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• Napoli in the season 2015/16 led by Maurizio Sarri
was a attack-minded team. They like to control the
game by having the ball in their own possesion and to
be supperior on the opponent. When they have the
ball they play 4-3-3, but, the system easy transform in
other variations by some very well organised and
planed movements/patterns. The team in most of the
time is defending with 4-5-1 in zone. Everyone attacks
his own space/zone. After recovering the ball they also
can be very dangerous with a good positive transition.
The team is build by players with good technical
abillities and tactical knowledge. The squad have also
good bench, so, they have substitutes who are able to
enter and make a good job.
Maurizio Sarri
Maurizio Sarri is one of those inteligent
coaches who are obsessed with details.
He wants every part of the game to be
planed. He is very attack-minded coach.
His teams are playing attractive football
by having the ball in the possesion,
dominating the opponent and creating
opportunites for goal. The teams
managed by him are very well organised
and the players know exactly their
movements and work on the field.
Pepe Reina
Good goalkeeper with a big experience. Has
a really good technical abilities, capable to
play a quality pass or a long ball.
Good goalkeeper, a decent substitution
for Reina.
Raul Albiol
Strong defender with good technical
aballities. Good in aerial duels and in
reading the game. Capable of giving a
quality pass between the lines. Participate
in the set-pieces.
Kalidou Koulibaly
Strong and really fast defender. Very
good in 1 vs 1 situations and aerial duels.
Can give a good pass between the lines.
Participate in the set-pieces.
Vlad Chiriches
Strong defender.
Elseid Hysaj
A quality and agressive fullback with
intention to go forward. Has a good
cross. Capable to make an assist.
Faouzi Ghoulam
Strong and agressive player. A
fullback with a good cross.
Christian Maggio
Strong and a fullback with discipline in the
Ivan Strinic
Very disciplined left fullback. Plays
simple, sure passes.
A midfielder who understand very well
the game with an accurate pass. Very
good in positioning. Creator of the build
up play. Takes the lateral free kicks.
A fantastic midfielder. Agresive and
strong in defending. Creative and
concrete with the ball. Capable of scoring
and making assists. Knows how to protect
the ball. Very good in positioning.
Marek Hamsik
The captain. Great technical abilities
and vision of the game. Capable to
score and to make an assist. Shoot from
David Lopez
A decent substitution for Allan and
Hamsik. Strong and agresive in
defending. He is also good with the
Jose Calejon
He is a winger who works very hard
for the team. He is playing both
ways(attacking and defending).
A winger who can make an impact in
the game. Great technical qualities and
very fast with the ball. Because of his
good technical skills and creativity with
the ball Sarri used him in the half
spaces and centrally between the lines.
Fast, creative winger. Very good in
1 vs 1. Capable to play between
the lines because of his good
technical qualities.
Gonzalo Higuain
A complete striker. Can score with the
both legs or with the head. Knows how to
desmark himself. He moves very well
without the ball. Capable to assist also.
Participate in the set pieces.
A decent substitution for
Higuain. Left footed striker.
- In the first zone, if the opposite team plays with one
central forward then they create 2 vs 1 situation(two
central defenders vs one forward) to build up play from
the back.
- If the opposite team plays with two central forwards or
the offensive midfielder decides to press the defenders
together with the central forward, the central midfielder
dropps down to create 3 vs 2 situation(numerical
superiority) with the defenders in order to build up the
- Juventus played the game in 4-4-2 system. So, in the
first zone are 2 vs 2 (two central defenders vs two
forwards). So, to build up easier the central midfielder
dropps down to create 3 vs 2 situation(numerical
superiority). The fullback are wide and high. The system
4-3-3 deliver in 3-4-3.
- If the opposite midfielder decides to follow the central
midfielder then we have 3 vs 3 situation in the first zone
and is dificult to build up the play. For that one of the
ofensive midfielders also dropps down to create 4 vs 3
situation(numerical superiority).
- When the opposite teams are playing in system 4-4-2 or
4-1-2-1-2 and one of the midfielders(central or ofensive)
decides to follow the central midfielder in the dropping
down we have 3 vs 3 situation in the first zone. But,
because the fullback are going high and wide and the
system deliver in 3-4-3 the team has numerical
superiority in the middle 4 vs 3(two fullbacks and two
ofensive midfielders vs two wingers and midfielder or one
central midfielder and two ofensive midfielders) and the
goalkeeper or any of the players in the first zone can pass
the ball to the player who remain free or to the link
player-support player.
