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Issue 3
                                                            July 2011

      “Algún día en cualquier parte, en cualquier lugar indefectiblemente te encontrarás
      a ti mismo, y ésa, sólo ésa, puede ser la más feliz o la más amarga de tus horas.”
                                                          — Pablo Neruda
      “Chile is at least a place where one can find oneself and find other people with a
      compass which is that of real life.”              —Victor Jara
    [] First Impressions…………...….…..4

    [] Placement Profiles…………..….....5

    [] La Vida Chilena……………….…..6

    [] En la Sala de Inglés…….…….…...9

    []La Casa de mi Familia……...…….12

    [] Comida Chilena…….……….……14

    [] On the Road…………….………...16

    [] Final Thoughts…………………...18

Letter from the Editors
              We are excited to share with you the third edition of Short Stories, Long
       Country – WorldTeach Chile’s biannual newsletter! As editors, we had a great
       time compiling these stories and photos that share our experience as World-
       Teach volunteers. We can safely say that the finished product is a compilation
       of three type-A control freaks, all hoping to put forth another successful issue of
       SSLC! Writing this letter alone resulted in many “heated” discussions!
              We would like to thank our families, friends, fellow volunteers and World-
       Teach support staff (especially our amazing Field Director, Heather Tang!) for
       making this experience possible. And of course, Chile, the country we have
       been lucky enough to call home for the last few months. Chile’s rich culture,
       diverse geography, and welcoming people have shaped not only our experi-
       ences but changed the way we see the world.
               We hope you enjoy this issue of SSLC – Feliz Leyendo!

                                                          Your SSLC Editors,
                                                                  Eva, Monica & Lindsay

                  WorldTeach is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based at the
                   Center for International Development at Harvard University that pro-
                  vides opportunities for individuals to make a meaningful contribution to
                   international education by living and working as volunteer teachers in
                                            developing countries.
                                      Chile. If this mysterious land comes up in conversation, most
                                would know it as “that long, skinny one down in South America that
                                makes great wine.” True, that it does produce an abundance of delicious
                                vino, but it is also home to so much more. From the vibrantly colorful
                                sand dunes in the Atacama Desert, through the ripe vineyards of the
                                central valley and the lush forests of the south, to the awe-inspiring
                                peaks and valleys of Patagonia, Chile’s people, culture, and magnificent
                                landscapes are open for all the world to discover. And discover them we
                                      Up and down Chile, you can find gringos from all over the English-
                                speaking world, here to share their language, customs, and vivacity,
                                while living and breathing the life of a Chilean. One day they are teach-
                                ing how to dance the hokey pokey, the next they are learning how to
                                dance the Cueca, make an empanada, or that beso-ing everyone upon arri-
                                val at a party is a must whether you know them or not. They are role
                                models in their schools, cultural representatives in their communities,
                                and most of all teachers for their students. Their motivation to contrib-
                                ute to Chilean education is rivaled only by their creativity and dedica-
                                tion in their classrooms. So as you turn through the following pages,
                                know that you are about to be immersed into the worlds of these gringos,
                                often confused, sometimes frustrated, but always positive and open-
                                minded. Here they share their experiences, thoughts, observations, and
                                what it means to be Chilean.
                                                              Viva Chile!
                                                              Heather Tang, WorldTeach Chile FD

▪   Chile is home to world’s driest desert: the Atacama. In one
    span, no rain fell there for 40 years.
▪   Chile claims 1,250,000 square kilometers of Antarctica.
▪   Chile’s length, 2,650 miles, is about 10 times it’s average
▪   The official national dance of Chile is La Cueca.
▪   Over 1/3 of the world’s copper production is produced in
    Chile. Other top exports include; fish, fruits, paper, and wine.
▪   In May 1960, Chile experienced the largest earthquake in
    recorded history, measuring at a 9.5 magnitude.
▪   Chile is home to the southernmost village in the world: Puerto

                                                                              First Impressions
                                               and eventually made it through secu-         Complete strangers will go out of their
 Great Expectations                            rity. Once I landed in Miami and met         way to walk you to the metro stop or
 By Chelsea Snell                              up with the rest of the group I knew         remind you to keep your belongings
                                               that I had nothing to worry about.           safe from “los delincuentes” (the delin-
      The weeks leading up to my arrival             The first few weeks in Chile were      quents).
 in Chile were filled with checklists,         amazing! Exploring Santiago, taking                Before my arrival in Chile, I was so
 shopping, immunizations, goodbye din-         Spanish lessons at the Hotel Plaza Lon-      anxious to meet my host family and get
 ners, and trying to pack my life for the      dres with Arnavick, discovering Lunas        settled in that I wasn’t that excited
 next year into two suitcases. I knew I        Café and roaming the streets with the        about my WorldTeach Orientation. But
 was about to embark on a life-altering        dogs of Santiago are all memories I will     one of my favorite things about Chile so
                                                                                            far has been the time I spent in Santiago
“The people of Chile are incredibly welcoming                                               forming wonderful relationships and
                                                                                            sharing experiences with the other vol-
and helpful...I could not have hoped for a better                                           unteers. I was surprised at how much I
introduction to this beautiful country…”                                                    enjoyed orientation, and when it came
                                                                                            time to go to our host families, I was not
 journey, but standing in line, ticket in      never forget. I was surprised at how         ready to leave my new WorldTeach
 hand, after a tearful goodbye at the San      similar Chile was to the United States.      family. I could not have hoped for a bet-
 Francisco Airport, I was struck with          While there are some obvious differ-         ter introduction to this beautiful country
 panic. Was I crazy for flying across the      ences, such as the language and a diet       and I am so grateful for the new friends
 world to live in a foreign country? What      centered around bread, empanadas and         I have made, the experiences we have
 was I thinking?! What if this is not what     alfajores, it was surprisingly easy to ad-   had together and the adventures yet to
 I want to do? I knew that I was having a      just to life in Chile. The people of Chile   come!
 momentary freak out, tried to breathe         are incredibly welcoming and helpful.

                                               importantly, a realization that we               With every laugh, experience, story
  All in the Family                            shared the same fears for the unknown        and knowing look shared (you know
  By Monica Griffith                           year ahead.                                  the look I’m talking about), my doubts
                                                   I further relaxed as I became ac-        and worries seemed to melt away. Even
      On the flight from San Francisco to      quainted with five more fellow volun-        though there were (and still are) so
  Miami, my head was filled with ques-         teers at the Miami airport, and met up       many questions to be answered and
  tions, doubts and worries. I was leaving     with the rest of our group in the wee        experiences to be had, I take comfort in
  behind my family, friends, job, comfort      hours of the morning in Santiago. We         knowing that I have a support system
  zone—everything familiar—in search           got to know each other quickly and           in Chile: my crazy, weird, loving, teas-
  of who-knows-what. I had absolutely          intimately. Arguably too intimately.         ing, awesome WorldTeach familia!
  no idea what to expect. Where will I be
  living? What will the students be like?
  Did I pack the right stuff? Will I survive
  with my mediocre (at best) Spanish?
  What will I do if I don’t have internet
  access? Will my host-family like me?
  And most importantly: Who are these
  other crazy gringos who signed up to
  do this with me?
      My nerves calmed considerably
  when Chelsea and her luggage busted
  through the door of the hotel room we
  had (crazily?) decided to share in Mi-
  ami. We bonded instantly over a late
  night breakfast at IHOP, a mutual love
  of Glee and hatred of pickles, and most
Lindsay Keene in Villa Alemana, Chile (Region V)
Population: 100,000
School: Colegio Montesol in Quilpué; a semi-private school with grades 1-12. This school has a
   wonderful English program with two fluent English speaking co-teachers. Level of English
   ranges from Advanced Beginner to Advanced/Fluent – I teach grades 5-12. I teach independ-
   ently from my co-teachers, have my own classroom, and on average I have 12-20 students for
   each 90 minute class. Additionally, I am a teacher for an Elective English course for 3 hours a
   week as my extracurricular activity.
Must-Sees near Villa Alemana: My town is quite small, but there are many great things to do
   nearby! Only 40 minutes away in Olmué, I highly recommend climbing Cerro la Campana. Additionally, Viña del
   Mar and Valparaíso are less than 30 minutes away by train and are definite must-sees while in Chile!
Comments: I am incredibly lucky to be placed at this school. Its’ English program surpassed all my expectations. My
   students are phenomenal, well-behaved, and love to learn English!

                                             Gabriela Garcia in La Calera, Chile (Region V)
                   Population: 49,000
                   School: Colegio Apumanque; semi-private. I teach grades 5 to 11. The English level of my students
                      is mixed, but on average I would say the students are at a higher level. My co-teachers speak
                      English very well and the students have 5 hours of English a week which is much more than at
                      local municipal schools.
                   Must-Sees in La Calera: La Central Bakery; They serve great food, amazing café cortados and
                      cake! The staff is friendly and welcoming!
                   Comments: Don’t judge a book by its cover. While La Calera is not beautiful in the traditional
                      sense, the community is so rich with friendly people and culture. I am really happy to have
                      been placed here and am grateful for all of the new friendships I have made!

Max Shapiro in Pinto, Chile (Region VIII)
Population: 10,000 (4,000 urban)
School: Liceo Politecnico de Pinto; a public municipal school. I teach high school students: 9th
   grade to 12th, and I teach about 25 hours a week. The level of English at my school is very
   basic. Regardless of grade, my students are all at about the same level of proficiency.
Must-Sees in Pinto: The town of Pinto is quite small, but in a beautiful area. There is a small
   Plaza de Armas, and a few small stores and schools. As far as entertainment, Pinto is lim-
   ited but is close by to many other attractions.
Comments: Pinto is about 45 minutes from Termas de Chillán, a huge snowcapped volcano which attracts skiers and
   snowboarders from around the world. It’s also a great area for camping, hiking, and rock climbing. In addition,
   Pinto is about 30 minutes from Chillán, a decent sized city where you can find a few bars, universities and malls.

                                                                   La Vida Chilena
                                                     go somewhere in a rush. When I first arrived, I
‘Chile’ng Out                                        tried to live the American life on the Chilean
By Monica Griffith                                   timetable. And instead of being uber-
     There are certainly difficulties that come      productive, I wound up perpetually frustrated.
with living in a foreign country. I miss friends          After experiencing frustrations with sched-
and family back home, the culture and customs        uling meetings with my co-teachers, miscom-
are hard to get used to, and the food is often       munications with my host family and a particu-
downright strange! For the first little while, es-   larly maddening series of trips to the Registro
pecially when isolated by a language barrier         Civil (sort of like the Chilean version of the
and bombarded by culture shock, what would           DMV), I finally came to the (now seemingly
normally feel like negligible difficulties and       obvious) conclusion that it is futile to expect
frustrations can seem never ending.                  Chile to change for me. It was me that needed
     I think one of the most important things I      to adapt to my situation, and change my norms
have learned in Chile (besides, of course my         and expectations in order to acclimate to my
flawless (a.k.a. flaw-full) Spanish skills) is pa-   new life in Chile.
tience. Chilean people are never in a rush. They          Since my grand epiphany, I have made a
take their time at meals. They sleep late on         distinct effort to take notice of the customs and
weekends. They don’t worry when something            habits of my host family, co-teachers and Chile-
is not done on time; rather, they never assumed      ans in general. As I have learned more about
it would be. They don’t power-walk, but stroll       the Chilean lifestyle and the people here, I have
calmly down the street (I’m talking TORTOISE         found it much easier to acclimate and internal-
pace here, people).                                  ize the Chilean habit of being patient and going
     At first, these habits sort of bothered me      with the flow.
(except for the whole sleeping late thing, which          Now, I get irritated when I have to rush
took zero getting used to). The relaxed pace of      through a meal, am surprised when something
life here is so starkly different from the hustle    is completed on time and I meander down the
and bustle I am used to at home: people always       sidewalk at the pace of a snail. I am becoming
needing to eat on the go, run a quick errand or      Chilean, and it’s fabulous.

                    MYSTERIES OF CHILE
   •    The mullet/rattail revival.
   •    The obsession with old 80’s hits.
   •    How many stray dogs are enough to be considered a serious so-
        cial problem?
   •    In the 83 years since its invention, Chileans have not found any-
        thing they like better than sliced bread.
   •    Gas trucks that drive around playing music such as “Jingle Bells,”
        followed by “When the Saints Come Marching In,” “Happy Birth-
        day” and “Frère Jacques.”
   •    Just because you put a scarf around your neck doesn’t mean
        you won’t catch a cold. And if you don’t blow-dry your hair,
        you’re not certain to be sick for a week either.
   •    Why are bras and underwear sold on the street?
   •    Students are allowed to bump and grind on each other to reg-
        gaeton during school functions! It’s graphic!
not actually part of a host “family.”        world. The next morning I ventured out
Roommates & Puppies                            Imagine my frustration: every other vol-    into Quilpué to ask in the most mangled
By Eva Cappuccilli                            unteer had a “family,” people that were      Spanish a gringa has ever attempted,
                                              around eat onces and talk with, to go to     “Can I volunteer with you?” The answer:
     It was brought up during orientation     family gatherings with, etc. I didn’t; and   yes.
that not every normal family/school           for me, the only other people I knew in            It was one of those moments where I
situation covered over the course of the      town where my fellow fifty-something         felt irrationally pleased with myself. The
week would apply to your circumstances.       year old teachers, and my students (age      idea wasn’t especially brilliant, but it was
Not everyone has an amazing shower            range eight to fourteen). I had no idea      enough to get me out of the house and
situation in the house. Not everyone has
a host family that eats healthy food. And       “The next morning I ventured out into Quilpué
not everyone has a traditional family
situation in Chile. The latter has been the     to ask in the most mangled Spanish a gringa
case for me. For all intent and purpose, I      has ever attempted, ‘Can I volunteer with
have three roommates.
     Cecilia is my co-teacher at one of my      you?’ The answer: yes.”
two schools; Bruno, her boyfriend, is the
professor diferencial at the other school;    what to do, not knowing anyone my age.       speaking Spanish, which was my goal all
Hanna is a teacher at another school, and           Time for a new plan. It was simple     along. And there were puppies involved.
spends most of her time at her sister’s       enough: figure out where the twenty-          Who could be upset by that?
house. All three are wonderful people,        somethings were and haunt those places             In the long run, I feel grateful that
and I enjoy their company a lot on the        like the plague (figuratively speaking).     my situation has been to have room-
rare occasion they are around the house.            Having heard about a group that        mates. I enjoy talking to them, but I have
     Within a couple weeks, I was forced      rescued street dogs and neutered/spayed      been allowed more freedom this way. It’s
to the realization that their company         them, I brought it up to Cecilia and Bruno   forced me to get out and meet new peo-
would be extremely limited throughout         one night that I was thinking of volun-      ple, overcome old shy habits, and just be
the year, whether by work schedules or        teering with them. Based on their reac-      inventive. If you don’t know a lot of peo-
social obligations, but as the three of       tions, you would think no one had ever       ple, the best thing to do it throw yourself
them were not a family unit proper, I was     had a better idea in the history of the      out there and meet some.

