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Rhonda Byrne
The Secret Revealed
 The Great Secret of Life is the law of attraction
 The law of attraction says like attracts like, so when
you think a thought, you are also attracting like
thoughts to you.
 Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a
frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out
into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all
like things that are on the same frequency.
Everything sent out returns to the source – you.
The Secret Revealed
 You are like a human transmission tower,
transmitting a frequency with your thoughts. If
you want to change anything in your life,
change the frequency by changing your
 Your current thoughts are creating your future
life. What you think about the most or focus on
the most will appear as your life1.
 Your thoughts become things.
The Secret Revealed
 If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand.
 Most people are thinking about what they don’t want, and they’re
wondering why it shows up over and over again.
 The law of attraction is always working, whether you believe it or
understand it or not.
 Quantum physics really begins to point to this discovery. It says
that you can’t have a Universe without mind entering into it, and
that the mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being
 If you don’t understand the law that doesn’t mean you should reject
 To become aware of you thoughts, you can also set the intention “I
am the master of my thoughts”.2
The Secret Made Simple
 The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as
impartial as the law of gravity.
 nothing can come into your experience unless
you summon it through persistent thoughts.
 To know what you’re thinking, ask yourself
how you are feeling. Emotions are valuable tools
that instantly tell us what we are thinking3.
 It is impossible to feel bad and at the same time
have good thoughts.
The Secret Made Simple
 Your thoughts determine your frequency, and
your feelings tell you immediately what
frequency you are on. When you feel bad, you
are on the frequency of drawing more bad
things. When you feel good, you are powerfully
attracting more good things to you4.
 Secret Shifters, such as pleasant memories,
nature, or your favourite music, can change
your feelings and shift your frequency in an
The Secret Made Simple
 The feeling of love is the highest frequency you
can emit5. The greater the love you feel and emit,
the greater the power you are harnessing.
 Most of us attract by default. We just think
that we don’t have any control over it. Our
thoughts & feelings are on autopilot, and so
everything is brought to us by default.
 It is impossible to monitor every thought we have.
The Secret Made Simple
 Fortunately there’s an easier way and that is our
 The emotions are an incredible gift that we have to let
us know what we’re thinking.
 You have two sets of feelings : good and bad
 You’re getting exactly what you’re feeling about, not
so much what you’re thinking about.
 Your thoughts and your feelings create your life. It
will be always be that way. Guaranteed!!
 It is the combination of thought and love which forms
the irresistible force of the law of attraction.
How to Use the Secret.
 Like Aladdin’s Genie, the law of attraction
grants our every command.
 The Creative Process helps you create what you
want in three simple steps- Ask, Believe &
 Asking the Universe for what you want is your
opportunity to get clear about what your want6.
As you get clear in your mind, you have asked.
How to Use the Secret.
 Believing involves acting, speaking and
thinking as though you have already received
what you’ve asked for. When you emit the
frequency of having received it, the law of
attraction moves people, event, and
circumstances for you to receive.
 Receiving involves feeling the way you will feel
once you desires has manifested7. Feelings good
now puts you on the frequency of what you
How to Use the Secret.
 To lose weight, don't focus on “losing weight.”
Instead, focus on your perfect weight8. Feel the
feelings of your perfect weight, and you will
summon it to you.
 It take no time for the Universe to manifest what
you want. It is as easy to manifest one dollar as
it is to manifest one million dollars.
How to Use the Secret.
 Starting with something small, like a cup of
coffee or parking spaces, is an easy way to
experience the law of attraction in action.
Powerfully intend to attract something small.
As you experience the power you have to attract,
you will move on to creating much bigger
 Create you day in advance by thinking the way
you want it to go, and you will create you life
How to Use the Secret.
 Your wish is my command
 It is you placing your order with the universe.
 The Universe will start to rearrange itself to make it
happen for you.
 Sometimes you will not even be aware you used
”action” until after you’ve received, because the acting
felt so good10.
 Universe does everything with zero effort. Grass
doesn’t strain to grow. It’s effortless. It’s just this
great design.
Powerful Processes.
 Expectation is a powerful attractive force. Expect the
things you want, and don’t expect the things you
don’t want.
 Gratitude is a powerful process for shifting your
energy and bring more of what you want into your
life. Be grateful for what you already have, and you
will attract more good things11.
