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The Impact of Contracted British Braille Code on 
The Spelling Proficiency among Pupils with Visual 
Impairments in Bilingual Setting 
Alya Qasdina Ng Ai Lee, Dr. Kway Eng Hock 
Faculty of Education and Human Development, 
Sultan Idris University of Education – Malaysia,, 
This article investigated the implication of the usage of contracted or abbreviated British 
Braille Code on the spelling proficiency among the pupils with visual impairments in a 
bilingual setting. The time series quasi experimental research was initiated since 2013 
among 5 congenital blind pupils, 6 acquired blindness, including teenage blind, and 4 
functionally blind pupils. The English Language Spelling Proficiency Test (ESPT) was 
administered verbally and in written form to obtain quantitative data on the typology of 
spelling errors made by the respondents. The upshot of the research had successfully 
identified the habitual errors offended by the respondents that eventually detracted the 
operation of Second Language (L2) acquisition; in which are believed to bear an influence 
on the mean scores obtained in the applied instrument. The result indicated that 
"graphemes substitution" and "direct translation of syllables of the first language (L1)" to 
be set up as the most frequent case of errors. It is recommended that teachers are 
always vigilant to the cultural aspects of the language process. Meanwhile, braille literacy 
activities should be enriched with phonetic practices to strengthen phonemic orthography 
skills among the visually impaired (VI). Hence, improve the accuracy of spelling in their 
Keywords: (Contractions-Braille-Spelling-Blind-Bilingual) 
1. Introduction 
Chronologically, before systematic production of the Basic Module for the Visually 
Impaired (KAiMaL) in 2010, pupils with visual impairments were learning braille 
codes according to the initiatives and flexibility of the subject teachers. Initially, 
students were learning Alphabetic Braille (Barclay, Herlich, & Sacks, 2010) 
followed with Contracted Braille based on formulae and procedures prescribed in 
the Handbook of British Braille Prime (1992). 
According to D'Andrea (2009), braille code has developed as a methodology that 
represents the printed text for individuals with visual impairments. According to 
Kway (2012), braille code is the medium for literacy activities specifically for 
reading and writing. In addition, with the availability of braille literacy, the career 
prospects for those who are competent in braille literacy are brighter than those
who have not mastered the skills (Koenig & Holbrook, 2000; Ryles 1996, 2000; 
Schroeder 1989.1996). 
1.1. Bilingualism and Teaching English as the Second Language (ESL) 
Bilingualism occurs among people who apply multiple languages in literacy 
activities. Bilingualism is not a teaching and learning methodology. In depth, it 
is an approach to enhance understanding of students in the context of learning 
and teaching by implementing foreign language scaffold with native languages 
(Ovando, Combs, & Collier, 2003). In Malaysia, the policy of "Upholding Malay 
Language and Strengthening English" (MBMMBI, 2010), has gazetted learning 
English Language as a core subject, besides strengthening its dominance as the 
language of communication to access other disciplines of knowledge. The 
Education Blue Print (PPPM, 2013-2025), has stated English to be a must-pass 
subject in the Malaysia Education Certificate (SPM) from 2016. According to 
Crawford (2004), English as a Second Language (ESL) is a scheme of educational 
activity that enables students who are non-native-speakers of English Language 
to master the language in literacy activities. In the context of English language 
learning among students with visual impairments, they are required to master 
two types of braille code in the process of learning languages (KaiMaL, 2010). 
Highlights of previous studies found that phonetic awareness in braille literacy is 
linked to the cognitive operation of second language acquisition and it is 
correlated with the first language (L1) (Cummin, 1981). Therefore, the L1 
influences the operation of second language (L2) acquisition (Lord, 2008). 
1.2 Language Literacy 
According to Argyropoulos and Martos (2006), basic literacy formed the 
foundation for the education. Literacy development often receives serious 
attention from all parties (Rex, Koenig, Wormsley & Baker, 1995). The term 
‘literacy’ is often linked with a person's ability to understand and write for 
everyday demands. According to Troughton (2009), basic literacy skills are a 
continuous contour of a variety of other technical literacies. In the context of the 
language acquisitions among pupils with visual impairment, Gillon & Young, 
2002; McCall, McLinden, & Gouglas, 2011, stated that the evolution of literacy 
for braille users and sighted users are the same. This statement was agreed by 
Kway (2012), which alleged that the literacy skills of students with visual 
impairment are as important as the typical peers. 
1.3 Orthography Skill 
Orthography skill is among the most important component of literacy as well as 
oral language, phonological and phonemic awareness, word identification, text 
comprehension, writing, vocabulary, reading fluency, and skill to remember and 
reuse the words that have been taught (Harris, 1995). The researchers have 
noted that spelling will be a wonderful indicator to determine the level of reading 
and writing for an individual in the early stage of literacy development (Ehri, 
2005; Ehri & Wilce, 1987; Lombardino, Bedford, Fortier, Carter, & Brandi, 1997). 
(Ehri, 2005; Ehri & Wilce, 1987; Lombardino, Bedford, Fortier, Carter, & Brandi,
1997). Furthermore, the spelling was also employed as the measurement for 
classifying an individual's level of academic achievement. According to Larsen, 
Hammill, & moats (1999), spelling is a procedure that is uncomplicated but really 
significant for setting the level of education of a person. From a linguistic 
perspective, Argyropoulos & Martos (2006) and Beers (2003) commented 
spelling is a blending process to check pupils’ ability to understand the script and 
gauge pupils' awareness of the missives of the alphabet and letter sounds. 
