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Welcome back to The Devereaux Legacy.
This chapter is called Vagrant Squatter for two
reasons. The first being, my Sims (both
Legacy and off camera) have taken to
squatting at other people's houses for days at
a time. Not leaving, not glitched, because
they stop their activities enough to socialize
and eat. Then they get all indignant when
they've been there for three days. "Wow,
look at the time, I should go," they would say.
Morons, look at the DAY!

The other reason for the title is more because
they were my favorite mob to kill in Everquest
2. Ahh, Freeport newbie quests. How can
you top a quest that allows you to kill hobos?

Now that I'm done personally amusing
myself, on with the show!
Chapter One

After Tristen and Sebastian were officially
declared "an item" Tristen took it upon herself
to be at the Greek House as much as
possible, even though she hadn't officially
moved in.
Sebastian didn't really mind. He was pulling
high grades in his History major, and spent a
lot of his free time working on his other skills
that he knew he would need if he were to
become a General; which is something that
he desired most in life.
Aylee would often go into the robotics work
station to look at her creation, counting the
days until she graduated so she could activate
Zeke and have a companion she could use to
help her communicate.
Of course, she would also make toys. She
looked at it as literally making friends.
Even though her first toy creation was only
"Smash Smash Break-A-Window", a toy brick,
she spent many quality hours talking to him
and teaching him tricks.
She also spent a lot of time making other
toys. Sebastian just shuddered to himself
whenever he saw Aylee flying one of her
kites. There was just something
unwholesome about a kid flying a kite at
night. But, she was pretty harmless.
Besides, Sebastian was generally too
occupied with Tristen, participating in lip lock
marathons to let his Aunt Aylee's strange
doings bother him too much.
On one such day Sebastian found himself
coming up for air. Looking down into her
blue eyes, he licked the cherry flavored lip
gloss from his lips and smiled. "Tris, I have
something I want to ask you."

Tristen's eyes widened. "Oooh. What is it?"
she asked.
Sebastian pulled out the velvet box
containing the beautiful engagement ring he
had specially engraved with the word Always
on the inside of the band. He got down on
one knee and offered it to the cheerleader.

"Tristen London, ever since the day I met you,
I knew that you were the one I wanted to
marry. Heck, I think I wanted to marry you
before I knew you. One dream, one heart,
one life together. Will you please marry me?"
His poetic words were lost on Tristen as she
let out a shriek of joy. "Omigod yes! Yes yes
yes!" And she leaped into Sebastian's arms
squeezing him tightly.
Sebastian's face began to hurt from the big
grin that appeared on his face. "My God,
Tristen," Sebastian breathed, his heart swelling
in his chest, "you have no idea that you have
made me the most happy man in all of
London Bridge." He hugged her close,
breathing in the scent of her hair.
The more he cuddled and kissed with Tristen,
the better Sebastian felt about the pending
responsibilities at home with him being the
heir. Looking in her eyes though, he knew
that whatever hardships he must endure,
Tristen would make each day brighter.

"Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?" Tristen asked,
looking at him with a bright smile. Sebastian
was shaken out of his reverie. Shaking his
head slightly, he was about to respond.
"He was thinking about how you two need to
get a room," Mitch the Mascot scoffed before
Sebastian said anything. The Llama shook his
head, "Seriously guys. I'm about to upchuck
here, and the dry cleaning bills will be sent to
you if that happens. Do you know how hard
it is to get the smell of puke out?" Mitch
began to gag theatrically while Tristen
"You're just jealous," Sebastian said, smugly.
Mitch just snorted in response, but he was
ignored by the couple who continued
canoodling on the couch.
Of course, it wasn't all just kissing and making
out with Tristen. Sebastian continued to take
his studies very seriously.
Of course Tristen becoming a permanent
fixture on the couch made studying a bit
harder, but completely worth it. Sebastian
was pleased to see that she took her studies
as seriously as he did, and her wanting to be
by him at all times made his heart flutter with
pleasure. He couldn't wait to marry her.
Chapter Two

"Alright kids, gather around," Xander ordered
to the people in the room, "I have a TOTALLY
shocking announcement to make, and you
should TOTALLY hear it."
When Xander saw that his audience was
captivated, he continued. "Alright dudes,
here goes. I am going to get married." His
statement was met with shocked silence.

Unperturbed, he went on, "I mean of course,
when I meet someone in college. I'm
thinking about majoring in drama, like Mom
did, and maybe I can continue the tradition of
marrying Professors."
Xander's parents looked at each other with
surprise. "Voluntarily getting married? What
kind of Romance son did you raise Merlin?"
Savannah said in an accusing tone to her

Merlin looked as shocked as his wife. "Er, um,
I believe, uh, it was, er, YOUR genetics. Uh,
isn't your, uh, sister a partly defunct, er
Romance Sim?"
Before Savannah could reply with a snarky
comment, Xander interrupted. "Dudes.
Seriously. Being a Romance Sim who wants
to get married does NOT make me a freak of
genetics," he clasped his hands together and
continued in a soft, serious voice, "you guys
have been the best parents in the whole
world to me. I want to honor you by
continuing the tradition. God, I hope I can be
as good a parent to my child as you guys
have been to me.

"Face it, as much as you didn't want to get
married, you two love each other. And I
TOTALLY think you raised an awesome kid, if
I do say so myself."
"Well, he is part Popularity. That must be
where this insanity is spewing from,"
Savannah said as if she had an epiphany.
Merlin nodded in agreement.

Xander made a disgusted sound as he headed
for the phone, intent on calling the taxi to
pick him up for college.
"By the way dudes," Xander said as he was
hanging up the phone, "we're going to need a
bigger house. Whose to say can't we also
have a Legacy?"

"Because we've been Motherloded and
Maxmotived numerous times," Savannah said
to her son, as she and Merlin got up from the
couch to watch him leave.

"Pfft. Details. Either way, I'll TOTALLY call
you when I get there." Xander hugged both
of his parents goodbye and walked out to the
waiting taxi.
Savannah and Merlin both had the same soft
smile on their faces as they watched their son
drive off. "We, uh, raised a, er, good kid,
didn't we?" Merlin's voice was a bit choked
up. Savannah nodded.

"What he said, about us being good parents;
that made it all completely worth it," she said,
pride evident in her voice. Merlin reached
around and goosed Savannah.

"Er, maybe you can, uh, call the author and,
er, ask her if we, uh, can have some well
deserved, er, public WooHoo," he said with a

Savannah giggled and made her way to the
Chapter Three

Xander walked into the Greek House
playroom first thing when he passed his
pledge ritual. He grinned when he saw
Sebastian. "Hey hey Seabass, dude. Scored
with a cheerleader! TOTALLY awesome," he
said enthusiastically, giving Sebastian a
double thumbs up.

Sebastian blushed, but grinned widely. "I
wouldn't really put it that way, no double
beds. But, we are going to get married when
we graduate."

Xander clapped Sebastian on the shoulder.
"TOTALLY cool. Does she live here?"

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "Kind of," he
said, "but not officially."

