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Nate McCall
Co-Founder & Sr.Technical Consultant
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand License
AboutThe Last Pickle.
Work with clients to deliver and improve
Apache Cassandra based solutions.
Based in New Zealand,Australia & USA.
Encryption at Rest
Inter-node Communication
Client-Server Communication
Authentication and Authorization
Management andTooling
Security is usually
necessitated by
Industry Guidelines
(depending on organization size)
Overview: Industry Guidelines
- Financial: PCI-CSS
- Healthcare: HIPPAA
- Defense/Govt: FIPS
- TelCo: CPNI
Overview: Industry Guidelines
Their heart is in the right place...
(Do you really need node to node SSL if it never leaves a backplane?)
But good security practices
can save you ...
By necessity we abstract and encapsulate, making
it easier to have un-intended side effects
knife ssh -x ${knifeUser} 
-a hostname 
-E $chefEnv "role:${role}" "${executeCommand}"
Then eventually:
rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/*
Basic systems hardening
can also protect from
common operational errors
Overview: System Hardening
Limit account access
"sudo su -" = trouble
Overview: System Hardening
Limit filesystem access.
Only C* needs
(configuration management does not need access
after initialization)
Overview: System Hardening
- Limit network access
- network segmentation and ACLs
- iptables, etc
Overview: System Hardening: Limit Network Access
C* only needs inbound on:
- 9042/9160 (clients)
- 7000/7001 (cluster)
- 7199 (JMX)
Encryption at Rest
Inter-node Communication
Client-Server Communication
Authentication and Authorization
Management andTooling
Encryption At Rest:
Why it's a good idea:
- Do you know how your cloud provider is actually
using storage under the hood?
- What does IT do with decommissioned disks? (Are
you sure?)
Encryption At Rest:
There are good
open source and
commercial options
for at-rest encryption
Encryption At Rest:
It's a distributed system.
Make sure you understand the HA Story
in context of your needs.
Otherwise you introduced an SOPF!
eg. "EBS snapshots of the key server"
Is this going to work for you?
Encryption At Rest:
File level
Block level
Encryption At Rest: Open Source
dmCrypt (block)
eCrypt-FS (file)
Major vendors
probably support both
Encryption At Rest: Commercial
- Cloudera Gazzang!
Encryption At Rest: Commercial
DataStax Enterprise*:
WITH compression_parameters:sstable_compression = 'Encryptor'
and compression_parameters:cipher_algorithm = 'AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding'
and compression_parameters:secret_key_strength = 128;
*commit log not included! (eCrypt-fs to the rescue)
Encryption At Rest: Commercial-ish
EBS Encryption!
(a.k.a. "not my problem")
Encryption at Rest
Inter-Node Communication
Client-Server Communication
Authentication and Authorization
Management andTooling
Inter-Node Communication: SSL
Inter-Node encryption can be rolled
out on production
with no downtime*
* Depending on client consistency levels
Inter-Node Communication: SSL
Why it's a good idea
Inter-Node Communication: SSL:Why It's a Good Idea:
"I can has your writes"
Inter-Node Communication: SSL:Why It's a Good Idea:
Every operation
is a
on the wire
Inter-Node Communication: SSL:Why It's a Good Idea:
It takes one Message
to insert an admin account
into the system_auth table
Inter-Node Communication: SSL
SSL Certificates:
a brief interlude
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
BYO Certificate Authority
A CA in this case provides the root certificate which can be used
to validate a node's identity without needing direct knowledge of
that node.
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
Don't do this: <- BAD!
