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How to make money today
Step one
Bagaimana menghasilkan uang hari ini
Step one
How to make money today
Step one
Karena telah bergabung
Bersama Oriflame
How to make money today
Step one
Hari ini, kita akan membahas
• Manfaat – manfaat menjadi konsultant
• Portofolio produk
• Katalog sebagai alat
• Cara mendapatkan konsumen
• Cara merekomendasikan produk
How to make money today
Step one
Bersama kami,
Semuanya adalah tentang
• Kemitraan dengan perusahaan
kecantikan dengan sistem penjualan
langsung terbesar di Eropa
• Tampil dan merasa luarbiasa dengan
menggunakan produk produk kosmetik
dan wellbeing kami
• Rekomendasikan produk –produk kami
dan hasilkan uang secara cepat
• Bangun jaringan dan wujudkan impian
• Menjalin pertemanan baru, bepergian
keluar negeri
How to make money today
Step one
Temukan dunia Kecantikan
How to make money today
Step one
Kecantikan yang terinspirasi
oleh mimpi
• Pengalaman lebih dari 45 tahun
• 1000 produk kecantikan yang dibuat
di Swedia
• 400 produk baru per tahun
• Inovasi dan pembaruan produk
• Memiliki pusat Riset & Pengembangan
Serta Institut Riset Perawatan Kulit
• Produk –produk berkualitas tinggi
yang mudah dijual
How to make money today
Step one
Ahli Kecantikan Global
Jonas Wramell
Direktur Artistik Kecantikan
Valerie Aflalo
Ahli Fesyen Global
Karl Eklund
Ahli Rambut Global
How to make money today
Step one
Kecantikan cara Swedia
How to make money today
Step one
How to make money today
Step one
How to make money today
Step one
How to make money today
Step one
Tubuh &
How to make money today
Step one
How to make money today
Step one
Perawatan Kulit
Mudah dijual– mudah direkomendasikan
• Rangkaian merek yang luas
• Untuk semua jenis kulit
• Untuk semua usia
• Keahlian lebih dari 45 tahun, memiliki
Laboratorium ilmiah dan riset di
• Memiliki banyak paten
• Progresif dan inovatif
• Keuntungan langsung yang tinggi
• Label loyalitas konsumen yang tinggi
How to make money today
Step one
Produk ikonis
Tender Care
…dicintai oleh jutaan orang
…ada disetiap tas wanita
…salah satu produk ikonis Oriflame
…berdasarkan pada formula asli sejak
…melembabkan kulit yang kering
How to make money today
Step one
Bioclinic adalah rangkaian
cosmeceutical pertama dari
Oriflame – yang memadukan
kosmetik dan farmasi yang
menyediakan solusi bagi
masalah-masalah kulit
spesifik, dengan pendekatan
ilmiah terdepan
Produk ikonis
How to make money today
Step one
How to make money today
Step one
Kategori Kosmetik
Mudah dijual – mudah direkomendasikan
• Banyak pilihan
• 200 produk baru pertahun
• Sesuai musim dan dapat dijadikan hadiah
• Pembelian impulsif
• Tren terbaru
How to make money today
Step one
• Bagian dari portofolio kami sejak 1980!
1980 2001 2006 2011
Produk ikonis.
Giordani Gold
Bronzing Pearls
• Produk GG paling laris dan paling
disukai diseluruh dunia
How to make money today
Step one
Produk Ikonis
Wonder Lash Mascara
• Diluncurkan di tahun 2007
• Telah terjual sebanyak 40 juta buah!
• Dalam waktu beberapa tahun belakangan
Wonderlash dikembangkan ke dalam 5
Konsep yang berbeda : semuanya sukses
Besar !
How to make money today
Step one
How to make money today
Step one
Produk-produk untuk Tubuh
& Rambut
Mudah dijual – mudah
• Untuk seluruh keluarga
• Perawatan tubuh dan kebutuhan
kebersihan harian
• Bahan- bahan dari alam
• Direkomendasikan oleh para ahli
• Mudah menarik konsumen-konsumen
• Dapat dijadikan hadiah
How to make money today
Step one
Produk Ikonis.
Milk and Honey Gold
Hand and Body Cream
• Cream yang kaya dengan ramuan
• Terbuat dari extract Susu dan Madu
• Memberi nutrisi dan melembutkan
untuk mempertahankan kandungan
air dalam kulit
• Membuat kulit lebih lembut dan
How to make money today
Step one
How to make money today
Step one
Kategori Wewangian
Mudah dijual–mudah
• Untuk semua kelompok usia
• Portofolio luas
• 60 produk baru pertahun
• Sampel
• Diciptakan oleh para pembuat
parfum terkenal
• Peluang penghasilan tinggi
How to make money today
Step one
Merek wewangian ikonis.
Giordani Gold
Wewangian Giordani Gold
mewakili seni keanggunan,
kemewahan , dan feminitas
berkelas dari gaya hidup Italia.
Dikembangkan bagi para wanita
yang percaya diri, elegan dan
glamor , yang percaya bahwa
kecantikan adalah lebih daripada
sekedar penampilan
How to make money today
Step one
How to make money today
Step one
• Produk – produk Wellbeing menghasilkan
Banyak testimoni
• Manfaat- manfaat produk Wellbeing mudah
• BP tertinggi dari semua produk Oriflame.
Mudah dijual
• Dapatkan energi lebih
• Dapatkan nutrisi yang dibutuhkan
Anda dan keluarga
• Membantu menjaga kondisi kulit,
Rambut dan kuku
Mudah direkomendasikan
How to make money today
Step one
Ikon Wellbeing
Mengandung bahan-bahan bernutrisi
seimbang yang membantu menjaga
level gula darah tetap stabil dan
memberikan nutrisi penting bagi
How to make money today
Step one
Kecantikan menjadi bisnis
• Miliki bisnis yang sukses
• Nikmati kemewahan dalam hidup
• Menghasilkan keuntungan hingga 30%
dari order konsumen
• Katalog produk baru setiap bulan
• Menjual secara mudah dengan
menunjukkan katalog
How to make money today
Step one
Manfaat-manfaat membeli dan menjual produk
Immediate profit Welcome program
Loyalty programs Performance discount
How to make money today
Step one
How to make money today
Step one
Katalog sebagai etalase
Toko Anda
• Setiap bulan – katalog baru
• Produk-produk baru
• Penawaran-penawaran inti
• Cerita produk
• Rekomendasi ahli
• Artikel kecantikan
Pelajari tentang produk-produk dan
penawaran baru di setiap katalog baru. Anda
bisa menemukan penwaran paling menarik di
halaman-halaman depan, tengah, dan sampul
How to make money today
Step one
Penawaran“Must Have!”