- Hamsik is reading the game very well. He knows and
understand when to offer a pass solutions. First he
goes higher on the field and if in case he needs to
support the play he moves into the free space.
- If the goalkeeper decides that is not possible to build up
from the back, he plays a long diagonal ball to the left
fullback who is wide and very high and the field. The left
winger is inside positioned between the opposite fullback
and central defender. In that way they create 2 vs 1
situation. The winger expects the fullback to win the
header and makes a run behind the back of the fullback.
● Taking advantage of the free space behind the
- The winger searches the ball inside in the halfspace. If
the opposite fullback follows him, our fullback search
the ball in the free space left behind the back of the
- The opposite central defender left his position to cover
the fullback and in the box we have 2 vs 2 situation and
if one of the ofensive midfielders arrives in the finishing
of the action we have numerical superiority in the box(3
vs 2).
● Creating numerical superiority on the side and
taking advantage of it
- In this situation we have numerical superiority on the
side 3 vs 2 (midfielder, winger and fullback against
fullback and winger).
- This is the build up of the goal against Chievo. Creating
numerical superiority on the side 4 vs 3 (central
midifelder, ofensive midfielder, winger and fullback
against winger, midfielder and fullback). Insigne moves
inside and Ghoulam makes a run in the space left after
the fullback followed Insigne and gave an assist for
- The ofensive midfielder positioned himself on the side
between the central defender and the fullback. The
fullback goes higher on the field and the winger comes
inside in the halfspace betwen the lines. If the opposite
fullback decides to follow the winger inside then the
fullback is free and can receive a long diagonal ball from
the defender. If he stays on his position the winger can
receive in the half space between the lines.
● Synchronised movements of the winger and the
- Because of his technical abillities Insigne aspire to
search the ball in the halfspace between the lines and
the fullback is going higher on the pitch to help with his
movement Insigne to be free of marking(the fullback to
not follow him).
● Positioning on the central midfielder and the
two ofensive midfielder when the build up is
centraly orientated
- Jorjinho is always positioned between the
lines(forwards and midfielders) in order to receive
there from the defenders with pass to him or to receive
back pass from the ofensive midfielders in order to
breake the first lane and to have the ball with the face
toward the goal.
- Jorjinho is positoned like this in order to provide a
option for back pass from the ofensive midfielders if
the ball from the defenders goes straight to them
who are positioned between the players.
- Jorjinho like a central midfielder is positioned between
the lines and aspire to receive there. The two attacking
midifelders are positioned between the players(Hamsik
positioned between the central midfielder and winger)
on his side.
- The central defenders aspire to give a pass to the
ofensive midfielders who are positoned between the
players and they to give a back pass for Jorjinho who will
receive the ball betwen the lines and can create with the
face toward the goal.
- By this pattern Jorjinho is the third man to receive the
ball(second is the ofensive midfielder who gives the
back pass) and the third man is imposible to defend.
Because, the natural state of the player is always to look
and follow the ball and because of this Jorjinho is free
of marking.
● Ofensive midfielders positioned and receiving
between the lines
● Positioning on the midfielders when the build up
is more lateral orientated
- One of the ofensive midfielders is positioned higher on
the field to provide a passing option between the lines
and the other is centraly positioned with the central
midfielder in order to stop the ofensive transition of the
opponent in case of a mistake during the build up or to
be an option for changing the game on the other side.
● Creating a romb with the central forward who
dropps between the lines
- Higuain like a central forward offer a passing solution
between the lines, centraly, behind the back of the
central midfielders.
● The wingers move free centrally between the
- Insigne and Mertens can move centrally to search the
ball between the lines, because of their technical
abilities, skils and creativity with the ball. If they receive
the ball there they can be really dangerous with giving
an assist or finish the action by themselfs.
- The left winger comes inside positioned between the
lines, centrally, behind the back of the central midfielders,
creating a romb with the other three midfielders.
- Mertens like a left winger comes inside, centrally,
between the lines creating a romb with the other
three midfielders. Higuain like forward ocupate the
defenders with him. The two offensive midfielder are
positioned between the players in the middle.
- Insigne like a left winger comes inside, centrally,
between the lines creating a romb with the other
three midfielders. The left fullback positioned himself
higher on the field. Higuain like forward ocupate the
defenders with him. The two offensive midfielder are
positioned between the players in the middle.
● Link player free player
- This combination allows the ball to arrive to the free
player via the link player.