                                             much to offer. Lonely Planet sums up          I thought at least it will be a place to get
Climbing into Home                           Chillán quite nicely: “…Chillán itself is     some exercise but what I found turned
By Max Shapiro                               neither particularly beautiful nor espe-      out to be so much more. While the gym
                                             cially interesting”. Unfortunately not the    was just as small as Pinto, the group of
    For me, the transition to Chilean life best place to be a tourist! What got me to      climbers there are some of the warmest
didn’t happen particularly easily or look around this city, though, was hear-              and most engaging people I have ever
quickly. I grew up in Teaneck, New Jer- ing about a climbing gym at a university.          met. I now make the hour trip to the gym
sey a suburb only five minutes from                                                        at least three times a week.
Manhattan. Upon my arrival in Chile                                                             When I arrive I’m always greeted by
however, I found myself living in a little                                                 hand shakes, hugs, and besos. When I
pueblo called Pinto. It took no more than                                                  leave I feel like I have twenty friends to
waking up in the morning to crowing                                                        say goodbye to: “Cuidate,” Nos vemos
roosters my first morning, to figure out                                                   gringito!”, even the occasional, “See you
that this city boy was going to have find                                                  later.” They have taken me to the beach,
some new ways to entertain himself!                                                        camping near the beautiful Siete Tazas,
    I spent my first few weeks there                                                       and climbing in the mountains. They’ve
mostly with my family. My routine be-                                                      shown me the best place to get a beer and
came waking up early for school, eating                                                    chorrillana.
lunch with my abuelita, and then back to                                                        When I left the states I was under the
school for more teaching, My first few                                                     impression that bigger was better. That
weeks in Pinto were by no means bad,                                                       more people meant more to do. My pre-
but I came to Chile in the hopes of meet-                                                  conceptions have been blown apart living
ing new people and experiencing Chilean                                                    out in the ‘campo’. You don’t need to
culture in ways the pushed my comfort                                                      travel to Chile’s famous cities to have a
levels. Thus far I had rarely left the house                                               great time. While Vaplaraíso may be
unless I was going to school.                                                              beautiful, Santiago big and booming, I
    Things changed for me when I started                                                   found my niche in the chiquitito Pinto.
venturing into Chillán, a small city near
by. It’s not a city that I thought had
dogs may well outnumber people during           Here the Gang of 4 always hangs around
Errands in Cartagena                           the off-season due to those who were            the sopaipilla stand, while the mangier
By Ryan Mosser                                 abandoned (or created, unintentionally)         Bloods sleep on the plaza stage. Lady and
                                               by vacationers. Though, I ask if there is a     the Tramp are begging near the pan ama-
     One of the first things you notice        better measure of adjusting to living in a      sado vender. Unibomber lurks under a
when arriving in Chile are the dogs. They      new place than getting to know not just         bench. “Quedate aca Dody,” I tell him to
seem to serve the same function as squir-      the people, but also the dogs who live in       wait while I buy my shampoo. I return to
rels, just larger, cuter, more pitiable, and   my town?                                        find Dody sniffing around with Peaches,
very occasionally dangerous. They sun-
bathe on sidewalks and in parks, wait for        “As most anyone who has been out late at
handouts from restaurants, fight amongst
themselves, chase cars and bicycles, and         night can attest, a Chilean dog will follow you
generally act like dogs.                         forever…”
     As most anyone who has been out
late at night can attest, a Chilean dog will        I need shampoo. “Vamos Dody,” I            his longtime girlfriend who lives down
follow you forever (in hope of food or, it     say, and my family’s cocker spaniel             the street from us. Not one to disturb the
seems, company). This can quickly turn         sprints to the door. I turn left at the gate.   mood, I head down to Playa Chica, where
into a pack of 15 dogs escorting you           “Como estai, One Eye, Patches,?” I say, as I    Loco is usually attacking the incoming
through the city. Most of these dogs were      greet two strays that live on our street,       waves. I don’t see him, but the rest of his
pets at one point that escaped or were         intermittently fed by the neighbors. These      friends, the Hobos, are relaxing on the
abandoned, and the Chilean practice of         two dogs always follow me for about 2           sand. Here you can also find Wishbone
leaving their puppy-making parts intact        blocks, before trailing off when we reach       and E.T., though they haven’t been get-
exacerbates the widespread problem.            my school. By the front steps, Limpy is         ting along too well judging by their inju-
However, most Chileans take pity on            still chasing micros and collectivos while      ries. Climbing the hill, Balto, the steel-
these animals, feeding them or even            Lazy is either dead or sleeping like usual.     eyed husky, greets me along with Dody
clothing them in the winter.                   “Dody, is that one of yours?” I ask, gestur-    once more near the butcher shop (Dody’s
     I live in a small town on the coast       ing toward one of Cartagena’s many              favorite place in town). Shampoo in hand,
called Cartagena, which swells from            cocker spaniel looking strays who looks         we head back to my street, where One Eye
15,000 to 500,000 people in the summer         suspiciously like Dody. The stray sniffs        and Patches accompany us back to my
months. It’s not an exaggeration that          his apparent father as we enter the plaza.      door.

Word                     Literal Meaning                   Use
Al tiro                  At the gun shot                   Right away!
Bacán                    Cool                              To describe something cool
Basta                    Enough                            Stop it, knock it off
Cachái?                  Understand?                       You know?, Get it?
Carretear                To party                          Party, bar hop
Chuta!                   Darn!                             Inoffensive term to express regret, disap-
Cuático(a)               Difficult, exaggerated            Dramatic person
Es lo que hay            It is what it is                  Whatever
Flaite                   Sketchy, ghetto                   Derogatory term for low class
Fomingo                  Lame Sunday                       Contraction of fome (lame) and domingo
Onda                     Wave                              To describe someone’s vibes, aura
Pelando las papas        Peeling the potatoes              To describe someone who has gone crazy,
                                                           is talking nonsense
Plancha                  An iron                           Embarrassment
Po                       Doesn’t mean anything!            Added to the ends of words and phrases
                                                           for emphasis
Que fome                 Lame, boring, corny               Describing lame situations, things, people
Que lata                 Bummer, disappointment            That sucks
Rico                     Rich                              Delicious, hot, sexy...describes anything
Tener caña               To have the axe                   To be hungover
Taco                     Taco                              Traffic jam
Vale                     Worth, voucher, ticket            Okay
Weá                      Thing                             Extremely informal for “that”
                                                                  Inside the Classroom
A Complex System of Con-                       the park: they talk all the time; they walk              room and calms down. Inspectora
                                               around the classroom looking for a certain               (or school disciplinarian) is in-
sequences                                      color of pencil for no apparent reason;                  formed and calls the student’s
By Eva Cappuccilli                             they physically stop teachers in the mid-                parents.
                                               dle of a lesson to ask a completely unre-       For general classroom behavior problems,
     The profesora jefe of second grade        lated question…and Chilean teachers let         counting down from ten works. If I ever
walked into the teacher lounge one after-      them. As a foreigner in the classroom, it       get to zero, I leave, get the inspectora and
noon and saw me writing a note in the          was extremely frustrating.                      everyone’s parents are called.
libro de clase. I suppose curiosity overtook        Part of the problem lay in the fact that        After a couple of weeks, I threw in
her (as she has a habit of grilling me eve-    my expectations didn’t align with the           some positive consequences. Each group
ryday to gauge how much Spanish I have         Chilean norm. In class, we all muddled          now gets the chance to gain a star for
picked up overnight), because she asked        through with completely different ideas         good behavior. If they get ten stars, they
what I was writing. I said a student had       about discipline and never got through a        win an English party. We haven’t gotten
been especially talkative in class and had-    whole lesson without some kind of major,        there yet, but by the end of the year, I’ll
n’t completed any work. Since the girl had     fin del mundo problem.                          probably have to cook and play American
received her fourth warning, this was the           About a month ago, something had to        music for all of my classes.
consequence. She looked at me and said,        change, so I started teaching classroom              My kids aren’t always perfect. They
“Ooooooye, usted es muy estricta. Eso es       procedures again. Here is the rundown of        still want to test boundaries with the
lo que los alumnos necesitan!” (You are        my new system.                                  young gringa whenever possible, but now
very strict. This is what the students                 1) A verbal warning—explanation         they understand what consequences their
need!) Then she made a chopping gesture                   of why the student is receiving      actions have in my class. I’m amazed how
with her hands and smiled at me. In the                   the warning.                         much my patience has increased, too,
past month, this has been my reputation                2) Second warning—student’s name        since I just rely on my system now. I am
in the teachers lounge.                                   is written on the board.             currently the super strict (and yet miracu-
     My first month of teaching, I was a               3) Third warning—student goes to        lously fun) English teacher.
huge pushover with students, and teach-                   the back of the room and copies
ing wasn’t working out the way I imag-                    the class rules.
ined it. Chilean students are no walk in               4) Student sits outside the class-

                                         Favorite Quips and Quotes from Chilean Students

       Student: "Miss, conoce a Michael Jackson?" (Do you know Michael Jackson?)
                            Me: “Está muerto.” (He is dead.)                                      “Are your eyes and hair real?”
                    Student: “No en mi corazón.” (Not in my heart.)

     “Tía, you’re from the United States? Are          “Miss, I AM BEAUTIFUL!”                 “I am po!” (student trying to get an-
             you Hannah Montana?!”
                                                                                                       other to say ‘I am’)

            After being taught ‘I am____ ’ and ‘I like        “Miss, qué significa
             ____ ’ in consecutive lessons, a student         ‘It’s raining men’?”      “Will you go on a date with me?”
            proudly pronounces: “I am Lady Gaga!”

                                                                              3rd Grader singing to himself: “Soy Justin Bieber.”
     Walking into class in the           “How are you? Yes! What’s               His friend across the room: “Eres estupido!”
   morning...“It smells like some         your name? Very good!”
        poops in here!!!”
Life as a Chilean Teacher                         students have lives that I cannot even begin
                                                                                         to imagine and this experience has been
                                       By Chelsea Snell                                  both challenging and eye opening. The
                                                                                         combination of the inefficient structure of
                                           My first few days in the classroom were
                                                                                         the Chilean school system with the lack of
                                       somewhat of a shock. After the excitement
                                                                                         support from home makes learning espe-
                                       of Orientation and meeting my host family,
                                                                                         cially hard for students. But despite the
                                       I kind of forgot that I had come to Chile to
                                                                                         odds, many of them make an effort to learn
                                       teach English! Chilean schools are like
                                                                                         and participate in my classes. I think that
                                       nothing I ever could have imagined. To
                                                                                         knowing out of all the schools in Chile, they
                                       start, I only see most of my students once a
                                                                                         were selected to have an English volunteer
                                       week for 90 minutes, which is not nearly
                                                                                         is motivating and empowering.
                                       enough time for someone to learn a lan-
                                                                                              I feel equally lucky to have been placed
                                       guage. There is also not a lot of discipline in
                                                                                         at my school. I have an amazing co-teacher
                                       the schools; the students put on make up,
                                                                                         who speaks perfect English, is young,
                                       paint their nails, pluck their eyebrows (boys
                                                                                         funny, smart and a wonderful friend. The
                                       and girls), make phone calls and talk all the
                                                                                         students have been extremely welcoming.
                                       time while the teacher is trying to teach.
                                                                                         The boys are exceptionally attentive in class
                                       Essentially, there are no classroom
                                                                                         and insist on escorting me around the
                                       rules. One time I came to class and there
                                                                                         school, while the girls are always curious
                                       weren’t even any students! There was a
                                                                                         about my life back in California and how I
                                       handball game in the gym and the students
                                                                                         am adjusting to life in Chile. They are such
                                       decided that they would rather watch the
                                                                                         wonderful, kind-hearted people who always
                                       game…so we didn’t have class that day.
                                                                                         make me laugh. Some of them speak abso-
                                           I work with 8th through 12th grade stu-
                                                                                         lutely no English, but I think that I have
                                       dents at one of the poorest schools in my
                                                                                         been able to be a role model, friend and safe
                                       town. There are 37 mothers/mothers-to-be
                                                                                         person to talk to, as well as an English re-
                                       currently enrolled in my school, with the
                                       number rising every month. Many of my

