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9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
About Art Rude Store Book Contact
The Lost Superfoods
The US Army’s Forgotten Food Miracle
Here’s just a small glimpse of what you’ll nd in
And 126 Superfoods That You Can Store Without Refrigeration
for Years
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The Ultimate Survival Foods
The Lost SuperFoods:
It contains only long lasting foods that can be stored without
This lost survival food knowledge is so organized that anyone, even
people with absolutely no prior cooking or stockpiling experience can
take advantage of it.
Everything is explained in a clear, precise step by step fashion, using
colored pictures and easy to follow instructions.
With over 126 forgotten survival foods and storage hacks “The Lost
Superfoods” is a vital book to place in your survival stockpile.
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You will also nd exact nutritional values for each food you add so that
at all times you know exactly how many macro nutrients such as fat,
carbs and protein your body is getting…and how many more you still
My goal with “The Lost Superfoods” is to have as many American
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more of long-lasting superfoods to survive a local emergency like a
hurricane or a country wide disruption like a pandemic or a total grid
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You’ll discover how to make your own U.S. secret military superfood
that was developed during the Cold War and was meant to feed the
entire US population in the harshest conditions.
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
The US government spent millions to invent, but it’s super cheap to
make or replicate! The “Doomsday Ration” as it was called could keep
an adult well fed for just 37 cents a day ($0.37/day).
Once you’ve made your rst batch, get ready to forget about it because
in the right conditions this food probably never spoils.
You’ll always be able to keep your entire family well fed on it just by
spending a few dollars. Plus, it’s also lightweight enough that it
belongs in your bug-out bag too.
Next, you’ll discover one of the foods that kept a few people well fed
during the Leningrad siege, while famine gripped the city around them.
It’s a forgotten European dish that comes from a time when people had
to get creative about preserving their food. To make it, people used
cow feet, which were affordable. But you can use any type of fresh
The ONE Superfood That Saved Leningrad
During The WW2 Siege, That You Should Add to
Your Stockpile
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
meat you like. The cheaper, the better. In the end, you’ll have a
scrumptious meal that requires no refrigeration for months and even
years in some conditions.
The Forgotten Shelf Stable Food You Need
for Healthy and Vital Fats
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
This superfood can give you all the healthy and vital fats your body
needs in a crisis—without needing any refrigeration to keep good for at
least one year!
Rich in butyric acid, it will also help with absorbing the maximum
amount of nutrition from any other food by protecting your gut lining
and helping you stretch your food stockpile .
You’ll also nd out how to use this lost superfood to turn a simple bag
of potatoes into one of the most nutritious and inexpensive crisis
meals to ever touch your taste buds!
This one saved an entire village of Swedish farmers in 1869 when heavy
avalanches blocked off their only road down from the mountains for
The Great Depression Food That Saved America
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
The next superfood you’ll discover kept America from starving during
the height of the Great Depression.
It’s also probably the best-tasting survival food you’ll ever come
across. It lasts for about two years without refrigeration, and the lard
it’s kept in can also be used for cooking, for making soap, for treating
burns, or as an added fat source whenever you need it.
The Long-Lasting Bread of the 1800s
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You’ll also discover a type of long-lasting bread developed by the Cree
Tribe of Canada when faced with starvation after the buffalo were
hunted to the brink of extinction.
All you need are four very common ingredients and maybe half an hour
of your time. Plus, the way it’s cooked will surely make you smile and
think back on your own childhood. This bread is all you need to get
energy-boosting carbs into your crisis diet.
A Food Miracle from the Civil War
That You Can Add to Your Pantry
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
I’ll also reveal the one food that saved more American lives during our
Civil War than any other. Surprisingly, it’s not hardtack, but it’s
probably just as long-lasting!
This food uses something most people throw away. It’s something they
never even think of as real food to begin with! That is why you can
pro t a great deal from it in any disaster .
The Cheese Preservation Secret That can Keep
It Good at Room Temperature
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You’ll also nd out how you can preserve almost any kind of cheese at
room temperature. It’s no secret that cheese has been around for a
LONG time—a lot longer than refrigeration.
But it was the Dutch of Alkmaar in the 14th century who invented the
best way to store cheese in the pantry for more than two whole years.
The Long Lasting Probiotic that Fueled the
Greatest Conquests of The Golden Horde
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You’ll also discover the superfood that helped the Mongol hordes of
Genghis Khan march all the way to the gates of Vienna.
