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Shruti Farmania, MBA(Marketing) -IMI Delhi
Placement Help Guide
This Interview Help Guide is a unique collection of my experiences as I was one of the last few
students to get placed. The interesting fact is that I cleared most of the GD’s and appeared in
interview of almost every company I applied for. So, this guide brings to you valuable and actual
experiences and in a way, aims to prepare you better for your final placements.
However, before going through this document & spending substantial time in assimilating the
advices given in the forthcoming pages, I want to make a few things clear to my readers.
None of the views should be taken as the last verdict about the process, the company or any other
idea expressed. Opinions are subjective and the same holds true for the contents of this
document. I have tried my best to present to you the best possible information and data that may
help you in resolving your queries and sincerely hope that it helps you in your preparation for
Finally, I am extremely grateful to the people who helped me form those opinions, judgements
and provided me with their feedback, enabling me to prepare this guide.
All the Best!
Interview Preparation Checklist
10 Things-to-do to prepare well for an interview
1) Check the Glassdoor review of the company to get an overall idea about the company. Please
be aware that those reviews are subjective to the experience individuals had in their team so it
cannot be generalized for the company as a whole.
2) Go through the company website in detail. Understand the product/service it offers, its vision,
mission and core values. Align your vision with the company’s vision and think of instances
which could reflect those core values.
3) Visit Facebook/Twitter Page of the company and check what they are offering to their
customers and the customer’s response towards it. It includes checking the number of likes on
the page, duration of posts and responsiveness to customer complaints. It would give an idea
about the latest trends and company’s strategy.
4) Go to LinkedIn and search for people working in the same profile which is offered to you. It
would enhance your understanding about the role and responsibilities under that profile.
5) Try if you can find any contact person who is presently working in the company. You will get
a lot of inside information which will help you understand the company and role better.
6) Now that the role and responsibilities are clear, identify the concepts which could be asked in
the interview. Revise the relevant subjects and concepts.
7) Next, prepare HR questions.
8) Go to Google News and read latest news about the company so that you can ask relevant
question when asked, “Do you have any question?” at the end.
9) Prepare a folder where you keep a copy of some of the important project work done by you as
pictures talk more than words :)
10) Last but not the least, make sure your clothes are well-ironed and shoes well-polished.
This article was published in PFB the link:
Scenarios for applying for companies
In campus placements, most common dilemma among students is whether to apply for a
company or not. The dream company satisfies four broad criteria: brand, profile, money &
location. But for all other companies, decision is tough as they don’t satisfy all criteria. After
discussing with faculties, friends and seniors, I derived three cases when you should apply for a
company, when in doubt.*
Case 1: Good brand even if low package
A good brand makes your resume strong. You will get an opportunity to work with the best
brains of the country. Networking helps. You will only get better offers in future.
Case 2: Start-up with good profile
In a big company, you are a small part in the eco-system but in the start-up you comprise the
eco-system. If you are dynamic, willing to learn & ready to face new challenges every day, start-
up is the best place for you. But it’s essential that the profile is good because if the start-up fails,
you have nothing to prove your credentials.
Case 3: Any company which gives lots of money
It’s simple. If a company is giving you lots of money, they will get the best out of you. You
don’t have to worry about brand and profile because they sure know what they want from you.
But you may want to reconsider the decision if its Real Estate sector.
P.S. “A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.”
*Note: It’s my personal opinion. You are open to disagree, discuss and debate.
Interview Tips
1. Maintain eye-contact with all the panelists
2. Be flexible and accept interviewer’s point of view humbly
3. Say “I don’t know” if you don’t know the answer
4. Talk slowly and make your words clear
5. Even if you feel that the interviewers are very young and you are better than them or you
know more, be humble.
