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Sustainable Coffee Certifications
                                                                                    A Comparison Matrix
                                                                      Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009)

 Certification /                Organic                     Fair Trade                   Rainforest               Smithsonian                                                   4C
                                                                                                                                                Utz Certified
  Verification                                               Certified                    Alliance                Bird Friendly®                                            Common Code

                          Create a verified             Support a better life for    Integrate biodiversity      Conduct research and        UTZ CERTIFIED’s               Achieve global
                          sustainable agriculture       farming families in the      conservation, community     education around issues     mission is to achieve         leadership as the
                          system that produces          developing world through     development, workers’       of neo-tropical migratory   sustainable agricultural      baseline initiative that
                          food in harmony with          fair prices, direct trade,   rights and productive       bird populations,           supply chains, where:         enhances economic,
                          nature, supports              community development        agricultural practices to   promoting certified shade   Producers are                 social and environmental
                          biodiversity and              and environmental            ensure comprehensive        coffee as a viable          professionals                 production, processing
                          enhances soil health.         stewardship.                 sustainable farm            supplemental habitat for    implementing good             and trading conditions to
                                                                                     management.                 birds and other             practices which enable        all who make a living in
                                                                                                                 organisms.                  better businesses,            the coffee sector.
                                                                                                                                             livelihoods and
     Mission                                                                                                                                 environments; The Food
                                                                                                                                             industry takes
                                                                                                                                             responsibility by
                                                                                                                                             demanding and
                                                                                                                                             rewarding sustainably
                                                                                                                                             grown products;
                                                                                                                                             Consumers buy products
                                                                                                                                             which meet their
                                                                                                                                             standard for social and

                          All markets                   All markets                  Global, with special        All markets                 Mainstream and                Mainstream market
                                                                                     emphasis on N. America,                                 Specialty                     (ambition: vast majority
  Market Focus
                                                                                     Europe, Japan, and                                                                    of coffee market)

                          Trace back to 19th century    Began as Max Havelaar        Begun in 1992 by            Founded in 1997 with        Begun in 1997 as              Begun in 2003 as public-
                          practices formulated in       in the Netherlands in the    Rainforest Alliance and a   criteria based on           initiative from industry      private partnership
                          England, India, and the US.   1970s. Now the               coalition of Latin          scientific fieldwork.       and producers in              project by the coffee
                          First certification 1967.     German-based Fairtrade       American NGOs, the          Operated out of the         Guatemala; Utz Kapeh          industry and the German
   History and                                          Labelling Organizations      Sustainable Agriculture     SMBC office initially, it   became an independent         development cooperation
  Development             Developed into
                          internationally recognized    International (FLO)          Network (SAN). First        currently involves 14       NGO in 2000. First            to initiate a multi-
                          system with production        collaborates with more       coffee farm certification   organic certification       certified farms in 2001. In   stakeholder dialogue for
                          throughout the world. * The   than twenty national         in 1996. The Rainforest     agencies as the eventual    2008, Utz Kapeh               defining a mainstream
                          organic coffee sector         branches throughout the      Alliance CertifiedTM        managers of the             changed its name to Utz       code of conduct for
                                                        world, including             program requires that                                   Certified – Good Inside       sustainability: The 4C
Page 1
Last updated: 4/14/2009
By: Adam Kline
Sustainable Coffee Certifications
                                                                                  A Comparison Matrix
                                                                   Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009)

 Certification /                 Organic                  Fair Trade                   Rainforest                Smithsonian                                                  4C
                                                                                                                                               Utz Certified
  Verification                                             Certified                    Alliance                 Bird Friendly®                                           Common Code
                          represented nearly 3        TransFair USA.               farms meet                   program.                     to encompass more           Association was founded
                          percent of the total U.S.   TransFair USA has been       comprehensive                                             diverse agricultural        as an international
                          green coffee imports in     administering the Fair       standards covering all                                    commodities including       membership association
                          2007*                       Trade Certified label        aspects of production,                                    cocoa, tea, soy, and        in December 2006.
                                                      since 1998.                  the protection of the                                     palm oil.                   Operational in market
                                                                                   environment, and the                                                                  since coffee year 07/08
                                                                                   rights and welfare of farm
                                                                                   families and their local

                          Certifiers and farmer       The first Fair Trade         1980s farm-based             A number of scientific       Field-based adaptation of   Multistakeholder
                          groups began organic        codes grew out of            research by SAN              studies in southern          EuropGap standard. Now      adaptation of existing
                          certification process       Solidaridad movement in      scientists and farmers,      Mexico, Guatemala and        officially GlobalGap        codes which resulted in a
                          around 1967.*               The Netherlands. FLO,        field-testing, and           Peru during the 1990s.       equivalent plus. ILO        baseline Code of
                                                      the Rainforest Alliance      involvement of all           Recent studies in            Labor standards.            Conduct, Rules of
                                                      and SAN, Social              relevant stakeholders.       Ecuador and Mexico                                       Participation for Trade
 Code Founders                                        Accountability                                            support the criteria as                                  and Industry members, a
                                                      International and IFOAM                                   being highly protective of                               Verification System,
                                                      worked together to                                        biodiversity and providing                               Support Services and a
                                                      improve social standards                                  refuge for biodiversity.                                 participatory democratic
                                                      and auditing practices                                                                                             governance structure for
                                                                                                                                                                         decision making.

