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SEO Master Class
Arijit Basu
Strategies for B2B
Search Marketing
Part I: Fundamentals of B2B Search Marketing: (10 mins)
Part II: Data-Driven Strategies for B2B Search Marketing: (10 mins)
Part III: Advanced Analytics and Attribution Models: (10 mins)
Part IV: Implementing Custom models for business growth (10 mins)
Q&A and Interactive Session: (5 minutes)
Fundamentals of
B2B Search
P A R T 1
“Google is visited 89.3 Billion
times and the engine processes
over 8.5 Billion searches
globally per day”
(Approximate values)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
SEO involves optimizing your website and its
content to rank higher in organic (non-paid) search
engine results pages
PPC advertising involves creating and placing
ads on search engines, and you pay a fee each
time your ad is clicked
Definition & Basics of B2B Search Marketing
B2B Search Marketing - B2B Search Marketing refers to the strategic approach of utilizing search engines (such as Google,
Bing, and others) to reach and engage with businesses as potential customers or clients.
• B2B audiences are typically
composed of professionals,
decision-makers, and stakeholders
within organizations. Their
purchasing processes are often
longer, involving multiple
touchpoints and stages of
• B2B Search Marketing focuses on
creating targeted content that
addresses the challenges, pain
points, and solutions sought by
businesses, making it crucial to
deliver informative and valuable
Difference between B2B and B2C Search Marketing
B2B vs B2C - While both B2B and B2C Search Marketing share the common goal of driving traffic and conversions, they cater
to distinct audiences with unique behaviours and needs.
• B2C Search Marketing typically
targets individual consumers,
often aiming for immediate
transactions. The messaging and
approach in B2C marketing may
emphasize emotions, desires, and
lifestyle aspects.
Keyword Research and Content Strategy
Strategic keyword research guides buyers at every stage,
ensuring relevant content and optimizing conversions.
Understanding the B2B Buyer’s Journey through the Search Lens
Interacting with your prospects at multiple touchpoints and navigating through their journey is a business imperative for
targeted engagement and conversions – A Search marketing perspective
Omnichannel Approach for Success
Having an omnichannel strategy and presence maximizes
reach, engagement and creating compelling ad copies &
landing pages drive conversions
Buyer Persona: Lisa – HR Manager at a Software Company
Lisa searches for "Employee
Wellness Solutions" on Google and
clicks on blog post on your
website titled "10 Strategies for
Implementing Effective Wellness
Initiatives." She finds the content
insightful and informative.
Lisa then sees a LinkedIn
post from your company
sharing an infographic
about "Boosting
Employee Productivity
Through Wellness
Programs." Intrigued,
she clicks to read more.
Social Media
In continuation of her
search for "Employee
Wellness Solutions" she
finds a paid search ad
from your company
promoting an upcoming
webinar on workplace
Paid Search
Lisa sees a CTA to
register for the webinar
in the landing page She
signs up to learn more.
While browsing through
Facebook, Lisa comes
across a sponsored post
from your company
showcasing a success
story of how another
software company
improved employee
well-being using your
Social Ad
Lisa receives an email with
a case study detailing how
a software company
similar to hers achieved
significant improvements
in employee morale and
productivity after
implementing your
wellness program.
On your website, Lisa
downloads a comparison
guide that highlights the
unique features and
benefits of your wellness
solution compared to
other alternatives.
Impressed by your solution's
features, Lisa submits a form to
request a free personalized demo of
your wellness program. Lisa attends
the demo session where a sales
representative showcases the
features and benefits of your
solution, addressing her specific
questions and concerns.
After the demo, Lisa
starts seeing retargeting
ads on various websites
showcasing customer
testimonials and success
stories related to your
wellness program.
Programmatic Ads
Image Source
Measuring Success Across the Funnel: KPIs
Monitoring SEO Metrics at Every Stage of the Customer Journey is essential for program success
• Reflects the conversion rate of SEO-driven traffic.
• Indicates the efficiency of your SEO efforts in driving conversions.
• Shows how SEO contributes to lead nurturing and conversions.
• Indicates the success of your content in attracting relevant traffic.
• Low bounce rate indicates engaging and relevant content.
• Time spent Indicates content relevance and engagement level.
• Indicates how many times your content appeared to users in search
• Reflects the effectiveness of your title tags and meta descriptions in
generating interest.
