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The Evangelical’s prophecy of
Armageddon begins when the
Rapture instantly takes all
believers in Christ from the
Earth. A reporter left behind
learns that the Anti-Christ will
soon take power.
Vic Sarin
Alan B. McElroy (as Alan
McElroy) , Paul Lalonde, 3
more credits »
Kirk Cameron, Brad Johnson,
Janaya Stephens | See full cast
and crew »
The new “Left Behind” movie promotes the false rapture theology
“Left Behind” was released
on October 3, 2014, directed
by Vic Armstrong and written
by Paul LaLonde and John
Patus. Based on the novel of
the same name written by
Tim LaHaye and Jerry B.
Jenkins, and starring Nicolas
Cage, Chad Michael Murray,
Cassi Thomson, Nicky
Whelan and Jordin Sparks.
2014 American apocalyptic thriller film
The new “Left Behind” movie promotes the false rapture theology
University of Central Arkansas student Chloe Steele has flown in from college to surprise her father, pilot Rayford
Steele, for his birthday party. Her mother Irene Steele quickly calls to inform her, however, that her father cannot make
it. While at the airport waiting for him, Chloe meets up with investigative reporter Cameron "Buck" Williams.
Rayford shows up on his way to a flight and apologizes to Chloe for missing her birthday party, insisting he was called in
to pilot a flight to London at the last minute. He also assures Chloe things are fine between himself and his wife, who
recently had become an active believing Christian, much to Chloe’s disgust. Chloe suspects things are not fine between
her father and mother - she had seen him flirting with flight attendant Hattie Durham and notices he has removed his
wedding ring. Her suspicions soon are confirmed when an airport worker hands Chloe two hard-to-get theater tickets
in London that Rayford had ordered, indicating his trip to London and possible extramarital fling was planned all along.
The new “Left Behind” movie promotes the false rapture theology
On Rayford’s flight, the same strange event has occurred – several people, including his co-pilot Chris
Smith, Kimmy, one of the flight attendants, and all the children on board, have simply disappeared, leaving
their clothing and personal effects behind. The remaining passengers panic and demand answers. Rayford
does his best to reassure the passengers he will pass on information once he has any. Rayford has
difficulty getting radio or cell phone contact with anyone on the ground, until he is finally informed that
people have disappeared everywhere and the world is in uproar. Soon a pilot-less jet approaches directly
into Rayford’s flight path. He narrowly avoids a midair collision but the jet damages Rayford’s fuel line. He
decides his only option is to return to New York and hope his fuel holds out.
The new “Left Behind” movie promotes the false rapture theology
On the ground, Chloe hears her father’s Mayday call on her cell phone and assumes his plane has crashed.
She later finds her mother’s jewelry left behind in the shower, as she has also disappeared. Chloe makes
her way to New Hope Church to discover the family pastor Bruce Barnes who explains God has taken his
believers to heaven, and the rest have to face the end of days. The pastor explains he was not taken
because he didn't really believe what he had preached. Rayford comes to the same conclusion by
examining his copilot and stewardess’ personal effects. He tells Hattie the truth about his wife. She is
initially upset as she didn't know he was married, but Rayford convinces her to be brave and to help calm
the passengers down until they can safely land.
The new “Left Behind” movie promotes the false rapture theology
Chloe climbs to the top of a bridge, intending to jump off it and end her life, when she gets a call from
Buck, who is in the cockpit with Rayford. Rayford explains to Chloe all the New York area airports are
closed and the streets full, and he is low on fuel and has nowhere to land. Chloe finds an abandoned Ford
truck and uses it to clear away the equipment from a bridge under construction in order to create a
makeshift runway. She uses her compass app and tells Rayford the coordinates of the landing site. Rayford
is able to glide to a rough landing, saving the passengers, who leave the plane only to see the world
aflame. Buck mentions that it looks like the end of the world, while Chloe informs him that it is just the
Left Behind received near universal negative reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a
rating of 2%, based on 60 reviews, with an average rating of 2/10. The site's consensus states:
"Yea verily, like unto a plague of locusts, Left Behind hath begat a further scourge of
devastation upon Nicolas Cage's once-proud filmography." On Metacritic, the film has a score
of 12 out of 100, based on 25 critics, indicating "overwhelming dislike".
Christian magazine Christianity Today heavily
criticized the film, saying, "Left Behind is not a
Christian movie, whatever 'Christian Movie'
could even possibly mean. In fact, most
Christians within the world of the movie—
whether the street-preacher lady at the airport
or Rayford Steele's wife—are portrayed as
insistent, crazy, delusional, or at the very least
just really annoying. They want churches to
book whole theaters and take their
congregations, want it to be a Youth Group
event, want magazines like this one to publish
Discussion Questions at the end of their
reviews—want the system to churn away, all
the while netting them cash, without ever
having to have cared a shred about actual
Christian belief. They want to trick you into
caring about the movie. Don't. We tried to give
the film zero stars, but our tech system won't
allow it."
“So, what possessed the makers
of Left Behind to produce such
an ignorant piece of garbage
that’s easily one of the worst
films of 2014, if not all-time?”
Paul Chambers from
The promise of the Messiah’s second coming
has been a cherished promise for just over
2,000 years. It has strengthened martyrs and
comforted the lonely and heart broken.
Jesus wants his people ready for His 2nd
coming. He had warned everybody to watch
and be ready. He gave signs to look for as
harbingers of his return. But Satan wants
people to be taken by surprise. He knows that
when Jesus returns, the final battle would have
already been fought, the great controversy
would at last be over, and the case for every
individual would forever be decided.
