one was bearing the
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Family Guy Essay
Chelsea Kingsbury
Miss Laing
English EAE4U
March 7th 2013
Family guy, a bad influence on children?
Family guy is a dysfunctional family that lives in Quahog, Rhode Island. The parents: Peter and Lois. The children: the oldest, Meg, the middle child,
Chris and the baby is Stewie. Last but not least, the dog Brian. This TV show exhibits crude, adult humour. There are many different opinions on this
show, many parents are ok with letting there children watch it and other refuse to do so because of the kind of humour some parents are on edge. So is
family guy a negative influence on children? I believe it does have a negative influence on kids. To start the language they use, secondly the violence
and actions towards each other more content...
This is just a tiny bit of what happens in the show. This show is very negative on children and they way they will interact with other in public. They
also make fun of amputees, this can be very harmful to the way children interact with other kids that have this kind of problem example Joe is Peter
Griffins neighbour and there is an episode that says no legs no service.
Also, this show is a very sexist show, they always make reference to women being in the kitchen and that is all they're good at for example, in one
episode peter tells Louis that making sandwiches and babies are the only thing she is good for. This kind of behaviour shows to young children
that women are no good for anything because that is how the men on this show treat the women. There's also lots of coarse language towards
women, for example Quagmire a neighbours always has many women over to his house for pleasurable reasons and you hear him call them names
like whores, bitches, sluts and more this foul language towards women is another bad influence. Also peter has a teenage daughter Meg, everyone in
the show is mean to her. This girl is treated very badly for example in an episode she had sexual intercourse with a guy and a little after that the guy
Brandon, broke up with her, in another episode she has another boyfriend Luke and Louis, her mother stole
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Essay about Suicide
Someone, somewhere, commits suicide every 18 minutes. You might never be able to tell who it will be, it could be the person sitting right next .
Statistics reveal that approximately three million youths, between 12–18, have either thought about or attempted suicide in the past year. More than 1
/3, actually succeeded.
Only in the past two decades, have depression and suicide been taken seriously. Depression is an illness that involves the body, mood and thoughts.
Depression affects the way a person eats and sleeps, feels about themselves, and the way they think of the things around them. It comes as no surprise to
discover that adolescent depression is strongly linked to teen suicide. Adolescent suicide is now responsible for more more content...
Adolescence is a stressful experience for all teens. It is a time of physical and social changes producing rapid mood swings from sadness to elation.
Even an emotionally healthy teenager may have the constant fear of not being good enough, not making the varsity team, or getting good grades.
Special situations such as a parents divorce can trigger intense sadness and feelings of wanting to die.
People who usually experience depression, can seem fine. But there are many key signs to show that they are depressed. Such as, change in school
performance, eating habits change, constant unhappiness, low self esteem, guilt, social isolation, inability to concentrate, irritable or angered easily, or
has a severe lost of energy.
For a teen suffering from severe depression, has feelings of worthlessness that dominates their day. Despair is ever present and emotional pain feels
like it will never end. Any situation of anger or disappointment may cause the teen to cross the line from wanting to die, to actually trying to kill
Many of them feel pains inside of them, that they can't describe when someone asks them how they feel. They just know that they are sad, or angry, or
upset. Many teenagers will try to communicate their pains through
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Essay on Hummingbirds
Hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world. They are extremely tiny birds weighing, roughly two to twenty grams. The females are larger than
the males. According to World Of the smallest hummingbird species in the world is the Cuban Bee Hummingbird, it measures five
to six cm in length and weighs a mere two– two and a half grams. In the U.S., most species are three to three and a half inches in length.
Even though they are the smallest birds in the world, they have the fastest wings beats of any other bird. Hummingbirds beat their wings over one
thousand times a minute. The rapid flapping of the wings makes a humming noise, which is where their name comes from. They can fly an average of
twenty–five to more content...
They fly with their bodies held upright, not flat like most birds. (Rock)
Hummingbirds have very high metabolisms and need to feed about every fifteen minutes. They must consume enormous amounts of nutrition each day
for energy. Nectar or sugar water contributes to one hundred –two hundred percent of their body weight. They can easily visit up to two–thousand
flowers a day. Nectar is not their only source of food; they also eat mosquitoes, flies, ants, small beetles, tiny wasps and other small insects. They are
able to conserve energy when they are not looking for food by entering a hibernation–like state called torpor. They perch when they need to rest during
the day and to sleep at night. Their feet are tiny and not well suited for walking but well designed for perching.
Hummingbird's bills have a pronounced overlap, with the upper bill curving around and over the sides of the smaller lower bill. When they feed, their
bill usually opens slightly, allowing their tongue to dart out and into the interior of flowers. Their tongues are long, which roll up into little a straw.
They lap the nectar similar to the way cats lap.
Hummingbirds are most attracted to the color red and red flowers. If you have noticed most of their feeders have the color red on them somewhere.
Other brightly–colored flowers with a bell or tube–like shape also attract hummingbirds. They are especially attracted to flowers like sage, coral
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Creative Writing: Trapped! Essay
She almost floated across the empty, box–like room. A cold shiver relentlessly weaved its way down Emma's spine as she ran her bony hand down the
bleak wall. The fireplace glared at her – its mouth opened wide. The unfamiliar surroundings struck her as if forcing themselves against her weak body
–engulfing her. A soft breeze seething its way into the room from the uneven cracks underneath the door meant that the desolate room of openness had
become filled with the sigh of the wind. It was as if it was crying, almost howling for its voice to be heard.
The young girl slowly ebbed towards the corner of the room. Something had caught her eye – perhaps a sense of relief from more content...
"Don't leave me here... I don't think I can take it anymore."