• Monitor shifts in rankings to identify areas for improvement.
Strategies for B2B
Search Marketing
P A R T 2
Harnessing the power of data
Role of Data in B2B Marketing Success:
In the dynamic B2B landscape, data serves as guide
for marketing strategies. It unveils insights into buyer
preferences, pain points, and behaviours. By tapping
into data, we gain a deeper understanding of our
audience, enabling us to craft more relevant and
impactful campaigns.
Benefits of Data-Driven Decision-Making:
Data-driven decision-making empowers marketers to
move beyond assumptions. By analysing data, we
make informed choices that resonate with our
audiences. This approach not only enhances the
precision of our campaigns but also ensures that
campaigns are optimized towards strategies that yield
the highest ROI
Keyword Selection & Analysis
Using Analytics to Identify High-Performing
Analytics tools provide a treasure trove of insights
into keyword performance. By analysing metrics
such as search volume, competition, and CTR, we
can uncover keywords that drive actual
conversions. This data-driven approach allows us to
focus our efforts on keywords that have a proven
impact on our B2B audience.
Long-Tail Keyword Strategies for B2B:
Long-tail keywords play a crucial role in reaching
specific B2B segments. Data reveals the unique
queries and phrases used by our target audience
during their research process. Incorporating long-
tail keywords into our strategy ensures that we
capture the exact intent of potential buyers,
increasing the chances of connecting with those
who are actively seeking our solutions.
Content Personalization & Segmentation.
Leveraging Data Insights for
Targeted Content Creation:
Data acts as a compass guiding our
content creation efforts. By
understanding the challenges,
questions, and interests of our B2B
audience, we can craft content that
speaks directly to their needs. Data-
driven content resonates on a
deeper level, positioning us as
valuable resources and building
trust throughout the buyer's
Segmenting B2B Audiences
Based on Data Analysis:
Data segmentation is the key to
hyper-personalized engagement. By
analysing data points such as
industry, job roles, or purchasing
behaviour, we can divide our B2B
audience into distinct segments.
This segmentation allows us to
tailor our messaging, content, and
offers to each group, resulting in
higher engagement rates and more
meaningful interactions.
A/B Testing for Continuous
Data acts as a compass guiding our
content creation efforts. By
understanding the challenges,
questions, and interests of our B2B
audience, we can craft content that
speaks directly to their needs. Data-
driven content resonates on a
deeper level, positioning us as
valuable resources and building
trust throughout the buyer's
Advanced Analytics
& Attribution
P A R T 3
Introduction to
Advanced marketing analytics goes beyond
surface-level data. It delves deep into complex
insights, revealing patterns and correlations that
drive strategic decisions.
As marketing evolves, advanced analytics is a
game-changer. It uncovers hidden opportunities,
enhances targeting precision, and optimizes
every touchpoint.
Attribution Models
Attribution models track the journey of customer
touchpoints, revealing which interactions contribute
to conversions.
Attribution shows the impact of marketing efforts,
allocating credit accurately and guiding resource
Attributes conversion to the
last touchpoint encountered.
Attributes conversion to
the first touchpoint
Distributes credit equally
across all touchpoints.
Gives more credit to
touchpoints closer to
Gives variable credit to
various touchpoints in the
user journey. Can be
Multi-Touch Attribution and what problem does it
Choosing the right multi-touch attribution model for your search marketing campaigns
Marketers can consider using a linear multi-touch attribution model in search marketing when:
• The customer journey involves multiple touchpoints, and you want to capture a comprehensive view.
• You're focused on understanding the full funnel impact of keywords, ads, and content pieces.
• Your goal is to optimize campaigns for various stages of the buying cycle and allocate resources evenly.
It's essential to consider the complexity of your campaigns, the significance of different touchpoints, and your need
for personalization when deciding whether to use this model.
Marketers should consider using a custom multi-touch attribution model in search marketing when:
• The customer journey in search marketing is complex, involving multiple touchpoints that play distinct roles.
• You have access to comprehensive data and analytics capabilities to create and implement a custom model.
• Your business goals and conversion process are unique, requiring a tailored approach to attribution.
it's crucial to assess your business's complexity, resources, and goals before deciding to develop and implement a
custom model. Custom models can offer powerful insights, but they also require careful planning and analysis to
ensure accuracy and objectivity.