In fact, spelling is rather difficult for visually impaired students because they 
require to be competent in braille literacy. The braille users need more time in 
determining the full spelling of the dictated words, and using the words in 
literacy activities. Various studies have been conducted to identify the spelling 
proficiency among students with visual impairments after the usage of 
Contracted Braille. As the result, VI was keen to be "the ultimate speller" as the 
abbreviated braille codes had represented the encoded words perfectly (Maxfield, 
1928; Hayes, 1922). The hypothesis obtained in previous studies in relation to 
spelling proficiency among V. I yielded no significant differences after the use of 
Contracted Braille (Argyropoulos & Martos, 2006; Gillon & Young, 2002; Dodd & 
Conn, 2000). A study piloted by Clark-Bischke & Stoner (2009) in relation to the 
spelling proficiency of braille users in essay writing activity also found that 
spelling errors committed by students is due to a technical default that is 
“omission of letters” or “transposition” of the Braille code. Thus, the practice of 
abbreviations in Braille code is not a factor that threatens the spelling proficiency 
of students with visual impairments. 
Nevertheless, the finding of Vorgelegtvon & Lauenstein (2007) was contradicted 
from previous findings in relation to the issue discussed. Vorgelegtvon & 
Lauenstein review the problem based on the aspect of linguistics. The results 
found that the design and structure of the British Braille code which were less 
ordered and unstable had led to confusion in the aspects of grapheme structures 
or the full spelling of the root words / lexemes. Simultaneously, the elements of 
language such as morphology and phonological aspects were also exaggerated. 
Consequently, the study conducted by McCall, McLinden, & Gouglas, (2011) 
added that blind children are more difficult in mastering orthography skills. This 
problem is due to the quotidian practice of contracted braille code and less 
exposure to the full spelling of dictated words. 
1.4 Typology of Spelling Errors 
Literature review of previous studies in relation to the typology of spelling errors 
produced by braille users has been apprehended. Koenig and Ashcroft (1993) 
presented that the typology of spelling errors by comparing the performance of 
the blind students and low vision students in the United States. The 
classifications of spelling errors were listed as follows: 
1. “Homophone error related with braille contraction” 
2. “Unsuccessful attempt at full spelling of contraction” 
3. “Other braille related misspelling” 
4. “True misspelling” 
5. “Illegible word”
Vorgelegtvon and Lauenstein (2007) elicited the types and proportions of ‘major’ 
spelling errors are based on the problem statement, whether the contracted 
British Braille Code contains elements which might interfere with spelling 
performances of students with visual impairment. In this aspect, Vorgelegtvon 
and Lauenstein had classified the spelling errors by citing to a study conducted 
by the Educational Research - National Foundation for Educational Research 
(NFER) in the United Kingdom while developing a generalisation and stating that 
spelling mistakes are divided into two categories based on the following 
1. The errors triggered from the structure of the words: the insertion of 
graphemes, graphemes omission, graphemes transposition, grapheme 
substitution and other anonymous errors. 
2. Errors caused by pronunciation and intonation when reading: multiplication of 
consonants, indistinct sound, the syllable pronunciation mistake or errors in 
grapheme selection. 
In a study taken by the National Corporation for Educational Research - National 
Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) in the United Kingdom. The types of 
spelling errors described in the study became a major source of inspiration for 
this study. In this study, the typology of spelling mistakes had added another 
common type of errors that committed by students with visual impairment in a 
bilingual setting of Malaysia. Eventually, this type of spelling errors is risen from 
the direct translation of syllables from L1- Malay Language. The types of spelling 
errors described in this study may include: 
1. “Insertion” 
2. “Omission” 
3. “Substitution” 
4. “Transposition” 
5. “Grapheme Substitutions 
6. “Direct Translations of syllables from L1” 
1.5 Research Questions and Hypotheses 
This study was an attempt to answer the following two questions: (See Table 1) 
Table 1: Research Questions and Null Hyptheses 
No. Research Questions Null Hypotheses (Hₒ) 
1 Is there any significant difference 
between mean scores obtained in 
the pre and post-test after the usage 
of Contracted Braille in the ESPT 
dictation test? 
There is no significant difference 
between pre-test and post-test after 
the usage of contracted braille in the 
ESPT dictation test. 
2 Is there any significant relationship 
between the usage of Contracted 
Braille Code and spelling proficiency 
of the VI in the administered pre and 
post test? 
There is no significant relationship 
between the use of contracted 
braille and the spelling proficiency of 
students with visual impairments in 
the administered pre and post test
1.6 Purpose of the Study 
Thus, the purpose of the study is to analyze the typology of spelling mistakes 
typically committed by students with visual impairments in ESL as the impact of 
the usage of Contracted Braille in literacy activities. 
1.7 The objectives of the study 
The independent variable of this study is the usage of contracted British Braille 
Code that consists of fully contracted or partially contracted words (Vorgelegtvon 
& Lauenstein, 2007). Meanwhile the dependent variable discussed is the spelling 
proficiency of the VI. This study aimed to: - 
1. ascertain the frequency of mean scores for the types of spelling errors 
committed by the pupils with visual impairment in the pre-test and post-test 
of ESPT. 
2. identify a significant difference between mean scores obtained in the pre and 
post-examination after the utilization of contracted braille. 
3. identify the significant relationship between the usage of contracted Braille 
and the spelling performance of the VI in the ESPT dictation Test. 
1.8 Scope and Limitations of Study 
Typology of spelling errors committed by pupils with visual impairments is the 
main focus of this study. However, there is no suitable instrument established to 
measure the competency of braille literacy among the VI. Therefore, the 
instrument applied is confined to the level of spelling proficiency among the 
respondents who participated in this study. The findings do not represent the 
entire population of students with visual impairments. Samples were chosen 
based on purposive sampling approach that only those who meet the principles 
specified by the researcher will be taken as the samples in this study. In 
addition, the researchers also determined that the selected samples do not have 
other disabilities that might defect to the validity and reliability of the 
2. Research Methodology 
The research methodology in this study is based on quasi-experimental - time-series 
design to distinguish the impact or changes arising from the insertion of 
treatment for a long period of time (Handler, 2009). The rationale for the 
selection of time-series design as it does not require control group; Contracted 
Braille Code is the writing system practiced since 1902 in the Commonwealth 
countries that practice British Braille Primer (English Braille, 2014). 