Xander blinked at that, but shrugged it off as
he started unpacking his belongings and
changing his clothes. The preppy look, he
felt, did not suit him.
But, as the days passed, Xander realized how
true and odd the situation was. Tristen
NEVER left. She would sit on the couch all
day and night studying from a book, rarely
paying attention to anyone, including her
own fiancé. He looked at the Greek roster,
and she was a member. But, seeing as there
were only three beds, all occupied at the
moment, it had been determined that only
the actual Legacy relations would live there.
And yet...Tristen remained.

Xander scratched his head as he pondered
the situation. After a moment of
contemplation, he decided to take matters
into his own hands. He would be firm but
nice. After all, she was Sebastian's fiancé. He
got up from his homework and walked over
to her.
"Wooooow," Tristen said to whatever she was
reading, ignoring Xander.

Xander was not accustomed to being ignored
by anyone. He cleared his throat. "So,
Tristen. Don't you think it might be time to hit
the road? You know, go to your place to
crash? You have got to be TOTALLY tired."

Tristen just turned the page in her book,
oblivious to Xander's statement. Before
Xander could continue there was a pounding
on the door.
Before he could react, a man was handcuffing
him. "DUDE!" Xander shouted, "I so TOTALLY
do not want to join..."

Dorian interrupted him, "Yes you do Mr. Z.
Everyone wants to join."

"Mr. Z? Dude, I spell my name with an X.
Awesome cover name by the way, but

"Just come along quietly sir," Dorian said,
firmly locking the handcuffs on Xander's

Xander sighed in frustration as he was led out
to the waiting limo.
As Xander was shoved uncomfortably into
the back of the car, he pondered at the cost
that it took to have a back seat made with
arm holes. He sighed to himself as the limo
pulled away from the house. "I just wanted to
make friends," he said glumly, "not join a
useless society that gives out polyester
All of the members, of course previously
known to Xander, came out and applauded
him for joining their 'Supar Sekrit Klub'.
Xander felt like a trapped rabbit, even more
so when he heard an appreciative wolf
whistle from the young man standing next to

Xander looked blankly at the Society member
who was scoping him out. "Dude," he flatly
stated, "I TOTALLY don't think so. NOT that
there's anything wrong with that,"
The Society member just waggled his
eyebrows at Xander.
When all of the formalities were done,
Xander hastily went to the phone to have the
limo escort him back home. "Dudes," he
began, "yeah. TOTALLY come to take me
home. What do you mean you're sending
Calgon? What does that mean? Oh. Well
then, yeah. CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY!"
He continued, hysteria rising in his voice,
"Aunt Ansley took everything that's cool here.
 Literally EVERYTHING! Even the kitchen
sink, I think! Oh? She said she was just
'borrowing' the stuff? Pfft. Okay dudes,
WHATEVER you want to believe."

He shuddered and watched the other society
members warily. Sure, he was friends with
them...but their club was TOTALLY NOT cool.
When Calgon, apparently the name for the
limo, dropped Xander off at home, he rushed
past Sebastian, Aylee, and the ever present
Tristen to take a bath. The only coherent
thing they could hear were the words "Bath"
and "Wash the stench of PHAIL off".

Sebastian tried to tell Xander that the
Snapdragons would take care of whatever
hygiene problems Xander was having, but the
only response from the bathroom was vicious
splashing and scrubbing. Sebastian just
shrugged and let it go.
Chapter Four

Soon, it came time for Aylee to graduate.
Intent on making her own friends, her pride
and joy being the flock of dancing penguins,
she easily ignored everyone else in the house.
Feeling that it was a special occasion, it being
her last exam, she felt that it would be
appropriate to change into her clothes for
once. She waved airily to her stunned
nephews, who had never seen her change
out of her nightgown.
Of course, it would only be natural for Aylee
to change into a swimsuit for her taxi ride
home back to London Bridge. Humans wore
swimsuits all of the time, why shouldn't she?
Xander, never letting an opportunity pass to
talk to a person, rushed out to say goodbye to
his aunt. He blinked at her swimsuit, but
when he saw the grin on her face, he just
waved back with a smile of his own.
After a long ride back to London Bridge,
Aylee changed her outfit. She didn't like how
her skin kept sticking to the vinyl seats of the
taxi. She twitched her linen skirt
appreciatively as she looked around the
warehouse she had claimed as her new
home. Before she placed any furniture, she
walked to a corner and placed Zeke down,
grinning wildly with excitement.
"Pushpop...activategreenplumbbot!" Excitedly
she began the activation process.
With an electrical whirring sound, Zeke stood
up and looked at Aylee. Aylee hugged the
robot, happiness evident in her eyes. No
translation was necessary.
Chapter Five

Since Aylee left, things at the Greek house
remained pretty much the same; maybe it
was a bit less noisy with the absence of the
constant robot and toy building, but for the
most part it was the same. Xander was doing
well in his drama major, and was becoming
very close with his Drama Professor, Marsha

Tristen, of course, was still ever present on the
couch. Xander felt more worried by this than
irritated, despite the fact that she all but
ignored him. The problem was, she ignored
Xander tried one last time to get Tristen's
attention before he resorted to more drastic
matters. Grabbing a book from the
bookshelf, he gingerly sat on the couch,
trying not to shake it too much. He scoffed at
himself for treating the situation like Tristen
were a rabid animal. Gently, he cleared his

"So, Tris," he glanced over at her to see if she
was paying attention, "I know that the
Snapdragons are probably keeping most of
your moods up. But aren't you tired? I mean
you've been here for what would be the
equalivant of almost two years. You have got
to be TOTALLY ready to pass out from

The only response from Tristen was her
turning a page in her book.
Xander decided that he couldn't take it
anymore. When Sebastian entered the room,
Xander grabbed him and pulled him to the

"Seabass dude. Aren't you worried about the
fact that Tris has been practically stuck on our
couch all of this time? I think she might be,
what the author might refer to as, glitched.
She doesn't eat. She doesn't use the
bathroom. She doesn't take a bath. She just
sits there." Sebastian looked at Tristen.

"Well, the Snapdragons..." he began to say
when Xander interrupted him.

"Yeah, the Snapdragon take care of
everything but sleep. She hasn't done that,
either. I think you might have to try and
distract her."
Xander looked over at Tristen again. "Either
she's glitched, or she's TOTALLY into that
book. That would be surprising though,
seeing as it doesn't have any pictures."

Sebastian glared at Xander, "Hey! What are
you trying to say about her?" Xander held up
his hands in a pacifying manner.

"Nothing! Nothing. I just think, you know,
she might want to stretch out her legs or
something." And maybe check for bedsores,
he added silently to himself.
Sebastian flopped down on the couch,
bouncing it enough to shake the book from
Tristen's hands. Tristen looked over at
Sebastian and smiled. "Heya honey pie," she
said sweetly to him. Sebastian's face formed
into a grin. He knew there was nothing
wrong with Tristen.

"Heya yourself," he responded, "how about
giving me a kiss?"
Tristen sprung up from the couch with a
squeal and she swooned over Sebastian
kissing her up the arm.

Xander smiled, pleased that he didn't have to
resort to his backup plan.
After Sebastian was done kissing her, Tristen
burst into a cheer.

"Kill 'em to the left!
Kill 'em to the right!
Stand up!
Sit down!
Fight fight fight!
Llamas! Llamas! Goooooo LLAMAS!"