6. Be assertive & not aggressive.
7. Ask for some time if you want to recollect your thoughts (For eg. “Could you please give me
a moment to think”)
8. Smile while disagreeing or when you don’t know any answer (For eg. If they ask the name of
head HR of the company, just smile if you don’t know)
9. Speak politically correct answers. (For eg. Have you read about the company? Don’t say no
even if you haven’t read anything)
10. Come to the point directly. Not everyone is patient enough to hear the whole story.
11. Accept your mistake if you happen to cite wrong facts and figures.
12. Be happy. Nobody likes to interact with a gloomy person.
13. Ask questions at the end of interview.
1. Maintain eye contact with just one panelist
2. Be rigid with your answers and point of view
3. Cut interviewer’s point
4. Guess and answer questions
5. Speak at a very fast rate
6. Try to outwit panel, after all you will get the job at their mercy!
7. Feel Nervous. Nobody would hire someone lacking in confidence.
8. Lose your cool even if interview starts on a bad note. Keep trying till the end.
Group Discussion Tips
It’s obvious that you must read newspaper every day. That’s a prerequisite before you read
1. Ask for subject/topic related clarifications before the discussion begins.
2. Start the discussion if possible. It makes a good impression and your point is heard well. If
not, try to enter into 2nd
, 3rd
or 4th
place. If entering later than this, make sure you have a solid
point and stay involved till the end.
3. Structure your thoughts. Give a framework to the discussion.
4. Talk in concise points rather than speaking long sentences.
5. Try to relate topics to subjects, brands and your field. (For eg. If the topic is ‘blue & red’,
you can relate it to Pepsi and Coke)
6. Give relevant examples as much possible.
7. Cite correct facts and figures. It would backfire if somebody knows the correct facts and
8. Cut others point when they are done with their primary point and are just merely repeating it.
But make sure that when you cut someone, you have a better point to speak on.
9. If you happen to get a topic about which you know nothing, try to summarize what everyone
is speaking. It works.
10. If you happen to have no idea about what is being discussed in the group, try and manage the
group. Demonstrate your leadership and communication skills. (For eg. ask group to focus on
topic if they are digressing from it)
11. If panelists don’t give time duration for GD, ask for time duration and take initiative of
keeping a tab on time, especially when you need to arrive at a decision in the end.
12. Sit straight and be yourself. Body language is important so be careful while using gestures
and do not ever get aggressive.
13. Make eye contact with everyone sitting in the GD. Don’t look at panelists.
14. Listen others well and appreciate what they are saying.
15. Speak clearly and allow others to speak when your point is done.
16. Try to throw in valuable points all through the GD.
1. Stop when everybody start speaking simultaneously. Complete your point and then
stop. You must ensure that the group hears you. {Very Important}
2. Swivel your chair.
3. Cut the point of the person who starts the GD instantly.
4. Repeat the topic when you start speaking.
GD Points are awarded primarily on the basis of:
o Content
o Variety
o Being active through the GD
o Leadership skills
o Effective & concise articulation
o Ability to work in a team
o Reasoning ability
o Assertiveness
o Flexibility
o Ability to think and act independently
o Open-mindedness
o Listening skills
o Attitude and confidence
While Summarizing:
o Try to provide a gist of the entire discussion.
o Try not to introduce new points.
o You may pose questions or mention some critical things that could not be discussed owing to
the time limit.
o Avoid stating only your viewpoint.
o Avoid dwelling only on one aspect of the GD.
o Keep it brief and concise.
Common Interview Questions
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Walk me through CV
3. Tell one major achievement
4. What is the extra-ordinary thing about you that is not mentioned in CV
5. Tell me something other than CV
6. Why do you wish to pursue marketing/finance/ops/HR?
7. Tell me about your family background
8. Why MBA?
9. Why not BBA and then MBA? / Why engineering and then MBA?
10. What are your biggest Strengths & Weaknesses
11. What is your biggest failure?
12. Tell me a situation when you convinced someone.
13. Tell me when you added value to an assignment given to you.
14. Tell me one criticism and how did you react to it.
15. Tell me when you worked in an adverse situation. What was the result? Why do you think
you succeeded /failed?