                          Organic Farming and         Economic and                 Sustainable farm             Certification aimed at the   Sustainability: Economic    Exclude worst practices
                          processing practices.       environmental                management in most           production area of the       performance through         and continuously
                                                      sustainability for farmers   holistic sense – social,     coffee agroecosystem.        productivity and farm       increase the
                                                      and their communities.       environmental, economic                                   professionalism;            sustainability of coffee
                                                      Minimum price and social     and, ethical                 (Future development of       environmental standards     production and
                                                      premium to cover costs       improvements are the         program may address          to preserve flora fauna     processing in the
   Scope of the                                       of production and            cornerstones of the                                       shade, buffer zones;        economic, social and
    Program                                                                                                     the landscape mosaic as
                                                      community-elected            program.                     well.)                       Worker Health and           environmental
                                                      development programs.                                                                  Safety.                     dimension.
                                                      Organic premium for
                                                      organic coffees. The
                                                      model empowers small-
                                                      farmers organized into

Page 2
Last updated: 4/14/2009
By: Adam Kline
Sustainable Coffee Certifications
                                                                                   A Comparison Matrix
                                                                     Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009)

 Certification /                Organic                     Fair Trade                 Rainforest                 Smithsonian                                                    4C
                                                                                                                                                  Utz Certified
  Verification                                               Certified                  Alliance                  Bird Friendly®                                             Common Code
                                                        cooperatives to compete
                                                        on a global scale.

                          Environmental, farm           Social, economic,          The Rainforest Alliance      Biophysical criteria of the    Socially, environmentally,   Economic, social and
                          production and                environmental,             CertifiedTM program is       shade component,               and economically             environmental dimension
                          processing standards.         democratic organization    based on the                 provided that the farm is      conscious growing
                                                        of cooperatives.           fundamental principles of    certified organic.             standards.
                                                                                   sustainable agriculture
                                                                                   including: best
Code Elements for
                                                                                   management practices;
Coffee Production
                                                                                   conservation of natural
                                                                                   resources, ecosystems
                                                                                   and wildlife; workers
                                                                                   rights and benefits; and
                                                                                   benefits to local

                          Federal standard with         Baseline and progress      More than 200 criteria       Organic certification as a     Baseline criteria with       10 Unacceptable
                          practices for producers       criteria. Continuous       (checkpoints); Field-        condition for BF               field-tested indicators      Practices and 30
                          and handlers applies to all   improvement required       tested indicators. Applies   certification. Certification   and independent, third-      Baseline criteria with 90
                          organic product sold in US.   through Progress           to farms and coops of all    applicable to estate           party auditing. Applies to   field-tested indicators;
                          Similar but unique            Requirements. Applies to   sizes. Continuous            farms and cooperatives.        farms and coops of all       Participation possible
                          standards are applied         democratically organized   improvement required.        Inspection linked to           sizes. All countries         with “average yellow”,
                          internationally.              cooperatives formed by                                  organic inspection, but        possible. Continuous         continuous improvement
                                                        small-scale farmers.                                    only every three years.        improvement required.        towards “green” required.

Scope of the Code                                                                                                                                                           Applies to farms and to
                                                                                                                                                                            production structures of
                                                                                                                                                                            all sizes. Minimum
                                                                                                                                                                            capacity of “4C Unit” = 1
                                                                                                                                                                            container of green coffee.
                                                                                                                                                                            Every country. “Stepping
                                                                                                                                                                            stone function” to provide
                                                                                                                                                                            easier access to
                                                                                                                                                                            schemes for producers.

Page 3
Last updated: 4/14/2009
By: Adam Kline
Sustainable Coffee Certifications
                                                                                    A Comparison Matrix
                                                                     Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009)

 Certification /                Organic                     Fair Trade                   Rainforest                 Smithsonian                                                  4C
                                                                                                                                                  Utz Certified
  Verification                                               Certified                    Alliance                  Bird Friendly®                                           Common Code