Consequently, all users are required to read and master contracted braille to 
have better interpretations in braille literacy. According to Campbell & Stanley 
(1963), the time series design is virtuous, probably the best since the repetitive 
assessments fit well with the characteristics of the research carried out in 
schools. In this study, the researcher did not intend to compare whether an 
assumed intervention will get the desired change (Handler, 2009) as the subject
field is focused on impact on the utilization of contracted braille in a bilingual 
This study was conducted in three phases: Phase 1: the Pilot Study. Phase 2: 
Pre-test of ESPT. Phase 3: Post Test of ESPT. Each phase steered in three 
cohorts of protecting instructional time (MMI) in the school. A total of 127 words 
cited from the Integrated Secondary School Curriculum (KBSM)’s textbook and 
words found in the handbook of British Braille Prime. The cited words were 
dictated progressively in verbal form. The overall mean score was then analyzed 
to detect the types of spelling errors found in their answer scripts. (See Table 2) 
Table 2: ESPT Dictation Words According to Cohort: 2013-2014 
Pre and Post 
The words cited from KBSM’s 
The words cited from British 
Braille Prime 
Phase 1: Pilot 
April 2013 
1. cheap 
2. boil 
3. dear 
4. scrap 
5. pharmacy 
6. disaster 
7. kind 
8. ambitious 
9. development 
1. immediate 
2. first 
3. friend 
4. would 
5. father 
6. because 
7. ourselves 
Phase 2: Pre- 
Cohort 1 
May 2013 
8. knowledge 
9. quite 
Phase 2: Pre- 
Cohort 2 
July 2013 
Phase 2: Pre- 
Cohort 3 
Phase 3: 
cohort 1: 
9 January 
51.ought to 
Phase 3: 
cohort 2: 
23 January 
Phase 3: 
cohort 3: 
27 January 
Source: (Lee, Arokiasamy, Ganehsan, & Veerasamy, 2010; Braille Authority, 
1992; Abdullah, Wee, & Bien, 2002; Shanta, Kurup, & Lorenz, 2003).
15 respondents were conditionally selected from a Special Education Secondary 
School for the Visually Impaired located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The rationale 
for the selection of the school as it is the only school in Malaysia that offers 
special education services, especially for individuals with visual impairments. 
Table 3 shows the frequency distribution of the sample by types of disability and 
level of education. 
Table 3: Frequency Distribution of Samples 
Types of Vision 
Loss/ Academic 
Teenage Blind 
Form 4 0 2 1 2 
Form 5 5 2 1 2 
Total 5 4 2 4 
3. Findings 
When the respondents applied Contracted Braille in the dictation test, only 
29.89% of the dictated words were spelt incorrectly. “Grapheme substitution” 
was recorded as the most frequent error which committed by the respondents. 
In a bilingual background, the process of second language acquisition is also 
determined by L1. As anticipated by the researcher, ‘direct translation of 
syllables from L1’ is apparent among the respondents when they were uncertain 
about the full spelling of the dictated words. Table 4 presents the average mean 
score achieved in the Time Series Pre Test. 
Table 4: Average Mean Score in Time Series ESPT Pre Test 
No. Types of Spelling Error 
Pre Test 
1 May 
Pre Test 
July 2013 
Pre Test 3 
Mean Score 
1. Insertion 0.667 0.176 0.100 0.934 
2 Omission 0.167 0.529 0.526 1.222 
3 Substitution of letter 0.556 0.647 0.421 1.624 
4 Transposition 0.056 0.235 0.053 0.344 
5 Grapheme substitution 0.056 3.353 1.789 5.198 
Direct translation of syllables 
from L1 
1.611 1.353 1.263 4.227 
During the execution of the time series post-test, what can be observed is the 
percentage of spelling errors increased hastily as soon as the respondents did 
not apply Contracted Braille in their answer scripts. The number of misspelled 
words increased to 56.33%. The tendency of the spelling errors had shown the 
same pattern as the time series pre-test. “Grapheme substitution” and “direct 
translation of syllables from L1” still prominent as the highest mean score rather 
than other spelling errors. (See Table 5). 
Table 5: Average Mean Score in Time Series ESPT Post-Test 
No. Types of Spelling Error 
Post Test 1 
9 January 
Post Test 2 
23 January 
Post Test 3 
27 January 
Mean Score 
1. Insertion 0.947 1.375 0.842 3.164 
2 Omission 1.158 2.5 2 5.658 
3 Substitution of letter 1.368 0.625 0.526 2.519 
4 Transposition 0.211 0.875 0.842 1.928 
5 Grapheme substitution 8.316 8.625 7.684 24.625 
Direct Translation of 
syllables from L1 
3.579 3.375 3.263 10.217 
“Grapheme Substitution” is a circumstance when the respondents replaced the 
trigger words with syllables that have a similar letter sound with the dictated 
ones. While “Direct Translation of syllables from L1” is the condition when the 
respondents apply L1’s lexemes or syllables to form the full spelling of the words. 
Based on the typology of spelling errors, we can paradigm a generalization by 
stating that the phonetic awareness in ESL among VI is still below the average 
level. When examining the answer scripts written by the respondents, the 
researcher found that the respondents have superficial knowledge in the 
recognition of phonemes and phonetics on the English Language vocabularies. 
