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    INIRODUCTION                                    1

    YOU MUST BE LIKABLE                             2

    NETWORKING TIPS                                 3






    SAMPLE: COVER LETFER                        10

    GREAT WEB SITES FOR JOB SEARCH              11

    JOB APPLICATION TIPS                        12




    WHY YOU DON’T GET HIRED                     18

There are a few other things that are basic to causing
                 INTRODUCTION                                                  frustration in job search. It is necessary for you to
                                                                               “arrive at the threshold ofreality” in developing your
By way ofintroduction to this Booklet let’s consider a                         career and continue in the “upward mobility” ofa
few basics. Let’s ask a few questions:                                         lifetime ofcareer development.
Q 1. What is something that many job seekers veiy

commonly do in trying to get ajob that is the least                            There are two categories of peoplewho are
effective thing they could do?                                                 frustrated in job search:
A 1. Send out résumés. Distributed by any method,
     -                                                                          1. There are those who “are better than they think they
just sending out résumés results in something less than                            are”. Their frustrationexists because they hesitate to
 1% success.                                                                       acknowledge to themselves and to employers that
                                                                                   they really can do more than they realize. They
Reasoning: A résumé should not be designed to “get                                 accept lower paying jobs, are bored with the work
you thejob”. The purpose of a résumé is tojust peak                                and generally are unhappy with their situation.
the curiosity ofthe employer enough so that he wants
to call you in for an interview. Therefore your résumé                         2. There are those who “think they are better than they
should be designed to get you the interview. Ifyou try                            are”. Their frustrationdevelops as they exaggerate
to do anything more than that or less than that your                              or lie about their experience, education and other
résumé is less effective than it should be or could be.                           things and even ifthey “talk themselves” into ajob
Granted, this appears to be a fine-line difference but it                         they wonder why the employer is unhappy with
is very significant! A résumé by itself is practically                            them and why they get stepped over for promotions,
worthless but as part ofyour “package presentation”
             —                                                                    etc. Theirjob usually doesn’t make it through the
it is very important. We’ll discuss the details later in                          probation period ofnew employment.
this booklet.
                                                                               In both cases these job seekers haven’t been honest
Q -2. What is the second least effective thingjob                              with themselves.
seekers do to get ajob?
                                                                              In the case ofthose in #1 they need to discover for
A- 2. Job search websites Around 2% effective.
                                       -                                      themselves or have others help them realize their
                                                                              talents and capabilities then articulate them to the

Reasoning: This is a cousin to sending out résumés.                           employer. That’s exactly what the employer wants to
You send résumé type information to hundreds of                               know! Just be prepared to support it with

websites. Also keep in mind that too many ofthese                             documentable fact.
websites could really care less whether you get ajob or                       In the case ofthose in #2 they may indeed have the
not! They are looking for your wallet or your personal                        aptitude to do more but need to get more education,
information so they can use it in other ways. Online                          certifications, or experience to “prove up” to their
scams and schemes: Identity theft; Illegal purchases                          capabilities. After all it is the responsibility ofthejob
online; Requests for “up front” money; Credit card                            seeker to improve himself— throughout his lifetime!
theft; etc.
Please note: there are many good, caringjob search                             There is one other category offrustration that
websites out there, but be careful. There is a list of                         should be mentioned here in the introduction the

good sites on page 11 inthis booklet—there are many                           person who has become discouraged in theirjob search
others bu is listwill give you a good stait                                   and has begun to “assign external reasons” for their
                                                                              lack ofsuccess. Reasons such as, “I’m not getting the
Q-3. What is the third least effective way to find a job?                     job because I’m too old”, or “They’re picking favorites
                                                                              over me even though I’m more qualified”, etc. Most of
A-3. Classified lists in newspapers, tradejournals,                           the time they are not even aware that their negative
magazines and other various published lists available                         attitude is the problem. They don’t realize they are just
to the public in general and includes many placement                          “not likable” to the employer. When this happens
agencies. Why are these sources less effective?                      -
                                                                              someone, a ‘~job  coach”, or an employment counselor,
Because most ofthe bestjobs have already been                                 needs to “coach” them to reality, change their attitude
“born” and filled before they are published.
                                                                              and help them become better at theirjob search skills!
Which brings us to the most effective method of
finding and getting ajob           -
                                                                               NOW THAT’S ENOUGH OF NEGATIVES!                              I
                                                                              it is the intention ofthis booklet (and the instruction
       STATICICS SHOW THAT BETWEEN                                            class that usually introduces it) to help people become
        a              Vt   tflP           TtIPtttlflfl                       successful job seekers, with great attitudes and the
         P&L~UrILLr.I)      DY r~JI                ~v~’i~nii’u,...
                                                                              ability to make themselves more likable tothe
                                                                              employers to change the problem frustration from,

                 .THE OPPOSiTE OF                                             “Why can’t I get a good job?” to “Whichjob offer
 ~       1’~ ?S’~ IXI~T,~
         i v~nutii~z
                                             ~T1           a’IT% 1T~1j~       shall I accept?”
                                                                                       (~ETREAt)’~ (;~:r ET! LE F’S (;O!
You can’t get more basic than this...

                   EMPLOYERS DON’T HIRE PEOPLE
                        THEY DON’T LIKE!
                              Your challenge is to get an employer
                              to know you and like you quickly!        -

          YOU MUST BE LIKABLE                                   This support material must be easy to find and
                                                                understand, not buried in paragraphs.
             IN FOUR AREAS:
                                                                We will review these items in much more detail
    1- VISUALLY:                                                throughout this booklet.
    Poor personal appearance is by far the #1 reason
    why people don’t get hired! You must look like              Something else basically important is the fact that
    you’ll fit into the company. Dress at least one level       higher salary jobs require more skills. If you
    higher than that which is required for the job. Also        desire ajob that pays well, it is your
    maintain good eye contact with the interviewer.             responsibility to increase your skills or acquire
    Don’t slouch, be professional.                              new ones to realize your goals.
    2- AUDIBLY:                                                 While the job-seeker says...
    The #2 reason people don’t get thejob is
    unorganized, rambling vocal presentations.                     “I want the Employer to feel that
    Develop your “Me in Thirty Second? statement. In               hiring me is a good idea!”
    the interview expand into your “Power
    Statement?.                                                 The employer says...
    3- WR1TFEN:                                                    “I want to hire qualified people
    Job applications, Cover letters, Résumés, Portfolio            who want to work for my
    presentations, Follow-ups all must be efficiently              company!”
    and effectively composed and formatted to be
    Example: 90% of all résumés are eliminated within           There is an employer out there
    20 seconds! Also, is your résumé “Scannable”?                     looking for you...
    4- QUALIFICATIONS:                                           But you have to find him...
    Ofcourse you must state, and document, your job             And he has to like you -quickly!
    qualifications clearly, both audibly and in writing.

                                            Every step in your job search is important.
                                       Assume that there are 100 people looking for every job.
                                      The employer’s task is to eliminate 99 applicants.
                              Your task is to be so skilled and thorough that
                              you are not eliminated at any step in the process.
BINGO!           +                                                              +                      +

                                    NET                  ÔRKING                                               BINGO!
                                                             +              +~_~             /       +

                                            START       ~‘

  +~         BNGO!~                                                 +

                      NETWORK1N(; IS THE IETHOI) BY WHICH
               8 OI~TOF 10 JOB SFFkERS IEU I THEIR ‘~E% EIPLO FR’
                                • 0.8 % ofjobs are filled by sending out résumés
                                • 4% ofjobs are filled through State Employment Service.
                                • 6% through professional agencies.
                                • 10% by thejob seeker without others help.

               • 65% TO 80% FILLED BY NETWORKING! (Word-of-mouth)

 1. Almost anyone can be a networking source:                 8. Pre-rehearse your “30 second summary” with a Job
    Friends, neighbors, peers, competitors, church                Coach! A Job Coach is someone you have confidence
    members, trade associations, professional                    in and will assist you in “mock interviews”, advise you
    groups, business associates, job fairs, club                  in job search technics, etc. The least effective job
    members, etc.                                                coach would be a member of your own family! The
/ (Note: church members are a potentially                        most effective one would be someone who works in
    unparalleled networking resource.)                           the industry or even in the company where you’d like
2. Identify a person to use as an original networking            to get thejob!
    “source”.                                                9. After giving your “summary” and your résumé
3. Meet thce-to-face, call on the phone, email or               listen and take notes on their suggestions and advise.
    write them a letter (face-to-face is best).              10. Ask for the names of two or three colleagues,
4. Make the contact with two objectives in mind:                 competitors, etc., if your contact hasn’t suggested
        a. Impress the contact.
        b. Get two or three more networking sources.             some. Get names, addresses and phone numbers.
                                                                 Make sure you get the correct spellings!
5. Make sure it is a convenient time for the contact
   to talk to you. Ifnot, approach later.                    11. Ask for pennission to use the contact’s name when
                                                                 you call the referrals.
   (NEVER for a JOB or a FAVOR) on how to                    12. Get permission to send the referral your résumé even
   find ajob in the field in which you are looking.              ifthere is not ajob in their organization.
7. Give your “Me in 30 Seconds” summaiy of your              13. Always thank your contact for their time and
   strongest characteristics and qualifications.                 helpfulness!

      TARGETING AND                                                  people keep lists ofjob openings, and membership lists
 RESEARCHING EMPLOYERS                                               which will often tell you the name ofthe person you
               (Doing your “Homework”t)                              need to contact about a specificjob.

 It is very important that you research each company             10 THE YELLOW PAGES: This is an almost complete
 before you actually talk to employers. The two major               listing ofthe employers in the area.
 reasons for this research is to: I) help you determine          ii WANT ADS: Read for specific openings and to see
 whether you really would be happy working for that                 who’s hiring in ~y field. Note: A company hiring
 company or not; and 2), Help you team how to
                                                                    engineers, for example, will also need support people
 present yourself in the best light visually, verbally and          for these technical experts.
 in writing so they will like you and hire you.
                                                                 12 COMPANIES/MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS: gather
 Here are common sources of information about                       information about companies, contact public relations
 employers nationally and/or in your local area.                    departments, obtain company brochures and reports to
 1. INTERNET: Visit the company’s web page,                         stockholders.
    you’ll find lots of information there. However,              13 VISIT THE BUSINESS: Observe the “Image” of the
    keep in mind, it is always positive, you’ll want to             company, how people look, dress and act. Talk to
    search other sources to get a complete picture of               friendlyclerks and other employees about the company.
    the company.
                                                                   You might approach and ask several employees, “Hi,
 2. PUBLIC LIBRARY BUSINESS SECTION:                               my name is Joe Jobseeker. I’m thinking about working
    An excellent source! Biographies, news clippings,              here, what’s it like working for this company?”
    tradejournals, financial analysis, critical reports,
    etc., of the business, operations, employer,                   A. Find out who has the hiring authority?
                                                                   B. What’s the benefit package like?
    products and services nationally and locally.                  C. Receptionists, Administrative Assistants know a lot!
                                                                   D. Does management recognize quality work,
3. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, SPECIAL                                       achievements, do theypromote from within?
   EMPLOYER DIRECTORIES: These are                                 E. Kindly let them know you’re serious and that you
   available to anyone; the employers want to find                    appreciate their help!
   good employees too!
4. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC                                        HOW TO SELL YOURSELF WiTH
   handouts and training in DES offices, and thejob                                ARESIJME;~
   counselors know the local market very well.
                                                               An advertisement for yourself! You can seldom get
5. COMMUNiTY ORGANIZATIONS:                                    ajob interview these days without an effective résumé.
   Membership lists often tell you who does what for           Here’s how to make you résumé more effective.
   what business.
                                                                           TAKE A SELF-INVENTORY
   JOURNALS: These people have directories and                 On a separate paper(s) list all ofthe pertinent facts
   job opening lists.                                           about yourself “brainstorm” with yourself, list

                                                               everything! What you can do well; your education;
7. COLLEGE COUNSELING CENTERS: There                           interests; professional memberships; special
   are whole rooms in these centers devoted to
                                                               achievements; honors and, of course, your work
   helping you prepare for job search. You can use
                                                               history. Don’t be bashful but don’t exaggerate either.
   these center resources even ifyou aren’t a student.
                                                               Everything should be supportable with “documentable”
8. UNIONS: Talk to the business representatives in             facts. Now we’ll look at arranging the information into
   the office, not thedispatcher.                              an effective résumé.