 Giving thanks for what you want in advance turbo-
charges your desires and sends a more powerful
signal out into the Universe.
Powerful Processes.
 Visualisation is the process of creating pictures in
your mind of yourself enjoying what you want.
When you visualize, you generate powerful thoughts
and feelings of having it now. The law of attraction
then returns that reality to you, just as you saw it in
your mind.
 To use the law of attraction to your advantage, make
it a habitual way of being, not just a one-time event.
 At the end of every day, before you go to sleep, go
back through the events of the day. Any events or
moments that were not what you wanted, replay them
in your mind the way you wanted them to go12.
Powerful Processes.
 That a man can change himself ... And master his own
destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to
the power of right thought.
 All that we are is a result of what we have thought.
 Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into you life.
 When you’re visualising, when you’ve got that picture
playing out in you mind, always and only dwell upon the
end result.
 The “hows” are the domain of the Universe. It always knows
the shortest, quickest, fastest, most harmonious way between
you and your dream13.
 Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming
The Secret to Money.
 To attract money, focus on wealth. It is
impossible to bring more money into your life
when you focus on the lack of it14.
 It is helpful to use you imagination and make-
believe you already have the money you want.
Play games of having wealth and you will feel
better about money; as you feel better about it,
more will flow into your life.
The Secret to Money.
 Feeling happy now is the fastest way to bring money into
your life.
 Make it your intention to look at everything you like and
say to yourself, “ I can afford that. I can buy that.” You
will shift you thinking and begin to feel better about
money. Give money in order to bring more of it into your
life15. When you are generous with money and feel good
about sharing it, you are saying, “ I have plenty”.
 Visualize checks in the mail.
 Tip the balance of your thoughts to wealth. Think wealth.
The Secret to Money.
 Normally we grow with beliefs that only evil people have money, and money does not grow
on trees.
 You grow up believing that life is difficult
 The only reason any person does not have enough money is because they are blocking
money from coming to them with their thoughts.
 If you have held thoughts in the past that the only way money can come to you is through
your job, then let that go immediately16.
 The spiritual substance from which comes all visible wealth is never depleted. It is right
with you all the time and responds to your faith in it and your demands on it.
 People make a tremendous amount of money, but their relationships stink. They are not
wealthy because
 Money is part of wealth, but only a part
 They are spiritual but they're sick and broke all the time. Life should be abundant on all
 People go for the outer things thinking they’re going to bring us happiness, but it’s
backward. You need to go for the inner joy, the inner peace, the inner vision first, and then
all of the outer things appear.
The Secret to Relationships.
 When you want to attract a relationship, make sure
your thoughts, words, actions, and surroundings
don’t contradict your desires.
 Your job is you. Unless you fill yourself up first, you
have nothing to give anybody.
 Treat yourself with love and respect, and you will
attract people who show you love and respect17.
 When you feel bad about yourself, you block the love
and instead you attract more people and situations
that will continue to make you feel bad about you.
The Secret to Relationships.
 Focus on the qualities you love about yourself
and the law of attraction will show you more
great things about you18.
 To make a relationship work, focus on what you
appreciate about the other person, and not your
complaints. When you focus on the strengths,
you will get more of them.
The Secret to Relationships
 How do you expect something to enjoy your company when
you yourself don’t enjoy yours.
 To acquire love, fill yourself with it until you become a
 AS you love yourself, you will automatically love others19.
 It is impossible to feel good, if you do not love yourself.
 Inside relationships it’s important to first understand
who’s coming into the relationship, and not just your
partner. You need to understand yourself first.
The Secret to Health.
 The placebo effect is an example of the law of attraction in
 “Focusing on perfect health” is something we can all do within
ourselves, despite what may be happening on the outside20.
 Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity, and leads to
miraculous cures.
 Disease is held in the body by thought, by observation of the
illness, and by the attention given to the illness. If you are
feeling a little unwell, don’t talk about it– unless you want
more of it. If you listen to people talk about their illness, you
add energy to their illness. Instead, change the conversation
to good things, and give powerful thoughts to seeing those
people in health.
The Secret to Health.
 Beliefs about aging are all in our minds, so
release those thoughts from your
consciousness21. Focus on health and eternal
 Do not listen to society’s messages about
diseases and aging. Negative messages do not
serve you.
