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                                     IN ASSOCIATION WITH

                                                                                                                            THE F INANCIAL DI RECTOR GUIDE
                                                                                                                            COST CONTROL CHECKLIST


         2        INTRODUCTION

         How to make savings
                                                                        8        PURCHASE LEDGER

                                                                        Considerable savings can
                                                                                                                                       13            INCENTIVES

                                                                                                                                       Incentivising awareness
         and influence people                                           be made if FDs are willing                                     among non-financial staff
                                                                        to delve deeper                                                will focus their minds

         4        COST AWARENESS

         How to ensure cost control
                                                                        10           LEADERSHIP

                                                                        FDs can take the lead
                                                                                                                                       14            SUSTAINABILITY

                                                                                                                                       Embedding cost control
         discipline lasts beyond the                                    role in creating a culture                                     will help you survive the
         end of the recession                                           of cost awareness                                              recession and beyond

         6        LOCAL SUPPLIERS

         Using local suppliers could
                                                                        12             PROCUREMENT

                                                                        Forging a relationship with
                                                                                                                                       16            BENCHMARKING

                                                                                                                                       Demonstrate the
         help to keep costs down                                        the head of procurement                                        effectiveness of your
                                                                        pays dividends                                                 successes to the board

EDITOR Melanie Stern GROUP PRODUCTION EDITOR Dan Parker ART EDITOR Chris Gardner CONTRIBUTORS Carolyn Bresh, Andrew Hibbert, Liz Loxton, David Rae,
Malcolm Wheatley EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES (020) 7316 9808 SALES MANAGER Kevin Sinclair (020) 7316 9591 KEY ACCOUNTS MANAGER Richard Beagley (020) 7316 9564
EVENT MANAGER Briony Thompson (020) 7316 9820 DIGITAL PRODUCTION CONTROLLER Ross Brooks CIRCULATION MANAGER Tim Martin PRINTERS Headley Brothers Ltd.
Mailed by Headley Brothers Ltd. Financial Director is printed on paper from sustainable sources in Scandinavia/Germany. CIRCULATION ENQUIRIES 0845 155 1846 email: Subscriptions: UK £68; Europe £88; RoW £118 INTERNET REGISTRATION LICENSING Financial Director is available for
international licensing. Contact Joanna Mitchell at FINANCIAL DIRECTOR is published by Incisive Media © Incisive Media, 2009 FINANCIAL DIRECTOR is available on
the internet at

 Sustainable savings

          Make cost awareness a business-wide
 1                                                                                                   uitting smoking or sticking
          How can FDs turn good cost control practice into something that lasts
          beyond recession?

          Consider local suppliers
                                                                                        Q            on a jumper instead of
                                                                                                     turning up the central
                                                                                                     heating are both good
                                                                                        ideas that will save you money every
                                                                                        day. But they both involve making a
 2        Why unbundling contracts from one large supplier and divvying them up
          across a bunch of smaller players may save you money
                                                                                        commitment to regime change, forcing
                                                                                        oneself to drop familiar habits in order
                                                                                        to squeeze a bit of betterment from the
                                                                                        way we live. They can also irritate those
          Look at the bottom two-thirds of your
 3        purchase ledger
          Why stop at the first few lines of expenditure when the bottom of the list
                                                                                        around us, demanding they also
                                                                                        change their ways – making you
                                                                                        unpopular. But the means justify the
          could be hiding the sustainable savings?                                      ends, and do so over a lifetime.
                                                                                            Our Cost Control Checklist moves
          Lead the creation of a cost control culture                                    along the same principle. Mindful of
 4        Making friends and influencing people is as important in cost control as
          finding the cost hotspots
                                                                                         the increasing influence finance
                                                                                         directors have across their
                                                                                         businesses while cash remains king,
                                                                                         we’ve come up with a list of ten
          Forge a strong finance-procurement
 5        relationship
          Often seen as a problematic relationship, FDs need to get friendly
                                                                                         simple ways to instil the habit of cost
                                                                                         awareness now and preserve it
                                                                                         through better economic days – and
          with procurement                                                               we’ve got ideas on how to bring
                                                                                         non-financial departments with you.
                                                                                         Make our list part of your corporate
          Incentivise cost awareness
 6        Influencing non-financial staff to build in cost awareness responsibilities
          can be made easier if the rewards are made clear
                                                                                         New Year’s resolutions and with any
                                                                                         luck, both the health of your bottom
                                                                                         line and your reputation will see
                                                                                         lasting dividends.
          Benchmark your savings
 7        Making cost savings sustainable means compiling the right data on
          where you are and where you’re headed
                                                                                        Melanie Stern
                                                                                        Editor, Financial Director

          Communicate your achievements
 8        Communicating your wins and your leadership skills is crucial if
          you want to command the respect of the board and build evidence
          of your achievements

          Instil long-term practices
 9        A lot of bad habits have been strangled by the recession and the necessity
          to be leaner. How can you preserve this mindset?

10 Don’t get complacent when sun’s back out
          Putting a long-term cost control mindset in place should be a priority as
          the UK economy prepares to exit the recession

Fly the
           here’s nothing quite like a     Swiss-based pharmaceutical giant

T          global economic crash to
           sharpen financial minds
           – after all, recessions as
tough the one we are going through
tend to bring unnecessary corporate
                                           Novartis, Jonathan Peacock, is an
                                           example of a CFO who understands
                                           why this makes sense. “It’s really the
                                           partnership of the CFO and the head of
                                           procurement that we found to be quite
waste into sharp focus.                    powerful,” he says.
   They also help to foster better            And it’s something Peacock puts his
cross-functional relations: a siege        full weight behind to ensure that the
mentality is adopted and those who         rest of the business is also bought into
remain after redundancy rounds pull        the vision.
together to get the job done.                 “For a sourcing organisation to be
   The difficulty is making such           successful, it has to be integrated
behaviour stick. It’s one thing to weed    into the business,” he explains. “I try
out bad practice when cash is tight        to act as a support in ensuring we get
– the secret is to keep it out when the    that integration.”
good times return. And it’s an issue          This is often easier said than done
that finance directors would be wise to    because, traditionally, procurement staff
get on top of now, as implementing         have been seen as junior partners in the
processes that resist a return to old      average business and treated as ‘PO
ways will reap huge benefits in the        pushers’ who are only to be brought in
long term.                                 after deals have been done. While this
   The first step that FDs must take       has changed significantly in recent
to instil sustainable cost-control         years, there remain huge differences in
throughout their organisation is to put    the maturity levels between companies
in place a well-structured framework       and industries.
that is centrally managed, but has
representation in every function or        Off limits
department and a method of                 Black spots include areas of traditional
measurement everyone can                   power within an organisation such as
understand and access.                     marketing, legal and those
   Group finance is a good place for       departments that are seen as the            the long term can be a difficult nut to
this to be managed but, increasingly,      lifeblood of the company. For example,      crack – a particular bugbear of Neil
centrally-led procurement functions        the research and development people         Deverill, who has served as global chief
are playing a fundamental role in such     would hold all the cards in                 procurement officer at both Anglo
strategies with the chief procurement      pharmaceuticals and high-technology         Americas and Royal Philips.
officer or purchasing director assuming    industries and only with full board            “Certainly, it is easier to observe
ultimate responsibility. They are, in      support – in particular, the CFO’s – will   lasting change when there are systems
effect, the rising star of the corporate   procurement be able to successfully         in place that prevent recourse to
world, and close relations between         tackle these problem areas.                 alternative or prior practice,” he says.
procurement and finance is a recipe for        But even with a centralised             “Of course, standardisation will bring
sustainable savings.                       procurement function that enjoys full       about common systems, processes
   The CFO of the pharma division at       board support, sustaining savings into      and cost efficiencies, but I still detect


                                                                                               and material impact on external
                                                                                               expenditure and the bottom line.
                                                                                               By managing the behaviour of staff
                                                                                               rather than telling them what suppliers
                                                                                               to use, or demanding 10% budget
                                                                                               cuts, huge benefits can be realised
                                                                                               without damaging productivity.
                                                                                                  A good example is travel
                                                                                               management. Do six people really have
                                                                                               to attend a meeting in New York? Can it
                                                                                               be held in Europe? Can it be combined
                                                                                               with other meetings planned for later in
                                                                                               the year? Can it be conducted by video
                                                                                               conference instead?
                                                                                                  These might seem like obvious
                                                                                               points, but there are a frightening
                                                                                               number of companies that don’t have
                                                                                               robust policies in place to manage
                                                                                               even this level of behaviour.