Do use appropriate language, jargon, common to your
                     PICK A FORMAT
                                                                     job and industry, don’t come across as an outsider.
 CHRONOLOGICAL. List your experiences in reverse
 order, starting with your current or most recent position.          Do design your résumé to be KEY WORD
 FUNCTIONAL. Focus on what you have learned.                          SCANNABLE. (See page 6)
 Work-related experiences are organized under skill
 categories such as “Expertise Summaiy”, “Personal                   Do include as many ofthese 12 MOST TRANS.
 Profile”, “Marketing,” “Administration” or “Fund                    FEllABLE SKILLS as you can honestly justify:
 Raising”, “Skills Summary”, “Professional Profile”,                 (Listed alphabetically, not in order of importance)
 “Special Awards”, “Achievements”, “Honors”.                            • Bilingual especially Spanish

 COM]3INATION. Most résumés fall into this category.                    • Budget Management
 A combination format, in which company names and dates                • Computer skills
                                                                       • Coping with Deadline Pressures
 are included as well as a summary section(s) offunctional             • Interviewing
 descriptions.                                                         • Negotiating and Arbitrating
 IX)1’t’T’S FOR REStJ!’~lEWRiTING:                                     ‘Public Relations
 Don’t include dates if they work against you. Instead, you            •Speaking
                                                                       • Supervising
 might consider substituting a summary statement i.e.,
                                                                       • Teaching
 “over ten years combined experiences in sales”.                       •Writing
 Don’t include personal information. Age, marital status,
 height, weight, the state ofyour health or your nationality        Do be certain that the document reflects your personality,
have no place on todays résumé.                                     not someone else. Don’t let someone helping you “insert”
Don’t include salary history unless asked for. You may              their personality. The employer wants to interview the
either confront the issue directly atthejob interview or            person who wrote the résumé be certain that it is YOU!

state in your cover letter, “My salary history is                   Do keep it short Try to keep your résumé to one page.
competitive.”                                                       However, there is nothing wrong with a good two page
Don’t include references. However, have them available in           résumé.
your brief case at the interview.                                       Avoid gimmicks. No folders, No Binders, No
Don’t lie, If you get caught in even a small lie, it could               pictures, No colored paper, No colored Ink.
wipe out everygood thing you have done. Be warned:                  Do write a cover letter. A résumé should not go out all
There are verification services whose sole purpose is to            alone. It is like “shooting yourself in the foot” to work
verify résumés.                                                     hard on your résumé and then send it out with a sloppy
Don’t be too modest. This doesn’t mean that you brag.               cover letter or no letter at all! (See “WRITING AN

You don’t write that you are an “exceptional” manager or a          EFFECTIVE COVER LETFER” page 7)
“brilliant” writer. What you do write is, “I doubled the
profits,” or, “won several journalism awards.”                       If~lP0RTANT RESUIIE UP1)1~TE
                                                                                             C   !lUflC in t!1C   Iture.’
Do realize that the upper 1/3 ofthe flrstpage is the most           There is a possibility that in the future in fact some

important “The Hot Zone”! The first 7 to 20 seconds
           -                                                        larger companies are already “changing over” from
determines the impression you makewith the employer. Be             résumés to a screening/testing process for finding new
certain your strongest characteristics that are most                employees. Instead ofreading your résumé, an employer
important to the employer are listed first.                         may askyou to fill out an online form or take an online
Do use action verbs in clean concise phrases. Emphasize            test that measures how well you “fit” thejob, based on
                                                                   responses from successful workers.
simplicity. Don’t let your résumé get complicated!
                                                                   Google, for example, uses a screening program to
Do pay attention to language. Avoid unnecessary                    measure applicants’ attitudes, behaviors, personality and
introductory phrases and the use of”I”. Repeating “key             biographical details. Answers are applied in a formula
words” is permissible, however, Ifyou have performed               that creates a score, indicating how well the candidate is
similar tasks in different jobs, explain the most recent one       likely to fare on thejob.
in detail.                                                         An increasingly popular screening tool uses a kind of

standardized test. Applicants’ answers to questions                           90% OF RÉSUMÉS ARE ELIMINATED
 about such characteristics as their preferrednoise level at                       V ITHUN 10 T( ) 20 SFA’ONDS!
 work or the time ofday they feel most energized are
 compared with answers from workers who already are                     Why? Let’s review what happens when your résumé is
 successful in the jobs~                                                picked up from the desk by the employer
 This “new” process for finding employees is not entirely               1. Selection is by process ofelimination! Employers
 new but is refmements ofvariations that employers have                    are very skeptical about résumés, theyreally don’t
 been experimenting with for the last few years. Only                      “trust” them! Howeverthey are a necessary part ofthe
 midsized or large companies are beginning to use it for                   process. Your résumé is in a stack of25, 50, 100 or
 the present.                                                              more. The employer’s first goal is to get rid ofas
                                                                           many ofthem as quickly as possible.
 The traditional résumé is still being used throughout the
 vast majority of businesses. It’s mentioned here so that you
 may be aware ofthe “shift” taking place and be prepared for it.        2. “What can this person do well that will help me
 We’ll make the shift when it becomes more dominant and give                riaht now?” This is the question that is uppermost in
 you updates in later versionsofthis booklet.                              the mind ofthe employer as he picks up your résumé.
                                                                            He does not yet care (in the first 10 seconds) what
 NOW, CONSIDER THIS...                                                     your name is, what your address is, where you have
                                                                           worked in the past, who you’ve worked for,, what your
 “The obituary style résumé that lists activities at                       education or experience is or any dates involved.
 former and current employers is dead! Stating what a                      That’s obituary stuff! Remember, (in the first 10
 person can and will do well to meet the needs of a                        seconds) “What can this person do well to help me
 future employer is alive and well. It sure does
                    -                                                      right now?”
 increase the chances of being called for an interview.”
         Dick Gaither, President                                       3. The top 1j~ of page one... We know that the eyes of
         Job Search Training Systems, Inc.                                the employer fall an average of 2% inches below the
                                                                          top ofthe page that’s below your name header

               KEY WORD SCANNABLE                                         information, he’s not interested in that yet. He’s
                                                                          looking in the top 1/3 ofthe page for answers to his
 You have a high percentage chance that your résumé will                  question, “What can this person do well to help me
 be electronically scanned into a computer database. Later                right now?” If he doesn’t see it within 10 seconds,
the data base is searched for key words. Only those                       your résumé is set aside in the discard pile! If he
résumés containing an exact match or “hit” ofthe “key                     sees something of interest he will continue to search
words” will surface for consideration. You will need to                   yourrésumé for a total ofabout 20 seconds. ~g~y he’s
incorporate at least a section ofkey word “Job                            starting to look for some support documentation, ifhe
descriptor?, usually nouns and noun phrases into                          doesn’t fmd it, easily and quickly, you’re in the discard
your résumé. If you don’t your résumé will be “invisible”                 pile!
and prevent you from being considered for thejob!
(See the “PROFILE” section in sample résumé on page 8)                 4. He decides not to decide. If he’s still interested after
                                                                          20 to 22 seconds he usually decides not to decide and
THiNGS TO AVOID in a scannable résumé:                                    your résumé is placed on the desk in a “maybe” pile.
• Fancy fonts: stick with basic fonts, Anal is best                       Out of 100 résumés there will be about 10% in the
• Vertical and horizontal lines, brackets, asterisks,                     “maybe” pile, that is, there are about 8, 10 or maybe
  quotation marks, parenthesis, hollow bullets,                           12 still in the running for the position.
  slash, put a space before and after a hyphen
• Avoid italics and underlining altogether                             5. 45 seconds total time. Now he picks up each
• Nothing in columns, no full or right justification                      remaining résumé and gives it up to 45 seconds (total
• Don’t fold, staple or paper clip, ifyou mail it use a                   time) in which he will decide who to call in for an
  large envelope with a cardboard insert                                  interview. He can study a two page résumé very
                                                                          thoroughly in 45 seconds and in that time he’s looking
THINGS TO DO:                                                             for all ofthe documentation he can fmd about your
 • Do Use black ink on white paper (90 to 96 brightness)                  abilities to “help him right now.” Now he’s looking at
 • Do Use quality 24# bond paper                                          education, experiences, company names, places and
 • Do Use highest quality printer— Laser                                 dates.

6. But you must pass the 10 and 20 second cuts to be            solid not hollow. Their sole purpose is to guide the eye.
    seriously considered for thejob! How do you get              Place them only two or three spaces in front ofthe line
    that information to him so quickly and effectively?          and don’t make them big and obnoxious! Bullets
    Here’s how!                                                  should never draw attention to themselves! Reduce the
                                                                 bullet font by one or two font sizes less than the text.
        Section in thesample résumé on page, 7
                                                                        WRITING AN EFFECTIVE
 A. Notice that the contents ofthis section is made up of                  COVER LETTER
    “stand alone” job descriptors separated by periods.
    There are no verbs, pronouns, adjectives, etc., no           Writing effective cover letters is one area that is often
    “fluff’- for the most part just nouns and noun               underestimated and dismissed as inconsequential in the
    phrases. In short, a “10 second” key-word                    overall scheme oflanding a job. The cover letter can be
    summary, a nut-shell version of “what Joe Job                the important key to opening the right doors!
    seeker can do well.” This is exactly what the
    employer is looking for -2% inches from the top of           While the résumé is generic in content, the cover letter
    the page, right where the employer first focuses!            is personal and specific. Ideally, it is addressed to the
                                                                 person who does the hiring. The best preparedjob
 B. Three Major Functions can be accomplished with               seeker will be able to provide answers to three
    this section, they are:                                      questions that the employer is seeking:
     1. This section provides the “what you can do well”         1. “Doesthis job seeker understand my problems!”
         summary the employer is looking for in the first        2. “Is there adequate documentation on performance
         7 to 10 seconds.                                           that will go to the bottom line?”
    2. Keeping in mind that if your résumé is scanned            3. “Are there substantial indications on how the job
        into a data base and later searched for “key                 seeker thinks?”
        words” typed into the computer this section

        enables you to ensure that the keywords will be         Your goal is to “personalize” yourself and prompt the
        in your résumé. Even though the employer likes          employer to pay more attention to your résumé and
        to see action verbs and short phrases as he reads       say, “I’d like to meet the person who wrote this cover
        your résumé, he will type nouns in the computer         letter and résumé!”
        search! Hence the verb “Supervised” in the body
        ofthe résumé will be “Supervisor” in the Profile         A well written cover letter projects the following three
        section. Managed will be Manager, Directed will         objectives:
       be Director, etc.                                         1. “This is what I know about you and your
   3. This is a big one! This section allows you to                 company.” (I’ve done my homework!)
       arrange your strongest characteristics and                       • It offers the opportunity to clearly state why this
       capabilities in the order of importance that you                   organization is of interest to the writer.
       know the employer is looking for. The order can          2. “Here is how I’ll fit in and fill the open position.”
       be arranged without regard for chronological                 (I can help solve your problems.)
       sequence! The order can be rearranged to meet                    • It gives the writer and opportunity to direct
       the needs ofeach employer! Tailor your résumé                      attention to specific skills that are ofdirect
       for each employer! Just what he is looking for.                    relevance to the company.
                                                                3. This is when I will contact you to arrange the
ONE MORE THING: Be sure to keep in mind that                        best time for our interview.” (Very assertive but
the résumé is your personal advertisement not some                 not obnoxiously aggressive!)
former employer or university. So, list your job title                   • It provides an opportunity to control further
first, then the company, city and state, then the date.                     communication and follow through between
(Follow the example sequence in the sample résumé                          the writer and the recipient.
on page 7.)

A WORD ABOUT BULLETS: Bullets, whether                             The length of the cover letter should be
circles, squares, diamonds or arrow points, should be                        200 words or less.

Sample: CElRO~OLOCIC~L Combination, Keyword Résumé (Font: Times New Roman 12)

                                                 JOSEPH J. JOBSEEKER
  Font sizE no smaller than 10,   1                                                                         Margins no less than 15
  not larger than 14,12 la ide~                     4534 East Prospect Avenue                               Tabs: no smaRer than 25
  Nes*=14.therestttyforl2                                                                                   Psges 2 pages ok ~ effealve
  Font styIS~~      Tb~  ~                            ospe on,      ona,                                    Bullet* no more than 2 to 3
  Roman, noserwfonts                                       480.833.1905                                     spaces from teit Ron

                                                  PROFESSIONAL PROFILE
                                      (Note: Job descriptors: nouns, noun phrases, separated by periods.)
Chief Financial Officer. Financial Manager. Auditor. General Accounting. Budgets. Forecasts. Financial
Statements. Fixed Asset Reports. Contracts. Payroll. Credit Management. Job Costing. Invoices.
Computer Proficient: Financial Software, Word. WordPerfect, Varnet, Macola. Interpersonal Skills.
Publlic Relations. Performance Evaluator. Policy and Procedures. Team Concepts. Master of Business
Administration. CPA. Bachelor of Science, Accounting. 17 Years Experience. Trainer. High Integrity.