● The ofensive midfielders making runs between
the central defender and fullback and searching
the ball in the space
- The build up of the goals against Lazio and Milan was
quite similar. Allan noticed the gap behind the central
defender and makes a run between the defender and
the fullback to take advantage of it. Insigne was aware
of the movement of Allan and gave him two times the
● Numerical superiority / man to man in the box
- When the team take advantage of the out-positioning
on the fullback, the central defender must to go out of
his central position to cover the fullback with the ball on
the side and this produce numerical superiority(3 vs 2) in
the box or at last man to man(2vs2).
● System 4-5-1
- The team defend with the system 4-5-1 with zonal
defending. The lines must to be compact and short to
stop the play between the lines.
● Zonal defending
- In zonal defending everyone defends his own space
and attacks the player in his own zone with objective to
prevent the player to play forward. The other two
players protect / secure his back with creating a
- The defensive line has the same movements like the
midfield line. If the ball arrives between the lines, the
defender press the player with the ball in his own
zone. The others secure his left or right side by
creating a triangle.
● Very compact lines when defending in the first
● Pressing
- In the third zone they are agressive in order to
recover the ball near the opponent’s goal. Higuain
makes the defender to play on one side and covers
him. The midifelders are man on man in the middle.
The wingers are covering the fullbacks, but first they
are looking to stop the inside pass.
- When the offensive midfielder goes out to attack the
defender with the ball, the forward is with the other
defender. The two midifelders are following and
supporting the pressing by marking the central
midifelders. The wingers are with the fullbacks.
● Positioning on the defensive line on long balls /
aerial duels
- Every defender goes to jump in his own zone. The
others protect his back and take the players in their
zone in case there is a second ball.
● Positioning on crosses
- On crosses the fullback is with the player with the
ball. The central defender on his side protects the
space in front of the first post. The other defender
protects the central zone in front of the goal. The other
fullback take the player in his own zone on the second
post. Depends of the situation one of the midfielders
always must to be in front of them for back passer or
second balls.
- Sarri’s teams can be very dangerous when they recover
the ball, especially, if this happens in the second or in the
third zone. Insigne, Higuain, Mertens, Calejon are fast
players that can espace and to receive ball in the space.
Also the midfielders Allan, Jorjinho and Hamsik have
vision and technical abillities to give an assist for them.
Depends of how the opponent is playing one can install
different versions of offensive transition. Against Inter
Sarri has planed one very clever transition. He wanted his
team to take advantage of the space left by the Inter’s
right fullback who very often goes forward to participate
in the offensive actions. They were defening in 4-4-2. So,
Insigne was not coming back in deffence. He positioned
himself in the space on the side between the offensive
right fullback and the central defender. When the team
win the ball, they searched to pass the ball to him in
order to have 1 vs 1 situation with the defender, because
Insigne can make diference in this kind of situations.
Higuain like central forward was going opposite of him in
order to drag the other defender with him and to make
space for Insigne to go 1 vs 1.
- Insigne on purpose don’t go to defend and
positioning himself in the space between the central
defender and right fullback. When his teammates win
the ball, they are searching to play the ball to him in
that free space.
- After loosing the ball the players around the ball
attacks the opponent player with the ball to not give
him time and space to think, to cooperate with his
- Sarri’s teams are very organised on the set pieces also.
They have some really good combinations who allows
them to score a couple of goals during the season. This
can happen by a block making for header or shooting
during the corner or some short combinations. On lateral
or central free kicks they also have some good patterns.
Also on throw-ins they are very organised to do some
very good combinations.
● Corner kick
- In this combination Koulibaly is making a block for
Albiol in order he to find the ball free of marking. The
other two players in front are going to the first post to
drag the opposite players and to free the space for
- Also two more players are near the corner taker to
drag more opponent players with them to reduce the
space in the box.
- Koulibaly is making a block for Albiol. Five players in
the box. Two outside of the box for the second ball
ready to stop the the possible counter-attack.
- The other combination is that one player comes from
the box to give a back pass to the corner taker. Then he
passes to Higuain for shooting who will remain free
because of the block for him.
- Very intelegent a short combination play. One player
positioned near the corner taker and other on the end
of the box. The corner taker plays a short pass to the
first player next to him. At that time the other player
starts to overlap the player with the ball who has two
solutions. He attracts the opposite player and pass the
ball to the player who is making the overlap, then
Insigne desmark himself in the box in order the ball to
be passed to him for finishing the combination.
- On corners they participate with five people in the
box. One or two players near the corner taker in order
to take opposite players out of the box to reduce space
in the box. One or two players outside of the box for
second ball. One or two players behind at the center
depends of the opponent positioning.
