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Secrets of Success on the EMR
Journey to Meaningful Use:
Leading Hospital CIOs Reveal Key Lessons Learned
Passage of the HITECH Act (part of the American                                                                                 Mounting Pressures
Reinvestment and Recovery Act, or ARRA) has prompted                                                                            on Health Systems
US hospitals to strive to implement and demonstrate                                                                             US hospitals are facing meaningful
“meaningful use”1 of electronic medical records (EMR). By                                                                       use requirements in a time of
                                                                                                                                unprecedented financial pressures.
Accenture’s estimates, nearly 90 percent of hospitals over
                                                                                                                                According to a recent study
the next three years will invest to install or upgrade their                                                                    published by the American Hospital
EMRs in an attempt to meet the government’s meaningful                                                                          Association (AHA), approximately
use requirements. The stakes are high for hospital leaders                                                                      one-third of all hospitals operated
and healthcare IT teams as they wade into this complex                                                                          with a loss in 2008.i Even high-
                                                                                                                                performing hospitals had difficulty
new environment. For those that navigate successfully,                                                                          navigating the challenging operating
evidence suggests opportunities for great improvements in                                                                       environment, given reimbursement
patient care delivery, outcomes and operating efficiencies.                                                                     rate cuts and a sustained period of
Recognizing hospitals’ need for insights and tools,                                                                             high unemployment. As the economy
                                                                                                                                eases toward recovery, hospital
Accenture surveyed 15 CIOs from US health systems that                                                                          executives will continue to confront
are currently EMR exemplars to glean their best practices                                                                       a series of new obstacles over
for driving a more successful utilization of EMR solutions.                                                                     the next five to ten years. Exhibit
                                                                                                                                1 highlights the forces bearing
                                                                                                                                down on healthcare providers.

Exhibit Pressures on the Operating Margins of Margins of
Exhibit 1: 1: Pressures on the Operating U.S. Hospitals US Hospitals
Impact of Market Forces on Provider Operating Margins
                                                                                                                           Additional costs
                       Medicare Rate Cuts                                                                Downward          and risks of reform

                                                                                                                                                 Top Line Impacts
                       up to 15% from                                                                    rate pressures    requirements
                       Healthcare Reform                                                                 from all payers   (e.g., ARRA)

                                            Ongoing increases
                                            in medical          Severe clinical &    IT costs increase
                                            supplies and        IT labor shortages   due to EMR and
                                            pharmaceutical      drive long-term      ICD-10

                                                                                                                                                 Bottom Line Impacts
                                            costs (~6–8%)       cost increases       implementation
                                            annually            (3–4% increase)      costs

      Current          Reimbursement          Increasing          Clinical and       Rising IT            Payer            Regulatory
      Operating        Cuts                   Cost                IT Labor           Investment           Pressures        Compliance
      Margin                                  Structure           Shortage           Costs                                 Costs
Source: Accenture analysis

     Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) defines meaningful use using three main components: “1. The use of a certified EHR in a meaningful manner; 2. The
    use of certified EHR technology for electronic exchange of health information to improve quality of health care (including e-prescribing in outpatient settings); and 3.
    The use of certified EHR technology to submit clinical quality and other measures.” For a full definition, please see:

HIMSS Stages of EMR Maturity vs. All US            Levels of Achievement
    Exhibit 2: HIMSS Stages of EMR Maturity vs. All U.S. Hospital Levels of Achievement
                                                                                                                                          Percent of Hospitals at
                                                                                                                                          Each Stage
                                Stage                                        Cumulative Capabilities                                         2008            2009
                                                   Complete EMR; CCD transactions to share data;

                                                                                                                                                                        Meaningful Use Threshold
    EMR                       Stage 7                                                                                                        0.3%            0.7%
                                                   data warehousing; data continuity with ED, ambulatory, OP

                                                   Physician documentation (structured templates), full CDSS
                              Stage 6                                                                                                        0.5%            1.6%
                                                   (variance & compliance), full R-PACS

                              Stage 5              Closed-loop medication administration                                                     2.5%            3.8%

                              Stage 4              CPOE, clinical decision support (clinical protocols)                                      2.5%            7.4%

                                                   Nursing/clinical documentation (flow sheets), CDSS (error
                              Stage 3              checking); PACS available outside Radiology
                                                                                                                                            35.7%            50.9%

                                                   CDR, controlled medical vocabulary, CDS, may have document
                              Stage 2                                                                                                       31.4%            16.9%
                                                   imaging; HIE capable

                              Stage 1              Ancillaries- lab, rad, pharmacy-all installed                                            11.5%            7.2%

        EMR                   Stage 0              All three ancillaries not installed                                                      15.6%            11.5%

