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The Sharing Economy
5he 1A9 of 1@Cloy@eAt 6A9 3iEe of 0row9!76Ee9 06Cit6liE@
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Chap 6
The Shifting Landscape of Regulation
and Consumer Protection
--- Douglass C. North, 於諾貝爾得獎演講,Dec 09, 1993
Developing a Sharing Economy
Developing a Sharing Economy
!  Oct 2013, AirBnB
!  225,000 New Yorkers users
!  NY state attorney general Eric T. Schneiderman asked AirBnB to
turn over host data
!  More than taxes
!  “Illegal hotels” law, 2010
!  Outlawded NYers livings in multi-unit dwellings their abodes for
less than 30 days
!  Residents could still be AirBnB hosts so long as they were present
in their apartment
!  No entire apartment
17/,/7 5
Developing a Sharing Economy
Developing a Sharing Economy
!  Objected AirBnB
!  Neighborhood safety
!  Started renting out units Instead
of long-term residents
!  Exacerbates the affordable
housing crisis
!  Serious public safety concerns
17/,/7 7
Data-Driven Delegation
17/,/7 ,
Developing a Sharing Economy
!  Share Better 
17/,/7 -
Developing a Sharing Economy
Developing a Sharing Economy
Developing a Sharing Economy
Developing a Sharing Economy
!  Complexities of the sharing economy
!  Low-cost UberPop
!  shutdown in Span, the end of 2014
!  Banned in Paris and Berlin, 2015
!  UberX
!  Shutdown in Seoul in March 2015
!  Entire service
!  Shutdown in New York’s East Hampton in June 2015
!  Investigated in Dutch in April 2015
!  Legalize
!  Belgium by 2016, California  Virginia…
17/,/7 13
Developing a Sharing Economy
!  Mayor Bill de Blasio
!  Proposed cap on their provider numbers
17/,/7 14
AirBnB 在自己的 App
Developing a Sharing Economy
!  Expert and experienced talent
!  Political strategist, the deputy commissioner for policy and
planning at the Taxi and Limousine Commission, …
!  “It’s so much easier to have a conversation with someone
who actually understands how government works.”
!  Why?
17/,/7 15
5he 4h6riAg e8oAo@y 8re6teE Aew w6yE of Crovi9iAg
f6@ili6r Eervi8eE th6t 6re tr69itioA6lly ofteA highly
regGl6te9 regGl6tory 8oAfli8t iE to 7e exCe8te9.
Developing a Sharing Economy
!  A robust regulatory infrastructure needed
!  The scale of providers varies dramatically
!  From M-billion dollar hotel chains to occasional Airbnb hosts
!  In a way that preserves individual freedom, consumer safety,
not 6% harm 94%
!  No crippling burden to city and state government
!  Both an increase and a diversification of regulation
17/,/7 16
5he liAe 7etweeA CerEoA6l 6A9 CrofeEEioA6l 6re 7lGrriAg!
/ “C6rti8iC6tory @o9el”
Why Regulation Still Matters
!  A safer and more reliable world
!  Regulations are instruments used to implement social and
economic policy objectives
!  Legal and administrative mechanisms designed to encourage
economic activity
!  Market failure
!  Monopolization
!  New competition and diversifying the market
!  Protect potential harm and ensure public safety
17/,/7 17
Regulation as an intervention to correct “market failure” approach.