● Lateral free kick
- Participating with five people in the box on lateral free
kicks. One or two players outside of the box for the
second ball. Block combination for Koulibaly or Albiol in
order to remain free when they find the ball in the box.
● Central free kick
- The ball goes to the second post on the side of the
five metar area in front of the goal. Koulibaly is making
an overlap to meet the ball there. From there he can
shoot direct on the goal or to give an assist.
- The ball goes to the second post on the side of the
five metar area in front of the goal. Koulibaly is making
an overlap to meet the ball there. From there he can
shoot direct on the goal or to give an assist.
● Center kick
- Two players positioned on the side ready to go
forward and attack the space in front. The ball goes in
the direction of the corner of the field. The players
near the center kick also are coming forward near the
situation on the side in order to win the second ball.
- The goal against Fiorentina. The ball goes on the side.
Higuain is going close to the situation and win the
second ball and score.
● Throw-in near the box
- In the throw-ins near the box participate the fullback,
the winger and the ofensive midfielder. This
combination is very simple, but efective. The winger
search the ball and if the opposite fullback follows him
there is space behind his back, so the midfielder makes
a run behind him to receive there.
- If the combination succeed the ofensive midfielder
from there can cross for the forward, winger or to give
a back pass for the other ofensive midfielder.
- Other combination. The ofensive midfielder and the
winger offering a solution by going opposite sides.
- In this combination the offensive midfielder and the
winger are making desmarking on the same side in
order to make space for the fullback to cross after the
back pass.
● Positioning on throw-in in the second zone
- The offensive midfielder on the side of the throw-in is
positioned deeper on the field. The central midfielder
offer a solution in the middle and the other offensive
midfielder comes more inside and centrally in order to
offer a solution after the ball is in to change the side
via him and very important in case of a mistake to stop
the offensive transition of the opponent.
● Corner kick
- Defending the corners in zone with all the players
participating. One player on the post. Two in front of
the first post. Four players in row from the first to the
second post protecting the space in front of the goal
and two players centrally positioned in front of them.
- Calejon on the first post. Higuain and Hamsik are in
front of the first post. Ghoulam, Albiol, Koulibaly and
Hysaj are forming the central four. Jorjinho and Allan
are in front of them in the middle. Insigne positioned
for the second ball and to attack the possible short
combination play together with Calejon.
● Lateral free kick
- Defending with all the players. One man in the wall,
one in front of the first post for low balls. One player in
front for second balls and the others in zone protecting
the space.
● Positioning on throw-in
- Positioned in 4-4-1-1 system. The winger goes like
number 10 and cover the central midfielder in order
to be more close to the goal in case of a ofensive
transition. The ofensive midifelder acts like a winger
and with the fullback are making a double
marking(sandwich) to the player who is offering
himself to receive.
● Not taking advantage of the out-positioning
of the central defender
- The wingers are bad positioned. They are not close to
the combination and not ready to make a run into the
free space left after the out-positioning of the central
defender and to receive an assist there in order to have
clear 1 vs 1 situation against the goalkeeeper for goal
● Bad positioning on crosses
- They know what to do in this kind of situations, but
when they are not positioned like they should this
can happen. The space is available for back passes
● Not securing the back of the central the
defender with a player
- Goal concided against Bologna because of bad
positioning. This is bad positioning on the defender
without a player. He must to be positoned diagonal in
order to be in better position in order to arrive first to
the long ball played for the striker. The free defender
must always to protect the back of the other defender.
● Bad positioning in zonal defending
- They defend good in zone. But, if one lose
concentration and is positioned bad, the opponent
can easy take advantage of this. In this situation the
winger is not protecting the back of the midfielder
who is attacking in his zone by creating a triangle and
the opponent break the midfield line.

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  • 1.
  • 2. SYSTEM OF PLAY: 4-3-3 • Napoli in the season 2015/16 led by Maurizio Sarri was a attack-minded team. They like to control the game by having the ball in their own possesion and to be supperior on the opponent. When they have the ball they play 4-3-3, but, the system easy transform in other variations by some very well organised and planed movements/patterns. The team in most of the time is defending with 4-5-1 in zone. Everyone attacks his own space/zone. After recovering the ball they also can be very dangerous with a good positive transition. The team is build by players with good technical abillities and tactical knowledge. The squad have also good bench, so, they have substitutes who are able to enter and make a good job.
