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Survival Food Growing -
Using Beginner’s Aquaponics
© 2020 - 2021, Michael Kelley
The ASC Magazine, All rights reserved
The author has made every attempt to be as accurate and complete as possible in the
creation of this publication, however they do not warrant or represent at any time that
the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. The
author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of
the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or
organizations other published materials are unintentional and used solely for
educational purposes only.
This information is not intended for use as a source of professional food growing, legal,
business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of
competent professionals in the Aquaculture, Agriculture, legal, business, accounting,
and finance field. No representation is made or implied that the reader will do as well
from using the suggested techniques, strategies, methods, systems, or ideas; rather it is
presented for news value only.
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© 2020-2021 bought to you by Michael Kelley AND the ASC Magazine, All Rights
Disclaimer....................................................................................................................... 2
FAIR USE NOTICE............................................................................................................ 3
The Bottom Line – You NEED To Grow Your Own Food!............................................... 8
Why You MUST Listen To Us . . . ................................................................................... 9
Growing Massive Food For You And Your Community IS Possible! ............................ 11
Why Aquaponics? .....................................................................................................14
Aquaculture –Why It’s Important To You.................................................................... 18
Continued Food Production Could Require Aquaculturists Growing Most Foods On
Land.............................................................................................................................. 20
Aquaponics 101............................................................................................................ 22
Best Starter Aquaponics Set Up For Survival Food Growing ....................................... 24
The Best Food Growing System - Barrelponics By Travis Hughey............................... 25
Plans Available Here: ................................................................................................... 26
A Word About Test Kits................................................................................................ 28
What To Feed Your Fish............................................................................................... 31
Look Beyond Aquaponics – Bio Mimicry & Permaculture........................................... 33
The Future Of Aquaponics And Our Pledge To You..................................................... 36
Special Lifetime Subscription?..................................................................................... 38
Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 39
Resource Links: ............................................................................................................ 40
The price of food is exploding worldwide and there seems to
be no end in sight. Tied to most major food pricing indices
are corn and wheat. As the costs for both cereal
commodes increase, so does the cost to produce thousands
of products that rely on these.
The United Nations has put food inflation at about 30%
each YEAR and there are new laws being passed all the time
that seek to control and eventually regulate all food
WORLDWIDE; with the best foods going to those who can
afford it and with genetically devalued foods (GMO’s) being
foisted on everyone else.
This is not even the worst of the news!
The Codex Alimentarius, a truly diabolical plan, is part of this
worldwide control, where food is reduced in nutrition to the
point where it does almost nothing to keep you healthy.
This is done in the guise of “standards” to protect people,
but many experts, like Dr.Laibow routinely speak out about
how this is nothing more than a plan to make people ill,
experience early death from poor nutrition and help
depopulate the earth with tainted and poisoned foods:
Few people are aware that this plan involves mass controlled
and mass produced food, which will be filled with pesticides,
hormones, artificial additives, toxins and worst of all,
reduced nutrition and genetically modified ingredients
that have been proven in multiple studies to cause all kinds
of health issues to people; including millennial diseases of all
kinds (i.e. diabetes, immune disorders, Autism, Cancer).
If all of this wasn’t reason enough to grow your own food,
there is still more:
✓ External threats - from ISIS infiltration in America –
the same way the Globalists are destroying Europe and
they are pushing millions of refugees to our open
borders to overwhelm services and steal from citizens.
✓ Nuclear war – experts are predicting nuclear
exchanges will happen over the next few years; people
like top strategic relocation expert Joel Skousen are
warning people to get out of the cities now.
✓ Pandemics - like Ebola / Zika / Mouse pox and many
other designer viruses, are now occurring at greater
regularity especially with large population movements
from third world locations into industrialized countries.
✓ Economic collapse – almost EVERY major top
economist has predicted a financial collapse looming in
the very near future worse than the great depression.
✓ Civil unrest – political, social and economic forces can
cause groups like BLM to surface and cause problems.
✓ Criminal enterprises like Monsanto – they are here
to take over and corrupt ALL food production worldwide
and force you to eat their poison.
The list is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many threats
that can cause disruption of our food chain and if you are
NOT prepared, you and your family will suffer.
Bottom Line: You NEED To
Grow Your Own Food!
What America is facing (and the world) is very serious; don’t
kid yourself. Now is the time to ensure you and your family
will always have your own highly nutritious and massive
food production system that is yours and yours alone.
Yes, you are what you eat. During an emergency, or just
because of rising food costs and health concerns, you need
to ask yourself these questions:
1. How LONG can you live and be truly healthy with
poor quality foods? I do not mean a few weeks of
canned / dehydrated goods, but REAL food, the kind of
nutrient dense foods you NEED to survive and survive
well? Where will this food come from when people are
starving and the delivery trucks stop delivering food?
2. Can YOU Grow all of the REAL food you will need in
literally days no matter who you are and SUSTAIN
this forever and in 1/5 the space of traditional
gardening? All 100% organic and done on autopilot?
3. Can you produce REAL Food in ABUNDANCE? Can you
grow truly organic foods at eight times more quantity of
regular soil grown foods, growing four times faster and
at three to four times the density without ever
depleting ANY nutrients in the food grown AND repeat
4. Can a NOVICE quickly learn how to do all of this even if
they have almost NO growing experience?
Why You MUST
Listen To Us . . .
*Source: ASC Magazine, issue 33, Professor Ben Webster Interview
The ASC Trade Publication is currently the World’s largest
monthly magazine for Aquaponics, hydroponics and green
sustainable growing. Part of our mission is to educate and
inform people about the real requirements for sustained food
growing which are not always taught as it should be.
Much of what we see on the internet, from people selling
related Aquaponics materials is actually not very accurate.
Growing foods using techniques like Aquaponics, without
prior knowledge, college education (i.e. Aquaculture) can
lead to fish die offs, wasted money, diseased fish, polluted
foods, frustration and systemic problems so massive, the
typical novice gives up in failure and disgust. The real truth
about Aquaponics is that:
✓ Growing food to feed your family is not as easy as
people tell you. In fact, it can be hard if you have no
idea what you are doing.
✓ You need real information from experts, not people
trying to get you to invest in expensive pricey super
systems (unless you are going commercial).
✓ Food growing requires a multi-discipline
approach and sound evidence of how to grow food
using these proven systems.