                          Part of many certifiers’     Provided by TransFair         Provided by local NGO         Continual provision of      Provided by the program      Support to 4C Units,
                          role. Organic research       USA for specific projects     partners (Sustainable         training workshops to       at very low cost to          members and other
                          federally and privately      through its Global            Agriculture Network),         organic inspectors, NGO     producers in alliance with   interested stakeholders
                          funded by non-profits        Producer Services             extensionists trained by      staff, cooperative          other initiatives like the   through training-of-trainer
                          and NGOs.                    department, and by FLO        the program, and by           technicians, and            Coffee Support Network       workshops, educational
                                                       (Fair Trade Labelling         collaborating institutions.   government                  (CSN). Technical             sessions and access to
                          SCAN perhaps the most        Organizations                 (TA and auditing are kept     representatives.            assistance providers are     tools & manuals; project
                          well-known Technical         International) worldwide      separate.)                                                trained by Utz Certified     facilitation; cooperation
 Assistance and
                          Assistance and Capacity      through its Producer                                                                    and are available world-     with other national and
Capacity Building
                          provider network – for all   Business Unit. FLO                                                                      wide.                        international
                          systems, not just            Liaison officers located in                                                                                          organizations and
                          organic.                     most of the countries to                                                                                             between members of the
                                                       support producer                                                                                                     4C Association. Regional
                                                       organizations. (Technical                                                                                            Offices in mayor coffee
                                                       assistance and audit are                                                                                             regions.
                                                       kept separately.)

                          Annual inspections for       Annual inspections by         At least annual audits by     Every three years, linked   Independent auditors         Independent auditors
                          certified entities. USDA     independent and               teams of biologists,          to organic inspection.      accredited to ISO 65         accredited to ISO 65
                          accreditation required for   annually trained Fair         agronomists, sociologists     Inspection/certification    standard. 10 %               standards and trained by
                          certifiers of organic        Trade inspectors.             and other specialists         arranged/provided by a      shadow/surprise audits.      4C.
   Inspection             product sold in US.                                        trained, authorized and       USDA-accredited organic     Audits done annually.
 Frequency and                                                                       monitored by the              certification agency.                                    Free tri-annual
  Accreditation                                                                      Rainforest Alliance                                                                    verifications for “4C
                                                                                                                                                                            Units”; free addendum
                                                                                                                                                                            verifications possible.

                                                                                                                                                                            Annual Self Assessment.

                          Business to consumer.        Strong promotional            Business to business          Business to consumer;       Business to business         Business to business.
                          Backed by Federal            efforts to consumers and      and consumer marketing,       business to business.       and on-product labeling      No product claim, seal or
                          Governments. Consumer        businesses through            communications, and           Popular, trade, and                                      on-product labeling.
                          groups, suppliers, and       awareness campaigns,          media outreach                academic articles.                                       Membership statement
 and Promotion
                          some certifiers              media and on-product          undertaken by RA staff.                                                                on pack possible.
                          communicate benefits to      labeling.                     Business to business,
                          consumers.                                                 on-product labeling and

Page 4
Last updated: 4/14/2009
By: Adam Kline
Sustainable Coffee Certifications
                                                                                  A Comparison Matrix
                                                                  Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009)

 Certification /                Organic                  Fair Trade                   Rainforest              Smithsonian                                                  4C
                                                                                                                                            Utz Certified
  Verification                                            Certified                    Alliance               Bird Friendly®                                           Common Code
                                                                                  off-product promotion
                                                                                  backed by the Rainforest

                          Yes, required by USDA     Yes, traceable from           Yes, traceable from        Yes, traceable from         Yes, traceable from          Identity preservation from
                          National Organic          roaster to producer.          roaster to producer;       roaster to producer.        roaster to producer          roaster to container level
                          Program. Organic                                        transparency ensured via                               following supply chain       (“4C Unit”).
  Traceability/           products traceable from                                 mandatory transaction                                  roles. Identity preserved
Chain of Custody          retailer to producer.                                   certificates.                                          and mass balance             Traceable from 4C Unit
                                                                                                                                         functionality. Audited       to producer.
                                                                                                                                         chain-of-custody for logo

                          Yes, except handlers      Yes, in fact all major        Yes, engages all actors    Yes. Farms are certified;   Yes, rules for               Yes, membership
                          who do not further        actors must be registered     in supply chain, from      actors further down         participation and chain of   association with rules of
                          process and retailers.    with the program.             producer to retailer.      commodity chain are         custody                      participation
                                                                                  Rules/regulations for      registered and bound by
  Addresses All                                                                   participation for actors   written contracts.
  Actors in the                                                                   along the chain include
     Chain                                                                        mandatory transaction
                                                                                  certificates, license
                                                                                  agreements, and seal
                                                                                  approvals by Seal
                                                                                  Approval Committee.

