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      Published in the interest of Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan Soldiers and their Families

    Transporters inspect vehicles
                                                                                              Page 5

Soldier serves to honor his father
                                                                                              Page 7
Volume2                                                                         Sustainer                                                   July2012

On the inside ...                                                                      From the editor:
Commander’s Corner                                                                     	     Welcome to the second edition of Sustainer
                                                                                       magazine - a monthly publication by the Joint Sus-
                                                                       Page 3          tainment Command - Afghanistan Public Affairs Of-
The Chaplain’s Office
                                                                       Page 3 	                 This magazine is for you - Soldiers and Fami-
                                                                                       lies of the JSC-A. We’d like to get your feedback on
CSM’s Corner                                                                           the content and anything you’d like to see in future
                                                                       Page 4          issues, so send me an e-mail, or write on our Face-
                                                                                       book wall (
Transporters inspect vehicles                                                          	       The 3d ESC rear detachment just had the
                                                                       Page 5 second monthly town hall meeting of the deployment,
                                                                                       and it’s now summer, which means kids are out of
School works for the future                                                            school, and many Families go on vacation or to see
                                                                       Page 5          family out of town.

Keeping Soldiers in the fight                                                          	       But that doesn’t mean you have to miss out
                                                                       Page 6          on the information discussed during the town hall
                                                                                       meetings. You can check in live during the town hall
233rd reduces waste                                                                    to our Facebook page and see the information as it is
                                                                                       discussed, as well as take part by posting comments
                                                                       Page 7          or questions.
Honoring his father                                                                    	       So, if you are out of town, or just unable to
                                                                       Page 7 make it to town hall meetings, we’ll see you on Face-
Hot and heavy
                                                                       Page 9                                      Sgt. 1st Class Rob Strain
                                                                                                                            Sustainer Editor
Motorpool hit ground running
                                                                       Page 9
Legal issues? No problem
                                                                      Page 10
And much more ...

   The Sustainer magazine is an authorized publication for members of the DOD.
    Contents of Sustainer are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by,
  the U.S. Government or the Department of the Army. The editorial content of this
  publication is the responsibility of the 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
                                  Public Affairs Office.

              Brig. Gen. Kristin French, Comanding General, 3d ESC

                        Maj. Jim Bono, Public Affairs Officer

                    Sgt. 1st Class Rob Strain, Sustainer Editor

                  Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin, Sustainer Staff Writer

                                Contributing Writers:
    Sgt. Gregory Williams, Capt. Henry Breton, Capt. James Crump, Sgt. Jessica
         Gradney, Amy Dyer, Lt. Col. George Trawick, 1st Lt. Donny Skinner

   The Sustainer staff can be reached by email at, by
  phone: (502) 624-8523, or by mail to 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary),
             ATTN: PAO, 1747 Old Ironsides Ave, Fort Knox, KY 40121.

 On the cover: Specialist Adrian Smith, a motor transport operator with the 233rd Transportation Company, inspects a Mine Resistant Ambush
 Protected vehicle for ammunition and explosives at the 401st Army Field Support Brigade’s Redistribution Property Assistance Team yard at Bagram
 Airfield, Afghanistan. (Army photo by Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin)

                                                                                                                                             Page   2
Volume2                                              Sustainer                                                July2012

          Commander’s Corner - Afghanistan
          Joint Sustainment Command
                     Brig. Gen. Kristin French
Sustainer Families and friends,                                                remind us of just how precious our
                                                                               citizenship is. These new Ameri-
	       Greetings! For those of                                                cans demonstrate that being a
you back in the United States, I                                               citizen is not just a collection of
hope you are enjoying your sum-                                                rights, but a set of responsibilities.
mer vacations. JSC-A has had an                                                Collectively, we are all responsible
extremely exciting June – and July                                             for America’s success.
will be just as busy! Along with
our regular sustainment support, I                                             	        JSC-A is now three months
want to take the chance to men-                                                into our deployment. We are no
tion one very special event where                                              longer the “new unit” in Afghani-
I had the opportunity to speak…                                                stan – we are fully embedded into
JSC-A hosted a naturalization                                                  all logistics support. As we review
ceremony recently at Kandahar                                                  our duties and make small ad-
Airfield.                                                                      justments, we continue to sup-
                                                                               port and sustain the Warfighter.
	       During the naturalization                                              More importantly, we continue to
ceremony, 44 service members                                                   be thankful for what we have as
from 24 different countries gained                                             Americans.
their citizenship. These young
people did more than just take a        led them to the United States.         	       Have a great July! I con-
test and sign some required docu-                                              tinue to be extremely proud of you
ments. Before they applied to be-       	        As we celebrate our Na-       and your families and everyone
come citizens, they enlisted in the     tion’s independence, we are re-        that supports the hard work JSC-
military and made a commitment          minded that for more than two          A is doing.
to defend the United States by self-    centuries, America has been a
lessly serving in the Armed Forces,     beacon of hope and opportunity.                     Sustaining the Line!
and each of them had a unique                                                       Brig. Gen. Kristin K. French
story to tell about the journey that    	      These service members                                 Sustainer 6

          The Chaplain’s Command - Afghanistan
           Joint Sustainment Office
                   Chaplain David VanderJagt
Blooming in the Desert                  	       From heat to cold, from        	      Our values, our hopes,
                                        the known to the unknown, from         our calling, and our training are
	     A very well know phrase is,       home to foreign lands, and our         strong roots that are quickly set
“Bloom where you are planted.”          lives change and flow like the tides   deep into any soil that we find
                                        of the oceans.                         ourselves in.
	      We often find ourselves in
places or circumstances that we         	      Never constant, never the       	      The stronger the roots
would not choose for ourselves, if      same, and never able to plant our      are that we carry with us, and
we had total control of our lives.      roots deeply into the soils of any     the sooner we are able to “Bloom
                                        one place.                             where we are planted.”
	       We volunteer to serve in
the military, and soon find our-        	       So how do you “Bloom”          	       Strong roots, nourished
selves in the aortic cold of Alaska,    with all this constant change? We      with personal honor and faith, and
or on the plains of Kansas, or          bloom, because we carry our roots      furthered nourished by the love of
strolling in the green hills of North   with us. We don’t have to start        a grateful nation sustain us as we
Carolina.                               from nothing.                          sustain the line here in Afghani-
	       Then, we turn around, and       	       When uprooted from one
before you know it, and we are          place to another. That which                       Chaplain VanderJagt
baking in the hot desert sands of       makes us strong comes with us.

Volume2                                            Sustainer                                             July2012

          Command Sgt. Command - Afghanistan
          Joint Sustainment Maj.’s Corner
          Command Sgt. Maj. Karl Roberts
Greetings from Kandahar Air-                                                 main focus is to promote stress
field,                                                                       relief, which will be essential in
                                                                             maintaining a stress free environ-
	       First, I would like to thank                                         ment.
the families and friends of the 3d
Sustainment Command (Expedi-                                                 	       We encourage Soldiers
tionary) for all of the support they                                         to read, stay in touch with fam-
continue to show our Soldiers as                                             ily members, work out, and play
we complete our first 100 days in                                            sports as stress relief methods.
theater. Since deploying to Af-
ghanistan, our Soldiers have con-                                            	       Once again I would like to
tinued to exceed our expectations.                                           thank our families, friends, and
                                                                             the Fort Knox communities for
	       As the senior enlisted                                               their tremendous support as we
leader of the 3d ESC, one of the                                             continue our mission as the Joint
biggest challenges our command                                               Sustainment Command – Afghani-
continues to tackle is coping with                                           stan. We miss you and we look
combat stress. While the dangers                                             forward to coming home soon.
our Soldiers face may be high
and the missions challenging, our                                                        Sustaining the Line!
command continues to battle com-                                                         CSM Karl A. Roberts
bat stress.	                                                                                     Sustainer 7

	       During our command’s
stay at Kandahar Airfield, we have     between our Soldiers through vari-
actively promoted camaraderie          ous activities. With this said, our

Find something that worked - or didn’t work? Let CALL know
Lt. Col. Mike Poss

CALL Lessons Learned NIPR website:
Army Professional Forums:
CALL SIPRNET OEF Current Operations:

The Center for Army Lessons Learned rapidly collects, analyzes, disseminates and archives OIL, TTP and op-
erational records in order to facilitate rapid adapation initiatives and conduct focused knowledge sharing and
transfer that informs the Army and enables operationally based decision making, integration, and innovation
                            throughout the Army and within the JIIM environment.