✓ Experts like PhD’s, business professionals,
professors, and college white papers should all be
consulted and made available to you the novice food
Many of the experts we have just discussed routinely write
for our magazine. The ASC Trade Publication has devoted
years to the studies of Aquaponics, with world class experts
giving their hard-won secrets to our readers.
Years of experimentation, trial and failure have taught us
that ongoing education and years of reference materials
make all the difference between a failed food growing
experience and massive success that can even become a
full-time enterprise for you.
Growing Massive Food For
You And Your Community
IS Possible!
*Source: ASC Magazine, issue 33, The Aquaponic Source
In the last several years there has been a huge interest in
growing food from backyards and greenhouses. Some of this
interest is because more people want to learn how to grow
food with the use of Aquaponics.
People have heard that Aquaponics is a wonderful way to
grow almost limitless food for you and family easily, but is
that really the case? Can we expect to grow all kinds of
foods easily using this unique and powerful discipline?
The ASC Magazine, (us) is currently the world’s most trusted
and best monthly magazine for Aquaponics, green growing
AND all growing that is sustainable. Our Facebook fanpage is
free to join and you can check us out here:
We (the publishers of the magazine) are tired of seeing all of
the half truths about Aquaponics and we are here to set
the record straight; Aquaponics is a good way to grow food,
clean and free of pesticides, but there are some rather
serious caveats we will explore with you over the course of
this book that you really need to know about before you
attempt anything.
We also put this book together to give people REAL
resources they can use to build or modify their systems
without all the hype. Aquaponics is, after all a science and
discipline; you NEED ongoing information / education and
suggestions to ease your learning curve. This book will
guide you to information, downloads and resources that can
help anyone build a home system that should work if you
follow the advice, tips, tricks and sound science we will be
presenting herein.
One thing about Aquaponics that some people do not always
realize; what works for one person may not work for
you. This is why experimentation is key into understanding
your system better. Growing food in Aquaponics can
sometimes be a fine balancing act until you understand the
mechanics and science of how everything works together.
That’s why the ASC Magazine recommends you start off
small and conquer the little issues first, before
attempting the bigger problems of owning a larger system.
To NOT follow this advice invites disaster, unnecessary
expense and fish and plant die offs.
With that said, and all of the caveats here, let’s dive in and
first understand what Aquaponics is and how you can quickly
master the discipline to use for you and your family.
Why Aquaponics?
*Source: ASC Magazine, issue2, History Of Aquaponics
As you can see, Aquaponics has been around for a very long
time. Ancient Egyptians discovered that plants placed near
waterways, with Tilapia, seem to speed growth of crops.
Actual crops that are irrigated with water were also seen to
enhance growing even more when fish were directly
introduced, often by accident. Many early cultures
experimented with ponds, waterways and the cultivating and
harvesting of fish for food as a combination.
The science behind Aquaponics is still the same today as it
was all of those years ago:
The process, once started follows the nice diagram Victoria
made above. It is a continuous loop that is maintained by
the Aquaculturist and takes these things into consideration:
A system is created that has a holding tank for your fish
and grow beds, a bio filter and a way to re-circulate the
It starts out clean and as the water circulates to the plants
in the grow beds so the fish emit waste (fish poo and pee).
The waste is absorbed by the plants and they clean the
waste water (with the help of a bio filter) so that the water
returns to the fish clean. The present accepted model for
Aquaponics is very similar to what our ancestors have done
except with a much more modern and scientific approach to
the process.
Aquaponics in the modern age is the combination of fish,
water and plants in a symbiotic relationship that ideally
➢Large, healthy fish / seafood proteins for harvest.
This can be sustainable if you have brood stock.
➢The use of fish waste to feed the plants that are part
of the system so you need no fertilizer or dirt. Plants
roots are suspended in water and they absorb the
nutrients without limitation.
➢Waste water and bio materials that are excellent
fertilizer also for organic (dirt) growing. Some
companies sell versions of this as a growth product.
➢Plant production at 3-5 times faster than traditional
organic growth as nutrients are continuous across the
roots. This is like continuous fertilizer for the plant
which also involves all of the roots.
➢Educational opportunities for students to study
biology. This includes micro Aquaponics set ups.
➢Commercial growing opportunities – large scale
Aquaponics set ups follow the same principles and can
provide massive food growth for entire communities.
*Source: ASC Magazine, issue33, The Aquaponic Source.
Now that you understand the basics, we will explain what
Aquaculture is and why knowing about it will help you as an
Aquaponics practitioner.
Aquaculture –Why It’s
Important To You
Aquaculture is the art, science and business of culturing
plants and animals in an aquatic setting.
This discipline is akin to biology and animal husbandry and
can be studied at most major universities. Even 2 year
colleges are getting involved and are offering certificates and
excellent courses to become a certified Aquaculturist. If you
love this field you should study it professionally. This
knowledge is worth its weight in gold!
Most aquaculture studies / opportunities emerge in several
✓ Fish culturing – via brood stock and by fisheries.
✓ Seafood culturing –i.e. (shrimp, crustaceans).
✓ Related products - like algae for commercial use.
✓ Plants via - Hydroponics, Aquaponics, Aquaculture.
✓ Jobs & opportunities – exist everywhere, from
research, capture fisheries and seafood production just
to name a few. I was offered several jobs even BEFORE
I graduated and if you need a career consider this field.
This information is becoming more valuable as our oceans
are becoming depleted of life from accidents like Fukushima.
As Aquaculturists, we study the oceans and best ways to
both perform capture fisheries as well as how we as people
can make up for many horrific and nightmarish events:
✓ Overfishing is depleting proteins we all need.
✓ Ongoing pollution of non biodegradable plastics.
✓ Industrial effluent / industrial runoffs / dumping
waste. This is big business as companies dump
industrial waste in oceans and lakes.
✓ Genetic pollution (GMO’s) that are causing disease.
✓ Cataclysmic events that are destroying life in the
oceans like Fukushima as mentioned earlier . . .
All of these are solid reasons to grow your own food.
In fact, at current rates of life depletion in the Pacific, we are
looking at what could become an ELE, or Extinction Level
Event. Once the plankton becomes radiated, everything that
eats the plankton will begin to die.
This is NOT my opinion but the opinions of many PHD’s
studying the event. Yes, you can read about it in the ASC
magazine but not typically anywhere else.
Folks, I am sorry but we are in BIG trouble here. It may
very well be that in the near future Aquaculturists will be
one of the best paying jobs in the world if you become one
of the few people that can culture fish on land.