Besides preventing nutrient de ciencies, this food is also one of the
best natural probiotic you can get—one that will counteract eating
processed food like MREs.
This raw superfood was also adopted by the Royal British Navy at the
end of the 17th century and has prevented countless deaths from
scurvy since that time.
How to get 295 Pounds of Extra Food for just $5
a Week
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You will also discover a simple yet ingenious system that can allow
anyone to put away more than 295 pounds of good food each year
while spending no more than $5 a week.
It’s especially useful if you’ve been struggling to nd the money to put
into a long-term food stockpile.
The Ottoman’s Empire Shelf-Stable Meat
("Coated Meat")
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You’ll also get the recipe for a “coated meat” that fueled the conquests
of the Ottoman empire for centuries and prevented them from starving
even when the “scorched earth” strategy was deployed against them.
The Fermented Soup - The Long Lasting Soup
That Should be In Every Stockpile
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
I’ll also show you how to make fermented soup people from Turkey
used to survive when crops failed for three years in a row. This food is
called Tarhana, and unlike any regular soup, it will stay good for years
on your shelf as the fermentation process kills all dangerous bacteria.
It’s also a great, great source for almost every one of the essential B
The Only Superfood Ninjas Would Live off
For Months on End
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You’ll also nd out how to make your own Ninja Superfood. This one
kept elite assassin well fed on their month-long, covert missions when
fresh food, and even drinking water, was hard to come by.
Extremely few people in the world still know the recipe, but every
ingredient needed can be easily procured in America as well.
The Pocket Soup
That Saved the Lewis and Clark Expedition
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
I’ll also show you how to make the “Portable Soup” that saved Lewis
and Clark on their iconic 2-year expedition across uncharted US
This weird-looking soup is no gourmet meal, but it will last for ages
just by sitting in your coat pocket, no matter how hot it gets outside.
The Viking Superfood They Stockpiled On Their
Longboats Because It Didn’t Spoil For Over 3
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You’ll also discover the Viking superfood that only gets better with
age, like wine.
This is what the rst Viking explorers ate when they crossed the
Atlantic and discovered North America almost 500 years ahead of
Christopher Columbus.
The people of Norway still use this old recipe to keep all kinds of sh
good for up to three years.
How to Make Bark Bread
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The Ultimate Survival Foods
from a Tree that Grows on Almost Every Street
in America
Frumenty - The Food That Saved Europe During
the Black Plague
I’ll also show you why as long as you can peel the bark off of this tree,
you’ll never have to fear starvation.
And the best part is it grows on almost every street in America.
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You'll also discover the recipe for the survival food that saved the
Europeans during the Dark Ages, and especially as the Black Plague
was ravaging the countryside. Many are thought to have survived
because the vital nutrients in this complete food forti ed their bodies.
Later, it nourished kings, children in Victorian workhouses, and even
the Confederate General Richard S. Ewell, who ate it at almost every
All the ingredients needed to make it—such as dried wheat berries—
will last for a very long time in your pantry or cellar.
The Ingenious Method Used By The Brits To
Preserve Eggs When Air Raids Took Out Their
Power In 1941 (Works For Up to 10 Years)
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You’ll also see how the Brits kept their stockpiled eggs from spoiling
after Nazi bombs took out power in most cities.
Using this time-tested method will keep one of nature’s most perfectly
designed and nutrient-packed foods from spoiling for up to a whole
decade without refrigeration.
The Protein Packed “Super-Soup” of The
Kanienkehaka-Iroquois Tribe
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
I’ll also show you the amazing, protein-rich soup the Kanienkehaka-
Iroquois tribe invented using three of their sacred plants.
By making use of their “polyculture technique,” you can grow them
using just four feet of space as these plants are like sisters that help
each other grow much faster.
Amish Poor Man’s Steak – A long-lasting dish
from the people who live without electricity
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
Next, you’ll learn how to make Poor Man’s Steak. This one comes from
the Amish people, who are experts when it comes to living a good life
without electricity.
It’s a protein-rich dish, and just like the name implies, anyone can
afford to make it. I’ll also reveal the exact way the Amish used to
stockpile it for a few years in their pantry.
The “Wind-Swept Superfood” That You Can Dry
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
Another food you’ll discover inside The Lost Superfoods comes from
the wind-swept plains of Mongolia. This distinctive dish of boiled and
dried dairy curds is how herders preserved the milk of their animals.
It can last for many months without being refrigerated and is the
perfect source of vitamins and nourishment for a nomad in winter—or
for a prepper during any kind of crisis.
