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Spooky Skeleton
 1.Introduction
Page 1 Only
 2.Project Management
Page 1
Page 2
 3.Implementation
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
 4.Prototype Walk-through
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
 5.User Evaluation
Page 10
Page 11
 6.Discussion
Page 12
Page 13
Page 14
 7.Conclusion
Page 15
Project Management Document,Meetings forms,Exedel form
After the Conclusion
1. Introduction:
We set out to create the game prototype from the design
document to demonstrate what the basic bulk of the game
would play like. We first looked at the GDD and decide what
would be wise to put into the prototype and what we could
leave out without effecting the overall game experience.
We decided to go with just one level were you would fight
enemies while platforming around the level with secrets
in the level to collect
Since they would be the main bulk of the game play
2. Project Management:
We when about this project by figuring out what people would
like to or would consider themselves good at the role in
question and then in a document available to everyone we
assigned roles so anyone could check the document and see
who was doing what so if they needed
something in that field they knew the
person to talk to instantly
We worked quite independently only coming
together to talk over issues in the
feature implentation and to talk about
what to keep in the prototype and what we
could cut if we couldn’t make the deadline
that meant that normally the features
were made independently of each other not
testing if they interact well we did cause
a few problems
We also came together when one member completed a element
of the prototype even through we were all connected through
the internet this helped show what the element was and how
it was implemented and how we use it with the other features
the other members of the team were working on we also used
the meeting to talk about what we wanted to do next since
we completed and element we also evaluated the remaining
features against the time we had left
Overall I think the meetings helped our project come
together more than just telling and showing the project
over the internet so the person who made it is dictating
how they did it and how they came to understand it and
helped our prototype progress and we got the features done
faster and added more because of it
3. Implementation:
When we came together to get the prototype started we
assigned roles according to what the group members said
they would like the do and would consider themselves good
at and the rest was just given to anyone who said they would
do it
We also made a mind map of
what we expected the
overall progress and order
of the prototype creation
would look like and would
refer to this and try to
follow it so that everyone
could easily be organized
from one element to the next
and also by mapping them out
we could assign priority to
certain elements in the
game because we knew what
they was and were they would
lead to
The first thing we implemented in the prototype after the
first sprites were done including the level was to get the
player to move around and if it was simple enough we said
to create to jump too instead of being a done in two parts
this was an easy feature to do since Unity has a lot of
movement system functionality built into the engine itself
for easy access we did this element pretty quickly and was
able to get the jump added too but only encountered problems
later on
The work was more divided now that we had a moving
player and a level now so we did work on several
different elements at once we managed to get the
collectibles working to reward the player for
exploration and since this was pretty simple and did
it faster than expected I looked up ways to make the secrets
more appealing but it was already time to move on to the
next priority element of the game so it put to the sidelines
We also made at the enemies at the same time the enemy
sprite was made and they was placed into the level
and had solid collisions with the player and now since
we had a moving player and a base enemy we could start
working on the overall game experience since all the
base elements of the prototype were done and now we
could start and how to make the game challenging and
is also were we encountered the most problems later on with
the prototype
We as a team now started to work on the main features of
the game the combat and platforming the combat system
started off good and it looked like we were on track and
managed to find a good resource that did enemy path finding
according to your ground collisions and background layer
called the Astar Path finding Project and it worked with
our Enemy AI and
managed the
navigate the level
and find the player
with ease and it did
that only when in
field of view it was
an unexpected
benefit but when we tried to get the player to be able to
damage this enemy is when the problems started appearing
we had tried to get the combat system working for quite
some time for both the player damaging the enemy and the
enemy damaging the player but nothing seemed to work and
even through we spend more time on this than any other
feature in the game spending close to entire weeks trying
to get the combat system to work
We decided with no progress being shown on the combat system
and the amount of time we put into it and the deadline coming
up to scrap the combat and skills system to the last task
if we had time at the end when all else was done that we
would come back and it was wasn’t something that was good
for the prototype when the one of the main features doesn’t
work but if we had finished the rest early we could come
back to it but sadly it the prototype has been build without
the combat system in it
Since the combat system was now
gone we decided to focus on
refining the level so that it
could make the game challenging
through the platforming
challenges and still make the
game fun and challenging to play
so instead of using the test stage we been using to test
the other features of the game we started working on the
main level that would be in the final prototype version
We decided the final level was gonna be dynamic we would
have different environment’s in the level for the player
to explore for the collectibles and managed to make a level