Continued Food Production
Will Require Aquaculturists
Growing Most Foods
Landside . . .
Source: ASC Magazine, issue38, Michael Kelley (me having a bad hair day).
The natural evolution of Aquaculture began with people
experimenting and gaining knowledge of creating
sustainable proteins from ponds, raceways, large tanks,
underwater pens, etc.
This is something that is still very much going on today, for
not only food, but recreation and a sustainable environment
which includes working to restore fish losses.
Here I am above at the Colorado Department of Wildlife and
Fisheries, working to clean ponds and re-seed them with the
next batch of fish. This can be literally tens of thousands of
fish (or much more) and dozens of rare, endangered and re-
stock species.
It is demanding work but very fulfilling.
This program re-stocks lakes and rivers all throughout
Colorado for the fishing and tourist industry. This is to
ensure visitors to the state can enjoy the environment and
that fishing remains a fun and lucrative sport for the state.
Aquaculture will provide all of the expertise you need
to master Aquaponics. Even if you know nothing about
Aquaculture, you soon will just by starting your system.
Aquaponics is no longer just a hobby for the average
gardener, rather a serious way to grow healthy foods
without chemicals or toxins and reduced instances of
The best growers have some Aquaculture background.
A good functioning Aquaponics system grows food at 2 to 4
times the rate you could in ground; however, there are
some things that cannot (at this time) be grown in
Aquaponics. We will discuss in detail as we proceed so that
you can quickly grow lots of foods using several methods
Aquaponics 101
The goal of Aquaponics is to
grow as much food as
possible in a closed system
that circulates waste to the
plants roots.
Dirt is not involved but
rather grow medium as
shown to the right.
The way Aquaponics works,
in its most basic form is a
cycling, flood and drain
This not only oxygenates the
roots periodically, but allows
the creation of a nitrifying
bacteria colony that makes
fish and plants possible.
Image Source: ASC Magazine, Issue 9
System cycling is the Process of building bacteria in a new
aquaponic unit. This process, on average is a 2-3-week
event done before you introduce any fish or plants. You will
add a small amount of ammonia to the system and cycle it
(about 4mg / gallon). This stimulates nitrifying bacteria
growth necessary for proper operation as shown below:
The nitrification process is what makes food growth
possible. The start up process looks like this:
➢ Use barrels, IBC containers or purchase a larger system
and assemble it or have it done so.
➢ Add clean oxygenated water, free
from fluorides, toxins and
➢ Add a system to cycle your water
(i.e.Bellsiphon). There are
mechanical flood valves and other
options you can use too.
➢ Cycle the water in the system, adding Ammonia. This
process allows you to set proper ammonia levels before
you add plants and fish.
➢ Once you test the water, you can now add fish and
Best Starter Aquaponics
Set Up For Food Growing
: ASC Magazine, Issue 12, Travis Hughey
My goal for helping you grow food for survival is this:
✓ To recommend the most affordable way to grow the
most food for the least cost.
✓ A proven methodology for growers.
✓ Ease of construction when compared to other more
complex systems.
✓ Tips, suggestions and ideas from the creator of that
system that can also work with low voltage/solar power
and sustained operations when other systems crash.
Barrelponics Original
Creator, Travis Hughey
Barrelponics was originally created
by Travis Hughey. In my opinion, he
is a genius for creating one of the
most prolific systems and he deserves
real credit for this.
Travis used to give away these plans
but his designs have been mentioned
by many people in the industry.
Some people have used his designs
and knowledge to advance their
careers in Aquaculture, usually
without giving him credit . . .
Source: ASC Magazine, Edition 12
By the way, if you only want the one issue above, you can
purchase it by clicking here (just $5.00 / PDF only) – the
cover story is extensive and excellent support with
the Barrelponics project that Travis continues to
experiment with.
Now the most up to date Barrelponics is only limited by your
imagination. Have a look at what Ohio State created with
their most popular and functional Barrelponics systems:
Plans Available Here:
Ohio State Plans Via Barrelponics Are Here:
Additional Information
About Barrelponics
Travis also sells a system he developed after Barrelponics
called My AquaFarm™ Aquaponics System.
It reduces your learning curve to almost zero, sets up easily
and its low watt motor is perfect for solar / off the grid
setups. Please have a look at the link above if you want a
done for you food generation system that supports Travis.
The core system in Barrelponics can be as complex or as
simple as you need. If you follow the plans, you can keep
adding on more barrels and expand your growbeds:
Source: ASC Magazine, Edition 12
Barrelponics is fully expandable and as you can see in the
image above, you can keep adding on to the core design.
This rather extensive version of the core Barrelponics
system is brilliant. Travis explained it to the ASC Magazine in
issue 12, how he built this latest project where the fish are
in the center below the barrels, a pond of sorts, which re-
circulates to the growbeds, filtration and recirculation of
waste water throughout the system.
A Word About Test Kits
Aquaponics requires ongoing testing for proper
maintenance of good water quality.
The above test kit can be purchased online or anywhere
where good test kits are sold. I recommend the API
Freshwater Test Kit as it has everything you need to
know. Places like Amazon have some of the best prices,
often with free shipping. All you have to do is follow the
suggested readings using the chart on the next page. If you
start having issues simply visit our community on Facebook
for advice on what to do to get your readings under control:
Source and additional information:
If you keep your readings within the above tolerances
you shouldn’t have issues with your system. Just remember
the following advice:
✓ Cycle your system first for a few weeks and then add
your plants. Once PH is about 7, add your fish.
✓ Test DAILY. Test twice, in the morning and the
evening and average the two. Readings will change in
sunlight and darkness as the plants and fish have
✓ Feed your fish about mid-day so that the impact on
readings takes into account the feed on the closed
system and feedings will not affect your tests.
✓ Consult our community to allow long time experts to
assist you if there are issues.
There is a lot more – I suggest you consider acquiring the
two guides the ASC magazine has written on the
subject, both of which have received excellent reviews on
Amazon and via our magazine:
Source & More Information Here:
What To Feed Your Fish
The age old question here is what to feed your fish. This is a
complex question because most commercial fish feed is
contaminated with toxins like ethoxyquin:
As you can see from the articles above, this is a pesticide
and poison. For people growing foods in their Aquaponics
systems, the last thing you need is toxins as they tend to
accumulate in fish proteins, waste and then is shared with
the plants, making a toxic soup that can slowly affect your
readings (change water quality to poor) as well as end up on
your dinner plate. YUCK! I suggest you find natural
alternatives similar to what fish eat in the wild like:
✓ Worms of all kinds, freeze dried, live etc.