Jesus’ promised hope for His followers
Satan tries to keep people from getting
ready, so that the 2nd coming will take
them by surprise and they will be lost.
One of Satan’s successful lies is that
there will be a second chance given for
sinners after Jesus’ second coming. This
very popular belief referred to as the
rapture, teaches that Jesus will return
secretly, taking His people from the
earth. It is believed, following the
rapture of the righteous, the entire
earth will be plunged into seven years
of great tribulation, during which anti-
christ will reign and exercise great
power on the earth. This is a very
dangerous belief.
Not only is it not found in scripture,
but it leads people to assume that they
have more time to accept salvation
than they actual do. Rather than
diligently searching their hearts and
repenting of every known sin, people
who believe in the rapture have a false
sense of security, believing if they
don’t make the secret rapture, they
can still repent later, during the great
tribulation following the rapture.
Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the
glory of God
Heaven has already graciously granted everyone a 2nd chance in this life
to choose whom he/she will serve. Probationary time closes shortly
before Jesus appears in the clouds of heaven. At that time the Saviour
will announce …..
Revelation 22:11-12
11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is
filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be
righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to
give every man according as his work shall be.
“….those that are filthy and unjust will take occasion thence to be more so,…”
(from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible, PC Study Bible Formatted
Electronic Database Copyright © 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. All Rights reserved.)
Revelation 22:11 …It is the hopelessness of the final state of the wicked which is
here pictured. So as to "Let him be made filthy still" rupantheetoo eti. …The use of
eti is not perfectly clear, whether "still" or "yet more." It is the time when Christ
has shut the door to those outside who are now without hope (Matthew 25:10;
Luke 13:25… The states of both the evil and the good are now fixed forever. There is
no word here about a "second chance" hereafter.
(from Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament, Electronic Database.
Copyright © 1997, 2003, 2005, 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. Robertson's Word Pictures in
the New Testament. Copyright © 1985 by Broadman Press.)
Revelation 22:11 – “still” (Gk. eti -2089), Meaning: “fix and unchangeable”;
“be more so”; “continue to do so”; “let such be more and more…”
There will be no other chances given after Jesus’ second coming,
because when He comes, He will be bringing His rewards with Him.
Matthew 13:30, 38-43
• There will be those who will be “destroyed” by the brightness of His coming.
• There will be those that will “shine” at the brightness of His coming.
The idea of a secret rapture is deceptively based on
a few bible verses taken out of context Matthew 24.
Matthew 24:40-42
40 Then shall two be in the
field; the one shall be
taken, and the other left.
41 Two women shall be
grinding at the mill; the
one shall be taken, and the
other left.
42 Watch therefore: for ye
know not what hour your
Lord doth come.
Matthew 24:40-42
40 Then shall two be in the
field; the one shall be
taken, and the other left.
41 Two women shall be
grinding at the mill; the
one shall be taken, and the
other left.
42 Watch therefore: for ye
know not what hour your
Lord doth come.
The idea of a secret rapture is based on
a few bible verses taken out of context.
These verses cannot be used to
support the idea of a secret pre-
tribulation rapture, because they
are merely a summary statement
of an illustration Jesus just used.
Jesus explained that there will be
two classes of people at the end,
those who will be saved and
those who will be lost. He likened
it to the time before the flood
when everyone by their own
choices determined whether or
not they would be saved.
Matthew 24:37-42
37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of
man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and
drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe
entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so
shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the
other left.
41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken,
and the other left.
42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
In the days of Noah those who
choose to obey were saved in the
ark, those who refuse to obey were
left outside and were lost. The
people outside the ark were not
given another chance. Their
probation had closed and they
were destroyed in the flood. There
was not a 2nd chance for them, and
there would be no 2nd or 3rd chances
for anyone after the 2nd coming.
Jesus drew a comparison between
the days of Noah and the end of the
Jesus clearly taught there will be no
separation of the righteous or the
wicked until the end of the world. In a
parable He explained that both the
wheat and the tares (poisonous weeds)
would …
Matthew 13:30
Let both grow together until the
harvest: and in the time of harvest
I will say to the reapers, Gather ye
together first the tares, and bind
them in bundles to burn them: but
gather the wheat into my barn.
Jesus explained further the sequence
of events – no second chance.
Matthew 13:38-40
38 The field is the world; the good
seed are the children of the kingdom;
but the tares are the children of the
wicked one;
39 The enemy that sowed them is the
devil; the harvest is the end of the
world; and the reapers are the angels.
40 As therefore the tares are gathered
and burned in the fire; so shall it be in
the end of this world.
Jesus explained further the sequence
of events – no second chance.
Matthew 13:41-43
41 The Son of man shall send forth his
angels, and they shall gather out of
his kingdom all things that offend,
and them which do iniquity;
42 And shall cast them into a furnace
of fire: there shall be wailing and
gnashing of teeth.
43 Then shall the righteous shine
forth as the sun in the kingdom of
their Father. Who hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
The tares/wicked are gathered
together in bundles for destruction.
“ …I am with you alway, even unto the end of the
world. Amen.” Matthew 28:20
2 Thessalonians 2:3,4,8,9
3 Let no man defor that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of
perdition; ceive you by any means: 4 Who opposeth and exalteth
himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he
as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall
consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the
brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the
working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders…
“Pope,” Ferraris’ Ecclesiastic Dictionary:
The Pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is
not a mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God.
The Book of Revelation contains a precious promise for the
faithful and righteous who remain upon the earth until the
very end of the world.
This text has been also used to support the idea of a secret rapture,
but actually a power affirmation of his sustaining presence with His
people clear to the very end.