Marketers should consider using a time decay multi-touch attribution model in search marketing when:
• The customer journey involves a clear progression from initial engagement to conversion, and you want to
emphasize the impact of touchpoints closer to conversion.
• Late-stage keywords or content pieces play a significant role in driving immediate conversions, and you want to
optimize budget allocation accordingly.
However, it's important to consider the balance between short-term and long-term impact, as well as the
significance of early-stage interactions, before deciding to use this model.
Image Source
Custom Models for
Business Growth
P A R T 4
Deep Understanding of your unique buyer’s journey is essential to build a custom model
Lisa searches for "Employee
Wellness Solutions" on Google and
clicks on blog post on your
website titled "10 Strategies for
Implementing Effective Wellness
Initiatives." She finds the content
insightful and informative.
Lisa then sees a LinkedIn
post from your company
sharing an infographic
about "Boosting
Employee Productivity
Through Wellness
Programs." Intrigued,
she clicks to read more.
Social Media
In continuation of her
search for "Employee
Wellness Solutions" she
finds a paid search ad
from your company
promoting an upcoming
webinar on workplace
Paid Search
Lisa sees a CTA to
register for the webinar
in the landing page She
signs up to learn more.
While browsing through
Facebook, Lisa comes
across a sponsored post
from your company
showcasing a success
story of how another
software company
improved employee
well-being using your
Social Ad
Lisa receives an email with
a case study detailing how
a software company
similar to hers achieved
significant improvements
in employee morale and
productivity after
implementing your
wellness program.
On your website, Lisa
downloads a comparison
guide that highlights the
unique features and
benefits of your wellness
solution compared to
other alternatives.
Impressed by your solution's
features, Lisa submits a form to
request a free personalized demo of
your wellness program. Lisa attends
the demo session where a sales
representative showcases the
features and benefits of your
solution, addressing her specific
questions and concerns.
After the demo, Lisa
starts seeing retargeting
ads on various websites
showcasing customer
testimonials and success
stories related to your
wellness program.
Programmatic Ads
Outline your goals and
Identify specific
challenges and
limitations of existing
attribution models.
Determine what you
aim to achieve with a
custom model
D e f i n i n g
O b j e c t i v e s
Collect data from
various touchpoints
across the user
Include interactions
from multiple
channels, devices, and
stages of the funnel.
Ensure data accuracy
and quality to build a
solid foundation for
your custom model.
G a t h e r i n g
D a t a
Implementing a Custom Attribution
Implementing a search focussed data driven custom model for optimal business growth
Select attribution
rules that align with
business. Consider
factors such as
touchpoint sequence,
time proximity to
conversion, and
impact on decision-
Decide on the weight
and credit distribution
for each touchpoint
based on their
A t t r i b u t i o n
L o g i c
Dive deep to
understand how your
customers progress
through the funnel.
Identify patterns,
interactions, and key
moments of influence.
Segment your
audience based on
industry, role, or
other relevant criteria
to uncover insights.
C u s t o m e r
J o u r n e y
Implement your
custom attribution
model on a subset.
Analyse the results
and assess how well
the model captures
touchpoint influence.
Iterate and refine the
model as needed to
ensure accuracy.
T e s t &
R e f i n e
Work with your
analytics and
marketing automation
tools to integrate the
custom model.
Ensure seamless data
collection, attribution
calculation, and
Set up dashboards or
reporting systems to
visualize attribution
I n t e g r a t i o n w i t h
S y s t e m s
Link the custom
attribution model
with specific business
outcomes and KPIs.
Determine how
attribution insights
will guide strategic
decisions and
Ensure that the model
aligns with revenue
generation and
growth targets.
B u s i n e s s
A l i g n m e n t
Implementing a Custom Attribution
Implementing a search focussed data driven custom model for optimal business growth
Develop strategies
based on attribution
insights to drive
Optimize budget
allocation, keyword
targeting, content
creation, and
Tailor your approach
for different audience
segments based on
A c t i o n a b l e
S t r a t e g i e s
Educate the team
about the new custom
attribution model and
its benefits.
Clearly communicate
how the model works,
its purpose, and the
actionable insights it
Foster a data-driven
culture within your
marketing team to
encourage utilization.
I n t e r n a l
C o m m u n i c a t i o n
Monitor and measure
the impact of the
Assess its effectiveness
in driving desired
outcomes and achieving
business goals.