                                              PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

Chief Financial Officer, Horizon International, Inc., Gilbert, AZ 2005 Present                       -

Oversee all financial management departments
   • Direct top managers in developing financial and economic policy
   • Establish procedures, delegate authority, evaluate performance
   • Manage the implementation of policies, audits, goals,
   • Conduct meetings of financial and economic associations
   • Monitor implementation ofpolicies and procedures

Financial Analyst, Angels Health Plan of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 2001 2004                           -

Overall responsibility to ensure financial accountability for Arizona
   • Analyzed group accounts and resolved problems with group administrator
   • Directed member services and claims processing
   • Auditedbank reconciliations, journal entries, month end and year end reporting
                                                                               -                     -

   • Recognized with company Outstanding Leadership and Contributions Award

General Accounting Manager, Credit Manager, Crucial Concepts, Inc., Mesa, AZ 1998 2001                                    -

Managed all general accounting functions of a Fortune 500 company division
  • Supervised and trained office staff
  • Administered corporate credit procedures and guidelines for customers
  • Monitored the monthly reporting of inventory, payroll records, and fixed asset reporting


• Master of Business Administration, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 1998
• Bachelor of Science, Accounting, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 1996
• Deans list, 1976, 1977; Outstanding Student Award College ofAccounting -

• Associates Arts, Finance, Ricks College, Rexburg, ID, 1992

                                                  COMMUNITY SERVICE
• District Finance Chairperson, Boy Scouts of America 2006
• Chairman ofUnited Way Campaign, Surpassed all goals, Tucson, AZ 2003
                                                     OTHER INTERESTS

• Photography, Hiking, Camping, Fishing, Golf Model Railroading, Reading

Sample: FUNCTIONAL Combination, Keyword Résumé (Font Anal 12)

                                   CYNDI KAE KENDALL
                                    1557 East Monterey Street
                                    Chandler, Arizona 85123
                                     Home: 480.765.4321
                                      Cell: 602.123.4567

                                     PERSONAL PROFILE

Administrative Assistant. Executive Secretary. Supervisor. Team Member. Type 85 wpm.
Computer Proficient: Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Form Fill.
Legal Application. Document Formatting. Data Base Management System. Office Machines.
Data Entry. 10 Key. Accounts Payable. Accounts Receivable. Travel Schedules. Publicity.
Planner. Trainer. Records. Customer Service. Budgets. Cost Analyzer. Staff Coordinator.
Statistical Reports. Correspondence. Files. Proofreader. Bilingual: English, Spanish.
Interpreter. High Integrity. Dependable.
                                    EXPERTISE SUMMARY
•   20 years experience as an Administrative Assistant, Executive Secretary and Secretary
•   Type 85 wpm, fast 10 key
•   Proficient in use of computer hardware and all major software programs
•   Expertise in budgets and invoices; Accounts payable and receivable
•   Maintain, facilitate staff calendars, schedules, reservations and travel arrangements
•   Supervision of office staff and compliance with policies and procedures
•   Skillful customer relations including factory representatives, professional, contractors
•   Develop and Administer systems, reports, schedules, inventories, project work completion
•   Originate, administer personnel policies, procedures, records, performance evaluations
•   Train staff on computer operations, updates, problem resolutions
                                PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

•   Office Manager, Water Resources, Chandler, AZ 1996 Present

•   Executive Assistant, McDonnell Douglas, Mesa, AZ 1992- 1996
•   Executive Secretary, Williams Air Force Base, Mesa, AZ 1990- 1992
•   Executive Secretary, Civil Engineers, Williams Air Force Base, Mesa, AZ 1988 1990

•   Administrative Assistant, Inspector General, United States Army 1985 1988


• Graduate of numerous courses annually to improve office skills and productivity
• Formal Training in all major computer software programs; Data Management; Effective
  Composition; Proofreading; Equal Employment Opportunity; Leadership; Customer
  Relations; Communication; Public Speaking; Take Charge Training 1985 Present
                                                    -                       -

• CPR Certified
• Bilingual: English, Spanish; Interpreter

Sample: CO’JER LETTER (200 words or less)

                                               ARTHUR KING

                                             One North Castle Circle
                                             Medieval, Arizona, 85855

   July 10, 2007

   Mr. Robert T. McPhail
   Vice President of Marketing
   Lencor Industries, Incorporated
   2002 Lake Island Drive
   Gilbert, Arizona 85642

   Dear Mr. McPhail,

   I recently reviewed, with interest, an article you wrote in SALES MANA GEMENT MA GAZINE entitled
   Motivation Through Marketing Excellence. The marketing philosophy at Lencor corresponds to what I have
   accomplished on a smaller scale on my current assignment.

   As you will note from the enclosed résumé, my sales and marketing accomplishments, especially at Western
   General, favorably fit your “Marketplace Management” concept.

   Because of my familiarity with your customer base and distribution network, I feel comfortable with my
   potential contribution to your growing organization. My experience over the last three years of increasing
   sales within my territory by 31 percent demonstrates my ability to succeed.

   I will be in Gilbert nextweek. May we discuss “Marketplace Management” and my strong interest in your
   sales group? I will contact you on Tuesday morning to arrange the best time for our interview.

   I look forward to meeting with you.


  Arthur King

                          YOU ARE A ~JOBSEEKER PACKAGE”

A cover letter is essential to the job search. It is a definite part ofyour JOB SEEKER PACKAGE:

   The Cover Letter; the Résumé; the Interview; the Follow-ups = TIff JOB!
All elements of your “package” must be skillfully prepared and presented in order for you to be seriously
considered for the best job, with the best pay, in the shortest time,

GREAT WEB SITES for Job Search
 CAUTION! A great deal of time, money and emotions can be wasted on the INTERNET! Be certain you
 concentrate on specific, relevant sites. We found the following to be “tried and proven”, quality sites there may

 well be others but, as always, try to invest your time wisely in this and every other facet ofyourjob search process.

 NOTE: Always do your website job search after 7:00 p.m. in the evening! (During the normal, daylight work
 hours you should be networking with ijy~
                                        people!!)                                                       OTHER GOOD SITES                                              (Occupational Outlook Handbook)                                       (The ~et guide: Row to best use tke web) (wsj: Great for $80k and up)
                                                                    TELEPHONE DIRECTORY SITES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Work at homejobs)
                                                                                 ~VII [RE TO START (List ofbest job search resources)                    The following are probably the best starting sites: (The net guide: Howto best use the web)                                                          1. (Great assists in career building)
                                                                    2.                                                            3.                                                         4. (College students & recent college grads.)               5.                                                        6.                                                        7. (Medicaljobs)                                      8. indeed~com (The Monster Board)                                   9. (Work at home jobs)                          10.
                                                                   “PERSONAL SEARCH AGENTS”
                                                                   These sites search other job web sites for your                                                       criteria. Excellent time savers! Millions ofjobs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            wantedjobs.corn
GOVERNMENT SITES (U.S. official site of student Fed. jobs) (U.S. official site ofFederal Gov. jobs)

JOB APPLICATION TIPS                                  J     e. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (BEGIN WITH
                                                                        MOST RECENT JOB): List employer’s name,
                                                                        current address and telephone number,
        Applications are very important,                                supervisor, job title, dates ofemployment, salary,
           pay attention, do them well!                                 and reason for leaving. Describe your job duties
Each company has its own application form. It’s a good                  clearly. Use action verbs. Concentrate on skills
idea to carry a completed sample form with you as a                     which will interest the employer. The job
handy reference when filling out other application                      description can provide clues about important
forms. You can fmd a 3 or 4 page sample application                     skills. Explain gaps in your work history.
on-line. Try
                                                                    f. REFERENCES (CHARACTER AND/OR
HOW TO FILL OUT THE APPLICATION FORM                                     PROFESSIONAL): Provide names, current
                                                                         business addresses, and current phone numbers of
 When you apply forajob, you are usually requiredto                      people (not including relatives) who can speak
fill out ajob application form. Most employers review                    positively about you. Good references would
your application before they choose to see you. It can                   include clergy members, teachers, counselors,
also form an important first impression ofyou. To                        friends who are in business, and leaders of
increase yourchances for an interview, follow these                      organizations and in the community. Be sure to
guidelines:                                                              askfor their permission before listing them and
 1. Read the entire form carefully. Know what is                         verif~y here they can be reached. You may also
     being asked before filling out the form. Answer                    want to give them a copy ofyour resume so they
     each item truthfully. Employers may use the                        know more about you. Have enough references so
     application form tojudge how well you follow                       that no one person is constantly called about you.
     instructions and how careful you may be as an                  g. SAMPLE REFERENCE PAGE FORMAT:
     employee.                                                          You should use the same name header that you
2. Fill in the blanks completely, accurately, neatly,                   use on your résumé. You can make a separate one
     and to the best ofyour ability. Print or write clearly             for PERSONAL REFERENCES also.
     so it is easytoread. Answer all questions. Answers
     should be brief and consistent. Write “does not                                    CYNIM KAE KENDALL
     apply” or N/A where not applicable. Check your                                        1557 EAST Monterey Street
                                                                                            Chandler, Arizona. 85123
     answers for correct spelling, grammar,                                                      480.765.4321
     punctuation, completeness, and accuracy.                                                  Cell: 602123.4567

3. Be prepared to answer the following basic parts of
                                                                            PROEESS8ONAL REFERENCES
     an application form:                                                     Harry Simmons, Division Manager
                                                                                 ABC Corporation
  a. PERSONAL INFORMATION: List name,                                             123 SouthMitchell Avenue
       mailing address, phone number, and social                                 Eloy, Arizona 85555
       security number. If you do not have a phone                            Sharon Ball, Sales Manager
      number, have a number where messages can be                                Superior Speaker Manufacturing
                                                                                 9875 East Ketchum Street
       left for you.                                                             CasaGrande, Arizona 85678
  b. POSITION DESIRED: Spell correctlythejob for                               George Ca~sabah, hief Financial Officer
      which you are applying. Specily full-time or part-                          Sidewalk Superintendent Supply, Inc.
                                                                                         th Avenue
      time, type ofemployment (permanent, temporary,                              778899
                                                                                  Scottsdale, Arizona 85332
      or summer only), and the date you can start.                                480.123.4567
                                                                              Sarah Singleton, Office Manager
 c. EDUCATION AND TRAINING: List academic,                                        Ahistrorn Furniture Company
     vocational, and professional education and                                   60 Fremont Boulevard
                                                                                  Gilbert, Arizona 85698
     schools attended. Be preparedto attach copies of                             480.555.8910
     certificates or other documents.
    ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Listing these will
    make you stand out from other applicants. List                 h. SIGN AND DATE the application.
    the types ofequipment and tools that you are able                    1. Have copies oftranscripts, letters of
    to use and the licenses you have. List ability to                      recommendation, and other documents
    speak and write other languages as well if                             ready to attach to your application form.
    relevantto thejob for which you apply.                              2. Keep a copy ofyour completed application
                                                                           so you can review it before your interview

L       INTERVIEWING HINTS                                     BE ALERT DURING THE INTERVIEW:

                  ARRIVE EARLY
Make a “dry run” the day before                                                        Sit straight, look alert,
Get to your interview a few minutes early. Present                                     maintain eye contact.
yourself in a straightforward manner. Let the
receptionist know who you are and who you wish to

 CHECK YOUR PERSONAL APPEARANCE                                                Don’t slouch,
                                                                               be organized
Dress appropriately, AT LEAST ONE LEVEL
well groomed fingernails clean and neatly manicured.
                                                                       THINK BEFORE ANSWERING
       Nice dress                                              Be polite, accurate, honest and frank. Do not talk more
       Nice pant suit                                          than 50% ofthe time. Pre-rehearse the answers to
       No jeans or shorts                                      questions before the interview.
       No party dresses
       No gaudyjewelry                                                                  RELAX
       No heavy makeup
       No strong perfume                                       You have the advantage, you know “everything” about
       No tee shirts                                           the employer and the company, the employer knows
                                                               little about you.
                 MALES:                                        Make sure that your responses are natural. The
                  No “sloppy”jeans                             interviewer is trained to see your “unspoken”
                  No tee shirts                                communications.
                  Shoes shined
                  Pants pressed                                     SEEK ADVICE: “Network” for leads!
                  Clean shirt (tie as required)               As the interview ends, and you know you will not get
                  Suit or Jacket (if appropriate)             thejob, be cordial. Seek the employer’s advice on
                  Hands and face clean                        other jobs that may be available in the company or
                                                              with suppliers or customers. Make a good impression,
       GO TO THE INTERVIEW ALONE!                             you may even be called back in the future.
If someone takes you or comes with you don’t even
invite them into the building have themwait in thecar                   FOLLOW UP: iMPORTANT!
or go somewhereelse while you are being interviewed.
                                                              National statistics show that upwards of90% ofthe
                                                              time the person who gets hired will have followed up  -

        TAKE SUPPORT DOCUMENTS                                afterthe interview an average of seven (7) times

Make the fact sheet(s) briefbut accurate.                     before bring hired: .and yet, only 3% ofjob seekers
                                                                                 . .

Be prepared to give:                                          foHow-up afterthe interview.
 • Names/addresses ofemployers                                       By following up after theInterview
 • Employment dates
                                                                    you will eliminate up to 97% ofyour
 • Business and personal references
 • Names/address ofschools                                                competition for the jobI
 • Education graduation diplomas/certificates                 Your first follow-up should be a letter indicating your
 • Course(s) of study                                         eagerness tojoin the company. The letter should be in
 • Extracurricular activities, Achievements                   their hands within 24 hours, possibly even hand-
 • Important papers/documentation, i.e. military              delivered.
   records; work permits; social security card; health
   certificate; licenses; etc.                                (Find more important details on follow-up on page 1*)

                                                               THE DIRTY DOZEN AGENDA                                  I
 By thoroughly researching yourtarget company(s)               Interviewers are trying to discover pieces of
 you can be prepared to answer questions such as               information about you. This information will guide
 these as well as others which pertain to the specific         them in their hiring decision. The following is an
 industry and companyyour targeting. When you                  attempt to provide you with an awareness of what
 have a ready answer for these questions you will be           they are looking for so that you maybe better
 successful in your interview.                                 prepared to provide a proper answer. The following
                                                               contains a buzz-word for each question, the
 The following list contains 13 ofthe most common              philosophy ofwhy it is asked, and what you can do
 interview questions. On another sheet of paper,               to respond.
 prepare answers to these questions (and others) and
 role-play them with your coach to be sure they sound           1. OVERVIEWQUESTION. “Tell me about
 right.                                                        yourself.” Give your “Me in 30 Seconds” summary.
                                                               The interviewer is trying to understand who you are.
  1. Tell me about yourself.                                    Remember that it is not appropriate to volunteer
                                                               personal information. In fact, the interviewer may
 2. What are your greatest strengths weaknesses?
                                      -                        resent being loaded down with information that is
                                                               none ofhis business. Remember that it is against the
 3. Why did you leave your last job?                           law to discriminate because of ethnic origin,
                                                               religious affiliation, marital status, age, sex,
 4. Why do you want to work for us?                            condition ofyour health, etc., therefore, leave this
                                                               information out. Start in the upper left ofthe circle
 5. How did you like your last job?                            below and follow it around. Make sure that you
                                                               don’t leave out your strengths or personal
 6. What kind ofsalary are you looking for?                    characteristics. These are called, “The words that
                                                               get you hired”.
 7. What do you know about ourcompany?