Why Regulation Still Matters
!  Information Asymmetry(資訊不對稱)
!  Externalities(外部性)
!  Blurring boundaries between the Personal and the
!  The Evolution of Regulation(監管的演化)
17/,/7 1,
Information Asymmetry:
When One Party Knows More than
the Other
!  Information Asymmetry(資訊不對稱)
!  Seller vs. buyer
!  Adverse selection(逆,擇)
!  Lemon used cars
!  Moral hazard()德危機)
!  Less careful
!  Reckless driving
!  Lower effort
!  Lower level of cleanliness
17/,/7 1-
Information Asymmetry:
When One Party Knows More the the
!  Pre-Internet P2P economic exchange
!  Government
!  Embed exchange into a trusting local community(village, family, suburban
!  3rd party certifying body
!  Example
!  Taxi fair by screening + meter
!  Internet platform
!  Natural incentive to try and reduce information failure
!  Online trust platform
!  Social capital, digital reputation system
!  Lyft
!  In-person driver screenings, criminal background checks, assess driving history
!  Airbnb
!  July 2013, 300 customer service, 50 dedicated to promoting trust and safety 17/,/7 20
When Others Bear the Consequences
of My Actions
!  Positive spillovers(“向溢出)
!  (Positive) Network effect
!  Negative externalities(負向外部性)
!  Additional taxicab, noisy Airbnb guests
!  Externalities of online platform(線上平台的外部性)
!  Difficult to keep track
!  Small scale and fluctuate
!  Local externalities
17/,/7 21
Blurring of Boundaries between the
Personal and the Professional
!  Most people do these in ‘personal’(f際常見d易)
!  Loan money to friends, pick up others, lend apartments to
relatives, make meal for guests
!  No oversight, licensing, screening, taxation, or training…
!  Sharing economy (共e經濟)
!  Brought the informal exchanges into the main-stream economy
!  “In-between” personal and professional
!  Social challenges(社會挑戰)
!  Apply a regulatory regime developed for full-time or large-scale
professional providers to smaller, semiprofessional providers
!  Grassroots innovation vs. market failure
!  Data trail for discrimination
17/,/7 22
A Historical Example:
The Maghribi Trader(摩洛哥商f)
!  Maghribi trader played a leading role in world trade in the
11th century
!  Ship goods without travelling with them
!  Might be rip off, lost, damaged… in the process
!  Only hand-to-hand money exchange
!  Trust ( enforcement) across geographic and cultural
!  Reputation(of agent)
!  Self-interested community(coalitions)
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Matchmakers Over Three
17/,/7 24
!  Bartering(以物易物)
!  Organized marketplaces emerged
!  By 300 BCE, “emporion”(貿易處) near the docks in Athens(雅
!  shipowners, traders, lenders(creditors), … sharing economy
!  Early 1400s CE, Renaissance(文藝復興) Europe has city-
states sponsored marketplaces, Fairs
!  Merchants of French and German gathered together and
exchange goods for a given period time each year
!  Concessions and bans on imports, settling disputes, developed
sufficient trust, extent credit, …
Economic Institutions and
Brand-based Trust
!  Institutions(體制)
!  Douglass North, 1993 Nobel Memorial Prize
!  The humanly devised constraints that structure human interaction.
!  Made up of formal constraints (rules, laws, constitutions), informal
constraints (norms of behavior, conventions, and self imposed
codes of conduct), and their enforcement characteristics.
!  “rule of the game” of a society
!  Contract cost is too expensive for myriad everyday transactions
!  Examples
!  IPR, Bank for strangers, corporate brands…
!  Food safety: FDA + Brand
!  Roller coaster in Disney…
!  Pursuing a long-run profit motive
17/,/7 25
Economic Institutions and
Brand-based Trust
!  Why need a different trust infrastructure?
!  Douglass North
!  Rules may be changed overnight. Norms change gradually.
!  The norms provide “legitimacy” to a set of rules
!  Economies that adopt the formal rules of another economy
will have very different performance characteristics than the
first economy
!  Because of different informal norms and enforcement
17/,/7 26
Where the Sharing Economy Is
Taking Regulation
!  Permissionless innovation(無許可創新)
!  Reject the idea that creators of new technologies seek
permission from public officials before taking the service to
!  Can you share and innovate by the book? You can, but first
someone has to write the book.
!  Digital signals
!  User-generated review
!  side benefits: leading indicator to trace food-borne illness
!  Self-interest of the platform alignment
!  Ex. Ads quality? Noisy guests? …
17/,/7 27
Where the Sharing Economy Is
Taking Regulation
!  One-size-fit-all?
!  How about renting out a hammock / a treehouse…?
!  Occasional providers
!  90% AirBnb hosts, 2/3 Lyft drivers, EatWith/Feastly, Etsy…
!  Safety is safety, and we can’t compromise on it!
!  cost
!  Restaurant inspections, kitchen hygiene… of home-made meals
!  Falling sick vs. cost of running the inspection infrastructure
17/,/7 2,
Matchmakers Chap 9
Fakesters and Fraudsters
!  Governing Bad Behavior by Platform Participants
!  Facebook had about 150 employees, 1/15, looking for offensive
content and misbehavior
!  Behavior Externality(行為外部性)
!  If not alone in desert, externality is common
!  Positive/negative externality
!  Indirect network effect for multisided platform
!  Direct network effect for the same group
!  Consider behavior instead of facts/numbers(注重「行為」影響)
!  The reason why communities/societies adopt laws, regulations,
policies, courts, authorities
!  Multisided platforms are communities
!  Successful platforms nurture the positive and minimize the negative
Behavior Badly
!  Identity
!  Faked name
!  Keep privacy(隱私)
!  Sexual predation(性u), online harassment(騷擾),
!  MySpace’s cyberbullying (網路霸凌)
!  Lori Drew faking a young boy to orchestrated an online romance
with Megan Meier(16 years old), her daughter’s opponent, become
hostile and suggested her kill herself. She did.