                                                                                                          Page  4
Volume2                                                    Sustainer                                                             July2012

Transporters inspect vehicles for munitions
                   Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin

	       BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan -- Since
their change of mission, Soldiers of the 233rd Trans-
portation Company have been busily involved in the
retrograde process.

	       With the end of United States combat role in
Afghanistan quickly approaching, the retrograde pro-
cess, which involves the movement of equipment and
material from a deployed theater to another theater
of operations to replenish unit stocks, will be a major
topic of discussion in the near future.

	       While the process has begun and will con-
tinue until complete, there is a lot of work that goes
on behind the scenes before equipment is actually
shipped out of country. One of the processes related
to the retrograde mission involves searching and
clearing vehicles of ammunition, in which Soldiers of
the 233rd Trans. Co. are spearheading.

	       “What we do is insure that every vehicle is
free of ammunition and explosives,” said Sgt. James
Dixon, a motor transport operator with the 233rd
Trans. Co. who’s now working as a member of the
munitions abatement team. “We do a thorough check
of the vehicle and its’ hotspots to make sure it’s safe
to move to its next destination.”

	       The process to sterilize vehicles of muni-               Spc. Adrian Smith, a motor transport operator with the 233rd Transpor-
                                                                 tation Company, inspects a High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
tions is one that is both rigorous and thorough. This            for ammunition and explosives at the 401st Army Field Support Brigade’s
involves checking a vehicles exterior, interior, cargo           Redistribution Property Assistance Team yard at Bagram Airfield, Afghani-
                                                                 stan. (Army photo by Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin)
bed, compartments and turrets, to name a few.
                                                                 	       “Making sure vehicles are clear is important
	      If ammunition is found, it is then consolidated           because it’s a key part of safety,” said Spc. Adrian
and turned in to the proper authorities, unless it is            Smith of the 233rd Trans. Co. “If ammunition is left
found to be unstable. Munitions found to be unstable             in a vehicle, someone could possibly get hurt. All in
must then be properly handled by explosive ordnance              all, we are all trying to make it back home, safety is
disposal.                                                        the key.”

Bazaar school works to brighten future
          Sgt. Gregory Williams                recreation staff assistant with            do for them…and not just because
	      KANDAHAR AIRFIELD,                      Commander, Kandahar Airfield               they behave well,” said Prodan.
Afghanistan. -- At 11 o’ clock on              headquarters barked in a loud
a hot Saturday afternoon, Af-                  voice causing erratic hands to stop        	       Prodan said the Bazaar
ghan kids ran out of a school                  in mid-air. As the children start-         School has been open for five years
and hurried to form a line. Their              ed the process of washing their            at Kandahar Airfield and reaches
faces painted with dirt and cray-              hands, choosing a yogurt or fruit,         out to over 50 Afghan children
on marks, the kids pushed and                  and taking a sample pack of cook-          every time the Bazaar opens. The
shoved one another causing a mini              ies, the Romanian Soldier smiled           Bazaar is the marketplace where
riot.                                          as calmness had finally set in…if          customers can buy merchandise
                                               only for another minute or two.            sold by local nationals and par-
	       “Stop fighting or no one                                                          ents usually will employ their own
will get candy later,” said Roma-              	      “I like to help the kids be-        children as merchants.
nian Army Master Sgt. George                   cause they don’t have many things
Prodan, a morale wellness and                  and they deserve all the things we
                                                                                                 See SCHOOL, next page
Volume2                                                         Sustainer                                                                 July2012

SCHOOL, from previous
	        “The parents who’re a ma-
jority of the shop owners thank us
because we take care of their kids
while they set up,” said Prodan.
“The school is important because
it may change not only child’s view
of soldiers, but maybe the parents

	       Each week the Bazaar
school opens, International Se-
curity Assistance Force Soldiers
and officers can contact Prodan to
volunteer to work with the Afghan

	       “In some way I think this
puts us in touch with the local
population and it gives the kids
an opportunity to meet people                  Soldiers hand out toothbrushes to Afghan children as the kids leave the Bazaar School. ISAF volun-
from different countries,” said Spc.           teers are given the opportunity to interact with afghan children before the Kandahar Bazaar opens
                                               for business. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams)
James Gorman, an intelligence
analyst, with the 163rd Military               teers are ordered to put up their                  it’s noon, the children start to line
Intelligence Battalion.                        weapons and are encouraged to                      up by the exit because they know
                                               let loose their inner child once the               what time it is. As each child takes
	       Gorman said he had fun                 kids arrive on site.                               two pieces of candy, they say their
playing soccer and interacting                                                                    goodbyes to Prodan and tell him
with the children, which is a good             	      “We’re like the Muppets,                    they’ll see him next week.
change of scenery. “Doing this is a            but with standard operating pro-
good change of pace for me be-                 cedures,” said Prodan. “In a lot                   	      “If something like this
cause I work a 12-hour shift every             of ways the boys here remind me                    would’ve existed twelve years ago,
day, so it’s a good way to get away            of my son and my wife, who’s a                     who knows how things might’ve
from the command for a bit.”                   teacher, is happy I’m doing this.”                 changed in Kandahar,” said Pro-
                                                                                                  dan. Who knows Indeed?
	         All Bazaar school volun-             	         Once word spreads that

395th Ordnance Company keeps Soldiers in the fight
                   Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin                            	      Deployed now for nearly a year, the 395th
                                                                        Ord. Co. provides munitions support to troops lo-
	      BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan -- Since                            cated at 9 different locations throughout Afghani-
their mobilization in July of 2011, Soldiers of the                     stan. On a daily basis, Soldiers of the 395th Ord. Co.
395th Ordnance Company have been busy keeping                           working at the ASP handle both the issuance and
Service Members serving in support of Operation                         shipping of ammunition through directives. Both
Enduring Freedom supplied with the ammunition                           began with a request for ammunition, and then once
needed to accomplish their respective missions.                         approved, the 395th Ord. Co. either issues or ships
                                                                        depending on the request.
	      An Army Reserve unit based out of Apple-
ton, Wis., the 395th Ord. Co. is responsible for issu-                  	      Another mission the 395th Ord. Co. has been
ing and distributing ammunition to units deployed                       busy with involves ammunition amnesty. During an
throughout Afghanistan. Working mainly out of Ba-                       amnesty day held earlier this year, the 395th Ord.
gram Airfield’s ammunition supply point, the 395th                      Co. partnered with the Joint Munitions Command,
Ord. Co. is also responsible for ensuring the base’s                    401st Army Field Support Brigade, Explosive Ord-
munitions is kept safe and secure.                                      nance Disposal, 10th Sustainment Brigade , and Ba-
                                                                        gram Installation Safety Office to aid in the collection
	       “As far as ammunition is concerned, noth-                       of more than 120, 050 ammunition and explosive
ing in RC-East (Regional Command) moves unless                          items. Events of this type allow units to turn in am-
it comes through the 395th,” said Staff Sgt. Gregory                    munition not recovered through the normal supply
Duzinske, a movement noncommissioned officer with                       channels.
the 395th Ord. Co.
                                                                                                            See AMMO, next page
Volume2                                                       Sustainer                                                             July2012

AMMO, from previous                                                 to the facility and are currently preparing for their
                                                                    transfer of authority with their replacements.
	      “For example, if a Soldier finds ammunition,
there are amnesty boxes located at various points on                	       Nearing the end of their deployment, Soldiers
base to allow them to turn it in,” said Sgt. Gregory                of the 395th Ord. Co. said they were proud of all
Pollack, an ammunition NCO with the 395th Ord.                      they’ve accomplished in the past year.
Co. “Our Soldiers then collect these boxes and en-
sure that the ammunition is disposed of properly.”                  	      “In the ammunition world there’s a saying
                                                                    that you can survive weeks without food, days with-
	      While manning the ammunition supply point,                   out water and minutes without air, but you can’t
the 395th Ord. Co. has made many improvements                       survive a second without ammunition,” said Pollack.

