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Acts 4:8 8Then Peter, filledwith the Holy Spirit, said
to them: "Rulers and elders of the people!
Contextual Overview
5And it came to pass on the next day, that their rulers and elders and scribes
were gatheredtogetherin Jerusalem;6and Annas the high priest [was there],
and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred
of the high priest. 7And when they had setthem in the midst, they inquired,
By what power, or in what name, have you done this? 8Then Peter, filled with
the Holy Spirit, saidto them, You rulers of the people, and elders,9ifwe this
day are examined concerning a gooddeed done to a lame man, how this man
is made whole; 10be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that in
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised
from the dead, [even] in him does this man stand here before you whole. 11He
is the stone which was setat nothing of you the builders, which was made the
head of the corner. 12And in none other is there salvation: for neither is there
any other name under heaven, that is given among men, wherein we must be
saved. 13Now whenthey saw the boldness of Peter and John, and had
perceivedthat they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and
they took knowledge ofthem, that they had been with Jesus. 14And seeing the
man that was healedstanding with them, they could say nothing againstit.
Pulpit Commentary Homiletics
The Servants In The Footsteps OfTheir Lord
Acts 4:5-12
R.A. Redford
I. Compare the CIRCUMSTANCES ofthis testimony with those in which
Jesus stood. Some of the same were present. Actuated by similar feelings
againstthe truth. But notice:
1. Calledtogetheron the ground of one specific fact - the miracle done (ver. 7)
undeniably real.
2. Without any accusationas in the Lord's case. No false witnesses called.
3. In appearance, atleast, orderly and candid; inquiring, "By what power, or
in what Name, have ye done this?" certainly evincing, as does the sequel,
considerable reactionfrom the fury of the Crucifixion. Consciencewas at
work. A sign that the gospelwas alreadybeginning to lay hold of Jerusalem.
II. Considerthe TESTIMONYborne by the apostle.
1. The substance of it. It pointed to the signs of Divine powerpresent;
connectedthose signs with the Name and authority of Jesus Christ; clearly
announced the fulfillment of Scripture, and invited all to rejoice in the
blessings ofthe gospel.
2. The inspiration of it; seenin its simplicity, boldness, wisdom, and yet
supreme gentleness and love. A perfect respectfor the old, and yet an entire
acceptanceofthe new with all its consequences. Itwas not the address of a
criminal excusing himself, or of a suspectedman putting by the
misconstructions of enemies;it was the appeal of a herald and inspired
ambassador, fulfilling his Divine office to be a witness to Jesus. There was in it
a sublime indifference to human opposition, and yet a confidence in the
sufficiency of the gospelwhichcould not have been of merely human origin.
Peterspoke as one "filled with the Holy Ghost," the Spirit of truth, life, and
love; as a true Israelite, without one word of disparagementof what was
representedin that Sanhedrim; and yet as a true apostle of Christ; as the
priest of that restoredtemple, of which Jesus was henceforththe Corner-
stone;and as a true prophet, able to connectthe present with the past and the
future, and say, "Thus saith the Lord." - R.
Biblical Illustrator
By what power, or by what name, have ye done this?
Acts 4:7-10
The powerin apostolic miracles
R. Tuck, B. A.
The fact of the healing was recognised;and the logicalconclusion, that it was
a sign of the presence and working of some supernatural power, was not
shirked; but the inquiry remained, "What is your powerand authority?" The
word "power" is that used of our Lord's miracles, and translated "mighty
works." The term "name" here stands for "authority." This the Sanhedrin
askedbecause theyregardedthemselves as the highest religious authority in
the land, and they could approve of nothing which had not been submitted for
their sanction. They had to learn that God never will allow His grace to be
tied with officialbonds. Moses gave the high example of the noble spirit.
"Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that He would put
His Spirit on them!" We are led to considerthe apostolic miracles, andwhat
was thought of them.
I. THE PEOPLE'S THOUGHT OF THEM. Miracles excitedthe interest of
the "commonpeople." This is true both of our Lord's miracles and of those
wrought by the apostles. The greatdistinction betweenthe two series is this —
our Lord permitted His miracles to witness to Himself; but the apostles
turned the people's minds from themselves. The "commonpeople" are more
susceptible to the supernatural than the learned; partly because they are more
simple, freer from prejudices; and partly because sentiment and imagination
are toned and repressedby knowledge. The simplicity of the "common
people" has both its goodand its bad side. They hardly knew What to make of
St. Peter's miracle. It was not in their way to think the matter out. Enough for
them that it was a sign of gracious power. Theymust be goodmen who were
the agents ofsuch goodwork; and so they were prepared to listen with the
expectationthat their word would be as goodas their work. It is a safe
principle that if a man's works are kind and goodwe may expectkindness and
goodness in his words; and we may even assume that there will be truth in
them. Our Lord taught us that by their works we may judge our teachers.
II. THE PRIESTS'THOUGHT OF THEM. The priests stand for the
Sadducee section. Theywere not simple-minded, and so not prepared fairly to
considerthe apostolic miracle. They had taken up strong prejudices against
our Lord which developed into active enmity, and securedour Lord's death.
But their gratificationpassedinto intense anxiety when the guard reported,
and the disciples of the Crucified openly declaredthat He was risen. If that
were true they were convicted of the almost inconceivable crime to a Jew, of
judicially murdering the long-promised Messiah. In their straits they
determined to put a bold face on the matter, and make violence serve their
end. Perhaps they even succeededin deluding themselves;and when news
came of this miracle of healing they declaredit must have been wrought by
some malign power, some strange jugglery; and it was their duty to deal with
these men as wizards and mountebanks. To these prejudiced priests the same
rule may be applied as sufficed for the people, and the characterand quality
of the apostle's works shouldbe allowedto declare their truthfulness, and
explain the source of their authority.
III. THE APOSTLES'THOUGHT OF THEE (vers. 9-12). They firmly
declare that they had wrought the miracle by Divine powerentrusted to them;
and that they had exerted that powerby the authority of that very Nazarene
whom they had crucified, but who was risen, and sending forth that grace of
which the miracle of healing was an outward sign. The apostles teachus to
look upon the miracle — and all the cycle of apostolic miracles — as being
signs of —
1. The Divine presence:the Lord was present to heal.
2. The Divine witness, giving public attestationto their teachings and
preachings;and —
3. The Divine work, which is to recovermen from all the ill and woes brought
in by sin, redeeming them from both sin and sin's effects. Conclusion:
Miracles are fitting modes of persuasiononly for the unscientific ages and
peoples. They are witnesses to eye and feeling for those who are mainly
influenced through the senses ratherthan through the mind. Therefore the
age of miracles has ceased;and the ever-working miracle of God's converting
and renewing grace in men's hearts and lives suffices to convince all open
souls that Jesus the Risenis the One, only, all-sufficient Saviour still.
(R. Tuck, B. A.)
The pre-eminence and power of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
H. J. Van Dyke, D. D.
These are manifest —
CORRESPONDING NATURE. Two correlative words summarise the whole
Bible — sin and salvation. But our knowledge ofthese is not derived from the
same source. There is a distinction betweenwhat is revealedand what is only
recordedin Scripture. Salvation is revealed. But sin is only recorded. It was
already in the world, and the consciousnessofit was interwoven with human
experience before salvationwas proclaimed (Romans 3:20). The Scriptures
assume this terrible fact. All their warnings, invitations, and promises are
basedupon it. All the rites prescribed in the Old Testamentand all the forms
of worship recognisedin the New take it for granted. It lies at the foundation
of all prayer. The Scriptures also directly assertit. "All have sinned, and come
short of the glory of God." The most formal and elaborate argumentof the
Bible (the Epistle to Rome)sustains these assertions. Onthe dark background
of natural religion, by which all men are tried and found guilty, the glorious
gospelshines resplendent. Jesus Christis not a light, but The Light of the
world, without which there is no deliverance from the powerof darkness. God
has laid at the foundation of all revealedtheology, and of all Christian effort,
that Stone which foolishbuilders have rejected, and has graven upon it this
indelible inscription, "Neitheris there salvationin any other — for there is
none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved."
collectionof arbitrary titles, but the embodiment of the Divine nature and
purpose. The Elohim createdthe heavens and the earth; but JehovahElohim
entered into covenantwith man. This new name (Exodus 6:3) runs through
and characterises the Old Testamenteconomy, until its last prophet proclaims
the promise, "Jehovahwhom ye seek shallsuddenly come to His temple; even
the Angel of the Covenant, whom ye delight in" (Malachi3:1). The New
Testamentrevelations begin with the fulfilment of the promise that closes the
Old. Jesus is the human name of the Covenant Angel. In the synagogue at
NazarethHe claims to be the Anointed of God, and from that time His words
evoke the recognitionof His nature and His mission. Andrew declares, "We
have found the Messias,"and Philip confirms the testimony. Nathanaelfalls
down before Him, and says, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God, Thou art the
King of Israel." The woman of Samaria exclaims, "Is not this the Christ?"
Peterfalls prostrate at His feet, crying out, "Departfrom me, for I am a sinful
man, O Lord!" and "No man can callJesus Lord, but by the Holy Ghost."
Now He is not only Jesus, He is Jesus the Christ, and "Our Lord Jesus
Christ." That name is above every name. It translates the ineffable name of
Jehovahinto human speech, and interprets it to human hearts. It runs
through and unifies all Scripture. It embodies the expressedessenceofa
thousand titles, by which all that is glorious and amiable in God and man, in
heaven or earth, is appropriated to Him.
of God is the most stupendous fact in the history of the universe. This it is that
makes His name Wonderful. This is the foundation God has laid in Zion, and
calls upon men and angels to behold — the elect, tried, and precious stone,
rejectedof men, but made in the Divine plan and in human experience, the
head of the corner. And that which demonstrates this stupendous fact as the
powerof God unto salvationis the revealedpurpose that Jesus Christ should
come in the flesh to be "the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only,
but also for the sins of the whole world." Among the human builders there are
none whose speechis so utterly confounded, and whose wisdomis more
manifestly takenin their own craftiness, than those who undertake to re-write
the life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to explain His mission, and the confessed
powerof His name, omitting the recognitionof His Deity, and the cleansing
powerof His atoning blood. Regardedsimply as a man and a teacher, He is a
bundle of contradictions. Forwhile we are not competent to setlimits to the
Almighty, we do know what man can do; and we know that no uninspired and
deceitful man could have drawn this consistentportraiture of the incarnate
God. It is only when we add to the human name and nature of Jesus — the
Divine attributes and purposes of which the angels sang when they declared
Him to be "a Saviour who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11) — that we can
apprehend the truth and grace which shine out in all His recordedministry,
or the powerwith which the story of His life comes home to the universal
1. He is that Prophet whose coming Moses predicted, and for whose teaching
he challengedan absolute credence. His instructions prepare the wayfor the
effectualapplication of His sacrifice.
2. This Prophet is also the greatHigh Priest, and by the one offering of
Himself He has both satisfiedDivine justice, and for ever perfectedthem that
are sanctified.
3. Moreover, ourLord Jesus Christis King. His royal power underlies and
gives efficacyto His prophetic and priestly offices.
4. These offices impart a Divine efficacyto the facts of His death and
resurrection. He died as a Prophet and Martyr, to confirm His testimony. He
died as a King, to conquer death, and him that hath the power of it. He died as
a Priest, that by His precious blood He might redeem and purify unto Himself
a peculiar people.
salvationresides in the gospel, i.e., in the open proclamationof the truth as it
is in Jesus;and demonstrates itselfin them that believe. "All power," says the
ascending Saviour, "is given unto Me; go ye, therefore, and teachall nations."
So the apostles understoodit, and because they believed, therefore have they
spoken. When the Jewishcouncil chargedthem to speak no more to any man
in this name, they answered, "We cannotbut speak the things we have seen
and heard." Wherein consistedtheir inability to keepsilence? Doubtless they
were constrainedby loyalty to Christ. But their loyalty ran much deeperthan
the external commandment. It was but another name for a Divine sympathy
and oneness with Him.
(H. J. Van Dyke, D. D.)
If we this day be examined of the gooddeed
Giving the reason
W. E. Chadwick, M. A., C. F. Deems, LL. D.
Let us see that we cangive a goodreasonfor our work, both to ourselves and
also to others. It is well for us againand againto question ourselves as to the
real motives and, as far as we canpredict them, the probable results of our
actions. Let us see that we can give thoroughly satisfactoryanswers to
questions about whose realmeaning there can be no possible doubt. Questions
such as these, Why do I teach in the Sunday school? Why ought I to teach?
