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22 & 23 NOVEMBER 2012

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          Hello and welcome to Sales Director Live,
          an interactive exhibition and conference
          specifically designed to help you achieve
          better sales results for your business.

          Bringing together quality             all showcasing the latest
          exhibitors, insightful seminars and   products and services to help
          interactive workshops, the event
          offers a unique opportunity for
                                                you increase those all important
          sales professionals to obtain the
          latest tools, techniques and advice
          within an ever-changing industry.

          Attend the show and you’ll profit
                                                Use this showguide to plan your
                                                visit to the show, benchmark
                                                any products and services you
                                                might be interested in, and
                                                                                   04   KEYNOTE

                                                                                   12   SEMINAR
          from a wide variety of seminars       make a note of the seminars you
          delivered by leaders of industry,     want to attend. As somebody
          covering everything from              responsible for delivering the          SCHEDULE
          recruiting exceptional salespeople    sales for your company, this

          to winning customers through          could be the most profitable
          social media. Five comprehensive      day you spend out of the                EXHIBITOR
          seminar theatres will ensure no       office this year.                       LISTINGS
          stone is left unturned in your
          search for better sales figures       We look forward to meeting
          and continued professional
                                                you at the Show.

                                                The Sales
                                                                                   39   HOW TO
                                                                                        GET THERE
                                                Director Live
          Alongside the vast educational

          element, the show will also
          feature a balanced mix of
          relevant exhibiting companies,
                                                Team                                    PLAN

          Find us on Facebook
            Tweet us @salesdirshow Tweet about us #salesdirshow

                                                                              Professor Neil Rackham first         Hill’s best selling business book
                                                                              gained international recognition     ever. He is author of over 50
                                                                              in the 1970s when he led the         influential articles on marketing,

          NEIL RACKHAM
                                                                              largest ever research study of       selling and channel strategy.
                                                                              successful selling and sales
                                                                              effectiveness. This massive          Professor Neil Rackham is also
                                                                              project, supported by major          widely recognized as a highly
          THE PROFESSOR OF SALES                                              multinationals including Xerox       original and creative trainer
                                                                              and IBM, involved a team of 30       and communicator. His work
                                                                              researchers who studied 35,000       in sales training won him the
          Neil Rackham is known throughout the world                          sales calls in over 20 countries.    Instructional Systems Association
          as a speaker, writer and seminal thinker on                         The research took 12 years at a      lifetime award for Innovation in
                                                                              cost, in today’s dollars, of $30     Training and Instruction.
          sales and marketing issues. Three of his books                      million. From the results of these
          have been on the New York Times best seller                         studies he published the ground-     He has worked closely with many
          list and his works have been translated into                        breaking classic SPIN® Selling       leading sales forces such as IBM,
                                                                              (McGraw-Hill, 1988) and Major        Xerox, AT&T and Citicorp. He
          over 50 languages. He has been Chairman
                                                                              Account Sales Strategy (McGraw-      has also worked extensively
          and CEO of three international research and                         Hill, 1989). His books regularly     with senior partners in some of
          consulting firms.                                                   rank among business best sellers,    the world’s most successful pro-
                                                                              and SPIN® Selling is McGraw          fessional services organizations
                                                                                                                   including McKinsey & Company,
                                                                                                                   where he was for many years a
                                                                                                                   member of the Sales and

Selling in hard times                                                                                              Channel Management Group.

[that are not going away]                                                                                          He’s a sought after conference
                                                                                                                   speaker who receives top reviews
We understand the common mistakes that most salespeople make and                                                   from participants for his capacity
we also have a good understanding of the strategies that help a sales                                              to take complex issues and make
force to succeed when times are difficult.                                                                         them accessible and interesting.
Using case material from winners and losers                                                                        He uses a combination of
in hard times, Professor Neil Rackham will         SEMINAR HALL         1                                          humour, passion and group
explain three successful strategies that will                                                                      interaction to stimulate and
grow market share in a tough economy.                                                                              challenge his audiences.
                                                 Friday 10.30 - 11.30

                                                         CLIVE RICH
                                                                  THE £BILLION NEGOTIATOR
                                                                  Now more than ever, negotiation plays a huge part
                                                                  in the sales process. And for some, negotiation has
                                                                  become more than a skill – it’s become an art form.

                                                                   Clive Rich is an international             Apple, and BBC to name just a few.
                                                                   deal-maker and trouble-shooter.
                                                                   He has played a crucial role in            Clive believes that the power
                                                                   negotiating and brokering more than        of negotiation and the ability to
                                                                   £10bn worth of deals for a broad           trouble-shoot deals have never been
                                                                   spectrum of multi nationals. Over the      more important, especially in a New
                                                                   last 25 years he has brokered deals        Deal Economy. And it’s easy to see
                                                                   for companies such as Sony, Yahoo,         why – as consumers and businesses

                                                                   “With an unstable world economy, increasing competition
                                                                   as power and influence moves from the West to the East,
                                                                   and technology enabling business to converge globally,
                                                                   we now live in a New Deal Economy, where deal-making
                                                                   skills are paramount.”



                                          Giles Margerison is Sales Director for UK
                                          & Ireland at TomTom Business Solutions,
                                          the B2B division of TomTom. Giles has
                                          over 10 years of experience delivering
                                          significant results managing direct
                                          and indirect sales channels for leading

                                                                                         LIZ JACKSON
                                          providers in the Telematics industry.
                                          Previous experience includes commercial
                                          vehicle rental, contract hire, and leasing
                                          and maintenance where he managed
                                          operations for Dawsonrentals and               THE SECRET MILLIONAIRE
 SEMINAR HALL 3                           Ryder Plc. This unique combination of
                                          knowledge and experience gives him
                                          a broad understanding of the issues
                                                                                         Liz Jackson is an inspirational figure
 Friday 15.30 - 16.00                                                                    and her story is extraordinary; as
                                          facing fleet and sales managers.
                                                                                         you may have seen when she was
                                                                                         featured in Channel 4’s Secret
  How to Outperform Industry and Market                                                  Millionaire programme.
  Growth in a Tough Economy                                                              Since launching her telemarketing business, Great
                                                                                         Guns Marketing, in 1998, the year she lost her
  Giles will describe the challenges that he faced when he became Sales                  eyesight, Liz and her company have gone from
  Director at TomTom Business Solutions in 2010. He will reveal how he                   strength to strength with Great Guns growing at
  overcame these hurdles and achieved substantial growth in a difficult                  30% per annum and boasting an impressive portfolio
  climate by engaging his direct team, resellers and all involved in his                 of clients from all types and sizes of companies.
  ecosystem.                                                                             Great Guns Marketing has become the UK’s leading
                                                                                         B2B telemarketing company and its ServiceMark
                                                                                         accreditation by the Institute of Customer Service
                                                                                         is testament to the outstanding service provided.

                                                                                         Liz was awarded an MBE in 2007 for services to
tighten their belts and look to stretch     agreement for Pop Idol recording             business and in 2012 she was bestowed with an
every penny, negotiation is without         rights with 19 Entertainment – an            honorary doctorate by Staffordshire University for
doubt an essential weapon in any            agreement which has since generated          her business achievements and for inspiring others.
sales director’s armoury.                   well over $1 billion of contribution         Liz is also an accomplished author, her book ‘StartUp!’
                                            for BMG worldwide.                           provides invaluable help and advice to entrepreneurs.
Also a highly experienced
entertainment and digital media             This is your chance to hear from
lawyer, Clive has negotiated deals          one of the great negotiators.
with musicians including Take That,
Dido, Annie Lennox and Simply
                                            Don’t miss it.
                                                                                            If you think you can,
Red, and with global brands such
as Universal, Virgin and T-Mobile.             SEMINAR HALL 1
                                                                                            you can.
He also negotiated BMG’s first                                                              Liz will tell us the story of her business success
                                               Thursday 11.45 - 12.15                       starting from the lounge of her rented Basingstoke
                                                                                            flat whilst losing her eyesight, to building Great
                                                                                            Guns Marketing into the UK’s premier business to
                                                                                            business telemarketing company. She’ll explain how
 Negotiation isn’t just selling                                                             her attitude to life and her ‘everything’s possible’
                                                                                            approach enables her to take barriers in her stride.
 The seminar will revolve around offering a series of negotiation tactics which can be      She’ll talk about her views on luck and how failure
 applied to a variety of business settings. The first step would be to assess what the      should be celebrated. Finally she will outline her
 general definition of negotiation is and how it is being overlooked by businesses,         approach to leadership and end with the audience
 before going on to identify where attendees think they use or need to use negotia-         believing that anything is possible.
 tion in their day-to-day business.

 This seminar will talk attendees through how to prepare well for a deal to ensure
                                                                                                       SEMINAR HALL 2
 they get what they want out of it. It will also look at the non-verbal communication
 and use of language in negotiation.
                                                                                                       Thursday 12.30 - 13.00

                                                                                                               NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE |   5

                                                                                     IAN BEER
                                                                                     COACH, TRAINER, FACILITATOR
                                                                                     AND SPEAKER.
                                                                                     When he left school he went           He engages in a constant volley
                                                                                     in to sales. In the late 90s he       of ideas with his colleagues
                                                                                     scratched that itch to explore        and their customers – so the
                                                                                     his inner geek and became a           solution for one area bounces
                                                                                     technical trainer. In the mid         into a solution for the problems
                                                                                     00s he merged freshly honed           of the next, where ideas
                                                                                     training skills with his selling      ultimately come together to
                                                                                     chops and found his true calling:     make progress possible.
                                                                                     developing sales talent.
                                                                                                                           Ian is part of 3M – a global
                                                                                                                           technology company serving
                                                                               SEMINAR HALL 1                              customers and communities
                                                                                                                           with innovative products and
                                                                                                                           services. He’s an engaging
                                                                               Friday 13.15 - 13.45                        speaker with lots to say, so
                                                                                                                           don’t miss his seminar here at
                                                                                                                           Sales Director Live.

From Good to Great and Staying There
3M is a diversified technology company delivering innovative solutions to life’s everyday needs. Yet having great
products is no longer enough. In this session, you’ll find out what 3M has done to invest in its own sales force
to ensure they connect with their customers, helping them succeed both now and in the future.

                                                        FRANK HATTANN
                                                        HEAD OF EMEA LINKEDIN SALES SOLUTIONS
                                                        Frank is the Head of EMEA Linkedin Sales             Ireland, managed multi lingual teams of
                                                        Solutions. He is a social media enthusiast,          different sizes and with different functions.
                                                        contributing with Linkedin updates and Twitter
                                                        feeds to socialise the benefits of social media      Working in these multi-cultural environments
                                                        for corporate use, specifically in sales through     gave Frank an in-depth understanding of
                                                        social selling methodologies.                        relationship-building and the importance
                                                                                                             of networking. Linkedin was and is an
                                                        Frank has worked in a variety of companies,          important tool for his work, career and
                                                        from PayPal to Linkedin, and has now more            sales success.
                                                        than 12 years of management experience. He
                                                        has lived in Germany, the UK, Canada and
                                                                                                                SEMINAR HALL 1

                                                                                                                Thursday 12.30 - 13.00
                                                             Social Media and Sales
                                                             Frank will deliver an overview of social media, answer why social media is becoming
                                                             more relevant for sales and marketing; discuss
                                                             what companies can do to use social media
                                                             effectively; and talk about how Linkedin help
                                                             small businesses to generate new business.


                            Chris Duncan is Director of Customer          Chris was appointed Director of Group
                            Sales within Sales and Marketing at           Marketing Services at NI in 2009
                            News International Ltd, the publisher of      having held senior roles in Customer
                            leading national newspapers in the UK;        Value and Customer Data since joining
                            The Sun, The Times, The Sunday Times.         the company in 2007 from consultancy
                            He is responsible for sales performance       Infoloop Ltd. Previously, Chris was
                            across retail, subscription acquisition and   Managing Director of database
                            retention in both their print and digital     marketing services company
                            businesses.                                   Alchemetrics Ltd.