                          Yes. Premiums versus      Yes, this is the heart of     Yes. Differential is       Growers have used BF        Yes. Differential set by     No influence on
                          non organic certified     the program. All              negotiated between         seal to obtain 5-10 cents   the markets. Feedback        mainstream market price
                          coffees are paid to       purchases must be at or       buyer and seller.          more per pound, over        on market information of     mechanisms: Free
                          farmers.                  above the Fairtrade                                      and above what they get     differentials and demand     negotiation between 4C
                                                    Minimum Price as set                                     for organic, with as much   per quality provided to      members. Price should
Price Differential                                  by FLO (price varies by                                  as an 18% “plus” in one     members.                     reflect coffee quality and
   to Farmers                                       coffee type and origin). If                              long-term arrangement.                                   sustainable production
                                                    the market price is                                      Importers/roasters report                                practices.
                                                    higher than the Fairtrade                                seal tends to increase
                                                    Minimum Price, buyers                                    the speed of circulation
                                                    shall pay the market                                     of commodity.
                                                    price. Additionally,
Page 5
Last updated: 4/14/2009
By: Adam Kline
Sustainable Coffee Certifications
                                                                                    A Comparison Matrix
                                                                     Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009)

 Certification /                Organic                     Fair Trade                 Rainforest                Smithsonian                                                4C
                                                                                                                                              Utz Certified
  Verification                                               Certified                  Alliance                 Bird Friendly®                                         Common Code
                                                       buyers must pay a social
                                                       premium of USD$0.10¢
                                                       per pound and, when
                                                       applicable, a minimum
                                                       Organic Differential of
                                                       USD$0.20¢ per pound.

                          Vary by certifier.           Cost of auditing, re-       Cost of auditing plus an     Per diem cost of added      Zero from UTZ, auditing    Yearly membership fees
                          Inspection costs drive up    inspection fees             annual fee based on          days at time of             fees only                  for all actors along the
                          costs but are being                                      farm size. Group             inspection, plus a                                     chain according to size
                          reduced and increased                                    certification options        minimal symbolic charge                                and position in chain:
Fees to Producers
                          coverage provided by                                     improve access for           for the certificate (as                                producer’s fee is
                          regional in-country                                      smallholders. Auditing       growers are already                                    smallest. Free verification
                          certifiers.                                              fees often paid for by       paying for the organic                                 and trainings
                                                                                   buyers.                      inspection).

                          Certification costs vary     Importers are not           Currently, no fees           Importers pay $100 per      USD$0.012 per pound to     Yearly membership fees
                          by certifier. Fees ranging   charged a licensing fee,    charged to buyers of         yr. to participate/use BF   “first buyer”, passed on   for all actors along the
                          from $700 to $3000/year.     but they must pay at        Rainforest Alliance          logo/term. Roasters pay     through supply chain to    chain according to size
                                                       least the Fair Trade        CertifiedTM coffee. Many     USD$0.25¢ per pound         final buyer                and position in chain:
                                                       Minimum and provide up      buyers support the           on coffee roasted and                                  roaster’s fees are the
                                                       to 60% of pre-harvest       participating farms (see     sold as “Bird Friendly®”.                              highest.
                                                       financing when              above).                      (This royalty fee under
 Fees to Buyers                                        requested by                                             re-evaluation as of
                                                       cooperatives. Licensed                                   2008/2009.)
                                                       roasters pay TransFair
                                                       USA USD$0.10¢ per
                                                       pound to cover the cost
                                                       of audits, consumer
                                                       awareness campaigns
                                                       and FLO affiliation.

                          Average price                Minimum price of USD        The Rainforest Alliance      USD $0.05-0.10¢ per         2008: USD$0.07¢ per        No; individual negotiation
 Price Premium            differentials of USD         $1.25* per pound plus a     CertifiedTM program does     pound                       pound                      possible between 4C
 Associated with          $0.255¢ (+/-) per pound      $0.10¢ per pound social     not set prices, but honors                               average for Arabica: $56   members
      Code                are paid to producers.       premium. An extra           the farmers’ right to                                    per metric ton for
                                                       USD$0.20¢ premium if        manage their own                                         Robusta, based on
Page 6
Last updated: 4/14/2009
By: Adam Kline
Sustainable Coffee Certifications
                                                                                   A Comparison Matrix
                                                                   Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009)

 Certification /                Organic                   Fair Trade                    Rainforest              Smithsonian                                                4C
                                                                                                                                            Utz Certified
  Verification                                             Certified                     Alliance               Bird Friendly®                                         Common Code
                                                     the coffee is also certified   business affairs and                                  quality and market
                                                     organic. *Fair Trade           gives them the tools                                  drivers
                                                     Minimum for washed             required to succeed in
                                                     Arabica. Prices vary by        the global marketplace.
                                                     coffee type.                   Farmers earn more
                                                                                    through gains in
                                                                                    efficiency, improved
                                                                                    quality and controlling
                                                                                    farm costs.

