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       The Effects of
        Solvency II
Much has already been written on the topic of Solvency II. What effect is this
    quintessentially European initiative having when examined from the
      multiple perspectives of the organisations it is impacting across
 Europe? Post Europe, in association with Atos Origin, decided to examine
  this question in order to see what new light might be shed on the thorny
                  issue of European insurance regulation.
Executive summary
Much has already been written on the topic of Solvency         But the insurance industry is putting this thought            Contents
II. What effect is this quintessentially European initiative   aside while it prepares for Solvency II. The overriding
having when examined from the multiple perspectives of         concern is not the regulation itself but whether national     1-2    Executive
the organisations it is impacting across Europe?               regulators will truly step up to the challenge. Will the             summary
                                                               mistakes made in banking regulation be repeated?              3      Key findings
Post Europe, in association with Atos Origin, decided
to examine this question in order to see what new              Just how important this is can be seen in the research        4-5    The deal with the
light might be shed on the thorny issue of European            we undertook. For example, one executive accepted                    regulator
insurance regulation. What we discovered is perhaps no         that the national regulators were unlikely to apply the
                                                                                                                             5-8    Extracting the
surprise: A European Union that is still 27 individually       Solvency II regulations equally stringently and added                benefits
regulated countries bound together with some common            that this was one of the biggest risks for the European
purpose but with widely differing regulatory agendas           insurance industry. They were not alone. Another said
and challenges. Does Solvency II stand to increase             that if the regulation was not applied equally it would       8-10   The problem of
the opportunities for regulatory arbitrage rather than         “make a mockery of all the time, energy and money the                uncertainty
decrease them as originally intended? Will European            insurers and regulators are putting in”.
                                                                                                                             10-11 Conclusion
regulators step up to the challenge or have they bitten
off more than they can chew?                                   Weakness in regulation?
                                                               The national regulators have indeed proved weakness
Conceived prior to the financial crisis of 2008, Solvency       in their regulation of a global banking industry. What
II is based on a framework designed to ensure that global      is more, it is argued that national regulators like
banks were sufficiently capitalised to withstand the risks      the Bank of England know little about regulating
they were running. Clearly recent history has shown            insurance companies and may not have the necessary
that this framework failed in its primary objectives. So,      skills in depth.
was this failure down to the regulation itself or to the
inability of the regulators to police a global industry?       So what makes them believe they will do a better
                                                               job of regulating insurers? The banks were clearly
Accepting Solvency II                                          undercapitalised relative to the risks they were running.
From our research it is clear that the European insurers       Where is the evidence that the same is true of European
are broadly accepting of Solvency II and getting on            insurers? The moves made to create the European
with its implementation. However, most see the 2013            Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority are
deadline as a stretch target and a number of very real         seen as a positive but will it have the resources and clout
concerns still remain.                                         to do the job?

Insurers’ business models are not yet globalised to the        Certainly many of the insurance company executives
same extent as the banks. The time horizons of the risks       taking part in the research would like to see EIOPA
to which they are exposed and the structural stresses          wielding its regulatory power where necessary, stepping
that might lead to systemic collapse, are fundamentally        in to adjudicate or even fining national regulators that
different in this sector.                                      do not apply the rules as stringently as their European
                                                               Union neighbours.
The insurance industry fared relatively well through the
recent crisis with only a few notable exceptions (which        But, just as they would like to see it exert this power,
were arguably behaving more like banks anyway). As a           they also accept it may not be possible. Resources have
consequence of this most insurers we spoke to, although        already proved a headache for some of the insurers that
getting on with Solvency II compliance, still question         took part in the research and many recognise that the
in some way its applicability. For example, one of the         shortage of qualified and experienced actuarial and risk
executives who took part in the research said: “It’s not       employees will hit the regulators, including EIOPA, too.
an insurance industry crisis, it’s a banking crisis. The       This could mean that even if it does have the power to
insurers performed well during the crisis.”                    enforce the regulations, it may not have the resources
                                                               to carry out this role effectively.

THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II                                                                                                              APRIL 2011 1
Risk management                                              Degree of disquiet
Insurers have been managing insurance risks since            For a set of regulations that is only two years away from
the term was invented. The management of risk is             implementation, there is also disquiet over the degree
very much part of their businesses. So what difference       of fluidity that still exists around some of the rules.
does Solvency II make? It is clear that insurers across      This particularly relates to the own risk and solvency
Europe see an opportunity arising from Solvency II – an      assessment. It is, of course, unrealistic to expect
opportunity to fix some of the problems that they have        absolute clarity in an area where implementation is
been looking to fix for some time. A chance to become         so dependent on the way an insurer wants to run its
more effective at managing capital and to get more           business. However, there is real recognition of the
precise about the way it is allocated.                       challenges this generates, particularly in the need to
                                                             develop approaches to compliance that are sufficiently
However, insurers across Europe recognise that these         flexible. And recognising that 2013 is the beginning of a
benefits will only be released if they manage to focus        journey not the end.
beyond Pillar 1 and are able to fully embed the changes
in their business operating model. This requires             In all the European insurance industry is getting on with
significant change. Primarily, but not exclusively, change    Solvency II, it is genuinely excited by the opportunity
in a particularly challenging area, finance and actuarial.    that is presented, but fearful that it should not become
Insurers understand the need to bridge the gap but           overkill, requiring unnecessary change and expense and
the skills to effect this change are in short supply and     that the good intentions of Solvency II may lead to more
this presents a threat to their ability to extract all the   opportunity for arbitrage in an unbalanced, and under
benefits. As the deadline approaches will all the good        resourced regulatory environment.
intentions be thrown aside in order to ‘just comply’?

THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II                                                                                               APRIL 2011 2
Key findings
• Insurers are concerned the regulators will                  These include resource issues but also time pressures,
not apply the regulations equally across the                  especially as some of the requirements are still to be
European Union, potentially reducing the benefits              finalised.
they are looking to harness by investing time, effort
and money in Solvency II compliance. These concerns           • Uncertainty remains a major issue for insurers
are based on several factors including the differing          and there are concerns over the degree of fluidity
resources available to the regulators across the EU           that exists around some of the rules. Among
and the different regulatory systems currently in place.      the areas that are causing preparations to stall are
To reduce the risk of the regulations being applied           uncertainty on the final calibrations of the standard
unequally, some insurers would like to see the European       formula and guidelines on the own risk and solvency
Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority step in,        assessment.
fining regulators where appropriate.
                                                              • Implementation is expected to remain 1 January
• A shortage of resources is an issue for both                2013, although Omnibus II proposals allow for
insurers and regulators. Demand for experienced               transitional measures. While some insurers are well
actuarial and risk employees has caused recruitment and       advanced in their preparations, there is acceptance from
retention problems for the UK insurance industry with         some that, as the deadline approaches, the objective is
our research indicating that this issue may be about to       shifting from maximising the opportunities Solvency II
hit other EU countries. As well as affecting the insurers,    offers to complying with the requirements. This could
many respondents also expressed concerns that, as this        potentially mean missed opportunities for some insurers.
shortage of resources also extends to the regulators, it
could create a series of problems. These include failure      • A level playing field across the EU is seen as
to assess all the internal model applications before the      a ‘nice to have’ by many respondents. However,
regime is introduced and, once it is in place, an inability   while they would like to see the regulatory regime
to enforce the regulations adequately enough once.            achieving this, there is also acceptance that it may not
                                                              be achieved by January 2013. Some felt there were too
• Embedding Solvency II within the organisation               many regulators and market forces for it to happen
and its operating model is seen as key to                     while others were more optimistic and thought it would
successfully implementing and benefiting from                  take a few years for a level playing field to be created.
the new regime. The research found that insurers              Either way, while the new regulatory regime is unable to
recognise that Solvency II affects every element of a         deliver this, some insurers may find themselves able to
business and that involving employees right across the        take advantage of increased opportunities for regulatory
business is essential if they are to benefit from it, but      arbitrage.
many recognised there were obstacles to achieving this.

THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II                                                                                               APRIL 2011 3
The deal with the regulator
Across the European Union it is evident that insurers          Our research found that some of those surveyed put it
are investing considerable amounts of time, money              down to cultural differences, talking about the “stricter
and effort to comply with the Solvency II regulations.         approach of the beer drinkers of the north and the
Indeed our research found that many are looking to go          laissez-fair attitude of the wine drinkers of the south”.
beyond the regulations to harness as much competitive
advantage as they can from the regime. As an example,          Others point to the differences between the regulators
talking about their implementation plans, one executive        across the EU. For instance one executive who took part
said: “When Solvency II was first announced we decided          in the research said: “How you actually implement all the
to spend the money to get over the hurdle and use it to        details and facets of a completely consistent regulatory
our advantage. You get out what you put in.”                   regime across all of Europe, with so many different
                                                               regulators across the wider EU, is a difficult task.”
But, while the insurers are clearly committed to
achieving the new requirements, many are also                  Another identified the equal application of the
questioning the role of the regulators in supporting the       regulations as “a challenging task”, giving as the reason
new regulatory environment. The success of the new             the fact that “each country is working from a different
regime and the value they will derive from the new             starting point given the different regulatory systems that
regulatory environment, they feel, could all rest on how       are in place”.
the regulators enforce the requirements.

Certainly the activity of the regulators is pivotal in the
                                                               ‘Each country is working from a
benefits that insurers will gain from Solvency II. The          different starting point given the
success of a cross border regulatory regime requires the       different regulatory systems that
rules to be applied evenly in every jurisdiction if it is to
succeed in creating a level playing field and delivering
                                                               are in place’
the benefits associated with this.
                                                               Coming at Solvency II from such different starting points
Unfortunately, if the regulators fail to apply the rules       will certainly make it difficult to apply the regulations
equally and fairly, many of these benefits could be             equally stringently. For example, the French insurance
eroded. This sentiment was summed up by one of the             market includes a large number of small mutuals,
executives who took part in the research. They said: “It       often formed to provide a single line of cover to their
makes a mockery of all the time, energy and money the          members. Regulating these with the same touch as their
insurers and regulators are putting in if it isn’t applied     large peers will be a challenge and accommodating such
equally.”                                                      a wide variety of entities could potentially result in a
                                                               dilution of the requirements.
‘It makes a mockery of all the time,                           And, although EIOPA will be able to oversee the
energy and money the insurers and                              supervision in each of the markets, these differences
regulators are putting in if it isn’t                          remain a real issue for the equal application of Solvency
applied equally’                                               II. As an example, one executive said: “Not all the
                                                               regulators have the same resources, credibility or the
                                                               same scale of companies.”
They were far from alone in this belief. Another
participant in the research described the potential            Differences aside, all the national regulators could
inability of the regulators to apply Solvency II equally       also find themselves facing a common problem with
as “one of the biggest risks for the European insurance        regard to resources. Our research found that many of
industry.”                                                     the executives interviewed had experienced a skills
                                                               shortage as the demand for experienced actuarial and
All sorts of reasons lie behind the belief that the            risk personnel increased. Although some have found
regulators will not be able to apply the rules equally.        ways to tackle this, they remain concerned about how

THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II                                                                                                  APRIL 2011 4
this will affect the industry as a whole, especially with    said: “If a company believes it’s been treated differently
regulators also competing for the same scarce resource.      by its supervisor compared with supervisors in other
                                                             countries, it must be possible to ask EIOPA to judge.”
For example, one executive said: “Supervisors need a
lot of skilled people to understand internal model.
I wouldn’t be surprised if not all companies have had
                                                             ‘It must be possible to ask EIOPA
their internal models approved by January 2013. What         to judge’
happens then?”
                                                             Although some executives were unsure how EIOPA
‘Supervisors need a lot of skilled                           should police the Solvency II landscape, several
                                                             suggestions were made. These include playing the role
people to understand internal model’                         of an adjudicator where there is any deviation; setting up
                                                             an independent team to validate the way local regulators
As well as concerns about the shape of the regulators,       have adopted the principles; and, most significantly, the
previous experience of the way regulators have               ability to impose fines where appropriate.
responded was also cited as an indication that the rules
will not be applied equally. For instance one respondent     Whether it goes as far as some would it to do is yet to be
pointed to the financial crisis in 2008 as a good example     seen but reassuringly the research found that there is
of how differently local regulators can behave.              more confidence that EIOPA will be able to step up to the
                                                             mark, compared with its predecessor, the Committee
There is also evidence from previous cross-border            of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions
regulatory initiatives to suggest that even with a           Supervisors.
common regulatory framework, successful application
is not guaranteed. For instance, when Basel II was
introduced to create an international standard that
                                                             ‘It will take time, a couple of years,
banking regulators could use when creating regulations       before we get this equality’
regarding capital requirements, the regulators were not
positioned powerfully enough to impose it. The events        It may also be that any enforcement measures may only
of 2008 and beyond in the banking arena show just how        need to be in place for the short-term. In spite of the
catastrophic an effect this can have.                        differences across the EU, our research found that, in
                                                             time, it was expected that the regulators would be able
While there is a reluctant acceptance that the regulations   to apply the rules equally stringently. This was summed
will not be applied equally stringently across the EU, at    up in one executive’s response: “I don’t think all the
least not initially, respondents do believe that EIOPA has   regulators are fully attuned to the same things. It will
a role to play where there is any deviation. One executive   take time, a couple of years, before we get this equality.”

Extracting the benefit
Although there is no escaping the fact that Solvency II      and respond quickly to changes in the market. Just
is an obligation and the regulators will expect insurers     complying won’t enable us to do this as effectively as if
to have implemented the new regime by January 2013,          we invest to go beyond the requirements in some areas.”
every executive who took part in the research recognised
that the requirements could also deliver significant
opportunities and benefits.
                                                             ‘A big opportunity for the sector’
                                                             Given the spend involved in implementation, identifying
As an example, one executive from the insurance              where the benefits lie is important and the research
industry described the regulations as “a big opportunity     found that executives from the insurers that took part
for the insurance sector”. Another said that viewing it      had found plenty of reasons to make up a business case
simply as a compliance exercise, defeated the purpose.       to take Solvency II beyond simple compliance.
“Achieving compliance is not sufficient,” they said. “We
want to be able to make decisions quickly, innovate          At the more technical end of the spectrum, having a

THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II                                                                                                 APRIL 2011 5
greater understanding of the underlying risk and where        Several of the executives who took part in the research
the money is allocated is regarded as a way to improve        said this was an incentive to invest at this point to secure
the risk return ratio.                                        the benefits once the regime is in place.

The research shows that this greater transparency is
seen as a major opportunity for insurers, helping them
                                                              ‘This requires good internal skills
optimise how they use their capital through improved          and collaboration between different
decision-making on areas such as which markets they           disciplines’
choose to operate in; where they are regulated and how
they price their products. “We’re starting to look more       The new reporting requirements were also seen as
into the financial implications of individual contracts,       delivering future benefits. Under Solvency II, insurers
reinsurance and pricing,” said one of the executives          will need to disclose significantly more information
taking part in the research. “We’ve taken a more simplistic   publicly. Although some cynicism says that customers
approach to underwriting in the past but this is changing.”   will not be particularly interested in the information,
                                                              insurers also accept that the quality of the information
The research found that the ability to link technical parts   could affect their reputation with customers,
of the business, such as risk management and actuarial,       shareholders and potential business partners.
with decision-making and strategic development parts
was also high on the Solvency II business case agenda.        Certainly more comparisons will be made, either by the
Providing investment is made to bring these two               existing credit rating agencies or, as envisaged by one
together, this will drive a better understanding of the       of the executives taking part in the research, by a new
business and more informed business decisions.                breed of analysts that will number crunch top 10s of
                                                              insurers to help consumers decide which company gets
‘Solvency II also forces you to                               their business.

