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SSppaannddaannee –– TThhee LLaasstt LLeeccttuurree
SSeeccttiioonn II
MMyy LLiiffee SSttoorryy
MMrr.. SSuuddhhiirr VVaaiiddyyaa..
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
Index Section I - My Life Story
00 Preface 3
01 My Childhood 4
02 My Village Memories - Hansha 4
03 My Father 5
04 My Mother 3
05 My Family 2
06 My School days 4
07 My Experience of Faith 2
08 My College days 3
09 My Article ship days 6
10 My Education 8
11 My Teachers 6
12 My Industry Experience and colleagues. 27
13 My Professional Career & Clients. 14
14 My Assistants 5
15 My Friends 2
16 My Dreams 2
17 My Food Habits 5
18 My Bad Habits 3
19 My Health 6
20 My Hobbies 3
21 My Pets 4
22 Games I Played 2
23 My Social Service 5
24 My GOD 6
25 My Experience of getting cheated. 4
26 Deaths seen in Life 5
27 My Death experiences 6
28 My Deadly Accident 5
29 My Likes & Dislikes 3
30 My Life Philosophy 4
31 My Reflections 11
32 My Search of a Happy Man’s Shirt 9
33 My Spandane Articles 25
34 My Life at Glance 2
35 My Educational & Occupational Career at glance 3
36 My Family Tree 1
37 Thanks 3
38 Few Words …. 2
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
Preface to Section I – My Life Story
Every one has a treasure of experiences in Life. But every one may not find it easy to
document the same. On number of occasions, I made an attempt to jot down the memories
of a particular person or an event. Some times I wrote chronologically. Due to
preoccupation, this programme could not be continued for long.
My childhood circumstance made me stronger, go getter, having absolute faith on efforts
(Karma) and a disciplined person. It also made me outspoken, at times unnecessarily. It is
really surprising that even a person like me had unlimited hidden vibrations (Spandane)
on various issues. The entire credit goes to my beloved wife Mrs. Sumitra for this
transformation. It was possible to unearth my hidden vibrations due to her excessive
sensitive nature. I learned to live from my wife.
Today I am on the verge of retirement. Last year I had read the book titled ‘The Last
Lecture’ written by Randy Pausch. He delivered the lecture on 18-09-2007 as he did not
have long to live. “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”
—said Randy Pausch. But the lecture he gave—“Really Achieving Your Childhood
Dreams”—wasn’t about dying. It was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of
enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every moment (because “time is all you
have...and you may find one day that you have less than you think”). It was a summation
of everything Randy had come to believe. It was about Living. This book inspired me a
As a novel concept, I wrote a letter to my grandson on the occasion of his 1st birthday i.e.
10-06-2010. As I was writing the letter, this idea of writing the Last lecture struck my mind.
Why not make an attempt? I have also lived against all odds in Life. I tried to overcome
the problems almost single handedly. My Life experience was unique, which had great
influence on my thinking and my outlook towards Life.
Friends, my childhood would meet you time and again in various Articles as it has
affected my entire Life and forced me to develop philosophies to counter the ill effects of
that pain. Some portion may get repeated in different Articles but with a different context.
I am sure that readers will excuse me for this unavoidable repetition.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
Friends, I am aware that I have not done anything extraordinary in my Life but I did
every thing with full involvement and sincerity. I request readers to judge me not from
where I have reached but from where I have started my Life journey. I have evaluated
my success from not what I have achieved but what I had to give up achieving it.
Friends, I am proud to say that I lived as per my wish. I had set Life Time Table in my
mind since young age. I assumed life span of 60 years and decided to accommodate all my
dreams, education, career, social service ideas, hobbies, relaxation, relations etc. In fact,
I always prayed and requested GOD to call me back after 60 years. I am happy to say that
I have managed all my affairs including career, finances, relationship in such a way that if
GOD really decides to accept my request, I will have no regrets.
I never compromised on my Life philosophy. My employers and clients allowed me to
work as per my wish and without interference.
I have divided my Autobiography ‘Spandane - The Last Lecture’ in various Sections /
Topics instead of writing chronologically for the sake of my convenience.
Section I - My Life Story
Section II - My Letters. Readers would get to know about my Family Life & Outlook
towards Life.
Section III - My Tips – Views & Observations on Various issues, situations, circumstances
etc. I am hopeful that Section III would certainly induce the readers to rethink on these
subjects and cross verify their ideas.
Section IV – My Spandane Poems
Reference to some persons living and dead is inevitable in such type of writing. I have
no intention of insulting or hurting anyone but if somebody is hurt inadvertently, I express
my sincere apology for the same, well in advance. The purpose of making reference to a
particular person is not to comment on that person but to unearth his / her impact on my
mind and personality.
I am dedicating my Autobiography to the fond memories of my parents. My father had
left a great impact on my Life. He was a true ‘Karma Yogi’. His Life Philosophy still
inspires and offers solution in case of need.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
Your Life should be like a square meal. Your destination of ‘Happiness’ in Life will be
your mind itself if you can manage to keep balance /strike equilibrium between your
educational/occupational career, family, health and friendship. I feel that I am fairly
successful in this game.
I also request the readers to visit my website for various Spandane
Articles. My Life philosophy has been explained with the help of Moral Stories. I have
included a separate chapter on my Spandane Articles with my personal comments.
I would sum up my Life in one of the favourite Gazal. ‘Bhogile je dukha jyala sukh
mhanawe lagale. Evadhe mi bhogile ki maj hasave lagale.’ (I had to consider my pains and
sorrows as happiness and I faced hardships to such an extent that I had to laugh at it.)
I request readers to read the Autobiography serially to capture the real effect of my Life.
I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Mrs. Sumitra, Deven, Devyani, and
Romin, who have inspired me to write autobiography. Devyani deserves special thanks
for carefully reading the Autobiography and making useful suggestions. Thanks Devyani.
Best wishes to all.
Sudhir Vaidya
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
01 / My Childhood
Every one gets childhood for a short while in the entire LIFE span. It is generally said that
childhood is the best period/phase of Life. However, unfortunately, it was not so in my LIFE.
Now at this stage, I can certainly say that my success in LIFE can be attributed to my
childhood pain.
I was born on 15th May 1951 in a middle class family. I was born in ‘Sade Sati’. My Mother
got herself operated after my birth and hence I became the youngest in the family. I had three
brothers and eldest sister. However my first brother (born in 1943) expired in his childhood.
My elder brother was born in 1949 and eldest brother was born in 1947. My sister was born in
1940 when my mother was hardly 21 years old.
Somehow I always felt that if I would not have lost my first brother, probably I would not
have been born and would have escaped from this Life struggle. But that was not to be and
now I am here documenting my Life Story. It is not possible to unfold the entire Life.
Basically it may not serve any purpose for the readers. Every one has some painful corner
and his Life journey is driven by that pain. Every one also feels that his problem is greatest.
Greatness of problem depends on the distance between you and the problem. It should
suffice for the readers to know that I also nursed the painful corner in my Life but I planned
(Planning was in my blood.☺) my Life ignoring the problem initially and then adjusted with
the problem to come out as a winner. But I must admit openly that it left a scar on my mind
My father’s health was in bad condition at the time of my birth. I was looked upon as ‘trouble
boy’ as he fell sick. I failed to understand this criticism till date as my parents were responsible
for my birth. My birth was certainly not in my hands. How my birth can be co-related with
his sickness? I spent my childhood searching answers to such nonsensical questions and
criticism. My father’s food habits were not good for his health. Having spent his childhood in
a remote native place he was fond of rice which finally led to Diabetes. With his aggressive
nature, he ignored it, thereby inviting more problems like TB. He had first attack of TB
sometime in 1952. I was just 1 year old. He went to Talegaon Hospital (near Pune) for
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
treatment. Now under these circumstances how was I responsible for his ill health? In fact
I spent my life till date in the fear of diabetes. I am writing this with a heavy heart but I am
sure that my father will excuse me for this.
What I have inherited from my father is far more than such pains but unfortunately I can’t
forget that my parents failed in their core and primary responsibilities towards their kids.
My father got cured from TB in 1952. However, he again suffered from TB in 1957. He decided
to get admitted in Talegaon TB hospital. I remember my journey from VT to Talegaon.
We were accompanied by Mr. Kokane. (My Moushi’s husband) We reached the hospital in the
afternoon at about lunch time. I was very hungry. We went to mess for lunch. We sat on the
ground for lunch. It was a homely atmosphere. I still remember having enjoyed warm rice,
varan and lemon with a spoonful of ghee. Believe me for remembering this incidence. My
age was beyond the understanding the nature of our visit and its gravity. I continued to enjoy
rice, varan and lemon in my life. By doing this I touch that very moment of my Life.
At Talegaon hospital, each patient was allotted a small cottage with a kitchen. Patient would
get cured by dry air with a minimal support of medicines. Evening my uncle took me to
Poona. My sister and both the brothers were already staying at Poona. First time I was staying
away from my parents. I digested that blow. I did not realize that I will be losing the
company of my father in another few years. Ignorance is bliss. But that pleasure of ignorance
could not be enjoyed for long. Within next year or so, I realized the hard reality that my father
won’t be around for long. I became more matured for my age. I never felt like talking, mixing
with other children of my age. My tone of Life became depressed. I was not even admitted to
school because of my father’s illness. However I had continued my studies for 1st standard at
home under the guidance of my sister. My uncle and others hardly realized this sea change in
my behaviour. Observing open sky and clouds, spending time alone in a cosy atmosphere
was my favourite passion.
I remember my birthday that year at Poona. (i.e. 15-05-1957) No body wished me on my
birthday. I was crying in my heart. I was confident that my mother will come from Talegaon
on my birthday. I eagerly waited for her in the dark passage of the house. She came at about
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
11 am. I was so happy & thrilled on her visit. Only then every one realized that it was my
birthday. That may be the reason for my wishing the friends, family members, assistants,
colleagues etc. on their birthdays so that they will get a smile on their face. Many of these
people hardly reciprocate by wishing me on my birthday, is a different story.
June 1957, we all brothers and sister returned to Mumbai. My parents had stayed back at
Talegaon. My father’s health was improving. We were accompanied by our Kaku.
I also remember the sweet Kachori cooked by my Kaku. I tasted that dish cooked by my
mother, wife etc. but let me admit that I could not forget that taste.
After few months, my parents returned from Talegaon Hospital. My father was cured
completely. I was relieved some how. During their absence, my sister looked after me. I can
understand the plight of small kids forced to stay away from home (baby sitting) while the
mother is at work.
Friends, I have tried my level best to give the glimpses of my painful childhood. These were
the first / early memories at the age of 6-7 years. I am aware that I have not shared every pain
in clear terms but you will appreciate that it is difficult to do so at this age.
I never realized when my childhood got over? Whether I had a childhood in the first place?
I was deprived of the only golden period of childhood. However, I have no regrets. This
period taught me hard facts of Life and rules of the Game. I never realized as to when my
mind died due to childhood circumstances? Still I am Living, considering every night as my
last night and every morning as one more day to live. I am mentally ready to quit.
Friends, my childhood would meet you time and again in various Articles as it has affected
my entire Life and forced me to develop philosophies to counter the ill effects of that pain.
I pray to almighty super power by whatever name called to offer beautiful childhood to all
new borns on this earth. Let all human beings enjoy this period and get ready for slaughter
for the rest of the Life.
Let me say a few words about our locality. We were staying in Angre Wadi, Tilak Nagar, and
Girgaon. We had a small row house of about 300 sq. feet and open space in front of the house.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
We had planted number of small trees in the area. It was a rented accommodation. In 1960 The
landlord sold away the entire property to the society. (currently known as redevelopment
scheme) The society constructed one separate building (RCC) of 5 stories to accommodate all
52 tenants. Rent was marginally increased to Rs. 21/-pm. The society constructed three
buildings and allotted to its members. We lost our play ground in the process. We became
tenants of the society. Other occupants of three buildings were fairly rich & owned vehicles
etc. We were given room on 4th floor. I stayed in that house up to 1977. Then I shifted to
Wadala. (my eldest brother’s residence) I stayed at Wadala up to January 1983. Thereafter,
I shifted to My Borivali Flat. (Purchased by my father for me, way back in 1965) I booked a
second home in September 1995 at Village Nargol via Sanjan, Gujarat State. I got the
possession on 05-09-1997. There after I have been visiting my second home practically every
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
02 / My Village Memories – ‘Hansha’
Friends, I am sure that you would get surprised or may be taken a back with the above
Title. I won’t keep you in suspense for long.
‘Hansha’ is name of my Bull. Surprised again? I have not taken to farming. This is the
story from my childhood and there was a specific occasion which made me to recollect this
story from my childhood. Let me narrate the story of my ‘Hansha’ to start with.
Once upon a time I also had a village like every one. ☺ Now it is no more, meaning
nobody is staying there regularly. I had been to my village way back in October 1967 for
the last time. However the story of ‘Hansha’ started much earlier in 1961. My father used
to take us to the village every alternate year. By the way, I have not told you where my
village is located. The name of my village is ‘Ambere Khurd ‘located in Jaigad creek.
We had to go by steamer to Jaigad. The steamer would leave from ‘Bhaucha Dhakka’ at
about 10am and would reach Jaigad at 8 pm. As there was no jetty at Jaigad, The Steamer
would halt away from shore in the sea. The passengers were required to jump in the small
boat. 10 sailors would row the small boat to the shore. We would spend that night at Jaigad
and would proceed to our village next day morning at 6 am in a launch. (Small boat driven
by engine). We would reach our village by 10am. Travel time of over 24 hours. Then we
had to climb the small mountain for another one hour with our luggage. Jaigad creek was
so far away that the Launch would reach the last destination by 12.30 noon.
Half way to our house, we would halt and look back to the creek. What a beautiful sight.
I had taken a nice snap from that spot. We enlarged that photo and presented to our Poona
uncle as a token gift when he moved to the newly constructed Bungalow. He also promptly
put the frame in his living room. Even today after so many years, I can visualize that
scene. ☺ I have uploaded that photo in my Family Album.
I have been doing Nature photography for many years but very few scenes can compete
with this view.
Some times, our youngest uncle would send a small boat to Jaigad. In that case we would
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
take a boat ride to our village. We would reach our village shore at about mid-night.
We would take rest in our grocery shop on the shore and used to climb the small mountain
in the morning. I still remember the journey in a small boat from Jaigad to our village. Cool
breeze would tempt our eyes to close in the back drop of musical sound of waves. The
sky with moon and twinkling stars in the sky would complete the scene.
Friends, I am sure that now you must be wondering about the title. Is this a story of my
village or ‘Hansha’? But If I have to talk about my ‘Hansha’, then I have to narrate a story
of my village. Both are inseparable. ☺
We had gone to our village way back in October 1961. I was barely 10 years old. We had
number of bulls, cows, and buffalos in the village. During that time, one cow delivered a
male ‘Bachada’. His colour was black with white patch on the forehead. We decided to call
him ‘Hansha’. His mother was very calm and would allow us to touch and pamper
After about a week, we took ‘Hansha’ for a ride in our compound with a small rope around
his neck. (As if he was a pet dog.☺ ) He behaved like an obedient dog initially but
suddenly showed his true colours. He shook his head so heavily that we lost the grip of the
rope. He was free. Hansha started dancing. Yes, I mean it. Have you ever seen a dance of
such a young bull? He was throwing his front legs in forward direction and would lift back
legs above the ground. We had no choice but to call our Aunty. She immediately caught
hold of Hansha and tied him to the hook. Hansha was very friendly with us. We would
play boxing with him. Both enjoyed the play.
Our holiday evaporated in no time. We planned our return journey to Mumbai. Previous
day, we all cried putting our little hands around his neck. We could see even Hansha’s
eyes getting watery with this love. Hansha returned the love by scratching his head on our
We returned back to Mumbai and our routine started all over again. However the
memories of Hansha would make us sentimental. Then I used to write letter to my uncle
and aunty and enquire about Hansha. Two years, passed…..
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
Once again, we visited our village in October 1963. Now Hansha was 2 years old. He was
no more our small Hansha but now he was full grown Bull. His Horns had turned
backwards. He had continued his style of boxing by his forehead. His aggressive nature
was totally contradictory with his mother. (Incidentally I am also of an aggressive nature
totally in contradiction with my mother.☺)
He could not be sent along with other cattle as he would pick a fight against any one and
try to show his strength. He was probably adopting US Foreign Policy. ☺ Hence, a
separate servant was kept to look after him. Hansha was not allowed to mix with other
cattle from the village. He was given a special protein diet and green grass. This was not
done to prepare for any Bull fights. My uncle was a farmer. Eventually Hansha was
supposed to do farming work but Hansha was not willing to bow his head for farming
work. As if he was not born for such petty work. He was a born Manager. ☺
Nevertheless, Hansha soon understood the reality and was ready to do farming work.
It was quite surprising that Hansha recognized all of us in our following visits in 1963,
1965, 1967. Whether he was our pet dog in previous birth?
My last trip to village was in 1967 because I lost my Father in August, 1969. I do not know
as to how many more years Hansha lived? But he is still young in my mind.
Now, let me clarify as to why I remembered Hansha suddenly? Time to have one more
twist in the story.
Aryan, my Grandson was 2 years old. Very mischievous since childhood. He won’t play at
one place for long. Very curious. No risk perception. Not bothered for injuries while
playing. One night he was playing and dancing on a steel bed. Missed one step and his
forehead got hit on bar. He vomited after 2 hours. However, next day he went to school as
He was taken to a doctor in the afternoon. Doctor took X-ray of his skull. Nothing was
materially wrong. He prescribed few medicines. It was really a tough task for my daughter
to take care of him. Aryan likes to visit my residence as he gets our special attention. With
his child play, I suddenly remembered my Hansha and my childhood days at village.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
Our mind is like a bottle of perfume. When the lid gets opened, then memories of
childhood evaporate like a perfume.
Friends, I hope that you must have enjoyed story of my Hansha and my village in the
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
03 / My Father (Maze Dada)
My father’s name was Madhusudan. He had 4 brothers and 4 sisters. My grand father was a
farmer. My father had 2 elder brothers who were educated. My father insisted on staying in
Bombay for studies. He studied in English medium. At the time of his SSC results, he was in
our village, working in the farm with other labour. His elder brothers never bothered to
inform his SSC result.
He then returned to Bombay and stayed with one Lawyer family as paying guest. He pursued
Steno typist diploma. With his involvement, he attained the speed of 140/80 in his typing and
dictation. He easily got a job in Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay popularly known
as BMC. He worked in the Legal department of BMC. He had good command on English
having studied in English medium. He was proud to say that his English was far better than
that of the lawyers. ☺ BMC had laid down quota system for typist. However, due to sheer
speed and accuracy, my father used to complete the quota by 3 p.m. & thereafter he would
offer his helping hand to his superiors for correcting the letters and statements. He gained
good legal knowledge in the process.
During evening time, he had taken up part time typing job and would work till late into night.
He loved his typewriter on par with his kids. I had preserved his typewriter for number of
years but finally sold off as it could not be kept in working condition in spite of best
intentions, due to obsolescence.
His food habits were not good for his health. Having spent his childhood in a remote native
place, he was fond of rice which finally led to Diabetes. With his aggressive nature, he ignored
it, thereby inviting more problems like TB. He had first attack of TB sometime in 1952. I was
just 1 year old. He went to Talegaon Hospital (near Pune) for treatment. Thereafter he started
observing some health discipline and changed his life style. He changed his diet, started some
yoga exercise, morning walk etc. He had to take insulin injection every day before lunch.