                          81 million pounds of       450 million pounds             Over 94 million lbs        9 million pounds           700 million pounds          4.57 million bags verified
                          organic coffee were                                       certified in 2005 and      worldwide                  certified worldwide. 170    in coffee year 2007/2008
Pounds Certified          imported into the United                                  over 197 million lbs.                                 million purchased as Utz    (548 million pounds)
  in 2007/2008            States and Canada in                                      certified by 2007.                                    Certified

                          US, Canada, EU,            US, Canada, EU, Japan,         From Singapore to          US, Canada, Japan, The     US, UK, NL, Norway,         Countries of operation of
                          Russia, Japan              Australia, New Zealand         Switzerland, Rainforest    Netherlands                Sweden, Belgium, Spain,     4C Industry members
  Countries of                                                                      Alliance CertifiedTM                                  France, Japan
  Consumption                                                                       coffee is consumed in 44
                                                                                    countries on 6 different

                          More than 40 nations       Bolivia, Brazil,               Rainforest Alliance        Bolivia, Colombia, Costa   Guatemala, Honduras,        Brazil, Cameroon,
                          supplying the global       Cameroon, Colombia,            CertifiedTM coffee is      Rica, Ecuador, El          Nicaragua, Costa Rica,      Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire,
                          market – more than any     Congo, Costa Rica,             produced in 17 countries   Salvador, Ethiopia,        Colombia, Bolivia,          Costa Rica, El Salvador,
                          other certification.       Dominican Republic,            throughout the tropics:    Guatemala, Mexico,         Birundi, Brazil, Peru,      Ethiopia, Guatemala,
                                                     East Timor, Ecuador, El        Brazil, Colombia, Costa    Peru, Venezuela            Ethiopia, Kenya,            Honduras, India,
   Countries of
                                                     Salvador, Ethiopia,            Rica, Ecuador, El                                     Tanzania, Uganda,           Indonesia, Kenya,
                                                     Guatemala, Honduras,           Salvador, Ethiopia,                                   Zambia, India, Indonesia,   Malawi, Mexico,
                                                     Indonesia, Kenya, Laos,        Guatemala, Honduras,                                  Vietnam                     Nicaragua, Papua New
                                                     Mexico, Nicaragua,             Indonesia, Jamaica,                                                               Guinea, Peru,
                                                     Papua New Guinea,              Mexico, Nicaragua,                                                                Philippines, Tanzania,
                                                     Peru, Rwanda, Tanzania,        Panama, Peru,                                                                     Thailand, Uganda,
                                                     Thailand, Uganda.              Tanzania, Vietnam,                                                                Vietnam, Zambia

Page 7
Last updated: 4/14/2009
By: Adam Kline
Sustainable Coffee Certifications
                                                                           A Comparison Matrix
                                                          Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009)

 Certification /                Organic           Fair Trade                  Rainforest          Smithsonian                                       4C
                                                                                                                           Utz Certified
  Verification                                     Certified                   Alliance           Bird Friendly®                                Common Code
                                              Venezuela                   Uganda, and India.

                          Organic Trade       Transfair USA               Rainforest Alliance    Smithsonia Migratory   Utz Certified          http://www.4c-
                          Association        www.rainforest-        Bird Center                         
                ,                                                            Contact: Illana Burk
   Information                                Contact: Katie Barrow                              Contact: Robert Rice                          Contact: Annette Pensel
   Provided by:           Contact: Danielle                               Contact: Petra Tanos

Page 8
Last updated: 4/14/2009
By: Adam Kline

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Sustainable coffee certifications - A comparision on matrix