What should be the reasonfor and the object of my instruction? Don't let us
be satisfiedwith merely generaland indefinite answers, suchas, "Becauseit is
right," or "Becauseit is known and admitted to be a goodwork." The real
answershould be of this kind, "It is most important that these children and
these young people should have a thorough knowledge ofthe life and words,
the example and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. They should be taught to
seek forand be guided by His Spirit, they should be prepared for the many
temptations they will meet in the world. The consciencemust be made tender
and able to discern betweengoodand evil. The will must be strengthenedso
that they may be able to persevere in that course oflife which they perceive
and know to be right. Moreover, since the conflict upon which they will enter
will be of lifelong duration, it is most important that they should be trained to
live a disciplined life; that they should be taught that the Church, besides
being a school, is also an army, the members of which should lead disciplined
lives; that they should learn that a means and a method and a safeguardis
provided againstall forms of temptation by means of this discipline." The
district visitor should also be able to answerthe same questions. They must
answerboth themselves and others. From the nature of their work they are
more likely to be criticisedthan the Sunday-schoolteacher;for they deal with
those of mature years, with those who can form an opinion, and who are not
slow to detect and judge their motives. Let people see, then, that our objectis
helpfulness. Teachthem how many are, by sad experience, proved to be
impotent to carry on the struggle of life; tell them how we would instruct them
in the laws of life, and help and strengthenthem to live happier and healthier
lives. St. Peterpointed to effects produced; we must do the same; we must
show men and women how those who are really obedient to the teaching of
Christ and the discipline of the Church are more able to fulfil the duty to
which God has calledthem.
(W. E. Chadwick, M. A.)May I never be disposedto apologiseforany "good
deed" which I may have wrought in the name of Jesus, no matter who may be
offended thereby. May I never be tempted to give to myself any glory for
anything that has been wrought through me by the Holy Ghost. May I not be
moved by any regardfor the opinions of what is calledcultivated societyor
the opinions of materialistic scientists to attempt to explain away, or explain
on some natural principle, that which has been wrought by the supernatural
grace ofGod, by the powerof faith in Jesus. MayI never be ashamed of Jesus
because ofthe opprobrium thrown on Him by His enemies. Jesus ofNazareth:
call Him so, bigotedchurchmen; callHim so, powerful worldlings; call Him
so, cultivated sceptics;but He is Jesus, andwhether of Nazareth, or
Bethlehem, or Jerusalem, orearth, or heaven, faith in His name has healed
millions, and not a single soul has ever been healedby faith in any other name.
(C. F. Deems, LL. D.)
This is the Stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the
Head of the corner
The cornerstone
Bp. Jacobson.
is the top stone at an angle of the building. of greatweight and importance in
their roofs, built of solid fiat stones, to admit of being walkedupon. Christ as
the CornerStone united Jews and Gentiles, as He united the two natures, the
Godheadand the manhood. His own name must have helped to endear this
Psalmto the apostle (1 Peter2:4-7).
(Bp. Jacobson.)
Men as moral architects
D. Thomas, D. D.
These words, borrowedfrom Psalm118:22, are also quoted by all the
evangelists exceptJohn, and are applied to the Jewishleaders who professed
to be the builders of the temple of religion. All men are builders in some form
or another. Man is a constructive creature. Some are building scientific
systems, some mercantile schemes, some socialinstitutions. All are building
their own character. The text suggests —
I. MAN'S GREAT NEED AS A MORAL BUILDER — a foundation stone. A
goodfoundation is essentialto a goodbuilding.
1. Is it a system that man is building? He must have a foundation principle
which will give strength and unity to all the parts.
2. Is it an institution — social, political, or ecclesiastical?It must be basedon
some goodreason.
3. Is it character? Whatevera man's governing disposition, whether
sensuality, avarice, ambition, selfishness,orbenevolence and religion, that is
the foundation of his character.
1. In their system of thought. The world teems with intellectual buildings,
some of a grand and imposing character;but they have no Divine truth for
their foundation. These, like houses onthe sand, are constantly tumbling
down. The ever-swelling river of history bears on its bosom the wrecks of
many such.
2. In their institutional arrangements. A truculent expediency, a false
philanthropy, a perverted religious sentiment, form the basis of many
political, social, andreligious institutions. These cannotstand; many have
tumbled down; some are tumbling now; all must go.
3. In their practicalenterprises. Schemes ofbusiness are launched, great
companies are built up, whose foundations are chicaneryand fraud, and
sooneror later they fail.
4. In their moral character. Man's characteris made up of habits, habits are
made up of acts, and acts start from principles which lie at the foundation.
But the principles are not Divine. They are selfish, not benevolent; carnal, not
spiritual; atheistic, not godly. All these are "wood, hay, stubble," and cannot
he will find the Divine, which he rejected, supreme.
1. This is often fulfilled in the individual characters ofmen — in the history of
all who have been genuinely converted. The stone which they once set at
nought, through the renovating grace ofGod, becomes the head of the corner.
Christ, whom they once despised, becomes theirall in all.
2. This is being gradually fulfilled in the life of society. As the old systems,
institutions, and enterprises in societywhich have been founded on wrong
principles totter and fall, societybegins to look out for a firmer foundation —
for the Divine — and the rejectedstone in many casesis becoming the head of
the corner. The varied edifices in sociallife are becoming Diviner things.
3. This will be fully realisedin the final history of the world. Christ. whom the
world had rejected, will be the subject of every thought, the spirit of every
system, the spring of every activity, the sweetness ofevery pleasure, the glory
of every distinction. He shall be all in all. What a terrible discovery for
Christ's rejecters!
(D. Thomas, D. D.)
Christ the Head of the Corner
J. W. Burn.
Christ acts in a two-fold capacityin the building up of human life. He is the
foundation (1 Corinthians 3:2; 1 Peter2:4-7); and the stone which crowns the
edifice and gives it completeness, unity, and strength. He is thus the Alpha and
Omega, the first and the last. The text sets forth Christ in the latter of these
two capacities.Manwithout Christ is incomplete, disorganised, and weak;in
Him he has perfection, oneness, and power. We see this —
I. IN THE HISTORY OF THE RACES. Before Christcame humanity lacked
its full development. Neverbefore the Advent was there an exhibition even in
the ideal of what man could be. Just as man was the crownand perfectionof
God's handiwork in creation, so is Christ the crownand perfectionof man.
And whereverChrist is not acceptedandplaced in His true position, the fatal
flaw of incompleteness is apparent. Note, too, the disintegrationof humanity
before Christ came, and where Christ's supremacy is not recognised. "One is
your Master," etc., is the secretof the unity of mankind. Weakness,too, is
stamped upon all ancientnationalities, in spite of high civilisation and bloated
armaments, "part of iron and part of clay." Hence their non-survival.
Internal weakness,prophetic of sure decay, is the fate of every nation that
rejects the Head of the Corner.
goodof man's —
1. Intellectual life. Ancient and modern antichristian philosophy were and are
defective, lackedcoherence, hadand have no powerto quicken. The truth as it
is in Jesus alone cansurvive, because it has in it all that man needs to know,
appeals to all his faculties, reason, imagination, etc., and thoroughly satisfies
the mind. Then it is a complete and well-rounded unity, and by accepting it
man's intellectual nature becomes atone with itself and with the other
faculties. And finally the words of Jesus "are spirit and are life."
2. Morallife. "One thing thou lackest" is the allegationagainstall systems
and men out of Christ, and how true Romans 8. is of all the unregenerate!
"Deadin trespasses andsins" completes the fatal category.
3. Business life. The fatal lack here is that of the ennobling motive, "Do all to
the glory of God." Men are "distracted" because ofthe want of a cohering
commercialprinciple such as "Ye serve the Lord Christ" would supply. And
all enterprises are impotent to do more than supply man's physical needs
which are not animated by the Spirit of Christ.
(J. W. Burn.)
Adam Clarke Commentary
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost - Which guided him into all truth, and
raisedhim far above the fearof man; placing him in a widely different state of
mind to that in which he was found when, in the hall of Caiaphas, he denied
his Master, through fear of a servant girl. But now was fulfilled the promise of
Christ, Matthew 10:18-20;And ye shall be brought before governors and
kings for my sake;but take no thought how or what ye shall speak;for it is
not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Fatherthat speakethin you.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Clarke, Adam. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "The Adam Clarke
Commentary". https:
4.html. 1832.
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Albert Barnes'Notes onthe Whole Bible
Filled with the Holy Ghost - See the notes on Acts 2:4.
Ye rulers … - Peteraddressedthe Sanhedrin with perfect respect. He did not
call in question their authority to propose this question. He seemedto regard
this as a favorable opportunity to declare the truth and state the evidence of
the Christian religion. In this he actedon the principle of the injunction which
he himself afterward gave 1 Peter3:15, “Be ready always to give an answerto
every man that askethyou a reasonof the hope that is in you, with meekness
and fear.” Innocence is willing to be questioned; and a believer in the truth
will rejoice in any opportunity to state the evidence of what is believed. It is
remarkable, also, that this was before the GreatCouncil of the nation - the
body that was clothedwith the highest authority. Petercould not have
forgottenthat before this very council, and these very men, his Masterhad
been arraigned and condemned; nor could he have forgottenthat in the very
room where this same council was convenedto try his Lord, he had himself
shrunk from an honest avowalof attachment to him, and shamefully and
profanely denied him.
That he was now able to stand boldly before this same tribunal evinced a
remarkable change in his feelings, and was a most clearand impressive proof
of the genuineness ofhis repentance when he went out and wept bitterly.
Compare Luke 22:54-62. And we may remark here, that one of the most clear
evidences of the sincerity of repentance is when it leads to a result like this. So
deeply was the heart of Peteraffectedby his sin Luke 22:62, and so genuine
was his sorrow, that he doubtless remembered his crime on this occasion, and
the memory of it inspired him with boldness. It may be further remarked, that
one evidence of the genuineness ofrepentance is a desire to repair the evil
which is done by crime. Peterhad done dishonor to his Masterand his cause
in the presence ofthe greatcouncil of the nation. Nothing, on such an
occasion, wouldbe more likely to do injury to the cause than for one of the
disciples of the Saviour to deny him - one of his followers to be guilty of
profaneness and falsehood. But here was an opportunity, in some degree, at
least, to repair the evil. Before the same council, in the same city, and in the
presence. ofthe same people, it is not an unnatural supposition that Peter
rejoicedthat he might have opportunity to bear his testimony to the divine
mission of the Saviour whom he had before denied. By using the customary
language ofrespectapplied to the GreatCouncil, Peteralso has shown us that
it is proper to evince respectfor office and for those in power. Religion
requires us to render this homage, and to treat men in office with deference,
Matthew 22:21; Romans 13:7; 1 Peter2:13-17.
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These files are public domain.
Barnes, Albert. "Commentaryon Acts 4:8". "Barnes'Notes onthe New
Testament". https:
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Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people,
and elders.
Ye rulers of the people ... Peter's respectfullanguage here teaches the same
deference and respectof public officials which are binding upon all
Christians; but, as Plumptre noted, there was a marked change in Peter:
A few weeks back he had quailed before the soldiers and servants in the
palace of the high priest. But now he stands before the Sanhedrin and speaks
in the language ofrespect... but also that of unflinching boldness.[17]SIZE>
Regarding the profound and dramatic change discernible in the apostles of
Christ which beganwith the resurrectionand was final after Pentecost,
Barnes truly declaredthat "It is not possible to accountfor this change except
on the supposition that this religionis true."[18]
Filled with the Holy Spirit ... Here beganto be fulfilled the blessedpromise of
Jesus to the Twelve that they should not be concernedabout what they should
say when arraignedbefore earthly authorities, because the Holy Spirit in that
hour would give them the messagethey were to deliver (Matthew 10:17-19).
[17] E. H. Plumptre, Ellicott's Commentary (Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Zondervan Publishing House, 1959), p. 21.
[18] Albert Barnes, op. cit., p. 77.
Copyright Statement
James Burton Coffman Commentaries reproduced by permission of Abilene
Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. All other rights reserved.
Coffman, James Burton. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Coffman
Commentaries on the Old and New Testament".
https: Abilene
Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. 1983-1999.
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John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost,.... At that very instant, having received
a fresh measure of the gifts and gracesofthe Spirit, besides what he had
poured forth upon him at the day of Pentecost;so that he had great courage
and presence ofmind, and freedom of speech, as Christ had promised his
disciples they should have, when they were brought before governors and
magistrates, Matthew 10:18. The case was muchaltered with Peter, he who
but a little while ago was frightened by a servant maid, now stands before the
Jewishsanhedrim, with undaunted courage and resolution:
and said unto them, ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel; he addresses
them in a very handsome manner, and gives them their proper titles as
magistrates;which ought to be done by men and Christians; honour should be
given, to whom honour is due: the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Ethiopic
versions, and some copies, add"hear", which seems very necessary;he called
for audience, or desiredto be heard a few words, in the defence of himself and
fellow apostle, and in answerto their questions.
Copyright Statement
The New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernisedand adapted
for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. All Rightes Reserved,
Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario.
A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard
Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855
Gill, John. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "The New John Gill Exposition of the
Entire Bible". https:
4.html. 1999.
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Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Then, filled with the Holy Ghost, said — (See Mark 13:11;Luke 21:15).
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These files are a derivative of an electronic edition prepared from text
scannedby Woodside Bible Fellowship.
This expanded edition of the Jameison-Faussett-BrownCommentary is in the
public domain and may be freely used and distributed.
Jamieson, Robert, D.D.;Fausset,A. R.; Brown, David. "Commentary on Acts
4:8". "CommentaryCritical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible".
https: 1871-8.
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People's New Testament
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit. They had been promised the Divine
help when put on trial (Matthew 10:19-20). It was now given. Here was an
opportunity to preach Christ to the very body that had sent him to death.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that
is available on the Christian ClassicsEtherealLibrary Website.