Revelation 3:10-11
10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from
the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that
dwell upon the earth.
11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take
thy crown.
John 17:13-15
13 And now come I to thee; and these things I
speak in the world, that they might have my joy
fulfilled in themselves.
14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath
hated them, because they are not of the world,
even as I am not of the world.
15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of
the world, but that thou shouldest keep them
from the evil.
Before Jesus was crucified, He prayed for
all who should believe on him down to the
very end of time.
Jerry B. Jenkins and Dr. Tim Lahaye
Today you have the series
called “Left Behind”, by Rev.
Tim LaHaye. LaHaye 33rd
degree freemason. Tim
Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins
has brought out this series
with its “Futurism”
Concept/Fiction to the
Church worldwide.
Pre-tribulation Rapture - A lie
Created By The Jesuits Of Rome
Taking the attention away from Rome
The teaching of the rapture came into
prominence throughout the Christian world
through a man called Hal Lindsey, who wrote
the book the “Late Great Planet Earth”. A
book which sold over 35 million copies. Most
Pastors/Bible College Lecturers and Christian
Statelite Networks) based their theology on
Lindsey’s Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory.
Lindsey is a Jesuit. Two of his daughters
attended Jesuit Gonzaga University. He also
attended a Jesuit University. He is one of
Jesuit agents planted into the charismatic
Pentecostal Churches to take the attention
away from Rome.
• The New York Times called it the "no. 1
non-fiction bestseller of the decade." For
Christians and non-Christians of the 1970s,
• Hal Lindsey's blockbuster served as a wake-
up call on events soon to come and events
already unfolding -- all leading up to the
greatest event of all: the return of Jesus
• it reveals a grand design that's unfolding
exactly according to plan. The rebirth of
Israel. The threat of war in the Middle East.
• An increase in natural catastrophes. The
revival of Satanism and witchcraft.
• a war which will bring humanity to the
brink of destruction . . . and of incredible
deliverance for a desperate, dying planet.”
Hal Lindsey, the father of
Modern Bible Prophecy, is a
Jesuit of a third vow.
Mysterious woman co-writer: C. C. Carlson
was a ghost-writer/co-writer of Lindsey’s
book “The Late Great Planet Earth”, when he
brought this teaching to the church, and to
millions. She is a catholic nun.
The definition of the word, “Jesuit”, in the modern
dictionary, one will not find any great revelation. It has
been suppressed and re-written. So you look at an old
dictionary: Noah’s Webster dictionary – 1828:
“JESUIT, n. One of the Society of Jesus, so-called, founded
by Ignatius Loyola; a society remarkable for their cunning
in propagating their principles.”
JESUITISM, n., …Cunning; deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication;
deceptive practices to effect a purpose…”… apostasy from
Apostolic Christianity…The Antichrist or man of Sin…”
The Black Pope: Adolfo Nicolás, 30th (and current)
Superior General of the Society of Jesus
The Rapture Theory was invented by
two Jesuits of Rome, as part of the
Counter Reformation. It is a system of
re-interpretation called Futurism.
These two Jesuit were named,
Francisco De Ribera and Robert
Bellarmine. Francisco De Ribera was a
Superior General from 1537-1591.
And also Cardinal Robert Bellarmine,
from 1542-1621. These were high
Jesuits. They brought into the church
this false theology.
Francisco De Ribera Robert Bellarmine
• The antichrist will be one man, not a dynasty (succession of men)
• Will only be known at the re-establishing of a third Jewish temple.
• He is an atheist or infidel. Will not come out of a church that have fallen
from Apostolic truth
• He will only be revealed during the tribulation
• He will sit in the Temple in Jerusalem and make a covenant with the Jews
• He will call himself God.
• Christians are hindering his appearance. Christians will be caught in the
beginning of the tribulation, this will bring forth the anti-christ and only
the “secret rapture” he will appear.
• The church cannot know the anti-christ because he will only be known 3
½ years into the 7 year tribulation.
The Jesuits/The Society of Jesus brought this doctrine of Futurism/Pre-
Trib Rapture into the church so the church will not follow in the
tradition of the Reformers. All these reformers, Mighty men of God, all
knew that Rome was the seat of anti-christ. That the pope exalts
Himself above God and place himself as the “head” of God; Church. So
the Jesuit had to bring in a pseudo-theology.
Roman Catholic
Church house the
office of the anti-
Christ. Succession of
men in the office of
The Jesuit order is the Counter-Reformation
In Rome, the Society of Jesus–a Roman Catholic missionary organization–
receives its charter from Pope Paul III. The Jesuit order played an important role
in the Counter-Reformation and eventually succeeded in converting millions
around the world to Catholicism.
The Jesuit movement was founded by Ignatius de Loyola, a Spanish soldier
turned priest, in August 1534. The first Jesuits–Ignatius and six of his students–
took vows of poverty and chastity and made plans to work for the conversion of
Muslims. If travel to the Holy Land was not possible, they vowed to offer
themselves to the pope for apostolic work. Unable to travel to Jerusalem
because of the Turkish wars, they went to Rome instead to meet with the pope
and request permission to form a new religious order. In September 1540, Pope
Paul III approved Ignatius’ outline of the Society of Jesus, and the Jesuit order
was born.
Roman Catholic
Church house the
office of the anti-
Christ. Succession of
men in the office of
The Reformers were men who
willing to stand up for the
Word of God at a time when
the policy of the Roman
church was to censor/silence
the voice of protest. Are our
modern churches returning to
such a state of religious
tyranny, where to stand up for
truth is at the peril of the lives
of those desire to obey
Scripture rather than
dictations of men?
Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ?
Roman Catholic
Church house the
office of the anti-
Christ. Succession of
men in the office of
Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ?
Oh Christ, my Lord, look down upon us and bring upon us the day of
judgment, and destroy the brood of Satan at Rome. There sits the Man, of
whom the Apostle Paul wrote that he would oppose and exalt himself above all
that is called God — the Man of Sin, the son of perdition . . . What is the
Temple of God? Is it stones and wood? Did not Paul say, The Temple of God is
holy, which Temple ye are? To sit — what is it but to reign, to teach and to
judge. Who from the beginning of the church has dared to call himself master
of the whole church but the Pope alone. None of the saints, none of the
heretics ever uttered so horrible a word of pride. (Luther's Works, Vol. 2. p.
Roman Catholic
Church house the
office of the anti-
Christ. Succession of
men in the office of
Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ?
John Foxe, noted writer of 'Foxe's Book of Martyrs', gives a list of learned men
between 1331 and 1360 who contended against the false claims of the Pope. One of
these, Michael of Cesena, who had numerous followers, not a few of whom were
slain, declared the Pope "to be the Antichrist, and the church of Rome to be the
whore of Babylon, drunk with the blood of the saints." (Foxe, 'Acts and
Movements', p.445).
John Wyclif (sometimes spelled Wycliffe), noted English Reformer, taught that the
persecuting "little horn" of Daniel had found fulfilment in the Papacy which arose
out of the fourth kingdom, Rome. "Why is it necessary in unbelief to look for
another Antichrist?" he asked. "In the Seventh Chapter of Daniel, the Antichrist is
forcefully described as a horn arising in the time of the fourth kingdom... wearing
out the saints of the most high." (Froom, vol.2, p.445). His book, the 'Mirror of the
Antichrist', is filled with references to the Pope as the Antichrist.
Roman Catholic
Church house the
office of the anti-
Christ. Succession of
men in the office of
Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ?
John Huss (1369-1415), born in Bohemia, was a well educated man who came
under the influence of Wyclif's writings which caused him to break with the church
of Rome. He labelled the Pope as the Antichrist of which the Scriptures had warned.
His writings constantly refer to the Antichrist as the enemy of the church - not as a
Jew, a pagan, or a Turk - but as a false confessor of the name of Christ. ...." ('The
Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers', vol.2, p.121).
Generally regarded as second only to Luther in influence is the eminent French
reformer John Calvin (1509-1564). Originally a son of the Romish church, about
1532 he embraced the Protestant faith. His published works fill some fifty volumes.
Concerning the Pope he said: "I deny him to be the vicar of Christ, who, infuriously
persecuting the gospel, demonstrates by his conduct that he is the Antichrist - I
deny him to be the successor of Peter... I deny him to be the head of the church."
(Calvin, 'Tracts', Vol.1, pp.219-220).
Roman Catholic
Church house the
office of the anti-
Christ. Succession of
men in the office of
Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ?
John Knox (1505-1572), especially known for his Reformation work in
Scotland, was persecuted from country to country until finally the affairs of
Scotland were in Protestant hands. Knox preached that Romish traditions and
ceremonies should be abolished as well as "that tyranny which the Pope
himself has for so many ages exercised over the church" and that he should
be acknowledged as "the very Antichrist, and son of perdition, of whom Paul
speaks." (Knox, 'The Zurich Letters', p.199).
William Tyndale (1485-1536), first translator of the Bible from Greek to
English, Reformer and martyr, held that the Romish church was Babylon and
that the Pope was the man of sin or the Antichrist, seated in the temple of
God, i.e. the Church (Ibid., p.356). Repeatedly he cited 2 THESSALONIANS 2 in
this connection. (Froom, vol.2, p.319).
Roman Catholic
Church house the
office of the anti-
Christ. Succession of
men in the office of
Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ?
Huldreich Zwingli (1484-1531) was a prominent figure in the work of the
Reformation that broke out in Switzerland. On December 28, 1524, he very
wisely pointed out that the Papacy was evil, but that it must be overthrown
by the preaching of the Word in love and never by hatred. In reference to the
Papacy, he said: "I know that in it works the might and power of the devil,
that is, of the Antichrist... the Papacy has to be abolished... But by no other
means can it be more thoroughly routed than by the Word of God (2
THESSALONIANS 2), because as soon as the world receives this in the right
way, it will turn away from the Pope without compulsion." ('Principal Works
of Zwingli', Vol.7, p.461).
Roman Catholic
Church house the
office of the anti-
Christ. Succession of
men in the office of
Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ?
John Wesley (1703-1791), founder of Methodism, whose ministry has
affected the lives of multiplied thousands, believed the man of sin had found
fulfilment in the "Romish Papacy." (Wesley, 'Explanatory Notes Upon the
New Testament', pp.290).
Roman Catholic Church (the whore of Babylon), houses the seat and office of
the anti-christ. A Dynasty/Succession of men in the office of the anti-christ.
John Hagee Denies Jesus as the Messiah
Video Clip
Job 8:13, 14;
Job 27:8
Quote: “Since Jesus refused by
word and deed to claim to be the
Messiah, how can the Jews be
blamed for rejecting what was
never offered?” John Hagee
Matthew 16:16; John 10:24-26
Hagee: Jews Make Deal With
Antichrist During End Times
Ephesians 2:15-18
Romans 1:16
“John Hagee, fundamentalist pastor from San Antonio and
friend of Israel…He also believes that Jews can come to
God without going through Jesus Christ… trying to
convert Jews is a ‘waste of time,’ he said. ‘The Jewish
person who has his roots in Judaism is not going to convert to
Christianity. There is no form of Christian evangelism that has
failed so miserably as evangelizing the Jewish people. They
(already) have a faith structure.’ Everyone else, whether
Buddhist or Baha’i, needs to believe in Jesus, he says. But
not the Jewish people. Jews already have a covenant with
God that has never been replaced by Christianity, he says.”
