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To transform your life as you engage a tried and
proven formula to have
Your dreams and Desires
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copyright 2015 Phyllis Reid /
To help you decide if this product is for you, answer the following questions:
Year after year I keep setting goals but I am unable to meet them yes no
I set my goals, work my program, but my goals do not manifest yes no
I am sick and tired of trying and not getting the results I want yes no
I keep trying mew methods but keep getting the same answers yes no
Success eludes me! I am ready for a miracle yes no
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are ready to make a meaningful change
in your life. You see, changes and their results, all depend on the methods and mind set
employed in making them. Your mindset as you go about making changes will impact your
creations. You must know where you stand, what your true thoughts, feelings and beliefs are
at the given moment, before you can begin to make positive changes. Also, you must have the
right tools; this will include your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and other strategies that result in
the change you want.
Presented here to help you is a tried and tested formula to manifest the dreams and desires
you want in your life. WORD OF WISDOM: YOU and you alone can make the changes you want
In your life, in other words, YOU must do the work. Others can help you and support you, but
YOU must do the work. There is no free lunch in life - even the air required to sustain our life,
which is available in abundance; we must breathe in. The Formula works, if you work it. Begin
NOW to make the positive changes you want in your life.
MIRACLES are the understanding usage of a higher law - Divine Law.
Miracles are not the suspension of natural laws. Divine law
transcends natural law. Every miracle begins with a change of belief,
a redirection of one’s faith, a transformation of the mind. Channel
the miracle-working power within you in the direction of your dreams
and they must manifest - in accord with Divine Law.
MIRACLES are the understanding usage of a higher law - divine law.
Miracles are not the suspension of natural laws. Divine law transcends natural
law. Every miracle begins with a change of belief, a redirection of one’s faith; a
transformation of the mind. Channel the miracle-working power within you in
the direction of your dreams and they must manifest – in accord with Divine
Desire is the soul’s longing to manifest itself, to come forth to give and serve its
destined purpose. Examine your long held, deeply rooted desires and in them
you will find a part of, or all of, your life’s purpose. I was destined to be a teacher
or counselor from birth. From age seven or before, when I couldn’t find children
or adults to teach, I would go about teaching shrubs and trees; anything I learned
in school that day I taught them in the evenings. When I decided to go back to
college to be accredited as a counselor, everyone told me I did not need to waste
my money because, “That is who you are, you embody all that a
teacher/counselor is and lives it.” Yes, perhaps I was born with my destiny clearly
established in me, and I now know that this was the case, but this is not as clearly
defined or identified for most.
Manifestation begins with desire. To manifest your dreamyou musthave a desire
for what you wish to bring forth. Remember the seeds of desire are already
planted in you. Your part is to identify or unearth the desire, water it, nourish
and nurture it until it bears fruit, becomes visible.
HAVEA BURNING DESIRE. Once you identify your desire, spend as much time as
you can clearly deciphering whether this is truly whatyou want, in other words, is
it justa wish, a passing fancy, or a true desire. Is this your desire or are you being
influenced by others or situations? Is this something you are willing to
accommodate in your life to have positive changes? Is this something you want
badly enough to enjoy making all the necessary changes to have it in your life?
EXAMINE YOUR BELIEFS about your desire. Do you believe it is right for you to
have this desire? Is it right for you at this time/stage of your life? What will
your mate, family, friends, associates think and say about your desire? Will they
support your desire? Does it matter to you what they think and say about your
desire? Can you handle their negative attitudes of mockery and non-support?
Can you handle the manifested desire, and the possible negative or positive
impact on your friends and family?
CLARIFY, CLARIFY, CLARIFY your desire, your beliefs, feelings and attitudes about
it, and the impact of friends, families and associates; until you are clear that you
want this desire to be manifested for you. Also, make sure you believe and
know that the manifestation of this desire will be good for you and will impact
others in no negative way. Work at clarifying your desire until you are at peace
with it and can fully accept its manifestation.
MIRACLES are the understanding usage of a higher law - divine law.
Miracles are not the suspension of natural laws. Divine law transcends natural
law. Every miracle begins with a change of belief, a redirection of one’s faith, a
transformation of one’s mind. Channel the miracle-working power within you
in the direction of your desires and they must manifest – in accord with Divine
“As you believe it is done unto you.”