 8. Why should we hire you?
 9. What did you think ofyour old boss?

 10. Whatare your long range goals?

 11. Do you like to work overtime?

 12. You seem over-qualified (or under-qualified).
 13. Do you have any questions?                                                  Ooai,

The questions may be asked in different ways. For
example, afterscanning a résumé an interviewer may
ask, “After all ofthe things that you have done, are
you sure you want to work for us?” The interviewer
is asking question number 12 “You seem over-

qualified for this job.”                                      2. DISARM QUESTION. “What are your greatest
                                                              strengths/weaknesses?” The interviewer makes an
The interviewer may ask, “IfI called your former              assessment while you are giving your overview as to
employer right now, what would he say about you?”             how best to put you on the spot. He wants to see
 The employer is asking for your strengths the last
                                                              how you behave under pressure. If he feels that you
part of question number 1. This is a chance for you           bruise easily, he will ask fora strength. Ifhe is
to say something like, “He would say that I have a            looking for impact, he will ask for your biggest
great work ethic, I work hard and produce a good              weakness.
quality product. He would say that I am an honest
and reliable person, ifhe had something to do, he             If asked for a weaknessyou must respond with a
could count on me.”                                           weakness, a description ofwhy it is a weakness, and
                                                              what you are doing about it.
Example: “My biggest weakness is that I am very              He is trying to discover ifyou will fit into his
     aggressive when I work and it tends to make                  organization orbe some sort ofmisfit. Ifyou simply
     people feel uncomfortable around me. So I have               say, “I loved it.” He will ask you to tell him five
     learned to be sensitive to the feelings of others so         things that you liked about it followed by five things
     that I don’t bend them out of shape.”                        that you disliked. It is best ifyou start enumerating the
                                                                  things you liked before he asks. Emphasize your
     Example: “My biggest weakness is that I am a                 PEOPLE statements. Be careful about negative
     perfectionist and tend to hold onto a project                responses. If you have anything negative to say, it
     longer than I should. So I try to be aware ofthe             better have some substance to it.
     schedule so that I get my work done on time and
     with the best possible quality.”                                 Example: “1 really enjoyed my last job. I enjoyed
                                                                      the people I workedwith, my peers. I enjoyed
     Example: “My biggest weakness is that Ijust do                   working with the public. I enjoyed working for
     not have a lot of experience in this area.                       the managementteam. I enjoyed the technical
     However, I am a quick learner, I have a lot of                   challenge. I enjoyed the opportunity to work
     energy and drive, I am very adaptable, and Ijust                 independently. I can’t think ofanything that I
     don’t think that will be a problem for me.”                      disliked, I’m a positive person and try to push
                                                                      negative things out of my mind.”
 You must say something, but be sure that you are
 aware of what your behavior causes and then tell what            6. SERIOUSNESS/LEANINGS QUESTION. “What
 you do to compensate for it.                                     kind ofsalary are you looking for?” The interviewer
                                                                  is trying to fmd out how serious you are about this job
 3. LOYALTY QUESTION. “Why did you leave your                     and ifyou will consider or reject his offer.
 last job?” The interviewer wants to know ifyou are
 the kind who stays around or flits from job to job.                 Example: Memorize this answer: “I would really
 Make sure that you have a loyalty statement in your                 like to work here. I will seriously consider any
 answer.                                                             reasonable offer you would like to make.” That
                                                                     answer tells him you are serious, please make the
    Example: “I leftmy last job because it was a                     offer reasonable, and that it is his responsibility to
    dead-end position. If it could have given me the                 make the offer and not yours to tell him what you
    opportunity to continue to grow and develop and                  will work for.
    satisfied myneeds, I’d still be there today.”
                                                                 If the interviewer responds with, “Can you give me a
    Example: “I left my last job because the economy             dollar amount?” You should be prepared to tell him
    was such that somejobs had to be eliminated and              that, “I will be happy to provide you with my salary
    I was one ofthe ones that fell out. Ifthe economy            history.” Give him a sheet of paper having your
    was such that I could continue to makemy                     previous job titles, who you worked for, and the
    contributions, I’d still be there today.”                    salary. Do not offer this unless it is requested.

4. HAPPINESS QUESTION. “Why do you want to                        7. YARDSTICK QUESTION. “What do you know
work for us?” The interviewer is trying to determine              about our company?” The interviewer will measure
ifyou would be satisfied and content to work for                 you and all you say to him against what you say here.
them. A happy worker is a good employee. Tell them               For example, if you say, “I know that you treat your
why you would enjoy working for them. Notice all of              employees fairly.” The interviewer will take
the happy words in the example.                                  everything that goes into treating an employee fairly
                                                                 and assume that you know all about it. He will assume
   Example: “I would like to work for you because I              that you know all about the companies salary plan,
   feel comfortable doing that kind ofthing. It is the           career plan, and benefits plan because
   type ofthing that I have been trained to do. I feel           all ofthose things go into treating an employee fairly.
   that it would be a challenging assignment, and
   give me an opportunity to continue to grow and                Did you do your homework? You should have talked
   develop. I feel it would be a great opportunity for           to some employees previously to see what the benefits
   me to do that for you.”                                       are and how they treat employees. Ask the secretary
                                                                 when you check in for your interview, “Is this a great
5. ORIENTATION QUESTION. “How did you like                       company to work for or what?” Then you can give a
your old job?” The interviewer is trying to determine            response like the example.
ifyou are a positive or a negative type ofperson.

Example: “I know that you have a great                          realize my greatest potential. I’m going to do that
     reputation in the community. I know that you                    by getting thoroughly involved in the work. I’m
     have a good product. Everyone that I know feels                 going to continue my education where I discover
     that you are a great companyto work for and that                that I need to improve my skills. I would like to
     you treat your employees fairly. You are just the               make myself so valuable to my employer that he
     kind of company that I would like to be associated              might consider me for a leadership position
     with.”                                                          someday. I am an active employee. I keep busy.”

 Always be very careful how you act from the first               Note: Do not tell an interviewer that you would like to
 minute you park your car, enter the waiting room and            be a manager. This is a threatening word to some.
 beyond. You may be watched every step ofthe way.                Managers do not like to multiply peers. However,
                                                                 leadership is a good word. It is not as threatening as
 Always be POLITE TO THE SECRETARY!! People                      manager.
 have been hired and not hired because the boss came
 out and asked the secretary what she thought ofyou              11. LIKES/~VILLINGNESS
                                                                                      QUESTION. “Do you
 or how you acted toward her, or what you did in the            like to work overtime?” The interviewer is trying to
 waiting room;                                                  discover your willingness to help when needed as well
                                                                as your likes. They are asking if you are willing to
 Make sure that you talk about things centered on               bend your schedule to meet the demands oftheir
 thejob and not what is in it for you. Do not give the          business. You need to answer both parts. Employers
 interviewer the impression that you are self centered.         have a dislike for employees who spend overtime
 This is called a “fatal” impression.                           budget unnecessarily, they like to hear words that
                                                                show that a prospective employee is not that type.
 should we hire you?” The interviewer has talked to                 Example: “No, its not my favorite thing, but I
 other candidates. You must tell him why you are the                know that it is often necessary in business, and I
 best person for thejob. Your response should tell him              want you to know that ifyou need me to help out,
 that you are a competitive person.                                 I will, I don’t have a problem with it.”

    Example: “Because I’m going to make sure that I                 Example: “My preference is to complete thejob
    do the job in a waythat will please you and my                  during the regularhours, but, I want you to know
    performance will be exemplary that’s just the
                                    --                              that ifyou need me to help you out you can count
    way I am. Fm not contentto be just an average                   on me.”
    employee, I like to excel.”
                                                                12a. BOREDOM QUESTION. “You seem over-
9. REPUTATION QUESTION. “What did you think                    Qualified for this job.” The interviewer has made a
ofyour old boss?” The interviewer is trying to                 valuejudgement and you are deemed to be a
determine what you do with people’s reputation. He is          winner. Be sure to thank him for this compliment
thinking, “If you work for us, what will you say about         then go on to describe how you handle boredom.
us when you leave?” Ifyou can’t say something good
about your last employer, you will fail this question.             Example: “Thank you for the compliment. I feel
The following example describes a boss that was not                that my experience will benefit the company. I
your favorite, yet does not cause undue concern.                   will contribute in any way that I can to enhance
                                                                   the company and productivity. Also I am a team
    Example: “My last boss knew exactly what he                    player and I will happily comply with decisions
    wanted to do and when he wanted to do it. I did                and directions chosen by management. I am a self
    not always agree with him, but he was a                        motivated person who knows how to keep busy
    successful business man and I learned a lot from               and productive.”
                                                                12b. FRUSTRATION QUESTION. “You seem to
10. MOTIVATIONQUESTION “What are your                           be a bit under-qualified for this job.” The interviewer
long-range goals?” The interviewer wants to know if             is concerned about this job causing trauma in your
you are a motivated person or if you just muddle               life. Ifyou want this job you need to minimize his
through life. Your answer should tell him that you are         concerns. You need to tell him that this job will not
a doer.                                                        cause you problems and that you will grow to meet
                                                               the demands.
   Example: “I want to go as far as I can in life and

Example: “Yes, there are things in that job that I          Question 2: (Always ask this question too.
    haven’t done before, but I like a good challenge. If
    I don’t have a challenge then I don’t have any              “May I check back with someone in a few days? I
    personal growth either. It doesn’t botherme to              may be able to reinforce or clarify something from
                                                                our interview that may help me get this job.”
    stretch. Also, I’m not afraid to ask questions and I
    have a good research technique to find answers. I              This question tells the interviewer that you are one
    take challenges as opportunities to bring out my               ofthe 3% that follows through on an interview. If
    best. I will probably do that job better than                  you fail to let him know that you are in the 3%
    someone that treats it like a routine task.”                   group, he may feel that he could discard your
                                                                   application and 97% of the time no one would
13. UNHOOKING QUESTION. “Do you have any                           ever know. It keeps your application out of the
questions?” The interviewer is asking your                         wastebasket and on his desk. The longer it stays
permission to fmish the interview. He feels that he has            on his desk the more valuable it becomes.
discovered what he needs to know to make his
decision. He may even have another interview                    Question 3: (Only ask this question if you know the
pending in a few minutes. Do not ask fatal questions.           employer has more time.)
Do not try to sustain the interview. However, here are
the three questions that should always be asked.                “Is there anything you would like to share with me
                                                                about additional interesting things you are doing
Question 1: (Always ask this question and question              in the company, or about this interview?”
#2 at the end ofthe interview)
                                                                   This question acknowledges that you are ready to
“When do you plan to fill this position?”                          let the interviewer unhook. That is what he wants
   This is a neutral question that will not offend. It             to do. It also says that you are a team player, and
   also gives you information as to how much more                  that you want to build a relationship. Interviewers
   time you have to try to get thejob.                             hire people they feel theycan share with

When you have ready answers to questions like these and give the interviewer answers
that increase your value, you will have mastered the Baker’s Dirty Dozen! and more!                     ...

     ,1.tember.       -.   NoM~ftu Wu~


                                                                                            Wê%, W% ~   ?‘~ 4~IIt
         Sometimes the Dragon Wins

QUESTIONS YOU CAN ASK                             j       WHY YOU DON’T GET HIRED1

     • What is the planned or projected growth of the         Do you present a strong image at ajob interview?
       company?                                               The following list itemizes things which personnel
     • What new products are to be introduced and             directors in 153 companies mentioned as reasons for
       when?                                                  not hiring an applicant. (Note: All ofthese have
     • Can you provide me ajob description ofthe              little or nothing to do with EDUCATION and
       available position?                                    EXPERIENCE!)

                                                               1. Poor personal appearance.   (The lit seven seconds)

         QUESTIONS YOU MUST                                   2. Overbearing personality.   (The 1st seven words)
                                                              3. Lack ofplanning for a career, purpose or goals.
                                                              4. Lack of interest and enthusiasm.
 Questions that center on you and not on the company          5. Criticism ofpast employers.
 —such as about benefits.
                                                              6. Lack of courtesy.
  •   How much do I get paid to start?
  •   How many sick days do I get per year?                   7. Late to interview without a good reason.
  •   How many holidays do I get?
  •   When can I retire?                                      8. Marked dislike for school work.
  •   Tell me about your medical and dental plan.
  •   How much vacation do I get per year?                    9. No interest in company.
  •   When do I get my first increase?
                                                              10. Lack ofconfidence.