that would get the player to explore for them and the for
the different environment’s involved and these different
environment’s allowed
for different types of
platforming puzzles and
even managed to find a
creative use for the
enemies that we thought
we would have not use
this added more life
into the environment and the ability to creature
foreshadowing to the player that we could use in the final
game too
Now that we had a big level to work
in we got to work on making
platform challenges around the
map and making the platforms
different for the different
areas so it shows that different
environment means different
challenge and it should show not
tell that this area is different
and would include secrets for the
player to find and it shows that
the game has progression from the
different areas but also relied
on the familiar plan of going higher is the right way for
the player for go
Since we were close to deadline by this point we started
testing the game while we were making the platforms to make
sure you could complete the entire game and go to all the
different areas and by doing this we fixed a problems and
make the game more challenging since quite a few of the
challenges were pretty easy and wouldn’t challenge the
player and in time we had the level done with only minor
changes and testing to do we move on to add other things
into the game
We also made a main menu screen that would be the starting
area for the game so they player didn’t just load into the
game with functions like an exit function so the player
didn’t need to force closure of the game and the main menu
also lets the player start the game when they want to not
the instant they run the game the main menu also allowed
for music to be added into it so we could set the mood for
how the game is going to be
We was moving onto the more minor features of the game and
we had done most of the feature we thought of at the start
of the project with the extra time we had left we thought
feature a full game had and see if add them and we very
quickly mentioned that our game is completely silent right
now so we started to look up sound effects and music since
we wasn’t professional musician nor did we have the time
to do all our own music in and sound effects
The first sound effect we added was a jump sound effect
so the player had a sound confirmation that they have jumped
so they can be more immersed in the game and added sound
effects into the game seems the be easier than we thought
it was just simple additions into the already made features
so with the jump sound effect easily done we looked for
other to do since we could do them pretty quickly
Then we added in an ambiance sound since it supposed to
be a game world ambient sound around the player make it
seem like a world not a made level they can get immersed
in playing the game this was a good feature but get in the
way of music activation later on
With multiple sound effects in the game we turned to not
only putting music in the main menu but putting music in
the game levels themselves which we thought would be harder
than just putting in sound effects but since we could do
it more or less like the sound effects we decided to have
more a dynamic music setup it allows for the music to change
in different areas to be a direct signal to the player that
they are in a different area and different challenges and
secrets await them
The dynamic music had it own challenges too the changes
a majority of the time had to be repeated tested so it didn’t
just change abruptly and throw off the player we managed
to work out most of the problems but the music setup was
far from perfect and did require quite a bit of testing
it make sure it didn’t sound off or bug out on the player
Another thing we found out about unity music system is that
if place them correctly you can get them to sound like that
coming from within the environment and can even help
directional guide the player to different areas we tried
to capitalize on this feature as much as possible for the
flow of game
Then we see what animations we could add to the game but
since we don’t have many objects that would need to have
animations we decided to just animate the player since its
what the player is going to be looking at the most so we
decided to have to try to have a running and jumping
animation we managed to get these working separately but
when we tried to combine them we hit quite a few problems
and since we didn’t have time to see what was wrong with
the animations or learn a different way we decided just
to stick with the running animation for the player these
were additional features if we had more time or started
them earlier we could of got the player fully animated and
our game would of looked more visually appealing but right
now we only have one animation
Prototype Walk-Through:
When you start off in the forest you will have two
directions to go down into the
cave or through the entrance
into the castle area The cave
leads to more secret areas and
more challenges while going
straight forward puts on a
linear path to the and easier
challenges to the main area
Then if you went down into the cave area when you reach
the bottom if you turn left there is a secret area but if
you go right is the way to go back on track to the main
area and next access the next secret area
Then you come onto these
platforms where the secret
area is pretty apparent to
see but going down to explore
is the different area bit
continuing on and going up
will reunite you with the
main path that the other path
leads to as well
Now there a path down to an exploration area with a cool
level detail but also a big area but path could go to with
ease but if you go up and along you will get onto a linear
path for the progression of the level and now once you reach
the top white slabs there one last secret area
At the top of white slabs before you starting going to the
top of the spiral tower there a path to the left that you
will be able to see if you go there that is also a secret
area for the player to explore
From there the experience is linear and your almost at the
end anyway but there are no more secret areas you explored
the entire level
Play Testing And Feedback:
We got a number of people to play the game and give feedback
on the game and also what they thought we could include.