The Secret to Health
 You don’t want to negate medicine. Every form of healing has a place
 We have got a thousand different diagnoses and diseases out there. They’re
just the weak link. They’re all the result of one thing: Stress.22
 If you put enough stress on the chain, then one of the links break.
 Our physiology creates disease to give us feedback, to let us know we have an
imbalanced perspective, or we’re not being loving and grateful. So body sign’s
and symptoms are not something terrible.
 We all come with a built in program called “self healing”. The immune system
is made to heal itself.
 Diseases cannot live in a body that is in a healthy emotional state.
 Your body is casting off millions of cells every second, and its also creating
millions of new cells at the same time.
 In fact parts of our body are literally replaced every day. Within a few years ,
we each have a brand new physical body.
 See yourself living in perfectly healthy body. Let the doctor look after the
The Secret to the World.
 What you resist, you attract, because you are
powerfully focused on it with emotion. To change
anything, go within and emit a new signal with
your thoughts and feelings.
 You cannot help; the world by focussing on the
negative things. As you focus on the world’s negative
events, you not only add to them, but you also bring
more negative things into your own life.
 Instead of focusing on the world’s problems, give
your attention and energy to trust, love, abundance,
education, and peace.
The Secret to the World.
 We will never run out of good things because
there’s more than enough to go around for
everyone. Life is meant to be abundant23.
 You have the ability to tap into the unlimited
supply through you thoughts and feelings and
bring it into your experience.
 Praise and bless everything in the world, and
you will dissolve negativity and discord and
align yourself with the highest frequency-love.
The Secret to the World
 What you resist, persists.
 Mother Teresa said “I will never attend an anti-
war rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me”
 Energy flows where attention goes.
 So focus on what you wish to experience, rather
what you don’t want.
The Secret to You
 Everything is energy. You are an energy magnet, so
you electrically energize everything to you and
electrically energize yourself to everything you
 You are a spiritual being. You are energy, and
energy cannot be created or destroyed – it just
changes form24. Therefore, the pure essence of you has
always been and always will be.
 The Universe emerges from thought. We are the
creators not only of our own destiny but also of the
The Secret to You
 An unlimited supply of ideas is available to you.
All knowledge, discoveries, and inventions are
in the Universal Mind as possibilities, waiting
for the human mind to draw them forth. You
hold everything in your consciousness.
 We are all connected, and we are all One.
 Let go of difficulties from your past, cultural
codes, and social beliefs. You are the only one
who can create the life you deserve25.
The Secret to You
 A shortcut to manifesting your desires is to see
what you want as absolute fact.
 Your power is in your thoughts, so stay aware. In
other words, “Remember to remember.”
The Secret to You
 Everything is made up the exact same thing, whether it’s your hand,
the ocean, or a star.
 The Universal Mind is not only intelligence, but it is substance. This
substance is the attractive force which brings together electrons 
atoms  molecules objective forms  world  Universe
 So the law of attraction is the creative force behind every
 You are not the meat suit, but an energy field operating in a larger
energy field.
 Divine Mind is the one and the only reality.
 99% of who you are in is invisible and untouchable.
 Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.
 Real secret of power is consciousness of power.
 The absolute truth is that the ‘I’ is perfect and complete.
The Secret to Life
 You get to fill the blackboard of your life with
whatever you want.
 The only thing you need to do is feel good now.
 The more you use the power within you, the more
power you will draw through you.
 The time to embrace your magnificence is now.
 We are in the midst of a glorious era. As we let go of
limiting thoughts, we will experience humanity’s
true magnificence, in every area of creation.
The Secret to Life
 Do what you love26. If you don’t know what
brings you joy, ask, “What is my joy? "AS you
commit to your joy, you will attract an
avalanche of joyful things because you are
radiating joy.
 Now that you have learned the knowledge of The
Secret, what you do with it is up to you.
Whatever you choose is right. The power is all
The Secret to Life
 So your purpose to life is what you say it is.
Your mission is the mission you give yourself27.
Your life will be what you create it as, and no one
will stand in judgement of it, now or ever.
 When I really understood that my primary aim
was to feel and experience joy, then I began to do
only those things which brought me joy.
 Inner happiness is the fuel of success
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These 26 superscripts points given in the
slides you have read.