     FOLLOW-UP: IMPORTANT!                                   11. Unwilling to start at bottom expects too much.

                                                             12. Failure to look interviewer in the eye.
Only 3% ofJob-seekers will follow-up on an
interview. An employer is more likely to respond             13. Limp handshake.
favorably to an applicant who takes the initiative to
follow-up than one who doesnot.                              14. Sloppy application form.

Your first follow-up should be a letter indicating           15. Wants job for only a short time.
your eagerness tojoin the company. The letter
should be in their hands within 24 hours, possibly           16. Asks no questions about thejob.
even hand-delivered.
                                                             17. Talks too much. (More that 50% of the time)
1. Thank the employer for the opportunity of
interviewing and being considered for thejob.                Check yourself on these before your next
2. Reinforce, document and/or support any areas of
concern that may have developed in the interview.
Also brieflyrestate your qualifications and strengths
regarding the position. (all in 200 words or less!)                 PUT YOUR SHOULDER TO
                                                                     THAT THIN, GRAY LINE
3. Tell them you want the job!
   Job hunting is a competitive event.                                “VERY ASSERTIVE”
The job hunter who learns how the game                                               AND
                                                                 “OBNOXIOUSLY AGGRESSIVE”
of finding a job is played, then prepares
                                                                  AND PUSH, BUT DON’T EVER,
    for the competition, WILL WIN!                                  EVER CROSS THE LINE!
CONCLUSION:                                   •.             •,

                 •               ‘1           THE SHORTEST WSTANcE!’                                                ‘•

                                                     i    S                                       5

                                                                                                 This is the Shortest Distance
              What is the shortest distance
                between two points?                                                               in the Job-search process.
                           a straight line
                                                                               Get a coach!
                                                                               Roll play llervicw

In the Job-search process that is not usually true!                                                                             Take inveilory!
                                                                                                                                   Get to know
    Unemployed        Inadequate Preparation             Not Hired                                                                     Yourself
                                                                              Prepare your
   a—---——                  -—        _._.*__.*a                              personal
                                                                              A sharp résumé.

L~e~_ed               I~atejre~ara~_Not~ed                                                                                Do your homework!
                                                                                                                               Research your
                                                                              Job Applicationi
                                                                              Do it right.
L.~JnempIoyed        InaciequatePreparaton               Not Hired
                                                                                                                                 Lookin’ good!
                                                                                                                                  Feelin’ good!

~~nemployed          Inadequate Preparation              Not Hired        •   l’hank you!
                                                                              I warn the job.

                                       a     —-—--            a                                           7 times

                        -Diaccasragemeit. low self esteem-P                                              HàED

 Remember... Finding a goodjob is afull-timejob and takes skill and dedication!

   “Finding a job is challenging...
    Your challenge is to help one
   get to know you and like you!”