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6
Galatians 3:28
No one should delay obeying the divine law to
some future convenient date. That time will
never come. Now is the day of salvation. There
will be no second or third chances given after
Jesus comes. The second coming is the end of
life planet earth as we know it. It will mean
eternal death for all who have rejected the
Saviour, and the beginning of life eternal for all
who have accepted him.
2 Corinthians 6:2
(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time
accepted, and in the day of salvation have I
succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted
time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
Choose you this day whom you shall serve!
Texts from King James Version Presentation by Stacia Holder

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The rapture Is it a Biblical doctrine?

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. The Evangelical’s prophecy of Armageddon begins when the Rapture instantly takes all believers in Christ from the Earth. A reporter left behind learns that the Anti-Christ will soon take power. Director: Vic Sarin Writers: Alan B. McElroy (as Alan McElroy) , Paul Lalonde, 3 more credits » Stars: Kirk Cameron, Brad Johnson, Janaya Stephens | See full cast and crew »
  • 4. The new “Left Behind” movie promotes the false rapture theology “Left Behind” was released on October 3, 2014, directed by Vic Armstrong and written by Paul LaLonde and John Patus. Based on the novel of the same name written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, and starring Nicolas Cage, Chad Michael Murray, Cassi Thomson, Nicky Whelan and Jordin Sparks. 2014 American apocalyptic thriller film
  • 5. The new “Left Behind” movie promotes the false rapture theology University of Central Arkansas student Chloe Steele has flown in from college to surprise her father, pilot Rayford Steele, for his birthday party. Her mother Irene Steele quickly calls to inform her, however, that her father cannot make it. While at the airport waiting for him, Chloe meets up with investigative reporter Cameron "Buck" Williams. Rayford shows up on his way to a flight and apologizes to Chloe for missing her birthday party, insisting he was called in to pilot a flight to London at the last minute. He also assures Chloe things are fine between himself and his wife, who recently had become an active believing Christian, much to Chloe’s disgust. Chloe suspects things are not fine between her father and mother - she had seen him flirting with flight attendant Hattie Durham and notices he has removed his wedding ring. Her suspicions soon are confirmed when an airport worker hands Chloe two hard-to-get theater tickets in London that Rayford had ordered, indicating his trip to London and possible extramarital fling was planned all along.
  • 6. The new “Left Behind” movie promotes the false rapture theology On Rayford’s flight, the same strange event has occurred – several people, including his co-pilot Chris Smith, Kimmy, one of the flight attendants, and all the children on board, have simply disappeared, leaving their clothing and personal effects behind. The remaining passengers panic and demand answers. Rayford does his best to reassure the passengers he will pass on information once he has any. Rayford has difficulty getting radio or cell phone contact with anyone on the ground, until he is finally informed that people have disappeared everywhere and the world is in uproar. Soon a pilot-less jet approaches directly into Rayford’s flight path. He narrowly avoids a midair collision but the jet damages Rayford’s fuel line. He decides his only option is to return to New York and hope his fuel holds out.
  • 7. The new “Left Behind” movie promotes the false rapture theology On the ground, Chloe hears her father’s Mayday call on her cell phone and assumes his plane has crashed. She later finds her mother’s jewelry left behind in the shower, as she has also disappeared. Chloe makes her way to New Hope Church to discover the family pastor Bruce Barnes who explains God has taken his believers to heaven, and the rest have to face the end of days. The pastor explains he was not taken because he didn't really believe what he had preached. Rayford comes to the same conclusion by examining his copilot and stewardess’ personal effects. He tells Hattie the truth about his wife. She is initially upset as she didn't know he was married, but Rayford convinces her to be brave and to help calm the passengers down until they can safely land.
  • 8. The new “Left Behind” movie promotes the false rapture theology Chloe climbs to the top of a bridge, intending to jump off it and end her life, when she gets a call from Buck, who is in the cockpit with Rayford. Rayford explains to Chloe all the New York area airports are closed and the streets full, and he is low on fuel and has nowhere to land. Chloe finds an abandoned Ford truck and uses it to clear away the equipment from a bridge under construction in order to create a makeshift runway. She uses her compass app and tells Rayford the coordinates of the landing site. Rayford is able to glide to a rough landing, saving the passengers, who leave the plane only to see the world aflame. Buck mentions that it looks like the end of the world, while Chloe informs him that it is just the beginning.
  • 9. Left Behind received near universal negative reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a rating of 2%, based on 60 reviews, with an average rating of 2/10. The site's consensus states: "Yea verily, like unto a plague of locusts, Left Behind hath begat a further scourge of devastation upon Nicolas Cage's once-proud filmography." On Metacritic, the film has a score of 12 out of 100, based on 25 critics, indicating "overwhelming dislike".