                                                                                               Technology solutions
                                                                                               There are also a multitude of
                                                                                               technology solutions that can help.
                                                                                               The adoption of e-procurement
                                                                                               systems, linked to pre-approved
                                                                                               catalogues provided by suppliers,
                                                                                               means that only approved vendors
                                                                                               are used, that price can be centrally
                                                                                               managed and external spend
                                                                                               accurately tracked.
                                                                                                  Spend analysis allows corporate-wide
                                                                                               expenditure to be analysed down to the
                                                                                               line-item level, meaning that inefficiencies
                                                                                               can be ironed out relatively easily.
                                                                                                  It is not uncommon for different
                                                                                               departments in the same organisation
                                                                                               to be buying exactly the same product
                                                                                               from the same supplier at wildly
                                                                                               different rates, for example.
                                                                                                  Also important to the process is to
                                                                                               conduct regular measurement, with
                                                                                               relevant key performance indicators of
                                                                                               success, such as annual savings as a
                                                                                               percentage of sales, visible
                                                                                               improvements in margin at the profit
Four tips                 same well
                          Low-hanging fruit
                                                 hostility and resentment to new               and loss level.
In 2009,                  is often targeted      practices, even when they’ve been in             It’s one thing driving savings,
Pricewaterhouse-          multiple times         place for five years or more.”                quite another making sure it falls
Coopers published a       rather than larger
report that identified    opportunities              Key, therefore, to instilling long-term   to the bottom line and doesn’t
why cost reduction        G Failure to address   cost control and margin improvement           get absorbed by the business
attempts fail             cost management
G Lack of a strong        and control
                                                 is to embed processes by which the            unit. This includes year-on-year
foundation                Companies focus        entire organisation must work to. And         productivity improvements.
Companies that don’t      on reducing costs      these processes must be developed                But, as Deverill notes, not all FDs
have a full               not spend culture
understanding of their    G Inability to         and managed centrally.                        see the potential that such strategies
cost baseline will have   measure results            Successful demand management              and processes hold. FDs “are good at
difficulty identifying    Cost-reduction is
opportunities             often lost in annual   is a good example of a strategic              getting cuts,” he says, “but for the most
G Dipping into the        operating results      process which can have immediate              part they are blind to the other side.” I

                                                                              THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST 5

           hink global, act local’ is a       businesses that buy there, while

T          well-worn cliché used by
           everyone from chief executives
           to town planners to describe
an approach which encourages
decisions to be made only when the
                                              currency fluctuations have also had an
                                              impact. As a result, finance directors
                                              would be wise to carry out total cost of
                                              ownership calculations on current
                                              sourcing strategies – because the
complete picture has been taken into          original calculations that the decisions
account. But in today’s economy, it           were based upon may no longer be
adopts a more literal meaning.                valid (see box).
   The biggest impact on business                Research carried out earlier this
during the past thirty years has been         year by the Procurement Leaders
the relentless growth of globalisation,       Network and BrainNet Supply
made possible by huge advances in             Management Group among more
containerisation and port technology          than 150 chief procurement officers,
and ever-more complex supply chains.          Changing tides in global purchasing:
   But if the past 24 months has              focus on cost-efficiency and
done nothing else, it has brought into        sustainability, paints a picture of
sharp relief the risks inherent in such       how purchasing decisions are set to
models. Massive commodity price               change subtly over the coming years.
volatility has led to the cost of fuel, at       The research found that while
best, being difficult to predict and, at      quantitative factors such as labour
worst, to become crippling. Product           and raw-material costs continue to
quality problems, such as Mattel’s            dominate the decisions, less tangible
infamous recall of hundreds of                factors such as flexibility in production
thousands of toys due to a lead-based         and logistics and access to a highly
paint being used in their production,         qualified workforce and innovation are
have brought into focus the risks             more to the fore. And while ethical and
inherent in such relationships.               environmental considerations still play
   Often, the financial stability of          a relatively small role, this is set to grow   third of the CPOs surveyed in the study
far-flung suppliers is also difficult to      considerably in the coming years.              said that the local-for-local approach
predict and reputational issues of                                                           would take on a more important role in
dealing with suppliers in other corners       Local sourcing                                 their company in the next few years.
of the world, which western customers         But one development which continues               “For several years now, many large
know little about, seem to crop up            to gain momentum is local-for-local            multinational companies have been
daily. In short, the risks in global supply   sourcing – where local markets are             employing a strategy where they act as
chains are huge — and growing.                served by local suppliers. It’s a              a local player in their target markets,”
   Neither can the benefits of global         relatively new concept which is being          says Sven Marlinghaus, partner and
sourcing be taken for granted, as they        driven by a combination of the risks           managing director at BrainNet Supply
once could. Increasing inflation and the      and increased costs listed above,              Management. “Over the next few
rise of the middle classes in developing      combined with demand from emerging             years, we’ll see this trend intensify.” As
countries has led to subsequent               economies and an increased tendency            such, Marlinghaus recommends that
increases in the costs to western             towards protectionism. More than a             large companies develop sustainable


                                                                                                                  India and China) and Mint (Mexico,
                                                                                                                  Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey) countries.
                                                                                                                     “Basically, we are looking to do
                                                                                                                  everything locally – product planning,
                                                                                                                  design, development, production and
                                                                                                                  parts procurement,” he says.
                                                                                                                     But while local buying certainly has
                                                                                                                  its place, large organisations must be
                                                                                                                  aware that it can only form part of a
                                                                                                                  much wider product-sourcing strategy.
                                                                                                                     Recent research conducted by IBM,
                                                                                                                  Sourcing in a demanding economic
                                                                                                                  environment: generating value in
                                                                                                                  challenging times, points to the clear
                                                                                                                  challenges caused by “uncontrolled
                                                                                                                  local buying” which the report claims
                                                                                                                  results in a “loss of leverage, leading to
                                                                                                                  higher prices, reduced quality and
                                                                                                                  service issues”.

                                                                                                                  Cultural needs
                                                                                                                  And one executive from a US
                                                                                                                  consumer products company
                                                                                                                  summed up the approach that most
                                                                                                                  organisations should strive for, “We’re
                                                                                                                  using centrally defined and controlled
                                                                                                                  processes but with local sourcing
                                                                                                                  organisations that understand the local
                                                                                                                  business and cultural needs.”
                                                                                                                      Understanding those cultural
                                                                                                                  intricacies are key to building
                                                                                                                  sustainable businesses in what can
                                                                                                                  often be complex overseas markets,
                                                                                                                  and here local procurement activity,
                                                                                                                  which embraces local suppliers and
                                                                                                                  technologies, can give companies an
                                                                                                                  excellent head start.
                                                                                                                      And this is exactly the approach
                                                                                                                  taken by financial services giant AXA,
                                                                                                                  which has even coined the word ‘glocal’
                                                                                                                  to describe its approach. “Of course
                                                                                                                  procurement is centralised,” says Heinz
                                                                                                                  Schaeffer, chief procurement officer of
procurement models which include                           emerging markets.                                      its northern, central and eastern
both international and local solutions.                        According to the company’s CFO,                    European business.
   Panasonic has certainly benefited.                      Makoto Uenoyama, local sourcing                            “But we decentralise our technical
The electronics giant is using local-for-                  efforts will play a big part in the future of          experts, like facilities management
local sourcing to meet the demands of                      its growth in the Bric (Brazil, Russia,                and even marketing or IT. We have
                                                                                                                  established a central basket where all
 Cost control and inflation                                                                                       requests are going in, we process it
 Low-cost country sourcing decisions made on basic         volatile over the past two years, reaching a peak of   and then give it back.”
 cost considerations are no longer valid. Rather, total    almost 12,000 in June 2008, before plummeting to           In theory, governance and control
 cost of ownership calculations, which take into           650 in December and rallying to the 5,000 mark as
 account the impact of inflation, currency fluctuations,   this supplement went to press.
                                                                                                                  is maintained centrally, while the
 freight and transport rates, staff retention issues,          Costs for transporting a standard 40-foot          benefits of local sourcing in categories
 supplier on-boarding and risk mitigation must be used.    container between China and the UK are now             of spend which are strongly influenced
     The Baltic Dry Index, for example, which is used      hovering at $3,000. In the dark days of the
 as a measure of the cost of dry freight, has been         downturn the rates were, literally, zero.              by local markets, such as marketing,
                                                                                                                  are still accrued. I

                                                                                              THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST 7
What lies

      n any business, the provision of          In practice, it turns out, under-pressure

I     drinking water from water coolers is
      an essential, though not a major,
      item of expenditure. Even so, at
Moorfields Eye Hospital in London,
contracts officer Aitor Cisneros wanted
                                             procurement functions often stick to
                                             just to the top one-third of the
                                             purchase ledger to generate cost
                                             savings, leaving the bottom two-thirds
                                             untapped. The result: significant
to be sure that the hospital was getting     potential for cost reduction, with
the best possible deal.                      no clear route to achieving it.
   With 43 coolers in and around the
hospital and its outreach clinics – each     Anything’s possible
typically costing £6 to refill with a        So how can FDs and the finance
19-litre bottle of water – the annual cost   function get involved? How can they
of around £1,000 per cooler quickly          work with purchasing to identify
mounted. There were operational costs        savings? What kinds of savings are
too. “We were tied to having lorry           possible – and how can they best
deliveries of water cooler bottles every     be achieved?
two weeks,” says Cisneros. “We had to           Talk to FDs – and procurement
find space to store the bottles and the      functions – and some clear messages            business. And it’s in the bottom
empties were an eyesore.”                    quickly emerge.                                two-thirds of the purchase ledger where
   The solution: mainsfed water coolers         To begin with, purchasing functions         the potential is greatest. There are more
from Tana Water, each equipped with          must first accept that there’s a case to       suppliers, and more ‘maverick buying’
hi-tech carbon block filters and             answer. Many buyers focus their                but because it’s been so neglected,
ultraviolet lamps to filter out and kill     attention on negotiating new contracts         there’s so much more potential.
any mains-borne contaminants.                with suppliers, supplemented by                   “Once you start diving into the detail,
   The impact on cost? Instead of            periodic ‘category reviews’ of major           there are invariably savings to be
paying £6 or so for 19 litres of water,      spend items. And if the potential              made,” agrees Julian Seidman, client
the hospital pays about two pence.           savings tied up in the lower reaches of        finance director at FD Solutions, a
A ‘sleep mode’ incorporated in each          the purchase ledger are to be tapped,          provider of part-time finance directors.
cooler also reduces the hospital’s           that needs to change.                          “On their own, they might not be
energy consumption.                             “All too frequently, purchasers either      significant, but are often easily made
   “We only have one bottle fed cooler       think that the bottom two-thirds are           and quickly add up to a big number.”
left in the hospital,” says Cisneros.        inconsequential, or that they’re already          Precisely how those savings will be
“Where you’ve got about 30 regular           achieving best-value pricing,” says            made is down to individual situations,
users of one cooler, it definitely           Graeme McKinnon, commercial director           and once focused on the task, buyers
amounts to a huge cost difference if         at Expense Reduction Analysts. “They           will be quick to spot opportunities.
you switch to mainsfed coolers.”             couldn’t be more wrong.”                          In some cases, re-opening price
   It’s a story that will warm any finance      The figures speak for themselves. A         negotiations will be the answer. In
director’s heart – especially in times       thorough procurement review can yield          others, it will be a policy decision: does
like these when budgets are under            an average saving of between 5 and             everyone with a business-provided
so much pressure. Yet, in many               10% of its cash spend, research                mobile phone or Blackberry actually
businesses, these stories are as rare        suggests – equivalent to a 20% boost in        need that provision, for instance?
as they are welcome.                         profit for the average FTSE-350                Elsewhere, as at Moorfields Eye


