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Term Project’s General Guidelines and Instructions
Your term paper needs to describe the data collection and data
analysis plan when applicable (e.g., an empirical paper usually
requires primary data collection and analysis, while a
conceptual paper does not require primary data collection. A
conceuptual paper ususally uses secondary data, analytical
approach, etc.). Each student’s or team’s research activities will
result in 1) a progress report, 2) a presentation, and 3) a final
written report that are primarily structured and reported
according to the format below.
Paper Type (source: from Emerald Publisher’s website, 2018)
Please become familiar with and choose a category for your
paper. Pick the category which most closely describes your
paper. We understand that some papers can fit into more than
one category. However, since many journals and database use
similar categories, at least for training purpose, it is necessary
to assign your paper to one of the categories listed below.
· Research paper: This category covers papers which report on
any type of research undertaken by the author(s). The research
may involve the construction or testing of a model or
framework, action research, testing of data, market research or
surveys, empirical, scientific or clinical research.
· Viewpoint: Any paper, where content is dependent on the
author's opinion and interpretation, should be included in this
category; this also includes journalistic pieces.
· Technical paper: Describes and evaluates technical products,
processes or services.
· Conceptual paper: These papers will not be based on research
but will develop and test hypotheses. The papers are likely to be
discursive and will cover philosophical discussions and
comparative studies of others' work and thinking.
· Case study: Case studies describe actual interventions or
experiences within organizations. They may well be subjective
and will not generally report on research. A description of a
legal case or a hypothetical case study used as a teaching
exercise would also fit into this category.
· Literature review: It is expected that all types of paper cite
any relevant literature so this category should only be used if
the main purpose of the paper is to annotate and/or critique the
literature in a particular subject area. It may be a selective
bibliography providing advice on information sources or it may
be comprehensive in that the paper's aim is to cover the main
contributors to the development of a topic and explore their
different views.
· General review: This category covers those papers which
provide an overview or historical examination of some concept,
technique or phenomena. The papers are likely to be more
descriptive or instructional ("how to" papers) than discursive.
Term Project Option 2: Topic on “New Technologies and
Specific Instructions for this option
Topic on "New Technologies and Marketing"
New technologies are disrupting marketing and the marketplace.
Consumers are searching for, making decisions about, and using
products and services in new ways. Start-ups and incumbents
alike use novel data, strategies, and business models driven by
these new technologies to enter, grow, and defend markets. The
role of marketing is shifting, including how marketing
contributes to organizational and societal outcomes and the
marketing tools, skills, decisions, and capabilities important to
this contribution. New technologies are altering competitive
dynamics, economic systems, and society in profound ways.
Internet, social, and mobile technologies as well as advances in
computing power, automation, and infrastructure have been
central to this disruptive role for some time. New innovations,
including artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, Natural User
Interfaces (NUI), platforms, Cognitive Systems, Virtual Reality
(VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), the Internet of Things (IoT),
and the data streams they produce are further contributing to
this disruption with important implications for the marketing
Suggested Topics
This assignment will showcase scholarship that examines the
impact of new technologies on important marketing-related
research questions. New technologies, defined as those that are
early in the adoption cycle for firms and/or consumers, can be
studied from consumer, firm, competition, market, policy, or
societal perspectives. Purely conceptual papers are welcome as
are papers using any methodological approach. It is crucial that
the papers address a real-world marketing question. Examples
of the topics are as follows (non-exhaustive):
· Consumer: How do new marketing technologies change
consumer decision making, satisfaction, communication, and
loyalty? How are these new technologies changing shopping,
consumption, and disposition behaviors? How do consumers
connect with one another and companies and how do such
connections affect attitudes and behaviors? How can companies
help consumers learn about and adopt these new technologies?
How do consumers create/co-create value as they engage with
these new technologies? How are new technologies influencing
consumers’ identity? What is the impact on consumers’ privacy
concerns of these new technologies?
· Personalization and customization: How are organizations’
personalization strategies (e.g., via mobile applications,
websites, newsfeeds, and communication tactics) influencing
their performance? How do new technologies enable (real-time)
personalization of the marketing mix, product offerings, and
recommendations? How is customization changing consumer’s
decisions and experience?