Adalah produk-produk
harian yang penting
dengan harga yang
menggoda! Kualitas
dijamin dan mudah dijual
Saran Ahli: Tips, trik
dan saran yang mudah
Dipahami dan dicapai
Produk-produk “We
Love!” kami berkualitas
tinggi, berperforma tinggi
dan dikembangkan
How to make money today
Step one
Tips, trik dan saran profesional
Penawaran Luar biasa
Penilaian konsumen
Navigasi mudah
How to make money today
Step one
Distribusi dan Tindak Lanjut
• Investasi dalam katalog
• Edarkan katalog dari rumah ke rumah
• Gunakan aplikasi iPad atau versi online
• Tulis informasi personal untuk
kebutuhan komunikasi ( nama, telepon )
How to make money today
Step one
Semakin banyak Katalog – semakin banyak
pembaca – semakin banyak konsumen
1 katalog – 3-4pembaca –
2 konsumen
10 katalog – 30-40 pembaca –
20 konsumen
How to make money today
Step one
Cara mendapatkan konsumen
Dan menjual produk
How to make money today
Step one
Cara menjual produk
Buat daftar nama dan ajak
Mereka untuk bertemu
Bertemu orang-orang
Dan tunjukkan
Catat order, tanya
Dan tambahkan nama
nama baru di daftar nama
How to make money today
Step one
Cara membuat daftar nama
• Anggota keluarga dekat
• Anggota keluarga jauh
• Teman- teman
Ini adalah “inner circle” Anda
How to make money today
Step one
Memperluas daftar nama
• Tetangga
• Organisasi tempat Anda bergabung
• Kolega-kolega
• Teman-teman sekelas
• Tempat berbelanja
• Orang-orang yang Anda temui di acara
acara sosial
• Referensi dari konsumen-konsumen
Gunakan daftar kontak diponsel, album foto, dan
Rekomendasikan dari teman-teman
How to make money today
Step one
Perluas terus daftar
Nama Anda
Minta rekomendasi
“Siapakah orang yang Anda kenal
Yang ingin melihat katalog baru serta
Peluang penghasilan dari Oriflame?”
Outer circle
dan referensi
How to make money today
Step one
Alat-alat penjualan untuk pertemuan
How to make money today
Step one
Cocokkan produk-produk
Perawatan kulit yang tepat untuk
rutinitas harian
Gunakan Skin care guide sebagai alat untuk
menemukan produk terbaik
Perawatan Kulit Lanjutan: Jika Anda menginginkan
Hasil Perfoma Tinggi, pilih produk-produk yang
sesuai dengan Usia dan Masalah Kulit
Perawatan Kulit Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Kulit : Jika
Anda ingin menyesuaikan rutinitas perawatan kulit
Anda dan memilih produk berdasarkan Tipe Kulit dan
kemudian kebutuhan kulit
Temukan produk-produk ini di katalog
How to make money today
Step one
Temukan kosmetik Oriflame
yang tepat untuk Anda dan
konsumen Anda
Gunakan color chart alat penjualan yang
ramah pengguna untuk
merekomendasikan kosmetik Oriflame
kepada konsumen
Step 1: Tentukan suasana hati dan efek
atau pilihan gaya yang diinginkan dari tiga
merek : Oriflame Beauty, Giordani Gold,
dan Very Me
Step 2: Rekomendasikan satu set
make-up lengkap, mengikuti chart dari kiri
ke kanan. Dari “Bibir” hingga”Wajah”.
How to make money today
Step one
Bermain Peran
Kalimat- Kalimat
Perkenalan diri kepada
How to make money today
Step one
Bekerja dengan konsumen
1. Ajukan pertanyaan
2. Tunjukkan katalog dan
Rekomendasikan produk
3. Catat order
4. Antarkan order dan
Tunjukkan katalog berikutnya
How to make money today
Step one
Ajukan Pertanyaan
•Tujuan dari pertanyaan terbuka adalah
–Mendefinisikan preferensi
konsumen tentang kosmetik
–Menemukan kebutuhan
–Membantu konsumen untuk
membuat pilihan yang tepat
How to make money today
Step one
Rekomendasikan produk-produk tambahan
Yang berhubungan dengan minat konsumen
How to make money today
Step one
Menjual Wellbeing
1. Gunakan produknya setiap hari!
2. Bagikan testimonial Anda dan
tentang produk-produk lainnya!
3. Tunjukkan manfaat dan keunikan
4. Undang mereka ke Wellbeing
How to make money today
Step one
Purna Jual
• Ucapkan terima kasih kepada konsumen
dan catat order mereka
• Jelaskan harga order
• Membuat janji waktu pengiriman
• Minta referensi “ Adakah orang
yang Anda tahu>>”
-Tunjukkan katalog baru
-dan anjurkan order lagi
How to make money today
Step one
Beberapa Tips Berjualan
• Gunakan sendiri produk-produk
yang Anda tawarkan
• Gunakan Sampel
• Perhatikan penawaran
penawaran khusus di katalog
• Ceritakan tentang produk favorit
• Jika Anda tidak dapat menjawab
pertanyaan, catat pertanyaannya
dan katakan bahwa Anda akan
mengabarkan konsumen begitu
Anda tahu jawabannya
• Tunjukkan produk – produk ikon
kita sebagai contoh terbaik dari
kualitas Oriflame
How to make money today
Step one
Metode – metode sukses
Tingkatkan pendapatan Anda dengan
Menggunakan metode-metode
Terbukti berikut ini:
• Open house
• Berjualan ditempat kerja
• Meninggalkan katalog dengan tindak
• Online
How to make money today
Step one
Mengadakan“Open House”
• Undang teman-teman Anda ke rumah
• Tunjukkan katalog baru, dan produk-
produk baru utama
• Atur “pesta-pesta tematik” seperti
“pesta make up”, “pesta skincare”, atau
“pesta Wellbeing”
Minta salah satu teman Anda untuk menjadi
Tuan rumah pada pesta kecantikan dirumah
Berikutnya dan tawarkan keuntungan 5- 10 %
Dari hasil penjualan”
How to make money today
Step one
Berjualan di tempat kerja
• Di tempat kerja Anda atau teman Anda
• Distribusikan Katalog
• Jangan pelit membagikan sampel
• Gunakan Wellbeing ditempat kerja
How to make money today
Step one
How to make money today
Step one
Menjual produk online
Pertemuan online Promosi produk-produk
Oriflame, mendaftarkan
Menjadi penasihat kecantikan,
pertahankan aktivitas
How to make money today
Step one
Cara bekerjasama dengan
Orang-orang yang Anda
Temui secara online
Menggunakan eKatalog
• Prospek - online
• Tunjukkan katalog - online
• Pengantaran ,pembayaran offline
How to make money today
Step one
Proses berjualan menggunakan eKatalog
Buat alamat
URL personal
Kirim link via:
• email
• Blogs
• Social media
Antar Produk
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut seputar penggunaan
eKatalog ikuti pelatihan penjualan online
How to make money today
Step one
Aturan Penjual Sukses
• Jangan memutuskan apapun
untuk konsumen
• Bagikan pengalaman Anda
tentang menggunaka produk
• Bersikap ramah walaupun konsumen
tidak membeli produk
• Bangga atas katalog, produk
dan perusahaan yang Anda wakili
• Jangan mengkritik kompetitor
• Selalu tawarkan katalog baru –
Alasan untuk menghubungi
• Berbicara kepada 3 orang setiap hari
How to make money today
Step one
Rangkuman Sukses berjualan
Terima order
dan rekomendasi
Buat Daftar Nama
Beli Sendiri
Dan kenali
How to make money today
Step one
Tahapan berikutnya
Dalam periode katalog ini:
Berbicara kepada 3 orang baru per hari tentang Oriflame dan pastikan Anda
1. Show katalog dan dapatkan 20 konsumen
• Raih Welcome program selanjutnya
2. Invite orang untuk hadir Opportunity meeting
3. Attend hadiri acara dan pelatihan yang diadakan leader
How to make money today
Step one
Ubah bisnis Anda menjadi
Karir yang Indah
Anda bisa mengetahui lebih lanjut
Tentang peluang peluang Oriflame:
• Kembangkan bisnis Anda
• Transformasikan hidup Anda
• Karir baru yang menarik
• Menjadi Leader Independen Oriflame
• Bantu tim Anda untuk berkembang
dan membangun tim-tim mereka sendiri
…dengan mengikuti pelatihan Step 2
“Cara merekrut dan membangun
jaringan “
How to make money today
Step one
How to make money today
Step one
Right Mindset
• Semua bisnis pasti diawali dari yang
• Komitmen
• Pantang menyerah
• Tahan akan cobaan
• Positif
• Kritis dan kreatif
• Lakukan sekarang!!!