                                Using customer intelligence to drive sales
                                The availability of vast amounts of data have changed our ability to understand
                                and manage customers and to drive sales. But many companies struggle to turn
     SEMINAR HALL 4             this promise into operational revenue. In this session Chris Duncan will detail
                                how News International has approached this challenge and share some case
                                study examples of how customer intelligence can grow sales.
     Friday 14.45 - 15.15

TONY PRINGLE                                                                 SEMINAR HALL 2

                                                                             Thursday 14.00 - 14.30
                            Tony Pringle joined BvD’s UK sales
                            team in 1994. In 1998 he went to
                            manage BvD’s American operation
                            in New York, overseeing significant
                                                                            Using B2B
                            expansion and returning to the UK               information
                            in 2000 to take over as manager of
                            BvD’s activities in the UK and Ireland.         to sell more
                            He manages BvD UK’s business
                            development, strategy, product
                            development and relationships with
                                                                            What information can B2B sales
                            information providers relating to UK
                                                                            teams access and how can it be
                                                                            used in the sales process? Tony
                                                                            Pringle, BvD’s UK MD will look
                            Tony works closely with a wide
                                                                            at these issues and discuss the
                            variety of customers across financial
                                                                            relevance of external data, what
                            institutions, legal firms, government
                                                                            it can show you about your
                            and corporates to ensure BvD’s
                                                                            customers and prospects, and
                            product development continues to be
                                                                            how integrating it with your CRM
                            customer-led. Recent projects include
                                                                            can help improve efficiency and
                            the launch of BvD’s revamped Mint
                                                                            develop new business.
                            product range which is streamlined
                            and optimised for B2B business

                                                                                   NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE |   7

                                                                                                                         tough markets and personal

                                                                                                                         Gavin is considered by many to
                                                                                                                         be the leading expert on sales
         TURN SELF-DOUBT INTO SELF-BELIEF                                                                                psychology and performance in
                                                                                                                         the UK today. He is a world-
                                                                                                                         wide expert, having motivated
         For the last 10 years, sales motivational speaker Gavin Ingham has been helping                                 tens of thousands through live
         salespeople to explode their sales performance by turning self-doubt, fear and                                  programmes and many more
         lack of motivation into self-belief, confidence and action.                                                     through keynote speeches and
                                                                                                                         online newsletters, articles and
                                                                                      With his inspirational             his acclaimed sales blog. Gavin’s
                                                                                      approach to sales psychology       presentations combine both
                                                                                                                         attitudes and skills and will give
 5.5 Steps to Sales Success: How to                                                   and motivation, Gavin com-
                                                                                      bines commercial experience,       you strategies to inspire your
 Create a High Performance Sales Team                                                 personal excellence and sales      sales teams to go out and take
                                                                                      technologies in delivering         action right away.
 Things have changed. Business has changed. Salespeople have changed.                 personal and business sales
 Good enough is not good enough anymore. If you want to create a high                 success. His unique and
 performance sales team in today’s competitive business environment then              inspirational perspective and
 you need the skills and strategies to build and sustain a motivated sales            the way he shares it truly
                                                                                                                          SEMINAR HALL 3
 team who always give 100%. This seminar will show you how.                           demonstrates the power of
                                                                                      the individual over external        Thursday 13.15 - 13.45
                                                                                      events such as competition,

                                               CHRIS MALYON                                                Creating and Building a
                                               DIRECTOR OF SALES & MARKETING                               Sales Culture
                                               FOR DSV ROAD LIMITED
                                                                                                           In this seminar, Chris will discuss how his
                                                Chris Malyon is Director of Sales and Marketing            company introduced sales graduates into
                                                for DSV Road Limited. He manages all aspects               their business and then invested in training
                                                of the company’s sales and marketing in the                their entire sales team through a sales
                                                UK, including strategic sales and key account              academy. He will discuss the challenges he
                                                management for a number of major UK and                    faced as a sales director, with a focus on
                                                European clients.                                          hiring and developing staff, his rationale
                                                                                                           for injecting new emerging talent, what
                                                DSV is a global supplier of transport and logistics        he wanted to change about his team,
           SEMINAR HALL 3
                                                services with offices in more than 60 countries            and how training has been implemented
                                                across the world employing approximately 21,700            throughout the business to improve results.
           Thursday 12.30 - 13.00               staff, generating a turnover of €5.9B in 2011.

                                               PROFESSOR                                                              Key account
                                               LYNETTE RYALS                                                          management -
                                               CRANFIELD SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT                                         best practice
                                                Professor Lynette Ryals specialises in key account                    In this unique seminar, Lynette
                                                management and marketing portfolio management,                        Ryals of Cranfield University
                                                particularly relating to profitable customer management in            will show you how to adopt a
                                                the business-to-business context. Her professional                    practical approach to planning,
                                                background is in financial services (she is a Registered              analysing and implementing a
                                                Representative of the London Stock Exchange and a Fellow              closer relationship with your
                                                of the Society of Investment Professionals, and worked in             strategic accounts. Lynette will
                                                the dealing room of a leading US bank). Prior to joining              reveal how to apply best practice
                                                Cranfield she worked for a major management consultancy.              to your key accounts; increase
           SEMINAR HALL 1                                                                                             confidence; enhance your
                                                At Cranfield she is involved in research and executive                customer interfacing skills;
           Friday 12.30 - 13.00                 development programmes for clients in professional services           and much more.
                                                and manufacturing. She is also the Director of Cranfield’s
                                                Key Account Management Best Practice Research Club.


                                                                           INSIGHTS, IDEAS AND INITIATIVES
                                                                           TO DRIVE SALES SUCCESS

ANDREW HOUGH                                                               Gordon McAlpine has over 20 years of sales and marketing
                                                                           experience. After five successful years in sales and marketing at
OPTIMISE YOUR SALES                                                        Astra Zeneca, Gordon’s entrepreneurial ambitions drove him to
TEAM PERFORMANCE                                                           co-found fast-growth technology company BigHand in 1997.
                                                                           In his role as Sales and Marketing Director, he grew the business
                                                                           exponentially through a focus on world-class sales performance,
                                      A vice president in Mid-Tier         culminating in a successful MBO in 2006. During his time
                                      sales product across EMEA            at BigHand he’d been frustrated by a lack of support for
                                      theater with 14 years                executive-level sales directors, and in 2009 he founded The
                                      EMC experience and sales             Sales Club, the world’s first club for sales leaders. Today,
                                      management experience                The Sales Club is the centre of excellence for sales leaders -
                                      in Sun Microsystems, GE              providing its elite cross-sector membership with insights, ideas
                                      Capital, Barclays and Lloyds         and inspiration to help them sell more.
                                      private banking responsible
                                      historically for sales strategy,      In 2010 Gordon featured in Channel 4’s The Secret Millionaire,
                                      sales operation, sales               returning to his hometown of Glasgow, to visit Govan and make
                                      execution, sales excellence          a personal contribution to life-changing projects.
                                      and product GTM strategy.

                                      Andrew is particularly skilled
                                      in team development, team
                                      recruitment and sales team              The Secret Millionaire’s Sales
                                      performance optimization                road to success
 SEMINAR HALL 2                       with 12 years EMEA and APJ
                                      execution experience.
                                      Andrew is a Fellow of the               Gordon will share some of the insights, ideas, sales and
 Friday 14.45 - 15.15                 Sales Leadership Alliance.              marketing initiatives he created in order to become a
                                                                              successful entrepreneur. Gordon will also demonstrate the
                                                                              power of using business success to make a real difference
                                                                              in deprived communities by presenting some emotional
                                                                              scenes from his experience on Channel 4’s ‘The Secret
  Changing context of solution selling                                        Millionaire’, when he returned to his Scottish roots, to
                                                                              the deprived area of Govan in Glasgow, to meet local
  In this interactive seminar, Andrew Hough discuss the changing context      volunteers and contribute towards their projects.
  of solution selling as the purchasing dynamic changes in an economic
  downturn, with differing focus on procurement and financial levers
  away from business unit decision makers.                                                   SEMINAR HALL 2

                                                                                             Thursday 16.15 - 16.45

                                                                                                            NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE |   9

         Everyone who’s serious about multi-channel retailing understands the importance
         of knowing more about ecommerce and how it relates to their business. In the
         past the subject has often been left to the ‘IT department’, however, now that
         online shopping accounts for over 20% of all retailing in the UK, it’s vital that key
         decision makers get involved in an area which is paving the way for their future
         business development.

         At the Ecommerce & Retail Theatre, we
         aim to provide executives and directors
         with easy to understand, informative
         seminars on ecommerce. The 45 minute         DO YOU HAVE AN EXISTING
         seminars are delivered by seasoned
         retail and ecommerce specialists, and
                                                      ECOMMERCE BUSINESS? ARE YOU
         each seminar will be complemented by         LOOKING FOR WAYS TO IMPROVE
                                                      YOUR ECOMMERCE SALES?
         a useful Q&A session.

         Speakers include those from PayPal, RPS
         Global (Retail Performance Specialists),     If so, the event organisers in conjunction with Liquidshop can provide you
         and ecommerce developers, Liquidshop.        with a detailed appraisal (normally costing £150) of your existing ecommerce
         They will each provide their own             website absolutely free. This comprehensive appraisal
         valuable insight and expertise on a          will cover every area of your website, providing
         range of subjects that help to make up       expert analysis of the following areas:
         a profitable online retail operation. They
         will also be supported by guest speakers     • Design and functionality
         and case studies from successful online      • Page speed
         retailers, who will help to further add      • Usability and customer communication
         context to your own business.                • Loading speed
                                                      • Mobile compliance
         Each day there will be a lively              • Product reviews
         panel session where you’ll get the           • Progressing towards the checkout
         opportunity to ask our speakers and          • Product profiles
         additional panel members, drawn              • Trigger emails
         from the retail industry, your burning       • Payment options
         questions.                                   • Associated products

         Alongside the Ecommerce & Retail             The ecommerce reports are individually prepared and will cover all the key
         Theatre will be the Ecommerce &              elements of a successful ecommerce website, from homepage all the way
         Retail Lounge where you will have the        through to checkout, and even cover subjects including mobile compatibility
         opportunity to meet with our team            and conversion optimisation.
         of experts, arrange one to one
         consultations, and discuss in more           Your tailored 65 point appraisal report will be ready and waiting for your arrival
         detail any impending ecommerce               at reception at the Ecommerce & Retail Lounge, in Sales Director Live. Our team
         developments you are perhaps                 of experts will be on hand to delegates who wish to discuss their appraisals and
         considering for your business.               ecommerce operations.

         So if you’re looking to understand           Apply for your own ecommerce report now at;
         more about how ecommerce can add   
         value to your business, improve your
         existing provision, or simply want to
         take more control of your ecommerce
         operations, visit this year’s Ecommerce
         & Retail Theatre.

                                 THE ECOMMERCE & RETAIL THEATRE


                                  10.30 - 11.00     Introduction to multi-channel retailing &
                                                    overview of the day’s sessions
                                                    (with Liquidshop, Paypal and RPS)
                                  11.00 - 12.00     Maximising sales through your
                                                    Brick & Clicks Business
                                                    (with Dennis Reid RPS-Global)

                                  12.00 - 13.00     Retail case study – Bureau Direct &
                                                    multi-channel retailing
                                                    (with Dominic Irons Bureau Direct &
                                                    Nick Pratt - Liquidshop)

                                  13.00 - 14.00     Understanding the hidden benefits of
                                                    good payment systems (PayPal)
                                                    (with Beverely Bergin –PayPal)

                                  14.00 - 15.00     Panel Discussion,- key factors that drive
                                                    online sales conversions
                                                    (with experts from PayPal, Liquidshop, RPS & Guest
                                                    Intro by Guy Mucklow MD of Postcodeanywhere)

                                  15.00 - 16.00     Maximising sales through your
                                                    Brick & Clicks Business
                                                    (with Dennis Reid - RPS-Global)

                                  16.00 - 17.00     Ecommerce & multi-channel retailing –
                                                    essential executive overview
                                                    (Ray Buckler -LiquidShop)


                                  10.30 - 11.00     Introduction to multi-channel retailing &
                                                    overview of the day’s sessions
                                                    (with Liquidshop, Paypal and RPS)
                                  11.00 - 12.00     Retail case study – Bureau Direct &
                                                    multi-channel retailing
                                                    (with Dominic Irons Bureau Direct &
                                                    Ray Buckler -Liquidshop)

                                  12.00 - 13.00     Understanding the hidden benefits of
                                                    good payment systems (PayPal)
                                                    (with Beverely Bergin –PayPal)

                                  13.00 - 14.00     Panel Discussion,- key factors that drive
                                                    online sales conversions
                                                    (with experts from PayPal, Liquidshop, RPS & Guest
                                                    Intro by Guy Mucklow MD of Postcodeanywhere)

                                  14.00 - 15.00     Ecommerce & multi-channel retailing –
                                                    essential executive overview
                                                    (Nick Pratt - LiquidShop)

                                  15.00 - 16.00     Maximising sales through your
                                                    Brick & Clicks Business
                                                    (with Dennis Reid - RPS-Global)


                                                                      NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE |   11
HALL 1 THURSDAY                                                             CONFERENCE SCHEDULE
            11.00 - 11.30                                                          14.00 - 14.30
            Robert Maguire                                                         Martin Smith
            MaguireIzatt LLP                                                       Bid Solutions Limited
            Sleeping with the Enemy – procurement                                  Building a World Class Bid Team
                                                                                   Procurement in both the public and private sector is now almost
            This seminar is designed to give you insights into the mindset         entirely carried out through competitive tendering. As a result,
            and key control tools of the buyer. Your presenter will explore        effective Bid and Proposal Management is now an essential
            how buyers make pricing decisions and how they use market              component of any successful sales team.
            information salespeople give them to push back effectively
            against the value proposition and the solution sale.

