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Skin Care |

The scorching sun, changing weather, pollution, harsh chemicals, there are so many factors that can
damage the beautiful skin you are blessed with. Skin care should be on top priority in your beauty
regimen. Remember... choose the cosmetics that suit your skin type or go for natural skin care.
Here's your guide to getting a beautiful and glowing skin.
20 Worst Skin Habits You Need to Avoid
Nobody is born with flawless and picture-perfect skin, we all work towards attaining it. Although
your bathroom cabinet is filled with expensive creams and cleansers, why is it still not showing any
effect? Given below are the 20...
Microneedle Rollers: Are They Really Worth It?
Microneedle treatments are a fairly recent anti-aging skin care fad, especially for treating scars and
blemishes. A microneedle roller can easily be used at home. However, are these really effective, or is
this all just a gimmick...
Is it Safe to Use Lye Soap?
Soaps that are made of lye are easy to prepare, and have also been available in stores for decades.
However, over the years, they have gathered a bad reputation of sometimes being bad for the skin.
In this article, we will study...
Isopropyl Palmitate: Uses and Safety Concerns
Almost every other cosmetic product has isopropyl palmitate as one of its ingredients. What must be
the role of this constituent?And are there any safety concerns rendered with it? Read this Buzzle
article to know more.
Aquaphor Uses and Side Effects
Soothing dry skin is one of the most common uses of Aquaphor. It can also be effective to heal
chapped skin, diaper rash, minor burns, and acne. This Buzzle article takes a closer look at the
varied uses and possible side effects...
Uses and Benefits of Kojic Acid Soap
Kojic acid soap is an organic soap that helps in reducing dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Here we
tell you about its uses, benefits, and side effects.
15 Amazing Uses of Fuller's Earth (Multani Mitti)
Multani mitti or Fuller's earth is a form of mud/clay which is packed with several benefits that are
essential for our body. This Buzzle does the needful by enlisting its myriad benefits for the skin and
hair, along with other...
Uses and Side Effects of Ammonium Lactate Cream
If the itching sensation due to very dry skin is constantly annoying you, your doctor may suggest you
to use ammonium lactate 12 cream, as it can provide relief from both the embarrassing appearance
and symptoms. Read this Buzzle...
How to Make Shikakai Powder at Home
Shikakai, a traditional Ayurvedic hair care product, not only cleanses your hair but can also make
your hair strong and thick. Read this Buzzle article to know how to prepare herbal shikakai powder
at home.
Benefits of Shikakai for Your Hair and Skin
Shikakai, a natural cleanser, does not contain any harsh chemicals. It promotes hair growth and
helps keep your skin smooth and glowing. Read this Buzzle article to know the exclusive benefits of
shikakai, the Ayurvedic beauty...
Interesting Facts About Green Soap
It is common belief that the Babylonians were the first to have discovered the utility of fat and alkali,
that resulted in soaps. Over time, this basic mixture underwent a sea of change, and acquired many
versions. Of late, there...
12 Benefits of African Black Soap
The ingredients used to produce a soap determine its quality. While describing the characteristic
properties of African black soap, this Buzzle article also presents a list of amazing ingredients that
impart these properties to the...
How to Keep Your Skin from Thinning
Eating skin-friendly foods, avoiding unhealthy habits, such as smoking, and using appropriate
moisturizers are some of the ways to prevent thinning of skin. Read the following Buzzle article to
know more about ways to keep skin...
Best BB Creams for Your Skin
Are you tired of slathering sunblock, primer, moisturizer, and foundations? Instead of juggling a lot
of makeup products, get a BB cream. This versatile skincare and makeup product provides light
coverage, radiance, and sun...
Benefits of Wine for Skin
Wine is rich in antioxidants, which fight with the free radicals and protect the skin from the effects
of aging. Read on to find other skin benefits that are associated with wine.
Benefits of Vitamin E Oil for Skin
Regular application of vitamin E oil on skin can bring about marked improvement in texture of the
skin. It also helps to get rid of various skin problems. Read this article to find out about the benefits
of vitamin E oil for skin.
Avocado Oil for Skin
There are so many beneficial oils, some of the best ones are lavender oil, tea tree oil, and olive oil.
One of the least known beneficial oil is the avocado oil. Skin care benefits of this oil are many, read
on to know more.