Almost as soon as she thought things couldn't get worse, the most terrifying sound rang in her ears. The sudden bolt of the bedroom door unlatching
itself made her thin face grow pale. And then she saw him. It was at this point that her imaginings were in fact reality. Draped in a long black coat,
stood a man – his eyes pierced her skin as he stared almost straight through her. His face – hidden by the dark layers of shadows – was square and
pointed. He lurched forward and seemed to look straight past the young helpless girl. A tight knot in her throat almost strangled her. She screamed...but
no sound escaped her lips...
At first she felt nothing, but then a surge of anger mixed with the overwhelming thoughts of humiliation swept through her body. Wispy tendrils of his
hair, brushed against her face, causing her to shiver slightly. She could feel his garments moving against her thin nightgown. She remembered how the
night before a gentle touch graced her forehead, a hand, and it moved down her face, tracing her eyes...her cheek...her mouth. She tried to pull away,
as fear began to overwhelm her senses, but he refused to let her go. He pulled her closer to him and she could feel his warm breath on her face. A
tingle, partly fear and partly excitement, shot through her and her heart
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Essay on My Favourite Dream
It was 6:45 when I dreamt of the best dream ever! It consisted of two unicorns and a flying pig! It was about to finish when someone decided to
repetitively tap me. I moved away from the person in my dream, only to find out that it was my mother telling me it was time to go to school. I
slowly recovered from my sleep and I rose from my bed. I put my slippers on and went to the washroom to brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I
went downstairs to eat breakfast. The meal I was eating was milk and Cheerios, with a glass of 100% orange juice. I put on my clothes and I said bye to
my dad because he was just leaving off to work. I packed my bag and I told my mom that I was walking to school today with my sister. I put on my
boots and more content...
Meanwhile, my friends were playing poker in my class when I stepped in. I helped my friend Harsh by giving him strategies to win. We were
having so much fun playing poker that we didn't even realize that the bell rang. At the gymnasium we got ready to play basketball. After a tiring 45
minutes, we got ready to go to health class. We were starting to present our bullying presentations when a student from Mrs. Wong's class came to take
a vote to see how many people were wearing sprit colors. We participated in the vote and continued our presentations. Our group's presentation was
about music copyright and how it was illegal to burn and sell music CD's to your friends. As I was watching another group's presentation, I realized my
stomach was grumbling. That meant that lunch time was soon! As predicted, the lunch bell rang and it was time to go downstairs to pick up my
food. My mom said that she was put some leftover laadus and samosas in my lunch bag. I received my lunch bag and went upstairs to sit down in
my class. As I opened my lunch box I was dazzled by the smell of the samosas. In fact, my friend Jimmy even asked to try one. As I kindly accepted, I
realized that I was going to be late for chess club. After 5 minutes I finally finished the last crumb of my laddu and headed for the library to play
some chess. I checkmated my friend Niral and was surprised how he didn't see it coming. To put it in other words, I trapped his king from moving by
doing the same
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Review Essay on ADHD
DeVondre Adams January 30, 2015 Eng–105 Bob Staples ADHD/ADD: A Disorder under Review With the plethora of websites that are full of
valuable and interesting information and insight into this topic of ADD/ADHD, it can be difficult to determine an ideal website. One excellent
website in particular is the Mayo Clinic website. According to their website, "Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit worldwide leader in medical care, research
and education for people from all walks of life." (, 2014)". The mission of Mayo Clinic is the aim to contribute to health and
well–being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research. Based in Rochester, Minnesota,
Mayo Clinic is the first more content...
Currency is to view and evaluate when the page was last updated. Lastly, Coverage which is to compare the information with information found on
other websites. Does one site provide more information, more references, and more contacts? Also compare the information on the website with
information available in print sources such as books, journals, reports, etc. Reading this site, it is easy to see that this publication of information if
from a trusted professional association that has been around for some time, approximately over 100 years to be exact. The site seems to be very
accurate in its information that it reports. The Mayo Clinic team works alongside a team and slew of medical professionals and experts that provide
them with the necessary information, research and clinical evaluations in order to present valuable and useful information (, 2014).
Because of the wealth of various medical professionals that readily participate and are active members of this team and staff, you can trust that the
information is not coming from a mere bias approach of being a single person or single minded organization, but from people who come from
different backgrounds and bring different experiences to the table all for the same common goal. Because Mayo Clinic is a professional organization,
it is not a mere one person thing where one person is behind
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Essay on Creativity in Education
Creativity in the curriculum
A school with creativity at the heart of the learning process will benefit by increasing the motivation of staff and pupils, says former head, Dave
Weston. In this article and case study, he shows the way to more imaginative approaches to curriculum planning
'Creativity is the defeat of habit by originality' Arthur Koestler
Many school leaders and teachers realise that is now time to take more control over the curriculum and to include a greater emphasis on creativity in the
learning and teaching process.
During the last five years, headteachers have developed the confidence to take innovative and imaginative approaches to curriculum planning and
school organisation. This is due to some more content...
The teachers work on topics with small groups of pupils while the rest of the class work on self–selected activities. Projects are often open–ended and
therefore curriculum planning is flexible and is sometimes teacher–directed and sometimes child–initiated. This philosophy is inspiring and can be
partially transferred to the different framework of the British primary school. Whole–school approach to developing 'creativity'
For school leaders the first step in developing a creative school is the fostering of a whole–school approach. Creativity is not an add–on and it cannot
be imposed by the headteacher. There needs to be discussion, involvement and ownership. The debate should be based around some of the following
taking control of the curriculum by the school
the creation of a school with creativity at the heart of the learning process
enhancing the motivation for staff and pupils
fostering the professional development of all the staff, both teaching and non–teaching
involving governors and parents in a whole–school approach to creativity and showing how this philosophy supports school improvement and high
standards of achievement
getting the pupils involved in school issues (regarding the curriculum and the learning, perhaps through the school council). How does your school
measure up?
