SlideShare a Scribd company logo · November 2012 · Issue 1.1

p2          Techniche - Perfection pixelated
            Magical Manthan                                                            p3             The new mess'y' system
                                                                                                      Decree 215                                                                    p4          New Internship Policy
                                                                                                                                                                                                Excited to buy a new laptop?

                                                                                                                                                                                             He opens the door to find a senior who has never

p3       PSC brings you special
         insight on institutes LAN.
         Everything you need to
                                                              Ragging: Reality Check
                                                                     or many years now, the students of IIT-G have
                                                                     been very keen on developing the personality of
                                                                                                                               ragging at IIT Guwahati Is a menace at all!
                                                                                                                                                                                             interacted with him before. Not a minute has passed
                                                                                                                                                                                             before he dials the number of the warden/faculty
                                                                                                                                                                                             member/dean/director. In the matter of hours, the senior
                                                                                                                                                                                             is being asked to appear before a disco and is soon

         know about your network
form where do you get to
                                                              F      every new batch of freshmen students ever since
                                                                     they set foot on the campus. Over the years, it
                                                              has escalated to such a scale that it has unofficially
                                                                                                                               Often, ragging is mentioned in a very hushed-up form in
                                                                                                                               many households across the country. In fact, this you-
                                                                                                                               know-who of college life can put Lord Voldemort to
                                                                                                                                                                                             made to pack his bags and sent to hostels Dibang or
                                                                                                                                                                                             Brahmaputra. (In the administrations eyes, these hostel
                                                                                                                                                                                             are equivalent to prisons at our college and despite the
                                                                                                                                                                                             issuance of an official apology in this regard, it will be a
discussion on issues related are                              been dubbed as the Personality Development Program
                                                              (PDP). A few of our more experienced seniors (and
                                                                                                                               shame! Before their arrival at our campus, the students
                                                                                                                               do a lot of 'underworld' research and familiarize
                                                                                                                                                                                             long time before the sentiments of these hostel-dwellers
                                                                                                                                                                                             change.) Take a look at the scenario from the senior's
covered. We wish to bring you                                 freshers!) will undoubtedly scoff at this term. In their         themselves with the worst forms of ragging. Needless          point of view. Never mind the fact that he knocked on a
                                                              opinion, PDP is nothing but a high-class society term            to say, there are a lot of colleges in our country where
such insights further. Please let us                          for the more lowly 'ragging'.                                    students probably stay up at nights hoping to be able to
                                                                                                                                                                                             fresher's door at an unearthly hour. The fact remains
                                                                                                                                                                                             that he is being made to leave his home and friends is
know topic on which you would                                 In the pursuit of a well thought of definition, ragging' has
                                                                                                                               fill bottles to escape from the other vile acts planned by
                                                                                                                               their seniors. Eventually, the freshers carry forward this
                                                                                                                                                                                             being forced to live in shame in a land that is very new
                                                                                                                                                                                             to him. His crime: knocking on a door. This incident
like us to dig out.                                           been defined as the doing of any act which causes, or
                                                              is likely to cause any physical, psychological or
                                                                                                                               paranoia with them while entering our campus. During          appears so lame that it's laughable. Sadly, however,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  certain seniors have actually been subjected to this
                                                              physiological harm or apprehension or shame or                                                                                      form of humiliation. This brings us back to our
                                                                                                                             Society and the government of the nation has
Merry freshia                                                 embarrassment to a student, and includes–
                                                              (a)        Teasing or abusing of playing practical             made certain rules regarding the issue framing
                                                                                                                                                                                                  definition of ragging. Harassment of a student in
                                                                                                                                                                                                  any form is unacceptable. And that ought to include
                                                              joke on, or causing hurt to any student.                       what is right and what is wrong. What may                            the harassment of a senior student. Many of the
    t has been more than two years and I still remember       (b)        Asking any student to do any act, or                                                                                     senior students fear the very idea of walking along
                                                              perform any act, which he/she would not, in the                seem right to us is not exactly right according
I   the exact moment when I saw the campus for the
    first time through the window of typical local auto
rickshaw passing by KV gate. I was not just carrying my
                                                              ordinary course, be willing to do or perform.”
                                                              Though the government has India has laid down
                                                              clear legislations for curbing the menace of
                                                                                                                             to society and we must oblige to it. Students
                                                                                                                             argue that what is wrong in a casual interaction
                                                                                                                                                                                                  some of the corridors in their hostel. The amount of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  power that the first-yearites have is quite
                                                                                                                                                                                                  unimaginable, and this sets a very bad precedent.
luggage but also loads of excitement for the most                                                                                                                                                 With power comes great responsibility; however,
memorable time I would be spending here. Gymkhana             ragging, none of the laws are university specific.             and PDP's, instead they are beneficial to                            the first yearites are surely not responsible enough!
understands what this moment means in life of an              This article will focus particularly on the scenario at        freshers. But it must be understood that even
IITian and thus had taken every care to make it most          IIT Guwahati (because that's obviously what you                that small interaction is serious offence                                    nce again we are in a position to ask
cherishing moment for freshers.                               want to read!).

IIT-Guwahati welcomed all the freshers with great                       ver the last few years, (or at least since the
                                                                                                                             according to the rules framed by government
                                                                                                                             and is punishable.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 O        ourselves if the laws pertaining to ragging
                                                                                                                                                                                                          are valid and necessary in our campus.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Every society has laws which upon which its
warmth and delight. PSC made fresher's guide and
sent it to all the freshmen even before they reached the
campus to get them acquainted with the environment.
                                                              O         author's arrival at the campus 4 years ago)
                                                                        all physical forms of ragging have been
                                                              non-existent. That's not to say that ragging can                                    -Gautam Barua, Director, IITG.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 foundations are built. The first year students need
                                                                                                                                                                                                 to be provided with a comfortable and friendly
                                                                                                                                                                                                 atmosphere upon their arrival at their campus.
On the day of arrival stalls were set up at railway station   only be performed via physical means. Mental                                                                                       Nothing hinders creativity like fear, and a traumatic
and airport to receive and escort parents and students        harassment is perhaps the biggest issue faced by the             the official orientation sessionthe fos, cus is on           experience during ones first semester can go a long
to campus. Buses were arranged at regular intervals           freshmen students following their arrival at the campus.         providing the students and parents with a million            way in disrupting the student's mental framework. Many
after taking note of the train and flight timings.            Name-Calling, Intro sessions, the infamous 'muski', the          telephone numbers that they can dial in the event of         senior students argue that ragging is the only means of
                                                              filling up of a few water bottles, night-outs during             ragging. Though this is undoubtedly very essential, it       bringing a first year student out of his shell. This is
Freshers week in IIT-Guwahati has been exhilarating in        Manthan, the usage of a large amount of IIT Guwahati             also elevates their paranoia and this is the very root of    extremely far from the truth as a friendly and
the truest sense. An event a day was held for the first       slang and the loaning of ones cycle to the seniors;              the problem. The first-yearites who have interacted with     collaborative environment can also lead to a fresher's
week to make them feel home and interact with seniors         these acts constitute 95% (unofficial stats) of the acts of      siblings and friends who study at any of the IITs are        quick adjustment to campus life. In reality, ragging is
along with fellow freshmen. Scavenger hunt, Mr and            ragging that freshmen students are 'required' to                 already aware of the worst that can happen to them and       merely an excuse for senior students to employ their
Mrs fresher, Movie screening witnessed heavy                  perform. Take a second look at the aforementioned                know that it's a far cry from the beatings that students     sadistic desire to torment those weaker and smaller to
participation and enthusiasm from everyone.                   acts. Are they really so bad? In response, (as one               at certain NITs receive. The other more naïve students       them and our institute can very well do without these
Soon after the freshers week, freshers were clouded           freshman student conveniently pointed out) one need              however, are not this fortunate. All said and done, the      anti-social elements.