“The Platforming isn’t Challenging and there’s no threat
at all”
We need to make a different layout of platforms what we
thought was moderately challenging was according the
player not challenging at all and also brings up the biggest
problem that we had with the development that the enemy
vs player combat didn’t work without this it seems that
game has lost most of its challenge so when we do a project
again or make any game we gotta start on these mechanics
earlier and maybe instead of trying to rely on the other
core mechanic find some new mechanics for challenge because
just pure platforming is not enough
“The map fits the aesthetic with the player skeleton and
It seems we did the map design and visual aspects well and
it did compliment the game well and we think if we had
managed to get the other points problems fixed it would
of came together well
“Am not sure if I did discover any secret locations I just
explored as much as I possibly could”
We seem to have made the areas too obvious with the easy
access to them and now they just think its part of the map
not somewhere that exotic and more of a secret they believe
its just another part of the map we need to next time make
them more hidden and they didn’t have any changes to
recommenced since we also asked this question
“I had to wrestle the control to complete the game to be
The movement system is not up to player standard and they
seem to thought the movement system was working against
them rather than enabling them to complete the game so next
time we need to a more fluid movement system and need to
test its smoothness to complete the game
“Not sure if I found any secrets or secret areas”
The sentiment seems to be same among the test group that
they don’t seem to realize the secret because there too
obvious to the player who are just exploring the same
players were trying to appeal too we need to make things
more hidden the next time around
“Having enemies and interesting combat would be a plus”
Another common feedback is the platform isn’t enough to
keep the player fully interested but this player seems to
have more fun then the last one so if we had something to
replace the combat we could of tried to appeal to this
market and it could have been successful even without
Discussion about the project:
The project started out with discussion about what is
capable of being in a prototype since the Full game would
be a massive old school rpg game with platforming and combo
combat skills with an on running story and multiple areas
we had to break the game down into the features of the game
and completely rule out parts of the game like the story
line and loads of combat skills and lots of different areas
As a team instead of going through the entire game we looked
at it in a wide context as a oldschool platforming rpg
We choose to prototype that part of the game that it was
old school platforming with rpg combat elements but as I
already mentioned several times we didn’t get the combat
system to work I think that set our project far away from
the original intention of the game and we made something
quite different but looking the same I still think if we
did the combat system we would be on track
The game has quite a few good implementation ideas and it
just really hit by time management and not understanding
how to do certain things like the flow of the levels and
the character is good and what we wanted and the levels
came out like we wanted them for the most part except for
the lack of big challenge
The music,The sound effects,The platforming all features
that came out well for the most part I think the game came
out well expect its one major flaw if we had management
and a better understanding we could of made something much
better by the simple act of fixing the problem and this
is valuable information about making a project
What is also valuable information was the complicated
nature of the engine and also some of it really easy points
things like movement,sound and music were pretty easy to
implement but things like multiple animations were
difficult to grasp
It has lot of features require lot of steps to do a single
thing at some points it seemed really bi-polar what would
take days to implement and what would be in a hour or two
and obviously the combat system there was no simple way
for two object to damage each other not even an instant
kill state worked easily it all was round about requiring
many different elements to even get to the point where you
start coding health and damage and we of course didn’t
manage to complete it
The team believe that they just didn’t understand why all
this had to be done to even just damage the player or restart
the level and there’s the animation problems where one
animation can work fine but trying to get them to play nice
with each other was something in the end we just didn’t
have time for and ended up with just one animation and the
animator itself was a bit confusing and overall it lead
to a worse product since we couldn’t just get our heads
round the engine and in the end it was difficult to use
for the most part but some part were defiantly surprisingly
The entire projects problems don’t rely entirely on the
engine through we should make a better time management to
follow too in hindsight the fast development wasn’t that
fast and if we had people working on more modules not just
one at a time and we had a better plan on how to execute
what we was going to do in the project instead of just saying
we are going to one part a then part b but it in the end
we still managed to get a good prototype out of it but we
could of benefited quite a bit from better actual
implementation management within the team members
While the prototype in a state that I wouldn’t call great
I still like the implentation we managed to do we managed
to do quite a bit with even with all the problems we
encountered with it but would still next time really work
on the implementation management and actual implementation
But it defiantly seem I am being nicer to my own product