  • 10. Christian magazine Christianity Today heavily criticized the film, saying, "Left Behind is not a Christian movie, whatever 'Christian Movie' could even possibly mean. In fact, most Christians within the world of the movie— whether the street-preacher lady at the airport or Rayford Steele's wife—are portrayed as insistent, crazy, delusional, or at the very least just really annoying. They want churches to book whole theaters and take their congregations, want it to be a Youth Group event, want magazines like this one to publish Discussion Questions at the end of their reviews—want the system to churn away, all the while netting them cash, without ever having to have cared a shred about actual Christian belief. They want to trick you into caring about the movie. Don't. We tried to give the film zero stars, but our tech system won't allow it." “So, what possessed the makers of Left Behind to produce such an ignorant piece of garbage that’s easily one of the worst films of 2014, if not all-time?” Paul Chambers from
  • 11.
  • 12. The promise of the Messiah’s second coming has been a cherished promise for just over 2,000 years. It has strengthened martyrs and comforted the lonely and heart broken. Jesus wants his people ready for His 2nd coming. He had warned everybody to watch and be ready. He gave signs to look for as harbingers of his return. But Satan wants people to be taken by surprise. He knows that when Jesus returns, the final battle would have already been fought, the great controversy would at last be over, and the case for every individual would forever be decided. Jesus’ promised hope for His followers
  • 13. Satan tries to keep people from getting ready, so that the 2nd coming will take them by surprise and they will be lost.
  • 14. One of Satan’s successful lies is that there will be a second chance given for sinners after Jesus’ second coming. This very popular belief referred to as the rapture, teaches that Jesus will return secretly, taking His people from the earth. It is believed, following the rapture of the righteous, the entire earth will be plunged into seven years of great tribulation, during which anti- christ will reign and exercise great power on the earth. This is a very dangerous belief.
  • 15. Not only is it not found in scripture, but it leads people to assume that they have more time to accept salvation than they actual do. Rather than diligently searching their hearts and repenting of every known sin, people who believe in the rapture have a false sense of security, believing if they don’t make the secret rapture, they can still repent later, during the great tribulation following the rapture.
  • 16. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God
  • 17. Heaven has already graciously granted everyone a 2nd chance in this life to choose whom he/she will serve. Probationary time closes shortly before Jesus appears in the clouds of heaven. At that time the Saviour will announce ….. Revelation 22:11-12 11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
  • 18. “….those that are filthy and unjust will take occasion thence to be more so,…” (from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible, PC Study Bible Formatted Electronic Database Copyright © 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. All Rights reserved.) Revelation 22:11 …It is the hopelessness of the final state of the wicked which is here pictured. So as to "Let him be made filthy still" rupantheetoo eti. …The use of eti is not perfectly clear, whether "still" or "yet more." It is the time when Christ has shut the door to those outside who are now without hope (Matthew 25:10; Luke 13:25… The states of both the evil and the good are now fixed forever. There is no word here about a "second chance" hereafter. (from Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament, Electronic Database. Copyright © 1997, 2003, 2005, 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament. Copyright © 1985 by Broadman Press.) Revelation 22:11 – “still” (Gk. eti -2089), Meaning: “fix and unchangeable”; “be more so”; “continue to do so”; “let such be more and more…”
  • 19. There will be no other chances given after Jesus’ second coming, because when He comes, He will be bringing His rewards with Him. Matthew 13:30, 38-43 • There will be those who will be “destroyed” by the brightness of His coming. • There will be those that will “shine” at the brightness of His coming.
  • 20. The idea of a secret rapture is deceptively based on a few bible verses taken out of context Matthew 24. Matthew 24:40-42 40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
  • 21. Matthew 24:40-42 40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. The idea of a secret rapture is based on a few bible verses taken out of context. These verses cannot be used to support the idea of a secret pre- tribulation rapture, because they are merely a summary statement of an illustration Jesus just used. Jesus explained that there will be two classes of people at the end, those who will be saved and those who will be lost. He likened it to the time before the flood when everyone by their own choices determined whether or not they would be saved.
  • 22.
  • 23. Matthew 24:37-42 37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
  • 24. In the days of Noah those who choose to obey were saved in the ark, those who refuse to obey were left outside and were lost. The people outside the ark were not given another chance. Their probation had closed and they were destroyed in the flood. There was not a 2nd chance for them, and there would be no 2nd or 3rd chances for anyone after the 2nd coming. Jesus drew a comparison between the days of Noah and the end of the world.
  • 25. Jesus clearly taught there will be no separation of the righteous or the wicked until the end of the world. In a parable He explained that both the wheat and the tares (poisonous weeds) would … Matthew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
  • 26. Jesus explained further the sequence of events – no second chance. Matthew 13:38-40 38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; 39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. 40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
  • 27. Jesus explained further the sequence of events – no second chance. Matthew 13:41-43 41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; 42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
  • 28. The tares/wicked are gathered together in bundles for destruction.
  • 29. “ …I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:20
  • 30. 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4,8,9 3 Let no man defor that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; ceive you by any means: 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. … 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders… “Pope,” Ferraris’ Ecclesiastic Dictionary: The Pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God.
  • 31. The Book of Revelation contains a precious promise for the faithful and righteous who remain upon the earth until the very end of the world. This text has been also used to support the idea of a secret rapture, but actually a power affirmation of his sustaining presence with His people clear to the very end. Revelation 3:10-11 10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. 11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
  • 32. John 17:13-15 13 And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. 14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. Before Jesus was crucified, He prayed for all who should believe on him down to the very end of time.
