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Testing for Agility:
Bringing Testing into Everything
Camille Bell
Agile Coach & Trainer
Twitter @agilecamille
User Story: Vetting Sighting
In order to show
confirmation of a sighting,
As a US-CERT analyst,
I want to mark a sighting a
• XYZ sighting is viewed by
Charley US-CERT analyst
• Charley marks sighting as vetted
• Tracy from Treasury searches for
sightings vetted today
• Tracy sees XYZ as a confirmed
sighting 2
About Me
•  Agile Coach, Trainer and Developer
•  Over 4 decades of IT. All sorts of companies,
domains, technologies & IT roles.
•  Email:
•  Twitter: @agilecamille
•  Slideshare: camille_bell 3
• Waiting to test
• Transforming Waterfall into Agility using Feedback
• Agile testing and requirements
• Agile testing and development
• Agile testing and integration and deployment
• Agile testing and acceptance
• Agile testing ratios
• Agile testing, bug fixes and maintenance work
• Agile testing and management
• Code Coverage
Agenda 4
The Trouble
Waiting to Test 5
Agility puts more focus on
testing to improve quality
and time to market
Which is great assuming 21st
Century Agile testing and
complementary practices 6
But many shops bolt on Waterfall
phased testing to Agile development
While still better than no Agility,
it is costly in time and money 7
Release Testing vs. Continuous Testing
Ref: ”Lean from the Trenches” by Henrick Kniberg 8
End Testing vs. Continuous Testing
Ref: ”Lean from the Trenches” by Henrick Kniberg 9
• It doesn’t guarantee customer acceptance !
• It’s extremely labor intensive !
• It’s error prone !
• It’s often ambiguous !
• It doesn’t stop fixed bugs from reappearing in the code !
• Regression testing is a nightmare !
• It doesn’t prevent “but it works on my machine” thinking !
• It’s sooner, but still after the fact ! (code exists)
• It kills your test team !
Some other Waterfall phased testing
(there are many more) 10
Agile Development
practices turn Waterfall
completely around
with Feedback 11
High Level
Traditional Phased Waterfall
No feedback – Assumes perfection!
Plan 12
The Waterfall Ideal Writes All the Code
and then Tests it
Ref: “BDD in 5 minutes” video by Corey Haines
"How test-driven development works" blog by J. B. Rainsberger 13
But that never works creating
the code, test & fix cycle 14
Writing the Test First Prevents Coding Bugs 15
Test First Feedback Loop
Short cycles make it work 16
Test-First, while better isn’t enough
design 17
The Test-Code Cycle can provide feedback to design
Design 18
Heavy refactoring of design is part of
Test Driven Development (TDD)
Again short cycles are key 19
Now Test, Code & Design all provide
continuing feedback for improvement, but ….
Not what
really wants 20
The Test Driven Development Cycle
provides feedback to analysis
Design 21
Adding in Feature Analysis to TDD creates
Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
Short cycles again
Analysis 22
High Level
Not exactly what
the Market
(even though
customer rep
thought it was)
Now Behavior Driven Development provides
continuing feedback for improvement, but …. 23
The Behavior Driven Development Cycle, when
deployed to the field provides feedback to marketing
High Level
Requirements 24
Continuous Deployment further
improves feedback
High Level
Requirements 25
But what if our initial vision was flawed?
High Level
Product Concept
wrong !!!
Entire effort fails at
great expense !!! 26
Lean Startup’s Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop
tests the ideas behind the business vision 27
Agility Testing
starts with
Agile Requirements 28
Test Cases
Agile Requirements Evolve from Feedback
Ref: Rachel Davies & Liz Sedley – “Agile Coaching” 29
Customer Collaborates with Dev Team on
Confirmation of Stories
User Story: Vetting Sighting
In order to show confirmation of a sighting,
As a US-CERT analyst,
I want to mark a sighting a vetted
• XYZ sighting is viewed by Charley US-CERT analyst
• Charley marks sighting as vetted
• Tracy from Treasury searches for sightings vetted today
• Tracy sees XYZ as a confirmed sighting
Ref: Ron Jeffries 3 Cs of User Stories
Collaboration 30
User Stories Confirmed Through
Automated Tests During Iteration
• XYZ sighting is viewed by Charley US-CERT analyst
• Charley marks sighting as vetted
• Tracy from Treasury searches for sighting vetted today
• Tracy sees XYZ as a confirmed sighting
User Story: Vetting Sighting
In order to show confirmation of a sighting,
As a US-CERT analyst,
I want to mark a sighting a vetted
describe ”Imports TEWI sightings" do
context "a simple line item should know its name, quanity and price" do
let(:purchase) {"1 book at 12.49") }
it "should have a name of 'book'" do == 'book'
it "should have a quanity of 1" do
purchase.quantity.should == 1
it "should have a price of 12.49" do
purchase.price.should == 12.49
describe ”CERT analyst finds a recent TEWI sighting" do
context "a simple line item should know its name, quanity and price" do
let(:purchase) {"1 book at 12.49") }
it "should have a name of 'book'" do == 'book'
it "should have a quanity of 1" do
purchase.quantity.should == 1
it "should have a price of 12.49" do
purchase.price.should == 12.49
describe ”Vets a sighting" do
context "a simple line item should know its name, quanity and price" do
let(:purchase) {"1 book at 12.49") }
it "should have a name of 'book'" do == 'book'
it "should have a quanity of 1" do
purchase.quantity.should == 1
it "should have a price of 12.49" do
purchase.price.should == 12.49
describe ” Trusted partner finds un-vetted sighting" do
context "a simple line item should know its name, quanity and price" do
let(:purchase) {"1 book at 12.49") }
it "should have a name of 'book'" do == 'book'
it "should have a quanity of 1" do
purchase.quantity.should == 1
it "should have a price of 12.49" do
purchase.price.should == 12.49
describe "Trusted partner finds vetted sighting" do
context ”a vetted sighting should be clearly vetted" do
before(:each) do
it "should have a tag of ’vetted'" do
new_sighting.tag.should_include == ’vetted'
it "should be viewable by partner" do
new_sighting.accesable_by(new_partner).should == true
end 31
Incrementally turn
High Level Requirements
(features, epics)
into Tests 32
In order to conduct banking
when the bank is closed
As a bank customer
I want to use an ATM
Why does your
user want this?
Your idea probably needs to be broken down into smaller stories.
Who is this user?
How is he/she
different from
other users.
What exactly does
your user want?
