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Day 1 – Answers to the first four questions:
1. Without national security, we are unprotected from those who would do harm to our nation and
its interests. Do you undertake to fight for spending on defence to be maintained at 2% of GDP, as an
absolute bare minimum? If not, how do you think we can deal with the multiple threats of Islamic
fundamentalism, a re-awakening bear in Russia, and a Russian backed threat to the Falklands from
Argentina? Surely, we cannot rely entirely upon the US taxpayer for our national security?
2. National issues aside, what specific local issues do you intend to concentrate on that will benefit
the people of Havant and Hayling?
3. In the light of a recent report that, when imports are considered, UK CO2 emissions are actually
rising: is it worth damaging the UK economy with environmental regulations and controls on CO2
emissions, when the result is simply to export the emissions, and work, to countries such as China,
where regulations are often much more lax?
4. There is much talk about protecting the NHS from privatisation but, surely, the main NHS principle
is that treatment is free at the point of use and irrespective of the means of the patient. Given that
nobody is seriously questioning the free treatment principle, do you believe that public sector
service provision is inherently better and more efficient than private sector provision, or is there a
place for the private sector to provide some services within or on behalf of the NHS?
Alan Mak
Conservative Party
1. Without national security, we are unprotected from those who would do harm to our
nation and its interests. Do you undertake to fight for spending on defence to be
maintained at 2% of GDP, as an absolute bare minimum? If not, how do you think we can
deal with the multiple threats of Islamic fundamentalism, a re-awakening bear in Russia,
and a Russian backed threat to the Falklands from Argentina? Surely, we cannot rely
entirely upon the US taxpayer for our national security?
NATO recommends that its members spend 2% of GDP on defence. We currently meet that
target. We have a £34 billion defence budget, which is the fifth largest in the world, the
second largest in NATO and the biggest in the EU. We certainly have the best Armed Forces
in the world.
We will have a review of defence spending (and indeed all other types of spending) after
May’s general election – spending reviews usually take place after elections. I very much
hope we can continue to meet the NATO target.
In the meantime, because we fixing the economy, we are able to commit, in the next
parliament (2015-2020) to renewing our Trident nuclear deterrent and protect the size of
our regular Armed Forces; and invest £163bn over the next 10 years to providing our
Armed Forces with the latest equipment and technology, including 2 new aircraft carriers.
2. National issues aside, what specific local issues do you intend to concentrate on that
will benefit the people of Havant and Hayling?
My 3 local priorities are:
Strong Economy: Hayling residents deserve a secure and prosperous future, and a strong
local economy is key. I want to help deliver more jobs, rising living standards and inward
investment. As a shopkeeper’s son, I will back our small shops and businesses in areas
like Mengham, West Town and Eastoke, and encourage businesses to locate to places
like Sparkes Marina which would be perfect for online-businesses or light industry. We
need more all-year-round jobs to complement our successful, seasonal visitor economy.
I will also support the continued success of our sailing, watersports and coastal tourism
Successful Schools: Every young person on Hayling deserves the best start in life, and
every resident of all ages needs the skills to compete and succeed in an increasingly
competitive economy. So, I will work with Colin Rainford and his staff at Hayling College
to boost attainment, and support our infant & junior schools Mengham and Mill Rythe,
using my experience as a long-serving primary school governor. I will also encourage life-
long learning, including promotion adult education courses at places like South Downs
and Havant College.
Vibrant Communities: Hayling has a strong identity, excellent community spirit, and
diversity (from the tranquillity of Northney to the hustle and bustle of the Seafront and
Mengham). I want to protect and enhance this. Hayling also has a wide range of
community groups, sports clubs and churches. Having met many of these groups, I am
keen to support their continued growth and success, for example, helping them win
funding or promote themselves locally. I will also support efforts to re-start the Hayling
Ferry, and promote cycling working with Cycle Hayling.
3. In the light of a recent report that, when imports are considered, UK CO2
emissions are actually rising: is it worth damaging the UK economy with
environmental regulations and controls on CO2 emissions, when the result is
simply to export the emissions, and work, to countries such as China, where
regulations are often much more lax?
No we shouldn’t dampen our own economic growth or burden our business and industry with
green taxes whilst other countries carry on polluting. We need to encourage a reduction in
carbon emissions on a global, or at least regional, scale.
4. There is much talk about protecting the NHS from privatisation but, surely, the main NHS
principle is that treatment is free at the point of use and irrespective of the means of the
patient. Given that nobody is seriously questioning the free treatment principle, do you believe
that public sector service provision is inherently better and more efficient than private sector
provision, or is there a place for the private sector to provide some services within or on behalf
of the NHS?
The NHS should be free at the point of use, and care should be provided on the basis
of need not ability to pay. Conservatives have increased NHS funding by £12.9 billion
since 2010 and we will protect and “ring-fence” NHS investment after May 2015 to
secure the NHS’ future. We will also ask surgeries to open at evenings and weekends.
Keeping the NHS in public hands is the best way to continue the “public service ethos”
of the NHS. There is a place for private sector involvement the NHS, for example
medicines are made by private pharmaceutical companies, whilst Macmillan nurses,
hospices and charities etc. are all non-public groups that work in and with the NHS.
Dental and doctors’ practices are often arranged as private businesses (usually
partnerships) which are paid by the NHS to see NHS patients (and also paid by private
patients when they “go private”).
