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         () *) + !          # ,- .,/) 0 1 2           %&&'          ! quot; #$
                                                                   Live Script

                   <= >?@          AB C    D    E     F?      *G    quot; +,/G

                                                      -:      , * @H *,G

                                                    !G I            J,- 0? K





B      #G) # !    <SCRIPT> U V         +K *,G       *) ! 0 *W X     YB
                                                    <SCRIPT/> # / * Z[

      <--//   --!>  0 ] +) 0 U     )/              !, E F?        I<F       G)

                                                     -: )UAG * F ^ - G

    !HAb K IV I_B `     #WK Ya? , ` ?<F         - !G *             !V @G<
                                                                   Ya?B Ic

                                   U V * a?          K )d !         e     G

                                                                     -: # _B



                  l(quot;* BX          jA quot; ) GHB !            X#      XV quot;)alert


*          UV `   #WK m?          Ya? , `K )d H- nH            U# `G G1 H-
                                                                          *+   G

          *G) # !      nH *)        !     VF?p     B      n @HG quot; BX- o

 *) # !        #B qG     e ) nH           < ! *r?sH        *,t E F?p o
                                                                   *, p C

                                                                            -: *W XB

  _       !     B qG    ?     _B JAVA       - (,GqK java                    p *u !

              alert * F ` e    G    )     D +1 m              #G+G1 alert .

                quot;s, G { G          | EK d?B      DUV /*    */        // * Z       H-








                  •s // YcK         /* !#GHK */       +K 0          quot;s, G o

                                                              -: *      ]    quot;    ,

                                                   p *u       B ^j G)       ^jp !V

  break - do - function - null - typeof - case - else - if - return - var -
                                                       continue - export

import - switch - void - default - false - in - this - while - delete - for
                                                       - new - true - with

                                                                        -: quot;     uG
*B qG      Ip      Bquot;   + 0jqK *            CU 0             *_           +G K

                                p     qG            D•            G) ŽB        C!

*r       qG   K`       B   !H K m A        +) 0             uG , `G   K H-
                                                         uG       ! * GAG

                                                         a     +)         uG

                                           *A At quot;                uGB ^             _B




                                       -: *“r < quot;                 uGB ^             _B



                quot;varquot; *     ]   *,             qG            )p     uGB ^             a



                                               lquot;var message=quot;first java




                                                                   -: quot;        + ™?

              *G       * , - ! *+ t *u * _                                p *u     +G K

 true    1 ^?      *       AI   X          a         )jqK ?sK #K               uGB 0


var a=0.06

                                                  lquot;var b = quot;java script in easy steps

                                                                                  lvar c false

                      l(alert(typeof a + quot;nquot; + typeof b + quot;nquot; +typeof c



* FJ       #          G)       *         *     aquot;Ÿquot;       uGB ^           ?s) .              _

                    # *t q quot;                 + ™?H *      G¡           typeof        qG       G)

  /        !*       aI         *t q quot; p q               ¡          ?s) quot;+n/+quot; F?            ?s)
                                                                      )UAG Y B !             )p

                                                            -: Escape Sequences ?#EB

                0     n! m                   C quot;/quot; *,]        *r         *BX- .+          K B H-

               K¤          -       ?“    B       B ™?     B *BX        DUV Y+G) CU m A

                                             pe 1 K      B ^jp m A         UV + G)         F AB

                                                                          mU -----------b/

                                                                   m        <F -----------f/

                                                                       )p /     -----------n/

                                                                   ™?p *BX------------r/

                                                                   *     p *BX-----------t/

       *       A *,    ,           ^ #G J,-         K     DF EB         +Ga *BX----------'/

           *    A *,       ,            *) # J          K *p jB         +Ga *BX----------quot;/

                                                          D           * E,< *r b--------//

 ^ # 0 F nH *,                 ,        I< F     # BF .) r        -     #HB DF EG        )
                                                                                 *    E nH



                                            *u * B       quot;                   B !V

                                                     }()function call_alert

                                 l(quot;alert(quot;my first java script function


!G   {}       ?a         B© j      ()      ?s -?+GB           0? ) 0 e )
                                           DU EHK F        F?  J,- C?GAK

                                 call_alert *              .                 _        !

                                    alert *       ^- G          G) m?            F?