Sebastian turned smugly to Xander and
arched his eyebrow, as if to say, See? I told
you there's nothing wrong with her! And he
walked out of the room.
Of course, what Sebastian didn't see was
Tristen immediately picking back up her book
and sitting back down into the exact same
spot, as if nothing had happened.

Xander picked up his own book and sat as far
away from Tristen as possible. Though it went
against common sense, he couldn't help but
be afraid that whatever was wrong with
Tristen might be contagious. Looks like "Plan
B" is in effect after all, he thought to himself.
The morning's light snowfall found Xander
quietly singing contentedly to himself as he
futzed around with the Sentry Bot.

"A maaaaan's gotta do what a maaaaan's
gotta do.
Dooooon't plan the plan, if you caaaaaaan't
follow through.
All that matters, taking matters into your own

"Sweet. That TOTALLY should do it," Xander
whispered to himself, pleased. The Sentry
Bot starting beeping in an alarmingly loud
manner as it flew into the house.

* Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog
screamed as the Bot zapped her with
electricity. Xander tried not to grin.

As Tristen ran from the house, he gave her a
finger gun, "Keep in touch kid," he shouted
after her retreating form.
Xander walked over to the couch and beheld
it in all of its empty glory.
Xander wasted no time settling into the exact
spot that Tristen had so recently vacated. He
wiggled his butt comfortably, very much
appreciating the groove that Tristen had left.
When Sebastian came back from class,
Xander just told him that Tristen had finally
decided to take a nap at her own place. He
felt it best not to go into particulars.

Xander also made sure that Sebastian didn't
see him repairing the Sentry Bot. Again, he
thought it would be for the best. What he
doesn't know won't hurt him, he thought.
Though he did chuckle every time he
remembered Tristen running from the
attacking robot.
Chapter Six

Xander looked at his Professor girlfriend
fondly. He remembered to snide remarks
people made about him in high school;
implying that he only got his high grades
because of his flirting with the female
teachers. It was similar here. Sure, he flirted
and more with his professor, but it wasn't for
the grade. It was more because he really,
really liked her.
Truth be told...he more than liked her.
In fact, he liked her so much, he decided to
carry through with his plan to marry his
drama professor and continue the tradition
his mother inadvertently started.
Xander excitedly dialed home to tell his
parents the good news. After a few rings, he
heard his father's voice on the other end.
"Heya Dad. I've got some TOTALLY awesome
Merlin held his breath expectantly, waiting for
his son to continue.
"I'm TOTALLY ENGAGED! Dad, she's a hot
Drama Professor! Her name is Marsha! She
said that she remembered you and she's
TOTALLY STOKED to join our family!"
Merlin smiled inwardly. He was proud of his
kid, and he wasn't afraid to admit that.
However, he felt the need to coach Xander a
bit on Romance Sim marital ethics. "Uh, er,
congratulations kiddo. But, uh, Xander...try
not to, er, act TOO excited. Uh, yeah. We
Romance Sims, er, actually ARE great to be, er
married to. Uh, good parents, er, uh, as well.
BUT, we, er, always try to, uh, put a
protesting, er, front. Acting like we are, er,
happy in domestic, er, situations..well, er, well
son, it makes it too, er, easy to mistake us, er,
for Family Sims Uh, I don't think, ANYBODY
wants that. Er, we have, uh, a reputation to
uphold, you see."

"Daaaaaaad! I TOTALLY KNOW that!”

Merlin chuckled, "I'm, er, just making SURE,
uh, that you do."
"Er, by the way. Uh, in preparation for, uh,
the growing family...your mother and I,
uh...bought a new house."

"TOTALLY awesome!"
Chapter Seven

Xander was not the only one who had a new
house to go home to after graduation.
Granted, it was still the same house that he
grew up in, but Sebastian was pleased to see
the massive additions added to his old house.
 It no longer looks like a hillbilly's yard sale, he
snorted softly to himself.

He hugged his parents when they
enthusiastically greeted him, his mother in
particular. He smiled at her giddiness over the
fact that the construction cost less than
$50,000 and there was a stable built in the
back. A stable that held a pony, to be exact. A
pony named Pretty Princess Pony Step, to be
most exact.

He smiled even wider when his father
showed him the chapel/clubhouse that was
also connected, nodding when asked if he
planned on getting married right away.

It felt great to be home.
Sebastian beamed at Tristen's beatific smile
while they stood at the altar. Nobody else in
the room was noticed by the pair.
Sebastian's hand trembled slightly with
excitement as he slipped the wedding ring
upon Tristen's slender finger. Tristen smiled
with delight at how the ring sparkled in the

With the vows said, and a perfect 'Church
Tongue' kiss, Tristen London became Tristen
Xander, who of course was invited to the
wedding, took it upon himself to be the
Master of Ceremonies. "Alright dudes, it's
TOTALLY time to cut the wedding cake!
Gather around the newly weds!" He was
pleased to take on this role and even more
pleased to see the huge gathering of friends
and family.
Of course, nobody was expecting Lillian to
show up to the wedding; especially since she
wasn't invited.

Lillian smoothed her dress and patted her
dress hat as she looked smugly at the
ceremony taking place. Standing in the back
unnoticed, Lillian watched the ceremony take
place, her eyes rolling with disdain. Clapping
in a mocking manner when the new couple
was introduced, she made her way to the
upstairs part of the clubhouse with the rest of
the guests.
The first person to notice her was Ansley. A
hiss of vexation and anger escaped Ansley's
lips when she saw her daughter. "Get out of
here Lillian. This is a happy day, and I will not
have you ruin it," she paused before adding,
"unless, of course, you are here to make

Lillian half smiled in a mocking manner as she
raised an eyebrow. "To what do I have to
apologize for, Mother? I merely came here to
see if the rumors were true; that Sebastian
actually DID marry a cheerleader. But now
that I am here, and I DO see that my idiot
brother married and equally idiotic wife, I
think I shall participate in the festivities."
The music stopped as people began to gather
around in whispers. Ansley, for once, didn't
notice or care about what other people saw
and thought. She clenched her fists and
leaned forward. "Get...out...NOW!" she said
through her clenched teeth.

Lillian was unfazed, "Really Mother? You
really want to start this? I am here to give you
one last chance. Reinstate me as heiress.
Now. Otherwise..." she let the threat hang in
the air. When she saw Ansley just glare at
her, she shrugged her shoulder. "Alright, if
that's how it's going to be. I will leave. For

Lillian waved cheerfully to the guests who
gathered around to watch and she walked
out of the house.
Lillian smiled to herself as she hopped upon
her broom. "Well, I gave them a last chance.
I guess I don't have to feel guilty about what
happens next," she talked to herself, a habit
that she had unconsciously picked up.
She spared one last glance at the house and
laughed madly at the guests who were
looking at her through the windows; she then
flew up into the sky and was gone.
Sebastian, seeing that his guests looked
worried, picked up a microphone and tossed
the other one to Tristen. Tristen looked at it
dumbly, eyes wide. Seeing that she wasn't
going to be any help in the matter, Sebastian
tapped the microphone and spoke into it.

"Sorry folks. The magician and clown we
wanted to hire for the party weren't available.
We went with the next best thing. Looks like
that backfired," he smoothly said with a
lopsided grin.