with all sort orientations which included institute           only look at the definition of ragging which forbids             fact remains that we, as IITians, are among the higher       Nothing on this planet is purely good or evil. Anything in
orientation, departmental orientations, gymkhana              asking any student to do any act, or perform any act,            section of society (we like to think of ourselves that       the right amount of moderation can be termed as
orientation, individual boards orientation, hostel            which he/she would not, in the ordinary course, be               way) and are very different from the animals that exist      'acceptable'. The absence of the laws framed against
orentations, coffee out sessions and what not. Cultural       willing to do or perform. However, the fact remains that         in other local colleges and are much more civilized than     ragging will only lead to the escalation of the number of
board had single orientation for all its clubs as             there is never a compulsion to indulge in the whims of           what the administration often makes us out to be.            more 'vile' acts. However, there is certainly a pressing
compared to individual orientations last year.                the seniors and the freshmen are always given a choice                                                                        need to review the nature of the laws, especially in the
                                                              to leave at their convenience. Ultimately the bigger                     icture this. Its 2 a.m. and our protagonist, a       context of IIT Guwahati in particular.
Freshers were also warmly welcomed by senior
students. Although there have been minor cases of
ragging, overall environment was healthy and friendly
                                                              picture merely looks like an informal interaction
                                                              between soon-to-be friends one begins to wonder why              P       particularly paranoid first yearite is attempting to
                                                                                                                                       fall asleep when he hears knocks on the door.

as usual. Welfare board came up with student                                                                                   can be taken to increase the quality.                         who would be joining the campus as a result of which
mentorship program which allotted each group of 8
freshers with one mentor from third year who will clarify     Director’s talk show                                             Q. Is there a proper justification or calculation as to
                                                                                                                                                                                             many married scholars are waiting for their chance to
                                                                                                                                                                                             live in quarters. As of much construction work is being
countless doubts and guide them on leading life at IITG.                                                                       how much the price of mess has been increased                 done already for new SAC, new girls hostel, boys hostel
Each mentor was carefully chosen. After an interaction                 n 7th Nov Interaction club under the welfare            from past few years?                                          and other things. So it is little difficult to make new
                                                                                                                               It is calculated on the inflation rate of the market prices
session students responded that many of their queries
on CPI, classes etc. were beautifully explained.              O        board organized a talk show with Director and
                                                                       Deans to address the issues students have
                                                              been facing and discuss on possible solutions if any.
                                                                                                                               of goods. The increase in the 5 Rs. Last month was due
                                                                                                                               to the removal of government subsidy on gas.
                                                                                                                                                                                             constructions immediately. Next financial year care will
                                                                                                                                                                                             be taken to extend the quarters.

A Facebook page was also created for freshers to              This is the second of its kind show after the first show                                                                       Q. We are not given a fair chance to present our
interact with junta of IITG. The page on one side was         on changing JEE format. As addressed by the Dean of              Q. Why don't we encourage foreign placements?                 views about the accusations. Under such
delivering the expected performance but was also filled       Student Affairs the roots for this kind of show were             The government is investing a lot of money on students        circumstances, whom are we supposed to look up
with lots of fun. Senior boys trying to make new              originated from faculty student cricket tournament held          and also being Indians it is our duty to serve the nation.    to? This can even lead to the toiling of an innocent
girlfriends, girls calling out boys for playing tennis,       last year to increase the interaction between students           The institute allows all the foreign companies that have      life.
complaints of room sharing in subansiri followed by           and faculty. Soon everyone realized that we need a               a presence in India. Since only few foreign companies         The question was about a specific case where some
condolences from seniors etc. added masala to the             better way to address the students and encourage                 would be interested to come to Guwahati for placement         students of Subansiri were accused of ragging.
page. Thankfully the page was successful in restricting       discussions.                                                     it is not a very major issue to be concerned about.           Students mentioned that even though there was no
vulgarity.                                                    Interaction club gathered and compiled some of the               Already measures have been taken to calculate the             fault form their side they were held guilty. It was replied
                                                              important queries that needed answers y students.                number of placements we are losing by restricting the         that the students were only asked to write the
PG Freshia, a fresher's night for the post graduates of       Here is the brief on some of the major issues                    foreign companies and if it seems that we need to allow       happenings of the incident on the piece of paper and
IITG was held on 25th of august. It was a four hour           discussed.                                                       them they they will be surely allowed for recruitment.        leave. They were not anguished in any way and the
event filled with vibrant and charismatic performances        Q. Is there any prescribed list of brands that mess                                                                            enquiry on the matter is yet to complete. The question
by the PG freshers. The event was specially conducted         caterers need to use as the quality of the food in               Q. We all know that the institute administration is           then dropped down to as why the administrators should
for interaction of PG freshers with their seniors and also    mess keeps changing day to day?                                  taking strict measures to prevent ragging and make            make students to stand for more than an hour for
to involve them in cultural activities which they rarely       The proposal has already been kept in gymkhana and              the stay of first years comfortable. This is                  written submission just based on some on some
do. This year PG freshia witnessed UG participation, a        will most probably be implemented from next semester             appreciated But what if the first years take this as          deceptive complaint. Director answered that the issue
testimony to the fact that the UG and PG barrier is                                                                            an advantage and start troubling the seniors?                 of ragging is so serious that students have to be guilty
completely absent when it comes to the cultural events.       Q. What can be done to increase the quality of the               Government states that raging in form is strictly             till proven innocent rather than innocent till proven
The effort put in by Ankit Dave and the organizing            mess?                                                            unacceptable and immediate FIR must be registered on          guilty.
team was truly commendable. All their toils were              The issue of mess is very perplexed that everything is           the student in case of any complaint. So the rules are
complemented by the overwhelming participation by the         not in the control of administrators. As everyone is             not framed by institute but are a just a reflection of        Apart from these specific issues related to bus timings,
PGs and the huge turnout of students at the Manas             working hard to bring in a better system no one should           government's decision. It is sarcastic to hear that           exam timings, permission for participating in
Community Hall. The instrumental music, band show,            be blamed. It so happens that very strict measures               seniors are being raged by freshers but in that case          competitions etc. were discussed. It is very sad that
drama, dance and vocal music performances had really          cannot be taken against caterers as they will not be             seniors always have the freedom to approach the               after repeated mails only a few were present at the
surpassed the usual standards of IITG and have made           willing to cater anymore. Very much care is being taken          administration.                                               auditorium to participate in the discussion. We always
the night very memorable for the new comers.                  to improve quality and students must be co-operative in                                                                        grouch upon the administration and when they come to
                                                              this respect. We need to assess the caterers based on            Q. Why is the authority not showing any interest              answer us with all their modesty it is our duty to listen to
                                                              daily feedback instead of monthly and if the caterer             regarding the extension of married scholars' hostel           them. It must be understood that if we do not participate
PSC congratulates all the students and administration
                                                              makes the same mistake or provides lower quality food            to increase the numbers?                                      in such discussions we lose the right to speak against
for making freshers time so memorable.