16. Tell me a situation where you have solved a conflict very effectively? Would you always like
to resolve conflicts? When & why not? Give me an example from your life.
17. Tell me an assignment during your days in college & quantify your contribution in that
18. Where do you see yourself 5 /10 years down the line
19. Why should we hire you?
20. Why should we not hire you?
21. Describe a goal you set that took a long time to achieve.
22. Do you believe in Jugaad? If yes, give an example.
23. What have you learnt in IMI?
24. What is the toughest decision you have taken in your life? Analyze. How do you feel in
retrospect about the decision? What would you have done if you were asked to take the
decision now? How did you convince others about the decision? How did you convince
yourself about the decision?
25. Most difficult challenge and how did you face it?
26. Do you think you can train others? Give me an example where you trained a team of people.
How did you go about it? How would you quantify your performance?
27. Give me an example when you performed really well given a resource crunch. Describe in
detail. How did you manage the situation?
28. Tell us a situation where you faced a difficult task, the options you generated and how went
about solving the problem?
29. In any new job there are some things we pick up quickly and other things that take more
time to learn. In your job at _________, tell me about something you learned quickly and
something that took more time.
30. Give an example of a situation where you solved a problem by applying your knowledge in
some different field.
31. 5 Famous Personalities that inspires me. Why?
32. Are you smart?
33. How ambitious are you? Rate yourself.
34. Are you a natural leader?
35. What does your friends/teacher/manager/stranger say about u?
36. Tell 3 engineering flashbacks.
37. What lessons did your college life teach you?
38. What is your dream Company?
39. Who do u look up to in your family n why?
40. How do you spend your leisure time?
41. How will you promote your interest/ hobby (such as magic)? What would be the different
elements of marketing you would keep in mind?
42. Why our company?
43. Describe how you’ve worked with a team to set specific and measurable goals and
44. Tell me about a time you worked with someone who wasn’t as cooperative as you need
him/her to be.
45. Can you give me a specific example of a time when you identified a small problem before it
became big?
46. Tell me about an idea you've had that is creative or innovative.
47. Time you had to motivate someone to deliver, despite having no formal authority over
48. If you had several tasks at hand, how would you prioritize them?
49. What makes u best candidate?
50. Recommend some friend.
51. Would you be comfortable shifting to remote area?
52. Is there any question would you like to ask us?
53. Tell me a situation wherein your sub-ordinate didn’t support you and you worked your way
to get their support.
54. If you need to pick up a team for a project, how will you go about it?
55. How will you measure commitment in a group?
56. How will you gain trust among your colleague?
57. How will you get your team to achieve a goal?
58. Have you ever failed to deliver your commitments?
10 Things-to-do when you are one of those ‘unplaced students’
1. Keep patience and confidence. Seeing placed people party hard does burn heart and provokes
one to take hasty decisions but don’t fall in that trap. Don’t let the peer pressure get in your
2. Don’t become desperate and apply for all the companies including those which just don’t
deserve you. Please don’t do this to yourself. Trust me, being on the other side with a
compromised job doesn’t feel good either.
3. Network with as many people as possible. Don’t isolate yourself blaming your luck and
thinking that you will do everything only after getting placed. Talk to faculties, friends and
placed students, they sure know something which you never thought of.
4. Take this as an opportunity to re-invent yourself. It doesn’t mean scrutinizing yourself to the
extreme but finding true answers to the basic questions. Learn from your mistakes and come
back stronger.
5. Keep close people who genuinely believe in your capabilities. They are the ones who will re-
instill your confidence and keep you going till the end.
6. Prepare well about every company you are sitting for. It has multiple benefits: you begin to
understand profiles better, your industry knowledge grows and you become clearer about the
kind of role you want.
7. Stay away from other anxious unplaced students. One negative statement is enough to fire up
your brain during these times. Don’t let their thoughts and actions influence your decisions.
8. Read as much as you can. This is probably the best free time you will get before getting into
corporate life. Utilize it to the fullest.