Mountain Men’s Favorite Dish During The 18th
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
I’m also going to teach you how to make Mountaineer’s Tuna
Stroganoff, which is one of the most satisfying survival foods ever
Their recipe, unlike modern variations, contained only long-lasting
ingredients alongside the canned tuna…because nobody owned a
refrigerator back then.
What To Do With ALL Your Frozen Food Once
The Power Goes Out
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
The next thing you’ll nd out about is not food. It’s what to do with ALL
your food once the power goes out.
Many Americans are throwing away hundreds of pounds of meat and
other lifesavings meals during blackouts. But this book teaches you
exactly what to do with it immediately after a blackout.
What Happens When You Put Raw Beef
Over A Dead Fire
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You’ll also nd out why our ancestors would often hang beef slabs over
a dead re. The lingering low heat and smoke would make for a perfect
natural “dehydrator” and smokehouse. One that didn’t need any
electricity or watching over.
They’d add what’s known as Chile saltpeter, slice the meat rather thinly
and place it over sticks or a wooden pyramid. After the meat became
dry enough, they’d add it to their pantry or root cellar, where it would
keep good at room temperature for months on end. But if you vacuum
seal it will last for 2 whole years without refrigeration. So, if you ever
nd yourself in a blackout or stranded without access to electricity just
remember that all you really need to preserve your nutritious protein
source is a dead re in the backyard.
How To Make Fruit Leather
To Add Vitamins to Your Stockpile
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You’ll also discover how to make Fruit Leather, the long-lasting
solution for keeping all your fruits from spoiling, which they tend do to
in a hurry, especially when left outside the fridge.
This will keep them good for months on end, and nobody will even
suspect it’s real food. Only you will know.
The Most Delicious Canned Marinara Sauce
That Every Stockpile Needs
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
I’ll also give you the recipe for my delicious dehydrated marinara sauce
that brings intense avor to even the most boring of dishes.
This one brought me more praise than anything else. It’s a very old
recipe that got passed down in my family for generations.
Store a few jars of this sauce in your pantry, and no food will ever seem
How Our Grandparents Preserved Half A Pig For
A Whole Year
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
The next thing you’ll discover is how our ancestors were able to
preserve half a pig for one whole year without any refrigeration.
Their time-tested method is revealed in minute detail in The Lost
The “Glass Jar” Method That Will Allow You to
Store Jerky and Biltong
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
I’ll also reveal the “glass jar” method that will allow you to store the
African equivalent of jerky, called biltong, for so long that you’ll
probably forget where you stored it.
This method removes all the moisture even further as time passes,
while the meat will keep its texture, nutrients, and avor intact.
The Long-Lasting Chili Bean Soup That Will
Raise Spirits even in the Darkest Hour
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
I’ll also reveal the dehydrated Chili Bean Soup my family and neighbors
used to beg me for. A long time ago I had decided to build my stockpile
around as many tasty foods as possible without sacri cing on shelf
This dehydrated chili bean soup is long-lasting, incredibly satisfying for
your belly, and also sure to bring everyone’s spirits back up in your
household even as chaos rages outside.
The 2400 Calorie DIY Survival Bar You Should
Add to Your Supplies
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
I’ll also show you how to get the most calories for the least weight and
space. I call it my “life bar” because it provides over 2,400 calories and
feeds you for whole day with just one serving.
I keep a three-week stockpile in my bug-out bag for my entire family of
four, and all it cost me was maybe $100 and a bit of time. All the
ingredients are incredibly long-lasting, so they’ll keep for years in
And Over 100 Other Survival Foods and
Forgotten Preservation Methods That You Can
Choose From and Add To Your Stockpile
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
You’ll also nd out how to feed yourself for a whole month using just
$100 at Walmart, the wild-growing superfoods that almost nobody
knows about, the ins and out of canning both vegetables and meat
safely for 20 years, how to prevent your foods from going rancid, seven
deadly canning mistakes to avoid like the plague, how to make yourself
a $20 DIY Food Bucket better than anything on the market today and
the best 50 foods to dehydrate for your food stockpile.
With this book on your shelf, you can banish all fears of starvation for
And there is even more. Because if you act right now, you’ll also get:
two other reports for FREE.
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
Two Extra Digital Bonuses Worth $27 Each for
An Underground YEAR-ROUND Greenhouse in Your
It’s called The Year-Round Greenhouse because you’ll get two harvests
per year, and you might even get three or four, depending on your
local climate.