· Marketing strategy: How do these new technologies change
the nature and impact of branding, pricing, and other
components of the marketing mix? How is algorithmic aversion
influencing managers’ decision-making regarding the marketing
mix? How can managers use the new types of data from AI, IoT,
chatbots, robots, etc. to provide value to customers and to
improve marketing decision making? What new methods (e.g.,
natural language processing, deep learning models) can deliver
the best consumer insights to improve marketing strategy and
branding efforts? How can marketers best make sense of these
new technologies? How can marketers deploy these technologies
successfully in a firm’s strategy? What new metrics are required
to compete in this new world of marketing? How can firms
monetize these new technologies and what new value
propositions or business models can be created?
· Marketing organization: How do new marketing technologies
change marketing’s role within the firm? What is the effect of
the adoption of new technology by marketing on firm
performance? How does new technology change marketing
decision making and how marketing collaborates with other
functions, including the marketing and operations interface
(e.g., collaboration between the two functions on push
notifications, product returns), the marketing and R&D interface
(e.g., new product development), and IT (e.g., marketing-
technology budgets and decision making)?
· Channel and sales: What are the B2B and salesforce
challenges associated with new technologies? How do new
communication technologies impact multichannel sales and
relationships? How to organize for new technology channels and
at what pace? How to envision the longevity of new technology
channels to support investment decisions? How do new
technologies shift power in the value chain?
· New product development: How is new technology being used
to guide the new product decision process? How can technology
influence new product design?
· Competition and markets: How are new marketing
technologies altering competition between firms? How are
markets shaped by these new technologies? What entrants and
substitutes do new technologies enable and how can incumbents
successfully defend?
· Policy and societal topics: How should firms react to policy
initiatives to protect consumer data, technology access, and the
like? How should firms that develop, commercialize, or use new
technologies for marketing act in society and engage in the
public debate about the consequences of their actions on firms,
consumers, and society? What public risks do new marketing
technologies carry and how should society manage those? What
are the relevant consequences of new policy initiatives
regarding new technologies for consumers or marketers?
Submission Requirements and Format of Assignments
Cover/First page: Info relating to this assignment, such as
assignment title/topic, student name (Last, First), class title,
Write a paper that is similar to a research project proposal
(rather than a complete research paper, in order to be realistic
as a term project) for this assignment (excluding the cover/first
page). Total words of your essay/written portion, excluding
references and tables, should be between 1000 and 2500. If
needed, the total words can be more than 2500, as long as the
content of your written report is well justified, relevant, logical,
organized, written, etc. Overall, pay more attention to the
quality—rather than quantity—of your written report.
All graded assignments designated to be performed outside of
class must be submitted in the proper format used by the
University. The approved Style Guide is Publication Manual of
the American Psychological Association 5th Edition. All written
documents are to be double-spaced, spelling- and grammar-
checked, typed in 12- point Times New Roman font, and
correctly margined with at least 1-inch margins.
Note, for your convenience and information, the info below is
combined and provided for you. Depending upon your paper
type, topic, etc., please feel free to search the Internet (e.g.,
library, Google Scholar, YouTube) or discuss with others.
Sample Format for a Typical Final Term Paper
1. Cover page (include info such as topic title, class title, team
member names, date, etc.)
1. Abstract/Executive Summary
1. Introduction/Justification (e.g., description and definition
associated with the selected topic/challenge; why is it
important?) (1/2 to 2 pages).
1. Research Questions (e.g., specific research question/problem
statements) (up to 1 page).
1. Research Objectives (up to 1 page).
1. Literature Review (Review the relevant literature to motivate
the topic and to show what is known and what is not known
about this topic (2-5 pages).
1. Hypotheses (specific research hypotheses/questions to be
tested) (up to 4 pages). Note that literature review and
hypotheses sections (i.e., 6 and 7) can be combined. If any,
briefly describe the theoretical framework that will guide your
project (e.g., attitude theory, self, goal theory, and reference
group) (1 - 4 pages).