"TOTALLY!" Xander's voice shouted back from
the crowd. The other guests laughed, and the
tension was cleared.
The party continued with moderate success.
The guests smiled appreciatively at Aylee's
toast to the couple, even though they
couldn't begin to understand what she said.
Zeke was unable to attend the wedding,
unfortunately. But the heartfelt sentiment
was there all the same.
As the party was winding down, Tristen leapt
into Sebastian's arms. "Who was that big
meanie, Sebastian?" she asked in a child like
voice. Sebastian held her close and kissed
her shoulder.

"Just what you said, hon. A big meanie.
Don't worry about it," he replied, trying to
keep the worry out of his voice. He set her
down and brushed a strand of hair off her
face. "I'm going to go inside and help Mom
clean up, then I need to take a shower," he
blushed before continuing, "so, uh, I guess I'll
see you inside." His heart thumped with
excitement as he looked at his new wife.

Tristen nodded at him with a grin.
Tristen graciously said goodbye to all of her
guests as they left. The blushing bride
skipped a little as she made her way to the
house. She was a Family Sim, after all. Aside
from getting married, making and having
babies was one of the most important things
to her.
Of course, it didn't stop her from giving a
giggling scream when Sebastian grabbed her
and carried her to their marital bed
responding to his passionate kisses with vigor.

Sebastian pulled away for one moment and
happily uttered, "Cheerleader," before they
both slipped under the covers.
Chapter Eight

Lillian cackled madly as she watched the rest
of the wedding through her steaming
cauldron. "A clown am I, Sebastian? Thinking
you can laugh and mock me?
Ahahahahahaha! We shall see about THAT!"

Lillian stepped away from the bubbling pot
and made a phone call to the one person she
knew would obey her. She DID pay him to,
after all.
Remington Harris walked up to the house,
checking the address he wrote down on a slip
of paper. He thought he was at the wrong
place, until he saw Lillian approach him with a
smile. He smiled in return, especially when he
saw that she was going to kiss him.

"Ha! I knew you wanted to marry me. All
Legacy families do, especially after Man Maid
Lust was published..."
His words were cut off as Lillian planted a
tingly kiss on his lips. Tingly? Remington
thought to himself, That's not right...
Lillian watched impassively as Remington
suffocated from the Iocane powder she had
on her lips. Iocane powder that she, of
course, had built an immunity to. "Hurry up
and die Man Maid," she muttered, impatiently
tapping her foot, "your theatrical death throes
are becoming tiresome."
As Remington obligingly twitched one last
time, Lillian turned and greeted The Grim
Reaper. Grim sighed and looked at his list.

"I thought there were going to be two bodies.
 Iocane Powder is deadly, you know," he
stated in a rather nasally voice.

"I built an immunity to it," Lillian replied, taken
aback by Grim's non-booming voice.

"Inconceivable!" was his response. Lillian
rolled her eyes. She hated predictable

"Why is your voice different?" she asked,
impatient to get on with the show, but letting
her curiosity get the best of her.

"Oh," Grim replied, pulling out an inhaler and
taking a puff out of it, "that's more for show
for elders. It makes them feel important.
Don't ask me why."
Realizing that she had gone too far to back
out, Lillian forged ahead with her plan. She
threw up her hands and began with her
ritualistic pleading request. "Oh great Grim
Reaper! Please bestow upon me on me one
of your Death offspring, so that I may raise
Grim interrupted her with a hacking cough.
When he finished, he gasped for air and
handed Lillian a slip of paper. "Here's the
recipe. It's also on Wikipedia, under Death
Babies in case you lose this. Oh, and there's
also a link at the bottom for my blog Dead,
Not Sleeping. Give me a shout out so I can
add you to my friends list.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have to collect
Remington right now, so I can make it on
time for another Legacy death. I wonder if
the relatives will plead. I hate it when they do
that, it wastes so much of my time." He
sighed, "Anyway, here you go," and he placed
the paper into Lillian's numb hands.
Lillian recovered from her surprise. The ease
of this endeavor threw her off. "Wait. That's
it? That's all I have to do? I thought there
would be more."

Grim pulled the phone away from his ear and
responded to her with a shrug. "Did you
honestly think you're the first person to want
to have my babies? Did you honestly think
you are the first person to kill someone to
summon me? Please. I have fantastic
genetics, everyone wants a piece of me. I felt
it so much easier to just put the recipe online,
but I guess if murder didn't happen
occasionally, my job would become boring
real quick," and he turned away from her and
proceeded on processing Remington.
Lillian didn't care to wait for Grim to leave.
She rushed upstairs and began combining the
surprisingly common ingredients into her
When she completed making the brew, she
sniffed it warily. It smelled like Hazelnut
Coffee, a not unpleasant aroma.

She quickly downed the concoction and felt
surprisingly rejuvenated.
As the liquid warmed the inside of her body,
Lillian rubbed her hands together; another
habit she had unconsciously picked up.
"Soon," she laughed to herself, "soon I will
have the next part of my plan ready. Oh
Sebastian, you think you're going to live a
happy, perfect life? Ahahahaha, I think not,
A sharp, stabbing pain lanced across Lillian's
belly. She clutched it in surprise, eyes going
Thank Bob I made it to the bathroom in time,
Lillian thought to herself, words unspoken
due to her violent retching. She remained
crouched over the toilet for the better part of
the day.

Grim better had not deceived me, or I'll take
his pale horse and... Even her thoughts
became interrupted, all of her concentration
placed on not heaving her insides into the
awaiting toilet.

Oh cool porcelain, you understand me. And
this's so cool and inviting. And Lillian
fell asleep, arms wrapped around the
understanding bowl.
It was well into the night when Lillian woke
up. Grimacing at the foul taste in her mouth,
she woozily made her way down the stairs
and outside. She contemplated Remington's
grave for a bit before nudging it with her foot.

"Now, what do I do with you?" she furrowed
her brow slightly as she was lost in thought.
Remington, of course, could not provide an
answer. Lillian's anger grew. "Don't give me
that look Man Maid!" she shrieked insanely at
the still tombstone, shaking her fist for good
measure. "You brought this on yourself. Did
you honestly think that you could get away
with those disgusting thoughts about me?!"

Lillian regained a bit of her composure as she
continued talking to the grave, "Still. It would
be best to do something about you. The
question is what? Ah. I have it. Perfect."
And she pulled out her wand.


Keith had absolutely no right to look as smug
as he did. "Baby," he said with a smirk, still
lounging around in his underwear. Pfft. And
I'm the Pleasure Sim.

"Genetic experiment," I retorted, "don't get
me wrong, I really want to have a kid in real
life, but for my neighborhood, I just want to
see how certain genetics mix."

"Baby," he said again, walking out of the
bedroom, with a decidedly self-satisfied strut.
I sighed and followed, with an ungraceful
waddle, down the stairs. "Fine. Baby," I called
after him. He laughed as I heard him prepare
something to eat. "That had BETTER not be
cheesecake," I shouted.

"Why?" he asked. I forgot that he wouldn't
know the evil powers of cheesecake for
pregnant Sims

"Nevermind," I grumbled. I may not like how
wrong this feels, being pregnant in the Sim
world when I haven't been in real life...but in
purple, I'm stunning.