                                                              for more than twice for consecutive weeks then action            It was a mistake from institute's side as institute was       any issue in the campus.
                                                                                                                               wrong in estimating the number of married scholars

                                                                                                                                                                         thegsentinel | November 2012 | Issue 1.1                                           01 ·November 2012 · Issue 1.1

                                                                                                                             various interesting topics and queries as well are
Techniche - Perfection Pixelated                                                                                             discussed with the students at IIT by means of the
                                                                                                                             forum and data on various technological advancements
                                                                                                                                                                                            Evoking the 'SPIRIT'
                                                              entrepreneurship in young minds. Blue Chips and its            occurring across the globe is posted.
        rom fierce competitions to wonderful exhibitions                                                                                                                                         hat one moment when you dive in the air to stop
        to inspiring lectures to soothing Nites, the annual   online version, the Virtual Stock Market had immense
F       techno management festival of IIT Guwahati,
        Techniche 2012, (August 30th to September 2nd)
                                                              participation till the very end and were good hits among
                                                              the participants. Though not as expected, the Startup
                                                                                                                             The Guwahati Half Marathon
                                                                                                                                    he Marathon's tag line for 2012 was, 'Run to
                                                                                                                                                                                           T     a game turning goal, that one moment when your
                                                                                                                                                                                                 field of vision reduces to exactly the distance
                                                                                                                                                                                                 between your hockey ball and goal post, that one
was indeed a huge success! Techniche organized a
multitude of events ranging from Robotics to Business
Plan Modeling, to Aeromodelling, to Computer Coding
                                                              Showcase which was conducted for the very first time
                                                              in Techniche this year also made its mark. We had
                                                              entries from all parts of the countries, with more than 5
                                                              entries from down south, we can proudly say that
                                                                                                                             T      show your Unity Guwahati!' With Papon (of
                                                                                                                                    'Jeeyein Kyun' fame), the event served as a step
                                                                                                                             in our endeavour to inculcate the urgency and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     moment when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     you are just
related events. We are sure that none of you could                                                                           importance of unity in today's youth. It kicked off on                                                  behind the lead
make it to all the events that were conducted in              Techniche is indeed expanding its wings!                       August 26th, 2012 at 6:30 A.M. It had two categories,                                                   swimmer, that
Techniche this year, so PSC would                                                                                                                 the Glory Run (21km) run for                                                       one moment
like to help you reminiscing the                                                                                                                  professionals and the Spirit Run                                                   when the
captivating memories of                                                                                                                           (6km) run for people who just want                                                 basketball is
Techniche'12 -Pixelating Perfection.                                                                                                              to have fun! Participants were                                                     rolling on the
                                                                                                                                                  Certifiied by the Assam Athletic                                                   net and you are
Lecture Series                                                                                                                                                                                                                       waiting for it to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     fall into the
           e have eminent
                                                                                                                                                  INITIATIVES                              basket, that is the moment when you can hear the
W          personalities giving
           lectures on exotic topics
which will open the avenues to the
                                                                                                                                                  T      echniche in its 14th edition
                                                                                                                                                         aimed to touch every sphere
                                                                                                                                                         of society with its initiatives
                                                                                                                                                                                           sound of your heart beat and world becomes stationary
                                                                                                                                                                                           and that is the moment just before you win.
world of knowledge, the world of
                                                                                                                                                  Healing hands, Social 360, Minus          SPIRIT 2012, the inter college sports championship
Lecture Series. This year, we had
                                                                                                                                                  One Project and Lighting a Billion       was held by sports board at IITG to bring all those
Mr. Walter Bender from MIT media
                                                                                                                                                  Lives.                                   cherishing moments into the busy lives of students.
labs, Dr. R. Chidambaram form
                                                                                                                                                                                           SPIRIT has been growing exponentially ever since its
BARC, Mr. Sameul Chand a global
leadership guru, Ms. Rashmi                                                                                                                       Exhibitions                              inception and is perfecting itself every time. The three
Bansal a writer, entrepreneur and a youth expert, Mr.
                                                              Robotics                                                                umismatic Society of Calcutta, Delhi philately,
                                                                                                                                                                                           day extravaganza was held on 5th, 6th and 7th of
                                                                     his year, we were successful in reaching out to                                                                       October although basketball was held a week before
Lars Hoogweg, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of
Nimbuzz, George Kourounis, a resident of Toronto, is a
world renowned explorer, adventurer, and storm chaser
best known for his television series, “Angry Planet”.
                                                              T      all the robotic enthusiasts in the nation. Robotics
                                                                     went national with an event called Escalade
                                                              which was conducted in 11 major cities across the
                                                                                                                             N        Indian Air Force, Indian Railways, Indian
                                                                                                                                      Meteorological Society, MetalMate, Indian
                                                                                                                             Institute of Robotics, CID West Bengal and EMVEE
                                                                                                                                                                                           that due to the National Basketball Meet clashing with
                                                                                                                                                                                           our dates. Also aquatics were held on 26th of
                                                                                                                                                                                           September and our team drubbed the local teams.
                                                                                                                             showcased themselves. Due to lack of awareness, the           The event was inaugurated by Director, Dean of student
                                                              nation! Besides Escalade, the module conducted 7
                                                                                                                             workshops did not receive their share of popularity.          Affairs and Chairman of Sports Board. The inaugural
                                                              other events like Angry Birds, Segregare, Aeroshot,
Industrial Conclave                                           Libraria, Pacman, Robocalypse and Shadow.                                                                                    speech was followed by torch relay with Ratholu
                                                                                                                             Despite the disturbances in city Techniche managed to         Mou(Weight lifting), Neha Tadichetty(Basketball), Vasu
    t is an initiative of the student community through the
                                                                                                                             pixelate perfection , the standard of a few events scaled
I   platform of Techniche to strengthen the relationships
    with the industry people and eminent personalities,
and also benefit the industry by keeping them abreast
                                                                         ith enough time given to research, discuss
                                                                                                                             up pretty high when compared to last year. Many new
                                                                                                                             events were initiated this Techniche which managed to
                                                                                                                                                                                           goyal(Hockey), Neeraj Mishra(Atletics and Javelin
                                                                                                                                                                                           throw) carrying the torch respectively. Then Neeraj
                                                                                                                                                                                           Mishra, eneral secretary of Sports board took oath on
of the latest research works and developments. This
interface and interaction between experts from varied
fields of the industry and budding enthusiastic talent of
                                                              W          and come up with the best solutions, this
                                                                         module let's you have your own experience in
                                                              cherishing the process to reaching the best possible
                                                                                                                             carve a niche for themselves even among the pre-
                                                                                                                             existing successful events. On the whole, Techniche'12
                                                                                                                             was a resonating success.