✓ Black soldier fly larvae as sustainable food source. I
suggest you subscribe to the channel in the link for
more details.
These systems are awesome. You can order starter larvae
and add them to a compost bin as shown in the video link
above (Black Soldier Fly). Of course, there is much more
information on the proper feeding and care of your fish. If
you like we have a series of quick learning guides that are
affordable and will expand on this and other information:
Click here for more information:
Look Beyond Aquaponics –
Bio Mimicry & Permaculture
Source: ASC Magazine
Whether you realize it or not, Aquaponics has limitations.
Survival food growing also requires understanding of organic
(grown in dirt) and permaculture methodologies.
A successful grower utilizes all three aspects. Above we see
N.Y. Times Best Seller Joel Salatin and Max Meyers, both
featured in back magazines.
Joel delivers an amazing article explaining how you can
create a bio-mimicry food system and his advice is easy to
Unlike difficult and questionable organic growing, Joel
practices what he preaches and offers sound advice to both
organic growers and Aquaculturists, in issue 9 of the ASC
Magazine including this gem:
“Successful aquaponics systems are those that become
more and more self-reliant, depending on real time solar
energy to generate environmentally-optimized plants and
Source: Joel Salatin, Issue 9, ASC Magazine
Joel goes on to list the exact steps he uses to feed dozens
of people in his community with his cooperative. His
methods work well and should be augmented along with
Aquaponics because they herald a return to common sense
agriculture, one beloved by millions of people who put him
on the N.Y. Times Best Seller List.
Next is Max Meyers, perhaps one
of the best examples of blending
permaculture with Aquaponics.
His Closed Loop Aquaponics
approach puts him on the
forefront as his team, Nor Cal
Aquaponics, were the first to offer
consultations, systems, trainings,
knowledge and experience in a
Permaculture based Aquaponics
systems. Source: ASC Magazine Issue 36
I highly suggest you visit his site above as it is filled with
impressive images, videos and learning.
Every system has needs and Max defines the necessity of
each facet clearly in this diagram. If you keep in mind all of
this, creating and sustaining your own Aquaponics system
will be significantly easier:
Of course, his featured cover article is available (issue 36)
for purchase via back issues or if you just want Joel’s and
Max’s issues together to support your new understanding
here is the purchase link.
The Future Of Aquaponics
And Our Pledge To You
The ASC magazine is your
direct pipeline to the future of
all things Aqua and green
Not only do we study
Aquaculture professionally, but
we truly believe the food-based
systems in Aquaponics, with
support from experts, have the
propensity to change the world
and feed humanity.
They also will feed you and your family!
That is our driving force and it is what motivates many
practitioners like Travis, Max, Joel and dozens of other PhD’s
and entrepreneurs who write for the magazine on a regular
Obviously, we want YOU to join us – every dollar we raise
for the ASC Magazine helps to push the envelope.
By joining our special lifetime offer you can really make a
difference and provide you and your family peace of mind.
Growing food need not be complicated, difficult or limited
because you can stand on the shoulder of geniuses instead
of trying to go it alone.
Typically, most Aquaponics novices FAIL miserably because
they believe that they know everything from what they learn
online; yet the latest statistics are quite upsetting:
✓ 89.5% ASC Subscribers reported FAILURE with
Aquaponics until they subscribed to the Magazine.
✓ 95% of respondents told us they spent way too much
money on often complex systems that had many
issues and long learning curves.
These problems included fish die offs, toxic / diseased fish,
poor plant performance and all kinds of related water quality
and water flow issues . . .
The ASC magazine is the world’s largest and best monthly
magazine for a reason – we know what it takes to grow food
and produce massive amounts of high-quality proteins:
✓ Ongoing educational studies and hard-earned
instruction from real experts in many related disciplines
all focused on food growing.
✓ Top minds that are on the cutting edge of food
generation, hydroponics, permaculture and organic
✓ University accolades from masters of Aquaculture.
Special Lifetime
You picked a great time to download this guide, because we
are celebrating our 5+ year anniversary (which will be
extended by this ebook and a special offer ONLY offered
here and ONCE):
Now you can join the ASC Magazine today here, with
massive bonuses, back issues and other great support
products and receive the magazine for life!
Please click here to look over this information NOW
Aquaponics should be an interdisciplinary approach that
takes into consideration all aspects of green growing; yet
sadly many people who promote Aquaponics are only in it
for fame and glory at the expense of the market.
I have seen dozens of systems sold and few are worth the
big price tag, with the possible exception of Travis’s design
and for larger commercial systems like what Nelson & Pade
Nelson & Pade actually hold the patent to promote their
clear flow technology (tm) that most other Aquaponics
systems seem to borrow without permission (not a good
idea to take someone’s patent info and call it you own).
Further if you ever based a large commercial business on
someone else’s technology, you might find yourself in a bit
of hot water . . .
Beginner Aquaponics should start off small and expand.
Do not believe all of the crash courses you see online.
Aquaponics is evolving all the time and you need to keep up
with the latest tech and the ASC Magazine is your best bet.
Please consider subscribing to the special offers in this guide
and the lifetime offer as well. You will save yourself big
headaches, lots of time and money.
The best survival food growers use information from our
research, so why not get what you need from the source?
Thank you again for reading this exciting and simple way to
master Aquaponics!
Warmest Regards,
Mike Kelley,
ASC Magazine
P.S. Email me with any questions you have.
Resource Links:
ASC Lifetime Offer: Click Here
ASC All Back Issues: Click Here
Fishcare Guides: Click Here
Fishfood Guide: Click Here
Advertising Deals Reach Thousands: Click Here
Submit Articles To The ASC Magazine: Click Here
Become Our Affiliate and Make Money: Click Here
By the way we give this eBook away. If you would like to
add something here [lease email us . . .