9. Pen down your thoughts and experiences. It helps in staying light and positive.
10. Lastly, don’t give up. You never know how close you are to success when you give up.
The Aurora Awaits
A short story to keep you inspired…
There was a girl who was treated no less than a princess in her family. She had the access to all
the fancy and expensive things which most can only dream of. As she grew, she had two choices,
either to relax and still have the comfort of the world or to walk on the road less traveled and
write her own destiny. She chose the latter. Her journey was never smooth but yet remarkable.
She made wonderful friends, lived life on her own terms and enjoyed every bit of it. She was an
incorrigible optimist. After few years, she came across a bridge. She was confident and well
prepared to cross it at once but she fell down! She laughed, got up and tried again. As luck would
have it, she couldn’t cross it. She kept on trying and falling down. Earlier it didn’t seem to be a
big deal but then suddenly her world seemed torn apart. She used to be the person who could
sleep anywhere, anytime but now it would take hours to fall asleep. She wondered how long will
it take for things to fall in place. Tough circumstances had made her stronger but she was now
scared of becoming passive and indifferent. She was worried that her optimism may fail her.
Reasons were many. The most important was being left alone in the journey by her best of
friends. It had been years since she had seen her family. She was growing restless to meet them.
But she had to cross the bridge to see her family! Her food stock was depleting, her health
deteriorating. She would spend nights alone crying after falling down. Birds would accompany
her as sun rose but they would also fly away after sunset. Destination seemed distant and far
away. But she was a princess in a true spirit and she refused to give up. She decided to take this
as an opportunity to re-discover herself. She made nature her companion. She started exploring
nature. She started eating fresh fruits from trees, sleeping under the shades of trees, bathing in
river, running with the wind and playing in the field. She made some new friends in the process.
They gave her several tips to cross the bridge. It made her happy and gave her hope. One
morning, she woke up and started walking on the bridge with an open mind and before she knew
it, she had crossed the bridge. She looked back with a smile and thought, what an experience it
was! She was back with her family and was ready to embark on a new journey..
-Shruti Farmania

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Shruti Farmania- Placement Help Guide

  • 1. Placement Help Guide Shruti Farmania, MBA(Marketing) -IMI Delhi
  • 2. Placement Help Guide Disclaimer This Interview Help Guide is a unique collection of my experiences as I was one of the last few students to get placed. The interesting fact is that I cleared most of the GD’s and appeared in interview of almost every company I applied for. So, this guide brings to you valuable and actual experiences and in a way, aims to prepare you better for your final placements. However, before going through this document & spending substantial time in assimilating the advices given in the forthcoming pages, I want to make a few things clear to my readers. None of the views should be taken as the last verdict about the process, the company or any other idea expressed. Opinions are subjective and the same holds true for the contents of this document. I have tried my best to present to you the best possible information and data that may help you in resolving your queries and sincerely hope that it helps you in your preparation for finals. Finally, I am extremely grateful to the people who helped me form those opinions, judgements and provided me with their feedback, enabling me to prepare this guide. All the Best!