                                                                                                                                                                                           behalf of all he playes and the championship was
                                                              solution. The major events being- Archcraft,a practical
the nation will help encourage innovative initiatives and                                                                                                                                  This year SPIRIT witnessed participation from around
ideas. A total of 140 participants registered for three day
                                                              approach for designing constructions of daily use;
                                                              Techscribe, the paper presentation contest; App
                                                                                                                              Nites - PSC Rating                                           30 colleges along with many other spot clubs. Some of
conclave. Intresting and diversed business magnates                                                                                                                                        the famous teams clubs were Sports Authority of
                                                              Development which was conducted in association with
were present to deliver lectures. Mr. Ajay Chaturvedi,                                                                        DAY 0                                                        India(SAI), SVCC(a well-known volley ball club), Assam
                                                              Nimbuzz; Impulsus and finally MegaPixels, an online
the founder of Harva, Mr. Satish Jha the founder                                                                              Mind blowing performance from Paradigm shift.                Weight Lifting Association. The national level players of
                                                              photography competition which received immense
chairman of One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) India                                                                                                                                              badminton and Seed 1 players of Assam in TT also
                                                              participation.                                                  Almost everyone danced to roja song in
Foundation, Amit Ranjan, the Cofounder and COO of                                                                                                                                          participated in the championship heightening the glory
                                                                                                                              auditorium                                                   of SPIRIT. There was a spectacular participation from
SLIDESHARE, Mr. V Raghunathan, the CEO of GMR
Varalakshmi Foundation of the GMR Group, K V                  Other events                                                                                                                 girls side too. Especially in Athletics, badminton and
Sridhar a Legend in the Field Of Advertising known as                 ush Hour the on-the-spot events spread across           Day 1                                                        basketball the participation outgrew enormously. The
                                                                                                                              The Ebru Art i.e., the art of painting in water.
the 'Ad Guru Of The Indian ad Industry', Mr. Rajesh
Sawhney the President of BIG Reliance Entertainment
and a key member of the Reliance ADAG leadership
                                                              R       the campus included Internship
                                                                      competition which aimed to identify students for
                                                              different paid-internship positions in companies across
                                                                                                                              Due to the dull music and lack of interaction, it
                                                                                                                              did not strike a chord with the audience.
                                                                                                                                                                                           participation was not just from Assam but was from
                                                                                                                                                                                           surrounding states too making it a north eastern sports
team delivered their experiences. From COO of world           the nation, Cryptophobia, Twist to win, the rubik cube
famous website to founder of most innovative social           challenge, Quiz on the Move, Code wars, SUDOKU,                 Day 2                                                        Amidst all the competition IITG performed very well in
startup conclave had just the right mix of people.            CSI, Genesis, Easel and Sci-Fi Éclat. Spin the Web the                                                                       almost every sport. In almost every sport we were
                                                                                                                              Laser Show managed to pull in a lot of crowd
                                                              entireley online module of Techniche, it has a galaxy of                                                                     among top three. In fact in many sports we held more
                                                                                                                              but many of us have seen it last to last year                than one position in top three. SAI gave a good
Corporate Module                                              mind boggling questions, intriguing puzzles and
                                                              complex codes, it's the perfect place to hang out with                                                                       competition to us performing almost in the same level.
           ith innovation oozing out of every entry which                                                                     Day 3
                                                              your talent.Have lots of fun while you learn! In funniche                                                                    Overall, the event was held successfully outpacing the
W          left the veteran judging panel in awe, the
           Corporate Module put up a remarkably good
show! The Corporate Module, Techniche'12
                                                              this year had Tug of War, Experiments, Extreme
                                                              Gaming and Live CS.
                                                                                                                              The best of all nites, the Vilas Nayak nite. A
                                                                                                                              young free spirited fast painter from Karnataka.
                                                                                                                              As the music reaches it's cresendo so do the
                                                                                                                                                                                           previous SPIRIT and establishing a dignity of its own. It
                                                                                                                                                                                           is only a reflection of hard work and effort that sports
                                                                                                                                                                                           board put into to make it such a marvel. The trailer that
successfully conducted 'Product Launch' , which had 9
entries from every field of technology. 'Brain Child', the    TECHNOTHLON                                                     brush strokes and before you blink there's a                 was made for first time is extremely inspiring. Neeraj
                                                                                                                              canvas of colours before your eyes! And then                 Mishra says that unlike last year more sports were
annual business plan writing competition, besides really              eedless to mention the most worked event of
                                                                                                                                                                                           included in SPIRIT and every detail of the event has
good quality ideas, it had immense participation of 22
entries in the presentation round held at IIT Guwahati,
and 'Stratagem', the marketing strategy writing event,
                                                              N       Techniche. This year, the prelims were
                                                                      conducted in over 200 cities and 350 centres
                                                              across the nation. Technopedia, an online module of
                                                                                                                              we had the sky lantern ceremony which lit up
                                                                                                                              the sky so beautifully and marked an end to
                                                                                                                                                                                           been properly recorded for future reference. It is very
                                                                                                                                                                                           clear from the event too that more emphasis was given
                                                                                                                                                                                           to make the event more consummate.
which was successful in its goal of promoting                 Technothlon, where quizzes are posted monthly,

                                                              reasons. The first reason is the journey that we go                                                                          Change and Biodiversity'. The concluding speech was
Magical Manthan                                               through two weeks before manthan to make it a
                                                              worthwhile memory because we know what it means to
                                                                                                                             IESAS 2012                                                    by Ms. Pamposh Bhat, the Chairperson of Jwala –an
                                                                                                                                                                                           NGO based at New Delhi, elucidating the theme of
                                                              each and every one of us. I remember watching a                                                                              'Energising India in a sustainable way'. This was
         o mornings, no evenings, no nights… Rather we        senior cry after proclaiming that this would be their final        IT Guwahati Environmental and Social Awareness            followed by a plantation drive to create a lush of
         never knew what time it was! Mornings turned                                                                            Summit 2012 was organized by Prakriti - the
N        to nights, coffee of Tea turned into mountain
         dew and the moon became our new sun, our
bedrooms became the prop rooms and the places
                                                              manthan and I swear after watching him and the others
                                                              weep with him, it exhilarated and instigated me to work
                                                              even more and more, watching my senior's undying
                                                                                                                             I   Environmental Club & Social's Club in association
                                                                                                                                 with National Service Scheme (NSS), IIT Guwahati
                                                                                                                             from the 5th to 7th of October, 2012. The 4th Edition of
                                                                                                                                                                                           greenery not just to be a feast to the eye but also to
                                                                                                                                                                                           provide shade to pedestrians.
                                                                                                                                                                                           The Day 2 started off with the event 'Eco-Socio
                                                                                                                                                                                           concept' in which '3 Eco-socio concepts' were sought
                                                              effort and hard work and not giving into sleep and two
where we involved ourselves … when word reached               minute breather honestly touched me. The other reason          IESAS also harped on instilling a sense of                    that could make IIT Guwahati an Eco-Socio responsible
our ears that “Manthan” was near!                                                    and the most vital reason of all is     environmental and social awareness among the people           institute by making it pollution free, less dependent on
There was no such thing called                                                       that manthan brought all the            around us like its previous                                                                   conventional energy and
sleep for the first years or faccha's                                                seniors and first years to the same     editions. A wide spectrum                                                                     establishing harmony with
(as they say) nor for our second,                                                    level and composed this spirit of       of events like guest                                                                          nature. An open house
third and most importantly our                                                       brotherhood and it created this         lectures, plantation,                                                                         theatrical panel discussion
fourth years, mainly because it                                                      sense of bonding between our            cleanliness drive,                                                                            was the limelight of this
was their last nerve clenching,                                                      seniors and first years, which felt     captivating competitions                                                                      year's summit as a panel
hysterical and an emotional                                                          nothing more than pure love. I will     and a newly introduced                                                                        of eminent professors
Manthan.                                                                             and I know that every first year will   panel discussion gave the                                                                     discussed the applicability
Every time someone woke up it                                                        not be able to find this level of       summit a hue of its own.                                                                      of the theme to our own
would be only after a friend                                                         bonding anytime else in any year        The summit was lightened                                                                      campus. Facts pertaining
banging at his or her door and                                                       but except during manthan.              up into a glaring start by                                                                    to existing environmental
when they'd look into their                                                          Manthan truly is a spiritualistic,      the Chairmen of Technical                                                                     and social aspects were
watches and find that they slept                                                     miraculous, extraordinary and           Board and Welfare Board in the presence of Dean of            revealed by the NSS group leaders in 'Reveal the Fact'.
