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J-6                                                        2012 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis
                                                                                                  23-27 September 2012, Bali, Indonesia

    Statistical Approach to Establish Failure Behaviour
              on Incomplete Asset Lifetime Data
                 Ravish P.Y. Mehairjan,                                                                   Arjan M. van Voorden
       Dhiradj Djairam, Qikai Zhuang, Johan J. Smit                                                          Asset Management
        High Voltage Technology & Asset Management                                                              Stedin B.V.
                Delft University of Technology                                                           Rotterdam, the Netherlands
                    Delft, the Netherlands

Abstract—Asset failures, that needs to be managed, has an                          due to many mergers and acquisitions of smaller regional
uncertain characteristic and analysis of uncertainty is essential to               utilities into larger consolidated utilities, intellectual properties
Asset Management (AM). Forecasting the technical performance                       often was lost. Correspondingly, AM is a fairly new concept
of assets forms an integral part of strategic and operational                      for the electric power sector. Hence, in the earlier days, many
activities within AM. To establish the failure behaviour of assets                 utilities did not see reasons for collecting detailed information
requires a significant degree of reliable asset information, which,                to track equipment lifetimes [3]. Nevertheless, with the AM
in many practical cases, is not sufficiently rich or available to                  framework heavily relying on asset level data to support sound
provide a basis for straightforward decision-making. In this                       AM decisions [4], a strong demand for methods and tools was
paper a practical and systematic statistical methodology is used
                                                                                   brought forth. These methods and tools should be able to
for dealing with incomplete asset lifetime data. The method
described in this paper is based on a statistical parametric
                                                                                   analyse equipment lifetime data even in the often occurring
method and is applied with the aim of obtaining an indicator of                    case of incomplete or inconsistent data. In section II , a
the future failure expectancy with a certain confidence interval.                  systematic statistical approach is described, followed by the
On the whole, the paper concludes that, even though input data                     application of this approach to a practical case of incomplete
was either missing or incomplete, it is in certain cases possible to               asset data for distribution cable assets. In section III, two case
develop sensible probability models. These models take into                        studies are presented. The former discusses a sensitivity
account uncertainty and ultimately can be applied to facilitate                    analysis used for the presence of a suspect asset group in a
the asset manager in AM decision-making. In addition to                            certain failure dataset. The latter delves into a case of dealing
applying statistical methods, this contribution highlights the vital               with incomplete data, in which expert judgements played a
role of engineering and expert knowledge in interpreting the                       crucial role.
statistical results.
                                                                                                 II.   STATISTICAL LIFE DATA ANALYSIS
   Keywords-asset management; failure rate; statistical life data
analysis.                                                                          A. Parametric Distribution Fitting Method
                                                                                       Reference [5] described the application of statistical
                            I.     INTRODUCTION                                    analysis in AM decision processes. Likewise, the parametric
    Supported by the publicly available specification                              method [6], [7], which uses mathematical assumptions to fit
,BSI:PAS55, and the forthcoming ISO55000/1/2 Standards,                            hypothesized probability of failure distributions to the data, is
the discipline of AM is progressively emerging as a framework                      used. This method comprises a number of steps and this
for competent asset intensive organizations [1]. In this context,                  straightforward procedure is depicted in figure 1.
forecasting asset failure behaviour, based on reliability
engineering, is connected to aging asset strategies and is
guiding operations and maintenance decision-making. The key
to making good AM decisions is acquiring appropriate asset
knowledge. Consequently, in the past years, electric utilities
and industries have progressively created databases to record
asset or business data, such as failure, maintenance, operation
and cost [2]. However, throughout electric utilities, and
probably in other industries as well, it is commonly
encountered that asset managers raise the matter of lack of
sufficient information for making good decisions. There are
many reasons for this shortcoming. The majority of assets in                       Figure 1: Evaluation flowchart for life data analysis, with emphasis on the
power systems are aged and at that specific time in history                        parametric method, which is applied in this study.
there were no information recording systems available to
                                                                                   B. Data Types
record asset information. In cases where such information
systems were gradually becoming available, it occurred that                            Statistical failure distribution models rely extensively on
due to system modifications, information was lost. Moreover,                       the data, life data or time-to-failure of a component, to make

    This research has been performed in close collaboration with Stedin (a
Dutch Distribution Network Operator, DNO).