So how far has your school got in developing a creative approach to learning and teaching? Ask yourself:
Have you discussed
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Losing Someone Essay
Losing Someone The world seems to stand still when you are told. That feeling you have never felt before, of total sadness. You feel faint and
dazed as if you are falling or dreaming. You were told this was going to happen, but you could never be prepared for it. You don't know what to say,
you are totally speechless. You burn up, feel dizzy but no tears will come. You have to get out of there, to escape, runaway anything to make this
feeling fade. You just don't want to believe it had happened after everything. Part of you wants to cry your heart out and the other part wants to hit
something with the anger that raging inside you. Sound familiar? She had taken her last breath and more content...
They did exactly say how long she had, but they thought it would be a few days but she even proved them wrong on that. She lived for another
four amazing weeks! The last words I said to her was that I loved her and goodnight because she was going to sleep, I'm so glad I got to tell her that
because I wanted her to know. The funeral was the biggest challenge, actually having to say goodbye. So many people were there because she was
such an inspiration, a whole sea of pink, her favourite colour. Thousands of flowers in all shapes and sizes but always pink. It just proved how
special she was to so many people. We all went to the pub she used to work at afterwards and it felt like she was actually there with us which was a
huge comfort. She had wanted us all to get drunk and have a good time so we did as we were told! I have never lost anyone before and being so
close to my age too it was scary. It's still hard now when I see pink or hear her name. The toughest time was when I got my G.C.S.E results and she
wasn't here for me to tell her. I even went to text her which now I've found out is perfectly normal. The whole time she was ill I never thought she
was actually leave us because she was such a brave fighter so her not being here is hard to handle. She was never
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Creative Writing Ocean
In the final hours of 2015. The suns reflection danced on the ocean's waves, just before the radiant sun slowly began to vanish behind the ocean
line, after finishing it's day's work. The skies began to fill with the different shades of pink, orange and red, and with every breath I took, I could
taste the subtle salts from the ocean that I walk beside. The apathetic sea breeze inexplicably manages to tangle every strand of my hair. I heard
the whispering and faint waves toppling onto it's self. My friends and I walked towards the bridge, like turtles racing, eager to get to the end but
still slower than time. With each step taken my feet sunk more into the millions of grains of golden sand. When I looked down I saw every little
imprint made in the shore, every seagull, dog, crab and persons stamp made on the ocean's shore. As we wandered, we watched the children's
memorable sandcastles left to be swept away by the waves slowly creeping their way up the shore. The waves crashed against our ankles and
calves as we stepped into the incoming traffic of the waves. When the waves retreated they left the odd strand of seaweed covering across the tops
of my feet. Every time I took a step I kicked the grains of sand up the backs of my legs, which would be stuck there for the next few more
As the dried out seaweed piles become more prominent, and the sand becomes washed up dirt dragged down from the grass next to the car park. As
we step onto the rickety, unbalanced slabs of wood, attempting to be a bridge, we attempt to leave the grains of sand stuck to the soles of our feet
where they belong. As we stand motionless to take in the view of the sunset's shimmering path across the ocean. Where we were I heard cheerful and
enthusiastic chatter that filled the atmosphere around
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Reflective Essay Title
Mrs. Rickert
Exam Essay
In the last few months, I've grown a lot. My writing abilities have improved, I've read books that have changed my opinions and beliefs, and I've
learned to work as a team with other people.
Throughout the school year and the semester, I've read books that all seem to challenge my own moral code and my opinion on issues presented
in the world today. Most of my reading material this year has been higher level nonfiction. Through the books I've read, I've learned a lot about
myself as a person. The pattern in the reading material is rather clear: they all involve social and global issues that are rather controversial in
nature. They involve issues that people try to avoid in casual conversation because the topics, more often than not, lead to arguments and
disagreements. One of the most influential books I've read, I am Malala, has greatly influenced my opinion on the global issues we are facing with
terrorism and has inspired a passion for the right to education. Full Frontal Feminism by Jessica Valenti and How To Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran
have allowed me to develop stronger opinions of issues like abortion, the gender pay gap, and doubly standards that are present in society today. Many
of the issues I've come to think heavily on are ones that I had not had a very strong more content...
With the 100s of pages I've written I've learned a lot about myself and my writing abilities. I think I've grown more because of the weekly assigned
pages more than I did for any of the assigned pieces I've written this year,The weekly five pages of writing ranged from nonsense to my deep
philosophical thoughts on life. Because of the excessive journaling I've done, I've witnessed more growth in myself as a writer than I've ever seen. In the
past, I've struggled with getting my thoughts on paper. My brilliant ideas weren't ones that I could get down on the page and it
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Popular Music: The Creative Process Essay
The Oxford Dictionary defines creativity as "the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness". Stemming from this, the
creative process is the way in which an individual develops their creative ideas. Under this umbrella is improvisation and, in particular, free
improvisation (or free jazz). "Improvisation is about... truthfully responding to changing circumstances, and about.... enjoying the process without
straining to get a known result. It is about creation." Creativity and improvisation come from deep within, almost decided by our subconscious, only to
be directed by conscious thought and the happenings around us at the given time. "Even without thinking, [musicians] can make musical gestures that
direct more content...
I hold improvising close to me, and use it as a technique for creating original songs, and turning cover songs into my own. When one improvises, they
make choices that are unique to them, which leads into the question of where ideas in improvising come from.