Read it once again and
fill these relevant to your life you have
lived so far OR WHAT YOU PLAN TO
Make your Secret PUBLIC.

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Book Summary of 'SECRET' by Rhonda Bryne

  • 2. The Secret Revealed  The Great Secret of Life is the law of attraction  The law of attraction says like attracts like, so when you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you.  Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source – you.
  • 3. The Secret Revealed  You are like a human transmission tower, transmitting a frequency with your thoughts. If you want to change anything in your life, change the frequency by changing your thoughts.  Your current thoughts are creating your future life. What you think about the most or focus on the most will appear as your life1.  Your thoughts become things.
  • 4. The Secret Revealed  If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand.  Most people are thinking about what they don’t want, and they’re wondering why it shows up over and over again.  The law of attraction is always working, whether you believe it or understand it or not.  Quantum physics really begins to point to this discovery. It says that you can’t have a Universe without mind entering into it, and that the mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived.  If you don’t understand the law that doesn’t mean you should reject it.  To become aware of you thoughts, you can also set the intention “I am the master of my thoughts”.2
  • 5. The Secret Made Simple  The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial as the law of gravity.  nothing can come into your experience unless you summon it through persistent thoughts.  To know what you’re thinking, ask yourself how you are feeling. Emotions are valuable tools that instantly tell us what we are thinking3.  It is impossible to feel bad and at the same time have good thoughts.
  • 6. The Secret Made Simple  Your thoughts determine your frequency, and your feelings tell you immediately what frequency you are on. When you feel bad, you are on the frequency of drawing more bad things. When you feel good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you4.  Secret Shifters, such as pleasant memories, nature, or your favourite music, can change your feelings and shift your frequency in an instant.
  • 7. The Secret Made Simple  The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit5. The greater the love you feel and emit, the greater the power you are harnessing.  Most of us attract by default. We just think that we don’t have any control over it. Our thoughts & feelings are on autopilot, and so everything is brought to us by default.  It is impossible to monitor every thought we have.
  • 8. The Secret Made Simple  Fortunately there’s an easier way and that is our feelings.  The emotions are an incredible gift that we have to let us know what we’re thinking.  You have two sets of feelings : good and bad  You’re getting exactly what you’re feeling about, not so much what you’re thinking about.  Your thoughts and your feelings create your life. It will be always be that way. Guaranteed!!  It is the combination of thought and love which forms the irresistible force of the law of attraction.
  • 9. How to Use the Secret.  Like Aladdin’s Genie, the law of attraction grants our every command.  The Creative Process helps you create what you want in three simple steps- Ask, Believe & Receive.  Asking the Universe for what you want is your opportunity to get clear about what your want6. As you get clear in your mind, you have asked.
  • 10. How to Use the Secret.  Believing involves acting, speaking and thinking as though you have already received what you’ve asked for. When you emit the frequency of having received it, the law of attraction moves people, event, and circumstances for you to receive.  Receiving involves feeling the way you will feel once you desires has manifested7. Feelings good now puts you on the frequency of what you want.
  • 11. How to Use the Secret.  To lose weight, don't focus on “losing weight.” Instead, focus on your perfect weight8. Feel the feelings of your perfect weight, and you will summon it to you.  It take no time for the Universe to manifest what you want. It is as easy to manifest one dollar as it is to manifest one million dollars.
  • 12. How to Use the Secret.  Starting with something small, like a cup of coffee or parking spaces, is an easy way to experience the law of attraction in action. Powerfully intend to attract something small. As you experience the power you have to attract, you will move on to creating much bigger things.  Create you day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create you life intentionally9.
  • 13. How to Use the Secret.  Your wish is my command  It is you placing your order with the universe.  The Universe will start to rearrange itself to make it happen for you.  Sometimes you will not even be aware you used ”action” until after you’ve received, because the acting felt so good10.  Universe does everything with zero effort. Grass doesn’t strain to grow. It’s effortless. It’s just this great design.
  • 14. Powerful Processes.  Expectation is a powerful attractive force. Expect the things you want, and don’t expect the things you don’t want.  Gratitude is a powerful process for shifting your energy and bring more of what you want into your life. Be grateful for what you already have, and you will attract more good things11.  Giving thanks for what you want in advance turbo- charges your desires and sends a more powerful signal out into the Universe.
