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Setting Month 
She was raised and lived on a ranch in Minnesota. She grew up to take care of horses and tending to 
farm. After she was done with their duties, they would always go for a ride on his favorite horse, 
Alley. She would ride until the sun went down, and her mother called for dinner. He always talked 
about his dreams about going to college in a big city. And once she graduated high school did. She 
moved into town and started going to college. Now I always talked about finding a man and falling in 
love. After two years, she fell in love with a strong, sweet, hardworking man named Jerry. And after 
you have completed a child, a beautiful boy named Aiden. But Aiden's first birthday police showed 
up at her door. They told her that Jerry was in a terrible accident and died. The next day, she would 
Aiden home to Minnesota. 
Late at night she woke up with a loud crash and the sound of Aiden crying. She ran to her room, but 
he was not there. She ran a search through the entire house, but could not find him. Then she heard 
the car start and ran out. She saw a large man wearing a mask put Aiden in the rear. She ran to him, 
jumped on his back trying to get my arms around his neck, but he's over her motor threw it on the 
ground. She scrambled to her feet and tried to tackle him as he headed to the car. But just ran and 
grabbed at his clothes trying to bring him down, but instead he grabbed a handful of her hair and 
pulled her away, and once again threw her to the ground. He walked back to the van returned and 
went to him to intervene. He turned and fired, hitting her in the stomach. She fell from the impact 
and pain. He stood over her now, "I had a debt to pay, and now we come to pick up. Goodbye 
Katherine." He got into the car and drove away all I heard was Aiden crying as her world went dark. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
She sat in front of the gas station waiting for the one hunted. Create a pile of cigarette butts outside 
the driver's side door of his jeep. It was the only thing she had left from his former life, known as 
someone else, well, that even the smoking habit, they just could not get rid of. She had to change 
her name and appearance, so find her before they found him. 
She used to have short dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, tan skin, and looked happy in their daily 
lives wearing light colored clothing, but that has all changed just a little over a year ago. Now some 
have brown eyes, but her hair is long and dark red, her skin is pale from not seeing the sun too 
often, because of its late night stake outputs, and she was thin, but it was healthy for her size was 
five feet six. Now wearing black jeans with a brown belt that matched her brown knee high boots, 
black low cut short sleeves that barely showed the wave breast. Since it was still February wore a 
black jacket over the top of her dress. She wears her hair around her face with a small braid here 
and there. She also wears a necklace with an old key on it around his neck. She would never admit 
that it symbolized everything, but it has been passed down from generation to generation, until now 
hung around his neck. 
She sat there and waited, she knew she had to buy cigarettes at some point, and this was her third 
day of waiting. She munched on some chips and drank from her hazelnut coffee, until one night 
when she noticed that something was off. She looked around and saw a policeman walking to the car 
and realized that someone had to get worried about her sitting so many nights in a row. When he 
came to the passenger side door, looked through the window before going to the driver's side. 
"There have been reports that the jeep is seen here for the last few nights." He paused for a moment
and looked at the pile of cigarettes before, "People are afraid that they are going to do something 
stupid like trying to rob the store . " 
She shook her head, but then realized that probably was not enough to get him or her case, "No 
officer, I'm just trying to meet up with a friend, she said that there will be a couple of nights ago but 
something always comes before it could really get here ". 
, "Miss, I'll need to see your license and registration." said he with a smile on her cleavage 
apparently falling out of his shirt as she leaned forward to catch her information. 
After handing him her papers, she got a good look at him, he was tall, with broad shoulders, and 
look it worked out a lot, to the point where you thought it might be all he does with his free time . 
She was snatched from her thoughts when he began to speak again. 
"So, Miss Lilly." Slightly crouched hated it when people said that it might not be her real name, but 
all the same she hated when people Lilliana shorted to Lilly. "You're going to have to move along, I 
can not sit night after night, frightened employees is, no matter what your true intentions might be." 
"Thank you officer, I hate to bother you again, have a good night." Lilliana said in her sweetest voice 
possible, he did not want to provoke her. 
She started the car and slowly moved out of the parking lot. He lit a cigarette and slowly circled the 
block twice to make sure it was gone before parking in the driveway of the house three doors down 
from the gas station. She turned on the motor and waited for the light in his car left before taking 
another look around to make sure no one noticed what she did. 