!  Fraud
!  Misrepresentation of merchants, no shipping, …
!  Alibaba’s escrow(x託)
!  Information asymmetry with “lemons problem”
!  QC(品管) of Apple Store
!  Opportunistic behavior
!  “Front-running”(先買入) of exchanges’ brokers
!  “Drip pricing”(附加費) at the end of payment process using
credit cards
(ref: )
Behavior Badly
!  Bodily harm(身體傷害)
!  Craiglist
!  Raped or killed
!  French ride-sharing(共乘) service BlaBlaCar
!  20M members in 19 countries
!  Great pain to deal with this concern
!  Id, photo, ratings…
!  Ladies only…
!  Physical vs. Virtual communities
!  Lack of tools
!  Repeated arrests drunk driving(重複酒駕) in City of LA
!  Facebook can just disable accounts
!  Digital tools
!  No laws against for Lori Drew’s reprehensible(霸凌案) activities in Missori
!  social network could at least monitor and detect
Follow the Rules
!  In early 1700s, England
!  People traded the options(,擇權) or futures(期貨)
!  The courts decide it was a form of gambling(賭博)
!  In 1734, the British Parliament passed Sir Barnard‘s Act
!  Options or futures are illegal, no much prosecution(徹底執行)
!  In early 1800s, London
!  Jonathan’s Coffee House
!  Trade in stocks and securities, near the commodities exchange(貨物d
!  Physically rejected the reneged(違約) at first, and wrote the names
of fraudsters on a highly visible blackboard
!  March 3, 1801, London Stock Exchange opened
!  Regulations(監管) was monitored and adjudicated by a committee,
including full-time admins
!  Trust!
!  Rules and regulations preventing negative externalities
!  Fulfill obligations(合約) and manipulate price
Follow the Rules
!  Multisided platforms
!  BlaBlaCar
!  Detailed set of “Terms and Conditions”, termination of membership
!  eBay
!  Rules and Policies
!  Create a safe and fair environment for all members
!  Prohibit from using profanity(褻瀆), misrepresenting, outside sales
!  Pay for buying, buy only want, retract(撤銷); no manipulating price, no
failing delivery, no porn, no counterfeit
!  Apple store
!  Do something useful, unique or entertainment
!  No plain creepy, no cheating system, no stealing data, no manipulating
rates, no ugly UI
!  Top rejection reason
!  You content is boring
!  Facebook
!  No ugly ads
Get Out and Stay Out
!  Ejecting participants
!  Bouncers in nightclubs(夜店大漢)
!  Ultimate threads
!  “No show” policy in OpenTable
!  30 minutes advance before reservation time
!  4 “no show” / 12 months
!  In 2011, Google
!  JCPenny inserted keywords in thousands of websites for
!  “Google Jail”(坐牢) for 90 days, such as “Samsonite luggage”
Friendsters(朋友), Fakesters(假
f), and Fraudsters(壞f)
!  Friendster
!  Launched in March 2002, 3M+ users Nov 2003
!  Most social networking sites focusing on dating
!  Friendster’s founder: “too anonymous and creepy”; with Jdate, 20
pounds heavier or 20 years older
!  Fakesters(假帳號)
!  Some fakesters attracted most traffic and the limited server
!  A young Vietnamese(越南) model posted her own provocative
!  Was deleted several times but reinserted
!  Revenge(報復) by having fraudsters
!  Growth slowed considerably
Friendsters, Fakesters, and
!  MySpace
!  Launched in Aug, 2003
!  Welcome fakesters
!  “Everything goes!”
