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The morning after her disastrous first impression with the King, Princess Abigail awoke with the morning light.  Hannah was right--she felt much more clearheaded now that she’d had a good night’s rest.  So what if she’d blown it with the King?  She couldn’t be expected to betray herself and her values just to attract a man.  If he didn’t like her for who she was, then that was his loss.  She would just have to find another way to help her people.
But in the meantime, why not take advantage of the King’s reluctant hospitality?  Princess Abigail figured that she might as well try and enjoy herself while she was here. However long that might turn out to be.  Back on her native Isle of Avalon, she worked full time alongside her mother, the Queen, to run their state.  I had been a long time since she’d had a vacation.
“ This is going to take some getting used to, Christopher.”  The King’s Royal Crown of Britain had arrived that morning from Westminster Cathedral, where his father’s regalia had been on display for the common people to visit and mourn his passing. “ You look like your father, your Majesty.” “ I may look like him, but I cannot be him.  How am I ever going to live up to the standard he set for this country?”
“ Indeed, the burden of a kingdom is far greater than the weight of the great crown that sits on your head now, but I think the fact you  are  so worried means you are the right candidate.”  Christopher counseled.  “You were born for this job--I am sure you have the strength for it.” “ Well, that makes one of us.”  King Eric replied, still unconvinced.  I suppose I should head down to breakfast now--I am quite hungry!”
King Eric took his breakfast alone in the dining room, and Maria noted that he still seemed a little tense.  She assumed he was thinking about last night’s dinner again.  After she served the meal, she tried to escape quickly back to the kitchen--she didn’t want the King’s mood turning sour while she was about!
King Eric’s mood improved immediately when he sat down and smelled the delicious food.  “Just look at that sunshine!”  He exclaimed.  “After breakfast, I think I shall take a stroll through the garden.  The trees are quite lovely in the fall, are they not, Maria?  …Maria?  Huh…”
Ahhh yes, that crisp air does feel good!  Hopefully I can put the matter of last night out of my head.  I suppose I’ll have to talk to  her  eventually , King Eric thought to himself,  but it can certainly wait a few more days.  Besides, I would hate to ruin this new good mood I’m in by arguing with that disagreeable woman!
“ I know!  I’ll call one of my dogs!  It’s great weather for playing fetch.  Annie!  Rory!  Come Annie!  Where in the gods’ names are they?  They don’t usually disobey…”
Wait, what’s going on over there…
Blast!  Wonderful.  How is it that she always manages to show up right when I’m starting to feel relaxed?  What is it with these Avalon women anyway?  Riding horses and playing with dogs when there’s a chill in the air!  Has she no sense of propriety?  Well, I suppose I should just get this discussion over with…then perhaps I can try to enjoy the  rest  of my day .
“ Oh yes!  You’re a good girl, aren’t you!”  Princess Abigail cooed to the dog.  King Eric cleared his throat. “ Excuse me, Mistress Abigail.  I do not mean to interrupt.”
Princess Abigail turned to him, a little surprised.  She had expected him to try and avoid her for awhile (and to be honest, she had been looking forward to being left alone) but it didn’t look like that was going to happen.  “Will you walk with me?”  King Eric asked.  “As you know, we have some things to discuss, and we may as well talk about them sooner rather than later.” “ Certainly, your Grace.”  Abigail curtsied and followed him nervously down the path.
They walked along silently between the willows, when finally, the King spoke up.  “First of all, I believe I owe you an apology, Madame.  My conduct towards you lat night was inexcusable, and you’d done nothing to warrant such treatment.  I was angered by the situation I’d been put in, but that was not your fault.  I hope you can accept my apology.”
“ I do forgive you, Highness, but it’s not fair that I should be left blameless.  I am sorry for goading you last night, and I am sorry that I surprised you at dinner in the first place.  I suppose I just didn’t realize your level of animosity towards me.”
“ Well now, I don’t think animosity is the correct word.”  King Eric said gruffly--he couldn’t let her get to him.  “I don’t even know you, Madame, let alone consider myself to be familiar enough with you to dislike you, but that does bring us to the second matter at hand.  The subject of our supposed betrothal.” Abigail’s mouth tightened.  So this is it.  She thought.  I just hope he let’s me down easily.
“ You should know that as far as I am concerned, our betrothal was never legitimate, and I have no intention of fulfilling any promise that my father may have made to yours when we were but children.”
“ Your father signed the contract with my mother, actually.”  Abigail murmured. “ Well, it’s of no consequence at this point, my Lady.”  King Eric continued, more softly, feeling a little guilty for being so abrupt.  “It’s not that you are an unworthy woman, and I do not wish to dishonor or disrespect you.  It’s just that I have no intention of marrying at this time, and when the time does come, I would prefer the ability to choose a bride of more strategic standing.”
They continued walking, and Abigail was silent for a moment.  “I cannot pretend that I am not disappointed, your Grace.”  She ventured.  “This match would have signaled generations of prosperity for my people.  However, I understand that the benefit is not equal on both sides--I suppose you could do much better than me.”