 HTML ! <BODY> j B G *BX                   *t q quot;onloadquot; *                            )

                                        <quot;()BODY ONLOAD=quot;call_alert>

                                                               -:                •]

          *        I    X   quot;       J,- I G      )   uGB            1       qG    ) str

                                                 }(function call_alert(str



                       <quot;('BODY ONLOAD=quot;call_alert('passed value>

                                                           -: F         G

                                                }(function call_alert(num

                                l(var new_number=make_double(num

                                   l(alert(quot;the value isquot;+new_number

                    }(function make_double(num

                    lvar double_num=num+num

                              lreturn double_num


                <quot;(BODY ONLOAD=quot;call_alert(4>

                          -: *t q quot;        uG        ²/

                                  var stored_num

                        }(function call_alert(num



                l(alert(quot;the value isquot;+stored_num


                         }()function make_triple



                <quot;(BODY ONLOAD=quot;call_alert(5>

                               -: DF   G        •]    ?

                                           lvar a,b,c

               }(function call_alert(str1.str2,str3





•]   * X J,- C?GAK !G *            ()    G           _        UV ?s)

     a ¤X J,- C?GA) 0 e ) # ^ - G                    C0           `U

            *   Jm           B quot; -?          B ¤X IsH               ?s)

                *   *         *              *            *

                        A                                     B H #G

                         -: !K               - 0? K d 0

                        * @H *,G             * G1 *s) r ***

                                  )UAG * F ^ - G                   ***

                                   *                     quot;    ,    ***

                                                     quot;       uG    ***

                                             quot;       + ™ ? ***

                        Escape Sequences ?#EB ***


                                                         •]        ***

                                        DF       G                 ***

                              uG        >q                         ***

                                         •]          ?F           K ***

       (:               +-         ^b0               !_
-: * Z )       Iu      G quot;XB B

    µ+      #c + *    AI          X       •      Y       <==== +

                                                       ¶ r <=== -

                                                  · c <=== *

                                                 *      s <=== /

                                      *       s !a <=== %

                              *    sY             DF )d <=== ++

                          *    s µE<              > s <=== --

D ) AK   K CU    s    *   s µE<              Y       0 B?s) --   ++

                     a=b*c-d%e/f;                 this is unclear

                      a(b*c)-((d%e)/f); this is clear

                                          lvar addnum=20+30

                              lquot;var addstr =quot;lovequot;+quot;7azm

                                      lvar sub=35.75-28.25

                                                     lvar mul=8*50

                                                 lvar mod=65%2

                                      lvar inc=5;inc=++inc

                                      lvar dec=5;dec=--dec

                lquot;var result=quot;Addunm isquot;+addnum+quot;n

                     lquot;result +=quot;Addstr isquot;+addstr+quot;n

                           lquot;result +=quot;Sub isquot;+sub+quot;n

                          lquot;result +=quot;Mod isquot;+mod+quot;n

                           lquot;result +=quot;Mul isquot;+mul+quot;n

                              lquot;result +=quot;Inc isquot;+inc+quot;n
lquot;result +=quot;Dec isquot;+dec+quot;n


                                                 -: * s/H     Iu    G quot;XB B

                                                      Logical AND <=== &&

                                                        Logical OR <=== ||

                                                        Logical NOT <=== !

   a J,- C?GAK !G quot;XB               YB * s/H         Iu      G quot;XB B    qG K
                                                             false true *s s

                           false        true J       ?AGK 0 #H     ) !G        s

 *At    + Ÿ true *     s¡               ?s)      G   a *At    B .sAG          ?sK &
                                                                    G     s     G,1

                       false *      a¡           ?s) & I u    G IB B 0

                  G    s       B*   a C *At           + Ÿ true ¡          ?s) ||

 D /<   IB      *A@ DF A            *    s nA             +G< ŽK ¡             ?s) !

                                                                          -:       _B

J,- C?GA) JaVa!   uG       0    true *        a J,- C?GA) JaVa     uG   01?
                                                                    false * a

I1 ! *       1¼) UV !=JaVa ! G I                     #+G K 0 quot; s +/G Ic
                                                         *s       uK G) D?/<

