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The Claw
  Serving the Soldiers and Families of Task Force Talon

                                 The Claw                                      22 F E BRU ARY 2 012

                        A Few Words from
                                 Talon 6
         To all family members and friends of Task Force Talon, I am proud to report that,
despite a host of poor flying weather, your Talon Troopers have continued to provide exem-
plary aviation support to our brothers and sisters throughout Regional Command East. This
month, however, the Talon Family bids farewell to one of our nine companies. The Spartans
of B/7-158th, TF Talon’s “Dirty Dime”, will depart Afghanistan and return to their loved ones
throughout the world. The Dirty Dime served with absolute distinction during their time here
in support of Operation Enduring Freedom XI/XII. They were the backbone of TF Talon’s
deliberate combat operations package and will be greatly missed. Fortunately, we are privi-
leged to welcome their replacements, the “Motor City Muscles” from B/3-238. The Motor City
Muscles join us from the Michigan and Ohio National Guards and their outstanding reputa-
tion preceded their arrival. As always, on behalf of all the TF Talon Troopers, I thank you for
your continued love and support. We are all continuing to work hard to make a difference
here and look forward to our return to you all. I hope you enjoy the newsletter. Until next



       TALON 6

               “TALON FOR A DAY,
               TALON FOR LIFE!”
T HE C LAW                            P AGE 3

              Dead or alive

             “messy eaters”
                  It’s just so good
We surveyed 50 Talons and this is what they said...

                                                                 Would you rather…
                                                       Jump off the Eiffel tower onto an enormous trampoline and
                                                       into a pool of French toast and syrup or off Mount Everest
                                                                 and land in a hot tub filled with skittles?

       Would you rather…
Eat a 100 year old piece of gum or swim in a lake of

                                                                    Would you rather…
                                                        Eat chocolate cake for every meal for six weeks or go three
                                                                     years with absolutely no sweets?

     Would you rather…
        Get first dibs or the last laugh?

   Submit your own Would You                                                       WA        RNIN
          Rather to...
                                                                                          estion s containre hilarious -
                                           These qumeant to inspaiy be nauseat
      … and I will put it in the next edition of                               contentn. Questions m isturbing!
                          The Claw!                                           discussiio g, bizarre or d
P AGE 5                                                                        V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4

                         HOLY TALON
        All of us can identify with giving something up. Sacrifice is a common component
 of world religions and philosophical systems. Certainly, sacrifice is a consistent experi-
   ence of military service. There can be great value in giving something up, especially
           practices or habits which are unhealthy, in order to gain some benefit.
         Much of the Christian community around the globe is entering a special season
called Lent. Lent is a period of solemn preparation of believers that may include prayer,
  repentance, and self-denial. Fasting is perhaps the most dominant aspect of the sea-
 son. Many will choose to abstain from normal practices or experiences of their lives in
order to gain a spiritual benefit and a special connection with the final and difficult days
of Jesus Christ on Earth. Lenten sacrifice is only for a time and helps the faithful identify
 with the life of Christ and readies them for the great celebration of Easter, the remem-
                                brance of Christ’s resurrection.
         Although Lent is not typically observed in my faith tradition, I am inspired by oth-
ers’ practice of self-denial. Perhaps we all can be. Consider giving something up during
  this deployment, or for a period of time, that will bring you benefit. Giving up smoking
   may bring you better health. Giving up Facebook may actually strengthen your most
 significant relationships. Giving up candy may save your teeth. Giving up unnecessary
   spending here may save you money for a practical purchase later. Be creative and
 identify the things in your life you could do without for a season. You may actually find
out how unimportant those things were to begin with. As many begin to sacrifice as part
 of a religious observance, we all could stand to give up something now for a healthier
                             and more stable present and future.

                    CH (CPT) Marlon W. Brown
T HE C LAW                                                                                   P AGE 6

        This past month we have gained five new Gladiators: CPT Krueger (from Darkhorse), CPT
Krueger (from TF Saber), CPT Perlik (from Regret) and CPT Mikasa and 1LT Fritz (from Brigade,
yikes). We’re always happy to have another married couple in the unit, which adds to the 7 who are in
Talon and on Bagram. CPT Krueger assumes battle captain duties, fresh from a stint as Shops Pla-
toon Leader with Darkhorse. The other CPT Krueger comes to us from TF Saber to bring his recon
expertise to the TOC, and CPT Perlik comes to us from 3rd Flight, Regret. We were sad to see 1LT
Piñon’s National Guard orders not get extended, so he was required to redeploy and de-mobilize.
CPT Mikasa’s enthusiasm and positive attitude have made her a welcome addition to S6 and the
Talon team. 1LT Fritz joins the TOC as the assistant S2, replacing 1LT Arm who has been shuffled
off to Brigade’s nethers. Welcome all!
        Bagram has been enduring what a flight platoon leader from Foxy described as
“Snowmageddon.” End-times allusion aside, the snow has been keeping us indoors for most of the
month, with more of it on the way. The exciting thing about the snow is that it melts into a muddy
quagmire every day, only to be replenished with fluffy new layer at night. Everyone was finally able to
get some sleep as F-15s and -16s haven’t been rocketing off the runway in the middle of the night due
to the visibility.
        The spotlight for this month’s newsletter is on our staff support functions, many don’t realize
what each section does, so we’re putting it here read. S1, also known as the personel and administra-
tive section, makes sure that R&R leave papers get processed, reviews and submits awards, answers
pay inquiries and ensures each Trooper’s pay is correct, as well as reviewing and processing effi-
ciency reports on NCOs and Officers. Since Aviation has more officers than any other branch, this
can be a daunting task. Our current S1 is one of the best in the past 3 years.
        S2 is our intelligence section, which does in fact require some to work there. They are respon-
sible for security clearances, OCONUS threat assessments for R&R, and threat assessments for all
missions flown by TF Talon. They often do twice as much work as the brigade with less than half the
        S3 is the ubiquitous section whose current operations (TOC), future operations, deliberate
planning, and operations order publishing are what keep the wheels turning here. They often bear the
brunt of the customer’s complaints, and receive very little praise for their work. When things start to
go badly outside the wire, however, the TOC becomes the nexus for all information to every other per-
son in RC-East that needs to know.
         S4 keeps the requests for supplies flowing, as well as making sure that each unit inventories
their gear on a monthly basis. If you need something, S4 or HHC Supply can help. HHC Supply
works closely under the watchful guidance of the S4 NCOIC, helping with general supply actions and
fielding of new equipment. If you lose government property, however, you will probably get stuck with
the bill by your commander (me).
        S6 keeps everyone’s phones, computers, printers, and radios up and humming. They control
three different forms of computer and phone access, two different secure radio cipher keys, and the all
- important Mode 4 for our helicopter transponders (lets friendly forces see you electronically). You
can talk about us, but you can’t talk without us.
       Our Docs, Chaplain, Command Group, Safety and Standardization sections all have self-
explanatory functions, but are also very important to not only our company, but all of Task Force
Talon. We’re sad to see one of our PA, CPT Klase, head back to the rear. CPT (Doc) Grumbo will
hold down the fort until a replacement arrives.
P AGE 7                                                            V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4