Original work done by Ernie Stefanik. First published online in 1996 atThe
Johnson, BartonW. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "People's New Testament".
https: 1891.
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Robertson's WordPictures in the New Testament
Filled with the Holy Spirit (πληστεις πνευματος αγιου — plēstheis pneumatos
hagiou). Forthis occasionand so above all fear as in Acts 4:31 and as in Acts
Copyright Statement
The Robertson's WordPictures of the New Testament. Copyright �
Broadman Press 1932,33,Renewal1960. All rights reserved. Used by
permission of Broadman Press (Southern BaptistSunday SchoolBoard)
Robertson, A.T. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Robertson's WordPictures of
the New Testament".
https: Broadman
Press 1932,33. Renewal1960.
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Wesley's ExplanatoryNotes
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the
people, and elders of Israel,
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost — That moment. God moves his
instruments, not when they please, but just when he sees itneedful.
Ye rulers — He gives them the honour due to their office.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that
is available on the Christian ClassicsEtherealLibrary Website.
Wesley, John. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "JohnWesley's Explanatory Notes
on the Whole Bible".
https: 1765.
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Calvin's Commentary on the Bible
8.Peter, being filled with the Holy GhostIt is not without greatcause that
Luke addeth this, to the end we may know that Peterspake not with such a
majesty of himself. And surely, seeing he had denied his Master, Christ, being
afraid at the voice of a silly woman, (Matthew 26:70,)he should have utterly
fainted in such an assembly, when he did only behold their pomp, unless he
had been upholden by the power of the Spirit. He had greatneed of wisdom
and strength. (205)He excellethin both these so much, that his answeris
indeed divine. He is another manner of man here than he was before.
Furthermore, this profiteth us two manner of ways. For this title, or
commendation, is of no small force to setforth the doctrine which shall follow
immediately, when it is said that it came from the Holy God, [Spirit.] And we
are taught to crave at the hands of the Lord the Spirit of wisdom and
strength, when we make professionof our faith, to direct our hearts and
minds. The fullness of the Spirit is takenfor a large and no common measure.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Calvin, John. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Calvin's Commentary on the
Bible". https: 1840-
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John Trapp Complete Commentary
8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the
people, and elders of Israel,
Ver. 8. Filled with the Holy Ghost] i.e. with wisdom and fortitude, according
to Christ’s promise, Matthew 10:19-20, Luke 21:15. {See Trapp on "Matthew
10:19"}{See Trapp on "Matthew 10:20"}
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Trapp, John. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". John Trapp Complete
Commentary. https:
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Greek TestamentCriticalExegeticalCommentary
8.] πλησθ. πν. ἁγ., i.e. specially, for the occasion.
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Alford, Henry. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". Greek TestamentCritical
https: 1863-1878.
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Johann Albrecht Bengel's Gnomonof the New Testament
Acts 4:8. πλησθεὶς, being filled) at that very moment. The power which was
dwelling in him put itself forth. So ch. Acts 13:9. As the existing time
(exigency) in eachinstance demands, so GOD moves His instruments. But
πλήρης, full, when used, expresses habitualfulness: Acts 6:3; Acts 6:5,
“Stephen—full ( πλήρη) of faith and of the Holy Ghost.”— ἄρχοντες, rulers)
In the beginning he gives honour to them. But he addresses ina different
manner, when they persevere in assailing Christianity, Acts 4:19; and againin
ch. Acts 5:29. Comp. Acts 7:2, at the beginning, with Acts 4:51.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Bengel, JohannAlbrecht. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". Johann Albrecht
Bengel's Gnomonof the New Testament.
https: 1897.
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Matthew Poole's EnglishAnnotations on the Holy Bible
Filled with the Holy Ghost; guiding and strengthening of him in what he did
speak, by which so mightily Peterdiffered from himself, that though formerly
he was afraid of a servant, and denied our Saviour, now he is not afraid before
the rulers to confess him.
Rulers of the people, and elders of Israel:see Acts 4:5. These were especially
the greatcouncil, in imitation of the seventy, which Moses appointedby God’s
command to help him in the burden of his government, Numbers 11:16,24.
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These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Poole, Matthew, "Commentaryon Acts 4:8". Matthew Poole's English
Annotations on the Holy Bible.
https: 1685.
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Cambridge Greek Testamentfor Schools andColleges
8. πνεύματος ἁγίου. The Spirit of God which had come upon him had changed
Peter‘into another man.’ Cf. 1 Samuel 10:6.
ἄρχοντες τοῦ λαοῦ. This was the highest tribunal which the Jews possessed.
καὶ πρεσβύτεροι. The council was composedofthe chief priests, i.e. the heads
of eachof the twenty-four classesinto which the priests were divided, the
scribes, men who were skilled in all the Jewishlaw, and the elders, grave and
learned men chosento complete the number, which is statedto have been in
all seventy-one.
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These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
"Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Cambridge Greek Testamentfor Schools and
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Whedon's Commentary on the Bible
8. Filled with the Holy Ghost—The fresh, sanctifying, inspiring, and
empowering Spirit of the Pentecost.
Fourth Speechof Peter—thatbefore the Sanhedrin, 8-12.
Peter’s four speechesrise in a climax both of publicity and magnanimous
boldness. The first was to the inner circle of the eleven; the secondwas before
the pentecostalassembly;the third was before the Jews in Solomon’s Porch;
this lastis before the high court of the nation. The first filled up the ranks of
the young Church; the secondpronouncedits manifesto; the third opened its
aggressive movementupon Israel; this fourth announces the separation
betweenthe now dead Church of the past and the new living Church of the
Face to face stand the representatives ofobsolete Judaismand those of vital
Christianity. Here is commencedthe rupture. Here the two begin to branch
off, the apparently strongerinto weakness and withering; the weakerinto
growth and power, revealing itself as the actualtrunk. Says Wordsworth:
“Maynot Caiaphas and Cephas be from the same root, ‫אפיכ‬ ? At first Cephas
had quailed before Caiaphas, but now that the Holy Ghost is given, Caiaphas
cannot resistCephas, (Acts 4:14;) the one falls, the other rises.”
Ye rulers—As secularmagistrates whom, in all things unforbidden of God, we
are bound to obey.
Elders of Israel—The religious representativesofthe old theocracy, who are
bound to follow the divine order.
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These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Whedon, Daniel. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Whedon's Commentary on the
Bible". https: 1874-
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Expository Notes ofDr. Thomas Constable
Jesus had promised that when the disciples stoodbefore hostile adversaries
God would give them the words to speak ( Luke 21:12-15). This specialfilling
appears to be in view in this verse. Again, filling reflects controlby the Holy
Spirit. The Holy Spirit filled (controlled) Peter as he served as a witness in
obedience to Jesus ( Acts 1:8). The aoristpassive participle plestheis ("filled")
indicates an actperformed on Peterrather than a continuing state. Peter
addressedall the Sanhedrin members as "rulers and elders" of the Jews.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Constable, Thomas. DD. "Commentaryon Acts 4:8". "ExpositoryNotes of
Dr. Thomas Constable".
https: 2012.
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Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament
Acts 4:8. Being filled with the Holy Ghost. In accordancewiththe Saviour’s
promise (see St. Luke 21:14-15).
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These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Schaff, Philip. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Schaff's PopularCommentary
on the New Testament".
https: 1879-90.
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The Expositor's Greek Testament
Acts 4:8. πλησθεὶς πνεύ. ἁγ.: the whole phrase is characteristic ofSt. Luke,
who employs it in the Gospelthree times and in Acts five (Friedrich,
Lekebusch, Zeller). Acts has sometimes been calledthe Gospelof the Holy
Spirit, and the number of times St. Luke uses the title “Holy Spirit” justifies
the name, see above also p. 63. All three expressions, πνεῦμα ἅγιον, τὸ ἅγιον
πνεῦμα, and τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιονare found in the Gospeland Acts, though
much more frequently in the latter, the first expression(in the text) occurring
quite double the number of times in Acts as compared with the Gospel, cf. in
the LXX, Psalms 50 (51):11, Isaiah63:10-11, Wisdomof Solomon1:5;
Wisdom of Solomon 9:17; and with 1 Corinthians 2:10; 1 Corinthians 2:12, cf.
Wisdom of Solomon 9:17, and Isaiah63:10-11. On the omissionof the article
see Simcox, Language of N. T. Greek, p. 49. πλησθεὶς—the verb πίμπλημι
common both in Gospeland in Acts, only found twice elsewhere in N.T., as
againstthirteen times in Gospeland nine times in Acts (Friedrich,
Lekebusch). The word was also very frequent in LXX, cf. Sirach 48:12, A. The
phrase πλησθῆναι πνεύμ. ἁγ. is peculiar to St. Luke, in Gospelthree times,
Luke 1:15; Luke 1:41; Luke 1:67, and Acts 2:4; Acts 4:31; Acts 9:17; Acts
13:9, cf. Luke 12:12;Luke 21:14; see also Matthew 10:20, Mark 13:11. St.
Peter’s courage in thus openly proclaiming the Crucified for the first time
before the rulers of his people might well be significantly emphasised, as in
Acts 4:13. St. Chrysostom comments (Hom., x.) on the Christian wisdom of St.
Peteron this occasion, how full of confidence he is, and yet how he utters not a
word of insult, but speaks with all respect.
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Nicol, W. Robertson, M.A., L.L.D. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". The
Expositor's Greek Testament.
https: 1897-1910.
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Mark Dunagan Commentary on the Bible
Acts 4:8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said unto them, Ye rulers of
the people, and elders,
"FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT"-Jesushad promised the apostles
inspiration in the face of their enemies (Matthew 10:17-20;Mark 13:11;Luke
12:12;Luke 21:14-15.)
"YE RULERS OF THE PEOPLE, AND ELDERS"-"Christianitydemands
that we be respectfuleven to our enemies.." (Bolesp. 66)(1 Peter2:17)
Point to Note:
"Now, whenwe read the speechof Peter, we must remember...It was spoken
to an audience of the wealthiest, the most intellectual and the most powerful in
the land, and yet Peter, the Galileanfisherman, stands before them rather as
their judge than as their victim." (Barclayp. 36)
The question posedto Peter and John was intentionally vague, for they
hadn"t done anything wrong. This vagueness now starts working againstthe
Sanhedrin, for it gives Peteran open forum to preach the Gospelto these men.
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Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Dunagan, Mark. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Mark Dunagan Commentaries
on the Bible". https:
4.html. 1999-2014.
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E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes
filled, &c. See Acts 2:4.
Holy Ghost. App-101.
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Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "E.W. Bullinger's
Companion bible Notes".
https: 1909-1922.
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Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the
people, and elders of Israel,
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit - according to the Lord's own promise
(Mark 13:11;Luke 21:15), "said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and
elders of Israel."
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Jamieson, Robert, D.D.;Fausset,A. R.; Brown, David. "Commentary on Acts
4:8". "CommentaryCritical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible -
Unabridged". https:
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Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(8) Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost.—The tense implies an immediate
sudden inspiration, giving the wisdom and courage and words which were
needed at the time. The promises of Matthew 10:19-20, Luke 21:14-15, were
abundantly fulfilled. The coincidence of names in the juxtaposition of the
representatives ofthe new and the older Israelis striking. On eachside there
was a John; on eacha Cephas, or Caiaphas, the two names possibly coming
from the same root, or, at any rate, closelyalike in sound. A few weeks back
Peterhad quailed before the soldiers and servants in the high priest’s palace.
Now he stands before the Sanhedrin and speaks, in the language of respect, it
is true, but also in that of unflinching boldness. We may, perhaps, trace a
greaterdeference in the language ofthe Galileanfisherman, “Ye rulers of the
people,” than in the “Men and brethren” of St. Paul (Acts 23:1; Acts 23:6),
who was more familiar with the members of the court, and stoodin less awe of
"Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke up." —Acts 4:8
On the day of Jesus'death, Peter denied Him three times. Even after Jesus'
resurrection, Peterdisobeyed Him and went back to fishing for fish instead of
fishing for men and women.
After receiving the Holy Spirit, however, Peterbecame a new person. He
fearlesslyobeyedthe Lord even to being thrown into prison. At his trial
before "Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and all who were
of the high-priestly class" (Acts 4:6), Peterdefied the religious leaders. He
proclaimed that "Jesus is 'the Stone rejectedby you the builders Which has
become the Cornerstone'" (Acts 4:11).
The Holy Spirit transformed Peter from a cowardinto a powerful evangelist
and the fearless leaderof the newborn Church. For Jesus'death to setus free
and His resurrection to empowerus, we need the Holy Spirit. To truly
celebrate Easteras soonas possible, we needPentecostas soonas possible. We
don't have to wait for the Father and Son to pour out the Spirit on us. They
are waiting for us to repent of our sins by which we have stifled the
Spirit.Then we will receive the Spirit (Acts 2:38). We will no longerdeny and
disobey Jesus, but celebrate and proclaim Him risen from the dead. Alleluia!
Come, Holy Spirit. Jesus is risen!