Singer–songwriter Matt Corby spoke about the idea that inspiration does not come from you, rather "it's something that you channel. Song writing,
being able to create something new, is a regurgitation of everything that you have experienced musically in your entire life. Your ideas [are] just a
product of what you know and what you place value upon musically or artistically". Though he is speaking more so about song writing, this
especially resonates in improvisation, as the process is even more free flowing and spontaneous than creating a song. In improvising, this concept of
"the body acting prior to thought" is key, however when taking part in free improvisation, it is often difficult to continue coming up with different
ideas and variation, and I feel I am often too similar and somewhat predictable in my improvising. A musician's "personal conventions [can become]
too familiar" and it is often necessary to "search for a wider spectrum of ideas." I wanted to put myself out of my comfort zone, in order to explore new
things, and was able to do so in the workshops.
In one of the first free improvisation workshops I was given an image that looked like a string of
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Losing a Loved One Essay example
Losing a Loved One
Losing a loved one is like having the rug swept from under you. We make plans for the day, and do not think twice about how those plans can be
taken away in the blink of an eye. I never thought much about it myself, until I was faced with the shock, and undeniable truth of my uncle's death. I
do not think anyone really thinks about tragedy until they are actually faced with shocking news. It is amazing how we take life for granted. The
tragedy never goes away. You just learn how to cope with it and keep moving on.
My mom had been going to school in Virginia and staying at my Aunt Ana's house. She had been away for two weeks and wanted to come home for
the weekend. My mom had suggested that I go back with her and more content...
I felt as if I was paralyzed, I felt that if I moved it would be real. I just had this blank look on my face. I had no reaction at first and I wanted to deny it,
all of it. I kept saying to myself, no it is a lie, they made a mistake. To my complete horror I was wrong.
My mom kept saying "I have got to go see Fran. I need to see with my brother" My mom ran down stairs to get ready to go, I followed her and just
stood there, still paralyzed. She hugged me and said that she loved me. I had never seen my mom so panicked. She went into the bathroom to take a
shower and I could still hear her sobbing through the door. I was all by myself, now. I was standing in the middle of thefamily room as the words "He
is dead" pierced my heart like daggers of ice. I was screaming OH, GOD NO, and started to cry uncontrollably. The realization that I would never see
my uncle again struck me. After I got myself under control I went and packed my things to leave with my mother. As soon as we were done we were
on the next flight to New Jersey.
I come from a big family with many loving aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. As I was standing there all alone I thought back to the time
when I got to spend a week with Fran. Almost a year ago to the date, most of the family was together for my other uncle's wedding. All the cousins sat
at the same table and we had such a good time together. He was a busy person, he
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Titleist Essay

  • 1. Titleist Essay Analysis of a Titleist Irons Advertisement There are so many companies that boast that they have the best irons and longest driver in golf, but Titleist has associated themselves as the elite golf club manufacturer. Known mostly for golf balls, Titleist has come a long way with their exceptional feel and great looks to improve the games of every golfer. Titleist ran a print advertisement in the April 2010Golf Digest magazine displaying advanced performance in their clubs. The tagline reads, "Improvements You Can Feel" (16–17). The Titleist AP1 & AP2 irons are the products being sold in this ad. When people think of golf, Nike or Callaway is normally what comes to mind, but Titleist is known for their performance in the clutch. The more content... It establishes logos by showing that serious golfers can turn into PGA Tour players with these irons... not exactly, but it can be done. According to Psychologist Jib Fowles, author of "Advertising's Fifteen Basic Appeals," this advertisement demonstrates the need to achieve, dominate, and attract attention (421–423). The need to achieve relates directly to the headline of the ad, "Improvements You Can Feel. Advanced Performance" (16–17). In the ad, Titleist wants people to feel dominant with these irons and destroy the golf course because of all the improved technology packed into such a small club head. Everyone wants to feel the need for attention and Titleist does just this. Possessing these irons means that golfers want the biggest and best clubs out on the market with the latest design. The type of headline used in this Titleist golf ad according to BovГ©e and others, authors of the article "Making the Pitch in Print Advertising," is a slogan/logo headline (433). The combined headline gives the reader two reasons to buy, one for the "Advanced Performance" and "Improvements You Can Feel." This is the only club in which golfers get both for greater impact and playability. The ad also conveys a picture –and–caption copy that relies on the photographs to tell the story. Below the photo is a club shown piece by piece, it lists all the details and selling points that make the reader take action. The use of black and white dominates, Get more content on
  • 2. 9/11 Creative Writing My phone's alarm went off early in the morning; I let it play a little more as the alarm was my favorite song. Instead of being cranky by the alarm, I bumped to it. The birds chirped from all angles, the neighbor's dogs barked at each other, while he was too busy mowing to lawn. But, I was in a terrific mood anyway. The blinds, slightly open, let bright sun rays hit my floor, while the A/C blasted. I slowly got up, and let out a loud yawn. Bones cracked at every single body joint. The pleasing aroma of coffee and the savoring smell of eggs filled up my nostrils. I put both feet down, and head to the pull–up bar where I hang on it for a few seconds, stretching out my spine. I turn my head toward the calendar to make sure today was the day. Indeed it was, reading the month of July with 2008 written in big, bold letters. Butterflies filled up my stomach with goosebumps everywhere. "Kam, are you done packing?" yelled my mother from the hallway closet. "Yeah, just got to get my toothbrush and razor." responded back my dad. My dad always packed his things last. Suddenly, my heart stopped. I turn my head slowly over my shoulder, only to see myluggage bag laying on the floor, open, with nothing but dust in it. The brimming list of things I was supposed to pack layed on my desk. "Oh my, I totally forgot more content... I ran around the house, informing everybody that I found my ticket. Although my parents were so relieved that my ticket was found, they were also worried we would miss the flight. My dad quickly carries down everyone's luggage, putting it by the door. With only a matter of minutes to spare, everyone grabs their luggage and runs out the door. My parents help my sister and I put our luggage into the trunk and everyone grabs their seat in the car. As the car engines fires up, everyone makes a last minute check, making sure they have everything, especially their Get more content on