Rain or shine, our year-round greenhouse puts food on the table. It’s
our perpetual food garden hidden from sight, and it could be yours
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
All it takes to build it is a couple of days of leisurely work and around
$200 in raw materials.
A hundred years ago, people were A LOT more self-suf cient than your
average American today.
They had backyard medicine gardens, smokehouses, root cellars, wells,
charcoal to purify water, and traps for wild game and sh alike, just to
name a few.
In this bonus you will nd step by step instructions to make your
house more self-suf cient, prepared for anything.
Projects From 1900 That Will Help You in the Next
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
There's Never Been a Better Time in Recent
History to Put This Book in Your Bookshelf
Today you can get a copy of The Lost
Superfoods plus the two bonuses for a one-
time payment of just $37.
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
If for any reason at all you feel this book did not deliver or want to get
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truly do stand behind their "handshake" guarantee. I'll de nitely be looking into their other
You have TWO MONTHS to test drive The Lost Superfoods and enjoy
the two bonuses that come with it. That is my personal “honor
What People Are Saying About The Lost Super
Foods Book
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Lost Super Foods has a wealth of invaluable information
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
Jgaucaobra Snatvealea” to you.
So, is it a deal? I hope so!
John Cantrell
Kay Daisy Genieve
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ History lost
Beautiful gems
Surprised by this book
So all and all, this book has lots of good info, and in the times we are living in now,
this information is more important than ever. I highly recommend it!”
“I can't believe all these beautiful gems that everybody is missing out on. Things that will
help your family to stay a oat in any crisis. These are things that our grandparents
should have taught us if we were listening. Check this out it may just save you and your
"Fun and interesting. One of the books, I would highly recommend too all. It's amazing fun
to learn about how people survived. I really enjoy getting books that share this type of
Going to try the sauerkraut recipe soon. My Vietnamese wife looked at the recipe, and said
it was very much like the way that they pickle their vegetables. Some of the other items in
the book are a nice touch, like the diy $25.00 survival bucket, how to make your own 2400
calorie ration bars, and how to make your own MREs at home, are very helpful.
“I was surprised by this book. Some other books are disappointing, but this one gives a little
history of the foods, and easy steps to making them. And, unlike many books, I like the fact
that this book did not scrimp,and put in color photographs, which helps out a lot when
looking at the edible plants, for instance. Many other books have just handwritten pictures,
or low quality black and white ones, and it’s hard to remember the colors that so many
plants are.
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
"Has a lot of interesting things to think about.
"Well-written. Interesting, with stories to accompany the recipes.
Takes you through various scenarios......and hopefully, if ever faced with any of them,
you would be able to be more calm and handle the situation better. Lots of
recipes....looking forward to trying some!"
knowledge. History wow!!! Not what is taught today. It's my hobbie, I really enjoy going
and learning what they did , what foods they ate."
"I love this book. When I rst saw this I though I'll buy it read it and sell it. This is a book to
keep . Has a section on edible plants, Hacks to make food last longer,Section on dehydrating,
canning,presering eggs,Repacking foods. $5 a week stock piling. Recipes for Survival.And
much more"
Well Worth The Money
Lightweight with great features
Prepper Survival Book one to add to the shelf
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
"Thank you!! It is a great reference book to learn from.
Enjoyed reading it, but haven't tried any of the recipes yet."
"everything is explained well and pictures are clear, well worth having"
Thank you
haven't read it all through but I'm impressed with what I see
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
On Your Bookshelf Today
and in Your Pantry Tomorrow
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
I’ve saved every superfood that saved our grandparents in The Lost
Superfoods. All you need to do is click the Add to Cart button and start
building the most inexpensive yet highly nutritious, time-tested and
long-lasting food stockpile you could ever imagine.
I believe that there are only a few moments in life that can change it
for many years to come. This could be one such moment for you and
your family, although, when food is still available, we might not realize
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods
I really hope you’ll make the right choice here and add the most
powerful survival foods in history to your bookshelf today and in your
pantry tomorrow.
There’s never been a better time in our history to do it.