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Filled With The Spirit Of God
Contributed by Richard Papafio on May 9, 2018
(rate this sermon)
Scripture: Acts 4:8-10, Acts 4:13-14
Denomination: Charismatic
Summary: When we are filled with Precious Holy Spirit, we manifest Him
and do exploits in and out of the Kingdom of God
May the peace ofthe Lord be with you.
Acts 4:8-10, 13-14 King James Version (KJV)
8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the
people, and elders of Israel,
9 If we this day be examined of the gooddeed done to the impotent man, by
what means he is made whole;
10 Be it knownunto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raisedfrom the dead,
even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.
13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peterand John, and perceivedthat
they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took
knowledge ofthem, that they had been with Jesus.
14 And beholding the man which was healedstanding with them, they could
say nothing againstit.
Beloved, as a Christian, a true followerof Jesus, you should be bold in your
approaches with respectto issues concerning Jesus.You shouldn't be timid or
shy or anything. Be strong willed and passionate forthe Lord to defend truth
and grace anywhere.
Belovedthe only way to be bold and to be able to approach every and any
situation without fear or shyness is to be filled with Precious Holy Spirit.
Until you are filled with the Spirit of God, you would always be hiding and
running awayfrom approaching issues concerning Jesusordoing the work of
God publicly.
*To be filled with the Spirit of God is not just having the Spirit in you, but,
having Him in you and He manifesting fully in you and through you.*
So the Spirit of Godin you, takes controlof you and uses you for the purposes
of the Kingdom to the glory of God.
Beloved, you may have the Spirit of God in you and not be filled with Him. At
the point where you are filled with Him, you manifest Him.
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The Spirit of God fills us when we spend more and more time with Jesus. In
the presence ofJesus, PreciousHoly Spirit is in abundant supply and even
overflows. So the more you spend time with Jesus, the more you getfilled with
Precious Holy Spirit.
And don't stop at the point where you get filled and begin to manifest
Precious Holy Spirit. At this point, the manifestationneeds to be constantand
continuous so you even need more time with Jesus than before.
*Spending time with Jesus is spending time with the Word of God in His
presence*.Therefore, the more you spend time to study the Word of God and
interact with PreciousHolySpirit, the more you getfilled with the Spirit of
And when you are filled, Precious Holy Spirit would manifest in you and
through you. He will use you to do exploits for God in and out of the
This does not depend on who you are, how learned you are, what you wearor
drive, where you sleepor whatsoever*BUT* fully depends on your wilful
submission and dedicationto Jesus.
Therefore anybody at all from any backgroundcan fully manifest Precious
Holy Spirit and do exploits in and out of the Kingdom.
If we would acknowledge that *IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS* and spend more
time with Him, we would see signs, wonders and miracles happen everywhere
around us, by the work of the Spirit of God through us.
Prayer: Fatherplease help me focus on Jesus and spend more time with Him
than I do now. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Acts 4:8 (NIV) ~ Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit.
St. Luke’s Evangelical LutheranChurch – Watertown, WIPastorMark Gartner
Sermonfor Easter 3 – April19thand 22nd, 2012
What are you filled with? The Bible says in Ephesians 5:18 (NIV), “Be filled
with the Spirit.”
When I was young I used to watcha televisionshow from the late 60s or early
70s calledCaseyJones. He was the engineerof the steamengine called, “The
Cannonball Express.” Would you believe I can even remember the song,
which was the opening theme? It went like this:
Stop, look and listen ‘cause you’re gonna hear,
A brand new story about a greatengineer,
He’s the greatestofthem all we claim,
Number One’s his engine, CaseyJones his name.
CaseyJones, steaming, a-rollin, CaseyJones younever have to guess,
When you hear the tooting of the whistle,
It’s CaseyJones atthe throttle of the Cannonball Express.
The streamengine calledthe “CannonballExpress” that CaseyJones rode on
had to have fuel to feed it to make it go. Every automobile has to have fuel to
feed it for it to go, your body has to have food to feed it to go, so why do
people try to go everyday without feeding their spiritual body with the word
of God and prayer? Someone once said, “If you go without reading God’s
word and prayer for one day, God will notice. If you go without reading God’s
word and prayer for two days, you will notice. If you go without reading
God’s word and prayer for three days, everyone will notice.”
You cannot run on empty. If you do, sooneror later you will come to a very
dry place. It is better to be constantlyfilled with God’s word, to be always in
an attitude of prayer and watering the seedof God’s word within your heart,
so you are always fresh with the things of God.
My friend, take time to make time for God. Let His word dwell in your richly,
meditate on it and fill your life with it. Let the zeal for the things of God be
fuelled by your passionfor God, your passionfor knowing Jesus more, for
spending time in prayer and then you will be filled with fire and power of the
Holy Spirit to go in His name.
Acts 4:8-12 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: “Rulers and
elders of the people! If we are being calledto accounttoday for an act of
kindness shown to a cripple and are askedhow he was healed, then know this,
you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands
before you healed. He is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become
the capstone.’ Salvationis found in no one else, forthere is no other name
under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”
In the name of Jesus who is the Church's one foundation, dear friends, A
recentpoll askedpeople, “Whatis your biggestfear?” Stopand think about it
for a moment. How would you answer;spiders, snakes, fearof flying? What
do you think most other people would answer? I’m sure that many of you
would speculate that most other people would answer, “Deathordying.”
Wrong. The number one fear most people admitted to is public speaking.
Interesting, isn’t it? According to that poll most people are more afraid to
speak in front of a crowdthan to die. As Christians death is not at the top of
our list of biggestfears. Jesus died for our sins. He rose from death. He is
our Living Savior. Death has been conquered. We know with confidence that
we will go to heavenwhen we die. What about public speaking? Are you
counted among those whose knees shake, lips stammer and eyes blankly stare
out at the crowd, whether small or large? Maybe you are someone who would
rather call in sick than give a presentationto 300 clients. Evenwhen you are
askedto simply offer some ideas at your office meeting, you’d rather be
hiding in the janitor’s closet. Whetheryou fear it or not, Jesus has called all
of you as Christians to be his public speakers. This morning we continue our
study from last week aboutthe story with Peterand John in the temple and
the crippled man they healed. Todaywe find Peterand John standing in front
of the Sanhedrin (the Jewishruling council). They are questioned as to why
they healedthis man, and secondlyas to what authority they could do these
things. Peterand John answerwith boldness. Theirwitness teaches you and I
to . . . Theme: Be Bold As You Witness Your RisenSavior! 1. You are filled
with the Holy Spirit. 2. You stand on a solid foundation..
In our story this morning, Peter and John and the man who was healedof his
lifelong illness, stoodbefore the Jewishruling council. Peterand John had
spent the night in prison. The Sanhedrin did not want to break the law and
hold an illegal trial during the night. (Convenient that they let this rule slip
past when it came to Jesus) Now these two disciples are questioned, “Bywhat
poweror what name did you do this?” This…they make it sound as if healing
a crippled man was a crime. The Sanhedrin demands to know what name had
been used to heal this man. Becauseif it were the name Jesus, he was
crucified for being a blasphemer, claiming to be the Son of God, then this act
of healing should be punished. Peterand John are now forced to publicly
confess the truth. Do you think their knees were shaking, their tongues
stammering, their lips quivering? Not at all. Luke in verse 8 tells us, “Then
Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit said to them…” Would you have had the
courage to stand up for the truth at that moment? Would you have saidthe
words Peter proclaimed? I have every confidence you would. Why? Because
of a promise Jesus made to his disciples, a promise that Peterand John took
to heart and believed by faith. “When you are brought before synagogues,
rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or
what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teachyou at that time what you
should say.” (Luke 12:11,12;Mt
10:19,20;Mk 13:11) I often ask you, the members of this congregation, to
help with outreach, to go door-todoor, to make phone calls to prospects or to
accompanyme on home visits. Some of you jump up and say, “You bet! I can
help! When are you going?” Others might say, “No way.” Speaking to
strangers about Jesus is not your strength. But your RisenSavior still
commissions you to publicly profess him. You might be thinking, “I don’t
know what I will say? But pastor, what if there’s a question I don’t know how
to answer?” Idon’t know how many of you like to hike, but whether you
enjoy hiking or not I think that you all understand the importance of
hydration. I read somewhere thatevery year the Army spends one million
dollars on bottled waterjust for one company of soldiers in Iraq. A saying
among Grand Canyon hikers is, “Keep it in you, not on you,” a reference to
the importance of actually drinking the water you have with you, not just
carrying it. The same can be said about our life as followers of our Risen
Savior. Keep it in you, not on you. Get the Holy Spirit in you. When you
were baptized the Holy Spirit first filled your heart and soul. Continue to fill
yourself up with the Spirit. Keep him on the inside, not on the outside. You
can fill up with the Spirit by reading, listening and studying the Word. Get
the Word of God into your mind and soul. Don’t just let it sit there on your
desk or end table collecting dust. Fill your souls with the living water of
God’s Word Attend one of our four Bible Studies offeredeachweek. If
there’s a certaintopic you would like to study in depth or a book of the Bible
that intrigues you, let the Pastors know. We’lltry to fit it in. Make time to
read your Meditations devotion book. The time it takes to eat your Cheerios is
the same amount of time it takes to read one of those daily devotions. Place a
Devotionbook where you will see it and read it. Fill yourself up with the Holy
Spirit with Sunday morning worship. Just because you’re not goodat
publicly speaking about Jesus doesn’tmean you have to give up. Ask him to
help you grow and to be bold. The only people canlearn about Jesus is if you
tell them. The way you become bold at sharing is to fill up with the Spirit who
already lives in you. The same Spirit who filled the apostle Peteris the same
Spirit that fills you today. Fill up with the Holy Spirit. He will give you the
words to say. When you hike you know the importance of staying hydrated.
As you hike it also helps to know that the ground upon which you walk is
stable. Your steps have more confidence when you know that the edge of the
cliff you’re walking on will not suddenly sheer off, or that the area is not
littered with land mines. To be bold in your witness is not helps to be filled
with the Spirit, but also to know that you stand on a firm foundation.
2. You stand on a solid foundation
If you walk around Watertownor other towns nearby take a closerlook at
some of the older buildings, (churches or government buildings). In the front
of these buildings near the steps or near the bottom corneryou might see a
stone with a date or saying inscribed on it. It is that building’s cornerstone.
Today, cornerstones don’t have as much architectural prominence as they did
in ancient times. Architects typically laid the cornerstone first, and used that
stone to determine the lines drawn for the rest of the building. Everything
about that building, the structure, design, safety, restedon that cornerstone.
If the stone was not set correctlyor off by an inch, it could jeopardize the
entire building project. Peterand John gave a bold confessionbefore the
Sanhedrin. They stoodup for the truth and courageouslyprofessedwhose
name it was that gave them the authority to heal that crippled man. “It is by
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareththat this man stands before you healed,
He is the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.”
The Pharisees andSadducees regardedJesusofNazareth as worth nothing.
This God-Manwhom they rejectedas a member of God’s Church, God made
as the very foundation upon which the Church is built. Peterand John stood
on that foundation as they confessed, “Salvationis found in no one else, for
there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be
saved.” If you evertravel Wisconsingo to WisconsinLutheran Seminary in
Mequon. Stand in front of the
arch. Look at the lower right-hand side of that arch. There you will see a
cornerstone. It is exposedon two sides. On one side dates are inscribed. On
the other side are inscribed the words, “Sola gratia, sola scriptura, sola fide.”
-- Translatedby grace alone, by scripture along and by faith alone. Whata
beautiful picture. The schoolwhere our future pastors are instructed to teach
and preachGod’s Word rests on the doctrine that we are savedby grace
alone, scripture alone and faith alone. Peterand John stoodon those same
foundational truths when they proclaimed, Salvationis found in no one else.
Jesus is the only one who gives you grace, who revealhis scriptures to you,
who gave you your faith. The foundation of your faith, your witness, your
salvation, your eternity is Jesus’name. What is Jesus’name? His name is
everything he has revealedabout himself in the scriptures. His name is what
he is. Jesus means “He saves.” Itis what he has done that saves us. He lived.
He died. He rose. His perfect life rescuedus from our imperfect life of
timidity and fear in witnessing. His death paid for the sins we committed
when we’ve denied his name by not witnessing. His resurrectiondestroyed
the death our sins earned for us. This is the foundation your witness rests
upon. Upon Jesus’name all of our teachings rest. Upon him rests our
confidence and boldness as we witness him our RisenSavior. Upon him we
lean when we become wearyin witnessing, when we are scaredorafraid or
don’t know what to say. We can walk forward and speak with boldness,
knowing our foundation, the words we speak, are truth, and they are
unshakable, unmovable. As much as it pains me to sayit, that cornerstone at
WisconsinLutheran Seminary will not last forever. Someone may
accidentallydrive their car into it. The harsh northern winters may cause it
to crack or crumble over time. But the truths that those words profess will
stand forever. Your solid foundation, Jesus, will never crack, neverbe
destroyed. When you are calledto speak publicly, your knees may shake, but
stand tall, stand firm. Be bold in your witness. You stand on the solid
foundation of Jesus’name. So, would you like to go on an evangelismvisit
with me, or teach Bible Class for me sometime, or read the sermon while I’m
out-of-town? Is public speaking not your thing? Do you get clammy hands
and perspiration down your back, knocking knees andstammering tongue?