She looked again at the gas station, but still nothing. She turned her head toward the house, 
frustrated that they had to wait so long in one that hunted, leave the safety of their home. "Damn." 
she said aloud their own frustrations. This time had a gun and did not want to leave unharmed. 
She took a drag on his cigarette and tried to stop thinking. She then turned her eyes to focus on the 
house in front of her. She chose this house because there was no light to, and not a car that could 
find. But now I noticed that no one may be there for a while, there was dirt caked on the siding and 
the garage door. She was happy that she chose this house. It was a nice two-story with two garage 
and looked as if someone had put a lot of time on it in one place. But now it cost almost as if the left. 
She took another hit from her cigarette and looked back toward the gas station, waiting was the 
hardest. I would just stick to what you lost and never let go again, and he was keeping from her. She 
took another drag off the cigarette and threw it out the window. 
Twenty minutes later, a car pulled up behind her, "Fuck that fucking cop is back, maybe I'll just tell 
him this is my friends place, maybe ...." She thrust the idea of ​​someone grabbed her 
arm and yanked her of the car. He knew instantly that this was not a cop and he felt like a wet dog. 
But she was not able to see a man before she was forced to look away from him. He twisted his left 
arm behind her back, forcing her to look away. She immediately knew that he would hurt her if 
something was not done. She turned to her right elbow connects with the nose, and felt hot liquid 
splash on the back. But he did not let go of the left arm, if anything, he was more twisted. A stab of 
pain shot her hand. She went to throw another elbow when someone grabbed her; smirked as he 
squeezed her wrist painfully. But she would not show it, that is after her for over too proud to do 
another man.
She was able to see the other man, who was squeezed her wrist painfully; He was tall, with blue eyes 
and brown hair fluttering that stopped just below her chin. He was handsome, I killed you sort of 
way, but he had a grace to him. As would just let you know it was there if he wanted. She tried to 
fight two apparently strong men away, but to no avail. The second man now standing before her 
barely inches, close enough to feel her hardened nipples scrap chest. She tried to move away from 
him, not wanting him to touch any part of it, but was unable to move. 
"You must let me go before I bloody nose, too." She snapped at him. 
But a closer and whispered in her ear. "You should not fight a child, it will only make it worse for you 
in the end." Then she felt a sharp pain in the neck, and before she could scream, everything went 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
She awoke to the sound of a man laughing as her hands were tied above his head. She then pulled 
up until her feet touched the ground and had her wrist throbbed in pain. She cringed as a man came 
up behind her and grabbed her by the neck almost her movement of goods. "I told you it would only 
get worse." He said into her ear as he let go of her neck, threw her head back, hitting him in the 
face. "Bitch, I wanted to take it easy on you, but now you have all my anger." He said he was leaving 
"Fuck You". was all she said. 
Then she felt the slap and whip on his back and realized he was naked as she screamed in pain. She 
clenched her teeth as a second hit when he growled, trying to scream. Not give them the 
satisfaction. They again and again struck; finally got what they wanted, as she cried out with each 
new stroke. Eventually she passed out in pain. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
~ ~ ~ 
The next time she woke up, she was in a dark room, he could not see anything. She could not 
remember what had happened to her until almost like a dream that came flooding back to her house 
that she thought at first to be a cop, but it turned out that people are trying to harm them, whipping. 
Damn, why it happened, it has nothing to do with the house, or just because the girl was alone at 
night, or were these people owe her husband, is that why you thought it would be with her. She then 
noticed that it was cold, and he remembered she was naked, but he wore a set of silk bra and 
panties. What is planned on making her; Tears welled in his eyes, they were going to rape and kill 
her. "Fuck, why it happened, I had to be the hunter not to them. Seru." She heard a loud cry from 
what seemed just a few rooms away. She sat down he noticed that she was not in any pain. She 
prepared herself for the worst, because when they came for her. 