(See Table 6) 
Table 6: Sampels of Grapheme Subtitution and Direct Translation of Syllables 
from L1 
No. Details Grapheme substitution Direct Translation of Syllables 
from L1 
1. separate sirprate seperet 
2. accomodation accomodasion akomodasyen 
3. background beckground begraun 
4. compliment complemen komplimen 
5. deforestation deforestasion diforestasyen 
6. disposal disposer dispose 
7. fatigue fatick fetik 
8. because becourse/becoz bikos 
9. victim vickteam viktim 
10. mother mather mader 
11. dignity dicknity dikniti 
12. inspire in spyer inpail 
13. exchange ekschange ekscheng 
14. therapist terapist terapis 
15. acne acknee ekni 
16. something sumthing samting 
17. marine merin marin 
19. alert alet alet 
20. character carractor karakter 
To explore the research question, "Is there any significant difference between 
the mean scores obtained in pre and post-test after the usage of Contracted 
Braille in ESPT Dictation Test?” The result had shown α = 0.000 meaning that
there is a significant conflict between pre and post-test after the usage of 
Contracted Braille. Grounded along the outcomes of the Null hypothesis that 
states there is no significant difference after using Contracted Braille is rejected. 
As the consequence of the research, the result also rejects the hypothesis 
mentioned by Clark & Stoner (2008) which indicated that there is no significant 
difference of test scores from the use of Contracted Braille. The researcher 
comprehended that in the context of ESL, the respondents have inadequate 
phonetic awareness compared with those who are the native speakers of the 
English Language. (See Table 7.) 
Table 7: Comparison of Mean Scores Obtained in Pre and Post Test of ESPT 
Test Mean Standard Deviation t df Sig 
Pre 38.73 6.158 7.859 14 .000 
Post 21.80 11.44 
To answer the research question “Is there any significant relationship between 
the usage of Contracted Braille and spelling proficiency among VI in pre-test and 
post-test? The study found the correlation coefficient value of the observed 
variables is equal to +1. This suggests a perfect relationship between the usage 
of contracted braille and the spelling proficiency among the respondents. 
Nevertheless, the ESPT post test result had indicated M = 21.80, SD = 11:44, 
Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.704 with significance level α = 0.003 (p <. 
05). This implies meaning, strong (Yahaya Hashim Ramli, Boon, & Hamdan, 
2010) and positive relationship between the observed variables. Thus, the null 
hypothesis stating no significant relationship between the usage of Contract 
Braille and spelling proficiency among V. I in the administered ESPT Pre-Post 
Tests is rejected. (See Table 8) 
Table 8: Mean Score, Standard Deviation, Correlation, Signifinicance of Time 
Series Pre-Post Test 
Test Mean Standard 
n Correlation 
df Sig. 
Pre 38.73 6.158 15 1 14 .000 
Post 21.80 11.44 15 .704 14 .003 
4. Discussions 
The results attained in this study revealed that Contracted Braille has significant 
influence on the spelling proficiency of students with visual impairments, 
particularly in a bilingual setting, whereas ESL applied as one of the instructional 
mediums in the curriculum. The practice of Contracted Braille allows students to 
dominate dictated words accurately. Nevertheless, the usage of Contracted 
Braille that is not equipped with phonetic session will cause VI preoccupied with 
the execution of the abbreviated braille codes and ignored the full spelling of 
certain words. In turn, it affects the level of proficiency of English Language. 
This experiment was carried out in phases based on a time series design to 
investigate whether the use of Contracted Braille affects spelling proficiency of 
students with visual impairments in Malaysia. The study found that the mean 
scores between pre-test and post-test was significantly different (p<. 05). The 
independent variable had significantly affected the dependent variable. With a
strong correlation value that reaching 1 (r=0. 704), thus this had illustrated a 
positive relationship between the usage of Contracted Braille and spelling 
proficiency of VI. In other words, if a braille user holds a good competency in 
applying contracted braille, it also facilitates him/her to have better spelling 
proficiency in literacy activities. 
The concern of the researcher is spelling proficiency of students with visual 
impairment as the result of using Contracted Braille. Equally, we can observe 
that, the post-test end result is less encouraging compared with pre-test. This 
reflects the disadvantages of using Contracted Braille in literacy activities. 
According to Vorgelegtvon & Lauenstein (2007), inconsistencies of British Braille 
code affected the spelling proficiency of VI from the perspective of linguistic. In 
this study, spelling errors were evident when students were asked to dictate the 
full spelling of the words. Doubtlessly, if this matter is not addressed by 
proactive solutions, it will unquestionably affect the career expectations of 
students with visual impairments. It is recommended that teachers are always 
vigilant to the cultural aspects of the language process. By way of, it is becoming 
a must for individuals with visual impairments to dominate the standard 
vocabulary and thus become as competitive as the typical peers. 
5. Recommendations for Further Research 
Recommendations for further work are grounded on the limitations faced by the 
researcher during the inquiry procedure. With the hope that this work will 
encourage other researchers to extend the scope of subjects referred to the use 
of Contracted Braille, and its implications in the context of language learning and 
teaching literacy in bilingual setting. Hereby, we propose some recommendations 
for future study: 
1. Time and cost constraints limit the involvement of larger samples to 
participate in this study. Thus, it is recommended that further research 
focused on a fuller population of Special Education for VI For instance: 
inclusive program, the integration and mainstreaming programs, home 
schooling etc. to provide heterogeneity in the characteristic of the sampling. 
2. The significances of the use of Contracted Braille can also be run to study the 
elements that determine the level of spelling proficiency of students with 
visual handicaps. 
3. It is strongly urged that further improvement of the research scope will be 
expanded into reading and writing skills after the usage of Contracted Braille. 
4. The researcher also hopes that a more comprehensive appraisal system can 
be developed to assess the grade of competency in the utilisation of 
contracted braille among pupils with VI. Doubtless, the output of the 
measuring instrument harness educators and offer more information to 
educators in relation to square up the grade of braille literacy among the 
5. Established along the types of spelling errors made by students with visual 
handicaps, it is desired that these problems can spark new ideas among 
educators to arrange modules that can improve spelling proficiency level of 
students with visual impairments.