     978-1-4673-1018-5/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE                                  517
predictions. The combination of sufficient data and appropriate              III.                        ESTABLISHING FAILURE FORECASTS WITH INCOMPLETE
statistical model choice, will usually result in acceptable                                                             ASSET LIFE TIME DATA
predictions. In life data analysis a distinction can be made
between failure data (failed unit) and suspended data (un-                 A. Medium Voltage (MV) Distribution Network [8]
failed unit). Furthermore, the collected life data for statistical            At Stedin, the third largest Dutch Distribution Network
analysis purpose should have the following properties [7]:                 Operator (DNO), MV cable joints contribute to a vast majority
                                                                           of distribution grid outage times (45%). With the goal to
    - Randomness                                                           predict the technical performance of this asset group, an
    - Independency                                                         investigation for the application of statistical life data analysis
    - Homogeneity                                                          was carried out for a particular region of 10 kV distribution
    - Sufficient amount of data                                            network of the utility [8].
In the analysis of life data, it is deemed advisable to use all
available data. In practise, however, it is challenging,                   B. Available Data
expensive and sometimes impossible to collect all required life                Paper-based outage data recording started, partly, around
data. Consequently, the available life data, at utilities, is              1976 in the Netherlands, followed by a database collection tool
incomplete or include uncertainties (censored data), as to when            in 1991 named “KEMA Nestor”. This failure reporting
exactly a component failed or was installed.                               database has developed throughout the years and has been
                                                                           improved continuously. At the time that this case study was
C. Failure Distribution Fitting/ Parameter Estimation
                                                                           performed, the available MV failure data for the period 2004
    Failure probability distributions are mathematical                                                                                                       Time Window
equations allowing a large amount of information,                                                            Introduction of Kema                       Failure Data Available
                                                                                                                Nestor database
characteristics and behaviours to be described by a small
number of parameters. In general, a certain failure distribution
for an asset population is chosen based on one or more of the                ~ 1976                                ~ 1991                           2004                    2009
                                                                                                                            Failure Data Unavailable
following considerations:                                                   Paper matter
                                                                           data collection                               New network components
                                                                                                                         New voltage levels
   -     The dominant failure mechanism satisfies most or all                                                            New way of data collection
                                                                                                                         Many utility merges
         assumptions which underlie a certain statistical                                                                New data definition
         distribution                                                      until 2009 had been consistent and could be used in a viable
    - The choice is limited to the failure distribution that               way. The development of failure data recording is shown in
         best fits the life time data                                      figure 2.
    - A simple distribution, which is well suitable for                    Figure 2: Timeline showing the availability of failure data in distribution
         analytical computations.                                          network for this study. This time window reflects the period where failure data
Often used statistical functions, which describe the failure               is available. In between, failure data is often missing or incomplete.
distribution, are the probability density function (pdf), the              The analysis takes into account 556 cable joint failures, within
cumulative distribution function (cdf), the reliability function           the last 6 years.
(R) and the failure rate functions (λ). These functions contain
all information about the failure process of the assets under                                                 Number of reported 10 kV cable joint failures
consideration. Frequently used failure distributions for                                                     Synthetic Joint        Mass-Insulated Joint      Oil-Insulated Joint
(continuous) life data analysis are normal, Weibull,
                                                                             # of joint failures

exponential and Gumbel distribution. After a certain failure
distribution is selected to fit the data, the next step is to                                      150
estimate the parameters of this distribution. Three, often                                         100
applied, methods are; Probability Plotting (PP), Least Squares                                     50
Estimation (LSE) and Maximum Likelihood Estimation                                                  0
(MLE).                                                                                                      <1         [1-5]         [5-10]      [10-20]    [20-40]       > 40
                                                                                                                                     Age Bins (years)
D. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
   In this contribution, the MLE method is applied, as this                Figure 3: 10 kV joint failure records for the period 2004-2009 for three
                                                                           categories of cable joints. As result of unknown exact age at the moment of
method has the ability to take into account large data sets and            failure of a component, age intervals are used to estimate the age of the failed
large quantities of suspended data points, which is common                 components.
for electric network components. By maximising the value of
the likelihood function (L), which is a statistical expression of          Most of the time, the exact age of the cable joints at the
                                                                           moment of failure is unknown to the utility. To circumvent this
the probability of the parameter, the most likely parameter for
                                                                           problem, estimated age intervals for the reported failures are
the given data set is estimated.