1. Brief description of the proposed research method (e.g., in-
depth interview, focus group interview, survey, brief
description of the questionnaire and data analysis) (up to 3
1. Expected Theoretical Contributions, if any (up to 2 pages).
1. Expected Managerial Implications (1/2 to 2 pages).
1. Major Learning Points from this team and this term paper
(1/2 -1 page)
1. References (No limit).
1. Appendices, if any (e.g., interview questions, a sample
survey instrument that will be used for data collection)
(reasonable number of pages).
GLG 1101 – Property Hazard Assessment Instructions
Part 1
Our company, SCC Hazard Assessments Ltd., has been hired to
provide environmental property assessment reports for clients
who are considering relocation to another part of the country.
Each team member will be researching the real or potential
environmental hazards which may be associated with one of the
properties that a client is considering. You will work to
evaluate these individual properties and to provide a
commercially viable report for our client. While I recognize that
you are not professionally trained geologists, I expect a
professional quality natural hazard analysis report that includes
as much information as you are able to identify. Remember that
this report is intended for a “client” who probably has less
knowledge of geologic issues than you do. Be careful to frame
the report in such a way that provides clear and concise
information in a manner that is understandable for a general
Property Assessment: Each student will produce a property
assessment site report draft for the property chosen. The
template to complete the site report draft is included in the
Some hints for researching your property / area:
1) Begin by putting your property address into Google Maps or
Google Earth and finding its location. Look at both map view,
satellite view and street view and enlarge and reduce your
viewing area to get a general feel for the location and the types
of hazards that may be a problem.
2) Type your property address into Google and investigate any
information that may be available from realty websites. Many
sites will have photos of the exterior of the home or of the
views from the home that may help to illustrate the hazards
associated with the property.
3) Find elevation and topographic information by looking at a
topographic map of your location and the surrounding area. This
website is very good ( ) –
you will want to look at the 7.5 minute map indices of the US
Topo Maps. You will need to zoom in to see individual contour
4) Use the keywords “hazard”, “geologic hazards” or
“environmental hazards” along with the city or county where
your property is located in your search engine to discover
additional information about your property and the surrounding
5) Use specific hazard keywords along with your city, county or
state name to find potential information (EX: Tampa sinkholes,
Lake Jackson groundwater contamination, etc.)
6) Use keywords associated with specific hazards for your area
and do an image search for any pictures or maps that might
provide potential information or add clarity to your report. (EX:
Seattle fault map, Gulf Coast hurricane map, San Francisco
landfill map, etc.)
7) You can use the websites from other class assignments to do
in-depth analysis on some of the properties. I will specifically
be looking for detailed landslide potential for the Seattle
properties and earthquake hazards for California Bay area
8) Be specific about the distance of the property from any
potential hazard area – the words “close” or “near” mean
nothing to the client. You should use distance designations such
as feet or miles to help client assess the relative hazard risk
associated with the property. In Google Maps you can right
click on your property and use the “Measure Distance” tool
from the dropdown menu to find very specific distances to
shorelines, landfills, etc.
9) Remember that you are NOT a realtor trying to “sell” this
property. Limit the information on your site report to that
information which is related to the environmental hazard
potential of the site.
So much information is currently available on the internet that
you should be able to find sufficient information to produce the
requested report. Below are links to some websites that may
help you get started.
General: should use this site as
a starting point!!)
states-most-at-risk-of-disaster-ms-is-5 (Note #10)
California: (you will need to zoom
way in and look at the legend to interpret data)
North Carolina:
NAME ___________________________________
Address Investigated: Picture of
16600 white ln gulf shores al 36542
**Italicized questions are prompts to help you decide
what kind of information should be included in
each topic area. This statement and the questions
should be deleted prior to turning in the draft
site report.**
Volcanic Hazards:
How close is the nearest volcano (be specific – how many
miles? When did it last erupt? What specific volcanic hazards
may be of concern for this location?
Expansive Soils:
What is the surface geology of the area? Is this property in an
area where expansive soils may affect the foundation or
subsurface structure of the home on this property?
Seismic Hazards:
Are there any known faults in the area? Have there been any
earthquakes in this immediate area? If yes, when, how close was
the epicenter, what was the magnitude? What specific seismic
hazards may be of concern and what kind of damage might be
expected? What is the potential for future quakes?