then the user we gave to test were since they thought the
game was easy and had no threat but they did like the design
of the game and layout of level so were good points they
liked but a lot more bad points it seems if we were to redo
this we have a lot more to do to be considered a respectable
The Simple conclusion I still think we made something just
good but we without a doubt have a lot to improve on if
we were to make this game if this was a actual game prototype
we would have to redesign the prototype and test again
before we headed into production
We can take the words to the heart from ourselves and from
the users we would have a lot to do but the main overall
game from the GDD is there an old school Platformer just
without the combat which will have to create since the game
just can’t stand without it or replace it with something
else we are heading in the right direction with this type
of management and creation but we are by far not at the
end of the road in terms of the best way to prototype and
make the game but we are on the right track and that why
I feel about about this prototype and still like what we
have done in this assignment
Project Management:
Group: Sawan, Stuart & Krzysztof
Tasks Assigned
Spooky Skeleton quest list
The enemies / Path finding // Assigned to Stuart
Movements // Assigned to Stuart
Combat system // Assigned to Stuart-
Skills // Assigned to Stuart
Interactive objects // Assigned to Stuart
Level system // Assigned to Chris
Bosses // Assigned to Chris
Collision System // Stuart
Sound Effects // Assigned to Collect Chris & Sawan
Music // Assigned to Chris
Concept art and other art related things:
User interface and menus Collectables // Assigned to Sawan
Terrain // Assigned to Chris
Backgrounds // Assigned to Chris
Player // Assigned to Chris
Enemies // Assigned to Chris
Level Design:
Arrangement of Levels Collectables // Assigned to Stuart
Collectables // Assigned to Stuart
Secret locations Collectables // Assigned to Stuart
Grant Chart for the tasks that were divided between the members
This gantt chart shows the amount of time taken to complete each
set task. Total of 17 tasks that were completed throughout the weeks.
Each tasks has taken a different amount of time as some of them
are short tasks that don’t need a long amount of time such as sounds
effects & collision system. Where as other tasks such as the full
menu game & assets would take a lengthy amount of time since it
is time consuming as it is done until its perfect.
Weekly Meetings:
Meeting 1: 09/02/2017 / Meeting lasted : 2 hours
In our first meeting we decided which game we was going to be making
out of the three Games Design Documents, In the end we decided to
go with Chris’s game as we thought it was a very detailed game that
was including a variety of things that the other GDD’s did not have.
Also we were able to split up different parts of the game between
the three of us equally.
Meeting 2: 16/02/2017 / Meeting lasted : 1 hour*
In the second meeting we had a discussion on the core components
for this prototype game such as the assets, sound, menu, coding
etc. Anyone that had any ideas for the game were included and
involved within this meeting. Also in this meeting this is when
all members of the group were assigned there tasks that had to be
completed by a certain date so that all other jobs could be completed
by their time and date. We wanted to complete the separate tasks
either before or on the date of the due in date that was set by
Meeting 3: 23/02/2017 / Meeting lasted : 3 hours
In the third meeting the group had a talk about about player sprite
and the movement system. We was trying to get the player sprites
working for the character as when it comes to turning the sprite
the character looked like it was moon walking. It was difficult
to do without changing the whole script. The movement system works
apart from the animation on the character when it comes to
Meeting 4: 02/03/2017 / Meeting lasted : 30 minutes
In the fourth meeting we had a quick discussion on the progress
that was made so far, at this time point we had the player sprite
and the movement system partially working. We also had the main
first level implemented as well. Back onto the meeting we had a
quick discussion on enemy and enemy AI. The team had a problem at
the start when it came to enemy AI but managed to figure out how
it was supposed to be done.
Meeting 5: 09/03/2017 / Meeting lasted: 1 hour 30 minutes
In the fifth meeting we had a talk about the combat system and how
we wanted to go about it but we had a lot of trouble when it actually
came to doing it as it didn’t want to work.We spent a total of a
week trying to work on the combat system and we couldn’t figure
out how to actually get the combat system working for the game so
we left it out of the prototype game.
Meeting 6: 16/03/2017 / Meeting lasted: 2 hours
In the sixth meeting the team came together to see the progress
off the game. At this point we managed to get a lot of things working
apart from combat system. We also had a talk about enemy path finding
about how we wanted to go about it. Another part was that the menu
was a topic as that was an important part that we wanted to add
to the games feature.
Meeting 7: 23 /03 /2017 Meeting lasted: 1 hour
In the seventh meeting we had a talk about the level design as we
only had one starting room. We had a quick discussion on how we
could make the level design of the game a bit more challenging as
it would make the game fun, also it would mean that the player would
be interacting with the game more. Level design took some time to
do because it was very time consuming as it took some time to figure
out how the level will flow.
Meeting 8: 30/03/2017 / Meeting lasted 1 hour
In the eight meeting we had a talk about the collision and which
items should have collision as we needed to add collision to the
correct sprites in the game. A problem that occurred when we working
on the collision was that the player sprite was getting trapped
on the level geometry.