She stopped and turned towards him.  “At any rate, I have no intention of arguing with you on this matter, because ultimately, I know I have no sway in your decision, and I am far too proud to persist in a place where I am clearly not wanted.  I agree that the best thing to do here is to consider the betrothal contract null and void.”
“ That’s…that’s very gracious of you.”  Eric mumbled in surprise.  She was taking this so well--why did he still feel so unsatisfied?  “You know, you needn’t leave right away.”  He added hastily.  “I know it’s a long journey back to Avalon, and winter is nearly here.  You should stay until the spring, as my guest.  Now that we’ve cleared the air a bit, I’m sure we can remain cordial to each other in the same house, don’t you think?”
“ That is very kind of you, your Majesty.  I shall consider your offer.  If that is all you wished to discuss, I must beg you excuse me.” “ Certainly, Mistress Abigail.”
“ She is by far, the strangest woman I have ever met.”  Eric contemplated, as Abigail ran into the house.  He couldn’t see the tears escaping down her face.
She kept on running, straight to the kitchen.  She needed someone to talk to, and she knew she could find Maria there.  “I’ll let you stay if you sit at the table and don’t meddle with anything.”  Maria warned.  “The kitchen is my domain, and I have everything just how I like it.  Besides, I’ve got a turkey to prepare, and I can’t be distracted by having to baby-sit you by the big stove!  If you get soot on that dress, Hannah will hang me!” “ I promise, Maria, I won’t bother with anything.  I really just want to talk.  You see, the King and I had a discussion this morning…”  Abigail let out an exasperated sigh.  “Basically…he seems to have no interest in me.  I really don’t know what I expected when I came here, but I suppose I wasn’t expecting a flat-out refusal!  I can’t help but feel a little rejected.”
“ The King has been acting strangely since you’ve arrived.”  Maria offered.  “I mean, I don’t know him that well…I’m really just repeating what Hannah said to me earlier, but she seems to think there’s more to this than he’s letting on.  He seems very uncomfortable around you.”
“ I know!  Like all of those mean things he said to me at dinner!  A peasant could show more manners to a lady than he showed to me last night!  It’s almost as if he feels threatened by me, but I don’t see how that makes sense--obviously he was able to throw our ‘inconvenient’ betrothal out the window with just a word!  He has all the power here!”
“ Well, I don’t know about all that.”  Maria smirked.  “A pretty thing like you?  I think you hold more cards than you realize.” “ Oh right!”  Abigail laughed.  “Have you seen the way he looks at me?  It’s like he thinks I might sprout a beard at any moment!  It would certainly fit with all of the other ‘manly’ behaviors he thinks I have.  I’ve never felt to un-feminine as when I’m around him.!”
“ Well, like I said, I don’t know him that well, but I think you’ve got him all wrong.”  Maria said, thoughtfully.  “I think he acts strangely towards you because you’re different from other women around here, and he likes that…although he might not know that part yet.” “ Hah!  I think that’s a stretch!  I think the fact I’m different scares him away the most!” “ Well, you just watch yourself, or you might be the next one to come down with the love bug.  Now get on out of here, this turkey is about to come out, and they’ll be expecting you in the dining room.”
Little did they know that dinner was about to get a lot more interesting.
“ Hannah sent me down here.  She said we have another guest this evening?”
“ Unfortunately yes, your Majesty.  You’re not going to like this, but Miss Georgiana Manchester will be arriving shortly, and in fact, I think I see her carriage pulling up right now.”
Christopher sighed, “Her messenger arrived to say that she was already on her way, as opposed to asking permission for her to dine with us this evening.  No doubt she did that on purpose.  Yes, here she comes.  I’ll bet you a pound she ignores me, as usual.”
“ Oh!  Hello your Majesty!”  Georgiana gushed.  She raced past Christopher without so much as looking at him, and climbed the stairs to be greeted by the King.
“ It is so good to have you back, and for  good  this time!  My, you are looking very well indeed!  I was terribly sorry you couldn’t make it in time for your father’s service--I assure you it was beautiful, and attended by all of the best people.” “ Well, at least there’s that.”  King Eric remarked, dryly.  “To what do we owe the honor of your presence here tonight?  If you had given us more warning, I would have had Maria bake you a cake.”  He could hear Christopher stifle a laugh behind her, but Georgiana was oblivious.
“ Oh, don’t be silly, your Grace!  You needn’t do a thing extra for me!  I simply wanted to offer my condolences, and give you some company, as you have no hostess here…yet.”  Georgiana giggled after she said that last word, which she’d murmured under her breath.  “Shall we make our way to the dining room?”
Eric eyed Christopher.  “I never agreed to that bet.” Christopher sighed.  “Oh well.  It wouldn’t have been an intelligent investment on your part anyway, Majesty.” “ How did she know I was here?” Christopher laughed.  “Please, Majesty.  Everyone knows you are here now, especially all of the unmarried noblewomen.  Your decision to keep marriage at bay is going to break many hearts.”
“ So dear, would you like a drink?  It certainly seems like you could use one after such a rough day.”
“ No thank you, Hannah.  I don’t want to get started too early!  Besides, I feel relatively relaxed right here.”
At that moment, Georgiana entered the room, taking both of the women by surprise.  She walked right up to Hannah at the bar, and didn’t seem to notice Abigail sitting on the couch in the corner.