That’s ok. Sometimes I do too. Eventhough you may be nervous, when you
speak publicly for Jesus, be bold. Fill up with the Holy Spirit. He’ll give you
the right words to say. Stand firm, you have a solid foundation. Amen.

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The holy spirit fills peter

  • 1. THE HOLY SPIRIT FILLS PETER EDITED BY GLENN PEASE Acts 4:8 8Then Peter, filledwith the Holy Spirit, said to them: "Rulers and elders of the people! Contextual Overview 5And it came to pass on the next day, that their rulers and elders and scribes were gatheredtogetherin Jerusalem;6and Annas the high priest [was there], and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred of the high priest. 7And when they had setthem in the midst, they inquired, By what power, or in what name, have you done this? 8Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, saidto them, You rulers of the people, and elders,9ifwe this day are examined concerning a gooddeed done to a lame man, how this man is made whole; 10be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, [even] in him does this man stand here before you whole. 11He is the stone which was setat nothing of you the builders, which was made the head of the corner. 12And in none other is there salvation: for neither is there any other name under heaven, that is given among men, wherein we must be saved. 13Now whenthey saw the boldness of Peter and John, and had perceivedthat they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge ofthem, that they had been with Jesus. 14And seeing the man that was healedstanding with them, they could say nothing againstit. BIBLEHUB RESOURCES
  • 2. Pulpit Commentary Homiletics The Servants In The Footsteps OfTheir Lord Acts 4:5-12 R.A. Redford I. Compare the CIRCUMSTANCES ofthis testimony with those in which Jesus stood. Some of the same were present. Actuated by similar feelings againstthe truth. But notice: 1. Calledtogetheron the ground of one specific fact - the miracle done (ver. 7) undeniably real. 2. Without any accusationas in the Lord's case. No false witnesses called. 3. In appearance, atleast, orderly and candid; inquiring, "By what power, or in what Name, have ye done this?" certainly evincing, as does the sequel, considerable reactionfrom the fury of the Crucifixion. Consciencewas at work. A sign that the gospelwas alreadybeginning to lay hold of Jerusalem. II. Considerthe TESTIMONYborne by the apostle. 1. The substance of it. It pointed to the signs of Divine powerpresent; connectedthose signs with the Name and authority of Jesus Christ; clearly announced the fulfillment of Scripture, and invited all to rejoice in the blessings ofthe gospel. 2. The inspiration of it; seenin its simplicity, boldness, wisdom, and yet supreme gentleness and love. A perfect respectfor the old, and yet an entire acceptanceofthe new with all its consequences. Itwas not the address of a criminal excusing himself, or of a suspectedman putting by the misconstructions of enemies;it was the appeal of a herald and inspired ambassador, fulfilling his Divine office to be a witness to Jesus. There was in it a sublime indifference to human opposition, and yet a confidence in the sufficiency of the gospelwhichcould not have been of merely human origin. Peterspoke as one "filled with the Holy Ghost," the Spirit of truth, life, and
  • 3. love; as a true Israelite, without one word of disparagementof what was representedin that Sanhedrim; and yet as a true apostle of Christ; as the priest of that restoredtemple, of which Jesus was henceforththe Corner- stone;and as a true prophet, able to connectthe present with the past and the future, and say, "Thus saith the Lord." - R. Biblical Illustrator By what power, or by what name, have ye done this? Acts 4:7-10 The powerin apostolic miracles R. Tuck, B. A. The fact of the healing was recognised;and the logicalconclusion, that it was a sign of the presence and working of some supernatural power, was not shirked; but the inquiry remained, "What is your powerand authority?" The word "power" is that used of our Lord's miracles, and translated "mighty
  • 4. works." The term "name" here stands for "authority." This the Sanhedrin askedbecause theyregardedthemselves as the highest religious authority in the land, and they could approve of nothing which had not been submitted for their sanction. They had to learn that God never will allow His grace to be tied with officialbonds. Moses gave the high example of the noble spirit. "Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that He would put His Spirit on them!" We are led to considerthe apostolic miracles, andwhat was thought of them. I. THE PEOPLE'S THOUGHT OF THEM. Miracles excitedthe interest of the "commonpeople." This is true both of our Lord's miracles and of those wrought by the apostles. The greatdistinction betweenthe two series is this — our Lord permitted His miracles to witness to Himself; but the apostles turned the people's minds from themselves. The "commonpeople" are more susceptible to the supernatural than the learned; partly because they are more simple, freer from prejudices; and partly because sentiment and imagination are toned and repressedby knowledge. The simplicity of the "common people" has both its goodand its bad side. They hardly knew What to make of St. Peter's miracle. It was not in their way to think the matter out. Enough for them that it was a sign of gracious power. Theymust be goodmen who were the agents ofsuch goodwork; and so they were prepared to listen with the expectationthat their word would be as goodas their work. It is a safe principle that if a man's works are kind and goodwe may expectkindness and goodness in his words; and we may even assume that there will be truth in them. Our Lord taught us that by their works we may judge our teachers. II. THE PRIESTS'THOUGHT OF THEM. The priests stand for the Sadducee section. Theywere not simple-minded, and so not prepared fairly to considerthe apostolic miracle. They had taken up strong prejudices against our Lord which developed into active enmity, and securedour Lord's death. But their gratificationpassedinto intense anxiety when the guard reported, and the disciples of the Crucified openly declaredthat He was risen. If that were true they were convicted of the almost inconceivable crime to a Jew, of judicially murdering the long-promised Messiah. In their straits they determined to put a bold face on the matter, and make violence serve their end. Perhaps they even succeededin deluding themselves;and when news
  • 5. came of this miracle of healing they declaredit must have been wrought by some malign power, some strange jugglery; and it was their duty to deal with these men as wizards and mountebanks. To these prejudiced priests the same rule may be applied as sufficed for the people, and the characterand quality of the apostle's works shouldbe allowedto declare their truthfulness, and explain the source of their authority. III. THE APOSTLES'THOUGHT OF THEE (vers. 9-12). They firmly declare that they had wrought the miracle by Divine powerentrusted to them; and that they had exerted that powerby the authority of that very Nazarene whom they had crucified, but who was risen, and sending forth that grace of which the miracle of healing was an outward sign. The apostles teachus to look upon the miracle — and all the cycle of apostolic miracles — as being signs of — 1. The Divine presence:the Lord was present to heal. 2. The Divine witness, giving public attestationto their teachings and preachings;and — 3. The Divine work, which is to recovermen from all the ill and woes brought in by sin, redeeming them from both sin and sin's effects. Conclusion: Miracles are fitting modes of persuasiononly for the unscientific ages and peoples. They are witnesses to eye and feeling for those who are mainly influenced through the senses ratherthan through the mind. Therefore the age of miracles has ceased;and the ever-working miracle of God's converting and renewing grace in men's hearts and lives suffices to convince all open souls that Jesus the Risenis the One, only, all-sufficient Saviour still. (R. Tuck, B. A.) The pre-eminence and power of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth H. J. Van Dyke, D. D. These are manifest —
  • 6. I. IN THE NECESSITYFOR THE GOSPEL, AND IN ITS CORRESPONDING NATURE. Two correlative words summarise the whole Bible — sin and salvation. But our knowledge ofthese is not derived from the same source. There is a distinction betweenwhat is revealedand what is only recordedin Scripture. Salvation is revealed. But sin is only recorded. It was already in the world, and the consciousnessofit was interwoven with human experience before salvationwas proclaimed (Romans 3:20). The Scriptures assume this terrible fact. All their warnings, invitations, and promises are basedupon it. All the rites prescribed in the Old Testamentand all the forms of worship recognisedin the New take it for granted. It lies at the foundation of all prayer. The Scriptures also directly assertit. "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." The most formal and elaborate argumentof the Bible (the Epistle to Rome)sustains these assertions. Onthe dark background of natural religion, by which all men are tried and found guilty, the glorious gospelshines resplendent. Jesus Christis not a light, but The Light of the world, without which there is no deliverance from the powerof darkness. God has laid at the foundation of all revealedtheology, and of all Christian effort, that Stone which foolishbuilders have rejected, and has graven upon it this indelible inscription, "Neitheris there salvationin any other — for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." II. IN THE BIBLICAL HISTORY OF THAT NAME. It is not a mere collectionof arbitrary titles, but the embodiment of the Divine nature and purpose. The Elohim createdthe heavens and the earth; but JehovahElohim entered into covenantwith man. This new name (Exodus 6:3) runs through and characterises the Old Testamenteconomy, until its last prophet proclaims the promise, "Jehovahwhom ye seek shallsuddenly come to His temple; even the Angel of the Covenant, whom ye delight in" (Malachi3:1). The New Testamentrevelations begin with the fulfilment of the promise that closes the Old. Jesus is the human name of the Covenant Angel. In the synagogue at NazarethHe claims to be the Anointed of God, and from that time His words evoke the recognitionof His nature and His mission. Andrew declares, "We have found the Messias,"and Philip confirms the testimony. Nathanaelfalls down before Him, and says, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God, Thou art the King of Israel." The woman of Samaria exclaims, "Is not this the Christ?"
  • 7. Peterfalls prostrate at His feet, crying out, "Departfrom me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!" and "No man can callJesus Lord, but by the Holy Ghost." Now He is not only Jesus, He is Jesus the Christ, and "Our Lord Jesus Christ." That name is above every name. It translates the ineffable name of Jehovahinto human speech, and interprets it to human hearts. It runs through and unifies all Scripture. It embodies the expressedessenceofa thousand titles, by which all that is glorious and amiable in God and man, in heaven or earth, is appropriated to Him. III. IN THE CONSTITUTION OF HIS PERSON. The Incarnationof the Son of God is the most stupendous fact in the history of the universe. This it is that makes His name Wonderful. This is the foundation God has laid in Zion, and calls upon men and angels to behold — the elect, tried, and precious stone, rejectedof men, but made in the Divine plan and in human experience, the head of the corner. And that which demonstrates this stupendous fact as the powerof God unto salvationis the revealedpurpose that Jesus Christ should come in the flesh to be "the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." Among the human builders there are none whose speechis so utterly confounded, and whose wisdomis more manifestly takenin their own craftiness, than those who undertake to re-write the life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to explain His mission, and the confessed powerof His name, omitting the recognitionof His Deity, and the cleansing powerof His atoning blood. Regardedsimply as a man and a teacher, He is a bundle of contradictions. Forwhile we are not competent to setlimits to the Almighty, we do know what man can do; and we know that no uninspired and deceitful man could have drawn this consistentportraiture of the incarnate God. It is only when we add to the human name and nature of Jesus — the Divine attributes and purposes of which the angels sang when they declared Him to be "a Saviour who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11) — that we can apprehend the truth and grace which shine out in all His recordedministry, or the powerwith which the story of His life comes home to the universal heart. IV. IN THE OFFICES THAT NAME DESCRIBES, AND FOR THE EXECUTION OF WHICH HE IS QUALIFIED BY THE CONSTITUTION OF HIS WONDERFULPERSON.
  • 8. 1. He is that Prophet whose coming Moses predicted, and for whose teaching he challengedan absolute credence. His instructions prepare the wayfor the effectualapplication of His sacrifice. 2. This Prophet is also the greatHigh Priest, and by the one offering of Himself He has both satisfiedDivine justice, and for ever perfectedthem that are sanctified. 3. Moreover, ourLord Jesus Christis King. His royal power underlies and gives efficacyto His prophetic and priestly offices. 4. These offices impart a Divine efficacyto the facts of His death and resurrection. He died as a Prophet and Martyr, to confirm His testimony. He died as a King, to conquer death, and him that hath the power of it. He died as a Priest, that by His precious blood He might redeem and purify unto Himself a peculiar people. V. IN ALL TRUE PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL. The power of God unto salvationresides in the gospel, i.e., in the open proclamationof the truth as it is in Jesus;and demonstrates itselfin them that believe. "All power," says the ascending Saviour, "is given unto Me; go ye, therefore, and teachall nations." So the apostles understoodit, and because they believed, therefore have they spoken. When the Jewishcouncil chargedthem to speak no more to any man in this name, they answered, "We cannotbut speak the things we have seen and heard." Wherein consistedtheir inability to keepsilence? Doubtless they were constrainedby loyalty to Christ. But their loyalty ran much deeperthan the external commandment. It was but another name for a Divine sympathy and oneness with Him. (H. J. Van Dyke, D. D.) If we this day be examined of the gooddeed Giving the reason W. E. Chadwick, M. A., C. F. Deems, LL. D.