                                                                           used, as shown in figure 3, for three categories of cable joints
                                                                           namely; synthetic insulated, mass-insulated and oil-insulated
                                                                           cable joints.

Besides failure data, additional data regarding the un-failed                                 reached ages higher than 20 years. Two scenarios were
                       assets are also considered. The total recorded population of all                              analysed, in which failure data points were removed as follows:
                       three types of cable joints is roughly 31700 pieces. Firstly, for
                       large portions of the joint population the exact age (year of                                     -    All failures from age bin [>40] year and 10 failures
                       installation) is not specified or unknown. Such records are                                            from age bin [20-40] year
                       often missing for assets that were installed more than 20 to 30                                   - All failures from age bin [>40] year and 20 failures
                       years ago. Secondly, for some parts of the cable joint                                                 from age bin [20-40] year.
                       population the corresponding joint type is unknown. The first                                 The calculated failure rates, according to the best fit failure
                       shortcoming is dealt with by dividing the number of joints                                    distribution (Weibull), are shown in figure 5.
                       without age, proportionally, and adding these joints to the
                       joints installed in particular years (conceptually shown in
                       figure 4a). A formula related to this procedure is:

                       (                                                                           )

                       The second shortcoming is dealt with by using information,
                       based on expert knowledge, regarding the historic application
                       of certain joint types. These experts still have knowledge
                       regarding the history of when a certain type of joint was taken
                       into operation (conceptually illustrated in figure 4b).
                                   (a)                                  (b)
                                                                                                   [25 - 50]
Number of components

                                                           Number of components

                                                                                                                      Figure 5: This figure shows the failure rate plots for three subsets of life data
                                                                                                                       for synthetic insulated cable joints. The blue failure rate plot represents the
                                                                                                                     original data record, while the black and green failure plot represent scenario 1
                                  Population Age                                  Population Age                                                    and 2, respectively.
                       Figure 4: Simplified impression for the estimation methods which are applied
                       to incorporate the missing data (missing asset installation year).                            From figure 5, it can be found that the failure rates are
                       As a result, it was possible to make rough estimations of the                                 considerably lower for the synthetic joints when the suspect
                       missing records and incorporate these in the statistical analysis.                            “Nekaldiet” failure records are excluded from the statistical
                       The systematic approach, which is depicted in figure 1, is used                               analysis. Therefore, we may reasonably conclude that the
                       for modelling the life data of the three different 10 kV cable                                suspect “Nekaldiet” failure records negatively impact the
                       joints populations.                                                                           overall failure behaviour of the synthetic insulated joint
                                                                                                                     population. More specifically, the asset manager can justify,
                       C. Statistical Analysis: Example 1[8]                                                         based on these results, that replacing aged “Nekaldiet” cable
                       For the case of synthetic insulated cable joints, experts at the                              joints, or applying condition monitoring to cable feeders with
                       DNO indicated that the cable joint failures, which are reported                               these types of joints, can be a feasible strategy to mitigate
                       in the age intervals [20-40] and [>40] years (see figure 3) are                               future failures.
                       probably failures of 10 kV resin joints that were installed in the                            D. Statistical Analysis: Example 2[8]
                       1970’s. These resin joints, often referred as “Nekaldiet” joints,
                       have resulted significantly to outages in the past years,                                     With the developed failure rate models and the number of
                       however, are not applied anymore and replaced as much as                                      components still in operation, the asset manager can obtain an
                       possible. Consequently, a sensitivity analysis was performed,                                 indication of the future failure expectancy. To assess whether
                       using the calculated failure rates, to assess the failure behaviour                           the predicted number of failures reasonably describe the
                       of synthetic cable joints without the suspect “Nekaldiet”                                     failure behaviour, it was decided to perform a validation test.