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The Impact of Contracted British Braille Code on Spelling Proficiency

  • 1. 1 The Impact of Contracted British Braille Code on The Spelling Proficiency among Pupils with Visual Impairments in Bilingual Setting Alya Qasdina Ng Ai Lee, Dr. Kway Eng Hock Faculty of Education and Human Development, Sultan Idris University of Education – Malaysia,, Abstract This article investigated the implication of the usage of contracted or abbreviated British Braille Code on the spelling proficiency among the pupils with visual impairments in a bilingual setting. The time series quasi experimental research was initiated since 2013 among 5 congenital blind pupils, 6 acquired blindness, including teenage blind, and 4 functionally blind pupils. The English Language Spelling Proficiency Test (ESPT) was administered verbally and in written form to obtain quantitative data on the typology of spelling errors made by the respondents. The upshot of the research had successfully identified the habitual errors offended by the respondents that eventually detracted the operation of Second Language (L2) acquisition; in which are believed to bear an influence on the mean scores obtained in the applied instrument. The result indicated that "graphemes substitution" and "direct translation of syllables of the first language (L1)" to be set up as the most frequent case of errors. It is recommended that teachers are always vigilant to the cultural aspects of the language process. Meanwhile, braille literacy activities should be enriched with phonetic practices to strengthen phonemic orthography skills among the visually impaired (VI). Hence, improve the accuracy of spelling in their writings. Keywords: (Contractions-Braille-Spelling-Blind-Bilingual) 1. Introduction Chronologically, before systematic production of the Basic Module for the Visually Impaired (KAiMaL) in 2010, pupils with visual impairments were learning braille codes according to the initiatives and flexibility of the subject teachers. Initially, students were learning Alphabetic Braille (Barclay, Herlich, & Sacks, 2010) followed with Contracted Braille based on formulae and procedures prescribed in the Handbook of British Braille Prime (1992). According to D'Andrea (2009), braille code has developed as a methodology that represents the printed text for individuals with visual impairments. According to Kway (2012), braille code is the medium for literacy activities specifically for reading and writing. In addition, with the availability of braille literacy, the career prospects for those who are competent in braille literacy are brighter than those
  • 2. 2 who have not mastered the skills (Koenig & Holbrook, 2000; Ryles 1996, 2000; Schroeder 1989.1996). 1.1. Bilingualism and Teaching English as the Second Language (ESL) Bilingualism occurs among people who apply multiple languages in literacy activities. Bilingualism is not a teaching and learning methodology. In depth, it is an approach to enhance understanding of students in the context of learning and teaching by implementing foreign language scaffold with native languages (Ovando, Combs, & Collier, 2003). In Malaysia, the policy of "Upholding Malay Language and Strengthening English" (MBMMBI, 2010), has gazetted learning English Language as a core subject, besides strengthening its dominance as the language of communication to access other disciplines of knowledge. The Education Blue Print (PPPM, 2013-2025), has stated English to be a must-pass subject in the Malaysia Education Certificate (SPM) from 2016. According to Crawford (2004), English as a Second Language (ESL) is a scheme of educational activity that enables students who are non-native-speakers of English Language to master the language in literacy activities. In the context of English language learning among students with visual impairments, they are required to master two types of braille code in the process of learning languages (KaiMaL, 2010). Highlights of previous studies found that phonetic awareness in braille literacy is linked to the cognitive operation of second language acquisition and it is correlated with the first language (L1) (Cummin, 1981). Therefore, the L1 influences the operation of second language (L2) acquisition (Lord, 2008). 1.2 Language Literacy According to Argyropoulos and Martos (2006), basic literacy formed the foundation for the education. Literacy development often receives serious attention from all parties (Rex, Koenig, Wormsley & Baker, 1995). The term ‘literacy’ is often linked with a person's ability to understand and write for everyday demands. According to Troughton (2009), basic literacy skills are a continuous contour of a variety of other technical literacies. In the context of the language acquisitions among pupils with visual impairment, Gillon & Young, 2002; McCall, McLinden, & Gouglas, 2011, stated that the evolution of literacy for braille users and sighted users are the same. This statement was agreed by Kway (2012), which alleged that the literacy skills of students with visual impairment are as important as the typical peers. 1.3 Orthography Skill Orthography skill is among the most important component of literacy as well as oral language, phonological and phonemic awareness, word identification, text comprehension, writing, vocabulary, reading fluency, and skill to remember and reuse the words that have been taught (Harris, 1995). The researchers have noted that spelling will be a wonderful indicator to determine the level of reading and writing for an individual in the early stage of literacy development (Ehri, 2005; Ehri & Wilce, 1987; Lombardino, Bedford, Fortier, Carter, & Brandi, 1997). (Ehri, 2005; Ehri & Wilce, 1987; Lombardino, Bedford, Fortier, Carter, & Brandi,