         Nobody here looks at the early morning pre-flight as a task that we love
to do. All of us would much rather wait until the sun came up, the temperature
 increased, and the ice sheet that separates us from our aircraft has long dis-
                             appeared. Such is not the case.
   An AP news article that was recently written about Afghanistan’s cold spell
mentioned that this is Kabul’s coldest winter, and heaviest snow fall, in the last
 fifteen years. Fortunately for us, we have not reached the coldest tempera-
 ture ever recorded, a lovely -26C. Hopefully for all of us, we never do either.
 To top it all off, the creators of the Gregorian calendar have given us an extra
 day of February this year, resulting in an extra day of winter. This being said,
                             stay warm and happy pre-flight.
    February is quite the month. We are all missing our loved ones every day,
 but especially Valentine’s Day. Who among us wouldn’t rather be going on a
 date on Valentine’s, enjoying a nice dinner (steak night at the DFAC does not
 constitute a good dinner), and being in the arms of the one you love. Valen-
 tine’s Day isn’t the only holiday we miss out on this month, we’re missing out
  on quite a few. On the 2nd we missed Punxsutawney Phil seek his shadow,
we were unable to thank our mailman on the 4th. On the 11th was the time not
   to cry over your spilled milk, February 16 is the day to do a grouch a favor,
 and the 22nd the national day of walking your dog, just to name a few. Hope-
   fully for all of us though, it is our last February away from home. I know for
  the Animal Soldiers, the last day of February will give us less than 100 days
                 left in Afghanistan. We all feel pretty good about that.
 Thanks for reading Talon, and be safe. We’ve included a few photos to cele-
                    brate the time of year. We hope you enjoy them.
                                      -CPT Vazquez
T HE C LAW                                                                                              P AGE 8

      “There’s one good thing about snow: it makes your lawn look as nice as your neighbor’s.”
                                              –Author Unknown
         The author, whoever he or she is, could not be closer to the mark; snow covers imperfections with a
thick, peaceful, soft blanket, especially here at Bagram where consecutive systems continue to conquer the
drab surroundings with a nostalgic layer of fluffy white. As our task force draws closer and closer to the half-
way mark of this deployment, these memories of home brought about through familiar scenes of the earth
covered in white grow all the more poignant. In addition to its aesthetic achievements, the snow continues to
provide the hard working crews of Regret a series of well deserved respites.
          During and in between these breaks, however, your aviators and crew chiefs continue to accomplish
much despite the challenges posed by the winter weather. It is the goal of every young aviator to earn the
right to fly as the Pilot-in-Command (PC) of his or her aircraft. Being granted this honor comes only after hun-
dreds of hours of experience, study, and a dauntingly thorough check-ride. CPT Teresa Haltom, CPT Kerney
Perlik, CW2 Dave Kaye, and CW2 Josh Scott all recently accomplished this trial and are now acting Day/
Night PCs; CW2 Kovencz was also made a Night Vision Goggle PC along with CW2 Frank Webb.
         Several of our soldiers were justly rewarded for their hard work and dedication as well. Sergeant
Jillian Puorro was awarded an Army Achievement Medal for her stellar performance in our Brigade’s Soldier
of the Quarter Competition, a contest in which she took second place. Specialist Justin Stover joined the
ranks of Alpha Company’s unmatched NCOs as he was promoted to Sergeant. Sergeant Stover was further
recognized for commendable service with a Good Conduct Medal as were Specialists Gabriel Boffman,
Joshua Bowers, and Rodney Pentecost.
        Many of these proud moments occurred under the shelter of Alpha Company’s new “Outdoor Smok-
ing Lounge” that was recently completed by the Navy’s Seabees. Including a fire pit surrounded by stone,
hand-crafted Adirondack chairs, and partial wooden walls to keep out the winter winds, this new amenity is re
-introducing a bit of civility into life at Bagram. Next on the Seabees list of projects is the construction of a
small gym co-located with the Alpha Company CP; groundbreaking occurred only days ago and construction
should be complete within weeks.
It’s a good thing the gym is almost done, because Alpha Company will be conducting PT tests throughout the
month of March, so don’t forget to send healthy snacks and words of encouragement in your care packages.
         Let me close by thanking you, the families of Alpha 3-82, for your continued love and support; without
it our crewmembers would be unable to uphold the proud legacy of aviation excellence this company re-
affirms on a daily basis.
                                                                              A Regret Crew taking a photo in
      SGT Puorro receiving her                                                front of the Bamian Buddha

                                             SGT Stover getting pinned
                                              his E-5 by CSM Evans.
P AGE 9                                                                             V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4

      Greetings Flipper family, We're getting settled into our new location at
FOB Shank and morale is definitely on the rise as we're back under a 82nd
Task Force. Snow has been pretty steady here which has allowed our crew-
members so much deserved rest. The break in missions has given us the op-
portunity focus on aviators classes and recognize a few candidates for Pilot in
Command and Flight Engineer. I'm certain the candidates will perform well as
they are put through the gauntlet to progress to the next level. We will make
sure to keep you updated with plenty of pictures via the Flipper facebook page.

      This month we will be losing a very dedicated Soldier in CW2 Jeff Coats
due to ETS. He arrived to the Flipper team in 2006 and has done his time admi-
rably serving as an Instructor Pilot. We would like to wish him and his family
well as they transition out of the military.