We are the sumtotal of our thoughts and beliefs. We areso programmed by our
thoughts and beliefs that they become our attitudes that clothe us so tightly, at
times it is difficult to discern what we are saying even when we speak. Hence it
behooves us to know what people our mind, and yes, at times the thoughts and
beliefs that people our mind speak so loudly we cannot think over them, they rule
and control us. This brings about confusion that is depicted in the conditions of
life, conditions for which we seek relief through change, transformation.
The thoughts and beliefs we hold in mind will produce after their kind, so to bring
about change in our life we must change the thoughts we hold. Strongly held
thoughts and beliefs become engrained in the very fabric of our being and
become the driving forces in our life. Positive, constructive thoughts and beliefs
will breed poise, confidence and success, while negative thoughts will produce
negative conditions. To experience transformation of our mind, body, life and
affairs we must change, give up the lesser for the greater. The creative energy of
the universe expresses through us individually, hence if change is to occur in each
life it must come through that individual.
WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? We all come in this world as blank slates, except for
the foods that nourish us in the uterus and the governing thoughts that impact
our mothers’ functioning during pregnancy. This means that most of our habits,
attitudes and beliefs are learned, from a very early stage. We can tell from the
conditions of our life the thoughts and beliefs we constantly hold, that are
governing our life. It is each person’s prerogative to, “Know Thyself.” To
succeed in life, each person must identify the beliefs and thoughts that have
influenced his/her life. To move forward on an upward, progressive path, the
mind must be programmed, or reprogrammed for the journey. Identify your
thoughts and beliefs constantly to make the needed changes to impact your life
for the better.
Review the conditions of your life to determine what you are thinking, feeling and
believing, and make the appropriate changes to bring about the conditions or
changes you want in your life. (See the Mind Diet and Mind Menu Programs).
REMEMBER, “It is done unto you as you BELIEVE.” Ask/desire it, claim it and it is
yours. Believe there is a Higher Force, the Creative Intelligence of the Universe,
that is ready and willing to guide and support you on your journey.
Often times when our desires do not manifest it is because we are still holding on
to past programming that include the thoughts and beliefs from childhood and
beyond. This is the main reason parents get so much blame; even in adulthood
we cannot let go of our childhood programming, the seed beliefs planted by our
parents, friends and environment that influence us. The strongly held negative i
influences of childhood must be eradicated to change for the better, the present
and futureconditions of our life. Remember, to have good conditions in your life
you must cultivate and hold good thoughts and desires.
Examine your desire for the feelings it is contributing to you emotionally. If the
feeling is negative and you cannot identify the source of the thoughts, beliefs,
attitudes, and conditions producing it, you must work to clear away the impacting
conditions and reprogram your mind with positive thoughts and feelings before
you implant the seeds of your new desire. Below is a simple cleansing/releasing
method to help you let go of negative programmed conditions. It has proven to
be very effective when done effectively.
1. Get some clean sheets of paper, a pen and a lighter. Find a time when
you will not be disturbed or interrupted and sit in a quiet place. Make
sure to wear relaxing clothes, you may choose to play some quiet
relaxing music—just music, no wordy songs.
2. Begin to take deep breaths, breathe in and out, as you quiet your mind.
Close your eyes to block out any distractions. Continue breathing for
about 3-minutes until you begin to feel relaxed.
3. Once you feel relaxed, write down the thoughts, feelings or beliefs that
you want released. Look at the list for about 30 seconds, then close
your eyes once again. Keep breathing as you focus in on what is written
on the paper, item by item.
4. Whatever comes to mind, open your eyes and write it down. Keep
addressing the thoughts, beliefs, feelings and situations you want to
release until the list is complete and all items are addressed.
5. Close your eyes and keep breathing deeply. Scan your body for areas of
tension or discomfort as you keep breathing. If after breathing for a few
minutes areas of tension persist, try to identify the source of the
tensions. If you cannot identify the sources, focus your attention on
the areas and speak aloud, “ I RELEASE, LOOSE AND LET GO THE
breathing). Speak aloud, “I DIRECT MY SUB- CONSCIOUS MIND TO
Repeat the words as you address all the items on your list. When the list
is complete, keep breathing and remain in the silence for a few minutes.
When you no longer feel any discomfort, verbalize, “I AM NOW FREE OF
6. Keep breathing deeply until you begin to feel light. Now, shred your list
into tiny pieces of paper, place them in a deep pot or pan and light a
match to it, watching it as it burn to ashes. Hold the pan with ashes
under a sink and wash away the ashes; this is a symbol that the
conditions are gone, no longer exist. (You might need to do this
releasing and burning a few times to fully clear your mind of engrained
thoughts, beliefs and conditions you have held for a long time and no
longer want in your life).