“ I would like a drink, but not one of those blended ones.  I only drink poured drinks.”  Georgiana snapped at Hannah, who caught Abigail’s equally surprised gaze for a moment.
Georgiana had still not acknowledged Princess Abigail, so Abigail stood up to try and make her presence known.  “Good evening, Miss.  Are you a guest of the King’s?”
“ Oh?”  Georgiana took a long moment to size Abigail up.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.  Then again, I wouldn’t have chosen a dress so closely matched to the wallpaper, if I were you.  Speaking of which, who are you?” Abigail suddenly felt very self-conscious, and stole a look at the golden walls.  She had thought the understated gold satin dress would be lovely for dinner…“I am Princess Abigail of Avalon.  And who are you?”
“ Ah,  I  am Lady Georgiana Manchester, daughter of Lord George and Lady Ethel of Manchester.  I am a  personal  friend of the King’s.”  She gave Abigail a big wink and a smug smile.  Hannah rolled her eyes behind Georgiana’s back.  “We’ve been inseparable since childhood, and I am here to welcome him back to the palace.  But, a  princess , you say?”  Georgiana eyed Abigail suspiciously.  “From  Avalon ?  I swear I’ve never heard of such a place, and I assure you I have traveled quite extensively.  It must be quite a small state.  What brings you to the Golden Palace?”
“ Well…I suppose it is just a small island.”  Abigail was unsure of how to proceed.  “I guess you could say I’m here for diplomatic purposes.” “ Do you know what that reminds me of?”  Georgiana broke in.  “My papa, the Lord of Manchester, purchased a luxury ship last spring that is actually as large as some islands!”
“ Let me tell you, you have not traveled at all if you haven’t traveled on a huge luxury ship!” “ I’m sure it’s wonderful fun.” “ Mmm, it is.”  Georgiana looked at Abigail and frowned.  “Just a tip my dear--you really should consider your setting when choosing a gown for a social occasion.  I imagine you must not entertain much in the islands, so I forgive you for not knowing.”  “ I will keep that in mind for the future.”  Abigail said through clenched teeth.
“ I know!  We could pretend that one of the dogs is sick, and we need to rush him to Dr. Pritchard’s for treatment!” Christopher shook his head.  “That would never work.  She saw both of them looking perfectly healthy as she walked in.”
“ Okay, then what if we told her that I’d picked up some strange illness from my time in France, and I need to retire early?” “ An illness from France, Majesty?  Do you really want rumors to spread throughout the kingdom that their new sovereign came home with the ‘Brothel Bite?’”
“ Hmm.  Well it’s been lovely chatting with you.  I just want to check on the King…”  Georgiana tried to act flippant, but Abigail saw her eyes light up as she turned to leave. “ If her situation is what the King meant when he said he wanted a ‘more strategic woman,’ then he can have her!”  Abigail thought with disgust, and a little disappointment.
“ There you are, your Grace!” Eric jumped back from where he and Christopher had been whispering.  “Oh, hello again, Georgiana.” “ Are you  ever  going to come to dinner, your Grace?  You must be famished!
“ The King and I were just discussing some official business, Miss Georgiana.  We will be along shortly.”  Christopher cut in. Georgiana shot a hateful glance at Christopher, and then turned again to smile at the King.  “Well then…I guess I will see you shortly.”  She smiled coyly, and made her way to the dining room. As soon as she was out of earshot, Eric let out a long breath.  “So much for an escape plan.  I guess we’d better get this over with…I feel like I’ve been saying that a lot today.”
As was customary, King Eric seated himself first at the head of the table. “ Oh look!  The seat next to you is still empty, Majesty!  I shall sit right next to you…uh, but first I must go and freshen up.”  Georgiana was positively giddy.
“ Don’t listen to her!”  Hannah advised.  “Your dress will be beautiful…once you get in the dining room!” Abigail raised her eyebrow.  “I think I need this after all.”  She said.
Hannah left to assist Georgiana in the powder room, and Abigail took advantage of her moment alone to down a few of the drinks left on the bar before going into dinner.
Abigail happily sat herself next to Christopher.  Sensing her unease, he tried to strike up a conversation.  “Do you enjoy music, Princess?” “” Oh, indeed I do, Christopher!  I feel that music is the highest form of self-expression, and I particularly enjoy opera.  Do you play?” “ Yes, Madame.  I also love music.  I had dreams of being a concert violinist for the British Philharmonic, but I just didn’t have the hands for it.  You know, the British Royal Theater puts on excellent operas.  I believe their next performance is scheduled for this winter.  They’re producing ‘Turandot.’”
Georgiana was still not back from the powder room, and King Eric used this moment of peace to listen appreciatively to Christopher and Abigail’s conversation.  He was impressed by her knowledge of opera, an art that he rather enjoyed himself.  “You know,” Eric interjected, “I don’t think anything can top their performance of ‘Rigoletto’ last summer.”  Abigail looked over at the King with surprise.  “Oh your Grace, I didn’t know you liked opera!”