  • 3. Marching Band Essay What is your stereotypical marching band geek? Weak, thin, and clumsy, having broken glasses and always seem to be holding their instrument? Well if you think that, then you are probably right. Many band kids seem to appear that way to the general public, but if you take a more in depth look at your band kids, it may surprise you what you will actually see. What even is marching band? Marching Band, as described by Merriam–Webster's Dictionary as ВЁa group of musicians who play instruments while marching together at a parade or sports event" is much more then that definition. There are many more types of marching band then a typical football halftime show. Parade marching, are bands who will march in parades (duh) generally down more content... Being beautiful and athletic are not mutually exclusive, in fact, in our modern society if you are not athletic and fit, you are not seen as beautiful. So why can they not be put together? Or can they? Is Marching Band an Art? According to a poll sent out to a group of 10th grade students at Elk River High School asking if Marching Band is seen as a Sport, Art, or Both, 47.6% said they would only consider it an Art. So is it an art? Marching Band is an Art. This is true. Much time goes into making a show, and getting every detail and set practiced to perfection. A Marching Band's main goal is to provide entertainment to the people who choose to watch them, through the combination of peppy music and jaw dropping drill sets to get the crowd going. Or is it a sport? But could it not be considered a sport as well? In the same poll given out to 100 10th grade students at Elk River High School, 71% said they had seen a marching band, 44% said it could be considered as both a sport and art, but only 2.9% considered it just a sport. Does Get more content on
  • 4. Personal Reflection On Creativity Reflection Paper on Creativity Throughout this creative arts class, I have learned much about creativity and how it fits in our world around us. I see myself as creative person and am so thankful that I understand and appreciate God's gift of creativity given to us. We are to use our creativity to glorify God in all that we do. I appreciate all of God's creation and use it to be more creative. My views of creativity have changed by learning more about how creativity has been valued over time in our cultures. Creativity is essential for sustainability in the future. I believe that creativity will continue to change over time. Werner (2000) sums this up, "I believe that as our lives and our global ideology of creativity evolve, we will acknowledge more clearly both how much lies beyond creativity, and how creativity is our human drive toward the beyond" (p. 270). Being created in God's image allows us to be creative and to glorify God through our own creativity. In Genesis 1:27, the Bible tells us that God created man in his own image. "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them". Being created in the image of God, as Christians we are to glorify God through our creativity. Since we are created in His image, we therefore possess some of the characteristics of God, including creativity. Creativity is the human impulse to take what God has made, shape it, and make it new. This can be a painter, a Get more content on
  • 5. Cemetery Descriptive Writing A cold wind blew bitterly, chilling me to my bones. Overhead, dark clouds blotted out the moon from time to time, casting the centuries old cemetery into an inky blackness, yet further a field, I could see the storm gathering. Lightning flashed in the distance and I hurried along with the chore that brought me out in the middle of the night. Moving further into the cemetery, a fresh chill ran anew along my spine. Grayish white head stones dotted the landscape before me. Everywhere I turned, a silence prevailed, yet not so silent that no noise at all spoke to my ever un–steading nerve. Amongst the trees, the wind wisped. A bush, rattled against some unknown tombstone. There were hundreds of tombstones around me and each one was bearing the Get more content on
  • 6. Family Guy Essay Chelsea Kingsbury Miss Laing English EAE4U March 7th 2013 Family guy, a bad influence on children? Family guy is a dysfunctional family that lives in Quahog, Rhode Island. The parents: Peter and Lois. The children: the oldest, Meg, the middle child, Chris and the baby is Stewie. Last but not least, the dog Brian. This TV show exhibits crude, adult humour. There are many different opinions on this show, many parents are ok with letting there children watch it and other refuse to do so because of the kind of humour some parents are on edge. So is family guy a negative influence on children? I believe it does have a negative influence on kids. To start the language they use, secondly the violence and actions towards each other more content... This is just a tiny bit of what happens in the show. This show is very negative on children and they way they will interact with other in public. They also make fun of amputees, this can be very harmful to the way children interact with other kids that have this kind of problem example Joe is Peter Griffins neighbour and there is an episode that says no legs no service. Also, this show is a very sexist show, they always make reference to women being in the kitchen and that is all they're good at for example, in one episode peter tells Louis that making sandwiches and babies are the only thing she is good for. This kind of behaviour shows to young children that women are no good for anything because that is how the men on this show treat the women. There's also lots of coarse language towards women, for example Quagmire a neighbours always has many women over to his house for pleasurable reasons and you hear him call them names like whores, bitches, sluts and more this foul language towards women is another bad influence. Also peter has a teenage daughter Meg, everyone in the show is mean to her. This girl is treated very badly for example in an episode she had sexual intercourse with a guy and a little after that the guy Brandon, broke up with her, in another episode she has another boyfriend Luke and Louis, her mother stole