Meeting 9: 05/04/2017 / Meeting lasted 1 hour
In our last meeting we had a talk about any last minute changes
to see whether or not we needed to adjust any last minute items.
There was also a discussion to see whether members of the team have
completed the assigned tasks that they were given.
Peer Review Mark Sheet:
Krzysztof Sawan Stuart
Krzysztof -
Sawan -

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Spooky Skeleton Quest Prototype Document

  • 2.  1.Introduction Page 1 Only  2.Project Management Page 1 Page 2  3.Implementation Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8  4.Prototype Walk-through Page 8 Page 9 Page 10  5.User Evaluation Page 10 Page 11  6.Discussion Page 12 Page 13 Page 14  7.Conclusion Page 15 Project Management Document,Meetings forms,Exedel form After the Conclusion
  • 3. 1. Introduction: We set out to create the game prototype from the design document to demonstrate what the basic bulk of the game would play like. We first looked at the GDD and decide what would be wise to put into the prototype and what we could leave out without effecting the overall game experience. We decided to go with just one level were you would fight enemies while platforming around the level with secrets in the level to collect Since they would be the main bulk of the game play 2. Project Management: We when about this project by figuring out what people would like to or would consider themselves good at the role in question and then in a document available to everyone we assigned roles so anyone could check the document and see who was doing what so if they needed something in that field they knew the person to talk to instantly We worked quite independently only coming together to talk over issues in the feature implentation and to talk about what to keep in the prototype and what we could cut if we couldn’t make the deadline that meant that normally the features were made independently of each other not testing if they interact well we did cause a few problems We also came together when one member completed a element of the prototype even through we were all connected through the internet this helped show what the element was and how
  • 4. it was implemented and how we use it with the other features the other members of the team were working on we also used the meeting to talk about what we wanted to do next since we completed and element we also evaluated the remaining features against the time we had left Overall I think the meetings helped our project come together more than just telling and showing the project over the internet so the person who made it is dictating how they did it and how they came to understand it and helped our prototype progress and we got the features done faster and added more because of it 3. Implementation: When we came together to get the prototype started we assigned roles according to what the group members said they would like the do and would consider themselves good at and the rest was just given to anyone who said they would do it We also made a mind map of what we expected the overall progress and order of the prototype creation would look like and would refer to this and try to follow it so that everyone could easily be organized from one element to the next and also by mapping them out we could assign priority to certain elements in the game because we knew what they was and were they would lead to The first thing we implemented in the prototype after the first sprites were done including the level was to get the player to move around and if it was simple enough we said to create to jump too instead of being a done in two parts this was an easy feature to do since Unity has a lot of
  • 5. movement system functionality built into the engine itself for easy access we did this element pretty quickly and was able to get the jump added too but only encountered problems later on The work was more divided now that we had a moving player and a level now so we did work on several different elements at once we managed to get the collectibles working to reward the player for exploration and since this was pretty simple and did it faster than expected I looked up ways to make the secrets more appealing but it was already time to move on to the next priority element of the game so it put to the sidelines We also made at the enemies at the same time the enemy sprite was made and they was placed into the level and had solid collisions with the player and now since we had a moving player and a base enemy we could start working on the overall game experience since all the base elements of the prototype were done and now we could start and how to make the game challenging and is also were we encountered the most problems later on with the prototype We as a team now started to work on the main features of the game the combat and platforming the combat system started off good and it looked like we were on track and managed to find a good resource that did enemy path finding according to your ground collisions and background layer called the Astar Path finding Project and it worked with our Enemy AI and managed the navigate the level and find the player with ease and it did that only when in field of view it was an unexpected benefit but when we tried to get the player to be able to damage this enemy is when the problems started appearing we had tried to get the combat system working for quite
  • 6. some time for both the player damaging the enemy and the enemy damaging the player but nothing seemed to work and even through we spend more time on this than any other feature in the game spending close to entire weeks trying to get the combat system to work We decided with no progress being shown on the combat system and the amount of time we put into it and the deadline coming up to scrap the combat and skills system to the last task if we had time at the end when all else was done that we would come back and it was wasn’t something that was good for the prototype when the one of the main features doesn’t work but if we had finished the rest early we could come back to it but sadly it the prototype has been build without the combat system in it Since the combat system was now gone we decided to focus on refining the level so that it could make the game challenging through the platforming challenges and still make the game fun and challenging to play so instead of using the test stage we been using to test the other features of the game we started working on the main level that would be in the final prototype version We decided the final level was gonna be dynamic we would have different environment’s in the level for the player to explore for the collectibles and managed to make a level that would get the player to explore for them and the for the different environment’s involved and these different environment’s allowed for different types of platforming puzzles and even managed to find a creative use for the enemies that we thought we would have not use this added more life
