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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SchoolSystem
// Written by : Paul Smyth
// Date of last issue : 9/9/2015
// This is the logon screen. It takes a user ID and a password from the user
// and checks it against the data stored in the Teachers / Administration tables.
public partial class LogonForm : Form
SchoolDataClassesDataContext DB = new SchoolDataClassesDataContext();
//This variable defines the menu access option based on the Person Type
public static string personType = "";
// This variable stores the user ID so that it can be used
// elsewhere in the program
public static string personID = "";
public LogonForm()
private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnLogon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// look up ID in Persons database and test to see if the
// one entered is valid. If valid, return the Type value
// so that the password can be checked.
var loginTest = (from i in DB.Persons
where i.ID == Int32.Parse(txtUserID.Text)
select i.Type).First();
if (loginTest == "Administrator")
// lookup password from Administrator file
var passwordTest = (from p in DB.Administrations
where p.AID == Int32.Parse(txtUserID.Text)
select p.Password).First();
if (passwordTest == txtPassword.Text)
//lblMessage.Text = "Password is correct";
// Open the Main Menu Form for Administrators
personType = "Administrator"; // sets up the main menu for administrators
personID = txtUserID.Text; // used in the changePasssword form
this.Hide(); //Hide the logon form
MainMenuForm administratorMainMenuForm = new MainMenuForm();
this.Show(); // show the logon form when user logs off
lblMessage.Text = "Password is incorrect";
else if (loginTest == "Teacher")
// lookup password from Teacher file
var passwordTest = (from p in DB.Teachers
where p.TID == Int32.Parse(txtUserID.Text)
select p.Password).First();
if (passwordTest == txtPassword.Text)
// Open the Main Menu Form for Teachers
personType = "Teacher"; // sets up the main menu for teachers
personID = txtUserID.Text; // used in the changePasssword form
this.Hide(); //Hide the logon form
MainMenuForm teacherMainMenuForm = new MainMenuForm();
this.Show(); // show the logon form when user logs off
lblMessage.Text = "Password is incorrect";
lblMessage.Text = "Customer ID is invalid. Please contact your Data
catch (Exception)
lblMessage.Text = "Customer ID is invalid. Please contact your Data
private void LogonForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblMessage.Text = "Please enter a valid User ID and Password.rnClick Logon or press Enter
to continue.rnClick Exit to Quit.";
public void clearFields()
//Clear the text entry areas and prepare the login form a fresh entry
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SchoolSystem
//Written by : Paul Smyth
//Date of last issue : 9/9/2015
// This form sets up the Main Menu which allows the user to
// navigate the key functions of the software.
// It takes the static variable personType from the logonForm
// to indicate if the user is a teacher or administrator. It
// uses this variable to switch on the menu items the user has
// access to.
public partial class MainMenuForm : Form
// Holds the user selection which will be used
// in the chosen Form selected from this menu.
// It will either be Student, Teacher or Administrator
// depending on the user choice.
public static string MenuChoice = "";
public MainMenuForm()
private void MainMenuForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Update the form header
this.Text = LogonForm.personType + " Menu";
lblMainMenuMessage.Text = "Click on an option";
// Set up which button options will be available for Teacher
if (LogonForm.personType == "Teacher")
btnCourses.Enabled = true;
btnQualifications.Enabled = true;
btnMarks.Enabled = true;
btnTeachers.Enabled = false;
btnStudents.Enabled = false;
btnAdministrators.Enabled = false;
btnChangePassword.Enabled = true;
// Set up which button options will be available for Administrator
else if (LogonForm.personType == "Administrator")
btnCourses.Enabled = true;
btnQualifications.Enabled = true;
btnMarks.Enabled = false;
btnTeachers.Enabled = true;
btnStudents.Enabled = true;
btnAdministrators.Enabled = true;
btnChangePassword.Enabled = true;
private void btnLogoff_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Return to the logon screen
private void btnMarks_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu
MarksForm marks = new MarksForm();
this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits marks
private void btnQualifications_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu
QualificationsForm qualifications = new QualificationsForm();
this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits qualifications
private void btnCourses_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu
CoursesForm courses = new CoursesForm();
this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits courses
private void btnAdministrators_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// The StudentsForm is used for maintaining
// Student, Teacher and Administrator data
this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu
MenuChoice = "Administrator";
StudentsForm students = new StudentsForm();
this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits administrators
private void btnTeachers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// The StudentsForm is used for maintaining
// Student, Teacher and Administrator data
this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu
MenuChoice = "Teacher";
StudentsForm students = new StudentsForm();
this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits teachers
private void btnStudents_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// The StudentsForm is used for maintaining
// Student, Teacher and Administrator data
this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu
MenuChoice = "Student";
StudentsForm students = new StudentsForm();
this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits students
private void btnChangePassword_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu
ChangePasswordForm password = new ChangePasswordForm();
this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits passwords
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SchoolSystem
//Written by : Paul Smyth
//Date of last issue : 9/9/2015
// This form displays the required data entry mechanisms for the user
// to add, edit and delete Courses records.