 233rd Trans. Co. Soldiers help to reduce waste at Retro-Sort yard
                                                                       (Left) BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Staff Sgt. Norman Morse,
                                                                       a motor transport operator with the 233rd Transportation Company,
                                                                       prepares items to be shipped out of the Retro-Sort Yard at Bagram
                                                                       Airfield, Afghanistan. The Retro-Sort Yard distributes serviceable
                                                                       items no longer needed by units to those in need, thus reducing
                                                                       waste and the need by units to order them. (U.S. Army photo by Staff
                                                                       Sgt. Michael Behlin)

 (Right)Spc. Antonio Martinez, a motor transport operator
 with the 233rd Transportation Company, uses rough terrain
 container handler to move a container of serviceable items
 for shipment at Bagram Airfield’s Retro-Sort Yard. (U.S.
 Army photo by Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin)

Soldier lives dream of serving in military, honors father
          Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin              country and honoring his late fa-          volunteered for this, but he was
                                                 ther.                                      drafted.”
Afghanistan - It’s not every day                 	       The son of a Vietnam vet-          	       Liddle’s dream of becoming
that someone gets to live out their              eran, Liddle is a 3rd generation           a Soldier began during his time as
dreams and goals, but for Spc.                   Soldier as his grandfather fought          a young boy mimicking his father.
John Liddle Jr., a member of the                 in World War II. He said that their        He explained that during this
822nd Movement Control Team                      selfless service is what led to his        time, he spent countless hours
of the New York Army National                    wanting to join the military.              playing with toy Soldiers wanting
Guard, the opportunity to do so is                                                          to be just like the guys on the war
now.	                                            	       “I’ve always wanted                movies and TV shows.
                                                 to know what my father went
	       A native New Yorker who                  through, and overall just thought          	      After years of working as
calls Long Island home, the 42                   that joining the military was my           a welder and playing semi-pro-
year old father of one is getting                calling,” said Liddle. “I’m proud of       fessional football for the South-
the chance to do something he’s                  everything my father did and what
always dreamed of, serving his                   our country called him to do. We                   See FATHER, next page
Volume2                                             Sustainer                                                          July2012

FATHER, from previous                  	       “We inspect every vehicle
                                       that enters our yard and check
ern Tier Warriors, Liddle’s finally    for ammunition and anything
got the opportunity to fulfill his     else that shouldn’t be there,” said
dream.                                 Liddle. “We make sure our battle
                                       buddies are safe.”
	       At 36 years old, Liddle
enlisted in the National Guard as      	       Liddle admitted that while
a motor transport operator, the        he’s proud to be serving, he hit a
same military occupation special-      definite low point when his father
ty as his father.                      passed away just two weeks into
                                       his deployment. But even with his
	        Affectionately known as       circumstances, his father’s words
“Lids” by teammates and friends,       have stuck with him.
Liddle said that his experiences
with sports helped him perse-          	       “Not long before my father
vere while dealing with dyslexia,      passed he told me to make sure I
amongst other issues that prevent-     come home to him and my moth-
ed him from enlisting earlier in       er,” said Liddle. “He said that he
life. He compares most of his life     was proud of me and what I was
experiences to football and feels      doing. Those words have stuck
that his dedication is what has led    with me.”
to him being in his current posi-
tion.                                  	       Liddle said that his fu-        At age 42, Spc. John Liddle Jr., a member of the
                                       ture in the Army looks bright as        822nd Movement Control Team of the New York
	       “When I get up in the          he plans to reenlist later in the       Army National Guard, is living his dream of
                                                                               serving his country and honoring his late father,
mornings, every day to me is game      year and possibly reclassify as         who was a Vietnam Veteran. (U.S. Army photo by
day,” said Liddle. “We fight every     an infantryman. He also plans to        Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin)
day in our lives inch by inch, yard    continue his career by becoming         	       Overall, Liddle said that ev-
by yard until we reach the goal        an active-duty Soldier.                 eryone has been supportive of his
line.”                                                                         dream to include his current unit.
                                       	       And while he feels he has       He admitted that every now and
	       After years of not being       many years of football left in him,     then he gets down when thinking
able to deploy, he’s finally getting   he said that he may soon plan           of his father, but that everyone
the opportunity as an inspector        to retire while jokingly admit-         rallied around him to help him get
for the 401st Army Field Support       ting that many of his teammates         through.
Brigade’s ammunition abatement         once played on a peewee team he
mission.                               coached years ago.                      	       “I have my days that I real-
                                                                               ly miss my father, but my officers
	       Even though this mission       	        “I like to think of myself     and NCO’s here encourage me,”
calls for Liddle to operate mainly     like the Brett Favre of the semi-       said Liddle. “But I know that he’s
at Bagram Airfield and not on the      pro’s,” said Liddle, referring to the   proud of me for all that I’ve done.”
roads, he still feels as though he’s   retired National Football League
making a difference in Afghani-        quarterback.

Volume2                                                  Sustainer                                                             July2012

Endurance contest gets hot and heavy
                    Capt. Henry Breton                           	         Not one to be deterred, VanderJagt exclaimed,
                                                                 “The match is still running, we’ve got plenty of time
	      KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – It’s                     left. It’s David versus Goliath!”
another routine day in the Joint Sustainment Com-
mand Afghanistan J4, or logistics, office.                       	       “I told him if you raise [the bar] more, I’ll do
                                                                 at least 100, so I stopped at 101 so I didn’t discourage
	        Two titans of bicep, Sgt. 1st Class Aaron               anyone,” bragged Haynes as he clinched the lead.
Haynes, the JSC-A food service noncommissioned of-
ficer in charge, and Chaplain (Lt. Col.) David Vander-           	      Since the 3d Sustainment Command (Expe-
Jagt, the command chaplain, have been displaying                 ditionary) deployed in mid-April, both champions
their fortitude in a test of muscular endurance.                 have been training hard, besting one another again
                                                                 and again with Haynes recently going from 74 to 101
	       Since the unit arrived in Afghanistan, the               bicep curls, topping the chaplain by 27 curls.
competition has been heavy, with both contestants
competing to see who could best the other in a                   	      “[Sergeant] Haynes is a big guy, while the
“friendly game” of bicep curls. The favorite to win if           chaplain has heart,” said Sgt. Mike Wittstock, a J4
not by pure physical stature, Haynes completed 101               noncommissioned officer. “I’d say it’s a tough call!”
bicep curls to VanderJagt’s 84.	

Motor pool Soldiers hit the ground running
          Capt. James Crump
Afghanistan – Greetings from
Afghanistan to all of our friends,
family and loved ones. The 3d
Sustainment Command (Expedi-
tionary) motor pool has been very
busy since arriving in Afghani-

	       The first part of a deploy-
ment is usually filled with projects
that establish and improve the
unit’s footprint and living condi-
tions. Your Soldiers have made
many positive changes to their liv-
ing quarters, their work areas and

	      Not long after we arrived
here we started training. There
were several courses required to
bring the motor pool up to speed.
Since arriving, two Soldiers have        The Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d ESC, motor pool section. (U.S. Army photo by
                                         Capt. James Crump)
attended the Standard Army
Maintenance System training.             pretty amazing things both on-                  areas and help establish the unit’s
They now manage parts, supplies          and off-road. Along with driving                footprint here in Afghanistan.
and work order contracts for the         the M-ATV, four Soldiers attended
whole command.                           the Field Level Maintenance                     	       Erecting sunshades, build-
                                         course, learning the new vehicles               ing clearing barrels, and bringing
	      Four more Soldiers attend-        inside and out. All of this training            new mattresses and wall lock-
ed the Mine Resistant Ambush             has been conducted in addition to               ers to the living quarters are just
Protected All Terrain Vehicle (M-        the many other things that motor                some of the things your Soldiers
ATV) driver’s course. Your Soldiers      pool Soldiers do every day.                     have done since arriving here.
are the only personnel in the com-
mand currently qualified on the          	      In addition to training,                 	     They have also assisted in
newest version of the MRAP, and          the motor pool has done a lot to                conducting many inventories both
they can make that truck do some         improve the command’s work                                   See HHC, next page
                                                                                                                                 Page 9
Volume2                                                                 Sustainer                                                July2012