In our home, every body was a doctor. We all learned the art of giving injection but my Tai
was highly proficient in the job. I used to give him injection from the age of 8 till his death.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
His dress was typical of pre independence days. i.e. Dhoti, Shirt, Coat & Cap. He was very
particular about his dress and its cleanliness. He had 2 coats which he used to alternate every
week. When I was in the 7th standard, with great persuasion he purchased an iron on my
promise that I will press his shirt & coat every week. I was very close to him. He nominated
me as his ‘secretary’. I was deeply involved with him and tried my level best to render every
possible service to him. I became a Company Secretary (CS) in 1980 but I am more proud of
that ‘childhood designation’ of a secretary given by my Dad.
He was short tempered by nature but had clear convictions and ideas. However, his love &
affection was not for ‘show business’ but he deeply cared for the family. He had contributed
25 % of his salary as PF and as per BMC rules; this PF contribution decision was forever and
could not be changed year to year as is possible now. Hence in order to meet both ends, he did
part time typing jobs, thereby spoiling his heath in the process.
Every Sunday, he would take all of us to Girgaum Chowpati. We were more than happy to eat
peanuts and chana. (For us, company of Dada was more valuable. Dada gave quality time to
us) He would walk down from VT station (BMC Office) to Girgaum in order to save 2 annas
(12 paisa) tram ticket. With this saving, he would bring mawa cake from Kayani hotel at Dhobi
Talao. The said restaurant is still operative and I had visited the restaurant number of times
to taste the mawa cake and to remember the sweet memories of my father. Every one called
him ‘DADA’. I have high regards and I am proud of my DADA unlike in recent TV Ads, a
little girl shouts that my Dady is strongest because of the use of Dhara Oil in the house. ☺
He was very particular and meticulous in his approach. He had formed the good habit of
writing his daily expenses in his small diary and to tally cash balance held by him. After his
sad demise, we opened his ‘Patra Trunk’ and found many such diaries. Reading of those
diaries really opened our eyes. He was drawing a salary of Rs.800/-p.m. (in August 1969
when he expired just 2 months prior to his retirement) Part time typing job was contributing
equal amount in which he was managing a family of 6 members.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
He was honorary Secretary of Hindu Education Fund which was constituted to help needy
scholar students for ensuing higher studies abroad. Loan of Rs.5000/- to Rs.10000/- was
granted to each student for proceeding to USA, UK for further studies. The Loan was expected
to be repaid on taking up the job.
He was very fond of money lending with a good purpose. However, he was unlucky in the
sense that barely any amount was recovered not because the person turned out to be dishonest
but because the borrower could not flourish from the loan given by my ‘DADA’.
He was deadly against corruption. (Refer separate chapter on my views on corruption.) I feel
that many of his qualities have been inherited by me such as sincerity, honesty, involvement,
dedication, high moral values. He used to say that you have to be fair to everybody while
holding position of strength and just because you are in the driver’s seat you should not
run over people. I followed this advice in my Life and it bore rich fruits.
He expired on 21st August 1969 when I was barely 18 years old. In such a short span he
influenced my life to a very great extent and showed me the path to pursue in this wretched
world. It was my bad luck that I could not get his company and blessings for more years.
At times I wonder as to how he would have felt now if he would have been alive?
He was very fond of Astrology. He would consult Mr. Bhide (Astrologer) staying at
Thakurdwar at periodic intervals. His main concern was his health & family. I still remember
the last prediction given by Mr. Bhide sometime in October 1968. Mr. Bhide said that Vaidya
Saheb, you do not worry, you will be fit & working till end. What a way to solace a
worrying mind. But Mr. Bhide knew that my dada’s end was around the corner and hence his
working till end was just obvious. My dada expired within a year. It is pity that after slogging
the entire life, he left this world just 2 months prior to his retirement from the job. Why he was
not given few grace years to relax after retirement when his sons having settled in Life
could have offered him a well earned rest? But this was not to be.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
He made it a point to offer equal facilities to all of us including my two cousins who were also
staying with us for studies.
His ‘reading’ of all his sons was shared with my MOM but she could not digest it mainly
due to blind faith for eldest son. His observations and reading is realized now after so many
years. I had developed direct tuning with Dada and could talk with him heart to heart. I was
so much involved with his problems - may be his job tensions, financial problems, health
worries, that I had lost charm in ‘LIFE’ much before I had opportunity of enjoying it. Due to
my involvement in his problems, he would hide his worries but generally failed due to my
attaining still further involvement.
He was of helping nature and gathered many well wishers. However, due to
straightforwardness (sometimes uncalled for) he also created few enemies.
Probably the only point on which I have the objection is that considering his poor health, he
should have limited his family. Also refer my open letter to Dad written on 31-12-2009.
Towards end, he developed Liver Cyrosis in October 1968. (A disease wherein blood slowly
gets converted in water. The disease originates either due to heavy boozing or due to
diabetes.) He was always worried about the side effect of diabetes. He wanted to remain fit
and working till last. He was cured by December 1968 with heavy medication which costed
Rs.25/- per day. I used to make calculation as to how many years we can afford the medicine
out of his PF amount?
Again in February 1969, he developed Liver Cyrosis which was not cured till last. Finally one
day before his demise, he went in coma when doctors attempted to provide relief by sucking
water from his belly.
Finally he left this world on 21-08-1969 at about 08.30 am.
May his soul rest in peace.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
You are aware that my book ‘Spandane’ and my web site titled ‘’ is
dedicated to my Late Father who expired at the age of 58 years after fighting with Diabetes for
over 35 years. Although his Life span was quantified by destiny, he led very cheerful Life and
remained active till his death. He managed his stress by keeping himself occupied in some
activity or the other. He was true ‘Karma Yogi’. His Life Philosophy still inspires & offers
solution to me in case of need. I am sure that readers will get some idea about his Life
ideologies which had a great influence on my thinking process.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
04 / My Mother
My mother was born on 19-09-1919 in the Ogale family staying at Matunga. Her father was a
businessman owning a Grocery Shop having a good reputation in the area. She had three
sisters and three brothers. Two brothers retired from MCGM popularly known as BMC.
Elder one retired as head clerk, while younger one retired as shop & establishment inspector.
My Mom was very intelligent in studies and had passed 7th standard in those days. However,
a further study was not pursued. She did not pursue Diploma in education etc. to get a job as a
school teacher. She could read and write English. She was very proud to sign in English.
My father was most favourite son-in-law of Ogale Family and enjoyed good relationship with
his father-in-law. I hardly remember having gone to Matunga for a stay or even my Mamas
showing love and affections for us. Once or twice I remember having stayed there with my
maternal cousin brother Vilas. (Vilas was of my age. After SSC, he pursued technical diploma
and secured a good job. However due to lock out in the factory, he lost the job. He had tough
time to look after his family but his wife supported him. He expired untimely. I wrote a
condolence letter to his wife. After few years, we had a phone conversation and to my surprise
she thanked me for sending a nice condolence & moral support letter. She requested me to
excuse her for not acknowledging receipt of the letter. Friends, I do not have the copy of that
letter. He was very fond of education. His elder son became a CA and younger one became a
CS. May his soul rest in peace.)
My Mami taught me ‘Ramaraksha’. I was very small may be studying in 3rd standard when
my Grand father expired. My Grand mother expired in 1972 at the age of 85 years. (Probably
she had Saturn in her 8th house.☺)
My Aai was short in height but good looking. Her intelligence could not get scope in Vaidya
family as her service were called for looking after the big family and guests which poured at
regular intervals. Our home was like a ‘Guest house.’ We could hardly enjoy the privacy
/space in our childhood due to a small house and guests. This had a great impact on my
mind. Many years I had neither seen sunrise nor sunset because at sunrise I would reach the
library for studying or proceeded to office early morning and at sunset again either I would be
in the library or in my cabin doing office assignment. Many a times I had gone to public
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garden / Chowpatty for studying.
My dada was very short tempered (may due to his health problems) and hence it was very
difficult to get across any idea or opinion. Thus, she had to tolerate a lot in the initial stages of
her marriage. My eldest uncle (so called Lawyer of Devrukh) insisted on changing her name at
the time of marriage. I was surprised when I heard this from mother. I could not get the
answer as to how my father yielded to his pressure and changed her name to ‘Satyabhama’.
However, I am proud of my mother because she continued her maternal name ‘Shantabai’
and signed all documents as such. Dada gave silent approval for her decision.
Apart from this, I hardly remember two more occassions when she took firm stand against
the wishes of Dada. Dada wished to bring his nephew (my cousin, son of my youngest Uncle)
to Mumbai for studies as he was not getting along with my Poona uncle and his kids.
Second incident was of baby sitting of Rajan. (My sister’s son) (Rajan expired untimely at a
young age of 46 years on 10-07-2009 /Born on 10-04-1963. May his soul rest in peace.)
As she was forced to accept the health problem of my father, her personality got diluted
forcibly as adjustment with Life was call of the day rather than exception.
Her love and affection for my sister and eldest brother was more as compared to me and my
elder brother as evidenced from her actions and a way of talking. However she never
admitted this. I gave her a benefit of doubt. Her love for sister was natural, may be due to her
poor health since childhood and worry about her future. However, our family was lucky to
get good son-in law who understood and accepted her wholeheartedly.
My mother had a basic weakness of inability to take decision. In fact I have seen this
inability to take decision with many educated working ladies. She would also get convinced
with the first argument on any issue. I could not understand the logic for this weakness as she
was bestowed with good common sense. (I have also realized that common sense is most
uncommon with many.☺) Hence, she never took any firm stand on any issue. At best she
would attempt to contradict with me and my elder brother. But with my sister and eldest
brother, no way.
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Barring this weakness (No body is perfect.) she possessed unusual good qualities as a
human being. She would always talk and mention about good qualities possessed by any one
including her rivals or those who had troubled her. She would do her own household chores
and offered helping hand to daughter-in-law even in her old age. She would spend her free
time in reading. She was not very fond of TV serials. She would even attempt to read simple
books in English. She was constantly worried about one thing and that was whether she
would remain fit till the end? She could not even toy with the idea of somebody taking care of
her when she would get confined to a bed. She never wanted to be a burden on anyone.
Due this anxiety, she exerted unnecessarily to prove that she was fit.
Her intelligence got good scope only after the sad demise of my dada in August 1969.
She had adjusted to that state much before his actual demise. ‘Sharada Mahila Mandal’ was
formed in 1970 by her friend Mrs. Ursekar. She won many trophies for the Mandal in
Bhagwat Geeta, essay writing, story telling etc. She acted as Secretary / Treasurer of the
Mandal for many years.
She was an asthma patient in her young age but never suffered acutely. During her old age
she suffered from BP. Before she expired, she lost her memory.
Somehow I never got along well with her. May be due to her inability to take decisions,
inability to take firm stand on any issue, her tendency to avoid confrontation even when she
was right etc. My nature is exactly the opposite. In the process, we always agreed to disagree.
I don’t intent to blame her for these weaknesses. This was probably the outcome of her
childhood and forceful compromise of early marriage; problems faced by her mother and
adjustment in life after marriage. However, I knew that she was inwardly worried about me
till end.
Two years prior to death, she was practically confined to bed. Mrs. Supriya (My vahini, wife
of my elder brother, Suresh) looked after her nicely. I openly salute Mrs. Supriya & Suresh
for this noble job.
My Mother finally left this world on 26-10-2004.
May her soul rest in peace.
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05 / My Family
Generally Autobiography is not complete without a chapter on Family Life of the Author.
Readers are also interested in this chapter. ☺ Friends, you may get disappointed because I do
not intent to include an elaborate account of my Family Life.
However, I have included the separate Articles on My Father and My Mother. Readers would
get information about my family members in various letters included in Section II of this book
and some of the Articles.
You may also come across reference to other family members in many other Articles. The
purpose of making reference was not to comment on that person but to unearth his / her
impact on my mind and personality.
I must acknowledge that my Father had greatly influenced my Life though I could get his
company for only 18 years.
My spouse also tolerated me beyond a point mainly because she understood me more than
any one else in my Life. My beloved wife is my best friend. I am indebted to her for
greatness of her mind. ☺ ☺ I learned to live from my wife.
Initially my relationship with son and daughter sailed through rough weather due to the
peculiar circumstances. But both tried their level best to tolerate me. Now after 25
years, they have reconciled with my Life philosophy, logical thinking etc. having settled in
their own Life and observing behaviour of their spouse & own kids. I am very much thankful
to them.
Some of my family members may get disappointed because I have not shared what they
wanted to read and what I have shared they may not be interested to read. ☺ Any way I have
written this Autobiography for my sweet grandsons.
I hardly developed intimate relationship with my uncles & mother’s brothers etc. Their partial
and selfish behaviour was responsible for this. I learned from these people as to how not to
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behave. I avoided these behavioural patterns when I became Uncle and Mama. It was
unfortunate that the intimate relationship I shared with all my nephews & niece was not
reciprocated by few of them. Anyway, it is part of the game. How to behave is in your hands.
I have carried out my duties as uncle & Mama.
What is Family?
F---Father / A---& / M– Mother / I----I / L---Love / Y---You.
Friends, I am proud to say that I Love my Family. Do you?
Readers may refer My Family Tree.
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06 / My School Days
I secured admission directly in 2nd standard in June 1957. My Municipal school was located
near my home (Angre Wadi, Girgaon). Soon the school was temporarily shifted to Banamahal
Lane school due to repairs / renovation. That new school building was located little far. I had
to walk for about 10-15 minutes alone with school bag and the umbrella. Nowadays we find
that either a servant or parent, accompany the kid up to the school bus. I can still remember
that walk to my school on a crowded road.
I still remember my first class teacher, Mr. Chavan Sir. (2nd to 4th standard Municipal School).
His method of teaching was so simple that even below average student was comfortable in
his class. Incidentally, his dress code resembled to my father’s dress code.
Our class teacher used to take our mathematics test every Saturday. It was a mental sum test.
All students would stand up and then teacher would narrate the problem. After you arrive at
the answer, the student was supposed to sit. One day I was standing till end. Everyone
thought that I am unable to solve the sum. Teacher then asked the answers one by one to all
students. That Saturday, I was the only one to give the correct answer.
Up to 4th standard, I studied in Municipal school and then took admission in Wilson High
School in June 1960. Same year my elder brother was admitted in 7th standard in Union High
School. My eldest brother was also studying in 9th standard in Wilson High School.
On the first day of the school, students assembled in the class room. Incidentally one fair
looking boy was seating next to me. He had red birth mark on his right cheek. I smiled at him.
His name was Jayant. His father was a teacher in our high school. Our wavelength matched.
We became best friends. We studied together in school / college, became CA, did practice
together, and shared our pains and happy moments. It was unfortunate that Jayant expired
untimely on 23-05-2006. (Born on 26-01-1951) He was my only best friend, closer to me more
than my brothers. His sudden death really shocked me. With a great difficulty I survived that
I hosted my website on 23-05-2008 to coincide with his death anniversary.
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Wilson high School had a high reputation. The School was established 100 years back. Though
the school was run by Christian Trust, the teaching Staff was mostly Hindus. I still remember
Paranjape Sir (Sr. & Jr.), Godbole Sir, Sathe Sir, Samant Sir, Chitale Sir, Borde Sir, Barve
Madam, Pawar Sir (Sr. & Jr.), etc. Mr. Waghchoure was the Principal. Sathe Sir was
vice-principal. He was very soft spoken and had a respectable personality.
Paranjape Sir & Barve madam taught Marathi & Sanskrit. Pawar Sir taught History,
Geography, and Civics. Borde Sir & Samant Sir taught Science. Sathe Sir, Chitale Sir,
Waghchoure Sir taught English. Torkhade Sir was in charge of PT. Bansode Sir was
specializing in Handlooms & Charkha etc. He was also in charge of School Garden.
I had volunteered for Gardening work while in school.
All these teachers not only imparted formal education but also informed us the current
developments in the country, told moral stories with an emphasis on developing us as good
citizens of the country. This really laid a strong foundation of my personality. I would say
that this was the ‘booster dose of hard work, sincerity’ learned from my father. Thank you
Sir. Your debt can never be repaid.
English was introduced for the first time in 5th standard. Now days, students of 3 years are
able to write ABC. (A for America, B for bye, bye and C for Computer.☺) We had to cover the
syllabus ranging from ABC, reading English text books, reciting the poems, and answer text
book questions. It was an up hill task to comply in one year considering that most of the
students had not even learned ABC prior to admission in 5th Standard. English was taught
by Mr. Bhalerao. He had cleared BA exam in the same year and joined our school as English
teacher. His English was good but was of no use to us as he did not know how to teach
English to students who are facing the subject for the first time.
In 6th standard, Mr. Chitale Sir taught English. He taught the subject ‘copy book’ style. English
became my favourite subject. My fear for the subject disappeared. In 1967, I took admission
in Sydenham college. Head of the department conducted special English class for one year for
students studied in vernacular medium till SSC. This special English class was of great help
to me.
In 6th standard, I tested my so called first failure. ☺ In 1st Quarterly examination I failed in
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Hindi. I could score 35 out of 100. Friends, are you wondering how I was declared as failed?
Our school had set higher minimum base as 40 marks for passing. Now can you image why
I failed? I never opened Hindi book at home. ☺ I never did revision. I attempted examination
purely on what I learned in the class. I was asked to explain my failure at home. I openly told
the above facts. My father excused me for this failure. I am still wondering as to why I did
that? In fact I should have studied Hindi as the subject was introduced for the first time.
Friends, don’t misunderstand. I have respect for our national language but it is still a puzzle
for me as why I did not study Hindi in 1st Quarter examination. Next quarter, I studied Hindi
so well, that I stood first in the class. ☺
I remember one more major incident when I was studying in 6 th Standard. I first tested
‘Politics and ill effects of Gossip.’ However my Father supported me as he had complete
faith in me. I request readers to read the incident from the Spandane Article ‘Sparrow’s
From 7th standard to 11th standard, I would Top the class in 3rd quarterly examination held in
January. Other examinations I would be in first 5 ranks. This is yet another puzzle. I would
study all through the year but this trend was continued for 5 years. ☺
The school had issued only one progress report book to record the progress from 5th standard
to 11th standard. Of course the book had additional pages for repeaters. ☺ The entire academic
progress was available in one progress card unlike present days of issuing separate sheet
every year. Many years I had preserved that progress book. I never realized when I lost it
like my Childhood?
I passed my SSC examination (11th standard) in June 1967. We had seven papers to answer.
Examination would get over in 4 days. Every day we were expected to answer two papers of
3 hours each. Nowadays, SSC examination lasts for minimum 15 days. We had a choice to take
8th extra subject. If you clear in any 7 subjects out of 8, then you would be declared pass.
My family members (my mother and eldest brother) forced me to take 8th subject namely
Special Arithmetic. In other words, they were not ready to show the basic faith on me that
I can clear 7 subjects. In fact there was no basis for such low confidence in my ability or
intelligence. I had passed in all examinations conducted by the School. I was an average
student securing about 65% marks those days.
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Due to tremendous pressure, I filled up the form for 8 papers including Special Arithmetic.