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  • 8. Essay about Suicide Someone, somewhere, commits suicide every 18 minutes. You might never be able to tell who it will be, it could be the person sitting right next . Statistics reveal that approximately three million youths, between 12–18, have either thought about or attempted suicide in the past year. More than 1 /3, actually succeeded. Only in the past two decades, have depression and suicide been taken seriously. Depression is an illness that involves the body, mood and thoughts. Depression affects the way a person eats and sleeps, feels about themselves, and the way they think of the things around them. It comes as no surprise to discover that adolescent depression is strongly linked to teen suicide. Adolescent suicide is now responsible for more more content... Adolescence is a stressful experience for all teens. It is a time of physical and social changes producing rapid mood swings from sadness to elation. Even an emotionally healthy teenager may have the constant fear of not being good enough, not making the varsity team, or getting good grades. Special situations such as a parents divorce can trigger intense sadness and feelings of wanting to die. People who usually experience depression, can seem fine. But there are many key signs to show that they are depressed. Such as, change in school performance, eating habits change, constant unhappiness, low self esteem, guilt, social isolation, inability to concentrate, irritable or angered easily, or has a severe lost of energy. For a teen suffering from severe depression, has feelings of worthlessness that dominates their day. Despair is ever present and emotional pain feels like it will never end. Any situation of anger or disappointment may cause the teen to cross the line from wanting to die, to actually trying to kill themselves. Many of them feel pains inside of them, that they can't describe when someone asks them how they feel. They just know that they are sad, or angry, or upset. Many teenagers will try to communicate their pains through Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Hummingbirds Hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world. They are extremely tiny birds weighing, roughly two to twenty grams. The females are larger than the males. According to World Of the smallest hummingbird species in the world is the Cuban Bee Hummingbird, it measures five to six cm in length and weighs a mere two– two and a half grams. In the U.S., most species are three to three and a half inches in length. Even though they are the smallest birds in the world, they have the fastest wings beats of any other bird. Hummingbirds beat their wings over one thousand times a minute. The rapid flapping of the wings makes a humming noise, which is where their name comes from. They can fly an average of twenty–five to more content... They fly with their bodies held upright, not flat like most birds. (Rock) Hummingbirds have very high metabolisms and need to feed about every fifteen minutes. They must consume enormous amounts of nutrition each day for energy. Nectar or sugar water contributes to one hundred –two hundred percent of their body weight. They can easily visit up to two–thousand flowers a day. Nectar is not their only source of food; they also eat mosquitoes, flies, ants, small beetles, tiny wasps and other small insects. They are able to conserve energy when they are not looking for food by entering a hibernation–like state called torpor. They perch when they need to rest during the day and to sleep at night. Their feet are tiny and not well suited for walking but well designed for perching. Hummingbird's bills have a pronounced overlap, with the upper bill curving around and over the sides of the smaller lower bill. When they feed, their bill usually opens slightly, allowing their tongue to dart out and into the interior of flowers. Their tongues are long, which roll up into little a straw. They lap the nectar similar to the way cats lap. Hummingbirds are most attracted to the color red and red flowers. If you have noticed most of their feeders have the color red on them somewhere. Other brightly–colored flowers with a bell or tube–like shape also attract hummingbirds. They are especially attracted to flowers like sage, coral honeysuckle, Get more content on
  • 10. Creative Writing: Trapped! Essay She almost floated across the empty, box–like room. A cold shiver relentlessly weaved its way down Emma's spine as she ran her bony hand down the bleak wall. The fireplace glared at her – its mouth opened wide. The unfamiliar surroundings struck her as if forcing themselves against her weak body –engulfing her. A soft breeze seething its way into the room from the uneven cracks underneath the door meant that the desolate room of openness had become filled with the sigh of the wind. It was as if it was crying, almost howling for its voice to be heard. The young girl slowly ebbed towards the corner of the room. Something had caught her eye – perhaps a sense of relief from more content... "Don't leave me here... I don't think I can take it anymore." Almost as soon as she thought things couldn't get worse, the most terrifying sound rang in her ears. The sudden bolt of the bedroom door unlatching itself made her thin face grow pale. And then she saw him. It was at this point that her imaginings were in fact reality. Draped in a long black coat, stood a man – his eyes pierced her skin as he stared almost straight through her. His face – hidden by the dark layers of shadows – was square and pointed. He lurched forward and seemed to look straight past the young helpless girl. A tight knot in her throat almost strangled her. She screamed...but no sound escaped her lips... At first she felt nothing, but then a surge of anger mixed with the overwhelming thoughts of humiliation swept through her body. Wispy tendrils of his hair, brushed against her face, causing her to shiver slightly. She could feel his garments moving against her thin nightgown. She remembered how the night before a gentle touch graced her forehead, a hand, and it moved down her face, tracing her eyes...her cheek...her mouth. She tried to pull away, as fear began to overwhelm her senses, but he refused to let her go. He pulled her closer to him and she could feel his warm breath on her face. A tingle, partly fear and partly excitement, shot through her and her heart Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on My Favourite Dream It was 6:45 when I dreamt of the best dream ever! It consisted of two unicorns and a flying pig! It was about to finish when someone decided to repetitively tap me. I moved away from the person in my dream, only to find out that it was my mother telling me it was time to go to school. I slowly recovered from my sleep and I rose from my bed. I put my slippers on and went to the washroom to brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. The meal I was eating was milk and Cheerios, with a glass of 100% orange juice. I put on my clothes and I said bye to my dad because he was just leaving off to work. I packed my bag and I told my mom that I was walking to school today with my sister. I put on my boots and more content... Meanwhile, my friends were playing poker in my class when I stepped in. I helped my friend Harsh by giving him strategies to win. We were having so much fun playing poker that we didn't even realize that the bell rang. At the gymnasium we got ready to play basketball. After a tiring 45 minutes, we got ready to go to health class. We were starting to present our bullying presentations when a student from Mrs. Wong's class came to take a vote to see how many people were wearing sprit colors. We participated in the vote and continued our presentations. Our group's presentation was about music copyright and how it was illegal to burn and sell music CD's to your friends. As I was watching another group's presentation, I realized my stomach was grumbling. That meant that lunch time was soon! As predicted, the lunch bell rang and it was time to go downstairs to pick up my food. My mom said that she was put some leftover laadus and samosas in my lunch bag. I received my lunch bag and went upstairs to sit down in my class. As I opened my lunch box I was dazzled by the smell of the samosas. In fact, my friend Jimmy even asked to try one. As I kindly accepted, I realized that I was going to be late for chess club. After 5 minutes I finally finished the last crumb of my laddu and headed for the library to play some chess. I checkmated my friend Niral and was surprised how he didn't see it coming. To put it in other words, I trapped his king from moving by doing the same Get more content on