!  Vortex of perversion(墮落)
!  The red light district on the web
!  Brand advertisers
!  Risky display
Friendsters, Fakesters, and
!  Facebook
!  Started in Feb, 2004
!  Strict rules to prevent bad behavior
!  Real identities(真實身n) and “real-name culture”
!  Initially targeted to college students
!  Started with, expanded to selected groups *.edu
!  Open in Sep 2006, 500 regional networks with emails
!  Active steps to limit negative behavioral externalities
!  Prohibit bully, intimidating(嚇f), harassing; posting hateful,
threatening, pornographic, violence, nudity, drugs, …; blacklist of
forbidden names
!  Porn cops(色情警察)
!  “Report this” button
Where the Sharing Economy Is
Taking Regulation
17/,/7 3-
政府或第三方認證 品牌(認證) 體制合約 文化對話
數p足跡 數p化社會資產 數p化同儕回饋 先前的雙向b動
Future Regulatory Models
!  Peer Regulation(同儕監管)
!  Self Regulation(自我監管)
!  Data-Driven Delegation(資料驅動監管)
17/,/7 40
Peer Regulation
!  Berlin
!  Anyone can walk on to a bus or subway without paying
!  Plain-clothes inspectors of all ages
!  Tourist often risk riding
!  Citizens always have proof of fair
!  Airbnb
!  Public and private review
!  No single benchmark needs to apply to every rental
!  Myriad context and customer-specific standards
17/,/7 41
AirBnB 多樣與客製的租房,公開與私下的意見回饋
Self-Regulatory Organization(SRO)

!  SRO
!  Not the same as the absence of regulation
!  The defining, the enforcing, or both, of regulation by parties
other than government
!  Policy an industry by formulating regimes of collective
!  Like the merchant communities of Maghribi traders
!  The modern SRO can audit and penalize members
!  The American Medical Association(doctor), the National Association
of Realtors(realtor), and bar association(lawyer)
17/,/7 42
!  Workable SROs
!  Establish credibility early on through its performance(績效)
!  Demonstrate strong enforcement(執行) capabilities
!  Perceived as legitimate(合法) and independent(獨立)
!  Take advantage of participants’ concerns(參與者考量) and
social capital(社會資產)
!  Transportation Network Companies(TNC)
!  A self-regulatory by the state of California in 2013
!  The California Public Utilities Commission(CPUC) defined a set
of standards for drivers of smartphone-based point-to-point
taxis need to conform
!  Delegated this enforcement responsibilities to this
platform(registered as TNC)
17/,/7 43
SRO 可行的四個條lR
!  “Bill ALUR”—new national housing legislation
!  A national law passed in March 2014
!  Rent out the home in which you live, without having to ask
permission from your local city hall
!  Paris, the most visiting city in the world, 40K+ Airbnb hosts
!  Homeowners associations(HOAs)
!  Minimize the impacts of certain externalities
!  Continuous, high-bandwidth relationship with hosts and renters
!  A grassroots alternative to zoning for an economy
!  The line among the personal, commercial, (and government) are
increasingly blurred
17/,/7 44
Data-Driven Delegation
!  A quasigovernmental role of a platform
!  The delegation of tax collection
!  Higher registration rate than directly to government
!  Higher tax revenue
!  Sidesteps privacy concerns
!  Significant opportunities for the platform to build credibility
!  Leveraging platform’s data to ensure compliance with a set of
!  Ex. Credit card fraud detection, flu prediction of Google vs. CDC
!  Discrimination analysis
17/,/7 45
Data-Driven Delegation
!  Red flag -- discrimination
!  Harvard study, 2014
!  African American hosts might have lower pricing power than white hosts on
!  TaskRabbit’s president, 2014
!  Trace data by data scientist: what drives somebody to select a tasker --- a smile
!  Mandated transparency
!  Raise fewer privacy concern
!  Pose lower risk of leaking competitively harmful information
!  SEC
!  Publicly traded companies provide audited summary evidence(稽核彙整報表)
!  Machine learning added value
!  Integrate social responsibilities into platform
!  Open innovation to its own regulation challenges and unresolved
regulation challenges
17/,/7 46
Chap 6
The Shifting Landscape of Regulation
and Consumer Protection
1AtreCreAeGr 2overA@eAt
Summary and beyond
17/,/7 4,
Summary and beyond
17/,/7 4-
Summary and beyond
17/,/7 50
Summary and beyond
17/,/7 51
Summary and beyond
!  Summary
!  Multi-level self-regulatory platforms
!  (Big) Data as a new communication and control intermediary
!  The beyond
!  New privacy(隱私) issues
!  Liability(義務) and insurance(w:)
!  Blockchain(區塊鏈)-based exchange and smart-contracts(智