Teen Bop Posters                                teen magazines in the mail. The first day I
                                                brought them into the classroom, my stu-
By Jade Rutledge                                dents and I took five minutes to put up pic-
                                                tures and posters of Robert Pattinson, Tay-
     Freshman year can be a rough year. I
                                                lor Lautner, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez,
have mentally blocked out most of mine,
                                                Nick Jonas, and more.
but what I remember was that I felt incredi-
                                                     The next class that entered my room
bly uncool and like I didn’t fit in. The ages
                                                was accompanied by an orchestra of blood-
of 14 and 15 are usually accompanied by an
                                                curdling screams. I glanced around the
awkward phase. Confusion of being in be-
                                                room looking for a spider or rat running
tween childhood and adulthood, and trying
                                                across the floor, but the students had all ran
to figure out what high school is all about,
                                                up to the posters around the room and were
while still trying to look cool in front of
                                                performing various acts of devotion. Rob
your friends and the opposite sex.
                                                was being pet by several girls, Taylor was
     I teach approximately 200 students in
                                                getting kissed, and some girl was screaming
this situation. Finding ways to ignite pas-
                                                “I love, I love” over and over while leaning
sion for learning a new language that seems
                                                against the Bieber poster. I was worried
far removed from the daily dramas of teen-
                                                that only the girls would be interested in
age life can be challenging at times. My stu-
                                                the new decorations, but, I soon saw three
dents always seemed to enjoy my classes,
                                                boys clustered around the poster of Selena
but the real ticket to adoration was Justin
                                                Gomez in a tank top exclaiming “my girl-
Bieber, Taylor Lautner and Selena Gomez.
                                                friend!” excitedly.
Yes, that’s right. Teen stars won me the love
                                                     I could not believe this reaction. I don’t
of my students.
                                                know if the students necessarily have
     When my family first asked what I
                                                learned a lot more English from the maga-
wanted in a care package from home,
                                                zines, but it brought the joy of being 14 into
I asked them to send magazines for my
                                                my classes...even at the cost of three Taylor
kids. I thought that looking at the maga-
                                                Lautner posters that have gone missing
zines would increase the students’ motiva-
                                                from my classroom!
tion to learn English. So, I received three

Top Ten Reasons Why You Got Sick
                                       (According to your Chilean Host Mom)

                                          1. You forgot your bufanda (scarf) at home
                                            2. You wore your bufanda incorrectly
                                       3. You went outside (or anywhere) with wet hair
                                     4. You went barefoot (mere skin to floor contact could
                                                    result in utter disaster)
                                             5. You slept with the window open
                                       6. You went outside immediately after waking up
                                         7. You opted out of long underwear for a day
                                                   8. You ate raw vegetables
                                        9. You failed to drink powdered milk for a day
                                       10. You left the house within 24 hours of rainfall

      Things I Wish I had
     Brought From Home…
•   Books (they are expensive)
•   Utter Fluency in Spanish
•   Graham Crackers
•   An Endless Supply of Spearmint
•   Burt’s Bees Chapstick
•   A Sleeping Bag
•   Warmer Clothes
•   Coffee
•   More Gifts for my Family, Co-
    Teachers and Students
•   Peanut Butter!
•   English Movies
•   Venus Razors
•   More Socks and Underwear
•   Contact Solution

                                                            At Home in Chile
                                    Es Lo Que Hay!                                     there was one last creature that I wasn’t
                                                                                       prepared for. It was several weeks after
  You know                          By Lindsay Keene
                                          After living alone for several years, I
                                                                                       the lice incident that I woke up one
                                                                                       morning with my stomach itchy and in-
   you’re a                         knew that moving in with a Chilean fam-
                                    ily was bound to include some new ex-
                                                                                       flamed. As I look further, I discover a
                                                                                       serious pattern of bites that run from my
gringo when...                      periences. I was excited and enthusiastic
                                    for this experience. But I must admit I
                                                                                       belly to my back. They also itched like
                                                                                       crazy and looked hideous. I wandered
                                    wasn’t exactly prepared for what my new
                                                                                       into my host mom’s room, and showed
                                    challenges turned out to be…
                                                                                       her with a look of question; ”ah”, she spend a whole afternoon            About one week after settling in at
                                                                                       said, knowingly, “Las Pulgas”. Again, I
asking for what you think are       my new house, my host mom came into
                                                                                       marched back to my dictionary and came
speakers and find out you have      my room with my host sister in tow.
                                                                                       upon: Fleas. Perfect! But this time, only I
been asking for a computer          Speaking in rapid Spanish, my mom pro-
                                                                                       was afflicted. The mystery began…my
screen.                             ceeds to indicate to my sister, specifically
                                                                                       clothes, sheets, and linens were scoured
              —Gabriela Garcia      her head, and says, “Ella tiene los Piojos,
                                                                                       to no avail, and yet everyday I discov-
                                    tú conoces?” Obviously, I don’t, but I
                                                                                       ered more bites. My family told me I bring toilet paper with      grab my handy dandy dictionary, and in
                                                                                       have ‘sangre dulce’ (sweet blood) and
you wherever you go.                two seconds I am staring at the most
                                                                                       that the fleas must just love ‘comida
                    —Matt Duong     dreaded word I know; Lice. I nearly lost
                                                                                       blanca’ (white food) all while smirking
                                    it! I was instantly itchy and paranoid and
                                                                                       and laughing at me! After two weeks in
…you have a pack of dogs fol-       clinging to my mantra, ‘es lo que hay, es lo
                                                                                       misery, I had had enough! Armed with
lowing you down the street.         que hay’! (it is what it is, it is what it is!).
                                                                                       Raid, anti-allergenics, and Menthol rub
             —Eva Cappuccilli       Figuring I have no choice in the matter, I
                                                                                       that Chileans think could bring world
                                    undergo the mandatory lice-check where don’t think a naked hot                                                         peace; I was determined to win the bat-
                                    it’s confirmed, yes, we do all indeed
dog slathered in mayonnaise is                                                         tle! And, after vigilant preventative care,
                                    have los piojos! And though I never
“rico”.                                                                                including no longer touching fabric or
                                    imagined it would be so, one of my first
                —Monica Griffith                                                       kids at school, I successfully conquered
                                    bonding experiences in Chile turned out
                                                                                       the attack of the fleas.
                                    to be this very day of de-lousing. As my drink coffee (Nescafé)                                                               These experiences were ones I never
                                    entire family shampooed, fine-combed,
without five spoonfuls of sugar.                                                       imagined would shape my family life so
                                    and wrapped their head in plastic I
              —Ashley Johnston                                                         much, but they really did. My family all
                                    couldn’t help but think, “well... welcome
                                                                                       found my traumatic experiences to be
                                    to the family!” get offended when some-                                                         nothing but humorous. And through
                                          Now perhaps I have to thank that
one calls you “gordita” (a little                                                      them, I learned to really believe “it is
                                    creature for such a memorable day, as it
chubby) .                                                                              what it is!” – Because after fleas, lice, and
                                    solidified us as a family indeed. But
                —Jade Rutledge                                                                          who knows what else
                                                                                                        awaits me…I will always keep looking for the plate                                                                       have my family there to
which you should set your food                                                                          laugh at me, but above
on, and feel guilty about all the                                                                       all, with me.
crumbs you are making.
                —Lindsay Keene eat at McDonald’s just to
feel better about your life.
                 —Max Shapiro get made fun of for wear-
ing your seatbelt.
                 —Chelsea Snell

Getting “Molested” By My                         ages of 28 and 13, and a wonderful single
                                                 host mom. My host mom is sweet as pie and
Host Family                                      doesn’t have a mean or teasing bone in her
By Monica Griffith                               body. My siblings, on the other hand, are
                                                 quite the jokesters.
    (Not literally, mom. Don’t worry.) In             Within a couple of weeks, they had
Spanish, the verb “molestar” means to            branded me with a long list of unflattering
bother, annoy, or make fun of. When I fig-       nicknames including rara (weird), enfermita
ured this out, my Spanglish became infinitely    (crazy, sick in the head), pava (literally turkey,
more fun to use! I myself come from a long       but also someone who doesn’t understand
line of “molesters”. I developed thick skin as   anything), mona (monkey), tonta (fool) and
a child and learned to dole out a tongue lash-   longhi (person of low intelligence), just to
ing by the time I started Kindergarten. My       name a few. On top of that, I am constantly
family isn’t really the huggy/kissy type, so     “molested” for my lack of Spanish pronuncia-
we tend to taunt each other to the point of      tion abilities, and receive cheers and applause
tears in order to show our affection.            when I announce that I am going to shower.
    Before I arrived in Limache, Chile, I was    (In my defense, it is WAY TOO COLD to
nervous that my host family wouldn’t under-      shower more than once every few days. And
stand my fluency in sarcasm or that my jokes     I swear I use extra deodorant!!) I was quickly
wouldn’t translate from English to Spanish.      forced to improve my Spanish in order to
Fortunately for me, I had nothing to worry       defend myself and dish out a little
about. My host family shows their affection      “molesting” of my own.
in exactly the same way as my family in the           In all seriousness, though, my host family
states and they are absolutely my favorite       is wonderful and amazing, and their playful
part about living in Chile.                      teasing made me feel right at home. I have
    Being that Limache isn’t exactly a thriv-    never felt anything but welcome and cared
ing metropolis, I spend a lot of my time just    for in their home, and there is nothing I enjoy
hanging out at the house with my Chilean         more than a little “molesting” from my Chil-
family. I have 5 host siblings between the       ean host family.

                                       Sweet Groove of Home Life                          unwinding routine that consists of belly
                                                                                          dancing and wine. Jonny my host dad, is 36
                                       By Gabriela Garcia                                 and a professor of Bio-chemistry. Jonny also
                                                                                          sings in a rock/ska band and I can attest
                                           It’s hard to believe that two months ago
                                                                                          that they are solid! He loves films and mu-
                                       I had no clue what it would like living with
                                                                                          sic and has given me tons of Chilean and
                                       Judith, Jonny and Matias. I can still remem-
                                                                                          Argentine music to add to my collection.
                                       ber the night I first met my host family and
                                                                                          Jonny is always playing the guitar when he
                                       the first impressions I had running through
                                                                                          is at home and has given me many pep
                                       my mind. I was worried about feeling un-
                                                                                          talks and encouraged me to return to school
                                       comfortable in stranger’s house. What time
                                                                                          when I get back to the states. My host par-
                                       would I get up in the morning? Would my
                                                                                          ents have made me feel so much at home
                                       host family be awake? Can I take a shower
                                                                                          that even my real mom in the states has ex-
                                       or do I have to ask for permission? The
                                                                                          pressed her jealousy about my affection for
                                       next thing I knew, the driver pulled up be-
                                                                                          Judith and Jonny!
                                       hind a salmon pink apartment building and
                                                                                              Last but not least, there is Matias, my
                                       there were six people waiting for me. My
                                                                                          twelve year old host brother. I can still re-
                                       next worry was that my living arrange-
                                                                                          member my first impression of Matias; I
                                       ments might be more communal then just
                                                                                          thought he was shy and quiet. Quite oppo-
                                       sharing a bathroom. Thankfully not only
                                                                                          site to his timid behavior during our first
                                       did I get my own room but I got to form
                                                                                          encounter, Matias is a spark of lightning.
                                       beautiful relationships with three new peo-
                                                                                          My host brother has a really special place in
                                       ple: my Chilean family.
                                                                                          my heart. His jokes are sharp and at times
                                           If the Ministry did one thing well I
                                                                                          hurtful, especially when he tells me I am
                                       would say they nailed my host family
                                                                                          going to leave Chile looking like a “ball”,
                                       placement. Judith, my host mom, is 31 and
                                                                                          but he is super affectionate and loves
                                       owns a hair salon. We share a birthday, a
                                                                                          watching the Disney channel with me while
                                       love for belly dancing and she always
                                                                                          we eat candy and make fake fart noises. All
                                       makes sure my eyebrows and hair are per-
                                                                                          in all the best part about my experience in
                                       fectly trimmed. She and I have a weekly
                                                                                          Chile has definitely been my familia!
      Reflections on Chilean Cuisine
  Pantyhose & Nescafé                                   tion that Nescafé is not poisonous; Nescafé is
                                                        also not coffee. Accepting this difference made it
  By Jean Dick                                          possible to drink. This was a large step for me
                                                        considering that the average Chilean table would
       I love coffee! I also enjoy traveling. When I
                                                        be incomplete without it. Along with a variety of
  decided to go to Chile, beverage preference was
                                                        toppings, breakfast and onces (the evening meal)
  not, initially, a determining factor. I chose Chile
                                                        consist of mainly bread and Nescafé.
  for the career enhancement opportunities and
                                                             Nevertheless, I made it my mission to seek
  because I already had a working knowledge of
                                                        out coffee. Bypassing the cafés and Starbucks
                                                        locations, I went to the grocery store. There I
       One of the steps in the WorldTeach applica-
                                                        found the shining holy beacon: Columbian
  tion process is an interview. When I met with
                                                        ground coffee! But curiously, there were no fil-
  Jennifer (Chile 2009), she informed me of the
                                                        ters in sight. In a moment of sheer ingenuity, I
  unique benefits and challenges of choosing Chile.
                                                        grabbed a pair of nylon pantyhose and scissors
  Two minutes into the interview process I was
                                                        from the next aisle, as necessity is the mother of
  confronted with information that made me stop
                                                        invention. So I discovered when I shredded my
  and seriously consider my travel plans:
                                                        pantyhose to make re-usable, environmentally
  “Normally, Chileans drink instant coffee.”
                                                        friendly coffee filters. Making coffee in this fash-
  Dumbfounded, I asked for clarification. "Aren't
                                                        ion may seem ridiculous at first but I say don't
  certain countries in South America famous for
                                                        knock it until you've tried it.
  coffee? Columbia and Brazil are some of the
                                                             Coffee drinkers I implore you. Do not dis-
  leading exporters of coffee. Why don't they drink
                                                        count Chile simply because of their coffee cus-
  it?" I wrestled with the idea of 7 months of me-
                                                        tom. If life gives you Nescafé, make pantyhose
  diocre mochas and lackluster lattes. Weighed in
  the balance, I determined that I would prevail...
       After a couple months, I came to the realiza-

   La Empanada de Queso
   By Ashley Johnston
        It has been a wonderful time for me getting
   to know the local fare down here in
   Chile. Since I am living with a host family, I
   have been able to eat my way through many of
   the local dishes, discovering that I like them all
   (or at least the majority of them I’d ask for
   again). However, my favorite by far is the em-
   panada de queso. Empanadas are small, half-
   moon shaped pies of cheese. This isn’t just any
   cheese, either; it is local cheese that has such
   RICH flavor! As a cheese connoisseur, I have         during the weekdays and school hours
   to say this is one of the best I’ve ever had. As I   only. It’s a one-man shop. Since the shop is
   devour these fried little creatures, I feel like     straight across from the local high school,
   I’ve gone to heaven and back. Fortunately,           there’s a long line for these gems every day at
   along with eating them as often as I can, I have     1:30pm. My host mom and I get there early
   also had the opportunity to learn how to make        before the line gets too long to be certain we’ll
   them, thanks to my host sister!                      walk away with a bag full of these deliciously
        After settling into my small town life here     hot treats! I’m cashing in on the readily avail-
   in the seventh region, in the town of Hualañé, I     able empanadas de queso now, before I return to
   quickly discovered a small tienda that sells         the States, since I know I’m never going to en-
   these delicious treats. Unfortunately, it is open    counter such deliciousness again!