Arithmetic was not my favourite subject. My favourite subject was History & Geography. The
examination of this 8th paper would take place 15 days after regular examination gets over.
I studied Arithmetic in this gap of 15 days. Unfortunately Arithmetic paper was exceptionally
tough. I could solve the answers of only 65 marks and scored 62 marks in Special Arithmetic.
I had scored less mark as compared to other papers.
I am yet to discover the secret of no-confidence in my ability. My elder brother used to score
marks in the range of 65% but no compulsion was done in his case. This had a very bitter
effect on my mind. I refused to believe anyone in my Life. Finally, I became an Auditor whose
main job was to report on discrepancies in the system. However, I took extra pains to confirm
that I won’t lose the human angle in finding discrepancies. Faith is the great donation to
mankind. Friends, you will agree that our Life runs on Basic Faith. We have faith in system,
human beings and even in GOD or Super power as well.
This incident has troubled my mind for many years. Dear readers, at the cost of some
repetition, I have included a separate Article titled My Experience of Faith. I hope that you
will excuse me for this repetition. Readers kindly have basic faith in your kids considering
their abilities.
Mrs. Barve taught Marathi in 11th standard. We were given assignment of writing essay on
‘My childhood’. My essay got the first prize. Teacher enquired whether it was hypothetical or
a reality? I was obviously not the Author at that age to write something hypothetical. ☺
My friendship with Jayant achieved great heights by the time we cleared SSC. Jayant was
transferred to Division A from 8th standard as he decided to study Mathematics & Science in
Mr. Kalgutkar became my friend in 8th standard. We studied together till SSC. We decided to
pursue Medical (Ayurveda) after SSC. Eventually he became an Engineer and I became a
Chartered Accountant.
Kindly refer separate Articles My Dreams and My Teachers.
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07 / My Experience of Faith
Friends, you will agree that our Life runs on Basic Faith. We have faith in system,
human beings and even in GOD or Super power as well.
I passed my SSC examination (11th Standard) in June 1967. We had seven papers to
answer. Examination would get over in 4 days. Every day we were expected to answer 2
papers of 3 hours each. Now a day, SSC examination lasts for minimum 15 days. We had
a choice to take 8th extra subject. If you clear in any 7 subjects out of 8, then you would be
declared pass. My family members (my mother and eldest brother) forced me to take
8th subject namely Arithmetic. In other words, they were not ready to show the basic faith
on me that I can clear 7 subjects. In fact there was no base for such low confidence on my
ability or intelligence. I had passed in all examinations conducted by the School. I was an
average student securing about 65% marks those days.
Every year from 6th standard I had secured 1st rank in 3rd Quarter examination held in
January every year. My rank used to be within first 5 for other three examinations. Our
Wilson High School was already over 100 years old and had good reputation for
educational standard. Due to tremendous pressure, I filled up the form for 8 papers
including Special Arithmetic. Arithmetic was not my favourite subject. My favourite
subject was History & Geography. The examination of this 8th paper would take place 15
days after regular examination gets over. I studied Arithmetic in this gap of 15 days.
Unfortunately Arithmetic paper was exceptionally tough. I could solve the answers of
only 65 marks and scored 62 marks in Special Arithmetic. I had scored less mark as
compared to other papers.
I am yet to discover the secret of no-confidence on my ability. My elder brother used to
score marks in the range of 65% but no compulsion was done in his case. This had a very
bitter effect on my mind. Since then I refused to believe anyone in my Life. Finally I
became an Auditor, whose main job is to report on discrepancies in the system.
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However, I took extra pains to confirm that I won’t lose the human angle in finding
discrepancies. Faith is the great donation to mankind. Unless a patient has faith in the
Doctor’s ability, he will not get cured.
I define ‘Life’ as Loss of individual faith & enemity arising out of ego.
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08 / My College Days
After SSC, I joined Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics in June 1967. It was a
Government college. Admission process was very strict. Students were admitted only after an
interview. Prof. Belsare conducted my interview on the 3rd day. The cut off list was 62%
marks. The college fees were Rs.300/- p.a.
Our college was situated on B Road, Churchgate. It was a two storey building with long
corridors. Class capacity was of 200 students. It had a stage and a podium. The arrangement
in the class resembled like a Theatre. First day of the college, all students gathered in the
Auditorium for an introductory address by the Principal.
Prof. Dhekane was our Principal. Prof. G. L. Abhyankar was our vice-principal. On the first
day of the college, all students studied in vernacular medium had to give special English
examination. All students securing less than 60 marks were asked to attend Special English
class for improvement. The class was taken by senior professors of English department. What
the school was supposed to do was done by the college.
The entire teaching staff was not only highly qualified but equally dedicated to their job.
They would mix with students but maintain their own dignity. They kept their subject reading
up to date. They not only controlled the class of 175-200 students (attendance was
compulsory) but also kept everybody’s interest in the subject alive. Well known Chartered
Accountants & Advocates were the visiting faculties. They were rendering great social service
by teaching the young generation. The words ‘Thank you Sir’ may not convey their
contribution to my Life.
Our college timing was from 10 am to 2 pm. (4 periods) Thereafter we had to attend the two –
three tutorial classes consisting of 20 students. The purpose was to supplement the efforts of
the professors. The tutorial classes were conducted by the junior lecturers. These classes
helped us a lot. We could ask our difficulties openly due to small number of students. It was
possible for the professor to give individual attention to the difficulties. We learned Book-
keeping (FY commerce) in tutorial class as the regular Professor did not take a single class in
the entire year and hence we would get a free lecture. I devoted that time for studying in the
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After tutorial classes, I was a Life member of our college Library. I would study up to 8 pm.
At about 6 pm., our group would take a small round on the Marine Drive to watch the sunset.
We would then return to library to study. The library timings were generally up to 5 pm. The
library was kept open up to 8 pm only during the month before the examination. However,
our group managed to convince the Registrar to keep it open till 8 pm. We informed him that
we are all staying in the small room and there is no place to study. I made use of the library up
to Final CA examination in November 1974. (I left the college in June 1971. I was given
special permission by the College Registrar.)
On Sunday, we would request Registrar of Government Law College to keep one class room
open for us. I studied there from 1pm to 8 pm on Sundays.
Friends, you may be wondering as to why I was studying so hard. Let me clarify your doubt.
I had studied in vernacular medium and hence it was necessary to study hard as F.Y.
Commerce examination was conducted by University. (currently it is conducted by the
college) Secondly My father’s health was deteriorating very fast. He did not have very long to
live. There was no scope for my failure in the college. My efforts paid the fruits. I was the
only student from vernacular medium to have cleared the terminal examination held in
October 1967. (FY Commerce) ☺
During Inter Commerce, I came in contact with another student Mr. Jorapur. He was senior
to me by one year. He gave good guidance about the books, study material. We became
friends and eventually I joined him as a Partner in March 1992. Our association is still going
Those days it was said that if you can pass inter commerce examination, then you would
definitely clear B.Com. The inter examination was really tough. The student securing 1st rank
may not even score 60 %. Week prior to Inter examination, my father got admitted in KEM
Hospital for few pathological tests. I was extremely nervous. Thought of even taking a drop.
Suddenly, I remembered the forecast made by Mr. Bhide (Astrologer). He had expressed fear
that some difficulty will be faced in second year and if I overcome that, then there is no
problem for another 4 years. Good Alert. Thank you Mr. Bhide. I tried to keep cool. I was
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lucky that my Dad was discharged from the hospital just the previous day of my examination.
This was a great boost to my morale. I never looked back and appeared for the examination
I cleared the Inter examination successfully and took admission in Jr. B.Com in June 1969.
My father’s health was deteriorating day by day. Now there was no tension of examination
because college was entrusted with the job of taking Jr. B. Com examination. University would
conduct the Final B. Com examination.
As feared, My father expired on 21st August 1969 when I was barely 18 years old. In such a
short span he influenced my life to a very great extent and showed me the path to pursue in
this wretched world. It was my bad luck that I could not get his company and blessings for
more years.
I took drop for Jr. terminal examination held in October 1969 as I had not recovered
from the shock of my father’s death. Soon I recovered mentally and successfully cleared Jr. B.
Com examination held in March 1970.
I did vacation job in Central Bank of India during April & May 1970. The said Branch was
situated very near to my residence. I earned a salary of about Rs.700/- for two months and
managed my fees for Final B. Com. What a co-incidence? I started my career with a bank as
assistant and on the verge of my retirement as an Auditor of a Bank.
I studied regularly from June 1970. I did not like one Accountancy Professor. I mean his style
of teaching and hence I decided to skip his class on every Monday. However, I used to reach
the college as usual but instead of attending class, I would proceed to College Library and
study from 10 am to 2 pm.
I was the Life member of college Library. In fact, it was a group of 4 students namely myself,
Jorapur, Patole and Master. My friend Jayant would join only 2 months prior to examination.
Eventually, I became working partner of Jorapur & Co. (A firm was formed by Jorapur’s
father.) I studied hard and successfully completed B. Com in June 1971.
Mr. Patole joined Bank of India after B. Com. Mr. Master completed CA with me.
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09 / My Article ship Days
For the benefit of readers, let me say few words about CA course before I talk about my
Article ship days. The student is supposed to undergo the practical training (full time, like an
employee) for 4 years (now 3 years) after passing B.Com, (now after passing Inter CA) under
the guidance of a Chartered Accountant. Each CA is allowed to train few students as per rules
prescribed by ICAI. CA examination is conducted by The Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India, New Delhi. Those days due to shortage of CAs in practice, it was necessary to enrol
your name with CA firm after passing Inter commerce examination. However due to
acquaintance of my father and eldest brother, I could get the entry without enrolling my name
in advance. The student was supposed to work without any stipend or salary. (Now
handsome stipend is paid.) Prior to my joining CA course, the student was even supposed to
pay lump sum amount of about Rs. 5,000/- to CA firm and in turn would get some stipend
during article ship period of 4 years.
It is necessary to execute the Articleship Agreement with CA firm and the same is registered
with ICAI. The Training period would start from day of signing the agreement. Now the
Articleship period has been reduced to 3 years after passing Inter CA examination. Earlier the
training period was 4 years after B.Com. Articleship rules have changed number of times in
last 35 years. Earlier student was supposed to answer 5 question papers per subject and get it
corrected from the institute. Subsequently the rule was changed. Then the Student was
required to visit the examination centre on Sunday for answering question paper. Now
student is supposed to clear Inter CA examination and then only he is allowed to undergo
training for 3 years. On passing in all subjects, he would get the eligibility certificate for
appearing for the examination. The examination dates are 2nd May and 1st November. The
result would be declared in July and January. The result percentage was hardly 2%. Now the
passing percentage has improved to say 7-8%. A student is expected to secure minimum 40
marks in each subject and secure 50% marks in a group. No body would dare to appear for
both groups at a time. Friends, I dared to appear for both groups at time & cleared in first
attempt and also secured rank all over India in Inter CA and Final CA. ☺ ☺
After passing B.Com. I decided to take up CA course of 4 years. My father had already expired
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in 1969 but both the brothers since employed in BOI supported my decision. Thanks my Bros.
I did Articleship training with M/S Jayantilal Thakkar & Co. Chartered Accountants from
14-06-1971 to 13-06-1975. I cleared Inter CA examination in May 1973 with 59% marks and
securing 36th Rank all over India.
I cleared Final CA examination in November 1974 with 53.8 % marks and securing 48th Rank
all over India. CA result was hardly 2 % those days and hence it was a great achievement to
clear the CA examination in first attempt and that too with a rank.
Our firm had four partners. Senior partner Shri Jayantibhai looked after Taxation department.
We had no contact with him. However the other three partners namely Dilipbhai, Maheshbhai
and Chimanbhai looked after Audits and Taxation. We directly worked under their day to day
guidance. Our theoretical knowledge of accounting and auditing received new dimensions.
During four years of Articles, I got vast experience of Audit and Finalization of accounts of
public listed companies. We were taught to carry out detailed Audit after understanding
Accounting & Taxation implications. The emphasis was on getting all material queries of
accounting solved before finalization. This initial exhaustive training laid the foundation in
discharging my duties as Financial Controller and then as an Auditor. I sincerely thank all
partners for the training given to me. I take this opportunity to inform my Professional Gurus
that I also followed similar approach in training students pursuing CA course under my
guidance. Many of them have successfully passed the CA examination and are well placed
in Service or Profession.
I remember my Articleship days because of ‘Piles.’
Our Firm M/S Jayantilal Thakkar & Co Chartered Accountants, had many Audits of big
companies, Trusts, Schools, Advocate firms etc. In June 1971, batch of 15 articled clerks joined
the firm. We were given just a formal training and batch of 8 articled clerks was sent to Golden
Tobacco Ltd. for audit. Year ending was June those days. We were allowed to take breakfast in
the company canteen. We enjoyed the breakfast of potato vada-pav, cutlet, samosas etc. The
items were very tasty. However in few days, It showed the true colours. I suffered from piles.
I bought piles ointment and applied for 2 days. My problem got cured. ☺ I never realized that
the problem of piles was not over but it had begun. Over the years, I suffered from piles
more frequently. I tried many medicines and ointments but my problem aggravated day by
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I knew the reasons but had no control on them. My body was generating more heat.
My outside eating in canteen, hotels, working or studying for prolonged hours, lack of
exercise, tension in the office and personal life was all adding fury to the problem. I was
helpless. Finally I reached to a stage of surgery. You may not believe that I had to postpone
the surgery for 15 days because our Managing Director had gone abroad and I was running
the show in his absence. I did not pass stool for almost 10 days. I could not even sit
comfortably on the chair due to piles. Finally I got operated on 15-01-1985. It was told by the
doctor that the piles may recur after about 10 years. But with the grace of God and the
availability of proper diet (thanks to my beloved wife Sumitra) I have won the fight against
piles. ☺ ☺ (One face is mine and another is of Sumitra) HaHaHa !!!~~~~
Friends, you may read this episode in another Article on My Health but I have once again
narrated the story because even 25 years after piles operation, I am not able to forget the agony
suffered during those 15 years. I am sure that you will excuse me for this repetition. Those of
you who have suffered from Piles will be able to vouch my experience.
Our Firm had number of Audits of private and public limited companies, Educational
institutions, Trusts etc. We had to go for out of station audits. However I had stipulated that
I will not undertake outstation audits till clearing Inter CA examination to be held in May
1973. (i.e. two years after commencement of Articleship training) Subsequently, I did
outstation audits.
I remember my Articleship days for yet another obstacle. Mr. Bhide had doubt about my
educational career because he had predicted one obstacle 2 years after SSC and once again
after 4 years. However he could not throw light on nature of obstacle. I have successfully
crossed the first obstacle of my father’s death in August 1969. (I passed SSC in June 1967).
I have already mentioned that a student was supposed to write 5 test papers per subject and
submit to ICAI for evaluation. ICAI had set up a counter in Income Tax Office for collection of
answer sheets. We used to handover the papers to our peon for submission to the said
counter. Every month, one of us would visit ICAI office at Colaba to check the status of our
answer papers. ICAI would issue the eligibility certificate on passing in all test papers.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
We were supposed to attach the said eligibility certificate with examination form.
Last date of submission of exam form of Inter CA was fast approaching. I visited ICAI Colaba
office in second week of March 1973 and to my surprise I was told that there is a problem with
one test paper. I was told that you have copied the answers from another paper. I was really
taken a back. The concerned Officer showed me both the papers. The other student had copied
from my paper. I could prove this because he had copied answers of only five questions
instead of six. The date of submission of my paper was prior to his submission. The concerned
clerk at Income Tax must have given my answer paper to that student for copying. Both the
papers were sent to the same examiner foolishly by the concerned clerk without realising the
consequences student may face. My performance was also far better than the other student in
other papers. The Officer accepted the fact but he had no discretion. If matter is referred to
Delhi Office then no decision will be received soon and my May 1973 attempt will get wasted.
I was on the verge of crying. Such allegation of copying was really frustrating. I had already
proceeded on leave. The matter was referred to higher ups in WIRC. I was given a via media
of answering 5 more test papers as a part of punishment.
I came home with a tensed look. I had to share the happening with my mother. In next 24
hours, I wrote 5 Test papers. Next day I submitted the answer papers to ICAI-Colaba. The
Officials were convinced with my sincerity and dedication. It is pity that even good
qualities have to be proved time & again. I was told that eligibility certificate would be sent
immediately. It was not received in time and I had to despatch my examination form without
attaching the certificate. I returned home from Post Office and I received my eligibility
certificate. I wrote a letter and again rushed to Post Office. My earlier envelope containing
examination form was still in the post office. I met Post Master and explained him the entire
episode and requested him to attach the eligibility certificate with examination form.
He expressed his inability for this. Finally I sent eligibility certificate by another Red. AD.
The Postmaster promised to send both the envelopes together.
I returned home with a worry that my eligibility certificate should get attached with
examination form; otherwise, I may not get the Hall ticket. Anyway, I had no choice.
I concentrated on my studies. I received the hall ticket in time. I was relaxed for the first time
in last 2 months. I cleared the Inter CA examination in flying colours as mentioned above.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
My stipend was increased from Rs.40/- pm to Rs.45/- pm after passing Inter CA. I was the
only clerk who cleared Inter CA examination out of 15 clerks appeared for the examination
from my firm. Now I had become a senior articled clerk. ☺ I was made group leader for
conducting audit assignment and to train the junior articled clerks.
I completed postal tuition for Final CA by writing another 40 Test papers. Fortunately, this
time there was no difficulty. I appeared for Final CA examination held in November 1974.
I was allowed 100 days leave. I saw Hindi movie ‘Namak Haram’ with my friend Jayant prior
to commencement of leave period.
I had a tight schedule. I used to leave the home by 7.15 am. I would visit Prakash Restaurant
for break fast and then proceed to the Library at Prarthana Samaj. I would study till 1.30 noons
and returned home for lunch. After Lunch, I would go Sydenham College Library at
Churchgate. I would leave the Library by 8 pm and would reach home by 9 pm. Usually I ate
boiled egg with Dal or vegetable for dinner. I appeared for examination. One paper was bit
difficult. But there was no point in worrying.
I enjoyed the period after examination as there was no tension of studying. I concentrated on
reading of ICAI, BCAS magazines assuming my success in the examination. Once again
I cleared the Final CA examination in January 1975 with flying colours, securing 48th Rank
all over India. My friend Jayant cleared only one group. Jayant was in Delhi on the day of
result. He informed the result to me.
My elder brother threw the grand party at Hotel Satkar, Opp. Girgaon Chowpatty. My eldest
brother gifted suit piece to me.
Now My next target was to secure a job before my articles get over on 13-06-1975. I was given
professional work as I had cleared the examination. My stipend was increased to Rs.50/- pm.
I made it clear that I would leave the firm as per my bond. I had not availed of excess leave
and hence there was no question of extension of training period.
I was given audit assignment of a large sized Solicitor firm in May 1975. I had to work
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
overtime to complete the assignment. Finally I completed the work on 13-06-1975 and
handed over the papers to the concerned partner on Friday, 13-06-1975 at about 8 pm. There
after, I was issued articled ship completion certificate for onward despatch to ICAI. One more
segment was behind me in my Life journey.
I reached home, totally tired and exhausted after my long chase of meeting education target.
New era in my Life (Occupational career) was about to begin as I was to join Crompton
Greaves Ltd. next day i.e. Saturday, 14-06-1975.