17/,/7 52

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The sharing economy matchmaker-chinese-20170409

  • 1. The Sharing Economy 共e經濟 5he 1A9 of 1@Cloy@eAt 6A9 3iEe of 0row9!76Ee9 06Cit6liE@ 雇用的結束T以及群眾資本主義的興起 0r6ig 0h6o 8h6o8r6ig.g@6il.8o@ 117/,/7
  • 3. Chap 6 The Shifting Landscape of Regulation and Consumer Protection 317/,/7 那c卡在深植的x仰系統與體制中的社會,無法面對與解決新的社會複?性問題。 --- Douglass C. North, 於諾貝爾得獎演講,Dec 09, 1993
  • 4. Developing a Sharing Economy System 417/,/7
  • 5. Developing a Sharing Economy System !  Oct 2013, AirBnB !  225,000 New Yorkers users !  NY state attorney general Eric T. Schneiderman asked AirBnB to turn over host data !  More than taxes !  “Illegal hotels” law, 2010 !  Outlawded NYers livings in multi-unit dwellings their abodes for less than 30 days !  Residents could still be AirBnB hosts so long as they were present in their apartment !  No entire apartment 17/,/7 5 紐約檢察總長 非法旅館 有出租f在才可以
  • 6. Developing a Sharing Economy System 617/,/7 page/s/legalize-sharing-ny Mishelle
  • 7. Developing a Sharing Economy System !  Objected AirBnB !  Neighborhood safety !  Started renting out units Instead of long-term residents !  Exacerbates the affordable housing crisis !  Serious public safety concerns 17/,/7 7 鄰戶安全T短約換長約T房價負擔T公安…
  • 9. Developing a Sharing Economy System !  Share Better 17/,/7 -
  • 10. Developing a Sharing Economy System 1017/,/7
  • 11. Developing a Sharing Economy System 1117/,/7
  • 12. Developing a Sharing Economy System 1217/,/7
  • 13. Developing a Sharing Economy System !  Complexities of the sharing economy !  Low-cost UberPop !  shutdown in Span, the end of 2014 !  Banned in Paris and Berlin, 2015 !  UberX !  Shutdown in Seoul in March 2015 !  Entire service !  Shutdown in New York’s East Hampton in June 2015 !  Investigated in Dutch in April 2015 !  Legalize !  Belgium by 2016, California Virginia… 17/,/7 13 在不同城市衝突與停擺 在少數城市合法化
  • 14. Developing a Sharing Economy System !  Mayor Bill de Blasio !  Proposed cap on their provider numbers 17/,/7 14 AirBnB 在自己的 App 回擊紐約市長
  • 15. Developing a Sharing Economy System !  Expert and experienced talent !  Political strategist, the deputy commissioner for policy and planning at the Taxi and Limousine Commission, … !  “It’s so much easier to have a conversation with someone who actually understands how government works.” !  Why? 17/,/7 15 5he 4h6riAg e8oAo@y 8re6teE Aew w6yE of Crovi9iAg f6@ili6r Eervi8eE th6t 6re tr69itioA6lly ofteA highly regGl6te9 regGl6tory 8oAfli8t iE to 7e exCe8te9. 導入有經驗的政治窗口t對話 踏入a以往被監管的傳統經濟領域
  • 16. Developing a Sharing Economy System !  A robust regulatory infrastructure needed !  The scale of providers varies dramatically !  From M-billion dollar hotel chains to occasional Airbnb hosts !  In a way that preserves individual freedom, consumer safety, not 6% harm 94% !  No crippling burden to city and state government !  Both an increase and a diversification of regulation 17/,/7 16 5he liAe 7etweeA CerEoA6l 6A9 CrofeEEioA6l 6re 7lGrriAg! / “C6rti8iC6tory @o9el” 「個f」與「專業」的界線“在模糊! 規模差異很大 不該也無法一體適用 參與式模式
  • 17. Why Regulation Still Matters !  A safer and more reliable world !  Regulations are instruments used to implement social and economic policy objectives !  Legal and administrative mechanisms designed to encourage economic activity !  Market failure !  Monopolization !  New competition and diversifying the market !  Protect potential harm and ensure public safety 17/,/7 17 Regulation as an intervention to correct “market failure” approach. 為sh需要監管S 社會與經濟的目的 市場失靈 獨r 監管是一種g入去y“「市場失靈」的手段。
  • 18. Why Regulation Still Matters !  Information Asymmetry(資訊不對稱) !  Externalities(外部性) !  Blurring boundaries between the Personal and the Professional(專業模糊) !  The Evolution of Regulation(監管的演化) 17/,/7 1,
  • 19. Information Asymmetry: When One Party Knows More than the Other !  Information Asymmetry(資訊不對稱) !  Seller vs. buyer !  Adverse selection(逆,擇) !  Lemon used cars !  Moral hazard()德危機) !  Less careful !  Reckless driving !  Lower effort !  Lower level of cleanliness 17/,/7 1-
  • 20. Information Asymmetry: When One Party Knows More the the Other !  Pre-Internet P2P economic exchange !  Government !  Embed exchange into a trusting local community(village, family, suburban neighborhood…) !  3rd party certifying body !  Example !  Taxi fair by screening + meter !  Internet platform !  Natural incentive to try and reduce information failure !  Online trust platform !  Social capital, digital reputation system !  Lyft !  In-person driver screenings, criminal background checks, assess driving history !  Airbnb !  July 2013, 300 customer service, 50 dedicated to promoting trust and safety 17/,/7 20 有網路以前,h在到處d易 網路時i,平台有自然誘因去建立機制Tv成d易