only for half an hour or an hour,                                                    magical event and is 'a must'           Students' Affairs, NSS Co-ordinators, dignitaries and         A T-shirt designing competition based on the theme of
they knew for sure that duty called                                                  experience event which no first         participants on Day 0 in the institute Auditorium at 6pm.     sending a message to mend the present state of
at the prop room or another                                                          yearite should miss!                    A movie related to the theme of the summit was                environmental destruction, an Online Nature
activity which they got themselves                                                   We know we will never forget all        screened on the starting day itself giving the events a       Photography based on snaps from the campus, an
into. You only see tension and the sweat scorching            the effort and hard work we put in and whether or not          head-start.                                                   Article writing competition on the environmental and
through your friends faces, the canteens and the juice        we win Manthan, we will never forget the bonding we            The Cleanliness drive marked the start of Day 1 in            social aspects of our life in the IIT G campus, a Happy
shops were not forgiven either , and by god they were         had with each and everyone, we will not forget the early       which the campus was made beatific – greener and              New Year 2013 Card Designing competition based on
bombarded with orders after every one or two hour             morning 'chai' breaks, the experience, the fiesta, the         healthier. Usage of proper hygiene, gloves and sticks         natural beauty and an Eco-Socio Quiz were the other
break. Noise from the music room, shouts from the             emotions, the drama, the politics, that vibe, and the love     helped a strong participation in the event. This was          enticing events of IESAS 2012.
drama practice area and shadow play zone and orders           we felt during manthan. That will forever be embedded          followed by guest lectures. Mr. S.B. Medhi, the               IESAS 2012 concluded with a Valedictory Ceremony
and commands from the prop rooms and all this for             in our memories and will forever remain that one true          President of Assam Institute of Sustainable                   and Prize distribution in which the winners of various
what, was it all for winning a cup? Was it all so that we     event which brought and will continue to bring the entire      Development spoke on 'Legal measures for                      events were felicitated. With the note of planning a
would show it to the other hostel's faces saying “we          hostel together for those three enchanted nights for that      Environment Protection and Sustainable Development.'          grander IESAS 2013, the scintillating summit came to a
won, HAHA!”? Was it for the so called 'Bondappa'? I           magical manthan.                                               Mr. Simanta Kalita, the Chairman of North East Centre,        close and every IIT student was touched by the
believe not. I believe that it was for two very beautiful                                                                    Centre for Environmental Education, spoke on 'Climate         profound implications the summit provided.

                                                                                                                                                                       thegsentinel | November 2012 | Issue 1.1                                          02
Sentinel 1.1
Sentinel 1.1

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Sentinel 1.1

  • 1. · November 2012 · Issue 1.1 p2 Techniche - Perfection pixelated Magical Manthan p3 The new mess'y' system Decree 215 p4 New Internship Policy Excited to buy a new laptop? He opens the door to find a senior who has never p3 PSC brings you special insight on institutes LAN. Everything you need to Ragging: Reality Check or many years now, the students of IIT-G have been very keen on developing the personality of ragging at IIT Guwahati Is a menace at all! interacted with him before. Not a minute has passed before he dials the number of the warden/faculty member/dean/director. In the matter of hours, the senior is being asked to appear before a disco and is soon know about your network form where do you get to F every new batch of freshmen students ever since they set foot on the campus. Over the years, it has escalated to such a scale that it has unofficially Often, ragging is mentioned in a very hushed-up form in many households across the country. In fact, this you- know-who of college life can put Lord Voldemort to made to pack his bags and sent to hostels Dibang or Brahmaputra. (In the administrations eyes, these hostel are equivalent to prisons at our college and despite the issuance of an official apology in this regard, it will be a discussion on issues related are been dubbed as the Personality Development Program (PDP). A few of our more experienced seniors (and shame! Before their arrival at our campus, the students do a lot of 'underworld' research and familiarize long time before the sentiments of these hostel-dwellers change.) Take a look at the scenario from the senior's covered. We wish to bring you freshers!) will undoubtedly scoff at this term. In their themselves with the worst forms of ragging. Needless point of view. Never mind the fact that he knocked on a opinion, PDP is nothing but a high-class society term to say, there are a lot of colleges in our country where such insights further. Please let us for the more lowly 'ragging'. students probably stay up at nights hoping to be able to fresher's door at an unearthly hour. The fact remains that he is being made to leave his home and friends is know topic on which you would In the pursuit of a well thought of definition, ragging' has fill bottles to escape from the other vile acts planned by their seniors. Eventually, the freshers carry forward this being forced to live in shame in a land that is very new to him. His crime: knocking on a door. This incident like us to dig out. been defined as the doing of any act which causes, or is likely to cause any physical, psychological or paranoia with them while entering our campus. During appears so lame that it's laughable. Sadly, however, certain seniors have actually been subjected to this physiological harm or apprehension or shame or form of humiliation. This brings us back to our Society and the government of the nation has Merry freshia embarrassment to a student, and includes– (a) Teasing or abusing of playing practical made certain rules regarding the issue framing definition of ragging. Harassment of a student in any form is unacceptable. And that ought to include joke on, or causing hurt to any student. what is right and what is wrong. What may the harassment of a senior student. Many of the t has been more than two years and I still remember (b) Asking any student to do any act, or senior students fear the very idea of walking along perform any act, which he/she would not, in the seem right to us is not exactly right according I the exact moment when I saw the campus for the first time through the window of typical local auto rickshaw passing by KV gate. I was not just carrying my ordinary course, be willing to do or perform.” Though the government has India has laid down clear legislations for curbing the menace of to society and we must oblige to it. Students argue that what is wrong in a casual interaction some of the corridors in their hostel. The amount of power that the first-yearites have is quite unimaginable, and this sets a very bad precedent. luggage but also loads of excitement for the most With power comes great responsibility; however, memorable time I would be spending here. Gymkhana ragging, none of the laws are university specific. and PDP's, instead they are beneficial to the first yearites are surely not responsible enough! understands what this moment means in life of an This article will focus particularly on the scenario at freshers. But it must be understood that even IITian and thus had taken every care to make it most IIT Guwahati (because that's obviously what you that small interaction is serious offence nce again we are in a position to ask cherishing moment for freshers. want to read!). IIT-Guwahati welcomed all the freshers with great ver the last few years, (or at least since the according to the rules framed by government and is punishable. O ourselves if the laws pertaining to ragging are valid and necessary in our campus. Every society has laws which upon which its warmth and delight. PSC made fresher's guide and sent it to all the freshmen even before they reached the campus to get them acquainted with the environment. O author's arrival at the campus 4 years ago) all physical forms of ragging have been non-existent. That's not to say that ragging can -Gautam Barua, Director, IITG. foundations are built. The first year students need to be