Start with an idea for an App (like ATM banking)
These ideas are called User Stories. 33
Break Down Big Stories into
Smaller User Stories
In order to get money
when the bank is closed
As a bank customer
I want to withdraw cash at the ATM
In order to deposit my checks
when the bank is closed
As a bank customer
I want to deposit checks at the ATM
In order to earn interest even
when the bank is closed
As a bank customer
I want to transfer money from
checking to saving at the ATM
In order to not overdraw my
account when the bank is closed
As a bank customer
I want to transfer money from
savings to checking at the ATM 34
Choose a Story
(to become an automated test)
In order to get money
when the bank is closed
As a bank customer
I want to withdraw cash at the ATM
Feature: Cash Withdrawal
In order to get money when the
bank is closed
As a bank customer
I want to withdraw cash at the ATM 35
Define Some High Level Scenarios
for that Story
Feature: Cash Withdrawal
In order to get money when the
bank is closed
As a bank customer
I want to withdraw cash at the ATM
• Successful Withdrawal
• Withdrawal Failed Because
Cash Machine Doesn’t Have
Dollar Bills
• Withdrawal Failed Due to
Insufficient Funds
• Withdrawal Failed Because
Account Closed 36
• Successful Withdrawal
Given my account has been
credited with $100
When I withdraw $20
Then $20 should be dispensed
And the balance of my account
should be $80
Choose a Scenario and
Define the Steps in Testable Detail 37
• Successful Withdrawal
Given my account has been
credited with $100
When I withdraw $20
Then $20 should be dispensed
And the balance of my account
should be $80
Use Given, When, Then format.
OK to add And and
But for readability
Test steps must be unambiguous.
Quantities are especially testable. 38
With Minor Changes it can become an
Automated Test (Cucumber example)
• Successful Withdrawal
Given my account has been
credited with $100
When I withdraw $20
Then $20 should be dispensed
And the balance of my account
should be $80
Scenario: Successful Withdrawal
Given my account has been
credited with $100
When I withdraw $20
Then $20 should be dispensed
And the balance of my account
should be $80 39
Functional & Unit Tests
Behavior Driven Development
Test Driven Development 40
Behavior Driven Development
(aka Specification by Example)
•  Builds upon and formalizes the best practices of Test
Driven Development
•  Works outside-in
•  Starts with a failing customer acceptance test
•  Test describes needed behavior from a customer
•  Tests must be readable by anyone on team 41
So To Understand BDD,
First Understand TDD 42
3 Rules of Test Driven Development
1.  You are not allowed to write any production code
unless it is to make a failing unit test pass.
2.  You are not allowed to write any more of a unit test
than is sufficient to fail; and compilation failures are
3.  You are not allowed to write any more production
code than is sufficient to pass the one failing unit
With tests you are in control; without tests you aren’t!
Bob Martin - The Three Rules of TDD 43
The Test Driven Development Cycle
Write a failing test
for new functionality
Write just enough
code to pass test
Refactored code
must also pass tests,
no new functionality 43 44
JUnit 4 Tests for Movie List Story
Starting Test An empty list should have a size of zero.
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;
public class MovieListTest {
public void testEmptyListSize() {
MovieList emptyMovieList = new MovieList();
assertEquals("Size of movie list should be 0.", 0,
Ref: Java code examples from
“Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide” by David Astels 45 46
Class Code for Movie List Story
Test An empty list should have a size of zero.
public class MovieList {
public int size() {
return 0;
Couldn't be simpler, but that is the point! 47 48
Old Test An empty list should have a size of zero.
New Test Adding a movie to an empty list should result in a list with the size of one.
public class MovieListTest {
public void testEmptyListSize() {
MovieList emptyMovieList = new MovieList();
assertEquals("Size of movie list should be 0.", 0,
public void testSizeAfterAddingOne () {
Movie starWars = new Movie();
MovieList oneItemList = new MovieList();
assertEquals("Size of movie list should be 1.", 1,
JUnit 4 Tests for Movie List Story 49 50
Class Code for Movie List Story
public class Movie {
public class MovieList {
private int numberOfMovies = 0;
public int size() {
return numberOfMovies;
public void add(Movie movieToAdd) {
numberOfMovies = 1;
Baby Steps: Change as little as possible to get to GREEN
New Test Adding a movie to an empty list should result in a list with the size of one. 51 52
•  Programmers restructure system by improving the design of existing
code without changing its behavior
–  to remove duplication, improve communication, simplify, or add flexibility
•  Refactoring is not random change, instead it’s driven by learning
from our tests and from identifying and fixing code smells
•  DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself)
•  Refactoring can occur just prior or just after writing new code
•  Test, code, refactor, re-test
–  Kent Beck suggests short cycle (10 minutes)
When fixing bugs, write a Red test, BEFORE fixing the bug. Test will run Green when bug fixed.
When working with legacy code make sure to write automated tests BEFORE refactoring code,
If tests didn’t exist. 53
Refactored Class Code after 4th Test
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Movie {
public class MovieList {
private int numberOfMovies = 0;
private ArrayList<Movie> movies = new ArrayList<Movie>();
public int size() {
return movies.size();
public void add(Movie movieToAdd) {
public boolean contains(Movie movieToCheckFor) {
return movies.contains(movieToCheckFor);
New Test If we add a movie to a list, we should be able to ask if it’s there and receive
a positive response.