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10 / My Education
Friends, The word ‘Education’ is very complex and difficult to define. Generally we refer the
word education as academic education. But the word, education is very wide. Every activity
we do from childhood is the outcome of continuous education. Initially, we hesitate to do the
activity because of lack of knowledge / education. Take the example of Mobile. Now even an
illiterate person is able to handle it because he has learned the necessary skill for using a
The ‘Managerial skill’ is the buzz word of the day. White collared people usually have a
wrong notion that they only possess the skill due to higher education. Only they are destined
to do the skilled job in the office. Seldom it is realized that practically every job requires skill
and every skill is not taught in an educational institution. Some skills are in the family and
are transferred from one generation to another. Every job requires skill. We must appreciate
and enjoy the skill displayed by anyone irrespective of his age, caste, literacy etc. These
skills are used by them for their livelihood. Given the chance and the opportunity, they can
still do better and also acquire similar complimentary skills. Readers may refer my Spandane
Article Skill on this subject.
We should maintain our ‘childlike curiosity’ even with advancing age. We should remain a
‘Student’ all through life, because one can learn from any one provided you have an open
mind. Yes, I mean it. There is no end to education if you take a wider meaning of the word.
If you think seriously, you will realize that you can learn from Nature, Trees, Frog, Tortoise,
and Computer etc. The list is only illustrative. I invite your attention to my Spandane Articles
– Computer education, Frog, Chick & Bamboo Tree, Tortoise etc. You must have also read
my Articles namely My Teachers highlighting their contribution in my Life. I have given a
detailed account of my education of Astrology, Medical and many more topics in the Article
My Hobbies.
Now let me turn to the subject proper. Yes, you guessed it right. Let me share my experience
of completing academic education.
Story of my education should once again begin rightly from the 5th house of my Horoscope.
I have already mentioned that my father was very much fond of Astrology. His main concern
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
was his health and education of his kids. Once he took me to our Astrologer Mr. Bhide (Now
he is no more) when I was studying in 11th standard. (1966) Mr. Bhide advised that I should be
given commerce education. He further said that it is very difficult to predict his education
because of some unexpected hurdles after 2-3 years. If he manages that problem, then again
there would be another hurdle after 4 years. We returned home with a heavy heart. Mr. Bhide
could not throw light on type of problem but assured my father that Sudhir has the basic
intelligence to complete any academic education.
There is one more angle to my selecting of commerce faculty. My sister and eldest brother
were very intelligent in the family. My sister could not think of any Professional education
due to her health problems since childhood. My eldest brother was no doubt intelligent but
had varied interests and was a bit lazy. He could have become a doctor or an engineer.
However, as my father’s health was fast declining, it was not possible. My father wished that
Shrikant (my eldest brother) should complete his graduation before he calls it a day. So my
brother took admission for B. Com. He also accepted my father’s decision without revolting.
My mother had tall plans for our education. She was of the opinion that all sons should not
take up commerce. So she forced my elder brother to take admission for Science. He also
accepted her decision without revolting and deep thinking on his future career in Science.
Friends, you are aware that I was nursing a childhood dream of becoming a doctor. However,
apart from family reality, one more factor influenced my decision of not pursuing science.
My elder brother was not at all comfortable with science especially Maths (compulsory
subject) and Laboratory practical. Having seen his experience, I decided to take up Commerce
line. ☺ Readers may refer Article on My Educational & Occupational career.
I studied in Marathi medium. I secured admission directly in 2nd standard in Municipal
school in our colony. I studied in that school up to 4th standard. I joined Wilson High School in
5th standard. Those days 11th standard was SSC unlike 10th standard as of now. I passed SSC
in June 1967. Readers may refer a separate Article on My School Days, My Experience of
As decided earlier, I joined Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics in June 1967.
I passed B. Com. In June 1971. Readers may refer a separate Article on My College Days.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
After passing B.Com. I decided to take up the CA course of 4 years. My father had already
expired in 1969 but both the brothers since employed supported my decision. Thanks my
Bros. I did Articleship training with M/S Jayantilal Thakkar & Co. Chartered Accountants
from 14-06-1971 to 13-06-1975. I cleared Inter CA examination in May 1973 with 59% marks
and securing 36th Rank all over India.
I cleared Final CA examination in November 1974 with 53.8 % marks and securing 48th Rank
all over India. CA result was hardly 2 % those days and hence it was a great achievement to
clear the CA examination in first attempt and that too with a rank. Readers may refer a
separate Article on My Articleship Days.
After passing CA, I joined Crompton Greaves Ltd on 14-06-1975 after a marathon education of
8 years after SSC. It was really a tiring experience. I decided to concentrate on my job
training. My elder brother got promoted in December 1976 and was transferred to Bank of
India, Uralikanchan branch near Poona. He got married in April 1977. By that time I was
settled in my job. I had fixed a service target of 5 years with Crompton Greaves Ltd. Hence
I decided to take up Company Secretary course. The education format was similar to CA
course. The student was supposed to enrol with the Institute of Company Secretaries of India,
New Delhi. It was necessary to answer 5 papers per subject to seek the eligibility for appearing
for the examination. Accordingly, I enrolled with ICSI in May 1977 with a target of
attempting Inter CS examination in December 1978. Mr. Jayant did not join CS inspite of my
I received the Study Material from ICSI in June 1977. I read the entire Study Material for next
three months. Then I fixed the target for writing answer papers for eligibility. I decided to
write 5 answer papers per week of one subject. Every day after returning from Office, I would
devote the necessary time at night and again on Sunday for writing papers. On Monday,
I would send the answer papers by registered AD to ICSI, New Delhi for evaluation.
I followed this routine for next 6 weeks. I was extremely tired at the end of 6 weeks. My
fingers were slightly swollen.
I had written almost 800 foolscape pages. I received all answer papers duly evaluated by
February 1978. Having received the eligibility for the examination, I commenced the detailed
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
study for Inter CS examination to be held in December 1978.
I suffered from Kidney Stone on the first day of Inter CS examination. Readers may refer that
episode in My Health. My will power was at its best and I managed to attend all papers
against severe stomach pain. My efforts and will power were rewarded. I passed Inter CS
examination in December 1978 securing 56.4 % marks.
Along with CS course, I decided to complete one year Diploma in Managerial Accounting
(DMA) of Mumbai University from June 1977 to June 1978. It was a part time diploma.
Classes were held on Saturday and Sunday at Bajaj Institute of Management, Churchgate.
Classes were conducted by visiting faculties from the industry. I still remember two professors
due to their teaching style, one was from L & T Ltd. and one was chief cost accountant of
BEST. I copied their style (unknowingly) initially when I became the Faculty at Bank’s Staff
Training centre. However, later on I developed my style and many participants still
remember me whenever they attend any training course. My lecture used to be live and
inviting participation from all, rather than one sided talk.
The syllabus of DMA was so vast that University could have easily made it a two year
diploma. I was already working in Management Accounts department of Crompton Greaves
Ltd. and found the diploma helpful in discharging my duties still better. I was already
working on various Projects of CG Ltd. The examination was conducted semester wise.
(December 1977 & June 1978) I successfully cleared the examination with 69.7 % marks with
2nd Rank in the University. My Project Report was adjudged as best Project Report.
Mr. Jayant Paranjape also completed the diploma successfully in the same year.
I also completed Diploma in Export Management (DEM) in March 1978 of Indian
International Trade Centre.
Having passed DMA, I decided to enrol for Diploma in Financial Management (DFM)
conducted by University of Mumbai during 1978-79. This diploma was conducted by the
university as a part of distant education programme. Mr. Jayant did not give me company for
this diploma.
I received the study material for the diploma. Examination was due in June 1979. After two
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
papers, I suffered from stomach infection apparently for no reason. One week prior to
examination and during examination days, I had made it point to eat at home. I took heavy
dose of medicine. I was staying at Wadala with my eldest brother. Examination centre was at
Government Law college, Churchgate. I took the taxi from Wadala to Churchgate. Mumbai
was witnessing mild rain on that day. I reached the examination centre 45 minutes before the
schedule time. The paper duration was 4 hours. I told the supervisor about my problem.
Once during the examination I had to rush to toilet. I completed the third paper well in time.
I returned home by Taxi. My health had slightly improved. Next day I appeared for the last
paper successfully. ☺
Having done, CA and Inter CS, this Diploma was a cake-walk for me. I completed the
diploma securing 80 % marks with 1st Rank in the University.
Having passed Inter CS examination in December 1978, I enrolled for the Final CS
examination. I received the study material in March 1979. Again I completed my first reading
of the study material within 2 months and started answering papers for eligibility. I wrote 40
papers in next 2 months (8 subjects) before appearing for DFM in June 1979 as mentioned
above. I received the eligibility for December 1979 examination.
I regularly studied from July 1979 till December 1979. This time due to work pressure I could
hardly get 15 days leave. Considering the syllabus of a Professional examination, my
preparation was just adequate. Fortunately this time, there was no health hurdle. I appeared
for the examination. However, I could only clear 7 papers and failed in one paper. I cleared
that paper in June 1980 securing 55.1 % marks in Final CS.
After passing Final CS examination, I underwent on the job training with Secretarial
department of Crompton Greaves Ltd. for one month. Thereafter I was given special leave of
15 days for training with Registrar of Companies. I became member of ICSI on 01-12-1981.
After completing DFM in June 1979, I and Mr. Jayant Paranjape decided to enrol for Diploma
in Operations Research for Management. (DORM) conducted by University of Mumbai
during 1979-80. This diploma was conducted by the university as a part of distant education
programme. It was a one year diploma. This diploma had a practical utility in day to day
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
management decisions. I still remember the various modules of the diploma such as
Transportation model, Queuing theory, application of resources etc. I enjoyed the topics.
I made use of these techniques in the industry. I successfully passed DORM in June 1980
securing 79 % marks with 2nd Rank in the University.
Thus from December 1977 onwards to June 1980, I was appearing for some examination or the
other. The hectic period of 3 years (1977-1980) was over. I was also serving in Crompton
Greaves Ltd. during this period. I could get only minimum leave for all these examinations
due to work pressure at the office. I studied regularly at night and on Sundays. Practically no
time was left for relaxation and entertainment. I was staying with my eldest brother at
Wadala during this period. My mother was also staying at Wadala. Playing with my niece
and nephew was my only relaxation. This was one of the best periods of my Life. ☺
Friends, this was the long episode of my formal academic education journey. Friends, I had
to sacrifice many things to achieve this education in a time bound manner. I missed sunrise
and sunset for many years. I hardly attended family functions and picnics. CA examination
was given during CA Articleship years. It was like an unpaid job for 8-9 hours a day. CS and
four diplomas were completed simultaneously while discharging office responsibilities and
late hours in the office. I also spent time for acting as paper examiner of ICAI, ICS, IIB,
ICWA etc. In short, there was always paucity of time for me. I could achieve these results due
to Time Management and Success Management Theories developed by me over the years.
These theories can be referred on my website. ‘You have to leave something to get
something.’ ☺
Completing academic education was just a milestone in my occupational career. I am happy
to say that the knowledge gained in CS and the diplomas could be put to use in my career
with the Industry and also in my Professional career. This helped me to enjoy my work.
As mentioned earlier, education is a continuous process because the various Acts get
amended from time to time. New enactments are made. Hence, it was necessary to constantly
upgrade and update the knowledge. I still devote good amount of my time to reading.
Subsequently, I had to study Banking Regulation Act, RBI Manual, RBI circulars for
conducting Bank Audits. Similar study was required for Audit of Insurance Companies. The
various practical books written by me on Bank Audit and Insurance Audit have been
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
uploaded on my website. The List of books & booklets written has been given in my
Educational & Occupational career.
Over the years, learning computer operations became inevitable. I still attend seminars and
lecture meets held by ICAI.
The quality of education was very high for all the above examinations. Result percentage was
below 2 digits. Minimum Passing marks were 50 out of 100. Level of ignorance has to be
below 50. ☺ There was no set pattern of question paper and allocation of marks for each
question. In Accountancy paper of Final CA examination, 1st question was compulsory
carrying 40 marks. Calculator was not allowed for CA & CS examination. Now calculator is
allowed for Graduation. We were given Logarithm tables for doing calculations.
The cost of all this education after B.Com must have costed about Rs. 7,500/-. I could have
recovered atleast Rs.3,000/- from Crompton Greaves Ltd. under their scheme of reimbursing
education expenses of the staff. However, I did not opt for reimbursement. I would inform
the company after passing every examination. Our Chief Personnel Manager was surprised
with my attitude of not seeking reimbursement of examination expenses. Finally, he called me
in September 1980 to enquire about the same. I told him that I won’t be serving in CG beyond
5 years. Having completed education as per my plan, I am looking for a change and wish to
take a line function as I have already worked in staff function for 5 years. (Line function and
staff function are the management terms related to Organization Chart) Why should CG bear
the cost? I will recover it from my new employer in my pay packet. He congratulated me for
my bold and clear thinking on the subject.
This Article on My Education will be incomplete if I fail to thank my cousin sister and eldest
brother for giving negative inspiration in my school & college days by branding me an
ordinary student. I am not approving their method because it could have ruined my Life but
I kept cool, maintained the fire in my mind, took a challenge and decided to reply through
results. In the process I wrote this Formula namely Success = Basic Intelligence X Hard Work
X Fate/Luck. I have achieved such educational level that nobody could have ever imagined.
My father would have been very happy. But I am sure that he must have blessed me from
heaven. Astrologer also could not predict the educational level. However, he had confirmed
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
that I have the basic intelligence to take up any education. The 5th house of my horoscope was
fairly silent except indicating commerce education. Having learned Astrology, I analyzed my
horoscope and tried to discover the answer for my success. Few planets gave me immense will
power and ability to work hard. I exploited that combination unknowingly giving birth to
above success formula. ☺
‘The greatest pleasure in Life is doing what people say you cannot do.’ This is the secret of
my energy till date.
Friends, If you get the inspiration from my long journey of hurdles and educational
achievements by an ordinary student, then I would feel that my efforts are rewarded.
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
11 / My Teachers (Guru)
Today is ‘Guru Pornima’ day. (Sunday 25th July 2010) Every day I acknowledge the
contribution of Teachers in my Life. However, on Guru Pornima day, I sit for meditation and
by visualization method, I remember all my Gurus. I also telephone few Gurus / Teachers to
seek blessings. My Autobiography Spandane - The Last Lecture will be incomplete without
the chapter on my Teachers (Guru). I was fortunate to get two types of Teachers namely
following Negative inspiration method and also following Positive inspiration method.
Every one gets childhood for a short while in the entire LIFE span. It is generally said that
childhood is the best period of Life. However unfortunately, it was not so in my case. Now at
the age of 60, I can certainly say that my success in LIFE can be attributed to childhood
pains. My childhood circumstances made me stronger, go getter, having absolute faith on
efforts (Karma) and a disciplined person. I was also forced to become outspoken. No doubt
that these childhood pains also left a scar on my mind. It is really surprising that even a
person like me had unlimited hidden vibrations (Spandane) on various issues. The entire
credit goes to my beloved wife Mrs. Sumitra for this transformation. It was possible to
unearth the hidden vibrations due to her excessive sensitive nature.
Now let me first thank my Gurus specializing in negative inspiration method. Credit goes
to my cousin sister and eldest brother. I was an average student happily securing about
65% marks in school those days. However, my cousin sister and my eldest brother were not
happy with my performance. Both were in the upper bracket of 75% & above. They kept
nagging me on my studies as if they were responsible for my career. My father was very
much alive at that time but never interfered in the matter. (His attitude is still baffling to
me.) They literally drove me crazy. Any other person would have gone in to depression and
become a victim of inferiority complex. Fortunately it affected me in the reverse way. I took
the challenge and decided to pursue higher studies and reach to such a level where people
will have to think twice before making comment on my academic intelligence.
My marks were not all that bad. In fact I never failed in any subject or any standard. What
business they had to comment on me? My cousin sister was staying with us as a paying
Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story
guest. She had definitely no business to poke her nose in my career. One day I complained
this matter to my mother. I threatened to retaliate at my cousin sister in front of every one.
Whether she was paying guest or non paying guest? Finally my Mother conveyed my bitter
& hostile feelings to her and then she changed her behaviour.
My Anger saved me from getting inferiority complex. I have still preserved that fury/spark
within my mind. This acts as a motive to win over the problem. Friends, you can exploit this
anger for a right cause, at right time and in right proportion.
I am always indebted to my father for the Gifts of good qualities such as sincerity, honesty,
involvement, dedication, high moral values etc. I have not only preserved these qualities
against all odds but sharpened them further. His Life Philosophy still inspires and offers
solution to me in case of need. I have included a separate chapter on My Father.
Before I proceed further, let me thank all those persons including my family members who
indirectly taught me ‘How not to behave?’ Of course this was possible due to my observation
of their behaviour. Observing nature /Art of reading a person was inherited from my Father.
Thank you Dad.
We should remain a ‘Student’ all through Life because one can learn from practically any one
provided you have an open mind. Yes I mean it. As mentioned above, I learned from
negative inspiration as well. If you think seriously, you will realize that you can learn from
the Nature, Trees, Frog, Tortoise, and Computer etc. The list is only illustrative. You can refer
Spandane Articles on this subject.
We should always remember the ‘Contribution’ made by our parents, teachers, relatives, and
society in shaping our career and turning us into an individual of active habits. We owe
thanks to these people. This debt can never be repaid. The only way to repay this debt partly
is by doing something for the society, carrying our job whole heartedly, sincerely with full
synchronization of mind and body. Have you seen a ‘Gudhi’? On a bamboo stick, ‘Tambya’ is
kept upside down. We should transfer our knowledge and expertise to next generation as per
the teaching of ‘Gudhi’. We can do this if we consider ourselves as a ‘visitor’ in this world.
I still remember our class teacher Mr. Chavan Sir. (2nd to 4th standard Municipal School).
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His method of teaching was so simple that even below average student was also comfortable
in his class. Incidentally, his dress code resembled to my father’s dress code.
I secured admission in Wilson high School in 5th standard. Wilson high School had a high
reputation. The School was established 100 years back. Though the school was run by
Christian Trust, the teaching staffs were mostly Hindu. I still remember Paranjape Sir
(Sr. & Jr.), Godbole Sir, Sathe Sir, Samant Sir, Chitale Sir, Borde Sir, Barve Madam, Pawar Sir
(Sr. & Jr.), etc. Mr. Waghchoure was the Principal. Sathe Sir was vice-principal. He was very
soft spoken & had a respectable personality.
Paranjape Sir & Barve madam taught Marathi & Sanskrit. Pawar Sir taught History,
Geography, and Civics. Borde Sir & Samant Sir taught Science. Sathe Sir, Chitale Sir,
Waghchoure Sir taught English. Torkhade Sir was in charge of PT. Bansode Sir was
specializing in Handlooms & Charkha etc. He was also in charge of School Garden.
I had volunteered for Gardening work in the school.
All these teachers not only imparted formal education but also informed us the current
developments in the country, told moral stories with an emphasis on developing us as good
citizens of the country. This laid a strong foundation of my personality. I would say that this
was the ‘booster dose of hard work, sincerity’ learned from my Father. Thank you Sir. Your
debt can never be repaid.