“ Opera?”  Georgiana remarked sarcastically.  “Honestly, I can never understand what they’re saying!  Don’t you agree, your Grace?” “ Oh, hmm…”  Eric murmured, dropping his gaze from Abigail’s face.
“ So your Highness.”  Hannah tried to change the subject as she settled into her seat.  “You’ve only been King for a short time now, but how do you feel about the state of our country?  People in the marketplace would like to finally see peace, now that you’re home.”
“ I have every intention of giving the people what they want.”  King Eric replied.  “I think our world is entering a new age where diplomacy will be our most useful tool, not warfare.  I think a diplomatic country is the mark of a progressive and intelligent country.  It is difficult, however.”  King Eric continued.  “Many smaller countries look to us to solve their disputes, and what they want is swift military action.  I’m tired of sending our British men to die on foreign soil.  Georgiana, your father has dealt a lot with this issue--do you think it is Britain’s job to be a world peacekeeper?”
Eric’s question caught Georgiana by surprise.  “Uh, I dunno…”  She struggled to answer with her mouth full.  Once she was done chewing, she smiled sweetly at the King.  “Ladies of class do not discuss such things, as you know, my Lord, but it was funny of you to ask!”  She winked at him and took another bite of turkey.  King Eric just frowned at her, a little perplexed.
I guess we’ve already established that I’m not lady of class , Abigail thought. “You know, Highness, I do think that Britain should use its power for good to help others, but I think you just need to pick and choose your ‘battles,’ so to speak.”  Eric leaned forward, interested in what she had to say.
“ For instance,” she continued,  “I think that Britain should intercede on behalf of human rights, but not for other, more petty issues.  There are some problems that small countries should have to work out on their own, and learn to sink or swim accordingly.  Otherwise, you might wind up supporting them forever!”
“ Hmmm.”  Eric considered thoughtfully.  “I think you are quite right.”  Georgiana frowned.
That country wench is proving to be more of a prick in my side than I thought.  Why isn’t the King paying attention to  me.  Georgiana was getting angry.
“ Certainly, Madame, you must have an opinion about the duties of our country.” Georgiana stared at the King incredulously.  “Really, your Majesty, I do not, and I don’t see why I should!  All of this talk of war and politics is giving me a right headache!”
Georgiana was getting flustered now.  Why did the King keep asking her all of these inane questions?  And why did he seem to favor this “Princess,” who was acting terribly unladylike?  Her voice was full of venom as she continued.  “Like I said, it is not proper for a ‘lady of class’ to discuss such matters!”
“ Next time, I’m putting laxatives in her food.”  Maria whispered to Hannah as she cleared the table.
“ I am sorry, your Highness, but it is getting quite late, and I must be off.”  Georgiana could not stand the way she had been treated this evening, and felt suddenly claustrophobic in the large dining room.
She rose abruptly and walked out of the room.  Oh god, I do  not  want to deal with this tonight!   Eric thought.
He stared apologetically into Abigail’s hard eyes.  “Please excuse me for a moment, I suppose I need to see her out.”  King Eric stood to try and catch up to Georgiana, and play the part of a good host.
He never caught up to her--she didn’t seem to need a host to escort her out, and he had no desire to speak to her further if he could manage it. “ That miserable country mouse thinks she can show me up in front of the King!  Well, she has another thing coming.  She may have bewitched him for now, but I will get my revenge…”  Georgiana fumed as she stomped down the stairs and into the night.
Why must I always overhear the most unpleasant things?  Maria thought, exasperated.  I suppose I should tell Hannah that Georgiana has a death wish for our guest…not that such a dolt of a woman could ever actually manage to do harm, I suppose…
King Eric sat on the landing, exhausted from the day’s drama, when Abigail passed him on her way to the stairs.  “Oh, excuse me your Grace, I did not mean to disturb you--I am just on my way to bed.”  She lingered.  “Is everything alright?”
Eric was getting used to the vulnerable way she made him feel, and tonight he was certainly too tired to try and fight it.  Instead he smiled kindly at her, “I should be asking you that question, my Lady.  Georgiana was positively rude to you tonight, and I was very embarrassed by her behavior.”
Abigail smirked.  “I wouldn’t worry too much, your Majesty.  I’ve become quite accustomed to handling rudeness in this palace.”  Then, seeing Eric’s hurt and worried expression, she added with a laugh, “’Tis only a joke, your Grace!  I could care less about that woman--she is no concern of mine…we are just from different worlds.” Eric seemed to contemplate that for a moment.  Then, looking into Abigail’s eyes with much seriousness, he said, “I want you to know, Lady Abigail, that…I think you are a lady of the highest class.”
His eyes smoldered, and Abigail’s breath caught in her throat.  A slight blush began to creep up her neck.  “Th-thank you, your Majesty.”  She curtsied and turned quickly for the stairs.
King Eric remained in his chair, deep in thought, for much of the night. End of Chapter 1.2!
A special thanks to “All About Style,” where most of the lovely costumes for my legacy come from.  They have, by far, the most comprehensive and beautiful collection of clothes from all time periods of any other site I have seen…and I have seen a fair amount!

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The Avalon Legacy 1.2

  • 1.  