    Source: HIMSS

    In the short term, mandates                                      Meanwhile, hospitals have come                                 Even as all these pressures intensify,                         Requirements to upgrade                  Accenture’s EMR Study                    10 percent of the total installed
    stemming from healthcare reform                                  under increasing cost pressures                                hospitals are being asked to make                              technological infrastructure and                                                  hospitals in the health systems we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            To help prepare our clients better for
    will present varying complications                               due to the shortage of qualified                               significant investments in their                               to comply with new mandates                                                       studied. Meditech and Quadramed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the EMR journey ahead, Accenture
    for hospitals. Some hospitals may                                nurses, primary care physicians                                healthcare IT infrastructures.                                 pose further top-line risks for                                                   healthcare solutions were also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            conducted interviews with the CIOs
    benefit from these mandates,                                     and clinically trained support staff.                          Regulations set forth by the                                   hospitals. To be sure, the HITECH                                                 installed in a small segment of our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of 15 leading US health systems,
    since reform will provide improved                               Labor costs typically account for 40                           World Health Organization (WHO)                                Act provides incentive payments to                                                total hospital population. [Note: We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            which range in revenue from $1
    healthcare coverage to approximately                             to 50 percent of hospital operating                            are prompting a shift to ICD-10                                encourage hospitals to adopt new                                                  are not recommending or supporting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            billion to $15 billion. Each system
    25 million Americans by 2015,                                    expenses.iv These costs will continue                          coding,2 which is expected to cost                             technology. However, it also contains                                             the implementation or use of one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            was advanced in its EMR maturity,
    and 32 million by 2019.ii Other                                  to increase as the industry struggles                          the industry $700 million to $2.7                              penalties that will be imposed on                                                 specific EMR technology or vendor.]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            having achieved at least Healthcare
    hospitals may suffer from reduced                                to hire, train and retain skilled                              billionvii through 2013 in one-time                            hospitals that fail to meet strict
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Information and Management
    public spending or shifting patient                              resources. The total healthcare labor                          implementations and upgrades.                                  implementation timelines. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Systems Society (HIMSS) Stage 4,
    mixes that adversely impact their                                gap may reach up to one million                                Additionally, ARRA stipulations,                               severity of these penalties varies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and nearly all expected to achieve
    reimbursement rates. Over the longer                             nurses, physicians and healthcare                              including financial incentives and                             based on a hospital’s size and patient
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            meaningful use before penalties
    term, however, reform (as currently                              IT resources by 2020,v representing                            penalties, accelerate the pace at                              mix. Still, Accenture estimates that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            begin in 2015. Study participants
    proposed) will almost assuredly hurt                             a shortage of almost 175 full-time                             which hospitals shift away from                                an average 500-bed facility would
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            represented diverse geographies in
    margins at all hospitals, owing to                               equivalents (FTEs) per                             paper-based medical records. The                               face annual reductions in Medicare
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            terms of their hospital footprints
    Medicare and Medicaid rate cuts                                                                                                 resulting massive transition to                                reimbursement rates equivalent to a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            – Northeast (3), Midwest (5), West
    of up to 11 percent per patient.iii                                                                                             EMRs may translate into annual                                 $3 million to $6 million fee annually
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (2) and South (5). One-third of our
                                                                                                                                    industry-wide expenditures of up to                            for failing to meet meaningful use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            participants represented academic
                                                                                                                                    $13 billion per yearviii in software,                          requirements by 2015. These fees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            medical centers. As Exhibit 3
                                                                                                                                    hardware, labor and support services.                          weigh on the minds of hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            highlights, the EMR vendors used by
                                                                                                                                                                                                   executives. As Exhibit 2 highlights,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            this group are also diverse; however,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   more than 85 percent of hospitals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            over half of the hospitals included
                                                                                                                                                                                                   are outside of the compliance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            in the participating systems were
                                                                                                                                                                                                   range for meaningful use today.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            using Epic or Cerner. Eclipsys, GE and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   By Accenture’s estimates, roughly
        ICD-10 is a coding of diseases and signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances and external causes of injury or diseases,                                                                                  McKesson each accounted for about
        as classified by WHO. The code set allows more than 14,400 different codes and permits the tracking of many new diagnoses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   half of US hospitals are at risk of
                                                                                                                                                                                                   incurring penalties starting in 2015.
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           3
Through our                            1. EMR planning and
                                              implementation must be a
                                                                                      translated to IT operating expenses
                                                                                      accounting for a larger percentage,
                                                                                                                              These insights point to the need for
    interviews as well                        strategic initiative, not an IT         nearly 200 basis points more, of
                                                                                      the hospital’s overall operating
                                                                                                                              adroit management of not only financial
                                              initiative – Having the passion,
    as quantitative                           influence, engagement and               budget. Evidence also suggests          resources but also programs, talent and
                                                                                      that these expense inflections are
    benchmarking,                             attention of a hospital system’s
                                              leadership from the outset was          sustained over the long term.           stakeholders during each stage of the EMR
    we identified six                         consistently cited by our study
                                              participants as a success driver.
                                                                                    4. The war for health IT talent is on     transition—whether it’s formulating an
    key insights that                      2. It takes longer and costs
                                                                                       – There is a significant shortage of
                                                                                       qualified health IT professionals to
                                                                                                                              implementation strategy, establishing a
    can help health                           more than most anticipate                meet the demand associated with
                                                                                       EMR implementation and support.
                                                                                                                              blueprint for change, enabling employees
                                              – Most of the health systems
    systems successfully                      in our benchmarking study                Nearly every CIO we interviewed        and teams to adopt new ways of doing
                                                                                       noted unfilled positions and
    navigate the EMR                          underestimated (by nearly 100
                                              percent) the time and costs              expressed concern about how their      things or embedding EMR use throughout
    journey:                                  associated with implementing
                                              advanced EMR functions, including
                                                                                       health system would source enough
                                                                                       talent from the marketplace,
                                                                                                                              the entire organization (Exhibit 4).
                                              clinical order entry, nursing
                                              and physician documentation,
                                                                                       including from EMR vendors to
                                                                                       meet longer-term demands.
                                                                                                                              Let’s now take a closer look at each
                                              clinical decision support and         5. Supporting EMR means thinking          of the six insights for successful
                                              bar-coding medication.                   differently about capability and
                                                                                       operating model needs – Hospital
                                                                                                                              EMR adoption and use.
                                           3. IT operating costs will spike,
                                              and managing them requires               CIOs noted the need to think
                                              leadership alignment and                 differently about capabilities
                                              patience – Benchmarking shows            required to support frontline
                                              that hospitals experience an             EMR users as well as to drive
                                              80 percent increase in their             optimization of EMR-derived
                                                                                       data through health analytics.
                                              IT operating expenses while                                                     Exhibit 4: Capabilities needed at at Each Stagethe the EMR Journey
                                                                                                                              Exhibit 4: Capabilities Needed each stage of of EMR journey
                                              transitioning to EMR. This               In terms of support (training,
                                                                                       service and troubleshooting), the
                                                                                       average hospital had to increase                                      Financial Management
                                                                                       the number of FTEs focused on
                                                                                       healthcare IT support by 45 percent
    Exhibit 3: EMR Vendors                                                             as it reached mature levels of
    Represented by Study Participants
    Exhibit 3: EMR Vendors Represented by Study Participants                           functionality and adoption.
                                                                                    6. Creating a culture for adoption is
                       5%                                                              essential – To achieve meaningful
                                                                                       use, 75 percent of the clinicians
                                                                                       in a hospital must, among other
          10%                                                           Cemer          things, demonstrate consistent use

                                    30%                                                of advanced EMR components,            Stakeholder                                                        Program
                                                                                       which include computerized             Management                                                         Management
                                                                        GE             physician order entry (CPOE),
       10%                                                                             physician documentation and
                                                                                       closed-loop administration.
                                                                        Meditech       Every CIO we spoke with talked
                                                                                       about the need for a sharp focus
          10%                30%                                        Siemens                                                                                 Optimization
                                                                                       on change management and
                                                                        Quadramed      workforce engagement to ensure
                                                                                       that key stakeholders, particularly
                                                                                       physicians, get behind the effort
                                                                                       and understand the benefits
                                                                                       of using these components.             Source: Accenture               Talent Management

4                                                                                                                                                                                                             5
Make EMR planning and implementation                                                                                         Exhibit 5: The Healthcare Ecosystem
                                                                                                                                 Exhibit 5: The Healthcare EcosystemHEALTHCARE ECOSYSTEM