Tim Dawes
Green Party
PF PowerPoint Presentations
1. Without national security, we are unprotected from those who would do harm to our
nation and its interests. Do you undertake to fight for spending on defence to be
maintained at 2% of GDP, as an absolute bare minimum? If not, how do you think we can
deal with the multiple threats of Islamic fundamentalism, a re-awakening bear in Russia,
and a Russian backed threat to the Falklands from Argentina? Surely, we cannot rely
entirely upon the US taxpayer for our national security?
No. We need to guarantee our security by a number of things, including a modern and
flexible armed forces that is well-equipped and trained, But in general the kind of armed
forces we need is changing. We should wait the results of the strategic defence review, but
my feeling is that as a proportion of overall income the defence budget may well be below
2% of GDP and, given that enables us to spend more on other important public services like
education and the NHS, I am relaxed about that.
2. National issues aside, what specific local issues do you intend to concentrate on
that will benefit the people of Havant and Hayling?
Let's talk specifically about Hayling. I want to see better public transport links –
including a properly managed Hayling Ferry service and a bus service that runs later
into the evenings. I also believe that both local residents and visitors would benefit
considerably from more investment in cycling facilities, including a hard surface
north/south route across the island. Greens have long campaigned for a more
community centred NHS and whilst we recognise that blue-light emergency and other
specialist treatment services are best concentrated at QA, I feel that Hayling needs a
local community NHS service that provides for minor injuries, walk-in treatment and
out-patient services. Ideally this should be integrated with a GP practice. I am
concerned about the closure of local police stations and would prefer to see a
dedicated police service point on the island. I don't think the Library is the best place
for that. I am also mindful that the reduction in local police presence and patrols is
causing concern and will be discussing this issue with the Police Federation
representatives this week. On tourism, we would like to see a more imaginative and
active approach taken by Havant Council, building on and complementing the growing
success of local businesses and those involved in water sports locally. We'd also like to
see improved landing and storage facilities for local fishers. On conservation, more
attention paid to conserving the natural areas on the island, especially the wilder
portions of our coastal areas. Hayling does not need any large supermarket
development or any large scale housing developments. I would look sympathetically
on limited number of new small scale housing developments within existing build up
areas, but use my influence to support those opposing any encroachment on playing-
fields or green field areas. There are some simple and cheap things that could be
done to encourage better greener energy use. One obvious one is the provision of
two or three public charging places in HBC car parks for electric vehicles. This would
also encourage eco-tourism.
3. In the light of a recent report that, when imports are considered, UK CO2 emissions are actually rising: is it
worth damaging the UK economy with environmental regulations and controls on CO2 emissions, when the
result is simply to export the emissions, and work, to countries such as China, where regulations are often
much more lax?
The question is so deliberately loaded I hesitate to answer it, but simply put – unless we reduce our CO2
emissions then Hayling, maximum height above sea level 5 metres, is doomed to sink beneath the waves. Of
course by exporting our manufacture we have made our figures look better, though they are going up now in any
event, mainly due to the increase in coal burning, but that strategy is wrong in so many ways. Unless we get back
to making things ourselves and growing more of our own food, then in long term Britain will loose out. By the
way, China is actually making significant strides in renewable energy and already produces a bigger percentage of
its power from renewables sources than does Britain.
4. There is much talk about protecting the NHS from privatisation but, surely, the main NHS principle is that
treatment is free at the point of use and irrespective of the means of the patient. Given that nobody is
seriously questioning the free treatment principle, do you believe that public sector service provision is
inherently better and more efficient than private sector provision, or is there a place for the private sector to
provide some services within or on behalf of the NHS?
Oh, I disagree. People are questioning the free treatment principle, they may think its unpopular to talk about it
before an election, but they are privately considering such options as treatment charging and health insurance
schemes. Certainly the leader and many inside UKIP have done so and the BMA has specifically warned about
the danger of it losing the free at point of service principle only this week. Dentistry, may I remind you, is not
charged under the NHS – a departure from the principle that led Bevan, the NHS's founding father, to resign from
the Labour government of the day. It's not just privatisation that is wrong with the NHS; it's an over-reliance on
top down organisation and the ridiculous idea that market principles can be applied to a caring service. People
don't become doctors and nurses to be told they need to compete with their fellows in the hospital or NHS area
down the road. Removing the internal market nonsense from the NHS would save around £5billion every year.
Dr Graham Giles
Labour Party
1. Without national security, we are unprotected from those who would do harm to our
nation and its interests. Do you undertake to fight for spending on defence to be
maintained at 2% of GDP, as an absolute bare minimum? If not, how do you think we can
deal with the multiple threats of Islamic fundamentalism, a re-awakening bear in Russia,
and a Russian backed threat to the Falklands from Argentina? Surely, we cannot rely
entirely upon the US taxpayer for our national security?
With the volatile world we find ourselves in - stronger conventional armed forces are
essential, backed up by an independent nuclear deterrent. Britain still has a leading
international role to prevent military mass-destruction. 2% of GDP for all NATO members is
the minimum ‘insurance policy’ if diplomacy fails. The UK cannot afford to weaken its
defences or its pre-emptive capacity in a world of known obligations and less predictable
There’s no question of us changing our position on Trident – we support renewal and
renewed focus on multilateral disarmament. Labour’s priority is to see strong high-tech
Armed forces equipped for the challenges of the 21st Century with the skills and ability to
tackle emerging, interconnected threats. Our decision in office to commission the two
most advanced aircraft carriers in the world demonstrates more than anything else our
commitment never to compromise Britain’s national security and ability to punch above
our weight whatever, wherever and whenever the challenge.
2. National issues aside, what specific local issues do you intend to concentrate on that will benefit the people of
Havant and Hayling?