Hospital, cheaper alternatives may be        provide such insights as a matter of           don’t, in fact, work well together at all.
the answer.                                  routine, the prosaic reality in most              Research by Professor Adrian Done
   In some cases, supplier consolidation     companies is that obtaining that data is       of Spain’s IESE Business School,
will be the route to savings. At Allied      a work in progress.                            published in 2009 by finance system
Bakeries, explains its procurement               The problem: while procurement             vendor Basware, for instance, talks
director Nigel Draper, an annual £5m         takes a transactional item-by-item view        openly of tensions between the two
spend on building services across the        of purchasing, it’s finance that pays the      functions and contains hard-hitting
company’s 11 bakeries — involving a          bills and has the supplier-centric             quotes from a number of the
number of plumbers, painters and small       purchase ledger perspective.                   procurement executives on the tension
builders – is prompting the start of                                                        contained in this relationship.
just such a programme.                       Common view                                       “While procurement is typically the
   “The question to ask is why the           One idea is a business intelligence            leader across the organisation for
suppliers in question are on the books       platform that provides the FD and the          spend management initiatives, only
in the first place,” stresses Tony Morris,   procurement function with a common             33% of procurement departments
principal business consultant within the     data viewpoint, enabling them to work          partner with finance groups to develop
procurement centre of excellence at          together to identify cost savings.             and execute improvement initiatives
finance software vendor, Coda. “Are          QlikView is one such platform. Pulling         that further the success of their
there savings to be made by taking the       disparate data sources together in             company,” Mickey North Rizza,
business away from them and                  real-time, businesses can ‘drill down’ to      research director in the procurement
awarding it to a bigger supplier at a        minute detail, such as the amount              and sourcing practice at analysts AMR
better discount?”                            spent on paperclips last year. You never       Research, reveals.
   But, whichever tack is taken, data is     know where you’ll find savings.                   In short, the prize contained in the
vital. What is being bought, and from           The only difficulty: a relative wealth of   quieter parts of your purchase ledger is
which suppliers? While e-procurement         survey data suggesting that                    worth the effort – but will finance and
platforms and spend analysis systems         procurement and finance functions              procurement jointly seize it? I

                                                                          THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST 9
In the
  same boat

            running joke in the Daily       expenses. A whole series of choices

A           Telegraph’s ‘Alex’ cartoon
            strip is the amount of money
            the two protagonists, Clive
and Alex, charge to expenses – a joke
given fresh impetus in the banking crisis
                                            – ranging from the selection of
                                            suppliers to the preferred brands of
                                            stationery and office equipment – have
                                            considerable cost consequences. Even
                                            simple decisions about turning off lights
as the two seek to circumvent the           or air conditioning, or how much water
various strictures placed on them by        to boil for coffee, eventually influence
senior management.                          the bottom line.
    But the corporate austerity heralded       For FDs, who are the custodians
by the ‘bash the bankers’ climate           of the bottom line, the challenge is
contains uncomfortable echoes of            simply-stated. Taking away the power
the collapse of the dotcom boom a           to make such decisions from others is
decade ago.                                 impractical and probably impossible.
    Then, as now, it was easy to            So, how can you set in place a
lampoon what was widely seen as a           corporate culture in which employees
culture of excess., for             throughout the business – at all levels
example – which became the first high-      – become more aware of the cost
profile dotcom implosion – famously         consequences of the decisions that
ploughed its way through £125m in           they take? And how can they extend
expenditure in just six months. Staff       this awareness to whole departments
and contractors were recruited in large     and functions – many of which
numbers, with one contractor alone          jealously guard their budgets and
reputed to be earning over £100 an          enshrined practices?
hour. Employees were encouraged to
delay taking holidays by inducements        Setting an example
that included 5-star hotels and             One rule is immediately clear: lead
first-class flights.                        by example. “Credibility is an issue,”
                                            says Peter Lunio, Bristol-based
To excess                                   associate director at Baker Tilly
It’s easy to dismiss such excesses as,      Management Consultancy.
well, excessive. They aren’t typical           “It’s difficult for an FD to bang the
and most businesses have policies           drum about cost control when the
and procedures in place to guard            finance function – and its leadership – is
against the wilder enthusiasms of           itself seen as lacking in that respect.”
employees with a corporate                     FDs “set the standard”, adds Claire
expense account. In the real world,         Arnold, partner in London-based
the charge-it-to-expenses mindset           Maxxim Consulting.
of the Alex cartoon has few parallels.         “Good FDs don’t just merely
    But employees can influence your        count the cost of the existing status
business’s cost base in many more           quo. They lead from the front in terms
ways than simply charging too much to       of setting expectations: is lunch a


plate of sandwiches, or a trip to a         At Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust,
four-star restaurant?”                      for instance, finance director and
   Equally, it’s important to involve and   deputy chief executive Tony Whitfield
incentivise people, rather than swoop       is careful to link achieved savings to the
down from on high to lecture them.          organisation’s frontline deliverables. “I
   “Make people aware of the cost           say to people: ‘I want you to save
targets that the business is aiming for,    money – not for the sake of saving
how staff can help make this happen         money, but to create the means for us
and what this will ultimately mean to       to deliver better patient services,” he
them,” urges John Judge, of Judge 3D,       stresses. “You really have to place the
a commercial management specialist          objective in context.”
working with a number financial                And what of the FD’s interaction
directors and teams within FTSE-listed      with the functions and departments
companies and government bodies.            within the business, as opposed to
   “If you work for a large company,        individual employees?
you have no real incentive to save             Here, say the experts, it’s time to be
the company money, so businesses            realistic about the perception of an FD
should really think about giving            within the business – and involve the
employees incentives to provide             CEO, early on.
the company with ideas to both save            “The FD is the co-pilot, with the
– and make – money.                         CEO as pilot,” is how Sensei’s Follos
   “A ‘cost aware’ culture isn’t just       puts it.
about scaling back spending – it’s             “The FD has a role to play, but the
about creating opportunities for the        chief executive has a bigger role,”
company to innovate and grow.”              agrees Ian Mackinnon, chief executive
                                            of AIM-listed cosmetics, personal care
Any suggestions?                            and household goods contract
Indeed, as Siobhan Riggott, a senior        manufacturer, Swallowfield.
research analyst at working capital            “The FD keeps the scorecard, and
consultantcy REL notes, research            prods and pokes the function heads
among the world’s top 1000                  but, if the operational managers aren’t
companies by revenue repeatedly             on-message, it becomes like pushing
shows those that offer incentives to        water uphill.”
employees – and companies that                 Which isn’t to say that operational
solicit their help through suggestion       managers – and their departments
schemes and improvement initiatives         – necessarily have the skills to run a
– tend to perform better at cash and        ‘cost aware’ function. Willingness is
cost management.                            one thing; skills in budgeting and
   And don’t forget to tailor the           procurement quite another.
message to the audience. Malcolm               “Be prepared to have finance
Follos, managing director of the UK         people go out into the organisation,
arm of leadership consultancy Sensei,       and demonstrate to people the right
warns that FDs can sometimes                budgetary control skills, and where they
struggle to articulate ‘big picture’        can find the information and resources
objectives in simple, clear terms.          that they need,” says Baker Tilly’s Peter
   A favourite story he relates concerns    Lunio. “Finance has an education and
a potato crisp factory seeking to cut       support role to play, helping people to
costs by minimising waste.                  do a better job of budgetary control.”
   Shop floor employees couldn’t really        And finally, don’t forget to praise –
identify with waste levels expressed in     and reward – that better job.
terms of percentages – but got the             “Use positive praise, and
message when those percentages              communicate great examples of cost
were converted into bags of crisps.         saving,” urges Arabella Ellis, director of
“Just by expressing the measure in a        consultancy The Thinking Partnership.
different way, the waste figure halved,”    “Build relationships by setting
he notes.                                   expectations – not by telling people
   Likewise, make the motivation clear.     what to do.” I


 Love thy

            s director of finance for Great   is available to spend on charitable

A           Ormond Street Hospital
            Children’s Charity, I’m
            responsible for ensuring our
£15m annual budget is managed
efficiently and focused on achieving
                                              objectives or more fundraising. We
                                              have been reviewing service levels in
                                              contracts and renegotiated a number
                                              of those contracts to deliver cost
                                              savings as a result.
charitable objectives.                           Implementing a framework for good
   Our charity does not have an in-           procurement practice hasn’t been all
house procurement specialist, so we           that difficult, but has reaped dividends.
rely on the skills and talents of our staff   Andrew Hibbert is director of
to negotiate the best deals with              finance, information technology,
suppliers. Each department has its own        operations and human resources
procurement procedures tailored to            for Great Ormond Street Hospital
their needs, competitive tendering            Children’s Charity
taking place within a framework agreed
with finance.                                 Two sides of the same coin
   Our activities, including campaigns,       I value the perspective procurement           must be crystal clear on one question:
developing corporate partnerships,            brought to the business. But not unlike       what are savings measured against?
major gifts, community fundraising,           X Factor’s Jedward, finance and                  One saving against a probable
legacies and special events, are well         procurement make a double act that            overspend could be a triumph for the
diversified and this decentralised            can misfire badly.                            buying department, but might show
approach to fiscal responsibility works          Only when they each concentrate on         as minor favourable variance against
well for us.                                  their specialism to complement the            budget. Finance should work with
   A collaborative approach to good           other can they make effective common          procurement to ensure it gets fair
procurement practice engenders a              cause. It’s also helpful to hand off to the   credit and credibility.
sense of responsibility at the                ‘nasty cop’, tenaciously working                 Beating suppliers up on payment
departmental level. Each departmental         through the detail and driving a hard         terms to the point they have
director ensures that local procedures        but fair bargain, leaving operating           cashflow problems and can’t supply
are adhered to and encourages their           relationships unsullied.                      is clearly counterproductive.
staff to challenge all costs, irrespective       Three areas where strong                      If procurement operates in
of origin.                                    collaboration is crucial to both              isolation, this can happen. I’ve
   All departmental budgets are created       procurement and the business are              seen procurement brought in at the
from the bottom up. This detailed             reporting savings, business perspective       eleventh hour to shave another 20%
approach is essential when we                 and data provision.                           and impose a plethora of conditions.
challenge cost variances during our              Nothing rankles like puffed-up                Finance is well placed to keep the
quarterly reforecasting exercise.             ‘savings’ that never seem to flow             buying department in the know –
   The internal audit annual work             through to a thumping end of year             ensuring this never happens. I
programme includes a procurement              surplus and I strongly believe in ‘one set    Carolyn Bresh is co-founder of
practices audit, giving the directors         of authentic numbers produced by              Everymind, a consultancy to
assurance that agreed procedures are          finance’ – that means procurement too.        finance functions and was
being followed.                                  Savings claimed must tie in to these       previously group financial
   Every pound we save on overheads           recognisable figures. Procurement             controller at Reuters