  • 21. Externalities: When Others Bear the Consequences of My Actions !  Positive spillovers(“向溢出) !  (Positive) Network effect !  Negative externalities(負向外部性) !  Additional taxicab, noisy Airbnb guests !  Externalities of online platform(線上平台的外部性) !  Difficult to keep track !  Small scale and fluctuate !  Local externalities 17/,/7 21
  • 22. Blurring of Boundaries between the Personal and the Professional !  Most people do these in ‘personal’(f際常見d易) !  Loan money to friends, pick up others, lend apartments to relatives, make meal for guests !  No oversight, licensing, screening, taxation, or training… !  Sharing economy (共e經濟) !  Brought the informal exchanges into the main-stream economy !  “In-between” personal and professional !  Social challenges(社會挑戰) !  Apply a regulatory regime developed for full-time or large-scale professional providers to smaller, semiprofessional providers !  Grassroots innovation vs. market failure !  Data trail for discrimination 17/,/7 22
  • 23. A Historical Example: The Maghribi Trader(摩洛哥商f) !  Maghribi trader played a leading role in world trade in the 11th century !  Ship goods without travelling with them !  Might be rip off, lost, damaged… in the process !  Only hand-to-hand money exchange !  Trust ( enforcement) across geographic and cultural boundaries !  Reputation(of agent) !  Self-interested community(coalitions) 17/,/7 23 摩洛哥商f透(商譽與商團約束,跨區域與跨文化d易
  • 24. Matchmakers Over Three Millennia 17/,/7 24 !  Bartering(以物易物) !  Organized marketplaces emerged !  By 300 BCE, “emporion”(貿易處) near the docks in Athens(雅 典) !  shipowners, traders, lenders(creditors), … sharing economy !  Early 1400s CE, Renaissance(文藝復興) Europe has city- states sponsored marketplaces, Fairs !  Merchants of French and German gathered together and exchange goods for a given period time each year !  Concessions and bans on imports, settling disputes, developed sufficient trust, extent credit, …
  • 25. Economic Institutions and Brand-based Trust !  Institutions(體制) !  Douglass North, 1993 Nobel Memorial Prize !  The humanly devised constraints that structure human interaction. !  Made up of formal constraints (rules, laws, constitutions), informal constraints (norms of behavior, conventions, and self imposed codes of conduct), and their enforcement characteristics. !  “rule of the game” of a society !  Contract cost is too expensive for myriad everyday transactions !  Examples !  IPR, Bank for strangers, corporate brands… !  Food safety: FDA + Brand !  Roller coaster in Disney… !  Pursuing a long-run profit motive 17/,/7 25 f類建立的遊戲規則, 減少合約成本, !求長期獲利
  • 26. Economic Institutions and Brand-based Trust !  Why need a different trust infrastructure? !  Douglass North !  Rules may be changed overnight. Norms change gradually. !  The norms provide “legitimacy” to a set of rules !  Economies that adopt the formal rules of another economy will have very different performance characteristics than the first economy !  Because of different informal norms and enforcement 17/,/7 26 規則可以隨時改變,價值規範只能慢慢改變。 不同經濟體系有非常不同的績效特性。
  • 27. Where the Sharing Economy Is Taking Regulation !  Permissionless innovation(無許可創新) !  Reject the idea that creators of new technologies seek permission from public officials before taking the service to market !  Can you share and innovate by the book? You can, but first someone has to write the book. !  Digital signals !  User-generated review !  side benefits: leading indicator to trace food-borne illness !  Self-interest of the platform alignment !  Ex. Ads quality? Noisy guests? … 17/,/7 27 可以照著書t創新嗎S 至少要先把書寫好S! 數p新機制
  • 28. Where the Sharing Economy Is Taking Regulation !  One-size-fit-all? !  How about renting out a hammock / a treehouse…? !  Occasional providers !  90% AirBnb hosts, 2/3 Lyft drivers, EatWith/Feastly, Etsy… !  Safety is safety, and we can’t compromise on it! !  cost !  Restaurant inspections, kitchen hygiene… of home-made meals !  Falling sick vs. cost of running the inspection infrastructure 17/,/7 2, 舊法如s一體適用S 「安全」也有成本考量