                         **MESSAGE FROM THE CW2 COATS**
I have really enjoyed the last six years in the Flippers. My family and I are sad to leave our friends
and the company, but we will always be great full for our time here. We would like to say good luck
and thank you to all.
T HE C LAW                                                                            P AGE 1 0

       February will be a month full of change for the Chinook community of TF Talon at Ba-
gram Airfield: the RFF, a composite force separately deployed to augment the Chinooks in
RC-E will be departing, and B/7-158th AV Spartans, along with the attached maintenance sol-
diers of D/7-158th, will be preparing to RIP/TOA with their relief, B/3-238th AV from the Ohio/
Michigan National Guard.
        The RFF(Request for Forces), or MOD7, was a group of soldiers pulled from the Regu-
lar Army in South Korea and Honduras , and the National Guard of New York and Maryland.
The force was distributed throughout the AO but most heavily distributed here at Bagram,
where they came to make up half of the force. The additional depth of capability and individ-
ual expertise of some of the pilots and crewmembers made the Red Illum, NVG Air Assault
capability out of Bagram, not only a possibility, but a successful and integral part of the
Spartans’ regular mission set. In addition to the greybeards came many young, motivated
and determined 15Us from AVUM and AVIM units in Korea who volunteered to be Door Gun-
ners; four of whom continued to progress to Crew Chief status. The RFF was a great addi-
tion to the team here, and made up half of our Dirty Dime brothers and sisters; their service
and company will be sorely missed.
        For the remaining USAR flyers and maintainers the next few weeks will be a time of
motion, change and transition as we prepare for own departure in early March. While waving
good-bye to the RFF we also say so long to a regular Brown Team mission set, although we
can be assured that collaboration with our Blackhawk comrades will continue on an ad hoc
basis. We will be welcoming to Bagram in the next few weeks both our fellow redeploying re-
servists from the outlying FOBs and our replacements in TF Talon from the Michigan detach-
ment of B/3-238th AV. We will give them the best hand-off we can in the few short weeks we
have to RIP and pass on to Talon a new force made wiser and stronger through the benefit of
our experience. We have not left yet, and there are many hours and miles still to be flown be-
fore we rest, but nonetheless we will take this time to thank Task Force Talon for the support,
trust and brotherhood they have provided in our months together.
Talons for Life.
P AGE 1 1                                                                   V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4

        Greetings from Afghanistan! As your loved ones have likely told you already, we had a
snow-filled January in Afghanistan. Every time the snow begins to melt, another storm dumps
more snow in its place. We've put the snow to good use in Bagram by sledding and having
daily snowball fights. Although we've perfected our snowball making techniques, we still seem
unable to select our targets appropriately. The snowballs hit whoever approaches the com-
pound, regardless of rank. Fortunately, most of the people we hit have had a good sense of
humor. With the exception of Jalalabad, our other sites have had even more snow than Ba-
gram. Here's to continued good humor at all of the sites where snowballs are flying! In terms
of our work, the operational tempo has really slowed down due to the weather. The missions
we fly, however, are made more challenging by the dust, haze, fog, mist and snow.
        We are proud to report that members of 3rd Platoon were recently recognized by the
Polish Task Force for evacuating their wounded. While US troops know that MEDEVAC will
take care of their wounded, our NATO partners are consistently surprised by (and always ex-
tremely grateful for) our efforts. Great work, 3rd Platoon! Congratulations to our Troopers who
were promoted this month. We are immensely proud of SGT Munn, SGT Mitchell and SSG
Burleson. All are well deserved and long overdue promotions. Many key personnel are out on
R&R in January and February - and some of them are traveling to very exotic locations. I've
heard about plans to go extreme kayaking in New Zealand and swimming with Great White
sharks in South Africa. You would think that everyone gets enough excitement here! When it
comes to R&R plans, I've learned that I should ask fewer questions and simply enjoy the pic-
tures when they're back safely at work. I also want to congratulate two Dustoff families on
their new additions! Welcome Baby Drew Perotti and Baby Jonathan Wyatt Roberts! I hope
they give their old men a hard time.

                              SSG Burleson and SGT Munn
                               were promoted February 1st
                              2012. Continue the hard work
                               guys and keep training your
T HE C LAW                                                                                    P AGE 1 2

   Greetings Darkhorse Family and Friends! This month brought more cold and more snow to us,
which means more slipping and sliding and more snowball fights! Luckily, we finally got in our long
 awaited YakTrax to help keep us on our feet, which proved useful during the snowball fight of the
century. The battle raged for more than an hour as a constant borage was reigned from both sides.
     There were casualties on both sides as well as treachery. But in the end everyone was fine
  (including LT Odom, who took a snowball to the face. Thanks SSG Pogue.) and the Darkhorses
                                        went back to work.
  This month we also celebrated a few promotions of some PFCs to SPCs. But to make it a little
  more of a sporting event, the five PFCs were challenged with the task of sack racing each other
 down the hallway to be the first to grab one of the few SPC ranks taped to the wall. While he may
be the shortest, Razo (who also got hit in the face with a snowball. Sorry—LT Odom) clearly led the
      way to the finish. Congrats on making SPC to Razo, Brown, Zazilenski, Hall and Grim!
This month’s Shop of the Month is the Avionics shop plus Armament section. This shop is made up
of eight 15Ns, nine 15Fs, and five 15Js. The Avionics shop is definitely one of the hardest working
shops. As aircraft become more and more technologically advanced, the Avionics guys become
needed even more. Anytime there is some sort of problem with the electrical systems, communica-
tions, navigation equipment, warning and display systems, or anything that receives or transmits an
electrical signal, these guys will probably look at. The Js are more specifically concerned with the
OH-58 Kiowa Warrior. But now that they are all working together, there will be a lot of cross-training
between the MOSs. Some of the likes of the Avionics section include disco music and dance par-
ties. In the words of SSG Gonzalez, “we like to party, play hard, and fix aircraft.” The Avionics shop
would like to make a special shout out to SSG Dyer, SGT Widow and SPC Deptula—Thank you
guys so much for all your hard work. We are happy for you as you head home to your families (and
a little jealous too). You really contributed a lot to the Darkhorse family and will be missed, espe-
cially Widow’s crazy, random stories.

                                      RIDE OR DIE!!!
P AGE 1 3                                                                   V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4

                    WAR DAWGS
        The months have flown by for us here in Echo Company, TF Talon. As we approach
the fifth month of a 12 month deployment, we find ourselves amidst an abundance of snow.
Though the winter season here in Afghanistan has brought with it some challenges, Echo
Company showed its resilience by accomplishing its missions efficiently and safely despite
any obstacles. Through all ranks, the attention to safety contributed to yet another accident
free month. Then again Echo Company has an excellent reputation for getting the job done,
under any circumstances, in the safest manner possible. This is something we are all proud
        The January Soldier and NCO of the month board brought with it something else to be
proud of. Both the title Soldier of the Month and NCO of the Month were taken by Echo Com-
pany. SGT Pino, Clarence and SPC Clay, Roger (Both from Distro Platoon) walked away
from the board having showed top levels of professionalism and expertise. We give thanks
and praise to these fine Soldiers and to their leadership for their constant efforts to improve
themselves and those around them.
        As with every month this month brings with it some more changes within the family.
SGT Gonzales, Celina (DFAC section) was promoted to SSG as well as PFC Gallion, Lance
(Maintenance section) and Gaulding, Andrew (POL section) were both promoted to SPC. All
promotees worked extremely hard for their promotions and accepted their new roles with ea-
gerness and pride. It is a beautiful day when the opportunity to promote someone, within your
family, arises and it is with honor we all say “Congratulations SSG Gonzalez, SPC Gallion,
and SPC Gaulding!”
T HE C LAW                                                                          P AGE 1 4