                                                                                      being met. They will also need to spend
                                                                                      time in different divisions to understand
                                                                                      people’s priorities and pressures.
                                                                                         Samson has seen organisations set

                                                                                      up business-wide forums to bring cost
                                                                                      saving ideas to the forefront, an
                                                                                      environment in which the FD can apply
                                                                                      sound financial tests. But if businesses
                                                                                      are to create a culture of continuous

  pro quo                                                                             improvement, cost awareness needs
                                                                                      to be linked to career advancement
                                                                                      and reward, he argues.
                                                                                         Deloitte’s Samson says bonus
                                                                                      arrangements that are performance
  PERSUADING NON-FINANCIAL PEOPLE TO TAKE NOTE OF                                     related rather than solely profit related
  EXPENDITURE AND FIND SAVINGS IS NO EASY TASK, BUT                                   are effective and, to be transparent,
  YOU CAN INCENTIVISE THEM, LIZ LOXTON DISCOVERS                                      these bonuses need to be clearly
                                                                                      linked to the delivery of cost savings.
                                                                                      An even more powerful mechanism, in
           he past two years have made      means putting the message front and       his view, is to link career advancement

T          businesses aware of the need
           to eradicate waste and
           become cost efficient like
never before. The lesson enlightened
organisations will be seeking to carry
                                            centre and becoming an ambassador
                                            for cost awareness at every turn.
                                               He makes use of any opportunity to
                                            advocate cost-awareness. Any and all
                                            meetings and presentations to board
                                                                                      to cost-reduction programmes.
                                                                                         “Some organisations link
                                                                                      [cost-reduction] with their efforts
                                                                                      to retain key talent. They would
                                                                                      typically identify key people and put
forward is the need to make these           members, managers and staff include       them into transformational roles.
hard-won disciplines permanent ones.        his key message: “Would you spend            “These kinds of change programmes
   Chris Samson, a director in Deloitte’s   this if it was your own money? That’s     can’t be done off the side of someone’s
financial services consulting practice,     the best test. Every time you meet        desk. Some people need to live and
advises companies on large-scale            someone, or have a chance to present,     breathe this. In some instances, people
cost reduction programmes. He says          or receive a capital expenditure          are released from their day role and go
that in order to embed a long-term          request, then you apply that logic.”      through huge learning curves. And
cost-saving mentality within an                As guardian of the company’s           ultimately you end up with stronger
organisation you need leadership and        financial information, the FD will help   organisations when people go back
accountability. “A large-scale cost         test whether targets are genuinely        to their line roles.” I
reduction programme can often require
significant cultural change and can be
a fundamental test of leadership,” he
says. “Targets need to be allocated to
key divisional directors with transparent
processes for reporting back.”
   In an ideal setup, the CEO and
CFO will take the lead, with the CEO
providing the mandate and the CFO
playing a crucial role by offering
independent challenge to ensure
the robustness of all business cases,
making sure the finance function
plays a central role and providing
transparency. Actually achieving those
savings and effecting change, however,
is down to the foot soldiers – the
managers and divisional directors.
   So what can finance directors
do to underpin that process and
help put a cost-aware culture on
a permanent footing?
   Martyn Wates, CFO at The
Co-operative Group, says getting the
cost-saving message through to an
organisation that is 120,000-strong

                                                                     THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST 13
In it for the
  long haul

What do you think we’ve learned             purchase management processes
most keenly from the last                   – and culture – in order to ensure
couple of years, in terms of                absolute best value from all areas of
cost cutting?                               supply within the company. These
With many board directors facing the        processes also ensure true cost savings
first downturn of their careers, the last   are achieved in the future through
couple of years have brought cost           effective supplier management, rather
management and purchasing back to           than settling for large headline savings
the boardroom table as serious issues       today, which very often do not
that carry real influence over the          materialise in the future.
company’s ability to reach its strategic
objectives. In spite of this, though,       Has the relationship between
I still see over a third of businesses      FDs and procurement changed
doing little to tackle the majority of      as pressures on businesses to
their cost areas.                           find cost savings have increased
                                            amid recession?
In which areas are businesses               More and more FDs are now seeing the
and FDs focusing regards cost               importance of effective purchasing and
cutting right now?                          its direct impact on cost management.
As always, cost cutting starts at the top   While this has always existed for raw
and works its way down the list. For        material costs, what we have seen in
most organisations, this means the first    recent times are finance teams realising
area for cost reduction is headcount        that, by working much closer with
closely followed by other major cost        experts in procurement, they can
overheads, such as salary and               ensure every cost within the business
pensions for the remaining staff. Next      delivers best value.
to be targeted is often the direct or raw      More importantly, by establishing
material costs of the business. Very        the right relationships and good
rarely will most finance teams get much     reporting processes between the
beyond this before other priorities         people who buy the goods or                in cost control they have taken
appear on the radar.                        services and the finance team, the         on in the recession when the
                                            cost savings found become                  economic sun comes out again?
What do you think will change               sustainable for the long term. That        If the focus of FDs turns too quickly
there in 2010 and beyond?                   should make the entire business unit       away from the lessons of recent
There is a real trend now forming in        healthier overall and something            times and the correct ongoing cost
finance teams nationwide to recognise       any business will need to achieve if       and purchase management
that effective cost management is not       it wants to run efficient operations       processes and cultures are not
just about taking a “slash ‘n’ burn”        in the UK and compete locally              maintained on all areas of spending,
approach to cost cutting. Having            or internationally.                        complacency will quickly enter the
addressed the main line costs in 2009,                                                 supply chain and businesses will
it’s now time to go behind the scenes       Do you think FDs are at risk of            struggle even more to compete with
and establish effective cost and            forgetting the valuable lessons            leaner businesses elsewhere.


                                                                                        Of our list of ten ways to
                                                                                        control cost, which would you
                                                                                        say was the most important in
                                                                                        2010 and why?
                                                                                        While all are valuable points in
                                                                                        becoming an industry leader in cost
                                                                                        management, many are not overnight
                                                                                        solutions and will take some time. The
                                                                                        single point which could provide
                                                                                        immediate benefit in 2010 would be to
                                                                                        focus on the behind-the-scenes costs,
                                                                                        or the bottom two-thirds of your
                                                                                        purchase ledger. Longer term, the
                                                                                        creation of a cost-aware culture
                                                                                        throughout the entire organisation is
                                                                                        what will change UK industry for the
                                                                                        long-term and something I believe
                                                                                        more and more FDs will be recognised
                                                                                        for in the future.

                                                                                        How would you advise FDs to
                                                                                        instil this specific point as a
                                                                                        permanent discipline?
                                                                                        Establish the right reporting and
                                                                                        measurement systems which can
                                                                                        recognise when someone is achieving
                                                                                        best value from suppliers. We all spend
                                                                                        a fortune on sophisticated performance
                                                                                        measurement systems for our sales and
                                                                                        marketing teams then reward and
                                                                                        acknowledge their success publicly.
                                                                                           Having the right monitoring systems
                                                                                        in place to judge when best value is
                                                                                        gained – and maintained – from
                                                                                        suppliers will enable the same
                                                                                        recognition to be given to staff, and very
                                                                                        quickly make the necessities of 2009 a
                                                                                        permanent discipline in the future.

                                                                                        What would your warning be to
                                                                                        FDs who do not take a leading
                                                                                        role in instilling longer-term
                                                                                        cost control disciplines from
How can FDs lead the process                 control of cost in other departments?      the lessons we have had out of
of instilling these lessons                    Like any form of change, process         the recession?
as lasting disciplines?                      aimed at creating a lasting culture        With slow growth and an increasingly
Lead from the front. Show the team that      which recognises the importance of         global market for UK businesses to
you are serious about ensuring best          always getting best value from             compete within, any company not
value and making savings. If others see      suppliers is about leading from the top.   operating a best-value culture across
you take it seriously, they will quickly     So to start, ensure all members of the     all areas of the businesses purchasing
echo the same habits.                        board place equal importance on            will not be able to match those who do.
   It’s one thing to do that within the      creating this culture. Beyond this,            I also believe that the achievement of
finance function where the FD holds          create the monitoring and reporting        FDs in the area of leading a cost-aware
sway – but how do they do this if they       processes needed to continuously           culture will become an attribute
want to raise the profile and influence of   monitor whether best value is being        investors will place increasing value on
finance across the business and keep         gained from suppliers.                     long after the recession is over. I

                                                                       THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST 15

  your story?