God bless you and your family,
Art Rude
9/23/23, 5:54 PM
The Ultimate Survival Foods

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The Lost Superfoods: Rediscovering Nature's Nutritional Marvels

  • 1. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 1/49 About Art Rude Store Book Contact The Lost Superfoods The US Army’s Forgotten Food Miracle Here’s just a small glimpse of what you’ll nd in And 126 Superfoods That You Can Store Without Refrigeration for Years
  • 2. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM 2/49 The Ultimate Survival Foods The Lost SuperFoods: It contains only long lasting foods that can be stored without refrigeration This lost survival food knowledge is so organized that anyone, even people with absolutely no prior cooking or stockpiling experience can take advantage of it. Everything is explained in a clear, precise step by step fashion, using colored pictures and easy to follow instructions. With over 126 forgotten survival foods and storage hacks “The Lost Superfoods” is a vital book to place in your survival stockpile.
  • 3. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 3/49 You will also nd exact nutritional values for each food you add so that at all times you know exactly how many macro nutrients such as fat, carbs and protein your body is getting…and how many more you still need. My goal with “The Lost Superfoods” is to have as many American Hhouwse hToold sM asa pkoess iTblhe epr eUpaSre Dd owiothm 3, s6 danady e vRena t1 iyoeanr’ sa wto rHtho omr e more of long-lasting superfoods to survive a local emergency like a hurricane or a country wide disruption like a pandemic or a total grid collapse.
  • 4. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 4/49 You’ll discover how to make your own U.S. secret military superfood that was developed during the Cold War and was meant to feed the entire US population in the harshest conditions.
  • 5. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 5/49 The US government spent millions to invent, but it’s super cheap to make or replicate! The “Doomsday Ration” as it was called could keep an adult well fed for just 37 cents a day ($0.37/day). Once you’ve made your rst batch, get ready to forget about it because in the right conditions this food probably never spoils. You’ll always be able to keep your entire family well fed on it just by spending a few dollars. Plus, it’s also lightweight enough that it belongs in your bug-out bag too. Next, you’ll discover one of the foods that kept a few people well fed during the Leningrad siege, while famine gripped the city around them. It’s a forgotten European dish that comes from a time when people had to get creative about preserving their food. To make it, people used cow feet, which were affordable. But you can use any type of fresh The ONE Superfood That Saved Leningrad During The WW2 Siege, That You Should Add to Your Stockpile
  • 6. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 6/49 meat you like. The cheaper, the better. In the end, you’ll have a scrumptious meal that requires no refrigeration for months and even years in some conditions. The Forgotten Shelf Stable Food You Need for Healthy and Vital Fats
  • 7. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 7/49 This superfood can give you all the healthy and vital fats your body needs in a crisis—without needing any refrigeration to keep good for at least one year! Rich in butyric acid, it will also help with absorbing the maximum amount of nutrition from any other food by protecting your gut lining and helping you stretch your food stockpile . You’ll also nd out how to use this lost superfood to turn a simple bag of potatoes into one of the most nutritious and inexpensive crisis meals to ever touch your taste buds! This one saved an entire village of Swedish farmers in 1869 when heavy avalanches blocked off their only road down from the mountains for months. The Great Depression Food That Saved America
  • 8. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 8/49 The next superfood you’ll discover kept America from starving during the height of the Great Depression. It’s also probably the best-tasting survival food you’ll ever come across. It lasts for about two years without refrigeration, and the lard it’s kept in can also be used for cooking, for making soap, for treating burns, or as an added fat source whenever you need it. The Long-Lasting Bread of the 1800s
  • 9. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 9/49 You’ll also discover a type of long-lasting bread developed by the Cree Tribe of Canada when faced with starvation after the buffalo were hunted to the brink of extinction. All you need are four very common ingredients and maybe half an hour of your time. Plus, the way it’s cooked will surely make you smile and think back on your own childhood. This bread is all you need to get energy-boosting carbs into your crisis diet. A Food Miracle from the Civil War That You Can Add to Your Pantry
  • 10. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 10/49 I’ll also reveal the one food that saved more American lives during our Civil War than any other. Surprisingly, it’s not hardtack, but it’s probably just as long-lasting! This food uses something most people throw away. It’s something they never even think of as real food to begin with! That is why you can pro t a great deal from it in any disaster . The Cheese Preservation Secret That can Keep It Good at Room Temperature
  • 11. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 11/49 You’ll also nd out how you can preserve almost any kind of cheese at room temperature. It’s no secret that cheese has been around for a LONG time—a lot longer than refrigeration. But it was the Dutch of Alkmaar in the 14th century who invented the best way to store cheese in the pantry for more than two whole years. The Long Lasting Probiotic that Fueled the Greatest Conquests of The Golden Horde