Almond Oil for Skin
Sweet almond oil for skin has proved to be very beneficial in promoting beauty and wellness. Find
out all about the wonder oil here.
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How to Make Chocolate Milk Bath
A chocolate milk bath? Now that's something you have to learn more about. Here's an article on how
to make chocolate milk bath and have an amazing bathing experience...
Green Tea Oil for Skin
Trial-and-error method cannot be applied where skin care is concerned. Make sure that you trust the
product before you make it a part of your skin care routine. Trust green tea oil for skin ... for your
skin's sake, and chase skin...
Skin Care Tips for Teenage Girls
If you want to know some amazing skin care tips for teenage girls, the article below is a must read.
Know how you can take care of all your teenage skin problems in no time and prevent them from
next time onwards. After all, the...
Skin Care Tips for Black Women
Proper care and pampering the skin plays a very important role to help keep it smooth, glowing, and
healthy. Here are some skin care tips for African-American women.
Grape Seed Oil for Skin
Rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, grape seed oil is commonly used as a carrier oil and a
base ingredient for many cosmetics. This Buzzle article attempts to enlighten you about the skin
benefits and possible side...
7 Foods That are Not Good for the Skin
The skin faces an endless list of problems. Many of us do everything in our power to protect it from
exterior factors, like pollution and sunburn, but often neglect the importance of nutrition required in
maintaining the optimum...
Homemade Salt Scrubs for Skin
Beauty treatments made easy - that is every woman's dream. This article gives you simple methods
on how to prepare salt scrubs at home, for a younger and glowing skin.
Sesame Oil for Skin
The numerous benefits of sesame oil are attributed to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
The following write-up will provide information on how this oil benefits the skin.
Arm Hair Bleaching
One of the most popular way to camouflage unwanted body hair is by bleaching. Most people prefer
to bleach their arms and legs instead of face. Bleaching saves you time, toil, and a load of turmoil.
Pomegranate Benefits for the Skin
Pomegranate is rightly called the 'miracle fruit', due to its immense health benefits. Recently, its
benefits for skin have also been discovered. Read on to know more...
Astaxanthin Skin Benefits
Astaxanthin, a naturally occurring carotenoid has gained significant attention for its immense ability
to help achieve younger-looking skin. This informative article is written with the aim to share its
numerous benefits with the...
How to Get Younger-Looking Hands
It is said that hands tend to age quicker than most other body parts. Your hands give away your true
age, no matter how supple and young your facial skin looks. So, how to get younger-looking hands?
Well, it is not very difficult,...
Tips on Hair and Skin Care for Swimmers
Swimming definitely tones your body but the chemicals in the pool can play havoc on your hair and
skin, making them look dull and lifeless. Here are some tips to help you prevent damage to your skin
and hair caused by swimming.
Calamine Lotion Uses
Calamine lotion is very effective in treating some skin problems. It is sold by various brands and is
easily available in the market. Here are the details of uses of the soothing calamine lotion.
Can Chocolate Make Your Skin Shine?
Chocolates, the ambrosia of gods, till now, have been (and will be) accoladed as a delightful dessert.
But, these days, chocolate has become an active ingredient in many skincare products. Sounds too
good to be true, does it not?...
Natural Skin Care Ingredients
Using natural skin care ingredients is always better than using the artificial cosmetics as they not
only keep the skin healthy, but also restore the lost glow.
Benefits of Turmeric for Skin
Turmeric helps maintaining good skin, cures cough, and boosts immunity. The benefits of this magic
spice are plenty! This article delves deeper to find the benefits of turmeric, specially for skin.
Precious Metals in Skin Care
As if those hours you spend in the parlors weren't enough to enhance beauty. Welcome to the world
where precious metals aren't worn but included in your daily beauty regimen. The inclusion of
precious metals for taking care of the...
Skin Care for Men Over 50
As one begins to go on the wrong side of age, concerns over skin and beauty care suddenly appear to
assume greater significance. Read all about skin care for men over 50 in the following article.
Benefits of Tomato Juice for Skin
The benefits of tomato juice for the skin include increasing fairness, balancing pH, tightening pores,
treating sunburn, reducing irritation and curing acne. You can use tomato juice alone or along with
other beneficial ingredients...
Vitamins to Improve Skin Elasticity
The vitamins listed in this article are some of the most beneficial vitamins that help in retaining the
elasticity and suppleness of the skin. Read this article to know more.