                       failures. For this purpose, it was required to exclude certain                                By comparing the actual recorded number of failures for the
                       failure as well as appropriate in-service data records. After                                 period 2004-2009 with the predicted number of failures for the
                       consulting experts at the utility, it was agreed to exclude all                               same period, it is assessed whether the developed failure rate
                       failures which were recorded in the age bin [>40] years and a                                 models reasonably describe the failure behaviour of the
                       number of failures from the age bin [20-40] years. Likewise,                                  considered population (validation test). For two joint
                       the in-service data was adjusted. These considerations were                                   populations (synthetic and oil) the validation test suggests to
                       based on the viewpoint that “Nekaldiet” joints were installed a                               be in accordance with the actual occurred failures. However,
                       few decades ago and ,therefore it was very likely that this                                   for the mass-insulation cable joint population this was not the
                       group of synthetic joints had operated sufficiently to have                                   case. It is worth noting, that for almost 60% of the mass joint

population no exact installation year was specified in the                               pin-pointed condition monitoring is necessary in the coming
database. These incomplete datasets were taken into account                              years, as part of the AM strategic and operational policies.
as described in section B (figure 4a). In order to assess
whether this first estimation, regarding the 60%, might be an                                                        IV.     CONCLUSIONS
improper estimation, a number of new estimations were                                    Inherently, asset failure is a source of uncertainty in AM [9],
examined. In a second attempt, the 60% of data was not                                   while asset managers seek to manage this uncertain behaviour,
divided proportionally, but according to a certain age interval,                         the quest for tools and methods to analyse these are required.
as shown in figure 4b. The main reason behind this second                                This paper describes a rigorous statistical life data analysis
attempt was based on experts’ opinions, who indicated that                               methodology, which can be used for assessing and predicting
mass-insulated joints were mostly used a few decades ago.                                the technical performance of assets. From the first example, we
Thus, it was likely that the missing 60% data should be of a                             found that with the failure probability models, technical
population which is older than roughly 20 years. Therefore,                              reliability assessments can be carried out for suspect group of
this 60% was proportionally divided in various age intervals,                            assets within a population. On top of this, forecasting the
                                                                                         technical performance of assets is one of the main
satisfying this assumption. Different scenarios were used
                                                                                         responsibilities of the asset manager. With the developed
namely; age intervals of [20-30], [20-40], [25-50], etc. The
                                                                                         failure rate models for each population and the number of
expected future failure outcomes for the interval [25-50] years                          components in operation, the asset manager can anticipate the
were most in accordance with the actual occurred failures in                             development of future cable joint failures. On that account, the
the period 2004-2009. In figure 6, two scenarios (black and                              management of the utility has applied the results from this
blue plot) are illustrated together with the actual recorded                             investigation to justify the need for increased capital
number of failures (red plot).                                                           expenditures (CAPEX) towards MV distribution cable assets.
                                                                                         From the second presented example, it is found that by
                                                                                         choosing appropriate statistical models and in-depth
                                                                                         engineering and expert reasoning it is possible to create
                                                                                         valuable information on the failure behaviour of asset
                                                                                         populations, even in case of uncertain or missing data.
                                                                                         Altogether, we can conclude that, even though data was either
                                                                                         missing or incomplete, it is still possible to develop sensible
                                                                                         probability methods in order to provide the asset manager with
                                                                                         useful information to understanding the (uncertain) failure
                                                                                         behaviour of assets and support AM decision making.
                                                                                            The authors would like to thank Stedin B.V. for their
                                                                                         support, knowledge and access to data.
Figure 6: This figure shows the failure prediction for the mass insulated joints         [1]   The Institute of Asset Management (IAM), “Asset Management- an
together with the corresponding 90% confidence intervals. The blue plot                        anatomy”, Issue 1, dec 2011.
represents the first case (60% of missing data is estimated proportionally),             [2]   EPRI, “Guidelines for Intelligent Asset Replacement: Underground
while the black plot indicates the second case (60% of missing data is estimated               Distribution Cables”, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA:2005.1010740.
using specific intervals, based on expert judgement).