provided with a comfortable and friendly atmosphere upon their arrival at their campus. On the day of arrival stalls were set up at railway station only be performed via physical means. Mental Nothing hinders creativity like fear, and a traumatic and airport to receive and escort parents and students harassment is perhaps the biggest issue faced by the the official orientation sessionthe fos, cus is on experience during ones first semester can go a long to campus. Buses were arranged at regular intervals freshmen students following their arrival at the campus. providing the students and parents with a million way in disrupting the student's mental framework. Many after taking note of the train and flight timings. Name-Calling, Intro sessions, the infamous 'muski', the telephone numbers that they can dial in the event of senior students argue that ragging is the only means of filling up of a few water bottles, night-outs during ragging. Though this is undoubtedly very essential, it bringing a first year student out of his shell. This is Freshers week in IIT-Guwahati has been exhilarating in Manthan, the usage of a large amount of IIT Guwahati also elevates their paranoia and this is the very root of extremely far from the truth as a friendly and the truest sense. An event a day was held for the first slang and the loaning of ones cycle to the seniors; the problem. The first-yearites who have interacted with collaborative environment can also lead to a fresher's week to make them feel home and interact with seniors these acts constitute 95% (unofficial stats) of the acts of siblings and friends who study at any of the IITs are quick adjustment to campus life. In reality, ragging is along with fellow freshmen. Scavenger hunt, Mr and ragging that freshmen students are 'required' to already aware of the worst that can happen to them and merely an excuse for senior students to employ their Mrs fresher, Movie screening witnessed heavy perform. Take a second look at the aforementioned know that it's a far cry from the beatings that students sadistic desire to torment those weaker and smaller to participation and enthusiasm from everyone. acts. Are they really so bad? In response, (as one at certain NITs receive. The other more naïve students them and our institute can very well do without these Soon after the freshers week, freshers were clouded freshman student conveniently pointed out) one need however, are not this fortunate. All said and done, the anti-social elements. with all sort orientations which included institute only look at the definition of ragging which forbids fact remains that we, as IITians, are among the higher Nothing on this planet is purely good or evil. Anything in orientation, departmental orientations, gymkhana asking any student to do any act, or perform any act, section of society (we like to think of ourselves that the right amount of moderation can be termed as orientation, individual boards orientation, hostel which he/she would not, in the ordinary course, be way) and are very different from the animals that exist 'acceptable'. The absence of the laws framed against orentations, coffee out sessions and what not. Cultural willing to do or perform. However, the fact remains that in other local colleges and are much more civilized than ragging will only lead to the escalation of the number of board had single orientation for all its clubs as there is never a compulsion to indulge in the whims of what the administration often makes us out to be. more 'vile' acts. However, there is certainly a pressing compared to individual orientations last year. the seniors and the freshmen are always given a choice need to review the nature of the laws, especially in the to leave at their convenience. Ultimately the bigger icture this. Its 2 a.m. and our protagonist, a context of IIT Guwahati in particular. Freshers were also warmly welcomed by senior students. Although there have been minor cases of ragging, overall environment was healthy and friendly picture merely looks like an informal interaction between soon-to-be friends one begins to wonder why P particularly paranoid first yearite is attempting to fall asleep when he hears knocks on the door. as usual. Welfare board came up with student can be taken to increase the quality. who would be joining the campus as a result of which mentorship program which allotted each group of 8 freshers with one mentor from third year who will clarify Director’s talk show Q. Is there a proper justification or calculation as to many married scholars are waiting for their chance to live in quarters. As of much construction work is being countless doubts and guide them on leading life at IITG. how much the price of mess has been increased done already for new SAC, new girls hostel, boys hostel Each mentor was carefully chosen. After an interaction n 7th Nov Interaction club under the welfare from past few years? and other things. So it is little difficult to make new It is calculated on the inflation rate of the market prices session students responded that many of their queries on CPI, classes etc. were beautifully explained. O board organized a talk show with Director and Deans to address the issues students have been facing and discuss on possible solutions if any. of goods. The increase in the 5 Rs. Last month was due to the removal of government subsidy on gas. constructions immediately. Next financial year care will be taken to extend the quarters. A Facebook page was also created for freshers to This is the second of its kind show after the first show Q. We are not given a fair chance to present our interact with junta of IITG. The page on one side was on changing JEE format. As addressed by the Dean of Q. Why don't we encourage foreign placements? views about the accusations. Under such delivering the expected performance but was also filled Student Affairs the roots for this kind of show were The government is investing a lot of money on students circumstances, whom are we supposed to look up with lots of fun. Senior boys trying to make new originated from faculty student cricket tournament held and also being Indians it is our duty to serve the nation. to? This can even lead to the toiling of an innocent girlfriends, girls calling out boys for playing tennis, last year to increase the interaction between students The institute allows all the foreign companies that have life. complaints of room sharing in subansiri followed by and faculty. Soon everyone realized that we need a a presence in India. Since only few foreign companies The question was about a specific case where some condolences from seniors etc. added masala to the better way to address the students and encourage would be interested to come to Guwahati for placement students of Subansiri were accused of ragging. page. Thankfully the page was successful in restricting discussions. it is not a very major issue to be concerned about. Students mentioned that even though there was no vulgarity. Interaction club gathered and compiled some of the Already measures have been taken to calculate the fault form their side they were held guilty. It was replied important queries that needed answers y students. number of placements we are losing by restricting the that the students were only asked to write the PG Freshia, a fresher's night for the post graduates of Here is the brief on some of the major issues foreign companies and if it seems that we need to allow happenings of the incident on the piece of paper and IITG was held on 25th of august. It was a four hour discussed. them they they will be surely allowed for recruitment. leave. They were not anguished in any way and the event filled with vibrant and charismatic performances Q. Is there any prescribed list of brands that mess enquiry on the matter is yet to complete. The question by the PG freshers. The event was specially conducted caterers need to use as the quality of the food in Q. We all know that the institute administration is then dropped down to as why the administrators should for interaction of PG freshers with their seniors and also mess keeps changing day to day? taking strict measures to prevent ragging and make make students to stand for more than an hour for to involve them in cultural activities which they rarely The proposal has already been kept in gymkhana and the stay of first years comfortable. This is written submission just based on some on some do. This year PG freshia witnessed UG participation, a will most probably be implemented from next semester appreciated But what if the first years take this as deceptive complaint. Director answered that the issue testimony to the fact that the UG and PG barrier is an advantage and start troubling the seniors? of ragging is so serious that students have to be guilty completely absent when it comes to the cultural events. Q. What can be done to increase the quality of the Government states that raging in form is strictly till proven innocent rather than innocent till proven The effort put in by Ankit Dave and the organizing mess? unacceptable and immediate FIR must be registered on guilty. team was truly commendable. All their toils were The issue of mess is very perplexed that everything