Note: Some conditions brought on by traumatic incidences, especially if
held for long periods of time, might need more intense treatments to
overcome them. (See SpiritPsyche Transformative Healing Program for
additional help).
Image page for STEP -3- ACCEPTANCE
( image of 2-people embracing tightly)
MIRACLES are the understanding usage of a higher law - Divine Law.
Miracles are not the suspension of natural laws. Divine law transcends natural
law. Every miracle begins with a change of belief, a redirection of one’s faith.
Channel the miracle-working power within you in the direction of your desires
and they must manifest, in accord with Divine Law.
To accept your desire you must become one with it. This means, by now, you
have totally acceptedthe belief that your desire is already yours, just waiting to
come forth visible manifestation.
FEELING- the all important factor. IT IS OFTEN SAID, “FULL FEELING IS
Your failure to FEEL that you are your desire, that it is already established, that
you are in possession of that which you desire, is the only thing that keeps you
from realizing that desire.
To FEEL that you are your desire and your desire is you; that there is no
separation between you and your desire, is to accept it. Your failure to manifest
your desire lies in your failure to convince yourself of the reality of your desire.
Realization of your desire is accomplished by assuming the feeling of the desire
fulfilled. Manifestation of your desires will confirm your changed beliefs. See the
next step after your desire becomes visible. What will your next step be, what
will it feel like for you?
Your subconscious mind is the receptor of the impressions given it by your
feelings. Your subconscious mind is your servant, it does whatever you tell it to
do and you direct it by your deeply held feelings,” FULL FEELING IS FULFILLMENT.”
Think it, believe it, talk it, walk it, FEEL IT, and you are it; consider the saying: if it
walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck.
The two worlds of cause and effect.
Do not give into appearances - the world of effects, disregard all appearances that
are contrary to your desire and dwell fully in the feeling of your fulfilled desire, be
the cause not the effect. Assume the feeling of satisfaction. You manifest your
desires when you assume the feelings of their reality. Whatever your mind can
believe it can conceive. Did not The Master of Miracles tell us over and over, “If
you believe all things are possible?” Yes, believe you have your desires and they
are yours; if you can imagine it deeply enough you can and will realize it.
All things visible were first invisible and called into reality or manifestation by
assuming their reality. Remember the Wright brothers living their dream of the
flying machine – the airplane? What of Alexander Graham Bell and the
telephone? What did they pursue to have their manifestation? They saw the
end product, pursued their desired dreams. They saw their dreams fully realized,
fully manifested. You too must see the end of your desire, see it fully realized.
Live the feeling of the manifesteddesire. Imagine the best–your desire;believe
the best – your desire;feel the best- your fully realizeddesire, and you will have
your desire, fully manifested. ALWAYS EXPECT THE BEST, and remember, Your
acceptance of the end desired, automatically wills the means of its
manifestation, FEEL IT; BELIEVE IT; HAVE IT.
AN EASY WAY to capture the feeling , the state of your desire fulfilled, is to ready
yourself in the poise, pose, attitude, dress and look you would have of your desire
fulfilled, and take a picture of yourself. Today, in the age of “SELFIE” this is easily
done. So go ahead and get dressed up in clothes, manner, attitude and “Selfie”
yourself. Keep this picture of you on your phone screen and your computer
screen; make copies of the picture and keep it in your wallet and anywhere you
can see it frequently. Make larger prints of the picture and place a print in
several areas of your home such as near the bathroom mirror, in the bedroom
where you can see it upon awaking and before going to bed at night. You will
also want a picture on your desk and at any place where it will act as a trigger to
reinforce the image of the new you in your mind and feelings. You may also
write out and memorize an affirmation to go with the picture, so whenever you
see the picture the affirmation will play in your mind.
Examples of Affirmations: I am an accomplished author. I am a successful
entrepreneur. I am in a perfect relationship with my perfect partner. Create an
affirmation that affirms your fulfilled desire.
(Implant image of climbing a ladder)
In manifestation the action step becomes the most scary or frightening, when in
fact it should be the easiest. You have applied the previous three steps:
You have clarified and imaged your desire; you have fully believed it is possiblefor
you to have it and you have accepted it as yours - already established in reality,
then all you have to do is to take the first step in going forth to claim it.