  • 7. into the environment and the ability to creature foreshadowing to the player that we could use in the final game too Now that we had a big level to work in we got to work on making platform challenges around the map and making the platforms different for the different areas so it shows that different environment means different challenge and it should show not tell that this area is different and would include secrets for the player to find and it shows that the game has progression from the different areas but also relied on the familiar plan of going higher is the right way for the player for go Since we were close to deadline by this point we started testing the game while we were making the platforms to make sure you could complete the entire game and go to all the different areas and by doing this we fixed a problems and make the game more challenging since quite a few of the challenges were pretty easy and wouldn’t challenge the player and in time we had the level done with only minor changes and testing to do we move on to add other things into the game We also made a main menu screen that would be the starting area for the game so they player didn’t just load into the game with functions like an exit function so the player didn’t need to force closure of the game and the main menu also lets the player start the game when they want to not the instant they run the game the main menu also allowed for music to be added into it so we could set the mood for how the game is going to be
  • 8. We was moving onto the more minor features of the game and we had done most of the feature we thought of at the start of the project with the extra time we had left we thought feature a full game had and see if add them and we very quickly mentioned that our game is completely silent right now so we started to look up sound effects and music since we wasn’t professional musician nor did we have the time to do all our own music in and sound effects The first sound effect we added was a jump sound effect so the player had a sound confirmation that they have jumped so they can be more immersed in the game and added sound effects into the game seems the be easier than we thought it was just simple additions into the already made features so with the jump sound effect easily done we looked for other to do since we could do them pretty quickly Then we added in an ambiance sound since it supposed to be a game world ambient sound around the player make it seem like a world not a made level they can get immersed in playing the game this was a good feature but get in the way of music activation later on With multiple sound effects in the game we turned to not only putting music in the main menu but putting music in the game levels themselves which we thought would be harder than just putting in sound effects but since we could do it more or less like the sound effects we decided to have more a dynamic music setup it allows for the music to change in different areas to be a direct signal to the player that they are in a different area and different challenges and secrets await them The dynamic music had it own challenges too the changes a majority of the time had to be repeated tested so it didn’t just change abruptly and throw off the player we managed to work out most of the problems but the music setup was far from perfect and did require quite a bit of testing it make sure it didn’t sound off or bug out on the player
  • 9. Another thing we found out about unity music system is that if place them correctly you can get them to sound like that coming from within the environment and can even help directional guide the player to different areas we tried to capitalize on this feature as much as possible for the flow of game Then we see what animations we could add to the game but since we don’t have many objects that would need to have animations we decided to just animate the player since its what the player is going to be looking at the most so we decided to have to try to have a running and jumping animation we managed to get these working separately but when we tried to combine them we hit quite a few problems and since we didn’t have time to see what was wrong with the animations or learn a different way we decided just to stick with the running animation for the player these were additional features if we had more time or started them earlier we could of got the player fully animated and our game would of looked more visually appealing but right now we only have one animation Prototype Walk-Through: When you start off in the forest you will have two directions to go down into the cave or through the entrance into the castle area The cave leads to more secret areas and more challenges while going straight forward puts on a linear path to the and easier challenges to the main area Then if you went down into the cave area when you reach the bottom if you turn left there is a secret area but if you go right is the way to go back on track to the main area and next access the next secret area
  • 10. Then you come onto these platforms where the secret area is pretty apparent to see but going down to explore is the different area bit continuing on and going up will reunite you with the main path that the other path leads to as well Now there a path down to an exploration area with a cool level detail but also a big area but path could go to with ease but if you go up and along you will get onto a linear path for the progression of the level and now once you reach the top white slabs there one last secret area At the top of white slabs before you starting going to the top of the spiral tower there a path to the left that you will be able to see if you go there that is also a secret area for the player to explore