             s we come out of what has      needed to show the investment

A            been described as the
             starkest recession in memory
             and move into what is being
characterised as merely a period of
deeply difficult trading conditions, cost
                                            community that the business has
                                            the ability to manage costs in such
                                            situations more than usual.
                                               “We manage our business to
                                            KPIs. Revenue per head shows
control remains imperative.                 the level of activity. Profit per head
   What counts now for businesses and       shows efficiency.
their investors is evidence that               “Salary cost to revenue is very
companies have addressed cost-              important, as is operating margin,
cutting and cost awareness head on.         since we are a people business.
Stronger balance sheets and business        Internally and to the City that’s
survival speak for themselves, but          how we get judged from a cost
where companies have publicly               management perspective.”
committed to eradicating duplication           Creston consolidated its call
and unnecessary cost, the board and         centres and online market research
the investment community will want to       panels in order to eradicate waste.
hear the specifics.                            “Any investment we make, we try
   Benchmarking cost reduction efforts      and look at it from a group
is a must, but it is an exercise that has   perspective,” says Brien.
to be sensibly executed, says Clive            While the current conditions are
Lewis, head of SME issues at the            exceptional, sudden falls in income in
Institute of Chartered Accountants in       his sector are nothing new. “Even in
England and Wales. Software can help        good times, you can lose a big client
with the detail, he says, but what really   and take a large hit on income,” he says.
matters is having an agreed process
that fits the organisation.                 Run the numbers
   “The board must agree KPIs that are      Regularly running the numbers to look         teams to assess how the business was
relevant to the business. The problem       at the impact of losing key business is a     doing month-by-month against agreed
with cost reduction is that some costs      familiar discipline. “In this industry that   reduction targets.
are relatively fixed and some vary with     is a very well-trodden path,” he says.           The result was a £150m year-on-
the level of activity, so keeping an eye       At the Co-operative Group, CFO             year improvement on the working
on costs in absolute numbers is             Martyn Wates says benchmarking the            capital position, largely thanks to
difficult,” he adds.                        business against competitors has              rallying everyone in the business to
   For Barrie Brien, CFO and chief          proved an invaluable starting point to        the cause of cost-reduction and of
operating officer at marketing group        the group’s cost cutting initiative.          recording what happened so that it
Creston, being able to demonstrate             Profit margins, working capital,           could be communicated internally and
cost management disciplines is              debtors, credit terms – all were              to the wider world.
important when income is falling            assessed and measured against                    “Finance is just a record of what
steeply. His sector endured a difficult     the market.                                   happened in the business. If you
summer in 2009 with sharp declines             The finance department then took           don’t make a difference at ground level,
in advertising revenues and Brien has       the lead, working with operational            nothing changes,” says Wates. I

The Financial Director Cost Control Checklist
The Financial Director Cost Control Checklist

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The Financial Director Cost Control Checklist