In Parliament I will champion affordable geothermal power for Havant and Hayling Island families and
businesses through European green energy grants (as Labour MP Alan Whitehead did in Southampton). This
zero-carbon sustainable energy resource is drawn from the hot aquifer located 1000 metres below the Island
and Havant. It is environmentally friendly, requiring no fracking, no injection of toxic chemicals and no re-
drilling. The only discharge into the atmosphere is water vapour! Unlike wind and solar energy, geothermal
heat and power is permanently available. Low cost green energy would be the single most attractive key to
incoming investment and entrepreneurialism. It would boost business profits in line with local interests.
Developing and improving off-road cycleways will benefit commuters and leisure riders as an alternative to
the main Havant road. I would help negotiate shared rights-of-way, focusing on providing safe routes
especially to island schools. We should target European Community sponsorship for an ambitious Havant and
Hayling cycle infrastructure as other cities and towns have. This would include a full upgrade of the Hayling
Billy and construction of a leisure bridge. This sensible sustainable strategy anticipates multiple benefits to
reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, preserve flood-defences and boost green tourism. The
European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is targeting 6 billion Euro for cycling between 2014-2020, including
construction of 50,000 km of new cycle paths. Cycle project grants can be obtained from various programmes
and agencies. In principle, cycling initiatives are eligible for funding in the EU policy areas of transport, energy,
environment, health, regional development and tourism
Adequately funded smart Neighbourhood Policing is essential for our families, businesses and tourists.
Implementation of modern technologies can help reduce costs and increase efficiencies but reducing numbers
of qualified local police officers is dangerous. Another 5 years of arbitrary 20% cuts in policing is
unsustainable, as is the failed expensive Crime Commissioner experiment. From my own experience leading
justice reforms, 80% of the causes of crime related to alcohol and drugs can be significantly addressed by a
strategic approach to supply and demand reduction of such substances, especially to our children and
teenagers. I’m coordinating a team to develop a break-through inter-disciplinary approach called SPERA for
police, probation and health services. As we know in practice it is possible to tip the balance in the direction
of hope if we are tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime.
People I meet want specific plans for how we can change things, like reducing student loans and solving the
cost-of-living crisis. They want to work or start a business and lift their family to a higher standard of living. As
a social reformer and criminologist I have evidence-based experience and solutions to tackle causes of
homelessness, hunger, debt and dependency. Local vulnerable people are hoping for a hand up not a hand-
out. I have a track-record of reforming services in health, education and justice. Now I'm asking for the trust
of voters to represent and work in Parliament to energize our local economy and empower our
3. In the light of a recent report that, when imports are considered, UK CO2 emissions are actually
rising: is it worth damaging the UK economy with environmental regulations and controls on CO2
emissions, when the result is simply to export the emissions, and work, to countries such as China,
where regulations are often much more lax?
If we delay reduction of carbon emissions and dependency on fossil-fuels until other countries do
likewise, or only reduce our carbon foot-print when economically advantageous, future generations will
be blighted by the effects of global warming. Currently, consumption habits in the rich world are three
times the sustainable capacity of our planet. Unless we show serious commitment to environmental
issues now and legislate to make the necessary changes, developing countries like China will not share
the urgency required to keep global warming within controllable limits. Moreover, if the UK continues to
implement the balanced energy policy, introduced when Ed Miliband was Minister for the Environment,
our country will benefit economically and socially from green power generated within and around our
4. There is much talk about protecting the NHS from privatisation but, surely, the main NHS principle is
that treatment is free at the point of use and irrespective of the means of the patient. Given that
nobody is seriously questioning the free treatment principle, do you believe that public sector service
provision is inherently better and more efficient than private sector provision, or is there a place for
the private sector to provide some services within or on behalf of the NHS?
I will always fiercely defend our NHS from fragmentation and privatisation (and support proposals to join
up local hospital and home-care services which will particularly benefit disabled and elderly residents in
Havant). A Labour government founded the NHS (against Tory opposition) over 60 years ago. Times have
changed since then, and it’s been necessary for the NHS to evolve. However, “free at the point of need”
services must be retained without compromise or delay to patient diagnosis and treatment. Charging for
services would disproportionately affect the poorest and most vulnerable in our society. There is no
evidence that private sector provision is better or more efficient than public sector provision despite the
ideological and corporate hype. Indeed the recent Hinchinbrooke Hospital fiasco showed that the private
sector failed to provide core hospital services promptly, efficiently, safely or at reasonable cost. The NHS
exists for patients not profits. There should be no more unaffordable broken promises and disastrous
reorganisations as happened during the last 5 years under the coalition government. Labour has always
been trusted to invest in the health of all who live and work in Britain from GP to A&E, from cancer
survival to heart recovery, from patient safety to staff support. It’s never been more urgent to restore
and invest in these NHS values
Steve Sollitt
Liberal Democrats
1. Without national security, we are unprotected from those who would do harm to our
nation and its interests. Do you undertake to fight for spending on defence to be
maintained at 2% of GDP, as an absolute bare minimum? If not, how do you think we
can deal with the multiple threats of Islamic fundamentalism, a re-awakening bear in
Russia, and a Russian backed threat to the Falklands from Argentina? Surely, we cannot
rely entirely upon the US taxpayer for our national security?
The Liberal Democrats believe that the current level of funding in defence is adequate and
that the way that this funding is spent needs to be re-evaluated. The Party wants to end
our 24 hour nuclear patrols with a saving of £4 billion over the lifetime of the current
system. The Coalition government has spent more than 2% of GDP on defence over this
parliament. We are committed to conducting a Strategic Defence and Security review
shortly after the General Election to ensure that we are making best use of the funding
available. Personally I do not believe that Trident is the way forward and that it would not
help deal with the bigger security issues affecting the UK at this time
2. National issues aside, what specific local issues do you intend to
concentrate on that will benefit the people of Havant and Hayling?