  • 3. THE COACH Maurizio Sarri Maurizio Sarri is one of those inteligent coaches who are obsessed with details. He wants every part of the game to be planed. He is very attack-minded coach. His teams are playing attractive football by having the ball in the possesion, dominating the opponent and creating opportunites for goal. The teams managed by him are very well organised and the players know exactly their movements and work on the field.
  • 4. THE SQUAD GOALKEEPER Pepe Reina Good goalkeeper with a big experience. Has a really good technical abilities, capable to play a quality pass or a long ball. GOALKEEPER Rafael Good goalkeeper, a decent substitution for Reina.
  • 5. CENTRAL DEFENDER Raul Albiol Strong defender with good technical aballities. Good in aerial duels and in reading the game. Capable of giving a quality pass between the lines. Participate in the set-pieces. CENTRAL DEFENDER Kalidou Koulibaly Strong and really fast defender. Very good in 1 vs 1 situations and aerial duels. Can give a good pass between the lines. Participate in the set-pieces.
  • 6. CENTRAL DEFENDER Vlad Chiriches Strong defender. RIGHT FULLBACK Elseid Hysaj A quality and agressive fullback with intention to go forward. Has a good cross. Capable to make an assist.
  • 7. LEFT FULLBACK Faouzi Ghoulam Strong and agressive player. A fullback with a good cross. RIGHT FULLBACK Christian Maggio Strong and a fullback with discipline in the game.
  • 8. LEFT FULLBACK Ivan Strinic Very disciplined left fullback. Plays simple, sure passes. CENTRAL MIDFIELDER Jorginho A midfielder who understand very well the game with an accurate pass. Very good in positioning. Creator of the build up play. Takes the lateral free kicks.
  • 9. OFFENSIVE MIDFIELDER Allan A fantastic midfielder. Agresive and strong in defending. Creative and concrete with the ball. Capable of scoring and making assists. Knows how to protect the ball. Very good in positioning. OFFENSIVE MIDFIELDER Marek Hamsik The captain. Great technical abilities and vision of the game. Capable to score and to make an assist. Shoot from distance.
  • 10. OFFENSIVE MIDFIELDER David Lopez A decent substitution for Allan and Hamsik. Strong and agresive in defending. He is also good with the ball. RIGHT WINGER Jose Calejon He is a winger who works very hard for the team. He is playing both ways(attacking and defending).
  • 11. LEFT WINGER Insigne A winger who can make an impact in the game. Great technical qualities and very fast with the ball. Because of his good technical skills and creativity with the ball Sarri used him in the half spaces and centrally between the lines. LEFT WINGER Mertens Fast, creative winger. Very good in 1 vs 1. Capable to play between the lines because of his good technical qualities.
  • 12. CENTRAL FORWARD Gonzalo Higuain A complete striker. Can score with the both legs or with the head. Knows how to desmark himself. He moves very well without the ball. Capable to assist also. Participate in the set pieces. CENTRAL FORWARD Gabiadini A decent substitution for Higuain. Left footed striker.
  • 13. BUILD UP PLAY - In the first zone, if the opposite team plays with one central forward then they create 2 vs 1 situation(two central defenders vs one forward) to build up play from the back. - If the opposite team plays with two central forwards or the offensive midfielder decides to press the defenders together with the central forward, the central midfielder dropps down to create 3 vs 2 situation(numerical superiority) with the defenders in order to build up the play. ZONE I
  • 14. - Juventus played the game in 4-4-2 system. So, in the first zone are 2 vs 2 (two central defenders vs two forwards). So, to build up easier the central midfielder dropps down to create 3 vs 2 situation(numerical superiority). The fullback are wide and high. The system 4-3-3 deliver in 3-4-3.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. - If the opposite midfielder decides to follow the central midfielder then we have 3 vs 3 situation in the first zone and is dificult to build up the play. For that one of the ofensive midfielders also dropps down to create 4 vs 3 situation(numerical superiority).
  • 18. - When the opposite teams are playing in system 4-4-2 or 4-1-2-1-2 and one of the midfielders(central or ofensive) decides to follow the central midfielder in the dropping down we have 3 vs 3 situation in the first zone. But, because the fullback are going high and wide and the system deliver in 3-4-3 the team has numerical superiority in the middle 4 vs 3(two fullbacks and two ofensive midfielders vs two wingers and midfielder or one central midfielder and two ofensive midfielders) and the goalkeeper or any of the players in the first zone can pass the ball to the player who remain free or to the link player-support player.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. - Hamsik is reading the game very well. He knows and understand when to offer a pass solutions. First he goes higher on the field and if in case he needs to support the play he moves into the free space.