HHC, from previous                                    many tasks your Soldiers do every           selves with weight loss goals, fit-
                                                      day.                                        ness routines and furthering their
here on Kandahar and at other                                                                     college education at the Kandahar
sites throughout our area of opera-                   	       Motor pool Soldiers are             Education Center.
tion. Your Soldiers recently assist-                  busy everyday and we don’t expect
ed the arms room with inspecting                      the tempo to slow down any time             	       Your Soldiers are making
and inventorying ammunition and                       soon. There is always more train-           great things happen for the 3d
magazines and replacing anything                      ing or another mission coming up.           ESC, our subordinate units and
that was found unserviceable.                                                                     themselves.
                                                      	      In the midst of all of this,
	         These are just a few of the                 your Soldiers are improving them-           	       Sustaining the Line!

Legal Issues? No Problem!
                          Sgt. Jessica Gradney

	      KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – While
deployed, Soldiers often encounter legal problems
back home or in theater.

	       Luckily for them, the Army has established le-
gal assistance offices in their deployed environments
to help assist and address Soldiers’ legal needs.

	       All 3d Sustainment Command (Expedition-
ary) Soldiers can obtain legal assistance from the
Kandahar Legal Assistance Office, which provides le-
gal services throughout Regional Command – South
and Regional Command - West.
                                                                               such as contracts and leases, and will prepare wills,
	        Services are provided to Soldiers, Department                         living wills, health care power of attorneys, and other
of the Army and Department of Defense civilians,                               legal documents.
retired military, military dependents, and contractors
(if their contract makes them eligible for services).                          	       Most importantly, attorneys will help Soldiers
                                                                               draft financial liability investigations of property loss
	       Legal assistance attorneys provide advice on                           and general officer memorandum of reprimand rebut-
most personal legal matters to include family law (di-                         tals.
vorce, separation, custody), consumer protection law,
landlord-tenant issues, and economic matters (debts,                           	      In addition to these services, the Legal As-
tax, bankruptcy) to name a few.                                                sistance Office will also provide notaries and special
                                                                               power of attorneys. 	
	         Attorneys will also review legal documents,
                                                                               	       Although legal assistance attorneys will pro-
                                                                               vide legal advice to their clients, they are not autho-
                                                                               rized to appear with you as your attorney of record
                                                                               in any court proceeding or draft any legal documents
                                                                               that will be filed with a court.

                                                                               	      All services of the Legal Assistance Office are
                                                                               provided free of charge.

                                                                               	      Legal services are provided on a walk-in, first
                                                                               come-first served basis. Appointments are not neces-

                                                                               	      The hours of operation are Monday through
                                                                               Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday – Sunday
                                                                               from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

                                                                               	      The office is located in building 245 on Chi-
                                                                               nook Road, which is directly across the street from
The 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) legal assistance team,
from left to right: Staff Sgt. Matthew Sullivan, Sgt. Marshall Stevens, Sgt.
                                                                               the KFC and German PX on the boardwalk. If you
Jessica Gradney, Capt. Patrick Barrett. (Courtesy photo)                       have any questions please call (813) 841-1163.
Volume2                                                      Sustainer                                                   July2012

Supporting Our Troops: HRC supports the 3d ESC
  Amy Dyer and Lt. Col. George Trawick                                                      began supporting the 3d ESC in
                                                                                            earnest, helping with the Pre-
	       FORT KNOX, Ky. - For                                                                deployment Fair and other FRG
several months now, the Human                                                               activities.
Resouces Command’s Project
Management Division has been                                                                	      Trawick, now with Infor-
supporting an effort to send care                                                           mation Assurance, recruited Staff
packages to deployed soldiers in                                                            Sgt. Mirta Cabrera to help get the
Iraq and Afghanistan.                                                                       word out to the rest of PERSINSD.

	       The effort started in No-                                                           	       Volunteers from all over
vember 2010, when Lt. Col. George                                                           PERSINSD supported the depar-
Trawick wanted to find a method             Care packages for the 3d ESC (Courtesy photo)   ture of the 3d ESC ADVON and
to connect the members of the               meeting with the 3rd Sustainment                Main Body with snacks, drinks,
Project Management Office with              Command, Expeditionary (3d                      and volunteers to help setup,
their customer, the Soldier.                ESC) Rear Detachment Command-                   serve, and clean up.
                                            er, Lt. Col. Robin Higgins, and the
	        With the holidays ap-              3d ESC Family Readiness Group                   	       The FRG Leader could not
proaching, PMO sent Christmas               leader, Karla Schuster. From that               thank us enough, saying our ef-
care packages to deployed Soldiers          meeting, a new sponsorship pro-                 forts allowed the FRG team time to
in Iraq and continued to send               gram was born.                                  say goodbye to their own Soldiers
more care packages on major holi-                                                           and to provide support the other
days until that unit returned in            	      But, the 3d ESC would                    families as they deployed.
mid-November 2011.                          not be deploying until April 2012.
                                            PMD would not sit idle for that                 	       The support effort con-
	       But PMD was not satisfied           long.                                           tinues today. In May, PERSINSD
with that - they wanted to do more                                                          mailed over 100 pounds of cof-
for the Soldiers.                           	       So the team searched and                fee to the 3d ESC Soldiers. Also,
                                            found the 2nd Battalion, 5th In-                volunteers donated snacks, drinks
	       So, in October 2011, PMD            fantry “Bobcats”, out of Fort Bliss,            and time for the FRG Mother’s Day
reached out to a local unit prepar-         Texas, and quickly organized and                Movie Night for the Soldiers’ wives
ing to deploy.                              shipped eight boxes of goodies at               and children here at Fort Knox.
                                            Christmas, and several more box-
	       Amy Dyer, Kem Greenwell,            es for Valentine’s Day and Easter.              	       PERSINSD will send care
and Jenny Murphy in HRC Sup-                                                                packages to the deployed Soldiers
port Systems led the way to build-          	       PMD employees got their                 until they return. The next pack-
ing a true sponsorship program.             children involved, too. Several                 ages to the 3d ESC will have a
                                            local youth groups helped fill the              patriotic theme for Independence
	       Trawick found a local unit          care packages with letters, cards,              Day, and the soldiers have re-
that could be supported from the            popcorn, and other goodies.                     quested chips, since they can only
time of deployment until they                                                               get Pringles in their store.
returned. The four of them held a           	        In February 2012, PMD

3d ESC surgeon cell partners up to support Wounded Warriors
                    1st Lt. Donny Skinner                            	     On Saturday, June 9, Soldiers from the 3d
                                                                     ESC helped organize the first card night for the
	        KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – The                        wounded warriors.
Joint Sustainment Command – Afghanistan has
partnered with the Kandahar Warrior Recovery Cen-                    	       Sgt. 1st Class Summer Pressley and Staff Sgt.
ter to lend its support to our war fighters. 	                       Hector Lugo from the knowledge management office
                                                                     set up the games and provided friendly competition
	       Led by a determined effort from Sgt. 1st Class               for the Soldiers.
Mi Pak and the JSC-A surgeon’s office, a total of 17
volunteers have donated more than 40 hours volun-                    	       They, among others, have made it a point to
teering to help Soldiers who are recuperating from                   visit the WRC during their personal time as a show
injuries sustained in support of Operation Endur-                    of solidarity and concern for their fellow servicemen
ing Freedom. Activities have included morale visits,                 and women.
equipment set-up, fly fishing classes and facility
                                                                                                     See WRC, next page
Volume2                                             Sustainer                                                               July2012

WRC, from previous
	       The WRC at Kandahar is a joint, multidisci-
plinary center that provides Soldiers with a program
of coordinated medical management and rehabilita-

	       The WRC is currently comprised of five clinics
covering specialty care in physical therapy, occupa-
tional therapy, traumatic brain injury, combat opera-
tional stress control and general medicine.