  • 9. Let us see that we cangive a goodreasonfor our work, both to ourselves and also to others. It is well for us againand againto question ourselves as to the real motives and, as far as we canpredict them, the probable results of our actions. Let us see that we can give thoroughly satisfactoryanswers to questions about whose realmeaning there can be no possible doubt. Questions such as these, Why do I teach in the Sunday school? Why ought I to teach? What should be the reasonfor and the object of my instruction? Don't let us be satisfiedwith merely generaland indefinite answers, suchas, "Becauseit is right," or "Becauseit is known and admitted to be a goodwork." The real answershould be of this kind, "It is most important that these children and these young people should have a thorough knowledge ofthe life and words, the example and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. They should be taught to seek forand be guided by His Spirit, they should be prepared for the many temptations they will meet in the world. The consciencemust be made tender and able to discern betweengoodand evil. The will must be strengthenedso that they may be able to persevere in that course oflife which they perceive and know to be right. Moreover, since the conflict upon which they will enter will be of lifelong duration, it is most important that they should be trained to live a disciplined life; that they should be taught that the Church, besides being a school, is also an army, the members of which should lead disciplined lives; that they should learn that a means and a method and a safeguardis provided againstall forms of temptation by means of this discipline." The district visitor should also be able to answerthe same questions. They must answerboth themselves and others. From the nature of their work they are more likely to be criticisedthan the Sunday-schoolteacher;for they deal with those of mature years, with those who can form an opinion, and who are not slow to detect and judge their motives. Let people see, then, that our objectis helpfulness. Teachthem how many are, by sad experience, proved to be impotent to carry on the struggle of life; tell them how we would instruct them in the laws of life, and help and strengthenthem to live happier and healthier lives. St. Peterpointed to effects produced; we must do the same; we must show men and women how those who are really obedient to the teaching of Christ and the discipline of the Church are more able to fulfil the duty to which God has calledthem.
  • 10. (W. E. Chadwick, M. A.)May I never be disposedto apologiseforany "good deed" which I may have wrought in the name of Jesus, no matter who may be offended thereby. May I never be tempted to give to myself any glory for anything that has been wrought through me by the Holy Ghost. May I not be moved by any regardfor the opinions of what is calledcultivated societyor the opinions of materialistic scientists to attempt to explain away, or explain on some natural principle, that which has been wrought by the supernatural grace ofGod, by the powerof faith in Jesus. MayI never be ashamed of Jesus because ofthe opprobrium thrown on Him by His enemies. Jesus ofNazareth: call Him so, bigotedchurchmen; callHim so, powerful worldlings; call Him so, cultivated sceptics;but He is Jesus, andwhether of Nazareth, or Bethlehem, or Jerusalem, orearth, or heaven, faith in His name has healed millions, and not a single soul has ever been healedby faith in any other name. (C. F. Deems, LL. D.) This is the Stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the Head of the corner The cornerstone Bp. Jacobson. is the top stone at an angle of the building. of greatweight and importance in their roofs, built of solid fiat stones, to admit of being walkedupon. Christ as the CornerStone united Jews and Gentiles, as He united the two natures, the Godheadand the manhood. His own name must have helped to endear this Psalmto the apostle (1 Peter2:4-7). (Bp. Jacobson.) Men as moral architects D. Thomas, D. D.
  • 11. These words, borrowedfrom Psalm118:22, are also quoted by all the evangelists exceptJohn, and are applied to the Jewishleaders who professed to be the builders of the temple of religion. All men are builders in some form or another. Man is a constructive creature. Some are building scientific systems, some mercantile schemes, some socialinstitutions. All are building their own character. The text suggests — I. MAN'S GREAT NEED AS A MORAL BUILDER — a foundation stone. A goodfoundation is essentialto a goodbuilding. 1. Is it a system that man is building? He must have a foundation principle which will give strength and unity to all the parts. 2. Is it an institution — social, political, or ecclesiastical?It must be basedon some goodreason. 3. Is it character? Whatevera man's governing disposition, whether sensuality, avarice, ambition, selfishness,orbenevolence and religion, that is the foundation of his character. II. MAN'S GREAT ERROR AS A MORAL BUILDER. Men reject the Divine — 1. In their system of thought. The world teems with intellectual buildings, some of a grand and imposing character;but they have no Divine truth for their foundation. These, like houses onthe sand, are constantly tumbling down. The ever-swelling river of history bears on its bosom the wrecks of many such. 2. In their institutional arrangements. A truculent expediency, a false philanthropy, a perverted religious sentiment, form the basis of many political, social, andreligious institutions. These cannotstand; many have tumbled down; some are tumbling now; all must go. 3. In their practicalenterprises. Schemes ofbusiness are launched, great companies are built up, whose foundations are chicaneryand fraud, and sooneror later they fail.
  • 12. 4. In their moral character. Man's characteris made up of habits, habits are made up of acts, and acts start from principles which lie at the foundation. But the principles are not Divine. They are selfish, not benevolent; carnal, not spiritual; atheistic, not godly. All these are "wood, hay, stubble," and cannot last. III. MAN'S ULTIMATE DISCOVERYAS A MORAL BUILDER. One day he will find the Divine, which he rejected, supreme. 1. This is often fulfilled in the individual characters ofmen — in the history of all who have been genuinely converted. The stone which they once set at nought, through the renovating grace ofGod, becomes the head of the corner. Christ, whom they once despised, becomes theirall in all. 2. This is being gradually fulfilled in the life of society. As the old systems, institutions, and enterprises in societywhich have been founded on wrong principles totter and fall, societybegins to look out for a firmer foundation — for the Divine — and the rejectedstone in many casesis becoming the head of the corner. The varied edifices in sociallife are becoming Diviner things. 3. This will be fully realisedin the final history of the world. Christ. whom the world had rejected, will be the subject of every thought, the spirit of every system, the spring of every activity, the sweetness ofevery pleasure, the glory of every distinction. He shall be all in all. What a terrible discovery for Christ's rejecters! (D. Thomas, D. D.) Christ the Head of the Corner J. W. Burn. Christ acts in a two-fold capacityin the building up of human life. He is the foundation (1 Corinthians 3:2; 1 Peter2:4-7); and the stone which crowns the edifice and gives it completeness, unity, and strength. He is thus the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. The text sets forth Christ in the latter of these
  • 13. two capacities.Manwithout Christ is incomplete, disorganised, and weak;in Him he has perfection, oneness, and power. We see this — I. IN THE HISTORY OF THE RACES. Before Christcame humanity lacked its full development. Neverbefore the Advent was there an exhibition even in the ideal of what man could be. Just as man was the crownand perfectionof God's handiwork in creation, so is Christ the crownand perfectionof man. And whereverChrist is not acceptedandplaced in His true position, the fatal flaw of incompleteness is apparent. Note, too, the disintegrationof humanity before Christ came, and where Christ's supremacy is not recognised. "One is your Master," etc., is the secretof the unity of mankind. Weakness,too, is stamped upon all ancientnationalities, in spite of high civilisation and bloated armaments, "part of iron and part of clay." Hence their non-survival. Internal weakness,prophetic of sure decay, is the fate of every nation that rejects the Head of the Corner. II. IN THE EXPERIENCE OF THE INDIVIDUAL. These principles hold goodof man's — 1. Intellectual life. Ancient and modern antichristian philosophy were and are defective, lackedcoherence, hadand have no powerto quicken. The truth as it is in Jesus alone cansurvive, because it has in it all that man needs to know, appeals to all his faculties, reason, imagination, etc., and thoroughly satisfies the mind. Then it is a complete and well-rounded unity, and by accepting it man's intellectual nature becomes atone with itself and with the other faculties. And finally the words of Jesus "are spirit and are life." 2. Morallife. "One thing thou lackest" is the allegationagainstall systems and men out of Christ, and how true Romans 8. is of all the unregenerate! "Deadin trespasses andsins" completes the fatal category. 3. Business life. The fatal lack here is that of the ennobling motive, "Do all to the glory of God." Men are "distracted" because ofthe want of a cohering commercialprinciple such as "Ye serve the Lord Christ" would supply. And all enterprises are impotent to do more than supply man's physical needs which are not animated by the Spirit of Christ.
  • 14. III. IN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE FAMILY. (J. W. Burn.) STUDYLIGHT RESOURCES Adam Clarke Commentary Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost - Which guided him into all truth, and raisedhim far above the fearof man; placing him in a widely different state of mind to that in which he was found when, in the hall of Caiaphas, he denied his Master, through fear of a servant girl. But now was fulfilled the promise of Christ, Matthew 10:18-20;And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake;but take no thought how or what ye shall speak;for it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Fatherthat speakethin you. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Bibliography Clarke, Adam. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "The Adam Clarke Commentary". https: 4.html. 1832. return to 'Jump List' Albert Barnes'Notes onthe Whole Bible Filled with the Holy Ghost - See the notes on Acts 2:4. Ye rulers … - Peteraddressedthe Sanhedrin with perfect respect. He did not call in question their authority to propose this question. He seemedto regard
  • 15. this as a favorable opportunity to declare the truth and state the evidence of the Christian religion. In this he actedon the principle of the injunction which he himself afterward gave 1 Peter3:15, “Be ready always to give an answerto every man that askethyou a reasonof the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” Innocence is willing to be questioned; and a believer in the truth will rejoice in any opportunity to state the evidence of what is believed. It is remarkable, also, that this was before the GreatCouncil of the nation - the body that was clothedwith the highest authority. Petercould not have forgottenthat before this very council, and these very men, his Masterhad been arraigned and condemned; nor could he have forgottenthat in the very room where this same council was convenedto try his Lord, he had himself shrunk from an honest avowalof attachment to him, and shamefully and profanely denied him. That he was now able to stand boldly before this same tribunal evinced a remarkable change in his feelings, and was a most clearand impressive proof of the genuineness ofhis repentance when he went out and wept bitterly. Compare Luke 22:54-62. And we may remark here, that one of the most clear evidences of the sincerity of repentance is when it leads to a result like this. So deeply was the heart of Peteraffectedby his sin Luke 22:62, and so genuine was his sorrow, that he doubtless remembered his crime on this occasion, and the memory of it inspired him with boldness. It may be further remarked, that one evidence of the genuineness ofrepentance is a desire to repair the evil which is done by crime. Peterhad done dishonor to his Masterand his cause in the presence ofthe greatcouncil of the nation. Nothing, on such an occasion, wouldbe more likely to do injury to the cause than for one of the disciples of the Saviour to deny him - one of his followers to be guilty of profaneness and falsehood. But here was an opportunity, in some degree, at least, to repair the evil. Before the same council, in the same city, and in the presence. ofthe same people, it is not an unnatural supposition that Peter rejoicedthat he might have opportunity to bear his testimony to the divine mission of the Saviour whom he had before denied. By using the customary language ofrespectapplied to the GreatCouncil, Peteralso has shown us that it is proper to evince respectfor office and for those in power. Religion
  • 16. requires us to render this homage, and to treat men in office with deference, Matthew 22:21; Romans 13:7; 1 Peter2:13-17. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Bibliography Barnes, Albert. "Commentaryon Acts 4:8". "Barnes'Notes onthe New Testament". https: 1870. return to 'Jump List' Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders. Ye rulers of the people ... Peter's respectfullanguage here teaches the same deference and respectof public officials which are binding upon all Christians; but, as Plumptre noted, there was a marked change in Peter: A few weeks back he had quailed before the soldiers and servants in the palace of the high priest. But now he stands before the Sanhedrin and speaks in the language ofrespect... but also that of unflinching boldness.[17]SIZE> Regarding the profound and dramatic change discernible in the apostles of Christ which beganwith the resurrectionand was final after Pentecost, Barnes truly declaredthat "It is not possible to accountfor this change except on the supposition that this religionis true."[18]
  • 17. Filled with the Holy Spirit ... Here beganto be fulfilled the blessedpromise of Jesus to the Twelve that they should not be concernedabout what they should say when arraignedbefore earthly authorities, because the Holy Spirit in that hour would give them the messagethey were to deliver (Matthew 10:17-19). [17] E. H. Plumptre, Ellicott's Commentary (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1959), p. 21. [18] Albert Barnes, op. cit., p. 77. Copyright Statement James Burton Coffman Commentaries reproduced by permission of Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. All other rights reserved. Bibliography Coffman, James Burton. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Coffman Commentaries on the Old and New Testament". https: Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. 1983-1999. return to 'Jump List' John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost,.... At that very instant, having received a fresh measure of the gifts and gracesofthe Spirit, besides what he had poured forth upon him at the day of Pentecost;so that he had great courage and presence ofmind, and freedom of speech, as Christ had promised his disciples they should have, when they were brought before governors and magistrates, Matthew 10:18. The case was muchaltered with Peter, he who but a little while ago was frightened by a servant maid, now stands before the Jewishsanhedrim, with undaunted courage and resolution: and said unto them, ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel; he addresses them in a very handsome manner, and gives them their proper titles as magistrates;which ought to be done by men and Christians; honour should be