            11.45 - 12.15                                                          14.45 - 15.15
            Clive Rich                                                             Fred Wilkinson
            Negotiation isn’t just selling                                         Maximizing ROI of your CRM System

            Clive Rich will offer a series of negotiation tactics which can be     Presented by award winning consultancy BPI OnDemand, this
            applied to a variety of business settings and will help attendees      seminar will provide you with recommendations of how to ensure
            to identify where they use or need to use negotiation in their         you get the most from your CRM system, including maximizing
            day-to-day business and how they can improve their skills and lead     adoption across your users, generating valuable analytics & BI and
            to better outcomes in deals.                                           helping drive new, more effective ways of working across your

            12.30 - 13.00                                                          15.30 - 16.00
            Frank Hattann                                                          Warren Cass
            Linkedin                                                               Business Scene
            Social Selling – Enabling Sales & Business                             Selling in a Relationship Economy
            Development Teams to be more effective
            through the use of their professional Network                          The world has dramatically changed in the last 20 years yet most
                                                                                   sales forces have simply failed to adapt. Gone of the days of hunting
            Frank will deliver an overview of social media, answer why social      and hard closing, sales is about reputation and relationships. As
            media is becoming more relevant for sales and marketing; discuss       founder of one of the UK’s biggest networks Warren will explore
            what companies can do to use social media effectively; and talk        how 21st century communication has changed the way we sell.
            about how LinkedIn can help small businesses to generate new

            13.15 - 13.45                                                          16.15 - 16.45
            Steve Trister                                                          Andy Shaw
            Performance Dynamite                                                   A Bug Free Mind
            The Shocking White Paper Report Revealed                               Less Stress, More Sales & Higher Order
            Steve has interviewed and surveyed 100’s of CEOs, MDs and Sales
            Directors across the UK and his findings are extremely scary. In a     This presentation is designed to teach thought techniques, which
            whirlwind 30-minute seminar, he’ll reveal for the very first time      will mean you can overcome any negativity in yourself and your sales
            the mind boggling opinions of today’s business leaders and their       team. Imagine if you had a sales team that were not negative, but
            damning thoughts on the current state of UK PLCs.                      were passionate and confident about the product. Plus they had the
                                                                                   belief in themselves meaning they could simply sell more, more often
                                                                                   and at higher prices. The role of this presentation is to empower you
                                                                                   with simple skills to enable this.


                             Sales Initiative Magazine
                                                                                                                 HALL 1 FRIDAY

10.30 - 11.30                                                            14.00 - 14.30
Professor Neil Rackham                                                   Ben Kench
Portsmouth University                                                    Business Booster
Selling in hard times [that are not going                                The Heart Of Business – A Better Way
away]                                                                    To Sell

We understand the common mistakes that most salespeople make             After 30 years in selling, and having managed and directed sales
and we also have a good understanding of the strategies that help        performance in all sorts of environments, Ben Kench has discovered
a sales force to succeed when times are difficult. Using case material   quite simply a better way to grow your sales performance. In today’s
from winners and losers in hard times, Neil Rackham will explain         session, the author of “Selling for Dummies” shares his insights and
three successful strategies that will grow market share in a tough       ideas that will increase your sales performance!

12.30 - 13.00                                                            14.45 - 15.15
Professor Lynette Ryals                                                  Ian Smith
Cranfield School of Management                                           Winning Tenders
Key account management- best practice                                    Winning Tenders: the Forensic Approach
                                                                         to Success
In this unique seminar, Lynette Ryals of Cranfield University will
show you how to adopt a practical approach to planning, analysing        Tendering is a specialist aspect of sales: to win, you need to play
and implementing a closer relationship with your strategic accounts.     the game properly. This seminar explains how to find opportunities,
Lynette will reveal how to apply best practice to your key accounts;     how you pre-qualify and get invited to tender, how to go about
increase confidence; enhance your customer interfacing skills; and       submitting your response so it gets shortlisted, and then how to
much more.                                                               present your proposals to the evaluation panel.

13.15 - 13.45                                                            15.30 - 16.00
Ian Beer                                                                 Rich Allen
3M                                                                       Qvidian
From Good to Great and Staying There                                     7 Proven Tips to Win More Deals

3M is a diversified technology company delivering innovative             This session will reveal seven of the most impactful steps
solutions to life’s everyday needs. Yet having great products is no      organisations can take to improve sales effectiveness. See real-
longer enough. Find out what 3M has done to invest in its own            world examples of how companies like CA Technologies,
sales force to ensure they connect with their customers to help          NetApp, Microsoft, and others are leveraging Sales Playbooks,
them succeed both now and in the future.                                 sales performance analytics, and client-focused proposals to win
                                                                         more business. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your sales
                                                                         team to the next level!


                                                                                                                    NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE |   13
HALL 2 THURSDAY                                                              CONFERENCE SCHEDULE
            11.00 - 11.30                                                            14.00 - 14.30
            Martin Southern                                                          Tony Pringle
            Shark Finesse Ltd                                                        Bureau van Dijk
            Producing financially justified business                                 Using B2B information to sell more
            cases for proposals                                                      effectively

            Your customer needs a business case…do you negotiate and talk            What information can B2B sales teams access and how can it be
            value or just pray the budget is there. Sales know all about solutions   used in the sales process? Tony Pringle, BvD’s UK MD will look at
            but should they also be responsible for translating benefits into        these issues and discuss the relevance of external data, what it
            financial terminology that the customer can actually use? This           can show you about your customers and prospects, and how
            seminar will explore both customer and supplier requirements             integrating it with your CRM can help improve efficiency and
            and provoke thought about what can be done to close the value            develop new business.
            negotiation gap.

            11.45 - 12.15                                                            14.45 - 15.15
            Ted Walker / James Speed                                                 Martin Bromfield
            Keith Prowse                                                             One Source
            The value of corporate hospitality as a                                  Sales Productivity in 2012
            relationship building tool
                                                                                     How do you know when to call the right prospects, and what to
            The session will look at key events in the UK’s cultural calendar        say when you get through? With information overload and sales
            and how they can be utilised to build long term relationships with       executives spending more time researching companies and less time
            clients, stakeholders and employees. Budgeting for events and            selling, how can sales directors harness information proactively to
            measurement of ROI along with how to book bona fide corporate            increase their sales team’s productivity?
            hospitality packages will also be discussed in this interactive
            workshop, presented by the UK market leader.

            12.30 - 13.00                                                            15.30 - 16.00
            Liz Jackson                                                              David Bushnell
            Great Guns Marketing                                                     Enable IT Technolgies
            If you think you can, you can.                                           Open Source CRM – Challenging Closed
            Liz will draw from her experience of growing a successful business and
            also that of working with some of the UK’s leading B2B brands. Liz’s     Without a CRM system in place, your company is worth approxi-
            seminar will cover how strategic telemarketing can be used to drive      mately half its potential value. Discover how and why Open Source
            business growth, and will outline key learnings of what has worked for   technologies are challenging established market leaders in the Cus-
            both her and her clients over the past 14 years.                         tomer Relationship Management (CRM) marketplace. Discover why
                                                                                     you should consider going Open Source when choosing your next
                                                                                     CRM solution to increase productivity and reduce costs.

            13.15 - 13.45                                                            16.15 - 16.45
            Dan Kelly                                                                Gordon McAlpine
            Corporate Rewards                                                        The Sales Club
            Incentives are EVIL                                                      The Secret Millionaire’s Sales road to success

            In this session, we’ll explore the top five motivating factors to a      Gordon will share some of the insights, ideas, sales and marketing
            sales person and, in turn, the top five most important factors in a      initiatives he created in order to become a successful entrepreneur.
            customer-buyer relationship and what customers look for from a           He will also demonstrate the power of using business success to
            supplier. We’ll also share our top tips on structuring a successful      make a real difference in deprived communities by presenting some
            incentive programme, with some live case studies.                        emotional scenes from his experience on Channel 4’s ‘The Secret


                               Sales Initiative Magazine
                                                                                                                  HALL 2 FRIDAY

11.45 - 12.15                                                            14.00 - 14.30
Martin Southern                                                          Jonathan Grey
Shark Finesse Ltd                                                        Ovation Incentives
Producing financially justified business                                 Real-Time Incentives & Why the Y
cases for proposals                                                      Generation Won’t Wait

Your customer needs a business case…do you negotiate and talk            In today’s world of increased usage and familiarity with instant
value or just pray the budget is there. Sales know all about solutions   communications, media, and digital technologies the Y generation
but should they also be responsible for translating benefits into        is dictating today’s trends. In summary the demand for real-time
financial terminology that the customer can actually use? This           reward solutions has been growing rapidly and globally and as
seminar will explore both customer and supplier requirements             such identifying and taking advantage of these latest trends is
and provoke thought about what can be done to close the value            more critical than ever.
negotiation gap.

12.30 - 13.00                                                            14.45 - 15.15
Colin Hodgson                                                            Andrew Hough
Edenred (Incentives & Motivation)                                        EMC Computer Systems Europe Ltd
Driving engagement, loyalty & growth                                     Changing context of solution selling
through Reseller channels
                                                                         In this interactive seminar, Andrew Hough discuss the changing
This session references the various types of incentive and               context of solution selling as the purchasing dynamic changes in
motivation programs used to drive engagement, loyalty and volume         an economic downturn, with differing focus on procurement and
in distributor and reseller channels (with examples) and highlights      financial levers away from business unit decision makers.
the need for careful planning, audience considerations, appropriate
rewards and adopting an innovative and creative approach.

13.15 - 13.45                                                            15.30 - 16.00
Graham Barlow                                                            David Bushnell
Technologies4Targeting Ltd                                               Enable IT Technolgies
Make every visit count with sales territory                              Increasing Sales via Remote Working
                                                                         In today’s sales market, the office is often not the base for sales
Sales territory optimisation is a hot topic but what does it really      people that it once was. Get an insight into remote working as
mean and how does it impact on sales team efficiency and                 a whole, explaining the concepts behind it, as well as focussing
effectiveness? This seminar explains how to identify the real            on how your sales force can utilise remote working practices and
factors impacting field force performance and outlines practical         technologies to increase productivity, sales revenue and improve
steps to alleviate problems.                                             performance.


                                                                                                                     NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE |   15
HALL 3 THURSDAY                                                                CONFERENCE SCHEDULE
            11.00 - 11.30                                                             14.00 - 14.30
            Chris Goodman                                                             Phil M Jones
            Results Driven Group                                                      Philmjones Ltd
            Developing high performing sales teams                                    Magic Words
            and leaders of the future
                                                                                      Your choice of words can have a huge effect on the behaviour of
            If productivity, profitability, retention and customer loyalty are        others. How would you feel if your conversations always got you
            all by-products of a winning sales culture, what makes up the             what you want, you could communicate yourself out of challenging
            ingredients? What does a winning sales culture look like and more         scenarios and people said yes to you more often?
            importantly, how should a sales director go about improving theirs?
            Find out in this seminar on developing a winning culture.

            11.45 - 12.15                                                             14.45 - 15.15
            David Jones                                                               Phillip Bryan
            CACI Limited                                                              Sentori Email Marketing
            The value of corporate hospitality as a                                   Understanding email leads to more sales
            relationship building tool
                                                                                      Many people use an Email Service Provider (ESP) to send out email
            This interactive and informative seminar session will comprehensively     marketing messages. These systems generally provide information
            outline the pitfalls of poor store targeting, incorrect headcount         about how the email performed. Philip will explain how you can
            levels, inefficient territory structures and poor journey planning,       make your email marketing more effective by understanding this
            and show you how to avoid these issues and reap the associated            information, and using to help you sell more products and services.
            financial rewards.

            12.30 - 13.00                                                             15.30 - 16.00
            Chris Maylon                                                              Nic Windley – B.Eng. (Hons), M IDM
            DSV Road Limited                                                          Nic Windley & Associates
            Creating and Building A Sales Culture                                     Why Your Sales Team Don’t Convert Web
                                                                                      Leads And What You Can Do About It
            Chris will discuss the challenges he faced as a Sales Director in
            terms of hiring and developing staff, his rationale for injecting new     The capabilities of companies to generate online sales leads are
            emerging talent, what he wanted to change about his team and              improving. However, their ability to respond has not kept up. In this
            how training has been implemented throughout the business to              seminar, Nic Windley will highlight the need for persistency, channel
            improve results.                                                          diversity and positive identification of hot leads, and uncover how
                                                                                      to give your sales teams the opportunity to wow prospects with live
                                                                                      response times in minutes.