  • 22. - If the goalkeeper decides that is not possible to build up from the back, he plays a long diagonal ball to the left fullback who is wide and very high and the field. The left winger is inside positioned between the opposite fullback and central defender. In that way they create 2 vs 1 situation. The winger expects the fullback to win the header and makes a run behind the back of the fullback.
  • 23.
  • 24. ZONE II ● Taking advantage of the free space behind the fullback - The winger searches the ball inside in the halfspace. If the opposite fullback follows him, our fullback search the ball in the free space left behind the back of the fullback.
  • 25.
  • 26. - The opposite central defender left his position to cover the fullback and in the box we have 2 vs 2 situation and if one of the ofensive midfielders arrives in the finishing of the action we have numerical superiority in the box(3 vs 2).
  • 27.
  • 28. ● Creating numerical superiority on the side and taking advantage of it - In this situation we have numerical superiority on the side 3 vs 2 (midfielder, winger and fullback against fullback and winger).
  • 29. - This is the build up of the goal against Chievo. Creating numerical superiority on the side 4 vs 3 (central midifelder, ofensive midfielder, winger and fullback against winger, midfielder and fullback). Insigne moves inside and Ghoulam makes a run in the space left after the fullback followed Insigne and gave an assist for Higuain.
  • 30.
  • 31. - The ofensive midfielder positioned himself on the side between the central defender and the fullback. The fullback goes higher on the field and the winger comes inside in the halfspace betwen the lines. If the opposite fullback decides to follow the winger inside then the fullback is free and can receive a long diagonal ball from the defender. If he stays on his position the winger can receive in the half space between the lines.
  • 32. ● Synchronised movements of the winger and the fullback - Because of his technical abillities Insigne aspire to search the ball in the halfspace between the lines and the fullback is going higher on the pitch to help with his movement Insigne to be free of marking(the fullback to not follow him).
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. ● Positioning on the central midfielder and the two ofensive midfielder when the build up is centraly orientated - Jorjinho is always positioned between the lines(forwards and midfielders) in order to receive there from the defenders with pass to him or to receive back pass from the ofensive midfielders in order to breake the first lane and to have the ball with the face toward the goal.
  • 36. - Jorjinho is positoned like this in order to provide a option for back pass from the ofensive midfielders if the ball from the defenders goes straight to them who are positioned between the players.
  • 37.
  • 38. - Jorjinho like a central midfielder is positioned between the lines and aspire to receive there. The two attacking midifelders are positioned between the players(Hamsik positioned between the central midfielder and winger) on his side.
  • 39. - The central defenders aspire to give a pass to the ofensive midfielders who are positoned between the players and they to give a back pass for Jorjinho who will receive the ball betwen the lines and can create with the face toward the goal.
  • 40.
  • 41. - By this pattern Jorjinho is the third man to receive the ball(second is the ofensive midfielder who gives the back pass) and the third man is imposible to defend. Because, the natural state of the player is always to look and follow the ball and because of this Jorjinho is free of marking.
  • 42. ● Ofensive midfielders positioned and receiving between the lines
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. ● Positioning on the midfielders when the build up is more lateral orientated - One of the ofensive midfielders is positioned higher on the field to provide a passing option between the lines and the other is centraly positioned with the central midfielder in order to stop the ofensive transition of the opponent in case of a mistake during the build up or to be an option for changing the game on the other side.
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50. ● Creating a romb with the central forward who dropps between the lines - Higuain like a central forward offer a passing solution between the lines, centraly, behind the back of the central midfielders.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55. ● The wingers move free centrally between the lines - Insigne and Mertens can move centrally to search the ball between the lines, because of their technical abilities, skils and creativity with the ball. If they receive the ball there they can be really dangerous with giving an assist or finish the action by themselfs.
  • 56.
  • 57. - The left winger comes inside positioned between the lines, centrally, behind the back of the central midfielders, creating a romb with the other three midfielders.
  • 58. - Mertens like a left winger comes inside, centrally, between the lines creating a romb with the other three midfielders. Higuain like forward ocupate the defenders with him. The two offensive midfielder are positioned between the players in the middle.
  • 59. - Insigne like a left winger comes inside, centrally, between the lines creating a romb with the other three midfielders. The left fullback positioned himself higher on the field. Higuain like forward ocupate the defenders with him. The two offensive midfielder are positioned between the players in the middle.
  • 60. ● Link player free player - This combination allows the ball to arrive to the free player via the link player.