Fulfillment of the Law of Divine Order
The manifestation of miracles is an orderly process. Remember the Master
Teacher in the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand; He gave specific order
of how to separate the people, how to seat them and how to distribute the food.
As they carried out His instructions breaking the five loaves and three fishes, the
miracle took place, fully manifested; all were fed with much food left over. So it
is for you, to manifest your desire you must take orderly steps, in other words,
you must start at the beginning, not the middle or the end. Let’s say your desire
is for a car. You would have already decided on the make and model car you
want, which include a new or pre-owned car, the amount of money you want to
spend, whether a two or four door and perhaps even the color car you want.
Your first step then might be to research who the distributors are and their
locations. Once you have determined this you might get a newspaper and
compare prices, (today with the miracle of the internet you might skip the
newspaper route and go to the internet). Whatever method you take, you are
going to gather the right information to ensure the right outcome. If you do not
do your homework and head out to the nearest car lot and make an on the spot
purchase, you might just end up with a lemon.
So then, first things first; do your homework, take the first steps and follow the
necessary progressive steps to the manifestation of your desire.
An added note: As you are working with spiritual laws, if you are attuned and
receptive, you might be divinely guided to right steps to take. In other words,
you fight feel prompted to take a specific action, if this is the case, you make the
decision whether to follow through on the guidance you are receiving. Itis always
your choice to make.
Another example, suppose your desire is to publish a book or produce a record.
Your first step might be to research the best method of getting your book or
record published. In doing this you might realize not only the best, most
economical method, but also the quickest way to get the result. Next, you
might make some contacts to acquire the names and recommendations of good
and reputable organizations. With all this accomplished, the next step might be
to make an appointment to meet with a record producer or write a letter to a
publisher. You will note here the orderly progression of the steps to take to
make your dream a reality. It is like climbing a ladder, you start at the first rung
and ascend to the next, you do not skip the first and second and jump to the
third, you might just hurt yourself thus delaying your goal.
Remember as you keep moving to the accomplishment of your dreams, you must
have the positive mental attitude of your desire fulfilled. Use positive
affirmations to keep you on track, seek out a good mentor or join a Master Mind
group with like minded, supportive people all in pursuit of their goals and desires.
Check your mood and your ego at all times. Share your dreams and goals with
like minded people only, if you must; step in stride with your desire, feel it, but
most often keep your mouth shut, don’t blabber to every Tom, Dick and Harry,
this would only guarantee failure as it depletes the positive energy force built up
around you and your desire. Seek Divine guidance and support; spend time in
contemplation and meditation.
( picture at top of a mountain – or driving a new car)
You are it and it is you, you are one. You are your desire and your desired is
you. Consciousness is all the reality there is. Your consciousness is the sum total
of your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words and actions which ultimately become
your life. Every change begins with a change or transformation of the mind. In
changing your consciousness, your life, the first step is to desire an objective,
define it, have feelings for its desired outcome and see to end of the outcome.
Know definitely what you want and define it. Try it on - be it by feeling and living
it now, not visualized in the future—but RIGHT NOW. Make this your new
persona and live it. Fully assuming this new persona will bring it forth into
realization, assumptions become facts.
YOUR CONCEPT OF YOURSELF, that which you want to be is embedded in your
consciousness. DESIRE IT, DEFINE IT, ASSUME IT, at the deepest level of your
being and you are it. Night and day, remain faithful to your assumption and it
will bear fruit, the fruit you desire. Believe that you are your desire and it will
be, it must be; it is the fulfillment of the law of life, “If you believe.”
The renewing or changing of your mind is your responsibility alone. The tools for
change and transformation are provided, but you must do the mental work to
bring about the answers and manifestations you want to see in your life (the table
is prepared before you), for you. Begin now to transform your life, and manifest
your dreams and desires. The time is NOW to BE all you want to BE; DO all you
want to DO and HAVE all you want to HAVE.