            13.15 - 13.45                                                             16.15 - 16.45
            Gavin Ingham                                                              Liz Jackson
                                                             Great Guns Marketing
            Incentives are EVIL                                                       What part does Telemarketing play in
                                                                                      today’s selling?
            Things have changed. Business has changed. Salespeople have
            changed. Good enough is not good enough anymore. If you want to           Liz will draw from her experience of growing a successful business
            create a high performance sales team in today’s competitive business      and also that of working with some of the UK’s leading B2B brands.
            environment then you need the skills and strategies to build and          Liz’s seminar will cover how strategic telemarketing can be used to
            sustain a motivated sales team who always give 100%.                      drive business growth, and will outline key learnings of what has
                                                                                      worked for both her and her clients over the past 14 years.


                             Sales Initiative Magazine
                                                                                                                  HALL 3 FRIDAY

11.45 - 12.15                                                            14.00 - 14.30
Michael McGowan                                                          Tudor Williams FCIPD
Sales6ix                                                                 eRecruit Solutions
Accurate Forecasting is the best measure                                 The Talent Spotter
of sales effectiveness: A Breakthrough
Approach                                                                 In this seminar, Tudor Williams will share with you what he looks
                                                                         for in a sales CV and how to: read between the lines of a sales CV,
In this seminar, you’ll learn how Smart Sales Forecasting could be the   get best results out of the interview process, ask questions that
breakthrough way to really drive sales effectiveness across your sales   get a true reflection of the individual, and how to identify the
team, lift confidence levels and guarantee you go to bed knowing         characteristics that make a great sales person.
you and the team are in control of delivering the numbers.

12.30 - 13.00                                                            14.45 - 15.15
Tony Morris                                                              Dr Ian Davies
Sales Doctor                                                             Raconteur
Turning leads into business                                              Building an Effective Salesforce

Tony Morris of Sales Doctor will be providing real life techniques       Recruiting the right person into a sales role has a critical impact
on how to qualify leads more effectively and in turn convert             on the overall success of a business. Conversely getting the wrong
more into business. With over fifteen years of sales experience          person can have disastrous effects. It is statistically proven that
and having trained over two thousand sales professionals, Tony           hiring the wrong person not only reduces revenue potential and
will share proven techniques to maximise every single opportunity.       profitability, but causes dissatisfaction throughout the rest of the
                                                                         workforce and increases staff turnover.

13.15 - 13.45                                                            15.30 - 16.00
Nic Windley – B.Eng. (Hons), M IDM                                       Giles Margerison
Nic Windley & Associates                                                 TomTom Business Solutions
Uniting Sales And Marketing - A Sales                                    How greener, safer drivers get you more
Advantage                                                                sales

Nic Windley discusses the relationship between sales and marketing,      Your sales force is constantly on the move and that does not come
its history, and why attempts to bridge the two so far have been         without challenges. Are they doing enough? Are they safe on the
unsuccessful. The seminar will reveal what’s needed to foster true       road? Are they claiming the right mileage? Are they often stuck in
sales and marketing alignment and uncover why sales is ideally           traffic? Could they be doing more? This seminar describes how, by
placed to lead the evolution.                                            using technology, all of this information can be at your fingertips.


                                                                                                                     NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE |   17
HALL 4 THURSDAY                                                               CONFERENCE SCHEDULE
            11.00 - 11.30                                                            14.00 - 14.30
            Lorna Leck                                                               Ross Evans
            The Sales Activator Ltd                                                  BMS Sales Specialists
            The Five Most Dangerous Issues Facing                                    Battle for Sales talent
            Sales Leaders
                                                                                     This seminar will explore key trends in the sales recruitment
            Your customer needs a business case…do you negotiate and talk            market and look at the steps different clients are taking in their
            value or just pray the budget is there. Sales know all about solutions   battle for talent. We’ll offer practical support that can be used
            but should they also be responsible for translating benefits into        to enhance competitiveness and improve positioning, providing
            financial terminology that the customer can actually use? This seminar   positive takeaways for senior sales decision makers to assist in
            will explore both customer and supplier requirements and provoke         attracting, engaging and retaining top talent.
            thought about what can be done to close the value negotiation gap.

            11.45 - 12.15                                                            14.45 - 15.15
            Giles Margerison                                                         David Clark
            TomTom Business Solutions                                                Clarity360 Ltd
            How greener, safer drivers get you more                                  B2B Relationship Management – It’s the
            sales                                                                    Story in a Team Game!

            Your sales force is constantly on the move and that does not come        David talks about the power of team selling and how world
            without challenges. Are they doing enough? Are they safe on the          class collaboration enhances the client’s experience and how this
            road? Are they claiming the right mileage? Are they often stuck in       intra-company collaboration supports individuals’ development of
            traffic? Could they be doing more? This seminar describes how, by        the lost art of storytelling. David champions a return to a skill that
            using technology, all of this information can be at your fingertips.     can create value in a way that will be remembered and coveted
                                                                                     during the toughest of times.

            12.30 - 13.00                                                            15.30 - 16.00
            Gary Donoghue                                                            Graham Dando
            Advanced Selling Skills Academy Ltd                                      The TAS Group
            Developing Sustainable Sales Skills in a                                 Four Factors – The Simple Formula for Sales
            Mobile World                                                             Success

            Gary will highlight how e-training will positively impact on employee    In this session, Graham Dando, Senior Partner for The TAS Group
            satisfaction through continuous professional development leading to      argues that there are only four things you need to worry about
            improved staff motivation and retention. He will also highlight the      to achieve sales effectiveness. These 4 things make up The
            key ROI benefits of e-training, but most importantly the significant     Sales Velocity Equation, a simple formula that provides you with
            impact it can have on business speed and agility, facilitating change    everything you need to keep it simple, and keep your focus.
            and growth.

            13.15 - 13.45                                                            16.15 - 16.45
            Tim Foster                                                               Warren Knight
            The TAS Group                                                            Gloople
            So you think you have a £500,000 sales                                   From Sales Director to Managing Director
                                                                                     Warren will share with you the transition he made from Sales
            Most managers believe they are good at forecasting, but their            Director of a manufacturing and exporting business to being the
            forecasts usually turn out to be wrong. In his presentation, Tim         founder and CEO of a Technology Company. Warren will help
            Foster, EMEA Sale Director for The TAS Group will discuss how to         you use the skills you have developed as part of your job to run a
            use automated intelligence in the sales cycle to increase deal win       successful company.
            rate and average deal value, and shorten sales cycles.


                             Sales Initiative Magazine
                                                                                                                 HALL 4 FRIDAY

11.45 - 12.15                                                          14.00 - 14.30
Phil M Jones                                                           David Clark
Philmjones Ltd                                                         Clarity360 Ltd
Magic Words                                                            B2B Relationship Management – It’s the
                                                                       Story in a Team Game!
Your choice of words can have a huge effect on the behaviour of
others. How would you feel if your conversations always got you        David talks about the power of team selling and how world
what you want, you could communicate yourself out of challenging       class collaboration enhances the client’s experience and how this
scenarios and people said yes to you more often?                       intra-company collaboration supports individuals’ development of
                                                                       the lost art of storytelling. David champions a return to a skill that
                                                                       can create value in a way that will be remembered and coveted
                                                                       during the toughest of times.

12.30 - 13.00                                                          14.45 - 15.15
Martin Hutchins                                                        Chris Duncan
Professional Academy                                                   News International
Turning professionals into exceptionals                                Using customer intelligence to drive sales
(a case study)                                                         performance

The right leadership can have a profound effect on culture and         The availability of vast amounts of data have changed our ability
practices within a business. When that leader is no longer there,      to understand and manage customers and to drive sales. But many
chaos can ensue. The case study covered in this session discusses      companies struggle to turn this promise into operational revenue.
the strategic changes needed after such an event. Quantitative and     In this session Chris Duncan will detail how News International has
Qualitative measures will be discussed along with tactics, telesales   approached this challenge and share some case study examples of
and key account management.                                            how customer intelligence can grow sales.

13.15 - 13.45                                                          15.30 - 16.00
Donal Daly                                                             Gary Donoghue
The TAS Group                                                          Advanced Selling Skills Academy Ltd
The Art and Science of Account Planning                                Developing Sustainable Sales Skills in a
                                                                       Mobile World
In this session, Donal will explore the essential aspects of
account planning: understanding the customer’s business; visualizing   Gary will highlight how e-training will positively impact on employee
‘white space’ to expand sales; identifying and building strategic      satisfaction through continuous professional development leading to
relationships; collaborating on business strategy; identifying and     improved staff motivation and retention. He will also highlight the
winning new opportunities; increasing solution and account             key ROI benefits of e-training, but most importantly the significant
penetration; and automating account plans within the CRM.              impact it can have on business speed and agility, facilitating change
                                                                       and growth.


                                                                                                                     NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE |   19

            10.30 - 11.00                                                            14.00 - 15.00
            Liquidshop, PayPal & RPS                                                 Liquidshop, PayPal & RPS
            Executive overview – ecommerce & Retail briefing                         Panel Discussion - Key factors that drive online sales
            The first session of the morning is for busy executives that need the
            key headlines about improving sales via essential retail channels,       Starting with an introduction by guest speaker Guy Mucklow the
            comprising three 10 minute sections delivered by specialists from        MD of Postcodeanywhere, the expert panel will be sharing insights
            Liquidshop, PayPal and RPS-Global that understand the “need to           on how to convert visitors into customers and improve basket values
            know” topics and how to present the facts without resorting to           at the checkout, both online and offline. Discuss and get involved in
            jargon. Attend this briefing if you need to get the current retail and   the topics affecting you and your business. This is your chance to get
            ecommerce news fast. If you need more detail, then stay on after         your questions answered.
            the seminar and talk to one of the experts as our guests in
            the ecommerce and retail lounge.

            11.00 - 12.00                                                            15.00 - 16.00
            Dennis Reid                                                              Dennis Reid
            RPS                                                                      RPS
            Maximising Sales Through Your Bricks &                                   Maximising Sales Through Your Bricks &
            Clicks Business                                                          Clicks Business

            Having the mind-set to compete in an OMI channel world,                  Having the mind-set to complete in an Omi channel world,
            identifying where your business model fits in Global Best Practice,      identifying where your business model fits inGlobal Best Practice,
            understanding the critical KPIs that need to improve, the six step       understanding the critical KPI’s that need to improve, the six step
            model driving up conversion and ATV, OMI Channel Best Practice           model driving up conversion and ATV, OMI Channel Best Practice
            case studies. The RPS-Global team will be on hand after the seminar      case studies
            to answer your questions and provide further advice; you are invited
            to meet them in the ecommerce and retail lounge.

            12.00 - 13.00                                                            16.00 - 17.00
            Nick Pratt, Liquidshop                                                   Ray Buckler
            Dominic Irons – Bureau direct                                            Liquidshop
            Retail case study – Bureau Direct &                                      Ecommerce & Multi-channel retailing -
            multi-channel retailing                                                  essential executive overview

            Dominic Irons will explain how ecommerce drives income and fits          This session covers three key subjects that will help delegates
            within his retail operation. This case study and seminar will promote    understand how to increase sales with a multi-channel approach.
            the advantages of multi-channel retailing and how to benefit from        First, to understand the new consumers, their relationship with
            ever increasing influence the Internet and mobile connectivity has       smartphones and how this guides retail purchase decisions.
            on retail. Touching on the specifics of today’s changing consumer,       Secondly, what are the upcoming trends and how they impact
            separating fads from long term trends and gains, and the anatomy of      on retail. Finally, a look under the bonnet of an ecommerce
            a successful ecommerce channel that is integrated into your business.    operation and the key features you need to bring in the sales.

            13.00 - 14.00
            Beverley Bergin
            Understanding The Hidden Benefits of
            Good Payment Systems                                                         Liquidshop is an online retail storefront proven to grow
                                                                                         sales revenue, improve conversion rates and increase
            The final and most important stage of retail transaction is the              basket value. The Liquidshop ecommerce platform features
            payment process. However, it is often treated as just the utility that       an intuitive back-office for the administration of website
            completes the deal. This session wil illustrate what extra safeguards        content, including product data and customer orders. In
            and benefits are available frmo a good payment system and what               addition there are tools for the management of onsite
            you should expect from your (PSP) Payment Service Provider.                  promotion, internet marketing and SEO. Above all, as a
                                                                                         Liquidshop user you have access to a dedicated team of
                                                                                         ecommerce professionals for the design, hosting and
                                                                                         ongoing support of your ecommerce website.