I made an honest attempt of following similar approach of imparting formal knowledge on
the subject and shared with them ‘The Art Of Living’ on becoming a faculty member offering
training to Bank Executives. I also acted as Paper examiner and Paper setter for 15 years as a
part of social obligation. Even in my Service career and Professional Career, I followed this
noble job of Teaching my assistants, colleagues and staff working with my clients. Today,
I have also become a ‘Guru’ to many. Today, my day started with one such SMS. I am proud
to say that my teaching is still remembered by all and they greet me by ‘Namaskar’ and do not
shake hands whenever we meet. Many times I feel awkward when my students bow down
to touch my feet even on a road or on in the office. They still look forward to my visit to their
offices, so that they can share their problems and seek solutions. I hosted my website to share my knowledge, information and experience for the benefit of
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Section i   my life story
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Section i   my life story
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Section i my life story

  • 1. SSppaannddaannee –– TThhee LLaasstt LLeeccttuurree SSeeccttiioonn II MMyy LLiiffee SSttoorryy MMrr.. SSuuddhhiirr VVaaiiddyyaa..
  • 2. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story Index Section I - My Life Story Sr. No. Pages 00 Preface 3 01 My Childhood 4 02 My Village Memories - Hansha 4 03 My Father 5 04 My Mother 3 05 My Family 2 06 My School days 4 07 My Experience of Faith 2 08 My College days 3 09 My Article ship days 6 10 My Education 8 11 My Teachers 6 12 My Industry Experience and colleagues. 27 13 My Professional Career & Clients. 14 14 My Assistants 5 15 My Friends 2 16 My Dreams 2 17 My Food Habits 5 18 My Bad Habits 3 19 My Health 6 20 My Hobbies 3 21 My Pets 4 22 Games I Played 2 23 My Social Service 5 24 My GOD 6 25 My Experience of getting cheated. 4 26 Deaths seen in Life 5 27 My Death experiences 6 28 My Deadly Accident 5 29 My Likes & Dislikes 3 30 My Life Philosophy 4 31 My Reflections 11 32 My Search of a Happy Man’s Shirt 9 33 My Spandane Articles 25 34 My Life at Glance 2 35 My Educational & Occupational Career at glance 3 36 My Family Tree 1 37 Thanks 3 38 Few Words …. 2 217
  • 3. 2
  • 4. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story Preface to Section I – My Life Story Every one has a treasure of experiences in Life. But every one may not find it easy to document the same. On number of occasions, I made an attempt to jot down the memories of a particular person or an event. Some times I wrote chronologically. Due to preoccupation, this programme could not be continued for long. My childhood circumstance made me stronger, go getter, having absolute faith on efforts (Karma) and a disciplined person. It also made me outspoken, at times unnecessarily. It is really surprising that even a person like me had unlimited hidden vibrations (Spandane) on various issues. The entire credit goes to my beloved wife Mrs. Sumitra for this transformation. It was possible to unearth my hidden vibrations due to her excessive sensitive nature. I learned to live from my wife. Today I am on the verge of retirement. Last year I had read the book titled ‘The Last Lecture’ written by Randy Pausch. He delivered the lecture on 18-09-2007 as he did not have long to live. “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” —said Randy Pausch. But the lecture he gave—“Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams”—wasn’t about dying. It was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every moment (because “time is all you have...and you may find one day that you have less than you think”). It was a summation of everything Randy had come to believe. It was about Living. This book inspired me a lot. As a novel concept, I wrote a letter to my grandson on the occasion of his 1st birthday i.e. 10-06-2010. As I was writing the letter, this idea of writing the Last lecture struck my mind. Why not make an attempt? I have also lived against all odds in Life. I tried to overcome the problems almost single handedly. My Life experience was unique, which had great influence on my thinking and my outlook towards Life. Friends, my childhood would meet you time and again in various Articles as it has affected my entire Life and forced me to develop philosophies to counter the ill effects of that pain. Some portion may get repeated in different Articles but with a different context. I am sure that readers will excuse me for this unavoidable repetition.
  • 5. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 2 Friends, I am aware that I have not done anything extraordinary in my Life but I did every thing with full involvement and sincerity. I request readers to judge me not from where I have reached but from where I have started my Life journey. I have evaluated my success from not what I have achieved but what I had to give up achieving it. Friends, I am proud to say that I lived as per my wish. I had set Life Time Table in my mind since young age. I assumed life span of 60 years and decided to accommodate all my dreams, education, career, social service ideas, hobbies, relaxation, relations etc. In fact, I always prayed and requested GOD to call me back after 60 years. I am happy to say that I have managed all my affairs including career, finances, relationship in such a way that if GOD really decides to accept my request, I will have no regrets. I never compromised on my Life philosophy. My employers and clients allowed me to work as per my wish and without interference. I have divided my Autobiography ‘Spandane - The Last Lecture’ in various Sections / Topics instead of writing chronologically for the sake of my convenience. Section I - My Life Story Section II - My Letters. Readers would get to know about my Family Life & Outlook towards Life. Section III - My Tips – Views & Observations on Various issues, situations, circumstances etc. I am hopeful that Section III would certainly induce the readers to rethink on these subjects and cross verify their ideas. Section IV – My Spandane Poems Reference to some persons living and dead is inevitable in such type of writing. I have no intention of insulting or hurting anyone but if somebody is hurt inadvertently, I express my sincere apology for the same, well in advance. The purpose of making reference to a particular person is not to comment on that person but to unearth his / her impact on my mind and personality. I am dedicating my Autobiography to the fond memories of my parents. My father had left a great impact on my Life. He was a true ‘Karma Yogi’. His Life Philosophy still inspires and offers solution in case of need.
  • 6. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 3 Your Life should be like a square meal. Your destination of ‘Happiness’ in Life will be your mind itself if you can manage to keep balance /strike equilibrium between your educational/occupational career, family, health and friendship. I feel that I am fairly successful in this game. I also request the readers to visit my website for various Spandane Articles. My Life philosophy has been explained with the help of Moral Stories. I have included a separate chapter on my Spandane Articles with my personal comments. I would sum up my Life in one of the favourite Gazal. ‘Bhogile je dukha jyala sukh mhanawe lagale. Evadhe mi bhogile ki maj hasave lagale.’ (I had to consider my pains and sorrows as happiness and I faced hardships to such an extent that I had to laugh at it.) I request readers to read the Autobiography serially to capture the real effect of my Life. I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Mrs. Sumitra, Deven, Devyani, and Romin, who have inspired me to write autobiography. Devyani deserves special thanks for carefully reading the Autobiography and making useful suggestions. Thanks Devyani. Best wishes to all. Sudhir Vaidya 15-05-2011
  • 7. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 01 / My Childhood Every one gets childhood for a short while in the entire LIFE span. It is generally said that childhood is the best period/phase of Life. However, unfortunately, it was not so in my LIFE. Now at this stage, I can certainly say that my success in LIFE can be attributed to my childhood pain. I was born on 15th May 1951 in a middle class family. I was born in ‘Sade Sati’. My Mother got herself operated after my birth and hence I became the youngest in the family. I had three brothers and eldest sister. However my first brother (born in 1943) expired in his childhood. My elder brother was born in 1949 and eldest brother was born in 1947. My sister was born in 1940 when my mother was hardly 21 years old. Somehow I always felt that if I would not have lost my first brother, probably I would not have been born and would have escaped from this Life struggle. But that was not to be and now I am here documenting my Life Story. It is not possible to unfold the entire Life. Basically it may not serve any purpose for the readers. Every one has some painful corner and his Life journey is driven by that pain. Every one also feels that his problem is greatest. Greatness of problem depends on the distance between you and the problem. It should suffice for the readers to know that I also nursed the painful corner in my Life but I planned (Planning was in my blood.☺) my Life ignoring the problem initially and then adjusted with the problem to come out as a winner. But I must admit openly that it left a scar on my mind permanently. My father’s health was in bad condition at the time of my birth. I was looked upon as ‘trouble boy’ as he fell sick. I failed to understand this criticism till date as my parents were responsible for my birth. My birth was certainly not in my hands. How my birth can be co-related with his sickness? I spent my childhood searching answers to such nonsensical questions and criticism. My father’s food habits were not good for his health. Having spent his childhood in a remote native place he was fond of rice which finally led to Diabetes. With his aggressive nature, he ignored it, thereby inviting more problems like TB. He had first attack of TB sometime in 1952. I was just 1 year old. He went to Talegaon Hospital (near Pune) for
  • 8. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 2 treatment. Now under these circumstances how was I responsible for his ill health? In fact I spent my life till date in the fear of diabetes. I am writing this with a heavy heart but I am sure that my father will excuse me for this. What I have inherited from my father is far more than such pains but unfortunately I can’t forget that my parents failed in their core and primary responsibilities towards their kids. My father got cured from TB in 1952. However, he again suffered from TB in 1957. He decided to get admitted in Talegaon TB hospital. I remember my journey from VT to Talegaon. We were accompanied by Mr. Kokane. (My Moushi’s husband) We reached the hospital in the afternoon at about lunch time. I was very hungry. We went to mess for lunch. We sat on the ground for lunch. It was a homely atmosphere. I still remember having enjoyed warm rice, varan and lemon with a spoonful of ghee. Believe me for remembering this incidence. My age was beyond the understanding the nature of our visit and its gravity. I continued to enjoy rice, varan and lemon in my life. By doing this I touch that very moment of my Life. At Talegaon hospital, each patient was allotted a small cottage with a kitchen. Patient would get cured by dry air with a minimal support of medicines. Evening my uncle took me to Poona. My sister and both the brothers were already staying at Poona. First time I was staying away from my parents. I digested that blow. I did not realize that I will be losing the company of my father in another few years. Ignorance is bliss. But that pleasure of ignorance could not be enjoyed for long. Within next year or so, I realized the hard reality that my father won’t be around for long. I became more matured for my age. I never felt like talking, mixing with other children of my age. My tone of Life became depressed. I was not even admitted to school because of my father’s illness. However I had continued my studies for 1st standard at home under the guidance of my sister. My uncle and others hardly realized this sea change in my behaviour. Observing open sky and clouds, spending time alone in a cosy atmosphere was my favourite passion. I remember my birthday that year at Poona. (i.e. 15-05-1957) No body wished me on my birthday. I was crying in my heart. I was confident that my mother will come from Talegaon on my birthday. I eagerly waited for her in the dark passage of the house. She came at about
  • 9. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 3 11 am. I was so happy & thrilled on her visit. Only then every one realized that it was my birthday. That may be the reason for my wishing the friends, family members, assistants, colleagues etc. on their birthdays so that they will get a smile on their face. Many of these people hardly reciprocate by wishing me on my birthday, is a different story. June 1957, we all brothers and sister returned to Mumbai. My parents had stayed back at Talegaon. My father’s health was improving. We were accompanied by our Kaku. I also remember the sweet Kachori cooked by my Kaku. I tasted that dish cooked by my mother, wife etc. but let me admit that I could not forget that taste. After few months, my parents returned from Talegaon Hospital. My father was cured completely. I was relieved some how. During their absence, my sister looked after me. I can understand the plight of small kids forced to stay away from home (baby sitting) while the mother is at work. Friends, I have tried my level best to give the glimpses of my painful childhood. These were the first / early memories at the age of 6-7 years. I am aware that I have not shared every pain in clear terms but you will appreciate that it is difficult to do so at this age. I never realized when my childhood got over? Whether I had a childhood in the first place? I was deprived of the only golden period of childhood. However, I have no regrets. This period taught me hard facts of Life and rules of the Game. I never realized as to when my mind died due to childhood circumstances? Still I am Living, considering every night as my last night and every morning as one more day to live. I am mentally ready to quit. Friends, my childhood would meet you time and again in various Articles as it has affected my entire Life and forced me to develop philosophies to counter the ill effects of that pain. I pray to almighty super power by whatever name called to offer beautiful childhood to all new borns on this earth. Let all human beings enjoy this period and get ready for slaughter for the rest of the Life. Let me say a few words about our locality. We were staying in Angre Wadi, Tilak Nagar, and Girgaon. We had a small row house of about 300 sq. feet and open space in front of the house.
  • 10. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 4 We had planted number of small trees in the area. It was a rented accommodation. In 1960 The landlord sold away the entire property to the society. (currently known as redevelopment scheme) The society constructed one separate building (RCC) of 5 stories to accommodate all 52 tenants. Rent was marginally increased to Rs. 21/-pm. The society constructed three buildings and allotted to its members. We lost our play ground in the process. We became tenants of the society. Other occupants of three buildings were fairly rich & owned vehicles etc. We were given room on 4th floor. I stayed in that house up to 1977. Then I shifted to Wadala. (my eldest brother’s residence) I stayed at Wadala up to January 1983. Thereafter, I shifted to My Borivali Flat. (Purchased by my father for me, way back in 1965) I booked a second home in September 1995 at Village Nargol via Sanjan, Gujarat State. I got the possession on 05-09-1997. There after I have been visiting my second home practically every month.
  • 11. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 02 / My Village Memories – ‘Hansha’ Friends, I am sure that you would get surprised or may be taken a back with the above Title. I won’t keep you in suspense for long. ‘Hansha’ is name of my Bull. Surprised again? I have not taken to farming. This is the story from my childhood and there was a specific occasion which made me to recollect this story from my childhood. Let me narrate the story of my ‘Hansha’ to start with. Once upon a time I also had a village like every one. ☺ Now it is no more, meaning nobody is staying there regularly. I had been to my village way back in October 1967 for the last time. However the story of ‘Hansha’ started much earlier in 1961. My father used to take us to the village every alternate year. By the way, I have not told you where my village is located. The name of my village is ‘Ambere Khurd ‘located in Jaigad creek. We had to go by steamer to Jaigad. The steamer would leave from ‘Bhaucha Dhakka’ at about 10am and would reach Jaigad at 8 pm. As there was no jetty at Jaigad, The Steamer would halt away from shore in the sea. The passengers were required to jump in the small boat. 10 sailors would row the small boat to the shore. We would spend that night at Jaigad and would proceed to our village next day morning at 6 am in a launch. (Small boat driven by engine). We would reach our village by 10am. Travel time of over 24 hours. Then we had to climb the small mountain for another one hour with our luggage. Jaigad creek was so far away that the Launch would reach the last destination by 12.30 noon. Half way to our house, we would halt and look back to the creek. What a beautiful sight. I had taken a nice snap from that spot. We enlarged that photo and presented to our Poona uncle as a token gift when he moved to the newly constructed Bungalow. He also promptly put the frame in his living room. Even today after so many years, I can visualize that scene. ☺ I have uploaded that photo in my Family Album. I have been doing Nature photography for many years but very few scenes can compete with this view. Some times, our youngest uncle would send a small boat to Jaigad. In that case we would
  • 12. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 2 take a boat ride to our village. We would reach our village shore at about mid-night. We would take rest in our grocery shop on the shore and used to climb the small mountain in the morning. I still remember the journey in a small boat from Jaigad to our village. Cool breeze would tempt our eyes to close in the back drop of musical sound of waves. The sky with moon and twinkling stars in the sky would complete the scene. Friends, I am sure that now you must be wondering about the title. Is this a story of my village or ‘Hansha’? But If I have to talk about my ‘Hansha’, then I have to narrate a story of my village. Both are inseparable. ☺ We had gone to our village way back in October 1961. I was barely 10 years old. We had number of bulls, cows, and buffalos in the village. During that time, one cow delivered a male ‘Bachada’. His colour was black with white patch on the forehead. We decided to call him ‘Hansha’. His mother was very calm and would allow us to touch and pamper ‘Hansha’. After about a week, we took ‘Hansha’ for a ride in our compound with a small rope around his neck. (As if he was a pet dog.☺ ) He behaved like an obedient dog initially but suddenly showed his true colours. He shook his head so heavily that we lost the grip of the rope. He was free. Hansha started dancing. Yes, I mean it. Have you ever seen a dance of such a young bull? He was throwing his front legs in forward direction and would lift back legs above the ground. We had no choice but to call our Aunty. She immediately caught hold of Hansha and tied him to the hook. Hansha was very friendly with us. We would play boxing with him. Both enjoyed the play. Our holiday evaporated in no time. We planned our return journey to Mumbai. Previous day, we all cried putting our little hands around his neck. We could see even Hansha’s eyes getting watery with this love. Hansha returned the love by scratching his head on our hand. We returned back to Mumbai and our routine started all over again. However the memories of Hansha would make us sentimental. Then I used to write letter to my uncle and aunty and enquire about Hansha. Two years, passed…..
  • 13. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 3 Once again, we visited our village in October 1963. Now Hansha was 2 years old. He was no more our small Hansha but now he was full grown Bull. His Horns had turned backwards. He had continued his style of boxing by his forehead. His aggressive nature was totally contradictory with his mother. (Incidentally I am also of an aggressive nature totally in contradiction with my mother.☺) He could not be sent along with other cattle as he would pick a fight against any one and try to show his strength. He was probably adopting US Foreign Policy. ☺ Hence, a separate servant was kept to look after him. Hansha was not allowed to mix with other cattle from the village. He was given a special protein diet and green grass. This was not done to prepare for any Bull fights. My uncle was a farmer. Eventually Hansha was supposed to do farming work but Hansha was not willing to bow his head for farming work. As if he was not born for such petty work. He was a born Manager. ☺ Nevertheless, Hansha soon understood the reality and was ready to do farming work. It was quite surprising that Hansha recognized all of us in our following visits in 1963, 1965, 1967. Whether he was our pet dog in previous birth? My last trip to village was in 1967 because I lost my Father in August, 1969. I do not know as to how many more years Hansha lived? But he is still young in my mind. Now, let me clarify as to why I remembered Hansha suddenly? Time to have one more twist in the story. Aryan, my Grandson was 2 years old. Very mischievous since childhood. He won’t play at one place for long. Very curious. No risk perception. Not bothered for injuries while playing. One night he was playing and dancing on a steel bed. Missed one step and his forehead got hit on bar. He vomited after 2 hours. However, next day he went to school as usual. He was taken to a doctor in the afternoon. Doctor took X-ray of his skull. Nothing was materially wrong. He prescribed few medicines. It was really a tough task for my daughter to take care of him. Aryan likes to visit my residence as he gets our special attention. With his child play, I suddenly remembered my Hansha and my childhood days at village.
  • 14. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 4 Our mind is like a bottle of perfume. When the lid gets opened, then memories of childhood evaporate like a perfume. Friends, I hope that you must have enjoyed story of my Hansha and my village in the background.
  • 15. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 03 / My Father (Maze Dada) My father’s name was Madhusudan. He had 4 brothers and 4 sisters. My grand father was a farmer. My father had 2 elder brothers who were educated. My father insisted on staying in Bombay for studies. He studied in English medium. At the time of his SSC results, he was in our village, working in the farm with other labour. His elder brothers never bothered to inform his SSC result. He then returned to Bombay and stayed with one Lawyer family as paying guest. He pursued Steno typist diploma. With his involvement, he attained the speed of 140/80 in his typing and dictation. He easily got a job in Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay popularly known as BMC. He worked in the Legal department of BMC. He had good command on English having studied in English medium. He was proud to say that his English was far better than that of the lawyers. ☺ BMC had laid down quota system for typist. However, due to sheer speed and accuracy, my father used to complete the quota by 3 p.m. & thereafter he would offer his helping hand to his superiors for correcting the letters and statements. He gained good legal knowledge in the process. During evening time, he had taken up part time typing job and would work till late into night. He loved his typewriter on par with his kids. I had preserved his typewriter for number of years but finally sold off as it could not be kept in working condition in spite of best intentions, due to obsolescence. His food habits were not good for his health. Having spent his childhood in a remote native place, he was fond of rice which finally led to Diabetes. With his aggressive nature, he ignored it, thereby inviting more problems like TB. He had first attack of TB sometime in 1952. I was just 1 year old. He went to Talegaon Hospital (near Pune) for treatment. Thereafter he started observing some health discipline and changed his life style. He changed his diet, started some yoga exercise, morning walk etc. He had to take insulin injection every day before lunch. In our home, every body was a doctor. We all learned the art of giving injection but my Tai was highly proficient in the job. I used to give him injection from the age of 8 till his death.