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 64. ZONE III ● The ofensive midfielders making runs between the central defender and fullback and searching the ball in the space
  • 65.
  • 66. - The build up of the goals against Lazio and Milan was quite similar. Allan noticed the gap behind the central defender and makes a run between the defender and the fullback to take advantage of it. Insigne was aware of the movement of Allan and gave him two times the ball.
  • 67. ● Numerical superiority / man to man in the box - When the team take advantage of the out-positioning on the fullback, the central defender must to go out of his central position to cover the fullback with the ball on the side and this produce numerical superiority(3 vs 2) in the box or at last man to man(2vs2).
  • 68.
  • 69. DEFENSIVE PHASE ● System 4-5-1 - The team defend with the system 4-5-1 with zonal defending. The lines must to be compact and short to stop the play between the lines.
  • 70.
  • 71.
  • 72. ● Zonal defending - In zonal defending everyone defends his own space and attacks the player in his own zone with objective to prevent the player to play forward. The other two players protect / secure his back with creating a triangle.
  • 73.
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 78. - The defensive line has the same movements like the midfield line. If the ball arrives between the lines, the defender press the player with the ball in his own zone. The others secure his left or right side by creating a triangle.
  • 79.
  • 80. ● Very compact lines when defending in the first zone
  • 81. ● Pressing - In the third zone they are agressive in order to recover the ball near the opponent’s goal. Higuain makes the defender to play on one side and covers him. The midifelders are man on man in the middle. The wingers are covering the fullbacks, but first they are looking to stop the inside pass.
  • 82. - When the offensive midfielder goes out to attack the defender with the ball, the forward is with the other defender. The two midifelders are following and supporting the pressing by marking the central midifelders. The wingers are with the fullbacks.
  • 83. ● Positioning on the defensive line on long balls / aerial duels - Every defender goes to jump in his own zone. The others protect his back and take the players in their zone in case there is a second ball.
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  • 86. ● Positioning on crosses - On crosses the fullback is with the player with the ball. The central defender on his side protects the space in front of the first post. The other defender protects the central zone in front of the goal. The other fullback take the player in his own zone on the second post. Depends of the situation one of the midfielders always must to be in front of them for back passer or second balls.
  • 87.
  • 88.
  • 89. OFFENSIVE TRANSITION - Sarri’s teams can be very dangerous when they recover the ball, especially, if this happens in the second or in the third zone. Insigne, Higuain, Mertens, Calejon are fast players that can espace and to receive ball in the space. Also the midfielders Allan, Jorjinho and Hamsik have vision and technical abillities to give an assist for them. Depends of how the opponent is playing one can install different versions of offensive transition. Against Inter Sarri has planed one very clever transition. He wanted his team to take advantage of the space left by the Inter’s right fullback who very often goes forward to participate in the offensive actions. They were defening in 4-4-2. So, Insigne was not coming back in deffence. He positioned himself in the space on the side between the offensive
  • 90. right fullback and the central defender. When the team win the ball, they searched to pass the ball to him in order to have 1 vs 1 situation with the defender, because Insigne can make diference in this kind of situations. Higuain like central forward was going opposite of him in order to drag the other defender with him and to make space for Insigne to go 1 vs 1.
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  • 93. - Insigne on purpose don’t go to defend and positioning himself in the space between the central defender and right fullback. When his teammates win the ball, they are searching to play the ball to him in that free space.
  • 94. DEFENSIVE TRANSITION - After loosing the ball the players around the ball attacks the opponent player with the ball to not give him time and space to think, to cooperate with his players.
  • 95. SET PIECES(OFFENSIVE) - Sarri’s teams are very organised on the set pieces also. They have some really good combinations who allows them to score a couple of goals during the season. This can happen by a block making for header or shooting during the corner or some short combinations. On lateral or central free kicks they also have some good patterns. Also on throw-ins they are very organised to do some very good combinations.
  • 96. ● Corner kick - In this combination Koulibaly is making a block for Albiol in order he to find the ball free of marking. The other two players in front are going to the first post to drag the opposite players and to free the space for Albiol.
  • 97. - Also two more players are near the corner taker to drag more opponent players with them to reduce the space in the box.
  • 98. - Koulibaly is making a block for Albiol. Five players in the box. Two outside of the box for the second ball ready to stop the the possible counter-attack.
  • 99. - The other combination is that one player comes from the box to give a back pass to the corner taker. Then he passes to Higuain for shooting who will remain free because of the block for him.