Change 54 55
BDD & Cucumber
Stories to Tests 56
Parts of a Cucumber Feature File
Feature: Cash Withdrawal
As a bank customer
I want to withdraw cash at the ATM
So that I can get money when the bank is closed
Scenario: Successful Withdrawal
Given my account has been credited with $100
When I withdraw $20
Then $20 should be dispensed
And the balance of my account should be $80
Scenario Title
Feature Title
Ref: Cucumber code examples from
“The Cucumber Book” by Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesøy 57
The Three Parts of
Cucumber 58
The Structure of
Cucumber Features
Feature: [ feature title ]
As a user [ role ]
I want [ feature ]
So that [ business value ]
Scenario: [ scenario title ]
Given [ a pre-condition ]
And [another pre-condition ]
When [ event ]
Then [ post-condition outcome ]
And [ another post-condition outcome ]
Ref: Cucumber code examples from
“The Cucumber Book” by Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesøy 59
Cucumber Feature 60
Step Definitions 61
Cucumber Command Line 62
Plus the Evolving Code Under Test 63
The Cucumber
BDD Cycle 64
Create Cucumber Feature File
from BDD Test Definition 65
Run Feature from the Command Line 66
Copy Snippet from
the Command Line Output 67
Create Step Definition File
and Pasted Snippet 68
Run Cucumber Again
(Notice the Pending
and Skipped Steps) 69
Replace the Pending in the First Step
with Test Code You Need to Implement 70
Run Cucumber Again
(Notice the Failed
and Skipped Steps) 71
Implement Just Enough Code
to Make the Test Step Pass 72
Run Cucumber Again
(Notice the Passed,
Pending and Skipped Steps) 73
Repeat Cycle Until All Test Steps Pass
Create Step
from Snippet
Turn Pending
Step into Test
Watch it Fail
Make it Pass
by Evolving
Story 74
Scenario Outline 75
Fit, Selenium examples 76 77
Browser Testing with Selenium
Example Selenium Testing with
jUnit and Java in Eclipse
Selenium IDE (Firefox only)
Recorded tests don’t scale,
Only run test individually or
single test suite – good for first
cut tests
Selenium Remote Control
cross browser tests
with Java, Ruby, Python,
Perl, PHP or .Net 78
Agility Testing
Ratios 79
Dysfunctional Test Ratio 80
Healthy Test Ratio 81
Healthy Test Ratio
• Very, very, very Slow
• Usability testing
• Exploratory testing
• Labor intensive
• Automate exploration
• Very slow
• Validate UI functionality
• Brittle, if using capture playback
• Very, very fast
• Uses mocks
• Validate class and
function/method code
• Some fast, some slow
• Data and other integrity
• Validate at higher level
than unit tests, but not
directly user facing 82
Agile Testing
Integration & Deployment 83
3. Update
Continuous Integration Cycle
Version Control
1. Check-in
CI Server2. Monitor changes
4. Build
5. Run Tests
6. Send Build
& Test Report
7. Deploy App
at Release 84
3. Update
Continuous Integration Cycle
with Performance Testing
Version Control
1. Check-in
CI Server2. Monitor changes
4. Build
5. Run Tests
6. Send Build
& Test Report
7b. Deploy App
at Release
Test Server
7a. Performance
Test App 85
Only Check-in Working Tested Code
Version Control
Repository 86
Continuous Deployment Cycle
Builds on Continuous Integration
Version Control
1. Check-in
2. Monitor changes
3. Update
4. Build
5. Run Tests
CI Server
6. Send Build & Test Report
7. Clean Build
& Tests Pass
Deploy App
Immediately 87
Tools for the Deployment Pipeline
Capistrano 88 89
Build-Measure-Lean with Lean Startup
Split Tests
Customer Interviews
Customer Development
5 Whys Root Cause Analysis
Customer Advisory Board
Falsifiable Hypotheses
Product Owner Accountability
Customer Archetypes
Cross-functional Teams
Semi-autonomous Teams
Smoke Tests
Unit Tests
Usability Tests
Continuous Integration
Incremental Deployment
Free & Open-Source Components
Cloud Computing
Cluster Immune System
Just-in-time Scalability
Developer Sandbox
Split Tests
Clear Product Owner
Continuous Deployment
Usability Tests
Real-time Monitoring
Customer Liaison
Funnel Analysis
Cohort Analysis
Net Promoter Score
Real-Time Altering
Predictive Monitoring
Measure Faster
Learn Faster Code Faster 90
Examples of Testing of Ideas with Lean Startup
• Split A/B Testing
– controlled experiments
– two versions of product released simultaneously
– test metric comparison ($ earned, # of signups, etc.)
– Netflix huge user of A/B testing
• Crowd Testing: Validating the existence of a customer base
– bypassing investors with Kickstarter, etc. (e.g. Torment)
– creating dummy site to sign up and buy (e.g. Zappos) 91 92
Bug Growth on
Non-Agile Projects
T i m e
code fix code codecode codecodecode fixfixfixfix fix
release 1
release 2
release 3
release 4
release 5
release 6
release 7 93
TDD and BDD prevents a Great Many Bugs, but …
a few will probably still occur
Write a failing test
for new functionality
Write just enough
code to pass test
Refactored code
must also pass tests,
no new functionality 93 94
Create a RED test BEFORE fixing the bug,
… so you are sure you really fixed it,
and the bug never sneaks through the tests again. 94
Write a failing test
that exposes the bug
Write just enough
code to fix the bug
Refactor if needed,
must also pass tests,
no new functionality 95 96
• By acting as a servant leader and removing obstacles
• By providing whole team training in agile processes
• By providing technical training in automated test tools to
current employees
• By requiring automated test experience for new hires
• By making testability a must have for languages & tools
(many of the best are open source)
• By providing the automated test tools themselves
• By providing continuous integration and deployment servers
• By tracking progress differently
Management Needs to Support Agility 97
•  Agile processes like Scrum, Lean, Kanban and XP:
•  often make short near term predictions
•  track actual progress
•  determine if the predictions, if made, were correct
•  use actual progress metrics to project future outcomes
•  adapt and adjust based on real outcomes
• Managers must ensure that agile practices:
•  help the team improve projections
•  never become a stick
Agility Organizational Processes
Have Built-in Feedback Loops and Validation 98
Running Tested Features Definition
1.  The	
2.  For	
3.  The	
Ron Jeffries, A Metric Leading to Agility 99
Calculating RTF is Simple
•  No weighting - No partials credit: A Feature is
either all running & passing all tests or it isn’t.
•  So a feature either counts as 0 or 1.
•  Add up the 1s.
•  Run all tests for each measurement.
•  Track over time. 100
RTF Works on any Project, even Waterfall
RTF on Agile software
development projects
should steadily increase
over time
RTF on Waterfall
development only
increases at project end 101
Example 1: Buggy New Feature Breaks Old
Monday 6 running tested
features. Tuesday no
new features added, but
existing features still
pass tests.
On Wednesday, new
feature added which fails
test and causes side
effect that causes pre-
existing feature to also
fail tests.
On Thursday, new tests
added to old feature and
new feature fixed. All
tests pass. 102
Example 2: New Feature Breaks Everything
Monday 6 running tested
features. Tuesday no
new features added, but
existing features still
pass tests.
On Wednesday, new
feature added which
breaks the build, crashes
system, corrupts DB or
something similarly
On Thursday, new tests
added and new feature
fixed. All tests pass. 103
Burnup of Story Points or Running Tested Features metrics can be more informative than burndowns.