Thanks for reading! And thanks for all the
supportive comments you have been leaving
me at and in my Guestbook
on the exchange! I look forward to bringing
you more in the near future.
I am finally caught up with my writing, and
now I can play the Devereaux house for the
first time in over two months! I'm so excited
and looking forward to developing my story

So, until next time, toodles!

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The Devereaux Legacy: Chapter Three - Part 2

  • 1.
  • 2. Welcome back to The Devereaux Legacy. This chapter is called Vagrant Squatter for two reasons. The first being, my Sims (both Legacy and off camera) have taken to squatting at other people's houses for days at a time. Not leaving, not glitched, because they stop their activities enough to socialize and eat. Then they get all indignant when they've been there for three days. "Wow, look at the time, I should go," they would say. Morons, look at the DAY! The other reason for the title is more because they were my favorite mob to kill in Everquest 2. Ahh, Freeport newbie quests. How can you top a quest that allows you to kill hobos? Now that I'm done personally amusing myself, on with the show!
  • 3. Chapter One After Tristen and Sebastian were officially declared "an item" Tristen took it upon herself to be at the Greek House as much as possible, even though she hadn't officially moved in.
  • 4. Sebastian didn't really mind. He was pulling high grades in his History major, and spent a lot of his free time working on his other skills that he knew he would need if he were to become a General; which is something that he desired most in life.
  • 5. Aylee would often go into the robotics work station to look at her creation, counting the days until she graduated so she could activate Zeke and have a companion she could use to help her communicate.
  • 6. Of course, she would also make toys. She looked at it as literally making friends.
  • 7. Even though her first toy creation was only "Smash Smash Break-A-Window", a toy brick, she spent many quality hours talking to him and teaching him tricks.
  • 8. She also spent a lot of time making other toys. Sebastian just shuddered to himself whenever he saw Aylee flying one of her kites. There was just something unwholesome about a kid flying a kite at night. But, she was pretty harmless.
  • 9. Besides, Sebastian was generally too occupied with Tristen, participating in lip lock marathons to let his Aunt Aylee's strange doings bother him too much.
  • 10. On one such day Sebastian found himself coming up for air. Looking down into her blue eyes, he licked the cherry flavored lip gloss from his lips and smiled. "Tris, I have something I want to ask you." Tristen's eyes widened. "Oooh. What is it?" she asked.
  • 11. Sebastian pulled out the velvet box containing the beautiful engagement ring he had specially engraved with the word Always on the inside of the band. He got down on one knee and offered it to the cheerleader. "Tristen London, ever since the day I met you, I knew that you were the one I wanted to marry. Heck, I think I wanted to marry you before I knew you. One dream, one heart, one life together. Will you please marry me?"
  • 12. His poetic words were lost on Tristen as she let out a shriek of joy. "Omigod yes! Yes yes yes!" And she leaped into Sebastian's arms squeezing him tightly.
  • 13. Sebastian's face began to hurt from the big grin that appeared on his face. "My God, Tristen," Sebastian breathed, his heart swelling in his chest, "you have no idea that you have made me the most happy man in all of London Bridge." He hugged her close, breathing in the scent of her hair.
  • 14. The more he cuddled and kissed with Tristen, the better Sebastian felt about the pending responsibilities at home with him being the heir. Looking in her eyes though, he knew that whatever hardships he must endure, Tristen would make each day brighter. "Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?" Tristen asked, looking at him with a bright smile. Sebastian was shaken out of his reverie. Shaking his head slightly, he was about to respond.
  • 15. "He was thinking about how you two need to get a room," Mitch the Mascot scoffed before Sebastian said anything. The Llama shook his head, "Seriously guys. I'm about to upchuck here, and the dry cleaning bills will be sent to you if that happens. Do you know how hard it is to get the smell of puke out?" Mitch began to gag theatrically while Tristen giggled.
  • 16. "You're just jealous," Sebastian said, smugly. Mitch just snorted in response, but he was ignored by the couple who continued canoodling on the couch.
  • 17. Of course, it wasn't all just kissing and making out with Tristen. Sebastian continued to take his studies very seriously.
  • 18. Of course Tristen becoming a permanent fixture on the couch made studying a bit harder, but completely worth it. Sebastian was pleased to see that she took her studies as seriously as he did, and her wanting to be by him at all times made his heart flutter with pleasure. He couldn't wait to marry her.
  • 19. Chapter Two "Alright kids, gather around," Xander ordered to the people in the room, "I have a TOTALLY shocking announcement to make, and you should TOTALLY hear it."
  • 20. When Xander saw that his audience was captivated, he continued. "Alright dudes, here goes. I am going to get married." His statement was met with shocked silence. Unperturbed, he went on, "I mean of course, when I meet someone in college. I'm thinking about majoring in drama, like Mom did, and maybe I can continue the tradition of marrying Professors."
  • 21. Xander's parents looked at each other with surprise. "Voluntarily getting married? What kind of Romance son did you raise Merlin?" Savannah said in an accusing tone to her husband. Merlin looked as shocked as his wife. "Er, um, I believe, uh, it was, er, YOUR genetics. Uh, isn't your, uh, sister a partly defunct, er Romance Sim?"
  • 22. Before Savannah could reply with a snarky comment, Xander interrupted. "Dudes. Seriously. Being a Romance Sim who wants to get married does NOT make me a freak of genetics," he clasped his hands together and continued in a soft, serious voice, "you guys have been the best parents in the whole world to me. I want to honor you by continuing the tradition. God, I hope I can be as good a parent to my child as you guys have been to me. "Face it, as much as you didn't want to get married, you two love each other. And I TOTALLY think you raised an awesome kid, if I do say so myself."
  • 23. "Well, he is part Popularity. That must be where this insanity is spewing from," Savannah said as if she had an epiphany. Merlin nodded in agreement. Xander made a disgusted sound as he headed for the phone, intent on calling the taxi to pick him up for college.
  • 24. "By the way dudes," Xander said as he was hanging up the phone, "we're going to need a bigger house. Whose to say can't we also have a Legacy?" "Because we've been Motherloded and Maxmotived numerous times," Savannah said to her son, as she and Merlin got up from the couch to watch him leave. "Pfft. Details. Either way, I'll TOTALLY call you when I get there." Xander hugged both of his parents goodbye and walked out to the waiting taxi.
  • 25. Savannah and Merlin both had the same soft smile on their faces as they watched their son drive off. "We, uh, raised a, er, good kid, didn't we?" Merlin's voice was a bit choked up. Savannah nodded. "What he said, about us being good parents; that made it all completely worth it," she said, pride evident in her voice. Merlin reached around and goosed Savannah. "Er, maybe you can, uh, call the author and, er, ask her if we, uh, can have some well deserved, er, public WooHoo," he said with a grin. Savannah giggled and made her way to the phone.
  • 26. Chapter Three Xander walked into the Greek House playroom first thing when he passed his pledge ritual. He grinned when he saw Sebastian. "Hey hey Seabass, dude. Scored with a cheerleader! TOTALLY awesome," he said enthusiastically, giving Sebastian a double thumbs up. Sebastian blushed, but grinned widely. "I wouldn't really put it that way, no double beds. But, we are going to get married when we graduate." Xander clapped Sebastian on the shoulder. "TOTALLY cool. Does she live here?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "Kind of," he said, "but not officially." Xander blinked at that, but shrugged it off as he started unpacking his belongings and changing his clothes. The preppy look, he felt, did not suit him.
