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Ko Turk
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Comparing Pokemon
with IDEs
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
The story:
Fight with a colleague
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
He was throwing a
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
I was getting my Pokeball
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
fluffy attack
looking good defence
Question to audience:
Who do you think is the winner?
@KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
An IDE is something personal, don't
try to force it on other people
The Battle of the IDEs
by PikaDuke (and Ko Turk)
Please tweet to
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Sooo, who am I?
Working hard
Play hard
@conferences, meetups or
other meetings
Likes to drive
the trial bike
Going every meetup to
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
- Problem
- Discover
- Learn
- Improve
—> I don’t know the ins and outs of my IDE
—> Search for a good one (or two)
—> Understand the features
—> Train it
Our Journey
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
That you have the following situation
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
You’re….. pair programming
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
I want to show him / her that I’m the best developer ever!
And you think
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
The feeling is even worse when mobbing
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
What does it mean???
Mobbing, as a sociological term,
means bullying of an individual
by a group
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
If you know your IDE!
But mobbing is not so scaring
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
To get attention
Or use the power mode plugin
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
- Problem
- Discover
- Learn
- Improve
—> I don’t know the ins and outs of my IDE
—> Search for a good one (or two)
—> Understand the features
—> Train it
Our Journey
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
So let’s ask people….
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
My network
Java trainer
Typescript and Javascript trainers
Scala / Kotlin / Groovy trainers
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
My network consists of Java developers
C / C ++
Shell scripting
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Let's catch a Pokemon
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Not a
good IDE
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Which kind of Pokemons are there
Fire Water Electric Grass
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Which kind of IDEs are there
Java Typescript Javascript Groovy
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
IntelliJ IDEA
- Java (13 preview features in 2019.2)
- Groovy
- Javascript
- PHP (plugin)
- C / C ++ through CLion
- Kotlin
- ActionScript/MXML (Ult, edition)
- CoffeeScript (Ult. edition)
- HTML/XHTML/CSS (Ult. edition)
- JavaScriptRuby/JRuby (Ult. edition)
- SQL (Ult. edition)
(Default) Supported languages
- Java (13 -> in 11.2)
- Groovy
- Javascript
- C / C ++
- Kotlin (plugin)
- Java (12 in 2019-06)
- Groovy (plugin)
- Javascript (plugin)
- PHP (plugin)
- C / C++ / C#
- Kotlin (plugin)
Visual Studio Code
- Java (plugin) → 13
- Groovy (plugin)
- Javascript
- TypeScript
- C / C++ / C# (plugin)
- Kotlin (plugin)
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
(Default) Supported languages
Netbeans Eclipse Visual Studio Code
Kotlin Groovy Javascript Typscript
Java PHP Python
IntelliJ IDEA
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
You have local IDEs
Xcode (Apple)
Rational Application Developer
Aptana Studio
Eclipse Web Tools
Komodo IDE / Edit
Nodeclipse NTS
NuSphere PhpED
IntelliJ IDEA
Visual Studio Code
Javascript IDEsJava / Groovy IDEs
But the future?? Cloud IDEs?
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
With LSP you have all the features from your IDE like
- Refactoring
- Debugging
- Auto completion
- Finding References
- Goto definitions
- type information
- etc etc …
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
You can also use LSP
in emacs
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
- Problem
- Discover
- Learn
- Improve
—> I don’t know the ins and outs of my IDE
—> Search for a good one (or two)
—> Understand the features
—> Train it
Our Journey
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
your IDE?
But how to understand
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Download something like a feature trainer
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Use Key Promoter for Netbeans
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Also for IntelliJ IDEA
Shows the user a popup with a command action!
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Learn other languages with CodeMix
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Edutools (IntelliJ Edu IDE)
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Read books!