                                                                                         [3]   R.P.Y. Mehairjan, D. Djairam, Q. Zhuang, J.J. Smit, A.M. van Voorden,
Under these circumstances, it can be concluded that based on                                   “Statistical Life data Analsyis for Electricity Distribution cable Assets –
                                                                                               An Asset Management Appraoch”, IET International Asset Management
the analysis, it seems probable that the population of mass-                                   Conference London, dec 2011.
insulated joints without recorded installation year (60% of the                          [4]   CIGRE WG D1.17, “Generic Guidelines for Life Timo Condition
population) might be older than 25 year. However, it should                                    Assessment of HV Assets and Related Knowledge Rules”, CIGRE,
be noted, that these assumptions are based on the available                                    2010.
data at the moment of the study. Another way of reasoning                                [5]   R.A. Jongen, J.J. Smit, A.L.J. Janssen,”Application of Statistical
might reveal that there have been more failures of mass-                                       Analysis in the Asset Management Decision Process”, International
                                                                                               Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, 2008.
insulated joints in the past, of which the records are missing,
                                                                                         [6]   R.A. Jongen, “Statistical Lifetime Management of Energy Network
and therefore the failure rates obtained here could be                                         Components”, Ph.D Dissertation, Delft University of Technology, the
conservative values. Whether the mass-insulated joint                                          Netherlands, 2012.
population is of an older age category or the number of                                  [7]   Reliasoft Corporation, “Life Data Analysis (Weibull Analysis)
failures in the past are higher, in either case, the asset manager                             Reference Book”, Reliasoft.
now has more knowledge on the failure behaviour of the                                   [8]   R.P.Y. Mehairjan, “Application of Statistical Life Data Analysis for
                                                                                               Cable Joints in MV Distribution Networks – An Asset Management
mass-insulation joint population. With this information, the                                   Approach”, MSc Thesis Report, Delft University of Technology, the
asset manager can determine if the expected number of future                                   Netherlands, 2010.
failures are acceptable or whether structured replacement or                             [9]   C.D. Feinstein, P.A. Morris, ”The Role of Uncertainty in Asset
                                                                                               Management”, IEEE Transactions, 978-1-4244-6547-7/10, 2010


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Statistical Approach to Establish Failure Behaviour on Incomplete Asset Lifetime Data

  • 1. J-6 2012 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis 23-27 September 2012, Bali, Indonesia Statistical Approach to Establish Failure Behaviour on Incomplete Asset Lifetime Data Ravish P.Y. Mehairjan, Arjan M. van Voorden Dhiradj Djairam, Qikai Zhuang, Johan J. Smit Asset Management High Voltage Technology & Asset Management Stedin B.V. Delft University of Technology Rotterdam, the Netherlands Delft, the Netherlands Abstract—Asset failures, that needs to be managed, has an due to many mergers and acquisitions of smaller regional uncertain characteristic and analysis of uncertainty is essential to utilities into larger consolidated utilities, intellectual properties Asset Management (AM). Forecasting the technical performance often was lost. Correspondingly, AM is a fairly new concept of assets forms an integral part of strategic and operational for the electric power sector. Hence, in the earlier days, many activities within AM. To establish the failure behaviour of assets utilities did not see reasons for collecting detailed information requires a significant degree of reliable asset information, which, to track equipment lifetimes [3]. Nevertheless, with the AM in many practical cases, is not sufficiently rich or available to framework heavily relying on asset level data to support sound provide a basis for straightforward decision-making. In this AM decisions [4], a strong demand for methods and tools was paper a practical and systematic statistical methodology is used brought forth. These methods and tools should be able to for dealing with incomplete asset lifetime data. The method described in this paper is based on a statistical parametric analyse equipment lifetime data even in the often occurring method and is applied with the aim of obtaining an indicator of case of incomplete or inconsistent data. In section II , a the future failure expectancy with a certain confidence interval. systematic statistical approach is described, followed by the On the whole, the paper concludes that, even though input data