Mass Wasting Hazards:
What is the topography of this area? What is the geology (rock
type) in this area? What is the climate of this area? Have there
been any landslides in this area? When & how close to this
property? Is this property close to any coastline or riverbank
where erosion may be an issue?
Subsidence Hazards:
Has there been any subsidence - sinkholes, karst or other,
caused by groundwater or fluid removal? How close to this
property? What is the underlying geology of the area?
Flood hazards:
How close is this property to any flood source - fluvial (river)
or coastal (hurricane induced)? What is the elevation of the
property? Has there been flooding in the past? Is the property in
a flood zone?
Coastal hazards:
How close to the shoreline is this property? What is the
elevation? What is the geology – solid rock or sand? Have there
been any hurricanes in the past? If yes, how often, category,
most recent? What is the reoccurrence interval for hurricanes in
this area? What conditions / damage might be expected in the
event of a hurricane?
Is this property in close enough proximity to the shoreline to be
affected by a tsunami? Have there been any earthquakes that
might cause a tsunami in this area? Is coastal erosion an issue –
either as part of normal longshore drift or storm/hurricane
General weather related hazards:
Is this area commonly subject to general weather hazards such
as tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, droughts, etc. which
may have any effect on the state of this property or the local
Drinking Water Safety/Contamination/Availability:
What is the source of drinking water for this property? Is it a
municipal or private source? Has there been any water
contamination in this area? What is the source and proximity of
any contamination? Is there any potential for groundwater
contamination in the area (particularly related to industry)?
Look for water quality reports for the community. Is there
sufficient water availability from the current source for the
Landfills, Brownfields or Superfund Sites:
Are there any sources of toxic contamination in proximity to the
property? How close, what are the actual potential hazards
associated with the site(s)?
Resource Recovery hazards:
Is there any mineral or rock mining or quarrying in proximity to
this property? Are there any hydrocarbon recovery (coal, oil,
natural gas, etc.) hazards? Is there a nuclear power plant or
geothermal power plant in the area? Are there any wind or solar
farms near the property? How close, what are the actual
potential hazards associated with past or present resource
recovery efforts?
Term Project’s General Guidelines and InstructionsYour term .docx

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Term Project’s General Guidelines and InstructionsYour term .docx

  • 1. Term Project’s General Guidelines and Instructions Your term paper needs to describe the data collection and data analysis plan when applicable (e.g., an empirical paper usually requires primary data collection and analysis, while a conceptual paper does not require primary data collection. A conceuptual paper ususally uses secondary data, analytical approach, etc.). Each student’s or team’s research activities will result in 1) a progress report, 2) a presentation, and 3) a final written report that are primarily structured and reported according to the format below. Paper Type (source: from Emerald Publisher’s website, 2018) Please become familiar with and choose a category for your paper. Pick the category which most closely describes your paper. We understand that some papers can fit into more than one category. However, since many journals and database use similar categories, at least for training purpose, it is necessary to assign your paper to one of the categories listed below. · Research paper: This category covers papers which report on any type of research undertaken by the author(s). The research may involve the construction or testing of a model or framework, action research, testing of data, market research or surveys, empirical, scientific or clinical research. · Viewpoint: Any paper, where content is dependent on the author's opinion and interpretation, should be included in this category; this also includes journalistic pieces. · Technical paper: Describes and evaluates technical products, processes or services.