How to Keep your Skin Clear and Healthy
Are you on the lookout for some effortless tricks to keep your skin clear and healthy? The following
article could help you enjoy a blemish-free glowing skin, with just a few things to keep in mind.
Foods that are Good for Your Skin
The type of food that you eat is responsible for your physical as well as mental health. Healthier
foods are responsible for a good looking skin. If your diet is missing certain foods, then it could lead
to certain skin conditions....
Oil Cleansing Method
Oil cleansing method is free from use of any synthetic chemicals and hence it works to optimize skin
How to Get Clear Skin Fast
Clear, glowing skin... wondering if it's a dream? Not anymore. Learn how to get clear skin fast from
this article. It will give you some tips, which are not only safe but also natural. Read on...
Benefits of Rose Oil for Skin
Did you know that it takes more than a hundred thousand rose blossoms to make an ounce of rose
essential oil? What makes this oil so special and how is it beneficial for the skin? Read this article to
find out.
How to Get Clear Skin Overnight
If you are looking for tips on how to get clear skin overnight, then it means that you are looking for
faster results. Read this article to find out about the options available to you in this regard.
Natural Skin Care Tips
The following article suggests some of the best, yet easy to follow natural skin care tips. Read on to
know how to get a beautiful, radiant skin naturally.
Best Foods for the Skin
Beauty is the aspiration and prerogative of every living creature, irrespective of species or gender.
Let's get familiar with the best foods that work wonders for us, humans, in our eternal quest for
beauty and youth.
How to Get Beautiful Skin
If there is a desire that can be ubiquitous, it surely would be to look good. A beautiful skin is one of
the many factors that make us look good and lively. This article focuses on providing tips on how to
get beautiful skin.
How to Get Smooth Skin Naturally
Harsh weather can rob the skin off its natural oils, thereby making it rough. This write-up provides a
few tips for rejuvenating your skin, and making it soft, smooth, and supple.
Underarm Whitening
Read this article to get some underarm whitening tips if you are scared to flash those not-so-perfect
underarms for the weekend rock concert.
How to Repair Sun Damaged Skin
un damaged skin can be repaired by restoring the strength in the structure of the skin cells. This
article contains a brief description of various ways used for repairing such damaged skin.
How to Get Glowing Skin
Glowing skin is always an asset and creates an immediate impact. Some of us are blessed with it,
while some of us just need to be patient and work hard for it. It is actually attainable if you are
determined and regularly follow...
Milk Bath
A milk bath is a natural way to keep your skin soft, supple, and radiant, as milk is extremely
beneficial for the skin. Read on to discover the amazing benefits of milk, which you can derive by
taking a bath with milk.
Foods Good for Skin
There are certain foods good for skin and when such foods are consumed regularly, one can have a
glowing complexion and well-moisturized skin.
Tips for Healthy Skin
Who doesn't want soft and clear skin? But in order to achieve a healthier-looking skin, there are a
few things you need to follow. Buzzle shares a few tips on you can get glowing, clear skin.
Egg White Mask
Application of an egg white mask cleans and clears the skin of acne, and also makes the skin look
younger. This article explains how to make an egg white face mask and the benefits of using one.
Pumice Stone
A pumice stone is a solidified and porous volcanic rock having a wide range of uses in various fields.
Read this Buzzle article to know more.
Benefits of Organic Soap
While the obvious purpose of soap is to cleanse your body, using the right kind is important so that it
gives you more benefits than one. Here, we outline the various benefits of using a natural, organic
Homemade Beauty Recipes
A trip to a spa can make an irreparable hole in your pocket. Here are a few beauty recipes that you
can try at home. These homemade beauty products are safer alternative and equally are effective.
Pumice Uses
Pumice has several uses that include household as well as other areas. Go through the following
article to know what these are.
Mineral Oil for Skin
There are various benefits of mineral oil for the skin. No wonder it is one of the most common
ingredient of most cosmetics. For more information about benefits and dangers of mineral oil, read
Tips for Taking Care of Combination Skin
Taking care of combination skin can be a real task as it requires you to care for two different skin
types. Here are some tips that will surely help you deal with such skin.
Cucumber for Skin
Summer is almost here, and cucumber comes to our rescue with its cool and refreshing properties.
This article discusses the benefits of the same in skincare, that might prove beneficial.