  • 3. 3 1997). Furthermore, the spelling was also employed as the measurement for classifying an individual's level of academic achievement. According to Larsen, Hammill, & moats (1999), spelling is a procedure that is uncomplicated but really significant for setting the level of education of a person. From a linguistic perspective, Argyropoulos & Martos (2006) and Beers (2003) commented spelling is a blending process to check pupils’ ability to understand the script and gauge pupils' awareness of the missives of the alphabet and letter sounds. In fact, spelling is rather difficult for visually impaired students because they require to be competent in braille literacy. The braille users need more time in determining the full spelling of the dictated words, and using the words in literacy activities. Various studies have been conducted to identify the spelling proficiency among students with visual impairments after the usage of Contracted Braille. As the result, VI was keen to be "the ultimate speller" as the abbreviated braille codes had represented the encoded words perfectly (Maxfield, 1928; Hayes, 1922). The hypothesis obtained in previous studies in relation to spelling proficiency among V. I yielded no significant differences after the use of Contracted Braille (Argyropoulos & Martos, 2006; Gillon & Young, 2002; Dodd & Conn, 2000). A study piloted by Clark-Bischke & Stoner (2009) in relation to the spelling proficiency of braille users in essay writing activity also found that spelling errors committed by students is due to a technical default that is “omission of letters” or “transposition” of the Braille code. Thus, the practice of abbreviations in Braille code is not a factor that threatens the spelling proficiency of students with visual impairments. Nevertheless, the finding of Vorgelegtvon & Lauenstein (2007) was contradicted from previous findings in relation to the issue discussed. Vorgelegtvon & Lauenstein review the problem based on the aspect of linguistics. The results found that the design and structure of the British Braille code which were less ordered and unstable had led to confusion in the aspects of grapheme structures or the full spelling of the root words / lexemes. Simultaneously, the elements of language such as morphology and phonological aspects were also exaggerated. Consequently, the study conducted by McCall, McLinden, & Gouglas, (2011) added that blind children are more difficult in mastering orthography skills. This problem is due to the quotidian practice of contracted braille code and less exposure to the full spelling of dictated words. 1.4 Typology of Spelling Errors Literature review of previous studies in relation to the typology of spelling errors produced by braille users has been apprehended. Koenig and Ashcroft (1993) presented that the typology of spelling errors by comparing the performance of the blind students and low vision students in the United States. The classifications of spelling errors were listed as follows: 1. “Homophone error related with braille contraction” 2. “Unsuccessful attempt at full spelling of contraction” 3. “Other braille related misspelling” 4. “True misspelling” 5. “Illegible word”
  • 4. 4 Vorgelegtvon and Lauenstein (2007) elicited the types and proportions of ‘major’ spelling errors are based on the problem statement, whether the contracted British Braille Code contains elements which might interfere with spelling performances of students with visual impairment. In this aspect, Vorgelegtvon and Lauenstein had classified the spelling errors by citing to a study conducted by the Educational Research - National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) in the United Kingdom while developing a generalisation and stating that spelling mistakes are divided into two categories based on the following conditions: 1. The errors triggered from the structure of the words: the insertion of graphemes, graphemes omission, graphemes transposition, grapheme substitution and other anonymous errors. 2. Errors caused by pronunciation and intonation when reading: multiplication of consonants, indistinct sound, the syllable pronunciation mistake or errors in grapheme selection. In a study taken by the National Corporation for Educational Research - National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) in the United Kingdom. The types of spelling errors described in the study became a major source of inspiration for this study. In this study, the typology of spelling mistakes had added another common type of errors that committed by students with visual impairment in a bilingual setting of Malaysia. Eventually, this type of spelling errors is risen from the direct translation of syllables from L1- Malay Language. The types of spelling errors described in this study may include: 1. “Insertion” 2. “Omission” 3. “Substitution” 4. “Transposition” 5. “Grapheme Substitutions 6. “Direct Translations of syllables from L1” 1.5 Research Questions and Hypotheses This study was an attempt to answer the following two questions: (See Table 1) Table 1: Research Questions and Null Hyptheses No. Research Questions Null Hypotheses (Hₒ) 1 Is there any significant difference between mean scores obtained in the pre and post-test after the usage of Contracted Braille in the ESPT dictation test? There is no significant difference between pre-test and post-test after the usage of contracted braille in the ESPT dictation test. 2 Is there any significant relationship between the usage of Contracted Braille Code and spelling proficiency of the VI in the administered pre and post test? There is no significant relationship between the use of contracted braille and the spelling proficiency of students with visual impairments in the administered pre and post test
  • 5. 5 1.6 Purpose of the Study Thus, the purpose of the study is to analyze the typology of spelling mistakes typically committed by students with visual impairments in ESL as the impact of the usage of Contracted Braille in literacy activities. 1.7 The objectives of the study The independent variable of this study is the usage of contracted British Braille Code that consists of fully contracted or partially contracted words (Vorgelegtvon & Lauenstein, 2007). Meanwhile the dependent variable discussed is the spelling proficiency of the VI. This study aimed to: - 1. ascertain the frequency of mean scores for the types of spelling errors committed by the pupils with visual impairment in the pre-test and post-test of ESPT. 2. identify a significant difference between mean scores obtained in the pre and post-examination after the utilization of contracted braille. 