  • 12. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 12/49 You’ll also discover the superfood that helped the Mongol hordes of Genghis Khan march all the way to the gates of Vienna. Besides preventing nutrient de ciencies, this food is also one of the best natural probiotic you can get—one that will counteract eating processed food like MREs. This raw superfood was also adopted by the Royal British Navy at the end of the 17th century and has prevented countless deaths from scurvy since that time. How to get 295 Pounds of Extra Food for just $5 a Week
  • 13. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 13/49 You will also discover a simple yet ingenious system that can allow anyone to put away more than 295 pounds of good food each year while spending no more than $5 a week. It’s especially useful if you’ve been struggling to nd the money to put into a long-term food stockpile. The Ottoman’s Empire Shelf-Stable Meat ("Coated Meat")
  • 14. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 14/49 You’ll also get the recipe for a “coated meat” that fueled the conquests of the Ottoman empire for centuries and prevented them from starving even when the “scorched earth” strategy was deployed against them. The Fermented Soup - The Long Lasting Soup That Should be In Every Stockpile
  • 15. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 15/49 I’ll also show you how to make fermented soup people from Turkey used to survive when crops failed for three years in a row. This food is called Tarhana, and unlike any regular soup, it will stay good for years on your shelf as the fermentation process kills all dangerous bacteria. It’s also a great, great source for almost every one of the essential B vitamins. The Only Superfood Ninjas Would Live off For Months on End
  • 16. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 16/49 You’ll also nd out how to make your own Ninja Superfood. This one kept elite assassin well fed on their month-long, covert missions when fresh food, and even drinking water, was hard to come by. Extremely few people in the world still know the recipe, but every ingredient needed can be easily procured in America as well. The Pocket Soup That Saved the Lewis and Clark Expedition
  • 17. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 17/49 I’ll also show you how to make the “Portable Soup” that saved Lewis and Clark on their iconic 2-year expedition across uncharted US territory. This weird-looking soup is no gourmet meal, but it will last for ages just by sitting in your coat pocket, no matter how hot it gets outside. The Viking Superfood They Stockpiled On Their Longboats Because It Didn’t Spoil For Over 3 Years
  • 18. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 18/49 You’ll also discover the Viking superfood that only gets better with age, like wine. This is what the rst Viking explorers ate when they crossed the Atlantic and discovered North America almost 500 years ahead of Christopher Columbus. The people of Norway still use this old recipe to keep all kinds of sh good for up to three years. How to Make Bark Bread
  • 19. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM 19/49 The Ultimate Survival Foods from a Tree that Grows on Almost Every Street in America Frumenty - The Food That Saved Europe During the Black Plague I’ll also show you why as long as you can peel the bark off of this tree, you’ll never have to fear starvation. And the best part is it grows on almost every street in America.
  • 20. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 20/49 You'll also discover the recipe for the survival food that saved the Europeans during the Dark Ages, and especially as the Black Plague was ravaging the countryside. Many are thought to have survived because the vital nutrients in this complete food forti ed their bodies. Later, it nourished kings, children in Victorian workhouses, and even the Confederate General Richard S. Ewell, who ate it at almost every meal. All the ingredients needed to make it—such as dried wheat berries— will last for a very long time in your pantry or cellar. The Ingenious Method Used By The Brits To Preserve Eggs When Air Raids Took Out Their Power In 1941 (Works For Up to 10 Years)
  • 21. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 21/49 You’ll also see how the Brits kept their stockpiled eggs from spoiling after Nazi bombs took out power in most cities. Using this time-tested method will keep one of nature’s most perfectly designed and nutrient-packed foods from spoiling for up to a whole decade without refrigeration. The Protein Packed “Super-Soup” of The Kanienkehaka-Iroquois Tribe
  • 22. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 22/49 I’ll also show you the amazing, protein-rich soup the Kanienkehaka- Iroquois tribe invented using three of their sacred plants. By making use of their “polyculture technique,” you can grow them using just four feet of space as these plants are like sisters that help each other grow much faster. Amish Poor Man’s Steak – A long-lasting dish from the people who live without electricity year-round
  • 23. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 23/49 Next, you’ll learn how to make Poor Man’s Steak. This one comes from the Amish people, who are experts when it comes to living a good life without electricity. It’s a protein-rich dish, and just like the name implies, anyone can afford to make it. I’ll also reveal the exact way the Amish used to stockpile it for a few years in their pantry. The “Wind-Swept Superfood” That You Can Dry Outside