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Presentation BMB Rev 21 Februari 2020.pdf
Presentation BMB Rev 21 Februari 2020.pdfPresentation BMB Rev 21 Februari 2020.pdf
Presentation BMB Rev 21 Februari 2020.pdf
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PPT legalitas usaha mikro kecil dan menengah.pptxPPT legalitas usaha mikro kecil dan menengah.pptx
PPT legalitas usaha mikro kecil dan menengah.pptx

Peluang Bisnis Modal Kecil

  • 1. How to make money today Step one Bagaimana menghasilkan uang hari ini Step one
  • 2. How to make money today Step one SELAMAT ! Karena telah bergabung Bersama Oriflame
  • 3. How to make money today Step one Hari ini, kita akan membahas tentang: • Manfaat – manfaat menjadi konsultant Oriflame • Portofolio produk • Katalog sebagai alat • Cara mendapatkan konsumen • Cara merekomendasikan produk
  • 4. How to make money today Step one Bersama kami, Semuanya adalah tentang Anda! • Kemitraan dengan perusahaan kecantikan dengan sistem penjualan langsung terbesar di Eropa • Tampil dan merasa luarbiasa dengan menggunakan produk produk kosmetik dan wellbeing kami • Rekomendasikan produk –produk kami dan hasilkan uang secara cepat • Bangun jaringan dan wujudkan impian • Menjalin pertemanan baru, bepergian keluar negeri
  • 5. How to make money today Step one Temukan dunia Kecantikan
  • 6. How to make money today Step one Kecantikan yang terinspirasi oleh mimpi • Pengalaman lebih dari 45 tahun • 1000 produk kecantikan yang dibuat di Swedia • 400 produk baru per tahun • Inovasi dan pembaruan produk • Memiliki pusat Riset & Pengembangan Serta Institut Riset Perawatan Kulit • Produk –produk berkualitas tinggi yang mudah dijual
  • 7. How to make money today Step one Ahli Kecantikan Global Jonas Wramell Direktur Artistik Kecantikan Global Valerie Aflalo Ahli Fesyen Global Karl Eklund Ahli Rambut Global
  • 8. How to make money today Step one Kecantikan cara Swedia ALAMI PROGRESIF ETIS
  • 9. How to make money today Step one ALAMI
  • 10. How to make money today Step one PROGRESIF
  • 11. How to make money today Step one ETIS
  • 12. How to make money today Step one Perawatan Tubuh & Rambut YOUR DREAMS – OUR INSPIRATION™ Perawatan Kulit Kosmetik Aksesoris WellbeingWewangian
  • 13. How to make money today Step one PERAWATAN KULIT
  • 14. How to make money today Step one Perawatan Kulit Mudah dijual– mudah direkomendasikan • Rangkaian merek yang luas • Untuk semua jenis kulit • Untuk semua usia • Keahlian lebih dari 45 tahun, memiliki Laboratorium ilmiah dan riset di Stockholm • Memiliki banyak paten • Progresif dan inovatif • Keuntungan langsung yang tinggi • Label loyalitas konsumen yang tinggi
  • 15. How to make money today Step one Produk ikonis Tender Care …dicintai oleh jutaan orang …ada disetiap tas wanita …salah satu produk ikonis Oriflame …berdasarkan pada formula asli sejak 1980 …melembabkan kulit yang kering
  • 16. How to make money today Step one Bioclinic adalah rangkaian cosmeceutical pertama dari Oriflame – yang memadukan kosmetik dan farmasi yang menyediakan solusi bagi masalah-masalah kulit spesifik, dengan pendekatan ilmiah terdepan Produk ikonis Bioclinic
  • 17. How to make money today Step one KOSMETIK
  • 18. How to make money today Step one Kategori Kosmetik Mudah dijual – mudah direkomendasikan • Banyak pilihan • 200 produk baru pertahun • Sesuai musim dan dapat dijadikan hadiah • Pembelian impulsif • Tren terbaru
  • 19. How to make money today Step one • Bagian dari portofolio kami sejak 1980! 1980 2001 2006 2011 Produk ikonis. Giordani Gold Bronzing Pearls • Produk GG paling laris dan paling disukai diseluruh dunia
  • 20. How to make money today Step one Produk Ikonis Wonder Lash Mascara • Diluncurkan di tahun 2007 • Telah terjual sebanyak 40 juta buah! • Dalam waktu beberapa tahun belakangan Wonderlash dikembangkan ke dalam 5 Konsep yang berbeda : semuanya sukses Besar !
  • 21. How to make money today Step one PERAWATAN TUBUH & RAMBUT
  • 22. How to make money today Step one Produk-produk untuk Tubuh & Rambut Mudah dijual – mudah direkomendasikan • Untuk seluruh keluarga • Perawatan tubuh dan kebutuhan kebersihan harian • Bahan- bahan dari alam • Direkomendasikan oleh para ahli • Mudah menarik konsumen-konsumen baru • Dapat dijadikan hadiah
  • 23. How to make money today Step one Produk Ikonis. Milk and Honey Gold Hand and Body Cream • Cream yang kaya dengan ramuan alami • Terbuat dari extract Susu dan Madu • Memberi nutrisi dan melembutkan untuk mempertahankan kandungan air dalam kulit • Membuat kulit lebih lembut dan halus
  • 24. How to make money today Step one WEWANGIAN
  • 25. How to make money today Step one Kategori Wewangian Mudah dijual–mudah direkomendasikan • Untuk semua kelompok usia • Portofolio luas • 60 produk baru pertahun • Sampel • Diciptakan oleh para pembuat parfum terkenal • Peluang penghasilan tinggi
  • 26. How to make money today Step one Merek wewangian ikonis. Giordani Gold Wewangian Giordani Gold mewakili seni keanggunan, kemewahan , dan feminitas berkelas dari gaya hidup Italia. Dikembangkan bagi para wanita yang percaya diri, elegan dan glamor , yang percaya bahwa kecantikan adalah lebih daripada sekedar penampilan
  • 27. How to make money today Step one WELLBEING
  • 28. How to make money today Step one Wellbeing • Produk – produk Wellbeing menghasilkan Banyak testimoni • Manfaat- manfaat produk Wellbeing mudah dibagikan • BP tertinggi dari semua produk Oriflame. Mudah dijual • Dapatkan energi lebih • Dapatkan nutrisi yang dibutuhkan Anda dan keluarga • Membantu menjaga kondisi kulit, Rambut dan kuku Mudah direkomendasikan
  • 29. How to make money today Step one Ikon Wellbeing Nutrishake Mengandung bahan-bahan bernutrisi seimbang yang membantu menjaga level gula darah tetap stabil dan memberikan nutrisi penting bagi tubuh
  • 30. How to make money today Step one Kecantikan menjadi bisnis Anda • Miliki bisnis yang sukses • Nikmati kemewahan dalam hidup Menjual: • Menghasilkan keuntungan hingga 30% dari order konsumen • Katalog produk baru setiap bulan • Menjual secara mudah dengan menunjukkan katalog
  • 31. How to make money today Step one Manfaat-manfaat membeli dan menjual produk Immediate profit Welcome program Loyalty programs Performance discount
  • 32. How to make money today Step one CARA BEKERJA DENGAN KATALOG
  • 33. How to make money today Step one Katalog sebagai etalase Toko Anda • Setiap bulan – katalog baru • Produk-produk baru • Penawaran-penawaran inti • Cerita produk • Rekomendasi ahli • Artikel kecantikan Pelajari tentang produk-produk dan penawaran baru di setiap katalog baru. Anda bisa menemukan penwaran paling menarik di halaman-halaman depan, tengah, dan sampul
  • 34. How to make money today Step one Penawaran“Must Have!” Adalah produk-produk harian yang penting dengan harga yang menggoda! Kualitas dijamin dan mudah dijual Saran Ahli: Tips, trik dan saran yang mudah Dipahami dan dicapai Produk-produk “We Love!” kami berkualitas tinggi, berperforma tinggi dan dikembangkan
  • 35. How to make money today Step one KONSUMEN SENANG = KESUKSESAN ANDA ! Tips, trik dan saran profesional Penawaran Luar biasa Penilaian konsumen Navigasi mudah
  • 36. How to make money today Step one Distribusi dan Tindak Lanjut Katalog • Investasi dalam katalog • Edarkan katalog dari rumah ke rumah • Gunakan aplikasi iPad atau versi online • Tulis informasi personal untuk kebutuhan komunikasi ( nama, telepon )
  • 37. How to make money today Step one Semakin banyak Katalog – semakin banyak pembaca – semakin banyak konsumen 1 katalog – 3-4pembaca – 2 konsumen 10 katalog – 30-40 pembaca – 20 konsumen
  • 38.