  • 3. Interview Preparation Checklist 10 Things-to-do to prepare well for an interview 1) Check the Glassdoor review of the company to get an overall idea about the company. Please be aware that those reviews are subjective to the experience individuals had in their team so it cannot be generalized for the company as a whole. 2) Go through the company website in detail. Understand the product/service it offers, its vision, mission and core values. Align your vision with the company’s vision and think of instances which could reflect those core values. 3) Visit Facebook/Twitter Page of the company and check what they are offering to their customers and the customer’s response towards it. It includes checking the number of likes on the page, duration of posts and responsiveness to customer complaints. It would give an idea about the latest trends and company’s strategy. 4) Go to LinkedIn and search for people working in the same profile which is offered to you. It would enhance your understanding about the role and responsibilities under that profile. 5) Try if you can find any contact person who is presently working in the company. You will get a lot of inside information which will help you understand the company and role better. 6) Now that the role and responsibilities are clear, identify the concepts which could be asked in the interview. Revise the relevant subjects and concepts. 7) Next, prepare HR questions. 8) Go to Google News and read latest news about the company so that you can ask relevant question when asked, “Do you have any question?” at the end. 9) Prepare a folder where you keep a copy of some of the important project work done by you as pictures talk more than words :) 10) Last but not the least, make sure your clothes are well-ironed and shoes well-polished. This article was published in PFB the link:
  • 4. Scenarios for applying for companies In campus placements, most common dilemma among students is whether to apply for a company or not. The dream company satisfies four broad criteria: brand, profile, money & location. But for all other companies, decision is tough as they don’t satisfy all criteria. After discussing with faculties, friends and seniors, I derived three cases when you should apply for a company, when in doubt.* Case 1: Good brand even if low package A good brand makes your resume strong. You will get an opportunity to work with the best brains of the country. Networking helps. You will only get better offers in future. Case 2: Start-up with good profile In a big company, you are a small part in the eco-system but in the start-up you comprise the eco-system. If you are dynamic, willing to learn & ready to face new challenges every day, start- up is the best place for you. But it’s essential that the profile is good because if the start-up fails, you have nothing to prove your credentials. Case 3: Any company which gives lots of money It’s simple. If a company is giving you lots of money, they will get the best out of you. You don’t have to worry about brand and profile because they sure know what they want from you. But you may want to reconsider the decision if its Real Estate sector. P.S. “A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.” *Note: It’s my personal opinion. You are open to disagree, discuss and debate.
  • 5. Interview Tips Do’s 1. Maintain eye-contact with all the panelists 2. Be flexible and accept interviewer’s point of view humbly 3. Say “I don’t know” if you don’t know the answer 4. Talk slowly and make your words clear 5. Even if you feel that the interviewers are very young and you are better than them or you know more, be humble. 6. Be assertive & not aggressive. 7. Ask for some time if you want to recollect your thoughts (For eg. “Could you please give me a moment to think”) 8. Smile while disagreeing or when you don’t know any answer (For eg. If they ask the name of head HR of the company, just smile if you don’t know) 9. Speak politically correct answers. (For eg. Have you read about the company? Don’t say no even if you haven’t read anything) 10. Come to the point directly. Not everyone is patient enough to hear the whole story. 11. Accept your mistake if you happen to cite wrong facts and figures. 12. Be happy. Nobody likes to interact with a gloomy person. 13. Ask questions at the end of interview. Don’ts 1. Maintain eye contact with just one panelist 2. Be rigid with your answers and point of view 3. Cut interviewer’s point 4. Guess and answer questions 5. Speak at a very fast rate 6. Try to outwit panel, after all you will get the job at their mercy! 7. Feel Nervous. Nobody would hire someone lacking in confidence. 8. Lose your cool even if interview starts on a bad note. Keep trying till the end.
  • 6. Group Discussion Tips It’s obvious that you must read newspaper every day. That’s a prerequisite before you read below. Do’s 1. Ask for subject/topic related clarifications before the discussion begins. 2. Start the discussion if possible. It makes a good impression and your point is heard well. If not, try to enter into 2nd , 3rd or 4th place. If entering later than this, make sure you have a solid point and stay involved till the end. 3. Structure your thoughts. Give a framework to the discussion. 4. Talk in concise points rather than speaking long sentences. 5. Try to relate topics to subjects, brands and your field. (For eg. If the topic is ‘blue & red’, you can relate it to Pepsi and Coke) 6. Give relevant examples as much possible. 7. Cite correct facts and figures. It would backfire if somebody knows the correct facts and figures. 8. Cut others point when they are done with their primary point and are just merely repeating it. But make sure that when you cut someone, you have a better point to speak on. 9. If you happen to get a topic about which you know nothing, try to summarize what everyone is speaking. It works. 10. If you happen to have no idea about what is being discussed in the group, try and manage the group. Demonstrate your leadership and communication skills. (For eg. ask group to focus on topic if they are digressing from it) 11. If panelists don’t give time duration for GD, ask for time duration and take initiative of keeping a tab on time, especially when you need to arrive at a decision in the end. 12. Sit straight and be yourself. Body language is important so be careful while using gestures and do not ever get aggressive. 13. Make eye contact with everyone sitting in the GD. Don’t look at panelists. 14. Listen others well and appreciate what they are saying. 15. Speak clearly and allow others to speak when your point is done. 16. Try to throw in valuable points all through the GD. Don’ts 1. Stop when everybody start speaking simultaneously. Complete your point and then stop. You must ensure that the group hears you. {Very Important} 2. Swivel your chair. 3. Cut the point of the person who starts the GD instantly. 4. Repeat the topic when you start speaking.