  • 1. Sustainable Coffee Certifications A Comparison Matrix Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009) Certification / Organic Fair Trade Rainforest Smithsonian 4C Utz Certified Verification Certified Alliance Bird Friendly® Common Code Create a verified Support a better life for Integrate biodiversity Conduct research and UTZ CERTIFIED’s Achieve global sustainable agriculture farming families in the conservation, community education around issues mission is to achieve leadership as the system that produces developing world through development, workers’ of neo-tropical migratory sustainable agricultural baseline initiative that food in harmony with fair prices, direct trade, rights and productive bird populations, supply chains, where: enhances economic, nature, supports community development agricultural practices to promoting certified shade Producers are social and environmental biodiversity and and environmental ensure comprehensive coffee as a viable professionals production, processing enhances soil health. stewardship. sustainable farm supplemental habitat for implementing good and trading conditions to management. birds and other practices which enable all who make a living in organisms. better businesses, the coffee sector. livelihoods and Mission environments; The Food industry takes responsibility by demanding and rewarding sustainably grown products; Consumers buy products which meet their standard for social and environmental responsibility. All markets All markets Global, with special All markets Mainstream and Mainstream market emphasis on N. America, Specialty (ambition: vast majority Market Focus Europe, Japan, and of coffee market) Australia Trace back to 19th century Began as Max Havelaar Begun in 1992 by Founded in 1997 with Begun in 1997 as Begun in 2003 as public- practices formulated in in the Netherlands in the Rainforest Alliance and a criteria based on initiative from industry private partnership England, India, and the US. 1970s. Now the coalition of Latin scientific fieldwork. and producers in project by the coffee First certification 1967. German-based Fairtrade American NGOs, the Operated out of the Guatemala; Utz Kapeh industry and the German History and Labelling Organizations Sustainable Agriculture SMBC office initially, it became an independent development cooperation Development Developed into internationally recognized International (FLO) Network (SAN). First currently involves 14 NGO in 2000. First to initiate a multi- system with production collaborates with more coffee farm certification organic certification certified farms in 2001. In stakeholder dialogue for throughout the world. * The than twenty national in 1996. The Rainforest agencies as the eventual 2008, Utz Kapeh defining a mainstream organic coffee sector branches throughout the Alliance CertifiedTM managers of the changed its name to Utz code of conduct for world, including program requires that Certified – Good Inside sustainability: The 4C Page 1 Last updated: 4/14/2009 By: Adam Kline
  • 2. Sustainable Coffee Certifications A Comparison Matrix Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009) Certification / Organic Fair Trade Rainforest Smithsonian 4C Utz Certified Verification Certified Alliance Bird Friendly® Common Code represented nearly 3 TransFair USA. farms meet program. to encompass more Association was founded percent of the total U.S. TransFair USA has been comprehensive diverse agricultural as an international green coffee imports in administering the Fair standards covering all commodities including membership association 2007* Trade Certified label aspects of production, cocoa, tea, soy, and in December 2006. since 1998. the protection of the palm oil. Operational in market environment, and the since coffee year 07/08 rights and welfare of farm families and their local communities. Certifiers and farmer The first Fair Trade 1980s farm-based A number of scientific Field-based adaptation of Multistakeholder groups began organic codes grew out of research by SAN studies in southern EuropGap standard. Now adaptation of existing certification process Solidaridad movement in scientists and farmers, Mexico, Guatemala and officially GlobalGap codes which resulted in a around 1967.* The Netherlands. FLO, field-testing, and Peru during the 1990s. equivalent plus. ILO baseline Code of the Rainforest Alliance involvement of all Recent studies in Labor standards. Conduct, Rules of and SAN, Social relevant stakeholders. Ecuador and Mexico Participation for Trade Code Founders Accountability support the criteria as and Industry members, a International and IFOAM being highly protective of Verification System, worked together to biodiversity and providing Support Services and a improve social standards refuge for biodiversity. participatory democratic and auditing practices governance structure for decision making. Organic Farming and Economic and Sustainable farm Certification aimed at the Sustainability: Economic Exclude worst practices processing practices. environmental management in most production area of the performance through and continuously sustainability for farmers holistic sense – social, coffee agroecosystem. productivity and farm increase the and their communities. environmental, economic professionalism; sustainability of coffee Minimum price and social and, ethical (Future development of environmental standards production and premium to cover costs improvements are the program may address to preserve flora fauna processing in the Scope of the of production and cornerstones of the shade, buffer zones; economic, social and Program the landscape mosaic as community-elected program. well.) Worker Health and environmental development programs. Safety. dimension. Organic premium for organic coffees. The model empowers small- farmers organized into democratically-run Page 2 Last updated: 4/14/2009 By: Adam Kline