Combination Skin Care
Identifying your skin type is the first step in following an effective skin care regimen. If you have
combination skin, then you will need to follow a skin care routine that suits your skin type. This
article suggests some tips to...
Fair Complexion Tips
Fair complexion is every woman's dream and those with fair complexion look for some tips to
maintain their complexion. The following Buzzle article will cover some fair complexion tips that will
prove useful for all women.
Homemade Beauty Treatments
Beauty treatments do not mean that you have to spend a huge sum of money to get that gorgeous
look. This article contains some simple and easy homemade beauty treatments that involve use of
household products only. Interested? Read...
Glowing Skin Tips
Maintaining a clear, gorgeous skin that is glowing with health, is difficult nowadays owing to
pollution and other harsh chemicals. These can cause a number of skin problems. In spite of this, if
you wish to have a glowing skin,...
How to Get Healthy Skin
Everybody wishes to have a clear, glowing and radiant complexion. For healthy skin that has a
translucent and flawless look, you need to follow a beauty regimen.
Smooth Skin Tips
While makeup can accentuate your features, true beauty lies in smooth, flawless skin. This Buzzle
write-up provides tips for getting smooth skin, and keeping your skin from turning dull and lifeless.
How to Make Moisturizing Hand Soap
With so many hand soap varieties available in the market, it's difficult to choose the best one,
especially, when all claim to be the best. As an alternative, you can learn to make a homemade soap,
that not only moisturizes your...
Remove Dark Spots
Do you want to know how to remove dark spots from your face and body? If yes, then read the
following article which suggests various natural, salon, and medical treatment options for the same.
How to Get Rid of Dark Elbows
Dark elbows stem from neglect, but are a problem that many people face. Luckily, a little care can
help turn them soft and smooth again. This Buzzle article sheds some light on the same.
How to Tighten Loose Skin
There are a number of ways by which you can tighten your loose skin and surgery is not necessarily
the only option left. Read on for more information on that aspect.
How to Get Clear Skin
Women are always searching for ways to get a clear complexion which can help enhance their
beauty. The following article on how to get clear skin at home will prove to be useful to such ladies.
Flawless Skin Secrets
Who would not love to have a healthy and radiant skin? Many people keep wondering how to get it
while there are some who actually possess one. Read on to know some common flawless skin
Safflower Oil for Skin
Use of safflower oil for skin and hair treatment is gaining popularity and it is claimed that it even
helps with acne. Read the following article to know the ways in which it may be used.
Daily Skin Care Routine
Following a skin care routine is extremely essential for a healthy skin and complexion. This can be
done easily at home by using some basic skin care products.
How to Exfoliate Skin Naturally
Wondering how to exfoliate your skin naturally? Here are the answers to your questions. Exfoliate
skin naturally at least twice a week to look younger every day!
Homemade Skin Whitener
Everyone loves to have fair complexion. While some have God gifted fair complexion, others struggle
for it. There are many ways to have a fairer skin. I am sure that you may have tried many
commercial products for the same. Well,...
Skin Care Products for Men
Skin care lotions and creams are the best way to refresh the skin and make it look better. They
absorb the impurities, remove unwanted greasiness, and nourish the skin surface thoroughly.
Skin Care Products for Women
With a wide range of products for skin care, the choosing the best one always becomes a confusing
task. Before you make your buy, make sure you know your skin type and what will suit it the best.
Here are a few tips to help you out...
Natural Skin Care Recipes
The skin is the most exposed part of our body and has to unavoidably endure the test of nature and
time. Here are some natural skin care recipes that will surely rejuvenate dull and tired skin.
Laser in Dermatology
Recent years have seen a spurt in the use of laser for treating skin conditions like vascular lesions,
for cosmetic facial resurfacing, and tattoo removal. This Buzzle article provides more information
about this technology and its...
Tips for Beautiful Skin
If you want supple, flawless skin, then you should be very careful regarding its care. Use the
following tips for beautiful skin to get started.
Cleansing Tips for a Healthy Skin
Cleansing your skin on a daily basis can make it immune to pores, acne, breakouts, pimples, scars,
and other menaces, thus giving you flawless, healthy, and happy skin. This article chalks out a
cleansing regimen for you which if...
Herbal Skin Care
Skin is the largest organ in the human body and needs special care to keep it supple and healthy.