  • 11. From there the experience is linear and your almost at the end anyway but there are no more secret areas you explored the entire level Play Testing And Feedback: We got a number of people to play the game and give feedback on the game and also what they thought we could include. “The Platforming isn’t Challenging and there’s no threat at all” We need to make a different layout of platforms what we thought was moderately challenging was according the player not challenging at all and also brings up the biggest problem that we had with the development that the enemy vs player combat didn’t work without this it seems that game has lost most of its challenge so when we do a project again or make any game we gotta start on these mechanics earlier and maybe instead of trying to rely on the other core mechanic find some new mechanics for challenge because just pure platforming is not enough “The map fits the aesthetic with the player skeleton and all” It seems we did the map design and visual aspects well and it did compliment the game well and we think if we had managed to get the other points problems fixed it would of came together well “Am not sure if I did discover any secret locations I just explored as much as I possibly could” We seem to have made the areas too obvious with the easy access to them and now they just think its part of the map not somewhere that exotic and more of a secret they believe its just another part of the map we need to next time make
  • 12. them more hidden and they didn’t have any changes to recommenced since we also asked this question “I had to wrestle the control to complete the game to be honest” The movement system is not up to player standard and they seem to thought the movement system was working against them rather than enabling them to complete the game so next time we need to a more fluid movement system and need to test its smoothness to complete the game “Not sure if I found any secrets or secret areas” The sentiment seems to be same among the test group that they don’t seem to realize the secret because there too obvious to the player who are just exploring the same players were trying to appeal too we need to make things more hidden the next time around “Having enemies and interesting combat would be a plus” Another common feedback is the platform isn’t enough to keep the player fully interested but this player seems to have more fun then the last one so if we had something to replace the combat we could of tried to appeal to this market and it could have been successful even without combat Discussion about the project: The project started out with discussion about what is capable of being in a prototype since the Full game would be a massive old school rpg game with platforming and combo combat skills with an on running story and multiple areas
  • 13. we had to break the game down into the features of the game and completely rule out parts of the game like the story line and loads of combat skills and lots of different areas As a team instead of going through the entire game we looked at it in a wide context as a oldschool platforming rpg We choose to prototype that part of the game that it was old school platforming with rpg combat elements but as I already mentioned several times we didn’t get the combat system to work I think that set our project far away from the original intention of the game and we made something quite different but looking the same I still think if we did the combat system we would be on track The game has quite a few good implementation ideas and it just really hit by time management and not understanding how to do certain things like the flow of the levels and the character is good and what we wanted and the levels came out like we wanted them for the most part except for the lack of big challenge The music,The sound effects,The platforming all features that came out well for the most part I think the game came out well expect its one major flaw if we had management and a better understanding we could of made something much better by the simple act of fixing the problem and this is valuable information about making a project What is also valuable information was the complicated nature of the engine and also some of it really easy points things like movement,sound and music were pretty easy to implement but things like multiple animations were difficult to grasp It has lot of features require lot of steps to do a single thing at some points it seemed really bi-polar what would take days to implement and what would be in a hour or two and obviously the combat system there was no simple way for two object to damage each other not even an instant kill state worked easily it all was round about requiring many different elements to even get to the point where you
  • 14. start coding health and damage and we of course didn’t manage to complete it The team believe that they just didn’t understand why all this had to be done to even just damage the player or restart the level and there’s the animation problems where one animation can work fine but trying to get them to play nice with each other was something in the end we just didn’t have time for and ended up with just one animation and the animator itself was a bit confusing and overall it lead to a worse product since we couldn’t just get our heads round the engine and in the end it was difficult to use for the most part but some part were defiantly surprisingly easy The entire projects problems don’t rely entirely on the engine through we should make a better time management to follow too in hindsight the fast development wasn’t that fast and if we had people working on more modules not just one at a time and we had a better plan on how to execute what we was going to do in the project instead of just saying we are going to one part a then part b but it in the end we still managed to get a good prototype out of it but we could of benefited quite a bit from better actual implementation management within the team members While the prototype in a state that I wouldn’t call great I still like the implentation we managed to do we managed to do quite a bit with even with all the problems we encountered with it but would still next time really work on the implementation management and actual implementation But it defiantly seem I am being nicer to my own product then the user we gave to test were since they thought the game was easy and had no threat but they did like the design of the game and layout of level so were good points they liked but a lot more bad points it seems if we were to redo this we have a lot more to do to be considered a respectable game