BEWARE:                                               ANATOMY OF A COMPLETO
 Things Sold in Bags                                       (we’ll show you how to make it…
                                                        figuring out how to eat it is up to you!)
                                                      PAN (or
                                                      bread) will be       VIENESA some- TOMATES
                                                                           where in there,      diced. I highly
                                                      your first line of                        recommend
                                                      defense.             there is an actual
                                                                           hot dog.             those from      PALTA
                                                                                                Limache!        (avocado).
                                                                                                                Smash it up and
                                                                                                                layer it on!
         1. Mayonnaise
         2. Manjar (Caramel)
         3. Marmalade
                                                                                                                  MAYO as a
                                                                                                                  general rule, the
         4. Yogurt                                                                                                slathering of
         5. Pickles                                                                                               mayo should be
                                                                                                                  roughly the size
         6. Ketchup                                                                                               of your forerm.
         7. Mustard
         8. Shampoo                                                                                              KETCHUP y
         9. Lotion                                                                                               MOSTAZA
                                                                                                                 optional sidekicks
         10. Meat
                                                                                                                 for your truckload
         11. Seafood                                                                                             of mayonnaise.
         12. On the rare occa-
            sion, Horse

The Good, the Bad, and                       adorned hot dog accompa-
                                             nied solely by rice. These hot
the Ugly                                     dogs are boiled, not grilled, so
By Jade Rutledge                             there isn’t a lot of flavor in-
                                             volved apart from that special
     I decided to title my food musings in   hot dog flavor. Or there is the
this way because a) my Chilean host Dad      other Chilean delicacy, ham-
loves this movie and periodically at-        burger meat-rice mixed with
tempts to sing the theme song to me and      mayo. Mmmmm! Another
b) I feel like it sums up the diversity of   time, I saw my host Mom sau-
food adventures that come with living        téing healthy turkey and
with a Chilean family.                       tending a pot of pasta on the
     First, the good! I have been lucky      stove. This looks good and
enough to eat some really good food          healthy, I think to myself. I
with my host family! We have cazuela, a      return for almuerzo (lunch time) to find      do taste good. They also take a good
stew with potatoes, a pumpkin-like           that the menu is pasta with turkey in a       hour per lobster to extract all the meat.
squash, spinach, and chicken in a broth,     delicious ketchup sauce. Full on, straight    But, once you do all the work, the only
very regularly and I am always ecstatic      up ketchup slathered pasta. I ate it and      thing you have to do is stuff a beautifully
when it appears! We also have our fair       imagined marinara the entire time. Not        ripe avocado with lobster meat topped
share of asados, which include over-         an easy feat.                                 with, you guessed it, mayonnaise. Plus,
whelming amounts of foods, many of                      Last, the ugly. One of my fa-      cracking lobster shells with rocks and
which are centered on delicious meat         vorite meals wasn’t the prettiest. Lobsters   getting sprayed with lobster juice was a
from the grill.                              (or langostas en español) are caught on       good bonding experience with my fam-
     Then there’s the bad. More than         the coast of Chile off of Robinson Crusoe     ily. The meal was super rica (yummy)!
once, I have been served a naked, un-        Island. They are ugly suckers, but they
                                                                                 On the Road
                                              Santiago. We asked the attendants at the       Rancagua? I couldn’t help but think to
¿Dónde Estamos?                               booth if it would be stopping in Ran-          myself!
By Ashley Johnston                            cagua along the way. They said yes. So,             After waiting for fifteen minutes, a
                                              we got on the bus and before long, the         bus finally pulled up to the toll, to pay
    Once upon a time, fellow volunteer,       bus attendant motioned us to the front.        the fare, and the random guy went over
Matthew Duong, and I decided to go to         The bus literally had stopped along the        to the driver and asked if we could all get
the rodeo! Little did we know that we         highway, at some toll booth, and then          on. So away we went! Matt and I headed
had quite the experience ahead of us,         they told us we were ‘here’ and that we        to the two empty seats in the back—
while we attempted to get to Rancagua!        were to get out!                               conveniently enough next to the bath-
Matt and I first met in Curicó, where we          Although I thought my Spanish was          rooms. The guy walked back towards us,
bought tickets for a bus that went to         decent, it clearly failed me; we were lost.    and we were thinking he was looking for
                                                     Matt and I looked at each other         a place to sit as well, since he had his bag
                                                     like, ‘Umm… so… what just hap-          and some baskets with him (we had been
                                                     pened?’ as we moved our way to          trying to figure out what was in them
                                                     the side of the road after jumping      since the first moment we asked him for
                                                     through three lanes of highway          help on the road), turns out he was sell-
                                                     traffic. While pondering upon           ing things on the bus! He walked back
                                                     what to do, we met a random guy         towards Matt and me and handed each of
                                                     on the side of the road, and found      us a pastry. It was a pretty tasty random
                                                     out we were dropped off too             treat, from some random guy in the mid-
                                                     early. Due to the road splitting in     dle-of-nowhere-Chile! Finally, after about
                                                     two, that’s why we were dropped         five minutes of being on the bus, we fi-
                                                     off in the middle of the highway.       nally got off at the right spot, found the
                                                     Wouldn’t it have just been easier       rest of group of travelers, and we contin-
                                                     if the company in Curicó told us        ued on to the rodeo!
                                                     the bus doesn’t ACTUALLY go to

                                              'What do you call a Chilean with a rub-       stopping by the Mendoza vineyards
  Mendoza, Argentina                          ber toe?’ ‘Roberto!’                          and soaking in the warm Argentinean
  By Matthew Duong                                Mendoza is a beautiful city, pos-         sun. By the end of the day, we were all
                                              sessed of a certain relaxed charm and         thoroughly happy and content. The
      One of the great things about living    famed for its fine wine and chocolate.        wine, of course, had nothing to do with
  in Chile is its proximity to some excel-    Surrounded by a picturesque country           it.
  lent travel destinations. In May, we all    side dotted with vineyards, our trip to            The next day we strolled through
  traveled to Mendoza, Argentina, for a       Mendoza was a perfect chance for us to        the enormous Mendoza city park and
  weekend away.                               sample the local Argentinean fare.            stopped by its bustling street markets
      Argentina is a renowned tourist             In order to arrive in Mendoza, one        which sell all manner of interesting
  destination that had been on all of our     must catch an overnight bus from Santi-       knick knacks. Later that night, we vis-
  travel wish lists long before we set foot   ago over the majestic Andes. The bus          ited the local Mendoza bars and restau-
  in South America - and we were deter-       snaked its way along a very scenic road       rants. I finally sampled an Argentinean
  mined to see the country before the         high through the mountains and we             steak and was not disappointed.
  year 2012 commenced, as the impend-         took in the breath taking views.                   And just like that, our memorable
  ing Mayan apocalypse would make a               On our arrival in Mendoza we              trip to Mendoza was over. A long ride
  future trip difficult, if not impossible.   quickly found that contrary to its name,      back to Chile awaited us. Shuffling
      Argentina is also relatively cheap,     the city has its fair share of female deni-   onto our buses, our faces flushed with
  at least in comparison to Chile. More       zens who are indeed awake and alert.          fond memories and just a trace of Men-
  importantly, it also afforded me the        First up on our itinerary was a bicycle       doza wine, we bid goodbye to Argen-
  opportunity to introduce my favorite        wine tour. We had a fantastic day lei-        tina with a smile.
  Chilean joke to a brand new audience:       surely cycling through the country side,

gered over exploring the outside of the
Glimpsing the Life of a                          house. You can’t take pictures from inside           TRAVEL
Poet                                             the house, so I only took pictures through
By Jade Rutledge                                 the windows (which can really make you
                                                 feel creepy).
                                                                                                    MUST SEES
     A few weekends ago, I went on a pil-
                                                      Neruda had a weird sense of humor.
                                                 For example, he loved the ocean despite
                                                                                                     IN CHILE
grimage to the house of Pablo Neruda in
                                                 the fact that he had no desire to go on a
Isla Negra. It is a tiny town about an hour
                                                 boat. He solely wanted to look upon it
and a half from Valparaíso. Years after                                                            [] Torres del Paine
                                                 from the safety and comfort of his home.
Neruda died, a foundation created to pre-
                                                 So, he had a boat on dry land outside his
serve his legacy converted his houses into
                                                 house where he would entertain friends
                                                                                                      and Patagonia
museums for the public. He was a famous
                                                 and look at the ocean! Visiting the museum
collector, so his houses were very mu-
                                                 is a great opportunity to look inside a fa-
seum-like to begin with, and his houses
                                                 mous poet’s house and wonder about what           [] San Pedro de
have been left almost exactly as they were
when he lived in them. During his life,
                                                 inspired his life and his poetry.                    Atacama
                                                      The beach of Isla Negra is beautiful in
Pablo amassed a ton of oddities and an-
                                                 a haunting, wind swept sort of way. The
tiques from all over the world. You could
spend hours looking at every little, intri-
                                                 day I went was cool, rainy day which              [] Pablo Neruda’s
                                                 suited the rocky beach perfectly. I spent
cate object that filled his cluttered, cozy
homes. For someone who admittedly loves
                                                 hours walking along the beach looking at             Three Houses
                                                 shells, plants, rocks, and seaweed. Regret-
looking at other people’s stuff (I will look
                                                 tably, there is no good sea glass, which I
in your medicine cabinet when I go to your
house), it is a really fun place to visit!
                                                 adore, but the seaweed is cool looking and        [] Cerro La Cam-
                                                 there were a lot of interesting plants to in-
     I didn’t know before I came to Chile,
                                                 vestigate. I went on the trip alone, which
                                                                                                      pana in Olmué
but Neruda was a political figure in Chile
                                                 was a really good experience (despite the
during his lifetime and was a foreign am-
                                                 fact that I missed the first bus there and felt
bassador to many different countries. Dur-
                                                 like an idiot. I guess it was a good learning     [] Valparaíso and
ing his travels, he would collect objects
from all his favorite locations. He had
                                                 experience, right?) I did a lot of reflecting        Viña del Mar
                                                 while strolling along the Pacific Ocean. I
three houses: one in Valparaíso, one in
                                                 was able to think a bit about my life and
Santiago, and his main house in Isla Negra.
                                                 wonder about my path, which hasn’t got-
     Upon arrival, you realize there is not
                                                 ten any clearer as of yet… but, I started
                                                                                                   [] Nightlife in
much to the town apart from his house,
which is on a hill overlooking the ocean.
                                                 trying to figure out my life, which is a             Santiago
                                                 good start. I think Pablo would be proud!
He bought a normal sized house on the
beach and built this sprawling, whimsi-
cal, castle-like villa. It is reminiscent of a                                                     [] Vineyards in
drawing you might find in a Dr. Seuss                                                                 Maipo
     I called ahead for a tour in English.
Due to the fact that I was the only Eng-                                                           [] Pucón
lish speaker visiting at that time, I re-
ceived a private tour of the house. I
think I may have offended the tour
guide right away by asking where she
                                                                                                   [] Island of Chiloé
was from. It turned out that she was
Chilean and seemed to have a lot of na-
tional pride. As it were, she kind of
                                                                                                   [] Tierra del Fuego
rushed me through the house in 30 min-
utes. In that time, I let my eyes wash
over a giant shell collection, ship in a                                                           [] Copper Mine of
bottle collection, ship figurehead collec-                                                            Chuquicamata
tion, spirits bottle collection, mask col-
lections, many hand crafted, unique in-
struments, pipe collections, and more!
     Although the tour of the inside was
                                                                                                   [] Rapa Nui
fast, you can lurk about the grounds and                                                              (Easter Island)
the beach as long as you want, so I lin-
                    Saying Goodbye...