Here are some tips on how to take care of your skin using only herbal products.
Natural Beauty Recipes For Smooth Skin
There are scores of DIY recipes to help you gain and maintain a healthy complexion right in the
comfort of your home. This Buzzle post lists out some easy recipes to tackle all your beauty issues.

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Skin Care |

  • 1. Skin Care | The scorching sun, changing weather, pollution, harsh chemicals, there are so many factors that can damage the beautiful skin you are blessed with. Skin care should be on top priority in your beauty regimen. Remember... choose the cosmetics that suit your skin type or go for natural skin care. Here's your guide to getting a beautiful and glowing skin. 20 Worst Skin Habits You Need to Avoid Nobody is born with flawless and picture-perfect skin, we all work towards attaining it. Although your bathroom cabinet is filled with expensive creams and cleansers, why is it still not showing any effect? Given below are the 20... Microneedle Rollers: Are They Really Worth It? Microneedle treatments are a fairly recent anti-aging skin care fad, especially for treating scars and blemishes. A microneedle roller can easily be used at home. However, are these really effective, or is this all just a gimmick... Is it Safe to Use Lye Soap? Soaps that are made of lye are easy to prepare, and have also been available in stores for decades. However, over the years, they have gathered a bad reputation of sometimes being bad for the skin. In this article, we will study... Isopropyl Palmitate: Uses and Safety Concerns Almost every other cosmetic product has isopropyl palmitate as one of its ingredients. What must be the role of this constituent?And are there any safety concerns rendered with it? Read this Buzzle article to know more. Aquaphor Uses and Side Effects Soothing dry skin is one of the most common uses of Aquaphor. It can also be effective to heal chapped skin, diaper rash, minor burns, and acne. This Buzzle article takes a closer look at the varied uses and possible side effects... Uses and Benefits of Kojic Acid Soap Kojic acid soap is an organic soap that helps in reducing dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Here we tell you about its uses, benefits, and side effects. 15 Amazing Uses of Fuller's Earth (Multani Mitti) Multani mitti or Fuller's earth is a form of mud/clay which is packed with several benefits that are
  • 2. essential for our body. This Buzzle does the needful by enlisting its myriad benefits for the skin and hair, along with other... Uses and Side Effects of Ammonium Lactate Cream If the itching sensation due to very dry skin is constantly annoying you, your doctor may suggest you to use ammonium lactate 12 cream, as it can provide relief from both the embarrassing appearance and symptoms. Read this Buzzle... How to Make Shikakai Powder at Home Shikakai, a traditional Ayurvedic hair care product, not only cleanses your hair but can also make your hair strong and thick. Read this Buzzle article to know how to prepare herbal shikakai powder at home. Benefits of Shikakai for Your Hair and Skin Shikakai, a natural cleanser, does not contain any harsh chemicals. It promotes hair growth and helps keep your skin smooth and glowing. Read this Buzzle article to know the exclusive benefits of shikakai, the Ayurvedic beauty... Interesting Facts About Green Soap It is common belief that the Babylonians were the first to have discovered the utility of fat and alkali, that resulted in soaps. Over time, this basic mixture underwent a sea of change, and acquired many versions. Of late, there... 12 Benefits of African Black Soap The ingredients used to produce a soap determine its quality. While describing the characteristic properties of African black soap, this Buzzle article also presents a list of amazing ingredients that impart these properties to the... How to Keep Your Skin from Thinning Eating skin-friendly foods, avoiding unhealthy habits, such as smoking, and using appropriate moisturizers are some of the ways to prevent thinning of skin. Read the following Buzzle article to know more about ways to keep skin... Best BB Creams for Your Skin Are you tired of slathering sunblock, primer, moisturizer, and foundations? Instead of juggling a lot of makeup products, get a BB cream. This versatile skincare and makeup product provides light coverage, radiance, and sun... Benefits of Wine for Skin Wine is rich in antioxidants, which fight with the free radicals and protect the skin from the effects of aging. Read on to find other skin benefits that are associated with wine. Benefits of Vitamin E Oil for Skin
  • 3. Regular application of vitamin E oil on skin can bring about marked improvement in texture of the skin. It also helps to get rid of various skin problems. Read this article to find out about the benefits of vitamin E oil for skin. Avocado Oil for Skin There are so many beneficial oils, some of the best ones are lavender oil, tea tree oil, and olive oil. One of the least known beneficial oil is the avocado oil. Skin care benefits of this oil are many, read on to know more. Almond Oil for Skin Sweet almond oil for skin has proved to be very beneficial in promoting beauty and wellness. Find out all about the wonder oil here. weight loss doctor philadelphia How to Make Chocolate Milk Bath A chocolate milk bath? Now that's something you have to learn more about. Here's an article on how to make chocolate milk bath and have an amazing bathing experience... Green Tea Oil for Skin