  • 2. · Conceptual paper: These papers will not be based on research but will develop and test hypotheses. The papers are likely to be discursive and will cover philosophical discussions and comparative studies of others' work and thinking. · Case study: Case studies describe actual interventions or experiences within organizations. They may well be subjective and will not generally report on research. A description of a legal case or a hypothetical case study used as a teaching exercise would also fit into this category. · Literature review: It is expected that all types of paper cite any relevant literature so this category should only be used if the main purpose of the paper is to annotate and/or critique the literature in a particular subject area. It may be a selective bibliography providing advice on information sources or it may be comprehensive in that the paper's aim is to cover the main contributors to the development of a topic and explore their different views. · General review: This category covers those papers which provide an overview or historical examination of some concept, technique or phenomena. The papers are likely to be more descriptive or instructional ("how to" papers) than discursive. Term Project Option 2: Topic on “New Technologies and Marketing” Specific Instructions for this option Topic on "New Technologies and Marketing" New technologies are disrupting marketing and the marketplace. Consumers are searching for, making decisions about, and using products and services in new ways. Start-ups and incumbents alike use novel data, strategies, and business models driven by these new technologies to enter, grow, and defend markets. The
  • 3. role of marketing is shifting, including how marketing contributes to organizational and societal outcomes and the marketing tools, skills, decisions, and capabilities important to this contribution. New technologies are altering competitive dynamics, economic systems, and society in profound ways. Internet, social, and mobile technologies as well as advances in computing power, automation, and infrastructure have been central to this disruptive role for some time. New innovations, including artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, Natural User Interfaces (NUI), platforms, Cognitive Systems, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), the Internet of Things (IoT), and the data streams they produce are further contributing to this disruption with important implications for the marketing discipline. Suggested Topics This assignment will showcase scholarship that examines the impact of new technologies on important marketing-related research questions. New technologies, defined as those that are early in the adoption cycle for firms and/or consumers, can be studied from consumer, firm, competition, market, policy, or societal perspectives. Purely conceptual papers are welcome as are papers using any methodological approach. It is crucial that the papers address a real-world marketing question. Examples of the topics are as follows (non-exhaustive): · Consumer: How do new marketing technologies change consumer decision making, satisfaction, communication, and loyalty? How are these new technologies changing shopping, consumption, and disposition behaviors? How do consumers connect with one another and companies and how do such connections affect attitudes and behaviors? How can companies help consumers learn about and adopt these new technologies? How do consumers create/co-create value as they engage with these new technologies? How are new technologies influencing consumers’ identity? What is the impact on consumers’ privacy
  • 4. concerns of these new technologies? · Personalization and customization: How are organizations’ personalization strategies (e.g., via mobile applications, websites, newsfeeds, and communication tactics) influencing their performance? How do new technologies enable (real-time) personalization of the marketing mix, product offerings, and recommendations? How is customization changing consumer’s decisions and experience? · Marketing strategy: How do these new technologies change the nature and impact of branding, pricing, and other components of the marketing mix? How is algorithmic aversion influencing managers’ decision-making regarding the marketing mix? How can managers use the new types of data from AI, IoT, chatbots, robots, etc. to provide value to customers and to improve marketing decision making? What new methods (e.g., natural language processing, deep learning models) can deliver the best consumer insights to improve marketing strategy and branding efforts? How can marketers best make sense of these new technologies? How can marketers deploy these technologies successfully in a firm’s strategy? What new metrics are required to compete in this new world of marketing? How can firms monetize these new technologies and what new value propositions or business models can be created? · Marketing organization: How do new marketing technologies change marketing’s role within the firm? What is the effect of the adoption of new technology by marketing on firm performance? How does new technology change marketing decision making and how marketing collaborates with other functions, including the marketing and operations interface (e.g., collaboration between the two functions on push notifications, product returns), the marketing and R&D interface (e.g., new product development), and IT (e.g., marketing- technology budgets and decision making)? · Channel and sales: What are the B2B and salesforce challenges associated with new technologies? How do new communication technologies impact multichannel sales and
  • 5. relationships? How to organize for new technology channels and at what pace? How to envision the longevity of new technology channels to support investment decisions? How do new technologies shift power in the value chain? · New product development: How is new technology being used to guide the new product decision process? How can technology influence new product design? · Competition and markets: How are new marketing technologies altering competition between firms? How are markets shaped by these new technologies? What entrants and substitutes do new technologies enable and how can incumbents successfully defend? · Policy and societal topics: How should firms react to policy initiatives to protect consumer data, technology access, and the like? How should firms that develop, commercialize, or use new technologies for marketing act in society and engage in the public debate about the consequences of their actions on firms, consumers, and society? What public risks do new marketing technologies carry and how should society manage those? What are the relevant consequences of new policy initiatives regarding new technologies for consumers or marketers? Submission Requirements and Format of Assignments Cover/First page: Info relating to this assignment, such as assignment title/topic, student name (Last, First), class title, etc. Write a paper that is similar to a research project proposal (rather than a complete research paper, in order to be realistic as a term project) for this assignment (excluding the cover/first page). Total words of your essay/written portion, excluding references and tables, should be between 1000 and 2500. If needed, the total words can be more than 2500, as long as the content of your written report is well justified, relevant, logical, organized, written, etc. Overall, pay more attention to the quality—rather than quantity—of your written report.