Make iterative
adjustments to the
model and strategies as
market dynamics
M e a s u r e &
I t e r a t e
“In the data rich space of B2B marketing,
custom attribution models empowers us to
make precise decisions, drive growth, and
navigate through the evolving landscape”
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  • 2. Data-Driven Strategies for B2B Search Marketing UNLEASHING THE POWER OF ANALYTICS ARIJIT BASU
  • 3. Part I: Fundamentals of B2B Search Marketing: (10 mins) Part II: Data-Driven Strategies for B2B Search Marketing: (10 mins) Part III: Advanced Analytics and Attribution Models: (10 mins) Part IV: Implementing Custom models for business growth (10 mins) Q&A and Interactive Session: (5 minutes) Content
  • 5. “Google is visited 89.3 Billion times and the engine processes over 8.5 Billion searches globally per day” (Approximate values)
  • 6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) SEO involves optimizing your website and its content to rank higher in organic (non-paid) search engine results pages PPC advertising involves creating and placing ads on search engines, and you pay a fee each time your ad is clicked Definition & Basics of B2B Search Marketing B2B Search Marketing - B2B Search Marketing refers to the strategic approach of utilizing search engines (such as Google, Bing, and others) to reach and engage with businesses as potential customers or clients.
  • 7. VS B2B • B2B audiences are typically composed of professionals, decision-makers, and stakeholders within organizations. Their purchasing processes are often longer, involving multiple touchpoints and stages of evaluation. • B2B Search Marketing focuses on creating targeted content that addresses the challenges, pain points, and solutions sought by businesses, making it crucial to deliver informative and valuable resources. Difference between B2B and B2C Search Marketing B2B vs B2C - While both B2B and B2C Search Marketing share the common goal of driving traffic and conversions, they cater to distinct audiences with unique behaviours and needs. B2C • B2C Search Marketing typically targets individual consumers, often aiming for immediate transactions. The messaging and approach in B2C marketing may emphasize emotions, desires, and lifestyle aspects.
  • 8. Keyword Research and Content Strategy Strategic keyword research guides buyers at every stage, ensuring relevant content and optimizing conversions. Understanding the B2B Buyer’s Journey through the Search Lens Interacting with your prospects at multiple touchpoints and navigating through their journey is a business imperative for targeted engagement and conversions – A Search marketing perspective Omnichannel Approach for Success Having an omnichannel strategy and presence maximizes reach, engagement and creating compelling ad copies & landing pages drive conversions
  • 9. Buyer Persona: Lisa – HR Manager at a Software Company Lisa searches for "Employee Wellness Solutions" on Google and clicks on blog post on your website titled "10 Strategies for Implementing Effective Wellness Initiatives." She finds the content insightful and informative. Organic Search Lisa then sees a LinkedIn post from your company sharing an infographic about "Boosting Employee Productivity Through Wellness Programs." Intrigued, she clicks to read more. Social Media In continuation of her search for "Employee Wellness Solutions" she finds a paid search ad from your company promoting an upcoming webinar on workplace well-being. Paid Search Lisa sees a CTA to register for the webinar in the landing page She signs up to learn more. Webinar While browsing through Facebook, Lisa comes across a sponsored post from your company showcasing a success story of how another software company improved employee well-being using your solution. Social Ad Lisa receives an email with a case study detailing how a software company similar to hers achieved significant improvements in employee morale and productivity after implementing your wellness program. Email On your website, Lisa downloads a comparison guide that highlights the unique features and benefits of your wellness solution compared to other alternatives. Direct Impressed by your solution's features, Lisa submits a form to request a free personalized demo of your wellness program. Lisa attends the demo session where a sales representative showcases the features and benefits of your solution, addressing her specific questions and concerns. Demo After the demo, Lisa starts seeing retargeting ads on various websites showcasing customer testimonials and success stories related to your wellness program. Programmatic Ads
  • 11. Measuring Success Across the Funnel: KPIs Monitoring SEO Metrics at Every Stage of the Customer Journey is essential for program success • Reflects the conversion rate of SEO-driven traffic. • Indicates the efficiency of your SEO efforts in driving conversions. • Shows how SEO contributes to lead nurturing and conversions. • Indicates the success of your content in attracting relevant traffic. • Low bounce rate indicates engaging and relevant content. • Time spent Indicates content relevance and engagement level. • Indicates how many times your content appeared to users in search queries. • Reflects the effectiveness of your title tags and meta descriptions in generating interest. • Monitor shifts in rankings to identify areas for improvement.