Copyright 2015 Phyllis Reid

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Mastering Manifestation


  • 1. THE MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATIONFORMULA BLANK COVER DESIGN (Photo image and title) Copy To transform your life as you engage a tried and proven formula to have Your dreams and Desires MANIFESTED Bottom of cover page:
  • 2. copyright 2015 Phyllis Reid / THE MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA To help you decide if this product is for you, answer the following questions: Year after year I keep setting goals but I am unable to meet them yes no I set my goals, work my program, but my goals do not manifest yes no I am sick and tired of trying and not getting the results I want yes no I keep trying mew methods but keep getting the same answers yes no Success eludes me! I am ready for a miracle yes no If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are ready to make a meaningful change in your life. You see, changes and their results, all depend on the methods and mind set employed in making them. Your mindset as you go about making changes will impact your creations. You must know where you stand, what your true thoughts, feelings and beliefs are at the given moment, before you can begin to make positive changes. Also, you must have the right tools; this will include your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and other strategies that result in the change you want. Presented here to help you is a tried and tested formula to manifest the dreams and desires you want in your life. WORD OF WISDOM: YOU and you alone can make the changes you want In your life, in other words, YOU must do the work. Others can help you and support you, but YOU must do the work. There is no free lunch in life - even the air required to sustain our life, which is available in abundance; we must breathe in. The Formula works, if you work it. Begin NOW to make the positive changes you want in your life.
  • 3. THE MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 3 MIRACLES are the understanding usage of a higher law - Divine Law. Miracles are not the suspension of natural laws. Divine law transcends natural law. Every miracle begins with a change of belief, a redirection of one’s faith, a transformation of the mind. Channel the miracle-working power within you in the direction of your dreams and they must manifest - in accord with Divine Law.
  • 5. THE MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 5 MIRACLES are the understanding usage of a higher law - divine law. Miracles are not the suspension of natural laws. Divine law transcends natural law. Every miracle begins with a change of belief, a redirection of one’s faith; a transformation of the mind. Channel the miracle-working power within you in the direction of your dreams and they must manifest – in accord with Divine Law. STEP 1 – DESIRE Desire is the soul’s longing to manifest itself, to come forth to give and serve its destined purpose. Examine your long held, deeply rooted desires and in them you will find a part of, or all of, your life’s purpose. I was destined to be a teacher or counselor from birth. From age seven or before, when I couldn’t find children or adults to teach, I would go about teaching shrubs and trees; anything I learned in school that day I taught them in the evenings. When I decided to go back to college to be accredited as a counselor, everyone told me I did not need to waste my money because, “That is who you are, you embody all that a teacher/counselor is and lives it.” Yes, perhaps I was born with my destiny clearly established in me, and I now know that this was the case, but this is not as clearly defined or identified for most. Manifestation begins with desire. To manifest your dreamyou musthave a desire for what you wish to bring forth. Remember the seeds of desire are already planted in you. Your part is to identify or unearth the desire, water it, nourish and nurture it until it bears fruit, becomes visible.
  • 6. HAVEA BURNING DESIRE. Once you identify your desire, spend as much time as you can clearly deciphering whether this is truly whatyou want, in other words, is it justa wish, a passing fancy, or a true desire. Is this your desire or are you being THE MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 6 influenced by others or situations? Is this something you are willing to accommodate in your life to have positive changes? Is this something you want badly enough to enjoy making all the necessary changes to have it in your life? EXAMINE YOUR BELIEFS about your desire. Do you believe it is right for you to have this desire? Is it right for you at this time/stage of your life? What will your mate, family, friends, associates think and say about your desire? Will they support your desire? Does it matter to you what they think and say about your desire? Can you handle their negative attitudes of mockery and non-support? Can you handle the manifested desire, and the possible negative or positive impact on your friends and family? CLARIFY, CLARIFY, CLARIFY your desire, your beliefs, feelings and attitudes about it, and the impact of friends, families and associates; until you are clear that you want this desire to be manifested for you. Also, make sure you believe and know that the manifestation of this desire will be good for you and will impact others in no negative way. Work at clarifying your desire until you are at peace with it and can fully accept its manifestation.