work more multidisciplinary in the                            Although there is some reluctance to make all this
finance area’                                                  information public, whether from a competition
                                                              perspective or simply because insurers do not feel it
To illustrate this, one executive summed up the benefits       will serve any purpose, this move towards greater
they believed could be achieved through greater               transparency is not unexpected. Already, having a
integration within the business. They said: “Companies        strong risk management process has grown significantly
will gain economic insight in the key drivers of value,       in importance among the credit rating agencies and
which will help in creating focus and making economic         this will become even more marked under Solvency
right decisions. Solvency II also forces you to work          II. Securing a good rating is important for investors,
more multidisciplinary in the finance area, bringing           shareholders and customers and is often used as a
the expertise from accounting, risk management                quality mark.
and actuaries together. This will lead to a better
understanding of the business and to more integrated
financial and management reporting.”
                                                              ‘Insurers will try to make the
                                                              information they disclose as neutral
Respondents could also see that having this greater           as possible’
integration within the business would lead to the
development of more Solvency II-friendly products.            “Insurers will try to make the information they disclose
“This requires good internal skills and collaboration         as neutral as possible but there will still be more
between different disciplines,” one added.                    information out there. Clients will be more aware of
                                                              the financial soundness of the company they’re getting
Running an internal model is also seen as a reason to         into bed with and shareholders will be able to see more
take Solvency II beyond compliance. It is recognised,         clearly the link between the return they expect and the
especially in the UK, that the standard formula won’t         risk that is being taken to generate it,” one executive
fit any business perfectly while, by its very nature, the      explained.
internal model can be designed to take into account the
specifics of the business. Further running an internal         As well as leveraging more benefits by taking Solvency
model could also mean lower capital requirements and          II beyond compliance, the research also found that
reduce the amount of reinsurance that is required.            insurers were taking advantages of the programme

THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II                                                                                                   APRIL 2011 6
of change to invest in other parts of the business that      into an organisation. For example, one executive said: “It
would not have secured a budget without it. This was         does take time for business strategies to follow through.
particularly the case with more established organisations    We set up a risk committee in the past and it took around
where investment in new IT systems was seen as an            18 months before it was working properly. You have to
opportunity, especially where legacy systems are in          give employees time to feel comfortable with what they
place. Additionally, across the insurance industry,          are doing.”
there are examples of companies improving their data         Clearly, with an 18 month or longer lead time, putting in
capabilities through investment in data warehouses and       place the strategies to embed Solvency II throughout
data transformation projects.                                the organisation sooner rather than later is imperative
                                                             and will greatly improve an insurer’s prospects in 2013.
One executive explained this saying: “Solvency II is a
catalyst to speed up the implementation of improvements
in risk management developments in the organisation.”
                                                             ‘One of the most critical challenges
                                                             has been resources’
But, while there are clearly benefits to be gained from
engaging fully with Solvency II and taking it beyond         Given the scale of some of the Solvency II implementation
pure compliance, achieving these benefits does not            projects, it is not surprising that another challenge many
happen without facing challenges.                            insurers are facing relates to resources. One executive
                                                             said: “One of the most critical challenges has been
To successfully harness many of the benefits identified,       resources. The real difficulty is the newness of the
it is essential to embed Solvency II and the risk            regulations: they take the actuarial field beyond where
management principles it is based upon throughout the        it was previously. Then, once an employee learns the
organisation. This will ensure that the approach is used     new skills, there is always the risk you’ll lose them to a
to shape everything from underwriting and actuarial          consultancy paying more money.”
modelling through to product development and pricing.
                                                             This problem with recruiting and retaining key employees
‘Bridging the gap is needed                                  has particularly been the case in the UK, where salaries
                                                             have increased dramatically to reflect the shortage of
between the technical parts and                              skilled staff. All UK respondents singled this out as an
the technically skilled people and                           issue, with many commenting that they were finding
the rest of the business’                                    it difficult to recruit staff with suitable experience.
                                                             Further, the problem is exacerbated because, as well
                                                             as competing with other insurers for personnel, the
But this is regarded as a considerable challenge and one     regulator is also increasing its staffing levels to deal with
that was recognised by several respondents who took          the regulation.
part in the research. As an example, one executive said:
“Bridging the gap is needed between the technical parts      And, while there was less evidence of this causing
and the technically skilled people and the rest of the       problems for other countries, one executive said they
business. If you can’t bridge this gap, you won’t succeed    believed Germany would probably be hit by the talent
in embedding Solvency II in day-to-day business”             crunch next.

Being able to translate the requirements from technical      At the same time now one country has experienced this
rules into practices that will be relevant to each member    problem it may be less of an issue for others in the future.
of staff’s day-to-day responsibilities is essential. Being   Not only will there be more trained, and experienced,
successful here will not only ensure an insurer is fully     personnel but the research found that some UK insurers
compliant but will also enable them to gain as many          had found ways to avoid this becoming a major issue.
benefits as possible under the new regime.                    Some have looked outside of the industry, to sectors
                                                             such as pharamaceuticals, to recruit suitable staff.
The research found that projects are already                 Others have recruited from outside the UK, bringing
underway at many insurers to address this. There was         personnel with the necessary skills in from the EU and
acknowledgement that training and communication              even the US.
programmes can help to increase awareness and
encourage employee buy-in but there is also acceptance       The research also found that time is a pressing issue
that the requirements will take time to be fully embedded    for many of the insurers, especially as they await final

THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II                                                                                                  APRIL 2011 7
details on some elements of the requirements. This is           Therefore, those insurers who are not prepared and
likely to have an effect on the opportunities they look         have to switch the approach to implementing Solvency
to take from the regime. For example, one executive             II could miss opportunities, at least in the new regime’s
claimed: “The closer you get, the more people forget            first few years.
they’re meant to be principles based and it becomes a
compliance exercise.”

In addition to gauging which benefits and              Often, where comparisons were drawn between             the regulators in these countries are competing for
opportunities the insurers were looking to gain       countries’ states of readiness, they tended to be       resources, which is something we’ve seen a lot from
as a result of Solvency II; how they intended to      on a North versus South basis, with the Northern        the Financial Services Authority.”
harness these; and the challenges they are facing,    countries such as Germany, the Netherlands and the
our research also examined how far advanced the       UK seen as more advanced in their preparations.         Another key indicator that was referenced by
insurers believed they were in their implementation   However, one executive who took part pointed            several respondents to how insurers across the
projects as well as how they felt their European      out the UK had a slight advantage as Solvency II is     EU have approached Solvency II was the internal
neighbours were faring.                               more closely aligned to the way its regulation works    model. Many people have built business cases
                                                      than anywhere else in the EU.                           around investing in an internal model, seeing it as a
This found that although Solvency II is firmly on                                                              means to more accurately reflect risk and, thereby,
the agenda across the insurance industry, there is    They added: “Germany isn’t far behind the               reduce capital requirements.
also evidence of varying states of readiness across   UK. It has a stable economy and the insurance
the EU. One executive said: “There are some           industry is well capitalised and already has a good     However, as several respondents pointed out, with
markets where the regulators and participants         understanding of risk management. I’ve heard much       the number of applications for the UK roughly the
are well advanced, such as the UK, but behind         less noise about Solvency II from other countries       same as those for the rest of the EU, it appears not
them are two or three tiers when it comes to          though, with very little coming out of countries such   every insurer believes there is sufficient merit to
preparations.”                                        as Spain and Italy. On top of this, I’m not aware       make the investment.

The problem of uncertainty
Although it is full steam ahead for Solvency II                 Solvency Assessment, which could also potentially delay
implementation, our research found a significant amount          insurers’ preparations for January 2013.
of uncertainty still pervades the insurance industry.
Among the challenges that insurers are still grappling          This uncertainty has the potential to cause a lot of
with are practical issues such as recruitment and IT            damage. One executive explained: “One of the biggest
and infrastructure requirements. However, many of the           risks is regulatory uncertainty.”
issues come down to one thing – regulatory uncertainty.