                                                            var a=true,b=false

                  var test1=(a&&a); //test both operands for true

                                                            l(var test2=(a&&b

                                                            l(var test3=(b&&b

                  var test4=(a||b); //test either operand for true

                                                             l(var test5=(a||b

                                                             l(var test6=(b||b
var test7=!a;var test8=!b; //invert values

                        quot;var result=quot;ANDn

lresult +=quot;1:quot;+test1+quot;2:quot;+test2+quot;3:quot;+test3

                     lquot;result +=quot;nnORn

lresult +=quot;4:quot;+test4+quot;5:quot;+test5+quot;6:quot;+test6

    lresult +=quot;nn!n7:quot;+test7+quot;8:quot;+test8


         -:   s      G >q Iu         G IB B

                         (=) I u     G IB B

                                     a=b    _B

                        a=b *)          *   s

                        (+=) I u     G IB B

                                    a+=b    _B

                     a=a+b *)           *   s

                         (-=) I u    G IB B

                                    a-=b    _B

                      a=a-b *)          *   s

                        (*=) I u     G IB B

                                    a*=b    _B

                      a=a*b *)          *   s

                        (/=) I u     G IB B

                                    a/=b    _B

                      a=a/b *)          *   s

                       (%=) I u      G IB B
a%=b     _B

                                  a=a%b *)            *   s

                                                    -=:   _B

var a=quot;JavaScriptquot;, b=quot;codequot;; //assign string values

        a+=b;     //concatenate strings and assign to

             a var c=8,d=4; //assign integer values

          c+=d; //add numbers and assign result to

           c var e=7.5,f=2.25; //assign float values

       e-=f; //subtract f from e and assign result to

            e var g=8,h=4; //assign integer values

      g*=h; //multiply numbers and assign result to

                g var i=8,j=4; //assign integer values

            i/=j; //divide i by j and assign result to

              i var k=8,I=4; //assign integer values

         k%=I; //divide K by I and assign result to

                  -=: *   s       *t q I u        G quot;XB B

                                        C        G D H B ==

                                   C        G      - D H B =!

                                                B +1 D H B >

                                                B Ia D H B <

                              C     )       B +1 D H B =>

                              C     )       B Ia D H B =<

                                                    -=:   _B

     l(quot;var teststrings1=(quot;JavaScriptquot;==quot;JavaScript
l(quot;var teststrings2=(quot;JavaScriptquot;==quot;javaScript

                                        l(var teststrings1=(1.78==1.78

                                         l(var teststrings2=(1.78!=1.78

                                             l(var teststrings1=(15<15

                                             l(var teststrings2=(15>15

                                                                  -=: *W XB

                  _B     ?         - (,Gq) IG+   quot;,              *     s         H-

                  l(quot;var teststrings1=(quot;JavaScriptquot;==quot;JavaScript

                                           s /GB         # *A At D +- DUV

                     l(quot;var teststrings2=(quot;JavaScriptquot;==quot;javaScript

 +1 JK J       ! (J) !p m              mXG< ! e+              *“r < D +- DUV
                                                               ut * _ !

                                            -=: !r             Iu    G IB B

                                          IcE        *    s    IB B ?V +G )

true *    G¡-     V /<         #GAt quot; +     *F           !r b       +G<     ?s)

                             +G<   *   GH s+r    H        D +- U EHG       ?s)

                                             -=: ?V DU# > q e 1 G

                     ltest expression)?if true do this: if false do this)

         B e) ¿E@G     *t q *u,           F I u K B IB               UV `H )
                                             ) AK ŽB .                 ) CU


           var browser=browserID;//Internet Explore or Netscape


        WG   )p     F!       1 s,     ^b0      !_               !#GH) HV J

                                     *HB      EG   K      ?p       2_

                                                        -=: * r         if    +-

                                                                     -: #G+ 1 K

                  lif(test expression)statement to execulte when true

                                                                         /    _B

                                                                var msg,num



                                           lquot;.msg=quot;This is an odd number



*   s        1Ÿ   ) AG (%) *        s !a IB B +G< G) .     _
                                            num uG   ! DF?p?

                                                         À J,- *        s I+sK

             qG   CF     a    0     B 1 G, .           e1 G        qG        ***


                                               if  > q       B    ¿Z?)      _B

                                                        lvar username=null


                   l(quot;quot;Áquot;username=prompt(quot;please Enter Your Name


`   ?<F `HB e,/) Y B `        #W) m?         .        _  UEHK B H-
                                   e          K D +- ` eG ) ` Ÿ

                                              *G,<F         CU

                                        -=: if-else *       B+ quot;      +

                                      !r               sG    c) m         )

                         lif(test expression)do this;else do this

                 else * ,1 I+a *r?sHB *,t            F?p    B      o

                                             lvar num=2,bool=false

          l(if(num==1&&bool==1)alert(quot;TEST1 bool:quot;+bool


          l(if(num==2&&bool==1)alert(quot;TEST2 bool:quot;+bool


          l(if(num==2&&bool==0)alert(quot;TEST3 bool:quot;+bool


          l(if(num==3&&bool==0)alert(quot;TEST4 bool:quot;+bool

                                           -=: switch {     B+        +

* KH *   s YB   ]XG)    ?H-      sK    Â       *At      B .sAG         ?sK

                0 ?H     ) AK ! case *           ]    *,         qG       K

    !Z G        F?     ) AK ! default *          ]    *,         qG       K

                     break * ,        0 ?H    F?1 *) # 0? K 0 e )