    strategic initiatives, not IT initiatives                                                                                                       Patient
                                                                                                                                                                                          Consumer              Patient Health Record              Telehealth
                                                                                                                                                                                          Applications          (PHR)                              & Other
    Virtually all of the CIOs we              Our interviewees recommended             The desire of chief executives to
    interviewed noted that the key            developing an EMR business               improve outcomes through health
    to scoring early wins with EMR            case early for each major system         analytics set these organizations
    implementation was securing the           stakeholder, clarifying the clinical     on an accelerated path to EMR
                                                                                                                                                   Providers                                                                                                                                Payer
    passion and commitment of the             and financial benefits for all. One      planning and implementation. One
    CEO and the support of the hospital       CIO noted, “We were late in engaging     of our interviewees, in a system                            Hospitals                                                                                                                                Claims
    leadership team before embarking on       all of the physician stakeholders        recognized nationally for its success                           EMR                                                                                                                           Care Management
    the journey. Senior leaders must view     in the ‘collective’ opportunity; it      in driving health analytics, said that                    Rev Cycle PM                                                         Health
    and frame EMR as a driver of quality      was not wise to do it piecemeal.”        the organization’s EMR journey
    care delivery or, as one CIO put it, a                                             (which began almost 30 years ago)                         Ambulatory                                                         Connectivity                                                         Ancillary
                                              Our study participants also suggested
    chance to deliver high-quality care                                                was about capturing data in a way                               EMR
                                              that hospitals create a dedicated
    as a “system” to the communities                                                   that enabled thoughtful analysis                                                                                                                                                                       Lab
                                              position—the Chief Medical                                                                   Revenue Cycle/Practice
    that their organization serves. One                                                and decisions. Another noted                                                                                                                                                                      Pharmacy
                                              Informatics Officer (CMIO)—to serve                                                              Management
    leading hospital noted the passion                                                 that the CEO publicly put forth a                                                                                                                                                                 Radiology
                                              as a bridge between the healthcare
    behind leveraging its EMR to test                                                  vision for transforming the health                     Post-Acute Care
                                              IT organization and the hospital’s
    if consistent use of new clinical                                                  outcomes of the metropolitan area
                                              clinical and business operations.
    practices and standards improved                                                   that the organization served—and
                                              The structure of this role can vary.
    outcomes and reduced medical                                                       then identified EMR as the tool for
                                              However, in our observations, CMIOs
    errors with a population of lung                                                   realizing that vision. This health                                                     Quality Outcomes/                    Longitudinal                       Public Health
                                              report directly to the CIO or to the                                                            Community                                                                                                                                   Community
    cancer patients. Each participating                                                system has stated that its central                                                     Analytics                            Record Access                      Reporting
                                              Chief Medical Officer (CMO). In either
    hospital in our study noted that                                                   mission is to improve the health
                                              case, it is an important partnership                                               Source: Accenture
    EMR implementation was a strategic                                                 of all citizens in a substantial part
                                              for the CIO. A CMIO must possess a
    imperative for their health system.                                                of a very large metropolitan city.
                                              blend of deep clinical, technology and
    Framing the implementation in this                                                 It is investing hundreds of millions
                                              business management skills. He or she
    way helped leaders appropriate                                                     of dollars to establish a connected       Enterprise EMR Strategy                                         In addition, many of our participants                        Finally, most of the executives
                                              should also be backed by physician
    sufficient resources for the program                                               health community with neighboring                                                                         were subsidizing the costs of EMR                            we interviewed also had health
                                              engagement teams—groups of                                                         Many CIOs we interviewed said
    and make critical decisions on                                                     ambulatory physician groups. It is                                                                        implementation for their affiliated                          information exchange (HIE)3 on their
                                              clinically trained personnel who can                                               that they missed the opportunity
    capital investments and trade-offs.                                                also offering significant financial                                                                       physicians. This subsidization                               radar screen but noted that it was still
                                              “fight fires” and educate the clinical                                             to think, at the outset, about their
                                                                                       incentives to encourage these                                                                             ranged from 50 to 100 percent,                               “early days” in terms of planning and
    Our interviewees proposed                 community about EMR and its usage.                                                 enterprise’s EMR journey, which
                                                                                       affiliated physicians to adopt EMR                                                                        depending on the health system                               commitment to HIE. Several pointed
    three keys to success for the             During the EMR implementation, the                                                 included inpatient, outpatient and
                                                                                       technology solutions, which is critical                                                                   and on the independent physicians’                           out that HIE was getting more of
    EMR strategic planning process:           CMIO plays a central role in building                                              ancillary services. Today, more than
                                                                                       to enabling this connected network.                                                                       willingness to adopt a preferred EMR                         their attention, owing to overtures
    engagement strategy, vision               collaboration across the organization                                              85 percent of the health systems
                                                                                                                                                                                                 solution. All of the CIOs we spoke                           from vendors. However, they wished
    and enterprise EMR strategy.              and ensuring buy-in from physicians.     Indeed, the most frequently cited         we studied are proactively engaging
                                                                                                                                                                                                 with noted that, regardless of the                           they had spent more time earlier in
                                                                                       strategic objective by hospital CIOs      ambulatory physicians as part of
    Engagement Strategy                       Vision                                   participating in our interviews           their current EMR strategy, three
                                                                                                                                                                                                 degree of support, getting these                             the planning phases thinking about
                                                                                                                                                                                                 independent physicians on board                              goals for connectivity with others in
    CIOs stressed the importance              A subset of the CIOs we spoke            was ensuring high-quality patient         with significant financial incentives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 was more challenging than they                               their healthcare ecosystem, outside
    of engaging not only hospital             with articulated a vision for EMR        care and health outcomes. Yet             But they noted that doing this after
                                                                                                                                                                                                 anticipated, and that they fell far                          the walls of their own hospital. Many
    administrative leaders at the outset      implementation early in their            these hospitals also recognized the       the initial planning stage made it
                                                                                                                                                                                                 behind their target acceptance rates.                        felt that because of this lack of
    of the EMR journey but also physician     health system’s journey. But             importance of realizing the financial     more difficult to engage that group.                                                                                         early planning, they were now in a
    leaders. Many acknowledged that           rather than framing EMR as a             incentives for adopting EMR put
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              position of having to play catch up.
    rework (for example, of order             technology solution, they identified     forth by ARRA. Nearly all of the CIOs
    sets and clinical work flows) was         the clinical information and the         noted that their organizations had
    required later in their health system’s   associated health analytics that the     incorporated incentive payments into
    EMR implementation because                implementation would generate            their strategic and budgetary plans.
    of limited engagement early on.           to enable better care delivery and
    Turnover of key stakeholders and          outcomes. They thus defined EMR
    lack of inclusion of physician            as the vehicle for achieving a
    stakeholders, including community         goal that everyone in their health
    physicians, worsened the problem.         system cared deeply about.
                                                                                                                                     Health information exchange is the mobilization of healthcare information electronically across organizations within a region, community or hospital system.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        7
Count on needing more time and money                                                                                                           Expect your                               3), possibly in an application service
                                                                                                                                                                                             provider or cloud environment. Costs
    than you initially expected                                                                                                                    IT operating                              can also spike owing to an expansion
    Most of our survey respondents               Over time, the lion’s share of EMR                     The hospitals we                           costs to spike,                           in the number of staff members
                                                                                                                                                                                             using the EMR software, a rise in the
    vastly underestimated (by nearly
    100 percent) the time and costs
                                                 investment is dedicated to hardware,
                                                 software and training, which together
                                                                                                        surveyed reported using                    and manage IT                             number of FTEs required to support
                                                                                                        or considering the                                                                   more sophisticated EMR systems
    associated with implementing
    advanced EMR functions, including
                                                 constitute roughly 60 percent of
                                                 total EMR implementation costs.                        following practices to
                                                                                                                                                   operating expenses                        and the steady costs of software
    clinical order entry, nursing                However, these costs shrink over                       overcome cost- and time-                   through leadership                        licenses and upgrades. Interestingly,
                                                                                                                                                                                             after system implementation,
    and physician documentation,                 time, and the amount spent on
    clinical decision support and                support and maintenance labor
                                                                                                        management challenges:                     alignment and                             additional functionality (e.g.,
                                                                                                                                                                                             clinical decision support analytics)
    bar-coding medication.                       increases by about four times
                                                 over the average implementation
                                                                                                        •	 Establish	goals	and	plans	for	          patience                                  is sought, so the spend continues
                                                                                                           total cost of ownership targets                                                   to increase to meet greater value
    Many health systems                          time frame. Costs go from roughly
                                                                                                           throughout the EMR journey.             The increasing level of complexity        demand. As EMR systems continue
                                                 three percent of total spend to 12
    have difficulty taking into                                                                         •	 Track	performance	against	
                                                                                                                                                   of EMR solutions and the challenges       to pervade hospitals and replace or
                                                 percent of total spend (Exhibit 6).
    account the increasing                                                                                 the stated business case and
                                                                                                                                                   that accompany an advanced EMR            connect with additional clinical and
                                                                                                                                                   implementation often result in a          administrative functions, we estimate
    cost of securing and                                                                                   ensure and clarify who is
                                                                                                                                                   spike in IT operating expenses as         that the percentage of hospital staff
    employing healthcare IT                                                                                accountable for realizing each
                                                                                                                                                   a percentage of total operating           using an EMR could increase from
                                                                                                           of the benefits to that case.
    FTEs with clinical skills                                                                                                                      expenses (Exhibit 7). Data from our       40–50 percent to as much as 80–90
    and the time required                                                                               •	 Design	tailored	processes	and	          benchmarking study illustrates that       percent. In one leading hospital,
                                                                                                           clinical workflows to incorporate       on average, a hospital’s healthcare IT    approximately 75 percent of these
    to implement advanced                                                                                  EMR solutions at the start of the       operating expenses as a percentage of     FTEs were internally managed in the
    EMR functions fully.                                                                                   journey, instead of waiting until       total operating expenses increased by     short term. In the long term, the
                                                                                                           after solutions are already in place.   roughly 80 percent during an advanced     figure increased to approximately
    For example, the average time needed                                                                                                           EMR implementation. Moreover, our         95 percent at this hospital.
    to reach HIMSS Stage 6 (physician                                                                   •	 Use	real-time	feedback	loops	from	
                                                                                                           pilot studies to guide management       analysis highlighted that the increase
    documentation) was seven years,ix                                                                                                              in operating expenses, as the hospital    Managing through this inflection
    roughly double early expectations.                                                                     throughout the implementation.
                                                                                                                                                   reaches EMR maturity, is sustained.       in healthcare IT operating costs
    However, with the availability of                                                                                                              While actual expenditures may vary        requires confidence, alignment and
    more mature and certified EMRs on                                                                                                              across health systems, the increase in    patience. This is particularly true
    the market, we expect EMR adoption                                                                                                             IT operating expenses was a common        given the historical role and image
    at HIMSS Stage 6 will be reduced          Exhibit 6: Breakdown of Total EMR Market Spending                                                    theme with our survey participants.       of IT organizations in the average
    and perhaps achieved during the                                                                                                                                                          US hospital. IT spending historically
    initial go-live of such a system.                              Hardware, Software, Training Costs            Maintenance and Support Costs
                                                                                                                                                   In addition, analysis of available        accounted for less than three
    Our research suggests that the                                60%                                                                              data for HIMSS Stage 6 and 7              percent of total hospital revenue,
    average EMR implementation for                                                                                                                 hospitals shows that over time, IT        and the allotted IT budget typically
    a 500-bed hospital might take                                                                                                                  budgets as a percentage of revenue        represented less than four percent of
                                                                  50%                                                                              rose approximately 200 basis              the overall hospital budget (Exhibit
    roughly five to seven years, may
    cost approximately $50 million                                                                                                                 points as hospitals reached more          8). These percentages are much
    and could result in $5 million                                40%                                                                              sophisticated stages of EMR use.          smaller than in other US industries.
                                           % of Total EMR Costs