  • 2.
  • 3. JANUARY 2010 THE F INANCIAL DI RECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST 01 CONTENTS 2 INTRODUCTION How to make savings 8 PURCHASE LEDGER Considerable savings can 13 INCENTIVES Incentivising awareness and influence people be made if FDs are willing among non-financial staff to delve deeper will focus their minds 4 COST AWARENESS How to ensure cost control 10 LEADERSHIP FDs can take the lead 14 SUSTAINABILITY Embedding cost control discipline lasts beyond the role in creating a culture will help you survive the end of the recession of cost awareness recession and beyond 6 LOCAL SUPPLIERS Using local suppliers could 12 PROCUREMENT Forging a relationship with 16 BENCHMARKING Demonstrate the help to keep costs down the head of procurement effectiveness of your pays dividends successes to the board EDITOR Melanie Stern GROUP PRODUCTION EDITOR Dan Parker ART EDITOR Chris Gardner CONTRIBUTORS Carolyn Bresh, Andrew Hibbert, Liz Loxton, David Rae, Malcolm Wheatley EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES (020) 7316 9808 SALES MANAGER Kevin Sinclair (020) 7316 9591 KEY ACCOUNTS MANAGER Richard Beagley (020) 7316 9564 EVENT MANAGER Briony Thompson (020) 7316 9820 DIGITAL PRODUCTION CONTROLLER Ross Brooks CIRCULATION MANAGER Tim Martin PRINTERS Headley Brothers Ltd. Mailed by Headley Brothers Ltd. Financial Director is printed on paper from sustainable sources in Scandinavia/Germany. CIRCULATION ENQUIRIES 0845 155 1846 email: Subscriptions: UK £68; Europe £88; RoW £118 INTERNET REGISTRATION LICENSING Financial Director is available for international licensing. Contact Joanna Mitchell at FINANCIAL DIRECTOR is published by Incisive Media © Incisive Media, 2009 FINANCIAL DIRECTOR is available on the internet at
  • 4. INTRODUCTION Sustainable savings OUR COST CONTROL CHECKLIST ISN’T JUST ABOUT IDENTIFYING SAVINGS, IT’S ALSO ABOUT SUSTAINING, MEASURING AND SHOUTING ABOUT THEM, SAYS MELANIE STERN Make cost awareness a business-wide 1 uitting smoking or sticking discipline How can FDs turn good cost control practice into something that lasts beyond recession? Consider local suppliers Q on a jumper instead of turning up the central heating are both good ideas that will save you money every day. But they both involve making a 2 Why unbundling contracts from one large supplier and divvying them up across a bunch of smaller players may save you money commitment to regime change, forcing oneself to drop familiar habits in order to squeeze a bit of betterment from the way we live. They can also irritate those Look at the bottom two-thirds of your 3 purchase ledger Why stop at the first few lines of expenditure when the bottom of the list around us, demanding they also change their ways – making you unpopular. But the means justify the could be hiding the sustainable savings? ends, and do so over a lifetime. Our Cost Control Checklist moves Lead the creation of a cost control culture along the same principle. Mindful of 4 Making friends and influencing people is as important in cost control as finding the cost hotspots the increasing influence finance directors have across their businesses while cash remains king, we’ve come up with a list of ten Forge a strong finance-procurement 5 relationship Often seen as a problematic relationship, FDs need to get friendly simple ways to instil the habit of cost awareness now and preserve it through better economic days – and with procurement we’ve got ideas on how to bring non-financial departments with you. Make our list part of your corporate Incentivise cost awareness 6 Influencing non-financial staff to build in cost awareness responsibilities can be made easier if the rewards are made clear New Year’s resolutions and with any luck, both the health of your bottom line and your reputation will see lasting dividends. Benchmark your savings 7 Making cost savings sustainable means compiling the right data on where you are and where you’re headed Melanie Stern Editor, Financial Director Communicate your achievements 8 Communicating your wins and your leadership skills is crucial if you want to command the respect of the board and build evidence of your achievements Instil long-term practices 9 A lot of bad habits have been strangled by the recession and the necessity to be leaner. How can you preserve this mindset? 10 Don’t get complacent when sun’s back out Putting a long-term cost control mindset in place should be a priority as the UK economy prepares to exit the recession 2 THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST
  • 6. Fly the flag IT IS EASY TO GET TO GRIPS WITH COST REDUCTION IN A CRISIS, BUT IT WILL TAKE A CO-ORDINATED EFFORT TO KEEP IT GOING WHEN THE UPTURN KICKS IN, WRITES DAVID RAE here’s nothing quite like a Swiss-based pharmaceutical giant T global economic crash to sharpen financial minds – after all, recessions as tough the one we are going through tend to bring unnecessary corporate Novartis, Jonathan Peacock, is an example of a CFO who understands why this makes sense. “It’s really the partnership of the CFO and the head of procurement that we found to be quite waste into sharp focus. powerful,” he says. They also help to foster better And it’s something Peacock puts his cross-functional relations: a siege full weight behind to ensure that the mentality is adopted and those who rest of the business is also bought into remain after redundancy rounds pull the vision. together to get the job done. “For a sourcing organisation to be The difficulty is making such successful, it has to be integrated behaviour stick. It’s one thing to weed into the business,” he explains. “I try out bad practice when cash is tight to act as a support in ensuring we get – the secret is to keep it out when the that integration.” good times return. And it’s an issue This is often easier said than done that finance directors would be wise to because, traditionally, procurement staff get on top of now, as implementing have been seen as junior partners in the processes that resist a return to old average business and treated as ‘PO ways will reap huge benefits in the pushers’ who are only to be brought in long term. after deals have been done. While this The first step that FDs must take has changed significantly in recent to instil sustainable cost-control years, there remain huge differences in throughout their organisation is to put the maturity levels between companies in place a well-structured framework and industries. that is centrally managed, but has representation in every function or Off limits department and a method of Black spots include areas of traditional measurement everyone can power within an organisation such as understand and access. marketing, legal and those Group finance is a good place for departments that are seen as the the long term can be a difficult nut to this to be managed but, increasingly, lifeblood of the company. For example, crack – a particular bugbear of Neil centrally-led procurement functions the research and development people Deverill, who has served as global chief are playing a fundamental role in such would hold all the cards in procurement officer at both Anglo strategies with the chief procurement pharmaceuticals and high-technology Americas and Royal Philips. officer or purchasing director assuming industries and only with full board “Certainly, it is easier to observe ultimate responsibility. They are, in support – in particular, the CFO’s – will lasting change when there are systems effect, the rising star of the corporate procurement be able to successfully in place that prevent recourse to world, and close relations between tackle these problem areas. alternative or prior practice,” he says. procurement and finance is a recipe for But even with a centralised “Of course, standardisation will bring sustainable savings. procurement function that enjoys full about common systems, processes The CFO of the pharma division at board support, sustaining savings into and cost efficiencies, but I still detect 4 THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST
  • 7. MAKE COST AWARENESS A BUSINESS-WIDE DISCIPLINE and material impact on external expenditure and the bottom line. By managing the behaviour of staff rather than telling them what suppliers to use, or demanding 10% budget cuts, huge benefits can be realised without damaging productivity. A good example is travel management. Do six people really have to attend a meeting in New York? Can it be held in Europe? Can it be combined with other meetings planned for later in the year? Can it be conducted by video conference instead? These might seem like obvious points, but there are a frightening number of companies that don’t have robust policies in place to manage even this level of behaviour. Technology solutions There are also a multitude of technology solutions that can help. The adoption of e-procurement systems, linked to pre-approved catalogues provided by suppliers, means that only approved vendors are used, that price can be centrally managed and external spend accurately tracked. Spend analysis allows corporate-wide expenditure to be analysed down to the line-item level, meaning that inefficiencies can be ironed out relatively easily. It is not uncommon for different departments in the same organisation to be buying exactly the same product from the same supplier at wildly different rates, for example. Also important to the process is to conduct regular measurement, with relevant key performance indicators of success, such as annual savings as a percentage of sales, visible improvements in margin at the profit Four tips same well Low-hanging fruit hostility and resentment to new and loss level. In 2009, is often targeted practices, even when they’ve been in It’s one thing driving savings, Pricewaterhouse- multiple times place for five years or more.” quite another making sure it falls Coopers published a rather than larger report that identified opportunities Key, therefore, to instilling long-term to the bottom line and doesn’t why cost reduction G Failure to address cost control and margin improvement get absorbed by the business attempts fail cost management G Lack of a strong and control is to embed processes by which the unit. This includes year-on-year foundation Companies focus entire organisation must work to. And productivity improvements. Companies that don’t on reducing costs these processes must be developed But, as Deverill notes, not all FDs have a full not spend culture understanding of their G Inability to and managed centrally. see the potential that such strategies cost baseline will have measure results Successful demand management and processes hold. FDs “are good at difficulty identifying Cost-reduction is opportunities often lost in annual is a good example of a strategic getting cuts,” he says, “but for the most G Dipping into the operating results process which can have immediate part they are blind to the other side.” I THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST 5
  • 8. Local fare COULD SPREADING CONTRACTS AMONG LOCAL SUPPLIERS SAVE YOU MONEY AND REDUCE SUPPLY CHAIN RISK? ASKS DAVID RAE hink global, act local’ is a businesses that buy there, while T well-worn cliché used by everyone from chief executives to town planners to describe an approach which encourages decisions to be made only when the currency fluctuations have also had an impact. As a result, finance directors would be wise to carry out total cost of ownership calculations on current sourcing strategies – because the complete picture has been taken into original calculations that the decisions account. But in today’s economy, it were based upon may no longer be adopts a more literal meaning. valid (see box). The biggest impact on business Research carried out earlier this during the past thirty years has been year by the Procurement Leaders the relentless growth of globalisation, Network and BrainNet Supply made possible by huge advances in Management Group among more containerisation and port technology than 150 chief procurement officers, and ever-more complex supply chains. Changing tides in global purchasing: But if the past 24 months has focus on cost-efficiency and done nothing else, it has brought into sustainability, paints a picture of sharp relief the risks inherent in such how purchasing decisions are set to models. Massive commodity price change subtly over the coming years. volatility has led to the cost of fuel, at The research found that while best, being difficult to predict and, at quantitative factors such as labour worst, to become crippling. Product and raw-material costs continue to quality problems, such as Mattel’s dominate the decisions, less tangible infamous recall of hundreds of factors such as flexibility in production thousands of toys due to a lead-based and logistics and access to a highly paint being used in their production, qualified workforce and innovation are have brought into focus the risks more to the fore. And while ethical and inherent in such relationships. environmental considerations still play Often, the financial stability of a relatively small role, this is set to grow third of the CPOs surveyed in the study far-flung suppliers is also difficult to considerably in the coming years. said that the local-for-local approach predict and reputational issues of would take on a more important role in dealing with suppliers in other corners Local sourcing their company in the next few years. of the world, which western customers But one development which continues “For several years now, many large know little about, seem to crop up to gain momentum is local-for-local multinational companies have been daily. In short, the risks in global supply sourcing – where local markets are employing a strategy where they act as chains are huge — and growing. served by local suppliers. It’s a a local player in their target markets,” Neither can the benefits of global relatively new concept which is being says Sven Marlinghaus, partner and sourcing be taken for granted, as they driven by a combination of the risks managing director at BrainNet Supply once could. Increasing inflation and the and increased costs listed above, Management. “Over the next few rise of the middle classes in developing combined with demand from emerging years, we’ll see this trend intensify.” As countries has led to subsequent economies and an increased tendency such, Marlinghaus recommends that increases in the costs to western towards protectionism. More than a large companies develop sustainable 6 THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST
  • 9. CONSIDER LOCAL SUPPLIERS India and China) and Mint (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey) countries. “Basically, we are looking to do everything locally – product planning, design, development, production and parts procurement,” he says. But while local buying certainly has its place, large organisations must be aware that it can only form part of a much wider product-sourcing strategy. Recent research conducted by IBM, Sourcing in a demanding economic environment: generating value in challenging times, points to the clear challenges caused by “uncontrolled local buying” which the report claims results in a “loss of leverage, leading to higher prices, reduced quality and service issues”. Cultural needs And one executive from a US consumer products company summed up the approach that most organisations should strive for, “We’re using centrally defined and controlled processes but with local sourcing organisations that understand the local business and cultural needs.” Understanding those cultural intricacies are key to building sustainable businesses in what can often be complex overseas markets, and here local procurement activity, which embraces local suppliers and technologies, can give companies an excellent head start. And this is exactly the approach taken by financial services giant AXA, which has even coined the word ‘glocal’ to describe its approach. “Of course procurement is centralised,” says Heinz Schaeffer, chief procurement officer of procurement models which include emerging markets. its northern, central and eastern both international and local solutions. According to the company’s CFO, European business. Panasonic has certainly benefited. Makoto Uenoyama, local sourcing “But we decentralise our technical The electronics giant is using local-for- efforts will play a big part in the future of experts, like facilities management local sourcing to meet the demands of its growth in the Bric (Brazil, Russia, and even marketing or IT. We have established a central basket where all Cost control and inflation requests are going in, we process it Low-cost country sourcing decisions made on basic volatile over the past two years, reaching a peak of and then give it back.” cost considerations are no longer valid. Rather, total almost 12,000 in June 2008, before plummeting to In theory, governance and control cost of ownership calculations, which take into 650 in December and rallying to the 5,000 mark as account the impact of inflation, currency fluctuations, this supplement went to press. is maintained centrally, while the freight and transport rates, staff retention issues, Costs for transporting a standard 40-foot benefits of local sourcing in categories supplier on-boarding and risk mitigation must be used. container between China and the UK are now of spend which are strongly influenced The Baltic Dry Index, for example, which is used hovering at $3,000. In the dark days of the as a measure of the cost of dry freight, has been downturn the rates were, literally, zero. by local markets, such as marketing, are still accrued. I THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST 7
  • 10. What lies beneath BUSINESSES ARE MISSING OUT ON SAVINGS IN THE PURCHASE LEDGER. THEY RUN OUT OF STEAM AFTER THE FIRST FEW LINES OF EXPENDITURE, SAYS MALCOLM WHEATLEY n any business, the provision of In practice, it turns out, under-pressure I drinking water from water coolers is an essential, though not a major, item of expenditure. Even so, at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, contracts officer Aitor Cisneros wanted procurement functions often stick to just to the top one-third of the purchase ledger to generate cost savings, leaving the bottom two-thirds untapped. The result: significant to be sure that the hospital was getting potential for cost reduction, with the best possible deal. no clear route to achieving it. With 43 coolers in and around the hospital and its outreach clinics – each Anything’s possible typically costing £6 to refill with a So how can FDs and the finance 19-litre bottle of water – the annual cost function get involved? How can they of around £1,000 per cooler quickly work with purchasing to identify mounted. There were operational costs savings? What kinds of savings are too. “We were tied to having lorry possible – and how can they best deliveries of water cooler bottles every be achieved? two weeks,” says Cisneros. “We had to Talk to FDs – and procurement find space to store the bottles and the functions – and some clear messages business. And it’s in the bottom empties were an eyesore.” quickly emerge. two-thirds of the purchase ledger where The solution: mainsfed water coolers To begin with, purchasing functions the potential is greatest. There are more from Tana Water, each equipped with must first accept that there’s a case to suppliers, and more ‘maverick buying’ hi-tech carbon block filters and answer. Many buyers focus their but because it’s been so neglected, ultraviolet lamps to filter out and kill attention on negotiating new contracts there’s so much more potential. any mains-borne contaminants. with suppliers, supplemented by “Once you start diving into the detail, The impact on cost? Instead of periodic ‘category reviews’ of major there are invariably savings to be paying £6 or so for 19 litres of water, spend items. And if the potential made,” agrees Julian Seidman, client the hospital pays about two pence. savings tied up in the lower reaches of finance director at FD Solutions, a A ‘sleep mode’ incorporated in each the purchase ledger are to be tapped, provider of part-time finance directors. cooler also reduces the hospital’s that needs to change. “On their own, they might not be energy consumption. “All too frequently, purchasers either significant, but are often easily made “We only have one bottle fed cooler think that the bottom two-thirds are and quickly add up to a big number.” left in the hospital,” says Cisneros. inconsequential, or that they’re already Precisely how those savings will be “Where you’ve got about 30 regular achieving best-value pricing,” says made is down to individual situations, users of one cooler, it definitely Graeme McKinnon, commercial director and once focused on the task, buyers amounts to a huge cost difference if at Expense Reduction Analysts. “They will be quick to spot opportunities. you switch to mainsfed coolers.” couldn’t be more wrong.” In some cases, re-opening price It’s a story that will warm any finance The figures speak for themselves. A negotiations will be the answer. In director’s heart – especially in times thorough procurement review can yield others, it will be a policy decision: does like these when budgets are under an average saving of between 5 and everyone with a business-provided so much pressure. Yet, in many 10% of its cash spend, research mobile phone or Blackberry actually businesses, these stories are as rare suggests – equivalent to a 20% boost in need that provision, for instance? as they are welcome. profit for the average FTSE-350 Elsewhere, as at Moorfields Eye 8 THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST
  • 11. EXAMINE YOUR PURCHASE LEDGER Hospital, cheaper alternatives may be provide such insights as a matter of don’t, in fact, work well together at all. the answer. routine, the prosaic reality in most Research by Professor Adrian Done In some cases, supplier consolidation companies is that obtaining that data is of Spain’s IESE Business School, will be the route to savings. At Allied a work in progress. published in 2009 by finance system Bakeries, explains its procurement The problem: while procurement vendor Basware, for instance, talks director Nigel Draper, an annual £5m takes a transactional item-by-item view openly of tensions between the two spend on building services across the of purchasing, it’s finance that pays the functions and contains hard-hitting company’s 11 bakeries — involving a bills and has the supplier-centric quotes from a number of the number of plumbers, painters and small purchase ledger perspective. procurement executives on the tension builders – is prompting the start of contained in this relationship. just such a programme. Common view “While procurement is typically the “The question to ask is why the One idea is a business intelligence leader across the organisation for suppliers in question are on the books platform that provides the FD and the spend management initiatives, only in the first place,” stresses Tony Morris, procurement function with a common 33% of procurement departments principal business consultant within the data viewpoint, enabling them to work partner with finance groups to develop procurement centre of excellence at together to identify cost savings. and execute improvement initiatives finance software vendor, Coda. “Are QlikView is one such platform. Pulling that further the success of their there savings to be made by taking the disparate data sources together in company,” Mickey North Rizza, business away from them and real-time, businesses can ‘drill down’ to research director in the procurement awarding it to a bigger supplier at a minute detail, such as the amount and sourcing practice at analysts AMR better discount?” spent on paperclips last year. You never Research, reveals. But, whichever tack is taken, data is know where you’ll find savings. In short, the prize contained in the vital. What is being bought, and from The only difficulty: a relative wealth of quieter parts of your purchase ledger is which suppliers? While e-procurement survey data suggesting that worth the effort – but will finance and platforms and spend analysis systems procurement and finance functions procurement jointly seize it? I THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST 9
  • 12. In the same boat MALCOLM WHEATLEY EXAMINES HOW THE FD CAN LEVERAGE A NEW COMPANY-WIDE COST AWARENESS TO CREATE A LONG-TERM CULTURE running joke in the Daily expenses. A whole series of choices A Telegraph’s ‘Alex’ cartoon strip is the amount of money the two protagonists, Clive and Alex, charge to expenses – a joke given fresh impetus in the banking crisis – ranging from the selection of suppliers to the preferred brands of stationery and office equipment – have considerable cost consequences. Even simple decisions about turning off lights as the two seek to circumvent the or air conditioning, or how much water various strictures placed on them by to boil for coffee, eventually influence senior management. the bottom line. But the corporate austerity heralded For FDs, who are the custodians by the ‘bash the bankers’ climate of the bottom line, the challenge is contains uncomfortable echoes of simply-stated. Taking away the power the collapse of the dotcom boom a to make such decisions from others is decade ago. impractical and probably impossible. Then, as now, it was easy to So, how can you set in place a lampoon what was widely seen as a corporate culture in which employees culture of excess., for throughout the business – at all levels example – which became the first high- – become more aware of the cost profile dotcom implosion – famously consequences of the decisions that ploughed its way through £125m in they take? And how can they extend expenditure in just six months. Staff this awareness to whole departments and contractors were recruited in large and functions – many of which numbers, with one contractor alone jealously guard their budgets and reputed to be earning over £100 an enshrined practices? hour. Employees were encouraged to delay taking holidays by inducements Setting an example that included 5-star hotels and One rule is immediately clear: lead first-class flights. by example. “Credibility is an issue,” says Peter Lunio, Bristol-based To excess associate director at Baker Tilly It’s easy to dismiss such excesses as, Management Consultancy. well, excessive. They aren’t typical “It’s difficult for an FD to bang the and most businesses have policies drum about cost control when the and procedures in place to guard finance function – and its leadership – is against the wilder enthusiasms of itself seen as lacking in that respect.” employees with a corporate FDs “set the standard”, adds Claire expense account. In the real world, Arnold, partner in London-based the charge-it-to-expenses mindset Maxxim Consulting. of the Alex cartoon has few parallels. “Good FDs don’t just merely But employees can influence your count the cost of the existing status business’s cost base in many more quo. They lead from the front in terms ways than simply charging too much to of setting expectations: is lunch a 10 THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST
  • 13. LEAD THE CREATION OF COST-AWARE CULTURE plate of sandwiches, or a trip to a At Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, four-star restaurant?” for instance, finance director and Equally, it’s important to involve and deputy chief executive Tony Whitfield incentivise people, rather than swoop is careful to link achieved savings to the down from on high to lecture them. organisation’s frontline deliverables. “I “Make people aware of the cost say to people: ‘I want you to save targets that the business is aiming for, money – not for the sake of saving how staff can help make this happen money, but to create the means for us and what this will ultimately mean to to deliver better patient services,” he them,” urges John Judge, of Judge 3D, stresses. “You really have to place the a commercial management specialist objective in context.” working with a number financial And what of the FD’s interaction directors and teams within FTSE-listed with the functions and departments companies and government bodies. within the business, as opposed to “If you work for a large company, individual employees? you have no real incentive to save Here, say the experts, it’s time to be the company money, so businesses realistic about the perception of an FD should really think about giving within the business – and involve the employees incentives to provide CEO, early on. the company with ideas to both save “The FD is the co-pilot, with the – and make – money. CEO as pilot,” is how Sensei’s Follos “A ‘cost aware’ culture isn’t just puts it. about scaling back spending – it’s “The FD has a role to play, but the about creating opportunities for the chief executive has a bigger role,” company to innovate and grow.” agrees Ian Mackinnon, chief executive of AIM-listed cosmetics, personal care Any suggestions? and household goods contract Indeed, as Siobhan Riggott, a senior manufacturer, Swallowfield. research analyst at working capital “The FD keeps the scorecard, and consultantcy REL notes, research prods and pokes the function heads among the world’s top 1000 but, if the operational managers aren’t companies by revenue repeatedly on-message, it becomes like pushing shows those that offer incentives to water uphill.” employees – and companies that Which isn’t to say that operational solicit their help through suggestion managers – and their departments schemes and improvement initiatives – necessarily have the skills to run a – tend to perform better at cash and ‘cost aware’ function. Willingness is cost management. one thing; skills in budgeting and And don’t forget to tailor the procurement quite another. message to the audience. Malcolm “Be prepared to have finance Follos, managing director of the UK people go out into the organisation, arm of leadership consultancy Sensei, and demonstrate to people the right warns that FDs can sometimes budgetary control skills, and where they struggle to articulate ‘big picture’ can find the information and resources objectives in simple, clear terms. that they need,” says Baker Tilly’s Peter A favourite story he relates concerns Lunio. “Finance has an education and a potato crisp factory seeking to cut support role to play, helping people to costs by minimising waste. do a better job of budgetary control.” Shop floor employees couldn’t really And finally, don’t forget to praise – identify with waste levels expressed in and reward – that better job. terms of percentages – but got the “Use positive praise, and message when those percentages communicate great examples of cost were converted into bags of crisps. saving,” urges Arabella Ellis, director of “Just by expressing the measure in a consultancy The Thinking Partnership. different way, the waste figure halved,” “Build relationships by setting he notes. expectations – not by telling people Likewise, make the motivation clear. what to do.” I THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST 11