‘One of the biggest risks is                                    To support this, the research found that many of the
                                                                executives interviewed regarded a last minute change in
regulatory uncertainty’                                         the rules, or the final rules being agreed too late, as the
                                                                number one risk to their implementation plans. Clearly,
Although Solvency II is principle-based so insurers             this would have implications for both insurers and
will always be able to interpret the requirements in line       regulators, both of which would have to adapt quickly if
with their own business models, some of the details still       compliance were to be achieved in January 2013.
need to be finalised. A key example of this is the final
calibration principles for the standard formula, which are
expected following the fifth Quantitative Impact Study.
                                                                Some say the goalposts are moving;
Without these, insurers are unable to fully appreciate          others say they’re invisible
what is required or whether an internal model would be
more suitable. Another example of an area where more            And the possibility of this happening is perceived as very
detail is awaited is the guidelines on the own Risk and         real. For example, one executive claimed: “Some say the

THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II                                                                                                                      APRIL 2011 8
goalposts are moving; others say they’re invisible.” And,      for more than 10 years that this would be introduced.”
without regulatory certainty, not only will preparations
falter but, come January 2013, the possibility of having       A further delay in implementation was also seen as
a level playing field, itself one of Solvency II’s key          potentially harmful to the industry’s reputation. One
objectives, will be greatly reduced.                           executive stated: “European Union politicians have had
                                                               a wake-up call regarding instabilities in the financial
Insurers also face some more practical challenges, as a        markets. They should feel obliged to ensure the quality
result of the uncertainty around the regulations. With         and stability of the insurance sector.”
data so central to the requirements, both in terms of
the amount and the frequency that it is required but           However, transitional measures were also regarded
also in terms of its accuracy, having efficient IT and data     as a possibility, with the Omnibus II revisions, which
management infrastructure is essential. For an insurer         were announced in January, potentially giving the
tussling with legacy systems or outmoded technology,           industry some significant wriggle room. These give the
this will be a significant challenge.                           European Commission the power to delay elements of
                                                               the requirements, including those relating to capital
This is further complicated because the rules that will        adequacy, by up to 10 years.
affect the IT standards for delivering information to the
regulators are yet to be finalised. This was summed up          There are mixed views regarding the need for
by one executive: “The major challenge is to change            transitional measures. On one side, some respondents
and improve the IT environment in accordance with the          felt transitional measures were unnecessary, and would
Solvency II requirements where these requirements are          potentially create more regulatory uncertainty.
also changing and no final and fixed.”

Time is another issue. Although some respondents are
                                                               ‘Cut some slack in this area and
confident they will have completed their implementation         phase it in over five years’
projects ahead of the deadline, others acknowledge it
will be a scramble to achieve compliance. To support this      Others felt that transitional measures would be necessary,
there has been a marked shift in sentiment among some          due to the different states of preparedness across the
insurers. As an example, one executive explained: “The         EU. For example, one executive felt there would be
closer you get, the more people forget they’re meant           advantages to phasing in some of the requirements.
to be principle-based and it becomes a compliance              “There’s a pressing need for provisional arrangements
exercise.”                                                     to phase in a number of requirements, especially when
                                                               it comes to reporting,” they said. “The industry does
Such a shift in focus will inevitably mean a downgrading       need to report from the beginning so the regulators can
in expectations, with some insurers having to postpone         better understand the implications of Solvency II but
or cancel entirely some of their plans to take further         the amount of information that’s required is huge. Cut
advantage of the new regime.                                   some slack in this area and phase it in over five years.”

‘The more it’s put off the more pain                           But, given the challenges and the different states of
                                                               preparations across the market, it is unlikely that
there’ll be’                                                   everyone in the market will be 100% compliant come
                                                               January 2013. Because of this, a halfway house position
But although there is still such a large amount of             may be inevitable.
uncertainty surrounding Solvency II, with this further
exacerbated by the potential shortage of resources at
insurers and, perhaps more significantly, the regulators,
                                                               ‘Most insurance companies and the
the research found unanimous support for sticking to           regulators themselves will not be
the 1 January, implementation deadline.                        fully ready to start working under
Delaying, many felt, would only add to the pain and effort
                                                               the requirements by January 2013’
required and would disadvantage those that had already
put in the necessary work. One executive believed: “It’s       “I do not believe the implementation of Solvency II will
realistic. The more it’s put off the more pain there’ll be.”   be postponed but I also believe that most insurance
Another said: “It’s not an overnight thing. We’ve known        companies and the regulators themselves will not be

THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II                                                                                                  APRIL 2011 9
fully ready to start working under the requirements by          they would have to fall back on the standard model and
January 2013,” one executive said.                              lose the competitive advantage they may have secured
                                                                through their internal model.
“The first years will be used to fine tune the new
regulatory requirements from the regulators’ perspective        But while delays, whether intentional or otherwise,
and insurance companies will need additional years to           occur, everyone recognised the importance of
fully adopt Solvency II and comply with all the internal        implementing Solvency II.
model requirements.”
                                                                One executive summed up the industry sentiment
Having this extra time will allow the new regulatory            perfectly: “Solvency II will be important in improving
requirements to be fully bedded in. As an example, in the       trust in financial markets. The financial crisis has shown
UK, a large number of companies are seeking internal            that the current framework is not suitable for handling
model approval and there is a perceived risk that the           stress events. It is in the interest of the insurance
regulator does not have the resources necessary to              industry that trust is restored and a new Solvency
assess all the applications in time. This could potentially     II framework that is risk based, targeting capital
cause major problems for those insurers affected,               requirements in accordance with the risk profile, will
raising questions about whether it would be fair to use         help in restoring this trust.”
the internal model, albeit without approval, or whether

With less than two years to go before the introduction of       The existence of so many different regulators and market
Solvency II, the insurance industry across the European         forces was seen as the main stumbling block for this,
Union is engaged with the preparations and looking              with one executive saying that regulatory requirements
ahead to the opportunities the new regulatory regime            were only one of the many hurdles to overcome to create
will create.                                                    a European insurance market.

One of these opportunities, and indeed one of the               In spite of these doubts, most agreed that Solvency II
objectives of Solvency II, is the creation of a level playing   would eventually help to create a level playing field; it
field through this equalising the capital requirements           was simply a matter of time for the rules to bed down          To assess how the new
across all EU insurance markets.                                with insurers and the regulators. One executive summed         Solvency II regime is perceived
                                                                up the sentiment by saying: “The level playing field was        by insurers across Europe,
Certainly, this is an element of the new regime that            one of the original purposes of Solvency II. It will achieve   Post Europe in association
many of the executives who took part in our research            this but I do feel this will take some years to achieve.”      with Atos Origin, conducted
welcomed. This, they said, would improve competition                                                                           research among chief risk
within the European insurance market. For example,              Just how long it takes for the market to reach this            officers and chief financial
one executive said: “We will not undervalue the impact of       position is unknown. However, it is fair to say that the       officers based throughout
improving a European level playing field. By restricting         manner in which European Insurance Occupational                Europe. Interviews were
the possibilities for national interpretations, Solvency II     Pensions Authority decides to enforce the regulations          conducted during January
will support steadily increasing economic cross border          will be critical to the timescale. The research found there    and February 2011 and
activities of insurers and encourage a free European            was support for EIOPA taking an active role in ensuring        covered areas including their
market.”                                                        the regulators apply the rules equally across the EU.          preparations for the new
                                                                Some executives talked of independent adjudication             regime; what they viewed
Others were more ambivalent about it, especially smaller        teams; others went as far as calling for a system of fines.     as the major challenges and
and more niche players, which had already carved                                                                               opportunities; how they
out their markets and expected little change, at least          But, even though the European insurance market is              expected to operate under the
externally, as a result of the new requirements.                unlikely to be in the state proposed under Solvency II         new regime and whether they
                                                                come January 2013, with regulators as well as insurers         believed Solvency II would
But, whatever their view on the creation of a level playing     struggling to meet all the requirements in time, it is seen    succeed in creating a level
field, most accepted that it would not be achieved easily.       as unlikely that the introduction of the new regime will       playing field.

THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II                                                                                                               APRIL 2011 10
be delayed. Neither do the insurers that took part in our            using the standard formula but when it found this           Participants
research want this to happen and there is acceptance                 resulted in a massive capital charge, had decided to
that there will be a couple of years of fine tuning as                adopt an internal model instead. Competing against          The following insurance
everyone in the industry gets accustomed to the new                  an insurer with a standard formula will allow it to use     companies took part in the
rules.                                                               its reduced capital requirement to reduce pricing and       telephone interviews.
                                                                     become more competitive.
This could create an interesting transition period for                                                                           Achmea
the insurance market. While some will clearly still be               So, while Solvency II sets out to create a level playing    Aegon NL
focusing on compliance; others will have achieved                    field, as a result of differences between the EU’s          Amlin
this and, although there may be some soreness that                   regulators as well as the skills shortage in the market,    Assurant Solutions
they’ve invested time, money and effort to achieve the               it may inadvertently lead to more opportunities for         Barbican Insurance
regulatory goals, they may be able to use this to their              arbitrage, at least while the regulations are bedded into   Markel International
advantage.                                                           the market. How long this period lasts is unknown, but,     Munich Re
                                                                     for many of the insurers taking part in our research,       Wesleyan Assurance Society
As an example, one insurer recognised it might have                  EIOPA, and the stance it takes when the requirements        Zurich
the competitive edge in markets where the majority of                are applied less stringently, will have a significant
insurers had kept the standard model. It had considered              bearing on this.

                                                                     For more information contact:
                                                                     Atos Origin
                                                                     4 Triton Square
                                                                     London, NW1 3HG

                                   Published by Incisive Financial Publishing Limited © Incisive Media Investments Limited.
                                                                                32-34 Broadwick Street, London W1A 2HG.

THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II                                                                                                                APRIL 2011 11