  • 16. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 2 His dress was typical of pre independence days. i.e. Dhoti, Shirt, Coat & Cap. He was very particular about his dress and its cleanliness. He had 2 coats which he used to alternate every week. When I was in the 7th standard, with great persuasion he purchased an iron on my promise that I will press his shirt & coat every week. I was very close to him. He nominated me as his ‘secretary’. I was deeply involved with him and tried my level best to render every possible service to him. I became a Company Secretary (CS) in 1980 but I am more proud of that ‘childhood designation’ of a secretary given by my Dad. He was short tempered by nature but had clear convictions and ideas. However, his love & affection was not for ‘show business’ but he deeply cared for the family. He had contributed 25 % of his salary as PF and as per BMC rules; this PF contribution decision was forever and could not be changed year to year as is possible now. Hence in order to meet both ends, he did part time typing jobs, thereby spoiling his heath in the process. Every Sunday, he would take all of us to Girgaum Chowpati. We were more than happy to eat peanuts and chana. (For us, company of Dada was more valuable. Dada gave quality time to us) He would walk down from VT station (BMC Office) to Girgaum in order to save 2 annas (12 paisa) tram ticket. With this saving, he would bring mawa cake from Kayani hotel at Dhobi Talao. The said restaurant is still operative and I had visited the restaurant number of times to taste the mawa cake and to remember the sweet memories of my father. Every one called him ‘DADA’. I have high regards and I am proud of my DADA unlike in recent TV Ads, a little girl shouts that my Dady is strongest because of the use of Dhara Oil in the house. ☺ He was very particular and meticulous in his approach. He had formed the good habit of writing his daily expenses in his small diary and to tally cash balance held by him. After his sad demise, we opened his ‘Patra Trunk’ and found many such diaries. Reading of those diaries really opened our eyes. He was drawing a salary of Rs.800/-p.m. (in August 1969 when he expired just 2 months prior to his retirement) Part time typing job was contributing equal amount in which he was managing a family of 6 members.
  • 17. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 3 He was honorary Secretary of Hindu Education Fund which was constituted to help needy scholar students for ensuing higher studies abroad. Loan of Rs.5000/- to Rs.10000/- was granted to each student for proceeding to USA, UK for further studies. The Loan was expected to be repaid on taking up the job. He was very fond of money lending with a good purpose. However, he was unlucky in the sense that barely any amount was recovered not because the person turned out to be dishonest but because the borrower could not flourish from the loan given by my ‘DADA’. He was deadly against corruption. (Refer separate chapter on my views on corruption.) I feel that many of his qualities have been inherited by me such as sincerity, honesty, involvement, dedication, high moral values. He used to say that you have to be fair to everybody while holding position of strength and just because you are in the driver’s seat you should not run over people. I followed this advice in my Life and it bore rich fruits. He expired on 21st August 1969 when I was barely 18 years old. In such a short span he influenced my life to a very great extent and showed me the path to pursue in this wretched world. It was my bad luck that I could not get his company and blessings for more years. At times I wonder as to how he would have felt now if he would have been alive? He was very fond of Astrology. He would consult Mr. Bhide (Astrologer) staying at Thakurdwar at periodic intervals. His main concern was his health & family. I still remember the last prediction given by Mr. Bhide sometime in October 1968. Mr. Bhide said that Vaidya Saheb, you do not worry, you will be fit & working till end. What a way to solace a worrying mind. But Mr. Bhide knew that my dada’s end was around the corner and hence his working till end was just obvious. My dada expired within a year. It is pity that after slogging the entire life, he left this world just 2 months prior to his retirement from the job. Why he was not given few grace years to relax after retirement when his sons having settled in Life could have offered him a well earned rest? But this was not to be.
  • 18. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 4 He made it a point to offer equal facilities to all of us including my two cousins who were also staying with us for studies. His ‘reading’ of all his sons was shared with my MOM but she could not digest it mainly due to blind faith for eldest son. His observations and reading is realized now after so many years. I had developed direct tuning with Dada and could talk with him heart to heart. I was so much involved with his problems - may be his job tensions, financial problems, health worries, that I had lost charm in ‘LIFE’ much before I had opportunity of enjoying it. Due to my involvement in his problems, he would hide his worries but generally failed due to my attaining still further involvement. He was of helping nature and gathered many well wishers. However, due to straightforwardness (sometimes uncalled for) he also created few enemies. Probably the only point on which I have the objection is that considering his poor health, he should have limited his family. Also refer my open letter to Dad written on 31-12-2009. Towards end, he developed Liver Cyrosis in October 1968. (A disease wherein blood slowly gets converted in water. The disease originates either due to heavy boozing or due to diabetes.) He was always worried about the side effect of diabetes. He wanted to remain fit and working till last. He was cured by December 1968 with heavy medication which costed Rs.25/- per day. I used to make calculation as to how many years we can afford the medicine out of his PF amount? Again in February 1969, he developed Liver Cyrosis which was not cured till last. Finally one day before his demise, he went in coma when doctors attempted to provide relief by sucking water from his belly. Finally he left this world on 21-08-1969 at about 08.30 am. May his soul rest in peace.
  • 19. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 5 Note: You are aware that my book ‘Spandane’ and my web site titled ‘’ is dedicated to my Late Father who expired at the age of 58 years after fighting with Diabetes for over 35 years. Although his Life span was quantified by destiny, he led very cheerful Life and remained active till his death. He managed his stress by keeping himself occupied in some activity or the other. He was true ‘Karma Yogi’. His Life Philosophy still inspires & offers solution to me in case of need. I am sure that readers will get some idea about his Life ideologies which had a great influence on my thinking process.
  • 20. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 04 / My Mother My mother was born on 19-09-1919 in the Ogale family staying at Matunga. Her father was a businessman owning a Grocery Shop having a good reputation in the area. She had three sisters and three brothers. Two brothers retired from MCGM popularly known as BMC. Elder one retired as head clerk, while younger one retired as shop & establishment inspector. My Mom was very intelligent in studies and had passed 7th standard in those days. However, a further study was not pursued. She did not pursue Diploma in education etc. to get a job as a school teacher. She could read and write English. She was very proud to sign in English. My father was most favourite son-in-law of Ogale Family and enjoyed good relationship with his father-in-law. I hardly remember having gone to Matunga for a stay or even my Mamas showing love and affections for us. Once or twice I remember having stayed there with my maternal cousin brother Vilas. (Vilas was of my age. After SSC, he pursued technical diploma and secured a good job. However due to lock out in the factory, he lost the job. He had tough time to look after his family but his wife supported him. He expired untimely. I wrote a condolence letter to his wife. After few years, we had a phone conversation and to my surprise she thanked me for sending a nice condolence & moral support letter. She requested me to excuse her for not acknowledging receipt of the letter. Friends, I do not have the copy of that letter. He was very fond of education. His elder son became a CA and younger one became a CS. May his soul rest in peace.) My Mami taught me ‘Ramaraksha’. I was very small may be studying in 3rd standard when my Grand father expired. My Grand mother expired in 1972 at the age of 85 years. (Probably she had Saturn in her 8th house.☺) My Aai was short in height but good looking. Her intelligence could not get scope in Vaidya family as her service were called for looking after the big family and guests which poured at regular intervals. Our home was like a ‘Guest house.’ We could hardly enjoy the privacy /space in our childhood due to a small house and guests. This had a great impact on my mind. Many years I had neither seen sunrise nor sunset because at sunrise I would reach the library for studying or proceeded to office early morning and at sunset again either I would be in the library or in my cabin doing office assignment. Many a times I had gone to public
  • 21. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 2 garden / Chowpatty for studying. My dada was very short tempered (may due to his health problems) and hence it was very difficult to get across any idea or opinion. Thus, she had to tolerate a lot in the initial stages of her marriage. My eldest uncle (so called Lawyer of Devrukh) insisted on changing her name at the time of marriage. I was surprised when I heard this from mother. I could not get the answer as to how my father yielded to his pressure and changed her name to ‘Satyabhama’. However, I am proud of my mother because she continued her maternal name ‘Shantabai’ and signed all documents as such. Dada gave silent approval for her decision. Apart from this, I hardly remember two more occassions when she took firm stand against the wishes of Dada. Dada wished to bring his nephew (my cousin, son of my youngest Uncle) to Mumbai for studies as he was not getting along with my Poona uncle and his kids. Second incident was of baby sitting of Rajan. (My sister’s son) (Rajan expired untimely at a young age of 46 years on 10-07-2009 /Born on 10-04-1963. May his soul rest in peace.) As she was forced to accept the health problem of my father, her personality got diluted forcibly as adjustment with Life was call of the day rather than exception. Her love and affection for my sister and eldest brother was more as compared to me and my elder brother as evidenced from her actions and a way of talking. However she never admitted this. I gave her a benefit of doubt. Her love for sister was natural, may be due to her poor health since childhood and worry about her future. However, our family was lucky to get good son-in law who understood and accepted her wholeheartedly. My mother had a basic weakness of inability to take decision. In fact I have seen this inability to take decision with many educated working ladies. She would also get convinced with the first argument on any issue. I could not understand the logic for this weakness as she was bestowed with good common sense. (I have also realized that common sense is most uncommon with many.☺) Hence, she never took any firm stand on any issue. At best she would attempt to contradict with me and my elder brother. But with my sister and eldest brother, no way.
  • 22. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 3 Barring this weakness (No body is perfect.) she possessed unusual good qualities as a human being. She would always talk and mention about good qualities possessed by any one including her rivals or those who had troubled her. She would do her own household chores and offered helping hand to daughter-in-law even in her old age. She would spend her free time in reading. She was not very fond of TV serials. She would even attempt to read simple books in English. She was constantly worried about one thing and that was whether she would remain fit till the end? She could not even toy with the idea of somebody taking care of her when she would get confined to a bed. She never wanted to be a burden on anyone. Due this anxiety, she exerted unnecessarily to prove that she was fit. Her intelligence got good scope only after the sad demise of my dada in August 1969. She had adjusted to that state much before his actual demise. ‘Sharada Mahila Mandal’ was formed in 1970 by her friend Mrs. Ursekar. She won many trophies for the Mandal in Bhagwat Geeta, essay writing, story telling etc. She acted as Secretary / Treasurer of the Mandal for many years. She was an asthma patient in her young age but never suffered acutely. During her old age she suffered from BP. Before she expired, she lost her memory. Somehow I never got along well with her. May be due to her inability to take decisions, inability to take firm stand on any issue, her tendency to avoid confrontation even when she was right etc. My nature is exactly the opposite. In the process, we always agreed to disagree. I don’t intent to blame her for these weaknesses. This was probably the outcome of her childhood and forceful compromise of early marriage; problems faced by her mother and adjustment in life after marriage. However, I knew that she was inwardly worried about me till end. Two years prior to death, she was practically confined to bed. Mrs. Supriya (My vahini, wife of my elder brother, Suresh) looked after her nicely. I openly salute Mrs. Supriya & Suresh for this noble job. My Mother finally left this world on 26-10-2004. May her soul rest in peace.
  • 23. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 4
  • 24. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 05 / My Family Generally Autobiography is not complete without a chapter on Family Life of the Author. Readers are also interested in this chapter. ☺ Friends, you may get disappointed because I do not intent to include an elaborate account of my Family Life. However, I have included the separate Articles on My Father and My Mother. Readers would get information about my family members in various letters included in Section II of this book and some of the Articles. You may also come across reference to other family members in many other Articles. The purpose of making reference was not to comment on that person but to unearth his / her impact on my mind and personality. I must acknowledge that my Father had greatly influenced my Life though I could get his company for only 18 years. My spouse also tolerated me beyond a point mainly because she understood me more than any one else in my Life. My beloved wife is my best friend. I am indebted to her for greatness of her mind. ☺ ☺ I learned to live from my wife. Initially my relationship with son and daughter sailed through rough weather due to the peculiar circumstances. But both tried their level best to tolerate me. Now after 25 years, they have reconciled with my Life philosophy, logical thinking etc. having settled in their own Life and observing behaviour of their spouse & own kids. I am very much thankful to them. Some of my family members may get disappointed because I have not shared what they wanted to read and what I have shared they may not be interested to read. ☺ Any way I have written this Autobiography for my sweet grandsons. I hardly developed intimate relationship with my uncles & mother’s brothers etc. Their partial and selfish behaviour was responsible for this. I learned from these people as to how not to
  • 25. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 2 behave. I avoided these behavioural patterns when I became Uncle and Mama. It was unfortunate that the intimate relationship I shared with all my nephews & niece was not reciprocated by few of them. Anyway, it is part of the game. How to behave is in your hands. I have carried out my duties as uncle & Mama. What is Family? F---Father / A---& / M– Mother / I----I / L---Love / Y---You. Friends, I am proud to say that I Love my Family. Do you? Readers may refer My Family Tree.
  • 26. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 3
  • 27. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 4
  • 28. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 06 / My School Days I secured admission directly in 2nd standard in June 1957. My Municipal school was located near my home (Angre Wadi, Girgaon). Soon the school was temporarily shifted to Banamahal Lane school due to repairs / renovation. That new school building was located little far. I had to walk for about 10-15 minutes alone with school bag and the umbrella. Nowadays we find that either a servant or parent, accompany the kid up to the school bus. I can still remember that walk to my school on a crowded road. I still remember my first class teacher, Mr. Chavan Sir. (2nd to 4th standard Municipal School). His method of teaching was so simple that even below average student was comfortable in his class. Incidentally, his dress code resembled to my father’s dress code. Our class teacher used to take our mathematics test every Saturday. It was a mental sum test. All students would stand up and then teacher would narrate the problem. After you arrive at the answer, the student was supposed to sit. One day I was standing till end. Everyone thought that I am unable to solve the sum. Teacher then asked the answers one by one to all students. That Saturday, I was the only one to give the correct answer. Up to 4th standard, I studied in Municipal school and then took admission in Wilson High School in June 1960. Same year my elder brother was admitted in 7th standard in Union High School. My eldest brother was also studying in 9th standard in Wilson High School. On the first day of the school, students assembled in the class room. Incidentally one fair looking boy was seating next to me. He had red birth mark on his right cheek. I smiled at him. His name was Jayant. His father was a teacher in our high school. Our wavelength matched. We became best friends. We studied together in school / college, became CA, did practice together, and shared our pains and happy moments. It was unfortunate that Jayant expired untimely on 23-05-2006. (Born on 26-01-1951) He was my only best friend, closer to me more than my brothers. His sudden death really shocked me. With a great difficulty I survived that shock. I hosted my website on 23-05-2008 to coincide with his death anniversary.
  • 29. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 2 Wilson high School had a high reputation. The School was established 100 years back. Though the school was run by Christian Trust, the teaching Staff was mostly Hindus. I still remember Paranjape Sir (Sr. & Jr.), Godbole Sir, Sathe Sir, Samant Sir, Chitale Sir, Borde Sir, Barve Madam, Pawar Sir (Sr. & Jr.), etc. Mr. Waghchoure was the Principal. Sathe Sir was vice-principal. He was very soft spoken and had a respectable personality. Paranjape Sir & Barve madam taught Marathi & Sanskrit. Pawar Sir taught History, Geography, and Civics. Borde Sir & Samant Sir taught Science. Sathe Sir, Chitale Sir, Waghchoure Sir taught English. Torkhade Sir was in charge of PT. Bansode Sir was specializing in Handlooms & Charkha etc. He was also in charge of School Garden. I had volunteered for Gardening work while in school. All these teachers not only imparted formal education but also informed us the current developments in the country, told moral stories with an emphasis on developing us as good citizens of the country. This really laid a strong foundation of my personality. I would say that this was the ‘booster dose of hard work, sincerity’ learned from my father. Thank you Sir. Your debt can never be repaid. English was introduced for the first time in 5th standard. Now days, students of 3 years are able to write ABC. (A for America, B for bye, bye and C for Computer.☺) We had to cover the syllabus ranging from ABC, reading English text books, reciting the poems, and answer text book questions. It was an up hill task to comply in one year considering that most of the students had not even learned ABC prior to admission in 5th Standard. English was taught by Mr. Bhalerao. He had cleared BA exam in the same year and joined our school as English teacher. His English was good but was of no use to us as he did not know how to teach English to students who are facing the subject for the first time. In 6th standard, Mr. Chitale Sir taught English. He taught the subject ‘copy book’ style. English became my favourite subject. My fear for the subject disappeared. In 1967, I took admission in Sydenham college. Head of the department conducted special English class for one year for students studied in vernacular medium till SSC. This special English class was of great help to me. In 6th standard, I tested my so called first failure. ☺ In 1st Quarterly examination I failed in
  • 30. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 3 Hindi. I could score 35 out of 100. Friends, are you wondering how I was declared as failed? Our school had set higher minimum base as 40 marks for passing. Now can you image why I failed? I never opened Hindi book at home. ☺ I never did revision. I attempted examination purely on what I learned in the class. I was asked to explain my failure at home. I openly told the above facts. My father excused me for this failure. I am still wondering as to why I did that? In fact I should have studied Hindi as the subject was introduced for the first time. Friends, don’t misunderstand. I have respect for our national language but it is still a puzzle for me as why I did not study Hindi in 1st Quarter examination. Next quarter, I studied Hindi so well, that I stood first in the class. ☺ I remember one more major incident when I was studying in 6 th Standard. I first tested ‘Politics and ill effects of Gossip.’ However my Father supported me as he had complete faith in me. I request readers to read the incident from the Spandane Article ‘Sparrow’s Parable.’ From 7th standard to 11th standard, I would Top the class in 3rd quarterly examination held in January. Other examinations I would be in first 5 ranks. This is yet another puzzle. I would study all through the year but this trend was continued for 5 years. ☺ The school had issued only one progress report book to record the progress from 5th standard to 11th standard. Of course the book had additional pages for repeaters. ☺ The entire academic progress was available in one progress card unlike present days of issuing separate sheet every year. Many years I had preserved that progress book. I never realized when I lost it like my Childhood? I passed my SSC examination (11th standard) in June 1967. We had seven papers to answer. Examination would get over in 4 days. Every day we were expected to answer two papers of 3 hours each. Nowadays, SSC examination lasts for minimum 15 days. We had a choice to take 8th extra subject. If you clear in any 7 subjects out of 8, then you would be declared pass. My family members (my mother and eldest brother) forced me to take 8th subject namely Special Arithmetic. In other words, they were not ready to show the basic faith on me that I can clear 7 subjects. In fact there was no basis for such low confidence in my ability or intelligence. I had passed in all examinations conducted by the School. I was an average student securing about 65% marks those days.