         Another month has come and gone here in Afghanistan and we are all another month
closer to coming home. The weather continues to challenge us both as aviators and aircraft
maintainers. We have successfully battled several bouts of snow during the last month, but
one of our biggest challenges remains to be reduced visibility within the Bagram Bowl and
surrounding areas, well that and walking back and forth to our B-Huts on sheets of ice without
        We said good bye to two of our AH-64D pilots who left Afghanistan on the 1st of Febru-
ary, CW2 Matthew Fischer who is ETSing from the Army to live the good life on a beach in
Alabama and CW2 Daniel West who begins the Maintenance Test Pilot Course in March.
Matt was an indispensable member of the team, serving as the senior AH-64D Instructor Pilot
in the Troop. We were thankful that he elected to delay his departure from the Army to de-
ploy with us to Afghanistan and help train our junior aviators for the rigors of combat opera-
tions. We want to wish him luck in all his future endeavors and remind him to wear sunscreen
while he is out on his boat fishing. Dan on the other hand will be busy at Fort Rucker over the
next few months learning and studying how to keep one of the most complicated aircraft in
the air. Which as our crew chiefs know all too well is no simple task. Their redeployment has
left a hole in our pool of Air Mission Commanders and Pilot-in-Commands, but we are all pre-
pared to step up and fill the void that Matt and Dan’s departure left behind.
        Our OH-58 and AH-64D crew chiefs continue to do great things with less. Two of our
own were promoted on February 1st; SGT Stephen Snead and SPC Tyler Duncan. Both pro-
motions were well deserved and we know both troopers will wear their new rank well.
        All of our aviators have been busy studying and preparing for the HGST, Helicopter
Gunnery Skills Test, and the Threat Identification Exam. Our Troop will be conducting a Ta-
ble VII and VIII Gunnery in the coming weeks to help us better prepare for the Spring Offen-
P AGE 1 5                                                        V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4

                      TALONS OF THE MONTH
                                          PFC Gallegos, Brandi
                                          Company/MOS: HHC/ 15P Aviation
                                          Operation Specialist
                                          Hometown: Albuquerque, New Mexico
                                          I’m color blind in one eye
                                          Q: What do you do on your free time?
                                          A: Study for school
                                          Q: What do you want to achieve in your
                                          MOS this deployment?
                                          A: Excel in every aspect in the TOC
                                          Q: Goals for this deployment?
                                          A: Increase PT score, continue to gain
                                          college credits, and get promoted
                                          Q: What do you miss most about
                                          A: My Dad and Grandpas home

SPC Medina, Tyson
Company/MOS: A 2-211/ 15T Black
Hawk Crew Chief
Hometown: Rose Park, Utah
I love to hike
Q: What do you do on your free time?
A: Lift weights!
Q: What do you want to achieve in
your MOS this deployment?
A: Better understanding of the aircraft
and become and S.I. (Standardization
Q: Goals for this deployment?
A: Get Ripped Son!
Q: What do you miss most about
A: My wife and dogs
T HE C LAW                                                           P AGE 1 6

SPC Felts, Jonathon
Company/MOS: A 3-82 / 15T Black-
hawk Crew Chief
Hometown: Back Woods, Florida
I’m a Rockstar
Q: What do you do on your free time?
A: Go to the gym
Q: What do you want to achieve in
your MOS this deployment?
A: Reach 1000 hours in the Afghani-
stan bowl
Q: Goals for this deployment?
A: Make it home safe
Q: What do you miss most about
A: My wife and 2 year old son.

                                       CW2 Lucas Schneider-Veale
                                       Company/MOS: B 3-82/ 154F
                                       Hometown: Omaha, NE
                                       What fun fact?
                                       Q: What do you do on your free
                                       A: Study and spend time around fel-
                                       low aviators
                                       Q: What do you want to achieve in
                                       your MOS this deployment?
                                       A: Learn all I can about the aircraft
                                       and duties associated with flying
                                       Q: Goals for this deployment?
                                       A: Become a PC
                                       Q: What do you miss most about
                                       A: Seeing friends and family
P AGE 1 7                                                        V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4

SPC Reid, Errol
Company/MOS: B 7-158/ 42A Human
Resource Specialist
Hometown: Nacogdoches, Texas
I have eleven toes
Q: What do you do on your free time?
A: Read and study for college
Q: What do you want to achieve in
your MOS this deployment?
A: Experience and learn all the as-
pects of the 42A world
Q: Goals for this deployment?
A: Learn what active duty is all about
Q: What do you miss most about
A: My wife (she’s cool) and my school
(Stephen F. Austin University)

                                         SPC Julien, Jeffery
                                         Company/MOS: C 3-82/ 92Y Sup-
                                         ply Specialist
                                         Hometown: Port St. Louis, Florida
                                         I think I am a funny guy
                                         Q: What do you do on your free
                                         A: Go to the gym and play XBOX
                                         Q: What do you want to achieve in
                                         your MOS this deployment?
                                         A: To be the best supply specialist
                                         for my company
                                         Q: Goals for this deployment?
                                         A: Get my Bachelors Degree and
                                         come home in one piece
                                         Q: What do you miss most about
                                         A: My families cookin’
T HE C LAW                                                              P AGE 1 8

SPC Litster, Matthew
Company/MOS: D 3-82/ 15G Airframe
Hometown: Provo, Utah
I beat people with foam sticks
Q: What do you do on your free time?
A: Play Dungeon & Dragons and
Magic: The Gathering.
Q: What do you want to achieve in your
MOS this deployment?
A: Extreme competence—go as far
and learn as much as I can.
Q: Goals for this deployment?
A: Finish deployment with a smile on
my Chain of Commands Face
Q: What do you miss most about
A: My family and my kids

                                   SGT Nash, Andre
                                   Company/MOS: E 3-82/ 92G Food
                                   Service Specialist
                                   Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
                                   I can’t say “statistics” without stuttering
                                   Q: What do you do on your free time?
                                   A: Bake and decorate pastries
                                   Q: What do you want to achieve in your
                                   MOS this deployment?
                                   A: Get my E-6
                                   Q: Goals for this deployment?
                                   A: Train and help my Soldiers be profi-
                                   cient in their MOS
                                   Q: What do you miss most about
                                   A: My 2 yr old son
P AGE 1 9                          V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4

            SPC Duncan, Tyler
            Company/MOS: F Trp 1/17/ 15R
            Apache Crew Chief
            Hometown: Fort Lupton, Colorado
            I have a dog named Pegasus
            Q: What do you do on your free
            A: Workout , sleep and Armystudy-
            Q: What do you want to achieve in
            your MOS this deployment?
            A: Achieve morale flights in the
            Q: Goals for this deployment?
            A: To obtain an Associates degree,
            perfect skills, and become a better
     When you can’t be-
     lieve your eyes, you
    can always trust your
      heart. Love makes
      anything possible.
      -Unknown Author

    Our address is still the same:

           LAST NAME, FIRST
             TF TALON, C/O
             APO, AE 09354

      Feel free to send me an email if
       you have any suggestions or
        questions. Until next time...