	       Their mission is to provide outstanding
healthcare to aid our Soldiers in the transition back
to their units.

	      The WRC has proven to be a valuable theater         One of the Warrior Recovery Center clinic areas on Kandahar Airfield,
                                                           Afghanistan. (Courtesy photo)
resource for both Soldiers and Commanders.

One text or call could wreck it all
          JSC-A Safety Office          WHAT IS DISTRACTED DRIVING?

	      KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Af-          	       Distracted driving is any
ghanistan – Distracted driving is a    activity that could divert a per-
dangerous epidemic on America’s        son’s attention away from the
roadways.                              primary task of driving.

	       In 2010, 3092 people were      	       All distractions endanger
killed in crashes involving a dis-     driver, passenger, and bystander
tracted driver and an estimated        safety. These types of distractions
additional 416,000 were injured in     include:
motor vehicle crashes involving a                                                   	       Because text messaging re-
distracted driver.                     •Texting
                                                                                    quires visual, manual, and cogni-
                                       •Using a cell phone or Smartphone            tive attention from the driver, it is
	       18% of injury crashes in
                                                                                    by far the most alarming distrac-
2010 were reported as distraction-
                                       •Eating and drinking                         tion.
affected crashes. 11% of all driv-
ers under the age of 20 involved                                                    KENTUCKY LAWS
                                       •Talking to passengers
in fatal crashes were reported as
distracted at the time of the crash.   •Grooming                                    •Ban on all cell phone use (hand-
                                                                                    held and hands-free) for bus driv-
	       This age group has the         •Reading, including maps                     ers (Primary law)
largest proportion of drivers who
were distracted. 40% of all Ameri-     •Using a navigation system                   •Ban on all cell phone use (hand-
can teens say they have been in                                                     held and hands-free) for novice
a car when the driver used a cell      •Watching a video                            drivers (Primary law)
phone in a way that put people in
danger.                                •Adjusting a radio, CD player, or            •Ban on texting for all drivers (Pri-
                                       MP3 player                                   mary law)

                                                                                    •Preemption Law prohibits locali-
                                                                                    ties from enacting distracted driv-
                                                                                    ing bans

                                                                                    	       If you want to know the
                                                                                    state laws involving distracted
                                                                                    driving and cell phone use, go