3. identify the significant relationship between the usage of contracted Braille and the spelling performance of the VI in the ESPT dictation Test. 1.8 Scope and Limitations of Study Typology of spelling errors committed by pupils with visual impairments is the main focus of this study. However, there is no suitable instrument established to measure the competency of braille literacy among the VI. Therefore, the instrument applied is confined to the level of spelling proficiency among the respondents who participated in this study. The findings do not represent the entire population of students with visual impairments. Samples were chosen based on purposive sampling approach that only those who meet the principles specified by the researcher will be taken as the samples in this study. In addition, the researchers also determined that the selected samples do not have other disabilities that might defect to the validity and reliability of the experiment. 2. Research Methodology The research methodology in this study is based on quasi-experimental - time-series design to distinguish the impact or changes arising from the insertion of treatment for a long period of time (Handler, 2009). The rationale for the selection of time-series design as it does not require control group; Contracted Braille Code is the writing system practiced since 1902 in the Commonwealth countries that practice British Braille Primer (English Braille, 2014). Consequently, all users are required to read and master contracted braille to have better interpretations in braille literacy. According to Campbell & Stanley (1963), the time series design is virtuous, probably the best since the repetitive assessments fit well with the characteristics of the research carried out in schools. In this study, the researcher did not intend to compare whether an assumed intervention will get the desired change (Handler, 2009) as the subject
  • 6. 6 field is focused on impact on the utilization of contracted braille in a bilingual context. This study was conducted in three phases: Phase 1: the Pilot Study. Phase 2: Pre-test of ESPT. Phase 3: Post Test of ESPT. Each phase steered in three cohorts of protecting instructional time (MMI) in the school. A total of 127 words cited from the Integrated Secondary School Curriculum (KBSM)’s textbook and words found in the handbook of British Braille Prime. The cited words were dictated progressively in verbal form. The overall mean score was then analyzed to detect the types of spelling errors found in their answer scripts. (See Table 2) Table 2: ESPT Dictation Words According to Cohort: 2013-2014 Pre and Post Test The words cited from KBSM’s Texbooks The words cited from British Braille Prime Phase 1: Pilot Study April 2013 1. cheap 2. boil 3. dear 4. scrap 5. pharmacy 6. disaster 7. kind 8. ambitious 9. development 10.excited 11.neglect 12.threat 13.improve 14.landslide 15.rise 1. immediate 2. first 3. friend 4. would 5. father 6. because 7. ourselves Phase 2: Pre- Test Cohort 1 May 2013 16.against 17.another 18.avoid 19.enough 20.because 21.ceremony 22.courage 23.duty 25.idea 26.material 27.separate 8. knowledge 9. quite 10.will 11.rather 12.but 13.people Phase 2: Pre- Test Cohort 2 July 2013 28.accomodation 29.background 30.compliment 31.deforestation 32.disposal 33.fatigue 34.performance 35.victim 36.awarded 14.Just 18.and 19.the
  • 7. 7 37.dignity 38.inspire Phase 2: Pre- Test Cohort 3 September 2013 39.kindness 41.therapist 42.acne 43.something 44.marine 45.alert 46.characteristic 47.demand 48.experience 49.information 20.them 21.cannot 22.father 24.Lord 25.question 26.right 27.spirit Phase 3: Post-Test cohort 1: 9 January 2014 50.sacrifice 51.ought to 52.determine 53.frequent 54.remedies 55.concern 56.advance 57.arrest 28.time 29.under 30.upon 33.young 34.shall 35.whose 36.through Phase 3: Post-Test cohort 2: 23 January 2014 58.besides 59.comfort 60.distinguish 38.were 39.about 40.necessary 41.neither 42.according 43.afternoon 44.paid 45.perhaps 46.perceive 47.already 48.altogether 49.believe Phase 3: Post-Test cohort 3: 27 January 2014 61.nation 62.harvest 63.surround 64.suggest 65.poor 66.opinion 50.brave 51.children 52.rejoice 53.deceive 54.such 55.themselves 56.friend 57.great 58.declare 59.immediate 60.letter 61.much Source: (Lee, Arokiasamy, Ganehsan, & Veerasamy, 2010; Braille Authority, 1992; Abdullah, Wee, & Bien, 2002; Shanta, Kurup, & Lorenz, 2003).
  • 8. 8 15 respondents were conditionally selected from a Special Education Secondary School for the Visually Impaired located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The rationale for the selection of the school as it is the only school in Malaysia that offers special education services, especially for individuals with visual impairments. Table 3 shows the frequency distribution of the sample by types of disability and level of education. Table 3: Frequency Distribution of Samples Types of Vision Loss/ Academic Level Congenitally Blind Childhood Blind Teenage Blind Functionally Blind Form 4 0 2 1 2 Form 5 5 2 1 2 Total 5 4 2 4 3. Findings When the respondents applied Contracted Braille in the dictation test, only 29.89% of the dictated words were spelt incorrectly. “Grapheme substitution” was recorded as the most frequent error which committed by the respondents. In a bilingual background, the process of second language acquisition is also determined by L1. As anticipated by the researcher, ‘direct translation of syllables from L1’ is apparent among the respondents when they were uncertain about the full spelling of the dictated words. Table 4 presents the average mean score achieved in the Time Series Pre Test. Table 4: Average Mean Score in Time Series ESPT Pre Test No. Types of Spelling Error Pre Test 1 May 2013 Pre Test 2 July 2013 Pre Test 3 October 2013 Average Mean Score 1. Insertion 0.667 0.176 0.100 0.934 2 Omission 0.167 0.529 0.526 1.222 3 Substitution of letter 0.556 0.647 0.421 1.624 4 Transposition 0.056 0.235 0.053 0.344 5 Grapheme substitution 0.056 3.353 1.789 5.198 6 Direct translation of syllables from L1 1.611 1.353 1.263 4.227 During the execution of the time series post-test, what can be observed is the percentage of spelling errors increased hastily as soon as the respondents did not apply Contracted Braille in their answer scripts. The number of misspelled words increased to 56.33%. The tendency of the spelling errors had shown the same pattern as the time series pre-test. “Grapheme substitution” and “direct translation of syllables from L1” still prominent as the highest mean score rather than other spelling errors. (See Table 5). .