          SPC Porter, Amber
            TF Talon PAO


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The Caw Feb. 2012 issue

  • 1. The Claw Newsletter Serving the Soldiers and Families of Task Force Talon
  • 2. V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4 The Claw 22 F E BRU ARY 2 012 A Few Words from Talon 6 To all family members and friends of Task Force Talon, I am proud to report that, despite a host of poor flying weather, your Talon Troopers have continued to provide exem- plary aviation support to our brothers and sisters throughout Regional Command East. This month, however, the Talon Family bids farewell to one of our nine companies. The Spartans of B/7-158th, TF Talon’s “Dirty Dime”, will depart Afghanistan and return to their loved ones throughout the world. The Dirty Dime served with absolute distinction during their time here in support of Operation Enduring Freedom XI/XII. They were the backbone of TF Talon’s deliberate combat operations package and will be greatly missed. Fortunately, we are privi- leged to welcome their replacements, the “Motor City Muscles” from B/3-238. The Motor City Muscles join us from the Michigan and Ohio National Guards and their outstanding reputa- tion preceded their arrival. As always, on behalf of all the TF Talon Troopers, I thank you for your continued love and support. We are all continuing to work hard to make a difference here and look forward to our return to you all. I hope you enjoy the newsletter. Until next time… Sincerely, LTC LANDY D. DUNHAM TALON 6 “TALON FOR A DAY, TALON FOR LIFE!”
  • 3. T HE C LAW P AGE 3 WANTED Dead or alive “messy eaters” It’s just so good
  • 4. We surveyed 50 Talons and this is what they said... Would you rather… Jump off the Eiffel tower onto an enormous trampoline and into a pool of French toast and syrup or off Mount Everest and land in a hot tub filled with skittles? Would you rather… Eat a 100 year old piece of gum or swim in a lake of rats? Would you rather… Eat chocolate cake for every meal for six weeks or go three years with absolutely no sweets? Would you rather… Get first dibs or the last laugh? G: Submit your own Would You WA RNIN shocking Rather to... estion s containre hilarious - These qumeant to inspaiy be nauseat … and I will put it in the next edition of contentn. Questions m isturbing! The Claw! discussiio g, bizarre or d n
  • 5. P AGE 5 V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4 HOLY TALON All of us can identify with giving something up. Sacrifice is a common component of world religions and philosophical systems. Certainly, sacrifice is a consistent experi- ence of military service. There can be great value in giving something up, especially practices or habits which are unhealthy, in order to gain some benefit. Much of the Christian community around the globe is entering a special season called Lent. Lent is a period of solemn preparation of believers that may include prayer, repentance, and self-denial. Fasting is perhaps the most dominant aspect of the sea- son. Many will choose to abstain from normal practices or experiences of their lives in order to gain a spiritual benefit and a special connection with the final and difficult days of Jesus Christ on Earth. Lenten sacrifice is only for a time and helps the faithful identify with the life of Christ and readies them for the great celebration of Easter, the remem- brance of Christ’s resurrection. Although Lent is not typically observed in my faith tradition, I am inspired by oth- ers’ practice of self-denial. Perhaps we all can be. Consider giving something up during this deployment, or for a period of time, that will bring you benefit. Giving up smoking may bring you better health. Giving up Facebook may actually strengthen your most significant relationships. Giving up candy may save your teeth. Giving up unnecessary spending here may save you money for a practical purchase later. Be creative and identify the things in your life you could do without for a season. You may actually find out how unimportant those things were to begin with. As many begin to sacrifice as part of a religious observance, we all could stand to give up something now for a healthier and more stable present and future. CH (CPT) Marlon W. Brown
  • 6. T HE C LAW P AGE 6 GLADIATORS This past month we have gained five new Gladiators: CPT Krueger (from Darkhorse), CPT Krueger (from TF Saber), CPT Perlik (from Regret) and CPT Mikasa and 1LT Fritz (from Brigade, yikes). We’re always happy to have another married couple in the unit, which adds to the 7 who are in Talon and on Bagram. CPT Krueger assumes battle captain duties, fresh from a stint as Shops Pla- toon Leader with Darkhorse. The other CPT Krueger comes to us from TF Saber to bring his recon expertise to the TOC, and CPT Perlik comes to us from 3rd Flight, Regret. We were sad to see 1LT Piñon’s National Guard orders not get extended, so he was required to redeploy and de-mobilize. CPT Mikasa’s enthusiasm and positive attitude have made her a welcome addition to S6 and the Talon team. 1LT Fritz joins the TOC as the assistant S2, replacing 1LT Arm who has been shuffled off to Brigade’s nethers. Welcome all! Bagram has been enduring what a flight platoon leader from Foxy described as “Snowmageddon.” End-times allusion aside, the snow has been keeping us indoors for most of the month, with more of it on the way. The exciting thing about the snow is that it melts into a muddy quagmire every day, only to be replenished with fluffy new layer at night. Everyone was finally able to get some sleep as F-15s and -16s haven’t been rocketing off the runway in the middle of the night due to the visibility. The spotlight for this month’s newsletter is on our staff support functions, many don’t realize what each section does, so we’re putting it here read. S1, also known as the personel and administra- tive section, makes sure that R&R leave papers get processed, reviews and submits awards, answers pay inquiries and ensures each Trooper’s pay is correct, as well as reviewing and processing effi- ciency reports on NCOs and Officers. Since Aviation has more officers than any other branch, this can be a daunting task. Our current S1 is one of the best in the past 3 years. S2 is our intelligence section, which does in fact require some to work there. They are respon- sible for security clearances, OCONUS threat assessments for R&R, and threat assessments for all missions flown by TF Talon. They often do twice as much work as the brigade with less than half the staff. S3 is the ubiquitous section whose current operations (TOC), future operations, deliberate planning, and operations order publishing are what keep the wheels turning here. They often bear the brunt of the customer’s complaints, and receive very little praise for their work. When things start to go badly outside the wire, however, the TOC becomes the nexus for all information to every other per- son in RC-East that needs to know. S4 keeps the requests for supplies flowing, as well as making sure that each unit inventories their gear on a monthly basis. If you need something, S4 or HHC Supply can help. HHC Supply works closely under the watchful guidance of the S4 NCOIC, helping with general supply actions and fielding of new equipment. If you lose government property, however, you will probably get stuck with the bill by your commander (me). S6 keeps everyone’s phones, computers, printers, and radios up and humming. They control three different forms of computer and phone access, two different secure radio cipher keys, and the all - important Mode 4 for our helicopter transponders (lets friendly forces see you electronically). You can talk about us, but you can’t talk without us. Our Docs, Chaplain, Command Group, Safety and Standardization sections all have self- explanatory functions, but are also very important to not only our company, but all of Task Force Talon. We’re sad to see one of our PA, CPT Klase, head back to the rear. CPT (Doc) Grumbo will hold down the fort until a replacement arrives.