  • 33. Jerry B. Jenkins and Dr. Tim Lahaye Today you have the series called “Left Behind”, by Rev. Tim LaHaye. LaHaye 33rd degree freemason. Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins has brought out this series with its “Futurism” Concept/Fiction to the Church worldwide. Pre-tribulation Rapture - A lie Created By The Jesuits Of Rome YOUTUBE VIDEO: h?v=ACcYcPfHHJs
  • 34. Taking the attention away from Rome The teaching of the rapture came into prominence throughout the Christian world through a man called Hal Lindsey, who wrote the book the “Late Great Planet Earth”. A book which sold over 35 million copies. Most Pastors/Bible College Lecturers and Christian Statelite Networks) based their theology on Lindsey’s Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory. Lindsey is a Jesuit. Two of his daughters attended Jesuit Gonzaga University. He also attended a Jesuit University. He is one of Jesuit agents planted into the charismatic Pentecostal Churches to take the attention away from Rome.
  • 35. • The New York Times called it the "no. 1 non-fiction bestseller of the decade." For Christians and non-Christians of the 1970s, • Hal Lindsey's blockbuster served as a wake- up call on events soon to come and events already unfolding -- all leading up to the greatest event of all: the return of Jesus Christ • it reveals a grand design that's unfolding exactly according to plan. The rebirth of Israel. The threat of war in the Middle East. • An increase in natural catastrophes. The revival of Satanism and witchcraft. • a war which will bring humanity to the brink of destruction . . . and of incredible deliverance for a desperate, dying planet.” _Late_Great_Planet_Earth POINTS EMPAHISIZED IN THE BOOK Hal Lindsey, the father of Modern Bible Prophecy, is a Jesuit of a third vow. Mysterious woman co-writer: C. C. Carlson was a ghost-writer/co-writer of Lindsey’s book “The Late Great Planet Earth”, when he brought this teaching to the church, and to millions. She is a catholic nun.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. The definition of the word, “Jesuit”, in the modern dictionary, one will not find any great revelation. It has been suppressed and re-written. So you look at an old dictionary: Noah’s Webster dictionary – 1828: “JESUIT, n. One of the Society of Jesus, so-called, founded by Ignatius Loyola; a society remarkable for their cunning in propagating their principles.” JESUITISM, n., …Cunning; deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose…”… apostasy from Apostolic Christianity…The Antichrist or man of Sin…” The Black Pope: Adolfo Nicolás, 30th (and current) Superior General of the Society of Jesus
  • 39. The Rapture Theory was invented by two Jesuits of Rome, as part of the Counter Reformation. It is a system of re-interpretation called Futurism. These two Jesuit were named, Francisco De Ribera and Robert Bellarmine. Francisco De Ribera was a Superior General from 1537-1591. And also Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, from 1542-1621. These were high Jesuits. They brought into the church this false theology. Francisco De Ribera Robert Bellarmine WHO WERE THE MEN THAT INVENTED THE DOCRINE?
  • 40. • The antichrist will be one man, not a dynasty (succession of men) • Will only be known at the re-establishing of a third Jewish temple. • He is an atheist or infidel. Will not come out of a church that have fallen from Apostolic truth • He will only be revealed during the tribulation • He will sit in the Temple in Jerusalem and make a covenant with the Jews • He will call himself God. • Christians are hindering his appearance. Christians will be caught in the beginning of the tribulation, this will bring forth the anti-christ and only the “secret rapture” he will appear. • The church cannot know the anti-christ because he will only be known 3 ½ years into the 7 year tribulation. POINTS OF THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE THEORY
  • 41. The Jesuits/The Society of Jesus brought this doctrine of Futurism/Pre- Trib Rapture into the church so the church will not follow in the tradition of the Reformers. All these reformers, Mighty men of God, all knew that Rome was the seat of anti-christ. That the pope exalts Himself above God and place himself as the “head” of God; Church. So the Jesuit had to bring in a pseudo-theology. WHY DID JESUITS INVENTED THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE THEORY?
  • 42. Roman Catholic Church house the office of the anti- Christ. Succession of men in the office of theAntichrist. The Jesuit order is the Counter-Reformation In Rome, the Society of Jesus–a Roman Catholic missionary organization– receives its charter from Pope Paul III. The Jesuit order played an important role in the Counter-Reformation and eventually succeeded in converting millions around the world to Catholicism. The Jesuit movement was founded by Ignatius de Loyola, a Spanish soldier turned priest, in August 1534. The first Jesuits–Ignatius and six of his students– took vows of poverty and chastity and made plans to work for the conversion of Muslims. If travel to the Holy Land was not possible, they vowed to offer themselves to the pope for apostolic work. Unable to travel to Jerusalem because of the Turkish wars, they went to Rome instead to meet with the pope and request permission to form a new religious order. In September 1540, Pope Paul III approved Ignatius’ outline of the Society of Jesus, and the Jesuit order was born.
  • 43. Roman Catholic Church house the office of the anti- Christ. Succession of men in the office of theAntichrist. The Reformers were men who willing to stand up for the Word of God at a time when the policy of the Roman church was to censor/silence the voice of protest. Are our modern churches returning to such a state of religious tyranny, where to stand up for truth is at the peril of the lives of those desire to obey Scripture rather than dictations of men? Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ?
  • 44. Roman Catholic Church house the office of the anti- Christ. Succession of men in the office of theAntichrist. Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ? Oh Christ, my Lord, look down upon us and bring upon us the day of judgment, and destroy the brood of Satan at Rome. There sits the Man, of whom the Apostle Paul wrote that he would oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God — the Man of Sin, the son of perdition . . . What is the Temple of God? Is it stones and wood? Did not Paul say, The Temple of God is holy, which Temple ye are? To sit — what is it but to reign, to teach and to judge. Who from the beginning of the church has dared to call himself master of the whole church but the Pope alone. None of the saints, none of the heretics ever uttered so horrible a word of pride. (Luther's Works, Vol. 2. p. 281).