  • 7. GD Points are awarded primarily on the basis of: o Content o Variety o Being active through the GD o Leadership skills o Effective & concise articulation o Ability to work in a team o Reasoning ability o Assertiveness o Flexibility o Ability to think and act independently o Open-mindedness o Listening skills o Attitude and confidence While Summarizing: o Try to provide a gist of the entire discussion. o Try not to introduce new points. o You may pose questions or mention some critical things that could not be discussed owing to the time limit. o Avoid stating only your viewpoint. o Avoid dwelling only on one aspect of the GD. o Keep it brief and concise.
  • 8. Common Interview Questions 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Walk me through CV 3. Tell one major achievement 4. What is the extra-ordinary thing about you that is not mentioned in CV 5. Tell me something other than CV 6. Why do you wish to pursue marketing/finance/ops/HR? 7. Tell me about your family background 8. Why MBA? 9. Why not BBA and then MBA? / Why engineering and then MBA? 10. What are your biggest Strengths & Weaknesses 11. What is your biggest failure? 12. Tell me a situation when you convinced someone. 13. Tell me when you added value to an assignment given to you. 14. Tell me one criticism and how did you react to it. 15. Tell me when you worked in an adverse situation. What was the result? Why do you think you succeeded /failed? 16. Tell me a situation where you have solved a conflict very effectively? Would you always like to resolve conflicts? When & why not? Give me an example from your life. 17. Tell me an assignment during your days in college & quantify your contribution in that 18. Where do you see yourself 5 /10 years down the line 19. Why should we hire you? 20. Why should we not hire you? 21. Describe a goal you set that took a long time to achieve. 22. Do you believe in Jugaad? If yes, give an example. 23. What have you learnt in IMI? 24. What is the toughest decision you have taken in your life? Analyze. How do you feel in retrospect about the decision? What would you have done if you were asked to take the decision now? How did you convince others about the decision? How did you convince yourself about the decision? 25. Most difficult challenge and how did you face it? 26. Do you think you can train others? Give me an example where you trained a team of people. How did you go about it? How would you quantify your performance? 27. Give me an example when you performed really well given a resource crunch. Describe in detail. How did you manage the situation? 28. Tell us a situation where you faced a difficult task, the options you generated and how went about solving the problem? 29. In any new job there are some things we pick up quickly and other things that take more
  • 9. time to learn. In your job at _________, tell me about something you learned quickly and something that took more time. 30. Give an example of a situation where you solved a problem by applying your knowledge in some different field. 31. 5 Famous Personalities that inspires me. Why? 32. Are you smart? 33. How ambitious are you? Rate yourself. 34. Are you a natural leader? 35. What does your friends/teacher/manager/stranger say about u? 36. Tell 3 engineering flashbacks. 37. What lessons did your college life teach you? 38. What is your dream Company? 39. Who do u look up to in your family n why? 40. How do you spend your leisure time? 41. How will you promote your interest/ hobby (such as magic)? What would be the different elements of marketing you would keep in mind? 42. Why our company? 43. Describe how you’ve worked with a team to set specific and measurable goals and objectives. 44. Tell me about a time you worked with someone who wasn’t as cooperative as you need him/her to be. 45. Can you give me a specific example of a time when you identified a small problem before it became big? 46. Tell me about an idea you've had that is creative or innovative. 47. Time you had to motivate someone to deliver, despite having no formal authority over him/her. 48. If you had several tasks at hand, how would you prioritize them? 49. What makes u best candidate? 50. Recommend some friend. 51. Would you be comfortable shifting to remote area? 52. Is there any question would you like to ask us? 53. Tell me a situation wherein your sub-ordinate didn’t support you and you worked your way to get their support. 54. If you need to pick up a team for a project, how will you go about it? 55. How will you measure commitment in a group? 56. How will you gain trust among your colleague? 57. How will you get your team to achieve a goal? 58. Have you ever failed to deliver your commitments?