  • 7. P AGE 7 V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4 ANIMALS Nobody here looks at the early morning pre-flight as a task that we love to do. All of us would much rather wait until the sun came up, the temperature increased, and the ice sheet that separates us from our aircraft has long dis- appeared. Such is not the case. An AP news article that was recently written about Afghanistan’s cold spell mentioned that this is Kabul’s coldest winter, and heaviest snow fall, in the last fifteen years. Fortunately for us, we have not reached the coldest tempera- ture ever recorded, a lovely -26C. Hopefully for all of us, we never do either. To top it all off, the creators of the Gregorian calendar have given us an extra day of February this year, resulting in an extra day of winter. This being said, stay warm and happy pre-flight. February is quite the month. We are all missing our loved ones every day, but especially Valentine’s Day. Who among us wouldn’t rather be going on a date on Valentine’s, enjoying a nice dinner (steak night at the DFAC does not constitute a good dinner), and being in the arms of the one you love. Valen- tine’s Day isn’t the only holiday we miss out on this month, we’re missing out on quite a few. On the 2nd we missed Punxsutawney Phil seek his shadow, we were unable to thank our mailman on the 4th. On the 11th was the time not to cry over your spilled milk, February 16 is the day to do a grouch a favor, and the 22nd the national day of walking your dog, just to name a few. Hope- fully for all of us though, it is our last February away from home. I know for the Animal Soldiers, the last day of February will give us less than 100 days left in Afghanistan. We all feel pretty good about that. Thanks for reading Talon, and be safe. We’ve included a few photos to cele- brate the time of year. We hope you enjoy them. -CPT Vazquez
  • 8. T HE C LAW P AGE 8 REGRET “There’s one good thing about snow: it makes your lawn look as nice as your neighbor’s.” –Author Unknown The author, whoever he or she is, could not be closer to the mark; snow covers imperfections with a thick, peaceful, soft blanket, especially here at Bagram where consecutive systems continue to conquer the drab surroundings with a nostalgic layer of fluffy white. As our task force draws closer and closer to the half- way mark of this deployment, these memories of home brought about through familiar scenes of the earth covered in white grow all the more poignant. In addition to its aesthetic achievements, the snow continues to provide the hard working crews of Regret a series of well deserved respites. During and in between these breaks, however, your aviators and crew chiefs continue to accomplish much despite the challenges posed by the winter weather. It is the goal of every young aviator to earn the right to fly as the Pilot-in-Command (PC) of his or her aircraft. Being granted this honor comes only after hun- dreds of hours of experience, study, and a dauntingly thorough check-ride. CPT Teresa Haltom, CPT Kerney Perlik, CW2 Dave Kaye, and CW2 Josh Scott all recently accomplished this trial and are now acting Day/ Night PCs; CW2 Kovencz was also made a Night Vision Goggle PC along with CW2 Frank Webb. Several of our soldiers were justly rewarded for their hard work and dedication as well. Sergeant Jillian Puorro was awarded an Army Achievement Medal for her stellar performance in our Brigade’s Soldier of the Quarter Competition, a contest in which she took second place. Specialist Justin Stover joined the ranks of Alpha Company’s unmatched NCOs as he was promoted to Sergeant. Sergeant Stover was further recognized for commendable service with a Good Conduct Medal as were Specialists Gabriel Boffman, Joshua Bowers, and Rodney Pentecost. Many of these proud moments occurred under the shelter of Alpha Company’s new “Outdoor Smok- ing Lounge” that was recently completed by the Navy’s Seabees. Including a fire pit surrounded by stone, hand-crafted Adirondack chairs, and partial wooden walls to keep out the winter winds, this new amenity is re -introducing a bit of civility into life at Bagram. Next on the Seabees list of projects is the construction of a small gym co-located with the Alpha Company CP; groundbreaking occurred only days ago and construction should be complete within weeks. It’s a good thing the gym is almost done, because Alpha Company will be conducting PT tests throughout the month of March, so don’t forget to send healthy snacks and words of encouragement in your care packages. Let me close by thanking you, the families of Alpha 3-82, for your continued love and support; without it our crewmembers would be unable to uphold the proud legacy of aviation excellence this company re- affirms on a daily basis. A Regret Crew taking a photo in SGT Puorro receiving her front of the Bamian Buddha AAM. SGT Stover getting pinned his E-5 by CSM Evans.
  • 9. P AGE 9 V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4 FLIPPERS Greetings Flipper family, We're getting settled into our new location at FOB Shank and morale is definitely on the rise as we're back under a 82nd Task Force. Snow has been pretty steady here which has allowed our crew- members so much deserved rest. The break in missions has given us the op- portunity focus on aviators classes and recognize a few candidates for Pilot in Command and Flight Engineer. I'm certain the candidates will perform well as they are put through the gauntlet to progress to the next level. We will make sure to keep you updated with plenty of pictures via the Flipper facebook page. This month we will be losing a very dedicated Soldier in CW2 Jeff Coats due to ETS. He arrived to the Flipper team in 2006 and has done his time admi- rably serving as an Instructor Pilot. We would like to wish him and his family well as they transition out of the military. **MESSAGE FROM THE CW2 COATS** I have really enjoyed the last six years in the Flippers. My family and I are sad to leave our friends and the company, but we will always be great full for our time here. We would like to say good luck and thank you to all.