                                                            lvar num=2

                     lcase 1:alert(quot;This is case 1 codequot;);break

                     lcase 2:alert(quot;This is case 2 codequot;);break

                     lcase 3:alert(quot;This is case 3 codequot;);break

                          l(quot;default:alert(quot;This is default code


                                                    -=: for         G    W

                                                                    *G+ 1 K


F -·   A >q F        , *) + *       a ) AK !        initializer      qG )

  quot;iquot; * ,- .,/) *    1¡ u      U#        uG        qG   )a              !

       (a?GK *“r < 0? K B H-         G    ) *A At             0? K B H-

                                                    F         )j)       F I1

                                                         lvar a=0,b=0

                                               }(++for(var i=0; i<5; i



                    l(alert(quot;FOR LOOPnn A isquot;+a+quot;...B isquot;+b

                                                -=: For-In          G    W

                                                        lquot;quot;=var i=0;a

                                              }(or(property in window



                                  -=: while           G           W

              /< *   s ¡ - 0 I@) 0 J              +G<             G)

                                         /*/*/*/ )UAK

 ¿E@G         B K nH ²XÄ !] # X              G        W        ?s)

                                     lvar i=0,num=50





l(alert(quot;LOOP stopped atquot; +i+ quot;nnum is nowquot; +num

                           -=: Do-While               G           W

          G     W J,-    K do *     ]    *,               qG          K

          *“r < *    GH ¿+@K JG         G         F       G       K

                                     lvar i=0,num=50





l(alert(quot;LOOP stopped atquot; +i+ quot;nnum is nowquot; +num

                           -=: Break *           B+           +

                                                  lvar i=0


                                        lif(i==3) break


                        l(alert(quot;BREAKnnLoop stopped atquot; +i

                                   -=: CONTINUE *         B+       +

                                   *     A        ^# !         qG       K

                                                      lquot;quot;=var i=0,str




                                                         lquot;quot;+str +=i


    l(alert(quot;CONTINUEnnLoop stopped:quot; +i+ quot;nnSeries:quot;+str

                                         -=: With *    B+      qG

]         * Z J *p A 0 F       ]        n] @< J D bX           qG K
                                               *tq              I+a

                                                            -=:        _B

* t q J,- C?GA) CU document         ]     J,- e)? quot; AEt C?GAK
                                          ©Ÿ H J D bX forms

                                          e)? *AEt ! DF?p?



                                                            -=:        _B


                                             lquot;user.value= quot;7azm
lquot;city.value= quot;ksa



                                                      - J,-                      H) 0 JH K

                                                          *, t?K ! *s                 a 0?1

                                                                               !K AK ?,+sK

                                                  *K 1               *            ,- X

*+A)    1)            Hs   *            e+                 !         < G J,-          p(
                                                                                      JZ )

            F %” VF - !G                      FI                         FD    - H ,- !s

                                                          -=: ?           Y                   +


                                                                    -=: quot; ?E@           ^

new *   ]     *,               qG       K * ?E@B * J,-               uG       YB IB G         G)

                                    ()Array ^J        H        YB                 p *u !

               ) AG * ?E@               !quot;        +       B DF       GB ™ ?      ) AK        )

                                   E@    +) CU            #E         a        * ?E@

                                                                     ()var a=new Array




               +G )            a        E@   @H           B               #E 0 o X 0

                                   2_        @H       +G )       H        a    !_       @H
l(quot;var a=new Array(quot;21stquot;,quot;22ndquot;,quot;23rd

                              l(quot;Ávar b=new Array(quot;Jan,quot;,quot;Feb,quot;,quot;Mar

                            l(quot;var c=new Array(quot;2001quot;,quot;2002quot;,quot;2003


                     UV I         #    ·?G B      )UAG * F `      #WK m?