Trial-and-error method cannot be applied where skin care is concerned. Make sure that you trust the product before you make it a part of your skin care routine. Trust green tea oil for skin ... for your skin's sake, and chase skin... Skin Care Tips for Teenage Girls If you want to know some amazing skin care tips for teenage girls, the article below is a must read. Know how you can take care of all your teenage skin problems in no time and prevent them from next time onwards. After all, the... Skin Care Tips for Black Women Proper care and pampering the skin plays a very important role to help keep it smooth, glowing, and healthy. Here are some skin care tips for African-American women. Grape Seed Oil for Skin Rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, grape seed oil is commonly used as a carrier oil and a base ingredient for many cosmetics. This Buzzle article attempts to enlighten you about the skin benefits and possible side... 7 Foods That are Not Good for the Skin The skin faces an endless list of problems. Many of us do everything in our power to protect it from exterior factors, like pollution and sunburn, but often neglect the importance of nutrition required in maintaining the optimum...
  • 4. Homemade Salt Scrubs for Skin Beauty treatments made easy - that is every woman's dream. This article gives you simple methods on how to prepare salt scrubs at home, for a younger and glowing skin. Sesame Oil for Skin The numerous benefits of sesame oil are attributed to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties. The following write-up will provide information on how this oil benefits the skin. Arm Hair Bleaching One of the most popular way to camouflage unwanted body hair is by bleaching. Most people prefer to bleach their arms and legs instead of face. Bleaching saves you time, toil, and a load of turmoil. Pomegranate Benefits for the Skin Pomegranate is rightly called the 'miracle fruit', due to its immense health benefits. Recently, its benefits for skin have also been discovered. Read on to know more... Astaxanthin Skin Benefits Astaxanthin, a naturally occurring carotenoid has gained significant attention for its immense ability to help achieve younger-looking skin. This informative article is written with the aim to share its numerous benefits with the... How to Get Younger-Looking Hands It is said that hands tend to age quicker than most other body parts. Your hands give away your true age, no matter how supple and young your facial skin looks. So, how to get younger-looking hands? Well, it is not very difficult,... Tips on Hair and Skin Care for Swimmers Swimming definitely tones your body but the chemicals in the pool can play havoc on your hair and skin, making them look dull and lifeless. Here are some tips to help you prevent damage to your skin and hair caused by swimming. Calamine Lotion Uses Calamine lotion is very effective in treating some skin problems. It is sold by various brands and is easily available in the market. Here are the details of uses of the soothing calamine lotion. Can Chocolate Make Your Skin Shine? Chocolates, the ambrosia of gods, till now, have been (and will be) accoladed as a delightful dessert. But, these days, chocolate has become an active ingredient in many skincare products. Sounds too good to be true, does it not?... Natural Skin Care Ingredients
  • 5. Using natural skin care ingredients is always better than using the artificial cosmetics as they not only keep the skin healthy, but also restore the lost glow. Benefits of Turmeric for Skin Turmeric helps maintaining good skin, cures cough, and boosts immunity. The benefits of this magic spice are plenty! This article delves deeper to find the benefits of turmeric, specially for skin. Precious Metals in Skin Care As if those hours you spend in the parlors weren't enough to enhance beauty. Welcome to the world where precious metals aren't worn but included in your daily beauty regimen. The inclusion of precious metals for taking care of the... Skin Care for Men Over 50 As one begins to go on the wrong side of age, concerns over skin and beauty care suddenly appear to assume greater significance. Read all about skin care for men over 50 in the following article. Benefits of Tomato Juice for Skin The benefits of tomato juice for the skin include increasing fairness, balancing pH, tightening pores, treating sunburn, reducing irritation and curing acne. You can use tomato juice alone or along with other beneficial ingredients... Vitamins to Improve Skin Elasticity The vitamins listed in this article are some of the most beneficial vitamins that help in retaining the elasticity and suppleness of the skin. Read this article to know more. How to Keep your Skin Clear and Healthy Are you on the lookout for some effortless tricks to keep your skin clear and healthy? The following article could help you enjoy a blemish-free glowing skin, with just a few things to keep in mind. Foods that are Good for Your Skin The type of food that you eat is responsible for your physical as well as mental health. Healthier foods are responsible for a good looking skin. If your diet is missing certain foods, then it could lead to certain skin conditions.... Oil Cleansing Method Oil cleansing method is free from use of any synthetic chemicals and hence it works to optimize skin health. How to Get Clear Skin Fast Clear, glowing skin... wondering if it's a dream? Not anymore. Learn how to get clear skin fast from this article. It will give you some tips, which are not only safe but also natural. Read on...