  • 13. Harnessing the power of data Role of Data in B2B Marketing Success: In the dynamic B2B landscape, data serves as guide for marketing strategies. It unveils insights into buyer preferences, pain points, and behaviours. By tapping into data, we gain a deeper understanding of our audience, enabling us to craft more relevant and impactful campaigns. Benefits of Data-Driven Decision-Making: Data-driven decision-making empowers marketers to move beyond assumptions. By analysing data, we make informed choices that resonate with our audiences. This approach not only enhances the precision of our campaigns but also ensures that campaigns are optimized towards strategies that yield the highest ROI
  • 14. Keyword Selection & Analysis Using Analytics to Identify High-Performing Keywords: Analytics tools provide a treasure trove of insights into keyword performance. By analysing metrics such as search volume, competition, and CTR, we can uncover keywords that drive actual conversions. This data-driven approach allows us to focus our efforts on keywords that have a proven impact on our B2B audience. Long-Tail Keyword Strategies for B2B: Long-tail keywords play a crucial role in reaching specific B2B segments. Data reveals the unique queries and phrases used by our target audience during their research process. Incorporating long- tail keywords into our strategy ensures that we capture the exact intent of potential buyers, increasing the chances of connecting with those who are actively seeking our solutions.
  • 15. Content Personalization & Segmentation. Leveraging Data Insights for Targeted Content Creation: Data acts as a compass guiding our content creation efforts. By understanding the challenges, questions, and interests of our B2B audience, we can craft content that speaks directly to their needs. Data- driven content resonates on a deeper level, positioning us as valuable resources and building trust throughout the buyer's journey. Segmenting B2B Audiences Based on Data Analysis: Data segmentation is the key to hyper-personalized engagement. By analysing data points such as industry, job roles, or purchasing behaviour, we can divide our B2B audience into distinct segments. This segmentation allows us to tailor our messaging, content, and offers to each group, resulting in higher engagement rates and more meaningful interactions. A/B Testing for Continuous Optimization: Data acts as a compass guiding our content creation efforts. By understanding the challenges, questions, and interests of our B2B audience, we can craft content that speaks directly to their needs. Data- driven content resonates on a deeper level, positioning us as valuable resources and building trust throughout the buyer's journey.
  • 17. Introduction to Advanced Analytics Advanced marketing analytics goes beyond surface-level data. It delves deep into complex insights, revealing patterns and correlations that drive strategic decisions. As marketing evolves, advanced analytics is a game-changer. It uncovers hidden opportunities, enhances targeting precision, and optimizes every touchpoint.
  • 18. Attribution Models Attribution models track the journey of customer touchpoints, revealing which interactions contribute to conversions. Attribution shows the impact of marketing efforts, allocating credit accurately and guiding resource allocation. Attributes conversion to the last touchpoint encountered. Attributes conversion to the first touchpoint encountered. Distributes credit equally across all touchpoints. Gives more credit to touchpoints closer to conversion. Gives variable credit to various touchpoints in the user journey. Can be customized
  • 19. Multi-Touch Attribution and what problem does it solve Choosing the right multi-touch attribution model for your search marketing campaigns Marketers can consider using a linear multi-touch attribution model in search marketing when: • The customer journey involves multiple touchpoints, and you want to capture a comprehensive view. • You're focused on understanding the full funnel impact of keywords, ads, and content pieces. • Your goal is to optimize campaigns for various stages of the buying cycle and allocate resources evenly. It's essential to consider the complexity of your campaigns, the significance of different touchpoints, and your need for personalization when deciding whether to use this model. Marketers should consider using a custom multi-touch attribution model in search marketing when: • The customer journey in search marketing is complex, involving multiple touchpoints that play distinct roles. • You have access to comprehensive data and analytics capabilities to create and implement a custom model. • Your business goals and conversion process are unique, requiring a tailored approach to attribution. it's crucial to assess your business's complexity, resources, and goals before deciding to develop and implement a custom model. Custom models can offer powerful insights, but they also require careful planning and analysis to ensure accuracy and objectivity. Marketers should consider using a time decay multi-touch attribution model in search marketing when: • The customer journey involves a clear progression from initial engagement to conversion, and you want to emphasize the impact of touchpoints closer to conversion. • Late-stage keywords or content pieces play a significant role in driving immediate conversions, and you want to optimize budget allocation accordingly. However, it's important to consider the balance between short-term and long-term impact, as well as the significance of early-stage interactions, before deciding to use this model. Image Source