My Time in Chile                              fellow volunteers, and it might be hard for     I have been to many places, and seen
                                              you to discern exactly what kind of people many things in this country. And yet , it is
By Matthew Duong                              they are solely by reading their writing. I the mornings right here in Villa Alemana,
     Summing up my experience in Chile
                                              don't presume to underestimate their that are my favorite. As the fog rolls in off
is a difficult thing to do. It only seems a
week ago that I arrived in Santiago: appre-
hensive, jet lagged and excited for the ad-     “…My students are so full of life: funny, gregari-
venture ahead.
     In the past few months, I have grown
                                                ous and kind hearted kids. Everyday their
to love my small town of Molina—with its        sense of humor and verve make me laugh…”
quiet plaza, stunning nearby scenery, and
its roving packs of canine food-bandits. writing skills, but it would take a fine au- the ocean, the sun rises behind the moun-
My host family has shown me nothing but thor indeed to accurately convey what a tains near my house. I sip my coffee and
kindness, love and a superhuman, Gan- fantastic collection of people they are.            bundle up in layer after layer and troop
dhi-like level of tolerance for my atrocious       Though they come from an array of off to school with my crazy funny family.
Spanish. And I have also grown to thor- different backgrounds, every one of them And even though the mornings are cha-
oughly enjoy Chilean food and Chile's is an immensely intelligent, passionate, otic and cold, it is the time where this fam-
colorful culture (completos and reggaeton fun loving and kind person who came to ily from Chile, feels like my family. At
notwithstanding).                             Chile compelled by a sense of social jus- school too, I have yet another family—of
     There have been countless other tice. We bonded immediately and I am eager and intelligent kids, who surprise
things that have made this experience fortunate to now count some of them me every day with their energy and en-
wonderful, but if I were to be asked to among my closest friends. The fun and thusiasm. It is in those moments that I
identify the two things I will remember laughter we have shared together will be understand what this time for me has
most fondly when I return to Sydney, this some of the things I will cherish most been about. All of it comes back to the
is what I would say:                          when I return to Australia. I am honored connections I have made with others. The
1. My teaching experience!                    to have spent time with such a great fact that even in a country where I hardly
     Have you ever felt the thrill of walk- group of people, and have (almost) even speak the language, I can belong to some-
ing into a silent classroom full of utterly forgotten the fact that they are all Ameri- thing.
disciplined Chilean students? Ever felt the cans. So this article is my 'thank you' to        And of course, there is always the
rush of teaching students who unques- you guys! It has been a blast!                      WorldTeach family. A group of people I
tionably obey your every command? No?                                                     have come to know and love and will miss
Neither have I!                                                                           very dearly. They are people unsurpassed
     But it is precisely the unpredictability Until Next Time...                          in their integrity, spirit, and soul...okay
and spontaneity of teaching in Chile that By Lindsay Keene                                okay, they are also hilarious and incredi-
has made it so memorable and fun. My               This journey to Chile has come to
                                                                                          bly fun! They are the greatest – and so, my
students are so full of life: funny, gregari- mean more to me than I could ever put final thoughts really come back to the sin-
ous and kind hearted kids. Everyday their down on a single page. Volunteering in gle emotion of gratitude. For the people
sense of humor and verve make me laugh. Chile has been a time of endless chal- and the places that have changed me, for
Molina is a town not without its socio- lenges, thoughts, and changes. It has also the opportunities I have had to serve oth-
economic problems, and many of my stu- been a time of immense joy, laughter, and ers, and for the time I was given to be a
dents come from deeply disadvantaged love.                                                part of something greater than I alone.
backgrounds—yet despite all this, I find           As a country, Chile is indescribably
                                                                                          Life is a journey after all, so here’s to mak-
them to be unrelentingly enthusiastic and beautiful. In my short time here, I have ing it count—one day at a time.
brave. I will always remember the great come to know the sights and sounds of a
fun we have had together and all the small town called Villa Alemana. I have
times they have laughed with (at?) me.        lived la vida chilena. The people I have
2. My fellow volunteers!                      come to know here, my host family, my
     For some of you, the articles you have students, and my fellow WorldTeach vol-
been reading in this newsletter may be the unteers have left an amazing impression
only contact you have ever had with my on my life.
Eva Cappuccilli       Gabriela Garcia      Lindsay Keene         Max Shapiro
  Jean Dick           Monica Griffith       Ryan Mosser          Chelsea Snell
Matthew Duong         Ashley Johnston      Jade Rutledge         Heather Tang

                                   WorldTeach Chile, March 2011

    Translation from the cover:
      “Someday, somewhere — anywhere, unfailingly, you'll
     find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest
          or bitterest hour of your life.” —Pablo Neruda