  • 27. But, as the days passed, Xander realized how true and odd the situation was. Tristen NEVER left. She would sit on the couch all day and night studying from a book, rarely paying attention to anyone, including her own fiancé. He looked at the Greek roster, and she was a member. But, seeing as there were only three beds, all occupied at the moment, it had been determined that only the actual Legacy relations would live there. And yet...Tristen remained. Xander scratched his head as he pondered the situation. After a moment of contemplation, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He would be firm but nice. After all, she was Sebastian's fiancé. He got up from his homework and walked over to her.
  • 28. "Wooooow," Tristen said to whatever she was reading, ignoring Xander. Xander was not accustomed to being ignored by anyone. He cleared his throat. "So, Tristen. Don't you think it might be time to hit the road? You know, go to your place to crash? You have got to be TOTALLY tired." Tristen just turned the page in her book, oblivious to Xander's statement. Before Xander could continue there was a pounding on the door.
  • 29. Before he could react, a man was handcuffing him. "DUDE!" Xander shouted, "I so TOTALLY do not want to join..." Dorian interrupted him, "Yes you do Mr. Z. Everyone wants to join." "Mr. Z? Dude, I spell my name with an X. Awesome cover name by the way, but really..." "Just come along quietly sir," Dorian said, firmly locking the handcuffs on Xander's wrists. Xander sighed in frustration as he was led out to the waiting limo.
  • 30. As Xander was shoved uncomfortably into the back of the car, he pondered at the cost that it took to have a back seat made with arm holes. He sighed to himself as the limo pulled away from the house. "I just wanted to make friends," he said glumly, "not join a useless society that gives out polyester clothes."
  • 31. All of the members, of course previously known to Xander, came out and applauded him for joining their 'Supar Sekrit Klub'. Xander felt like a trapped rabbit, even more so when he heard an appreciative wolf whistle from the young man standing next to him. Xander looked blankly at the Society member who was scoping him out. "Dude," he flatly stated, "I TOTALLY don't think so. NOT that there's anything wrong with that," The Society member just waggled his eyebrows at Xander.
  • 32. When all of the formalities were done, Xander hastily went to the phone to have the limo escort him back home. "Dudes," he began, "yeah. TOTALLY come to take me home. What do you mean you're sending Calgon? What does that mean? Oh. Well then, yeah. CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY!"
  • 33. He continued, hysteria rising in his voice, "Aunt Ansley took everything that's cool here. Literally EVERYTHING! Even the kitchen sink, I think! Oh? She said she was just 'borrowing' the stuff? Pfft. Okay dudes, WHATEVER you want to believe." He shuddered and watched the other society members warily. Sure, he was friends with them...but their club was TOTALLY NOT cool.
  • 34. When Calgon, apparently the name for the limo, dropped Xander off at home, he rushed past Sebastian, Aylee, and the ever present Tristen to take a bath. The only coherent thing they could hear were the words "Bath" and "Wash the stench of PHAIL off". Sebastian tried to tell Xander that the Snapdragons would take care of whatever hygiene problems Xander was having, but the only response from the bathroom was vicious splashing and scrubbing. Sebastian just shrugged and let it go.
  • 35. Chapter Four Soon, it came time for Aylee to graduate. Intent on making her own friends, her pride and joy being the flock of dancing penguins, she easily ignored everyone else in the house.
  • 36. Feeling that it was a special occasion, it being her last exam, she felt that it would be appropriate to change into her clothes for once. She waved airily to her stunned nephews, who had never seen her change out of her nightgown.
  • 37. Of course, it would only be natural for Aylee to change into a swimsuit for her taxi ride home back to London Bridge. Humans wore swimsuits all of the time, why shouldn't she?
  • 38. Xander, never letting an opportunity pass to talk to a person, rushed out to say goodbye to his aunt. He blinked at her swimsuit, but when he saw the grin on her face, he just waved back with a smile of his own.
  • 39. After a long ride back to London Bridge, Aylee changed her outfit. She didn't like how her skin kept sticking to the vinyl seats of the taxi. She twitched her linen skirt appreciatively as she looked around the warehouse she had claimed as her new home. Before she placed any furniture, she walked to a corner and placed Zeke down, grinning wildly with excitement.
  • 41. With an electrical whirring sound, Zeke stood up and looked at Aylee. Aylee hugged the robot, happiness evident in her eyes. No translation was necessary.
  • 42. Chapter Five Since Aylee left, things at the Greek house remained pretty much the same; maybe it was a bit less noisy with the absence of the constant robot and toy building, but for the most part it was the same. Xander was doing well in his drama major, and was becoming very close with his Drama Professor, Marsha Sell. Tristen, of course, was still ever present on the couch. Xander felt more worried by this than irritated, despite the fact that she all but ignored him. The problem was, she ignored everybody.
  • 43. Xander tried one last time to get Tristen's attention before he resorted to more drastic matters. Grabbing a book from the bookshelf, he gingerly sat on the couch, trying not to shake it too much. He scoffed at himself for treating the situation like Tristen were a rabid animal. Gently, he cleared his throat. "So, Tris," he glanced over at her to see if she was paying attention, "I know that the Snapdragons are probably keeping most of your moods up. But aren't you tired? I mean you've been here for what would be the equalivant of almost two years. You have got to be TOTALLY ready to pass out from exhaustion." The only response from Tristen was her turning a page in her book.
  • 44. Xander decided that he couldn't take it anymore. When Sebastian entered the room, Xander grabbed him and pulled him to the side. "Seabass dude. Aren't you worried about the fact that Tris has been practically stuck on our couch all of this time? I think she might be, what the author might refer to as, glitched. She doesn't eat. She doesn't use the bathroom. She doesn't take a bath. She just sits there." Sebastian looked at Tristen. "Well, the Snapdragons..." he began to say when Xander interrupted him. "Yeah, the Snapdragon take care of everything but sleep. She hasn't done that, either. I think you might have to try and distract her."
  • 45. Xander looked over at Tristen again. "Either she's glitched, or she's TOTALLY into that book. That would be surprising though, seeing as it doesn't have any pictures." Sebastian glared at Xander, "Hey! What are you trying to say about her?" Xander held up his hands in a pacifying manner. "Nothing! Nothing. I just think, you know, she might want to stretch out her legs or something." And maybe check for bedsores, he added silently to himself.
  • 46. Sebastian flopped down on the couch, bouncing it enough to shake the book from Tristen's hands. Tristen looked over at Sebastian and smiled. "Heya honey pie," she said sweetly to him. Sebastian's face formed into a grin. He knew there was nothing wrong with Tristen. "Heya yourself," he responded, "how about giving me a kiss?"
  • 47. Tristen sprung up from the couch with a squeal and she swooned over Sebastian kissing her up the arm. Xander smiled, pleased that he didn't have to resort to his backup plan.
  • 48. After Sebastian was done kissing her, Tristen burst into a cheer. "Kill 'em to the left! Kill 'em to the right! Stand up! Sit down! Fight fight fight! Llamas! Llamas! Goooooo LLAMAS!" Sebastian turned smugly to Xander and arched his eyebrow, as if to say, See? I told you there's nothing wrong with her! And he walked out of the room.