  • 15. Powerful Processes.  Visualisation is the process of creating pictures in your mind of yourself enjoying what you want. When you visualize, you generate powerful thoughts and feelings of having it now. The law of attraction then returns that reality to you, just as you saw it in your mind.  To use the law of attraction to your advantage, make it a habitual way of being, not just a one-time event.  At the end of every day, before you go to sleep, go back through the events of the day. Any events or moments that were not what you wanted, replay them in your mind the way you wanted them to go12.
  • 16. Powerful Processes.  That a man can change himself ... And master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought.  All that we are is a result of what we have thought.  Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into you life.  When you’re visualising, when you’ve got that picture playing out in you mind, always and only dwell upon the end result.  The “hows” are the domain of the Universe. It always knows the shortest, quickest, fastest, most harmonious way between you and your dream13.  Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.
  • 17. The Secret to Money.  To attract money, focus on wealth. It is impossible to bring more money into your life when you focus on the lack of it14.  It is helpful to use you imagination and make- believe you already have the money you want. Play games of having wealth and you will feel better about money; as you feel better about it, more will flow into your life.
  • 18. The Secret to Money.  Feeling happy now is the fastest way to bring money into your life.  Make it your intention to look at everything you like and say to yourself, “ I can afford that. I can buy that.” You will shift you thinking and begin to feel better about money. Give money in order to bring more of it into your life15. When you are generous with money and feel good about sharing it, you are saying, “ I have plenty”.  Visualize checks in the mail.  Tip the balance of your thoughts to wealth. Think wealth.
  • 19. The Secret to Money.  Normally we grow with beliefs that only evil people have money, and money does not grow on trees.  You grow up believing that life is difficult  The only reason any person does not have enough money is because they are blocking money from coming to them with their thoughts.  If you have held thoughts in the past that the only way money can come to you is through your job, then let that go immediately16.  The spiritual substance from which comes all visible wealth is never depleted. It is right with you all the time and responds to your faith in it and your demands on it.  People make a tremendous amount of money, but their relationships stink. They are not wealthy because  Money is part of wealth, but only a part  They are spiritual but they're sick and broke all the time. Life should be abundant on all areas.  People go for the outer things thinking they’re going to bring us happiness, but it’s backward. You need to go for the inner joy, the inner peace, the inner vision first, and then all of the outer things appear.
  • 20. The Secret to Relationships.  When you want to attract a relationship, make sure your thoughts, words, actions, and surroundings don’t contradict your desires.  Your job is you. Unless you fill yourself up first, you have nothing to give anybody.  Treat yourself with love and respect, and you will attract people who show you love and respect17.  When you feel bad about yourself, you block the love and instead you attract more people and situations that will continue to make you feel bad about you.
  • 21. The Secret to Relationships.  Focus on the qualities you love about yourself and the law of attraction will show you more great things about you18.  To make a relationship work, focus on what you appreciate about the other person, and not your complaints. When you focus on the strengths, you will get more of them.
  • 22. The Secret to Relationships  How do you expect something to enjoy your company when you yourself don’t enjoy yours.  To acquire love, fill yourself with it until you become a magnet.  AS you love yourself, you will automatically love others19.  It is impossible to feel good, if you do not love yourself.  Inside relationships it’s important to first understand who’s coming into the relationship, and not just your partner. You need to understand yourself first.
  • 23. The Secret to Health.  The placebo effect is an example of the law of attraction in action.  “Focusing on perfect health” is something we can all do within ourselves, despite what may be happening on the outside20.  Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity, and leads to miraculous cures.  Disease is held in the body by thought, by observation of the illness, and by the attention given to the illness. If you are feeling a little unwell, don’t talk about it– unless you want more of it. If you listen to people talk about their illness, you add energy to their illness. Instead, change the conversation to good things, and give powerful thoughts to seeing those people in health.
  • 24. The Secret to Health.  Beliefs about aging are all in our minds, so release those thoughts from your consciousness21. Focus on health and eternal youth.  Do not listen to society’s messages about diseases and aging. Negative messages do not serve you.