                COMING IN NOVEMBER 2011!
       Please direct all questions and comments to

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SSLC July 2011

  • 1. Issue 3 WorldTeach Chile July 2011 “Algún día en cualquier parte, en cualquier lugar indefectiblemente te encontrarás a ti mismo, y ésa, sólo ésa, puede ser la más feliz o la más amarga de tus horas.” — Pablo Neruda “Chile is at least a place where one can find oneself and find other people with a compass which is that of real life.” —Victor Jara
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS [] First Impressions…………...….…..4 [] Placement Profiles…………..….....5 [] La Vida Chilena……………….…..6 [] En la Sala de Inglés…….…….…...9 []La Casa de mi Familia……...…….12 [] Comida Chilena…….……….……14 [] On the Road…………….………...16 [] Final Thoughts…………………...18 Letter from the Editors We are excited to share with you the third edition of Short Stories, Long Country – WorldTeach Chile’s biannual newsletter! As editors, we had a great time compiling these stories and photos that share our experience as World- Teach volunteers. We can safely say that the finished product is a compilation of three type-A control freaks, all hoping to put forth another successful issue of SSLC! Writing this letter alone resulted in many “heated” discussions! We would like to thank our families, friends, fellow volunteers and World- Teach support staff (especially our amazing Field Director, Heather Tang!) for making this experience possible. And of course, Chile, the country we have been lucky enough to call home for the last few months. Chile’s rich culture, diverse geography, and welcoming people have shaped not only our experi- ences but changed the way we see the world. We hope you enjoy this issue of SSLC – Feliz Leyendo! Your SSLC Editors, Eva, Monica & Lindsay WorldTeach is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based at the Center for International Development at Harvard University that pro- vides opportunities for individuals to make a meaningful contribution to international education by living and working as volunteer teachers in developing countries.
  • 3. A MESSAGE FROM OUR FIELD DIRECTOR Chile. If this mysterious land comes up in conversation, most would know it as “that long, skinny one down in South America that makes great wine.” True, that it does produce an abundance of delicious vino, but it is also home to so much more. From the vibrantly colorful sand dunes in the Atacama Desert, through the ripe vineyards of the central valley and the lush forests of the south, to the awe-inspiring peaks and valleys of Patagonia, Chile’s people, culture, and magnificent landscapes are open for all the world to discover. And discover them we are! Up and down Chile, you can find gringos from all over the English- speaking world, here to share their language, customs, and vivacity, while living and breathing the life of a Chilean. One day they are teach- ing how to dance the hokey pokey, the next they are learning how to dance the Cueca, make an empanada, or that beso-ing everyone upon arri- val at a party is a must whether you know them or not. They are role models in their schools, cultural representatives in their communities, and most of all teachers for their students. Their motivation to contrib- ute to Chilean education is rivaled only by their creativity and dedica- tion in their classrooms. So as you turn through the following pages, know that you are about to be immersed into the worlds of these gringos, often confused, sometimes frustrated, but always positive and open- minded. Here they share their experiences, thoughts, observations, and what it means to be Chilean. Viva Chile! Heather Tang, WorldTeach Chile FD FUN FACTS ABOUT CHILE ▪ Chile is home to world’s driest desert: the Atacama. In one span, no rain fell there for 40 years. ▪ Chile claims 1,250,000 square kilometers of Antarctica. ▪ Chile’s length, 2,650 miles, is about 10 times it’s average width. ▪ The official national dance of Chile is La Cueca. ▪ Over 1/3 of the world’s copper production is produced in Chile. Other top exports include; fish, fruits, paper, and wine. ▪ In May 1960, Chile experienced the largest earthquake in recorded history, measuring at a 9.5 magnitude. ▪ Chile is home to the southernmost village in the world: Puerto Williams. 3
  • 4. WELCOME TO CHILE First Impressions and eventually made it through secu- Complete strangers will go out of their Great Expectations rity. Once I landed in Miami and met way to walk you to the metro stop or By Chelsea Snell up with the rest of the group I knew remind you to keep your belongings that I had nothing to worry about. safe from “los delincuentes” (the delin- The weeks leading up to my arrival The first few weeks in Chile were quents). in Chile were filled with checklists, amazing! Exploring Santiago, taking Before my arrival in Chile, I was so shopping, immunizations, goodbye din- Spanish lessons at the Hotel Plaza Lon- anxious to meet my host family and get ners, and trying to pack my life for the dres with Arnavick, discovering Lunas settled in that I wasn’t that excited next year into two suitcases. I knew I Café and roaming the streets with the about my WorldTeach Orientation. But was about to embark on a life-altering dogs of Santiago are all memories I will one of my favorite things about Chile so far has been the time I spent in Santiago “The people of Chile are incredibly welcoming forming wonderful relationships and sharing experiences with the other vol- and helpful...I could not have hoped for a better unteers. I was surprised at how much I introduction to this beautiful country…” enjoyed orientation, and when it came time to go to our host families, I was not journey, but standing in line, ticket in never forget. I was surprised at how ready to leave my new WorldTeach hand, after a tearful goodbye at the San similar Chile was to the United States. family. I could not have hoped for a bet- Francisco Airport, I was struck with While there are some obvious differ- ter introduction to this beautiful country panic. Was I crazy for flying across the ences, such as the language and a diet and I am so grateful for the new friends world to live in a foreign country? What centered around bread, empanadas and I have made, the experiences we have was I thinking?! What if this is not what alfajores, it was surprisingly easy to ad- had together and the adventures yet to I want to do? I knew that I was having a just to life in Chile. The people of Chile come! momentary freak out, tried to breathe are incredibly welcoming and helpful. importantly, a realization that we With every laugh, experience, story All in the Family shared the same fears for the unknown and knowing look shared (you know By Monica Griffith year ahead. the look I’m talking about), my doubts I further relaxed as I became ac- and worries seemed to melt away. Even On the flight from San Francisco to quainted with five more fellow volun- though there were (and still are) so Miami, my head was filled with ques- teers at the Miami airport, and met up many questions to be answered and tions, doubts and worries. I was leaving with the rest of our group in the wee experiences to be had, I take comfort in behind my family, friends, job, comfort hours of the morning in Santiago. We knowing that I have a support system zone—everything familiar—in search got to know each other quickly and in Chile: my crazy, weird, loving, teas- of who-knows-what. I had absolutely intimately. Arguably too intimately. ing, awesome WorldTeach familia! no idea what to expect. Where will I be living? What will the students be like? Did I pack the right stuff? Will I survive with my mediocre (at best) Spanish? What will I do if I don’t have internet access? Will my host-family like me? And most importantly: Who are these other crazy gringos who signed up to do this with me? My nerves calmed considerably when Chelsea and her luggage busted through the door of the hotel room we had (crazily?) decided to share in Mi- ami. We bonded instantly over a late night breakfast at IHOP, a mutual love of Glee and hatred of pickles, and most
  • 5. PLACEMENT PROFILES Lindsay Keene in Villa Alemana, Chile (Region V) Population: 100,000 School: Colegio Montesol in Quilpué; a semi-private school with grades 1-12. This school has a wonderful English program with two fluent English speaking co-teachers. Level of English ranges from Advanced Beginner to Advanced/Fluent – I teach grades 5-12. I teach independ- ently from my co-teachers, have my own classroom, and on average I have 12-20 students for each 90 minute class. Additionally, I am a teacher for an Elective English course for 3 hours a week as my extracurricular activity. Must-Sees near Villa Alemana: My town is quite small, but there are many great things to do nearby! Only 40 minutes away in Olmué, I highly recommend climbing Cerro la Campana. Additionally, Viña del Mar and Valparaíso are less than 30 minutes away by train and are definite must-sees while in Chile! Comments: I am incredibly lucky to be placed at this school. Its’ English program surpassed all my expectations. My students are phenomenal, well-behaved, and love to learn English! Gabriela Garcia in La Calera, Chile (Region V) Population: 49,000 School: Colegio Apumanque; semi-private. I teach grades 5 to 11. The English level of my students is mixed, but on average I would say the students are at a higher level. My co-teachers speak English very well and the students have 5 hours of English a week which is much more than at local municipal schools. Must-Sees in La Calera: La Central Bakery; They serve great food, amazing café cortados and cake! The staff is friendly and welcoming! Comments: Don’t judge a book by its cover. While La Calera is not beautiful in the traditional sense, the community is so rich with friendly people and culture. I am really happy to have been placed here and am grateful for all of the new friendships I have made! Max Shapiro in Pinto, Chile (Region VIII) Population: 10,000 (4,000 urban) School: Liceo Politecnico de Pinto; a public municipal school. I teach high school students: 9th grade to 12th, and I teach about 25 hours a week. The level of English at my school is very basic. Regardless of grade, my students are all at about the same level of proficiency. Must-Sees in Pinto: The town of Pinto is quite small, but in a beautiful area. There is a small Plaza de Armas, and a few small stores and schools. As far as entertainment, Pinto is lim- ited but is close by to many other attractions. Comments: Pinto is about 45 minutes from Termas de Chillán, a huge snowcapped volcano which attracts skiers and snowboarders from around the world. It’s also a great area for camping, hiking, and rock climbing. In addition, Pinto is about 30 minutes from Chillán, a decent sized city where you can find a few bars, universities and malls. 5
  • 6. ALL SETTLED IN La Vida Chilena go somewhere in a rush. When I first arrived, I ‘Chile’ng Out tried to live the American life on the Chilean By Monica Griffith timetable. And instead of being uber- There are certainly difficulties that come productive, I wound up perpetually frustrated. with living in a foreign country. I miss friends After experiencing frustrations with sched- and family back home, the culture and customs uling meetings with my co-teachers, miscom- are hard to get used to, and the food is often munications with my host family and a particu- downright strange! For the first little while, es- larly maddening series of trips to the Registro pecially when isolated by a language barrier Civil (sort of like the Chilean version of the and bombarded by culture shock, what would DMV), I finally came to the (now seemingly normally feel like negligible difficulties and obvious) conclusion that it is futile to expect frustrations can seem never ending. Chile to change for me. It was me that needed I think one of the most important things I to adapt to my situation, and change my norms have learned in Chile (besides, of course my and expectations in order to acclimate to my flawless (a.k.a. flaw-full) Spanish skills) is pa- new life in Chile. tience. Chilean people are never in a rush. They Since my grand epiphany, I have made a take their time at meals. They sleep late on distinct effort to take notice of the customs and weekends. They don’t worry when something habits of my host family, co-teachers and Chile- is not done on time; rather, they never assumed ans in general. As I have learned more about it would be. They don’t power-walk, but stroll the Chilean lifestyle and the people here, I have calmly down the street (I’m talking TORTOISE found it much easier to acclimate and internal- pace here, people). ize the Chilean habit of being patient and going At first, these habits sort of bothered me with the flow. (except for the whole sleeping late thing, which Now, I get irritated when I have to rush took zero getting used to). The relaxed pace of through a meal, am surprised when something life here is so starkly different from the hustle is completed on time and I meander down the and bustle I am used to at home: people always sidewalk at the pace of a snail. I am becoming needing to eat on the go, run a quick errand or Chilean, and it’s fabulous. MYSTERIES OF CHILE • The mullet/rattail revival. • The obsession with old 80’s hits. • How many stray dogs are enough to be considered a serious so- cial problem? • In the 83 years since its invention, Chileans have not found any- thing they like better than sliced bread. • Gas trucks that drive around playing music such as “Jingle Bells,” followed by “When the Saints Come Marching In,” “Happy Birth- day” and “Frère Jacques.” • Just because you put a scarf around your neck doesn’t mean you won’t catch a cold. And if you don’t blow-dry your hair, you’re not certain to be sick for a week either. • Why are bras and underwear sold on the street? • Students are allowed to bump and grind on each other to reg- gaeton during school functions! It’s graphic!
  • 7. not actually part of a host “family.” world. The next morning I ventured out Roommates & Puppies Imagine my frustration: every other vol- into Quilpué to ask in the most mangled By Eva Cappuccilli unteer had a “family,” people that were Spanish a gringa has ever attempted, around eat onces and talk with, to go to “Can I volunteer with you?” The answer: It was brought up during orientation family gatherings with, etc. I didn’t; and yes. that not every normal family/school for me, the only other people I knew in It was one of those moments where I situation covered over the course of the town where my fellow fifty-something felt irrationally pleased with myself. The week would apply to your circumstances. year old teachers, and my students (age idea wasn’t especially brilliant, but it was Not everyone has an amazing shower range eight to fourteen). I had no idea enough to get me out of the house and situation in the house. Not everyone has a host family that eats healthy food. And “The next morning I ventured out into Quilpué not everyone has a traditional family situation in Chile. The latter has been the to ask in the most mangled Spanish a gringa case for me. For all intent and purpose, I has ever attempted, ‘Can I volunteer with have three roommates. Cecilia is my co-teacher at one of my you?’ The answer: yes.” two schools; Bruno, her boyfriend, is the professor diferencial at the other school; what to do, not knowing anyone my age. speaking Spanish, which was my goal all Hanna is a teacher at another school, and Time for a new plan. It was simple along. And there were puppies involved. spends most of her time at her sister’s enough: figure out where the twenty- Who could be upset by that? house. All three are wonderful people, somethings were and haunt those places In the long run, I feel grateful that and I enjoy their company a lot on the like the plague (figuratively speaking). my situation has been to have room- rare occasion they are around the house. Having heard about a group that mates. I enjoy talking to them, but I have Within a couple weeks, I was forced rescued street dogs and neutered/spayed been allowed more freedom this way. It’s to the realization that their company them, I brought it up to Cecilia and Bruno forced me to get out and meet new peo- would be extremely limited throughout one night that I was thinking of volun- ple, overcome old shy habits, and just be the year, whether by work schedules or teering with them. Based on their reac- inventive. If you don’t know a lot of peo- social obligations, but as the three of tions, you would think no one had ever ple, the best thing to do it throw yourself them were not a family unit proper, I was had a better idea in the history of the out there and meet some. much to offer. Lonely Planet sums up I thought at least it will be a place to get Climbing into Home Chillán quite nicely: “…Chillán itself is some exercise but what I found turned By Max Shapiro neither particularly beautiful nor espe- out to be so much more. While the gym cially interesting”. Unfortunately not the was just as small as Pinto, the group of For me, the transition to Chilean life best place to be a tourist! What got me to climbers there are some of the warmest didn’t happen particularly easily or look around this city, though, was hear- and most engaging people I have ever quickly. I grew up in Teaneck, New Jer- ing about a climbing gym at a university. met. I now make the hour trip to the gym sey a suburb only five minutes from at least three times a week. Manhattan. Upon my arrival in Chile When I arrive I’m always greeted by however, I found myself living in a little hand shakes, hugs, and besos. When I pueblo called Pinto. It took no more than leave I feel like I have twenty friends to waking up in the morning to crowing say goodbye to: “Cuidate,” Nos vemos roosters my first morning, to figure out gringito!”, even the occasional, “See you that this city boy was going to have find later.” They have taken me to the beach, some new ways to entertain himself! camping near the beautiful Siete Tazas, I spent my first few weeks there and climbing in the mountains. They’ve mostly with my family. My routine be- shown me the best place to get a beer and came waking up early for school, eating chorrillana. lunch with my abuelita, and then back to When I left the states I was under the school for more teaching, My first few impression that bigger was better. That weeks in Pinto were by no means bad, more people meant more to do. My pre- but I came to Chile in the hopes of meet- conceptions have been blown apart living ing new people and experiencing Chilean out in the ‘campo’. You don’t need to culture in ways the pushed my comfort travel to Chile’s famous cities to have a levels. Thus far I had rarely left the house great time. While Vaplaraíso may be unless I was going to school. beautiful, Santiago big and booming, I Things changed for me when I started found my niche in the chiquitito Pinto. venturing into Chillán, a small city near by. It’s not a city that I thought had 7