                                                                                                                             Page  12
Volume2                    Sustainer                July2012

          Life in the JSC-A: Photos from Facebook

Sustainer - July 2012

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Sustainer - July 2012

  • 1. July2012 Sustainer Published in the interest of Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan Soldiers and their Families Transporters inspect vehicles Page 5 Soldier serves to honor his father Page 7
  • 2. Volume2 Sustainer July2012 On the inside ... From the editor: Commander’s Corner Welcome to the second edition of Sustainer magazine - a monthly publication by the Joint Sus- Page 3 tainment Command - Afghanistan Public Affairs Of- fice. The Chaplain’s Office Page 3 This magazine is for you - Soldiers and Fami- lies of the JSC-A. We’d like to get your feedback on CSM’s Corner the content and anything you’d like to see in future Page 4 issues, so send me an e-mail, or write on our Face- book wall ( Transporters inspect vehicles The 3d ESC rear detachment just had the Page 5 second monthly town hall meeting of the deployment, and it’s now summer, which means kids are out of School works for the future school, and many Families go on vacation or to see Page 5 family out of town. Keeping Soldiers in the fight But that doesn’t mean you have to miss out Page 6 on the information discussed during the town hall meetings. You can check in live during the town hall 233rd reduces waste to our Facebook page and see the information as it is discussed, as well as take part by posting comments Page 7 or questions. Honoring his father So, if you are out of town, or just unable to Page 7 make it to town hall meetings, we’ll see you on Face- book. Hot and heavy Page 9 Sgt. 1st Class Rob Strain Sustainer Editor Motorpool hit ground running Page 9 Legal issues? No problem Page 10 And much more ... The Sustainer magazine is an authorized publication for members of the DOD. Contents of Sustainer are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or the Department of the Army. The editorial content of this publication is the responsibility of the 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) Public Affairs Office. Brig. Gen. Kristin French, Comanding General, 3d ESC Maj. Jim Bono, Public Affairs Officer Sgt. 1st Class Rob Strain, Sustainer Editor Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin, Sustainer Staff Writer Contributing Writers: Sgt. Gregory Williams, Capt. Henry Breton, Capt. James Crump, Sgt. Jessica Gradney, Amy Dyer, Lt. Col. George Trawick, 1st Lt. Donny Skinner The Sustainer staff can be reached by email at, by phone: (502) 624-8523, or by mail to 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), ATTN: PAO, 1747 Old Ironsides Ave, Fort Knox, KY 40121. On the cover: Specialist Adrian Smith, a motor transport operator with the 233rd Transportation Company, inspects a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle for ammunition and explosives at the 401st Army Field Support Brigade’s Redistribution Property Assistance Team yard at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. (Army photo by Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin) Page 2
  • 3. Volume2 Sustainer July2012 Commander’s Corner - Afghanistan Joint Sustainment Command Brig. Gen. Kristin French Sustainer Families and friends, remind us of just how precious our citizenship is. These new Ameri- Greetings! For those of cans demonstrate that being a you back in the United States, I citizen is not just a collection of hope you are enjoying your sum- rights, but a set of responsibilities. mer vacations. JSC-A has had an Collectively, we are all responsible extremely exciting June – and July for America’s success. will be just as busy! Along with our regular sustainment support, I JSC-A is now three months want to take the chance to men- into our deployment. We are no tion one very special event where longer the “new unit” in Afghani- I had the opportunity to speak… stan – we are fully embedded into JSC-A hosted a naturalization all logistics support. As we review ceremony recently at Kandahar our duties and make small ad- Airfield. justments, we continue to sup- port and sustain the Warfighter. During the naturalization More importantly, we continue to ceremony, 44 service members be thankful for what we have as from 24 different countries gained Americans. their citizenship. These young people did more than just take a led them to the United States. Have a great July! I con- test and sign some required docu- tinue to be extremely proud of you ments. Before they applied to be- As we celebrate our Na- and your families and everyone come citizens, they enlisted in the tion’s independence, we are re- that supports the hard work JSC- military and made a commitment minded that for more than two A is doing. to defend the United States by self- centuries, America has been a lessly serving in the Armed Forces, beacon of hope and opportunity. Sustaining the Line! and each of them had a unique Brig. Gen. Kristin K. French story to tell about the journey that These service members Sustainer 6 The Chaplain’s Command - Afghanistan Joint Sustainment Office Chaplain David VanderJagt Blooming in the Desert From heat to cold, from Our values, our hopes, the known to the unknown, from our calling, and our training are A very well know phrase is, home to foreign lands, and our strong roots that are quickly set “Bloom where you are planted.” lives change and flow like the tides deep into any soil that we find of the oceans. ourselves in. We often find ourselves in places or circumstances that we Never constant, never the The stronger the roots would not choose for ourselves, if same, and never able to plant our are that we carry with us, and we had total control of our lives. roots deeply into the soils of any the sooner we are able to “Bloom one place. where we are planted.” We volunteer to serve in the military, and soon find our- So how do you “Bloom” Strong roots, nourished selves in the aortic cold of Alaska, with all this constant change? We with personal honor and faith, and or on the plains of Kansas, or bloom, because we carry our roots furthered nourished by the love of strolling in the green hills of North with us. We don’t have to start a grateful nation sustain us as we Carolina. from nothing. sustain the line here in Afghani- stan. Then, we turn around, and When uprooted from one before you know it, and we are place to another. That which Chaplain VanderJagt baking in the hot desert sands of makes us strong comes with us. Afghanistan. Page3
  • 4. Volume2 Sustainer July2012 Command Sgt. Command - Afghanistan Joint Sustainment Maj.’s Corner Command Sgt. Maj. Karl Roberts Greetings from Kandahar Air- main focus is to promote stress field, relief, which will be essential in maintaining a stress free environ- First, I would like to thank ment. the families and friends of the 3d Sustainment Command (Expedi- We encourage Soldiers tionary) for all of the support they to read, stay in touch with fam- continue to show our Soldiers as ily members, work out, and play we complete our first 100 days in sports as stress relief methods. theater. Since deploying to Af- ghanistan, our Soldiers have con- Once again I would like to tinued to exceed our expectations. thank our families, friends, and the Fort Knox communities for As the senior enlisted their tremendous support as we leader of the 3d ESC, one of the continue our mission as the Joint biggest challenges our command Sustainment Command – Afghani- continues to tackle is coping with stan. We miss you and we look combat stress. While the dangers forward to coming home soon. our Soldiers face may be high and the missions challenging, our Sustaining the Line! command continues to battle com- CSM Karl A. Roberts bat stress. Sustainer 7 During our command’s stay at Kandahar Airfield, we have between our Soldiers through vari- actively promoted camaraderie ous activities. With this said, our Find something that worked - or didn’t work? Let CALL know CALL LNO to JSC-A: Lt. Col. Mike Poss CALL Lessons Learned NIPR website: Army Professional Forums: CALL SIPRNET Homepage: CALL SIPRNET OEF Current Operations: The Center for Army Lessons Learned rapidly collects, analyzes, disseminates and archives OIL, TTP and op- erational records in order to facilitate rapid adapation initiatives and conduct focused knowledge sharing and transfer that informs the Army and enables operationally based decision making, integration, and innovation throughout the Army and within the JIIM environment. Page 4
  • 5. Volume2 Sustainer July2012 Transporters inspect vehicles for munitions Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan -- Since their change of mission, Soldiers of the 233rd Trans- portation Company have been busily involved in the retrograde process. With the end of United States combat role in Afghanistan quickly approaching, the retrograde pro- cess, which involves the movement of equipment and material from a deployed theater to another theater of operations to replenish unit stocks, will be a major topic of discussion in the near future. While the process has begun and will con- tinue until complete, there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes before equipment is actually shipped out of country. One of the processes related to the retrograde mission involves searching and clearing vehicles of ammunition, in which Soldiers of the 233rd Trans. Co. are spearheading. “What we do is insure that every vehicle is free of ammunition and explosives,” said Sgt. James Dixon, a motor transport operator with the 233rd Trans. Co. who’s now working as a member of the munitions abatement team. “We do a thorough check of the vehicle and its’ hotspots to make sure it’s safe to move to its next destination.” The process to sterilize vehicles of muni- Spc. Adrian Smith, a motor transport operator with the 233rd Transpor- tation Company, inspects a High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle tions is one that is both rigorous and thorough. This for ammunition and explosives at the 401st Army Field Support Brigade’s involves checking a vehicles exterior, interior, cargo Redistribution Property Assistance Team yard at Bagram Airfield, Afghani- stan. (Army photo by Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin) bed, compartments and turrets, to name a few. “Making sure vehicles are clear is important If ammunition is found, it is then consolidated because it’s a key part of safety,” said Spc. Adrian and turned in to the proper authorities, unless it is Smith of the 233rd Trans. Co. “If ammunition is left found to be unstable. Munitions found to be unstable in a vehicle, someone could possibly get hurt. All in must then be properly handled by explosive ordnance all, we are all trying to make it back home, safety is disposal. the key.” Bazaar school works to brighten future Sgt. Gregory Williams recreation staff assistant with do for them…and not just because KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Commander, Kandahar Airfield they behave well,” said Prodan. Afghanistan. -- At 11 o’ clock on headquarters barked in a loud a hot Saturday afternoon, Af- voice causing erratic hands to stop Prodan said the Bazaar ghan kids ran out of a school in mid-air. As the children start- School has been open for five years and hurried to form a line. Their ed the process of washing their at Kandahar Airfield and reaches faces painted with dirt and cray- hands, choosing a yogurt or fruit, out to over 50 Afghan children on marks, the kids pushed and and taking a sample pack of cook- every time the Bazaar opens. The shoved one another causing a mini ies, the Romanian Soldier smiled Bazaar is the marketplace where riot. as calmness had finally set in…if customers can buy merchandise only for another minute or two. sold by local nationals and par- “Stop fighting or no one ents usually will employ their own will get candy later,” said Roma- “I like to help the kids be- children as merchants. nian Army Master Sgt. George cause they don’t have many things Prodan, a morale wellness and and they deserve all the things we See SCHOOL, next page Page5