New Stories when added
caused existing stories to
fail automated tests
Stories fixed,
tests added, all
tests now pass
Stories Removed to
meet Release DateStories
New Baseline
New Baseline
Ref: Alistair Cockburn
Ron Jeffries 104
Camille Bell
Agile Coaching & Consulting
Agile Boot Camps
Agile Training
Updated Slides
or just to chat about things agile 105 106
Code Coverage
C0, C1 and C2 Coverage
C0 – Line coverage analysis measures which lines of code have been
executed. C0 coverage is typically used it to find the areas of your
program that have not been sufficiently tested, i.e. those that were not
run by any your test cases.
C1 – Branch coverage analysis measures which of the different possible
branches of conditional statements have been tested. It is easy to have
100% C0 line coverage and only partial C1 branch coverage, because
if, then and if, then, else statements may be contained all
on one line in many languages.
C2 - Path coverage measures which of the different possible execution
paths through your code were tested. Paths are a combination of linear
code execution with alternate branches. Since each new conditional that
is encountered gives rise to new path choices, the permutations of
possible unique paths gets huge. 107
Code Coverage
C0, C1 and C2 Tools
C0- Every automated code coverage tool measures at least Line
Coverage. Open source tools rcov for Ruby and Cobertura for Java
provide C0 coverage.
C1 - Many automated code coverage tools (both open source and
commercial) measure Branch coverage. For instance open source tool
Emma for Java measures both Line and Branch coverage as does
Clover, a commercial Java test tool.
C2 – Complete path coverage throughout an entire large application is
almost unheard of because of its complexity and cost. I know of only two
large software applications (both in Ada) that had 100% path coverage.
Path coverage through multiple limited sections of code is much more
feasible. All path coverage tools also include line and branch coverage.
All are commercial and very expensive. 108
public class CoverageExample {
// This code is logically equivalent to the next example, but because of the
// code structure, untested branches are detected by line coverage.
public int echo (int x, boolean state1, boolean state2, boolean state3) {
if (state1) {
if (state2) {
if (state3) {
x = x;
return x;
// This test provides 100% Line coverage, but it doesn’t provide any branch coverage.
public class CoverageTestLineOnly {
CoverageExample lineBranchPath;
public void runBeforeEveryTest() {
lineBranchPath = new CoverageExample();
public void testReturnInput0FalseFalseFalse() {
assertEquals(0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, false, false, false);
Code Coverage
C0 – Line Coverage 109
Code Coverage
C0 – Line Coverage Limitations
public class CoverageExample
// This code is logically equivalent to the prior example, but because of the
// code structure, untested branches are not detected by line coverage.
public int echo (int x, boolean state1, boolean state2, boolean state3) {
if (state1) { x++; }
if (state2) { x--; }
if (state3) { x = x; }
return x;
// This test provides 100% Line coverage, but it doesn’t provide any branch coverage.
public class CoverageTestLineOnly {
CoverageExample lineBranchPath;
public void runBeforeEveryTest() {
lineBranchPath = new CoverageExample();
public void allFalse() {
assertEquals(0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, false, false, false);
} 110
Code Coverage
C1 – Branch Coverage
public class CoverageExample
// This code is identical to the prior example.
public int echo (int x, boolean state1, boolean state2, boolean state3) {
if (state1) { x++; }
if (state2) { x--; }
if (state3) { x = x; }
return x;
// Adding the new test provide 100% branch coverage, but doesn’t detect the bug.
public class CoverageTestLineAndBranch {
CoverageExample lineBranchPath;
public void runBeforeEveryTest() {
lineBranchPath = new CoverageExample();
public void allFalse() {
assertEquals(0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, false, false, false);
public void allTrue() {
assertEquals(0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, true, true, true);
} 111
Code Coverage
C2 – Path Coverage Explosion
false false false
false false true
false true false
false true true
true false false
true false true
true true false
true true true
To test all possible paths of N
Boolean conditionals is 2 ^ N.
So for our example of 3 Booleans
that’s 2x2x2 or 8. As shown in the
example on the left, it’s not too
However, the set of all possible
paths grows exponentially, so a
combination of 10 Booleans,
becomes 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2
or 1024 possible paths, an
unmanageable number of tests. 112
Code Coverage
C2 – Basis Path Simplification
false false false
true false false
false true false
false false true
Basis path testing is a simplification of
path testing, that significantly lowers the
number of needed tests
A complete set of basis path sets are the
number of boolean decisions +1. It grows
linearly instead of exponentially. that’s
3+1 or 4 instead of 8 for our example
and 10+1 or 11 instead of 1024.
Path 1: Any path will do for the baseline,
so pick all trues or all falses for
simplification. We are picking false. This
is the first path in our basis set.
Path 2: To find the next basis path, we
flip the first decision (only) in our
Path 3: Next we flip the second decision
(only) in our baseline path, the first
baseline decision remains fixed with the
false outcome.
Path 4: Finally, you flip the third decision
in your baseline path. Again, the first
baseline decision remains fixed with the
false outcome. 113
Code Coverage
Line, Branch & Basis Path
// JUnit 4 tests with 100% line, 100% branch coverage, and 100% basis path.
public class CoverageTestPath {
CoverageExample lineBranchPath;
public void runBeforeEveryTest() {
lineBranchPath = new CoverageExample();
public void runBeforeEveryTest() {
lineBranchPath = null ;
// First basis path.
public void allFalse() {
assertEquals ("All false inputs ", 0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, false, false, false);
// Second basis path.
public void trueFalseFalse() {
assertEquals ("True-False-False inputs ", 0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, true, false, false);
// Third basis path.
public void falseTrueFalse() {
assertEquals ("False-True-False inputs ", 0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, false, true, false);
// Fourth basis path.