    to $6 million in government
    incentive payments if successful.x                            30%                                                                              This increase is driven by a number of
                                                                                                                                                   forces, including the need to create
                                                                                                                                                   interfaces with other hospital systems,
                                                                  20%                                                                              to design and manage middleware,
                                                                                                                                                   to support incremental servers and to
                                                                  10%                                                                              shift the level of data-center support
                                                                                                                                                   from higher tiers (many of our study
                                                                  0%                                                                               participants noted the need for Tier

                                                                        Year 1     Year 2     Year 3    Year 4     Year 5    Year 6     Year 7
                                               Source: Accenture Analysis

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9
Exhibit 7: Hospital IT operating expenses asas Percent of Total Operating Expenses
      Exhibit 7:         IT Operating Expenses Percent of total Operating Expenses                                                                              Exhibit 8: US provider IT Investment Relative to to Other US Industries
                                                                                                                                                                Exhibit 8: US Provider IT Investment Relative Other U.S. Industries
                                                                                                                                                                Sample US Provider Cost Waterfall Analysis
                   Hospital Benchmarking Data                                     Hospital Expectations             (n = 163 hospitals)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Relative to other major industries, providers have
             4.5%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    been slow to adapt IT as a means of strategic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     differentiation, as highlighted by the relatively
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     small IT spend as a percentage of revenue:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Financial Services:               5.7%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Information Technology:           5.5%
             3.5%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - Professional Services:            4.7%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Media:                            4.6%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Telecommunications:               4.3%
             3.0%                                                                                                                                                                             17%                                                                    - Education:                        4.3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Insurance:                        3.3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Pharmaceuticals:                  3.2%
             2.5%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - Hospitality:                      3.2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Travel:                           3.1%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Healthcare Providers:             2.7%
             2.0%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - Electronics:                      2.7%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Consumer Products:                2.5%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Retail:                           1.8%
                                                                                                                                                                 Revenue        Labor       Supplies        Bad         IT            Other       EBITDA
               Low EMR Maturity                                                                                                             High EMR Maturity                   Costs                       Debt        Expense       OPEX        Margin

     Source: Accenture’s 2010 EMR Survey & Benchmarking Survey                                                                                                  Source: THC Financials, Caris & Company Analysis, Accenture Survey Information; Gartner IT Key Metrics Data 2010

     To manage through the operating
     costs increases, many of our
                                                                        now placed through this simplified,
                                                                        standard set—a noted key to success.
                                                                                                                     Win the war for                            additional 51,000 healthcare IT
                                                                                                                                                                workers will be needed over the next
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     But healthcare IT workers are not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the only talent that hospitals need
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Most clinicians leave because of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           understaffing and the assignment
     interviewees recommended                                           Standardizing order sets not only            health IT talent                           five years to meet these challenges.                 to be concerned about. Clinicians
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     constitute another crucial category
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of administrative responsibilities to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           them by hospitals seeking to provide
     standardizing order sets.4 Our                                     strengthens a health system’s ability                                                   Hospitals, EMR vendors and systems
     research shows wide variation in                                   to analyze data, it also makes it easier     There is a significant shortage of         integrators are all competing with                   of talent. And many hospitals view                    more service using fewer resources.
     the number of order sets across the                                for the system to use the clinical           qualified health IT professionals to       one another for these scarce workers.                implementing an EMR system as a                       While there is no simple solution for
     study participants—from just 100 to                                decision support system (CDSS) and           support EMR implementation demand                                                               way to retain and attract their clinical              solving clinician staffing shortages
                                                                                                                     in the next three to five years. Nearly    “The skills shortage is real,” said the
     upwards of 2,500. Many participants                                to predict maintenance costs.                                                                                                                workforce. Employee dissatisfaction                   in the short term, EMR may improve
                                                                                                                     every CIO we interviewed noted             CIO of a $3 billion health system
     conducted analyses revealing that                                                                                                                                                                               and turnover are widespread problems                  engagement among these and other
                                                                                                                     unfilled positions and expressed           that participated in our study. “At
     numerous order sets were simply                                                                                                                                                                                 for hospitals and can significantly                   employees by increasing work flow
                                                                                                                     concerns about how to source               any given time, I have 50 unfilled
     not being used in their health                                                                                                                                                                                  increase annual operating expenses.                   efficiency. Take a large Midwestern
                                                                                                                     enough talent from the marketplace         IT roles. Like my peers, I need to
     system. They were able to rationalize                                                                                                                                                                           For example, the average turnover                     health system as an example. The
                                                                                                                     (and even from their EMR vendors)          be focused on finding the right
     at least 50 percent of them; for                                                                                                                                                                                rate for nurses across the US is 13.9                 organization incorporated clinical
                                                                                                                     and how to prevent attrition.              skills (first) and at the right price
     example, by omitting those that                                                                                                                                                                                 percent per year. It is not uncommon                  treatment protocols into its EMR
                                                                                                                     Accenture’s research shows that            (second).” Another interviewee noted,
     were not being consistently utilized                                                                                                                                                                            for hospitals to pay signing and                      system, expediting the ordering of
                                                                                                                     reaching EMR maturity requires 0.2         “We could have 25 percent more
     across the system. This dramatically                                                                                                                                                                            retention bonuses as large as $25,000                 radiological tests, chemotherapy and
                                                                                                                     healthcare IT FTEs per hospital bed.       people in our IT department, but
     reduced the complexity of managing,                                                                                                                                                                             to secure qualified nurses. Add to that               medications.xi These changes reduced
                                                                                                                     That translates into a requisite supply    that would still not be enough to
     supporting and utilizing their EMR                                                                                                                                                                              the costs of internal recruiting and                  strain on clinical staff—which in turn
                                                                                                                     of approximately 155,000 FTEs in the       properly support our EMR system.”
     solution. One leading hospital noted                                                                                                                                                                            training for new hires, and turnover                  improved provider satisfaction (as
     going from several thousand to a                                                                                US. Gartner estimates that there are       Another challenge facing hospitals                   becomes alarmingly expensive.                         measured through formal surveys).
     few hundred order sets and cites                                                                                about 110,000 skilled IT FTEs in today’s   is how to keep their current IT
     that 60–65 percent of its orders are                                                                            workforce, creating a deficit of nearly    staff up to date on training. As
                                                                                                                     50,000. The Office of the National         eHealth solutions become more
                                                                                                                     Coordinator for Health Information         sophisticated, hospitals must identify
         An order set is a standardized list of orders for a specific diagnosis. These orders have been developed
         by a team of physicians who consult medical literature for evidence-based standards.
                                                                                                                     Technology also estimates that an          ways to ensure that their current IT
                                                                                                                                                                employees have the skills needed to
                                                                                                                                                                manage and use these solutions.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11
To address the intensifying war for healthcare talent, our                       Think differently   Hospital CIOs in our study noted
                                                                                                           the need to think differently about
                                                                                                                                                    In addition, our interviewees noted
                                                                                                                                                    that they expected to encounter
      survey participants recommended the following practices:
                                               •	 Consider	creating	a	separate	
                                                                                       about your          the capabilities required to support     challenges in supporting huge
      •	 Focus	on	being	an	“employer	                                                                      frontline EMR users and to optimize      volumes of electronic data (whether
         of choice” for the brightest IT          organization to house specialized    capability needs    EMR-derived data through analytics.      for electronic medical records or
                                                  healthcare IT talent. Within
         professionals who are evaluating
         potential health systems as well         this organization, offer a more      for tomorrow’s      In terms of support (training, service
                                                                                                           and troubleshooting), the number
                                                                                                                                                    electronic health records, EHRs),
                                                                                                                                                    securing data integrity and
         as jobs in other industries.             attractive benefits package
                                                  and a different career model;
                                                                                       information-        of FTEs hired by the average hospital
                                                                                                           increased by 45 percent as it reached
                                                                                                                                                    supporting health analytics needs.
                                                                                                                                                    One CIO noted concerns he and
      •	 Create	talent	development	
         programs specifically for
                                                  for instance, opportunities to       powered             mature levels of EMR functionality       his peers had with analyzing and
                                                  progress rapidly in the job and to                       and adoption. In addition, our data      managing huge amounts of data.
         healthcare IT specialists.
                                                  earn more competitive salaries       environment         showed that mature EMR users             Most CIOs noted the importance
      •	 Take	advantage	of	third-party	           than what would typically be                             rely on more clinically trained          of the CMIO in surmounting these
         sourcing pools for IT workers,           provided through health systems’                         resources, such as registered nurses     challenges. But they also lamented
         either onshore or offshore.              traditional modest pay increases.                        and pharmacists, for EMR support         that deep data warehousing,
                                                  You may be able to source those                          and optimization. On average,            statistical and informatics skills
      •	 Establish	in-house	education	
                                                  skills to different hospitals in                         approximately 30 percent of the          do not reside in the average US
         departments to provide the
                                                  your health system during your                           mature EMR IT organizations in our       hospital. Indeed, HIMSS estimates
         latest training for IT staff.
                                                  organization’s EMR journey.                              study consisted of clinically trained    that only 25 percent of US hospitals
      •	 Forge	partnerships	with	local	                                                                    resources—dramatic increases from        have any data warehouse or mining
                                               •	 Establish	a	vendor-sponsored	
         colleges; for example, by setting                                                                 their early stages (Exhibit 9).          capabilities. One leading practice
                                                  “boot camp”—a local training
         up internship programs for IT work.                                                                                                        that Accenture has helped implement
                                                  camp to retool IT professionals
                                                                                                                                                    for clients is the VIP Helpdesk for
                                                  in the area. You can draw on the
                                                  resulting talent pool to support                                                                  physicians. (See sidebar “Spotlight
                                                  your health system’s needs.                                                                       on Accenture’s Service Desk”).