  • 3. Sustainable Coffee Certifications A Comparison Matrix Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009) Certification / Organic Fair Trade Rainforest Smithsonian 4C Utz Certified Verification Certified Alliance Bird Friendly® Common Code cooperatives to compete on a global scale. Environmental, farm Social, economic, The Rainforest Alliance Biophysical criteria of the Socially, environmentally, Economic, social and production and environmental, CertifiedTM program is shade component, and economically environmental dimension processing standards. democratic organization based on the provided that the farm is conscious growing of cooperatives. fundamental principles of certified organic. standards. sustainable agriculture including: best Code Elements for management practices; Coffee Production conservation of natural resources, ecosystems and wildlife; workers rights and benefits; and benefits to local communities. Federal standard with Baseline and progress More than 200 criteria Organic certification as a Baseline criteria with 10 Unacceptable practices for producers criteria. Continuous (checkpoints); Field- condition for BF field-tested indicators Practices and 30 and handlers applies to all improvement required tested indicators. Applies certification. Certification and independent, third- Baseline criteria with 90 organic product sold in US. through Progress to farms and coops of all applicable to estate party auditing. Applies to field-tested indicators; Similar but unique Requirements. Applies to sizes. Continuous farms and cooperatives. farms and coops of all Participation possible standards are applied democratically organized improvement required. Inspection linked to sizes. All countries with “average yellow”, internationally. cooperatives formed by organic inspection, but possible. Continuous continuous improvement small-scale farmers. only every three years. improvement required. towards “green” required. Scope of the Code Applies to farms and to production structures of all sizes. Minimum capacity of “4C Unit” = 1 container of green coffee. Every country. “Stepping stone function” to provide easier access to certification/marketing schemes for producers. Page 3 Last updated: 4/14/2009 By: Adam Kline
  • 4. Sustainable Coffee Certifications A Comparison Matrix Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009) Certification / Organic Fair Trade Rainforest Smithsonian 4C Utz Certified Verification Certified Alliance Bird Friendly® Common Code Part of many certifiers’ Provided by TransFair Provided by local NGO Continual provision of Provided by the program Support to 4C Units, role. Organic research USA for specific projects partners (Sustainable training workshops to at very low cost to members and other federally and privately through its Global Agriculture Network), organic inspectors, NGO producers in alliance with interested stakeholders funded by non-profits Producer Services extensionists trained by staff, cooperative other initiatives like the through training-of-trainer and NGOs. department, and by FLO the program, and by technicians, and Coffee Support Network workshops, educational (Fair Trade Labelling collaborating institutions. government (CSN). Technical sessions and access to SCAN perhaps the most Organizations (TA and auditing are kept representatives. assistance providers are tools & manuals; project Technical well-known Technical International) worldwide separate.) trained by Utz Certified facilitation; cooperation Assistance and Assistance and Capacity through its Producer and are available world- with other national and Capacity Building provider network – for all Business Unit. FLO wide. international systems, not just Liaison officers located in organizations and organic. most of the countries to between members of the support producer 4C Association. Regional organizations. (Technical Offices in mayor coffee assistance and audit are regions. kept separately.) Annual inspections for Annual inspections by At least annual audits by Every three years, linked Independent auditors Independent auditors certified entities. USDA independent and teams of biologists, to organic inspection. accredited to ISO 65 accredited to ISO 65 accreditation required for annually trained Fair agronomists, sociologists Inspection/certification standard. 10 % standards and trained by certifiers of organic Trade inspectors. and other specialists arranged/provided by a shadow/surprise audits. 4C. Inspection product sold in US. trained, authorized and USDA-accredited organic Audits done annually. Frequency and monitored by the certification agency. Free tri-annual Accreditation Rainforest Alliance verifications for “4C Units”; free addendum verifications possible. Annual Self Assessment. Business to consumer. Strong promotional Business to business Business to consumer; Business to business Business to business. Backed by Federal efforts to consumers and and consumer marketing, business to business. and on-product labeling No product claim, seal or Governments. Consumer businesses through communications, and Popular, trade, and on-product labeling. Communication groups, suppliers, and awareness campaigns, media outreach academic articles. Membership statement and Promotion some certifiers media and on-product undertaken by RA staff. on pack possible. communicate benefits to labeling. Business to business, consumers. on-product labeling and Page 4 Last updated: 4/14/2009 By: Adam Kline
  • 5. Sustainable Coffee Certifications A Comparison Matrix Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009) Certification / Organic Fair Trade Rainforest Smithsonian 4C Utz Certified Verification Certified Alliance Bird Friendly® Common Code off-product promotion backed by the Rainforest Alliance. Yes, required by USDA Yes, traceable from Yes, traceable from Yes, traceable from Yes, traceable from Identity preservation from National Organic roaster to producer. roaster to producer; roaster to producer. roaster to producer roaster to container level Program. Organic transparency ensured via following supply chain (“4C Unit”). Traceability/ products traceable from mandatory transaction roles. Identity preserved Chain of Custody retailer to producer. certificates. and mass balance Traceable from 4C Unit functionality. Audited to producer. chain-of-custody for logo users. Yes, except handlers Yes, in fact all major Yes, engages all actors Yes. Farms are certified; Yes, rules for Yes, membership who do not further actors must be registered in supply chain, from actors further down participation and chain of association with rules of process and retailers. with the program. producer to retailer. commodity chain are custody participation Rules/regulations for registered and bound by Addresses All participation for actors written contracts. Actors in the along the chain include Chain mandatory transaction certificates, license agreements, and seal approvals by Seal Approval Committee. Yes. Premiums versus Yes, this is the heart of Yes. Differential is Growers have used BF Yes. Differential set by No influence on non organic certified the program. All negotiated between seal to obtain 5-10 cents the markets. Feedback mainstream market price coffees are paid to purchases must be at or buyer and seller. more per pound, over on market information of mechanisms: Free farmers. above the Fairtrade and above what they get differentials and demand negotiation between 4C Minimum Price as set for organic, with as much per quality provided to members. Price should Price Differential by FLO (price varies by as an 18% “plus” in one members. reflect coffee quality and to Farmers coffee type and origin). If long-term arrangement. sustainable production the market price is Importers/roasters report practices. higher than the Fairtrade seal tends to increase Minimum Price, buyers the speed of circulation shall pay the market of commodity. price. Additionally, Page 5 Last updated: 4/14/2009 By: Adam Kline