application of this approach to a practical case of incomplete was either missing or incomplete, it is in certain cases possible to asset data for distribution cable assets. In section III, two case develop sensible probability models. These models take into studies are presented. The former discusses a sensitivity account uncertainty and ultimately can be applied to facilitate analysis used for the presence of a suspect asset group in a the asset manager in AM decision-making. In addition to certain failure dataset. The latter delves into a case of dealing applying statistical methods, this contribution highlights the vital with incomplete data, in which expert judgements played a role of engineering and expert knowledge in interpreting the crucial role. statistical results. II. STATISTICAL LIFE DATA ANALYSIS Keywords-asset management; failure rate; statistical life data analysis. A. Parametric Distribution Fitting Method Reference [5] described the application of statistical I. INTRODUCTION analysis in AM decision processes. Likewise, the parametric Supported by the publicly available specification method [6], [7], which uses mathematical assumptions to fit ,BSI:PAS55, and the forthcoming ISO55000/1/2 Standards, hypothesized probability of failure distributions to the data, is the discipline of AM is progressively emerging as a framework used. This method comprises a number of steps and this for competent asset intensive organizations [1]. In this context, straightforward procedure is depicted in figure 1. forecasting asset failure behaviour, based on reliability engineering, is connected to aging asset strategies and is guiding operations and maintenance decision-making. The key to making good AM decisions is acquiring appropriate asset knowledge. Consequently, in the past years, electric utilities and industries have progressively created databases to record asset or business data, such as failure, maintenance, operation and cost [2]. However, throughout electric utilities, and probably in other industries as well, it is commonly encountered that asset managers raise the matter of lack of sufficient information for making good decisions. There are many reasons for this shortcoming. The majority of assets in Figure 1: Evaluation flowchart for life data analysis, with emphasis on the power systems are aged and at that specific time in history parametric method, which is applied in this study. there were no information recording systems available to B. Data Types record asset information. In cases where such information systems were gradually becoming available, it occurred that Statistical failure distribution models rely extensively on due to system modifications, information was lost. Moreover, the data, life data or time-to-failure of a component, to make This research has been performed in close collaboration with Stedin (a Dutch Distribution Network Operator, DNO). 978-1-4673-1018-5/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 517
  • 2. predictions. The combination of sufficient data and appropriate III. ESTABLISHING FAILURE FORECASTS WITH INCOMPLETE statistical model choice, will usually result in acceptable ASSET LIFE TIME DATA predictions. In life data analysis a distinction can be made between failure data (failed unit) and suspended data (un- A. Medium Voltage (MV) Distribution Network [8] failed unit). Furthermore, the collected life data for statistical At Stedin, the third largest Dutch Distribution Network analysis purpose should have the following properties [7]: Operator (DNO), MV cable joints contribute to a vast majority of distribution grid outage times (45%). With the goal to - Randomness predict the technical performance of this asset group, an - Independency investigation for the application of statistical life data analysis - Homogeneity was carried out for a particular region of 10 kV distribution - Sufficient amount of data network of the utility [8]. In the analysis of life data, it is deemed advisable to use all available data. In practise, however, it is challenging, B. Available Data expensive and sometimes impossible to collect all required life Paper-based outage data recording started, partly, around data. Consequently, the available life data, at utilities, is 1976 in the Netherlands, followed by a database collection tool incomplete or include uncertainties (censored data), as to when in 1991 named “KEMA Nestor”. This failure reporting exactly a component failed or was installed. database has developed throughout the years and has been improved continuously. At the time that this case study was C. Failure Distribution Fitting/ Parameter Estimation performed, the available MV failure data for the period 2004 Failure probability distributions are mathematical Time Window equations allowing a large amount of information, Introduction of Kema Failure Data Available Nestor database characteristics and behaviours to be described by a small number of parameters. In general, a certain failure distribution for an asset population is chosen based on one or more of the ~ 1976 ~ 1991 2004 2009 Failure Data Unavailable following considerations: Paper matter data collection New network components New voltage levels - The dominant failure mechanism satisfies most or all New way of data collection Many utility merges assumptions which underlie a certain statistical New data definition