10.30 - 11.00                                                            13.00 - 14.00
Liquidshop, PayPal & RPS                                                 Liquidshop, PayPal & RPS
Executive overview – ecommerce & Retail briefing                         Panel Discussion - Key factors that drive online sales
The first session of the morning is for busy executives that need the
key headlines about improving sales via essential retail channels,       Starting with an introduction by guest speaker Guy Mucklow the
comprising three 10 minute sections delivered by specialists from        MD of Postcodeanywhere, the expert panel will be sharing insights
Liquidshop, PayPal and RPS-Global that understand the “need to           on how to convert visitors into customers and improve basket values
know” topics and how to present the facts without resorting to           at the checkout, both online and offline. Discuss and get involved in
jargon. Attend this briefing if you need to get the current retail and   the topics affecting you and your business. This is your chance to get
ecommerce news fast. If you need more detail, then stay on after         your questions answered.
the seminar and talk to one of the experts as our guests in
the ecommerce and retail lounge.

11.00 - 12.00                                                            14.00 - 15.00
Nick Pratt, Liquidshop                                                   Ray Buckler
Dominic Irons – Bureau direct                                            Liquidshop
Retail case study – Bureau Direct &                                      Ecommerce & Multi-channel retailing -
multi-channel retailing                                                  essential executive overview

Dominic Irons will explain how ecommerce drives income and fits          This session covers three key subjects that will help delegates
within his retail operation. This case study and seminar will promote    understand how to increase sales with a multi-channel approach.
the advantages of multi-channel retailing and how to benefit from        First, to understand the new consumers, their relationship with
ever increasing influence the Internet and mobile connectivity has       smartphones and how this guides retail purchase decisions.
on retail. Touching on the specifics of today’s changing consumer,       Secondly, what are the upcoming trends and how they impact
separating fads from long term trends and gains, and the anatomy of      on retail. Finally, a look under the bonnet of an ecommerce
a successful ecommerce channel that is integrated into your business.    operation and the key features you need to bring in the sales.

12.00 - 13.00                                                            15.00 - 16.00
Beverley Bergin                                                          Dennis Reid
Paypal                                                                   RPS
Understanding The Hidden Benefits of                                     Maximising Sales Through Your Bricks &
Good Payment Systems                                                     Clicks Business

The final and most important stage of retail transaction is the          Having the mind-set to compete in an OMI channel world,
payment process. However, it is often treated as just the utility that   identifying where your business model fits in Global Best Practice,
completes the deal. This session wil illustrate what extra safeguards    understanding the critical KPIs that need to improve, the six step
and benefits are available frmo a good payment system and what           model driving up conversion and ATV, OMI Channel Best Practice
you should expect from your (PSP) Payment Service Provider.              case studies. The RPS-Global team will be on hand after the seminar
                                                                         to answer your questions and provide further advice; you are invited
                                                                         to meet them in the ecommerce and retail lounge.

    PayPal allows any business or individual with an email                   With over 25 years of retail experience, working across 20
    address to securely, conveniently and cost-effectively send              countries and with hundreds of clients, RPS has developed
    and receive payments online. Our network builds on the                   a truly world class retail and brand performance models.
    existing financial infrastructure of bank accounts and credit            When implemented fully into a business, the RPS system is
    cards to create a global, real-time payment solution. We                 guaranteed to increase sales performance.
    deliver a product ideally suited for small businesses, online
    merchants, individuals and others currently underserved by               RPS have an unrivalled understanding of successful retail
    traditional payment mechanisms.                                          and brand best practice and how to translate this into
                                                                             actions that integrate into any business for a guaranteed
                                                                             uplift in sales, regardless of current performance.

                                                                                                                     NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE |   21
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
SDL Show Guide Nov 2012
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SDL Show Guide Nov 2012