  • 18. given, to whom honour is due: the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Ethiopic versions, and some copies, add"hear", which seems very necessary;he called for audience, or desiredto be heard a few words, in the defence of himself and fellow apostle, and in answerto their questions. Copyright Statement The New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernisedand adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. All Rightes Reserved, Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario. A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855 Bibliography Gill, John. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "The New John Gill Exposition of the Entire Bible". https: 4.html. 1999. return to 'Jump List' Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible Then, filled with the Holy Ghost, said — (See Mark 13:11;Luke 21:15). Copyright Statement These files are a derivative of an electronic edition prepared from text scannedby Woodside Bible Fellowship. This expanded edition of the Jameison-Faussett-BrownCommentary is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed. Bibliography
  • 19. Jamieson, Robert, D.D.;Fausset,A. R.; Brown, David. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "CommentaryCritical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible". https: 1871-8. return to 'Jump List' People's New Testament Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit. They had been promised the Divine help when put on trial (Matthew 10:19-20). It was now given. Here was an opportunity to preach Christ to the very body that had sent him to death. Copyright Statement These files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian ClassicsEtherealLibrary Website. Original work done by Ernie Stefanik. First published online in 1996 atThe RestorationMovementPages. Bibliography Johnson, BartonW. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "People's New Testament". https: 1891. return to 'Jump List' Robertson's WordPictures in the New Testament Filled with the Holy Spirit (πληστεις πνευματος αγιου — plēstheis pneumatos hagiou). Forthis occasionand so above all fear as in Acts 4:31 and as in Acts 2:4. Copyright Statement
  • 20. The Robertson's WordPictures of the New Testament. Copyright � Broadman Press 1932,33,Renewal1960. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Broadman Press (Southern BaptistSunday SchoolBoard) Bibliography Robertson, A.T. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Robertson's WordPictures of the New Testament". https: Broadman Press 1932,33. Renewal1960. return to 'Jump List' Wesley's ExplanatoryNotes Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost — That moment. God moves his instruments, not when they please, but just when he sees itneedful. Ye rulers — He gives them the honour due to their office. Copyright Statement These files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian ClassicsEtherealLibrary Website. Bibliography Wesley, John. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "JohnWesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible". https: 1765. return to 'Jump List' Calvin's Commentary on the Bible
  • 21. 8.Peter, being filled with the Holy GhostIt is not without greatcause that Luke addeth this, to the end we may know that Peterspake not with such a majesty of himself. And surely, seeing he had denied his Master, Christ, being afraid at the voice of a silly woman, (Matthew 26:70,)he should have utterly fainted in such an assembly, when he did only behold their pomp, unless he had been upholden by the power of the Spirit. He had greatneed of wisdom and strength. (205)He excellethin both these so much, that his answeris indeed divine. He is another manner of man here than he was before. Furthermore, this profiteth us two manner of ways. For this title, or commendation, is of no small force to setforth the doctrine which shall follow immediately, when it is said that it came from the Holy God, [Spirit.] And we are taught to crave at the hands of the Lord the Spirit of wisdom and strength, when we make professionof our faith, to direct our hearts and minds. The fullness of the Spirit is takenfor a large and no common measure. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Bibliography Calvin, John. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Calvin's Commentary on the Bible". https: 1840- 57. return to 'Jump List' John Trapp Complete Commentary 8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel,
  • 22. Ver. 8. Filled with the Holy Ghost] i.e. with wisdom and fortitude, according to Christ’s promise, Matthew 10:19-20, Luke 21:15. {See Trapp on "Matthew 10:19"}{See Trapp on "Matthew 10:20"} Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Trapp, John. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". John Trapp Complete Commentary. https: 1865-1868. return to 'Jump List' Greek TestamentCriticalExegeticalCommentary 8.] πλησθ. πν. ἁγ., i.e. specially, for the occasion. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Alford, Henry. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". Greek TestamentCritical ExegeticalCommentary. https: 1863-1878. return to 'Jump List' Johann Albrecht Bengel's Gnomonof the New Testament
  • 23. Acts 4:8. πλησθεὶς, being filled) at that very moment. The power which was dwelling in him put itself forth. So ch. Acts 13:9. As the existing time (exigency) in eachinstance demands, so GOD moves His instruments. But πλήρης, full, when used, expresses habitualfulness: Acts 6:3; Acts 6:5, “Stephen—full ( πλήρη) of faith and of the Holy Ghost.”— ἄρχοντες, rulers) In the beginning he gives honour to them. But he addresses ina different manner, when they persevere in assailing Christianity, Acts 4:19; and againin ch. Acts 5:29. Comp. Acts 7:2, at the beginning, with Acts 4:51. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Bengel, JohannAlbrecht. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". Johann Albrecht Bengel's Gnomonof the New Testament. https: 1897. return to 'Jump List' Matthew Poole's EnglishAnnotations on the Holy Bible Filled with the Holy Ghost; guiding and strengthening of him in what he did speak, by which so mightily Peterdiffered from himself, that though formerly he was afraid of a servant, and denied our Saviour, now he is not afraid before the rulers to confess him. Rulers of the people, and elders of Israel:see Acts 4:5. These were especially the greatcouncil, in imitation of the seventy, which Moses appointedby God’s command to help him in the burden of his government, Numbers 11:16,24. Copyright Statement These files are public domain.
  • 24. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Poole, Matthew, "Commentaryon Acts 4:8". Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible. https: 1685. return to 'Jump List' Cambridge Greek Testamentfor Schools andColleges 8. πνεύματος ἁγίου. The Spirit of God which had come upon him had changed Peter‘into another man.’ Cf. 1 Samuel 10:6. ἄρχοντες τοῦ λαοῦ. This was the highest tribunal which the Jews possessed. καὶ πρεσβύτεροι. The council was composedofthe chief priests, i.e. the heads of eachof the twenty-four classesinto which the priests were divided, the scribes, men who were skilled in all the Jewishlaw, and the elders, grave and learned men chosento complete the number, which is statedto have been in all seventy-one. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Cambridge Greek Testamentfor Schools and Colleges".https: 1896. return to 'Jump List' Whedon's Commentary on the Bible
  • 25. 8. Filled with the Holy Ghost—The fresh, sanctifying, inspiring, and empowering Spirit of the Pentecost. Fourth Speechof Peter—thatbefore the Sanhedrin, 8-12. Peter’s four speechesrise in a climax both of publicity and magnanimous boldness. The first was to the inner circle of the eleven; the secondwas before the pentecostalassembly;the third was before the Jews in Solomon’s Porch; this lastis before the high court of the nation. The first filled up the ranks of the young Church; the secondpronouncedits manifesto; the third opened its aggressive movementupon Israel; this fourth announces the separation betweenthe now dead Church of the past and the new living Church of the future. Face to face stand the representatives ofobsolete Judaismand those of vital Christianity. Here is commencedthe rupture. Here the two begin to branch off, the apparently strongerinto weakness and withering; the weakerinto growth and power, revealing itself as the actualtrunk. Says Wordsworth: “Maynot Caiaphas and Cephas be from the same root, ‫אפיכ‬ ? At first Cephas had quailed before Caiaphas, but now that the Holy Ghost is given, Caiaphas cannot resistCephas, (Acts 4:14;) the one falls, the other rises.” Ye rulers—As secularmagistrates whom, in all things unforbidden of God, we are bound to obey. Elders of Israel—The religious representativesofthe old theocracy, who are bound to follow the divine order. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography
  • 26. Whedon, Daniel. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Whedon's Commentary on the Bible". https: 1874- 1909. return to 'Jump List' Expository Notes ofDr. Thomas Constable Jesus had promised that when the disciples stoodbefore hostile adversaries God would give them the words to speak ( Luke 21:12-15). This specialfilling appears to be in view in this verse. Again, filling reflects controlby the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit filled (controlled) Peter as he served as a witness in obedience to Jesus ( Acts 1:8). The aoristpassive participle plestheis ("filled") indicates an actperformed on Peterrather than a continuing state. Peter addressedall the Sanhedrin members as "rulers and elders" of the Jews. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Constable, Thomas. DD. "Commentaryon Acts 4:8". "ExpositoryNotes of Dr. Thomas Constable". https: 2012. return to 'Jump List' Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament Acts 4:8. Being filled with the Holy Ghost. In accordancewiththe Saviour’s promise (see St. Luke 21:14-15).
  • 27. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Schaff, Philip. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Schaff's PopularCommentary on the New Testament". https: 1879-90. return to 'Jump List' The Expositor's Greek Testament Acts 4:8. πλησθεὶς πνεύ. ἁγ.: the whole phrase is characteristic ofSt. Luke, who employs it in the Gospelthree times and in Acts five (Friedrich, Lekebusch, Zeller). Acts has sometimes been calledthe Gospelof the Holy Spirit, and the number of times St. Luke uses the title “Holy Spirit” justifies the name, see above also p. 63. All three expressions, πνεῦμα ἅγιον, τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα, and τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιονare found in the Gospeland Acts, though much more frequently in the latter, the first expression(in the text) occurring quite double the number of times in Acts as compared with the Gospel, cf. in the LXX, Psalms 50 (51):11, Isaiah63:10-11, Wisdomof Solomon1:5; Wisdom of Solomon 9:17; and with 1 Corinthians 2:10; 1 Corinthians 2:12, cf. Wisdom of Solomon 9:17, and Isaiah63:10-11. On the omissionof the article see Simcox, Language of N. T. Greek, p. 49. πλησθεὶς—the verb πίμπλημι common both in Gospeland in Acts, only found twice elsewhere in N.T., as againstthirteen times in Gospeland nine times in Acts (Friedrich, Lekebusch). The word was also very frequent in LXX, cf. Sirach 48:12, A. The phrase πλησθῆναι πνεύμ. ἁγ. is peculiar to St. Luke, in Gospelthree times, Luke 1:15; Luke 1:41; Luke 1:67, and Acts 2:4; Acts 4:31; Acts 9:17; Acts 13:9, cf. Luke 12:12;Luke 21:14; see also Matthew 10:20, Mark 13:11. St. Peter’s courage in thus openly proclaiming the Crucified for the first time before the rulers of his people might well be significantly emphasised, as in
  • 28. Acts 4:13. St. Chrysostom comments (Hom., x.) on the Christian wisdom of St. Peteron this occasion, how full of confidence he is, and yet how he utters not a word of insult, but speaks with all respect. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Nicol, W. Robertson, M.A., L.L.D. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". The Expositor's Greek Testament. https: 1897-1910. return to 'Jump List' Mark Dunagan Commentary on the Bible Acts 4:8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders, "FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT"-Jesushad promised the apostles inspiration in the face of their enemies (Matthew 10:17-20;Mark 13:11;Luke 12:12;Luke 21:14-15.) "YE RULERS OF THE PEOPLE, AND ELDERS"-"Christianitydemands that we be respectfuleven to our enemies.." (Bolesp. 66)(1 Peter2:17) Point to Note: "Now, whenwe read the speechof Peter, we must remember...It was spoken to an audience of the wealthiest, the most intellectual and the most powerful in the land, and yet Peter, the Galileanfisherman, stands before them rather as their judge than as their victim." (Barclayp. 36)
  • 29. The question posedto Peter and John was intentionally vague, for they hadn"t done anything wrong. This vagueness now starts working againstthe Sanhedrin, for it gives Peteran open forum to preach the Gospelto these men. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Dunagan, Mark. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "Mark Dunagan Commentaries on the Bible". https: 4.html. 1999-2014. return to 'Jump List' E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes filled, &c. See Acts 2:4. Holy Ghost. App-101. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "E.W. Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https: 1909-1922. return to 'Jump List' Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged
  • 30. Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit - according to the Lord's own promise (Mark 13:11;Luke 21:15), "said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel." Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Jamieson, Robert, D.D.;Fausset,A. R.; Brown, David. "Commentary on Acts 4:8". "CommentaryCritical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged". https: 1871-8. return to 'Jump List' Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (8) Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost.—The tense implies an immediate sudden inspiration, giving the wisdom and courage and words which were needed at the time. The promises of Matthew 10:19-20, Luke 21:14-15, were abundantly fulfilled. The coincidence of names in the juxtaposition of the representatives ofthe new and the older Israelis striking. On eachside there was a John; on eacha Cephas, or Caiaphas, the two names possibly coming from the same root, or, at any rate, closelyalike in sound. A few weeks back Peterhad quailed before the soldiers and servants in the high priest’s palace. Now he stands before the Sanhedrin and speaks, in the language of respect, it is true, but also in that of unflinching boldness. We may, perhaps, trace a greaterdeference in the language ofthe Galileanfisherman, “Ye rulers of the people,” than in the “Men and brethren” of St. Paul (Acts 23:1; Acts 23:6),
  • 31. who was more familiar with the members of the court, and stoodin less awe of them. END OF STUDYLIGHT RESOURCES "Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke up." —Acts 4:8 On the day of Jesus'death, Peter denied Him three times. Even after Jesus' resurrection, Peterdisobeyed Him and went back to fishing for fish instead of fishing for men and women. After receiving the Holy Spirit, however, Peterbecame a new person. He fearlesslyobeyedthe Lord even to being thrown into prison. At his trial before "Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and all who were of the high-priestly class" (Acts 4:6), Peterdefied the religious leaders. He proclaimed that "Jesus is 'the Stone rejectedby you the builders Which has become the Cornerstone'" (Acts 4:11). The Holy Spirit transformed Peter from a cowardinto a powerful evangelist and the fearless leaderof the newborn Church. For Jesus'death to setus free and His resurrection to empowerus, we need the Holy Spirit. To truly celebrate Easteras soonas possible, we needPentecostas soonas possible. We don't have to wait for the Father and Son to pour out the Spirit on us. They are waiting for us to repent of our sins by which we have stifled the Spirit.Then we will receive the Spirit (Acts 2:38). We will no longerdeny and disobey Jesus, but celebrate and proclaim Him risen from the dead. Alleluia! Come, Holy Spirit. Jesus is risen!