  • 12. Review Essay on ADHD DeVondre Adams January 30, 2015 Eng–105 Bob Staples ADHD/ADD: A Disorder under Review With the plethora of websites that are full of valuable and interesting information and insight into this topic of ADD/ADHD, it can be difficult to determine an ideal website. One excellent website in particular is the Mayo Clinic website. According to their website, "Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit worldwide leader in medical care, research and education for people from all walks of life." (, 2014)". The mission of Mayo Clinic is the aim to contribute to health and well–being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research. Based in Rochester, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic is the first more content... Currency is to view and evaluate when the page was last updated. Lastly, Coverage which is to compare the information with information found on other websites. Does one site provide more information, more references, and more contacts? Also compare the information on the website with information available in print sources such as books, journals, reports, etc. Reading this site, it is easy to see that this publication of information if from a trusted professional association that has been around for some time, approximately over 100 years to be exact. The site seems to be very accurate in its information that it reports. The Mayo Clinic team works alongside a team and slew of medical professionals and experts that provide them with the necessary information, research and clinical evaluations in order to present valuable and useful information (, 2014). Because of the wealth of various medical professionals that readily participate and are active members of this team and staff, you can trust that the information is not coming from a mere bias approach of being a single person or single minded organization, but from people who come from different backgrounds and bring different experiences to the table all for the same common goal. Because Mayo Clinic is a professional organization, it is not a mere one person thing where one person is behind Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Creativity in Education Creativity in the curriculum A school with creativity at the heart of the learning process will benefit by increasing the motivation of staff and pupils, says former head, Dave Weston. In this article and case study, he shows the way to more imaginative approaches to curriculum planning 'Creativity is the defeat of habit by originality' Arthur Koestler Many school leaders and teachers realise that is now time to take more control over the curriculum and to include a greater emphasis on creativity in the learning and teaching process. During the last five years, headteachers have developed the confidence to take innovative and imaginative approaches to curriculum planning and school organisation. This is due to some more content... The teachers work on topics with small groups of pupils while the rest of the class work on self–selected activities. Projects are often open–ended and therefore curriculum planning is flexible and is sometimes teacher–directed and sometimes child–initiated. This philosophy is inspiring and can be partially transferred to the different framework of the British primary school. Whole–school approach to developing 'creativity' For school leaders the first step in developing a creative school is the fostering of a whole–school approach. Creativity is not an add–on and it cannot be imposed by the headteacher. There needs to be discussion, involvement and ownership. The debate should be based around some of the following points: taking control of the curriculum by the school the creation of a school with creativity at the heart of the learning process enhancing the motivation for staff and pupils fostering the professional development of all the staff, both teaching and non–teaching involving governors and parents in a whole–school approach to creativity and showing how this philosophy supports school improvement and high standards of achievement getting the pupils involved in school issues (regarding the curriculum and the learning, perhaps through the school council). How does your school measure up? So how far has your school got in developing a creative approach to learning and teaching? Ask yourself: Have you discussed
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  • 15. Losing Someone Essay Losing Someone The world seems to stand still when you are told. That feeling you have never felt before, of total sadness. You feel faint and dazed as if you are falling or dreaming. You were told this was going to happen, but you could never be prepared for it. You don't know what to say, you are totally speechless. You burn up, feel dizzy but no tears will come. You have to get out of there, to escape, runaway anything to make this feeling fade. You just don't want to believe it had happened after everything. Part of you wants to cry your heart out and the other part wants to hit something with the anger that raging inside you. Sound familiar? She had taken her last breath and more content... They did exactly say how long she had, but they thought it would be a few days but she even proved them wrong on that. She lived for another four amazing weeks! The last words I said to her was that I loved her and goodnight because she was going to sleep, I'm so glad I got to tell her that because I wanted her to know. The funeral was the biggest challenge, actually having to say goodbye. So many people were there because she was such an inspiration, a whole sea of pink, her favourite colour. Thousands of flowers in all shapes and sizes but always pink. It just proved how special she was to so many people. We all went to the pub she used to work at afterwards and it felt like she was actually there with us which was a huge comfort. She had wanted us all to get drunk and have a good time so we did as we were told! I have never lost anyone before and being so close to my age too it was scary. It's still hard now when I see pink or hear her name. The toughest time was when I got my G.C.S.E results and she wasn't here for me to tell her. I even went to text her which now I've found out is perfectly normal. The whole time she was ill I never thought she was actually leave us because she was such a brave fighter so her not being here is hard to handle. She was never Get more content on