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The Effects Of Solvency II

  • 1. White Paper The Effects of Solvency II Much has already been written on the topic of Solvency II. What effect is this quintessentially European initiative having when examined from the multiple perspectives of the organisations it is impacting across Europe? Post Europe, in association with Atos Origin, decided to examine this question in order to see what new light might be shed on the thorny issue of European insurance regulation.
  • 2. Executive summary Much has already been written on the topic of Solvency But the insurance industry is putting this thought Contents II. What effect is this quintessentially European initiative aside while it prepares for Solvency II. The overriding having when examined from the multiple perspectives of concern is not the regulation itself but whether national 1-2 Executive the organisations it is impacting across Europe? regulators will truly step up to the challenge. Will the summary mistakes made in banking regulation be repeated? 3 Key findings Post Europe, in association with Atos Origin, decided to examine this question in order to see what new Just how important this is can be seen in the research 4-5 The deal with the light might be shed on the thorny issue of European we undertook. For example, one executive accepted regulator insurance regulation. What we discovered is perhaps no that the national regulators were unlikely to apply the 5-8 Extracting the surprise: A European Union that is still 27 individually Solvency II regulations equally stringently and added benefits regulated countries bound together with some common that this was one of the biggest risks for the European purpose but with widely differing regulatory agendas insurance industry. They were not alone. Another said and challenges. Does Solvency II stand to increase that if the regulation was not applied equally it would 8-10 The problem of the opportunities for regulatory arbitrage rather than “make a mockery of all the time, energy and money the uncertainty decrease them as originally intended? Will European insurers and regulators are putting in”. 10-11 Conclusion regulators step up to the challenge or have they bitten off more than they can chew? Weakness in regulation? The national regulators have indeed proved weakness Conceived prior to the financial crisis of 2008, Solvency in their regulation of a global banking industry. What II is based on a framework designed to ensure that global is more, it is argued that national regulators like banks were sufficiently capitalised to withstand the risks the Bank of England know little about regulating they were running. Clearly recent history has shown insurance companies and may not have the necessary that this framework failed in its primary objectives. So, skills in depth. was this failure down to the regulation itself or to the inability of the regulators to police a global industry? So what makes them believe they will do a better job of regulating insurers? The banks were clearly Accepting Solvency II undercapitalised relative to the risks they were running. From our research it is clear that the European insurers Where is the evidence that the same is true of European are broadly accepting of Solvency II and getting on insurers? The moves made to create the European with its implementation. However, most see the 2013 Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority are deadline as a stretch target and a number of very real seen as a positive but will it have the resources and clout concerns still remain. to do the job? Insurers’ business models are not yet globalised to the Certainly many of the insurance company executives same extent as the banks. The time horizons of the risks taking part in the research would like to see EIOPA to which they are exposed and the structural stresses wielding its regulatory power where necessary, stepping that might lead to systemic collapse, are fundamentally in to adjudicate or even fining national regulators that different in this sector. do not apply the rules as stringently as their European Union neighbours. The insurance industry fared relatively well through the recent crisis with only a few notable exceptions (which But, just as they would like to see it exert this power, were arguably behaving more like banks anyway). As a they also accept it may not be possible. Resources have consequence of this most insurers we spoke to, although already proved a headache for some of the insurers that getting on with Solvency II compliance, still question took part in the research and many recognise that the in some way its applicability. For example, one of the shortage of qualified and experienced actuarial and risk executives who took part in the research said: “It’s not employees will hit the regulators, including EIOPA, too. an insurance industry crisis, it’s a banking crisis. The This could mean that even if it does have the power to insurers performed well during the crisis.” enforce the regulations, it may not have the resources to carry out this role effectively. THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II APRIL 2011 1
  • 3. Risk management Degree of disquiet Insurers have been managing insurance risks since For a set of regulations that is only two years away from the term was invented. The management of risk is implementation, there is also disquiet over the degree very much part of their businesses. So what difference of fluidity that still exists around some of the rules. does Solvency II make? It is clear that insurers across This particularly relates to the own risk and solvency Europe see an opportunity arising from Solvency II – an assessment. It is, of course, unrealistic to expect opportunity to fix some of the problems that they have absolute clarity in an area where implementation is been looking to fix for some time. A chance to become so dependent on the way an insurer wants to run its more effective at managing capital and to get more business. However, there is real recognition of the precise about the way it is allocated. challenges this generates, particularly in the need to develop approaches to compliance that are sufficiently However, insurers across Europe recognise that these flexible. And recognising that 2013 is the beginning of a benefits will only be released if they manage to focus journey not the end. beyond Pillar 1 and are able to fully embed the changes in their business operating model. This requires In all the European insurance industry is getting on with significant change. Primarily, but not exclusively, change Solvency II, it is genuinely excited by the opportunity in a particularly challenging area, finance and actuarial. that is presented, but fearful that it should not become Insurers understand the need to bridge the gap but overkill, requiring unnecessary change and expense and the skills to effect this change are in short supply and that the good intentions of Solvency II may lead to more this presents a threat to their ability to extract all the opportunity for arbitrage in an unbalanced, and under benefits. As the deadline approaches will all the good resourced regulatory environment. intentions be thrown aside in order to ‘just comply’? THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II APRIL 2011 2
  • 4. Key findings • Insurers are concerned the regulators will These include resource issues but also time pressures, not apply the regulations equally across the especially as some of the requirements are still to be European Union, potentially reducing the benefits finalised. they are looking to harness by investing time, effort and money in Solvency II compliance. These concerns • Uncertainty remains a major issue for insurers are based on several factors including the differing and there are concerns over the degree of fluidity resources available to the regulators across the EU that exists around some of the rules. Among and the different regulatory systems currently in place. the areas that are causing preparations to stall are To reduce the risk of the regulations being applied uncertainty on the final calibrations of the standard unequally, some insurers would like to see the European formula and guidelines on the own risk and solvency Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority step in, assessment. fining regulators where appropriate. • Implementation is expected to remain 1 January • A shortage of resources is an issue for both 2013, although Omnibus II proposals allow for insurers and regulators. Demand for experienced transitional measures. While some insurers are well actuarial and risk employees has caused recruitment and advanced in their preparations, there is acceptance from retention problems for the UK insurance industry with some that, as the deadline approaches, the objective is our research indicating that this issue may be about to shifting from maximising the opportunities Solvency II hit other EU countries. As well as affecting the insurers, offers to complying with the requirements. This could many respondents also expressed concerns that, as this potentially mean missed opportunities for some insurers. shortage of resources also extends to the regulators, it could create a series of problems. These include failure • A level playing field across the EU is seen as to assess all the internal model applications before the a ‘nice to have’ by many respondents. However, regime is introduced and, once it is in place, an inability while they would like to see the regulatory regime to enforce the regulations adequately enough once. achieving this, there is also acceptance that it may not be achieved by January 2013. Some felt there were too • Embedding Solvency II within the organisation many regulators and market forces for it to happen and its operating model is seen as key to while others were more optimistic and thought it would successfully implementing and benefiting from take a few years for a level playing field to be created. the new regime. The research found that insurers Either way, while the new regulatory regime is unable to recognise that Solvency II affects every element of a deliver this, some insurers may find themselves able to business and that involving employees right across the take advantage of increased opportunities for regulatory business is essential if they are to benefit from it, but arbitrage. many recognised there were obstacles to achieving this. THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II APRIL 2011 3
  • 5. The deal with the regulator Across the European Union it is evident that insurers Our research found that some of those surveyed put it are investing considerable amounts of time, money down to cultural differences, talking about the “stricter and effort to comply with the Solvency II regulations. approach of the beer drinkers of the north and the Indeed our research found that many are looking to go laissez-fair attitude of the wine drinkers of the south”. beyond the regulations to harness as much competitive advantage as they can from the regime. As an example, Others point to the differences between the regulators talking about their implementation plans, one executive across the EU. For instance one executive who took part said: “When Solvency II was first announced we decided in the research said: “How you actually implement all the to spend the money to get over the hurdle and use it to details and facets of a completely consistent regulatory our advantage. You get out what you put in.” regime across all of Europe, with so many different regulators across the wider EU, is a difficult task.” But, while the insurers are clearly committed to achieving the new requirements, many are also Another identified the equal application of the questioning the role of the regulators in supporting the regulations as “a challenging task”, giving as the reason new regulatory environment. The success of the new the fact that “each country is working from a different regime and the value they will derive from the new starting point given the different regulatory systems that regulatory environment, they feel, could all rest on how are in place”. the regulators enforce the requirements. Certainly the activity of the regulators is pivotal in the ‘Each country is working from a benefits that insurers will gain from Solvency II. The different starting point given the success of a cross border regulatory regime requires the different regulatory systems that rules to be applied evenly in every jurisdiction if it is to succeed in creating a level playing field and delivering are in place’ the benefits associated with this. Coming at Solvency II from such different starting points Unfortunately, if the regulators fail to apply the rules will certainly make it difficult to apply the regulations equally and fairly, many of these benefits could be equally stringently. For example, the French insurance eroded. This sentiment was summed up by one of the market includes a large number of small mutuals, executives who took part in the research. They said: “It often formed to provide a single line of cover to their makes a mockery of all the time, energy and money the members. Regulating these with the same touch as their insurers and regulators are putting in if it isn’t applied large peers will be a challenge and accommodating such equally.” a wide variety of entities could potentially result in a dilution of the requirements. ‘It makes a mockery of all the time, And, although EIOPA will be able to oversee the energy and money the insurers and supervision in each of the markets, these differences regulators are putting in if it isn’t remain a real issue for the equal application of Solvency applied equally’ II. As an example, one executive said: “Not all the regulators have the same resources, credibility or the same scale of companies.” They were far from alone in this belief. Another participant in the research described the potential Differences aside, all the national regulators could inability of the regulators to apply Solvency II equally also find themselves facing a common problem with as “one of the biggest risks for the European insurance regard to resources. Our research found that many of industry.” the executives interviewed had experienced a skills shortage as the demand for experienced actuarial and All sorts of reasons lie behind the belief that the risk personnel increased. Although some have found regulators will not be able to apply the rules equally. ways to tackle this, they remain concerned about how THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II APRIL 2011 4