  • 32. View all Sermons Filled With The Spirit Of God Contributed by Richard Papafio on May 9, 2018 (rate this sermon) | 983 views Scripture: Acts 4:8-10, Acts 4:13-14 Denomination: Charismatic Summary: When we are filled with Precious Holy Spirit, we manifest Him and do exploits in and out of the Kingdom of God May the peace ofthe Lord be with you. Topic: FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT OF GOD Acts 4:8-10, 13-14 King James Version (KJV) 8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, 9 If we this day be examined of the gooddeed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole;
  • 33. 10 Be it knownunto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raisedfrom the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. 13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peterand John, and perceivedthat they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge ofthem, that they had been with Jesus. 14 And beholding the man which was healedstanding with them, they could say nothing againstit. Beloved, as a Christian, a true followerof Jesus, you should be bold in your approaches with respectto issues concerning Jesus.You shouldn't be timid or shy or anything. Be strong willed and passionate forthe Lord to defend truth and grace anywhere. Belovedthe only way to be bold and to be able to approach every and any situation without fear or shyness is to be filled with Precious Holy Spirit. Until you are filled with the Spirit of God, you would always be hiding and running awayfrom approaching issues concerning Jesusordoing the work of God publicly. *To be filled with the Spirit of God is not just having the Spirit in you, but, having Him in you and He manifesting fully in you and through you.* So the Spirit of Godin you, takes controlof you and uses you for the purposes of the Kingdom to the glory of God. Beloved, you may have the Spirit of God in you and not be filled with Him. At the point where you are filled with Him, you manifest Him. Sermon Collectionof the Week Full access to weeklycuratedlists with sermons, illustrations, and new media. Free With PRO → The Spirit of God fills us when we spend more and more time with Jesus. In the presence ofJesus, PreciousHoly Spirit is in abundant supply and even
  • 34. overflows. So the more you spend time with Jesus, the more you getfilled with Precious Holy Spirit. And don't stop at the point where you get filled and begin to manifest Precious Holy Spirit. At this point, the manifestationneeds to be constantand continuous so you even need more time with Jesus than before. *Spending time with Jesus is spending time with the Word of God in His presence*.Therefore, the more you spend time to study the Word of God and interact with PreciousHolySpirit, the more you getfilled with the Spirit of God. And when you are filled, Precious Holy Spirit would manifest in you and through you. He will use you to do exploits for God in and out of the Kingdom. This does not depend on who you are, how learned you are, what you wearor drive, where you sleepor whatsoever*BUT* fully depends on your wilful submission and dedicationto Jesus. Therefore anybody at all from any backgroundcan fully manifest Precious Holy Spirit and do exploits in and out of the Kingdom. If we would acknowledge that *IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS* and spend more time with Him, we would see signs, wonders and miracles happen everywhere around us, by the work of the Spirit of God through us. Prayer: Fatherplease help me focus on Jesus and spend more time with Him than I do now. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. _CHANGING OUR MINDSET TO ENJOYALL OF JESUS AND HIS FINISHED WORKS ON THE CROSS_ #itsallaboutjesus Acts 4:8 (NIV) ~ Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • 35. St. Luke’s Evangelical LutheranChurch – Watertown, WIPastorMark Gartner Sermonfor Easter 3 – April19thand 22nd, 2012 What are you filled with? The Bible says in Ephesians 5:18 (NIV), “Be filled with the Spirit.” When I was young I used to watcha televisionshow from the late 60s or early 70s calledCaseyJones. He was the engineerof the steamengine called, “The Cannonball Express.” Would you believe I can even remember the song, which was the opening theme? It went like this: Stop, look and listen ‘cause you’re gonna hear, A brand new story about a greatengineer, He’s the greatestofthem all we claim, Number One’s his engine, CaseyJones his name. CaseyJones, steaming, a-rollin, CaseyJones younever have to guess, When you hear the tooting of the whistle, It’s CaseyJones atthe throttle of the Cannonball Express. The streamengine calledthe “CannonballExpress” that CaseyJones rode on had to have fuel to feed it to make it go. Every automobile has to have fuel to feed it for it to go, your body has to have food to feed it to go, so why do people try to go everyday without feeding their spiritual body with the word of God and prayer? Someone once said, “If you go without reading God’s word and prayer for one day, God will notice. If you go without reading God’s word and prayer for two days, you will notice. If you go without reading God’s word and prayer for three days, everyone will notice.” You cannot run on empty. If you do, sooneror later you will come to a very dry place. It is better to be constantlyfilled with God’s word, to be always in an attitude of prayer and watering the seedof God’s word within your heart, so you are always fresh with the things of God.
  • 36. My friend, take time to make time for God. Let His word dwell in your richly, meditate on it and fill your life with it. Let the zeal for the things of God be fuelled by your passionfor God, your passionfor knowing Jesus more, for spending time in prayer and then you will be filled with fire and power of the Holy Spirit to go in His name. Acts 4:8-12 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: “Rulers and elders of the people! If we are being calledto accounttoday for an act of kindness shown to a cripple and are askedhow he was healed, then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. He is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone.’ Salvationis found in no one else, forthere is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” In the name of Jesus who is the Church's one foundation, dear friends, A recentpoll askedpeople, “Whatis your biggestfear?” Stopand think about it for a moment. How would you answer;spiders, snakes, fearof flying? What do you think most other people would answer? I’m sure that many of you would speculate that most other people would answer, “Deathordying.” Wrong. The number one fear most people admitted to is public speaking. Interesting, isn’t it? According to that poll most people are more afraid to speak in front of a crowdthan to die. As Christians death is not at the top of our list of biggestfears. Jesus died for our sins. He rose from death. He is our Living Savior. Death has been conquered. We know with confidence that we will go to heavenwhen we die. What about public speaking? Are you counted among those whose knees shake, lips stammer and eyes blankly stare out at the crowd, whether small or large? Maybe you are someone who would rather call in sick than give a presentationto 300 clients. Evenwhen you are askedto simply offer some ideas at your office meeting, you’d rather be hiding in the janitor’s closet. Whetheryou fear it or not, Jesus has called all
  • 37. of you as Christians to be his public speakers. This morning we continue our study from last week aboutthe story with Peterand John in the temple and the crippled man they healed. Todaywe find Peterand John standing in front of the Sanhedrin (the Jewishruling council). They are questioned as to why they healedthis man, and secondlyas to what authority they could do these things. Peterand John answerwith boldness. Theirwitness teaches you and I to . . . Theme: Be Bold As You Witness Your RisenSavior! 1. You are filled with the Holy Spirit. 2. You stand on a solid foundation.. In our story this morning, Peter and John and the man who was healedof his lifelong illness, stoodbefore the Jewishruling council. Peterand John had spent the night in prison. The Sanhedrin did not want to break the law and hold an illegal trial during the night. (Convenient that they let this rule slip past when it came to Jesus) Now these two disciples are questioned, “Bywhat poweror what name did you do this?” This…they make it sound as if healing a crippled man was a crime. The Sanhedrin demands to know what name had been used to heal this man. Becauseif it were the name Jesus, he was crucified for being a blasphemer, claiming to be the Son of God, then this act of healing should be punished. Peterand John are now forced to publicly confess the truth. Do you think their knees were shaking, their tongues stammering, their lips quivering? Not at all. Luke in verse 8 tells us, “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit said to them…” Would you have had the courage to stand up for the truth at that moment? Would you have saidthe words Peter proclaimed? I have every confidence you would. Why? Because of a promise Jesus made to his disciples, a promise that Peterand John took to heart and believed by faith. “When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teachyou at that time what you should say.” (Luke 12:11,12;Mt 10:19,20;Mk 13:11) I often ask you, the members of this congregation, to help with outreach, to go door-todoor, to make phone calls to prospects or to accompanyme on home visits. Some of you jump up and say, “You bet! I can help! When are you going?” Others might say, “No way.” Speaking to
  • 38. strangers about Jesus is not your strength. But your RisenSavior still commissions you to publicly profess him. You might be thinking, “I don’t know what I will say? But pastor, what if there’s a question I don’t know how to answer?” Idon’t know how many of you like to hike, but whether you enjoy hiking or not I think that you all understand the importance of hydration. I read somewhere thatevery year the Army spends one million dollars on bottled waterjust for one company of soldiers in Iraq. A saying among Grand Canyon hikers is, “Keep it in you, not on you,” a reference to the importance of actually drinking the water you have with you, not just carrying it. The same can be said about our life as followers of our Risen Savior. Keep it in you, not on you. Get the Holy Spirit in you. When you were baptized the Holy Spirit first filled your heart and soul. Continue to fill yourself up with the Spirit. Keep him on the inside, not on the outside. You can fill up with the Spirit by reading, listening and studying the Word. Get the Word of God into your mind and soul. Don’t just let it sit there on your desk or end table collecting dust. Fill your souls with the living water of God’s Word Attend one of our four Bible Studies offeredeachweek. If there’s a certaintopic you would like to study in depth or a book of the Bible that intrigues you, let the Pastors know. We’lltry to fit it in. Make time to read your Meditations devotion book. The time it takes to eat your Cheerios is the same amount of time it takes to read one of those daily devotions. Place a Devotionbook where you will see it and read it. Fill yourself up with the Holy Spirit with Sunday morning worship. Just because you’re not goodat publicly speaking about Jesus doesn’tmean you have to give up. Ask him to help you grow and to be bold. The only people canlearn about Jesus is if you tell them. The way you become bold at sharing is to fill up with the Spirit who already lives in you. The same Spirit who filled the apostle Peteris the same Spirit that fills you today. Fill up with the Holy Spirit. He will give you the words to say. When you hike you know the importance of staying hydrated. As you hike it also helps to know that the ground upon which you walk is stable. Your steps have more confidence when you know that the edge of the cliff you’re walking on will not suddenly sheer off, or that the area is not littered with land mines. To be bold in your witness is not helps to be filled with the Spirit, but also to know that you stand on a firm foundation.
  • 39. 2. You stand on a solid foundation If you walk around Watertownor other towns nearby take a closerlook at some of the older buildings, (churches or government buildings). In the front of these buildings near the steps or near the bottom corneryou might see a stone with a date or saying inscribed on it. It is that building’s cornerstone. Today, cornerstones don’t have as much architectural prominence as they did in ancient times. Architects typically laid the cornerstone first, and used that stone to determine the lines drawn for the rest of the building. Everything about that building, the structure, design, safety, restedon that cornerstone. If the stone was not set correctlyor off by an inch, it could jeopardize the entire building project. Peterand John gave a bold confessionbefore the Sanhedrin. They stoodup for the truth and courageouslyprofessedwhose name it was that gave them the authority to heal that crippled man. “It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareththat this man stands before you healed, He is the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.” The Pharisees andSadducees regardedJesusofNazareth as worth nothing. This God-Manwhom they rejectedas a member of God’s Church, God made as the very foundation upon which the Church is built. Peterand John stood on that foundation as they confessed, “Salvationis found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” If you evertravel Wisconsingo to WisconsinLutheran Seminary in Mequon. Stand in front of the arch. Look at the lower right-hand side of that arch. There you will see a cornerstone. It is exposedon two sides. On one side dates are inscribed. On the other side are inscribed the words, “Sola gratia, sola scriptura, sola fide.” -- Translatedby grace alone, by scripture along and by faith alone. Whata beautiful picture. The schoolwhere our future pastors are instructed to teach and preachGod’s Word rests on the doctrine that we are savedby grace alone, scripture alone and faith alone. Peterand John stoodon those same foundational truths when they proclaimed, Salvationis found in no one else.
  • 40. Jesus is the only one who gives you grace, who revealhis scriptures to you, who gave you your faith. The foundation of your faith, your witness, your salvation, your eternity is Jesus’name. What is Jesus’name? His name is everything he has revealedabout himself in the scriptures. His name is what he is. Jesus means “He saves.” Itis what he has done that saves us. He lived. He died. He rose. His perfect life rescuedus from our imperfect life of timidity and fear in witnessing. His death paid for the sins we committed when we’ve denied his name by not witnessing. His resurrectiondestroyed the death our sins earned for us. This is the foundation your witness rests upon. Upon Jesus’name all of our teachings rest. Upon him rests our confidence and boldness as we witness him our RisenSavior. Upon him we lean when we become wearyin witnessing, when we are scaredorafraid or don’t know what to say. We can walk forward and speak with boldness, knowing our foundation, the words we speak, are truth, and they are unshakable, unmovable. As much as it pains me to sayit, that cornerstone at WisconsinLutheran Seminary will not last forever. Someone may accidentallydrive their car into it. The harsh northern winters may cause it to crack or crumble over time. But the truths that those words profess will stand forever. Your solid foundation, Jesus, will never crack, neverbe destroyed. When you are calledto speak publicly, your knees may shake, but stand tall, stand firm. Be bold in your witness. You stand on the solid foundation of Jesus’name. So, would you like to go on an evangelismvisit with me, or teach Bible Class for me sometime, or read the sermon while I’m out-of-town? Is public speaking not your thing? Do you get clammy hands and perspiration down your back, knocking knees andstammering tongue? That’s ok. Sometimes I do too. Eventhough you may be nervous, when you speak publicly for Jesus, be bold. Fill up with the Holy Spirit. He’ll give you the right words to say. Stand firm, you have a solid foundation. Amen.