There needs to be stronger guidance around housing and related
infrastructure. It’s the one issue that I hear about over and over again and
know from my experience over the last 20 years in local government is
the one area where people feel they have no real control. The Liberal
Democrats among others want to increase the building of properties as
there is an acute lack of housing but this has to be led by coherent policy
and not just left the way it is. Without good infrastructure (including NHS
provision, schools and roads) housing expansion whilst answering the
need will not develop the community it becomes part of.
A good local MP also needs to live in and understand their community
and ensure their voice is heard in Parliament. That is why I have
committed to move to Havant if elected.
My experience of working with a number of MPs and also in my present
role in the NHS makes me very aware of the importance of residents
feeling they have a representative who listens
3. In the light of a recent report that, when imports are considered, UK CO2 emissions are
actually rising: is it worth damaging the UK economy with environmental regulations and
controls on CO2 emissions, when the result is simply to export the emissions, and work, to
countries such as China, where regulations are often much more lax?
Liberal Democrats have campaigned for a long time over the issues around increase in CO2 and
the effect this has on our environment. They have been able to ensure that policies in the
Coalition reflect this even though the Conservatives were not supportive and have already
promised to dismantle some of that good work if they win a majority I don’t believe that its
worth damaging our economy with environmental regulations but some lines need to be drawn
in the sand Whilst the regulation may be weaker elsewhere it is our responsibility to show that
we are willing to work to control and reduce CO2 and work with others to reduce there emissions
4. There is much talk about protecting the NHS from privatisation but, surely, the main NHS
principle is that treatment is free at the point of use and irrespective of the means of the
patient. Given that nobody is seriously questioning the free treatment principle, do you believe
that public sector service provision is inherently better and more efficient than private sector
provision, or is there a place for the private sector to provide some services within or on behalf
of the NHS?
Working in the NHS I am aware that there are already some input by private providers
into the NHS and the health sector couldn’t function without some of this specialist
support including the work done by specialist providers such as Macmillan nursing,
something that I have had personal experience of. There are also some private
organisation input which helps to cover some minor surgical work I am afraid that
not all agree to the free treatment principle and that is regrettable and very naïve We
are committed to meet the requirement of funding as shown in the five year NHS
England plan and have costed this policy unlike others. Personally I am passionate
about the work the NHS does and that it should remain in the public sector where it is
safest. There is a need for private input but this should be to support its aims
John Perry
United Kingdom
Independence Party
1. Without national security, we are unprotected from those who would do harm to
our nation and its interests. Do you undertake to fight for spending on defence to be
maintained at 2% of GDP, as an absolute bare minimum? If not, how do you think we
can deal with the multiple threats of Islamic fundamentalism, a re-awakening bear in
Russia, and a Russian backed threat to the Falklands from Argentina? Surely, we cannot
rely entirely upon the US taxpayer for our national security?
UKIP as a party is fully behind spending 2% of GDP as a minimum on defence; the
current government has cut the number of destroyers and frigates to just 19 and we
currently have no functional aircraft carriers that can carry aircraft. When we do get
aircraft carriers with aircraft, they will have half the number of planes originally
expected. We believe that Trident Replacement programme should continue and that
armed forces should not pay tax while on service abroad. UKIP oppose an EU Army, we
support NATO instead.
2. National issues aside, what specific local issues do you intend to concentrate on that will benefit the people of
Havant and Hayling?
Improve the standard of education and attainment of students in the Borough with a grammar school that would
provide intensive academic education opportunities for all. Ensure apprenticeships are available and improve the
economy to provide a sustainable working population. Abolish tuition fees for Science, Technology, Engineering,
Maths and Medical students to encourage excellence in those subjects and provide resource for the skilled job
vacancies that exist in Havant today. I would also halt green field housing development and focus on brown field
sites for new houses.
3. In the light of a recent report that, when imports are considered, UK CO2 emissions are actually rising: is it
worth damaging the UK economy with environmental regulations and controls on CO2 emissions, when the result
is simply to export the emissions, and work, to countries such as China, where regulations are often much more
I generally believe in the green agenda, but residents are currently paying £264 extra per year in green taxes which
will double over the next five years. The effect of green taxes is to export jobs to countries without green taxes
(China, India etc..) where manufacturing there produces more pollution than had the goods been manufactured
here. Green taxes have the effect of forcing more people into fuel poverty with many having to choose between
heating or eating and using food banks. UKIP would therefore scrap all green taxes and significantly lower the cost of
energy for everyone and so encourage more manufacturing and jobs back into the UK. I support solar panels on
houses, but not solar panels on farmland as in West Lane.
4. There is much talk about protecting the NHS from privatisation but, surely, the main NHS principle is that
treatment is free at the point of use and irrespective of the means of the patient. Given that nobody is seriously
questioning the free treatment principle, do you believe that public sector service provision is inherently better
and more efficient than private sector provision, or is there a place for the private sector to provide some services
within or on behalf of the NHS?
UKIP is against privatisation of the NHS. Labour wrote £60 billion of PFI contracts requiring the taxpayer to pay the
companies £300 billion back, a poor business deal for the taxpayer. The Conservatives have privatised NHS services,
with companies receiving the contracts making large donations to the Conservative Party. UKIP believes that profits
should be retained within the NHS and used to provide a better service. We would also halt free treatment to non-
Britons, saving £2 billion a year and use £300 million of those savings to abolish hospital car parking charges, part
funded by an extra £3 billion contribution to the NHS.