public void falseFalseTrue() {
assertEquals ("False-False-True inputs ", 0, lineBranchPath.echo, false, false, true);
} 114
Cucumber Code
Coverage with
(today Simplecov would better tool) 115
RCov and Clover
•  RCov, an open source Ruby Gem provides code
coverage measurement for Cucumber
•  RCov provides C0 – line code coverage
•  Clover, a commercial tool provides code coverage
measurement for JUnit
•  Clover provides C1 – branch code coverage 116
RCov Cucumber/Ruby Example 117
RCov Cucumber/Ruby Example 118
RCov Cucumber/Ruby Example

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Testing for Agility: Bringing Testing into Everything

  • 1. 1 Testing for Agility: Bringing Testing into Everything Camille Bell Agile Coach & Trainer Twitter @agilecamille TDD User Story: Vetting Sighting In order to show confirmation of a sighting, As a US-CERT analyst, I want to mark a sighting a vetted • XYZ sighting is viewed by Charley US-CERT analyst • Charley marks sighting as vetted • Tracy from Treasury searches for sightings vetted today • Tracy sees XYZ as a confirmed sighting
  • 2. 2 About Me •  Agile Coach, Trainer and Developer •  Over 4 decades of IT. All sorts of companies, domains, technologies & IT roles. •  Email: •  Twitter: @agilecamille •  Slideshare: camille_bell
  • 3. 3 • Waiting to test • Transforming Waterfall into Agility using Feedback • Agile testing and requirements • Agile testing and development • Agile testing and integration and deployment • Agile testing and acceptance • Agile testing ratios • Agile testing, bug fixes and maintenance work • Agile testing and management • Code Coverage Agenda
  • 5. 5 Agility puts more focus on testing to improve quality and time to market Which is great assuming 21st Century Agile testing and complementary practices
  • 6. 6 But many shops bolt on Waterfall phased testing to Agile development While still better than no Agility, it is costly in time and money
  • 7. 7 Release Testing vs. Continuous Testing Ref: ”Lean from the Trenches” by Henrick Kniberg
  • 8. 8 End Testing vs. Continuous Testing Ref: ”Lean from the Trenches” by Henrick Kniberg
  • 9. 9 • It doesn’t guarantee customer acceptance ! • It’s extremely labor intensive ! • It’s error prone ! • It’s often ambiguous ! • It doesn’t stop fixed bugs from reappearing in the code ! • Regression testing is a nightmare ! • It doesn’t prevent “but it works on my machine” thinking ! • It’s sooner, but still after the fact ! (code exists) • It kills your test team ! Some other Waterfall phased testing (there are many more)
  • 10. 10 Agile Development practices turn Waterfall completely around with Feedback
  • 12. 12 Code The Waterfall Ideal Writes All the Code and then Tests it Ref: “BDD in 5 minutes” video by Corey Haines "How test-driven development works" blog by J. B. Rainsberger
  • 13. 13 Code bugs But that never works creating the code, test & fix cycle
  • 14. 14 Code Writing the Test First Prevents Coding Bugs
  • 15. 15 Code Test First Feedback Loop Short cycles make it work
  • 16. 16 Code Test-First, while better isn’t enough Design untestable design
  • 17. 17 Code The Test-Code Cycle can provide feedback to design Design
  • 18. 18 Code Heavy refactoring of design is part of Test Driven Development (TDD) Design Again short cycles are key
  • 19. 19 Code Design Requirements Analysis Now Test, Code & Design all provide continuing feedback for improvement, but …. Not what the customer really wants
  • 20. 20 The Test Driven Development Cycle provides feedback to analysis Requirements Analysis Code Design
  • 21. 21 Code Adding in Feature Analysis to TDD creates Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Design Short cycles again Requirements Analysis
  • 22. 22 Code Design Requirements Analysis High Level Requirements Not exactly what the Market Needed (even though customer rep thought it was) Now Behavior Driven Development provides continuing feedback for improvement, but ….
  • 23. 23 Code Design Requirements Analysis The Behavior Driven Development Cycle, when deployed to the field provides feedback to marketing Deployed High Level Requirements
  • 24. 24 Continuous Deployment further improves feedback Code Design Requirements Analysis Deployed High Level Requirements
  • 25. 25 But what if our initial vision was flawed? Code Design Requirements Analysis Deployed High Level Requirements Business Vision Product Concept wrong !!! Entire effort fails at great expense !!!
  • 26. 26 Lean Startup’s Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop tests the ideas behind the business vision
  • 28. 28 Idea Test Cases Software Conversation Agile Requirements Evolve from Feedback Ref: Rachel Davies & Liz Sedley – “Agile Coaching”
  • 29. 29 Customer Collaborates with Dev Team on Confirmation of Stories User Story: Vetting Sighting In order to show confirmation of a sighting, As a US-CERT analyst, I want to mark a sighting a vetted • XYZ sighting is viewed by Charley US-CERT analyst • Charley marks sighting as vetted • Tracy from Treasury searches for sightings vetted today • Tracy sees XYZ as a confirmed sighting Ref: Ron Jeffries 3 Cs of User Stories Card Confirmation Collaboration
  • 30. 30 User Stories Confirmed Through Automated Tests During Iteration • XYZ sighting is viewed by Charley US-CERT analyst • Charley marks sighting as vetted • Tracy from Treasury searches for sighting vetted today • Tracy sees XYZ as a confirmed sighting User Story: Vetting Sighting In order to show confirmation of a sighting, As a US-CERT analyst, I want to mark a sighting a vetted describe ”Imports TEWI sightings" do context "a simple line item should know its name, quanity and price" do let(:purchase) {"1 book at 12.49") } it "should have a name of 'book'" do == 'book' end it "should have a quanity of 1" do purchase.quantity.should == 1 end it "should have a price of 12.49" do purchase.price.should == 12.49 end end describe ”CERT analyst finds a recent TEWI sighting" do context "a simple line item should know its name, quanity and price" do let(:purchase) {"1 book at 12.49") } it "should have a name of 'book'" do == 'book' end it "should have a quanity of 1" do purchase.quantity.should == 1 end it "should have a price of 12.49" do purchase.price.should == 12.49 end end describe ”Vets a sighting" do context "a simple line item should know its name, quanity and price" do let(:purchase) {"1 book at 12.49") } it "should have a name of 'book'" do == 'book' end it "should have a quanity of 1" do purchase.quantity.should == 1 end it "should have a price of 12.49" do purchase.price.should == 12.49 end end describe ” Trusted partner finds un-vetted sighting" do context "a simple line item should know its name, quanity and price" do let(:purchase) {"1 book at 12.49") } it "should have a name of 'book'" do == 'book' end it "should have a quanity of 1" do purchase.quantity.should == 1 end it "should have a price of 12.49" do purchase.price.should == 12.49 end end describe "Trusted partner finds vetted sighting" do context ”a vetted sighting should be clearly vetted" do before(:each) do new_sighting.build_from_TEWI()‘default_cert’)‘default_partner’) end it "should have a tag of ’vetted'" do new_sighting.tag.should_include == ’vetted' end it "should be viewable by partner" do new_sighting.accesable_by(new_partner).should == true end end
  • 31. 31 Incrementally turn High Level Requirements (features, epics) into Tests
  • 32. 32 In order to conduct banking when the bank is closed As a bank customer I want to use an ATM Why? Who? What? Why does your user want this? Your idea probably needs to be broken down into smaller stories. Who is this user? How is he/she different from other users. What exactly does your user want? Start with an idea for an App (like ATM banking) These ideas are called User Stories.