  • 2. AN OPEN INVITATION TO SAVOUR SCOTTISH SILVER SERVICE HOSPITALITY Golf’s greatest championship will be held at Muirfield, Scotland, just thirty minutes from the heart of Edinburgh from 17-21 July 2013. Experience world-class golf while enjoying our award-winning hospitality set against the backdrop of Muirfield’s 9th hole.You only get this view, and this close to the action, with The Open’s Official Hospitality programme. Our all-day, fine-dining packages start from £250 per person. The ultimate in sporting hospitality with the best golf and some truly exceptional company. THE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP MUIRFIELD, SCOTLAND 17-21 JULY 2013 BOOK YOUR OFFICIAL, ON-COURSE HOSPITALITY PACKAGE Contact our hospitality team now on: T: +44 (0)844 371 0883 or email: Ref: SalesLive Please visit for further information.
  • 3. WELCOME THE INTERNATIONAL SALES LEADERSHIP EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE Hello and welcome to Sales Director Live, an interactive exhibition and conference specifically designed to help you achieve better sales results for your business. Bringing together quality all showcasing the latest exhibitors, insightful seminars and products and services to help interactive workshops, the event offers a unique opportunity for you increase those all important sales. CONTENTS sales professionals to obtain the latest tools, techniques and advice within an ever-changing industry. Attend the show and you’ll profit Use this showguide to plan your visit to the show, benchmark any products and services you might be interested in, and 04 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS 12 SEMINAR from a wide variety of seminars make a note of the seminars you delivered by leaders of industry, want to attend. As somebody covering everything from responsible for delivering the SCHEDULE recruiting exceptional salespeople sales for your company, this 36 to winning customers through could be the most profitable social media. Five comprehensive day you spend out of the EXHIBITOR seminar theatres will ensure no office this year. LISTINGS stone is left unturned in your search for better sales figures We look forward to meeting and continued professional development. you at the Show. The Sales 39 HOW TO GET THERE Director Live Alongside the vast educational 41 element, the show will also FLOOR feature a balanced mix of relevant exhibiting companies, Team PLAN Find us on Facebook Tweet us @salesdirshow Tweet about us #salesdirshow
  • 4. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS PROFESSOR Professor Neil Rackham first Hill’s best selling business book gained international recognition ever. He is author of over 50 in the 1970s when he led the influential articles on marketing, NEIL RACKHAM largest ever research study of selling and channel strategy. successful selling and sales effectiveness. This massive Professor Neil Rackham is also project, supported by major widely recognized as a highly THE PROFESSOR OF SALES multinationals including Xerox original and creative trainer and IBM, involved a team of 30 and communicator. His work researchers who studied 35,000 in sales training won him the Neil Rackham is known throughout the world sales calls in over 20 countries. Instructional Systems Association as a speaker, writer and seminal thinker on The research took 12 years at a lifetime award for Innovation in cost, in today’s dollars, of $30 Training and Instruction. sales and marketing issues. Three of his books million. From the results of these have been on the New York Times best seller studies he published the ground- He has worked closely with many list and his works have been translated into breaking classic SPIN® Selling leading sales forces such as IBM, (McGraw-Hill, 1988) and Major Xerox, AT&T and Citicorp. He over 50 languages. He has been Chairman Account Sales Strategy (McGraw- has also worked extensively and CEO of three international research and Hill, 1989). His books regularly with senior partners in some of consulting firms. rank among business best sellers, the world’s most successful pro- and SPIN® Selling is McGraw fessional services organizations including McKinsey & Company, where he was for many years a member of the Sales and Selling in hard times Channel Management Group. [that are not going away] He’s a sought after conference speaker who receives top reviews We understand the common mistakes that most salespeople make and from participants for his capacity we also have a good understanding of the strategies that help a sales to take complex issues and make force to succeed when times are difficult. them accessible and interesting. Using case material from winners and losers He uses a combination of in hard times, Professor Neil Rackham will SEMINAR HALL 1 humour, passion and group explain three successful strategies that will interaction to stimulate and grow market share in a tough economy. challenge his audiences. Friday 10.30 - 11.30 CLIVE RICH THE £BILLION NEGOTIATOR Now more than ever, negotiation plays a huge part in the sales process. And for some, negotiation has become more than a skill – it’s become an art form. Clive Rich is an international Apple, and BBC to name just a few. deal-maker and trouble-shooter. He has played a crucial role in Clive believes that the power negotiating and brokering more than of negotiation and the ability to £10bn worth of deals for a broad trouble-shoot deals have never been spectrum of multi nationals. Over the more important, especially in a New last 25 years he has brokered deals Deal Economy. And it’s easy to see for companies such as Sony, Yahoo, why – as consumers and businesses “With an unstable world economy, increasing competition as power and influence moves from the West to the East, and technology enabling business to converge globally, we now live in a New Deal Economy, where deal-making skills are paramount.” 4 | SALES DIRECTOR LIVE NOVEMBER 2012
  • 5. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS GILES MARGERISON SALES DIRECTOR FOR UK & IRELAND AT TOMTOM Giles Margerison is Sales Director for UK & Ireland at TomTom Business Solutions, the B2B division of TomTom. Giles has over 10 years of experience delivering significant results managing direct and indirect sales channels for leading LIZ JACKSON providers in the Telematics industry. Previous experience includes commercial vehicle rental, contract hire, and leasing and maintenance where he managed operations for Dawsonrentals and THE SECRET MILLIONAIRE SEMINAR HALL 3 Ryder Plc. This unique combination of knowledge and experience gives him a broad understanding of the issues Liz Jackson is an inspirational figure Friday 15.30 - 16.00 and her story is extraordinary; as facing fleet and sales managers. you may have seen when she was featured in Channel 4’s Secret How to Outperform Industry and Market Millionaire programme. Growth in a Tough Economy Since launching her telemarketing business, Great Guns Marketing, in 1998, the year she lost her Giles will describe the challenges that he faced when he became Sales eyesight, Liz and her company have gone from Director at TomTom Business Solutions in 2010. He will reveal how he strength to strength with Great Guns growing at overcame these hurdles and achieved substantial growth in a difficult 30% per annum and boasting an impressive portfolio climate by engaging his direct team, resellers and all involved in his of clients from all types and sizes of companies. ecosystem. Great Guns Marketing has become the UK’s leading B2B telemarketing company and its ServiceMark accreditation by the Institute of Customer Service is testament to the outstanding service provided. Liz was awarded an MBE in 2007 for services to tighten their belts and look to stretch agreement for Pop Idol recording business and in 2012 she was bestowed with an every penny, negotiation is without rights with 19 Entertainment – an honorary doctorate by Staffordshire University for doubt an essential weapon in any agreement which has since generated her business achievements and for inspiring others. sales director’s armoury. well over $1 billion of contribution Liz is also an accomplished author, her book ‘StartUp!’ for BMG worldwide. provides invaluable help and advice to entrepreneurs. Also a highly experienced entertainment and digital media This is your chance to hear from lawyer, Clive has negotiated deals one of the great negotiators. with musicians including Take That, Dido, Annie Lennox and Simply Don’t miss it. If you think you can, Red, and with global brands such as Universal, Virgin and T-Mobile. SEMINAR HALL 1 you can. He also negotiated BMG’s first Liz will tell us the story of her business success Thursday 11.45 - 12.15 starting from the lounge of her rented Basingstoke flat whilst losing her eyesight, to building Great Guns Marketing into the UK’s premier business to business telemarketing company. She’ll explain how Negotiation isn’t just selling her attitude to life and her ‘everything’s possible’ approach enables her to take barriers in her stride. The seminar will revolve around offering a series of negotiation tactics which can be She’ll talk about her views on luck and how failure applied to a variety of business settings. The first step would be to assess what the should be celebrated. Finally she will outline her general definition of negotiation is and how it is being overlooked by businesses, approach to leadership and end with the audience before going on to identify where attendees think they use or need to use negotia- believing that anything is possible. tion in their day-to-day business. This seminar will talk attendees through how to prepare well for a deal to ensure SEMINAR HALL 2 they get what they want out of it. It will also look at the non-verbal communication and use of language in negotiation. Thursday 12.30 - 13.00 NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE | 5
  • 6. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS IAN BEER COACH, TRAINER, FACILITATOR AND SPEAKER. When he left school he went He engages in a constant volley in to sales. In the late 90s he of ideas with his colleagues scratched that itch to explore and their customers – so the his inner geek and became a solution for one area bounces technical trainer. In the mid into a solution for the problems 00s he merged freshly honed of the next, where ideas training skills with his selling ultimately come together to chops and found his true calling: make progress possible. developing sales talent. Ian is part of 3M – a global technology company serving SEMINAR HALL 1 customers and communities with innovative products and services. He’s an engaging Friday 13.15 - 13.45 speaker with lots to say, so don’t miss his seminar here at Sales Director Live. From Good to Great and Staying There 3M is a diversified technology company delivering innovative solutions to life’s everyday needs. Yet having great products is no longer enough. In this session, you’ll find out what 3M has done to invest in its own sales force to ensure they connect with their customers, helping them succeed both now and in the future. FRANK HATTANN HEAD OF EMEA LINKEDIN SALES SOLUTIONS Frank is the Head of EMEA Linkedin Sales Ireland, managed multi lingual teams of Solutions. He is a social media enthusiast, different sizes and with different functions. contributing with Linkedin updates and Twitter feeds to socialise the benefits of social media Working in these multi-cultural environments for corporate use, specifically in sales through gave Frank an in-depth understanding of social selling methodologies. relationship-building and the importance of networking. Linkedin was and is an Frank has worked in a variety of companies, important tool for his work, career and from PayPal to Linkedin, and has now more sales success. than 12 years of management experience. He has lived in Germany, the UK, Canada and SEMINAR HALL 1 Thursday 12.30 - 13.00 Social Media and Sales Frank will deliver an overview of social media, answer why social media is becoming more relevant for sales and marketing; discuss what companies can do to use social media effectively; and talk about how Linkedin help small businesses to generate new business. 6 | SALES DIRECTOR LIVE NOVEMBER 2012
  • 7. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS CHRIS DUNCAN DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER SALES AT NEWS INTERNATIONAL LTD Chris Duncan is Director of Customer Chris was appointed Director of Group Sales within Sales and Marketing at Marketing Services at NI in 2009 News International Ltd, the publisher of having held senior roles in Customer leading national newspapers in the UK; Value and Customer Data since joining The Sun, The Times, The Sunday Times. the company in 2007 from consultancy He is responsible for sales performance Infoloop Ltd. Previously, Chris was across retail, subscription acquisition and Managing Director of database retention in both their print and digital marketing services company businesses. Alchemetrics Ltd. Using customer intelligence to drive sales performance The availability of vast amounts of data have changed our ability to understand and manage customers and to drive sales. But many companies struggle to turn SEMINAR HALL 4 this promise into operational revenue. In this session Chris Duncan will detail how News International has approached this challenge and share some case study examples of how customer intelligence can grow sales. Friday 14.45 - 15.15 TONY PRINGLE SEMINAR HALL 2 Thursday 14.00 - 14.30 USING B2B INFORMATION TO SELL MORE EFFECTIVELY Tony Pringle joined BvD’s UK sales team in 1994. In 1998 he went to manage BvD’s American operation in New York, overseeing significant Using B2B expansion and returning to the UK information in 2000 to take over as manager of BvD’s activities in the UK and Ireland. to sell more He manages BvD UK’s business development, strategy, product effectively development and relationships with What information can B2B sales information providers relating to UK teams access and how can it be markets. used in the sales process? Tony Pringle, BvD’s UK MD will look Tony works closely with a wide at these issues and discuss the variety of customers across financial relevance of external data, what institutions, legal firms, government it can show you about your and corporates to ensure BvD’s customers and prospects, and product development continues to be how integrating it with your CRM customer-led. Recent projects include can help improve efficiency and the launch of BvD’s revamped Mint develop new business. product range which is streamlined and optimised for B2B business development. NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE | 7
  • 8. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS GAVIN INGHAM tough markets and personal circumstances. Gavin is considered by many to be the leading expert on sales TURN SELF-DOUBT INTO SELF-BELIEF psychology and performance in the UK today. He is a world- wide expert, having motivated For the last 10 years, sales motivational speaker Gavin Ingham has been helping tens of thousands through live salespeople to explode their sales performance by turning self-doubt, fear and programmes and many more lack of motivation into self-belief, confidence and action. through keynote speeches and online newsletters, articles and With his inspirational his acclaimed sales blog. Gavin’s approach to sales psychology presentations combine both attitudes and skills and will give 5.5 Steps to Sales Success: How to and motivation, Gavin com- bines commercial experience, you strategies to inspire your Create a High Performance Sales Team personal excellence and sales sales teams to go out and take technologies in delivering action right away. Things have changed. Business has changed. Salespeople have changed. personal and business sales Good enough is not good enough anymore. If you want to create a high success. His unique and performance sales team in today’s competitive business environment then inspirational perspective and you need the skills and strategies to build and sustain a motivated sales the way he shares it truly SEMINAR HALL 3 team who always give 100%. This seminar will show you how. demonstrates the power of the individual over external Thursday 13.15 - 13.45 events such as competition, CHRIS MALYON Creating and Building a DIRECTOR OF SALES & MARKETING Sales Culture FOR DSV ROAD LIMITED In this seminar, Chris will discuss how his Chris Malyon is Director of Sales and Marketing company introduced sales graduates into for DSV Road Limited. He manages all aspects their business and then invested in training of the company’s sales and marketing in the their entire sales team through a sales UK, including strategic sales and key account academy. He will discuss the challenges he management for a number of major UK and faced as a sales director, with a focus on European clients. hiring and developing staff, his rationale for injecting new emerging talent, what DSV is a global supplier of transport and logistics he wanted to change about his team, SEMINAR HALL 3 services with offices in more than 60 countries and how training has been implemented across the world employing approximately 21,700 throughout the business to improve results. Thursday 12.30 - 13.00 staff, generating a turnover of €5.9B in 2011. PROFESSOR Key account LYNETTE RYALS management - CRANFIELD SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT best practice Professor Lynette Ryals specialises in key account In this unique seminar, Lynette management and marketing portfolio management, Ryals of Cranfield University particularly relating to profitable customer management in will show you how to adopt a the business-to-business context. Her professional practical approach to planning, background is in financial services (she is a Registered analysing and implementing a Representative of the London Stock Exchange and a Fellow closer relationship with your of the Society of Investment Professionals, and worked in strategic accounts. Lynette will the dealing room of a leading US bank). Prior to joining reveal how to apply best practice Cranfield she worked for a major management consultancy. to your key accounts; increase SEMINAR HALL 1 confidence; enhance your At Cranfield she is involved in research and executive customer interfacing skills; Friday 12.30 - 13.00 development programmes for clients in professional services and much more. and manufacturing. She is also the Director of Cranfield’s Key Account Management Best Practice Research Club. 8 | SALES DIRECTOR LIVE NOVEMBER 2012