  • 8. MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 8 MIRACLES are the understanding usage of a higher law - divine law. Miracles are not the suspension of natural laws. Divine law transcends natural law. Every miracle begins with a change of belief, a redirection of one’s faith, a transformation of one’s mind. Channel the miracle-working power within you in the direction of your desires and they must manifest – in accord with Divine Law. STEP 2 – BELIEF “As you believe it is done unto you.” We are the sumtotal of our thoughts and beliefs. We areso programmed by our thoughts and beliefs that they become our attitudes that clothe us so tightly, at times it is difficult to discern what we are saying even when we speak. Hence it behooves us to know what people our mind, and yes, at times the thoughts and beliefs that people our mind speak so loudly we cannot think over them, they rule and control us. This brings about confusion that is depicted in the conditions of life, conditions for which we seek relief through change, transformation. The thoughts and beliefs we hold in mind will produce after their kind, so to bring about change in our life we must change the thoughts we hold. Strongly held
  • 9. thoughts and beliefs become engrained in the very fabric of our being and become the driving forces in our life. Positive, constructive thoughts and beliefs will breed poise, confidence and success, while negative thoughts will produce MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 9 negative conditions. To experience transformation of our mind, body, life and affairs we must change, give up the lesser for the greater. The creative energy of the universe expresses through us individually, hence if change is to occur in each life it must come through that individual. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? We all come in this world as blank slates, except for the foods that nourish us in the uterus and the governing thoughts that impact our mothers’ functioning during pregnancy. This means that most of our habits, attitudes and beliefs are learned, from a very early stage. We can tell from the conditions of our life the thoughts and beliefs we constantly hold, that are governing our life. It is each person’s prerogative to, “Know Thyself.” To succeed in life, each person must identify the beliefs and thoughts that have influenced his/her life. To move forward on an upward, progressive path, the mind must be programmed, or reprogrammed for the journey. Identify your thoughts and beliefs constantly to make the needed changes to impact your life for the better. Review the conditions of your life to determine what you are thinking, feeling and believing, and make the appropriate changes to bring about the conditions or changes you want in your life. (See the Mind Diet and Mind Menu Programs). REMEMBER, “It is done unto you as you BELIEVE.” Ask/desire it, claim it and it is yours. Believe there is a Higher Force, the Creative Intelligence of the Universe, that is ready and willing to guide and support you on your journey. RELEASE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS, BELIEFS AND PAST PROGRAMMING Often times when our desires do not manifest it is because we are still holding on to past programming that include the thoughts and beliefs from childhood and
  • 10. beyond. This is the main reason parents get so much blame; even in adulthood we cannot let go of our childhood programming, the seed beliefs planted by our parents, friends and environment that influence us. The strongly held negative i MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 10 influences of childhood must be eradicated to change for the better, the present and futureconditions of our life. Remember, to have good conditions in your life you must cultivate and hold good thoughts and desires. Examine your desire for the feelings it is contributing to you emotionally. If the feeling is negative and you cannot identify the source of the thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and conditions producing it, you must work to clear away the impacting conditions and reprogram your mind with positive thoughts and feelings before you implant the seeds of your new desire. Below is a simple cleansing/releasing method to help you let go of negative programmed conditions. It has proven to be very effective when done effectively. 1. Get some clean sheets of paper, a pen and a lighter. Find a time when you will not be disturbed or interrupted and sit in a quiet place. Make sure to wear relaxing clothes, you may choose to play some quiet relaxing music—just music, no wordy songs. 2. Begin to take deep breaths, breathe in and out, as you quiet your mind. Close your eyes to block out any distractions. Continue breathing for about 3-minutes until you begin to feel relaxed. 3. Once you feel relaxed, write down the thoughts, feelings or beliefs that you want released. Look at the list for about 30 seconds, then close your eyes once again. Keep breathing as you focus in on what is written on the paper, item by item. 4. Whatever comes to mind, open your eyes and write it down. Keep addressing the thoughts, beliefs, feelings and situations you want to release until the list is complete and all items are addressed. 5. Close your eyes and keep breathing deeply. Scan your body for areas of tension or discomfort as you keep breathing. If after breathing for a few minutes areas of tension persist, try to identify the source of the
  • 11. tensions. If you cannot identify the sources, focus your attention on the areas and speak aloud, “ I RELEASE, LOOSE AND LET GO THE CONDITIONS THAT ARE CAUSING THIS DISCOMFORT (breathe and keep MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 11 breathing). Speak aloud, “I DIRECT MY SUB- CONSCIOUS MIND TO RELEASE ALL ANGER, HATE, RESENTMENT, JEALOUSY, CONDEMNATION AND PAST MEMORIES OF HURT FROM MY MIND, BODY AND LIFE.” Repeat the words as you address all the items on your list. When the list is complete, keep breathing and remain in the silence for a few minutes. When you no longer feel any discomfort, verbalize, “I AM NOW FREE OF THE NEGATIVEINFLUENCES OF THEPAST AND MENTAL BARRIERS TO MY GOOD; THEY ARE DISSOLVED. I LOOSE THEM AND LET THEM GO AND NOW FULLY EMBRACE MY GOOD. I AM RESTORED, I AM AT PEACE. ” 6. Keep breathing deeply until you begin to feel light. Now, shred your list into tiny pieces of paper, place them in a deep pot or pan and light a match to it, watching it as it burn to ashes. Hold the pan with ashes under a sink and wash away the ashes; this is a symbol that the conditions are gone, no longer exist. (You might need to do this releasing and burning a few times to fully clear your mind of engrained thoughts, beliefs and conditions you have held for a long time and no longer want in your life). Note: Some conditions brought on by traumatic incidences, especially if held for long periods of time, might need more intense treatments to overcome them. (See SpiritPsyche Transformative Healing Program for additional help).