  • 33. 33 Break Down Big Stories into Smaller User Stories In order to get money when the bank is closed As a bank customer I want to withdraw cash at the ATM In order to deposit my checks when the bank is closed As a bank customer I want to deposit checks at the ATM In order to earn interest even when the bank is closed As a bank customer I want to transfer money from checking to saving at the ATM In order to not overdraw my account when the bank is closed As a bank customer I want to transfer money from savings to checking at the ATM
  • 34. 34 Choose a Story (to become an automated test) In order to get money when the bank is closed As a bank customer I want to withdraw cash at the ATM Feature: Cash Withdrawal In order to get money when the bank is closed As a bank customer I want to withdraw cash at the ATM
  • 35. 35 Define Some High Level Scenarios for that Story Feature: Cash Withdrawal In order to get money when the bank is closed As a bank customer I want to withdraw cash at the ATM • Successful Withdrawal • Withdrawal Failed Because Cash Machine Doesn’t Have Dollar Bills • Withdrawal Failed Due to Insufficient Funds • Withdrawal Failed Because Account Closed
  • 36. 36 • Successful Withdrawal Given my account has been credited with $100 When I withdraw $20 Then $20 should be dispensed And the balance of my account should be $80 Choose a Scenario and Define the Steps in Testable Detail
  • 37. 37 • Successful Withdrawal Given my account has been credited with $100 When I withdraw $20 Then $20 should be dispensed And the balance of my account should be $80 Use Given, When, Then format. OK to add And and But for readability Test steps must be unambiguous. Quantities are especially testable.
  • 38. 38 With Minor Changes it can become an Automated Test (Cucumber example) • Successful Withdrawal Given my account has been credited with $100 When I withdraw $20 Then $20 should be dispensed And the balance of my account should be $80 Scenario: Successful Withdrawal Given my account has been credited with $100 When I withdraw $20 Then $20 should be dispensed And the balance of my account should be $80
  • 39. 39 Functional & Unit Tests Behavior Driven Development & Test Driven Development
  • 40. 40 Behavior Driven Development (aka Specification by Example) •  Builds upon and formalizes the best practices of Test Driven Development •  Works outside-in •  Starts with a failing customer acceptance test •  Test describes needed behavior from a customer viewpoint •  Tests must be readable by anyone on team
  • 41. 41 So To Understand BDD, First Understand TDD
  • 42. 42 3 Rules of Test Driven Development 1.  You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to make a failing unit test pass. 2.  You are not allowed to write any more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail; and compilation failures are failures. 3.  You are not allowed to write any more production code than is sufficient to pass the one failing unit test. With tests you are in control; without tests you aren’t! Bob Martin - The Three Rules of TDD
  • 43. 43 The Test Driven Development Cycle Write a failing test for new functionality Write just enough code to pass test Refactored code must also pass tests, no new functionality 43
  • 44. 44 JUnit 4 Tests for Movie List Story Starting Test An empty list should have a size of zero. import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Test; public class MovieListTest { @Test public void testEmptyListSize() { MovieList emptyMovieList = new MovieList(); assertEquals("Size of movie list should be 0.", 0, emptyMovieList.size()); } } Ref: Java code examples from “Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide” by David Astels
  • 46. 46 Class Code for Movie List Story Test An empty list should have a size of zero. public class MovieList { public int size() { return 0; } } Couldn't be simpler, but that is the point!
  • 48. 48 Old Test An empty list should have a size of zero. New Test Adding a movie to an empty list should result in a list with the size of one. public class MovieListTest { @Test public void testEmptyListSize() { MovieList emptyMovieList = new MovieList(); assertEquals("Size of movie list should be 0.", 0, emptyMovieList.size()); } @Test public void testSizeAfterAddingOne () { Movie starWars = new Movie(); MovieList oneItemList = new MovieList(); oneItemList.add(starWars); assertEquals("Size of movie list should be 1.", 1, oneItemList.size()); } } JUnit 4 Tests for Movie List Story
  • 50. 50 Class Code for Movie List Story public class Movie { } public class MovieList { private int numberOfMovies = 0; public int size() { return numberOfMovies; } public void add(Movie movieToAdd) { numberOfMovies = 1; } } Baby Steps: Change as little as possible to get to GREEN New Test Adding a movie to an empty list should result in a list with the size of one.
  • 52. 52 •  Programmers restructure system by improving the design of existing code without changing its behavior –  to remove duplication, improve communication, simplify, or add flexibility •  Refactoring is not random change, instead it’s driven by learning from our tests and from identifying and fixing code smells •  DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) •  Refactoring can occur just prior or just after writing new code •  Test, code, refactor, re-test –  Kent Beck suggests short cycle (10 minutes) Refactoring When fixing bugs, write a Red test, BEFORE fixing the bug. Test will run Green when bug fixed. When working with legacy code make sure to write automated tests BEFORE refactoring code, If tests didn’t exist.