  • 49. Of course, what Sebastian didn't see was Tristen immediately picking back up her book and sitting back down into the exact same spot, as if nothing had happened. Xander picked up his own book and sat as far away from Tristen as possible. Though it went against common sense, he couldn't help but be afraid that whatever was wrong with Tristen might be contagious. Looks like "Plan B" is in effect after all, he thought to himself.
  • 50. The morning's light snowfall found Xander quietly singing contentedly to himself as he futzed around with the Sentry Bot. "A maaaaan's gotta do what a maaaaan's gotta do. Dooooon't plan the plan, if you caaaaaaan't follow through. All that matters, taking matters into your own hands....* "Sweet. That TOTALLY should do it," Xander whispered to himself, pleased. The Sentry Bot starting beeping in an alarmingly loud manner as it flew into the house. __________________ * Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog
  • 51. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Tristen screamed as the Bot zapped her with electricity. Xander tried not to grin. As Tristen ran from the house, he gave her a finger gun, "Keep in touch kid," he shouted after her retreating form.
  • 52. Xander walked over to the couch and beheld it in all of its empty glory.
  • 53. Xander wasted no time settling into the exact spot that Tristen had so recently vacated. He wiggled his butt comfortably, very much appreciating the groove that Tristen had left. When Sebastian came back from class, Xander just told him that Tristen had finally decided to take a nap at her own place. He felt it best not to go into particulars. Xander also made sure that Sebastian didn't see him repairing the Sentry Bot. Again, he thought it would be for the best. What he doesn't know won't hurt him, he thought. Though he did chuckle every time he remembered Tristen running from the attacking robot.
  • 54. Chapter Six Xander looked at his Professor girlfriend fondly. He remembered to snide remarks people made about him in high school; implying that he only got his high grades because of his flirting with the female teachers. It was similar here. Sure, he flirted and more with his professor, but it wasn't for the grade. It was more because he really, really liked her.
  • 55. Truth be told...he more than liked her.
  • 56. In fact, he liked her so much, he decided to carry through with his plan to marry his drama professor and continue the tradition his mother inadvertently started.
  • 57. Xander excitedly dialed home to tell his parents the good news. After a few rings, he heard his father's voice on the other end. "Heya Dad. I've got some TOTALLY awesome news!"
  • 58. Merlin held his breath expectantly, waiting for his son to continue.
  • 59. "I'm TOTALLY ENGAGED! Dad, she's a hot Drama Professor! Her name is Marsha! She said that she remembered you and she's TOTALLY STOKED to join our family!"
  • 60. Merlin smiled inwardly. He was proud of his kid, and he wasn't afraid to admit that. However, he felt the need to coach Xander a bit on Romance Sim marital ethics. "Uh, er, congratulations kiddo. But, uh, Xander...try not to, er, act TOO excited. Uh, yeah. We Romance Sims, er, actually ARE great to be, er married to. Uh, good parents, er, uh, as well. BUT, we, er, always try to, uh, put a protesting, er, front. Acting like we are, er, happy in domestic, er, situations..well, er, well son, it makes it too, er, easy to mistake us, er, for Family Sims Uh, I don't think, ANYBODY wants that. Er, we have, uh, a reputation to uphold, you see." "Daaaaaaad! I TOTALLY KNOW that!” Merlin chuckled, "I'm, er, just making SURE, uh, that you do."
  • 61. "Er, by the way. Uh, in preparation for, uh, the growing family...your mother and I, uh...bought a new house." "TOTALLY awesome!"
  • 62. Chapter Seven Xander was not the only one who had a new house to go home to after graduation. Granted, it was still the same house that he grew up in, but Sebastian was pleased to see the massive additions added to his old house. It no longer looks like a hillbilly's yard sale, he snorted softly to himself. He hugged his parents when they enthusiastically greeted him, his mother in particular. He smiled at her giddiness over the fact that the construction cost less than $50,000 and there was a stable built in the back. A stable that held a pony, to be exact. A pony named Pretty Princess Pony Step, to be most exact. He smiled even wider when his father showed him the chapel/clubhouse that was also connected, nodding when asked if he planned on getting married right away. It felt great to be home.
  • 63. Sebastian beamed at Tristen's beatific smile while they stood at the altar. Nobody else in the room was noticed by the pair.
  • 64. Sebastian's hand trembled slightly with excitement as he slipped the wedding ring upon Tristen's slender finger. Tristen smiled with delight at how the ring sparkled in the light. With the vows said, and a perfect 'Church Tongue' kiss, Tristen London became Tristen Devereaux.
  • 65. Xander, who of course was invited to the wedding, took it upon himself to be the Master of Ceremonies. "Alright dudes, it's TOTALLY time to cut the wedding cake! Gather around the newly weds!" He was pleased to take on this role and even more pleased to see the huge gathering of friends and family.
  • 66. Of course, nobody was expecting Lillian to show up to the wedding; especially since she wasn't invited. Lillian smoothed her dress and patted her dress hat as she looked smugly at the ceremony taking place. Standing in the back unnoticed, Lillian watched the ceremony take place, her eyes rolling with disdain. Clapping in a mocking manner when the new couple was introduced, she made her way to the upstairs part of the clubhouse with the rest of the guests.
  • 67. The first person to notice her was Ansley. A hiss of vexation and anger escaped Ansley's lips when she saw her daughter. "Get out of here Lillian. This is a happy day, and I will not have you ruin it," she paused before adding, "unless, of course, you are here to make amends." Lillian half smiled in a mocking manner as she raised an eyebrow. "To what do I have to apologize for, Mother? I merely came here to see if the rumors were true; that Sebastian actually DID marry a cheerleader. But now that I am here, and I DO see that my idiot brother married and equally idiotic wife, I think I shall participate in the festivities."
  • 68. The music stopped as people began to gather around in whispers. Ansley, for once, didn't notice or care about what other people saw and thought. She clenched her fists and leaned forward. "Get...out...NOW!" she said through her clenched teeth. Lillian was unfazed, "Really Mother? You really want to start this? I am here to give you one last chance. Reinstate me as heiress. Now. Otherwise..." she let the threat hang in the air. When she saw Ansley just glare at her, she shrugged her shoulder. "Alright, if that's how it's going to be. I will leave. For now." Lillian waved cheerfully to the guests who gathered around to watch and she walked out of the house.
  • 69. Lillian smiled to herself as she hopped upon her broom. "Well, I gave them a last chance. I guess I don't have to feel guilty about what happens next," she talked to herself, a habit that she had unconsciously picked up.
  • 70. She spared one last glance at the house and laughed madly at the guests who were looking at her through the windows; she then flew up into the sky and was gone.
  • 71. Sebastian, seeing that his guests looked worried, picked up a microphone and tossed the other one to Tristen. Tristen looked at it dumbly, eyes wide. Seeing that she wasn't going to be any help in the matter, Sebastian tapped the microphone and spoke into it. "Sorry folks. The magician and clown we wanted to hire for the party weren't available. We went with the next best thing. Looks like that backfired," he smoothly said with a lopsided grin. "TOTALLY!" Xander's voice shouted back from the crowd. The other guests laughed, and the tension was cleared.