                                                           st Feb 2003À%

        eG K .         _     ÉE ST I+a        )   -        a 0 D +G       YB

                                          ******* •s * +HG *******

             IA   UV © < Ÿ        quot;      B *s) /           K( 1       -0

    @H      U< 0Ÿ      Et    a U< ) a m A J           W    p•     ·?
                                                            stÀ% ?V *HB

           Feb ?V *HB ! _         @H     U< 0Ÿ             a U< ) b m A

           ÀÊÊË ?V *HB 2 _        @H     U< 0Ÿ        H    a U< ) c m A

                                             ******* * +HG J#G *****

                                                      -=: * ?E@          t H-

                            @H-        * ?E@       !*      a I1 J,- .,/)

* ?E@     # ,- I G    K !G    tH       F - ) AG       qG   K length { t <

    * ?E@         ]1!        tH       F -J         K array.length * t q

                                                                   ///     _B

                                                      l()var a=new Array



lvar arraysize=a.length

          (lalert(a[0]+a[1]+a[2]+quot;nNo.of elements isquot;+arraysize

             -=: * ?E@     t H- J        a    <F        G        W       qG

                             lquot;var str=quot;FILL ELEMENTS LOOPnn

                                                   l()var arr=new Array

                                                }(++for (var i=0;i<8;i

                                         lquot;arr[i]=quot;Number isquot;+i+quot;n

                                                             l[str +=arr[i



                                             -=: t H        B )j         *Z

             array.length * t q     qG       !, E           #E       a*Z

*   a J,- C?GA)   CU ! G    @H , ” ¿ A@            a         K ¿Z?)       _
                                                             a * ?E       !

                                              l(var a=new Array(1,2,3

                                    a[a.length]=4 //a.length is 3

                                              l(var b=new Array(5,6,7

                                      }(++for(var i=0;i<b.length;i




                                  -=: t H       *t q m               I    X
B *-?   B J * ?E@       t H- Y   p I)?AG     ?sK ()array.join
                                               * AIX

*Z G   *,t E, I)   It     ) AG C    G<   •     ? I+sK 0        )

                                             l()var a=new Array









                               -=: @H      >q eK G É -

                                * @H *,G        B ^jp UV 0 1 ?

       l(quot;var imgs=new Array(quot;img1.gifquot;,quot;img2.gifquot;,quot;img3.gif

              img3.gif-img2.gif-img1.gif ?V HV ¿ A@ ŽK H

                             img1.gif-img2.gif-img3.gif É

                                                          //   _B

       l(quot;var imgs=new Array(quot;img1.gifquot;,quot;img2.gifquot;,quot;img3.gif

                                                 lvar rev=false

       ....slideshow routine is displaying the final image so//

                                                     lrev = true


rev=false;}   //remember to reset the test variable


                                           -=: * - E quot; ?E@

 *    A * ?E@      B D ) p * ?E@B I - !        qG   K ()array.slice

                                                           //     _B

                               l(var a=new Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

                                              l(var b=a.slcie(2,5

                                             l(var c=a.slice(1,-1

                                                l(var d=a.slice(3

                                        -=: * ?E@      t H- e K K

  *    AI    X      tH     *t q    s eK G      qG   K ()array.sort
                                                    *)     *s) /

                                                           //     _B

                      l(var integers=new Array(3,8,1,9,7,5,4,2,6

      l(integers.sort(); var floats=new Array(0.5,0.125,0.57,0.25

l(quot;floats.sort(); var strings=new Array(quot;7azmquot;,quot;mohammadquot;,quot;ali


                                                lquot;var str=quot;SORT

                 lquot;-quot;str +=quot;nnIntegers array isquot;+integers.join

                      lquot;-quot;str +=quot;nnFloats array isquot;+floats.join

                    lquot;-quot;str +=quot;nnStrings array isquot;+strings.join


       ?@    *t q I      AG quot; ,       # G ! * ?E@            qG
                                               -=: #Z        G


          l(quot;var pics=new Array(quot;pic1.gifquot;,quot;pic2.gifquot;,quot;pic3.gif

                                         l()var preload=new Array

                                 }(++for(var i=0;i<pics.length;i

                                          l()preload[i]=new Image





         DjV p 0? K JG     ?t ¤X I         AK     qG     .           _

                ?@ *V ! GG       ¡          >q           G Iu       K H-

          ?@ (,        > q 0 ?H      J,- C?GAK J              * ?E@

                                  *K 1            *           ,- X

                                                   ÉB q                  +



          -=:     qG       Bd YB e        HG)     Ì) G        a?    ) AK

B           p *u !       #B qG       G)     )U, Ì) G        a? F AG)
                                                         > q ŽB +

                  (c        WH !          )F?p?        )?sG    *-

    e)   WH *-         *t q quot; B?,         J,-      ?@A `H          )!
date    ]1^                  nH      ?s) 0

                                                             l()var now=new Date


                        (-: #        W    V ?#$ * E 1 ¿Z?K D ?t .                      m?