  • 53. 53 Refactored Class Code after 4th Test import java.util.ArrayList; public class Movie { } public class MovieList { private int numberOfMovies = 0; private ArrayList<Movie> movies = new ArrayList<Movie>(); public int size() { return movies.size(); } public void add(Movie movieToAdd) { numberOfMovies++; movies.add(movieToAdd); } public boolean contains(Movie movieToCheckFor) { return movies.contains(movieToCheckFor); } } New Test If we add a movie to a list, we should be able to ask if it’s there and receive a positive response. Delete Delete Change
  • 55. 55 BDD & Cucumber Stories to Tests
  • 56. 56 Parts of a Cucumber Feature File Feature: Cash Withdrawal As a bank customer I want to withdraw cash at the ATM So that I can get money when the bank is closed Scenario: Successful Withdrawal Given my account has been credited with $100 When I withdraw $20 Then $20 should be dispensed And the balance of my account should be $80 Scenario Title Scenario Feature Title Feature Steps cash_withdrawal.feature Ref: Cucumber code examples from “The Cucumber Book” by Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesøy
  • 58. 58 The Structure of Cucumber Features Feature: [ feature title ] As a user [ role ] I want [ feature ] So that [ business value ] Scenario: [ scenario title ] Given [ a pre-condition ] And [another pre-condition ] When [ event ] Then [ post-condition outcome ] And [ another post-condition outcome ] Plain TextKey Words From User Story Ref: Cucumber code examples from “The Cucumber Book” by Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesøy
  • 64. 64 Create Cucumber Feature File from BDD Test Definition
  • 66. 66 Copy Snippet from the Command Line Output
  • 67. 67 Create Step Definition File and Pasted Snippet
  • 68. 68 Run Cucumber Again (Notice the Pending and Skipped Steps)
  • 69. 69 Replace the Pending in the First Step with Test Code You Need to Implement
  • 70. 70 Run Cucumber Again (Notice the Failed and Skipped Steps)
  • 71. 71 Implement Just Enough Code to Make the Test Step Pass
  • 72. 72 Run Cucumber Again (Notice the Passed, Pending and Skipped Steps)
  • 73. 73 Repeat Cycle Until All Test Steps Pass Write Scenario Create Step Definitions from Snippet Turn Pending Step into Test Watch it Fail Make it Pass by Evolving Code Pending Steps? YesNoDone with Scenario Start with User Story
  • 77. 77 Browser Testing with Selenium Example Selenium Testing with jUnit and Java in Eclipse Selenium IDE (Firefox only) Record/Playback Recorded tests don’t scale, Only run test individually or single test suite – good for first cut tests Selenium Remote Control cross browser tests with Java, Ruby, Python, Perl, PHP or .Net
  • 81. 81 Healthy Test Ratio • Very, very, very Slow • Usability testing • Exploratory testing • Labor intensive • Automate exploration • Very slow • Validate UI functionality • Brittle, if using capture playback • Very, very fast • Uses mocks • Validate class and function/method code • Some fast, some slow • Data and other integrity • Validate at higher level than unit tests, but not directly user facing
  • 83. 83 3. Update Build Workspace Continuous Integration Cycle Developer Deploy Server Version Control Repository 1. Check-in CI Server2. Monitor changes 4. Build 5. Run Tests 6. Send Build & Test Report 7. Deploy App at Release
  • 84. 84 3. Update Build Workspace Continuous Integration Cycle with Performance Testing Developer Deploy Server Version Control Repository 1. Check-in CI Server2. Monitor changes 4. Build 5. Run Tests 6. Send Build & Test Report 7b. Deploy App at Release Performance Test Server Frequently 7a. Performance Test App
  • 85. 85 Only Check-in Working Tested Code Version Control Repository
  • 86. 86 Continuous Deployment Cycle Builds on Continuous Integration Developer Deploy Server Version Control Repository 1. Check-in 2. Monitor changes 3. Update Build Workspace 4. Build 5. Run Tests CI Server 6. Send Build & Test Report 7. Clean Build & Tests Pass Deploy App Immediately
  • 87. 87 Tools for the Deployment Pipeline Configuration Management Continuous Integration Testing Strategy Deployment Capistrano
  • 89. 89 Build-Measure-Lean with Lean Startup Split Tests Customer Interviews Customer Development 5 Whys Root Cause Analysis Customer Advisory Board Falsifiable Hypotheses Product Owner Accountability Customer Archetypes Cross-functional Teams Semi-autonomous Teams Smoke Tests Unit Tests Usability Tests Continuous Integration Incremental Deployment Free & Open-Source Components Cloud Computing Cluster Immune System Just-in-time Scalability Refactoring Developer Sandbox Split Tests Clear Product Owner Continuous Deployment Usability Tests Real-time Monitoring Customer Liaison Funnel Analysis Cohort Analysis Net Promoter Score Real-Time Altering Predictive Monitoring Measure Faster Learn Faster Code Faster
  • 90. 90 Examples of Testing of Ideas with Lean Startup • Split A/B Testing – controlled experiments – two versions of product released simultaneously – test metric comparison ($ earned, # of signups, etc.) – Netflix huge user of A/B testing • Crowd Testing: Validating the existence of a customer base – bypassing investors with Kickstarter, etc. (e.g. Torment) – creating dummy site to sign up and buy (e.g. Zappos)
  • 92. 92 Bug Growth on Non-Agile Projects T i m e B u g s code fix code codecode codecodecode fixfixfixfix fix release 1 release 2 release 3 release 4 release 5 release 6 release 7
  • 93. 93 TDD and BDD prevents a Great Many Bugs, but … a few will probably still occur Write a failing test for new functionality Write just enough code to pass test Refactored code must also pass tests, no new functionality 93
  • 94. 94 Create a RED test BEFORE fixing the bug, … so you are sure you really fixed it, and the bug never sneaks through the tests again. 94 Write a failing test that exposes the bug Write just enough code to fix the bug Refactor if needed, must also pass tests, no new functionality
  • 96. 96 • By acting as a servant leader and removing obstacles • By providing whole team training in agile processes • By providing technical training in automated test tools to current employees • By requiring automated test experience for new hires • By making testability a must have for languages & tools (many of the best are open source) • By providing the automated test tools themselves • By providing continuous integration and deployment servers • By tracking progress differently Management Needs to Support Agility
  • 97. 97 •  Agile processes like Scrum, Lean, Kanban and XP: •  often make short near term predictions •  track actual progress •  determine if the predictions, if made, were correct •  use actual progress metrics to project future outcomes •  adapt and adjust based on real outcomes • Managers must ensure that agile practices: •  help the team improve projections •  never become a stick Agility Organizational Processes Have Built-in Feedback Loops and Validation
  • 98. 98 Running Tested Features Definition 1.  The  desired  so,ware  is  broken  down  into  named  features   (requirements,  stories),  which  are  part  of  what  it  means  to   deliver  the  desired  system.     2.  For  each  named  feature,  there  are  one  or  more  automated   acceptance  tests  which,  when  they  work,  will  show  that  the   feature  in  quesAon  is  implemented.   3.  The  RTF  metric  shows,  at  every  moment  in  the  project,  how   many  features  are  passing  all  their  acceptance  tests.     Ron Jeffries, A Metric Leading to Agility
  • 99. 99 Calculating RTF is Simple •  No weighting - No partials credit: A Feature is either all running & passing all tests or it isn’t. •  So a feature either counts as 0 or 1. •  Add up the 1s. •  Run all tests for each measurement. •  Track over time.
  • 100. 100 RTF Works on any Project, even Waterfall RTF on Agile software development projects should steadily increase over time RTF on Waterfall development only increases at project end
  • 101. 101 Example 1: Buggy New Feature Breaks Old Monday 6 running tested features. Tuesday no new features added, but existing features still pass tests. On Wednesday, new feature added which fails test and causes side effect that causes pre- existing feature to also fail tests. On Thursday, new tests added to old feature and new feature fixed. All tests pass.
  • 102. 102 Example 2: New Feature Breaks Everything Monday 6 running tested features. Tuesday no new features added, but existing features still pass tests. On Wednesday, new feature added which breaks the build, crashes system, corrupts DB or something similarly catastrophic. On Thursday, new tests added and new feature fixed. All tests pass.