  • 39. How to make money today Step one Cara mendapatkan konsumen Dan menjual produk
  • 40. How to make money today Step one Cara menjual produk Buat daftar nama dan ajak Mereka untuk bertemu Bertemu orang-orang Dan tunjukkan katalog Catat order, tanya rekomendasi, Dan tambahkan nama nama baru di daftar nama Anda
  • 41. How to make money today Step one Cara membuat daftar nama • Anggota keluarga dekat • Anggota keluarga jauh • Teman- teman Ini adalah “inner circle” Anda
  • 42. How to make money today Step one Memperluas daftar nama Anda • Tetangga • Organisasi tempat Anda bergabung • Kolega-kolega • Teman-teman sekelas • Tempat berbelanja • Orang-orang yang Anda temui di acara acara sosial • Referensi dari konsumen-konsumen Anda Gunakan daftar kontak diponsel, album foto, dan Rekomendasikan dari teman-teman
  • 43. How to make money today Step one Perluas terus daftar Nama Anda Minta rekomendasi “Siapakah orang yang Anda kenal Yang ingin melihat katalog baru serta Peluang penghasilan dari Oriflame?” Outer circle dan referensi Inner circle
  • 44. How to make money today Step one Alat-alat penjualan untuk pertemuan
  • 45. How to make money today Step one Cocokkan produk-produk Perawatan kulit yang tepat untuk rutinitas harian Gunakan Skin care guide sebagai alat untuk menemukan produk terbaik Perawatan Kulit Lanjutan: Jika Anda menginginkan Hasil Perfoma Tinggi, pilih produk-produk yang sesuai dengan Usia dan Masalah Kulit Perawatan Kulit Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Kulit : Jika Anda ingin menyesuaikan rutinitas perawatan kulit Anda dan memilih produk berdasarkan Tipe Kulit dan kemudian kebutuhan kulit Temukan produk-produk ini di katalog
  • 46. How to make money today Step one Temukan kosmetik Oriflame yang tepat untuk Anda dan konsumen Anda Gunakan color chart alat penjualan yang ramah pengguna untuk merekomendasikan kosmetik Oriflame kepada konsumen Step 1: Tentukan suasana hati dan efek atau pilihan gaya yang diinginkan dari tiga merek : Oriflame Beauty, Giordani Gold, dan Very Me Step 2: Rekomendasikan satu set make-up lengkap, mengikuti chart dari kiri ke kanan. Dari “Bibir” hingga”Wajah”.
  • 47. How to make money today Step one Bermain Peran Kalimat- Kalimat Perkenalan diri kepada konsumen
  • 48. How to make money today Step one Bekerja dengan konsumen 1. Ajukan pertanyaan 2. Tunjukkan katalog dan Rekomendasikan produk 3. Catat order 4. Antarkan order dan Tunjukkan katalog berikutnya
  • 49. How to make money today Step one Ajukan Pertanyaan •Tujuan dari pertanyaan terbuka adalah –Mendefinisikan preferensi konsumen tentang kosmetik –Menemukan kebutuhan konsumen –Membantu konsumen untuk membuat pilihan yang tepat APA? DIMANA? BAGAIMANA?
  • 50. How to make money today Step one Rekomendasikan produk-produk tambahan Yang berhubungan dengan minat konsumen
  • 51. How to make money today Step one Menjual Wellbeing 1. Gunakan produknya setiap hari! 2. Bagikan testimonial Anda dan tentang produk-produk lainnya! 3. Tunjukkan manfaat dan keunikan produk! 4. Undang mereka ke Wellbeing Club
  • 52. How to make money today Step one Purna Jual • Ucapkan terima kasih kepada konsumen dan catat order mereka • Jelaskan harga order • Membuat janji waktu pengiriman • Minta referensi “ Adakah orang yang Anda tahu>>” -Tunjukkan katalog baru -dan anjurkan order lagi
  • 53. How to make money today Step one Beberapa Tips Berjualan • Gunakan sendiri produk-produk yang Anda tawarkan • Gunakan Sampel • Perhatikan penawaran penawaran khusus di katalog • Ceritakan tentang produk favorit Anda • Jika Anda tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan, catat pertanyaannya dan katakan bahwa Anda akan mengabarkan konsumen begitu Anda tahu jawabannya • Tunjukkan produk – produk ikon kita sebagai contoh terbaik dari kualitas Oriflame
  • 54. How to make money today Step one Metode – metode sukses lainnya Tingkatkan pendapatan Anda dengan Menggunakan metode-metode Terbukti berikut ini: • Open house • Berjualan ditempat kerja • Meninggalkan katalog dengan tindak lanjut • Online
  • 55. How to make money today Step one Mengadakan“Open House” • Undang teman-teman Anda ke rumah • Tunjukkan katalog baru, dan produk- produk baru utama • Atur “pesta-pesta tematik” seperti “pesta make up”, “pesta skincare”, atau “pesta Wellbeing” Minta salah satu teman Anda untuk menjadi Tuan rumah pada pesta kecantikan dirumah Berikutnya dan tawarkan keuntungan 5- 10 % Dari hasil penjualan”
  • 56. How to make money today Step one Berjualan di tempat kerja • Di tempat kerja Anda atau teman Anda • Distribusikan Katalog • Jangan pelit membagikan sampel • Gunakan Wellbeing ditempat kerja
  • 57. How to make money today Step one CARA BERJUALAN ONLINE
  • 58. How to make money today Step one Menjual produk online Pertemuan online Promosi produk-produk Oriflame, mendaftarkan konsumen Menjadi penasihat kecantikan, pertahankan aktivitas
  • 59. How to make money today Step one Cara bekerjasama dengan Orang-orang yang Anda Temui secara online Menggunakan eKatalog • Prospek - online • Tunjukkan katalog - online • Pengantaran ,pembayaran offline
  • 60. How to make money today Step one Proses berjualan menggunakan eKatalog Buat alamat URL personal Kirim link via: • email • Blogs • Social media Setujui Order Antar Produk Untuk informasi lebih lanjut seputar penggunaan eKatalog ikuti pelatihan penjualan online
  • 61. How to make money today Step one Aturan Penjual Sukses • Jangan memutuskan apapun untuk konsumen • Bagikan pengalaman Anda tentang menggunaka produk • Bersikap ramah walaupun konsumen tidak membeli produk • Bangga atas katalog, produk dan perusahaan yang Anda wakili • Jangan mengkritik kompetitor • Selalu tawarkan katalog baru – Alasan untuk menghubungi konsumen • Berbicara kepada 3 orang setiap hari
  • 62. How to make money today Step one Rangkuman Sukses berjualan Terima order dan rekomendasi Tunjukkan Katalog Buat Daftar Nama Beli Sendiri Dan kenali produk- produk
  • 63. How to make money today Step one Tahapan berikutnya Dalam periode katalog ini: Berbicara kepada 3 orang baru per hari tentang Oriflame dan pastikan Anda 1. Show katalog dan dapatkan 20 konsumen • Raih Welcome program selanjutnya 2. Invite orang untuk hadir Opportunity meeting 3. Attend hadiri acara dan pelatihan yang diadakan leader
  • 64. How to make money today Step one Ubah bisnis Anda menjadi Karir yang Indah Anda bisa mengetahui lebih lanjut Tentang peluang peluang Oriflame: • Kembangkan bisnis Anda • Transformasikan hidup Anda • Karir baru yang menarik • Menjadi Leader Independen Oriflame • Bantu tim Anda untuk berkembang dan membangun tim-tim mereka sendiri …dengan mengikuti pelatihan Step 2 “Cara merekrut dan membangun jaringan “
  • 65. How to make money today Step one
  • 66. How to make money today Step one
  • 67. Right Mindset • Semua bisnis pasti diawali dari yang kecil • Komitmen • Pantang menyerah • Tahan akan cobaan • Positif • Kritis dan kreatif • Lakukan sekarang!!!