While she sat in her thoughts drifted over the past year and her dead husband. It turned out that he 
had a gambling problem and he had no more money to bet my family. She could not believe she fell 
for a man like that, but he hid it pretty well, the only time you ever saw that betting was during 
football season, but it was only with her friends and she did not mind. She touched her stomach, 
where he was shot and felt a scar there. After recovering from that she went home discovered that 
he had also lost their house and now someone new to live there. She did not know what to do or 
where to go. She found her jeep that fortunately her parents bought her was in the vault, but had no 
money to get it out. So she went and sold their wedding rings, and when talking to the man behind 
the counter found out that her husband and a great guy used to hang out there all the time talking
about money and what to bet on next. It peaked her interest, and asked where one usually hung out. 
He said that he was always at the strip club off Hampton Blvd. So I paid for her jeep to get out of the 
vault, and followed him until he sat in front of the gas station waiting to buy cigarettes. Somewhere 
between met a woman, Ericka stone. Ericka taught her how to fight and gave her the strength she 
needs to kill this man. Ericka taught her about the things that you only read the books that were 
actually real. Now, some of these things, and where she ends up, locked up in a jail awaiting torture 
and possibly death. 
It was time, she discovered that she could not keep herself awake moment longer. She laid down on 
the bed and tried to dream of a happy place not far from here with those she loved. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
~ ~ 
She woke up the next cry, she wondered how long she was there, and she was weak from not eating 
anything for what seemed like days. She felt weak, and he remembered that he was under the 
influence of drugs and probably lost a lot of blood from when she whipped. If he drugged her again 
while she slept, she felt like he had to be awakened when she opened the door, but then again, if he 
was under the influence of drugs maybe not. She felt her back and the wound was found, if there's 
enough time to heal before she was here months. She wondered if he would ever see his son again. 
She heard loud noises outside the door and the hair on the back of his neck stood on end, waiting for 
what will happen next prepared for the worst. Then the door opened. 
The deep evil voice came from the other side, "You're finally awake. Now the fun can begin." He 
walked into the room, she jumped out of bed, the lights in the corridor could tell he was a great man, 
but the glow could not see his face. He was carrying something with it, shape it to reflect on some S 
& M sex toy, but she could not see enough to place exactly what it was. She noticed that he felt bad, 
but not bad, but like anything else, she just could not place. 
Suddenly his hands were on her, dragging her back into bed and criticize it on the ground, then his 
hands were on her, touching her breasts, then her mound and copying of fine silk underwear and 
bra from her body, she tried to fight it off. But he found that he was too strong and barely moving 
her pinned to the bed. He slapped her across the face and then moved his hand to his dry bruised 
toe creases, poking his fingers into her roughly. She writhed beneath him and spat in his face. 
Slapped her again and turned to catch the object he brought with him to let her go just for a second. 
But the second was just enough time for her to crawl out of bed, went running to the door, but just 
before she got there she felt his hand in her hair ripping it back. Suddenly a light came on in a room 
that was her prison and he hit her in the side, hard with his S & M toy that now looked like a little 
mace She grimaced and he laughed. While he was distracted, she managed to turn just enough to hit 
him square in the face, he stumbled backward let go of her hair and giving her just enough time to 
rush out the door, locking it behind her to catch him inside. 
Then he looked around, there was no appearance from the east, and she knew he was coming for her 
soon. She ran down the hall and found the stairs, there was only one way to go, so she went upstairs, 
trying to find a window or something told her to get out. She went to five steps before he heard a 
man screaming from below. She redoubled his pace, taking the stairs three at a time, lucky for her, 
she could not see the need to tie the hands or feet. But she was still naked, and felt afraid of what 
they might do if he caught it. So she ran up three flights of steps further than finding the door to 
what looked like a factory. She slipped into glanced around to make sure no one would see her, but 
no one was in sight, so he ran away again trying to find the door from the outside, but could not find
Instead, they passed what looked like a dressing room; went inside and found that it was the 
women's locker room and quickly went to work trying to find some clothes. She found that some 
regular jeans and t-shirt and sneakers close to her size. Then he returned to the door and looked out, 
there were six men at the other end coming from the stairs. She then set up to find another way out 
of the locker room, after a few minutes she found another door leading into what looked like a 
productive part of the race, but again there was no one. No wait even a second that ran for the door 
that looked like it could lead to the outside, but before opening stood and listened. She did not hear 
anything, so took a chance and quietly opened the door. 