     “Training is key, retention is key,” said one                                     Spotlight on        Accenture is working with                Accenture’s Service Desk is
                                                                                                           a large academic health                  a single point of contact
      CIO of a large academic medical center.                                          Accenture’s         system on a connected                    for all application and
     “Candidates come not only from existing                                           Service Desk        health technology initiative             infrastructure and support
      IT staff, but also from physicians, nurses                                                           to improve patient                       needs. The solution lets
                                                                                                           care while maximizing                    users call the same number
      and technicians always looking for                                                                   operational efficiency                   they use today; however,
      aptitude. This is a good time to identify                                                            and effectiveness. Earlier               the calls are rerouted to
                                                                                                           this year, the organization              Tier 1 specialists based
      people who are looking for career change                                                             received the highest level               upon routing criteria
      or development,” added this CIO.                                                                     designation (Stage 7)                    and user demographic
                                                                                                           for its EMR from HIMSS                   information. The solution
                                                                                                           Analytics, the industry                  also includes other multiple
                                                                                                           organization focused on                  contact channels, including
                                                                                                           the use of information                   email, chat and voicemail,
                                                                                                           technology in healthcare.                to reach the service desk,
                                                                                                                                                    as well as providing the
                                                                                                                                                    self-service portal.

12                                                                                                                                                                                         13
Secrets To Success On The Journey To Meaningful Use
Secrets To Success On The Journey To Meaningful Use
Secrets To Success On The Journey To Meaningful Use

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Secrets To Success On The Journey To Meaningful Use