  • 100. - Very intelegent a short combination play. One player positioned near the corner taker and other on the end of the box. The corner taker plays a short pass to the first player next to him. At that time the other player starts to overlap the player with the ball who has two solutions. He attracts the opposite player and pass the ball to the player who is making the overlap, then Insigne desmark himself in the box in order the ball to be passed to him for finishing the combination.
  • 101.
  • 102. - On corners they participate with five people in the box. One or two players near the corner taker in order to take opposite players out of the box to reduce space in the box. One or two players outside of the box for second ball. One or two players behind at the center depends of the opponent positioning.
  • 103. ● Lateral free kick - Participating with five people in the box on lateral free kicks. One or two players outside of the box for the second ball. Block combination for Koulibaly or Albiol in order to remain free when they find the ball in the box.
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  • 106. ● Central free kick - The ball goes to the second post on the side of the five metar area in front of the goal. Koulibaly is making an overlap to meet the ball there. From there he can shoot direct on the goal or to give an assist.
  • 107. - The ball goes to the second post on the side of the five metar area in front of the goal. Koulibaly is making an overlap to meet the ball there. From there he can shoot direct on the goal or to give an assist.
  • 108. ● Center kick - Two players positioned on the side ready to go forward and attack the space in front. The ball goes in the direction of the corner of the field. The players near the center kick also are coming forward near the situation on the side in order to win the second ball.
  • 109. - The goal against Fiorentina. The ball goes on the side. Higuain is going close to the situation and win the second ball and score.
  • 110. ● Throw-in near the box - In the throw-ins near the box participate the fullback, the winger and the ofensive midfielder. This combination is very simple, but efective. The winger search the ball and if the opposite fullback follows him there is space behind his back, so the midfielder makes a run behind him to receive there.
  • 111. - If the combination succeed the ofensive midfielder from there can cross for the forward, winger or to give a back pass for the other ofensive midfielder.
  • 112.
  • 113. - Other combination. The ofensive midfielder and the winger offering a solution by going opposite sides.
  • 114.
  • 115. - In this combination the offensive midfielder and the winger are making desmarking on the same side in order to make space for the fullback to cross after the back pass.
  • 116. ● Positioning on throw-in in the second zone - The offensive midfielder on the side of the throw-in is positioned deeper on the field. The central midfielder offer a solution in the middle and the other offensive midfielder comes more inside and centrally in order to offer a solution after the ball is in to change the side via him and very important in case of a mistake to stop the offensive transition of the opponent.
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  • 119. SET PIECES(DEFENSIVE) ● Corner kick - Defending the corners in zone with all the players participating. One player on the post. Two in front of the first post. Four players in row from the first to the second post protecting the space in front of the goal and two players centrally positioned in front of them.
  • 120.
  • 121. - Calejon on the first post. Higuain and Hamsik are in front of the first post. Ghoulam, Albiol, Koulibaly and Hysaj are forming the central four. Jorjinho and Allan are in front of them in the middle. Insigne positioned for the second ball and to attack the possible short combination play together with Calejon.
  • 122. ● Lateral free kick - Defending with all the players. One man in the wall, one in front of the first post for low balls. One player in front for second balls and the others in zone protecting the space.
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  • 125. ● Positioning on throw-in - Positioned in 4-4-1-1 system. The winger goes like number 10 and cover the central midfielder in order to be more close to the goal in case of a ofensive transition. The ofensive midifelder acts like a winger and with the fullback are making a double marking(sandwich) to the player who is offering himself to receive.
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  • 128. DISADVANTAGES IN ATTACKING ● Not taking advantage of the out-positioning of the central defender
  • 129. - The wingers are bad positioned. They are not close to the combination and not ready to make a run into the free space left after the out-positioning of the central defender and to receive an assist there in order to have clear 1 vs 1 situation against the goalkeeeper for goal scoring.
  • 130. DISANDVANTAGES IN DEFENDING ● Bad positioning on crosses - They know what to do in this kind of situations, but when they are not positioned like they should this can happen. The space is available for back passes combinations.
  • 131. ● Not securing the back of the central the defender with a player - Goal concided against Bologna because of bad positioning. This is bad positioning on the defender without a player. He must to be positoned diagonal in order to be in better position in order to arrive first to the long ball played for the striker. The free defender must always to protect the back of the other defender.
  • 132.
  • 133. ● Bad positioning in zonal defending - They defend good in zone. But, if one lose concentration and is positioned bad, the opponent can easy take advantage of this. In this situation the winger is not protecting the back of the midfielder who is attacking in his zone by creating a triangle and the opponent break the midfield line.