is the student in case of any complaint. So the rules are complemented by the overwhelming participation by the not in the control of administrators. As everyone is not framed by institute but are a just a reflection of Apart from these specific issues related to bus timings, PGs and the huge turnout of students at the Manas working hard to bring in a better system no one should government's decision. It is sarcastic to hear that exam timings, permission for participating in Community Hall. The instrumental music, band show, be blamed. It so happens that very strict measures seniors are being raged by freshers but in that case competitions etc. were discussed. It is very sad that drama, dance and vocal music performances had really cannot be taken against caterers as they will not be seniors always have the freedom to approach the after repeated mails only a few were present at the surpassed the usual standards of IITG and have made willing to cater anymore. Very much care is being taken administration. auditorium to participate in the discussion. We always the night very memorable for the new comers. to improve quality and students must be co-operative in grouch upon the administration and when they come to this respect. We need to assess the caterers based on Q. Why is the authority not showing any interest answer us with all their modesty it is our duty to listen to daily feedback instead of monthly and if the caterer regarding the extension of married scholars' hostel them. It must be understood that if we do not participate PSC congratulates all the students and administration makes the same mistake or provides lower quality food to increase the numbers? in such discussions we lose the right to speak against for making freshers time so memorable. for more than twice for consecutive weeks then action It was a mistake from institute's side as institute was any issue in the campus. wrong in estimating the number of married scholars thegsentinel | November 2012 | Issue 1.1 01
  • 2. ·November 2012 · Issue 1.1 various interesting topics and queries as well are Techniche - Perfection Pixelated discussed with the students at IIT by means of the forum and data on various technological advancements Evoking the 'SPIRIT' entrepreneurship in young minds. Blue Chips and its occurring across the globe is posted. rom fierce competitions to wonderful exhibitions hat one moment when you dive in the air to stop to inspiring lectures to soothing Nites, the annual online version, the Virtual Stock Market had immense F techno management festival of IIT Guwahati, Techniche 2012, (August 30th to September 2nd) participation till the very end and were good hits among the participants. Though not as expected, the Startup The Guwahati Half Marathon he Marathon's tag line for 2012 was, 'Run to T a game turning goal, that one moment when your field of vision reduces to exactly the distance between your hockey ball and goal post, that one was indeed a huge success! Techniche organized a multitude of events ranging from Robotics to Business Plan Modeling, to Aeromodelling, to Computer Coding Showcase which was conducted for the very first time in Techniche this year also made its mark. We had entries from all parts of the countries, with more than 5 entries from down south, we can proudly say that T show your Unity Guwahati!' With Papon (of 'Jeeyein Kyun' fame), the event served as a step in our endeavour to inculcate the urgency and moment when you are just milliseconds related events. We are sure that none of you could importance of unity in today's youth. It kicked off on behind the lead make it to all the events that were conducted in Techniche is indeed expanding its wings! August 26th, 2012 at 6:30 A.M. It had two categories, swimmer, that Techniche this year, so PSC would the Glory Run (21km) run for one moment like to help you reminiscing the professionals and the Spirit Run when the captivating memories of (6km) run for people who just want basketball is Techniche'12 -Pixelating Perfection. to have fun! Participants were rolling on the Certifiied by the Assam Athletic net and you are Association! Lecture Series waiting for it to fall into the e have eminent INITIATIVES basket, that is the moment when you can hear the W personalities giving lectures on exotic topics which will open the avenues to the T echniche in its 14th edition aimed to touch every sphere of society with its initiatives sound of your heart beat and world becomes stationary and that is the moment just before you win. world of knowledge, the world of Healing hands, Social 360, Minus SPIRIT 2012, the inter college sports championship Lecture Series. This year, we had One Project and Lighting a Billion was held by sports board at IITG to bring all those Mr. Walter Bender from MIT media Lives. cherishing moments into the busy lives of students. labs, Dr. R. Chidambaram form SPIRIT has been growing exponentially ever since its BARC, Mr. Sameul Chand a global leadership guru, Ms. Rashmi Exhibitions inception and is perfecting itself every time. The three Bansal a writer, entrepreneur and a youth expert, Mr. Robotics umismatic Society of Calcutta, Delhi philately, day extravaganza was held on 5th, 6th and 7th of his year, we were successful in reaching out to October although basketball was held a week before Lars Hoogweg, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Nimbuzz, George Kourounis, a resident of Toronto, is a world renowned explorer, adventurer, and storm chaser best known for his television series, “Angry Planet”. T all the robotic enthusiasts in the nation. Robotics went national with an event called Escalade which was conducted in 11 major cities across the N Indian Air Force, Indian Railways, Indian Meteorological Society, MetalMate, Indian Institute of Robotics, CID West Bengal and EMVEE that due to the National Basketball Meet clashing with our dates. Also aquatics were held on 26th of September and our team drubbed the local teams. showcased themselves. Due to lack of awareness, the The event was inaugurated by Director, Dean of student nation! Besides Escalade, the module conducted 7 workshops did not receive their share of popularity. Affairs and Chairman of Sports Board. The inaugural other events like Angry Birds, Segregare, Aeroshot, Industrial Conclave Libraria, Pacman, Robocalypse and Shadow. speech was followed by torch relay with Ratholu Despite the disturbances in city Techniche managed to Mou(Weight lifting), Neha Tadichetty(Basketball), Vasu t is an initiative of the student community through the pixelate perfection , the standard of a few events scaled Predefined I platform of Techniche to strengthen the relationships with the industry people and eminent personalities, and also benefit the industry by keeping them abreast ith enough time given to research, discuss up pretty high when compared to last year. Many new events were initiated this Techniche which managed to goyal(Hockey), Neeraj Mishra(Atletics and Javelin throw) carrying the torch respectively. Then Neeraj Mishra, eneral secretary of Sports board took oath on of the latest research works and developments. This interface and interaction between experts from varied fields of the industry and budding enthusiastic talent of W and come up with the best solutions, this module let's you have your own experience in cherishing the process to reaching the best possible carve a niche for themselves even among the pre- existing successful events. On the whole, Techniche'12 was a resonating success. behalf of all he playes and the championship was commenced. solution. The major events being- Archcraft,a practical the nation will help encourage innovative initiatives and This year SPIRIT witnessed participation from around ideas. A total of 140 participants registered for three day approach for designing constructions of daily use; Techscribe, the paper presentation contest; App Nites - PSC Rating 30 colleges along with many other spot clubs. Some of conclave. Intresting and diversed business magnates the famous teams clubs were Sports Authority of Development which was conducted in association with were present to deliver lectures. Mr. Ajay Chaturvedi, DAY 0 India(SAI), SVCC(a well-known volley ball club), Assam Nimbuzz; Impulsus and finally MegaPixels, an online the founder of Harva, Mr. Satish Jha the founder Mind blowing performance from Paradigm shift. Weight Lifting Association. The national level players of photography competition which received immense chairman of One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) India badminton and Seed 1 players of Assam in TT also participation. Almost everyone danced to roja song in Foundation, Amit Ranjan, the Cofounder and COO of participated in the championship heightening the glory auditorium of SPIRIT. There was a spectacular participation from SLIDESHARE, Mr. V Raghunathan, the CEO of GMR Varalakshmi Foundation of the GMR Group, K V Other events girls side too. Especially in Athletics, badminton and Sridhar a Legend in the Field Of Advertising known as ush Hour the on-the-spot events spread across Day 1 basketball the participation outgrew enormously. The The Ebru Art i.e., the art of painting in water. the 'Ad Guru Of