  • 6. All graded assignments designated to be performed outside of class must be submitted in the proper format used by the University. The approved Style Guide is Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 5th Edition. All written documents are to be double-spaced, spelling- and grammar- checked, typed in 12- point Times New Roman font, and correctly margined with at least 1-inch margins. SUPPORTING INFORMATION RELATED TO THIS ASSIGNMENT Note, for your convenience and information, the info below is combined and provided for you. Depending upon your paper type, topic, etc., please feel free to search the Internet (e.g., library, Google Scholar, YouTube) or discuss with others. Sample Format for a Typical Final Term Paper 1. Cover page (include info such as topic title, class title, team member names, date, etc.) 1. Abstract/Executive Summary 1. Introduction/Justification (e.g., description and definition associated with the selected topic/challenge; why is it important?) (1/2 to 2 pages). 1. Research Questions (e.g., specific research question/problem statements) (up to 1 page). 1. Research Objectives (up to 1 page). 1. Literature Review (Review the relevant literature to motivate the topic and to show what is known and what is not known about this topic (2-5 pages). 1. Hypotheses (specific research hypotheses/questions to be tested) (up to 4 pages). Note that literature review and hypotheses sections (i.e., 6 and 7) can be combined. If any,
  • 7. briefly describe the theoretical framework that will guide your project (e.g., attitude theory, self, goal theory, and reference group) (1 - 4 pages). 1. Brief description of the proposed research method (e.g., in- depth interview, focus group interview, survey, brief description of the questionnaire and data analysis) (up to 3 pages). 1. Expected Theoretical Contributions, if any (up to 2 pages). 1. Expected Managerial Implications (1/2 to 2 pages). 1. Major Learning Points from this team and this term paper (1/2 -1 page) 1. References (No limit). 1. Appendices, if any (e.g., interview questions, a sample survey instrument that will be used for data collection) (reasonable number of pages). 13 GLG 1101 – Property Hazard Assessment Instructions Part 1 Our company, SCC Hazard Assessments Ltd., has been hired to provide environmental property assessment reports for clients who are considering relocation to another part of the country. Each team member will be researching the real or potential environmental hazards which may be associated with one of the properties that a client is considering. You will work to evaluate these individual properties and to provide a commercially viable report for our client. While I recognize that you are not professionally trained geologists, I expect a professional quality natural hazard analysis report that includes as much information as you are able to identify. Remember that this report is intended for a “client” who probably has less knowledge of geologic issues than you do. Be careful to frame the report in such a way that provides clear and concise
  • 8. information in a manner that is understandable for a general audience. Property Assessment: Each student will produce a property assessment site report draft for the property chosen. The template to complete the site report draft is included in the module. Some hints for researching your property / area: 1) Begin by putting your property address into Google Maps or Google Earth and finding its location. Look at both map view, satellite view and street view and enlarge and reduce your viewing area to get a general feel for the location and the types of hazards that may be a problem. 2) Type your property address into Google and investigate any information that may be available from realty websites. Many sites will have photos of the exterior of the home or of the views from the home that may help to illustrate the hazards associated with the property. 3) Find elevation and topographic information by looking at a topographic map of your location and the surrounding area. This website is very good ( ) – you will want to look at the 7.5 minute map indices of the US Topo Maps. You will need to zoom in to see individual contour lines. 4) Use the keywords “hazard”, “geologic hazards” or “environmental hazards” along with the city or county where your property is located in your search engine to discover additional information about your property and the surrounding area. 5) Use specific hazard keywords along with your city, county or state name to find potential information (EX: Tampa sinkholes, Lake Jackson groundwater contamination, etc.) 6) Use keywords associated with specific hazards for your area and do an image search for any pictures or maps that might provide potential information or add clarity to your report. (EX: Seattle fault map, Gulf Coast hurricane map, San Francisco landfill map, etc.)