Editor's Notes

  1. As consultant Oriflame : You will have a partnership with a fast growing direct selling cosmetic company Buy great quality products for yourself on distributor price Using our cosmetic and wellness products you will look and feel great You can recommend our products to your friends, relatives, neighbours and colleagues and make money quickly You can build network and fulfil your dreams You can have fun: make friends and enjoy our fabulous incentive trips and the freedom to travel with your extra Oriflame income
  2. INOVATION and product here Building on more than 45 years of skincare and cosmetics expertise and combining the wisdom of nature with the best of science to deliver distinct product brands - providing a wide portfolio affordable for the many people all with: - Assured product performance at value for money - High purity ingredients and strict manufacturing standards - High ethical standards and stringent environmental policies Oriflame has a longstanding animal welfare policy: Oriflame has never tested products or ingredients on animals during product development - and never will. We made this choice when Oriflame was founded in 1967. Main facts: Oriflame Sweden: Wisdom of nature and the best of science 45 years of skin care and cosmetics expertise 1000 products of which 450 new or re-launched per year Advanced formulations developed in Oriflame’s Global R&D Centres and Skincare Research Institute by over 100 scientists Assured product performance at value for money High purity ingredients and strict manufacturing standards High ethical standards and stringent environmental policies Longstanding animal welfare policy
  3. Jonas Wramell Global Beauty Artistic Director : Jonas specialty is to share tips and tricks: • How to get the festive party look • Create the perfect eye brows • How to make your eyes look bigger • Make you lips look fuller Valerie Aflalo (Global Fashion Expert) : Former model and Miss Sweden, now successful fashion designer, Valerie Aflalo, is Oriflame's new fashion expert. Valerie has been collaborating with our Accessories team to bring us the latest and most stylish trends straight off the catwalks. She will also be designing some exclusive collections especially for Oriflame in the coming year. Karl Eklund (Global Hair Expert) : Lives in Stockholm and travels all over the world for his work as a fashion and celebrity hair stylist. Works for international fashion magazines and runways shows. Greatest passion: Creating beautiful hair.
  4. The Swedish heritage goes back to the very first products containing natural birch extracts and also today many of Oriflame’s products are inspired by and contain ingredients from nature. The Swedish way also means being progressive and continuously pursuing better solutions, utilising science and creating innovation, as well as being in tune with the times in terms of fashion and trends. With a clear ethical foundation, Oriflame acts in an honest, transparent and fair way in all its relationships and interactions. This results in a continuous pursuit of sustainability in its business model, the planet we live in, the people whose life Oriflame touches and the communities that it operates in.
  5. Natural: A deep respect and love of nature is at the heart of everything we do at Oriflame. Sweden has some of the most stunning natural landscapes in the world - for over 40 years we’ve been inspired by this beauty and have incorporated nature-inspired ingredients in our products. And over the years, as we have entered new markets, we have taken inspiration from the natural and individual beauty found in these countries too. From forests and mountains to herbs and plants, nature is a distinctive hallmark of Oriflame cosmetics. Ecobeauty was the first Global Cross-category brand to be accredited to the highest natural, social and environmental standards by 4 independent organisations The level of commitment to all Ecobeauty aspects (Natural, ethical and environmental) is so high that Ecobeauty products obtained at the same time 4 strict eco, natural and ethical global certifications and registrations: Ecocert, Fairtrade, Vegan, FSC; a task that is not easy for a global cosmetic brand selling a Global Product in more than 60 countries.
  6. Progressive: It’s quite a Swedish characteristic to always seek to do better, be more innovative and push boundaries for the best ever results. At Oriflame we strive to innovate through science; to explore new ingredients and technologies and seek new ways to bring nature’s goodness to life in our products in a safe and ethical way. Our R&D centre in Ireland and the newly opened Skin Research Institute in Stockholm are leading the progress Oriflame makes in cosmetic science. Being progressive for us also means keeping our finger on the pulse when it comes to fashion and trends.
  7. Ethical: From the ingredients we source, through to how we package, manufacture and distribute our products; we seek to protect the environment at every stage. We strive to source natural ingredients from renewable and ethical sources. We also continually strive to reduce our carbon footprint, our water consumption and minimize pollution. As a global company we also recognize our responsibility for the local communities in the areas we operate and have chosen specifically to support children in need and young women through many social cause programmes in the education for life area.
  8. We believe in dreams. We believe in beauty. We believe in you. Your beauty is as personal as your dreams. Through our unique beauty products created in Sweden we have given millions of people the opportunity to change their lives for the better. When you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you are ready to reach for your dreams.
  9. Skin Care Whatever your age or skin type Oriflame has a range of innovative skin care products based on the wisdom of nature and the best of science. Developed and tested by our Skin Care Research Centre in Ireland, Oriflame Skin Care offers proven, effective solutions to your everyday skin care needs. Skin Care helps to generate loyal customers who value our expertise and technological achievements. Oriflame Skin Care brands are targeting consumers of various age groups and price expectations. We are building a consistent skin care routine, inviting our customers to look after their skin from the very first steps of cleansing to a special anti-ageing routine. 45 years of Skin Care Science Just like the environment needs to be respected in order to flourish, we believe in delivering high quality and technologically advanced skin care products that respect the skin natural balance and work in enhancing its natural beauty. Oriflame offers innovative skin care products that are inspired by nature and combine the best of science and the wisdom of nature. Oriflame skin care products have measurable results that are safe for everybody. The ingredients of our products are inspired by the pureness and power of the Swedish nature. Oriflame frequently uses ingredients derived from fruits, flowers and plants. Oriflame’s formulations are developed with the latest scientific technology and produced to meet the highest quality standards.