That’s it for Day 1
Another four questions
and answers tomorrow
PF PowerPoint Presentations

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T20 presentation 1 a

  • 1. HAYLING ISLAND GROUP - GENERAL ELECTION TOP 20 QUESTIONS Day 1 – Answers to the first four questions: 1. Without national security, we are unprotected from those who would do harm to our nation and its interests. Do you undertake to fight for spending on defence to be maintained at 2% of GDP, as an absolute bare minimum? If not, how do you think we can deal with the multiple threats of Islamic fundamentalism, a re-awakening bear in Russia, and a Russian backed threat to the Falklands from Argentina? Surely, we cannot rely entirely upon the US taxpayer for our national security? 2. National issues aside, what specific local issues do you intend to concentrate on that will benefit the people of Havant and Hayling? 3. In the light of a recent report that, when imports are considered, UK CO2 emissions are actually rising: is it worth damaging the UK economy with environmental regulations and controls on CO2 emissions, when the result is simply to export the emissions, and work, to countries such as China, where regulations are often much more lax? 4. There is much talk about protecting the NHS from privatisation but, surely, the main NHS principle is that treatment is free at the point of use and irrespective of the means of the patient. Given that nobody is seriously questioning the free treatment principle, do you believe that public sector service provision is inherently better and more efficient than private sector provision, or is there a place for the private sector to provide some services within or on behalf of the NHS?
  • 2. Alan Mak Conservative Party 1. Without national security, we are unprotected from those who would do harm to our nation and its interests. Do you undertake to fight for spending on defence to be maintained at 2% of GDP, as an absolute bare minimum? If not, how do you think we can deal with the multiple threats of Islamic fundamentalism, a re-awakening bear in Russia, and a Russian backed threat to the Falklands from Argentina? Surely, we cannot rely entirely upon the US taxpayer for our national security? NATO recommends that its members spend 2% of GDP on defence. We currently meet that target. We have a £34 billion defence budget, which is the fifth largest in the world, the second largest in NATO and the biggest in the EU. We certainly have the best Armed Forces in the world. We will have a review of defence spending (and indeed all other types of spending) after May’s general election – spending reviews usually take place after elections. I very much hope we can continue to meet the NATO target. In the meantime, because we fixing the economy, we are able to commit, in the next parliament (2015-2020) to renewing our Trident nuclear deterrent and protect the size of our regular Armed Forces; and invest £163bn over the next 10 years to providing our Armed Forces with the latest equipment and technology, including 2 new aircraft carriers.
  • 3. 2. National issues aside, what specific local issues do you intend to concentrate on that will benefit the people of Havant and Hayling? My 3 local priorities are: Strong Economy: Hayling residents deserve a secure and prosperous future, and a strong local economy is key. I want to help deliver more jobs, rising living standards and inward investment. As a shopkeeper’s son, I will back our small shops and businesses in areas like Mengham, West Town and Eastoke, and encourage businesses to locate to places like Sparkes Marina which would be perfect for online-businesses or light industry. We need more all-year-round jobs to complement our successful, seasonal visitor economy. I will also support the continued success of our sailing, watersports and coastal tourism sector. Successful Schools: Every young person on Hayling deserves the best start in life, and every resident of all ages needs the skills to compete and succeed in an increasingly competitive economy. So, I will work with Colin Rainford and his staff at Hayling College to boost attainment, and support our infant & junior schools Mengham and Mill Rythe, using my experience as a long-serving primary school governor. I will also encourage life- long learning, including promotion adult education courses at places like South Downs and Havant College. Vibrant Communities: Hayling has a strong identity, excellent community spirit, and diversity (from the tranquillity of Northney to the hustle and bustle of the Seafront and Mengham). I want to protect and enhance this. Hayling also has a wide range of community groups, sports clubs and churches. Having met many of these groups, I am keen to support their continued growth and success, for example, helping them win funding or promote themselves locally. I will also support efforts to re-start the Hayling Ferry, and promote cycling working with Cycle Hayling.
  • 4. 3. In the light of a recent report that, when imports are considered, UK CO2 emissions are actually rising: is it worth damaging the UK economy with environmental regulations and controls on CO2 emissions, when the result is simply to export the emissions, and work, to countries such as China, where regulations are often much more lax? No we shouldn’t dampen our own economic growth or burden our business and industry with green taxes whilst other countries carry on polluting. We need to encourage a reduction in carbon emissions on a global, or at least regional, scale. 4. There is much talk about protecting the NHS from privatisation but, surely, the main NHS principle is that treatment is free at the point of use and irrespective of the means of the patient. Given that nobody is seriously questioning the free treatment principle, do you believe that public sector service provision is inherently better and more efficient than private sector provision, or is there a place for the private sector to provide some services within or on behalf of the NHS? The NHS should be free at the point of use, and care should be provided on the basis of need not ability to pay. Conservatives have increased NHS funding by £12.9 billion since 2010 and we will protect and “ring-fence” NHS investment after May 2015 to secure the NHS’ future. We will also ask surgeries to open at evenings and weekends. Keeping the NHS in public hands is the best way to continue the “public service ethos” of the NHS. There is a place for private sector involvement the NHS, for example medicines are made by private pharmaceutical companies, whilst Macmillan nurses, hospices and charities etc. are all non-public groups that work in and with the NHS. Dental and doctors’ practices are often arranged as private businesses (usually partnerships) which are paid by the NHS to see NHS patients (and also paid by private patients when they “go private”).