  • 1. Secrets of Success on the EMR Journey to Meaningful Use: Leading Hospital CIOs Reveal Key Lessons Learned
  • 2. Passage of the HITECH Act (part of the American Mounting Pressures Reinvestment and Recovery Act, or ARRA) has prompted on Health Systems US hospitals to strive to implement and demonstrate US hospitals are facing meaningful “meaningful use”1 of electronic medical records (EMR). By use requirements in a time of unprecedented financial pressures. Accenture’s estimates, nearly 90 percent of hospitals over According to a recent study the next three years will invest to install or upgrade their published by the American Hospital EMRs in an attempt to meet the government’s meaningful Association (AHA), approximately use requirements. The stakes are high for hospital leaders one-third of all hospitals operated and healthcare IT teams as they wade into this complex with a loss in 2008.i Even high- performing hospitals had difficulty new environment. For those that navigate successfully, navigating the challenging operating evidence suggests opportunities for great improvements in environment, given reimbursement patient care delivery, outcomes and operating efficiencies. rate cuts and a sustained period of Recognizing hospitals’ need for insights and tools, high unemployment. As the economy eases toward recovery, hospital Accenture surveyed 15 CIOs from US health systems that executives will continue to confront are currently EMR exemplars to glean their best practices a series of new obstacles over for driving a more successful utilization of EMR solutions. the next five to ten years. Exhibit 1 highlights the forces bearing down on healthcare providers. Exhibit Pressures on the Operating Margins of Margins of Exhibit 1: 1: Pressures on the Operating U.S. Hospitals US Hospitals Impact of Market Forces on Provider Operating Margins Additional costs Medicare Rate Cuts Downward and risks of reform Top Line Impacts up to 15% from rate pressures requirements Healthcare Reform from all payers (e.g., ARRA) Ongoing increases in medical Severe clinical & IT costs increase supplies and IT labor shortages due to EMR and pharmaceutical drive long-term ICD-10 Bottom Line Impacts costs (~6–8%) cost increases implementation annually (3–4% increase) costs Current Reimbursement Increasing Clinical and Rising IT Payer Regulatory Operating Cuts Cost IT Labor Investment Pressures Compliance Margin Structure Shortage Costs Costs Source: Accenture analysis 1 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) defines meaningful use using three main components: “1. The use of a certified EHR in a meaningful manner; 2. The use of certified EHR technology for electronic exchange of health information to improve quality of health care (including e-prescribing in outpatient settings); and 3. The use of certified EHR technology to submit clinical quality and other measures.” For a full definition, please see: 1
  • 3. HIMSS Stages of EMR Maturity vs. All US Levels of Achievement Exhibit 2: HIMSS Stages of EMR Maturity vs. All U.S. Hospital Levels of Achievement Percent of Hospitals at Each Stage Stage Cumulative Capabilities 2008 2009 Mature Complete EMR; CCD transactions to share data; Meaningful Use Threshold EMR Stage 7 0.3% 0.7% data warehousing; data continuity with ED, ambulatory, OP Physician documentation (structured templates), full CDSS Stage 6 0.5% 1.6% (variance & compliance), full R-PACS Stage 5 Closed-loop medication administration 2.5% 3.8% Stage 4 CPOE, clinical decision support (clinical protocols) 2.5% 7.4% Nursing/clinical documentation (flow sheets), CDSS (error Stage 3 checking); PACS available outside Radiology 35.7% 50.9% CDR, controlled medical vocabulary, CDS, may have document Stage 2 31.4% 16.9% imaging; HIE capable Stage 1 Ancillaries- lab, rad, pharmacy-all installed 11.5% 7.2% No EMR Stage 0 All three ancillaries not installed 15.6% 11.5% Source: HIMSS In the short term, mandates Meanwhile, hospitals have come Even as all these pressures intensify, Requirements to upgrade Accenture’s EMR Study 10 percent of the total installed stemming from healthcare reform under increasing cost pressures hospitals are being asked to make technological infrastructure and hospitals in the health systems we To help prepare our clients better for will present varying complications due to the shortage of qualified significant investments in their to comply with new mandates studied. Meditech and Quadramed the EMR journey ahead, Accenture for hospitals. Some hospitals may nurses, primary care physicians healthcare IT infrastructures. pose further top-line risks for healthcare solutions were also conducted interviews with the CIOs benefit from these mandates, and clinically trained support staff. Regulations set forth by the hospitals. To be sure, the HITECH installed in a small segment of our of 15 leading US health systems, since reform will provide improved Labor costs typically account for 40 World Health Organization (WHO) Act provides incentive payments to total hospital population. [Note: We which range in revenue from $1 healthcare coverage to approximately to 50 percent of hospital operating are prompting a shift to ICD-10 encourage hospitals to adopt new are not recommending or supporting billion to $15 billion. Each system 25 million Americans by 2015, expenses.iv These costs will continue coding,2 which is expected to cost technology. However, it also contains the implementation or use of one was advanced in its EMR maturity, and 32 million by 2019.ii Other to increase as the industry struggles the industry $700 million to $2.7 penalties that will be imposed on specific EMR technology or vendor.] having achieved at least Healthcare hospitals may suffer from reduced to hire, train and retain skilled billionvii through 2013 in one-time hospitals that fail to meet strict Information and Management public spending or shifting patient resources. The total healthcare labor implementations and upgrades. implementation timelines. The Systems Society (HIMSS) Stage 4, mixes that adversely impact their gap may reach up to one million Additionally, ARRA stipulations, severity of these penalties varies and nearly all expected to achieve reimbursement rates. Over the longer nurses, physicians and healthcare including financial incentives and based on a hospital’s size and patient meaningful use before penalties term, however, reform (as currently IT resources by 2020,v representing penalties, accelerate the pace at mix. Still, Accenture estimates that begin in 2015. Study participants proposed) will almost assuredly hurt a shortage of almost 175 full-time which hospitals shift away from an average 500-bed facility would represented diverse geographies in margins at all hospitals, owing to equivalents (FTEs) per paper-based medical records. The face annual reductions in Medicare terms of their hospital footprints Medicare and Medicaid rate cuts resulting massive transition to reimbursement rates equivalent to a – Northeast (3), Midwest (5), West of up to 11 percent per patient.iii EMRs may translate into annual $3 million to $6 million fee annually (2) and South (5). One-third of our industry-wide expenditures of up to for failing to meet meaningful use participants represented academic $13 billion per yearviii in software, requirements by 2015. These fees medical centers. As Exhibit 3 hardware, labor and support services. weigh on the minds of hospital highlights, the EMR vendors used by executives. As Exhibit 2 highlights, this group are also diverse; however, more than 85 percent of hospitals over half of the hospitals included are outside of the compliance in the participating systems were range for meaningful use today. using Epic or Cerner. Eclipsys, GE and By Accenture’s estimates, roughly 2 ICD-10 is a coding of diseases and signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances and external causes of injury or diseases, McKesson each accounted for about as classified by WHO. The code set allows more than 14,400 different codes and permits the tracking of many new diagnoses. half of US hospitals are at risk of incurring penalties starting in 2015. 2 3
  • 4. Through our 1. EMR planning and implementation must be a translated to IT operating expenses accounting for a larger percentage, These insights point to the need for interviews as well strategic initiative, not an IT nearly 200 basis points more, of the hospital’s overall operating adroit management of not only financial initiative – Having the passion, as quantitative influence, engagement and budget. Evidence also suggests resources but also programs, talent and that these expense inflections are benchmarking, attention of a hospital system’s leadership from the outset was sustained over the long term. stakeholders during each stage of the EMR we identified six consistently cited by our study participants as a success driver. 4. The war for health IT talent is on transition—whether it’s formulating an key insights that 2. It takes longer and costs – There is a significant shortage of qualified health IT professionals to implementation strategy, establishing a can help health more than most anticipate meet the demand associated with EMR implementation and support. blueprint for change, enabling employees – Most of the health systems systems successfully in our benchmarking study Nearly every CIO we interviewed and teams to adopt new ways of doing noted unfilled positions and navigate the EMR underestimated (by nearly 100 percent) the time and costs expressed concern about how their things or embedding EMR use throughout journey: associated with implementing advanced EMR functions, including health system would source enough talent from the marketplace, the entire organization (Exhibit 4). clinical order entry, nursing and physician documentation, including from EMR vendors to meet longer-term demands. Let’s now take a closer look at each clinical decision support and 5. Supporting EMR means thinking of the six insights for successful bar-coding medication. differently about capability and operating model needs – Hospital EMR adoption and use. 3. IT operating costs will spike, and managing them requires CIOs noted the need to think leadership alignment and differently about capabilities patience – Benchmarking shows required to support frontline that hospitals experience an EMR users as well as to drive 80 percent increase in their optimization of EMR-derived data through health analytics. IT operating expenses while Exhibit 4: Capabilities needed at at Each Stagethe the EMR Journey Exhibit 4: Capabilities Needed each stage of of EMR journey transitioning to EMR. This In terms of support (training, service and troubleshooting), the average hospital had to increase Financial Management the number of FTEs focused on healthcare IT support by 45 percent Exhibit 3: EMR Vendors as it reached mature levels of Represented by Study Participants Exhibit 3: EMR Vendors Represented by Study Participants functionality and adoption. Blueprint 6. Creating a culture for adoption is 5% essential – To achieve meaningful 5% use, 75 percent of the clinicians Epic in a hospital must, among other 10% Cemer things, demonstrate consistent use Enablement Strategy 30% of advanced EMR components, Stakeholder Program Eclipsys which include computerized Management Management GE physician order entry (CPOE), 10% physician documentation and McKesson closed-loop administration. Meditech Every CIO we spoke with talked about the need for a sharp focus 10% 30% Siemens Optimization on change management and Quadramed workforce engagement to ensure that key stakeholders, particularly physicians, get behind the effort and understand the benefits of using these components. Source: Accenture Talent Management 4 5