  • 45. Roman Catholic Church house the office of the anti- Christ. Succession of men in the office of theAntichrist. Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ? John Foxe, noted writer of 'Foxe's Book of Martyrs', gives a list of learned men between 1331 and 1360 who contended against the false claims of the Pope. One of these, Michael of Cesena, who had numerous followers, not a few of whom were slain, declared the Pope "to be the Antichrist, and the church of Rome to be the whore of Babylon, drunk with the blood of the saints." (Foxe, 'Acts and Movements', p.445). John Wyclif (sometimes spelled Wycliffe), noted English Reformer, taught that the persecuting "little horn" of Daniel had found fulfilment in the Papacy which arose out of the fourth kingdom, Rome. "Why is it necessary in unbelief to look for another Antichrist?" he asked. "In the Seventh Chapter of Daniel, the Antichrist is forcefully described as a horn arising in the time of the fourth kingdom... wearing out the saints of the most high." (Froom, vol.2, p.445). His book, the 'Mirror of the Antichrist', is filled with references to the Pope as the Antichrist.
  • 46. Roman Catholic Church house the office of the anti- Christ. Succession of men in the office of theAntichrist. Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ? John Huss (1369-1415), born in Bohemia, was a well educated man who came under the influence of Wyclif's writings which caused him to break with the church of Rome. He labelled the Pope as the Antichrist of which the Scriptures had warned. His writings constantly refer to the Antichrist as the enemy of the church - not as a Jew, a pagan, or a Turk - but as a false confessor of the name of Christ. ...." ('The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers', vol.2, p.121). Generally regarded as second only to Luther in influence is the eminent French reformer John Calvin (1509-1564). Originally a son of the Romish church, about 1532 he embraced the Protestant faith. His published works fill some fifty volumes. Concerning the Pope he said: "I deny him to be the vicar of Christ, who, infuriously persecuting the gospel, demonstrates by his conduct that he is the Antichrist - I deny him to be the successor of Peter... I deny him to be the head of the church." (Calvin, 'Tracts', Vol.1, pp.219-220).
  • 47. Roman Catholic Church house the office of the anti- Christ. Succession of men in the office of theAntichrist. Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ? John Knox (1505-1572), especially known for his Reformation work in Scotland, was persecuted from country to country until finally the affairs of Scotland were in Protestant hands. Knox preached that Romish traditions and ceremonies should be abolished as well as "that tyranny which the Pope himself has for so many ages exercised over the church" and that he should be acknowledged as "the very Antichrist, and son of perdition, of whom Paul speaks." (Knox, 'The Zurich Letters', p.199). William Tyndale (1485-1536), first translator of the Bible from Greek to English, Reformer and martyr, held that the Romish church was Babylon and that the Pope was the man of sin or the Antichrist, seated in the temple of God, i.e. the Church (Ibid., p.356). Repeatedly he cited 2 THESSALONIANS 2 in this connection. (Froom, vol.2, p.319).
  • 48. Roman Catholic Church house the office of the anti- Christ. Succession of men in the office of theAntichrist. Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ? Huldreich Zwingli (1484-1531) was a prominent figure in the work of the Reformation that broke out in Switzerland. On December 28, 1524, he very wisely pointed out that the Papacy was evil, but that it must be overthrown by the preaching of the Word in love and never by hatred. In reference to the Papacy, he said: "I know that in it works the might and power of the devil, that is, of the Antichrist... the Papacy has to be abolished... But by no other means can it be more thoroughly routed than by the Word of God (2 THESSALONIANS 2), because as soon as the world receives this in the right way, it will turn away from the Pope without compulsion." ('Principal Works of Zwingli', Vol.7, p.461).
  • 49. Roman Catholic Church house the office of the anti- Christ. Succession of men in the office of theAntichrist. Who did the Reformers believe was the Ant-Christ? John Wesley (1703-1791), founder of Methodism, whose ministry has affected the lives of multiplied thousands, believed the man of sin had found fulfilment in the "Romish Papacy." (Wesley, 'Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament', pp.290). Roman Catholic Church (the whore of Babylon), houses the seat and office of the anti-christ. A Dynasty/Succession of men in the office of the anti-christ.
  • 50. John Hagee Denies Jesus as the Messiah eknsak Video Clip Job 8:13, 14; Job 27:8 Quote: “Since Jesus refused by word and deed to claim to be the Messiah, how can the Jews be blamed for rejecting what was never offered?” John Hagee Matthew 16:16; John 10:24-26
  • 51. Hagee: Jews Make Deal With Antichrist During End Times h?v=wzgmeO6mQio Ephesians 2:15-18 Romans 1:16
  • 52. “John Hagee, fundamentalist pastor from San Antonio and friend of Israel…He also believes that Jews can come to God without going through Jesus Christ… trying to convert Jews is a ‘waste of time,’ he said. ‘The Jewish person who has his roots in Judaism is not going to convert to Christianity. There is no form of Christian evangelism that has failed so miserably as evangelizing the Jewish people. They (already) have a faith structure.’ Everyone else, whether Buddhist or Baha’i, needs to believe in Jesus, he says. But not the Jewish people. Jews already have a covenant with God that has never been replaced by Christianity, he says.” “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6
  • 54. No one should delay obeying the divine law to some future convenient date. That time will never come. Now is the day of salvation. There will be no second or third chances given after Jesus comes. The second coming is the end of life planet earth as we know it. It will mean eternal death for all who have rejected the Saviour, and the beginning of life eternal for all who have accepted him. 2 Corinthians 6:2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.) Choose you this day whom you shall serve!
  • 55. Texts from King James Version Presentation by Stacia Holder