  • 10. T HE C LAW P AGE 1 0 SPARTANS February will be a month full of change for the Chinook community of TF Talon at Ba- gram Airfield: the RFF, a composite force separately deployed to augment the Chinooks in RC-E will be departing, and B/7-158th AV Spartans, along with the attached maintenance sol- diers of D/7-158th, will be preparing to RIP/TOA with their relief, B/3-238th AV from the Ohio/ Michigan National Guard. The RFF(Request for Forces), or MOD7, was a group of soldiers pulled from the Regu- lar Army in South Korea and Honduras , and the National Guard of New York and Maryland. The force was distributed throughout the AO but most heavily distributed here at Bagram, where they came to make up half of the force. The additional depth of capability and individ- ual expertise of some of the pilots and crewmembers made the Red Illum, NVG Air Assault capability out of Bagram, not only a possibility, but a successful and integral part of the Spartans’ regular mission set. In addition to the greybeards came many young, motivated and determined 15Us from AVUM and AVIM units in Korea who volunteered to be Door Gun- ners; four of whom continued to progress to Crew Chief status. The RFF was a great addi- tion to the team here, and made up half of our Dirty Dime brothers and sisters; their service and company will be sorely missed. For the remaining USAR flyers and maintainers the next few weeks will be a time of motion, change and transition as we prepare for own departure in early March. While waving good-bye to the RFF we also say so long to a regular Brown Team mission set, although we can be assured that collaboration with our Blackhawk comrades will continue on an ad hoc basis. We will be welcoming to Bagram in the next few weeks both our fellow redeploying re- servists from the outlying FOBs and our replacements in TF Talon from the Michigan detach- ment of B/3-238th AV. We will give them the best hand-off we can in the few short weeks we have to RIP and pass on to Talon a new force made wiser and stronger through the benefit of our experience. We have not left yet, and there are many hours and miles still to be flown be- fore we rest, but nonetheless we will take this time to thank Task Force Talon for the support, trust and brotherhood they have provided in our months together. Talons for Life.
  • 11. P AGE 1 1 V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4 DUSTOFF Greetings from Afghanistan! As your loved ones have likely told you already, we had a snow-filled January in Afghanistan. Every time the snow begins to melt, another storm dumps more snow in its place. We've put the snow to good use in Bagram by sledding and having daily snowball fights. Although we've perfected our snowball making techniques, we still seem unable to select our targets appropriately. The snowballs hit whoever approaches the com- pound, regardless of rank. Fortunately, most of the people we hit have had a good sense of humor. With the exception of Jalalabad, our other sites have had even more snow than Ba- gram. Here's to continued good humor at all of the sites where snowballs are flying! In terms of our work, the operational tempo has really slowed down due to the weather. The missions we fly, however, are made more challenging by the dust, haze, fog, mist and snow. We are proud to report that members of 3rd Platoon were recently recognized by the Polish Task Force for evacuating their wounded. While US troops know that MEDEVAC will take care of their wounded, our NATO partners are consistently surprised by (and always ex- tremely grateful for) our efforts. Great work, 3rd Platoon! Congratulations to our Troopers who were promoted this month. We are immensely proud of SGT Munn, SGT Mitchell and SSG Burleson. All are well deserved and long overdue promotions. Many key personnel are out on R&R in January and February - and some of them are traveling to very exotic locations. I've heard about plans to go extreme kayaking in New Zealand and swimming with Great White sharks in South Africa. You would think that everyone gets enough excitement here! When it comes to R&R plans, I've learned that I should ask fewer questions and simply enjoy the pic- tures when they're back safely at work. I also want to congratulate two Dustoff families on their new additions! Welcome Baby Drew Perotti and Baby Jonathan Wyatt Roberts! I hope they give their old men a hard time. SSG Burleson and SGT Munn were promoted February 1st 2012. Continue the hard work guys and keep training your Soldiers!
  • 12. T HE C LAW P AGE 1 2 DARKHORSE Greetings Darkhorse Family and Friends! This month brought more cold and more snow to us, which means more slipping and sliding and more snowball fights! Luckily, we finally got in our long awaited YakTrax to help keep us on our feet, which proved useful during the snowball fight of the century. The battle raged for more than an hour as a constant borage was reigned from both sides. There were casualties on both sides as well as treachery. But in the end everyone was fine (including LT Odom, who took a snowball to the face. Thanks SSG Pogue.) and the Darkhorses went back to work. This month we also celebrated a few promotions of some PFCs to SPCs. But to make it a little more of a sporting event, the five PFCs were challenged with the task of sack racing each other down the hallway to be the first to grab one of the few SPC ranks taped to the wall. While he may be the shortest, Razo (who also got hit in the face with a snowball. Sorry—LT Odom) clearly led the way to the finish. Congrats on making SPC to Razo, Brown, Zazilenski, Hall and Grim! This month’s Shop of the Month is the Avionics shop plus Armament section. This shop is made up of eight 15Ns, nine 15Fs, and five 15Js. The Avionics shop is definitely one of the hardest working shops. As aircraft become more and more technologically advanced, the Avionics guys become needed even more. Anytime there is some sort of problem with the electrical systems, communica- tions, navigation equipment, warning and display systems, or anything that receives or transmits an electrical signal, these guys will probably look at. The Js are more specifically concerned with the OH-58 Kiowa Warrior. But now that they are all working together, there will be a lot of cross-training between the MOSs. Some of the likes of the Avionics section include disco music and dance par- ties. In the words of SSG Gonzalez, “we like to party, play hard, and fix aircraft.” The Avionics shop would like to make a special shout out to SSG Dyer, SGT Widow and SPC Deptula—Thank you guys so much for all your hard work. We are happy for you as you head home to your families (and a little jealous too). You really contributed a lot to the Darkhorse family and will be missed, espe- cially Widow’s crazy, random stories. RIDE OR DIE!!!
  • 13. P AGE 1 3 V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4 WAR DAWGS The months have flown by for us here in Echo Company, TF Talon. As we approach the fifth month of a 12 month deployment, we find ourselves amidst an abundance of snow. Though the winter season here in Afghanistan has brought with it some challenges, Echo Company showed its resilience by accomplishing its missions efficiently and safely despite any obstacles. Through all ranks, the attention to safety contributed to yet another accident free month. Then again Echo Company has an excellent reputation for getting the job done, under any circumstances, in the safest manner possible. This is something we are all proud of. The January Soldier and NCO of the month board brought with it something else to be proud of. Both the title Soldier of the Month and NCO of the Month were taken by Echo Com- pany. SGT Pino, Clarence and SPC Clay, Roger (Both from Distro Platoon) walked away from the board having showed top levels of professionalism and expertise. We give thanks and praise to these fine Soldiers and to their leadership for their constant efforts to improve themselves and those around them. As with every month this month brings with it some more changes within the family. SGT Gonzales, Celina (DFAC section) was promoted to SSG as well as PFC Gallion, Lance (Maintenance section) and Gaulding, Andrew (POL section) were both promoted to SPC. All promotees worked extremely hard for their promotions and accepted their new roles with ea- gerness and pride. It is a beautiful day when the opportunity to promote someone, within your family, arises and it is with honor we all say “Congratulations SSG Gonzalez, SPC Gallion, and SPC Gaulding!”