"Shit." cursed himself. There were five men waiting for her, and she noticed that the security 
monitors along the back wall of the room. She also felt the dog again, but why would it ... her face 
widened .... werewolves. He quickly turned and ran as fast as I could, but it was not enough, one of 
them was on it at the time, deal with it on the ground, pinning her to the ground with a loud growl. 
He turned her on her back let one of her hands go, bad move, turned hard hitting man in the face 
with her right arm, and then kneeing him in the groin. She'd pushed her away, but then the rest of 
them caught when he tried to get up, but found two of them held her by her shoulders, kicking 
wildly at anyone who came close, but it was useless. 
Then she heard the first man who attacked her stand up and say nasally voice, "I think that bitch 
broke my nose." Then he looked directly at Lillian "You'll pay for that bitch." and began claws 
extended to beat and tear it apart as soon as the other added, but only with their batons, "I just go 
through all the shit that beaten to death, just as I was approaching my freedom." At that moment she 
felt something deep inside her awaken it may just be her organs rupture, but did not have much time 
to think about it, because then she felt her legs to dig into the hips and chest, could not breathe, she 
felt as if she was dying. She sent a mental idea that no one could hear. "I'm sorry." 
After nagging deep inside her fight, suddenly her whole body shook up, and without thought, she 
opened her eyes and found that men who were with her beating were dead, burns covered their 
bodies, and fire licked their clothes , "is it me?" could not give it a second thought when she heard a 
man shouting for her. She took all the strength left in his body and he got up and ran. There was a 
door in front of her; sign above it said "EXIT".. When she saw it and tried to run faster, but found she 
could not, her leg was badly injured and she hardly put any weight on it. When she got to the door, 
she turned to see where the men were, to their advantage, which was still staring in awe at the dead 
man on the floor. She guessed that they were wondering where the fire came from; she wondered 
too, but did not have time to think about it, he bumped into the door. 
She was a normal city street in the city and did not know what street. All he knew was that these 
men were probably right behind her, so she moved as fast as he could down the street and around 
the corner and continued until her body just will not move another inch, she found herself sitting in 
front of the bakery. She was so tired, but then she heard someone come up to her, asking "Are you 
okay?" just before he passed out completely. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
~ ~ 
She woke up to what looked like a hospital room, but could not quite tell, because for some reason 
she could not open her eyes completely. She turned her head lazily to the door and saw the nurse 
rush in, saying: "It's okay, now you tell me your name or if you are allergic to any drugs." She 
managed to mumble out "by Lillian Hope, and no, but ... I .... sensitivity to latex ..... ..." She paused
and back to sleep. She has nightmares about the rape and tortured and locked in a dark, cool room.

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Reham Khan - Reham Khan.pdf

Setting Month

  • 1. Setting Month She was raised and lived on a ranch in Minnesota. She grew up to take care of horses and tending to farm. After she was done with their duties, they would always go for a ride on his favorite horse, Alley. She would ride until the sun went down, and her mother called for dinner. He always talked about his dreams about going to college in a big city. And once she graduated high school did. She moved into town and started going to college. Now I always talked about finding a man and falling in love. After two years, she fell in love with a strong, sweet, hardworking man named Jerry. And after you have completed a child, a beautiful boy named Aiden. But Aiden's first birthday police showed up at her door. They told her that Jerry was in a terrible accident and died. The next day, she would Aiden home to Minnesota. Late at night she woke up with a loud crash and the sound of Aiden crying. She ran to her room, but he was not there. She ran a search through the entire house, but could not find him. Then she heard the car start and ran out. She saw a large man wearing a mask put Aiden in the rear. She ran to him, jumped on his back trying to get my arms around his neck, but he's over her motor threw it on the ground. She scrambled to her feet and tried to tackle him as he headed to the car. But just ran and grabbed at his clothes trying to bring him down, but instead he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her away, and once again threw her to the ground. He walked back to the van returned and went to him to intervene. He turned and fired, hitting her in the stomach. She fell from the impact and pain. He stood over her now, "I had a debt to pay, and now we come to pick up. Goodbye Katherine." He got into the car and drove away all I heard was Aiden crying as her world went dark. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She sat in front of the gas station waiting for the one hunted. Create a pile of cigarette butts outside the driver's side door of his jeep. It was the only thing she had left from his former life, known as someone else, well, that even the smoking habit, they just could not get rid of. She had to change her name and appearance, so find her before they found him. She used to have short dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, tan skin, and looked happy in their daily lives wearing light colored clothing, but that has all changed just a little over a year ago. Now some have brown eyes, but her hair is long and dark red, her skin is pale from not seeing the sun too often, because of its late night stake outputs, and she was thin, but it was healthy for her size was five feet six. Now wearing black jeans with a brown belt that matched her brown knee high boots, black low cut short sleeves that barely showed the wave breast. Since it was still February wore a black jacket over the top of her dress. She wears her hair around her face with a small braid here and there. She also wears a necklace with an old key on it around his neck. She would never admit that it symbolized everything, but it has been passed down from generation to generation, until now hung around his neck. She sat there and waited, she knew she had to buy cigarettes at some point, and this was her third day of waiting. She munched on some chips and drank from her hazelnut coffee, until one night when she noticed that something was off. She looked around and saw a policeman walking to the car and realized that someone had to get worried about her sitting so many nights in a row. When he came to the passenger side door, looked through the window before going to the driver's side. "There have been reports that the jeep is seen here for the last few nights." He paused for a moment
  • 2. and looked at the pile of cigarettes before, "People are afraid that they are going to do something stupid like trying to rob the store . " She shook her head, but then realized that probably was not enough to get him or her case, "No officer, I'm just trying to meet up with a friend, she said that there will be a couple of nights ago but something always comes before it could really get here ". , "Miss, I'll need to see your license and registration." said he with a smile on her cleavage apparently falling out of his shirt as she leaned forward to catch her information. After handing him her papers, she got a good look at him, he was tall, with broad shoulders, and look it worked out a lot, to the point where you thought it might be all he does with his free time . She was snatched from her thoughts when he began to speak again. "So, Miss Lilly." Slightly crouched hated it when people said that it might not be her real name, but all the same she hated when people Lilliana shorted to Lilly. "You're going to have to move along, I can not sit night after night, frightened employees is, no matter what your true intentions might be." "Thank you officer, I hate to bother you again, have a good night." Lilliana said in her sweetest voice possible, he did not want to provoke her. She started the car and slowly moved out of the parking lot. He lit a cigarette and slowly circled the block twice to make sure it was gone before parking in the driveway of the house three doors down from the gas station. She turned on the motor and waited for the light in his car left before taking another look around to make sure no one noticed what she did. She looked again at the gas station, but still nothing. She turned her head toward the house, frustrated that they had to wait so long in one that hunted, leave the safety of their home. "Damn." she said aloud their own frustrations. This time had a gun and did not want to leave unharmed. She took a drag on his cigarette and tried to stop thinking. She then turned her eyes to focus on the house in front of her. She chose this house because there was no light to, and not a car that could find. But now I noticed that no one may be there for a while, there was dirt caked on the siding and the garage door. She was happy that she chose this house. It was a nice two-story with two garage and looked as if someone had put a lot of time on it in one place. But now it cost almost as if the left. She took another hit from her cigarette and looked back toward the gas station, waiting was the hardest. I would just stick to what you lost and never let go again, and he was keeping from her. She took another drag off the cigarette and threw it out the window. Twenty minutes later, a car pulled up behind her, "Fuck that fucking cop is back, maybe I'll just tell him this is my friends place, maybe ...." She thrust the idea of ​​someone grabbed her arm and yanked her of the car. He knew instantly that this was not a cop and he felt like a wet dog. But she was not able to see a man before she was forced to look away from him. He twisted his left arm behind her back, forcing her to look away. She immediately knew that he would hurt her if something was not done. She turned to her right elbow connects with the nose, and felt hot liquid splash on the back. But he did not let go of the left arm, if anything, he was more twisted. A stab of pain shot her hand. She went to throw another elbow when someone grabbed her; smirked as he squeezed her wrist painfully. But she would not show it, that is after her for over too proud to do another man.