The Indian ad Industry', Mr. Rajesh Sawhney the President of BIG Reliance Entertainment and a key member of the Reliance ADAG leadership R the campus included Internship competition which aimed to identify students for different paid-internship positions in companies across Due to the dull music and lack of interaction, it did not strike a chord with the audience. participation was not just from Assam but was from surrounding states too making it a north eastern sports championshi team delivered their experiences. From COO of world the nation, Cryptophobia, Twist to win, the rubik cube famous website to founder of most innovative social challenge, Quiz on the Move, Code wars, SUDOKU, Day 2 Amidst all the competition IITG performed very well in startup conclave had just the right mix of people. CSI, Genesis, Easel and Sci-Fi Éclat. Spin the Web the almost every sport. In almost every sport we were Laser Show managed to pull in a lot of crowd entireley online module of Techniche, it has a galaxy of among top three. In fact in many sports we held more but many of us have seen it last to last year than one position in top three. SAI gave a good Corporate Module mind boggling questions, intriguing puzzles and complex codes, it's the perfect place to hang out with competition to us performing almost in the same level. ith innovation oozing out of every entry which Day 3 your talent.Have lots of fun while you learn! In funniche Overall, the event was held successfully outpacing the W left the veteran judging panel in awe, the Corporate Module put up a remarkably good show! The Corporate Module, Techniche'12 this year had Tug of War, Experiments, Extreme Gaming and Live CS. The best of all nites, the Vilas Nayak nite. A young free spirited fast painter from Karnataka. As the music reaches it's cresendo so do the previous SPIRIT and establishing a dignity of its own. It is only a reflection of hard work and effort that sports board put into to make it such a marvel. The trailer that successfully conducted 'Product Launch' , which had 9 entries from every field of technology. 'Brain Child', the TECHNOTHLON brush strokes and before you blink there's a was made for first time is extremely inspiring. Neeraj canvas of colours before your eyes! And then Mishra says that unlike last year more sports were annual business plan writing competition, besides really eedless to mention the most worked event of included in SPIRIT and every detail of the event has good quality ideas, it had immense participation of 22 entries in the presentation round held at IIT Guwahati, and 'Stratagem', the marketing strategy writing event, N Techniche. This year, the prelims were conducted in over 200 cities and 350 centres across the nation. Technopedia, an online module of we had the sky lantern ceremony which lit up the sky so beautifully and marked an end to Techniche'12. been properly recorded for future reference. It is very clear from the event too that more emphasis was given to make the event more consummate. which was successful in its goal of promoting Technothlon, where quizzes are posted monthly, reasons. The first reason is the journey that we go Change and Biodiversity'. The concluding speech was Magical Manthan through two weeks before manthan to make it a worthwhile memory because we know what it means to IESAS 2012 by Ms. Pamposh Bhat, the Chairperson of Jwala –an NGO based at New Delhi, elucidating the theme of each and every one of us. I remember watching a 'Energising India in a sustainable way'. This was o mornings, no evenings, no nights… Rather we senior cry after proclaiming that this would be their final IT Guwahati Environmental and Social Awareness followed by a plantation drive to create a lush of never knew what time it was! Mornings turned Summit 2012 was organized by Prakriti - the N to nights, coffee of Tea turned into mountain dew and the moon became our new sun, our bedrooms became the prop rooms and the places manthan and I swear after watching him and the others weep with him, it exhilarated and instigated me to work even more and more, watching my senior's undying I Environmental Club & Social's Club in association with National Service Scheme (NSS), IIT Guwahati from the 5th to 7th of October, 2012. The 4th Edition of greenery not just to be a feast to the eye but also to provide shade to pedestrians. The Day 2 started off with the event 'Eco-Socio concept' in which '3 Eco-socio concepts' were sought effort and hard work and not giving into sleep and two where we involved ourselves … when word reached minute breather honestly touched me. The other reason IESAS also harped on instilling a sense of that could make IIT Guwahati an Eco-Socio responsible our ears that “Manthan” was near! and the most vital reason of all is environmental and social awareness among the people institute by making it pollution free, less dependent on There was no such thing called that manthan brought all the around us like its previous conventional energy and sleep for the first years or faccha's seniors and first years to the same editions. A wide spectrum establishing harmony with (as they say) nor for our second, level and composed this spirit of of events like guest nature. An open house third and most importantly our brotherhood and it created this lectures, plantation, theatrical panel discussion fourth years, mainly because it sense of bonding between our cleanliness drive, was the limelight of this was their last nerve clenching, seniors and first years, which felt captivating competitions year's summit as a panel hysterical and an emotional nothing more than pure love. I will and a newly introduced of eminent professors Manthan. and I know that every first year will panel discussion gave the discussed the applicability Every time someone woke up it not be able to find this level of summit a hue of its own. of the theme to our own would be only after a friend bonding anytime else in any year The summit was lightened campus. Facts pertaining banging at his or her door and but except during manthan. up into a glaring start by to existing environmental when they'd look into their Manthan truly is a spiritualistic, the Chairmen of Technical and social aspects were watches and find that they slept miraculous, extraordinary and Board and Welfare Board in the presence of Dean of revealed by the NSS group leaders in 'Reveal the Fact'. only for half an hour or an hour, magical event and is 'a must' Students' Affairs, NSS Co-ordinators, dignitaries and A T-shirt designing competition based on the theme of they knew for sure that duty called experience event which no first participants on Day 0 in the institute Auditorium at 6pm. sending a message to mend the present state of at the prop room or another yearite should miss! A movie related to the theme of the summit was environmental destruction, an Online Nature activity which they got themselves We know we will never forget all screened on the starting day itself giving the events a Photography based on snaps from the campus, an into. You only see tension and the sweat scorching the effort and hard work we put in and whether or not head-start. Article writing competition on the environmental and through your friends faces, the canteens and the juice we win Manthan, we will never forget the bonding we The Cleanliness drive marked the start of Day 1 in social aspects of our life in the IIT G campus, a Happy shops were not forgiven either , and by god they were had with each and everyone, we will not forget the early which the campus was made beatific – greener and New Year 2013 Card Designing competition based on bombarded with orders after every one or two hour morning 'chai' breaks, the experience, the fiesta, the healthier. Usage of proper hygiene, gloves and sticks natural beauty and an Eco-Socio Quiz were the other break. Noise from the music room, shouts from the emotions, the drama, the politics, that vibe, and the love helped a strong participation in the event. This was enticing events of IESAS 2012. drama practice area and shadow play zone and orders we felt during manthan. That will forever be embedded followed by guest lectures. Mr. S.B. Medhi, the IESAS 2012 concluded with a Valedictory Ceremony and commands from the prop rooms and all this for in our memories and will forever remain that one true President of Assam Institute of Sustainable and Prize distribution in which the winners of various what, was it all for winning a cup? Was it all so that we event which brought and will continue to bring the entire Development spoke on 'Legal measures for events were felicitated. With the note of planning a would show it to the other hostel's faces saying “we hostel together for those three enchanted nights for that Environment Protection and Sustainable Development.' grander IESAS 2013, the scintillating summit came to a won, HAHA!”? Was it for the so called 'Bondappa'? I magical manthan. Mr. Simanta Kalita, the Chairman of North East Centre, close and every IIT student was touched by the believe not. I believe that it was for two very beautiful Centre for Environmental Education, spoke on 'Climate profound implications the summit provided. thegsentinel | November 2012 | Issue 1.1 02