  • 8. dogs may well outnumber people during Here the Gang of 4 always hangs around Errands in Cartagena the off-season due to those who were the sopaipilla stand, while the mangier By Ryan Mosser abandoned (or created, unintentionally) Bloods sleep on the plaza stage. Lady and by vacationers. Though, I ask if there is a the Tramp are begging near the pan ama- One of the first things you notice better measure of adjusting to living in a sado vender. Unibomber lurks under a when arriving in Chile are the dogs. They new place than getting to know not just bench. “Quedate aca Dody,” I tell him to seem to serve the same function as squir- the people, but also the dogs who live in wait while I buy my shampoo. I return to rels, just larger, cuter, more pitiable, and my town? find Dody sniffing around with Peaches, very occasionally dangerous. They sun- bathe on sidewalks and in parks, wait for “As most anyone who has been out late at handouts from restaurants, fight amongst themselves, chase cars and bicycles, and night can attest, a Chilean dog will follow you generally act like dogs. forever…” As most anyone who has been out late at night can attest, a Chilean dog will I need shampoo. “Vamos Dody,” I his longtime girlfriend who lives down follow you forever (in hope of food or, it say, and my family’s cocker spaniel the street from us. Not one to disturb the seems, company). This can quickly turn sprints to the door. I turn left at the gate. mood, I head down to Playa Chica, where into a pack of 15 dogs escorting you “Como estai, One Eye, Patches,?” I say, as I Loco is usually attacking the incoming through the city. Most of these dogs were greet two strays that live on our street, waves. I don’t see him, but the rest of his pets at one point that escaped or were intermittently fed by the neighbors. These friends, the Hobos, are relaxing on the abandoned, and the Chilean practice of two dogs always follow me for about 2 sand. Here you can also find Wishbone leaving their puppy-making parts intact blocks, before trailing off when we reach and E.T., though they haven’t been get- exacerbates the widespread problem. my school. By the front steps, Limpy is ting along too well judging by their inju- However, most Chileans take pity on still chasing micros and collectivos while ries. Climbing the hill, Balto, the steel- these animals, feeding them or even Lazy is either dead or sleeping like usual. eyed husky, greets me along with Dody clothing them in the winter. “Dody, is that one of yours?” I ask, gestur- once more near the butcher shop (Dody’s I live in a small town on the coast ing toward one of Cartagena’s many favorite place in town). Shampoo in hand, called Cartagena, which swells from cocker spaniel looking strays who looks we head back to my street, where One Eye 15,000 to 500,000 people in the summer suspiciously like Dody. The stray sniffs and Patches accompany us back to my months. It’s not an exaggeration that his apparent father as we enter the plaza. door. FAVORITE CHILENISMOS Word Literal Meaning Use Al tiro At the gun shot Right away! Bacán Cool To describe something cool Basta Enough Stop it, knock it off Cachái? Understand? You know?, Get it? Carretear To party Party, bar hop Chuta! Darn! Inoffensive term to express regret, disap- pointment Cuático(a) Difficult, exaggerated Dramatic person Es lo que hay It is what it is Whatever Flaite Sketchy, ghetto Derogatory term for low class Fomingo Lame Sunday Contraction of fome (lame) and domingo (Sunday) Onda Wave To describe someone’s vibes, aura Pelando las papas Peeling the potatoes To describe someone who has gone crazy, is talking nonsense Plancha An iron Embarrassment Po Doesn’t mean anything! Added to the ends of words and phrases for emphasis Que fome Lame, boring, corny Describing lame situations, things, people Que lata Bummer, disappointment That sucks Rico Rich Delicious, hot, sexy...describes anything Tener caña To have the axe To be hungover Taco Taco Traffic jam Vale Worth, voucher, ticket Okay Weá Thing Extremely informal for “that”
  • 9. EN LA SALA DE INGLES Inside the Classroom A Complex System of Con- the park: they talk all the time; they walk room and calms down. Inspectora around the classroom looking for a certain (or school disciplinarian) is in- sequences color of pencil for no apparent reason; formed and calls the student’s By Eva Cappuccilli they physically stop teachers in the mid- parents. dle of a lesson to ask a completely unre- For general classroom behavior problems, The profesora jefe of second grade lated question…and Chilean teachers let counting down from ten works. If I ever walked into the teacher lounge one after- them. As a foreigner in the classroom, it get to zero, I leave, get the inspectora and noon and saw me writing a note in the was extremely frustrating. everyone’s parents are called. libro de clase. I suppose curiosity overtook Part of the problem lay in the fact that After a couple of weeks, I threw in her (as she has a habit of grilling me eve- my expectations didn’t align with the some positive consequences. Each group ryday to gauge how much Spanish I have Chilean norm. In class, we all muddled now gets the chance to gain a star for picked up overnight), because she asked through with completely different ideas good behavior. If they get ten stars, they what I was writing. I said a student had about discipline and never got through a win an English party. We haven’t gotten been especially talkative in class and had- whole lesson without some kind of major, there yet, but by the end of the year, I’ll n’t completed any work. Since the girl had fin del mundo problem. probably have to cook and play American received her fourth warning, this was the About a month ago, something had to music for all of my classes. consequence. She looked at me and said, change, so I started teaching classroom My kids aren’t always perfect. They “Ooooooye, usted es muy estricta. Eso es procedures again. Here is the rundown of still want to test boundaries with the lo que los alumnos necesitan!” (You are my new system. young gringa whenever possible, but now very strict. This is what the students 1) A verbal warning—explanation they understand what consequences their need!) Then she made a chopping gesture of why the student is receiving actions have in my class. I’m amazed how with her hands and smiled at me. In the the warning. much my patience has increased, too, past month, this has been my reputation 2) Second warning—student’s name since I just rely on my system now. I am in the teachers lounge. is written on the board. currently the super strict (and yet miracu- My first month of teaching, I was a 3) Third warning—student goes to lously fun) English teacher. huge pushover with students, and teach- the back of the room and copies ing wasn’t working out the way I imag- the class rules. ined it. Chilean students are no walk in 4) Student sits outside the class- OVERHEARD IN THE CLASSROOM Favorite Quips and Quotes from Chilean Students Student: "Miss, conoce a Michael Jackson?" (Do you know Michael Jackson?) Me: “Está muerto.” (He is dead.) “Are your eyes and hair real?” Student: “No en mi corazón.” (Not in my heart.) “Tía, you’re from the United States? Are “Miss, I AM BEAUTIFUL!” “I am po!” (student trying to get an- you Hannah Montana?!” other to say ‘I am’) After being taught ‘I am____ ’ and ‘I like “Miss, qué significa ____ ’ in consecutive lessons, a student ‘It’s raining men’?” “Will you go on a date with me?” proudly pronounces: “I am Lady Gaga!” 3rd Grader singing to himself: “Soy Justin Bieber.” Walking into class in the “How are you? Yes! What’s His friend across the room: “Eres estupido!” morning...“It smells like some your name? Very good!” poops in here!!!”
  • 10. Life as a Chilean Teacher students have lives that I cannot even begin to imagine and this experience has been By Chelsea Snell both challenging and eye opening. The combination of the inefficient structure of My first few days in the classroom were the Chilean school system with the lack of somewhat of a shock. After the excitement support from home makes learning espe- of Orientation and meeting my host family, cially hard for students. But despite the I kind of forgot that I had come to Chile to odds, many of them make an effort to learn teach English! Chilean schools are like and participate in my classes. I think that nothing I ever could have imagined. To knowing out of all the schools in Chile, they start, I only see most of my students once a were selected to have an English volunteer week for 90 minutes, which is not nearly is motivating and empowering. enough time for someone to learn a lan- I feel equally lucky to have been placed guage. There is also not a lot of discipline in at my school. I have an amazing co-teacher the schools; the students put on make up, who speaks perfect English, is young, paint their nails, pluck their eyebrows (boys funny, smart and a wonderful friend. The and girls), make phone calls and talk all the students have been extremely welcoming. time while the teacher is trying to teach. The boys are exceptionally attentive in class Essentially, there are no classroom and insist on escorting me around the rules. One time I came to class and there school, while the girls are always curious weren’t even any students! There was a about my life back in California and how I handball game in the gym and the students am adjusting to life in Chile. They are such decided that they would rather watch the wonderful, kind-hearted people who always game…so we didn’t have class that day. make me laugh. Some of them speak abso- I work with 8th through 12th grade stu- lutely no English, but I think that I have dents at one of the poorest schools in my been able to be a role model, friend and safe town. There are 37 mothers/mothers-to-be person to talk to, as well as an English re- currently enrolled in my school, with the source. number rising every month. Many of my Teen Bop Posters teen magazines in the mail. The first day I brought them into the classroom, my stu- By Jade Rutledge dents and I took five minutes to put up pic- tures and posters of Robert Pattinson, Tay- Freshman year can be a rough year. I lor Lautner, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, have mentally blocked out most of mine, Nick Jonas, and more. but what I remember was that I felt incredi- The next class that entered my room bly uncool and like I didn’t fit in. The ages was accompanied by an orchestra of blood- of 14 and 15 are usually accompanied by an curdling screams. I glanced around the awkward phase. Confusion of being in be- room looking for a spider or rat running tween childhood and adulthood, and trying across the floor, but the students had all ran to figure out what high school is all about, up to the posters around the room and were while still trying to look cool in front of performing various acts of devotion. Rob your friends and the opposite sex. was being pet by several girls, Taylor was I teach approximately 200 students in getting kissed, and some girl was screaming this situation. Finding ways to ignite pas- “I love, I love” over and over while leaning sion for learning a new language that seems against the Bieber poster. I was worried far removed from the daily dramas of teen- that only the girls would be interested in age life can be challenging at times. My stu- the new decorations, but, I soon saw three dents always seemed to enjoy my classes, boys clustered around the poster of Selena but the real ticket to adoration was Justin Gomez in a tank top exclaiming “my girl- Bieber, Taylor Lautner and Selena Gomez. friend!” excitedly. Yes, that’s right. Teen stars won me the love I could not believe this reaction. I don’t of my students. know if the students necessarily have When my family first asked what I learned a lot more English from the maga- wanted in a care package from home, zines, but it brought the joy of being 14 into I asked them to send magazines for my my classes...even at the cost of three Taylor kids. I thought that looking at the maga- Lautner posters that have gone missing zines would increase the students’ motiva- from my classroom! tion to learn English. So, I received three 9
  • 11. Top Ten Reasons Why You Got Sick (According to your Chilean Host Mom) 1. You forgot your bufanda (scarf) at home 2. You wore your bufanda incorrectly 3. You went outside (or anywhere) with wet hair 4. You went barefoot (mere skin to floor contact could result in utter disaster) 5. You slept with the window open 6. You went outside immediately after waking up 7. You opted out of long underwear for a day 8. You ate raw vegetables 9. You failed to drink powdered milk for a day 10. You left the house within 24 hours of rainfall Things I Wish I had Brought From Home… • Books (they are expensive) • Utter Fluency in Spanish • Graham Crackers • An Endless Supply of Spearmint Gum • Burt’s Bees Chapstick • A Sleeping Bag • Warmer Clothes • Coffee • More Gifts for my Family, Co- Teachers and Students • Peanut Butter! • English Movies • Venus Razors • More Socks and Underwear • Contact Solution 11
  • 12. EN LA CASA DE MI FAMILIA At Home in Chile Es Lo Que Hay! there was one last creature that I wasn’t prepared for. It was several weeks after You know By Lindsay Keene After living alone for several years, I the lice incident that I woke up one morning with my stomach itchy and in- you’re a knew that moving in with a Chilean fam- ily was bound to include some new ex- flamed. As I look further, I discover a serious pattern of bites that run from my gringo when... periences. I was excited and enthusiastic for this experience. But I must admit I belly to my back. They also itched like crazy and looked hideous. I wandered wasn’t exactly prepared for what my new into my host mom’s room, and showed challenges turned out to be… her with a look of question; ”ah”, she spend a whole afternoon About one week after settling in at said, knowingly, “Las Pulgas”. Again, I asking for what you think are my new house, my host mom came into marched back to my dictionary and came speakers and find out you have my room with my host sister in tow. upon: Fleas. Perfect! But this time, only I been asking for a computer Speaking in rapid Spanish, my mom pro- was afflicted. The mystery began…my screen. ceeds to indicate to my sister, specifically clothes, sheets, and linens were scoured —Gabriela Garcia her head, and says, “Ella tiene los Piojos, to no avail, and yet everyday I discov- tú conoces?” Obviously, I don’t, but I ered more bites. My family told me I bring toilet paper with grab my handy dandy dictionary, and in have ‘sangre dulce’ (sweet blood) and you wherever you go. two seconds I am staring at the most that the fleas must just love ‘comida —Matt Duong dreaded word I know; Lice. I nearly lost blanca’ (white food) all while smirking it! I was instantly itchy and paranoid and and laughing at me! After two weeks in …you have a pack of dogs fol- clinging to my mantra, ‘es lo que hay, es lo misery, I had had enough! Armed with lowing you down the street. que hay’! (it is what it is, it is what it is!). Raid, anti-allergenics, and Menthol rub —Eva Cappuccilli Figuring I have no choice in the matter, I that Chileans think could bring world undergo the mandatory lice-check where don’t think a naked hot peace; I was determined to win the bat- it’s confirmed, yes, we do all indeed dog slathered in mayonnaise is tle! And, after vigilant preventative care, have los piojos! And though I never “rico”. including no longer touching fabric or imagined it would be so, one of my first —Monica Griffith kids at school, I successfully conquered bonding experiences in Chile turned out the attack of the fleas. to be this very day of de-lousing. As my drink coffee (Nescafé) These experiences were ones I never entire family shampooed, fine-combed, without five spoonfuls of sugar. imagined would shape my family life so and wrapped their head in plastic I —Ashley Johnston much, but they really did. My family all couldn’t help but think, “well... welcome found my traumatic experiences to be to the family!” get offended when some- nothing but humorous. And through Now perhaps I have to thank that one calls you “gordita” (a little them, I learned to really believe “it is creature for such a memorable day, as it chubby) . what it is!” – Because after fleas, lice, and solidified us as a family indeed. But —Jade Rutledge who knows what else awaits me…I will always keep looking for the plate have my family there to which you should set your food laugh at me, but above on, and feel guilty about all the all, with me. crumbs you are making. —Lindsay Keene eat at McDonald’s just to feel better about your life. —Max Shapiro get made fun of for wear- ing your seatbelt. —Chelsea Snell 12
  • 13. Getting “Molested” By My ages of 28 and 13, and a wonderful single host mom. My host mom is sweet as pie and Host Family doesn’t have a mean or teasing bone in her By Monica Griffith body. My siblings, on the other hand, are quite the jokesters. (Not literally, mom. Don’t worry.) In Within a couple of weeks, they had Spanish, the verb “molestar” means to branded me with a long list of unflattering bother, annoy, or make fun of. When I fig- nicknames including rara (weird), enfermita ured this out, my Spanglish became infinitely (crazy, sick in the head), pava (literally turkey, more fun to use! I myself come from a long but also someone who doesn’t understand line of “molesters”. I developed thick skin as anything), mona (monkey), tonta (fool) and a child and learned to dole out a tongue lash- longhi (person of low intelligence), just to ing by the time I started Kindergarten. My name a few. On top of that, I am constantly family isn’t really the huggy/kissy type, so “molested” for my lack of Spanish pronuncia- we tend to taunt each other to the point of tion abilities, and receive cheers and applause tears in order to show our affection. when I announce that I am going to shower. Before I arrived in Limache, Chile, I was (In my defense, it is WAY TOO COLD to nervous that my host family wouldn’t under- shower more than once every few days. And stand my fluency in sarcasm or that my jokes I swear I use extra deodorant!!) I was quickly wouldn’t translate from English to Spanish. forced to improve my Spanish in order to Fortunately for me, I had nothing to worry defend myself and dish out a little about. My host family shows their affection “molesting” of my own. in exactly the same way as my family in the In all seriousness, though, my host family states and they are absolutely my favorite is wonderful and amazing, and their playful part about living in Chile. teasing made me feel right at home. I have Being that Limache isn’t exactly a thriv- never felt anything but welcome and cared ing metropolis, I spend a lot of my time just for in their home, and there is nothing I enjoy hanging out at the house with my Chilean more than a little “molesting” from my Chil- family. I have 5 host siblings between the ean host family. Sweet Groove of Home Life unwinding routine that consists of belly dancing and wine. Jonny my host dad, is 36 By Gabriela Garcia and a professor of Bio-chemistry. Jonny also sings in a rock/ska band and I can attest It’s hard to believe that two months ago that they are solid! He loves films and mu- I had no clue what it would like living with sic and has given me tons of Chilean and Judith, Jonny and Matias. I can still remem- Argentine music to add to my collection. ber the night I first met my host family and Jonny is always playing the guitar when he the first impressions I had running through is at home and has given me many pep my mind. I was worried about feeling un- talks and encouraged me to return to school comfortable in stranger’s house. What time when I get back to the states. My host par- would I get up in the morning? Would my ents have made me feel so much at home host family be awake? Can I take a shower that even my real mom in the states has ex- or do I have to ask for permission? The pressed her jealousy about my affection for next thing I knew, the driver pulled up be- Judith and Jonny! hind a salmon pink apartment building and Last but not least, there is Matias, my there were six people waiting for me. My twelve year old host brother. I can still re- next worry was that my living arrange- member my first impression of Matias; I ments might be more communal then just thought he was shy and quiet. Quite oppo- sharing a bathroom. Thankfully not only site to his timid behavior during our first did I get my own room but I got to form encounter, Matias is a spark of lightning. beautiful relationships with three new peo- My host brother has a really special place in ple: my Chilean family. my heart. His jokes are sharp and at times If the Ministry did one thing well I hurtful, especially when he tells me I am would say they nailed my host family going to leave Chile looking like a “ball”, placement. Judith, my host mom, is 31 and but he is super affectionate and loves owns a hair salon. We share a birthday, a watching the Disney channel with me while love for belly dancing and she always we eat candy and make fake fart noises. All makes sure my eyebrows and hair are per- in all the best part about my experience in fectly trimmed. She and I have a weekly Chile has definitely been my familia!