  • 5. Tim Dawes Green Party PF PowerPoint Presentations 1. Without national security, we are unprotected from those who would do harm to our nation and its interests. Do you undertake to fight for spending on defence to be maintained at 2% of GDP, as an absolute bare minimum? If not, how do you think we can deal with the multiple threats of Islamic fundamentalism, a re-awakening bear in Russia, and a Russian backed threat to the Falklands from Argentina? Surely, we cannot rely entirely upon the US taxpayer for our national security? No. We need to guarantee our security by a number of things, including a modern and flexible armed forces that is well-equipped and trained, But in general the kind of armed forces we need is changing. We should wait the results of the strategic defence review, but my feeling is that as a proportion of overall income the defence budget may well be below 2% of GDP and, given that enables us to spend more on other important public services like education and the NHS, I am relaxed about that.
  • 6. 2. National issues aside, what specific local issues do you intend to concentrate on that will benefit the people of Havant and Hayling? Let's talk specifically about Hayling. I want to see better public transport links – including a properly managed Hayling Ferry service and a bus service that runs later into the evenings. I also believe that both local residents and visitors would benefit considerably from more investment in cycling facilities, including a hard surface north/south route across the island. Greens have long campaigned for a more community centred NHS and whilst we recognise that blue-light emergency and other specialist treatment services are best concentrated at QA, I feel that Hayling needs a local community NHS service that provides for minor injuries, walk-in treatment and out-patient services. Ideally this should be integrated with a GP practice. I am concerned about the closure of local police stations and would prefer to see a dedicated police service point on the island. I don't think the Library is the best place for that. I am also mindful that the reduction in local police presence and patrols is causing concern and will be discussing this issue with the Police Federation representatives this week. On tourism, we would like to see a more imaginative and active approach taken by Havant Council, building on and complementing the growing success of local businesses and those involved in water sports locally. We'd also like to see improved landing and storage facilities for local fishers. On conservation, more attention paid to conserving the natural areas on the island, especially the wilder portions of our coastal areas. Hayling does not need any large supermarket development or any large scale housing developments. I would look sympathetically on limited number of new small scale housing developments within existing build up areas, but use my influence to support those opposing any encroachment on playing- fields or green field areas. There are some simple and cheap things that could be done to encourage better greener energy use. One obvious one is the provision of two or three public charging places in HBC car parks for electric vehicles. This would also encourage eco-tourism.
  • 7. 3. In the light of a recent report that, when imports are considered, UK CO2 emissions are actually rising: is it worth damaging the UK economy with environmental regulations and controls on CO2 emissions, when the result is simply to export the emissions, and work, to countries such as China, where regulations are often much more lax? The question is so deliberately loaded I hesitate to answer it, but simply put – unless we reduce our CO2 emissions then Hayling, maximum height above sea level 5 metres, is doomed to sink beneath the waves. Of course by exporting our manufacture we have made our figures look better, though they are going up now in any event, mainly due to the increase in coal burning, but that strategy is wrong in so many ways. Unless we get back to making things ourselves and growing more of our own food, then in long term Britain will loose out. By the way, China is actually making significant strides in renewable energy and already produces a bigger percentage of its power from renewables sources than does Britain. 4. There is much talk about protecting the NHS from privatisation but, surely, the main NHS principle is that treatment is free at the point of use and irrespective of the means of the patient. Given that nobody is seriously questioning the free treatment principle, do you believe that public sector service provision is inherently better and more efficient than private sector provision, or is there a place for the private sector to provide some services within or on behalf of the NHS? Oh, I disagree. People are questioning the free treatment principle, they may think its unpopular to talk about it before an election, but they are privately considering such options as treatment charging and health insurance schemes. Certainly the leader and many inside UKIP have done so and the BMA has specifically warned about the danger of it losing the free at point of service principle only this week. Dentistry, may I remind you, is not charged under the NHS – a departure from the principle that led Bevan, the NHS's founding father, to resign from the Labour government of the day. It's not just privatisation that is wrong with the NHS; it's an over-reliance on top down organisation and the ridiculous idea that market principles can be applied to a caring service. People don't become doctors and nurses to be told they need to compete with their fellows in the hospital or NHS area down the road. Removing the internal market nonsense from the NHS would save around £5billion every year.
  • 8. Dr Graham Giles Labour Party 1. Without national security, we are unprotected from those who would do harm to our nation and its interests. Do you undertake to fight for spending on defence to be maintained at 2% of GDP, as an absolute bare minimum? If not, how do you think we can deal with the multiple threats of Islamic fundamentalism, a re-awakening bear in Russia, and a Russian backed threat to the Falklands from Argentina? Surely, we cannot rely entirely upon the US taxpayer for our national security? With the volatile world we find ourselves in - stronger conventional armed forces are essential, backed up by an independent nuclear deterrent. Britain still has a leading international role to prevent military mass-destruction. 2% of GDP for all NATO members is the minimum ‘insurance policy’ if diplomacy fails. The UK cannot afford to weaken its defences or its pre-emptive capacity in a world of known obligations and less predictable threats. There’s no question of us changing our position on Trident – we support renewal and renewed focus on multilateral disarmament. Labour’s priority is to see strong high-tech Armed forces equipped for the challenges of the 21st Century with the skills and ability to tackle emerging, interconnected threats. Our decision in office to commission the two most advanced aircraft carriers in the world demonstrates more than anything else our commitment never to compromise Britain’s national security and ability to punch above our weight whatever, wherever and whenever the challenge.