  10. Always with the consumer in mind, developing innovative, safe skin care products that make a difference in every day life Own science and research lab in Stockholm developing future skin care innovations – leading in anti aging research and science Wide range of brands, in all price levels targeting different consumer needs Launching approximately 70 products per year, in all price segments targeting both men and women. Carrying numerous patents Recommending our skin care products you will get loyal consumers and high immediate profit.
  11. Tender Care Key ingredient – Vitamin E Benefits: It improves the moisturisation of normal to dry, or rough areas of the skin, lips or any minor cuts, leaving the skin feeling soft.
  12. Inspired by aesthetic medicine this revolutionary brand provides precise skin care – serious solutions to serious skin problems derived from a serious cause – impaired skin bio- defense mechanisms. Research shows impaired skin bio-defense is the common cause of various skin issues, such as sagging skin, acne, dark spots etc. Bioclinic innovations work on cellular level to calm any sign of this process by reinforcing cutaneous defenses in the skin Provides exclusive and precise solutions to skin problems such as sagging skin, dilated capillaries, adults acne, dark spots. All Bioclinic innovations are developed by Oriflame Skin Research Institute in Stockholm under the control of Bioclinic Expert Panel An international team of scientists with a wide area of expertise in skin biology, skin delivery and active ingredients.
  13. Colour Cosmetics is a key driver within the News & Trend pillar:
  14. 200 new products per year Including more than 10 LL collections per year Oriflame’s approach with regard to colour cosmetics: the world of Oriflame colour cosmetics is not only about colours. Our approach is to enhance your natural beauty while respecting the natural balance of the skin. Our colour cosmetic’s portfolio offers a wide range of products to satisfy any woman’s needs. Colour Cosmetics is a key driver within the News & Trend: Door opener: buying a new lipstick is an easy to make decision - Newness driver Impulse purchase. (When talking about cosmetics, colour cosmetics often is the first option in everyone’s mind.) Seasonal and giftable collections Latest trends represented in limited edition collections
  15. Giordani Gold Bronzing Pearls: In our portfolio since 1980! Bronzing pearls is still our best-seller and the most loved GG product all around the world!
  16. Benefits: Revolutionary high-definition 3D applicator delivers lift, length and amazing fullness Ultra pigmented formulation with Carnauba milk for conditioning Separates corner to corner, end to end, leaving no clumps behind
  17. ……….Offers products that meet the daily personal care and hygiene needs of consumers, offering products that help people look and feel good.
  18. Products act as Catalogue energizer, novelty driver and unit mover For Consultants, these products act as door opener products, easy to sell and attract new customers : Appropriate for the whole family • Daily personal care and hygiene needs • Nature ingredients • Experts recommend • Easy to attract new customers • Giftable 90+ New product launches every year Personal Care segments: Bath and Shower Hair Care Hand Care Foot Care Oral Care Feminelle Hygiene Body Care Deodorants Baby Care Depilatories Majority of the products are built on the aspect of ‘naturalness’ and ‘well being’
  19. The nourishing and softening organically sourced Milk protein and Honey extracts will prevent water loss from the skin, leaving your skin luxuriously soft and smooth. Experience a sense of luxury and elegance with the richest texture.
  20. For all age target groups Wide portfolio of brands for both woman and men. Each brand corresponds to a specific kind of woman or man with a unique emotional benefit: Female brands: for sensual, elegant, romantic and natural women Male brands: for sophisticate, powerful and rugged men 60 new products every year For all fragrance brands we develop liquid fragrances (eau de parfum, eau de toilette,..) as well as the line extensions like body creams, deodorants, after shave balms, shower gels. We work with world famous perfume makers and attract celebrities to introduce our fragrances (Natalia Vodyanova, Eva Hercigova) Recommending fragrance you will earn good money and BP
  21. Floral White Flower Woody Introducing a new interpretation of Giordani Gold Eau de Partum. Luminous sun-ripened mandarin blends with divine Madonna lily and the sensuality of patchouli, exuding pure radiance and splendor for the modern woman. Bottle: An iconic bottle re-envisioned. More contemporary, elegant, luxurious and opulent design with a statutory shape. Impactful shiny golden cap with engraved new GG logo.
  22. Oriflame offers a scientifically composed and safe Wellness product range. Effective ingredients and innovative formulas inspired by nature. Just like the nature needs to be in balance in order to prosper and flourish, we believe in delivering high quality wellness products that respect the body’s natural balance and work in enhancing its natural functions; – therefore we have emphasized the use of natural ingredients to reach optimal effectiveness and support to the body. High quality standards and rigorous testing The products are developed and formulated in Sweden from the latest evidence based science and knowledge to meet the highest quality standards and effectiveness. They are guaranteed to be pure, of high quality, and manufactured in modern equipped factories under strict and environmentally controlled conditions. Extensive testing and long-term studies have been carried out to determine that Oriflame Wellness products are safe, well-documented, fulfil their claims and are compatible with their packaging. To guarantee the highest quality and functionality our product range is the result of cutting edge science with the latest evidence based knowledge. Wellness by Oriflame’s scientific and medical advisors are internationally known authorities within their practices and research fields. All of them have years of experience in health and wellness. They review the latest scientific literature and provide the most recent evidence about how our bodies work and what is needed for us to stay healthy and look our best. Quality, effectiveness and safety are never compromised.
  23. Natural Balance Shake Key points for Natural Balance Shake • Natural Balance Shake contains pure and natural nutritional ingredients in optimal balance to keep your blood sugar stable and provide your body with essential nutrients. • The Natural Balance Shake has been in research and development for 8 years and clinically tested for 3 years by world-leading Swedish scientists. It is produced according to highest food standards (HACCP) and proven safety and efficacy in clinical trials. Wellness Pack The main benefits of the Wellness Pack are: 1.Supports your body’s daily nutritionally take for vitality and well-being 2.Restores youthful skin complexion by smoothing, nourishing and hydrating skin from within 3.Improves muscle endurance and performance 4.Supports eye, brain and cardiovascular health 5. Supports immune system by: Providing the nutrients it needs for proper function and defense Aiding anti-inflammatory processes 1. Contains all your daily needs in one convenient daily pack! 2. Contains the highest available natural grade of Astaxanthin – an extremely powerful antioxidant with unique anti-ageing effects from the Swedish archipelago. 3. Contains complete multivitamins and minerals especially adapted to women’s and men’s daily needs and high-quality fish oil providing essential omega 3 fatty acids. 4.Researched, developed and tested by world-leading scientists in Sweden. 5.100% free from bovine and porcine gelatin. 6.100% GMO free 7.Highest pharmaceutical production standard (GMP). 21 convenient daily sachets in one pack
  24. Working in Oriflame you get not only opportunity Look great using our great products. You can turn beauty into your business recommending product to your friend and earning up to 40% profit on customers’ orders . You can own your successful business and indulge in life’s extra luxuries
  25. Insert images of local program for consultants such as Welcome program, Loyalty Program and also specify information about Immediate profit and Performance discount
  26. The catalogue - your shop window. WHEN YOU’VE RECEIVED IT – LEARN THE “HIGHLIGHTS - What are the key new products? What are the key offers? - What are the products that excite you the most? - What are the products that people buy/need every month? Learn the new wellness product stories Use product stories. All our products have a strong source of inspiration and contain carefully selected ingredients and formulas which make them unique. For all Oriflame products there is a “product story” developed. It explains: The background • THE SOURCE OF INSPIRATION • THE KEY INGREDIENTS THE MAIN BENEFITS The product stories help you to increase your earnings. You have to know and belief in what you are selling. Only you can transmit it in a passionate way! Besides, by learning the product story you will be prepared to sell, answer questions and counter arguments. Learn more about Oriflame’s unique product stories by attending the Beauty Academy modules that are dedicated to each product category. They are also available in the Beauty Guide. Attend the catalogue launch meeting and Beauty academy to learn more about this and much more
  27. Use our special parts in catalogue such as EXPERTS ADVICE, THE MUST HAVE! WE LOVE! - to help you pay attention to the needs of your consumers, give them professional recommendations and recommend them to buy products at attractive prices. Experts advice Tips, tricks and advices from experts. Easy recommend, understand and achieve. Must have! Offers on wonderful everyday essential products at irresistible prices. You should pay special attention to your consumers on these products. It is easy to sell!!! We love! – products of exceptional quality, high performance and breakthrough technology
  28. When you receive a new catalogue, learn about the new products, special offers, professional tips and expert advice. Use our products and share own experience and emotions. Your own opinion and experience is most useful tool for selling products. FOR TRAINER. Spend time to talk about the current catalogue. Investigate special offers, new products, professional tips and expert advice.