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Survival food growing guide

  • 1. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide1 Survival Food Growing - Using Beginner’s Aquaponics © 2020 - 2021, Michael Kelley The ASC Magazine, All rights reserved
  • 2. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide2 Disclaimer The author has made every attempt to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this publication, however they do not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. The author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations other published materials are unintentional and used solely for educational purposes only. This information is not intended for use as a source of professional food growing, legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in the Aquaculture, Agriculture, legal, business, accounting, and finance field. No representation is made or implied that the reader will do as well from using the suggested techniques, strategies, methods, systems, or ideas; rather it is presented for news value only. The author does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment. Consult appropriate professionals before starting a business. Any perceived remark, comment or use of organizations, people mentioned and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious does not mean that they support this content in any way. There are no guarantees of income made, traffic delivered or other promises of any kind. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. By reading any document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of use of the information contained within this document, including - but not limited to errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.
  • 3. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide3 FAIR USE NOTICE This book may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of food growing and of the ecological and humanitarian significance related to them. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use any copyrighted material from this book for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner first or post fair use / and original source. Every attempt has been made to link original content and graphic images to the owners of their online websites. © 2020-2021 bought to you by Michael Kelley AND the ASC Magazine, All Rights Reserved
  • 4. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide4 Contents Disclaimer....................................................................................................................... 2 FAIR USE NOTICE............................................................................................................ 3 Introduction................................................................................................................5 The Bottom Line – You NEED To Grow Your Own Food!............................................... 8 Why You MUST Listen To Us . . . ................................................................................... 9 Growing Massive Food For You And Your Community IS Possible! ............................ 11 Why Aquaponics? .....................................................................................................14 Aquaculture –Why It’s Important To You.................................................................... 18 Continued Food Production Could Require Aquaculturists Growing Most Foods On Land.............................................................................................................................. 20 Aquaponics 101............................................................................................................ 22 Best Starter Aquaponics Set Up For Survival Food Growing ....................................... 24 The Best Food Growing System - Barrelponics By Travis Hughey............................... 25 Plans Available Here: ................................................................................................... 26 A Word About Test Kits................................................................................................ 28 What To Feed Your Fish............................................................................................... 31 Look Beyond Aquaponics – Bio Mimicry & Permaculture........................................... 33 The Future Of Aquaponics And Our Pledge To You..................................................... 36 Special Lifetime Subscription?..................................................................................... 38 Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 39 Resource Links: ............................................................................................................ 40
  • 5. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide5 Introduction Source: The price of food is exploding worldwide and there seems to be no end in sight. Tied to most major food pricing indices are corn and wheat. As the costs for both cereal commodes increase, so does the cost to produce thousands of products that rely on these. The United Nations has put food inflation at about 30% each YEAR and there are new laws being passed all the time that seek to control and eventually regulate all food WORLDWIDE; with the best foods going to those who can afford it and with genetically devalued foods (GMO’s) being foisted on everyone else. This is not even the worst of the news!
  • 6. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide6 The Codex Alimentarius, a truly diabolical plan, is part of this worldwide control, where food is reduced in nutrition to the point where it does almost nothing to keep you healthy. This is done in the guise of “standards” to protect people, but many experts, like Dr.Laibow routinely speak out about how this is nothing more than a plan to make people ill, experience early death from poor nutrition and help depopulate the earth with tainted and poisoned foods: Source: Few people are aware that this plan involves mass controlled and mass produced food, which will be filled with pesticides, hormones, artificial additives, toxins and worst of all, reduced nutrition and genetically modified ingredients that have been proven in multiple studies to cause all kinds of health issues to people; including millennial diseases of all kinds (i.e. diabetes, immune disorders, Autism, Cancer).
  • 7. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide7 If all of this wasn’t reason enough to grow your own food, there is still more: ✓ External threats - from ISIS infiltration in America – the same way the Globalists are destroying Europe and they are pushing millions of refugees to our open borders to overwhelm services and steal from citizens. ✓ Nuclear war – experts are predicting nuclear exchanges will happen over the next few years; people like top strategic relocation expert Joel Skousen are warning people to get out of the cities now. ✓ Pandemics - like Ebola / Zika / Mouse pox and many other designer viruses, are now occurring at greater regularity especially with large population movements from third world locations into industrialized countries. ✓ Economic collapse – almost EVERY major top economist has predicted a financial collapse looming in the very near future worse than the great depression. ✓ Civil unrest – political, social and economic forces can cause groups like BLM to surface and cause problems. ✓ Criminal enterprises like Monsanto – they are here to take over and corrupt ALL food production worldwide and force you to eat their poison. The list is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many threats that can cause disruption of our food chain and if you are NOT prepared, you and your family will suffer.
  • 8. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide8 Bottom Line: You NEED To Grow Your Own Food! What America is facing (and the world) is very serious; don’t kid yourself. Now is the time to ensure you and your family will always have your own highly nutritious and massive food production system that is yours and yours alone. Yes, you are what you eat. During an emergency, or just because of rising food costs and health concerns, you need to ask yourself these questions: 1. How LONG can you live and be truly healthy with poor quality foods? I do not mean a few weeks of canned / dehydrated goods, but REAL food, the kind of nutrient dense foods you NEED to survive and survive well? Where will this food come from when people are starving and the delivery trucks stop delivering food? 2. Can YOU Grow all of the REAL food you will need in literally days no matter who you are and SUSTAIN this forever and in 1/5 the space of traditional gardening? All 100% organic and done on autopilot? 3. Can you produce REAL Food in ABUNDANCE? Can you grow truly organic foods at eight times more quantity of regular soil grown foods, growing four times faster and at three to four times the density without ever depleting ANY nutrients in the food grown AND repeat this? 4. Can a NOVICE quickly learn how to do all of this even if they have almost NO growing experience?
  • 9. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide9 Why You MUST Listen To Us . . . *Source: ASC Magazine, issue 33, Professor Ben Webster Interview The ASC Trade Publication is currently the World’s largest monthly magazine for Aquaponics, hydroponics and green sustainable growing. Part of our mission is to educate and inform people about the real requirements for sustained food growing which are not always taught as it should be. Much of what we see on the internet, from people selling related Aquaponics materials is actually not very accurate. Growing foods using techniques like Aquaponics, without prior knowledge, college education (i.e. Aquaculture) can
  • 10. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide10 lead to fish die offs, wasted money, diseased fish, polluted foods, frustration and systemic problems so massive, the typical novice gives up in failure and disgust. The real truth about Aquaponics is that: ✓ Growing food to feed your family is not as easy as people tell you. In fact, it can be hard if you have no idea what you are doing. ✓ You need real information from experts, not people trying to get you to invest in expensive pricey super systems (unless you are going commercial). ✓ Food growing requires a multi-discipline approach and sound evidence of how to grow food using these proven systems. ✓ Experts like PhD’s, business professionals, professors, and college white papers should all be consulted and made available to you the novice food grower. Many of the experts we have just discussed routinely write for our magazine. The ASC Trade Publication has devoted years to the studies of Aquaponics, with world class experts giving their hard-won secrets to our readers. Years of experimentation, trial and failure have taught us that ongoing education and years of reference materials make all the difference between a failed food growing experience and massive success that can even become a full-time enterprise for you.