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Searching For A Job 2010

  • 2. There are a few other things that are basic to causing INTRODUCTION frustration in job search. It is necessary for you to “arrive at the threshold ofreality” in developing your By way ofintroduction to this Booklet let’s consider a career and continue in the “upward mobility” ofa few basics. Let’s ask a few questions: lifetime ofcareer development. Q 1. What is something that many job seekers veiy - commonly do in trying to get ajob that is the least There are two categories of peoplewho are effective thing they could do? frustrated in job search: A 1. Send out résumés. Distributed by any method, - 1. There are those who “are better than they think they just sending out résumés results in something less than are”. Their frustrationexists because they hesitate to 1% success. acknowledge to themselves and to employers that they really can do more than they realize. They Reasoning: A résumé should not be designed to “get accept lower paying jobs, are bored with the work you thejob”. The purpose of a résumé is tojust peak and generally are unhappy with their situation. the curiosity ofthe employer enough so that he wants to call you in for an interview. Therefore your résumé 2. There are those who “think they are better than they should be designed to get you the interview. Ifyou try are”. Their frustrationdevelops as they exaggerate to do anything more than that or less than that your or lie about their experience, education and other résumé is less effective than it should be or could be. things and even ifthey “talk themselves” into ajob Granted, this appears to be a fine-line difference but it they wonder why the employer is unhappy with is very significant! A résumé by itself is practically them and why they get stepped over for promotions, worthless but as part ofyour “package presentation” — etc. Theirjob usually doesn’t make it through the it is very important. We’ll discuss the details later in probation period ofnew employment. this booklet. In both cases these job seekers haven’t been honest Q -2. What is the second least effective thingjob with themselves. seekers do to get ajob? In the case ofthose in #1 they need to discover for A- 2. Job search websites Around 2% effective. - themselves or have others help them realize their talents and capabilities then articulate them to the - Reasoning: This is a cousin to sending out résumés. employer. That’s exactly what the employer wants to You send résumé type information to hundreds of know! Just be prepared to support it with - websites. Also keep in mind that too many ofthese documentable fact. websites could really care less whether you get ajob or In the case ofthose in #2 they may indeed have the not! They are looking for your wallet or your personal aptitude to do more but need to get more education, information so they can use it in other ways. Online certifications, or experience to “prove up” to their scams and schemes: Identity theft; Illegal purchases capabilities. After all it is the responsibility ofthejob online; Requests for “up front” money; Credit card seeker to improve himself— throughout his lifetime! theft; etc. Please note: there are many good, caringjob search There is one other category offrustration that websites out there, but be careful. There is a list of should be mentioned here in the introduction the — good sites on page 11 inthis booklet—there are many person who has become discouraged in theirjob search others bu is listwill give you a good stait and has begun to “assign external reasons” for their lack ofsuccess. Reasons such as, “I’m not getting the Q-3. What is the third least effective way to find a job? job because I’m too old”, or “They’re picking favorites over me even though I’m more qualified”, etc. Most of A-3. Classified lists in newspapers, tradejournals, the time they are not even aware that their negative magazines and other various published lists available attitude is the problem. They don’t realize they are just to the public in general and includes many placement “not likable” to the employer. When this happens agencies. Why are these sources less effective? - someone, a ‘~job coach”, or an employment counselor, Because most ofthe bestjobs have already been needs to “coach” them to reality, change their attitude “born” and filled before they are published. — and help them become better at theirjob search skills! Which brings us to the most effective method of finding and getting ajob - NOW THAT’S ENOUGH OF NEGATIVES! I it is the intention ofthis booklet (and the instruction STATICICS SHOW THAT BETWEEN class that usually introduces it) to help people become 65% AND 80% OF ALL JOBS ARE FOUND a Vt tflP TtIPtttlflfl successful job seekers, with great attitudes and the P&L~UrILLr.I) DY r~JI ~v~’i~nii’u,... ability to make themselves more likable tothe employers to change the problem frustration from, — .THE OPPOSiTE OF “Why can’t I get a good job?” to “Whichjob offer ~ 1’~ ?S’~ IXI~T,~ I~% i v~nutii~z W i~, ~T1 a’IT% 1T~1j~ shall I accept?” (~ETREAt)’~ (;~:r ET! LE F’S (;O! S 1
  • 3. You can’t get more basic than this... EMPLOYERS DON’T HIRE PEOPLE THEY DON’T LIKE! Your challenge is to get an employer to know you and like you quickly! - YOU MUST BE LIKABLE This support material must be easy to find and understand, not buried in paragraphs. IN FOUR AREAS: We will review these items in much more detail 1- VISUALLY: throughout this booklet. Poor personal appearance is by far the #1 reason why people don’t get hired! You must look like Something else basically important is the fact that you’ll fit into the company. Dress at least one level higher salary jobs require more skills. If you higher than that which is required for the job. Also desire ajob that pays well, it is your maintain good eye contact with the interviewer. responsibility to increase your skills or acquire Don’t slouch, be professional. new ones to realize your goals. 2- AUDIBLY: While the job-seeker says... The #2 reason people don’t get thejob is unorganized, rambling vocal presentations. “I want the Employer to feel that Develop your “Me in Thirty Second? statement. In hiring me is a good idea!” the interview expand into your “Power Statement?. The employer says... 3- WR1TFEN: “I want to hire qualified people Job applications, Cover letters, Résumés, Portfolio who want to work for my presentations, Follow-ups all must be efficiently company!” and effectively composed and formatted to be “likable~. Example: 90% of all résumés are eliminated within There is an employer out there 20 seconds! Also, is your résumé “Scannable”? looking for you... 4- QUALIFICATIONS: But you have to find him... Ofcourse you must state, and document, your job And he has to like you -quickly! qualifications clearly, both audibly and in writing. I FINDING A GOOD JOB IS A FULL-TIME JOB Every step in your job search is important. Assume that there are 100 people looking for every job. The employer’s task is to eliminate 99 applicants. Your task is to be so skilled and thorough that you are not eliminated at any step in the process. 2
  • 4. BINGO! + + + + NET ÔRKING BINGO! + +~_~ / + START ~‘ + +~ BNGO!~ + eBINGO! NETWORK1N(; IS THE IETHOI) BY WHICH 8 OI~TOF 10 JOB SFFkERS IEU I THEIR ‘~E% EIPLO FR’ • 0.8 % ofjobs are filled by sending out résumés • 4% ofjobs are filled through State Employment Service. • 6% through professional agencies. • 10% by thejob seeker without others help. • 65% TO 80% FILLED BY NETWORKING! (Word-of-mouth) N}~TWORKINGTIPS 1. Almost anyone can be a networking source: 8. Pre-rehearse your “30 second summary” with a Job Friends, neighbors, peers, competitors, church Coach! A Job Coach is someone you have confidence members, trade associations, professional in and will assist you in “mock interviews”, advise you groups, business associates, job fairs, club in job search technics, etc. The least effective job members, etc. coach would be a member of your own family! The / (Note: church members are a potentially most effective one would be someone who works in unparalleled networking resource.) the industry or even in the company where you’d like 2. Identify a person to use as an original networking to get thejob! “source”. 9. After giving your “summary” and your résumé 3. Meet thce-to-face, call on the phone, email or listen and take notes on their suggestions and advise. write them a letter (face-to-face is best). 10. Ask for the names of two or three colleagues, 4. Make the contact with two objectives in mind: competitors, etc., if your contact hasn’t suggested a. Impress the contact. b. Get two or three more networking sources. some. Get names, addresses and phone numbers. Make sure you get the correct spellings! 5. Make sure it is a convenient time for the contact to talk to you. Ifnot, approach later. 11. Ask for pennission to use the contact’s name when you call the referrals. 6. Ask for SUGGESTIONS and ADVICE (NEVER for a JOB or a FAVOR) on how to 12. Get permission to send the referral your résumé even find ajob in the field in which you are looking. ifthere is not ajob in their organization. 7. Give your “Me in 30 Seconds” summaiy of your 13. Always thank your contact for their time and strongest characteristics and qualifications. helpfulness! 3
  • 5. 9. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: These TARGETING AND people keep lists ofjob openings, and membership lists RESEARCHING EMPLOYERS which will often tell you the name ofthe person you (Doing your “Homework”t) need to contact about a specificjob. It is very important that you research each company 10 THE YELLOW PAGES: This is an almost complete before you actually talk to employers. The two major listing ofthe employers in the area. reasons for this research is to: I) help you determine ii WANT ADS: Read for specific openings and to see whether you really would be happy working for that who’s hiring in ~y field. Note: A company hiring company or not; and 2), Help you team how to - engineers, for example, will also need support people present yourself in the best light visually, verbally and for these technical experts. in writing so they will like you and hire you. 12 COMPANIES/MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS: gather Here are common sources of information about information about companies, contact public relations employers nationally and/or in your local area. departments, obtain company brochures and reports to 1. INTERNET: Visit the company’s web page, stockholders. you’ll find lots of information there. However, 13 VISIT THE BUSINESS: Observe the “Image” of the keep in mind, it is always positive, you’ll want to company, how people look, dress and act. Talk to search other sources to get a complete picture of friendlyclerks and other employees about the company. the company. You might approach and ask several employees, “Hi, 2. PUBLIC LIBRARY BUSINESS SECTION: my name is Joe Jobseeker. I’m thinking about working An excellent source! Biographies, news clippings, here, what’s it like working for this company?” tradejournals, financial analysis, critical reports, etc., of the business, operations, employer, A. Find out who has the hiring authority? B. What’s the benefit package like? products and services nationally and locally. C. Receptionists, Administrative Assistants know a lot! D. Does management recognize quality work, 3. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, SPECIAL achievements, do theypromote from within? EMPLOYER DIRECTORIES: These are E. Kindly let them know you’re serious and that you available to anyone; the employers want to find appreciate their help! good employees too! 4. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC HOW TO SELL YOURSELF WiTH SECURiTY EMPLOYER LISTS: There are handouts and training in DES offices, and thejob ARESIJME;~ counselors know the local market very well. An advertisement for yourself! You can seldom get 5. COMMUNiTY ORGANIZATIONS: ajob interview these days without an effective résumé. Membership lists often tell you who does what for Here’s how to make you résumé more effective. what business. TAKE A SELF-INVENTORY 6. TRADE ASSOCIATIONS AND TRADE JOURNALS: These people have directories and On a separate paper(s) list all ofthe pertinent facts job opening lists. about yourself “brainstorm” with yourself, list - everything! What you can do well; your education; 7. COLLEGE COUNSELING CENTERS: There interests; professional memberships; special are whole rooms in these centers devoted to achievements; honors and, of course, your work helping you prepare for job search. You can use history. Don’t be bashful but don’t exaggerate either. these center resources even ifyou aren’t a student. Everything should be supportable with “documentable” 8. UNIONS: Talk to the business representatives in facts. Now we’ll look at arranging the information into the office, not thedispatcher. an effective résumé. 4
  • 6. Do use appropriate language, jargon, common to your PICK A FORMAT job and industry, don’t come across as an outsider. CHRONOLOGICAL. List your experiences in reverse order, starting with your current or most recent position. Do design your résumé to be KEY WORD FUNCTIONAL. Focus on what you have learned. SCANNABLE. (See page 6) Work-related experiences are organized under skill categories such as “Expertise Summaiy”, “Personal Do include as many ofthese 12 MOST TRANS. Profile”, “Marketing,” “Administration” or “Fund FEllABLE SKILLS as you can honestly justify: Raising”, “Skills Summary”, “Professional Profile”, (Listed alphabetically, not in order of importance) “Special Awards”, “Achievements”, “Honors”. • Bilingual especially Spanish - COM]3INATION. Most résumés fall into this category. • Budget Management A combination format, in which company names and dates • Computer skills • Coping with Deadline Pressures are included as well as a summary section(s) offunctional • Interviewing descriptions. • Negotiating and Arbitrating •Organiiing IX)1’t’T’S FOR REStJ!’~lEWRiTING: ‘Public Relations Don’t include dates if they work against you. Instead, you •Speaking • Supervising might consider substituting a summary statement i.e., - • Teaching “over ten years combined experiences in sales”. •Writing Don’t include personal information. Age, marital status, height, weight, the state ofyour health or your nationality Do be certain that the document reflects your personality, have no place on todays résumé. not someone else. Don’t let someone helping you “insert” Don’t include salary history unless asked for. You may their personality. The employer wants to interview the either confront the issue directly atthejob interview or person who wrote the résumé be certain that it is YOU! - state in your cover letter, “My salary history is Do keep it short Try to keep your résumé to one page. competitive.” However, there is nothing wrong with a good two page Don’t include references. However, have them available in résumé. your brief case at the interview. Avoid gimmicks. No folders, No Binders, No Don’t lie, If you get caught in even a small lie, it could pictures, No colored paper, No colored Ink. wipe out everygood thing you have done. Be warned: Do write a cover letter. A résumé should not go out all There are verification services whose sole purpose is to alone. It is like “shooting yourself in the foot” to work verify résumés. hard on your résumé and then send it out with a sloppy Don’t be too modest. This doesn’t mean that you brag. cover letter or no letter at all! (See “WRITING AN - You don’t write that you are an “exceptional” manager or a EFFECTIVE COVER LETFER” page 7) “brilliant” writer. What you do write is, “I doubled the profits,” or, “won several journalism awards.” If~lP0RTANT RESUIIE UP1)1~TE Ii~it’s C !lUflC in t!1C Iture.’ 1)0’S FOR RFSIJ1E WRITING: Do realize that the upper 1/3 ofthe flrstpage is the most There is a possibility that in the future in fact some - important “The Hot Zone”! The first 7 to 20 seconds - larger companies are already “changing over” from determines the impression you makewith the employer. Be résumés to a screening/testing process for finding new certain your strongest characteristics that are most employees. Instead ofreading your résumé, an employer important to the employer are listed first. may askyou to fill out an online form or take an online Do use action verbs in clean concise phrases. Emphasize test that measures how well you “fit” thejob, based on responses from successful workers. simplicity. Don’t let your résumé get complicated! Google, for example, uses a screening program to Do pay attention to language. Avoid unnecessary measure applicants’ attitudes, behaviors, personality and introductory phrases and the use of”I”. Repeating “key biographical details. Answers are applied in a formula words” is permissible, however, Ifyou have performed that creates a score, indicating how well the candidate is similar tasks in different jobs, explain the most recent one likely to fare on thejob. in detail. An increasingly popular screening tool uses a kind of 5
  • 7. standardized test. Applicants’ answers to questions 90% OF RÉSUMÉS ARE ELIMINATED about such characteristics as their preferrednoise level at V ITHUN 10 T( ) 20 SFA’ONDS! work or the time ofday they feel most energized are compared with answers from workers who already are Why? Let’s review what happens when your résumé is successful in the jobs~ picked up from the desk by the employer This “new” process for finding employees is not entirely 1. Selection is by process ofelimination! Employers new but is refmements ofvariations that employers have are very skeptical about résumés, theyreally don’t been experimenting with for the last few years. Only “trust” them! Howeverthey are a necessary part ofthe midsized or large companies are beginning to use it for process. Your résumé is in a stack of25, 50, 100 or the present. more. The employer’s first goal is to get rid ofas many ofthem as quickly as possible. The traditional résumé is still being used throughout the vast majority of businesses. It’s mentioned here so that you may be aware ofthe “shift” taking place and be prepared for it. 2. “What can this person do well that will help me We’ll make the shift when it becomes more dominant and give riaht now?” This is the question that is uppermost in you updates in later versionsofthis booklet. the mind ofthe employer as he picks up your résumé. He does not yet care (in the first 10 seconds) what NOW, CONSIDER THIS... your name is, what your address is, where you have worked in the past, who you’ve worked for,, what your “The obituary style résumé that lists activities at education or experience is or any dates involved. former and current employers is dead! Stating what a That’s obituary stuff! Remember, (in the first 10 person can and will do well to meet the needs of a seconds) “What can this person do well to help me future employer is alive and well. It sure does - right now?” increase the chances of being called for an interview.” Dick Gaither, President 3. The top 1j~ of page one... We know that the eyes of Job Search Training Systems, Inc. the employer fall an average of 2% inches below the top ofthe page that’s below your name header - KEY WORD SCANNABLE information, he’s not interested in that yet. He’s looking in the top 1/3 ofthe page for answers to his You have a high percentage chance that your résumé will question, “What can this person do well to help me be electronically scanned into a computer database. Later right now?” If he doesn’t see it within 10 seconds, the data base is searched for key words. Only those your résumé is set aside in the discard pile! If he résumés containing an exact match or “hit” ofthe “key sees something of interest he will continue to search words” will surface for consideration. You will need to yourrésumé for a total ofabout 20 seconds. ~g~y he’s incorporate at least a section ofkey word “Job starting to look for some support documentation, ifhe descriptor?, usually nouns and noun phrases into doesn’t fmd it, easily and quickly, you’re in the discard your résumé. If you don’t your résumé will be “invisible” pile! and prevent you from being considered for thejob! (See the “PROFILE” section in sample résumé on page 8) 4. He decides not to decide. If he’s still interested after 20 to 22 seconds he usually decides not to decide and THiNGS TO AVOID in a scannable résumé: your résumé is placed on the desk in a “maybe” pile. • Fancy fonts: stick with basic fonts, Anal is best Out of 100 résumés there will be about 10% in the • Vertical and horizontal lines, brackets, asterisks, “maybe” pile, that is, there are about 8, 10 or maybe quotation marks, parenthesis, hollow bullets, 12 still in the running for the position. slash, put a space before and after a hyphen • Avoid italics and underlining altogether 5. 45 seconds total time. Now he picks up each • Nothing in columns, no full or right justification remaining résumé and gives it up to 45 seconds (total • Don’t fold, staple or paper clip, ifyou mail it use a time) in which he will decide who to call in for an large envelope with a cardboard insert interview. He can study a two page résumé very thoroughly in 45 seconds and in that time he’s looking THINGS TO DO: for all ofthe documentation he can fmd about your • Do Use black ink on white paper (90 to 96 brightness) abilities to “help him right now.” Now he’s looking at • Do Use quality 24# bond paper education, experiences, company names, places and • Do Use highest quality printer— Laser dates. 6