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
What we should do:
1. create the CA with a "root" certificate
2. create certificates for each node
3. export each node's certificates to be signed by CA
4. sign each nodes certificate with the CA
5. add the CA root public certificate into each node's key store
5. add the signed result back into that node's key store
6. import CA root public certificate into each node's trust store (or build
one and copy it around)
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
Be your own CA
openssl req 
-config gen_ca_cert.conf 
-new -x509 
-keyout ca-key 
-out ca-cert 
-days 365
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
[ req ]
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
prompt = no
output_password = mypass
default_bits = 2048
[ req_distinguished_name ]
C = US
L = Austin
OU = TestCluster
CN = TestClusterMasterCA
emailAddress =
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
What we just did
- `req`:An OpenSSL sub-command saying that we are (in this case) creating a PKCS#10 X.509 Certificate (see for full details)
The following parameters are all options of "-req"
`-config`: The path to the config file (avoids having to provide information on STDIN)
`-new`: This is a new signing request we are making
`-x509`: The output will be a self-signed certificate we can use as a root CA
`-keyout`: The filename to which we will write our key
`-out`: The filename to which we will write our certificate
`-days`: The number of days for which the generated certificate will be valid
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
Per-Node Certificate Creation
keytool -genkeypair 
-keyalg RSA 
-alias node1 
-keystore node1-server-keystore.jks 
-storepass awesomekeypass 
-keypass awesomekeypass 
-validity 365 -keysize 2048 
-dname "CN=node1, OU=SSL-verification-cluster, O=TheLastPickle, C=US"
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
What we just did
`-genkeypair`: the keytool command to generate a public/private key pair combination
`-keyalg`:The algorithm to use, RSA in this case*
`-alias`:An alias to use for this public/private key pair. It needs to identify the public key when imported into a
key store. I usually use some form of $hostname-cassandra
`-keystore`:The location of our key store (created if it does not already exist)
`-storepass`:The password for the key store
`-keypass`:The password for the key
`-validity`:The number of days for which this key pair will be valid
`-keysize`:The size of the key to generate
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
A note about "-dname":
Common Name: Best practice is to use hostname
Organizational Unit: I like to use the environment specific cluster name
Note: Hostname verification can be done against subjectAlternativeName
Add "-ext" to keytool invocation if desired.
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
Exporting certificates
for signing by the CA
-keystore node1-server-keystore.jks 
-alias node1 
-file node1_cert_sr 
-keypass awesomekeypass 
-storepass awesomekeypass
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
Sign each node's
certificate with the CA
openssl x509
-CA ca-cert 
-CAkey ca-key 
-in node1_cert_sr 
-out node1_cert_signed 
-days 365 
-passin pass:mypass
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
What did we just do:
- `x509` Use the display and signing subcommand (
The following parameters are options of "x509"
- `-req` We are signing a certificate request as opposed to a certificate
- `-CA` The CA cert file created above
- `-CAKey` The CA key file created above
- `-in` The certificate request we are signing
- `-out` The newly-signed certificate file to create
- `-days` The number of days for which the signed certificate will be valid
- `-CAcreateserial` Create a serialnumber for this CSR
- `-passin` The keypassword source.The arguments to 'passin' have their own formatting instructions.
See 'Pass Phrase Arguments' on
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
Add the CA's public key to the
node's key stores
-keystore node1-server-keystore.jks 
-alias CARoot 
-file ca-cert 
-keypass awesomekeypass 
-storepass awesomekeypass
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
Import that node's signed certificate
back into it's trust store
-keystore node1-server-keystore.jks 
-alias node1 
-file node1_cert_signed 
-keypass awesomekeypass 
-storepass awesomekeypass
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
Build a trust store
from the CA's public certificate
(this can be shared among all nodes)
-keystore generic-server-truststore.jks 
-alias CARoot -importcert 
-file ca-cert 
-keypass mypass -storepass 
truststorepass -noprompt
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
A Trust Chain!
Inter-Node Communication: SSL Done Right
internode_encryption: all
keystore: conf/server-keystore.jks
keystore_password: awesomekeypass
truststore: conf/server-truststore.jks
truststore_password: truststorepass
protocol: TLS
algorithm: SunX509
store_type: JKS
cipher_suites: [TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA]
require_client_auth: true
Inter-Node Communication: SSL Done Right
internode_encryption: all
keystore: conf/server-keystore.jks
keystore_password: awesomekeypass
truststore: conf/server-truststore.jks
truststore_password: truststorepass
protocol: TLS
algorithm: SunX509
store_type: JKS
cipher_suites: [TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA]
require_client_auth: true
If you don't set this to
true, you might as well
turn encryption off
Inter-Node Communication: SSL Done Right
Also: Key store password and key password
*must be the same*
keystore_password: awesomekeypass
require_client_auth: true
keytool ... -keypass awesomekeypass ...