  • 24. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 24/49 Another food you’ll discover inside The Lost Superfoods comes from the wind-swept plains of Mongolia. This distinctive dish of boiled and dried dairy curds is how herders preserved the milk of their animals. It can last for many months without being refrigerated and is the perfect source of vitamins and nourishment for a nomad in winter—or for a prepper during any kind of crisis. Mountain Men’s Favorite Dish During The 18th Century
  • 25. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 25/49 I’m also going to teach you how to make Mountaineer’s Tuna Stroganoff, which is one of the most satisfying survival foods ever invented. Their recipe, unlike modern variations, contained only long-lasting ingredients alongside the canned tuna…because nobody owned a refrigerator back then. What To Do With ALL Your Frozen Food Once The Power Goes Out
  • 26. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 26/49 The next thing you’ll nd out about is not food. It’s what to do with ALL your food once the power goes out. Many Americans are throwing away hundreds of pounds of meat and other lifesavings meals during blackouts. But this book teaches you exactly what to do with it immediately after a blackout. What Happens When You Put Raw Beef Over A Dead Fire
  • 27. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 27/49 You’ll also nd out why our ancestors would often hang beef slabs over a dead re. The lingering low heat and smoke would make for a perfect natural “dehydrator” and smokehouse. One that didn’t need any electricity or watching over. They’d add what’s known as Chile saltpeter, slice the meat rather thinly and place it over sticks or a wooden pyramid. After the meat became dry enough, they’d add it to their pantry or root cellar, where it would keep good at room temperature for months on end. But if you vacuum seal it will last for 2 whole years without refrigeration. So, if you ever nd yourself in a blackout or stranded without access to electricity just remember that all you really need to preserve your nutritious protein source is a dead re in the backyard. How To Make Fruit Leather To Add Vitamins to Your Stockpile
  • 28. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 28/49 You’ll also discover how to make Fruit Leather, the long-lasting solution for keeping all your fruits from spoiling, which they tend do to in a hurry, especially when left outside the fridge. This will keep them good for months on end, and nobody will even suspect it’s real food. Only you will know. The Most Delicious Canned Marinara Sauce That Every Stockpile Needs
  • 29. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 29/49 I’ll also give you the recipe for my delicious dehydrated marinara sauce that brings intense avor to even the most boring of dishes. This one brought me more praise than anything else. It’s a very old recipe that got passed down in my family for generations. Store a few jars of this sauce in your pantry, and no food will ever seem unpalatable. How Our Grandparents Preserved Half A Pig For A Whole Year
  • 30. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 30/49 The next thing you’ll discover is how our ancestors were able to preserve half a pig for one whole year without any refrigeration. Their time-tested method is revealed in minute detail in The Lost Superfoods. The “Glass Jar” Method That Will Allow You to Store Jerky and Biltong
  • 31. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 31/49 I’ll also reveal the “glass jar” method that will allow you to store the African equivalent of jerky, called biltong, for so long that you’ll probably forget where you stored it. This method removes all the moisture even further as time passes, while the meat will keep its texture, nutrients, and avor intact. The Long-Lasting Chili Bean Soup That Will Raise Spirits even in the Darkest Hour
  • 32. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 32/49 I’ll also reveal the dehydrated Chili Bean Soup my family and neighbors used to beg me for. A long time ago I had decided to build my stockpile around as many tasty foods as possible without sacri cing on shelf life. This dehydrated chili bean soup is long-lasting, incredibly satisfying for your belly, and also sure to bring everyone’s spirits back up in your household even as chaos rages outside. The 2400 Calorie DIY Survival Bar You Should Add to Your Supplies
  • 33. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 33/49 I’ll also show you how to get the most calories for the least weight and space. I call it my “life bar” because it provides over 2,400 calories and feeds you for whole day with just one serving. I keep a three-week stockpile in my bug-out bag for my entire family of four, and all it cost me was maybe $100 and a bit of time. All the ingredients are incredibly long-lasting, so they’ll keep for years in there. And Over 100 Other Survival Foods and Forgotten Preservation Methods That You Can Choose From and Add To Your Stockpile
  • 34. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 34/49 You’ll also nd out how to feed yourself for a whole month using just $100 at Walmart, the wild-growing superfoods that almost nobody knows about, the ins and out of canning both vegetables and meat safely for 20 years, how to prevent your foods from going rancid, seven deadly canning mistakes to avoid like the plague, how to make yourself a $20 DIY Food Bucket better than anything on the market today and the best 50 foods to dehydrate for your food stockpile. With this book on your shelf, you can banish all fears of starvation for good. And there is even more. Because if you act right now, you’ll also get: two other reports for FREE.