  • 6. Benefits of Rose Oil for Skin Did you know that it takes more than a hundred thousand rose blossoms to make an ounce of rose essential oil? What makes this oil so special and how is it beneficial for the skin? Read this article to find out. How to Get Clear Skin Overnight If you are looking for tips on how to get clear skin overnight, then it means that you are looking for faster results. Read this article to find out about the options available to you in this regard. Natural Skin Care Tips The following article suggests some of the best, yet easy to follow natural skin care tips. Read on to know how to get a beautiful, radiant skin naturally. Best Foods for the Skin Beauty is the aspiration and prerogative of every living creature, irrespective of species or gender. Let's get familiar with the best foods that work wonders for us, humans, in our eternal quest for beauty and youth. How to Get Beautiful Skin If there is a desire that can be ubiquitous, it surely would be to look good. A beautiful skin is one of the many factors that make us look good and lively. This article focuses on providing tips on how to get beautiful skin. How to Get Smooth Skin Naturally Harsh weather can rob the skin off its natural oils, thereby making it rough. This write-up provides a few tips for rejuvenating your skin, and making it soft, smooth, and supple. Underarm Whitening Read this article to get some underarm whitening tips if you are scared to flash those not-so-perfect underarms for the weekend rock concert. How to Repair Sun Damaged Skin un damaged skin can be repaired by restoring the strength in the structure of the skin cells. This article contains a brief description of various ways used for repairing such damaged skin. How to Get Glowing Skin Glowing skin is always an asset and creates an immediate impact. Some of us are blessed with it, while some of us just need to be patient and work hard for it. It is actually attainable if you are determined and regularly follow... Milk Bath
  • 7. A milk bath is a natural way to keep your skin soft, supple, and radiant, as milk is extremely beneficial for the skin. Read on to discover the amazing benefits of milk, which you can derive by taking a bath with milk. Foods Good for Skin There are certain foods good for skin and when such foods are consumed regularly, one can have a glowing complexion and well-moisturized skin. Tips for Healthy Skin Who doesn't want soft and clear skin? But in order to achieve a healthier-looking skin, there are a few things you need to follow. Buzzle shares a few tips on you can get glowing, clear skin. Egg White Mask Application of an egg white mask cleans and clears the skin of acne, and also makes the skin look younger. This article explains how to make an egg white face mask and the benefits of using one. Pumice Stone A pumice stone is a solidified and porous volcanic rock having a wide range of uses in various fields. Read this Buzzle article to know more. Benefits of Organic Soap While the obvious purpose of soap is to cleanse your body, using the right kind is important so that it gives you more benefits than one. Here, we outline the various benefits of using a natural, organic soap. Homemade Beauty Recipes A trip to a spa can make an irreparable hole in your pocket. Here are a few beauty recipes that you can try at home. These homemade beauty products are safer alternative and equally are effective. Pumice Uses Pumice has several uses that include household as well as other areas. Go through the following article to know what these are. Mineral Oil for Skin There are various benefits of mineral oil for the skin. No wonder it is one of the most common ingredient of most cosmetics. For more information about benefits and dangers of mineral oil, read on. Tips for Taking Care of Combination Skin Taking care of combination skin can be a real task as it requires you to care for two different skin types. Here are some tips that will surely help you deal with such skin.