  • 2. The morning after her disastrous first impression with the King, Princess Abigail awoke with the morning light. Hannah was right--she felt much more clearheaded now that she’d had a good night’s rest. So what if she’d blown it with the King? She couldn’t be expected to betray herself and her values just to attract a man. If he didn’t like her for who she was, then that was his loss. She would just have to find another way to help her people.
  • 3. But in the meantime, why not take advantage of the King’s reluctant hospitality? Princess Abigail figured that she might as well try and enjoy herself while she was here. However long that might turn out to be. Back on her native Isle of Avalon, she worked full time alongside her mother, the Queen, to run their state. I had been a long time since she’d had a vacation.
  • 4. “ This is going to take some getting used to, Christopher.” The King’s Royal Crown of Britain had arrived that morning from Westminster Cathedral, where his father’s regalia had been on display for the common people to visit and mourn his passing. “ You look like your father, your Majesty.” “ I may look like him, but I cannot be him. How am I ever going to live up to the standard he set for this country?”
  • 5. “ Indeed, the burden of a kingdom is far greater than the weight of the great crown that sits on your head now, but I think the fact you are so worried means you are the right candidate.” Christopher counseled. “You were born for this job--I am sure you have the strength for it.” “ Well, that makes one of us.” King Eric replied, still unconvinced. I suppose I should head down to breakfast now--I am quite hungry!”
  • 6. King Eric took his breakfast alone in the dining room, and Maria noted that he still seemed a little tense. She assumed he was thinking about last night’s dinner again. After she served the meal, she tried to escape quickly back to the kitchen--she didn’t want the King’s mood turning sour while she was about!
  • 7. King Eric’s mood improved immediately when he sat down and smelled the delicious food. “Just look at that sunshine!” He exclaimed. “After breakfast, I think I shall take a stroll through the garden. The trees are quite lovely in the fall, are they not, Maria? …Maria? Huh…”
  • 8. Ahhh yes, that crisp air does feel good! Hopefully I can put the matter of last night out of my head. I suppose I’ll have to talk to her eventually , King Eric thought to himself, but it can certainly wait a few more days. Besides, I would hate to ruin this new good mood I’m in by arguing with that disagreeable woman!
  • 9. “ I know! I’ll call one of my dogs! It’s great weather for playing fetch. Annie! Rory! Come Annie! Where in the gods’ names are they? They don’t usually disobey…”
  • 10. Wait, what’s going on over there…
  • 11. Blast! Wonderful. How is it that she always manages to show up right when I’m starting to feel relaxed? What is it with these Avalon women anyway? Riding horses and playing with dogs when there’s a chill in the air! Has she no sense of propriety? Well, I suppose I should just get this discussion over with…then perhaps I can try to enjoy the rest of my day .
  • 12. “ Oh yes! You’re a good girl, aren’t you!” Princess Abigail cooed to the dog. King Eric cleared his throat. “ Excuse me, Mistress Abigail. I do not mean to interrupt.”
  • 13. Princess Abigail turned to him, a little surprised. She had expected him to try and avoid her for awhile (and to be honest, she had been looking forward to being left alone) but it didn’t look like that was going to happen. “Will you walk with me?” King Eric asked. “As you know, we have some things to discuss, and we may as well talk about them sooner rather than later.” “ Certainly, your Grace.” Abigail curtsied and followed him nervously down the path.
  • 14. They walked along silently between the willows, when finally, the King spoke up. “First of all, I believe I owe you an apology, Madame. My conduct towards you lat night was inexcusable, and you’d done nothing to warrant such treatment. I was angered by the situation I’d been put in, but that was not your fault. I hope you can accept my apology.”
  • 15. “ I do forgive you, Highness, but it’s not fair that I should be left blameless. I am sorry for goading you last night, and I am sorry that I surprised you at dinner in the first place. I suppose I just didn’t realize your level of animosity towards me.”
  • 16. “ Well now, I don’t think animosity is the correct word.” King Eric said gruffly--he couldn’t let her get to him. “I don’t even know you, Madame, let alone consider myself to be familiar enough with you to dislike you, but that does bring us to the second matter at hand. The subject of our supposed betrothal.” Abigail’s mouth tightened. So this is it. She thought. I just hope he let’s me down easily.
  • 17. “ You should know that as far as I am concerned, our betrothal was never legitimate, and I have no intention of fulfilling any promise that my father may have made to yours when we were but children.”
  • 18. “ Your father signed the contract with my mother, actually.” Abigail murmured. “ Well, it’s of no consequence at this point, my Lady.” King Eric continued, more softly, feeling a little guilty for being so abrupt. “It’s not that you are an unworthy woman, and I do not wish to dishonor or disrespect you. It’s just that I have no intention of marrying at this time, and when the time does come, I would prefer the ability to choose a bride of more strategic standing.”
  • 19. They continued walking, and Abigail was silent for a moment. “I cannot pretend that I am not disappointed, your Grace.” She ventured. “This match would have signaled generations of prosperity for my people. However, I understand that the benefit is not equal on both sides--I suppose you could do much better than me.”
  • 20. She stopped and turned towards him. “At any rate, I have no intention of arguing with you on this matter, because ultimately, I know I have no sway in your decision, and I am far too proud to persist in a place where I am clearly not wanted. I agree that the best thing to do here is to consider the betrothal contract null and void.”