  • 11. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide11 Growing Massive Food For You And Your Community IS Possible! *Source: ASC Magazine, issue 33, The Aquaponic Source In the last several years there has been a huge interest in growing food from backyards and greenhouses. Some of this interest is because more people want to learn how to grow food with the use of Aquaponics. People have heard that Aquaponics is a wonderful way to grow almost limitless food for you and family easily, but is
  • 12. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide12 that really the case? Can we expect to grow all kinds of foods easily using this unique and powerful discipline? The ASC Magazine, (us) is currently the world’s most trusted and best monthly magazine for Aquaponics, green growing AND all growing that is sustainable. Our Facebook fanpage is free to join and you can check us out here: Source: We (the publishers of the magazine) are tired of seeing all of the half truths about Aquaponics and we are here to set the record straight; Aquaponics is a good way to grow food, clean and free of pesticides, but there are some rather serious caveats we will explore with you over the course of this book that you really need to know about before you attempt anything.
  • 13. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide13 We also put this book together to give people REAL resources they can use to build or modify their systems without all the hype. Aquaponics is, after all a science and discipline; you NEED ongoing information / education and suggestions to ease your learning curve. This book will guide you to information, downloads and resources that can help anyone build a home system that should work if you follow the advice, tips, tricks and sound science we will be presenting herein. One thing about Aquaponics that some people do not always realize; what works for one person may not work for you. This is why experimentation is key into understanding your system better. Growing food in Aquaponics can sometimes be a fine balancing act until you understand the mechanics and science of how everything works together. That’s why the ASC Magazine recommends you start off small and conquer the little issues first, before attempting the bigger problems of owning a larger system. To NOT follow this advice invites disaster, unnecessary expense and fish and plant die offs. With that said, and all of the caveats here, let’s dive in and first understand what Aquaponics is and how you can quickly master the discipline to use for you and your family.
  • 14. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide14 Why Aquaponics? *Source: ASC Magazine, issue2, History Of Aquaponics As you can see, Aquaponics has been around for a very long time. Ancient Egyptians discovered that plants placed near waterways, with Tilapia, seem to speed growth of crops. Actual crops that are irrigated with water were also seen to enhance growing even more when fish were directly introduced, often by accident. Many early cultures experimented with ponds, waterways and the cultivating and harvesting of fish for food as a combination.
  • 15. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide15 The science behind Aquaponics is still the same today as it was all of those years ago: The process, once started follows the nice diagram Victoria made above. It is a continuous loop that is maintained by the Aquaculturist and takes these things into consideration: A system is created that has a holding tank for your fish and grow beds, a bio filter and a way to re-circulate the water. It starts out clean and as the water circulates to the plants in the grow beds so the fish emit waste (fish poo and pee). The waste is absorbed by the plants and they clean the waste water (with the help of a bio filter) so that the water
  • 16. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide16 returns to the fish clean. The present accepted model for Aquaponics is very similar to what our ancestors have done except with a much more modern and scientific approach to the process. Aquaponics in the modern age is the combination of fish, water and plants in a symbiotic relationship that ideally delivers: ➢Large, healthy fish / seafood proteins for harvest. This can be sustainable if you have brood stock. ➢The use of fish waste to feed the plants that are part of the system so you need no fertilizer or dirt. Plants roots are suspended in water and they absorb the nutrients without limitation. ➢Waste water and bio materials that are excellent fertilizer also for organic (dirt) growing. Some companies sell versions of this as a growth product. ➢Plant production at 3-5 times faster than traditional organic growth as nutrients are continuous across the roots. This is like continuous fertilizer for the plant which also involves all of the roots.
  • 17. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide17 ➢Educational opportunities for students to study biology. This includes micro Aquaponics set ups. ➢Commercial growing opportunities – large scale Aquaponics set ups follow the same principles and can provide massive food growth for entire communities. *Source: ASC Magazine, issue33, The Aquaponic Source. Now that you understand the basics, we will explain what Aquaculture is and why knowing about it will help you as an Aquaponics practitioner.
  • 18. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide18 Aquaculture –Why It’s Important To You Aquaculture is the art, science and business of culturing plants and animals in an aquatic setting. This discipline is akin to biology and animal husbandry and can be studied at most major universities. Even 2 year colleges are getting involved and are offering certificates and excellent courses to become a certified Aquaculturist. If you love this field you should study it professionally. This knowledge is worth its weight in gold! Most aquaculture studies / opportunities emerge in several ways: ✓ Fish culturing – via brood stock and by fisheries. ✓ Seafood culturing –i.e. (shrimp, crustaceans). ✓ Related products - like algae for commercial use. ✓ Plants via - Hydroponics, Aquaponics, Aquaculture. ✓ Jobs & opportunities – exist everywhere, from research, capture fisheries and seafood production just to name a few. I was offered several jobs even BEFORE I graduated and if you need a career consider this field. This information is becoming more valuable as our oceans are becoming depleted of life from accidents like Fukushima.
  • 19. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide19 As Aquaculturists, we study the oceans and best ways to both perform capture fisheries as well as how we as people can make up for many horrific and nightmarish events: ✓ Overfishing is depleting proteins we all need. ✓ Ongoing pollution of non biodegradable plastics. ✓ Industrial effluent / industrial runoffs / dumping waste. This is big business as companies dump industrial waste in oceans and lakes. ✓ Genetic pollution (GMO’s) that are causing disease. ✓ Cataclysmic events that are destroying life in the oceans like Fukushima as mentioned earlier . . . All of these are solid reasons to grow your own food. In fact, at current rates of life depletion in the Pacific, we are looking at what could become an ELE, or Extinction Level Event. Once the plankton becomes radiated, everything that eats the plankton will begin to die. This is NOT my opinion but the opinions of many PHD’s studying the event. Yes, you can read about it in the ASC magazine but not typically anywhere else. Folks, I am sorry but we are in BIG trouble here. It may very well be that in the near future Aquaculturists will be one of the best paying jobs in the world if you become one of the few people that can culture fish on land.