  • 6. Sustainable Coffee Certifications A Comparison Matrix Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009) Certification / Organic Fair Trade Rainforest Smithsonian 4C Utz Certified Verification Certified Alliance Bird Friendly® Common Code buyers must pay a social premium of USD$0.10¢ per pound and, when applicable, a minimum Organic Differential of USD$0.20¢ per pound. Vary by certifier. Cost of auditing, re- Cost of auditing plus an Per diem cost of added Zero from UTZ, auditing Yearly membership fees Inspection costs drive up inspection fees annual fee based on days at time of fees only for all actors along the costs but are being farm size. Group inspection, plus a chain according to size reduced and increased certification options minimal symbolic charge and position in chain: Fees to Producers coverage provided by improve access for for the certificate (as producer’s fee is regional in-country smallholders. Auditing growers are already smallest. Free verification certifiers. fees often paid for by paying for the organic and trainings buyers. inspection). Certification costs vary Importers are not Currently, no fees Importers pay $100 per USD$0.012 per pound to Yearly membership fees by certifier. Fees ranging charged a licensing fee, charged to buyers of yr. to participate/use BF “first buyer”, passed on for all actors along the from $700 to $3000/year. but they must pay at Rainforest Alliance logo/term. Roasters pay through supply chain to chain according to size least the Fair Trade CertifiedTM coffee. Many USD$0.25¢ per pound final buyer and position in chain: Minimum and provide up buyers support the on coffee roasted and roaster’s fees are the to 60% of pre-harvest participating farms (see sold as “Bird Friendly®”. highest. financing when above). (This royalty fee under Fees to Buyers requested by re-evaluation as of cooperatives. Licensed 2008/2009.) roasters pay TransFair USA USD$0.10¢ per pound to cover the cost of audits, consumer awareness campaigns and FLO affiliation. Average price Minimum price of USD The Rainforest Alliance USD $0.05-0.10¢ per 2008: USD$0.07¢ per No; individual negotiation Price Premium differentials of USD $1.25* per pound plus a CertifiedTM program does pound pound possible between 4C Associated with $0.255¢ (+/-) per pound $0.10¢ per pound social not set prices, but honors average for Arabica: $56 members Code are paid to producers. premium. An extra the farmers’ right to per metric ton for USD$0.20¢ premium if manage their own Robusta, based on Page 6 Last updated: 4/14/2009 By: Adam Kline
  • 7. Sustainable Coffee Certifications A Comparison Matrix Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009) Certification / Organic Fair Trade Rainforest Smithsonian 4C Utz Certified Verification Certified Alliance Bird Friendly® Common Code the coffee is also certified business affairs and quality and market organic. *Fair Trade gives them the tools drivers Minimum for washed required to succeed in Arabica. Prices vary by the global marketplace. coffee type. Farmers earn more through gains in efficiency, improved quality and controlling farm costs. 81 million pounds of 450 million pounds Over 94 million lbs 9 million pounds 700 million pounds 4.57 million bags verified organic coffee were certified in 2005 and worldwide certified worldwide. 170 in coffee year 2007/2008 Pounds Certified imported into the United over 197 million lbs. million purchased as Utz (548 million pounds) in 2007/2008 States and Canada in certified by 2007. Certified 2007 US, Canada, EU, US, Canada, EU, Japan, From Singapore to US, Canada, Japan, The US, UK, NL, Norway, Countries of operation of Russia, Japan Australia, New Zealand Switzerland, Rainforest Netherlands Sweden, Belgium, Spain, 4C Industry members Countries of Alliance CertifiedTM France, Japan Consumption coffee is consumed in 44 countries on 6 different continents. More than 40 nations Bolivia, Brazil, Rainforest Alliance Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Guatemala, Honduras, Brazil, Cameroon, supplying the global Cameroon, Colombia, CertifiedTM coffee is Rica, Ecuador, El Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire, market – more than any Congo, Costa Rica, produced in 17 countries Salvador, Ethiopia, Colombia, Bolivia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, other certification. Dominican Republic, throughout the tropics: Guatemala, Mexico, Birundi, Brazil, Peru, Ethiopia, Guatemala, East Timor, Ecuador, El Brazil, Colombia, Costa Peru, Venezuela Ethiopia, Kenya, Honduras, India, Countries of Salvador, Ethiopia, Rica, Ecuador, El Tanzania, Uganda, Indonesia, Kenya, Origin Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Ethiopia, Zambia, India, Indonesia, Malawi, Mexico, Represented Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Guatemala, Honduras, Vietnam Nicaragua, Papua New Mexico, Nicaragua, Indonesia, Jamaica, Guinea, Peru, Papua New Guinea, Mexico, Nicaragua, Philippines, Tanzania, Peru, Rwanda, Tanzania, Panama, Peru, Thailand, Uganda, Thailand, Uganda. Tanzania, Vietnam, Vietnam, Zambia Page 7 Last updated: 4/14/2009 By: Adam Kline
  • 8. Sustainable Coffee Certifications A Comparison Matrix Created by the SCAA Sustainability Committee (2009) Certification / Organic Fair Trade Rainforest Smithsonian 4C Utz Certified Verification Certified Alliance Bird Friendly® Common Code Venezuela Uganda, and India. Organic Trade Transfair USA Rainforest Alliance Smithsonia Migratory Utz Certified http://www.4c- Association www.rainforest- Bird Center, Contact: Illana Burk Information Contact: Katie Barrow Contact: Robert Rice Contact: Annette Pensel Provided by: Contact: Danielle Contact: Petra Tanos Giovannuci Page 8 Last updated: 4/14/2009 By: Adam Kline