distribution until 2009 had been consistent and could be used in a viable - The choice is limited to the failure distribution that way. The development of failure data recording is shown in best fits the life time data figure 2. - A simple distribution, which is well suitable for Figure 2: Timeline showing the availability of failure data in distribution analytical computations. network for this study. This time window reflects the period where failure data Often used statistical functions, which describe the failure is available. In between, failure data is often missing or incomplete. distribution, are the probability density function (pdf), the The analysis takes into account 556 cable joint failures, within cumulative distribution function (cdf), the reliability function the last 6 years. (R) and the failure rate functions (λ). These functions contain all information about the failure process of the assets under Number of reported 10 kV cable joint failures consideration. Frequently used failure distributions for Synthetic Joint Mass-Insulated Joint Oil-Insulated Joint 250 (continuous) life data analysis are normal, Weibull, # of joint failures 200 exponential and Gumbel distribution. After a certain failure distribution is selected to fit the data, the next step is to 150 estimate the parameters of this distribution. Three, often 100 applied, methods are; Probability Plotting (PP), Least Squares 50 Estimation (LSE) and Maximum Likelihood Estimation 0 (MLE). <1 [1-5] [5-10] [10-20] [20-40] > 40 Age Bins (years) D. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) In this contribution, the MLE method is applied, as this Figure 3: 10 kV joint failure records for the period 2004-2009 for three categories of cable joints. As result of unknown exact age at the moment of method has the ability to take into account large data sets and failure of a component, age intervals are used to estimate the age of the failed large quantities of suspended data points, which is common components. for electric network components. By maximising the value of the likelihood function (L), which is a statistical expression of Most of the time, the exact age of the cable joints at the moment of failure is unknown to the utility. To circumvent this the probability of the parameter, the most likely parameter for problem, estimated age intervals for the reported failures are the given data set is estimated. used, as shown in figure 3, for three categories of cable joints namely; synthetic insulated, mass-insulated and oil-insulated cable joints. 518
  • 3. Besides failure data, additional data regarding the un-failed reached ages higher than 20 years. Two scenarios were assets are also considered. The total recorded population of all analysed, in which failure data points were removed as follows: three types of cable joints is roughly 31700 pieces. Firstly, for large portions of the joint population the exact age (year of - All failures from age bin [>40] year and 10 failures installation) is not specified or unknown. Such records are from age bin [20-40] year often missing for assets that were installed more than 20 to 30 - All failures from age bin [>40] year and 20 failures years ago. Secondly, for some parts of the cable joint from age bin [20-40] year. population the corresponding joint type is unknown. The first The calculated failure rates, according to the best fit failure shortcoming is dealt with by dividing the number of joints distribution (Weibull), are shown in figure 5. without age, proportionally, and adding these joints to the joints installed in particular years (conceptually shown in figure 4a). A formula related to this procedure is:  ( ) The second shortcoming is dealt with by using information, based on expert knowledge, regarding the historic application of certain joint types. These experts still have knowledge regarding the history of when a certain type of joint was taken into operation (conceptually illustrated in figure 4b). (a) (b) [25 - 50] Number of components Number of components Figure 5: This figure shows the failure rate plots for three subsets of life data for synthetic insulated cable joints. The blue failure rate plot represents the original data record, while the black and green failure plot represent scenario 1 Population Age Population Age and 2, respectively. Figure 4: Simplified impression for the estimation methods which are applied to incorporate the missing data (missing asset installation year). From figure 5, it can be found that the failure rates are As a result, it was possible to make rough estimations of the considerably lower for the synthetic joints when the suspect missing records and incorporate these in the statistical analysis. “Nekaldiet” failure records are excluded from the statistical The systematic approach, which is depicted in figure 1, is used analysis. Therefore, we may reasonably conclude that the for modelling the life data of the three different 10 kV cable suspect “Nekaldiet” failure records negatively impact the joints populations. overall failure behaviour of the synthetic insulated joint population. More specifically, the asset manager can justify, C. Statistical Analysis: Example 1[8] based on these results, that replacing aged “Nekaldiet” cable For the case of synthetic insulated cable joints, experts at the joints, or applying condition monitoring to