  29. Invest in catalogues Your catalogue is your own beauty shop. You should decide how many people can visit your “shop”, how much time your “shop” will be open for visiting, how much “shops” will you have? Think how many people can “visit your shop” if you only have one catalogue? We recommend to order a minimum of 10 catalogues per catalogue period Move the catalogues from home to home “Let your friends to visit your beauty shop” Leave catalogue for 2-3 days One catalogue should be viewed by at least 3-4 people per catalogue period Take the order immediately. When necessary, leave a catalogue in a home for 2-3 days and come back (or phone) More catalogues – more viewers – more customers Use iPad application on online version on website • Write your name and phone number and email in every catalogue or add sticker ALWAYS CARRY MORE THAN ONE CATALOGUE WITH YOU
  30. More catalogues – more viewers – more customers Order a minimum of 10 catalogues per campaign and aim for 20 regular customers. Catalogues are an investment, not a cost.
  31. Moving to next part of our training where we will talk about : How to find customers How to arrange an appointment How to prepare to show the Catalogue What kind of selling tools we can use to increase sales How to define consumers’ needs and match appropriate products How to build long-term relationship with consumers
  32. Selling process consist three consequent steps: Create a Name Bank and invite to a meeting Meet and show catalogue Place order, book new meeting and ask for referrals
  33. Your Name Bank is the fundamental base of your business Start building your Name Bank by listing people interested in well being, cosmetics and our great earning opportunity: • CLOSE FAMILY OTHER RELATIVES • FRIENDS This is your ‘Inner Circle’ of contacts and the start of your Name Bank
  34. Extending your Name Bank Neighbours Organisations You belong to Work colleagues Classmates from school Where You go shopping People You meet at social functions Referrals from Your existing customers People You are connected with via social media ATTRACT PEOPLE WHO ALSO ARE: Interested in practicing a healthy lifestyle Wanting to make a positive change in their lives: – Loose Weight, improve their well being and enhance – Beauty from within These are your ‘Outer Circle’ of contacts
  35. “THE GOLDEN RULE” Continue to build your Name Bank by always asking every existing customer: Who do you know that would like to see the new Oriflame catalogue and income opportunities?”
  36. After you have created a Name Bank - mark 5 people and call them. You have to make an appointment in order to meet, show a catalogue and take an order. ROLE PLAY. For trainer: Ask people to prepare an example of phone conversation with people from a Name Bank to appoint a meeting. Call your close friend Your classmate Your ex-colleague
  37. How to introduce yourself to customers • ALWAYS START WITH A WARM GREETING • YOU COULD SAY: “Hi, I’m a new Oriflame Beauty Consultant. I’d like to show you the latest Oriflame catalogue” “…it is full of wonderful products and special offers this month” “…I am sure you will not want to miss the exciting new products and special offers from Oriflame” “…there is something for everyone in the family, including new products and lots of offers” Role play For trainer: Ask participants of training to suggest own examples of phrases that can be used for introduction for customers
  38. How to find the right skin care products for you and your customers? The first step towards success with any skin care or personal care program is determining which product is right for you. The following part of the presentation is designed to help you successfully select the best product for you and your customers. It is easy with the Oriflame skin care guide. Use your Skin Care Guide Advanced Skin Care: If you want High Performance Results - select products according to your Age and Skin Concern Skin Care By Skin Need: If you want to tailor your skin care routine then select the ones based on your Skin Type and then Skin Need
  39. Find the right Oriflame colors for you and your customers Use the color chart: A user friendly sales tool to recommend Oriflame color cosmetics to your customers Step 1: Identify your customer’s mood and the desired effect or preferred look within the 3 brands: Oriflame Beauty Giordani Gold VeryMe Step 2: Recommend a complete set of make-up products, following the chart from left to right. From “Lips” to “Face”.
  40. How to introduce yourself to customers • ALWAYS START WITH A WARM GREETING • YOU COULD SAY: “Hi, I’m a new Oriflame Beauty Consultant. I’d like to show you the latest Oriflame catalogue” “…it is full of wonderful products and special offers this month” “…I am sure you will not want to miss the exciting new products and special offers from Oriflame” “…there is something for everyone in the family, including new products and lots of offers” Role play For trainer: Ask participants of training to suggest own examples of phrases that can be used for introduction for customers
  41. There are 4 steps system how to work with customers. Meet with customers and get to know their needs asking questions Show catalogue and recommend products related their needs and interests Place order Deliver products, take payment and show next catalogue
  42. How do we can know what the other person wants to have? Simply by asking questions. We may think that we know what the other person wants to buy but there is only one way to know for sure. When we were children we asked HOW? WHY? WHAT? Because child genuinely wants to learn something. As we grow up we tend to think that we know it all – and hence stop asking. We may think that we know what the other person wants to buy but there is only one way to know for sure. The truth is that we do not know what they are aiming for or need. The only way to find out is by asking open questions and listening. – HOW? – WHY? – WHAT? Open questions are questions that make the other person talk – and they can not to be answered with either a “Yes” or “No”.
  43. We suggest to use the method DAMA during meeting with customer. It helps to Customer make the right decision to buy products from you and it provides an opportunity for repeat sales. DAMA can be equally successful for selling the earning opportunity and even for goals setting. DAMA means finding out needs of the other person and matching their needs with a solution and gaining an acceptance to buy, join or reach for a certain goal. 1st step – DEFINE needs of customer asking open questions such as WHAT? HOW? WHY? WHERE? WHEN?
  44. Gain acceptance – by Listening and Repeating back. Having asked open ended questions ,we can gain a good understanding of the customers needs. Once identified, repeat back a summary of what you have heard. If the reply is “Yes” , then you have correctly identified what he/she needs and gained their acceptance. What if the other person does not reply yes? Go back to Step one and ask more questions and try to better to listen exactly to the customers needs Only when you gain Acceptance you can move on to the Step 3
  45. Match the customer needs to a product in the catalogue Having properly Defined needs and gained Acceptance this step involves matching it to what Oriflame offers. Find the right product range to match needs Use tools such as the Catalogue, Colour Chart, Skin Care Guide and Samples Pay special attention to special offers and new products For instance, if your customer is sensitive to price you can pay his/her attention to products with discount in this catalogue Pay attention when special prices are available only in this catalogue For customers who want products with ingredients from nature, recommend the appropriate products from the catalogue
  46. This final step is about to gain commitment from the other person. Many selling opportunities are lost because the seller does not ask for the order. Reconfirm the order by proposing the matching products Take the order
  47. Role play. 5 min For trainers: Divide the participants into the pairs giving them the task to use DAMA. After that invite one pair on the stage to demonstrate example of using DAMA.