  • 9. 7) You can use the websites from other class assignments to do in-depth analysis on some of the properties. I will specifically be looking for detailed landslide potential for the Seattle properties and earthquake hazards for California Bay area properties. 8) Be specific about the distance of the property from any potential hazard area – the words “close” or “near” mean nothing to the client. You should use distance designations such as feet or miles to help client assess the relative hazard risk associated with the property. In Google Maps you can right click on your property and use the “Measure Distance” tool from the dropdown menu to find very specific distances to shorelines, landfills, etc. 9) Remember that you are NOT a realtor trying to “sell” this property. Limit the information on your site report to that information which is related to the environmental hazard potential of the site. So much information is currently available on the internet that you should be able to find sufficient information to produce the requested report. Below are links to some websites that may help you get started. General: should use this site as a starting point!!) ion/katrina/landfall.gif pdf you-live
  • 10. ng.html states-most-at-risk-of-disaster-ms-is-5 (Note #10) Texas: Alabama: California: (you will need to zoom way in and look at the legend to interpret data) Washington: ?appid=0489a95dad4e42148dbef571076f9b5b Florida: North Carolina: resources/north-carolina-geological-survey/geologic-hazards Oregon:
  • 11. earthquake-story/ NAME ___________________________________ SITE REPORT TEMPLATE Address Investigated: Picture of Property: 16600 white ln gulf shores al 36542 **Italicized questions are prompts to help you decide what kind of information should be included in each topic area. This statement and the questions should be deleted prior to turning in the draft site report.** Volcanic Hazards: How close is the nearest volcano (be specific – how many miles? When did it last erupt? What specific volcanic hazards may be of concern for this location? Expansive Soils: What is the surface geology of the area? Is this property in an area where expansive soils may affect the foundation or subsurface structure of the home on this property? Seismic Hazards:
  • 12. Are there any known faults in the area? Have there been any earthquakes in this immediate area? If yes, when, how close was the epicenter, what was the magnitude? What specific seismic hazards may be of concern and what kind of damage might be expected? What is the potential for future quakes? Mass Wasting Hazards: What is the topography of this area? What is the geology (rock type) in this area? What is the climate of this area? Have there been any landslides in this area? When & how close to this property? Is this property close to any coastline or riverbank where erosion may be an issue? Subsidence Hazards: Has there been any subsidence - sinkholes, karst or other, caused by groundwater or fluid removal? How close to this property? What is the underlying geology of the area? Flood hazards: How close is this property to any flood source - fluvial (river) or coastal (hurricane induced)? What is the elevation of the property? Has there been flooding in the past? Is the property in a flood zone? Coastal hazards: How close to the shoreline is this property? What is the elevation? What is the geology – solid rock or sand? Have there been any hurricanes in the past? If yes, how often, category, most recent? What is the reoccurrence interval for hurricanes in this area? What conditions / damage might be expected in the event of a hurricane? Is this property in close enough proximity to the shoreline to be affected by a tsunami? Have there been any earthquakes that might cause a tsunami in this area? Is coastal erosion an issue –
  • 13. either as part of normal longshore drift or storm/hurricane induced? General weather related hazards: Is this area commonly subject to general weather hazards such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, droughts, etc. which may have any effect on the state of this property or the local economy? Drinking Water Safety/Contamination/Availability: What is the source of drinking water for this property? Is it a municipal or private source? Has there been any water contamination in this area? What is the source and proximity of any contamination? Is there any potential for groundwater contamination in the area (particularly related to industry)? Look for water quality reports for the community. Is there sufficient water availability from the current source for the population? Landfills, Brownfields or Superfund Sites: Are there any sources of toxic contamination in proximity to the property? How close, what are the actual potential hazards associated with the site(s)? Resource Recovery hazards: Is there any mineral or rock mining or quarrying in proximity to this property? Are there any hydrocarbon recovery (coal, oil, natural gas, etc.) hazards? Is there a nuclear power plant or geothermal power plant in the area? Are there any wind or solar farms near the property? How close, what are the actual potential hazards associated with past or present resource recovery efforts?