                                                     -=: Ì) G        *t q quot; B?,

          +          B *)   *,   ,       B*   s1 ?      ¡         ?sK date.getDay
                                                               Et * s Saturday

                                                     friday *             Í*      s JG

                                                                               U V !H )

                                                            Et *         s U< )        +

                                                                     *    s U< )

                                                              H*          s U< )           H

                                                          ¤X *           s U< )    ^ X_

                                                       *         *       s U< )    ^

                                                  *         <*       s U< )       É        q

                                                        F       *        s U< )    *

              B *)     *,   ,    B*      s1   #       ¡          ?sK date.getMonth

                                                            Et *         s U< K january

                                                        %% *     s U< K december

    l(quot;var days=new Array(quot;satquot;,quot;sunquot;,quot;monquot;,quot;tuequot;,quot;wedquot;,quot;thuquot;,quot;fri

                                                     var mons=new

                                                             l()var now=new Date

                                                            l()var yy=now.getYear
l[var mm=now.getMonth();mm=mons[mm

                                              l()var dd=now.getDate

                              l[var dy=now.getDay(); dy=days[dy


I1 o   ` U ·?,,/   UEH)       * @H *G,    !•             /< C *W XB
                                    m     Ao           *G G   a  ?a

                                               * ]XB     ^ /<    B *+G

                                        -=:     a?     *t q quot; B?,

                                                l()var now=new Date

                                            l()var hh=now.getHours

                                         l()var mn=now.getMinutes

                                         l()var ss=now.getSeconds

                                   l()var ms=now.getMilliseconds

                                              lquot;var hi=quot;Good Morning

                                  lquot;if(hh>11)hi=quot;Good Afternoon

                                      lquot;if(hh>17)hi=quot;Good Evening

                                                       lquot;var tim=hi+quot;n





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                                lcase 360:msg=quot;Mountainquot;;break

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تعلم جافا سكربت
تعلم جافا سكربت
تعلم جافا سكربت
تعلم جافا سكربت
تعلم جافا سكربت
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تعلم جافا سكربت

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  • 8. la=str1 l:b=str2 lc=str3 l(alert(a+b+c { •] * X J,- C?GAK !G * () G _ UV ?s) a ¤X J,- C?GA) 0 e ) # ^ - G C0 `U * Jm B quot; -? B ¤X IsH ?s) * * * * * A B H #G -: !K - 0? K d 0 * @H *,G * G1 *s) r *** )UAG * F ^ - G *** * quot; , *** quot; uG *** quot; + ™ ? *** Escape Sequences ?#EB *** *** •] *** DF G *** uG >q *** •] ?F K *** (: +- ^b0 !_
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  • 11. var test7=!a;var test8=!b; //invert values quot;var result=quot;ANDn lresult +=quot;1:quot;+test1+quot;2:quot;+test2+quot;3:quot;+test3 lquot;result +=quot;nnORn lresult +=quot;4:quot;+test4+quot;5:quot;+test5+quot;6:quot;+test6 lresult +=quot;nn!n7:quot;+test7+quot;8:quot;+test8 l(alert(result -: s G >q Iu G IB B (=) I u G IB B a=b _B a=b *) * s (+=) I u G IB B a+=b _B a=a+b *) * s (-=) I u G IB B a-=b _B a=a-b *) * s (*=) I u G IB B a*=b _B a=a*b *) * s (/=) I u G IB B a/=b _B a=a/b *) * s (%=) I u G IB B
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  • 27. l()var start = new Date l()var msec1=start.getTime lvar num=0 }(++for(var i=0;i<250000;i l++num { l()var stop=new Date l()var msec2=stop.getTime lvar diff=(msec2-msec1)/1000 l(quot;alert(quot;Time elapsed:quot;+diff+quot;seconds ***** B G quot; B F - I ,sG a netscape `AE@GB 0 1 Ÿ // *W XB 'ÊÊÊ J À'ÊÊÊÊ ***** -=: Universal Time Clock J,- m G ÏGH) p •< a?K ! a?G * _ Universal Time +G ) l()var now=new Date l()var hh=now.getHours l()var mn=now.getMinutes if(mn<=9)mn=quot;0quot;+mn l()var ss=now.getSeconds l()var utc_hh=now.getUTCHours lquot;var wet=quot;athens time:quot;+hh+quot;:quot;+mn+quot;:quot;+ss+quot;nn
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