  • 15. Conclusions: The Simple conclusion I still think we made something just good but we without a doubt have a lot to improve on if we were to make this game if this was a actual game prototype we would have to redesign the prototype and test again before we headed into production We can take the words to the heart from ourselves and from the users we would have a lot to do but the main overall game from the GDD is there an old school Platformer just without the combat which will have to create since the game just can’t stand without it or replace it with something else we are heading in the right direction with this type of management and creation but we are by far not at the end of the road in terms of the best way to prototype and make the game but we are on the right track and that why I feel about about this prototype and still like what we have done in this assignment Project Management: Group: Sawan, Stuart & Krzysztof Tasks Assigned Spooky Skeleton quest list Programming: The enemies / Path finding // Assigned to Stuart Movements // Assigned to Stuart Combat system // Assigned to Stuart- Skills // Assigned to Stuart Interactive objects // Assigned to Stuart Level system // Assigned to Chris Bosses // Assigned to Chris Collision System // Stuart Audio: Sound Effects // Assigned to Collect Chris & Sawan Music // Assigned to Chris Concept art and other art related things: User interface and menus Collectables // Assigned to Sawan
  • 16. Terrain // Assigned to Chris Backgrounds // Assigned to Chris Player // Assigned to Chris Enemies // Assigned to Chris Level Design: Arrangement of Levels Collectables // Assigned to Stuart Collectables // Assigned to Stuart Secret locations Collectables // Assigned to Stuart Grant Chart for the tasks that were divided between the members This gantt chart shows the amount of time taken to complete each set task. Total of 17 tasks that were completed throughout the weeks. Each tasks has taken a different amount of time as some of them are short tasks that don’t need a long amount of time such as sounds effects & collision system. Where as other tasks such as the full menu game & assets would take a lengthy amount of time since it is time consuming as it is done until its perfect. Weekly Meetings: Meeting 1: 09/02/2017 / Meeting lasted : 2 hours In our first meeting we decided which game we was going to be making out of the three Games Design Documents, In the end we decided to go with Chris’s game as we thought it was a very detailed game that was including a variety of things that the other GDD’s did not have. Also we were able to split up different parts of the game between the three of us equally. Meeting 2: 16/02/2017 / Meeting lasted : 1 hour* In the second meeting we had a discussion on the core components for this prototype game such as the assets, sound, menu, coding
  • 17. etc. Anyone that had any ideas for the game were included and involved within this meeting. Also in this meeting this is when all members of the group were assigned there tasks that had to be completed by a certain date so that all other jobs could be completed by their time and date. We wanted to complete the separate tasks either before or on the date of the due in date that was set by us. Meeting 3: 23/02/2017 / Meeting lasted : 3 hours In the third meeting the group had a talk about about player sprite and the movement system. We was trying to get the player sprites working for the character as when it comes to turning the sprite the character looked like it was moon walking. It was difficult to do without changing the whole script. The movement system works apart from the animation on the character when it comes to flipping. Meeting 4: 02/03/2017 / Meeting lasted : 30 minutes In the fourth meeting we had a quick discussion on the progress that was made so far, at this time point we had the player sprite and the movement system partially working. We also had the main first level implemented as well. Back onto the meeting we had a quick discussion on enemy and enemy AI. The team had a problem at the start when it came to enemy AI but managed to figure out how it was supposed to be done. Meeting 5: 09/03/2017 / Meeting lasted: 1 hour 30 minutes In the fifth meeting we had a talk about the combat system and how we wanted to go about it but we had a lot of trouble when it actually came to doing it as it didn’t want to work.We spent a total of a week trying to work on the combat system and we couldn’t figure out how to actually get the combat system working for the game so we left it out of the prototype game. Meeting 6: 16/03/2017 / Meeting lasted: 2 hours In the sixth meeting the team came together to see the progress off the game. At this point we managed to get a lot of things working apart from combat system. We also had a talk about enemy path finding about how we wanted to go about it. Another part was that the menu was a topic as that was an important part that we wanted to add to the games feature. Meeting 7: 23 /03 /2017 Meeting lasted: 1 hour In the seventh meeting we had a talk about the level design as we only had one starting room. We had a quick discussion on how we could make the level design of the game a bit more challenging as it would make the game fun, also it would mean that the player would
  • 18. be interacting with the game more. Level design took some time to do because it was very time consuming as it took some time to figure out how the level will flow. Meeting 8: 30/03/2017 / Meeting lasted 1 hour In the eight meeting we had a talk about the collision and which items should have collision as we needed to add collision to the correct sprites in the game. A problem that occurred when we working on the collision was that the player sprite was getting trapped on the level geometry. Meeting 9: 05/04/2017 / Meeting lasted 1 hour In our last meeting we had a talk about any last minute changes to see whether or not we needed to adjust any last minute items. There was also a discussion to see whether members of the team have completed the assigned tasks that they were given. Peer Review Mark Sheet: Krzysztof Sawan Stuart Krzysztof - Sawan - Stuart