Inter-Node Communication: SSL Done Right
Export restrictions?
Use128 bit keys
cipher_suites: [TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA]
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right
This Just In!
Netflix Lemur:
"x.509 Certificate Orchestration
Inter-Node Communication
Inter-Node Communication:Authenticator
Available commercially
in DSE
Inter-Node Communication:Authenticator
Pretty easy
to roll your own
Inter-Node Communication:Authenticator
boolean authenticate(InetAddress remoteAddress, int remotePort);
void validateConfiguration() throws ConfigurationException;
Encryption at Rest
Inter-Node Communication
Client-Server Communication
Authentication and Authorization
Management andTooling
Client-Server Communication
Same CA setup
as Server-to-Server
(same limitations, too)
Client-Server Communication
enabled: true
keystore: conf/client-keystore.jks
keystore_password: clientkeypass
truststore: conf/client-truststore.jks
truststore_password: clienttrustpass
protocol: TLS
algorithm: SunX509
store_type: JKS
cipher_suites: [TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA]
require_client_auth: true
Client-Server Communication
enabled: false
keystore: conf/client-keystore.jks
keystore_password: clientkeypass
truststore: conf/client-truststore.jks
truststore_password: clienttrustpass
protocol: TLS
algorithm: SunX509
store_type: JKS
cipher_suites: [TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA]
require_client_auth: true
If you don't set this to
true, you might as well
turn encryption off
Encryption at Rest
Inter-Node Communication
Client-Server Communication
Authentication and Authorization
Management andTooling
Authentication and Authorization:
Why it's a good idea
Authentication and Authorization:
Best practices
are the same as for
Authentication and Authorization: Best Practices
Segment users:
- Admin
- Per-service CRUD
- CRUD (reporting)
Authentication and Authorization: Best Practices
Limit access to
and keyspaces
Authentication and Authorization:
Role-based access control
(RBAC) in 2.2
Authentication and Authorization:Authentication
authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator
Tip: keep your read-only cqlsh credentials in
of the system's admin account
Authentication and Authorization:Authorization
authorizer: CassandraAuthorizer
TIP: turn permissions_validity_in_ms WAY UP
default is 2000 (2 seconds!!)
can use permissions_update_interval_in_ms
for async refresh if needed
Authentication and Authorization:Authorization
These tables have
default read permission
for every authenticated user:
Authentication and Authorization:Authentication
"Please increase system_auth keyspace
replication factor if you use this..."
RF=Number of Nodes
Encryption at Rest
Inter-Node Communication
Client-Server Communication
Authentication and Authorization
Management and Tooling
Mangement andTooling:
Securing JMX
Management andTooling: Securing JMX
Options as of 2.1.8
will look familiar:
Management andTooling: Securing JMX
as of 2.1.8, nodetool can use SSL*
Management andTooling: Securing JMX
Configure authentication
for JMX*
Now you can do:
nodetool status -u monitor -pw monitorpass
Management andTooling: Securing JMX
JMX user/password and role
configuration is flexible
For details, take a look at the defaults:
Nate McCall
Co-Founder & Sr.Technical Consultant

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The Last Pickle: Hardening Apache Cassandra for Compliance (or Paranoia).

  • 1. CASSANDRA DAY ATLANTA 2015 HARDENING CASSANDRA FOR COMPLIANCE (OR PARANOIA) Nate McCall @zznate #CassandraSummit Co-Founder & Sr.Technical Consultant Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand License
  • 2. AboutThe Last Pickle. Work with clients to deliver and improve Apache Cassandra based solutions. Based in New Zealand,Australia & USA.