  • 14. FORGE A STRONG PROCUREMENT RELATIONSHIP Love thy neighbour FDs AND PROCUREMENT HEADS ARE FAMOUS FOR NOT SEEING EYE TO EYE. HERE, TWO EXPERIENCED FINANCE HEADS SHARE HOW THEY WORK WITH PROCUREMENT s director of finance for Great is available to spend on charitable A Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity, I’m responsible for ensuring our £15m annual budget is managed efficiently and focused on achieving objectives or more fundraising. We have been reviewing service levels in contracts and renegotiated a number of those contracts to deliver cost savings as a result. charitable objectives. Implementing a framework for good Our charity does not have an in- procurement practice hasn’t been all house procurement specialist, so we that difficult, but has reaped dividends. rely on the skills and talents of our staff Andrew Hibbert is director of to negotiate the best deals with finance, information technology, suppliers. Each department has its own operations and human resources procurement procedures tailored to for Great Ormond Street Hospital their needs, competitive tendering Children’s Charity taking place within a framework agreed with finance. Two sides of the same coin Our activities, including campaigns, I value the perspective procurement must be crystal clear on one question: developing corporate partnerships, brought to the business. But not unlike what are savings measured against? major gifts, community fundraising, X Factor’s Jedward, finance and One saving against a probable legacies and special events, are well procurement make a double act that overspend could be a triumph for the diversified and this decentralised can misfire badly. buying department, but might show approach to fiscal responsibility works Only when they each concentrate on as minor favourable variance against well for us. their specialism to complement the budget. Finance should work with A collaborative approach to good other can they make effective common procurement to ensure it gets fair procurement practice engenders a cause. It’s also helpful to hand off to the credit and credibility. sense of responsibility at the ‘nasty cop’, tenaciously working Beating suppliers up on payment departmental level. Each departmental through the detail and driving a hard terms to the point they have director ensures that local procedures but fair bargain, leaving operating cashflow problems and can’t supply are adhered to and encourages their relationships unsullied. is clearly counterproductive. staff to challenge all costs, irrespective Three areas where strong If procurement operates in of origin. collaboration is crucial to both isolation, this can happen. I’ve All departmental budgets are created procurement and the business are seen procurement brought in at the from the bottom up. This detailed reporting savings, business perspective eleventh hour to shave another 20% approach is essential when we and data provision. and impose a plethora of conditions. challenge cost variances during our Nothing rankles like puffed-up Finance is well placed to keep the quarterly reforecasting exercise. ‘savings’ that never seem to flow buying department in the know – The internal audit annual work through to a thumping end of year ensuring this never happens. I programme includes a procurement surplus and I strongly believe in ‘one set Carolyn Bresh is co-founder of practices audit, giving the directors of authentic numbers produced by Everymind, a consultancy to assurance that agreed procedures are finance’ – that means procurement too. finance functions and was being followed. Savings claimed must tie in to these previously group financial Every pound we save on overheads recognisable figures. Procurement controller at Reuters 12 THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST
  • 15. INCENTIVISE COST AWARENESS being met. They will also need to spend time in different divisions to understand people’s priorities and pressures. Samson has seen organisations set Quid up business-wide forums to bring cost saving ideas to the forefront, an environment in which the FD can apply sound financial tests. But if businesses are to create a culture of continuous pro quo improvement, cost awareness needs to be linked to career advancement and reward, he argues. Deloitte’s Samson says bonus arrangements that are performance PERSUADING NON-FINANCIAL PEOPLE TO TAKE NOTE OF related rather than solely profit related EXPENDITURE AND FIND SAVINGS IS NO EASY TASK, BUT are effective and, to be transparent, YOU CAN INCENTIVISE THEM, LIZ LOXTON DISCOVERS these bonuses need to be clearly linked to the delivery of cost savings. An even more powerful mechanism, in he past two years have made means putting the message front and his view, is to link career advancement T businesses aware of the need to eradicate waste and become cost efficient like never before. The lesson enlightened organisations will be seeking to carry centre and becoming an ambassador for cost awareness at every turn. He makes use of any opportunity to advocate cost-awareness. Any and all meetings and presentations to board to cost-reduction programmes. “Some organisations link [cost-reduction] with their efforts to retain key talent. They would typically identify key people and put forward is the need to make these members, managers and staff include them into transformational roles. hard-won disciplines permanent ones. his key message: “Would you spend “These kinds of change programmes Chris Samson, a director in Deloitte’s this if it was your own money? That’s can’t be done off the side of someone’s financial services consulting practice, the best test. Every time you meet desk. Some people need to live and advises companies on large-scale someone, or have a chance to present, breathe this. In some instances, people cost reduction programmes. He says or receive a capital expenditure are released from their day role and go that in order to embed a long-term request, then you apply that logic.” through huge learning curves. And cost-saving mentality within an As guardian of the company’s ultimately you end up with stronger organisation you need leadership and financial information, the FD will help organisations when people go back accountability. “A large-scale cost test whether targets are genuinely to their line roles.” I reduction programme can often require significant cultural change and can be a fundamental test of leadership,” he says. “Targets need to be allocated to key divisional directors with transparent processes for reporting back.” In an ideal setup, the CEO and CFO will take the lead, with the CEO providing the mandate and the CFO playing a crucial role by offering independent challenge to ensure the robustness of all business cases, making sure the finance function plays a central role and providing transparency. Actually achieving those savings and effecting change, however, is down to the foot soldiers – the managers and divisional directors. So what can finance directors do to underpin that process and help put a cost-aware culture on a permanent footing? Martyn Wates, CFO at The Co-operative Group, says getting the cost-saving message through to an organisation that is 120,000-strong THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST 13
  • 16. In it for the long haul ROBERT ALLISON, MD AT EXPENSE REDUCTION ANALYSTS, TELLS MELANIE STERN HOW FDS CAN EMBED COST CONTROL TO SURVIVE THE RECESSION — AND FAR BEYOND What do you think we’ve learned purchase management processes most keenly from the last – and culture – in order to ensure couple of years, in terms of absolute best value from all areas of cost cutting? supply within the company. These With many board directors facing the processes also ensure true cost savings first downturn of their careers, the last are achieved in the future through couple of years have brought cost effective supplier management, rather management and purchasing back to than settling for large headline savings the boardroom table as serious issues today, which very often do not that carry real influence over the materialise in the future. company’s ability to reach its strategic objectives. In spite of this, though, Has the relationship between I still see over a third of businesses FDs and procurement changed doing little to tackle the majority of as pressures on businesses to their cost areas. find cost savings have increased amid recession? In which areas are businesses More and more FDs are now seeing the and FDs focusing regards cost importance of effective purchasing and cutting right now? its direct impact on cost management. As always, cost cutting starts at the top While this has always existed for raw and works its way down the list. For material costs, what we have seen in most organisations, this means the first recent times are finance teams realising area for cost reduction is headcount that, by working much closer with closely followed by other major cost experts in procurement, they can overheads, such as salary and ensure every cost within the business pensions for the remaining staff. Next delivers best value. to be targeted is often the direct or raw More importantly, by establishing material costs of the business. Very the right relationships and good rarely will most finance teams get much reporting processes between the beyond this before other priorities people who buy the goods or in cost control they have taken appear on the radar. services and the finance team, the on in the recession when the cost savings found become economic sun comes out again? What do you think will change sustainable for the long term. That If the focus of FDs turns too quickly there in 2010 and beyond? should make the entire business unit away from the lessons of recent There is a real trend now forming in healthier overall and something times and the correct ongoing cost finance teams nationwide to recognise any business will need to achieve if and purchase management that effective cost management is not it wants to run efficient operations processes and cultures are not just about taking a “slash ‘n’ burn” in the UK and compete locally maintained on all areas of spending, approach to cost cutting. Having or internationally. complacency will quickly enter the addressed the main line costs in 2009, supply chain and businesses will it’s now time to go behind the scenes Do you think FDs are at risk of struggle even more to compete with and establish effective cost and forgetting the valuable lessons leaner businesses elsewhere. 14 THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST
  • 17. INSTIL LONG-TERM PRACTICES Of our list of ten ways to control cost, which would you say was the most important in 2010 and why? While all are valuable points in becoming an industry leader in cost management, many are not overnight solutions and will take some time. The single point which could provide immediate benefit in 2010 would be to focus on the behind-the-scenes costs, or the bottom two-thirds of your purchase ledger. Longer term, the creation of a cost-aware culture throughout the entire organisation is what will change UK industry for the long-term and something I believe more and more FDs will be recognised for in the future. How would you advise FDs to instil this specific point as a permanent discipline? Establish the right reporting and measurement systems which can recognise when someone is achieving best value from suppliers. We all spend a fortune on sophisticated performance measurement systems for our sales and marketing teams then reward and acknowledge their success publicly. Having the right monitoring systems in place to judge when best value is gained – and maintained – from suppliers will enable the same recognition to be given to staff, and very quickly make the necessities of 2009 a permanent discipline in the future. What would your warning be to FDs who do not take a leading role in instilling longer-term cost control disciplines from How can FDs lead the process control of cost in other departments? the lessons we have had out of of instilling these lessons Like any form of change, process the recession? as lasting disciplines? aimed at creating a lasting culture With slow growth and an increasingly Lead from the front. Show the team that which recognises the importance of global market for UK businesses to you are serious about ensuring best always getting best value from compete within, any company not value and making savings. If others see suppliers is about leading from the top. operating a best-value culture across you take it seriously, they will quickly So to start, ensure all members of the all areas of the businesses purchasing echo the same habits. board place equal importance on will not be able to match those who do. It’s one thing to do that within the creating this culture. Beyond this, I also believe that the achievement of finance function where the FD holds create the monitoring and reporting FDs in the area of leading a cost-aware sway – but how do they do this if they processes needed to continuously culture will become an attribute want to raise the profile and influence of monitor whether best value is being investors will place increasing value on finance across the business and keep gained from suppliers. long after the recession is over. I THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST 15
  • 18. BENCHMARK AND COMMUNICATE SAVINGS What’s your story? ONCE YOU’VE IDENTIFIED WHAT SAVINGS CAN BE MADE, YOU NEED TO DEMONSTRATE YOUR SUCCESSES TO THE BOARD, THE BUSINESS AND YOUR STAKEHOLDERS, SAYS LIZ LOXTON s we come out of what has needed to show the investment A been described as the starkest recession in memory and move into what is being characterised as merely a period of deeply difficult trading conditions, cost community that the business has the ability to manage costs in such situations more than usual. “We manage our business to KPIs. Revenue per head shows control remains imperative. the level of activity. Profit per head What counts now for businesses and shows efficiency. their investors is evidence that “Salary cost to revenue is very companies have addressed cost- important, as is operating margin, cutting and cost awareness head on. since we are a people business. Stronger balance sheets and business Internally and to the City that’s survival speak for themselves, but how we get judged from a cost where companies have publicly management perspective.” committed to eradicating duplication Creston consolidated its call and unnecessary cost, the board and centres and online market research the investment community will want to panels in order to eradicate waste. hear the specifics. “Any investment we make, we try Benchmarking cost reduction efforts and look at it from a group is a must, but it is an exercise that has perspective,” says Brien. to be sensibly executed, says Clive While the current conditions are Lewis, head of SME issues at the exceptional, sudden falls in income in Institute of Chartered Accountants in his sector are nothing new. “Even in England and Wales. Software can help good times, you can lose a big client with the detail, he says, but what really and take a large hit on income,” he says. matters is having an agreed process that fits the organisation. Run the numbers “The board must agree KPIs that are Regularly running the numbers to look teams to assess how the business was relevant to the business. The problem at the impact of losing key business is a doing month-by-month against agreed with cost reduction is that some costs familiar discipline. “In this industry that reduction targets. are relatively fixed and some vary with is a very well-trodden path,” he says. The result was a £150m year-on- the level of activity, so keeping an eye At the Co-operative Group, CFO year improvement on the working on costs in absolute numbers is Martyn Wates says benchmarking the capital position, largely thanks to difficult,” he adds. business against competitors has rallying everyone in the business to For Barrie Brien, CFO and chief proved an invaluable starting point to the cause of cost-reduction and of operating officer at marketing group the group’s cost cutting initiative. recording what happened so that it Creston, being able to demonstrate Profit margins, working capital, could be communicated internally and cost management disciplines is debtors, credit terms – all were to the wider world. important when income is falling assessed and measured against “Finance is just a record of what steeply. His sector endured a difficult the market. happened in the business. If you summer in 2009 with sharp declines The finance department then took don’t make a difference at ground level, in advertising revenues and Brien has the lead, working with operational nothing changes,” says Wates. I 16 THE FINANCIAL DIRECTOR GUIDE COST CONTROL CHECKLIST