  • 21. “ That’s…that’s very gracious of you.” Eric mumbled in surprise. She was taking this so well--why did he still feel so unsatisfied? “You know, you needn’t leave right away.” He added hastily. “I know it’s a long journey back to Avalon, and winter is nearly here. You should stay until the spring, as my guest. Now that we’ve cleared the air a bit, I’m sure we can remain cordial to each other in the same house, don’t you think?”
  • 22. “ That is very kind of you, your Majesty. I shall consider your offer. If that is all you wished to discuss, I must beg you excuse me.” “ Certainly, Mistress Abigail.”
  • 23. “ She is by far, the strangest woman I have ever met.” Eric contemplated, as Abigail ran into the house. He couldn’t see the tears escaping down her face.
  • 24. She kept on running, straight to the kitchen. She needed someone to talk to, and she knew she could find Maria there. “I’ll let you stay if you sit at the table and don’t meddle with anything.” Maria warned. “The kitchen is my domain, and I have everything just how I like it. Besides, I’ve got a turkey to prepare, and I can’t be distracted by having to baby-sit you by the big stove! If you get soot on that dress, Hannah will hang me!” “ I promise, Maria, I won’t bother with anything. I really just want to talk. You see, the King and I had a discussion this morning…” Abigail let out an exasperated sigh. “Basically…he seems to have no interest in me. I really don’t know what I expected when I came here, but I suppose I wasn’t expecting a flat-out refusal! I can’t help but feel a little rejected.”
  • 25. “ The King has been acting strangely since you’ve arrived.” Maria offered. “I mean, I don’t know him that well…I’m really just repeating what Hannah said to me earlier, but she seems to think there’s more to this than he’s letting on. He seems very uncomfortable around you.”
  • 26. “ I know! Like all of those mean things he said to me at dinner! A peasant could show more manners to a lady than he showed to me last night! It’s almost as if he feels threatened by me, but I don’t see how that makes sense--obviously he was able to throw our ‘inconvenient’ betrothal out the window with just a word! He has all the power here!”
  • 27. “ Well, I don’t know about all that.” Maria smirked. “A pretty thing like you? I think you hold more cards than you realize.” “ Oh right!” Abigail laughed. “Have you seen the way he looks at me? It’s like he thinks I might sprout a beard at any moment! It would certainly fit with all of the other ‘manly’ behaviors he thinks I have. I’ve never felt to un-feminine as when I’m around him.!”
  • 28. “ Well, like I said, I don’t know him that well, but I think you’ve got him all wrong.” Maria said, thoughtfully. “I think he acts strangely towards you because you’re different from other women around here, and he likes that…although he might not know that part yet.” “ Hah! I think that’s a stretch! I think the fact I’m different scares him away the most!” “ Well, you just watch yourself, or you might be the next one to come down with the love bug. Now get on out of here, this turkey is about to come out, and they’ll be expecting you in the dining room.”
  • 29. Little did they know that dinner was about to get a lot more interesting.
  • 30. “ Hannah sent me down here. She said we have another guest this evening?”
  • 31. “ Unfortunately yes, your Majesty. You’re not going to like this, but Miss Georgiana Manchester will be arriving shortly, and in fact, I think I see her carriage pulling up right now.”
  • 32. Christopher sighed, “Her messenger arrived to say that she was already on her way, as opposed to asking permission for her to dine with us this evening. No doubt she did that on purpose. Yes, here she comes. I’ll bet you a pound she ignores me, as usual.”
  • 33. “ Oh! Hello your Majesty!” Georgiana gushed. She raced past Christopher without so much as looking at him, and climbed the stairs to be greeted by the King.
  • 34. “ It is so good to have you back, and for good this time! My, you are looking very well indeed! I was terribly sorry you couldn’t make it in time for your father’s service--I assure you it was beautiful, and attended by all of the best people.” “ Well, at least there’s that.” King Eric remarked, dryly. “To what do we owe the honor of your presence here tonight? If you had given us more warning, I would have had Maria bake you a cake.” He could hear Christopher stifle a laugh behind her, but Georgiana was oblivious.
  • 35. “ Oh, don’t be silly, your Grace! You needn’t do a thing extra for me! I simply wanted to offer my condolences, and give you some company, as you have no hostess here…yet.” Georgiana giggled after she said that last word, which she’d murmured under her breath. “Shall we make our way to the dining room?”
  • 36. Eric eyed Christopher. “I never agreed to that bet.” Christopher sighed. “Oh well. It wouldn’t have been an intelligent investment on your part anyway, Majesty.” “ How did she know I was here?” Christopher laughed. “Please, Majesty. Everyone knows you are here now, especially all of the unmarried noblewomen. Your decision to keep marriage at bay is going to break many hearts.”
  • 37. “ So dear, would you like a drink? It certainly seems like you could use one after such a rough day.”
  • 38. “ No thank you, Hannah. I don’t want to get started too early! Besides, I feel relatively relaxed right here.”
  • 39. At that moment, Georgiana entered the room, taking both of the women by surprise. She walked right up to Hannah at the bar, and didn’t seem to notice Abigail sitting on the couch in the corner.