  • 8. 6. But you must pass the 10 and 20 second cuts to be solid not hollow. Their sole purpose is to guide the eye. seriously considered for thejob! How do you get Place them only two or three spaces in front ofthe line that information to him so quickly and effectively? and don’t make them big and obnoxious! Bullets Here’s how! should never draw attention to themselves! Reduce the bullet font by one or two font sizes less than the text. See the “PROFESSIONAL PROFILE” Section in thesample résumé on page, 7 WRITING AN EFFECTIVE A. Notice that the contents ofthis section is made up of COVER LETTER “stand alone” job descriptors separated by periods. There are no verbs, pronouns, adjectives, etc., no Writing effective cover letters is one area that is often “fluff’- for the most part just nouns and noun underestimated and dismissed as inconsequential in the phrases. In short, a “10 second” key-word overall scheme oflanding a job. The cover letter can be summary, a nut-shell version of “what Joe Job the important key to opening the right doors! seeker can do well.” This is exactly what the employer is looking for -2% inches from the top of While the résumé is generic in content, the cover letter the page, right where the employer first focuses! is personal and specific. Ideally, it is addressed to the person who does the hiring. The best preparedjob B. Three Major Functions can be accomplished with seeker will be able to provide answers to three this section, they are: questions that the employer is seeking: 1. This section provides the “what you can do well” 1. “Doesthis job seeker understand my problems!” summary the employer is looking for in the first 2. “Is there adequate documentation on performance 7 to 10 seconds. that will go to the bottom line?” 2. Keeping in mind that if your résumé is scanned 3. “Are there substantial indications on how the job into a data base and later searched for “key seeker thinks?” words” typed into the computer this section - enables you to ensure that the keywords will be Your goal is to “personalize” yourself and prompt the in your résumé. Even though the employer likes employer to pay more attention to your résumé and to see action verbs and short phrases as he reads say, “I’d like to meet the person who wrote this cover your résumé, he will type nouns in the computer letter and résumé!” search! Hence the verb “Supervised” in the body ofthe résumé will be “Supervisor” in the Profile A well written cover letter projects the following three section. Managed will be Manager, Directed will objectives: be Director, etc. 1. “This is what I know about you and your 3. This is a big one! This section allows you to company.” (I’ve done my homework!) arrange your strongest characteristics and • It offers the opportunity to clearly state why this capabilities in the order of importance that you organization is of interest to the writer. know the employer is looking for. The order can 2. “Here is how I’ll fit in and fill the open position.” be arranged without regard for chronological (I can help solve your problems.) sequence! The order can be rearranged to meet • It gives the writer and opportunity to direct the needs ofeach employer! Tailor your résumé attention to specific skills that are ofdirect for each employer! Just what he is looking for. relevance to the company. 3. This is when I will contact you to arrange the ONE MORE THING: Be sure to keep in mind that best time for our interview.” (Very assertive but the résumé is your personal advertisement not some not obnoxiously aggressive!) former employer or university. So, list your job title • It provides an opportunity to control further first, then the company, city and state, then the date. communication and follow through between (Follow the example sequence in the sample résumé the writer and the recipient. on page 7.) A WORD ABOUT BULLETS: Bullets, whether The length of the cover letter should be circles, squares, diamonds or arrow points, should be 200 words or less. 7
  • 9. Sample: CElRO~OLOCIC~L Combination, Keyword Résumé (Font: Times New Roman 12) — JOSEPH J. JOBSEEKER Font sizE no smaller than 10, 1 Margins no less than 15 not larger than 14,12 la ide~ 4534 East Prospect Avenue Tabs: no smaRer than 25 Nes*=14.therestttyforl2 Psges 2 pages ok ~ effealve Font styIS~~ Tb~ ~ ospe on, ona, Bullet* no more than 2 to 3 Roman, noserwfonts 480.833.1905 spaces from teit Ron PROFESSIONAL PROFILE (Note: Job descriptors: nouns, noun phrases, separated by periods.) Chief Financial Officer. Financial Manager. Auditor. General Accounting. Budgets. Forecasts. Financial Statements. Fixed Asset Reports. Contracts. Payroll. Credit Management. Job Costing. Invoices. Computer Proficient: Financial Software, Word. WordPerfect, Varnet, Macola. Interpersonal Skills. Publlic Relations. Performance Evaluator. Policy and Procedures. Team Concepts. Master of Business Administration. CPA. Bachelor of Science, Accounting. 17 Years Experience. Trainer. High Integrity. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Chief Financial Officer, Horizon International, Inc., Gilbert, AZ 2005 Present - Oversee all financial management departments • Direct top managers in developing financial and economic policy • Establish procedures, delegate authority, evaluate performance • Manage the implementation of policies, audits, goals, • Conduct meetings of financial and economic associations • Monitor implementation ofpolicies and procedures Financial Analyst, Angels Health Plan of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 2001 2004 - Overall responsibility to ensure financial accountability for Arizona • Analyzed group accounts and resolved problems with group administrator • Directed member services and claims processing • Auditedbank reconciliations, journal entries, month end and year end reporting - - • Recognized with company Outstanding Leadership and Contributions Award General Accounting Manager, Credit Manager, Crucial Concepts, Inc., Mesa, AZ 1998 2001 - Managed all general accounting functions of a Fortune 500 company division • Supervised and trained office staff • Administered corporate credit procedures and guidelines for customers • Monitored the monthly reporting of inventory, payroll records, and fixed asset reporting EDUCATION • Master of Business Administration, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 1998 • Bachelor of Science, Accounting, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 1996 • Deans list, 1976, 1977; Outstanding Student Award College ofAccounting - • Associates Arts, Finance, Ricks College, Rexburg, ID, 1992 COMMUNITY SERVICE • District Finance Chairperson, Boy Scouts of America 2006 • Chairman ofUnited Way Campaign, Surpassed all goals, Tucson, AZ 2003 OTHER INTERESTS • Photography, Hiking, Camping, Fishing, Golf Model Railroading, Reading 8
  • 10. Sample: FUNCTIONAL Combination, Keyword Résumé (Font Anal 12) - CYNDI KAE KENDALL 1557 East Monterey Street Chandler, Arizona 85123 Home: 480.765.4321 Cell: 602.123.4567 PERSONAL PROFILE Administrative Assistant. Executive Secretary. Supervisor. Team Member. Type 85 wpm. Computer Proficient: Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Form Fill. Legal Application. Document Formatting. Data Base Management System. Office Machines. Data Entry. 10 Key. Accounts Payable. Accounts Receivable. Travel Schedules. Publicity. Planner. Trainer. Records. Customer Service. Budgets. Cost Analyzer. Staff Coordinator. Statistical Reports. Correspondence. Files. Proofreader. Bilingual: English, Spanish. Interpreter. High Integrity. Dependable. EXPERTISE SUMMARY • 20 years experience as an Administrative Assistant, Executive Secretary and Secretary • Type 85 wpm, fast 10 key • Proficient in use of computer hardware and all major software programs • Expertise in budgets and invoices; Accounts payable and receivable • Maintain, facilitate staff calendars, schedules, reservations and travel arrangements • Supervision of office staff and compliance with policies and procedures • Skillful customer relations including factory representatives, professional, contractors • Develop and Administer systems, reports, schedules, inventories, project work completion • Originate, administer personnel policies, procedures, records, performance evaluations • Train staff on computer operations, updates, problem resolutions PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE • Office Manager, Water Resources, Chandler, AZ 1996 Present - • Executive Assistant, McDonnell Douglas, Mesa, AZ 1992- 1996 • Executive Secretary, Williams Air Force Base, Mesa, AZ 1990- 1992 • Executive Secretary, Civil Engineers, Williams Air Force Base, Mesa, AZ 1988 1990 - • Administrative Assistant, Inspector General, United States Army 1985 1988 - EDUCATION • Graduate of numerous courses annually to improve office skills and productivity • Formal Training in all major computer software programs; Data Management; Effective Composition; Proofreading; Equal Employment Opportunity; Leadership; Customer Relations; Communication; Public Speaking; Take Charge Training 1985 Present - - • CPR Certified • Bilingual: English, Spanish; Interpreter 9
  • 11. Sample: CO’JER LETTER (200 words or less) ARTHUR KING One North Castle Circle Medieval, Arizona, 85855 520.123.4567 July 10, 2007 Mr. Robert T. McPhail Vice President of Marketing Lencor Industries, Incorporated 2002 Lake Island Drive Gilbert, Arizona 85642 Dear Mr. McPhail, I recently reviewed, with interest, an article you wrote in SALES MANA GEMENT MA GAZINE entitled Motivation Through Marketing Excellence. The marketing philosophy at Lencor corresponds to what I have accomplished on a smaller scale on my current assignment. As you will note from the enclosed résumé, my sales and marketing accomplishments, especially at Western General, favorably fit your “Marketplace Management” concept. Because of my familiarity with your customer base and distribution network, I feel comfortable with my potential contribution to your growing organization. My experience over the last three years of increasing sales within my territory by 31 percent demonstrates my ability to succeed. I will be in Gilbert nextweek. May we discuss “Marketplace Management” and my strong interest in your sales group? I will contact you on Tuesday morning to arrange the best time for our interview. I look forward to meeting with you. Sincerely, Arthur King YOU ARE A ~JOBSEEKER PACKAGE” A cover letter is essential to the job search. It is a definite part ofyour JOB SEEKER PACKAGE: The Cover Letter; the Résumé; the Interview; the Follow-ups = TIff JOB! All elements of your “package” must be skillfully prepared and presented in order for you to be seriously considered for the best job, with the best pay, in the shortest time, 10
  • 12. GREAT WEB SITES for Job Search CAUTION! A great deal of time, money and emotions can be wasted on the INTERNET! Be certain you concentrate on specific, relevant sites. We found the following to be “tried and proven”, quality sites there may - well be others but, as always, try to invest your time wisely in this and every other facet ofyourjob search process. NOTE: Always do your website job search after 7:00 p.m. in the evening! (During the normal, daylight work hours you should be networking with ijy~ people!!) OTHER GOOD SITES (Occupational Outlook Handbook) (The ~et guide: Row to best use tke web) (wsj: Great for $80k and up) TELEPHONE DIRECTORY SITES (Work at homejobs) ~VII [RE TO START (List ofbest job search resources) The following are probably the best starting sites: (The net guide: Howto best use the web) 1. (Great assists in career building) 2. 3. 4. (College students & recent college grads.) 5. 6. 7. (Medicaljobs) 8. indeed~com (The Monster Board) 9. (Work at home jobs) 10. “PERSONAL SEARCH AGENTS” These sites search other job web sites for your criteria. Excellent time savers! Millions ofjobs. wantedjobs.corn GOVERNMENT SITES (U.S. official site of student Fed. jobs) (U.S. official site ofFederal Gov. jobs) 11
  • 13. JOB APPLICATION TIPS J e. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (BEGIN WITH MOST RECENT JOB): List employer’s name, current address and telephone number, Applications are very important, supervisor, job title, dates ofemployment, salary, pay attention, do them well! and reason for leaving. Describe your job duties Each company has its own application form. It’s a good clearly. Use action verbs. Concentrate on skills idea to carry a completed sample form with you as a which will interest the employer. The job handy reference when filling out other application description can provide clues about important forms. You can fmd a 3 or 4 page sample application skills. Explain gaps in your work history. on-line. Try f. REFERENCES (CHARACTER AND/OR HOW TO FILL OUT THE APPLICATION FORM PROFESSIONAL): Provide names, current business addresses, and current phone numbers of When you apply forajob, you are usually requiredto people (not including relatives) who can speak fill out ajob application form. Most employers review positively about you. Good references would your application before they choose to see you. It can include clergy members, teachers, counselors, also form an important first impression ofyou. To friends who are in business, and leaders of increase yourchances for an interview, follow these organizations and in the community. Be sure to guidelines: askfor their permission before listing them and 1. Read the entire form carefully. Know what is verif~y here they can be reached. You may also w being asked before filling out the form. Answer want to give them a copy ofyour resume so they each item truthfully. Employers may use the know more about you. Have enough references so application form tojudge how well you follow that no one person is constantly called about you. instructions and how careful you may be as an g. SAMPLE REFERENCE PAGE FORMAT: employee. You should use the same name header that you 2. Fill in the blanks completely, accurately, neatly, use on your résumé. You can make a separate one and to the best ofyour ability. Print or write clearly for PERSONAL REFERENCES also. so it is easytoread. Answer all questions. Answers should be brief and consistent. Write “does not CYNIM KAE KENDALL apply” or N/A where not applicable. Check your 1557 EAST Monterey Street Chandler, Arizona. 85123 answers for correct spelling, grammar, 480.765.4321 punctuation, completeness, and accuracy. Cell: 602123.4567 3. Be prepared to answer the following basic parts of PROEESS8ONAL REFERENCES an application form: Harry Simmons, Division Manager ABC Corporation a. PERSONAL INFORMATION: List name, 123 SouthMitchell Avenue mailing address, phone number, and social Eloy, Arizona 85555 520654.4987 security number. If you do not have a phone Sharon Ball, Sales Manager number, have a number where messages can be Superior Speaker Manufacturing 9875 East Ketchum Street left for you. CasaGrande, Arizona 85678 520.456.7890 b. POSITION DESIRED: Spell correctlythejob for George Ca~sabah, hief Financial Officer C which you are applying. Specily full-time or part- Sidewalk Superintendent Supply, Inc. th Avenue time, type ofemployment (permanent, temporary, 778899 Scottsdale, Arizona 85332 or summer only), and the date you can start. 480.123.4567 Sarah Singleton, Office Manager c. EDUCATION AND TRAINING: List academic, Ahistrorn Furniture Company vocational, and professional education and 60 Fremont Boulevard Gilbert, Arizona 85698 schools attended. Be preparedto attach copies of 480.555.8910 certificates or other documents. d. SPECIAL JOB-RELATED SKILLS, TRAINING, LICENSES, AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Listing these will make you stand out from other applicants. List h. SIGN AND DATE the application. the types ofequipment and tools that you are able 1. Have copies oftranscripts, letters of to use and the licenses you have. List ability to recommendation, and other documents speak and write other languages as well if ready to attach to your application form. relevantto thejob for which you apply. 2. Keep a copy ofyour completed application so you can review it before your interview 12