  • 5. Make EMR planning and implementation Exhibit 5: The Healthcare Ecosystem Exhibit 5: The Healthcare EcosystemHEALTHCARE ECOSYSTEM strategic initiatives, not IT initiatives Patient Consumer Patient Health Record Telehealth Patient Applications (PHR) & Other Virtually all of the CIOs we Our interviewees recommended The desire of chief executives to interviewed noted that the key developing an EMR business improve outcomes through health to scoring early wins with EMR case early for each major system analytics set these organizations implementation was securing the stakeholder, clarifying the clinical on an accelerated path to EMR Providers Payer passion and commitment of the and financial benefits for all. One planning and implementation. One CEO and the support of the hospital CIO noted, “We were late in engaging of our interviewees, in a system Hospitals Claims leadership team before embarking on all of the physician stakeholders recognized nationally for its success EMR Care Management the journey. Senior leaders must view in the ‘collective’ opportunity; it in driving health analytics, said that Rev Cycle PM Health and frame EMR as a driver of quality was not wise to do it piecemeal.” the organization’s EMR journey Exchange care delivery or, as one CIO put it, a (which began almost 30 years ago) Ambulatory Connectivity Ancillary Our study participants also suggested chance to deliver high-quality care was about capturing data in a way EMR that hospitals create a dedicated as a “system” to the communities that enabled thoughtful analysis Lab position—the Chief Medical Revenue Cycle/Practice that their organization serves. One and decisions. Another noted Pharmacy Informatics Officer (CMIO)—to serve Management leading hospital noted the passion that the CEO publicly put forth a Radiology as a bridge between the healthcare behind leveraging its EMR to test vision for transforming the health Post-Acute Care IT organization and the hospital’s if consistent use of new clinical outcomes of the metropolitan area clinical and business operations. practices and standards improved that the organization served—and The structure of this role can vary. outcomes and reduced medical then identified EMR as the tool for However, in our observations, CMIOs errors with a population of lung realizing that vision. This health Quality Outcomes/ Longitudinal Public Health report directly to the CIO or to the Community Community cancer patients. Each participating system has stated that its central Analytics Record Access Reporting Chief Medical Officer (CMO). In either hospital in our study noted that mission is to improve the health case, it is an important partnership Source: Accenture EMR implementation was a strategic of all citizens in a substantial part for the CIO. A CMIO must possess a imperative for their health system. of a very large metropolitan city. blend of deep clinical, technology and Framing the implementation in this It is investing hundreds of millions business management skills. He or she way helped leaders appropriate of dollars to establish a connected Enterprise EMR Strategy In addition, many of our participants Finally, most of the executives should also be backed by physician sufficient resources for the program health community with neighboring were subsidizing the costs of EMR we interviewed also had health engagement teams—groups of Many CIOs we interviewed said and make critical decisions on ambulatory physician groups. It is implementation for their affiliated information exchange (HIE)3 on their clinically trained personnel who can that they missed the opportunity capital investments and trade-offs. also offering significant financial physicians. This subsidization radar screen but noted that it was still “fight fires” and educate the clinical to think, at the outset, about their incentives to encourage these ranged from 50 to 100 percent, “early days” in terms of planning and Our interviewees proposed community about EMR and its usage. enterprise’s EMR journey, which affiliated physicians to adopt EMR depending on the health system commitment to HIE. Several pointed three keys to success for the During the EMR implementation, the included inpatient, outpatient and technology solutions, which is critical and on the independent physicians’ out that HIE was getting more of EMR strategic planning process: CMIO plays a central role in building ancillary services. Today, more than to enabling this connected network. willingness to adopt a preferred EMR their attention, owing to overtures engagement strategy, vision collaboration across the organization 85 percent of the health systems solution. All of the CIOs we spoke from vendors. However, they wished and enterprise EMR strategy. and ensuring buy-in from physicians. Indeed, the most frequently cited we studied are proactively engaging with noted that, regardless of the they had spent more time earlier in strategic objective by hospital CIOs ambulatory physicians as part of Engagement Strategy Vision participating in our interviews their current EMR strategy, three degree of support, getting these the planning phases thinking about independent physicians on board goals for connectivity with others in CIOs stressed the importance A subset of the CIOs we spoke was ensuring high-quality patient with significant financial incentives. was more challenging than they their healthcare ecosystem, outside of engaging not only hospital with articulated a vision for EMR care and health outcomes. Yet But they noted that doing this after anticipated, and that they fell far the walls of their own hospital. Many administrative leaders at the outset implementation early in their these hospitals also recognized the the initial planning stage made it behind their target acceptance rates. felt that because of this lack of of the EMR journey but also physician health system’s journey. But importance of realizing the financial more difficult to engage that group. early planning, they were now in a leaders. Many acknowledged that rather than framing EMR as a incentives for adopting EMR put position of having to play catch up. rework (for example, of order technology solution, they identified forth by ARRA. Nearly all of the CIOs sets and clinical work flows) was the clinical information and the noted that their organizations had required later in their health system’s associated health analytics that the incorporated incentive payments into EMR implementation because implementation would generate their strategic and budgetary plans. of limited engagement early on. to enable better care delivery and Turnover of key stakeholders and outcomes. They thus defined EMR lack of inclusion of physician as the vehicle for achieving a stakeholders, including community goal that everyone in their health physicians, worsened the problem. system cared deeply about. 3 Health information exchange is the mobilization of healthcare information electronically across organizations within a region, community or hospital system. 6 7
  • 6. Count on needing more time and money Expect your 3), possibly in an application service provider or cloud environment. Costs than you initially expected IT operating can also spike owing to an expansion Most of our survey respondents Over time, the lion’s share of EMR The hospitals we costs to spike, in the number of staff members using the EMR software, a rise in the vastly underestimated (by nearly 100 percent) the time and costs investment is dedicated to hardware, software and training, which together surveyed reported using and manage IT number of FTEs required to support or considering the more sophisticated EMR systems associated with implementing advanced EMR functions, including constitute roughly 60 percent of total EMR implementation costs. following practices to operating expenses and the steady costs of software clinical order entry, nursing However, these costs shrink over overcome cost- and time- through leadership licenses and upgrades. Interestingly, after system implementation, and physician documentation, time, and the amount spent on clinical decision support and support and maintenance labor management challenges: alignment and additional functionality (e.g., clinical decision support analytics) bar-coding medication. increases by about four times over the average implementation • Establish goals and plans for patience is sought, so the spend continues total cost of ownership targets to increase to meet greater value Many health systems time frame. Costs go from roughly throughout the EMR journey. The increasing level of complexity demand. As EMR systems continue three percent of total spend to 12 have difficulty taking into • Track performance against of EMR solutions and the challenges to pervade hospitals and replace or percent of total spend (Exhibit 6). account the increasing the stated business case and that accompany an advanced EMR connect with additional clinical and implementation often result in a administrative functions, we estimate cost of securing and ensure and clarify who is spike in IT operating expenses as that the percentage of hospital staff employing healthcare IT accountable for realizing each a percentage of total operating using an EMR could increase from of the benefits to that case. FTEs with clinical skills expenses (Exhibit 7). Data from our 40–50 percent to as much as 80–90 and the time required • Design tailored processes and benchmarking study illustrates that percent. In one leading hospital, clinical workflows to incorporate on average, a hospital’s healthcare IT approximately 75 percent of these to implement advanced EMR solutions at the start of the operating expenses as a percentage of FTEs were internally managed in the EMR functions fully. journey, instead of waiting until total operating expenses increased by short term. In the long term, the after solutions are already in place. roughly 80 percent during an advanced figure increased to approximately For example, the average time needed EMR implementation. Moreover, our 95 percent at this hospital. to reach HIMSS Stage 6 (physician • Use real-time feedback loops from pilot studies to guide management analysis highlighted that the increase documentation) was seven years,ix in operating expenses, as the hospital Managing through this inflection roughly double early expectations. throughout the implementation. reaches EMR maturity, is sustained. in healthcare IT operating costs However, with the availability of While actual expenditures may vary requires confidence, alignment and more mature and certified EMRs on across health systems, the increase in patience. This is particularly true the market, we expect EMR adoption IT operating expenses was a common given the historical role and image at HIMSS Stage 6 will be reduced Exhibit 6: Breakdown of Total EMR Market Spending theme with our survey participants. of IT organizations in the average and perhaps achieved during the US hospital. IT spending historically initial go-live of such a system. Hardware, Software, Training Costs Maintenance and Support Costs In addition, analysis of available accounted for less than three Our research suggests that the 60% data for HIMSS Stage 6 and 7 percent of total hospital revenue, average EMR implementation for hospitals shows that over time, IT and the allotted IT budget typically a 500-bed hospital might take budgets as a percentage of revenue represented less than four percent of 50% rose approximately 200 basis the overall hospital budget (Exhibit roughly five to seven years, may cost approximately $50 million points as hospitals reached more 8). These percentages are much and could result in $5 million 40% sophisticated stages of EMR use. smaller than in other US industries. % of Total EMR Costs to $6 million in government incentive payments if successful.x 30% This increase is driven by a number of forces, including the need to create interfaces with other hospital systems, 20% to design and manage middleware, to support incremental servers and to 10% shift the level of data-center support from higher tiers (many of our study 0% participants noted the need for Tier Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Source: Accenture Analysis 8 9