  • 40. “ I would like a drink, but not one of those blended ones. I only drink poured drinks.” Georgiana snapped at Hannah, who caught Abigail’s equally surprised gaze for a moment.
  • 41. Georgiana had still not acknowledged Princess Abigail, so Abigail stood up to try and make her presence known. “Good evening, Miss. Are you a guest of the King’s?”
  • 42. “ Oh?” Georgiana took a long moment to size Abigail up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there. Then again, I wouldn’t have chosen a dress so closely matched to the wallpaper, if I were you. Speaking of which, who are you?” Abigail suddenly felt very self-conscious, and stole a look at the golden walls. She had thought the understated gold satin dress would be lovely for dinner…“I am Princess Abigail of Avalon. And who are you?”
  • 43. “ Ah, I am Lady Georgiana Manchester, daughter of Lord George and Lady Ethel of Manchester. I am a personal friend of the King’s.” She gave Abigail a big wink and a smug smile. Hannah rolled her eyes behind Georgiana’s back. “We’ve been inseparable since childhood, and I am here to welcome him back to the palace. But, a princess , you say?” Georgiana eyed Abigail suspiciously. “From Avalon ? I swear I’ve never heard of such a place, and I assure you I have traveled quite extensively. It must be quite a small state. What brings you to the Golden Palace?”
  • 44. “ Well…I suppose it is just a small island.” Abigail was unsure of how to proceed. “I guess you could say I’m here for diplomatic purposes.” “ Do you know what that reminds me of?” Georgiana broke in. “My papa, the Lord of Manchester, purchased a luxury ship last spring that is actually as large as some islands!”
  • 45. “ Let me tell you, you have not traveled at all if you haven’t traveled on a huge luxury ship!” “ I’m sure it’s wonderful fun.” “ Mmm, it is.” Georgiana looked at Abigail and frowned. “Just a tip my dear--you really should consider your setting when choosing a gown for a social occasion. I imagine you must not entertain much in the islands, so I forgive you for not knowing.” “ I will keep that in mind for the future.” Abigail said through clenched teeth.
  • 46. “ I know! We could pretend that one of the dogs is sick, and we need to rush him to Dr. Pritchard’s for treatment!” Christopher shook his head. “That would never work. She saw both of them looking perfectly healthy as she walked in.”
  • 47. “ Okay, then what if we told her that I’d picked up some strange illness from my time in France, and I need to retire early?” “ An illness from France, Majesty? Do you really want rumors to spread throughout the kingdom that their new sovereign came home with the ‘Brothel Bite?’”
  • 48. “ Hmm. Well it’s been lovely chatting with you. I just want to check on the King…” Georgiana tried to act flippant, but Abigail saw her eyes light up as she turned to leave. “ If her situation is what the King meant when he said he wanted a ‘more strategic woman,’ then he can have her!” Abigail thought with disgust, and a little disappointment.
  • 49. “ There you are, your Grace!” Eric jumped back from where he and Christopher had been whispering. “Oh, hello again, Georgiana.” “ Are you ever going to come to dinner, your Grace? You must be famished!
  • 50. “ The King and I were just discussing some official business, Miss Georgiana. We will be along shortly.” Christopher cut in. Georgiana shot a hateful glance at Christopher, and then turned again to smile at the King. “Well then…I guess I will see you shortly.” She smiled coyly, and made her way to the dining room. As soon as she was out of earshot, Eric let out a long breath. “So much for an escape plan. I guess we’d better get this over with…I feel like I’ve been saying that a lot today.”
  • 51. As was customary, King Eric seated himself first at the head of the table. “ Oh look! The seat next to you is still empty, Majesty! I shall sit right next to you…uh, but first I must go and freshen up.” Georgiana was positively giddy.
  • 52. “ Don’t listen to her!” Hannah advised. “Your dress will be beautiful…once you get in the dining room!” Abigail raised her eyebrow. “I think I need this after all.” She said.
  • 53. Hannah left to assist Georgiana in the powder room, and Abigail took advantage of her moment alone to down a few of the drinks left on the bar before going into dinner.
  • 54. Abigail happily sat herself next to Christopher. Sensing her unease, he tried to strike up a conversation. “Do you enjoy music, Princess?” “” Oh, indeed I do, Christopher! I feel that music is the highest form of self-expression, and I particularly enjoy opera. Do you play?” “ Yes, Madame. I also love music. I had dreams of being a concert violinist for the British Philharmonic, but I just didn’t have the hands for it. You know, the British Royal Theater puts on excellent operas. I believe their next performance is scheduled for this winter. They’re producing ‘Turandot.’”
  • 55. Georgiana was still not back from the powder room, and King Eric used this moment of peace to listen appreciatively to Christopher and Abigail’s conversation. He was impressed by her knowledge of opera, an art that he rather enjoyed himself. “You know,” Eric interjected, “I don’t think anything can top their performance of ‘Rigoletto’ last summer.” Abigail looked over at the King with surprise. “Oh your Grace, I didn’t know you liked opera!”