  • 4. Encryption at Rest Inter-node Communication Client-Server Communication Authentication and Authorization Management andTooling
  • 5. Overview: Security is usually necessitated by Industry Guidelines (depending on organization size)
  • 6. Overview: Industry Guidelines - Financial: PCI-CSS - Healthcare: HIPPAA - Defense/Govt: FIPS - TelCo: CPNI
  • 7. Overview: Industry Guidelines Their heart is in the right place... (Do you really need node to node SSL if it never leaves a backplane?)
  • 8. Overview: But good security practices can save you ...
  • 9. Overview: By necessity we abstract and encapsulate, making it easier to have un-intended side effects knife ssh -x ${knifeUser} -a hostname -E $chefEnv "role:${role}" "${executeCommand}" Then eventually: rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/*
  • 10. Overview: Basic systems hardening can also protect from common operational errors
  • 11. Overview: System Hardening Limit account access "sudo su -" = trouble
  • 12. Overview: System Hardening Limit filesystem access. Only C* needs /var/lib/cassandra (configuration management does not need access after initialization)
  • 13. Overview: System Hardening Networking - Limit network access - network segmentation and ACLs - iptables, etc
  • 14. Overview: System Hardening: Limit Network Access C* only needs inbound on: - 9042/9160 (clients) - 7000/7001 (cluster) - 7199 (JMX)
  • 15. Encryption at Rest Inter-node Communication Client-Server Communication Authentication and Authorization Management andTooling
  • 16. Encryption At Rest: Why it's a good idea: - Do you know how your cloud provider is actually using storage under the hood? - What does IT do with decommissioned disks? (Are you sure?)
  • 17. Encryption At Rest: There are good open source and commercial options for at-rest encryption
  • 18. Encryption At Rest: It's a distributed system. Make sure you understand the HA Story in context of your needs. Otherwise you introduced an SOPF! eg. "EBS snapshots of the key server" Is this going to work for you?
  • 19. Encryption At Rest: File level vs. Block level
  • 20. Encryption At Rest: Open Source dmCrypt (block) eCrypt-FS (file) Major vendors probably support both
  • 21. Encryption At Rest: Commercial - Cloudera Gazzang! -Vormetric
  • 22. Encryption At Rest: Commercial DataStax Enterprise*: CREATETABLE users ... WITH compression_parameters:sstable_compression = 'Encryptor' and compression_parameters:cipher_algorithm = 'AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding' and compression_parameters:secret_key_strength = 128; *commit log not included! (eCrypt-fs to the rescue)
  • 23. Encryption At Rest: Commercial-ish EBS Encryption! (a.k.a. "not my problem")
  • 24. Encryption at Rest Inter-Node Communication Client-Server Communication Authentication and Authorization Management andTooling
  • 25. Inter-Node Communication: SSL Inter-Node encryption can be rolled out on production with no downtime* * Depending on client consistency levels
  • 27. Inter-Node Communication: SSL:Why It's a Good Idea: -Dcassandra.write_survey=true "I can has your writes" from:
  • 28. Inter-Node Communication: SSL:Why It's a Good Idea: Every operation is a Message on the wire
  • 29. Inter-Node Communication: SSL:Why It's a Good Idea: It takes one Message to insert an admin account into the system_auth table
  • 30. Inter-Node Communication: SSL SSL Certificates: a brief interlude
  • 31. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right BYO Certificate Authority A CA in this case provides the root certificate which can be used to validate a node's identity without needing direct knowledge of that node.
  • 32. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right Don't do this: <- BAD! LOL!