  • 16. Creative Writing Ocean In the final hours of 2015. The suns reflection danced on the ocean's waves, just before the radiant sun slowly began to vanish behind the ocean line, after finishing it's day's work. The skies began to fill with the different shades of pink, orange and red, and with every breath I took, I could taste the subtle salts from the ocean that I walk beside. The apathetic sea breeze inexplicably manages to tangle every strand of my hair. I heard the whispering and faint waves toppling onto it's self. My friends and I walked towards the bridge, like turtles racing, eager to get to the end but still slower than time. With each step taken my feet sunk more into the millions of grains of golden sand. When I looked down I saw every little imprint made in the shore, every seagull, dog, crab and persons stamp made on the ocean's shore. As we wandered, we watched the children's memorable sandcastles left to be swept away by the waves slowly creeping their way up the shore. The waves crashed against our ankles and calves as we stepped into the incoming traffic of the waves. When the waves retreated they left the odd strand of seaweed covering across the tops of my feet. Every time I took a step I kicked the grains of sand up the backs of my legs, which would be stuck there for the next few more content... As the dried out seaweed piles become more prominent, and the sand becomes washed up dirt dragged down from the grass next to the car park. As we step onto the rickety, unbalanced slabs of wood, attempting to be a bridge, we attempt to leave the grains of sand stuck to the soles of our feet where they belong. As we stand motionless to take in the view of the sunset's shimmering path across the ocean. Where we were I heard cheerful and enthusiastic chatter that filled the atmosphere around Get more content on
  • 17. Reflective Essay Title Mrs. Rickert Exam Essay In the last few months, I've grown a lot. My writing abilities have improved, I've read books that have changed my opinions and beliefs, and I've learned to work as a team with other people. Throughout the school year and the semester, I've read books that all seem to challenge my own moral code and my opinion on issues presented in the world today. Most of my reading material this year has been higher level nonfiction. Through the books I've read, I've learned a lot about myself as a person. The pattern in the reading material is rather clear: they all involve social and global issues that are rather controversial in nature. They involve issues that people try to avoid in casual conversation because the topics, more often than not, lead to arguments and disagreements. One of the most influential books I've read, I am Malala, has greatly influenced my opinion on the global issues we are facing with terrorism and has inspired a passion for the right to education. Full Frontal Feminism by Jessica Valenti and How To Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran have allowed me to develop stronger opinions of issues like abortion, the gender pay gap, and doubly standards that are present in society today. Many of the issues I've come to think heavily on are ones that I had not had a very strong more content... With the 100s of pages I've written I've learned a lot about myself and my writing abilities. I think I've grown more because of the weekly assigned pages more than I did for any of the assigned pieces I've written this year,The weekly five pages of writing ranged from nonsense to my deep philosophical thoughts on life. Because of the excessive journaling I've done, I've witnessed more growth in myself as a writer than I've ever seen. In the past, I've struggled with getting my thoughts on paper. My brilliant ideas weren't ones that I could get down on the page and it Get more content on
  • 18. Popular Music: The Creative Process Essay The Oxford Dictionary defines creativity as "the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness". Stemming from this, the creative process is the way in which an individual develops their creative ideas. Under this umbrella is improvisation and, in particular, free improvisation (or free jazz). "Improvisation is about... truthfully responding to changing circumstances, and about.... enjoying the process without straining to get a known result. It is about creation." Creativity and improvisation come from deep within, almost decided by our subconscious, only to be directed by conscious thought and the happenings around us at the given time. "Even without thinking, [musicians] can make musical gestures that direct more content... I hold improvising close to me, and use it as a technique for creating original songs, and turning cover songs into my own. When one improvises, they make choices that are unique to them, which leads into the question of where ideas in improvising come from. Singer–songwriter Matt Corby spoke about the idea that inspiration does not come from you, rather "it's something that you channel. Song writing, being able to create something new, is a regurgitation of everything that you have experienced musically in your entire life. Your ideas [are] just a product of what you know and what you place value upon musically or artistically". Though he is speaking more so about song writing, this especially resonates in improvisation, as the process is even more free flowing and spontaneous than creating a song. In improvising, this concept of "the body acting prior to thought" is key, however when taking part in free improvisation, it is often difficult to continue coming up with different ideas and variation, and I feel I am often too similar and somewhat predictable in my improvising. A musician's "personal conventions [can become] too familiar" and it is often necessary to "search for a wider spectrum of ideas." I wanted to put myself out of my comfort zone, in order to explore new things, and was able to do so in the workshops. In one of the first free improvisation workshops I was given an image that looked like a string of Get more content on
  • 19. Losing a Loved One Essay example Losing a Loved One Losing a loved one is like having the rug swept from under you. We make plans for the day, and do not think twice about how those plans can be taken away in the blink of an eye. I never thought much about it myself, until I was faced with the shock, and undeniable truth of my uncle's death. I do not think anyone really thinks about tragedy until they are actually faced with shocking news. It is amazing how we take life for granted. The tragedy never goes away. You just learn how to cope with it and keep moving on. My mom had been going to school in Virginia and staying at my Aunt Ana's house. She had been away for two weeks and wanted to come home for the weekend. My mom had suggested that I go back with her and more content... I felt as if I was paralyzed, I felt that if I moved it would be real. I just had this blank look on my face. I had no reaction at first and I wanted to deny it, all of it. I kept saying to myself, no it is a lie, they made a mistake. To my complete horror I was wrong. My mom kept saying "I have got to go see Fran. I need to see with my brother" My mom ran down stairs to get ready to go, I followed her and just stood there, still paralyzed. She hugged me and said that she loved me. I had never seen my mom so panicked. She went into the bathroom to take a shower and I could still hear her sobbing through the door. I was all by myself, now. I was standing in the middle of thefamily room as the words "He is dead" pierced my heart like daggers of ice. I was screaming OH, GOD NO, and started to cry uncontrollably. The realization that I would never see my uncle again struck me. After I got myself under control I went and packed my things to leave with my mother. As soon as we were done we were on the next flight to New Jersey. I come from a big family with many loving aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. As I was standing there all alone I thought back to the time when I got to spend a week with Fran. Almost a year ago to the date, most of the family was together for my other uncle's wedding. All the cousins sat at the same table and we had such a good time together. He was a busy person, he Get more content on