  • 6. this will affect the industry as a whole, especially with said: “If a company believes it’s been treated differently regulators also competing for the same scarce resource. by its supervisor compared with supervisors in other countries, it must be possible to ask EIOPA to judge.” For example, one executive said: “Supervisors need a lot of skilled people to understand internal model. I wouldn’t be surprised if not all companies have had ‘It must be possible to ask EIOPA their internal models approved by January 2013. What to judge’ happens then?” Although some executives were unsure how EIOPA ‘Supervisors need a lot of skilled should police the Solvency II landscape, several suggestions were made. These include playing the role people to understand internal model’ of an adjudicator where there is any deviation; setting up an independent team to validate the way local regulators As well as concerns about the shape of the regulators, have adopted the principles; and, most significantly, the previous experience of the way regulators have ability to impose fines where appropriate. responded was also cited as an indication that the rules will not be applied equally. For instance one respondent Whether it goes as far as some would it to do is yet to be pointed to the financial crisis in 2008 as a good example seen but reassuringly the research found that there is of how differently local regulators can behave. more confidence that EIOPA will be able to step up to the mark, compared with its predecessor, the Committee There is also evidence from previous cross-border of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions regulatory initiatives to suggest that even with a Supervisors. common regulatory framework, successful application is not guaranteed. For instance, when Basel II was introduced to create an international standard that ‘It will take time, a couple of years, banking regulators could use when creating regulations before we get this equality’ regarding capital requirements, the regulators were not positioned powerfully enough to impose it. The events It may also be that any enforcement measures may only of 2008 and beyond in the banking arena show just how need to be in place for the short-term. In spite of the catastrophic an effect this can have. differences across the EU, our research found that, in time, it was expected that the regulators would be able While there is a reluctant acceptance that the regulations to apply the rules equally stringently. This was summed will not be applied equally stringently across the EU, at up in one executive’s response: “I don’t think all the least not initially, respondents do believe that EIOPA has regulators are fully attuned to the same things. It will a role to play where there is any deviation. One executive take time, a couple of years, before we get this equality.” Extracting the benefit Although there is no escaping the fact that Solvency II and respond quickly to changes in the market. Just is an obligation and the regulators will expect insurers complying won’t enable us to do this as effectively as if to have implemented the new regime by January 2013, we invest to go beyond the requirements in some areas.” every executive who took part in the research recognised that the requirements could also deliver significant opportunities and benefits. ‘A big opportunity for the sector’ Given the spend involved in implementation, identifying As an example, one executive from the insurance where the benefits lie is important and the research industry described the regulations as “a big opportunity found that executives from the insurers that took part for the insurance sector”. Another said that viewing it had found plenty of reasons to make up a business case simply as a compliance exercise, defeated the purpose. to take Solvency II beyond simple compliance. “Achieving compliance is not sufficient,” they said. “We want to be able to make decisions quickly, innovate At the more technical end of the spectrum, having a THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II APRIL 2011 5
  • 7. greater understanding of the underlying risk and where Several of the executives who took part in the research the money is allocated is regarded as a way to improve said this was an incentive to invest at this point to secure the risk return ratio. the benefits once the regime is in place. The research shows that this greater transparency is seen as a major opportunity for insurers, helping them ‘This requires good internal skills optimise how they use their capital through improved and collaboration between different decision-making on areas such as which markets they disciplines’ choose to operate in; where they are regulated and how they price their products. “We’re starting to look more The new reporting requirements were also seen as into the financial implications of individual contracts, delivering future benefits. Under Solvency II, insurers reinsurance and pricing,” said one of the executives will need to disclose significantly more information taking part in the research. “We’ve taken a more simplistic publicly. Although some cynicism says that customers approach to underwriting in the past but this is changing.” will not be particularly interested in the information, insurers also accept that the quality of the information The research found that the ability to link technical parts could affect their reputation with customers, of the business, such as risk management and actuarial, shareholders and potential business partners. with decision-making and strategic development parts was also high on the Solvency II business case agenda. Certainly more comparisons will be made, either by the Providing investment is made to bring these two existing credit rating agencies or, as envisaged by one together, this will drive a better understanding of the of the executives taking part in the research, by a new business and more informed business decisions. breed of analysts that will number crunch top 10s of insurers to help consumers decide which company gets ‘Solvency II also forces you to their business. work more multidisciplinary in the Although there is some reluctance to make all this finance area’ information public, whether from a competition perspective or simply because insurers do not feel it To illustrate this, one executive summed up the benefits will serve any purpose, this move towards greater they believed could be achieved through greater transparency is not unexpected. Already, having a integration within the business. They said: “Companies strong risk management process has grown significantly will gain economic insight in the key drivers of value, in importance among the credit rating agencies and which will help in creating focus and making economic this will become even more marked under Solvency right decisions. Solvency II also forces you to work II. Securing a good rating is important for investors, more multidisciplinary in the finance area, bringing shareholders and customers and is often used as a the expertise from accounting, risk management quality mark. and actuaries together. This will lead to a better understanding of the business and to more integrated financial and management reporting.” ‘Insurers will try to make the information they disclose as neutral Respondents could also see that having this greater as possible’ integration within the business would lead to the development of more Solvency II-friendly products. “Insurers will try to make the information they disclose “This requires good internal skills and collaboration as neutral as possible but there will still be more between different disciplines,” one added. information out there. Clients will be more aware of the financial soundness of the company they’re getting Running an internal model is also seen as a reason to into bed with and shareholders will be able to see more take Solvency II beyond compliance. It is recognised, clearly the link between the return they expect and the especially in the UK, that the standard formula won’t risk that is being taken to generate it,” one executive fit any business perfectly while, by its very nature, the explained. internal model can be designed to take into account the specifics of the business. Further running an internal As well as leveraging more benefits by taking Solvency model could also mean lower capital requirements and II beyond compliance, the research also found that reduce the amount of reinsurance that is required. insurers were taking advantages of the programme THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II APRIL 2011 6
  • 8. of change to invest in other parts of the business that into an organisation. For example, one executive said: “It would not have secured a budget without it. This was does take time for business strategies to follow through. particularly the case with more established organisations We set up a risk committee in the past and it took around where investment in new IT systems was seen as an 18 months before it was working properly. You have to opportunity, especially where legacy systems are in give employees time to feel comfortable with what they place. Additionally, across the insurance industry, are doing.” there are examples of companies improving their data Clearly, with an 18 month or longer lead time, putting in capabilities through investment in data warehouses and place the strategies to embed Solvency II throughout data transformation projects. the organisation sooner rather than later is imperative and will greatly improve an insurer’s prospects in 2013. One executive explained this saying: “Solvency II is a catalyst to speed up the implementation of improvements in risk management developments in the organisation.” ‘One of the most critical challenges has been resources’ But, while there are clearly benefits to be gained from engaging fully with Solvency II and taking it beyond Given the scale of some of the Solvency II implementation pure compliance, achieving these benefits does not projects, it is not surprising that another challenge many happen without facing challenges. insurers are facing relates to resources. One executive said: “One of the most critical challenges has been To successfully harness many of the benefits identified, resources. The real difficulty is the newness of the it is essential to embed Solvency II and the risk regulations: they take the actuarial field beyond where management principles it is based upon throughout the it was previously. Then, once an employee learns the organisation. This will ensure that the approach is used new skills, there is always the risk you’ll lose them to a to shape everything from underwriting and actuarial consultancy paying more money.” modelling through to product development and pricing. This problem with recruiting and retaining key employees ‘Bridging the gap is needed has particularly been the case in the UK, where salaries have increased dramatically to reflect the shortage of between the technical parts and skilled staff. All UK respondents singled this out as an the technically skilled people and issue, with many commenting that they were finding the rest of the business’ it difficult to recruit staff with suitable experience. Further, the problem is exacerbated because, as well as competing with other insurers for personnel, the But this is regarded as a considerable challenge and one regulator is also increasing its staffing levels to deal with that was recognised by several respondents who took the regulation. part in the research. As an example, one executive said: “Bridging the gap is needed between the technical parts And, while there was less evidence of this causing and the technically skilled people and the rest of the problems for other countries, one executive said they business. If you can’t bridge this gap, you won’t succeed believed Germany would probably be hit by the talent in embedding Solvency II in day-to-day business” crunch next. Being able to translate the requirements from technical At the same time now one country has experienced this rules into practices that will be relevant to each member problem it may be less of an issue for others in the future. of staff’s day-to-day responsibilities is essential. Being Not only will there be more trained, and experienced, successful here will not only ensure an insurer is fully personnel but the research found that some UK insurers compliant but will also enable them to gain as many had found ways to avoid this becoming a major issue. benefits as possible under the new regime. Some have looked outside of the industry, to sectors such as pharamaceuticals, to recruit suitable staff. The research found that projects are already Others have recruited from outside the UK, bringing underway at many insurers to address this. There was personnel with the necessary skills in from the EU and acknowledgement that training and communication even the US. programmes can help to increase awareness and encourage employee buy-in but there is also acceptance The research also found that time is a pressing issue that the requirements will take time to be fully embedded for many of the insurers, especially as they await final THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II APRIL 2011 7