  • 103. 103 CUMULATIVE BURNUP StoryPointsorFeaturesComplete(RTF) Time Burnup of Story Points or Running Tested Features metrics can be more informative than burndowns. New Stories when added caused existing stories to fail automated tests Stories fixed, tests added, all tests now pass Stories Removed to meet Release DateStories Added New Baseline New Baseline Baseline ReleaseDate Complex Code needed refactoring Ref: Alistair Cockburn Ron Jeffries
  • 104. 104 Camille Bell Agile Coaching & Consulting Retrospectives Agile Boot Camps Agile Training Updated Slides or just to chat about things agile
  • 106. 106 Code Coverage C0, C1 and C2 Coverage C0 – Line coverage analysis measures which lines of code have been executed. C0 coverage is typically used it to find the areas of your program that have not been sufficiently tested, i.e. those that were not run by any your test cases. C1 – Branch coverage analysis measures which of the different possible branches of conditional statements have been tested. It is easy to have 100% C0 line coverage and only partial C1 branch coverage, because if, then and if, then, else statements may be contained all on one line in many languages. C2 - Path coverage measures which of the different possible execution paths through your code were tested. Paths are a combination of linear code execution with alternate branches. Since each new conditional that is encountered gives rise to new path choices, the permutations of possible unique paths gets huge.
  • 107. 107 Code Coverage C0, C1 and C2 Tools C0- Every automated code coverage tool measures at least Line Coverage. Open source tools rcov for Ruby and Cobertura for Java provide C0 coverage. C1 - Many automated code coverage tools (both open source and commercial) measure Branch coverage. For instance open source tool Emma for Java measures both Line and Branch coverage as does Clover, a commercial Java test tool. C2 – Complete path coverage throughout an entire large application is almost unheard of because of its complexity and cost. I know of only two large software applications (both in Ada) that had 100% path coverage. Path coverage through multiple limited sections of code is much more feasible. All path coverage tools also include line and branch coverage. All are commercial and very expensive.
  • 108. 108 public class CoverageExample { // This code is logically equivalent to the next example, but because of the // code structure, untested branches are detected by line coverage. public int echo (int x, boolean state1, boolean state2, boolean state3) { if (state1) { x++; } if (state2) { x--; } if (state3) { x = x; } return x; } } // This test provides 100% Line coverage, but it doesn’t provide any branch coverage. public class CoverageTestLineOnly { CoverageExample lineBranchPath; @Before public void runBeforeEveryTest() { lineBranchPath = new CoverageExample(); } @Test public void testReturnInput0FalseFalseFalse() { assertEquals(0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, false, false, false); } } Code Coverage C0 – Line Coverage
  • 109. 109 Code Coverage C0 – Line Coverage Limitations public class CoverageExample // This code is logically equivalent to the prior example, but because of the // code structure, untested branches are not detected by line coverage. public int echo (int x, boolean state1, boolean state2, boolean state3) { if (state1) { x++; } if (state2) { x--; } if (state3) { x = x; } return x; } } // This test provides 100% Line coverage, but it doesn’t provide any branch coverage. public class CoverageTestLineOnly { CoverageExample lineBranchPath; @Before public void runBeforeEveryTest() { lineBranchPath = new CoverageExample(); } @Test public void allFalse() { assertEquals(0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, false, false, false); } }
  • 110. 110 Code Coverage C1 – Branch Coverage public class CoverageExample // This code is identical to the prior example. public int echo (int x, boolean state1, boolean state2, boolean state3) { if (state1) { x++; } if (state2) { x--; } if (state3) { x = x; } return x; } } // Adding the new test provide 100% branch coverage, but doesn’t detect the bug. public class CoverageTestLineAndBranch { CoverageExample lineBranchPath; @Before public void runBeforeEveryTest() { lineBranchPath = new CoverageExample(); } @Test public void allFalse() { assertEquals(0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, false, false, false); } @Test public void allTrue() { assertEquals(0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, true, true, true); } }
  • 111. 111 Code Coverage C2 – Path Coverage Explosion false false false false false true false true false false true true true false false true false true true true false true true true To test all possible paths of N Boolean conditionals is 2 ^ N. So for our example of 3 Booleans that’s 2x2x2 or 8. As shown in the example on the left, it’s not too bad. However, the set of all possible paths grows exponentially, so a combination of 10 Booleans, becomes 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 or 1024 possible paths, an unmanageable number of tests.
  • 112. 112 Code Coverage C2 – Basis Path Simplification false false false true false false false true false false false true Basis path testing is a simplification of path testing, that significantly lowers the number of needed tests A complete set of basis path sets are the number of boolean decisions +1. It grows linearly instead of exponentially. that’s 3+1 or 4 instead of 8 for our example and 10+1 or 11 instead of 1024. Path 1: Any path will do for the baseline, so pick all trues or all falses for simplification. We are picking false. This is the first path in our basis set. Path 2: To find the next basis path, we flip the first decision (only) in our baseline. Path 3: Next we flip the second decision (only) in our baseline path, the first baseline decision remains fixed with the false outcome. Path 4: Finally, you flip the third decision in your baseline path. Again, the first baseline decision remains fixed with the false outcome.
  • 113. 113 Code Coverage Line, Branch & Basis Path // JUnit 4 tests with 100% line, 100% branch coverage, and 100% basis path. public class CoverageTestPath { CoverageExample lineBranchPath; @Before public void runBeforeEveryTest() { lineBranchPath = new CoverageExample(); } @After public void runBeforeEveryTest() { lineBranchPath = null ; } @Test // First basis path. public void allFalse() { assertEquals ("All false inputs ", 0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, false, false, false); } @Test // Second basis path. public void trueFalseFalse() { assertEquals ("True-False-False inputs ", 0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, true, false, false); } @Test // Third basis path. public void falseTrueFalse() { assertEquals ("False-True-False inputs ", 0, lineBranchPath.echo(0, false, true, false); } @Test // Fourth basis path. public void falseFalseTrue() { assertEquals ("False-False-True inputs ", 0, lineBranchPath.echo, false, false, true); } }
  • 114. 114 Cucumber Code Coverage with RCov (today Simplecov would better tool)
  • 115. 115 RCov and Clover •  RCov, an open source Ruby Gem provides code coverage measurement for Cucumber •  RCov provides C0 – line code coverage •  Clover, a commercial tool provides code coverage measurement for JUnit •  Clover provides C1 – branch code coverage