  • 14. T HE C LAW P AGE 1 4 BLACKHORSE Another month has come and gone here in Afghanistan and we are all another month closer to coming home. The weather continues to challenge us both as aviators and aircraft maintainers. We have successfully battled several bouts of snow during the last month, but one of our biggest challenges remains to be reduced visibility within the Bagram Bowl and surrounding areas, well that and walking back and forth to our B-Huts on sheets of ice without falling. We said good bye to two of our AH-64D pilots who left Afghanistan on the 1st of Febru- ary, CW2 Matthew Fischer who is ETSing from the Army to live the good life on a beach in Alabama and CW2 Daniel West who begins the Maintenance Test Pilot Course in March. Matt was an indispensable member of the team, serving as the senior AH-64D Instructor Pilot in the Troop. We were thankful that he elected to delay his departure from the Army to de- ploy with us to Afghanistan and help train our junior aviators for the rigors of combat opera- tions. We want to wish him luck in all his future endeavors and remind him to wear sunscreen while he is out on his boat fishing. Dan on the other hand will be busy at Fort Rucker over the next few months learning and studying how to keep one of the most complicated aircraft in the air. Which as our crew chiefs know all too well is no simple task. Their redeployment has left a hole in our pool of Air Mission Commanders and Pilot-in-Commands, but we are all pre- pared to step up and fill the void that Matt and Dan’s departure left behind. Our OH-58 and AH-64D crew chiefs continue to do great things with less. Two of our own were promoted on February 1st; SGT Stephen Snead and SPC Tyler Duncan. Both pro- motions were well deserved and we know both troopers will wear their new rank well. All of our aviators have been busy studying and preparing for the HGST, Helicopter Gunnery Skills Test, and the Threat Identification Exam. Our Troop will be conducting a Ta- ble VII and VIII Gunnery in the coming weeks to help us better prepare for the Spring Offen- sive.
  • 15. P AGE 1 5 V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4 TALONS OF THE MONTH PFC Gallegos, Brandi Company/MOS: HHC/ 15P Aviation Operation Specialist Hometown: Albuquerque, New Mexico I’m color blind in one eye Q: What do you do on your free time? A: Study for school Q: What do you want to achieve in your MOS this deployment? A: Excel in every aspect in the TOC Q: Goals for this deployment? A: Increase PT score, continue to gain college credits, and get promoted Q: What do you miss most about home? A: My Dad and Grandpas home SPC Medina, Tyson Company/MOS: A 2-211/ 15T Black Hawk Crew Chief Hometown: Rose Park, Utah I love to hike Q: What do you do on your free time? A: Lift weights! Q: What do you want to achieve in your MOS this deployment? A: Better understanding of the aircraft and become and S.I. (Standardization Instructor) Q: Goals for this deployment? A: Get Ripped Son! Q: What do you miss most about home? A: My wife and dogs
  • 16. T HE C LAW P AGE 1 6 SPC Felts, Jonathon Company/MOS: A 3-82 / 15T Black- hawk Crew Chief Hometown: Back Woods, Florida I’m a Rockstar Q: What do you do on your free time? A: Go to the gym Q: What do you want to achieve in your MOS this deployment? A: Reach 1000 hours in the Afghani- stan bowl Q: Goals for this deployment? A: Make it home safe Q: What do you miss most about home? A: My wife and 2 year old son. CW2 Lucas Schneider-Veale Company/MOS: B 3-82/ 154F Hometown: Omaha, NE What fun fact? Q: What do you do on your free time? A: Study and spend time around fel- low aviators Q: What do you want to achieve in your MOS this deployment? A: Learn all I can about the aircraft and duties associated with flying Q: Goals for this deployment? A: Become a PC Q: What do you miss most about home? A: Seeing friends and family
  • 17. P AGE 1 7 V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4 SPC Reid, Errol Company/MOS: B 7-158/ 42A Human Resource Specialist Hometown: Nacogdoches, Texas I have eleven toes Q: What do you do on your free time? A: Read and study for college Q: What do you want to achieve in your MOS this deployment? A: Experience and learn all the as- pects of the 42A world Q: Goals for this deployment? A: Learn what active duty is all about Q: What do you miss most about home? A: My wife (she’s cool) and my school (Stephen F. Austin University) SPC Julien, Jeffery Company/MOS: C 3-82/ 92Y Sup- ply Specialist Hometown: Port St. Louis, Florida I think I am a funny guy Q: What do you do on your free time? A: Go to the gym and play XBOX Q: What do you want to achieve in your MOS this deployment? A: To be the best supply specialist for my company Q: Goals for this deployment? A: Get my Bachelors Degree and come home in one piece Q: What do you miss most about home? A: My families cookin’
  • 18. T HE C LAW P AGE 1 8 SPC Litster, Matthew Company/MOS: D 3-82/ 15G Airframe Mechanic Hometown: Provo, Utah I beat people with foam sticks Q: What do you do on your free time? A: Play Dungeon & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering. Q: What do you want to achieve in your MOS this deployment? A: Extreme competence—go as far and learn as much as I can. Q: Goals for this deployment? A: Finish deployment with a smile on my Chain of Commands Face Q: What do you miss most about home? A: My family and my kids SGT Nash, Andre Company/MOS: E 3-82/ 92G Food Service Specialist Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania I can’t say “statistics” without stuttering Q: What do you do on your free time? A: Bake and decorate pastries Q: What do you want to achieve in your MOS this deployment? A: Get my E-6 Q: Goals for this deployment? A: Train and help my Soldiers be profi- cient in their MOS Q: What do you miss most about home? A: My 2 yr old son
  • 19. P AGE 1 9 V O LUME 1 , I SSUE 4 SPC Duncan, Tyler Company/MOS: F Trp 1/17/ 15R Apache Crew Chief Hometown: Fort Lupton, Colorado I have a dog named Pegasus Q: What do you do on your free time? A: Workout , sleep and Armystudy- Q: What do you want to achieve in your MOS this deployment? A: Achieve morale flights in the Apache Q: Goals for this deployment? A: To obtain an Associates degree, perfect skills, and become a better leader
  • 20. TALON FOR A DAY When you can’t be- lieve your eyes, you can always trust your heart. Love makes anything possible. -Unknown Author Our address is still the same: LAST NAME, FIRST TF TALON, C/O BAGRAM, AFGHANISTAN APO, AE 09354 Feel free to send me an email if you have any suggestions or questions. Until next time... SPC Porter, Amber TF Talon PAO TALON FOR LIFE!