Install a shortcut plugin
Learn features of IDE
Read (e)books
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
- Problem
- Discover
- Learn
- Improve
—> I don’t know the ins and outs of my IDE
—> Search for a good one (or two)
—> Understand the features
—> Train it
Our Journey
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Pokemons have some default attacks
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Like IDEs have their default “must have” plugins
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
IntelliJ, Eclipse and VSCode
First “must have” plugin for
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
IntelliJ, VSCode, Eclipse and Netbeans
Send “must have” plugin for
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Third “must have” plugin for
IntelliJ, Eclipse and VSCode
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Eclipse: Darkest Dark Theme with DevStyle
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
IntelliJ IDEA: Material Theme UI
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Netbeans: Darcula
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Visual Studio Code: Icons
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
You need to learn your Pokemons
new tricks
And then?!
IntelliJ IDEA is evolving???
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Nyan Cat loading bar
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Maven Helper
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Rainbow Brackets
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Codota example
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Stackoverflow ;-)
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Idea Vim
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Jira Integration
Eclipse is evolving???
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Enhanced Class Decompiler
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Spring Tools
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Snyk Vulnerability Scanner
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Mutation testing plugin
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Codewind plugin
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Top 10 plugins Brian Vermeer
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Eclipse has the most plugins!
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Git Toolbar
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Maven Runner
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Pair programming
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Code reviews in your IDE
Install Nyan Cat
Install Friday Mario
Install Pair programming
Install SonarLint
Install Snyk
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
- Problem
- Discover
- Learn
- Improve
- Experience
—> I don’t know the ins and outs of my IDE
—> Search for a good one (or two)
—> Understand the features
—> Train it
—> Use it (The Battle)
Our Journey
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
The Battle
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
The Battle begins…
Why do I need to use Eclipse?
@KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
The cards….
Open source / Free
A lot of plugins (marketplace)
Java Support
Eclipse Che!
Almost support on everything
Auto / Code completion
Refactoring capabilities
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Why are people switching to another IDE?
Performance or glitches
Code completion
Version control (GIT)
User experience
Maven / Gradle integration
Works out of the box
James Gosling is a huge fan of it ;-)
Why do you need to try VSCode?
Fast / Responsive / Performance
Lightweight / Low resources
Release management
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
The Pokemon I want to catch
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Because I follow ThoughWorks (tech radar)
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
- Visual Studio Code 11,37 seconds
- Eclipse: 14,66 seconds
- Netbeans: 25,81 seconds
- IntelliJ IDEA: 29,62 seconds
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Resource consuming
Download size
- IntelliJ IDEA 685 MB
- Eclipse 190 MB
- Netbeans 114 MB
- Visual Studio Code 71 MB
Memory usage
- Eclipse 1.06 GB
- IntelliJ IDEA 559 MB
- Netbeans 349 MB
- Visual Studio Code 46 MB
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
How many contributors are there?
- Visual Studio Code 961 contributors
- IntelliJ IDEA 422 contributors
- Eclipse 117 contributors
- Netbeans 117 contributors
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Most releases
2 big releases
4 big releases
Visual Studio Code
1 release in a month
IntelliJ IDEA
3 big releases
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
It’s all about the skillcard
Features trainer
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
The results
But what is the most used IDE?
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
What is your favourite IDE?
IntelliJ Community Edition
IntelliJ Ultimate Edition
Visual Studio Code
Glamorous Toolkit
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
What is your favourite IDE (Without Kotlin support)?
Visual Studio Code
Glamorous Toolkit
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Research DevEcoSystem (Jetbrains)
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Other researches (
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
Visual Studio Code
IntelliJ IDEA
Catch your Pokemon!
Understand your Pokemon
Evolve your Pokemon
Train your Pokemon
Instal a shortcut plugin
Learn features of IDE
Read (e)books
Catch your Pokemon!
Understand your Pokemon
Evolve your Pokemon
Train your Pokemon
Install Nyan Cat
Install Friday Mario
Install Pair programming
Install SonarLint
Install Snyk
Catch your Pokemon!
Understand your Pokemon
Evolve your Pokemon
Train your Pokemon
Catch your Pokemon!
Understand your Pokemon
Evolve your Pokemon
Train your Pokemon
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77
By coding and having a lot of fun!
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus
And now the IntelliJ IDEA license
Please leave a tweet
Thank you for your attention!

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