  • 10. 10 Things-to-do when you are one of those ‘unplaced students’ 1. Keep patience and confidence. Seeing placed people party hard does burn heart and provokes one to take hasty decisions but don’t fall in that trap. Don’t let the peer pressure get in your nerves. 2. Don’t become desperate and apply for all the companies including those which just don’t deserve you. Please don’t do this to yourself. Trust me, being on the other side with a compromised job doesn’t feel good either. 3. Network with as many people as possible. Don’t isolate yourself blaming your luck and thinking that you will do everything only after getting placed. Talk to faculties, friends and placed students, they sure know something which you never thought of. 4. Take this as an opportunity to re-invent yourself. It doesn’t mean scrutinizing yourself to the extreme but finding true answers to the basic questions. Learn from your mistakes and come back stronger. 5. Keep close people who genuinely believe in your capabilities. They are the ones who will re- instill your confidence and keep you going till the end. 6. Prepare well about every company you are sitting for. It has multiple benefits: you begin to understand profiles better, your industry knowledge grows and you become clearer about the kind of role you want. 7. Stay away from other anxious unplaced students. One negative statement is enough to fire up your brain during these times. Don’t let their thoughts and actions influence your decisions. 8. Read as much as you can. This is probably the best free time you will get before getting into corporate life. Utilize it to the fullest. 9. Pen down your thoughts and experiences. It helps in staying light and positive. 10. Lastly, don’t give up. You never know how close you are to success when you give up.
  • 11. The Aurora Awaits A short story to keep you inspired… There was a girl who was treated no less than a princess in her family. She had the access to all the fancy and expensive things which most can only dream of. As she grew, she had two choices, either to relax and still have the comfort of the world or to walk on the road less traveled and write her own destiny. She chose the latter. Her journey was never smooth but yet remarkable. She made wonderful friends, lived life on her own terms and enjoyed every bit of it. She was an incorrigible optimist. After few years, she came across a bridge. She was confident and well prepared to cross it at once but she fell down! She laughed, got up and tried again. As luck would have it, she couldn’t cross it. She kept on trying and falling down. Earlier it didn’t seem to be a big deal but then suddenly her world seemed torn apart. She used to be the person who could sleep anywhere, anytime but now it would take hours to fall asleep. She wondered how long will it take for things to fall in place. Tough circumstances had made her stronger but she was now scared of becoming passive and indifferent. She was worried that her optimism may fail her. Reasons were many. The most important was being left alone in the journey by her best of friends. It had been years since she had seen her family. She was growing restless to meet them. But she had to cross the bridge to see her family! Her food stock was depleting, her health deteriorating. She would spend nights alone crying after falling down. Birds would accompany her as sun rose but they would also fly away after sunset. Destination seemed distant and far away. But she was a princess in a true spirit and she refused to give up. She decided to take this as an opportunity to re-discover herself. She made nature her companion. She started exploring nature. She started eating fresh fruits from trees, sleeping under the shades of trees, bathing in river, running with the wind and playing in the field. She made some new friends in the process. They gave her several tips to cross the bridge. It made her happy and gave her hope. One morning, she woke up and started walking on the bridge with an open mind and before she knew it, she had crossed the bridge. She looked back with a smile and thought, what an experience it was! She was back with her family and was ready to embark on a new journey.. -Shruti Farmania