  • 25. The Secret to Health  You don’t want to negate medicine. Every form of healing has a place  We have got a thousand different diagnoses and diseases out there. They’re just the weak link. They’re all the result of one thing: Stress.22  If you put enough stress on the chain, then one of the links break.  Our physiology creates disease to give us feedback, to let us know we have an imbalanced perspective, or we’re not being loving and grateful. So body sign’s and symptoms are not something terrible.  We all come with a built in program called “self healing”. The immune system is made to heal itself.  Diseases cannot live in a body that is in a healthy emotional state.  Your body is casting off millions of cells every second, and its also creating millions of new cells at the same time.  In fact parts of our body are literally replaced every day. Within a few years , we each have a brand new physical body.  See yourself living in perfectly healthy body. Let the doctor look after the disease.
  • 26. The Secret to the World.  What you resist, you attract, because you are powerfully focused on it with emotion. To change anything, go within and emit a new signal with your thoughts and feelings.  You cannot help; the world by focussing on the negative things. As you focus on the world’s negative events, you not only add to them, but you also bring more negative things into your own life.  Instead of focusing on the world’s problems, give your attention and energy to trust, love, abundance, education, and peace.
  • 27. The Secret to the World.  We will never run out of good things because there’s more than enough to go around for everyone. Life is meant to be abundant23.  You have the ability to tap into the unlimited supply through you thoughts and feelings and bring it into your experience.  Praise and bless everything in the world, and you will dissolve negativity and discord and align yourself with the highest frequency-love.
  • 28. The Secret to the World  What you resist, persists.  Mother Teresa said “I will never attend an anti- war rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me”  Energy flows where attention goes.  So focus on what you wish to experience, rather what you don’t want.
  • 29. The Secret to You  Everything is energy. You are an energy magnet, so you electrically energize everything to you and electrically energize yourself to everything you want.  You are a spiritual being. You are energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed – it just changes form24. Therefore, the pure essence of you has always been and always will be.  The Universe emerges from thought. We are the creators not only of our own destiny but also of the Universe.
  • 30. The Secret to You  An unlimited supply of ideas is available to you. All knowledge, discoveries, and inventions are in the Universal Mind as possibilities, waiting for the human mind to draw them forth. You hold everything in your consciousness.  We are all connected, and we are all One.  Let go of difficulties from your past, cultural codes, and social beliefs. You are the only one who can create the life you deserve25.
  • 31. The Secret to You  A shortcut to manifesting your desires is to see what you want as absolute fact.  Your power is in your thoughts, so stay aware. In other words, “Remember to remember.”
  • 32. The Secret to You  Everything is made up the exact same thing, whether it’s your hand, the ocean, or a star.  The Universal Mind is not only intelligence, but it is substance. This substance is the attractive force which brings together electrons  atoms  molecules objective forms  world  Universe  So the law of attraction is the creative force behind every manifestation.  You are not the meat suit, but an energy field operating in a larger energy field.  Divine Mind is the one and the only reality.  99% of who you are in is invisible and untouchable.  Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.  Real secret of power is consciousness of power.  The absolute truth is that the ‘I’ is perfect and complete.
  • 33. The Secret to Life  You get to fill the blackboard of your life with whatever you want.  The only thing you need to do is feel good now.  The more you use the power within you, the more power you will draw through you.  The time to embrace your magnificence is now.  We are in the midst of a glorious era. As we let go of limiting thoughts, we will experience humanity’s true magnificence, in every area of creation.
  • 34. The Secret to Life  Do what you love26. If you don’t know what brings you joy, ask, “What is my joy? "AS you commit to your joy, you will attract an avalanche of joyful things because you are radiating joy.  Now that you have learned the knowledge of The Secret, what you do with it is up to you. Whatever you choose is right. The power is all yours.
  • 35. The Secret to Life  So your purpose to life is what you say it is. Your mission is the mission you give yourself27. Your life will be what you create it as, and no one will stand in judgement of it, now or ever.  When I really understood that my primary aim was to feel and experience joy, then I began to do only those things which brought me joy.  Inner happiness is the fuel of success
  • 36. 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6. . 7. . 8. . 9. . 10. . 11. . 12. . 13. . 14. . 15. . 16. . 17. . 18. . 19. . 20. . 21. . 22. . 23. . 24. . 25. . 26. . These 26 superscripts points given in the slides you have read. Read it once again and fill these relevant to your life you have lived so far OR WHAT YOU PLAN TO LIVE FOR. Make your Secret PUBLIC. ALL THE VERY BEST AND GOD BLESS.