  48. Pay attention to the customer on products related to his/her interest. Is your customer is interested in purchasing a lipstick, recommend additional products related to a lipstick, such as: lip pencil lip gloss Match appropriate color of nail polish, and etc
  49. Pay attention to the customer on products related to his/her interest. Role play! Ask the audience to suggest an example of product line related to Shampoo, Fragrance, Wellness products
  50. Selling Wellness by Oriflame is different from selling Oriflame cosmetics. The first step before starting to sell the Wellness products is to USE them Your own experience will give you confidence and will help you to offer the products to your customers in an easier way. Keep in mind that only when you know well what you are offering you can transmit security and conviction to your customers. TELL the product story SHARE your own testimony with your customer. Your experience and/or other’s experience is a vital element when selling Wellness by Oriflame. Talk about how important Wellness by Oriflame products are for beauty and health. TAKE the order - шt will be the natural result! When selling Wellness by Oriflame YOU are the sales driver. YOU do the selling job! The catalogue is a support for you to learn the product story. When selling cosmetics the catalogue plays the key role. When selling Wellness by Oriflame you are the main star.
  51. Answering when people have objections An objection is a signal that the potential customer is interested to learn more Four of the most common objections and to answer them are: O: “I can´t afford anything this month” A: “I fully understand but please look at the special cosmetics offers in thís catalogue, there are some great savings there.” O: “I haven´t got time at the moment” A: “I fully understand, so I will leave you a catalogue to go through when you have a spare moment. When will be a convenient time for me to call back and collect it?” O: “I buy from one of your competitors” A: “That’s great, it shows you are interested in similar products to our. Please take a moment to look through our new catalogue and see what you think.” O: “I have tried several diet methods before and I never lost the desired weight. A: ”Using the NBS is a completely new way to approach dieting. The program works together with your body and with small lifestyle changes big results will follow. If you have a moment I can explain how it works.” TIP Never criticize competitors and their products. Be friendly and remain positive even when someone does not buy.
  52. After sales Thank the customer and note their order Clarify the cost of order Agree a time of delivering Ask for referrals “Who do you know…” Important! Always delivery product on time as agreed Never leave products without payment in full Show the next catalogue and encourage repeat orders
  53. Ask the audience share their own successful selling tips
  54. Build relationship with customers. Call to them after 2-3 days delivering order. Ask them if they started to use products? What impressions do they have? Do they have any questions and comments? Do they need additional information from you or not? Show them your care about them. Remind them about new catalogue. Tips. Don’t forget to congratulate your customers on their birthdays or special dates!
  55. You can increase your income using these proven methods: Open house Selling at work Catalogue drop with follow-up Online
  56. Having an “open house” Launch major new product lines or simply get together linked to seasonal selling opportunities such as Christmas, Mother´s Day etc. Invite friends to your home for a coffee morning/evening and ask them to bring along their friends/relatives. Aim for at least 10 guests Explain that you have exciting new products/catalogues/offers you wish to share with them You may want to do a make up demonstration and ask one of your friends to be “the model” Share the unique wellness product stories The centre of attention should be a product table with the key products and make sure that you have plenty of catalogues available • Allow your guests to sample the products and Skin Care guide and Colour Chart to help them select • Give them time to make their selection, then ask “what can I order for you today?” Tip; Ask one of your friends to host the next “coffee morning” and offer her 10% of sales made. This way you will sell and earn a lot, and also meet a lot of people to recruit.
  57. Selling at work • Can be done at your own or friend’s workplace (ask for the employers permission) • Very often working people are happy to receive this service as they have limited time to shop for themselves • Distribute catalogues to your colleagues and advertise on the company bulleting board • Leave a catalogue in the cafeteria etc. • Set up a product display in the cafeteria over lunch/coffee break and take orders on the spot Use samples to create interest and demand Suggest customers take a catalogue home with them to share with friends and family
  58. You can increase customers base, income and optimize your work using online for selling products. As with working offline, you should Meet people Show catalogues to them Be a beauty consultant Maintain contact with your customers
  59. Over recent years, the increased usage of discussion forums, blogs and social media sites all over the world has led to an explosion in the ability of Oriflame Consultants to expand their business. With online tools, it now takes seconds to connect with the same number of people that would have taken days or weeks just a few years ago. Open yourself to online possibilities and prospect online! Where You can find new people Online? You can create a personal profile in Facebook, в контакте (CIS) You can register on blogs and forums and conduct different discussions about Job opportunity or cosmetics tips (discussions according to interest) Visit online training and find more details about how to use on line instruments for prospecting Online
  60. What to Say? Here’s my Passion! Here’s what I believe! What do YOU like? Tell me what you think! Important: Don’t focus on Oriflame, but you can mention it in passing Create groups and manage information by interests (products or business)
  61. You can create groups in your personal profile where you can invite your friends and share with them information about products or business related to their interest. Upload picture your favorite products Images of new products Catalogues, Images from product events and etc. Create interesting discussion asking questions and etc. The main purpose of groups is combaine people who interested by cosmetics or business opportunity and share your passion about Oriflame
  62. When you are prospecting on line: Choose the right forums and blogs, where you can meet people who are interested in cosmetics or who are looking for a job. Register yourself and discover the pertinent conversation. Be active, listen first and find hot points When you make a connection and people start to be interested in Oriflame, invite them to your personal profile on Facebook or on Leader’s site.
  63. Finding people online, you can use new channel to deliver, show catalogue and place orders. Great opportunity to send electronic catalogue eCatalogue to your friends via social media, email, blogs and collect orders
  64. 4 simple steps to use eCatalogue 1st Step. You create your own personal URL address on your personal web page in Oriflame website 2nd Step. After that you send link on your catalogue via social media, blogs to your friends They choose products and add them in virtual bag. You will get mail with order from them 3rd Step. You need to approve orders (your friends will get automatically notification about that) and this products will be collected and automatically added to your order. 4th Step. Get products from Oriflame and deliver them to your customers You can find more detais about online selling opportunities by visiting our training - “Online selling”
  65. Online selling tips Be active online daily Always answer customer questions immediately Communicate with customer once per catalogue (don’t spam) Organize online new catalogue launch
  66. Golden rules of successful seller Talk with 3 new people every day Never decide for the customer Share your own practice about using Oriflame products Be friendly even if the customer does not make a purchase Be proud of the catalogue, products and the company you represent Never criticise competitors Be consistent, a new catalogue is a reason to call a customer
  67. Summary of successful selling Buy for yourself and know about products and catalogues - Buy for yourself and know about your personal favorite products - New products and key offers (attend catalogue launch meetings) - Use the Skin Care Guide and Color Chart to help select products - Visit Beauty Academy and Wellness academy to know more about products - Visit Oriflame website to get more information about products, special offers, new products and trends 2. Build Name Bank - Work with “inner” and “outer circle” - Expand through referrals, ask everyone “who do you know that would like to see the new Oriflame catalogue and income opportunities?” - talk with at least 3 people per day about Oriflame 3. Invest in catalogues and show catalogues - Minimum of 10 per catalogue period, aim for 20 customers Move the catalogue from customer to customer - Use DAMA -- Asking open questions, listening, matching appropriate products using guides and actively showing the catalogue 4. Collect orders and ask for referrals - Take order immediately, if necessary leave catalogue for 2-3 days and then return (or call) to collect the order - Upon delivering products, collect payment in full and show the next catalogue