  • 6. Volume2 Sustainer July2012 SCHOOL, from previous “The parents who’re a ma- jority of the shop owners thank us because we take care of their kids while they set up,” said Prodan. “The school is important because it may change not only child’s view of soldiers, but maybe the parents too.” Each week the Bazaar school opens, International Se- curity Assistance Force Soldiers and officers can contact Prodan to volunteer to work with the Afghan children. “In some way I think this puts us in touch with the local population and it gives the kids an opportunity to meet people Soldiers hand out toothbrushes to Afghan children as the kids leave the Bazaar School. ISAF volun- from different countries,” said Spc. teers are given the opportunity to interact with afghan children before the Kandahar Bazaar opens for business. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams) James Gorman, an intelligence analyst, with the 163rd Military teers are ordered to put up their it’s noon, the children start to line Intelligence Battalion. weapons and are encouraged to up by the exit because they know let loose their inner child once the what time it is. As each child takes Gorman said he had fun kids arrive on site. two pieces of candy, they say their playing soccer and interacting goodbyes to Prodan and tell him with the children, which is a good “We’re like the Muppets, they’ll see him next week. change of scenery. “Doing this is a but with standard operating pro- good change of pace for me be- cedures,” said Prodan. “In a lot “If something like this cause I work a 12-hour shift every of ways the boys here remind me would’ve existed twelve years ago, day, so it’s a good way to get away of my son and my wife, who’s a who knows how things might’ve from the command for a bit.” teacher, is happy I’m doing this.” changed in Kandahar,” said Pro- dan. Who knows Indeed? All Bazaar school volun- Once word spreads that 395th Ordnance Company keeps Soldiers in the fight Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin Deployed now for nearly a year, the 395th Ord. Co. provides munitions support to troops lo- BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan -- Since cated at 9 different locations throughout Afghani- their mobilization in July of 2011, Soldiers of the stan. On a daily basis, Soldiers of the 395th Ord. Co. 395th Ordnance Company have been busy keeping working at the ASP handle both the issuance and Service Members serving in support of Operation shipping of ammunition through directives. Both Enduring Freedom supplied with the ammunition began with a request for ammunition, and then once needed to accomplish their respective missions. approved, the 395th Ord. Co. either issues or ships depending on the request. An Army Reserve unit based out of Apple- ton, Wis., the 395th Ord. Co. is responsible for issu- Another mission the 395th Ord. Co. has been ing and distributing ammunition to units deployed busy with involves ammunition amnesty. During an throughout Afghanistan. Working mainly out of Ba- amnesty day held earlier this year, the 395th Ord. gram Airfield’s ammunition supply point, the 395th Co. partnered with the Joint Munitions Command, Ord. Co. is also responsible for ensuring the base’s 401st Army Field Support Brigade, Explosive Ord- munitions is kept safe and secure. nance Disposal, 10th Sustainment Brigade , and Ba- gram Installation Safety Office to aid in the collection “As far as ammunition is concerned, noth- of more than 120, 050 ammunition and explosive ing in RC-East (Regional Command) moves unless items. Events of this type allow units to turn in am- it comes through the 395th,” said Staff Sgt. Gregory munition not recovered through the normal supply Duzinske, a movement noncommissioned officer with channels. the 395th Ord. Co. See AMMO, next page Page6
  • 7. Volume2 Sustainer July2012 AMMO, from previous to the facility and are currently preparing for their transfer of authority with their replacements. “For example, if a Soldier finds ammunition, there are amnesty boxes located at various points on Nearing the end of their deployment, Soldiers base to allow them to turn it in,” said Sgt. Gregory of the 395th Ord. Co. said they were proud of all Pollack, an ammunition NCO with the 395th Ord. they’ve accomplished in the past year. Co. “Our Soldiers then collect these boxes and en- sure that the ammunition is disposed of properly.” “In the ammunition world there’s a saying that you can survive weeks without food, days with- While manning the ammunition supply point, out water and minutes without air, but you can’t the 395th Ord. Co. has made many improvements survive a second without ammunition,” said Pollack. 233rd Trans. Co. Soldiers help to reduce waste at Retro-Sort yard (Left) BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Staff Sgt. Norman Morse, a motor transport operator with the 233rd Transportation Company, prepares items to be shipped out of the Retro-Sort Yard at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. The Retro-Sort Yard distributes serviceable items no longer needed by units to those in need, thus reducing waste and the need by units to order them. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin) (Right)Spc. Antonio Martinez, a motor transport operator with the 233rd Transportation Company, uses rough terrain container handler to move a container of serviceable items for shipment at Bagram Airfield’s Retro-Sort Yard. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin) Soldier lives dream of serving in military, honors father Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin country and honoring his late fa- volunteered for this, but he was ther. drafted.” BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - It’s not every day The son of a Vietnam vet- Liddle’s dream of becoming that someone gets to live out their eran, Liddle is a 3rd generation a Soldier began during his time as dreams and goals, but for Spc. Soldier as his grandfather fought a young boy mimicking his father. John Liddle Jr., a member of the in World War II. He said that their He explained that during this 822nd Movement Control Team selfless service is what led to his time, he spent countless hours of the New York Army National wanting to join the military. playing with toy Soldiers wanting Guard, the opportunity to do so is to be just like the guys on the war now. “I’ve always wanted movies and TV shows. to know what my father went A native New Yorker who through, and overall just thought After years of working as calls Long Island home, the 42 that joining the military was my a welder and playing semi-pro- year old father of one is getting calling,” said Liddle. “I’m proud of fessional football for the South- the chance to do something he’s everything my father did and what always dreamed of, serving his our country called him to do. We See FATHER, next page Page7
  • 8. Volume2 Sustainer July2012 FATHER, from previous “We inspect every vehicle that enters our yard and check ern Tier Warriors, Liddle’s finally for ammunition and anything got the opportunity to fulfill his else that shouldn’t be there,” said dream. Liddle. “We make sure our battle buddies are safe.” At 36 years old, Liddle enlisted in the National Guard as Liddle admitted that while a motor transport operator, the he’s proud to be serving, he hit a same military occupation special- definite low point when his father ty as his father. passed away just two weeks into his deployment. But even with his Affectionately known as circumstances, his father’s words “Lids” by teammates and friends, have stuck with him. Liddle said that his experiences with sports helped him perse- “Not long before my father vere while dealing with dyslexia, passed he told me to make sure I amongst other issues that prevent- come home to him and my moth- ed him from enlisting earlier in er,” said Liddle. “He said that he life. He compares most of his life was proud of me and what I was experiences to football and feels doing. Those words have stuck that his dedication is what has led with me.” to him being in his current posi- tion. Liddle said that his fu- At age 42, Spc. John Liddle Jr., a member of the ture in the Army looks bright as 822nd Movement Control Team of the New York “When I get up in the he plans to reenlist later in the Army National Guard, is living his dream of serving his country and honoring his late father, mornings, every day to me is game year and possibly reclassify as who was a Vietnam Veteran. (U.S. Army photo by day,” said Liddle. “We fight every an infantryman. He also plans to Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin) day in our lives inch by inch, yard continue his career by becoming Overall, Liddle said that ev- by yard until we reach the goal an active-duty Soldier. eryone has been supportive of his line.” dream to include his current unit. And while he feels he has He admitted that every now and After years of not being many years of football left in him, then he gets down when thinking able to deploy, he’s finally getting he said that he may soon plan of his father, but that everyone the opportunity as an inspector to retire while jokingly admit- rallied around him to help him get for the 401st Army Field Support ting that many of his teammates through. Brigade’s ammunition abatement once played on a peewee team he mission. coached years ago. “I have my days that I real- ly miss my father, but my officers Even though this mission “I like to think of myself and NCO’s here encourage me,” calls for Liddle to operate mainly like the Brett Favre of the semi- said Liddle. “But I know that he’s at Bagram Airfield and not on the pro’s,” said Liddle, referring to the proud of me for all that I’ve done.” roads, he still feels as though he’s retired National Football League making a difference in Afghani- quarterback. stan. Page8