  • 14. L INTERVIEWING HINTS BE ALERT DURING THE INTERVIEW: ARRIVE EARLY Make a “dry run” the day before Sit straight, look alert, Get to your interview a few minutes early. Present maintain eye contact. yourself in a straightforward manner. Let the receptionist know who you are and who you wish to see. CHECK YOUR PERSONAL APPEARANCE Don’t slouch, be organized Dress appropriately, AT LEAST ONE LEVEL ABOVE WHATS REQUII~ED FOR THE JOB. Hair well groomed fingernails clean and neatly manicured. THINK BEFORE ANSWERING FEMALES: Nice dress Be polite, accurate, honest and frank. Do not talk more Nice pant suit than 50% ofthe time. Pre-rehearse the answers to No jeans or shorts questions before the interview. No party dresses No gaudyjewelry RELAX No heavy makeup No strong perfume You have the advantage, you know “everything” about No tee shirts the employer and the company, the employer knows little about you. MALES: Make sure that your responses are natural. The No “sloppy”jeans interviewer is trained to see your “unspoken” No tee shirts communications. Shoes shined Pants pressed SEEK ADVICE: “Network” for leads! Clean shirt (tie as required) As the interview ends, and you know you will not get Suit or Jacket (if appropriate) thejob, be cordial. Seek the employer’s advice on Hands and face clean other jobs that may be available in the company or with suppliers or customers. Make a good impression, GO TO THE INTERVIEW ALONE! you may even be called back in the future. If someone takes you or comes with you don’t even invite them into the building have themwait in thecar FOLLOW UP: iMPORTANT! or go somewhereelse while you are being interviewed. National statistics show that upwards of90% ofthe time the person who gets hired will have followed up - TAKE SUPPORT DOCUMENTS afterthe interview an average of seven (7) times - Make the fact sheet(s) briefbut accurate. before bring hired: .and yet, only 3% ofjob seekers . . Be prepared to give: foHow-up afterthe interview. • Names/addresses ofemployers By following up after theInterview • Employment dates you will eliminate up to 97% ofyour • Business and personal references • Names/address ofschools competition for the jobI • Education graduation diplomas/certificates Your first follow-up should be a letter indicating your • Course(s) of study eagerness tojoin the company. The letter should be in • Extracurricular activities, Achievements their hands within 24 hours, possibly even hand- • Important papers/documentation, i.e. military delivered. records; work permits; social security card; health certificate; licenses; etc. (Find more important details on follow-up on page 1*) 13
  • 15. BAKERS D1RTY DOZEN THE DIRTY DOZEN AGENDA I By thoroughly researching yourtarget company(s) Interviewers are trying to discover pieces of you can be prepared to answer questions such as information about you. This information will guide these as well as others which pertain to the specific them in their hiring decision. The following is an industry and companyyour targeting. When you attempt to provide you with an awareness of what have a ready answer for these questions you will be they are looking for so that you maybe better successful in your interview. prepared to provide a proper answer. The following contains a buzz-word for each question, the The following list contains 13 ofthe most common philosophy ofwhy it is asked, and what you can do interview questions. On another sheet of paper, to respond. prepare answers to these questions (and others) and role-play them with your coach to be sure they sound 1. OVERVIEWQUESTION. “Tell me about right. yourself.” Give your “Me in 30 Seconds” summary. The interviewer is trying to understand who you are. 1. Tell me about yourself. Remember that it is not appropriate to volunteer personal information. In fact, the interviewer may 2. What are your greatest strengths weaknesses? - resent being loaded down with information that is none ofhis business. Remember that it is against the 3. Why did you leave your last job? law to discriminate because of ethnic origin, religious affiliation, marital status, age, sex, 4. Why do you want to work for us? condition ofyour health, etc., therefore, leave this information out. Start in the upper left ofthe circle 5. How did you like your last job? below and follow it around. Make sure that you don’t leave out your strengths or personal 6. What kind ofsalary are you looking for? characteristics. These are called, “The words that get you hired”. 7. What do you know about ourcompany? 8. Why should we hire you? 9. What did you think ofyour old boss? 10. Whatare your long range goals? 11. Do you like to work overtime? 12. You seem over-qualified (or under-qualified). Cun~ntGc~s 13. Do you have any questions? Ooai, The questions may be asked in different ways. For example, afterscanning a résumé an interviewer may ask, “After all ofthe things that you have done, are you sure you want to work for us?” The interviewer is asking question number 12 “You seem over- -- qualified for this job.” 2. DISARM QUESTION. “What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses?” The interviewer makes an The interviewer may ask, “IfI called your former assessment while you are giving your overview as to employer right now, what would he say about you?” how best to put you on the spot. He wants to see The employer is asking for your strengths the last -- how you behave under pressure. If he feels that you part of question number 1. This is a chance for you bruise easily, he will ask fora strength. Ifhe is to say something like, “He would say that I have a looking for impact, he will ask for your biggest great work ethic, I work hard and produce a good weakness. quality product. He would say that I am an honest and reliable person, ifhe had something to do, he If asked for a weaknessyou must respond with a could count on me.” weakness, a description ofwhy it is a weakness, and what you are doing about it. 14
  • 16. Example: “My biggest weakness is that I am very He is trying to discover ifyou will fit into his aggressive when I work and it tends to make organization orbe some sort ofmisfit. Ifyou simply people feel uncomfortable around me. So I have say, “I loved it.” He will ask you to tell him five learned to be sensitive to the feelings of others so things that you liked about it followed by five things that I don’t bend them out of shape.” that you disliked. It is best ifyou start enumerating the things you liked before he asks. Emphasize your Example: “My biggest weakness is that I am a PEOPLE statements. Be careful about negative perfectionist and tend to hold onto a project responses. If you have anything negative to say, it longer than I should. So I try to be aware ofthe better have some substance to it. schedule so that I get my work done on time and with the best possible quality.” Example: “1 really enjoyed my last job. I enjoyed the people I workedwith, my peers. I enjoyed Example: “My biggest weakness is that Ijust do working with the public. I enjoyed working for not have a lot of experience in this area. the managementteam. I enjoyed the technical However, I am a quick learner, I have a lot of challenge. I enjoyed the opportunity to work energy and drive, I am very adaptable, and Ijust independently. I can’t think ofanything that I don’t think that will be a problem for me.” disliked, I’m a positive person and try to push negative things out of my mind.” You must say something, but be sure that you are aware of what your behavior causes and then tell what 6. SERIOUSNESS/LEANINGS QUESTION. “What you do to compensate for it. kind ofsalary are you looking for?” The interviewer is trying to fmd out how serious you are about this job 3. LOYALTY QUESTION. “Why did you leave your and ifyou will consider or reject his offer. last job?” The interviewer wants to know ifyou are the kind who stays around or flits from job to job. Example: Memorize this answer: “I would really Make sure that you have a loyalty statement in your like to work here. I will seriously consider any answer. reasonable offer you would like to make.” That answer tells him you are serious, please make the Example: “I leftmy last job because it was a offer reasonable, and that it is his responsibility to dead-end position. If it could have given me the make the offer and not yours to tell him what you opportunity to continue to grow and develop and will work for. satisfied myneeds, I’d still be there today.” If the interviewer responds with, “Can you give me a Example: “I left my last job because the economy dollar amount?” You should be prepared to tell him was such that somejobs had to be eliminated and that, “I will be happy to provide you with my salary I was one ofthe ones that fell out. Ifthe economy history.” Give him a sheet of paper having your was such that I could continue to makemy previous job titles, who you worked for, and the contributions, I’d still be there today.” salary. Do not offer this unless it is requested. 4. HAPPINESS QUESTION. “Why do you want to 7. YARDSTICK QUESTION. “What do you know work for us?” The interviewer is trying to determine about our company?” The interviewer will measure ifyou would be satisfied and content to work for you and all you say to him against what you say here. them. A happy worker is a good employee. Tell them For example, if you say, “I know that you treat your why you would enjoy working for them. Notice all of employees fairly.” The interviewer will take the happy words in the example. everything that goes into treating an employee fairly and assume that you know all about it. He will assume Example: “I would like to work for you because I that you know all about the companies salary plan, feel comfortable doing that kind ofthing. It is the career plan, and benefits plan because type ofthing that I have been trained to do. I feel all ofthose things go into treating an employee fairly. that it would be a challenging assignment, and give me an opportunity to continue to grow and Did you do your homework? You should have talked develop. I feel it would be a great opportunity for to some employees previously to see what the benefits me to do that for you.” are and how they treat employees. Ask the secretary when you check in for your interview, “Is this a great 5. ORIENTATION QUESTION. “How did you like company to work for or what?” Then you can give a your old job?” The interviewer is trying to determine response like the example. ifyou are a positive or a negative type ofperson. 15
  • 17. Example: “I know that you have a great realize my greatest potential. I’m going to do that reputation in the community. I know that you by getting thoroughly involved in the work. I’m have a good product. Everyone that I know feels going to continue my education where I discover that you are a great companyto work for and that that I need to improve my skills. I would like to you treat your employees fairly. You are just the make myself so valuable to my employer that he kind of company that I would like to be associated might consider me for a leadership position with.” someday. I am an active employee. I keep busy.” Always be very careful how you act from the first Note: Do not tell an interviewer that you would like to minute you park your car, enter the waiting room and be a manager. This is a threatening word to some. beyond. You may be watched every step ofthe way. Managers do not like to multiply peers. However, leadership is a good word. It is not as threatening as Always be POLITE TO THE SECRETARY!! People manager. have been hired and not hired because the boss came out and asked the secretary what she thought ofyou 11. LIKES/~VILLINGNESS QUESTION. “Do you or how you acted toward her, or what you did in the like to work overtime?” The interviewer is trying to waiting room; discover your willingness to help when needed as well as your likes. They are asking if you are willing to Make sure that you talk about things centered on bend your schedule to meet the demands oftheir thejob and not what is in it for you. Do not give the business. You need to answer both parts. Employers interviewer the impression that you are self centered. have a dislike for employees who spend overtime This is called a “fatal” impression. budget unnecessarily, they like to hear words that show that a prospective employee is not that type. 8. COMPETITIVE EDGE QUESTION. “~y should we hire you?” The interviewer has talked to Example: “No, its not my favorite thing, but I other candidates. You must tell him why you are the know that it is often necessary in business, and I best person for thejob. Your response should tell him want you to know that ifyou need me to help out, that you are a competitive person. I will, I don’t have a problem with it.” Example: “Because I’m going to make sure that I Example: “My preference is to complete thejob do the job in a waythat will please you and my during the regularhours, but, I want you to know performance will be exemplary that’s just the -- that ifyou need me to help you out you can count way I am. Fm not contentto be just an average on me.” employee, I like to excel.” 12a. BOREDOM QUESTION. “You seem over- 9. REPUTATION QUESTION. “What did you think Qualified for this job.” The interviewer has made a ofyour old boss?” The interviewer is trying to valuejudgement and you are deemed to be a determine what you do with people’s reputation. He is winner. Be sure to thank him for this compliment thinking, “If you work for us, what will you say about then go on to describe how you handle boredom. us when you leave?” Ifyou can’t say something good about your last employer, you will fail this question. Example: “Thank you for the compliment. I feel The following example describes a boss that was not that my experience will benefit the company. I your favorite, yet does not cause undue concern. will contribute in any way that I can to enhance the company and productivity. Also I am a team Example: “My last boss knew exactly what he player and I will happily comply with decisions wanted to do and when he wanted to do it. I did and directions chosen by management. I am a self not always agree with him, but he was a motivated person who knows how to keep busy successful business man and I learned a lot from and productive.” him.” 12b. FRUSTRATION QUESTION. “You seem to 10. MOTIVATIONQUESTION “What are your be a bit under-qualified for this job.” The interviewer long-range goals?” The interviewer wants to know if is concerned about this job causing trauma in your you are a motivated person or if you just muddle life. Ifyou want this job you need to minimize his through life. Your answer should tell him that you are concerns. You need to tell him that this job will not a doer. cause you problems and that you will grow to meet the demands. Example: “I want to go as far as I can in life and 16
  • 18. Example: “Yes, there are things in that job that I Question 2: (Always ask this question too. haven’t done before, but I like a good challenge. If I don’t have a challenge then I don’t have any “May I check back with someone in a few days? I personal growth either. It doesn’t botherme to may be able to reinforce or clarify something from our interview that may help me get this job.” stretch. Also, I’m not afraid to ask questions and I have a good research technique to find answers. I This question tells the interviewer that you are one take challenges as opportunities to bring out my ofthe 3% that follows through on an interview. If best. I will probably do that job better than you fail to let him know that you are in the 3% someone that treats it like a routine task.” group, he may feel that he could discard your application and 97% of the time no one would 13. UNHOOKING QUESTION. “Do you have any ever know. It keeps your application out of the questions?” The interviewer is asking your wastebasket and on his desk. The longer it stays permission to fmish the interview. He feels that he has on his desk the more valuable it becomes. discovered what he needs to know to make his decision. He may even have another interview Question 3: (Only ask this question if you know the pending in a few minutes. Do not ask fatal questions. employer has more time.) Do not try to sustain the interview. However, here are the three questions that should always be asked. “Is there anything you would like to share with me about additional interesting things you are doing Question 1: (Always ask this question and question in the company, or about this interview?” #2 at the end ofthe interview) This question acknowledges that you are ready to “When do you plan to fill this position?” let the interviewer unhook. That is what he wants This is a neutral question that will not offend. It to do. It also says that you are a team player, and also gives you information as to how much more that you want to build a relationship. Interviewers time you have to try to get thejob. hire people they feel theycan share with When you have ready answers to questions like these and give the interviewer answers that increase your value, you will have mastered the Baker’s Dirty Dozen! and more! ... ,1.tember. -. NoM~ftu Wu~ Y.* •øuAre,. d Jib Wê%, W% ~ ?‘~ 4~IIt Sometimes the Dragon Wins 17
  • 19. QUESTIONS YOU CAN ASK j WHY YOU DON’T GET HIRED1 • What is the planned or projected growth of the Do you present a strong image at ajob interview? company? The following list itemizes things which personnel • What new products are to be introduced and directors in 153 companies mentioned as reasons for when? not hiring an applicant. (Note: All ofthese have • Can you provide me ajob description ofthe little or nothing to do with EDUCATION and available position? EXPERIENCE!) 1. Poor personal appearance. (The lit seven seconds) QUESTIONS YOU MUST 2. Overbearing personality. (The 1st seven words) NEVER ASK BEFORE A JOB 3. Lack ofplanning for a career, purpose or goals. OFFER IS EXTENDED 4. Lack of interest and enthusiasm. Questions that center on you and not on the company 5. Criticism ofpast employers. —such as about benefits. 6. Lack of courtesy. • How much do I get paid to start? • How many sick days do I get per year? 7. Late to interview without a good reason. • How many holidays do I get? • When can I retire? 8. Marked dislike for school work. • Tell me about your medical and dental plan. • How much vacation do I get per year? 9. No interest in company. • When do I get my first increase? 10. Lack ofconfidence. FOLLOW-UP: IMPORTANT! 11. Unwilling to start at bottom expects too much. - 12. Failure to look interviewer in the eye. Only 3% ofJob-seekers will follow-up on an interview. An employer is more likely to respond 13. Limp handshake. favorably to an applicant who takes the initiative to follow-up than one who doesnot. 14. Sloppy application form. Your first follow-up should be a letter indicating 15. Wants job for only a short time. your eagerness tojoin the company. The letter should be in their hands within 24 hours, possibly 16. Asks no questions about thejob. even hand-delivered. 17. Talks too much. (More that 50% of the time) 1. Thank the employer for the opportunity of interviewing and being considered for thejob. Check yourself on these before your next interview! 2. Reinforce, document and/or support any areas of concern that may have developed in the interview. Also brieflyrestate your qualifications and strengths regarding the position. (all in 200 words or less!) PUT YOUR SHOULDER TO THAT THIN, GRAY LINE 3. Tell them you want the job! BETWEEN Job hunting is a competitive event. “VERY ASSERTIVE” The job hunter who learns how the game AND “OBNOXIOUSLY AGGRESSIVE” of finding a job is played, then prepares AND PUSH, BUT DON’T EVER, for the competition, WILL WIN! EVER CROSS THE LINE! 18
  • 20. CONCLUSION: •. •, • ‘1 THE SHORTEST WSTANcE!’ ‘• i S 5 This is the Shortest Distance What is the shortest distance between two points? in the Job-search process. UNEMPLOYED a straight line Get a coach! Roll play llervicw ~DirtyI)ozcn” In the Job-search process that is not usually true! Take inveilory! Get to know Unemployed Inadequate Preparation Not Hired Yourself -p Prepare your a—---—— -— _._.*__.*a personal advertisemeil! A sharp résumé. L~e~_ed I~atejre~ara~_Not~ed Do your homework! Research your target Job Applicationi Do it right. L.~JnempIoyed InaciequatePreparaton Not Hired Interview! Lookin’ good! Feelin’ good! Follow-tv! ~~nemployed Inadequate Preparation Not Hired • l’hank you! I warn the job. a —-—-- a 7 times -Diaccasragemeit. low self esteem-P HàED Remember... Finding a goodjob is afull-timejob and takes skill and dedication! “Finding a job is challenging... EMPLOYERS HIRE PEOPLE THEY COME TO KNOW AND LIKE... Your challenge is to help one get to know you and like you!” 19