  • 29. Matchmakers Chap 9 Fakesters and Fraudsters !  Governing Bad Behavior by Platform Participants !  Facebook had about 150 employees, 1/15, looking for offensive content and misbehavior !  Behavior Externality(行為外部性) !  If not alone in desert, externality is common !  Positive/negative externality !  Indirect network effect for multisided platform !  Direct network effect for the same group !  Consider behavior instead of facts/numbers(注重「行為」影響) !  The reason why communities/societies adopt laws, regulations, policies, courts, authorities !  Multisided platforms are communities !  Successful platforms nurture the positive and minimize the negative 2-17/,/7
  • 30. Behavior Badly !  Identity !  Faked name !  Keep privacy(隱私) !  Sexual predation(性u), online harassment(騷擾), suicides(自殺) !  MySpace’s cyberbullying (網路霸凌) !  Lori Drew faking a young boy to orchestrated an online romance with Megan Meier(16 years old), her daughter’s opponent, become hostile and suggested her kill herself. She did. !  Fraud !  Misrepresentation of merchants, no shipping, … !  Alibaba’s escrow(x託) !  Information asymmetry with “lemons problem” !  QC(品管) of Apple Store !  Opportunistic behavior !  “Front-running”(先買入) of exchanges’ brokers !  “Drip pricing”(附加費) at the end of payment process using credit cards 3017/,/7 (ref: )
  • 31. Behavior Badly !  Bodily harm(身體傷害) !  Craiglist !  Raped or killed !  French ride-sharing(共乘) service BlaBlaCar !  20M members in 19 countries !  Great pain to deal with this concern !  Id, photo, ratings… !  Ladies only… !  Physical vs. Virtual communities !  Lack of tools !  Repeated arrests drunk driving(重複酒駕) in City of LA !  Facebook can just disable accounts !  Digital tools !  No laws against for Lori Drew’s reprehensible(霸凌案) activities in Missori !  social network could at least monitor and detect 3117/,/7
  • 32. Follow the Rules !  In early 1700s, England !  People traded the options(,擇權) or futures(期貨) !  The courts decide it was a form of gambling(賭博) !  In 1734, the British Parliament passed Sir Barnard‘s Act !  Options or futures are illegal, no much prosecution(徹底執行) !  In early 1800s, London !  Jonathan’s Coffee House !  Trade in stocks and securities, near the commodities exchange(貨物d 換) !  Physically rejected the reneged(違約) at first, and wrote the names of fraudsters on a highly visible blackboard !  March 3, 1801, London Stock Exchange opened !  Regulations(監管) was monitored and adjudicated by a committee, including full-time admins !  Trust! !  Rules and regulations preventing negative externalities !  Fulfill obligations(合約) and manipulate price 3217/,/7
  • 33. Follow the Rules !  Multisided platforms !  BlaBlaCar !  Detailed set of “Terms and Conditions”, termination of membership !  eBay !  Rules and Policies !  Create a safe and fair environment for all members !  Prohibit from using profanity(褻瀆), misrepresenting, outside sales !  Pay for buying, buy only want, retract(撤銷); no manipulating price, no failing delivery, no porn, no counterfeit !  Apple store !  Do something useful, unique or entertainment !  No plain creepy, no cheating system, no stealing data, no manipulating rates, no ugly UI !  Top rejection reason !  You content is boring !  Facebook !  No ugly ads 3317/,/7
  • 34. Get Out and Stay Out !  Ejecting participants !  Bouncers in nightclubs(夜店大漢) !  Ultimate threads !  “No show” policy in OpenTable !  30 minutes advance before reservation time !  4 “no show” / 12 months !  In 2011, Google !  JCPenny inserted keywords in thousands of websites for !  “Google Jail”(坐牢) for 90 days, such as “Samsonite luggage” 3417/,/7
  • 35. Friendsters(朋友), Fakesters(假 f), and Fraudsters(壞f) !  Friendster !  Launched in March 2002, 3M+ users Nov 2003 !  Most social networking sites focusing on dating !  Friendster’s founder: “too anonymous and creepy”; with Jdate, 20 pounds heavier or 20 years older !  Fakesters(假帳號) !  Some fakesters attracted most traffic and the limited server capacity !  A young Vietnamese(越南) model posted her own provocative photos(撩f照) !  Was deleted several times but reinserted !  Revenge(報復) by having fraudsters !  Growth slowed considerably 3517/,/7
  • 36. Friendsters, Fakesters, and Fraudsters !  MySpace !  Launched in Aug, 2003 !  Welcome fakesters !  “Everything goes!” !  Vortex of perversion(墮落) !  The red light district on the web !  Brand advertisers !  Risky display 3617/,/7