  • 9. 9 Table 5: Average Mean Score in Time Series ESPT Post-Test No. Types of Spelling Error Post Test 1 9 January 2014 Post Test 2 23 January 2014 Post Test 3 27 January 2014 Average Mean Score 1. Insertion 0.947 1.375 0.842 3.164 2 Omission 1.158 2.5 2 5.658 3 Substitution of letter 1.368 0.625 0.526 2.519 4 Transposition 0.211 0.875 0.842 1.928 5 Grapheme substitution 8.316 8.625 7.684 24.625 6 Direct Translation of syllables from L1 3.579 3.375 3.263 10.217 “Grapheme Substitution” is a circumstance when the respondents replaced the trigger words with syllables that have a similar letter sound with the dictated ones. While “Direct Translation of syllables from L1” is the condition when the respondents apply L1’s lexemes or syllables to form the full spelling of the words. Based on the typology of spelling errors, we can paradigm a generalization by stating that the phonetic awareness in ESL among VI is still below the average level. When examining the answer scripts written by the respondents, the researcher found that the respondents have superficial knowledge in the recognition of phonemes and phonetics on the English Language vocabularies. (See Table 6) Table 6: Sampels of Grapheme Subtitution and Direct Translation of Syllables from L1 No. Details Grapheme substitution Direct Translation of Syllables from L1 1. separate sirprate seperet 2. accomodation accomodasion akomodasyen 3. background beckground begraun 4. compliment complemen komplimen 5. deforestation deforestasion diforestasyen 6. disposal disposer dispose 7. fatigue fatick fetik 8. because becourse/becoz bikos 9. victim vickteam viktim 10. mother mather mader 11. dignity dicknity dikniti 12. inspire in spyer inpail 13. exchange ekschange ekscheng 14. therapist terapist terapis 15. acne acknee ekni 16. something sumthing samting 17. marine merin marin 19. alert alet alet 20. character carractor karakter To explore the research question, "Is there any significant difference between the mean scores obtained in pre and post-test after the usage of Contracted Braille in ESPT Dictation Test?” The result had shown α = 0.000 meaning that
  • 10. 10 there is a significant conflict between pre and post-test after the usage of Contracted Braille. Grounded along the outcomes of the Null hypothesis that states there is no significant difference after using Contracted Braille is rejected. As the consequence of the research, the result also rejects the hypothesis mentioned by Clark & Stoner (2008) which indicated that there is no significant difference of test scores from the use of Contracted Braille. The researcher comprehended that in the context of ESL, the respondents have inadequate phonetic awareness compared with those who are the native speakers of the English Language. (See Table 7.) Table 7: Comparison of Mean Scores Obtained in Pre and Post Test of ESPT Test Mean Standard Deviation t df Sig Pre 38.73 6.158 7.859 14 .000 Post 21.80 11.44 To answer the research question “Is there any significant relationship between the usage of Contracted Braille and spelling proficiency among VI in pre-test and post-test? The study found the correlation coefficient value of the observed variables is equal to +1. This suggests a perfect relationship between the usage of contracted braille and the spelling proficiency among the respondents. Nevertheless, the ESPT post test result had indicated M = 21.80, SD = 11:44, Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.704 with significance level α = 0.003 (p <. 05). This implies meaning, strong (Yahaya Hashim Ramli, Boon, & Hamdan, 2010) and positive relationship between the observed variables. Thus, the null hypothesis stating no significant relationship between the usage of Contract Braille and spelling proficiency among V. I in the administered ESPT Pre-Post Tests is rejected. (See Table 8) Table 8: Mean Score, Standard Deviation, Correlation, Signifinicance of Time Series Pre-Post Test Test Mean Standard Deviation n Correlation (r) df Sig. Pre 38.73 6.158 15 1 14 .000 Post 21.80 11.44 15 .704 14 .003 4. Discussions The results attained in this study revealed that Contracted Braille has significant influence on the spelling proficiency of students with visual impairments, particularly in a bilingual setting, whereas ESL applied as one of the instructional mediums in the curriculum. The practice of Contracted Braille allows students to dominate dictated words accurately. Nevertheless, the usage of Contracted Braille that is not equipped with phonetic session will cause VI preoccupied with the execution of the abbreviated braille codes and ignored the full spelling of certain words. In turn, it affects the level of proficiency of English Language. This experiment was carried out in phases based on a time series design to investigate whether the use of Contracted Braille affects spelling proficiency of students with visual impairments in Malaysia. The study found that the mean scores between pre-test and post-test was significantly different (p<. 05). The independent variable had significantly affected the dependent variable. With a
  • 11. 11 strong correlation value that reaching 1 (r=0. 704), thus this had illustrated a positive relationship between the usage of Contracted Braille and spelling proficiency of VI. In other words, if a braille user holds a good competency in applying contracted braille, it also facilitates him/her to have better spelling proficiency in literacy activities. The concern of the researcher is spelling proficiency of students with visual impairment as the result of using Contracted Braille. Equally, we can observe that, the post-test end result is less encouraging compared with pre-test. This reflects the disadvantages of using Contracted Braille in literacy activities. According to Vorgelegtvon & Lauenstein (2007), inconsistencies of British Braille code affected the spelling proficiency of VI from the perspective of linguistic. In this study, spelling errors were evident when students were asked to dictate the full spelling of the words. Doubtlessly, if this matter is not addressed by proactive solutions, it will unquestionably affect the career expectations of students with visual impairments. It is recommended that teachers are always vigilant to the cultural aspects of the language process. By way of, it is becoming a must for individuals with visual impairments to dominate the standard vocabulary and thus become as competitive as the typical peers. 5. Recommendations for Further Research Recommendations for further work are grounded on the limitations faced by the researcher during the inquiry procedure. With the hope that this work will encourage other researchers to extend the scope of subjects referred to the use of Contracted Braille, and its implications in the context of language learning and teaching literacy in bilingual setting. Hereby, we propose some recommendations for future study: 1. Time and cost constraints limit the involvement of larger samples to participate in this study. Thus, it is recommended that further research focused on a fuller population of Special Education for VI For instance: inclusive program, the integration and mainstreaming programs, home schooling etc. to provide heterogeneity in the characteristic of the sampling. 2. The significances of the use of Contracted Braille can also be run to study the elements that determine the level of spelling proficiency of students with visual handicaps. 3. It is strongly urged that further improvement of the research scope will be expanded into reading and writing skills after the usage of Contracted Braille. 4. The researcher also hopes that a more comprehensive appraisal system can be developed to assess the grade of competency in the utilisation of contracted braille among pupils with VI. Doubtless, the output of the measuring instrument harness educators and offer more information to educators in relation to square up the grade of braille literacy among the pupils. 5. Established along the types of spelling errors made by students with visual handicaps, it is desired that these problems can spark new ideas among educators to arrange modules that can improve spelling proficiency level of students with visual impairments.
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