  • 9. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS GORDON MCALPINE INSIGHTS, IDEAS AND INITIATIVES TO DRIVE SALES SUCCESS ANDREW HOUGH Gordon McAlpine has over 20 years of sales and marketing experience. After five successful years in sales and marketing at OPTIMISE YOUR SALES Astra Zeneca, Gordon’s entrepreneurial ambitions drove him to TEAM PERFORMANCE co-found fast-growth technology company BigHand in 1997. In his role as Sales and Marketing Director, he grew the business exponentially through a focus on world-class sales performance, A vice president in Mid-Tier culminating in a successful MBO in 2006. During his time sales product across EMEA at BigHand he’d been frustrated by a lack of support for theater with 14 years executive-level sales directors, and in 2009 he founded The EMC experience and sales Sales Club, the world’s first club for sales leaders. Today, management experience The Sales Club is the centre of excellence for sales leaders - in Sun Microsystems, GE providing its elite cross-sector membership with insights, ideas Capital, Barclays and Lloyds and inspiration to help them sell more. private banking responsible historically for sales strategy, In 2010 Gordon featured in Channel 4’s The Secret Millionaire, sales operation, sales returning to his hometown of Glasgow, to visit Govan and make execution, sales excellence a personal contribution to life-changing projects. and product GTM strategy. Andrew is particularly skilled in team development, team recruitment and sales team The Secret Millionaire’s Sales performance optimization road to success SEMINAR HALL 2 with 12 years EMEA and APJ execution experience. Andrew is a Fellow of the Gordon will share some of the insights, ideas, sales and Friday 14.45 - 15.15 Sales Leadership Alliance. marketing initiatives he created in order to become a successful entrepreneur. Gordon will also demonstrate the power of using business success to make a real difference in deprived communities by presenting some emotional scenes from his experience on Channel 4’s ‘The Secret Changing context of solution selling Millionaire’, when he returned to his Scottish roots, to the deprived area of Govan in Glasgow, to meet local In this interactive seminar, Andrew Hough discuss the changing context volunteers and contribute towards their projects. of solution selling as the purchasing dynamic changes in an economic downturn, with differing focus on procurement and financial levers away from business unit decision makers. SEMINAR HALL 2 Thursday 16.15 - 16.45 NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE | 9
  • 10. 2012 SHOW FEATURE THE ECOMMERCE & RETAIL THEATRE Everyone who’s serious about multi-channel retailing understands the importance of knowing more about ecommerce and how it relates to their business. In the past the subject has often been left to the ‘IT department’, however, now that online shopping accounts for over 20% of all retailing in the UK, it’s vital that key decision makers get involved in an area which is paving the way for their future business development. At the Ecommerce & Retail Theatre, we aim to provide executives and directors with easy to understand, informative seminars on ecommerce. The 45 minute DO YOU HAVE AN EXISTING seminars are delivered by seasoned retail and ecommerce specialists, and ECOMMERCE BUSINESS? ARE YOU each seminar will be complemented by LOOKING FOR WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR ECOMMERCE SALES? a useful Q&A session. Speakers include those from PayPal, RPS Global (Retail Performance Specialists), If so, the event organisers in conjunction with Liquidshop can provide you and ecommerce developers, Liquidshop. with a detailed appraisal (normally costing £150) of your existing ecommerce They will each provide their own website absolutely free. This comprehensive appraisal valuable insight and expertise on a will cover every area of your website, providing range of subjects that help to make up expert analysis of the following areas: a profitable online retail operation. They will also be supported by guest speakers • Design and functionality and case studies from successful online • Page speed retailers, who will help to further add • Usability and customer communication context to your own business. • Loading speed • Mobile compliance Each day there will be a lively • Product reviews panel session where you’ll get the • Progressing towards the checkout opportunity to ask our speakers and • Product profiles additional panel members, drawn • Trigger emails from the retail industry, your burning • Payment options questions. • Associated products Alongside the Ecommerce & Retail The ecommerce reports are individually prepared and will cover all the key Theatre will be the Ecommerce & elements of a successful ecommerce website, from homepage all the way Retail Lounge where you will have the through to checkout, and even cover subjects including mobile compatibility opportunity to meet with our team and conversion optimisation. of experts, arrange one to one consultations, and discuss in more Your tailored 65 point appraisal report will be ready and waiting for your arrival detail any impending ecommerce at reception at the Ecommerce & Retail Lounge, in Sales Director Live. Our team developments you are perhaps of experts will be on hand to delegates who wish to discuss their appraisals and considering for your business. ecommerce operations. So if you’re looking to understand Apply for your own ecommerce report now at; more about how ecommerce can add value to your business, improve your existing provision, or simply want to take more control of your ecommerce operations, visit this year’s Ecommerce & Retail Theatre. 10 | SALES DIRECTOR LIVE NOVEMBER 2012
  • 11. 2012 SHOW FEATURE THE ECOMMERCE & RETAIL THEATRE THURSDAY 10.30 - 11.00 Introduction to multi-channel retailing & overview of the day’s sessions (with Liquidshop, Paypal and RPS) 11.00 - 12.00 Maximising sales through your Brick & Clicks Business (with Dennis Reid RPS-Global) 12.00 - 13.00 Retail case study – Bureau Direct & multi-channel retailing (with Dominic Irons Bureau Direct & Nick Pratt - Liquidshop) 13.00 - 14.00 Understanding the hidden benefits of good payment systems (PayPal) (with Beverely Bergin –PayPal) 14.00 - 15.00 Panel Discussion,- key factors that drive online sales conversions (with experts from PayPal, Liquidshop, RPS & Guest Intro by Guy Mucklow MD of Postcodeanywhere) 15.00 - 16.00 Maximising sales through your Brick & Clicks Business (with Dennis Reid - RPS-Global) 16.00 - 17.00 Ecommerce & multi-channel retailing – essential executive overview (Ray Buckler -LiquidShop) FRIDAY 10.30 - 11.00 Introduction to multi-channel retailing & overview of the day’s sessions (with Liquidshop, Paypal and RPS) 11.00 - 12.00 Retail case study – Bureau Direct & multi-channel retailing (with Dominic Irons Bureau Direct & Ray Buckler -Liquidshop) 12.00 - 13.00 Understanding the hidden benefits of good payment systems (PayPal) (with Beverely Bergin –PayPal) 13.00 - 14.00 Panel Discussion,- key factors that drive online sales conversions (with experts from PayPal, Liquidshop, RPS & Guest Intro by Guy Mucklow MD of Postcodeanywhere) 14.00 - 15.00 Ecommerce & multi-channel retailing – essential executive overview (Nick Pratt - LiquidShop) 15.00 - 16.00 Maximising sales through your Brick & Clicks Business (with Dennis Reid - RPS-Global) THE ECOMMERCE AND RETAIL THEATRE IS SPONSORED BY NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE | 11
  • 12. HALL 1 THURSDAY CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 11.00 - 11.30 14.00 - 14.30 Robert Maguire Martin Smith MaguireIzatt LLP Bid Solutions Limited Sleeping with the Enemy – procurement Building a World Class Bid Team insights Procurement in both the public and private sector is now almost This seminar is designed to give you insights into the mindset entirely carried out through competitive tendering. As a result, and key control tools of the buyer. Your presenter will explore effective Bid and Proposal Management is now an essential how buyers make pricing decisions and how they use market component of any successful sales team. information salespeople give them to push back effectively against the value proposition and the solution sale. 11.45 - 12.15 14.45 - 15.15 Clive Rich Fred Wilkinson BPI/Oracle Negotiation isn’t just selling Maximizing ROI of your CRM System Clive Rich will offer a series of negotiation tactics which can be Presented by award winning consultancy BPI OnDemand, this applied to a variety of business settings and will help attendees seminar will provide you with recommendations of how to ensure to identify where they use or need to use negotiation in their you get the most from your CRM system, including maximizing day-to-day business and how they can improve their skills and lead adoption across your users, generating valuable analytics & BI and to better outcomes in deals. helping drive new, more effective ways of working across your business. 12.30 - 13.00 15.30 - 16.00 Frank Hattann Warren Cass Linkedin Business Scene Social Selling – Enabling Sales & Business Selling in a Relationship Economy Development Teams to be more effective through the use of their professional Network The world has dramatically changed in the last 20 years yet most sales forces have simply failed to adapt. Gone of the days of hunting Frank will deliver an overview of social media, answer why social and hard closing, sales is about reputation and relationships. As media is becoming more relevant for sales and marketing; discuss founder of one of the UK’s biggest networks Warren will explore what companies can do to use social media effectively; and talk how 21st century communication has changed the way we sell. about how LinkedIn can help small businesses to generate new business. 13.15 - 13.45 16.15 - 16.45 Steve Trister Andy Shaw Performance Dynamite A Bug Free Mind The Shocking White Paper Report Revealed Less Stress, More Sales & Higher Order Values Steve has interviewed and surveyed 100’s of CEOs, MDs and Sales Directors across the UK and his findings are extremely scary. In a This presentation is designed to teach thought techniques, which whirlwind 30-minute seminar, he’ll reveal for the very first time will mean you can overcome any negativity in yourself and your sales the mind boggling opinions of today’s business leaders and their team. Imagine if you had a sales team that were not negative, but damning thoughts on the current state of UK PLCs. were passionate and confident about the product. Plus they had the belief in themselves meaning they could simply sell more, more often and at higher prices. The role of this presentation is to empower you with simple skills to enable this. 12 | SALES DIRECTOR LIVE NOVEMBER 2012
  • 13. i S SPONSORED BY Sales Initiative Magazine HALL 1 FRIDAY 10.30 - 11.30 14.00 - 14.30 Professor Neil Rackham Ben Kench Portsmouth University Business Booster Selling in hard times [that are not going The Heart Of Business – A Better Way away] To Sell We understand the common mistakes that most salespeople make After 30 years in selling, and having managed and directed sales and we also have a good understanding of the strategies that help performance in all sorts of environments, Ben Kench has discovered a sales force to succeed when times are difficult. Using case material quite simply a better way to grow your sales performance. In today’s from winners and losers in hard times, Neil Rackham will explain session, the author of “Selling for Dummies” shares his insights and three successful strategies that will grow market share in a tough ideas that will increase your sales performance! economy. 12.30 - 13.00 14.45 - 15.15 Professor Lynette Ryals Ian Smith Cranfield School of Management Winning Tenders Key account management- best practice Winning Tenders: the Forensic Approach to Success In this unique seminar, Lynette Ryals of Cranfield University will show you how to adopt a practical approach to planning, analysing Tendering is a specialist aspect of sales: to win, you need to play and implementing a closer relationship with your strategic accounts. the game properly. This seminar explains how to find opportunities, Lynette will reveal how to apply best practice to your key accounts; how you pre-qualify and get invited to tender, how to go about increase confidence; enhance your customer interfacing skills; and submitting your response so it gets shortlisted, and then how to much more. present your proposals to the evaluation panel. 13.15 - 13.45 15.30 - 16.00 Ian Beer Rich Allen 3M Qvidian From Good to Great and Staying There 7 Proven Tips to Win More Deals 3M is a diversified technology company delivering innovative This session will reveal seven of the most impactful steps solutions to life’s everyday needs. Yet having great products is no organisations can take to improve sales effectiveness. See real- longer enough. Find out what 3M has done to invest in its own world examples of how companies like CA Technologies, sales force to ensure they connect with their customers to help NetApp, Microsoft, and others are leveraging Sales Playbooks, them succeed both now and in the future. sales performance analytics, and client-focused proposals to win more business. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your sales team to the next level! Notes NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE | 13
  • 14. HALL 2 THURSDAY CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 11.00 - 11.30 14.00 - 14.30 Martin Southern Tony Pringle Shark Finesse Ltd Bureau van Dijk Producing financially justified business Using B2B information to sell more cases for proposals effectively Your customer needs a business case…do you negotiate and talk What information can B2B sales teams access and how can it be value or just pray the budget is there. Sales know all about solutions used in the sales process? Tony Pringle, BvD’s UK MD will look at but should they also be responsible for translating benefits into these issues and discuss the relevance of external data, what it financial terminology that the customer can actually use? This can show you about your customers and prospects, and how seminar will explore both customer and supplier requirements integrating it with your CRM can help improve efficiency and and provoke thought about what can be done to close the value develop new business. negotiation gap. 11.45 - 12.15 14.45 - 15.15 Ted Walker / James Speed Martin Bromfield Keith Prowse One Source The value of corporate hospitality as a Sales Productivity in 2012 relationship building tool How do you know when to call the right prospects, and what to The session will look at key events in the UK’s cultural calendar say when you get through? With information overload and sales and how they can be utilised to build long term relationships with executives spending more time researching companies and less time clients, stakeholders and employees. Budgeting for events and selling, how can sales directors harness information proactively to measurement of ROI along with how to book bona fide corporate increase their sales team’s productivity? hospitality packages will also be discussed in this interactive workshop, presented by the UK market leader. 12.30 - 13.00 15.30 - 16.00 Liz Jackson David Bushnell Great Guns Marketing Enable IT Technolgies If you think you can, you can. Open Source CRM – Challenging Closed Thinking Liz will draw from her experience of growing a successful business and also that of working with some of the UK’s leading B2B brands. Liz’s Without a CRM system in place, your company is worth approxi- seminar will cover how strategic telemarketing can be used to drive mately half its potential value. Discover how and why Open Source business growth, and will outline key learnings of what has worked for technologies are challenging established market leaders in the Cus- both her and her clients over the past 14 years. tomer Relationship Management (CRM) marketplace. Discover why you should consider going Open Source when choosing your next CRM solution to increase productivity and reduce costs. 13.15 - 13.45 16.15 - 16.45 Dan Kelly Gordon McAlpine Corporate Rewards The Sales Club Incentives are EVIL The Secret Millionaire’s Sales road to success In this session, we’ll explore the top five motivating factors to a Gordon will share some of the insights, ideas, sales and marketing sales person and, in turn, the top five most important factors in a initiatives he created in order to become a successful entrepreneur. customer-buyer relationship and what customers look for from a He will also demonstrate the power of using business success to supplier. We’ll also share our top tips on structuring a successful make a real difference in deprived communities by presenting some incentive programme, with some live case studies. emotional scenes from his experience on Channel 4’s ‘The Secret Millionaire’. 14 | SALES DIRECTOR LIVE NOVEMBER 2012
  • 15. i S SPONSORED BY Sales Initiative Magazine HALL 2 FRIDAY 11.45 - 12.15 14.00 - 14.30 Martin Southern Jonathan Grey Shark Finesse Ltd Ovation Incentives Producing financially justified business Real-Time Incentives & Why the Y cases for proposals Generation Won’t Wait Your customer needs a business case…do you negotiate and talk In today’s world of increased usage and familiarity with instant value or just pray the budget is there. Sales know all about solutions communications, media, and digital technologies the Y generation but should they also be responsible for translating benefits into is dictating today’s trends. In summary the demand for real-time financial terminology that the customer can actually use? This reward solutions has been growing rapidly and globally and as seminar will explore both customer and supplier requirements such identifying and taking advantage of these latest trends is and provoke thought about what can be done to close the value more critical than ever. negotiation gap. 12.30 - 13.00 14.45 - 15.15 Colin Hodgson Andrew Hough Edenred (Incentives & Motivation) EMC Computer Systems Europe Ltd Driving engagement, loyalty & growth Changing context of solution selling through Reseller channels In this interactive seminar, Andrew Hough discuss the changing This session references the various types of incentive and context of solution selling as the purchasing dynamic changes in motivation programs used to drive engagement, loyalty and volume an economic downturn, with differing focus on procurement and in distributor and reseller channels (with examples) and highlights financial levers away from business unit decision makers. the need for careful planning, audience considerations, appropriate rewards and adopting an innovative and creative approach. 13.15 - 13.45 15.30 - 16.00 Graham Barlow David Bushnell Technologies4Targeting Ltd Enable IT Technolgies Make every visit count with sales territory Increasing Sales via Remote Working optimisation In today’s sales market, the office is often not the base for sales Sales territory optimisation is a hot topic but what does it really people that it once was. Get an insight into remote working as mean and how does it impact on sales team efficiency and a whole, explaining the concepts behind it, as well as focussing effectiveness? This seminar explains how to identify the real on how your sales force can utilise remote working practices and factors impacting field force performance and outlines practical technologies to increase productivity, sales revenue and improve steps to alleviate problems. performance. Notes NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE | 15