  • 37. Friendsters, Fakesters, and Fraudsters !  Facebook !  Started in Feb, 2004 !  Strict rules to prevent bad behavior !  Real identities(真實身n) and “real-name culture” !  Initially targeted to college students !  Started with, expanded to selected groups *.edu !  Open in Sep 2006, 500 regional networks with emails !  Active steps to limit negative behavioral externalities !  Prohibit bully, intimidating(嚇f), harassing; posting hateful, threatening, pornographic, violence, nudity, drugs, …; blacklist of forbidden names !  Porn cops(色情警察) !  “Report this” button 3717/,/7
  • 39. Where the Sharing Economy Is Taking Regulation 17/,/7 3- 政府或第三方認證 品牌(認證) 體制合約 文化對話 (相o性) 數p足跡 數p化社會資產 數p化同儕回饋 先前的雙向b動
  • 40. Future Regulatory Models !  Peer Regulation(同儕監管) !  Self Regulation(自我監管) !  Data-Driven Delegation(資料驅動監管) 17/,/7 40
  • 41. Peer Regulation !  Berlin !  Anyone can walk on to a bus or subway without paying !  Plain-clothes inspectors of all ages !  Tourist often risk riding !  Citizens always have proof of fair !  Airbnb !  Public and private review !  No single benchmark needs to apply to every rental !  Myriad context and customer-specific standards 17/,/7 41 在柏林無f公開查票 AirBnB 多樣與客製的租房,公開與私下的意見回饋
  • 42. Self-Regulatory Organization(SRO) !  SRO !  Not the same as the absence of regulation !  The defining, the enforcing, or both, of regulation by parties other than government !  Policy an industry by formulating regimes of collective rulemaking !  Like the merchant communities of Maghribi traders !  The modern SRO can audit and penalize members !  The American Medical Association(doctor), the National Association of Realtors(realtor), and bar association(lawyer) 17/,/7 42 如同摩洛哥商會與現i公會
  • 43. Self-Regulatory Organization(SRO) !  Workable SROs !  Establish credibility early on through its performance(績效) !  Demonstrate strong enforcement(執行) capabilities !  Perceived as legitimate(合法) and independent(獨立) !  Take advantage of participants’ concerns(參與者考量) and social capital(社會資產) !  Transportation Network Companies(TNC) !  A self-regulatory by the state of California in 2013 !  The California Public Utilities Commission(CPUC) defined a set of standards for drivers of smartphone-based point-to-point taxis need to conform !  Delegated this enforcement responsibilities to this platform(registered as TNC) 17/,/7 43 SRO 可行的四個條lR 加州市授權行動通訊計程車進行自我監管
  • 44. Self-Regulatory Organization(SRO) !  “Bill ALUR”—new national housing legislation !  A national law passed in March 2014 !  Rent out the home in which you live, without having to ask permission from your local city hall !  Paris, the most visiting city in the world, 40K+ Airbnb hosts !  Homeowners associations(HOAs) !  Minimize the impacts of certain externalities !  Continuous, high-bandwidth relationship with hosts and renters !  A grassroots alternative to zoning for an economy !  The line among the personal, commercial, (and government) are increasingly blurred 17/,/7 44 法國可以m 意出租住家 家戶聯盟連結個fT商家與政府
  • 45. Data-Driven Delegation !  A quasigovernmental role of a platform !  The delegation of tax collection !  Higher registration rate than directly to government !  Higher tax revenue !  Sidesteps privacy concerns !  Significant opportunities for the platform to build credibility !  Leveraging platform’s data to ensure compliance with a set of laws !  Ex. Credit card fraud detection, flu prediction of Google vs. CDC !  Discrimination analysis 17/,/7 45 平台的半政府角色 善用平台的數據可以增進適法性
  • 46. Data-Driven Delegation !  Red flag -- discrimination !  Harvard study, 2014 !  African American hosts might have lower pricing power than white hosts on Airbnb !  TaskRabbit’s president, 2014 !  Trace data by data scientist: what drives somebody to select a tasker --- a smile !  Mandated transparency !  Raise fewer privacy concern !  Pose lower risk of leaking competitively harmful information !  SEC !  Publicly traded companies provide audited summary evidence(稽核彙整報表) !  Machine learning added value !  Integrate social responsibilities into platform !  Open innovation to its own regulation challenges and unresolved regulation challenges 17/,/7 46 ”視!S 明定的透明性
  • 47. Chap 6 The Shifting Landscape of Regulation and Consumer Protection 4717/,/7 1AtreCreAeGr 2overA@eAt
  • 52. Summary and beyond !  Summary !  Multi-level self-regulatory platforms !  (Big) Data as a new communication and control intermediary !  The beyond !  New privacy(隱私) issues !  Liability(義務) and insurance(w:) !  Blockchain(區塊鏈)-based exchange and smart-contracts(智 能合約) 17/,/7 52