  • 9. 2. National issues aside, what specific local issues do you intend to concentrate on that will benefit the people of Havant and Hayling? In Parliament I will champion affordable geothermal power for Havant and Hayling Island families and businesses through European green energy grants (as Labour MP Alan Whitehead did in Southampton). This zero-carbon sustainable energy resource is drawn from the hot aquifer located 1000 metres below the Island and Havant. It is environmentally friendly, requiring no fracking, no injection of toxic chemicals and no re- drilling. The only discharge into the atmosphere is water vapour! Unlike wind and solar energy, geothermal heat and power is permanently available. Low cost green energy would be the single most attractive key to incoming investment and entrepreneurialism. It would boost business profits in line with local interests. Developing and improving off-road cycleways will benefit commuters and leisure riders as an alternative to the main Havant road. I would help negotiate shared rights-of-way, focusing on providing safe routes especially to island schools. We should target European Community sponsorship for an ambitious Havant and Hayling cycle infrastructure as other cities and towns have. This would include a full upgrade of the Hayling Billy and construction of a leisure bridge. This sensible sustainable strategy anticipates multiple benefits to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, preserve flood-defences and boost green tourism. The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is targeting 6 billion Euro for cycling between 2014-2020, including construction of 50,000 km of new cycle paths. Cycle project grants can be obtained from various programmes and agencies. In principle, cycling initiatives are eligible for funding in the EU policy areas of transport, energy, environment, health, regional development and tourism Adequately funded smart Neighbourhood Policing is essential for our families, businesses and tourists. Implementation of modern technologies can help reduce costs and increase efficiencies but reducing numbers of qualified local police officers is dangerous. Another 5 years of arbitrary 20% cuts in policing is unsustainable, as is the failed expensive Crime Commissioner experiment. From my own experience leading justice reforms, 80% of the causes of crime related to alcohol and drugs can be significantly addressed by a strategic approach to supply and demand reduction of such substances, especially to our children and teenagers. I’m coordinating a team to develop a break-through inter-disciplinary approach called SPERA for police, probation and health services. As we know in practice it is possible to tip the balance in the direction of hope if we are tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime. People I meet want specific plans for how we can change things, like reducing student loans and solving the cost-of-living crisis. They want to work or start a business and lift their family to a higher standard of living. As a social reformer and criminologist I have evidence-based experience and solutions to tackle causes of homelessness, hunger, debt and dependency. Local vulnerable people are hoping for a hand up not a hand- out. I have a track-record of reforming services in health, education and justice. Now I'm asking for the trust of voters to represent and work in Parliament to energize our local economy and empower our neighbourhoods.
  • 10. 3. In the light of a recent report that, when imports are considered, UK CO2 emissions are actually rising: is it worth damaging the UK economy with environmental regulations and controls on CO2 emissions, when the result is simply to export the emissions, and work, to countries such as China, where regulations are often much more lax? If we delay reduction of carbon emissions and dependency on fossil-fuels until other countries do likewise, or only reduce our carbon foot-print when economically advantageous, future generations will be blighted by the effects of global warming. Currently, consumption habits in the rich world are three times the sustainable capacity of our planet. Unless we show serious commitment to environmental issues now and legislate to make the necessary changes, developing countries like China will not share the urgency required to keep global warming within controllable limits. Moreover, if the UK continues to implement the balanced energy policy, introduced when Ed Miliband was Minister for the Environment, our country will benefit economically and socially from green power generated within and around our coastline. 4. There is much talk about protecting the NHS from privatisation but, surely, the main NHS principle is that treatment is free at the point of use and irrespective of the means of the patient. Given that nobody is seriously questioning the free treatment principle, do you believe that public sector service provision is inherently better and more efficient than private sector provision, or is there a place for the private sector to provide some services within or on behalf of the NHS? I will always fiercely defend our NHS from fragmentation and privatisation (and support proposals to join up local hospital and home-care services which will particularly benefit disabled and elderly residents in Havant). A Labour government founded the NHS (against Tory opposition) over 60 years ago. Times have changed since then, and it’s been necessary for the NHS to evolve. However, “free at the point of need” services must be retained without compromise or delay to patient diagnosis and treatment. Charging for services would disproportionately affect the poorest and most vulnerable in our society. There is no evidence that private sector provision is better or more efficient than public sector provision despite the ideological and corporate hype. Indeed the recent Hinchinbrooke Hospital fiasco showed that the private sector failed to provide core hospital services promptly, efficiently, safely or at reasonable cost. The NHS exists for patients not profits. There should be no more unaffordable broken promises and disastrous reorganisations as happened during the last 5 years under the coalition government. Labour has always been trusted to invest in the health of all who live and work in Britain from GP to A&E, from cancer survival to heart recovery, from patient safety to staff support. It’s never been more urgent to restore and invest in these NHS values
  • 11. Steve Sollitt Liberal Democrats 1. Without national security, we are unprotected from those who would do harm to our nation and its interests. Do you undertake to fight for spending on defence to be maintained at 2% of GDP, as an absolute bare minimum? If not, how do you think we can deal with the multiple threats of Islamic fundamentalism, a re-awakening bear in Russia, and a Russian backed threat to the Falklands from Argentina? Surely, we cannot rely entirely upon the US taxpayer for our national security? The Liberal Democrats believe that the current level of funding in defence is adequate and that the way that this funding is spent needs to be re-evaluated. The Party wants to end our 24 hour nuclear patrols with a saving of £4 billion over the lifetime of the current system. The Coalition government has spent more than 2% of GDP on defence over this parliament. We are committed to conducting a Strategic Defence and Security review shortly after the General Election to ensure that we are making best use of the funding available. Personally I do not believe that Trident is the way forward and that it would not help deal with the bigger security issues affecting the UK at this time