  • 7. Exhibit 7: Hospital IT operating expenses asas Percent of Total Operating Expenses Exhibit 7: IT Operating Expenses Percent of total Operating Expenses Exhibit 8: US provider IT Investment Relative to to Other US Industries Exhibit 8: US Provider IT Investment Relative Other U.S. Industries Sample US Provider Cost Waterfall Analysis Hospital Benchmarking Data Hospital Expectations (n = 163 hospitals) Relative to other major industries, providers have 4.5% been slow to adapt IT as a means of strategic differentiation, as highlighted by the relatively small IT spend as a percentage of revenue: 43% 4.0% - Financial Services: 5.7% - Information Technology: 5.5% 3.5% - Professional Services: 4.7% - Media: 4.6% - Telecommunications: 4.3% 3.0% 17% - Education: 4.3% - Insurance: 3.3% - Pharmaceuticals: 3.2% 8% 2.5% - Hospitality: 3.2% 3% - Travel: 3.1% - Healthcare Providers: 2.7% 18% 2.0% - Electronics: 2.7% 11% - Consumer Products: 2.5% - Retail: 1.8% 1.5% Revenue Labor Supplies Bad IT Other EBITDA Low EMR Maturity High EMR Maturity Costs Debt Expense OPEX Margin Source: Accenture’s 2010 EMR Survey & Benchmarking Survey Source: THC Financials, Caris & Company Analysis, Accenture Survey Information; Gartner IT Key Metrics Data 2010 To manage through the operating costs increases, many of our now placed through this simplified, standard set—a noted key to success. Win the war for additional 51,000 healthcare IT workers will be needed over the next But healthcare IT workers are not the only talent that hospitals need Most clinicians leave because of understaffing and the assignment interviewees recommended Standardizing order sets not only health IT talent five years to meet these challenges. to be concerned about. Clinicians constitute another crucial category of administrative responsibilities to them by hospitals seeking to provide standardizing order sets.4 Our strengthens a health system’s ability Hospitals, EMR vendors and systems research shows wide variation in to analyze data, it also makes it easier There is a significant shortage of integrators are all competing with of talent. And many hospitals view more service using fewer resources. the number of order sets across the for the system to use the clinical qualified health IT professionals to one another for these scarce workers. implementing an EMR system as a While there is no simple solution for study participants—from just 100 to decision support system (CDSS) and support EMR implementation demand way to retain and attract their clinical solving clinician staffing shortages in the next three to five years. Nearly “The skills shortage is real,” said the upwards of 2,500. Many participants to predict maintenance costs. workforce. Employee dissatisfaction in the short term, EMR may improve every CIO we interviewed noted CIO of a $3 billion health system conducted analyses revealing that and turnover are widespread problems engagement among these and other unfilled positions and expressed that participated in our study. “At numerous order sets were simply for hospitals and can significantly employees by increasing work flow concerns about how to source any given time, I have 50 unfilled not being used in their health increase annual operating expenses. efficiency. Take a large Midwestern enough talent from the marketplace IT roles. Like my peers, I need to system. They were able to rationalize For example, the average turnover health system as an example. The (and even from their EMR vendors) be focused on finding the right at least 50 percent of them; for rate for nurses across the US is 13.9 organization incorporated clinical and how to prevent attrition. skills (first) and at the right price example, by omitting those that percent per year. It is not uncommon treatment protocols into its EMR Accenture’s research shows that (second).” Another interviewee noted, were not being consistently utilized for hospitals to pay signing and system, expediting the ordering of reaching EMR maturity requires 0.2 “We could have 25 percent more across the system. This dramatically retention bonuses as large as $25,000 radiological tests, chemotherapy and healthcare IT FTEs per hospital bed. people in our IT department, but reduced the complexity of managing, to secure qualified nurses. Add to that medications.xi These changes reduced That translates into a requisite supply that would still not be enough to supporting and utilizing their EMR the costs of internal recruiting and strain on clinical staff—which in turn of approximately 155,000 FTEs in the properly support our EMR system.” solution. One leading hospital noted training for new hires, and turnover improved provider satisfaction (as going from several thousand to a US. Gartner estimates that there are Another challenge facing hospitals becomes alarmingly expensive. measured through formal surveys). few hundred order sets and cites about 110,000 skilled IT FTEs in today’s is how to keep their current IT that 60–65 percent of its orders are workforce, creating a deficit of nearly staff up to date on training. As 50,000. The Office of the National eHealth solutions become more 4 Coordinator for Health Information sophisticated, hospitals must identify An order set is a standardized list of orders for a specific diagnosis. These orders have been developed by a team of physicians who consult medical literature for evidence-based standards. Technology also estimates that an ways to ensure that their current IT employees have the skills needed to manage and use these solutions. 10 11
  • 8. To address the intensifying war for healthcare talent, our Think differently Hospital CIOs in our study noted the need to think differently about In addition, our interviewees noted that they expected to encounter survey participants recommended the following practices: • Consider creating a separate about your the capabilities required to support challenges in supporting huge • Focus on being an “employer frontline EMR users and to optimize volumes of electronic data (whether of choice” for the brightest IT organization to house specialized capability needs EMR-derived data through analytics. for electronic medical records or healthcare IT talent. Within professionals who are evaluating potential health systems as well this organization, offer a more for tomorrow’s In terms of support (training, service and troubleshooting), the number electronic health records, EHRs), securing data integrity and as jobs in other industries. attractive benefits package and a different career model; information- of FTEs hired by the average hospital increased by 45 percent as it reached supporting health analytics needs. One CIO noted concerns he and • Create talent development programs specifically for for instance, opportunities to powered mature levels of EMR functionality his peers had with analyzing and progress rapidly in the job and to and adoption. In addition, our data managing huge amounts of data. healthcare IT specialists. earn more competitive salaries environment showed that mature EMR users Most CIOs noted the importance • Take advantage of third-party than what would typically be rely on more clinically trained of the CMIO in surmounting these sourcing pools for IT workers, provided through health systems’ resources, such as registered nurses challenges. But they also lamented either onshore or offshore. traditional modest pay increases. and pharmacists, for EMR support that deep data warehousing, You may be able to source those and optimization. On average, statistical and informatics skills • Establish in-house education skills to different hospitals in approximately 30 percent of the do not reside in the average US departments to provide the your health system during your mature EMR IT organizations in our hospital. Indeed, HIMSS estimates latest training for IT staff. organization’s EMR journey. study consisted of clinically trained that only 25 percent of US hospitals • Forge partnerships with local resources—dramatic increases from have any data warehouse or mining • Establish a vendor-sponsored colleges; for example, by setting their early stages (Exhibit 9). capabilities. One leading practice “boot camp”—a local training up internship programs for IT work. that Accenture has helped implement camp to retool IT professionals for clients is the VIP Helpdesk for in the area. You can draw on the resulting talent pool to support physicians. (See sidebar “Spotlight your health system’s needs. on Accenture’s Service Desk”). “Training is key, retention is key,” said one Spotlight on Accenture is working with Accenture’s Service Desk is a large academic health a single point of contact CIO of a large academic medical center. Accenture’s system on a connected for all application and “Candidates come not only from existing Service Desk health technology initiative infrastructure and support IT staff, but also from physicians, nurses to improve patient needs. The solution lets care while maximizing users call the same number and technicians always looking for operational efficiency they use today; however, aptitude. This is a good time to identify and effectiveness. Earlier the calls are rerouted to this year, the organization Tier 1 specialists based people who are looking for career change received the highest level upon routing criteria or development,” added this CIO. designation (Stage 7) and user demographic for its EMR from HIMSS information. The solution Analytics, the industry also includes other multiple organization focused on contact channels, including the use of information email, chat and voicemail, technology in healthcare. to reach the service desk, as well as providing the self-service portal. 12 13