  • 14. COMIDA CHILENA Reflections on Chilean Cuisine Pantyhose & Nescafé tion that Nescafé is not poisonous; Nescafé is also not coffee. Accepting this difference made it By Jean Dick possible to drink. This was a large step for me considering that the average Chilean table would I love coffee! I also enjoy traveling. When I be incomplete without it. Along with a variety of decided to go to Chile, beverage preference was toppings, breakfast and onces (the evening meal) not, initially, a determining factor. I chose Chile consist of mainly bread and Nescafé. for the career enhancement opportunities and Nevertheless, I made it my mission to seek because I already had a working knowledge of out coffee. Bypassing the cafés and Starbucks Spanish. locations, I went to the grocery store. There I One of the steps in the WorldTeach applica- found the shining holy beacon: Columbian tion process is an interview. When I met with ground coffee! But curiously, there were no fil- Jennifer (Chile 2009), she informed me of the ters in sight. In a moment of sheer ingenuity, I unique benefits and challenges of choosing Chile. grabbed a pair of nylon pantyhose and scissors Two minutes into the interview process I was from the next aisle, as necessity is the mother of confronted with information that made me stop invention. So I discovered when I shredded my and seriously consider my travel plans: pantyhose to make re-usable, environmentally “Normally, Chileans drink instant coffee.” friendly coffee filters. Making coffee in this fash- Dumbfounded, I asked for clarification. "Aren't ion may seem ridiculous at first but I say don't certain countries in South America famous for knock it until you've tried it. coffee? Columbia and Brazil are some of the Coffee drinkers I implore you. Do not dis- leading exporters of coffee. Why don't they drink count Chile simply because of their coffee cus- it?" I wrestled with the idea of 7 months of me- tom. If life gives you Nescafé, make pantyhose diocre mochas and lackluster lattes. Weighed in filters! the balance, I determined that I would prevail... After a couple months, I came to the realiza- La Empanada de Queso By Ashley Johnston It has been a wonderful time for me getting to know the local fare down here in Chile. Since I am living with a host family, I have been able to eat my way through many of the local dishes, discovering that I like them all (or at least the majority of them I’d ask for again). However, my favorite by far is the em- panada de queso. Empanadas are small, half- moon shaped pies of cheese. This isn’t just any cheese, either; it is local cheese that has such RICH flavor! As a cheese connoisseur, I have during the weekdays and school hours to say this is one of the best I’ve ever had. As I only. It’s a one-man shop. Since the shop is devour these fried little creatures, I feel like straight across from the local high school, I’ve gone to heaven and back. Fortunately, there’s a long line for these gems every day at along with eating them as often as I can, I have 1:30pm. My host mom and I get there early also had the opportunity to learn how to make before the line gets too long to be certain we’ll them, thanks to my host sister! walk away with a bag full of these deliciously After settling into my small town life here hot treats! I’m cashing in on the readily avail- in the seventh region, in the town of Hualañé, I able empanadas de queso now, before I return to quickly discovered a small tienda that sells the States, since I know I’m never going to en- these delicious treats. Unfortunately, it is open counter such deliciousness again! 14
  • 15. BEWARE: ANATOMY OF A COMPLETO Things Sold in Bags (we’ll show you how to make it… figuring out how to eat it is up to you!) PAN (or bread) will be VIENESA some- TOMATES where in there, diced. I highly your first line of recommend defense. there is an actual hot dog. those from PALTA Limache! (avocado). Smash it up and layer it on! 1. Mayonnaise 2. Manjar (Caramel) 3. Marmalade MAYO as a general rule, the 4. Yogurt slathering of 5. Pickles mayo should be roughly the size 6. Ketchup of your forerm. 7. Mustard 8. Shampoo KETCHUP y 9. Lotion MOSTAZA optional sidekicks 10. Meat for your truckload 11. Seafood of mayonnaise. 12. On the rare occa- sion, Horse The Good, the Bad, and adorned hot dog accompa- nied solely by rice. These hot the Ugly dogs are boiled, not grilled, so By Jade Rutledge there isn’t a lot of flavor in- volved apart from that special I decided to title my food musings in hot dog flavor. Or there is the this way because a) my Chilean host Dad other Chilean delicacy, ham- loves this movie and periodically at- burger meat-rice mixed with tempts to sing the theme song to me and mayo. Mmmmm! Another b) I feel like it sums up the diversity of time, I saw my host Mom sau- food adventures that come with living téing healthy turkey and with a Chilean family. tending a pot of pasta on the First, the good! I have been lucky stove. This looks good and enough to eat some really good food healthy, I think to myself. I with my host family! We have cazuela, a return for almuerzo (lunch time) to find do taste good. They also take a good stew with potatoes, a pumpkin-like that the menu is pasta with turkey in a hour per lobster to extract all the meat. squash, spinach, and chicken in a broth, delicious ketchup sauce. Full on, straight But, once you do all the work, the only very regularly and I am always ecstatic up ketchup slathered pasta. I ate it and thing you have to do is stuff a beautifully when it appears! We also have our fair imagined marinara the entire time. Not ripe avocado with lobster meat topped share of asados, which include over- an easy feat. with, you guessed it, mayonnaise. Plus, whelming amounts of foods, many of Last, the ugly. One of my fa- cracking lobster shells with rocks and which are centered on delicious meat vorite meals wasn’t the prettiest. Lobsters getting sprayed with lobster juice was a from the grill. (or langostas en español) are caught on good bonding experience with my fam- Then there’s the bad. More than the coast of Chile off of Robinson Crusoe ily. The meal was super rica (yummy)! once, I have been served a naked, un- Island. They are ugly suckers, but they
  • 16. TRAVEL STORIES On the Road Santiago. We asked the attendants at the Rancagua? I couldn’t help but think to ¿Dónde Estamos? booth if it would be stopping in Ran- myself! By Ashley Johnston cagua along the way. They said yes. So, After waiting for fifteen minutes, a we got on the bus and before long, the bus finally pulled up to the toll, to pay Once upon a time, fellow volunteer, bus attendant motioned us to the front. the fare, and the random guy went over Matthew Duong, and I decided to go to The bus literally had stopped along the to the driver and asked if we could all get the rodeo! Little did we know that we highway, at some toll booth, and then on. So away we went! Matt and I headed had quite the experience ahead of us, they told us we were ‘here’ and that we to the two empty seats in the back— while we attempted to get to Rancagua! were to get out! conveniently enough next to the bath- Matt and I first met in Curicó, where we Although I thought my Spanish was rooms. The guy walked back towards us, bought tickets for a bus that went to decent, it clearly failed me; we were lost. and we were thinking he was looking for Matt and I looked at each other a place to sit as well, since he had his bag like, ‘Umm… so… what just hap- and some baskets with him (we had been pened?’ as we moved our way to trying to figure out what was in them the side of the road after jumping since the first moment we asked him for through three lanes of highway help on the road), turns out he was sell- traffic. While pondering upon ing things on the bus! He walked back what to do, we met a random guy towards Matt and me and handed each of on the side of the road, and found us a pastry. It was a pretty tasty random out we were dropped off too treat, from some random guy in the mid- early. Due to the road splitting in dle-of-nowhere-Chile! Finally, after about two, that’s why we were dropped five minutes of being on the bus, we fi- off in the middle of the highway. nally got off at the right spot, found the Wouldn’t it have just been easier rest of group of travelers, and we contin- if the company in Curicó told us ued on to the rodeo! the bus doesn’t ACTUALLY go to 'What do you call a Chilean with a rub- stopping by the Mendoza vineyards Mendoza, Argentina ber toe?’ ‘Roberto!’ and soaking in the warm Argentinean By Matthew Duong Mendoza is a beautiful city, pos- sun. By the end of the day, we were all sessed of a certain relaxed charm and thoroughly happy and content. The One of the great things about living famed for its fine wine and chocolate. wine, of course, had nothing to do with in Chile is its proximity to some excel- Surrounded by a picturesque country it. lent travel destinations. In May, we all side dotted with vineyards, our trip to The next day we strolled through traveled to Mendoza, Argentina, for a Mendoza was a perfect chance for us to the enormous Mendoza city park and weekend away. sample the local Argentinean fare. stopped by its bustling street markets Argentina is a renowned tourist In order to arrive in Mendoza, one which sell all manner of interesting destination that had been on all of our must catch an overnight bus from Santi- knick knacks. Later that night, we vis- travel wish lists long before we set foot ago over the majestic Andes. The bus ited the local Mendoza bars and restau- in South America - and we were deter- snaked its way along a very scenic road rants. I finally sampled an Argentinean mined to see the country before the high through the mountains and we steak and was not disappointed. year 2012 commenced, as the impend- took in the breath taking views. And just like that, our memorable ing Mayan apocalypse would make a On our arrival in Mendoza we trip to Mendoza was over. A long ride future trip difficult, if not impossible. quickly found that contrary to its name, back to Chile awaited us. Shuffling Argentina is also relatively cheap, the city has its fair share of female deni- onto our buses, our faces flushed with at least in comparison to Chile. More zens who are indeed awake and alert. fond memories and just a trace of Men- importantly, it also afforded me the First up on our itinerary was a bicycle doza wine, we bid goodbye to Argen- opportunity to introduce my favorite wine tour. We had a fantastic day lei- tina with a smile. Chilean joke to a brand new audience: surely cycling through the country side, 16
  • 17. gered over exploring the outside of the Glimpsing the Life of a house. You can’t take pictures from inside TRAVEL Poet the house, so I only took pictures through By Jade Rutledge the windows (which can really make you feel creepy). MUST SEES A few weekends ago, I went on a pil- Neruda had a weird sense of humor. For example, he loved the ocean despite IN CHILE grimage to the house of Pablo Neruda in the fact that he had no desire to go on a Isla Negra. It is a tiny town about an hour boat. He solely wanted to look upon it and a half from Valparaíso. Years after [] Torres del Paine from the safety and comfort of his home. Neruda died, a foundation created to pre- So, he had a boat on dry land outside his serve his legacy converted his houses into house where he would entertain friends and Patagonia museums for the public. He was a famous and look at the ocean! Visiting the museum collector, so his houses were very mu- is a great opportunity to look inside a fa- seum-like to begin with, and his houses mous poet’s house and wonder about what [] San Pedro de have been left almost exactly as they were when he lived in them. During his life, inspired his life and his poetry. Atacama The beach of Isla Negra is beautiful in Pablo amassed a ton of oddities and an- a haunting, wind swept sort of way. The tiques from all over the world. You could spend hours looking at every little, intri- day I went was cool, rainy day which [] Pablo Neruda’s suited the rocky beach perfectly. I spent cate object that filled his cluttered, cozy homes. For someone who admittedly loves hours walking along the beach looking at Three Houses shells, plants, rocks, and seaweed. Regret- looking at other people’s stuff (I will look tably, there is no good sea glass, which I in your medicine cabinet when I go to your house), it is a really fun place to visit! adore, but the seaweed is cool looking and [] Cerro La Cam- there were a lot of interesting plants to in- I didn’t know before I came to Chile, vestigate. I went on the trip alone, which pana in Olmué but Neruda was a political figure in Chile was a really good experience (despite the during his lifetime and was a foreign am- fact that I missed the first bus there and felt bassador to many different countries. Dur- like an idiot. I guess it was a good learning [] Valparaíso and ing his travels, he would collect objects from all his favorite locations. He had experience, right?) I did a lot of reflecting Viña del Mar while strolling along the Pacific Ocean. I three houses: one in Valparaíso, one in was able to think a bit about my life and Santiago, and his main house in Isla Negra. wonder about my path, which hasn’t got- Upon arrival, you realize there is not ten any clearer as of yet… but, I started [] Nightlife in much to the town apart from his house, which is on a hill overlooking the ocean. trying to figure out my life, which is a Santiago good start. I think Pablo would be proud! He bought a normal sized house on the beach and built this sprawling, whimsi- cal, castle-like villa. It is reminiscent of a [] Vineyards in drawing you might find in a Dr. Seuss Maipo book. I called ahead for a tour in English. Due to the fact that I was the only Eng- [] Pucón lish speaker visiting at that time, I re- ceived a private tour of the house. I think I may have offended the tour guide right away by asking where she [] Island of Chiloé was from. It turned out that she was Chilean and seemed to have a lot of na- tional pride. As it were, she kind of [] Tierra del Fuego rushed me through the house in 30 min- utes. In that time, I let my eyes wash over a giant shell collection, ship in a [] Copper Mine of bottle collection, ship figurehead collec- Chuquicamata tion, spirits bottle collection, mask col- lections, many hand crafted, unique in- struments, pipe collections, and more! Although the tour of the inside was [] Rapa Nui fast, you can lurk about the grounds and (Easter Island) the beach as long as you want, so I lin-
  • 18. FINAL THOUGHTS Saying Goodbye... My Time in Chile fellow volunteers, and it might be hard for I have been to many places, and seen you to discern exactly what kind of people many things in this country. And yet , it is By Matthew Duong they are solely by reading their writing. I the mornings right here in Villa Alemana, Summing up my experience in Chile don't presume to underestimate their that are my favorite. As the fog rolls in off is a difficult thing to do. It only seems a week ago that I arrived in Santiago: appre- hensive, jet lagged and excited for the ad- “…My students are so full of life: funny, gregari- venture ahead. In the past few months, I have grown ous and kind hearted kids. Everyday their to love my small town of Molina—with its sense of humor and verve make me laugh…” quiet plaza, stunning nearby scenery, and its roving packs of canine food-bandits. writing skills, but it would take a fine au- the ocean, the sun rises behind the moun- My host family has shown me nothing but thor indeed to accurately convey what a tains near my house. I sip my coffee and kindness, love and a superhuman, Gan- fantastic collection of people they are. bundle up in layer after layer and troop dhi-like level of tolerance for my atrocious Though they come from an array of off to school with my crazy funny family. Spanish. And I have also grown to thor- different backgrounds, every one of them And even though the mornings are cha- oughly enjoy Chilean food and Chile's is an immensely intelligent, passionate, otic and cold, it is the time where this fam- colorful culture (completos and reggaeton fun loving and kind person who came to ily from Chile, feels like my family. At notwithstanding). Chile compelled by a sense of social jus- school too, I have yet another family—of There have been countless other tice. We bonded immediately and I am eager and intelligent kids, who surprise things that have made this experience fortunate to now count some of them me every day with their energy and en- wonderful, but if I were to be asked to among my closest friends. The fun and thusiasm. It is in those moments that I identify the two things I will remember laughter we have shared together will be understand what this time for me has most fondly when I return to Sydney, this some of the things I will cherish most been about. All of it comes back to the is what I would say: when I return to Australia. I am honored connections I have made with others. The 1. My teaching experience! to have spent time with such a great fact that even in a country where I hardly Have you ever felt the thrill of walk- group of people, and have (almost) even speak the language, I can belong to some- ing into a silent classroom full of utterly forgotten the fact that they are all Ameri- thing. disciplined Chilean students? Ever felt the cans. So this article is my 'thank you' to And of course, there is always the rush of teaching students who unques- you guys! It has been a blast! WorldTeach family. A group of people I tionably obey your every command? No? have come to know and love and will miss Neither have I! very dearly. They are people unsurpassed But it is precisely the unpredictability Until Next Time... in their integrity, spirit, and soul...okay and spontaneity of teaching in Chile that By Lindsay Keene okay, they are also hilarious and incredi- has made it so memorable and fun. My This journey to Chile has come to bly fun! They are the greatest – and so, my students are so full of life: funny, gregari- mean more to me than I could ever put final thoughts really come back to the sin- ous and kind hearted kids. Everyday their down on a single page. Volunteering in gle emotion of gratitude. For the people sense of humor and verve make me laugh. Chile has been a time of endless chal- and the places that have changed me, for Molina is a town not without its socio- lenges, thoughts, and changes. It has also the opportunities I have had to serve oth- economic problems, and many of my stu- been a time of immense joy, laughter, and ers, and for the time I was given to be a dents come from deeply disadvantaged love. part of something greater than I alone. backgrounds—yet despite all this, I find As a country, Chile is indescribably Life is a journey after all, so here’s to mak- them to be unrelentingly enthusiastic and beautiful. In my short time here, I have ing it count—one day at a time. brave. I will always remember the great come to know the sights and sounds of a fun we have had together and all the small town called Villa Alemana. I have times they have laughed with (at?) me. lived la vida chilena. The people I have 2. My fellow volunteers! come to know here, my host family, my For some of you, the articles you have students, and my fellow WorldTeach vol- been reading in this newsletter may be the unteers have left an amazing impression only contact you have ever had with my on my life. 18
  • 19. CONTRIBUTIONS BY: Eva Cappuccilli Gabriela Garcia Lindsay Keene Max Shapiro Jean Dick Monica Griffith Ryan Mosser Chelsea Snell Matthew Duong Ashley Johnston Jade Rutledge Heather Tang WorldTeach Chile, March 2011 Translation from the cover: “Someday, somewhere — anywhere, unfailingly, you'll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life.” —Pablo Neruda LOOK OUT FOR THE NEXT ISSUE OF SSLC COMING IN NOVEMBER 2011! Please direct all questions and comments to