  • 20. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide20 Continued Food Production Will Require Aquaculturists Growing Most Foods Landside . . . Source: ASC Magazine, issue38, Michael Kelley (me having a bad hair day). The natural evolution of Aquaculture began with people experimenting and gaining knowledge of creating sustainable proteins from ponds, raceways, large tanks, underwater pens, etc. This is something that is still very much going on today, for not only food, but recreation and a sustainable environment which includes working to restore fish losses.
  • 21. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide21 Here I am above at the Colorado Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, working to clean ponds and re-seed them with the next batch of fish. This can be literally tens of thousands of fish (or much more) and dozens of rare, endangered and re- stock species. It is demanding work but very fulfilling. This program re-stocks lakes and rivers all throughout Colorado for the fishing and tourist industry. This is to ensure visitors to the state can enjoy the environment and that fishing remains a fun and lucrative sport for the state. Aquaculture will provide all of the expertise you need to master Aquaponics. Even if you know nothing about Aquaculture, you soon will just by starting your system. Aquaponics is no longer just a hobby for the average gardener, rather a serious way to grow healthy foods without chemicals or toxins and reduced instances of disease. The best growers have some Aquaculture background. A good functioning Aquaponics system grows food at 2 to 4 times the rate you could in ground; however, there are some things that cannot (at this time) be grown in Aquaponics. We will discuss in detail as we proceed so that you can quickly grow lots of foods using several methods
  • 22. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide22 Aquaponics 101 The goal of Aquaponics is to grow as much food as possible in a closed system that circulates waste to the plants roots. Dirt is not involved but rather grow medium as shown to the right. The way Aquaponics works, in its most basic form is a cycling, flood and drain system. This not only oxygenates the roots periodically, but allows the creation of a nitrifying bacteria colony that makes fish and plants possible. Image Source: ASC Magazine, Issue 9 System cycling is the Process of building bacteria in a new aquaponic unit. This process, on average is a 2-3-week event done before you introduce any fish or plants. You will add a small amount of ammonia to the system and cycle it (about 4mg / gallon). This stimulates nitrifying bacteria growth necessary for proper operation as shown below:
  • 23. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide23 Source: The nitrification process is what makes food growth possible. The start up process looks like this: ➢ Use barrels, IBC containers or purchase a larger system and assemble it or have it done so. ➢ Add clean oxygenated water, free from fluorides, toxins and additives. ➢ Add a system to cycle your water (i.e.Bellsiphon). There are mechanical flood valves and other options you can use too. ➢ Cycle the water in the system, adding Ammonia. This process allows you to set proper ammonia levels before you add plants and fish. ➢ Once you test the water, you can now add fish and plants.
  • 24. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide24 Best Starter Aquaponics Set Up For Food Growing Source : ASC Magazine, Issue 12, Travis Hughey My goal for helping you grow food for survival is this: ✓ To recommend the most affordable way to grow the most food for the least cost. ✓ A proven methodology for growers. ✓ Ease of construction when compared to other more complex systems. ✓ Tips, suggestions and ideas from the creator of that system that can also work with low voltage/solar power and sustained operations when other systems crash.
  • 25. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide25 Barrelponics Original Creator, Travis Hughey Source: Barrelponics was originally created by Travis Hughey. In my opinion, he is a genius for creating one of the most prolific systems and he deserves real credit for this. Travis used to give away these plans but his designs have been mentioned by many people in the industry. Some people have used his designs and knowledge to advance their careers in Aquaculture, usually without giving him credit . . . Source: ASC Magazine, Edition 12 By the way, if you only want the one issue above, you can purchase it by clicking here (just $5.00 / PDF only) – the cover story is extensive and excellent support with the Barrelponics project that Travis continues to experiment with. Now the most up to date Barrelponics is only limited by your imagination. Have a look at what Ohio State created with their most popular and functional Barrelponics systems:
  • 26. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide26 Plans Available Here: Ohio State Plans Via Barrelponics Are Here:
  • 27. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide27 Additional Information About Barrelponics Travis also sells a system he developed after Barrelponics called My AquaFarm™ Aquaponics System. It reduces your learning curve to almost zero, sets up easily and its low watt motor is perfect for solar / off the grid setups. Please have a look at the link above if you want a done for you food generation system that supports Travis. The core system in Barrelponics can be as complex or as simple as you need. If you follow the plans, you can keep adding on more barrels and expand your growbeds: Source: ASC Magazine, Edition 12 Barrelponics is fully expandable and as you can see in the image above, you can keep adding on to the core design.
  • 28. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide28 This rather extensive version of the core Barrelponics system is brilliant. Travis explained it to the ASC Magazine in issue 12, how he built this latest project where the fish are in the center below the barrels, a pond of sorts, which re- circulates to the growbeds, filtration and recirculation of waste water throughout the system. A Word About Test Kits Source: Kit/dp/B000255NCI Aquaponics requires ongoing testing for proper maintenance of good water quality. The above test kit can be purchased online or anywhere where good test kits are sold. I recommend the API Freshwater Test Kit as it has everything you need to know. Places like Amazon have some of the best prices, often with free shipping. All you have to do is follow the
  • 29. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide29 suggested readings using the chart on the next page. If you start having issues simply visit our community on Facebook for advice on what to do to get your readings under control: Source and additional information: If you keep your readings within the above tolerances you shouldn’t have issues with your system. Just remember the following advice: ✓ Cycle your system first for a few weeks and then add your plants. Once PH is about 7, add your fish. ✓ Test DAILY. Test twice, in the morning and the evening and average the two. Readings will change in sunlight and darkness as the plants and fish have cycles.