  • 12. MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 12 Image page for STEP -3- ACCEPTANCE ( image of 2-people embracing tightly)
  • 13. MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 13 MIRACLES are the understanding usage of a higher law - Divine Law. Miracles are not the suspension of natural laws. Divine law transcends natural law. Every miracle begins with a change of belief, a redirection of one’s faith. Channel the miracle-working power within you in the direction of your desires and they must manifest, in accord with Divine Law. STEP 3 - ACCEPTANCE To accept your desire you must become one with it. This means, by now, you have totally acceptedthe belief that your desire is already yours, just waiting to come forth visible manifestation. FEELING- the all important factor. IT IS OFTEN SAID, “FULL FEELING IS FULFILLMENT.” Your failure to FEEL that you are your desire, that it is already established, that you are in possession of that which you desire, is the only thing that keeps you from realizing that desire. To FEEL that you are your desire and your desire is you; that there is no separation between you and your desire, is to accept it. Your failure to manifest your desire lies in your failure to convince yourself of the reality of your desire. Realization of your desire is accomplished by assuming the feeling of the desire fulfilled. Manifestation of your desires will confirm your changed beliefs. See the next step after your desire becomes visible. What will your next step be, what will it feel like for you?
  • 14. Your subconscious mind is the receptor of the impressions given it by your feelings. Your subconscious mind is your servant, it does whatever you tell it to do and you direct it by your deeply held feelings,” FULL FEELING IS FULFILLMENT.” Think it, believe it, talk it, walk it, FEEL IT, and you are it; consider the saying: if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck. MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 14 The two worlds of cause and effect. Do not give into appearances - the world of effects, disregard all appearances that are contrary to your desire and dwell fully in the feeling of your fulfilled desire, be the cause not the effect. Assume the feeling of satisfaction. You manifest your desires when you assume the feelings of their reality. Whatever your mind can believe it can conceive. Did not The Master of Miracles tell us over and over, “If you believe all things are possible?” Yes, believe you have your desires and they are yours; if you can imagine it deeply enough you can and will realize it. All things visible were first invisible and called into reality or manifestation by assuming their reality. Remember the Wright brothers living their dream of the flying machine – the airplane? What of Alexander Graham Bell and the telephone? What did they pursue to have their manifestation? They saw the end product, pursued their desired dreams. They saw their dreams fully realized, fully manifested. You too must see the end of your desire, see it fully realized. Live the feeling of the manifesteddesire. Imagine the best–your desire;believe the best – your desire;feel the best- your fully realizeddesire, and you will have your desire, fully manifested. ALWAYS EXPECT THE BEST, and remember, Your acceptance of the end desired, automatically wills the means of its manifestation, FEEL IT; BELIEVE IT; HAVE IT. AN EASY WAY to capture the feeling , the state of your desire fulfilled, is to ready yourself in the poise, pose, attitude, dress and look you would have of your desire fulfilled, and take a picture of yourself. Today, in the age of “SELFIE” this is easily
  • 15. done. So go ahead and get dressed up in clothes, manner, attitude and “Selfie” yourself. Keep this picture of you on your phone screen and your computer screen; make copies of the picture and keep it in your wallet and anywhere you can see it frequently. Make larger prints of the picture and place a print in several areas of your home such as near the bathroom mirror, in the bedroom where you can see it upon awaking and before going to bed at night. You will also want a picture on your desk and at any place where it will act as a trigger to reinforce the image of the new you in your mind and feelings. You may also write out and memorize an affirmation to go with the picture, so whenever you see the picture the affirmation will play in your mind. Examples of Affirmations: I am an accomplished author. I am a successful entrepreneur. I am in a perfect relationship with my perfect partner. Create an affirmation that affirms your fulfilled desire.