  • 35. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 35/49 Two Extra Digital Bonuses Worth $27 Each for FREE An Underground YEAR-ROUND Greenhouse in Your Backyard It’s called The Year-Round Greenhouse because you’ll get two harvests per year, and you might even get three or four, depending on your local climate. Rain or shine, our year-round greenhouse puts food on the table. It’s our perpetual food garden hidden from sight, and it could be yours too.
  • 36. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 36/49 All it takes to build it is a couple of days of leisurely work and around $200 in raw materials. A hundred years ago, people were A LOT more self-suf cient than your average American today. They had backyard medicine gardens, smokehouses, root cellars, wells, charcoal to purify water, and traps for wild game and sh alike, just to name a few. In this bonus you will nd step by step instructions to make your house more self-suf cient, prepared for anything. Projects From 1900 That Will Help You in the Next Crisis
  • 37. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 37/49 There's Never Been a Better Time in Recent History to Put This Book in Your Bookshelf Today you can get a copy of The Lost Superfoods plus the two bonuses for a one- time payment of just $37.
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  • 40. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 40/49 Jgaucaobra Snatvealea” to you. So, is it a deal? I hope so! John Cantrell Kay Daisy Genieve ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ History lost Beautiful gems Surprised by this book So all and all, this book has lots of good info, and in the times we are living in now, this information is more important than ever. I highly recommend it!” “I can't believe all these beautiful gems that everybody is missing out on. Things that will help your family to stay a oat in any crisis. These are things that our grandparents should have taught us if we were listening. Check this out it may just save you and your family.” "Fun and interesting. One of the books, I would highly recommend too all. It's amazing fun to learn about how people survived. I really enjoy getting books that share this type of Going to try the sauerkraut recipe soon. My Vietnamese wife looked at the recipe, and said it was very much like the way that they pickle their vegetables. Some of the other items in the book are a nice touch, like the diy $25.00 survival bucket, how to make your own 2400 calorie ration bars, and how to make your own MREs at home, are very helpful. “I was surprised by this book. Some other books are disappointing, but this one gives a little history of the foods, and easy steps to making them. And, unlike many books, I like the fact that this book did not scrimp,and put in color photographs, which helps out a lot when looking at the edible plants, for instance. Many other books have just handwritten pictures, or low quality black and white ones, and it’s hard to remember the colors that so many plants are.
  • 41. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 41/49 "Has a lot of interesting things to think about. "Well-written. Interesting, with stories to accompany the recipes. Takes you through various scenarios......and hopefully, if ever faced with any of them, you would be able to be more calm and handle the situation better. Lots of recipes....looking forward to trying some!" knowledge. History wow!!! Not what is taught today. It's my hobbie, I really enjoy going and learning what they did , what foods they ate." "I love this book. When I rst saw this I though I'll buy it read it and sell it. This is a book to keep . Has a section on edible plants, Hacks to make food last longer,Section on dehydrating, canning,presering eggs,Repacking foods. $5 a week stock piling. Recipes for Survival.And much more" lit362 magcl-97 Well Worth The Money Lightweight with great features Prepper Survival Book one to add to the shelf ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ bringinthemail
  • 42. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 42/49 "Thank you!! It is a great reference book to learn from. Enjoyed reading it, but haven't tried any of the recipes yet." "everything is explained well and pictures are clear, well worth having" mam-maria donaldchunt3254 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ jeanmu-3148 Thank you haven't read it all through but I'm impressed with what I see
  • 44. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 44/49 On Your Bookshelf Today and in Your Pantry Tomorrow
  • 45. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 45/49 I’ve saved every superfood that saved our grandparents in The Lost Superfoods. All you need to do is click the Add to Cart button and start building the most inexpensive yet highly nutritious, time-tested and long-lasting food stockpile you could ever imagine. I believe that there are only a few moments in life that can change it for many years to come. This could be one such moment for you and your family, although, when food is still available, we might not realize it.
  • 46. 9/23/23, 5:54 PM The Ultimate Survival Foods 46/49 I really hope you’ll make the right choice here and add the most powerful survival foods in history to your bookshelf today and in your pantry tomorrow. There’s never been a better time in our history to do it. God bless you and your family, Art Rude