  • 30. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide30 ✓ Feed your fish about mid-day so that the impact on readings takes into account the feed on the closed system and feedings will not affect your tests. ✓ Consult our community to allow long time experts to assist you if there are issues. There is a lot more – I suggest you consider acquiring the two guides the ASC magazine has written on the subject, both of which have received excellent reviews on Amazon and via our magazine: Source & More Information Here: rowers/fishcare_guides/
  • 31. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide31 What To Feed Your Fish The age old question here is what to feed your fish. This is a complex question because most commercial fish feed is contaminated with toxins like ethoxyquin: e_page/Ethoxyquin_does_not_belong_in_your_food/99579 killer-hiding-in-your-fish-food.-9082.html As you can see from the articles above, this is a pesticide and poison. For people growing foods in their Aquaponics systems, the last thing you need is toxins as they tend to
  • 32. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide32 accumulate in fish proteins, waste and then is shared with the plants, making a toxic soup that can slowly affect your readings (change water quality to poor) as well as end up on your dinner plate. YUCK! I suggest you find natural alternatives similar to what fish eat in the wild like: ✓ Worms of all kinds, freeze dried, live etc. ✓ Black soldier fly larvae as sustainable food source. I suggest you subscribe to the channel in the link for more details. These systems are awesome. You can order starter larvae and add them to a compost bin as shown in the video link above (Black Soldier Fly). Of course, there is much more information on the proper feeding and care of your fish. If you like we have a series of quick learning guides that are affordable and will expand on this and other information: Click here for more information: Fish-Aquaponics-Victoria-Kelley- ebook/dp/B00DLHL3BO
  • 33. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide33 Look Beyond Aquaponics – Bio Mimicry & Permaculture Source: ASC Magazine Whether you realize it or not, Aquaponics has limitations. Survival food growing also requires understanding of organic (grown in dirt) and permaculture methodologies. A successful grower utilizes all three aspects. Above we see N.Y. Times Best Seller Joel Salatin and Max Meyers, both featured in back magazines. Joel delivers an amazing article explaining how you can create a bio-mimicry food system and his advice is easy to follow.
  • 34. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide34 Unlike difficult and questionable organic growing, Joel practices what he preaches and offers sound advice to both organic growers and Aquaculturists, in issue 9 of the ASC Magazine including this gem: “Successful aquaponics systems are those that become more and more self-reliant, depending on real time solar energy to generate environmentally-optimized plants and animals.” Source: Joel Salatin, Issue 9, ASC Magazine Joel goes on to list the exact steps he uses to feed dozens of people in his community with his cooperative. His methods work well and should be augmented along with Aquaponics because they herald a return to common sense agriculture, one beloved by millions of people who put him on the N.Y. Times Best Seller List. Next is Max Meyers, perhaps one of the best examples of blending permaculture with Aquaponics. His Closed Loop Aquaponics approach puts him on the forefront as his team, Nor Cal Aquaponics, were the first to offer consultations, systems, trainings, knowledge and experience in a Permaculture based Aquaponics systems. Source: ASC Magazine Issue 36
  • 35. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide35 I highly suggest you visit his site above as it is filled with impressive images, videos and learning. Every system has needs and Max defines the necessity of each facet clearly in this diagram. If you keep in mind all of this, creating and sustaining your own Aquaponics system will be significantly easier: Of course, his featured cover article is available (issue 36) for purchase via back issues or if you just want Joel’s and Max’s issues together to support your new understanding here is the purchase link.
  • 36. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide36 The Future Of Aquaponics And Our Pledge To You The ASC magazine is your direct pipeline to the future of all things Aqua and green growing. Not only do we study Aquaculture professionally, but we truly believe the food-based systems in Aquaponics, with support from experts, have the propensity to change the world and feed humanity. They also will feed you and your family! That is our driving force and it is what motivates many practitioners like Travis, Max, Joel and dozens of other PhD’s and entrepreneurs who write for the magazine on a regular basis. Obviously, we want YOU to join us – every dollar we raise for the ASC Magazine helps to push the envelope. By joining our special lifetime offer you can really make a difference and provide you and your family peace of mind.
  • 37. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide37 Growing food need not be complicated, difficult or limited because you can stand on the shoulder of geniuses instead of trying to go it alone. Typically, most Aquaponics novices FAIL miserably because they believe that they know everything from what they learn online; yet the latest statistics are quite upsetting: ✓ 89.5% ASC Subscribers reported FAILURE with Aquaponics until they subscribed to the Magazine. ✓ 95% of respondents told us they spent way too much money on often complex systems that had many issues and long learning curves. These problems included fish die offs, toxic / diseased fish, poor plant performance and all kinds of related water quality and water flow issues . . . The ASC magazine is the world’s largest and best monthly magazine for a reason – we know what it takes to grow food and produce massive amounts of high-quality proteins: ✓ Ongoing educational studies and hard-earned instruction from real experts in many related disciplines all focused on food growing. ✓ Top minds that are on the cutting edge of food generation, hydroponics, permaculture and organic growing. ✓ University accolades from masters of Aquaculture.
  • 38. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide38 Special Lifetime Subscription? You picked a great time to download this guide, because we are celebrating our 5+ year anniversary (which will be extended by this ebook and a special offer ONLY offered here and ONCE): Now you can join the ASC Magazine today here, with massive bonuses, back issues and other great support products and receive the magazine for life! Please click here to look over this information NOW
  • 39. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide39 Conclusion Aquaponics should be an interdisciplinary approach that takes into consideration all aspects of green growing; yet sadly many people who promote Aquaponics are only in it for fame and glory at the expense of the market. I have seen dozens of systems sold and few are worth the big price tag, with the possible exception of Travis’s design and for larger commercial systems like what Nelson & Pade deliver. Nelson & Pade actually hold the patent to promote their clear flow technology (tm) that most other Aquaponics systems seem to borrow without permission (not a good idea to take someone’s patent info and call it you own). Further if you ever based a large commercial business on someone else’s technology, you might find yourself in a bit of hot water . . . Beginner Aquaponics should start off small and expand. Do not believe all of the crash courses you see online. Aquaponics is evolving all the time and you need to keep up with the latest tech and the ASC Magazine is your best bet. Please consider subscribing to the special offers in this guide and the lifetime offer as well. You will save yourself big headaches, lots of time and money.
  • 40. SurvivalFoodGrowingGuide40 The best survival food growers use information from our research, so why not get what you need from the source? Thank you again for reading this exciting and simple way to master Aquaponics! Warmest Regards, Mike Kelley, ASC Magazine P.S. Email me with any questions you have. Resource Links: ASC Lifetime Offer: Click Here ASC All Back Issues: Click Here Fishcare Guides: Click Here Fishfood Guide: Click Here Advertising Deals Reach Thousands: Click Here Submit Articles To The ASC Magazine: Click Here Become Our Affiliate and Make Money: Click Here By the way we give this eBook away. If you would like to add something here [lease email us . . .