  • 12. 2. National issues aside, what specific local issues do you intend to concentrate on that will benefit the people of Havant and Hayling? There needs to be stronger guidance around housing and related infrastructure. It’s the one issue that I hear about over and over again and know from my experience over the last 20 years in local government is the one area where people feel they have no real control. The Liberal Democrats among others want to increase the building of properties as there is an acute lack of housing but this has to be led by coherent policy and not just left the way it is. Without good infrastructure (including NHS provision, schools and roads) housing expansion whilst answering the need will not develop the community it becomes part of. A good local MP also needs to live in and understand their community and ensure their voice is heard in Parliament. That is why I have committed to move to Havant if elected. My experience of working with a number of MPs and also in my present role in the NHS makes me very aware of the importance of residents feeling they have a representative who listens
  • 13. 3. In the light of a recent report that, when imports are considered, UK CO2 emissions are actually rising: is it worth damaging the UK economy with environmental regulations and controls on CO2 emissions, when the result is simply to export the emissions, and work, to countries such as China, where regulations are often much more lax? Liberal Democrats have campaigned for a long time over the issues around increase in CO2 and the effect this has on our environment. They have been able to ensure that policies in the Coalition reflect this even though the Conservatives were not supportive and have already promised to dismantle some of that good work if they win a majority I don’t believe that its worth damaging our economy with environmental regulations but some lines need to be drawn in the sand Whilst the regulation may be weaker elsewhere it is our responsibility to show that we are willing to work to control and reduce CO2 and work with others to reduce there emissions too 4. There is much talk about protecting the NHS from privatisation but, surely, the main NHS principle is that treatment is free at the point of use and irrespective of the means of the patient. Given that nobody is seriously questioning the free treatment principle, do you believe that public sector service provision is inherently better and more efficient than private sector provision, or is there a place for the private sector to provide some services within or on behalf of the NHS? Working in the NHS I am aware that there are already some input by private providers into the NHS and the health sector couldn’t function without some of this specialist support including the work done by specialist providers such as Macmillan nursing, something that I have had personal experience of. There are also some private organisation input which helps to cover some minor surgical work I am afraid that not all agree to the free treatment principle and that is regrettable and very naïve We are committed to meet the requirement of funding as shown in the five year NHS England plan and have costed this policy unlike others. Personally I am passionate about the work the NHS does and that it should remain in the public sector where it is safest. There is a need for private input but this should be to support its aims
  • 14. John Perry United Kingdom Independence Party 1. Without national security, we are unprotected from those who would do harm to our nation and its interests. Do you undertake to fight for spending on defence to be maintained at 2% of GDP, as an absolute bare minimum? If not, how do you think we can deal with the multiple threats of Islamic fundamentalism, a re-awakening bear in Russia, and a Russian backed threat to the Falklands from Argentina? Surely, we cannot rely entirely upon the US taxpayer for our national security? UKIP as a party is fully behind spending 2% of GDP as a minimum on defence; the current government has cut the number of destroyers and frigates to just 19 and we currently have no functional aircraft carriers that can carry aircraft. When we do get aircraft carriers with aircraft, they will have half the number of planes originally expected. We believe that Trident Replacement programme should continue and that armed forces should not pay tax while on service abroad. UKIP oppose an EU Army, we support NATO instead.
  • 15. 2. National issues aside, what specific local issues do you intend to concentrate on that will benefit the people of Havant and Hayling? Improve the standard of education and attainment of students in the Borough with a grammar school that would provide intensive academic education opportunities for all. Ensure apprenticeships are available and improve the economy to provide a sustainable working population. Abolish tuition fees for Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medical students to encourage excellence in those subjects and provide resource for the skilled job vacancies that exist in Havant today. I would also halt green field housing development and focus on brown field sites for new houses. 3. In the light of a recent report that, when imports are considered, UK CO2 emissions are actually rising: is it worth damaging the UK economy with environmental regulations and controls on CO2 emissions, when the result is simply to export the emissions, and work, to countries such as China, where regulations are often much more lax? I generally believe in the green agenda, but residents are currently paying £264 extra per year in green taxes which will double over the next five years. The effect of green taxes is to export jobs to countries without green taxes (China, India etc..) where manufacturing there produces more pollution than had the goods been manufactured here. Green taxes have the effect of forcing more people into fuel poverty with many having to choose between heating or eating and using food banks. UKIP would therefore scrap all green taxes and significantly lower the cost of energy for everyone and so encourage more manufacturing and jobs back into the UK. I support solar panels on houses, but not solar panels on farmland as in West Lane. 4. There is much talk about protecting the NHS from privatisation but, surely, the main NHS principle is that treatment is free at the point of use and irrespective of the means of the patient. Given that nobody is seriously questioning the free treatment principle, do you believe that public sector service provision is inherently better and more efficient than private sector provision, or is there a place for the private sector to provide some services within or on behalf of the NHS? UKIP is against privatisation of the NHS. Labour wrote £60 billion of PFI contracts requiring the taxpayer to pay the companies £300 billion back, a poor business deal for the taxpayer. The Conservatives have privatised NHS services, with companies receiving the contracts making large donations to the Conservative Party. UKIP believes that profits should be retained within the NHS and used to provide a better service. We would also halt free treatment to non- Britons, saving £2 billion a year and use £300 million of those savings to abolish hospital car parking charges, part funded by an extra £3 billion contribution to the NHS.
  • 16. That’s it for Day 1 Another four questions and answers tomorrow PF PowerPoint Presentations