  • 33. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right What we should do: 1. create the CA with a "root" certificate 2. create certificates for each node 3. export each node's certificates to be signed by CA 4. sign each nodes certificate with the CA 5. add the CA root public certificate into each node's key store 5. add the signed result back into that node's key store 6. import CA root public certificate into each node's trust store (or build one and copy it around)
  • 34. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right Be your own CA openssl req -config gen_ca_cert.conf -new -x509 -keyout ca-key -out ca-cert -days 365
  • 35. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right 'gen_ca_cert.conf' [ req ] distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name prompt = no output_password = mypass default_bits = 2048 [ req_distinguished_name ] C = US ST = TX L = Austin O = TLP OU = TestCluster CN = TestClusterMasterCA emailAddress =
  • 36. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right What we just did - `req`:An OpenSSL sub-command saying that we are (in this case) creating a PKCS#10 X.509 Certificate (see for full details) The following parameters are all options of "-req" `-config`: The path to the config file (avoids having to provide information on STDIN) `-new`: This is a new signing request we are making `-x509`: The output will be a self-signed certificate we can use as a root CA `-keyout`: The filename to which we will write our key `-out`: The filename to which we will write our certificate `-days`: The number of days for which the generated certificate will be valid
  • 37. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right Per-Node Certificate Creation keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -alias node1 -keystore node1-server-keystore.jks -storepass awesomekeypass -keypass awesomekeypass -validity 365 -keysize 2048 -dname "CN=node1, OU=SSL-verification-cluster, O=TheLastPickle, C=US"
  • 38. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right What we just did `-genkeypair`: the keytool command to generate a public/private key pair combination `-keyalg`:The algorithm to use, RSA in this case* `-alias`:An alias to use for this public/private key pair. It needs to identify the public key when imported into a key store. I usually use some form of $hostname-cassandra `-keystore`:The location of our key store (created if it does not already exist) `-storepass`:The password for the key store `-keypass`:The password for the key `-validity`:The number of days for which this key pair will be valid `-keysize`:The size of the key to generate
  • 39. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right A note about "-dname": CN=node1 Common Name: Best practice is to use hostname OU=SSL-verification-cluster Organizational Unit: I like to use the environment specific cluster name O=TheLastPickle Organization C=US" Country Note: Hostname verification can be done against subjectAlternativeName Add "-ext" to keytool invocation if desired.
  • 40. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right Exporting certificates for signing by the CA keytool -keystore node1-server-keystore.jks -alias node1 -certreq -file node1_cert_sr -keypass awesomekeypass -storepass awesomekeypass
  • 41. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right Sign each node's certificate with the CA openssl x509 -req -CA ca-cert -CAkey ca-key -in node1_cert_sr -out node1_cert_signed -days 365 -CAcreateserial -passin pass:mypass
  • 42. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right What did we just do: - `x509` Use the display and signing subcommand ( x509.html) The following parameters are options of "x509" - `-req` We are signing a certificate request as opposed to a certificate - `-CA` The CA cert file created above - `-CAKey` The CA key file created above - `-in` The certificate request we are signing - `-out` The newly-signed certificate file to create - `-days` The number of days for which the signed certificate will be valid - `-CAcreateserial` Create a serialnumber for this CSR - `-passin` The keypassword source.The arguments to 'passin' have their own formatting instructions. See 'Pass Phrase Arguments' on
  • 43. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right Add the CA's public key to the node's key stores keytool -keystore node1-server-keystore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file ca-cert -noprompt -keypass awesomekeypass -storepass awesomekeypass
  • 44. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right Import that node's signed certificate back into it's trust store keytool -keystore node1-server-keystore.jks -alias node1 -import -file node1_cert_signed -keypass awesomekeypass -storepass awesomekeypass
  • 45. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right Build a trust store from the CA's public certificate (this can be shared among all nodes) keytool -keystore generic-server-truststore.jks -alias CARoot -importcert -file ca-cert -keypass mypass -storepass truststorepass -noprompt
  • 46. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right OMG! A Trust Chain!
  • 47. Inter-Node Communication: SSL Done Right server_encryption_options: internode_encryption: all keystore: conf/server-keystore.jks keystore_password: awesomekeypass truststore: conf/server-truststore.jks truststore_password: truststorepass protocol: TLS algorithm: SunX509 store_type: JKS cipher_suites: [TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA] require_client_auth: true
  • 48. Inter-Node Communication: SSL Done Right server_encryption_options: internode_encryption: all keystore: conf/server-keystore.jks keystore_password: awesomekeypass truststore: conf/server-truststore.jks truststore_password: truststorepass protocol: TLS algorithm: SunX509 store_type: JKS cipher_suites: [TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA] require_client_auth: true If you don't set this to true, you might as well turn encryption off
  • 49. Inter-Node Communication: SSL Done Right Also: Key store password and key password *must be the same* server_encryption_options: ... keystore_password: awesomekeypass require_client_auth: true ... keytool ... -keypass awesomekeypass ...