  • 9. details on some elements of the requirements. This is Therefore, those insurers who are not prepared and likely to have an effect on the opportunities they look have to switch the approach to implementing Solvency to take from the regime. For example, one executive II could miss opportunities, at least in the new regime’s claimed: “The closer you get, the more people forget first few years. they’re meant to be principles based and it becomes a compliance exercise.” PREPARATIONS ACROSS THE EUROPEAN UNION In addition to gauging which benefits and Often, where comparisons were drawn between the regulators in these countries are competing for opportunities the insurers were looking to gain countries’ states of readiness, they tended to be resources, which is something we’ve seen a lot from as a result of Solvency II; how they intended to on a North versus South basis, with the Northern the Financial Services Authority.” harness these; and the challenges they are facing, countries such as Germany, the Netherlands and the our research also examined how far advanced the UK seen as more advanced in their preparations. Another key indicator that was referenced by insurers believed they were in their implementation However, one executive who took part pointed several respondents to how insurers across the projects as well as how they felt their European out the UK had a slight advantage as Solvency II is EU have approached Solvency II was the internal neighbours were faring. more closely aligned to the way its regulation works model. Many people have built business cases than anywhere else in the EU. around investing in an internal model, seeing it as a This found that although Solvency II is firmly on means to more accurately reflect risk and, thereby, the agenda across the insurance industry, there is They added: “Germany isn’t far behind the reduce capital requirements. also evidence of varying states of readiness across UK. It has a stable economy and the insurance the EU. One executive said: “There are some industry is well capitalised and already has a good However, as several respondents pointed out, with markets where the regulators and participants understanding of risk management. I’ve heard much the number of applications for the UK roughly the are well advanced, such as the UK, but behind less noise about Solvency II from other countries same as those for the rest of the EU, it appears not them are two or three tiers when it comes to though, with very little coming out of countries such every insurer believes there is sufficient merit to preparations.” as Spain and Italy. On top of this, I’m not aware make the investment. The problem of uncertainty Although it is full steam ahead for Solvency II Solvency Assessment, which could also potentially delay implementation, our research found a significant amount insurers’ preparations for January 2013. of uncertainty still pervades the insurance industry. Among the challenges that insurers are still grappling This uncertainty has the potential to cause a lot of with are practical issues such as recruitment and IT damage. One executive explained: “One of the biggest and infrastructure requirements. However, many of the risks is regulatory uncertainty.” issues come down to one thing – regulatory uncertainty. ‘One of the biggest risks is To support this, the research found that many of the executives interviewed regarded a last minute change in regulatory uncertainty’ the rules, or the final rules being agreed too late, as the number one risk to their implementation plans. Clearly, Although Solvency II is principle-based so insurers this would have implications for both insurers and will always be able to interpret the requirements in line regulators, both of which would have to adapt quickly if with their own business models, some of the details still compliance were to be achieved in January 2013. need to be finalised. A key example of this is the final calibration principles for the standard formula, which are expected following the fifth Quantitative Impact Study. Some say the goalposts are moving; Without these, insurers are unable to fully appreciate others say they’re invisible what is required or whether an internal model would be more suitable. Another example of an area where more And the possibility of this happening is perceived as very detail is awaited is the guidelines on the own Risk and real. For example, one executive claimed: “Some say the THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II APRIL 2011 8
  • 10. goalposts are moving; others say they’re invisible.” And, for more than 10 years that this would be introduced.” without regulatory certainty, not only will preparations falter but, come January 2013, the possibility of having A further delay in implementation was also seen as a level playing field, itself one of Solvency II’s key potentially harmful to the industry’s reputation. One objectives, will be greatly reduced. executive stated: “European Union politicians have had a wake-up call regarding instabilities in the financial Insurers also face some more practical challenges, as a markets. They should feel obliged to ensure the quality result of the uncertainty around the regulations. With and stability of the insurance sector.” data so central to the requirements, both in terms of the amount and the frequency that it is required but However, transitional measures were also regarded also in terms of its accuracy, having efficient IT and data as a possibility, with the Omnibus II revisions, which management infrastructure is essential. For an insurer were announced in January, potentially giving the tussling with legacy systems or outmoded technology, industry some significant wriggle room. These give the this will be a significant challenge. European Commission the power to delay elements of the requirements, including those relating to capital This is further complicated because the rules that will adequacy, by up to 10 years. affect the IT standards for delivering information to the regulators are yet to be finalised. This was summed up There are mixed views regarding the need for by one executive: “The major challenge is to change transitional measures. On one side, some respondents and improve the IT environment in accordance with the felt transitional measures were unnecessary, and would Solvency II requirements where these requirements are potentially create more regulatory uncertainty. also changing and no final and fixed.” Time is another issue. Although some respondents are ‘Cut some slack in this area and confident they will have completed their implementation phase it in over five years’ projects ahead of the deadline, others acknowledge it will be a scramble to achieve compliance. To support this Others felt that transitional measures would be necessary, there has been a marked shift in sentiment among some due to the different states of preparedness across the insurers. As an example, one executive explained: “The EU. For example, one executive felt there would be closer you get, the more people forget they’re meant advantages to phasing in some of the requirements. to be principle-based and it becomes a compliance “There’s a pressing need for provisional arrangements exercise.” to phase in a number of requirements, especially when it comes to reporting,” they said. “The industry does Such a shift in focus will inevitably mean a downgrading need to report from the beginning so the regulators can in expectations, with some insurers having to postpone better understand the implications of Solvency II but or cancel entirely some of their plans to take further the amount of information that’s required is huge. Cut advantage of the new regime. some slack in this area and phase it in over five years.” ‘The more it’s put off the more pain But, given the challenges and the different states of preparations across the market, it is unlikely that there’ll be’ everyone in the market will be 100% compliant come January 2013. Because of this, a halfway house position But although there is still such a large amount of may be inevitable. uncertainty surrounding Solvency II, with this further exacerbated by the potential shortage of resources at insurers and, perhaps more significantly, the regulators, ‘Most insurance companies and the the research found unanimous support for sticking to regulators themselves will not be the 1 January, implementation deadline. fully ready to start working under Delaying, many felt, would only add to the pain and effort the requirements by January 2013’ required and would disadvantage those that had already put in the necessary work. One executive believed: “It’s “I do not believe the implementation of Solvency II will realistic. The more it’s put off the more pain there’ll be.” be postponed but I also believe that most insurance Another said: “It’s not an overnight thing. We’ve known companies and the regulators themselves will not be THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II APRIL 2011 9
  • 11. fully ready to start working under the requirements by they would have to fall back on the standard model and January 2013,” one executive said. lose the competitive advantage they may have secured through their internal model. “The first years will be used to fine tune the new regulatory requirements from the regulators’ perspective But while delays, whether intentional or otherwise, and insurance companies will need additional years to occur, everyone recognised the importance of fully adopt Solvency II and comply with all the internal implementing Solvency II. model requirements.” One executive summed up the industry sentiment Having this extra time will allow the new regulatory perfectly: “Solvency II will be important in improving requirements to be fully bedded in. As an example, in the trust in financial markets. The financial crisis has shown UK, a large number of companies are seeking internal that the current framework is not suitable for handling model approval and there is a perceived risk that the stress events. It is in the interest of the insurance regulator does not have the resources necessary to industry that trust is restored and a new Solvency assess all the applications in time. This could potentially II framework that is risk based, targeting capital cause major problems for those insurers affected, requirements in accordance with the risk profile, will raising questions about whether it would be fair to use help in restoring this trust.” the internal model, albeit without approval, or whether Conclusion With less than two years to go before the introduction of The existence of so many different regulators and market Solvency II, the insurance industry across the European forces was seen as the main stumbling block for this, Union is engaged with the preparations and looking with one executive saying that regulatory requirements ahead to the opportunities the new regulatory regime were only one of the many hurdles to overcome to create will create. a European insurance market. One of these opportunities, and indeed one of the In spite of these doubts, most agreed that Solvency II objectives of Solvency II, is the creation of a level playing would eventually help to create a level playing field; it Methodology field through this equalising the capital requirements was simply a matter of time for the rules to bed down To assess how the new across all EU insurance markets. with insurers and the regulators. One executive summed Solvency II regime is perceived up the sentiment by saying: “The level playing field was by insurers across Europe, Certainly, this is an element of the new regime that one of the original purposes of Solvency II. It will achieve Post Europe in association many of the executives who took part in our research this but I do feel this will take some years to achieve.” with Atos Origin, conducted welcomed. This, they said, would improve competition research among chief risk within the European insurance market. For example, Just how long it takes for the market to reach this officers and chief financial one executive said: “We will not undervalue the impact of position is unknown. However, it is fair to say that the officers based throughout improving a European level playing field. By restricting manner in which European Insurance Occupational Europe. Interviews were the possibilities for national interpretations, Solvency II Pensions Authority decides to enforce the regulations conducted during January will support steadily increasing economic cross border will be critical to the timescale. The research found there and February 2011 and activities of insurers and encourage a free European was support for EIOPA taking an active role in ensuring covered areas including their market.” the regulators apply the rules equally across the EU. preparations for the new Some executives talked of independent adjudication regime; what they viewed Others were more ambivalent about it, especially smaller teams; others went as far as calling for a system of fines. as the major challenges and and more niche players, which had already carved opportunities; how they out their markets and expected little change, at least But, even though the European insurance market is expected to operate under the externally, as a result of the new requirements. unlikely to be in the state proposed under Solvency II new regime and whether they come January 2013, with regulators as well as insurers believed Solvency II would But, whatever their view on the creation of a level playing struggling to meet all the requirements in time, it is seen succeed in creating a level field, most accepted that it would not be achieved easily. as unlikely that the introduction of the new regime will playing field. THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II APRIL 2011 10
  • 12. be delayed. Neither do the insurers that took part in our using the standard formula but when it found this Participants research want this to happen and there is acceptance resulted in a massive capital charge, had decided to that there will be a couple of years of fine tuning as adopt an internal model instead. Competing against The following insurance everyone in the industry gets accustomed to the new an insurer with a standard formula will allow it to use companies took part in the rules. its reduced capital requirement to reduce pricing and telephone interviews. become more competitive. This could create an interesting transition period for Achmea the insurance market. While some will clearly still be So, while Solvency II sets out to create a level playing Aegon NL focusing on compliance; others will have achieved field, as a result of differences between the EU’s Amlin this and, although there may be some soreness that regulators as well as the skills shortage in the market, Assurant Solutions they’ve invested time, money and effort to achieve the it may inadvertently lead to more opportunities for Barbican Insurance regulatory goals, they may be able to use this to their arbitrage, at least while the regulations are bedded into Markel International advantage. the market. How long this period lasts is unknown, but, Munich Re for many of the insurers taking part in our research, Wesleyan Assurance Society As an example, one insurer recognised it might have EIOPA, and the stance it takes when the requirements Zurich the competitive edge in markets where the majority of are applied less stringently, will have a significant insurers had kept the standard model. It had considered bearing on this. For more information contact: Atos Origin 4 Triton Square London, NW1 3HG Published by Incisive Financial Publishing Limited © Incisive Media Investments Limited. 32-34 Broadwick Street, London W1A 2HG. THE EFFECTS OF SOLVENCY II APRIL 2011 11