  • 16. HALL 3 THURSDAY CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 11.00 - 11.30 14.00 - 14.30 Chris Goodman Phil M Jones Results Driven Group Philmjones Ltd Developing high performing sales teams Magic Words and leaders of the future Your choice of words can have a huge effect on the behaviour of If productivity, profitability, retention and customer loyalty are others. How would you feel if your conversations always got you all by-products of a winning sales culture, what makes up the what you want, you could communicate yourself out of challenging ingredients? What does a winning sales culture look like and more scenarios and people said yes to you more often? importantly, how should a sales director go about improving theirs? Find out in this seminar on developing a winning culture. 11.45 - 12.15 14.45 - 15.15 David Jones Phillip Bryan CACI Limited Sentori Email Marketing The value of corporate hospitality as a Understanding email leads to more sales relationship building tool Many people use an Email Service Provider (ESP) to send out email This interactive and informative seminar session will comprehensively marketing messages. These systems generally provide information outline the pitfalls of poor store targeting, incorrect headcount about how the email performed. Philip will explain how you can levels, inefficient territory structures and poor journey planning, make your email marketing more effective by understanding this and show you how to avoid these issues and reap the associated information, and using to help you sell more products and services. financial rewards. 12.30 - 13.00 15.30 - 16.00 Chris Maylon Nic Windley – B.Eng. (Hons), M IDM DSV Road Limited Nic Windley & Associates Creating and Building A Sales Culture Why Your Sales Team Don’t Convert Web Leads And What You Can Do About It Chris will discuss the challenges he faced as a Sales Director in terms of hiring and developing staff, his rationale for injecting new The capabilities of companies to generate online sales leads are emerging talent, what he wanted to change about his team and improving. However, their ability to respond has not kept up. In this how training has been implemented throughout the business to seminar, Nic Windley will highlight the need for persistency, channel improve results. diversity and positive identification of hot leads, and uncover how to give your sales teams the opportunity to wow prospects with live response times in minutes. 13.15 - 13.45 16.15 - 16.45 Gavin Ingham Liz Jackson Great Guns Marketing Incentives are EVIL What part does Telemarketing play in today’s selling? Things have changed. Business has changed. Salespeople have changed. Good enough is not good enough anymore. If you want to Liz will draw from her experience of growing a successful business create a high performance sales team in today’s competitive business and also that of working with some of the UK’s leading B2B brands. environment then you need the skills and strategies to build and Liz’s seminar will cover how strategic telemarketing can be used to sustain a motivated sales team who always give 100%. drive business growth, and will outline key learnings of what has worked for both her and her clients over the past 14 years. 16 | SALES DIRECTOR LIVE NOVEMBER 2012
  • 17. i S SPONSORED BY Sales Initiative Magazine HALL 3 FRIDAY 11.45 - 12.15 14.00 - 14.30 Michael McGowan Tudor Williams FCIPD Sales6ix eRecruit Solutions Accurate Forecasting is the best measure The Talent Spotter of sales effectiveness: A Breakthrough Approach In this seminar, Tudor Williams will share with you what he looks for in a sales CV and how to: read between the lines of a sales CV, In this seminar, you’ll learn how Smart Sales Forecasting could be the get best results out of the interview process, ask questions that breakthrough way to really drive sales effectiveness across your sales get a true reflection of the individual, and how to identify the team, lift confidence levels and guarantee you go to bed knowing characteristics that make a great sales person. you and the team are in control of delivering the numbers. 12.30 - 13.00 14.45 - 15.15 Tony Morris Dr Ian Davies Sales Doctor Raconteur Turning leads into business Building an Effective Salesforce Tony Morris of Sales Doctor will be providing real life techniques Recruiting the right person into a sales role has a critical impact on how to qualify leads more effectively and in turn convert on the overall success of a business. Conversely getting the wrong more into business. With over fifteen years of sales experience person can have disastrous effects. It is statistically proven that and having trained over two thousand sales professionals, Tony hiring the wrong person not only reduces revenue potential and will share proven techniques to maximise every single opportunity. profitability, but causes dissatisfaction throughout the rest of the workforce and increases staff turnover. 13.15 - 13.45 15.30 - 16.00 Nic Windley – B.Eng. (Hons), M IDM Giles Margerison Nic Windley & Associates TomTom Business Solutions Uniting Sales And Marketing - A Sales How greener, safer drivers get you more Advantage sales Nic Windley discusses the relationship between sales and marketing, Your sales force is constantly on the move and that does not come its history, and why attempts to bridge the two so far have been without challenges. Are they doing enough? Are they safe on the unsuccessful. The seminar will reveal what’s needed to foster true road? Are they claiming the right mileage? Are they often stuck in sales and marketing alignment and uncover why sales is ideally traffic? Could they be doing more? This seminar describes how, by placed to lead the evolution. using technology, all of this information can be at your fingertips. Notes NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE | 17
  • 18. HALL 4 THURSDAY CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 11.00 - 11.30 14.00 - 14.30 Lorna Leck Ross Evans The Sales Activator Ltd BMS Sales Specialists The Five Most Dangerous Issues Facing Battle for Sales talent Sales Leaders This seminar will explore key trends in the sales recruitment Your customer needs a business case…do you negotiate and talk market and look at the steps different clients are taking in their value or just pray the budget is there. Sales know all about solutions battle for talent. We’ll offer practical support that can be used but should they also be responsible for translating benefits into to enhance competitiveness and improve positioning, providing financial terminology that the customer can actually use? This seminar positive takeaways for senior sales decision makers to assist in will explore both customer and supplier requirements and provoke attracting, engaging and retaining top talent. thought about what can be done to close the value negotiation gap. 11.45 - 12.15 14.45 - 15.15 Giles Margerison David Clark TomTom Business Solutions Clarity360 Ltd How greener, safer drivers get you more B2B Relationship Management – It’s the sales Story in a Team Game! Your sales force is constantly on the move and that does not come David talks about the power of team selling and how world without challenges. Are they doing enough? Are they safe on the class collaboration enhances the client’s experience and how this road? Are they claiming the right mileage? Are they often stuck in intra-company collaboration supports individuals’ development of traffic? Could they be doing more? This seminar describes how, by the lost art of storytelling. David champions a return to a skill that using technology, all of this information can be at your fingertips. can create value in a way that will be remembered and coveted during the toughest of times. 12.30 - 13.00 15.30 - 16.00 Gary Donoghue Graham Dando Advanced Selling Skills Academy Ltd The TAS Group Developing Sustainable Sales Skills in a Four Factors – The Simple Formula for Sales Mobile World Success Gary will highlight how e-training will positively impact on employee In this session, Graham Dando, Senior Partner for The TAS Group satisfaction through continuous professional development leading to argues that there are only four things you need to worry about improved staff motivation and retention. He will also highlight the to achieve sales effectiveness. These 4 things make up The key ROI benefits of e-training, but most importantly the significant Sales Velocity Equation, a simple formula that provides you with impact it can have on business speed and agility, facilitating change everything you need to keep it simple, and keep your focus. and growth. 13.15 - 13.45 16.15 - 16.45 Tim Foster Warren Knight The TAS Group Gloople So you think you have a £500,000 sales From Sales Director to Managing Director forecast? Warren will share with you the transition he made from Sales Most managers believe they are good at forecasting, but their Director of a manufacturing and exporting business to being the forecasts usually turn out to be wrong. In his presentation, Tim founder and CEO of a Technology Company. Warren will help Foster, EMEA Sale Director for The TAS Group will discuss how to you use the skills you have developed as part of your job to run a use automated intelligence in the sales cycle to increase deal win successful company. rate and average deal value, and shorten sales cycles. 18 | SALES DIRECTOR LIVE NOVEMBER 2012
  • 19. i S SPONSORED BY Sales Initiative Magazine HALL 4 FRIDAY 11.45 - 12.15 14.00 - 14.30 Phil M Jones David Clark Philmjones Ltd Clarity360 Ltd Magic Words B2B Relationship Management – It’s the Story in a Team Game! Your choice of words can have a huge effect on the behaviour of others. How would you feel if your conversations always got you David talks about the power of team selling and how world what you want, you could communicate yourself out of challenging class collaboration enhances the client’s experience and how this scenarios and people said yes to you more often? intra-company collaboration supports individuals’ development of the lost art of storytelling. David champions a return to a skill that can create value in a way that will be remembered and coveted during the toughest of times. 12.30 - 13.00 14.45 - 15.15 Martin Hutchins Chris Duncan Professional Academy News International Turning professionals into exceptionals Using customer intelligence to drive sales (a case study) performance The right leadership can have a profound effect on culture and The availability of vast amounts of data have changed our ability practices within a business. When that leader is no longer there, to understand and manage customers and to drive sales. But many chaos can ensue. The case study covered in this session discusses companies struggle to turn this promise into operational revenue. the strategic changes needed after such an event. Quantitative and In this session Chris Duncan will detail how News International has Qualitative measures will be discussed along with tactics, telesales approached this challenge and share some case study examples of and key account management. how customer intelligence can grow sales. 13.15 - 13.45 15.30 - 16.00 Donal Daly Gary Donoghue The TAS Group Advanced Selling Skills Academy Ltd The Art and Science of Account Planning Developing Sustainable Sales Skills in a Mobile World In this session, Donal will explore the essential aspects of account planning: understanding the customer’s business; visualizing Gary will highlight how e-training will positively impact on employee ‘white space’ to expand sales; identifying and building strategic satisfaction through continuous professional development leading to relationships; collaborating on business strategy; identifying and improved staff motivation and retention. He will also highlight the winning new opportunities; increasing solution and account key ROI benefits of e-training, but most importantly the significant penetration; and automating account plans within the CRM. impact it can have on business speed and agility, facilitating change and growth. Notes NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE | 19
  • 20. THE ECOMMERCE & RETAIL THEATRE THURSDAY 10.30 - 11.00 14.00 - 15.00 Liquidshop, PayPal & RPS Liquidshop, PayPal & RPS Executive overview – ecommerce & Retail briefing Panel Discussion - Key factors that drive online sales conversions. The first session of the morning is for busy executives that need the key headlines about improving sales via essential retail channels, Starting with an introduction by guest speaker Guy Mucklow the comprising three 10 minute sections delivered by specialists from MD of Postcodeanywhere, the expert panel will be sharing insights Liquidshop, PayPal and RPS-Global that understand the “need to on how to convert visitors into customers and improve basket values know” topics and how to present the facts without resorting to at the checkout, both online and offline. Discuss and get involved in jargon. Attend this briefing if you need to get the current retail and the topics affecting you and your business. This is your chance to get ecommerce news fast. If you need more detail, then stay on after your questions answered. the seminar and talk to one of the experts as our guests in the ecommerce and retail lounge. 11.00 - 12.00 15.00 - 16.00 Dennis Reid Dennis Reid RPS RPS Maximising Sales Through Your Bricks & Maximising Sales Through Your Bricks & Clicks Business Clicks Business Having the mind-set to compete in an OMI channel world, Having the mind-set to complete in an Omi channel world, identifying where your business model fits in Global Best Practice, identifying where your business model fits inGlobal Best Practice, understanding the critical KPIs that need to improve, the six step understanding the critical KPI’s that need to improve, the six step model driving up conversion and ATV, OMI Channel Best Practice model driving up conversion and ATV, OMI Channel Best Practice case studies. The RPS-Global team will be on hand after the seminar case studies to answer your questions and provide further advice; you are invited to meet them in the ecommerce and retail lounge. 12.00 - 13.00 16.00 - 17.00 Nick Pratt, Liquidshop Ray Buckler Dominic Irons – Bureau direct Liquidshop Retail case study – Bureau Direct & Ecommerce & Multi-channel retailing - multi-channel retailing essential executive overview Dominic Irons will explain how ecommerce drives income and fits This session covers three key subjects that will help delegates within his retail operation. This case study and seminar will promote understand how to increase sales with a multi-channel approach. the advantages of multi-channel retailing and how to benefit from First, to understand the new consumers, their relationship with ever increasing influence the Internet and mobile connectivity has smartphones and how this guides retail purchase decisions. on retail. Touching on the specifics of today’s changing consumer, Secondly, what are the upcoming trends and how they impact separating fads from long term trends and gains, and the anatomy of on retail. Finally, a look under the bonnet of an ecommerce a successful ecommerce channel that is integrated into your business. operation and the key features you need to bring in the sales. 13.00 - 14.00 Beverley Bergin Paypal Understanding The Hidden Benefits of Good Payment Systems Liquidshop is an online retail storefront proven to grow sales revenue, improve conversion rates and increase The final and most important stage of retail transaction is the basket value. The Liquidshop ecommerce platform features payment process. However, it is often treated as just the utility that an intuitive back-office for the administration of website completes the deal. This session wil illustrate what extra safeguards content, including product data and customer orders. In and benefits are available frmo a good payment system and what addition there are tools for the management of onsite you should expect from your (PSP) Payment Service Provider. promotion, internet marketing and SEO. Above all, as a Liquidshop user you have access to a dedicated team of ecommerce professionals for the design, hosting and ongoing support of your ecommerce website. 20 | SALES DIRECTOR LIVE NOVEMBER 2012
  • 21. THE ECOMMERCE & RETAIL THEATRE FRIDAY 10.30 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00 Liquidshop, PayPal & RPS Liquidshop, PayPal & RPS Executive overview – ecommerce & Retail briefing Panel Discussion - Key factors that drive online sales conversions. The first session of the morning is for busy executives that need the key headlines about improving sales via essential retail channels, Starting with an introduction by guest speaker Guy Mucklow the comprising three 10 minute sections delivered by specialists from MD of Postcodeanywhere, the expert panel will be sharing insights Liquidshop, PayPal and RPS-Global that understand the “need to on how to convert visitors into customers and improve basket values know” topics and how to present the facts without resorting to at the checkout, both online and offline. Discuss and get involved in jargon. Attend this briefing if you need to get the current retail and the topics affecting you and your business. This is your chance to get ecommerce news fast. If you need more detail, then stay on after your questions answered. the seminar and talk to one of the experts as our guests in the ecommerce and retail lounge. 11.00 - 12.00 14.00 - 15.00 Nick Pratt, Liquidshop Ray Buckler Dominic Irons – Bureau direct Liquidshop Retail case study – Bureau Direct & Ecommerce & Multi-channel retailing - multi-channel retailing essential executive overview Dominic Irons will explain how ecommerce drives income and fits This session covers three key subjects that will help delegates within his retail operation. This case study and seminar will promote understand how to increase sales with a multi-channel approach. the advantages of multi-channel retailing and how to benefit from First, to understand the new consumers, their relationship with ever increasing influence the Internet and mobile connectivity has smartphones and how this guides retail purchase decisions. on retail. Touching on the specifics of today’s changing consumer, Secondly, what are the upcoming trends and how they impact separating fads from long term trends and gains, and the anatomy of on retail. Finally, a look under the bonnet of an ecommerce a successful ecommerce channel that is integrated into your business. operation and the key features you need to bring in the sales. 12.00 - 13.00 15.00 - 16.00 Beverley Bergin Dennis Reid Paypal RPS Understanding The Hidden Benefits of Maximising Sales Through Your Bricks & Good Payment Systems Clicks Business The final and most important stage of retail transaction is the Having the mind-set to compete in an OMI channel world, payment process. However, it is often treated as just the utility that identifying where your business model fits in Global Best Practice, completes the deal. This session wil illustrate what extra safeguards understanding the critical KPIs that need to improve, the six step and benefits are available frmo a good payment system and what model driving up conversion and ATV, OMI Channel Best Practice you should expect from your (PSP) Payment Service Provider. case studies. The RPS-Global team will be on hand after the seminar to answer your questions and provide further advice; you are invited to meet them in the ecommerce and retail lounge. PayPal allows any business or individual with an email With over 25 years of retail experience, working across 20 address to securely, conveniently and cost-effectively send countries and with hundreds of clients, RPS has developed and receive payments online. Our network builds on the a truly world class retail and brand performance models. existing financial infrastructure of bank accounts and credit When implemented fully into a business, the RPS system is cards to create a global, real-time payment solution. We guaranteed to increase sales performance. deliver a product ideally suited for small businesses, online merchants, individuals and others currently underserved by RPS have an unrivalled understanding of successful retail traditional payment mechanisms. and brand best practice and how to translate this into actions that integrate into any business for a guaranteed uplift in sales, regardless of current performance. NOVEMBER 2012 SALES DIRECTOR LIVE | 21