cable feeders with DNO indicated that the cable joint failures, which are reported these types of joints, can be a feasible strategy to mitigate in the age intervals [20-40] and [>40] years (see figure 3) are future failures. probably failures of 10 kV resin joints that were installed in the D. Statistical Analysis: Example 2[8] 1970’s. These resin joints, often referred as “Nekaldiet” joints, have resulted significantly to outages in the past years, With the developed failure rate models and the number of however, are not applied anymore and replaced as much as components still in operation, the asset manager can obtain an possible. Consequently, a sensitivity analysis was performed, indication of the future failure expectancy. To assess whether using the calculated failure rates, to assess the failure behaviour the predicted number of failures reasonably describe the of synthetic cable joints without the suspect “Nekaldiet” failure behaviour, it was decided to perform a validation test. failures. For this purpose, it was required to exclude certain By comparing the actual recorded number of failures for the failure as well as appropriate in-service data records. After period 2004-2009 with the predicted number of failures for the consulting experts at the utility, it was agreed to exclude all same period, it is assessed whether the developed failure rate failures which were recorded in the age bin [>40] years and a models reasonably describe the failure behaviour of the number of failures from the age bin [20-40] years. Likewise, considered population (validation test). For two joint the in-service data was adjusted. These considerations were populations (synthetic and oil) the validation test suggests to based on the viewpoint that “Nekaldiet” joints were installed a be in accordance with the actual occurred failures. However, few decades ago and ,therefore it was very likely that this for the mass-insulation cable joint population this was not the group of synthetic joints had operated sufficiently to have case. It is worth noting, that for almost 60% of the mass joint 519
  • 4. population no exact installation year was specified in the pin-pointed condition monitoring is necessary in the coming database. These incomplete datasets were taken into account years, as part of the AM strategic and operational policies. as described in section B (figure 4a). In order to assess whether this first estimation, regarding the 60%, might be an IV. CONCLUSIONS improper estimation, a number of new estimations were Inherently, asset failure is a source of uncertainty in AM [9], examined. In a second attempt, the 60% of data was not while asset managers seek to manage this uncertain behaviour, divided proportionally, but according to a certain age interval, the quest for tools and methods to analyse these are required. as shown in figure 4b. The main reason behind this second This paper describes a rigorous statistical life data analysis attempt was based on experts’ opinions, who indicated that methodology, which can be used for assessing and predicting mass-insulated joints were mostly used a few decades ago. the technical performance of assets. From the first example, we Thus, it was likely that the missing 60% data should be of a found that with the failure probability models, technical population which is older than roughly 20 years. Therefore, reliability assessments can be carried out for suspect group of this 60% was proportionally divided in various age intervals, assets within a population. On top of this, forecasting the technical performance of assets is one of the main satisfying this assumption. Different scenarios were used responsibilities of the asset manager. With the developed namely; age intervals of [20-30], [20-40], [25-50], etc. The failure rate models for each population and the number of expected future failure outcomes for the interval [25-50] years components in operation, the asset manager can anticipate the were most in accordance with the actual occurred failures in development of future cable joint failures. On that account, the the period 2004-2009. In figure 6, two scenarios (black and management of the utility has applied the results from this blue plot) are illustrated together with the actual recorded investigation to justify the need for increased capital number of failures (red plot). expenditures (CAPEX) towards MV distribution cable assets. From the second presented example, it is found that by choosing appropriate statistical models and in-depth engineering and expert reasoning it is possible to create valuable information on the failure behaviour of asset populations, even in case of uncertain or missing data. Altogether, we can conclude that, even though data was either missing or incomplete, it is still possible to develop sensible probability methods in order to provide the asset manager with useful information to understanding the (uncertain) failure behaviour of assets and support AM decision making. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Stedin B.V. for their support, knowledge and access to data. REFERENCES Figure 6: This figure shows the failure prediction for the mass insulated joints [1] The Institute of Asset Management (IAM), “Asset Management- an together with the corresponding 90% confidence intervals. 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