  • 9. Volume2 Sustainer July2012 Endurance contest gets hot and heavy Capt. Henry Breton Not one to be deterred, VanderJagt exclaimed, “The match is still running, we’ve got plenty of time KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – It’s left. It’s David versus Goliath!” another routine day in the Joint Sustainment Com- mand Afghanistan J4, or logistics, office. “I told him if you raise [the bar] more, I’ll do at least 100, so I stopped at 101 so I didn’t discourage Two titans of bicep, Sgt. 1st Class Aaron anyone,” bragged Haynes as he clinched the lead. Haynes, the JSC-A food service noncommissioned of- ficer in charge, and Chaplain (Lt. Col.) David Vander- Since the 3d Sustainment Command (Expe- Jagt, the command chaplain, have been displaying ditionary) deployed in mid-April, both champions their fortitude in a test of muscular endurance. have been training hard, besting one another again and again with Haynes recently going from 74 to 101 Since the unit arrived in Afghanistan, the bicep curls, topping the chaplain by 27 curls. competition has been heavy, with both contestants competing to see who could best the other in a “[Sergeant] Haynes is a big guy, while the “friendly game” of bicep curls. The favorite to win if chaplain has heart,” said Sgt. Mike Wittstock, a J4 not by pure physical stature, Haynes completed 101 noncommissioned officer. “I’d say it’s a tough call!” bicep curls to VanderJagt’s 84. Motor pool Soldiers hit the ground running Capt. James Crump KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – Greetings from Afghanistan to all of our friends, family and loved ones. The 3d Sustainment Command (Expedi- tionary) motor pool has been very busy since arriving in Afghani- stan. The first part of a deploy- ment is usually filled with projects that establish and improve the unit’s footprint and living condi- tions. Your Soldiers have made many positive changes to their liv- ing quarters, their work areas and themselves. Not long after we arrived here we started training. There were several courses required to bring the motor pool up to speed. Since arriving, two Soldiers have The Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d ESC, motor pool section. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. James Crump) attended the Standard Army Maintenance System training. pretty amazing things both on- areas and help establish the unit’s They now manage parts, supplies and off-road. Along with driving footprint here in Afghanistan. and work order contracts for the the M-ATV, four Soldiers attended whole command. the Field Level Maintenance Erecting sunshades, build- course, learning the new vehicles ing clearing barrels, and bringing Four more Soldiers attend- inside and out. All of this training new mattresses and wall lock- ed the Mine Resistant Ambush has been conducted in addition to ers to the living quarters are just Protected All Terrain Vehicle (M- the many other things that motor some of the things your Soldiers ATV) driver’s course. Your Soldiers pool Soldiers do every day. have done since arriving here. are the only personnel in the com- mand currently qualified on the In addition to training, They have also assisted in newest version of the MRAP, and the motor pool has done a lot to conducting many inventories both they can make that truck do some improve the command’s work See HHC, next page Page 9
  • 10. Volume2 Sustainer July2012 HHC, from previous many tasks your Soldiers do every selves with weight loss goals, fit- day. ness routines and furthering their here on Kandahar and at other college education at the Kandahar sites throughout our area of opera- Motor pool Soldiers are Education Center. tion. Your Soldiers recently assist- busy everyday and we don’t expect ed the arms room with inspecting the tempo to slow down any time Your Soldiers are making and inventorying ammunition and soon. There is always more train- great things happen for the 3d magazines and replacing anything ing or another mission coming up. ESC, our subordinate units and that was found unserviceable. themselves. In the midst of all of this, These are just a few of the your Soldiers are improving them- Sustaining the Line! Legal Issues? No Problem! Sgt. Jessica Gradney KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – While deployed, Soldiers often encounter legal problems back home or in theater. Luckily for them, the Army has established le- gal assistance offices in their deployed environments to help assist and address Soldiers’ legal needs. All 3d Sustainment Command (Expedition- ary) Soldiers can obtain legal assistance from the Kandahar Legal Assistance Office, which provides le- gal services throughout Regional Command – South and Regional Command - West. such as contracts and leases, and will prepare wills, Services are provided to Soldiers, Department living wills, health care power of attorneys, and other of the Army and Department of Defense civilians, legal documents. retired military, military dependents, and contractors (if their contract makes them eligible for services). Most importantly, attorneys will help Soldiers draft financial liability investigations of property loss Legal assistance attorneys provide advice on and general officer memorandum of reprimand rebut- most personal legal matters to include family law (di- tals. vorce, separation, custody), consumer protection law, landlord-tenant issues, and economic matters (debts, In addition to these services, the Legal As- tax, bankruptcy) to name a few. sistance Office will also provide notaries and special power of attorneys. Attorneys will also review legal documents, Although legal assistance attorneys will pro- vide legal advice to their clients, they are not autho- rized to appear with you as your attorney of record in any court proceeding or draft any legal documents that will be filed with a court. All services of the Legal Assistance Office are provided free of charge. Legal services are provided on a walk-in, first come-first served basis. Appointments are not neces- sary. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday – Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The office is located in building 245 on Chi- nook Road, which is directly across the street from The 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) legal assistance team, from left to right: Staff Sgt. Matthew Sullivan, Sgt. Marshall Stevens, Sgt. the KFC and German PX on the boardwalk. If you Jessica Gradney, Capt. Patrick Barrett. (Courtesy photo) have any questions please call (813) 841-1163. 10 Page
  • 11. Volume2 Sustainer July2012 Supporting Our Troops: HRC supports the 3d ESC Amy Dyer and Lt. Col. George Trawick began supporting the 3d ESC in earnest, helping with the Pre- FORT KNOX, Ky. - For deployment Fair and other FRG several months now, the Human activities. Resouces Command’s Project Management Division has been Trawick, now with Infor- supporting an effort to send care mation Assurance, recruited Staff packages to deployed soldiers in Sgt. Mirta Cabrera to help get the Iraq and Afghanistan. word out to the rest of PERSINSD. The effort started in No- Volunteers from all over vember 2010, when Lt. Col. George PERSINSD supported the depar- Trawick wanted to find a method Care packages for the 3d ESC (Courtesy photo) ture of the 3d ESC ADVON and to connect the members of the meeting with the 3rd Sustainment Main Body with snacks, drinks, Project Management Office with Command, Expeditionary (3d and volunteers to help setup, their customer, the Soldier. ESC) Rear Detachment Command- serve, and clean up. er, Lt. Col. Robin Higgins, and the With the holidays ap- 3d ESC Family Readiness Group The FRG Leader could not proaching, PMO sent Christmas leader, Karla Schuster. From that thank us enough, saying our ef- care packages to deployed Soldiers meeting, a new sponsorship pro- forts allowed the FRG team time to in Iraq and continued to send gram was born. say goodbye to their own Soldiers more care packages on major holi- and to provide support the other days until that unit returned in But, the 3d ESC would families as they deployed. mid-November 2011. not be deploying until April 2012. PMD would not sit idle for that The support effort con- But PMD was not satisfied long. tinues today. In May, PERSINSD with that - they wanted to do more mailed over 100 pounds of cof- for the Soldiers. So the team searched and fee to the 3d ESC Soldiers. Also, found the 2nd Battalion, 5th In- volunteers donated snacks, drinks So, in October 2011, PMD fantry “Bobcats”, out of Fort Bliss, and time for the FRG Mother’s Day reached out to a local unit prepar- Texas, and quickly organized and Movie Night for the Soldiers’ wives ing to deploy. shipped eight boxes of goodies at and children here at Fort Knox. Christmas, and several more box- Amy Dyer, Kem Greenwell, es for Valentine’s Day and Easter. PERSINSD will send care and Jenny Murphy in HRC Sup- packages to the deployed Soldiers port Systems led the way to build- PMD employees got their until they return. The next pack- ing a true sponsorship program. children involved, too. Several ages to the 3d ESC will have a local youth groups helped fill the patriotic theme for Independence Trawick found a local unit care packages with letters, cards, Day, and the soldiers have re- that could be supported from the popcorn, and other goodies. quested chips, since they can only time of deployment until they get Pringles in their store. returned. The four of them held a In February 2012, PMD 3d ESC surgeon cell partners up to support Wounded Warriors 1st Lt. Donny Skinner On Saturday, June 9, Soldiers from the 3d ESC helped organize the first card night for the KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – The wounded warriors. Joint Sustainment Command – Afghanistan has partnered with the Kandahar Warrior Recovery Cen- Sgt. 1st Class Summer Pressley and Staff Sgt. ter to lend its support to our war fighters. Hector Lugo from the knowledge management office set up the games and provided friendly competition Led by a determined effort from Sgt. 1st Class for the Soldiers. Mi Pak and the JSC-A surgeon’s office, a total of 17 volunteers have donated more than 40 hours volun- They, among others, have made it a point to teering to help Soldiers who are recuperating from visit the WRC during their personal time as a show injuries sustained in support of Operation Endur- of solidarity and concern for their fellow servicemen ing Freedom. Activities have included morale visits, and women. equipment set-up, fly fishing classes and facility beautification. See WRC, next page Page11
  • 12. Volume2 Sustainer July2012 WRC, from previous The WRC at Kandahar is a joint, multidisci- plinary center that provides Soldiers with a program of coordinated medical management and rehabilita- tion. The WRC is currently comprised of five clinics covering specialty care in physical therapy, occupa- tional therapy, traumatic brain injury, combat opera- tional stress control and general medicine. Their mission is to provide outstanding healthcare to aid our Soldiers in the transition back to their units. The WRC has proven to be a valuable theater One of the Warrior Recovery Center clinic areas on Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. (Courtesy photo) resource for both Soldiers and Commanders. One text or call could wreck it all JSC-A Safety Office WHAT IS DISTRACTED DRIVING? KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Af- Distracted driving is any ghanistan – Distracted driving is a activity that could divert a per- dangerous epidemic on America’s son’s attention away from the roadways. primary task of driving. In 2010, 3092 people were All distractions endanger killed in crashes involving a dis- driver, passenger, and bystander tracted driver and an estimated safety. These types of distractions additional 416,000 were injured in include: motor vehicle crashes involving a Because text messaging re- distracted driver. •Texting quires visual, manual, and cogni- •Using a cell phone or Smartphone tive attention from the driver, it is 18% of injury crashes in by far the most alarming distrac- 2010 were reported as distraction- •Eating and drinking tion. affected crashes. 11% of all driv- ers under the age of 20 involved KENTUCKY LAWS •Talking to passengers in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crash. •Grooming •Ban on all cell phone use (hand- held and hands-free) for bus driv- This age group has the •Reading, including maps ers (Primary law) largest proportion of drivers who were distracted. 40% of all Ameri- •Using a navigation system •Ban on all cell phone use (hand- can teens say they have been in held and hands-free) for novice a car when the driver used a cell •Watching a video drivers (Primary law) phone in a way that put people in danger. •Adjusting a radio, CD player, or •Ban on texting for all drivers (Pri- MP3 player mary law) •Preemption Law prohibits locali- ties from enacting distracted driv- ing bans If you want to know the state laws involving distracted driving and cell phone use, go to content/get-the-facts/state-laws. html#top. Page 12
  • 13. Volume2 Sustainer July2012 Life in the JSC-A: Photos from Facebook 13 Page