  • 8. Cucumber for Skin Summer is almost here, and cucumber comes to our rescue with its cool and refreshing properties. This article discusses the benefits of the same in skincare, that might prove beneficial. Combination Skin Care Identifying your skin type is the first step in following an effective skin care regimen. If you have combination skin, then you will need to follow a skin care routine that suits your skin type. This article suggests some tips to... Fair Complexion Tips Fair complexion is every woman's dream and those with fair complexion look for some tips to maintain their complexion. The following Buzzle article will cover some fair complexion tips that will prove useful for all women. Homemade Beauty Treatments Beauty treatments do not mean that you have to spend a huge sum of money to get that gorgeous look. This article contains some simple and easy homemade beauty treatments that involve use of household products only. Interested? Read... Glowing Skin Tips Maintaining a clear, gorgeous skin that is glowing with health, is difficult nowadays owing to pollution and other harsh chemicals. These can cause a number of skin problems. In spite of this, if you wish to have a glowing skin,... How to Get Healthy Skin Everybody wishes to have a clear, glowing and radiant complexion. For healthy skin that has a translucent and flawless look, you need to follow a beauty regimen. Smooth Skin Tips While makeup can accentuate your features, true beauty lies in smooth, flawless skin. This Buzzle write-up provides tips for getting smooth skin, and keeping your skin from turning dull and lifeless. How to Make Moisturizing Hand Soap With so many hand soap varieties available in the market, it's difficult to choose the best one, especially, when all claim to be the best. As an alternative, you can learn to make a homemade soap, that not only moisturizes your... Remove Dark Spots Do you want to know how to remove dark spots from your face and body? If yes, then read the following article which suggests various natural, salon, and medical treatment options for the same. How to Get Rid of Dark Elbows
  • 9. Dark elbows stem from neglect, but are a problem that many people face. Luckily, a little care can help turn them soft and smooth again. This Buzzle article sheds some light on the same. How to Tighten Loose Skin There are a number of ways by which you can tighten your loose skin and surgery is not necessarily the only option left. Read on for more information on that aspect. How to Get Clear Skin Women are always searching for ways to get a clear complexion which can help enhance their beauty. The following article on how to get clear skin at home will prove to be useful to such ladies. Flawless Skin Secrets Who would not love to have a healthy and radiant skin? Many people keep wondering how to get it while there are some who actually possess one. Read on to know some common flawless skin secrets. Safflower Oil for Skin Use of safflower oil for skin and hair treatment is gaining popularity and it is claimed that it even helps with acne. Read the following article to know the ways in which it may be used. Daily Skin Care Routine Following a skin care routine is extremely essential for a healthy skin and complexion. This can be done easily at home by using some basic skin care products. How to Exfoliate Skin Naturally Wondering how to exfoliate your skin naturally? Here are the answers to your questions. Exfoliate skin naturally at least twice a week to look younger every day! Homemade Skin Whitener Everyone loves to have fair complexion. While some have God gifted fair complexion, others struggle for it. There are many ways to have a fairer skin. I am sure that you may have tried many commercial products for the same. Well,... Skin Care Products for Men Skin care lotions and creams are the best way to refresh the skin and make it look better. They absorb the impurities, remove unwanted greasiness, and nourish the skin surface thoroughly. Skin Care Products for Women With a wide range of products for skin care, the choosing the best one always becomes a confusing task. Before you make your buy, make sure you know your skin type and what will suit it the best. Here are a few tips to help you out...
  • 10. Natural Skin Care Recipes The skin is the most exposed part of our body and has to unavoidably endure the test of nature and time. Here are some natural skin care recipes that will surely rejuvenate dull and tired skin. Laser in Dermatology Recent years have seen a spurt in the use of laser for treating skin conditions like vascular lesions, for cosmetic facial resurfacing, and tattoo removal. This Buzzle article provides more information about this technology and its... Tips for Beautiful Skin If you want supple, flawless skin, then you should be very careful regarding its care. Use the following tips for beautiful skin to get started. Cleansing Tips for a Healthy Skin Cleansing your skin on a daily basis can make it immune to pores, acne, breakouts, pimples, scars, and other menaces, thus giving you flawless, healthy, and happy skin. This article chalks out a cleansing regimen for you which if... Herbal Skin Care Skin is the largest organ in the human body and needs special care to keep it supple and healthy. Here are some tips on how to take care of your skin using only herbal products. Natural Beauty Recipes For Smooth Skin There are scores of DIY recipes to help you gain and maintain a healthy complexion right in the comfort of your home. This Buzzle post lists out some easy recipes to tackle all your beauty issues.