  • 50. Inter-Node Communication: SSL Done Right Export restrictions? Use128 bit keys cipher_suites: [TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA]
  • 51. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right Trouble?
  • 52. Inter-Node Communication: SSL: Certificates Done Right This Just In! Netflix Lemur: "x.509 Certificate Orchestration Framework"
  • 56. Inter-Node Communication:Authenticator o.a.c.auth.IInternodeAuthenticator boolean authenticate(InetAddress remoteAddress, int remotePort); void validateConfiguration() throws ConfigurationException;
  • 57. Encryption at Rest Inter-Node Communication Client-Server Communication Authentication and Authorization Management andTooling
  • 58. Client-Server Communication Same CA setup as Server-to-Server (same limitations, too)
  • 59. Client-Server Communication client_encryption_options: enabled: true keystore: conf/client-keystore.jks keystore_password: clientkeypass truststore: conf/client-truststore.jks truststore_password: clienttrustpass protocol: TLS algorithm: SunX509 store_type: JKS cipher_suites: [TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA] require_client_auth: true
  • 60. Client-Server Communication client_encryption_options: enabled: false keystore: conf/client-keystore.jks keystore_password: clientkeypass truststore: conf/client-truststore.jks truststore_password: clienttrustpass protocol: TLS algorithm: SunX509 store_type: JKS cipher_suites: [TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA] require_client_auth: true If you don't set this to true, you might as well turn encryption off
  • 61. Encryption at Rest Inter-Node Communication Client-Server Communication Authentication and Authorization Management andTooling
  • 63. Authentication and Authorization: Best practices are the same as for RDBMS
  • 64. Authentication and Authorization: Best Practices Segment users: - Admin - Per-service CRUD - CRUD (reporting)
  • 65. Authentication and Authorization: Best Practices Limit access to tables and keyspaces
  • 66. Authentication and Authorization: Role-based access control (RBAC) in 2.2
  • 67. Authentication and Authorization:Authentication authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator Tip: keep your read-only cqlsh credentials in $HOME/.cassandra/cqlshrc of the system's admin account
  • 68. Authentication and Authorization:Authorization authorizer: CassandraAuthorizer TIP: turn permissions_validity_in_ms WAY UP default is 2000 (2 seconds!!) can use permissions_update_interval_in_ms for async refresh if needed
  • 69. Authentication and Authorization:Authorization These tables have default read permission for every authenticated user: system.schema_keyspace system.schema_columns system.schema_columnfamilies system.local system.peers
  • 70. Authentication and Authorization:Authentication IMPORTANT: "Please increase system_auth keyspace replication factor if you use this..." RF=Number of Nodes
  • 71. Encryption at Rest Inter-Node Communication Client-Server Communication Authentication and Authorization Management and Tooling
  • 73. Management andTooling: Securing JMX Options as of 2.1.8 will look familiar: JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS" JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS<keystore-password>" JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS" JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS<truststore-password>" JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS" JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS" JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS<enabled-protocols>" JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS<enabled-cipher- suites>"
  • 74. Management andTooling: Securing JMX Thus: as of 2.1.8, nodetool can use SSL* *
  • 75. Management andTooling: Securing JMX Configure authentication for JMX* Now you can do: nodetool status -u monitor -pw monitorpass *
  • 76. Management andTooling: Securing JMX JMX user/password and role configuration is flexible For details, take a look at the defaults: $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/management/jmxremote.access $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/management/jmxremote.password.template
  • 78. Nate McCall @zznate Co-Founder & Sr.Technical Consultant #CassandraSummit