  • 3. She was able to see the other man, who was squeezed her wrist painfully; He was tall, with blue eyes and brown hair fluttering that stopped just below her chin. He was handsome, I killed you sort of way, but he had a grace to him. As would just let you know it was there if he wanted. She tried to fight two apparently strong men away, but to no avail. The second man now standing before her barely inches, close enough to feel her hardened nipples scrap chest. She tried to move away from him, not wanting him to touch any part of it, but was unable to move. "You must let me go before I bloody nose, too." She snapped at him. But a closer and whispered in her ear. "You should not fight a child, it will only make it worse for you in the end." Then she felt a sharp pain in the neck, and before she could scream, everything went black. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She awoke to the sound of a man laughing as her hands were tied above his head. She then pulled up until her feet touched the ground and had her wrist throbbed in pain. She cringed as a man came up behind her and grabbed her by the neck almost her movement of goods. "I told you it would only get worse." He said into her ear as he let go of her neck, threw her head back, hitting him in the face. "Bitch, I wanted to take it easy on you, but now you have all my anger." He said he was leaving "Fuck You". was all she said. Then she felt the slap and whip on his back and realized he was naked as she screamed in pain. She clenched her teeth as a second hit when he growled, trying to scream. Not give them the satisfaction. They again and again struck; finally got what they wanted, as she cried out with each new stroke. Eventually she passed out in pain. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The next time she woke up, she was in a dark room, he could not see anything. She could not remember what had happened to her until almost like a dream that came flooding back to her house that she thought at first to be a cop, but it turned out that people are trying to harm them, whipping. Damn, why it happened, it has nothing to do with the house, or just because the girl was alone at night, or were these people owe her husband, is that why you thought it would be with her. She then noticed that it was cold, and he remembered she was naked, but he wore a set of silk bra and panties. What is planned on making her; Tears welled in his eyes, they were going to rape and kill her. "Fuck, why it happened, I had to be the hunter not to them. Seru." She heard a loud cry from what seemed just a few rooms away. She sat down he noticed that she was not in any pain. She prepared herself for the worst, because when they came for her. While she sat in her thoughts drifted over the past year and her dead husband. It turned out that he had a gambling problem and he had no more money to bet my family. She could not believe she fell for a man like that, but he hid it pretty well, the only time you ever saw that betting was during football season, but it was only with her friends and she did not mind. She touched her stomach, where he was shot and felt a scar there. After recovering from that she went home discovered that he had also lost their house and now someone new to live there. She did not know what to do or where to go. She found her jeep that fortunately her parents bought her was in the vault, but had no money to get it out. So she went and sold their wedding rings, and when talking to the man behind the counter found out that her husband and a great guy used to hang out there all the time talking
  • 4. about money and what to bet on next. It peaked her interest, and asked where one usually hung out. He said that he was always at the strip club off Hampton Blvd. So I paid for her jeep to get out of the vault, and followed him until he sat in front of the gas station waiting to buy cigarettes. Somewhere between met a woman, Ericka stone. Ericka taught her how to fight and gave her the strength she needs to kill this man. Ericka taught her about the things that you only read the books that were actually real. Now, some of these things, and where she ends up, locked up in a jail awaiting torture and possibly death. It was time, she discovered that she could not keep herself awake moment longer. She laid down on the bed and tried to dream of a happy place not far from here with those she loved. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She woke up the next cry, she wondered how long she was there, and she was weak from not eating anything for what seemed like days. She felt weak, and he remembered that he was under the influence of drugs and probably lost a lot of blood from when she whipped. If he drugged her again while she slept, she felt like he had to be awakened when she opened the door, but then again, if he was under the influence of drugs maybe not. She felt her back and the wound was found, if there's enough time to heal before she was here months. She wondered if he would ever see his son again. She heard loud noises outside the door and the hair on the back of his neck stood on end, waiting for what will happen next prepared for the worst. Then the door opened. The deep evil voice came from the other side, "You're finally awake. Now the fun can begin." He walked into the room, she jumped out of bed, the lights in the corridor could tell he was a great man, but the glow could not see his face. He was carrying something with it, shape it to reflect on some S & M sex toy, but she could not see enough to place exactly what it was. She noticed that he felt bad, but not bad, but like anything else, she just could not place. Suddenly his hands were on her, dragging her back into bed and criticize it on the ground, then his hands were on her, touching her breasts, then