  • 21. Deep Understanding of your unique buyer’s journey is essential to build a custom model Lisa searches for "Employee Wellness Solutions" on Google and clicks on blog post on your website titled "10 Strategies for Implementing Effective Wellness Initiatives." She finds the content insightful and informative. Organic Search Lisa then sees a LinkedIn post from your company sharing an infographic about "Boosting Employee Productivity Through Wellness Programs." Intrigued, she clicks to read more. Social Media In continuation of her search for "Employee Wellness Solutions" she finds a paid search ad from your company promoting an upcoming webinar on workplace well-being. Paid Search Lisa sees a CTA to register for the webinar in the landing page She signs up to learn more. Webinar While browsing through Facebook, Lisa comes across a sponsored post from your company showcasing a success story of how another software company improved employee well-being using your solution. Social Ad Lisa receives an email with a case study detailing how a software company similar to hers achieved significant improvements in employee morale and productivity after implementing your wellness program. Email On your website, Lisa downloads a comparison guide that highlights the unique features and benefits of your wellness solution compared to other alternatives. Direct Impressed by your solution's features, Lisa submits a form to request a free personalized demo of your wellness program. Lisa attends the demo session where a sales representative showcases the features and benefits of your solution, addressing her specific questions and concerns. Demo After the demo, Lisa starts seeing retargeting ads on various websites showcasing customer testimonials and success stories related to your wellness program. Programmatic Ads
  • 22. Outline your goals and objectives. Identify specific challenges and limitations of existing attribution models. Determine what you aim to achieve with a custom model D e f i n i n g O b j e c t i v e s Collect data from various touchpoints across the user journey. Include interactions from multiple channels, devices, and stages of the funnel. Ensure data accuracy and quality to build a solid foundation for your custom model. G a t h e r i n g D a t a Implementing a Custom Attribution Model Implementing a search focussed data driven custom model for optimal business growth Select attribution rules that align with business. Consider factors such as touchpoint sequence, time proximity to conversion, and impact on decision- making. Decide on the weight and credit distribution for each touchpoint based on their contribution. A t t r i b u t i o n L o g i c Dive deep to understand how your customers progress through the funnel. Identify patterns, touchpoint interactions, and key moments of influence. Segment your audience based on industry, role, or other relevant criteria to uncover insights. C u s t o m e r J o u r n e y Implement your custom attribution model on a subset. Analyse the results and assess how well the model captures touchpoint influence. Iterate and refine the model as needed to ensure accuracy. T e s t & R e f i n e 1 2 3 4 5
  • 23. Work with your analytics and marketing automation tools to integrate the custom model. Ensure seamless data collection, attribution calculation, and reporting. Set up dashboards or reporting systems to visualize attribution insights. I n t e g r a t i o n w i t h S y s t e m s Link the custom attribution model with specific business outcomes and KPIs. Determine how attribution insights will guide strategic decisions and optimizations. Ensure that the model aligns with revenue generation and growth targets. B u s i n e s s A l i g n m e n t Implementing a Custom Attribution Model Implementing a search focussed data driven custom model for optimal business growth Develop strategies based on attribution insights to drive growth. Optimize budget allocation, keyword targeting, content creation, and campaign optimization. Tailor your approach for different audience segments based on attribution-driven understanding. A c t i o n a b l e S t r a t e g i e s Educate the team about the new custom attribution model and its benefits. Clearly communicate how the model works, its purpose, and the actionable insights it provides. Foster a data-driven culture within your marketing team to encourage utilization. I n t e r n a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n Monitor and measure the impact of the model. Assess its effectiveness in driving desired outcomes and achieving business goals. Make iterative adjustments to the model and strategies as market dynamics evolve. M e a s u r e & I t e r a t e 6 7 8 9 10
  • 24. “In the data rich space of B2B marketing, custom attribution models empowers us to make precise decisions, drive growth, and navigate through the evolving landscape”
  • 25. YOU T H A N K