  • 16. MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 16 IMAGE OF STEP 4 ACTION (Implant image of climbing a ladder)
  • 17. MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 17 STEP 4 - ACTION In manifestation the action step becomes the most scary or frightening, when in fact it should be the easiest. You have applied the previous three steps: You have clarified and imaged your desire; you have fully believed it is possiblefor you to have it and you have accepted it as yours - already established in reality, then all you have to do is to take the first step in going forth to claim it. Fulfillment of the Law of Divine Order The manifestation of miracles is an orderly process. Remember the Master Teacher in the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand; He gave specific order of how to separate the people, how to seat them and how to distribute the food. As they carried out His instructions breaking the five loaves and three fishes, the miracle took place, fully manifested; all were fed with much food left over. So it is for you, to manifest your desire you must take orderly steps, in other words, you must start at the beginning, not the middle or the end. Let’s say your desire is for a car. You would have already decided on the make and model car you want, which include a new or pre-owned car, the amount of money you want to spend, whether a two or four door and perhaps even the color car you want. Your first step then might be to research who the distributors are and their locations. Once you have determined this you might get a newspaper and compare prices, (today with the miracle of the internet you might skip the newspaper route and go to the internet). Whatever method you take, you are going to gather the right information to ensure the right outcome. If you do not
  • 18. do your homework and head out to the nearest car lot and make an on the spot purchase, you might just end up with a lemon. MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 18 So then, first things first; do your homework, take the first steps and follow the necessary progressive steps to the manifestation of your desire. An added note: As you are working with spiritual laws, if you are attuned and receptive, you might be divinely guided to right steps to take. In other words, you fight feel prompted to take a specific action, if this is the case, you make the decision whether to follow through on the guidance you are receiving. Itis always your choice to make. Another example, suppose your desire is to publish a book or produce a record. Your first step might be to research the best method of getting your book or record published. In doing this you might realize not only the best, most economical method, but also the quickest way to get the result. Next, you might make some contacts to acquire the names and recommendations of good and reputable organizations. With all this accomplished, the next step might be to make an appointment to meet with a record producer or write a letter to a publisher. You will note here the orderly progression of the steps to take to make your dream a reality. It is like climbing a ladder, you start at the first rung and ascend to the next, you do not skip the first and second and jump to the third, you might just hurt yourself thus delaying your goal. Remember as you keep moving to the accomplishment of your dreams, you must have the positive mental attitude of your desire fulfilled. Use positive affirmations to keep you on track, seek out a good mentor or join a Master Mind group with like minded, supportive people all in pursuit of their goals and desires. Check your mood and your ego at all times. Share your dreams and goals with
  • 19. like minded people only, if you must; step in stride with your desire, feel it, but most often keep your mouth shut, don’t blabber to every Tom, Dick and Harry, this would only guarantee failure as it depletes the positive energy force built up around you and your desire. Seek Divine guidance and support; spend time in contemplation and meditation. MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 19 Image for MANIFESTATION - STEP 5 ( picture at top of a mountain – or driving a new car)
  • 20. MIRACLE MIND DIET MANIFESTATION FORMULA 20 STEP 5 – MANIFESTATION You are it and it is you, you are one. You are your desire and your desired is you. Consciousness is all the reality there is. Your consciousness is the sum total of your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words and actions which ultimately become your life. Every change begins with a change or transformation of the mind. In changing your consciousness, your life, the first step is to desire an objective, define it, have feelings for its desired outcome and see to end of the outcome. Know definitely what you want and define it. Try it on - be it by feeling and living it now, not visualized in the future—but RIGHT NOW. Make this your new persona and live it. Fully assuming this new persona will bring it forth into realization, assumptions become facts. YOUR CONCEPT OF YOURSELF, that which you want to be is embedded in your consciousness. DESIRE IT, DEFINE IT, ASSUME IT, at the deepest level of your being and you are it. Night and day, remain faithful to your assumption and it will bear fruit, the fruit you desire. Believe that you are your desire and it will be, it must be; it is the fulfillment of the law of life, “If you believe.” “BE YE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND”
  • 21. The renewing or changing of your mind is your responsibility alone. The tools for change and transformation are provided, but you must do the mental work to bring about the answers and manifestations you want to see in your life (the table is prepared before you), for you. Begin now to transform your life, and manifest your dreams and desires. The time is NOW to BE all you want to BE; DO all you want to DO and HAVE all you want to HAVE.
  • 22. Copyright 2015 Phyllis Reid