  • 56. “ Opera?” Georgiana remarked sarcastically. “Honestly, I can never understand what they’re saying! Don’t you agree, your Grace?” “ Oh, hmm…” Eric murmured, dropping his gaze from Abigail’s face.
  • 57. “ So your Highness.” Hannah tried to change the subject as she settled into her seat. “You’ve only been King for a short time now, but how do you feel about the state of our country? People in the marketplace would like to finally see peace, now that you’re home.”
  • 58. “ I have every intention of giving the people what they want.” King Eric replied. “I think our world is entering a new age where diplomacy will be our most useful tool, not warfare. I think a diplomatic country is the mark of a progressive and intelligent country. It is difficult, however.” King Eric continued. “Many smaller countries look to us to solve their disputes, and what they want is swift military action. I’m tired of sending our British men to die on foreign soil. Georgiana, your father has dealt a lot with this issue--do you think it is Britain’s job to be a world peacekeeper?”
  • 59. Eric’s question caught Georgiana by surprise. “Uh, I dunno…” She struggled to answer with her mouth full. Once she was done chewing, she smiled sweetly at the King. “Ladies of class do not discuss such things, as you know, my Lord, but it was funny of you to ask!” She winked at him and took another bite of turkey. King Eric just frowned at her, a little perplexed.
  • 60. I guess we’ve already established that I’m not lady of class , Abigail thought. “You know, Highness, I do think that Britain should use its power for good to help others, but I think you just need to pick and choose your ‘battles,’ so to speak.” Eric leaned forward, interested in what she had to say.
  • 61. “ For instance,” she continued, “I think that Britain should intercede on behalf of human rights, but not for other, more petty issues. There are some problems that small countries should have to work out on their own, and learn to sink or swim accordingly. Otherwise, you might wind up supporting them forever!”
  • 62. “ Hmmm.” Eric considered thoughtfully. “I think you are quite right.” Georgiana frowned.
  • 63. That country wench is proving to be more of a prick in my side than I thought. Why isn’t the King paying attention to me. Georgiana was getting angry.
  • 64. “ Certainly, Madame, you must have an opinion about the duties of our country.” Georgiana stared at the King incredulously. “Really, your Majesty, I do not, and I don’t see why I should! All of this talk of war and politics is giving me a right headache!”
  • 65. Georgiana was getting flustered now. Why did the King keep asking her all of these inane questions? And why did he seem to favor this “Princess,” who was acting terribly unladylike? Her voice was full of venom as she continued. “Like I said, it is not proper for a ‘lady of class’ to discuss such matters!”
  • 66. “ Next time, I’m putting laxatives in her food.” Maria whispered to Hannah as she cleared the table.
  • 67. “ I am sorry, your Highness, but it is getting quite late, and I must be off.” Georgiana could not stand the way she had been treated this evening, and felt suddenly claustrophobic in the large dining room.
  • 68. She rose abruptly and walked out of the room. Oh god, I do not want to deal with this tonight! Eric thought.
  • 69. He stared apologetically into Abigail’s hard eyes. “Please excuse me for a moment, I suppose I need to see her out.” King Eric stood to try and catch up to Georgiana, and play the part of a good host.
  • 70. He never caught up to her--she didn’t seem to need a host to escort her out, and he had no desire to speak to her further if he could manage it. “ That miserable country mouse thinks she can show me up in front of the King! Well, she has another thing coming. She may have bewitched him for now, but I will get my revenge…” Georgiana fumed as she stomped down the stairs and into the night.
  • 71. Why must I always overhear the most unpleasant things? Maria thought, exasperated. I suppose I should tell Hannah that Georgiana has a death wish for our guest…not that such a dolt of a woman could ever actually manage to do harm, I suppose…
  • 72. King Eric sat on the landing, exhausted from the day’s drama, when Abigail passed him on her way to the stairs. “Oh, excuse me your Grace, I did not mean to disturb you--I am just on my way to bed.” She lingered. “Is everything alright?”
  • 73. Eric was getting used to the vulnerable way she made him feel, and tonight he was certainly too tired to try and fight it. Instead he smiled kindly at her, “I should be asking you that question, my Lady. Georgiana was positively rude to you tonight, and I was very embarrassed by her behavior.”
  • 74. Abigail smirked. “I wouldn’t worry too much, your Majesty. I’ve become quite accustomed to handling rudeness in this palace.” Then, seeing Eric’s hurt and worried expression, she added with a laugh, “’Tis only a joke, your Grace! I could care less about that woman--she is no concern of mine…we are just from different worlds.” Eric seemed to contemplate that for a moment. Then, looking into Abigail’s eyes with much seriousness, he said, “I want you to know, Lady Abigail, that…I think you are a lady of the highest class.”
  • 75. His eyes smoldered, and Abigail’s breath caught in her throat. A slight blush began to creep up her neck. “Th-thank you, your Majesty.” She curtsied and turned quickly for the stairs.
  • 76. King Eric remained in his chair, deep in thought, for much of the night. End of Chapter 1.2!
  • 77. A special thanks to “All About Style,” where most of the lovely costumes for my legacy come from. They have, by far, the most comprehensive and beautiful collection of clothes from all time periods of any other site I have seen…and I have seen a fair amount!