  • 72. The party continued with moderate success. The guests smiled appreciatively at Aylee's toast to the couple, even though they couldn't begin to understand what she said. Zeke was unable to attend the wedding, unfortunately. But the heartfelt sentiment was there all the same.
  • 73. As the party was winding down, Tristen leapt into Sebastian's arms. "Who was that big meanie, Sebastian?" she asked in a child like voice. Sebastian held her close and kissed her shoulder. "Just what you said, hon. A big meanie. Don't worry about it," he replied, trying to keep the worry out of his voice. He set her down and brushed a strand of hair off her face. "I'm going to go inside and help Mom clean up, then I need to take a shower," he blushed before continuing, "so, uh, I guess I'll see you inside." His heart thumped with excitement as he looked at his new wife. Tristen nodded at him with a grin.
  • 74. Tristen graciously said goodbye to all of her guests as they left. The blushing bride skipped a little as she made her way to the house. She was a Family Sim, after all. Aside from getting married, making and having babies was one of the most important things to her.
  • 75. Of course, it didn't stop her from giving a giggling scream when Sebastian grabbed her and carried her to their marital bed responding to his passionate kisses with vigor. Sebastian pulled away for one moment and happily uttered, "Cheerleader," before they both slipped under the covers.
  • 76. Chapter Eight Lillian cackled madly as she watched the rest of the wedding through her steaming cauldron. "A clown am I, Sebastian? Thinking you can laugh and mock me? Ahahahahahaha! We shall see about THAT!" Lillian stepped away from the bubbling pot and made a phone call to the one person she knew would obey her. She DID pay him to, after all.
  • 77. Remington Harris walked up to the house, checking the address he wrote down on a slip of paper. He thought he was at the wrong place, until he saw Lillian approach him with a smile. He smiled in return, especially when he saw that she was going to kiss him. "Ha! I knew you wanted to marry me. All Legacy families do, especially after Man Maid Lust was published..."
  • 78. His words were cut off as Lillian planted a tingly kiss on his lips. Tingly? Remington thought to himself, That's not right...
  • 79. Lillian watched impassively as Remington suffocated from the Iocane powder she had on her lips. Iocane powder that she, of course, had built an immunity to. "Hurry up and die Man Maid," she muttered, impatiently tapping her foot, "your theatrical death throes are becoming tiresome."
  • 80. As Remington obligingly twitched one last time, Lillian turned and greeted The Grim Reaper. Grim sighed and looked at his list. "I thought there were going to be two bodies. Iocane Powder is deadly, you know," he stated in a rather nasally voice. "I built an immunity to it," Lillian replied, taken aback by Grim's non-booming voice. "Inconceivable!" was his response. Lillian rolled her eyes. She hated predictable conversations. "Why is your voice different?" she asked, impatient to get on with the show, but letting her curiosity get the best of her. "Oh," Grim replied, pulling out an inhaler and taking a puff out of it, "that's more for show for elders. It makes them feel important. Don't ask me why."
  • 81. Realizing that she had gone too far to back out, Lillian forged ahead with her plan. She threw up her hands and began with her ritualistic pleading request. "Oh great Grim Reaper! Please bestow upon me on me one of your Death offspring, so that I may raise them..."
  • 82. Grim interrupted her with a hacking cough. When he finished, he gasped for air and handed Lillian a slip of paper. "Here's the recipe. It's also on Wikipedia, under Death Babies in case you lose this. Oh, and there's also a link at the bottom for my blog Dead, Not Sleeping. Give me a shout out so I can add you to my friends list. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to collect Remington right now, so I can make it on time for another Legacy death. I wonder if the relatives will plead. I hate it when they do that, it wastes so much of my time." He sighed, "Anyway, here you go," and he placed the paper into Lillian's numb hands.
  • 83. Lillian recovered from her surprise. The ease of this endeavor threw her off. "Wait. That's it? That's all I have to do? I thought there would be more." Grim pulled the phone away from his ear and responded to her with a shrug. "Did you honestly think you're the first person to want to have my babies? Did you honestly think you are the first person to kill someone to summon me? Please. I have fantastic genetics, everyone wants a piece of me. I felt it so much easier to just put the recipe online, but I guess if murder didn't happen occasionally, my job would become boring real quick," and he turned away from her and proceeded on processing Remington.
  • 84. Lillian didn't care to wait for Grim to leave. She rushed upstairs and began combining the surprisingly common ingredients into her cauldron.
  • 85. When she completed making the brew, she sniffed it warily. It smelled like Hazelnut Coffee, a not unpleasant aroma. She quickly downed the concoction and felt surprisingly rejuvenated.
  • 86. As the liquid warmed the inside of her body, Lillian rubbed her hands together; another habit she had unconsciously picked up. "Soon," she laughed to herself, "soon I will have the next part of my plan ready. Oh Sebastian, you think you're going to live a happy, perfect life? Ahahahaha, I think not, usurper."
  • 87. A sharp, stabbing pain lanced across Lillian's belly. She clutched it in surprise, eyes going wild.
  • 88. Thank Bob I made it to the bathroom in time, Lillian thought to herself, words unspoken due to her violent retching. She remained crouched over the toilet for the better part of the day. Grim better had not deceived me, or I'll take his pale horse and... Even her thoughts became interrupted, all of her concentration placed on not heaving her insides into the awaiting toilet. Oh cool porcelain, you understand me. And this's so cool and inviting. And Lillian fell asleep, arms wrapped around the understanding bowl.
  • 89. It was well into the night when Lillian woke up. Grimacing at the foul taste in her mouth, she woozily made her way down the stairs and outside. She contemplated Remington's grave for a bit before nudging it with her foot. "Now, what do I do with you?" she furrowed her brow slightly as she was lost in thought.
  • 90. Remington, of course, could not provide an answer. Lillian's anger grew. "Don't give me that look Man Maid!" she shrieked insanely at the still tombstone, shaking her fist for good measure. "You brought this on yourself. Did you honestly think that you could get away with those disgusting thoughts about me?!" Lillian regained a bit of her composure as she continued talking to the grave, "Still. It would be best to do something about you. The question is what? Ah. I have it. Perfect." And she pulled out her wand.
  • 91. ...
  • 93. Epilogue Keith had absolutely no right to look as smug as he did. "Baby," he said with a smirk, still lounging around in his underwear. Pfft. And I'm the Pleasure Sim. "Genetic experiment," I retorted, "don't get me wrong, I really want to have a kid in real life, but for my neighborhood, I just want to see how certain genetics mix." "Baby," he said again, walking out of the bedroom, with a decidedly self-satisfied strut.
  • 94. I sighed and followed, with an ungraceful waddle, down the stairs. "Fine. Baby," I called after him. He laughed as I heard him prepare something to eat. "That had BETTER not be cheesecake," I shouted. "Why?" he asked. I forgot that he wouldn't know the evil powers of cheesecake for pregnant Sims "Nevermind," I grumbled. I may not like how wrong this feels, being pregnant in the Sim world when I haven't been in real life...but in purple, I'm stunning. *** Thanks for reading! And thanks for all the supportive comments you have been leaving me at and in my Guestbook on the exchange! I look forward to bringing you more in the near future. I am finally caught up with my writing, and now I can play the Devereaux house for the first time in over two months! I'm so excited and looking forward to developing my story further! So, until next time, toodles!