  • 31. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 4 Due to tremendous pressure, I filled up the form for 8 papers including Special Arithmetic. Arithmetic was not my favourite subject. My favourite subject was History & Geography. The examination of this 8th paper would take place 15 days after regular examination gets over. I studied Arithmetic in this gap of 15 days. Unfortunately Arithmetic paper was exceptionally tough. I could solve the answers of only 65 marks and scored 62 marks in Special Arithmetic. I had scored less mark as compared to other papers. I am yet to discover the secret of no-confidence in my ability. My elder brother used to score marks in the range of 65% but no compulsion was done in his case. This had a very bitter effect on my mind. I refused to believe anyone in my Life. Finally, I became an Auditor whose main job was to report on discrepancies in the system. However, I took extra pains to confirm that I won’t lose the human angle in finding discrepancies. Faith is the great donation to mankind. Friends, you will agree that our Life runs on Basic Faith. We have faith in system, human beings and even in GOD or Super power as well. This incident has troubled my mind for many years. Dear readers, at the cost of some repetition, I have included a separate Article titled My Experience of Faith. I hope that you will excuse me for this repetition. Readers kindly have basic faith in your kids considering their abilities. Mrs. Barve taught Marathi in 11th standard. We were given assignment of writing essay on ‘My childhood’. My essay got the first prize. Teacher enquired whether it was hypothetical or a reality? I was obviously not the Author at that age to write something hypothetical. ☺ My friendship with Jayant achieved great heights by the time we cleared SSC. Jayant was transferred to Division A from 8th standard as he decided to study Mathematics & Science in English. Mr. Kalgutkar became my friend in 8th standard. We studied together till SSC. We decided to pursue Medical (Ayurveda) after SSC. Eventually he became an Engineer and I became a Chartered Accountant. Kindly refer separate Articles My Dreams and My Teachers.
  • 32. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 07 / My Experience of Faith Friends, you will agree that our Life runs on Basic Faith. We have faith in system, human beings and even in GOD or Super power as well. I passed my SSC examination (11th Standard) in June 1967. We had seven papers to answer. Examination would get over in 4 days. Every day we were expected to answer 2 papers of 3 hours each. Now a day, SSC examination lasts for minimum 15 days. We had a choice to take 8th extra subject. If you clear in any 7 subjects out of 8, then you would be declared pass. My family members (my mother and eldest brother) forced me to take 8th subject namely Arithmetic. In other words, they were not ready to show the basic faith on me that I can clear 7 subjects. In fact there was no base for such low confidence on my ability or intelligence. I had passed in all examinations conducted by the School. I was an average student securing about 65% marks those days. Every year from 6th standard I had secured 1st rank in 3rd Quarter examination held in January every year. My rank used to be within first 5 for other three examinations. Our Wilson High School was already over 100 years old and had good reputation for educational standard. Due to tremendous pressure, I filled up the form for 8 papers including Special Arithmetic. Arithmetic was not my favourite subject. My favourite subject was History & Geography. The examination of this 8th paper would take place 15 days after regular examination gets over. I studied Arithmetic in this gap of 15 days. Unfortunately Arithmetic paper was exceptionally tough. I could solve the answers of only 65 marks and scored 62 marks in Special Arithmetic. I had scored less mark as compared to other papers. I am yet to discover the secret of no-confidence on my ability. My elder brother used to score marks in the range of 65% but no compulsion was done in his case. This had a very bitter effect on my mind. Since then I refused to believe anyone in my Life. Finally I became an Auditor, whose main job is to report on discrepancies in the system.
  • 33. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 2 However, I took extra pains to confirm that I won’t lose the human angle in finding discrepancies. Faith is the great donation to mankind. Unless a patient has faith in the Doctor’s ability, he will not get cured. I define ‘Life’ as Loss of individual faith & enemity arising out of ego.
  • 34. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 08 / My College Days After SSC, I joined Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics in June 1967. It was a Government college. Admission process was very strict. Students were admitted only after an interview. Prof. Belsare conducted my interview on the 3rd day. The cut off list was 62% marks. The college fees were Rs.300/- p.a. Our college was situated on B Road, Churchgate. It was a two storey building with long corridors. Class capacity was of 200 students. It had a stage and a podium. The arrangement in the class resembled like a Theatre. First day of the college, all students gathered in the Auditorium for an introductory address by the Principal. Prof. Dhekane was our Principal. Prof. G. L. Abhyankar was our vice-principal. On the first day of the college, all students studied in vernacular medium had to give special English examination. All students securing less than 60 marks were asked to attend Special English class for improvement. The class was taken by senior professors of English department. What the school was supposed to do was done by the college. The entire teaching staff was not only highly qualified but equally dedicated to their job. They would mix with students but maintain their own dignity. They kept their subject reading up to date. They not only controlled the class of 175-200 students (attendance was compulsory) but also kept everybody’s interest in the subject alive. Well known Chartered Accountants & Advocates were the visiting faculties. They were rendering great social service by teaching the young generation. The words ‘Thank you Sir’ may not convey their contribution to my Life. Our college timing was from 10 am to 2 pm. (4 periods) Thereafter we had to attend the two – three tutorial classes consisting of 20 students. The purpose was to supplement the efforts of the professors. The tutorial classes were conducted by the junior lecturers. These classes helped us a lot. We could ask our difficulties openly due to small number of students. It was possible for the professor to give individual attention to the difficulties. We learned Book- keeping (FY commerce) in tutorial class as the regular Professor did not take a single class in the entire year and hence we would get a free lecture. I devoted that time for studying in the
  • 35. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 2 Library. After tutorial classes, I was a Life member of our college Library. I would study up to 8 pm. At about 6 pm., our group would take a small round on the Marine Drive to watch the sunset. We would then return to library to study. The library timings were generally up to 5 pm. The library was kept open up to 8 pm only during the month before the examination. However, our group managed to convince the Registrar to keep it open till 8 pm. We informed him that we are all staying in the small room and there is no place to study. I made use of the library up to Final CA examination in November 1974. (I left the college in June 1971. I was given special permission by the College Registrar.) On Sunday, we would request Registrar of Government Law College to keep one class room open for us. I studied there from 1pm to 8 pm on Sundays. Friends, you may be wondering as to why I was studying so hard. Let me clarify your doubt. I had studied in vernacular medium and hence it was necessary to study hard as F.Y. Commerce examination was conducted by University. (currently it is conducted by the college) Secondly My father’s health was deteriorating very fast. He did not have very long to live. There was no scope for my failure in the college. My efforts paid the fruits. I was the only student from vernacular medium to have cleared the terminal examination held in October 1967. (FY Commerce) ☺ During Inter Commerce, I came in contact with another student Mr. Jorapur. He was senior to me by one year. He gave good guidance about the books, study material. We became friends and eventually I joined him as a Partner in March 1992. Our association is still going strong. Those days it was said that if you can pass inter commerce examination, then you would definitely clear B.Com. The inter examination was really tough. The student securing 1st rank may not even score 60 %. Week prior to Inter examination, my father got admitted in KEM Hospital for few pathological tests. I was extremely nervous. Thought of even taking a drop. Suddenly, I remembered the forecast made by Mr. Bhide (Astrologer). He had expressed fear that some difficulty will be faced in second year and if I overcome that, then there is no problem for another 4 years. Good Alert. Thank you Mr. Bhide. I tried to keep cool. I was
  • 36. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 3 lucky that my Dad was discharged from the hospital just the previous day of my examination. This was a great boost to my morale. I never looked back and appeared for the examination confidently. I cleared the Inter examination successfully and took admission in Jr. B.Com in June 1969. My father’s health was deteriorating day by day. Now there was no tension of examination because college was entrusted with the job of taking Jr. B. Com examination. University would conduct the Final B. Com examination. As feared, My father expired on 21st August 1969 when I was barely 18 years old. In such a short span he influenced my life to a very great extent and showed me the path to pursue in this wretched world. It was my bad luck that I could not get his company and blessings for more years. I took drop for Jr. terminal examination held in October 1969 as I had not recovered from the shock of my father’s death. Soon I recovered mentally and successfully cleared Jr. B. Com examination held in March 1970. I did vacation job in Central Bank of India during April & May 1970. The said Branch was situated very near to my residence. I earned a salary of about Rs.700/- for two months and managed my fees for Final B. Com. What a co-incidence? I started my career with a bank as assistant and on the verge of my retirement as an Auditor of a Bank. I studied regularly from June 1970. I did not like one Accountancy Professor. I mean his style of teaching and hence I decided to skip his class on every Monday. However, I used to reach the college as usual but instead of attending class, I would proceed to College Library and study from 10 am to 2 pm. I was the Life member of college Library. In fact, it was a group of 4 students namely myself, Jorapur, Patole and Master. My friend Jayant would join only 2 months prior to examination. Eventually, I became working partner of Jorapur & Co. (A firm was formed by Jorapur’s father.) I studied hard and successfully completed B. Com in June 1971. Mr. Patole joined Bank of India after B. Com. Mr. Master completed CA with me.
  • 37. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 09 / My Article ship Days For the benefit of readers, let me say few words about CA course before I talk about my Article ship days. The student is supposed to undergo the practical training (full time, like an employee) for 4 years (now 3 years) after passing B.Com, (now after passing Inter CA) under the guidance of a Chartered Accountant. Each CA is allowed to train few students as per rules prescribed by ICAI. CA examination is conducted by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi. Those days due to shortage of CAs in practice, it was necessary to enrol your name with CA firm after passing Inter commerce examination. However due to acquaintance of my father and eldest brother, I could get the entry without enrolling my name in advance. The student was supposed to work without any stipend or salary. (Now handsome stipend is paid.) Prior to my joining CA course, the student was even supposed to pay lump sum amount of about Rs. 5,000/- to CA firm and in turn would get some stipend during article ship period of 4 years. It is necessary to execute the Articleship Agreement with CA firm and the same is registered with ICAI. The Training period would start from day of signing the agreement. Now the Articleship period has been reduced to 3 years after passing Inter CA examination. Earlier the training period was 4 years after B.Com. Articleship rules have changed number of times in last 35 years. Earlier student was supposed to answer 5 question papers per subject and get it corrected from the institute. Subsequently the rule was changed. Then the Student was required to visit the examination centre on Sunday for answering question paper. Now student is supposed to clear Inter CA examination and then only he is allowed to undergo training for 3 years. On passing in all subjects, he would get the eligibility certificate for appearing for the examination. The examination dates are 2nd May and 1st November. The result would be declared in July and January. The result percentage was hardly 2%. Now the passing percentage has improved to say 7-8%. A student is expected to secure minimum 40 marks in each subject and secure 50% marks in a group. No body would dare to appear for both groups at a time. Friends, I dared to appear for both groups at time & cleared in first attempt and also secured rank all over India in Inter CA and Final CA. ☺ ☺ After passing B.Com. I decided to take up CA course of 4 years. My father had already expired
  • 38. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 2 in 1969 but both the brothers since employed in BOI supported my decision. Thanks my Bros. I did Articleship training with M/S Jayantilal Thakkar & Co. Chartered Accountants from 14-06-1971 to 13-06-1975. I cleared Inter CA examination in May 1973 with 59% marks and securing 36th Rank all over India. I cleared Final CA examination in November 1974 with 53.8 % marks and securing 48th Rank all over India. CA result was hardly 2 % those days and hence it was a great achievement to clear the CA examination in first attempt and that too with a rank. Our firm had four partners. Senior partner Shri Jayantibhai looked after Taxation department. We had no contact with him. However the other three partners namely Dilipbhai, Maheshbhai and Chimanbhai looked after Audits and Taxation. We directly worked under their day to day guidance. Our theoretical knowledge of accounting and auditing received new dimensions. During four years of Articles, I got vast experience of Audit and Finalization of accounts of public listed companies. We were taught to carry out detailed Audit after understanding Accounting & Taxation implications. The emphasis was on getting all material queries of accounting solved before finalization. This initial exhaustive training laid the foundation in discharging my duties as Financial Controller and then as an Auditor. I sincerely thank all partners for the training given to me. I take this opportunity to inform my Professional Gurus that I also followed similar approach in training students pursuing CA course under my guidance. Many of them have successfully passed the CA examination and are well placed in Service or Profession. I remember my Articleship days because of ‘Piles.’ Our Firm M/S Jayantilal Thakkar & Co Chartered Accountants, had many Audits of big companies, Trusts, Schools, Advocate firms etc. In June 1971, batch of 15 articled clerks joined the firm. We were given just a formal training and batch of 8 articled clerks was sent to Golden Tobacco Ltd. for audit. Year ending was June those days. We were allowed to take breakfast in the company canteen. We enjoyed the breakfast of potato vada-pav, cutlet, samosas etc. The items were very tasty. However in few days, It showed the true colours. I suffered from piles. I bought piles ointment and applied for 2 days. My problem got cured. ☺ I never realized that the problem of piles was not over but it had begun. Over the years, I suffered from piles more frequently. I tried many medicines and ointments but my problem aggravated day by
  • 39. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 3 day. I knew the reasons but had no control on them. My body was generating more heat. My outside eating in canteen, hotels, working or studying for prolonged hours, lack of exercise, tension in the office and personal life was all adding fury to the problem. I was helpless. Finally I reached to a stage of surgery. You may not believe that I had to postpone the surgery for 15 days because our Managing Director had gone abroad and I was running the show in his absence. I did not pass stool for almost 10 days. I could not even sit comfortably on the chair due to piles. Finally I got operated on 15-01-1985. It was told by the doctor that the piles may recur after about 10 years. But with the grace of God and the availability of proper diet (thanks to my beloved wife Sumitra) I have won the fight against piles. ☺ ☺ (One face is mine and another is of Sumitra) HaHaHa !!!~~~~ Friends, you may read this episode in another Article on My Health but I have once again narrated the story because even 25 years after piles operation, I am not able to forget the agony suffered during those 15 years. I am sure that you will excuse me for this repetition. Those of you who have suffered from Piles will be able to vouch my experience. Our Firm had number of Audits of private and public limited companies, Educational institutions, Trusts etc. We had to go for out of station audits. However I had stipulated that I will not undertake outstation audits till clearing Inter CA examination to be held in May 1973. (i.e. two years after commencement of Articleship training) Subsequently, I did outstation audits. I remember my Articleship days for yet another obstacle. Mr. Bhide had doubt about my educational career because he had predicted one obstacle 2 years after SSC and once again after 4 years. However he could not throw light on nature of obstacle. I have successfully crossed the first obstacle of my father’s death in August 1969. (I passed SSC in June 1967). I have already mentioned that a student was supposed to write 5 test papers per subject and submit to ICAI for evaluation. ICAI had set up a counter in Income Tax Office for collection of answer sheets. We used to handover the papers to our peon for submission to the said counter. Every month, one of us would visit ICAI office at Colaba to check the status of our answer papers. ICAI would issue the eligibility certificate on passing in all test papers.
  • 40. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 4 We were supposed to attach the said eligibility certificate with examination form. Last date of submission of exam form of Inter CA was fast approaching. I visited ICAI Colaba office in second week of March 1973 and to my surprise I was told that there is a problem with one test paper. I was told that you have copied the answers from another paper. I was really taken a back. The concerned Officer showed me both the papers. The other student had copied from my paper. I could prove this because he had copied answers of only five questions instead of six. The date of submission of my paper was prior to his submission. The concerned clerk at Income Tax must have given my answer paper to that student for copying. Both the papers were sent to the same examiner foolishly by the concerned clerk without realising the consequences student may face. My performance was also far better than the other student in other papers. The Officer accepted the fact but he had no discretion. If matter is referred to Delhi Office then no decision will be received soon and my May 1973 attempt will get wasted. I was on the verge of crying. Such allegation of copying was really frustrating. I had already proceeded on leave. The matter was referred to higher ups in WIRC. I was given a via media of answering 5 more test papers as a part of punishment. I came home with a tensed look. I had to share the happening with my mother. In next 24 hours, I wrote 5 Test papers. Next day I submitted the answer papers to ICAI-Colaba. The Officials were convinced with my sincerity and dedication. It is pity that even good qualities have to be proved time & again. I was told that eligibility certificate would be sent immediately. It was not received in time and I had to despatch my examination form without attaching the certificate. I returned home from Post Office and I received my eligibility certificate. I wrote a letter and again rushed to Post Office. My earlier envelope containing examination form was still in the post office. I met Post Master and explained him the entire episode and requested him to attach the eligibility certificate with examination form. He expressed his inability for this. Finally I sent eligibility certificate by another Red. AD. The Postmaster promised to send both the envelopes together. I returned home with a worry that my eligibility certificate should get attached with examination form; otherwise, I may not get the Hall ticket. Anyway, I had no choice. I concentrated on my studies. I received the hall ticket in time. I was relaxed for the first time in last 2 months. I cleared the Inter CA examination in flying colours as mentioned above.
  • 41. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 5 My stipend was increased from Rs.40/- pm to Rs.45/- pm after passing Inter CA. I was the only clerk who cleared Inter CA examination out of 15 clerks appeared for the examination from my firm. Now I had become a senior articled clerk. ☺ I was made group leader for conducting audit assignment and to train the junior articled clerks. I completed postal tuition for Final CA by writing another 40 Test papers. Fortunately, this time there was no difficulty. I appeared for Final CA examination held in November 1974. I was allowed 100 days leave. I saw Hindi movie ‘Namak Haram’ with my friend Jayant prior to commencement of leave period. I had a tight schedule. I used to leave the home by 7.15 am. I would visit Prakash Restaurant for break fast and then proceed to the Library at Prarthana Samaj. I would study till 1.30 noons and returned home for lunch. After Lunch, I would go Sydenham College Library at Churchgate. I would leave the Library by 8 pm and would reach home by 9 pm. Usually I ate boiled egg with Dal or vegetable for dinner. I appeared for examination. One paper was bit difficult. But there was no point in worrying. I enjoyed the period after examination as there was no tension of studying. I concentrated on reading of ICAI, BCAS magazines assuming my success in the examination. Once again I cleared the Final CA examination in January 1975 with flying colours, securing 48th Rank all over India. My friend Jayant cleared only one group. Jayant was in Delhi on the day of result. He informed the result to me. My elder brother threw the grand party at Hotel Satkar, Opp. Girgaon Chowpatty. My eldest brother gifted suit piece to me. Now My next target was to secure a job before my articles get over on 13-06-1975. I was given professional work as I had cleared the examination. My stipend was increased to Rs.50/- pm. I made it clear that I would leave the firm as per my bond. I had not availed of excess leave and hence there was no question of extension of training period. I was given audit assignment of a large sized Solicitor firm in May 1975. I had to work
  • 42. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 6 overtime to complete the assignment. Finally I completed the work on 13-06-1975 and handed over the papers to the concerned partner on Friday, 13-06-1975 at about 8 pm. There after, I was issued articled ship completion certificate for onward despatch to ICAI. One more segment was behind me in my Life journey. I reached home, totally tired and exhausted after my long chase of meeting education target. New era in my Life (Occupational career) was about to begin as I was to join Crompton Greaves Ltd. next day i.e. Saturday, 14-06-1975.