her mound and copying of fine silk underwear and bra from her body, she tried to fight it off. But he found that he was too strong and barely moving her pinned to the bed. He slapped her across the face and then moved his hand to his dry bruised toe creases, poking his fingers into her roughly. She writhed beneath him and spat in his face. Slapped her again and turned to catch the object he brought with him to let her go just for a second. But the second was just enough time for her to crawl out of bed, went running to the door, but just before she got there she felt his hand in her hair ripping it back. Suddenly a light came on in a room that was her prison and he hit her in the side, hard with his S & M toy that now looked like a little mace She grimaced and he laughed. While he was distracted, she managed to turn just enough to hit him square in the face, he stumbled backward let go of her hair and giving her just enough time to rush out the door, locking it behind her to catch him inside. Then he looked around, there was no appearance from the east, and she knew he was coming for her soon. She ran down the hall and found the stairs, there was only one way to go, so she went upstairs, trying to find a window or something told her to get out. She went to five steps before he heard a man screaming from below. She redoubled his pace, taking the stairs three at a time, lucky for her, she could not see the need to tie the hands or feet. But she was still naked, and felt afraid of what they might do if he caught it. So she ran up three flights of steps further than finding the door to what looked like a factory. She slipped into glanced around to make sure no one would see her, but no one was in sight, so he ran away again trying to find the door from the outside, but could not find
  • 5. it. Instead, they passed what looked like a dressing room; went inside and found that it was the women's locker room and quickly went to work trying to find some clothes. She found that some regular jeans and t-shirt and sneakers close to her size. Then he returned to the door and looked out, there were six men at the other end coming from the stairs. She then set up to find another way out of the locker room, after a few minutes she found another door leading into what looked like a productive part of the race, but again there was no one. No wait even a second that ran for the door that looked like it could lead to the outside, but before opening stood and listened. She did not hear anything, so took a chance and quietly opened the door. "Shit." cursed himself. There were five men waiting for her, and she noticed that the security monitors along the back wall of the room. She also felt the dog again, but why would it ... her face widened .... werewolves. He quickly turned and ran as fast as I could, but it was not enough, one of them was on it at the time, deal with it on the ground, pinning her to the ground with a loud growl. He turned her on her back let one of her hands go, bad move, turned hard hitting man in the face with her right arm, and then kneeing him in the groin. She'd pushed her away, but then the rest of them caught when he tried to get up, but found two of them held her by her shoulders, kicking wildly at anyone who came close, but it was useless. Then she heard the first man who attacked her stand up and say nasally voice, "I think that bitch broke my nose." Then he looked directly at Lillian "You'll pay for that bitch." and began claws extended to beat and tear it apart as soon as the other added, but only with their batons, "I just go through all the shit that beaten to death, just as I was approaching my freedom." At that moment she felt something deep inside her awaken it may just be her organs rupture, but did not have much time to think about it, because then she felt her legs to dig into the hips and chest, could not breathe, she felt as if she was dying. She sent a mental idea that no one could hear. "I'm sorry." After nagging deep inside her fight, suddenly her whole body shook up, and without thought, she opened her eyes and found that men who were with her beating were dead, burns covered their bodies, and fire licked their clothes , "is it me?" could not give it a second thought when she heard a man shouting for her. She took all the strength left in his body and he got up and ran. There was a door in front of her; sign above it said "EXIT".. When she saw it and tried to run faster, but found she could not, her leg was badly injured and she hardly put any weight on it. When she got to the door, she turned to see where the men were, to their advantage, which was still staring in awe at the dead man on the floor. She guessed that they were wondering where the fire came from; she wondered too, but did not have time to think about it, he bumped into the door. She was a normal city street in the city and did not know what street. All he knew was that these men were probably right behind her, so she moved as fast as he could down the street and around the corner and continued until her body just will not move another inch, she found herself sitting in front of the bakery. She was so tired, but then she heard someone come up to her, asking "Are you okay?" just before he passed out completely. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She woke up to what looked like a hospital room, but could not quite tell, because for some reason she could not open her eyes completely. She turned her head lazily to the door and saw the nurse rush in, saying: "It's okay, now you tell me your name or if you are allergic to any drugs." She managed to mumble out "by Lillian Hope, and no, but ... I .... sensitivity to latex ..... ..." She paused
  • 6. and back to sleep. She has nightmares about the rape and tortured and locked in a dark, cool room.