  • 43. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 7
  • 44. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 8
  • 45. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 10 / My Education Friends, The word ‘Education’ is very complex and difficult to define. Generally we refer the word education as academic education. But the word, education is very wide. Every activity we do from childhood is the outcome of continuous education. Initially, we hesitate to do the activity because of lack of knowledge / education. Take the example of Mobile. Now even an illiterate person is able to handle it because he has learned the necessary skill for using a Mobile. The ‘Managerial skill’ is the buzz word of the day. White collared people usually have a wrong notion that they only possess the skill due to higher education. Only they are destined to do the skilled job in the office. Seldom it is realized that practically every job requires skill and every skill is not taught in an educational institution. Some skills are in the family and are transferred from one generation to another. Every job requires skill. We must appreciate and enjoy the skill displayed by anyone irrespective of his age, caste, literacy etc. These skills are used by them for their livelihood. Given the chance and the opportunity, they can still do better and also acquire similar complimentary skills. Readers may refer my Spandane Article Skill on this subject. We should maintain our ‘childlike curiosity’ even with advancing age. We should remain a ‘Student’ all through life, because one can learn from any one provided you have an open mind. Yes, I mean it. There is no end to education if you take a wider meaning of the word. If you think seriously, you will realize that you can learn from Nature, Trees, Frog, Tortoise, and Computer etc. The list is only illustrative. I invite your attention to my Spandane Articles – Computer education, Frog, Chick & Bamboo Tree, Tortoise etc. You must have also read my Articles namely My Teachers highlighting their contribution in my Life. I have given a detailed account of my education of Astrology, Medical and many more topics in the Article My Hobbies. Now let me turn to the subject proper. Yes, you guessed it right. Let me share my experience of completing academic education. Story of my education should once again begin rightly from the 5th house of my Horoscope. I have already mentioned that my father was very much fond of Astrology. His main concern
  • 46. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 2 was his health and education of his kids. Once he took me to our Astrologer Mr. Bhide (Now he is no more) when I was studying in 11th standard. (1966) Mr. Bhide advised that I should be given commerce education. He further said that it is very difficult to predict his education because of some unexpected hurdles after 2-3 years. If he manages that problem, then again there would be another hurdle after 4 years. We returned home with a heavy heart. Mr. Bhide could not throw light on type of problem but assured my father that Sudhir has the basic intelligence to complete any academic education. There is one more angle to my selecting of commerce faculty. My sister and eldest brother were very intelligent in the family. My sister could not think of any Professional education due to her health problems since childhood. My eldest brother was no doubt intelligent but had varied interests and was a bit lazy. He could have become a doctor or an engineer. However, as my father’s health was fast declining, it was not possible. My father wished that Shrikant (my eldest brother) should complete his graduation before he calls it a day. So my brother took admission for B. Com. He also accepted my father’s decision without revolting. My mother had tall plans for our education. She was of the opinion that all sons should not take up commerce. So she forced my elder brother to take admission for Science. He also accepted her decision without revolting and deep thinking on his future career in Science. Friends, you are aware that I was nursing a childhood dream of becoming a doctor. However, apart from family reality, one more factor influenced my decision of not pursuing science. My elder brother was not at all comfortable with science especially Maths (compulsory subject) and Laboratory practical. Having seen his experience, I decided to take up Commerce line. ☺ Readers may refer Article on My Educational & Occupational career. I studied in Marathi medium. I secured admission directly in 2nd standard in Municipal school in our colony. I studied in that school up to 4th standard. I joined Wilson High School in 5th standard. Those days 11th standard was SSC unlike 10th standard as of now. I passed SSC in June 1967. Readers may refer a separate Article on My School Days, My Experience of Faith. As decided earlier, I joined Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics in June 1967. I passed B. Com. In June 1971. Readers may refer a separate Article on My College Days.
  • 47. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 3 After passing B.Com. I decided to take up the CA course of 4 years. My father had already expired in 1969 but both the brothers since employed supported my decision. Thanks my Bros. I did Articleship training with M/S Jayantilal Thakkar & Co. Chartered Accountants from 14-06-1971 to 13-06-1975. I cleared Inter CA examination in May 1973 with 59% marks and securing 36th Rank all over India. I cleared Final CA examination in November 1974 with 53.8 % marks and securing 48th Rank all over India. CA result was hardly 2 % those days and hence it was a great achievement to clear the CA examination in first attempt and that too with a rank. Readers may refer a separate Article on My Articleship Days. After passing CA, I joined Crompton Greaves Ltd on 14-06-1975 after a marathon education of 8 years after SSC. It was really a tiring experience. I decided to concentrate on my job training. My elder brother got promoted in December 1976 and was transferred to Bank of India, Uralikanchan branch near Poona. He got married in April 1977. By that time I was settled in my job. I had fixed a service target of 5 years with Crompton Greaves Ltd. Hence I decided to take up Company Secretary course. The education format was similar to CA course. The student was supposed to enrol with the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi. It was necessary to answer 5 papers per subject to seek the eligibility for appearing for the examination. Accordingly, I enrolled with ICSI in May 1977 with a target of attempting Inter CS examination in December 1978. Mr. Jayant did not join CS inspite of my persuasion. I received the Study Material from ICSI in June 1977. I read the entire Study Material for next three months. Then I fixed the target for writing answer papers for eligibility. I decided to write 5 answer papers per week of one subject. Every day after returning from Office, I would devote the necessary time at night and again on Sunday for writing papers. On Monday, I would send the answer papers by registered AD to ICSI, New Delhi for evaluation. I followed this routine for next 6 weeks. I was extremely tired at the end of 6 weeks. My fingers were slightly swollen. I had written almost 800 foolscape pages. I received all answer papers duly evaluated by February 1978. Having received the eligibility for the examination, I commenced the detailed
  • 48. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 4 study for Inter CS examination to be held in December 1978. I suffered from Kidney Stone on the first day of Inter CS examination. Readers may refer that episode in My Health. My will power was at its best and I managed to attend all papers against severe stomach pain. My efforts and will power were rewarded. I passed Inter CS examination in December 1978 securing 56.4 % marks. Along with CS course, I decided to complete one year Diploma in Managerial Accounting (DMA) of Mumbai University from June 1977 to June 1978. It was a part time diploma. Classes were held on Saturday and Sunday at Bajaj Institute of Management, Churchgate. Classes were conducted by visiting faculties from the industry. I still remember two professors due to their teaching style, one was from L & T Ltd. and one was chief cost accountant of BEST. I copied their style (unknowingly) initially when I became the Faculty at Bank’s Staff Training centre. However, later on I developed my style and many participants still remember me whenever they attend any training course. My lecture used to be live and inviting participation from all, rather than one sided talk. The syllabus of DMA was so vast that University could have easily made it a two year diploma. I was already working in Management Accounts department of Crompton Greaves Ltd. and found the diploma helpful in discharging my duties still better. I was already working on various Projects of CG Ltd. The examination was conducted semester wise. (December 1977 & June 1978) I successfully cleared the examination with 69.7 % marks with 2nd Rank in the University. My Project Report was adjudged as best Project Report. Mr. Jayant Paranjape also completed the diploma successfully in the same year. I also completed Diploma in Export Management (DEM) in March 1978 of Indian International Trade Centre. Having passed DMA, I decided to enrol for Diploma in Financial Management (DFM) conducted by University of Mumbai during 1978-79. This diploma was conducted by the university as a part of distant education programme. Mr. Jayant did not give me company for this diploma. I received the study material for the diploma. Examination was due in June 1979. After two
  • 49. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 5 papers, I suffered from stomach infection apparently for no reason. One week prior to examination and during examination days, I had made it point to eat at home. I took heavy dose of medicine. I was staying at Wadala with my eldest brother. Examination centre was at Government Law college, Churchgate. I took the taxi from Wadala to Churchgate. Mumbai was witnessing mild rain on that day. I reached the examination centre 45 minutes before the schedule time. The paper duration was 4 hours. I told the supervisor about my problem. Once during the examination I had to rush to toilet. I completed the third paper well in time. I returned home by Taxi. My health had slightly improved. Next day I appeared for the last paper successfully. ☺ Having done, CA and Inter CS, this Diploma was a cake-walk for me. I completed the diploma securing 80 % marks with 1st Rank in the University. Having passed Inter CS examination in December 1978, I enrolled for the Final CS examination. I received the study material in March 1979. Again I completed my first reading of the study material within 2 months and started answering papers for eligibility. I wrote 40 papers in next 2 months (8 subjects) before appearing for DFM in June 1979 as mentioned above. I received the eligibility for December 1979 examination. I regularly studied from July 1979 till December 1979. This time due to work pressure I could hardly get 15 days leave. Considering the syllabus of a Professional examination, my preparation was just adequate. Fortunately this time, there was no health hurdle. I appeared for the examination. However, I could only clear 7 papers and failed in one paper. I cleared that paper in June 1980 securing 55.1 % marks in Final CS. After passing Final CS examination, I underwent on the job training with Secretarial department of Crompton Greaves Ltd. for one month. Thereafter I was given special leave of 15 days for training with Registrar of Companies. I became member of ICSI on 01-12-1981. After completing DFM in June 1979, I and Mr. Jayant Paranjape decided to enrol for Diploma in Operations Research for Management. (DORM) conducted by University of Mumbai during 1979-80. This diploma was conducted by the university as a part of distant education programme. It was a one year diploma. This diploma had a practical utility in day to day
  • 50. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 6 management decisions. I still remember the various modules of the diploma such as Transportation model, Queuing theory, application of resources etc. I enjoyed the topics. I made use of these techniques in the industry. I successfully passed DORM in June 1980 securing 79 % marks with 2nd Rank in the University. Thus from December 1977 onwards to June 1980, I was appearing for some examination or the other. The hectic period of 3 years (1977-1980) was over. I was also serving in Crompton Greaves Ltd. during this period. I could get only minimum leave for all these examinations due to work pressure at the office. I studied regularly at night and on Sundays. Practically no time was left for relaxation and entertainment. I was staying with my eldest brother at Wadala during this period. My mother was also staying at Wadala. Playing with my niece and nephew was my only relaxation. This was one of the best periods of my Life. ☺ Friends, this was the long episode of my formal academic education journey. Friends, I had to sacrifice many things to achieve this education in a time bound manner. I missed sunrise and sunset for many years. I hardly attended family functions and picnics. CA examination was given during CA Articleship years. It was like an unpaid job for 8-9 hours a day. CS and four diplomas were completed simultaneously while discharging office responsibilities and late hours in the office. I also spent time for acting as paper examiner of ICAI, ICS, IIB, ICWA etc. In short, there was always paucity of time for me. I could achieve these results due to Time Management and Success Management Theories developed by me over the years. These theories can be referred on my website. ‘You have to leave something to get something.’ ☺ Completing academic education was just a milestone in my occupational career. I am happy to say that the knowledge gained in CS and the diplomas could be put to use in my career with the Industry and also in my Professional career. This helped me to enjoy my work. As mentioned earlier, education is a continuous process because the various Acts get amended from time to time. New enactments are made. Hence, it was necessary to constantly upgrade and update the knowledge. I still devote good amount of my time to reading. Subsequently, I had to study Banking Regulation Act, RBI Manual, RBI circulars for conducting Bank Audits. Similar study was required for Audit of Insurance Companies. The various practical books written by me on Bank Audit and Insurance Audit have been
  • 51. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 7 uploaded on my website. The List of books & booklets written has been given in my Educational & Occupational career. Over the years, learning computer operations became inevitable. I still attend seminars and lecture meets held by ICAI. The quality of education was very high for all the above examinations. Result percentage was below 2 digits. Minimum Passing marks were 50 out of 100. Level of ignorance has to be below 50. ☺ There was no set pattern of question paper and allocation of marks for each question. In Accountancy paper of Final CA examination, 1st question was compulsory carrying 40 marks. Calculator was not allowed for CA & CS examination. Now calculator is allowed for Graduation. We were given Logarithm tables for doing calculations. The cost of all this education after B.Com must have costed about Rs. 7,500/-. I could have recovered atleast Rs.3,000/- from Crompton Greaves Ltd. under their scheme of reimbursing education expenses of the staff. However, I did not opt for reimbursement. I would inform the company after passing every examination. Our Chief Personnel Manager was surprised with my attitude of not seeking reimbursement of examination expenses. Finally, he called me in September 1980 to enquire about the same. I told him that I won’t be serving in CG beyond 5 years. Having completed education as per my plan, I am looking for a change and wish to take a line function as I have already worked in staff function for 5 years. (Line function and staff function are the management terms related to Organization Chart) Why should CG bear the cost? I will recover it from my new employer in my pay packet. He congratulated me for my bold and clear thinking on the subject. This Article on My Education will be incomplete if I fail to thank my cousin sister and eldest brother for giving negative inspiration in my school & college days by branding me an ordinary student. I am not approving their method because it could have ruined my Life but I kept cool, maintained the fire in my mind, took a challenge and decided to reply through results. In the process I wrote this Formula namely Success = Basic Intelligence X Hard Work X Fate/Luck. I have achieved such educational level that nobody could have ever imagined. My father would have been very happy. But I am sure that he must have blessed me from heaven. Astrologer also could not predict the educational level. However, he had confirmed
  • 52. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 8 that I have the basic intelligence to take up any education. The 5th house of my horoscope was fairly silent except indicating commerce education. Having learned Astrology, I analyzed my horoscope and tried to discover the answer for my success. Few planets gave me immense will power and ability to work hard. I exploited that combination unknowingly giving birth to above success formula. ☺ ‘The greatest pleasure in Life is doing what people say you cannot do.’ This is the secret of my energy till date. Friends, If you get the inspiration from my long journey of hurdles and educational achievements by an ordinary student, then I would feel that my efforts are rewarded.
  • 53. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 11 / My Teachers (Guru) Today is ‘Guru Pornima’ day. (Sunday 25th July 2010) Every day I acknowledge the contribution of Teachers in my Life. However, on Guru Pornima day, I sit for meditation and by visualization method, I remember all my Gurus. I also telephone few Gurus / Teachers to seek blessings. My Autobiography Spandane - The Last Lecture will be incomplete without the chapter on my Teachers (Guru). I was fortunate to get two types of Teachers namely following Negative inspiration method and also following Positive inspiration method. Every one gets childhood for a short while in the entire LIFE span. It is generally said that childhood is the best period of Life. However unfortunately, it was not so in my case. Now at the age of 60, I can certainly say that my success in LIFE can be attributed to childhood pains. My childhood circumstances made me stronger, go getter, having absolute faith on efforts (Karma) and a disciplined person. I was also forced to become outspoken. No doubt that these childhood pains also left a scar on my mind. It is really surprising that even a person like me had unlimited hidden vibrations (Spandane) on various issues. The entire credit goes to my beloved wife Mrs. Sumitra for this transformation. It was possible to unearth the hidden vibrations due to her excessive sensitive nature. Now let me first thank my Gurus specializing in negative inspiration method. Credit goes to my cousin sister and eldest brother. I was an average student happily securing about 65% marks in school those days. However, my cousin sister and my eldest brother were not happy with my performance. Both were in the upper bracket of 75% & above. They kept nagging me on my studies as if they were responsible for my career. My father was very much alive at that time but never interfered in the matter. (His attitude is still baffling to me.) They literally drove me crazy. Any other person would have gone in to depression and become a victim of inferiority complex. Fortunately it affected me in the reverse way. I took the challenge and decided to pursue higher studies and reach to such a level where people will have to think twice before making comment on my academic intelligence. My marks were not all that bad. In fact I never failed in any subject or any standard. What business they had to comment on me? My cousin sister was staying with us as a paying
  • 54. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 2 guest. She had definitely no business to poke her nose in my career. One day I complained this matter to my mother. I threatened to retaliate at my cousin sister in front of every one. Whether she was paying guest or non paying guest? Finally my Mother conveyed my bitter & hostile feelings to her and then she changed her behaviour. My Anger saved me from getting inferiority complex. I have still preserved that fury/spark within my mind. This acts as a motive to win over the problem. Friends, you can exploit this anger for a right cause, at right time and in right proportion. I am always indebted to my father for the Gifts of good qualities such as sincerity, honesty, involvement, dedication, high moral values etc. I have not only preserved these qualities against all odds but sharpened them further. His Life Philosophy still inspires and offers solution to me in case of need. I have included a separate chapter on My Father. Before I proceed further, let me thank all those persons including my family members who indirectly taught me ‘How not to behave?’ Of course this was possible due to my observation of their behaviour. Observing nature /Art of reading a person was inherited from my Father. Thank you Dad. We should remain a ‘Student’ all through Life because one can learn from practically any one provided you have an open mind. Yes I mean it. As mentioned above, I learned from negative inspiration as well. If you think seriously, you will realize that you can learn from the Nature, Trees, Frog, Tortoise, and Computer etc. The list is only illustrative. You can refer Spandane Articles on this subject. We should always remember the ‘Contribution’ made by our parents, teachers, relatives, and society in shaping our career and turning us into an individual of active habits. We owe thanks to these people. This debt can never be repaid. The only way to repay this debt partly is by doing something for the society, carrying our job whole heartedly, sincerely with full synchronization of mind and body. Have you seen a ‘Gudhi’? On a bamboo stick, ‘Tambya’ is kept upside down. We should transfer our knowledge and expertise to next generation as per the teaching of ‘Gudhi’. We can do this if we consider ourselves as a ‘visitor’ in this world. I still remember our class teacher Mr. Chavan Sir. (2nd to 4th standard Municipal School).
  • 55. Spandane – The Last Lecture Section I – My Life Story 3 His method of teaching was so simple that even below average student was also comfortable in his class. Incidentally, his dress code resembled to my father’s dress code. I secured admission in Wilson high School in 5th standard. Wilson high School had a high reputation. The School was established 100 years back. Though the school was run by Christian Trust, the teaching staffs were mostly Hindu. I still remember Paranjape Sir (Sr. & Jr.), Godbole Sir, Sathe Sir, Samant Sir, Chitale Sir, Borde Sir, Barve Madam, Pawar Sir (Sr. & Jr.), etc. Mr. Waghchoure was the Principal. Sathe Sir was vice-principal. He was very soft spoken & had a respectable personality. Paranjape Sir & Barve madam taught Marathi & Sanskrit. Pawar Sir taught History, Geography, and Civics. Borde Sir & Samant Sir taught Science. Sathe Sir, Chitale Sir, Waghchoure Sir taught English. Torkhade Sir was in charge of PT. Bansode Sir was specializing in Handlooms & Charkha etc. He was also in charge of School Garden. I had volunteered for Gardening work in the school. All these teachers not only imparted formal education but also informed us the current developments in the country, told moral stories with an emphasis on developing us as good citizens of the country. This laid a strong foundation of my personality. I would say that this was the ‘booster dose of hard work, sincerity’ learned from my Father. Thank you Sir. Your debt can never be repaid. I made an honest attempt of following similar approach of imparting formal knowledge on the subject and shared with them ‘The Art Of Living’ on becoming a faculty member offering training to Bank Executives. I also acted as Paper examiner and Paper setter for 15 years as a part of social obligation. Even in my Service career and Professional Career, I followed this noble job of Teaching my assistants, colleagues and staff working with my clients. Today, I have also become a ‘Guru’ to many. Today, my day started with one such SMS. I am proud to say that my teaching is still remembered by all and they greet me by ‘Namaskar’ and do not shake hands whenever we meet. Many times I feel awkward when my students bow down to touch my feet even on a road or on in the office. They still look forward to my visit to their offices, so that they can share their problems and seek solutions. I hosted my website to share my knowledge, information and experience for the benefit of others.