// It reads and writes to the following tables with SQL TO LINQ procedures
// Course
public partial class CoursesForm : Form
SchoolDataClassesDataContext DB = new SchoolDataClassesDataContext();
// This bool is used to switch off a section of code that updates the
// course ID combo box in the updateData method. This item does not need
// to be refreshed after an update procedure because no course record
// has been added or deleted. The benefit of this is that the updated
// record in the Update Tab can still be displayed after the update
// process has been completed instead of the first record in the
// courses table.
bool updated = false;
public CoursesForm()
private void CoursesForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Set up the initial help messages
lblCoursesMessageA.Text = "Enter the new Course details and press the Add Button";
lblCoursesMessageU.Text = "Select a Course to edit from the Course ID drop down box";
// Setup the ToolTips for this form
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnAddA, "Add the Course Record you have entered");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnDeleteU, "Delete the selected record from Courses");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitA, "Return to Main Menu");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitU, "Return to Main Menu");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnUpdateU, "Write the updated record to Courses");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbCourseIDU, "Select the Course ID to edit/delete from the drop down
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbQualificationCodeA, "Select a Qualification Code from the drop down
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbSemesterA, "Select a Semester from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbSemesterU, "Select a Semester from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbTeacherIDA, "Select a Teacher from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbTeacherIDU, "Select a Teacher from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbYearA, "Select a Year from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbYearU, "Select a Year from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtCourseIDA, "Enter a unique Course ID");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtCourseNameA, "Enter the Course Name");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtCourseNameU, "Edit the Course Name");
// This method performs the required updates for all tables and combo
// boxes used by this form. It makes sure the correct data is displayed
// for the chosen ID
private void updateData(bool fromUpdate)
// Update the Course data
var courseList = (from c in DB.Courses
select c).ToList();
// Update the Course ID Combo Box
// as long as this method wasn't called by the
// update button event method.
if (fromUpdate == false)
cmbCourseIDU.DisplayMember = "CID";
cmbCourseIDU.ValueMember = "CID";
cmbCourseIDU.DataSource = courseList;
// Update the Teacher ID Combo Box display
var teachercodes = (from t in DB.Teachers
select t.TID).ToList();
cmbTeacherIDA.DisplayMember = "TID";
cmbTeacherIDA.ValueMember = "TID";
cmbTeacherIDA.DataSource = teachercodes;
// Update the Qualification Code Combo Box display
var qualificationcodes = (from q in DB.Qualifications
select q.QCode).ToList();
cmbQualificationCodeA.DisplayMember = "QCode";
cmbQualificationCodeA.ValueMember = "QCode";
cmbQualificationCodeA.DataSource = qualificationcodes;
// Reset all the Course text Fields in the Add Tab
// This method performs the selection process for the courses
// data when either the update screen is updated or the
// value in the courses id combo box has changed.
// It is called by the cmbCourseIDU_SelectedIndexChanged
// and btnUpdateU_Click event
internal void selectTheRecord()
String selectedYear; //store for the selected Year branch
string selectedSemester; //store for the selcted Semester branch
// Select the Course Record with the Course ID selected
// from the Course ID Combo Box.
var course = (from c in DB.Courses
where c.CID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbCourseIDU.Text)
select new
txtCourseNameU.Text = course.CName;
// Put the right year in the Combo Box. Either year 1
// year 2 or year 3.
selectedYear = course.Year.ToString();
switch (selectedYear)
case "1":
cmbYearU.SelectedIndex = 0;
case "2":
cmbYearU.SelectedIndex = 1;
case "3":
cmbYearU.SelectedIndex = 2;
// Put the right Semester in the Combo Box
selectedSemester = course.Semester;
switch (selectedSemester)
case "Autumn":
cmbSemesterU.SelectedIndex = 0;
case "Winter":
cmbSemesterU.SelectedIndex = 1;
case "Spring":
cmbSemesterU.SelectedIndex = 2;
// Update the Teacher ID Combo Box display
var teachercodes = (from t in DB.Teachers
select t.TID).ToList();
cmbTeacherIDU.DisplayMember = "TID";
cmbTeacherIDU.ValueMember = "TID";
cmbTeacherIDU.DataSource = teachercodes;
//Put the correct teacher Code in the Combo Box
int codeCount = 0;
int theCode = 0;
foreach (int code in teachercodes)
if (code == course.TID)
theCode = codeCount;
cmbTeacherIDU.SelectedIndex = theCode;
// Lookup the selected teachers name and put it in the label
// adjacent to the Teacher ID combo on the form
var teacherName = (from t in DB.Persons
where t.ID == int.Parse(cmbTeacherIDU.SelectedItem.ToString())
select new
lblTeacherNameU.Text = teacherName.FName + " " + teacherName.LName;
// This method fills in the Update screen data properties based on
// the criteria set by the Course ID Combo box selection
private void cmbCourseIDU_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// This section contains a series of methods that tests the data entry
// fields for both the Add and Update Tabs. Each method tests what is the
// current screen is and creates an error message if required. They are
// activated by the Add and Update Button events.
// This method tests the course number to check
// that it is valid.
// Only required for Add
private bool ValidCourseID(string courseID)
if (courseID == "")
lblCourseIDMessageA.Text = "Please enter a valid numeric course number";
return false;
else if (int.Parse(courseID) >= 0 & int.Parse(courseID) <= 99999)
lblCourseIDMessageA.Text = "";
return true;
lblCourseIDMessageA.Text = "Please enter a valid numeric course number";
return false;
// This method tests the course number to check that it is
// not a duplicate. Only required for Add
private bool validUniqueCourseNumber(string courseID)
// Lookup the existing course numbers
var coursenumbers = (from c in DB.Courses
select c.CID).ToList();
foreach (int course in coursenumbers)
if (course == int.Parse(courseID))
lblCourseIDMessageA.Text = "This course number has already been used";
return false;
lblCourseIDMessageA.Text = "";
return true;
// This method tests the course name to make sure that it is not blank
private bool ValidCourseName(string coursename, string tab)
if (coursename != "")
if (tab == "Add")
lblCourseNameMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblCourseNameMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblCourseNameMessageA.Text = "Please enter a course name";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblCourseNameMessageU.Text = "Please enter a course name";
return false;
// This method tests the year to make sure that it is not blank
// Only required for Add
private bool ValidYear(string year)
if (year != "")
lblYearMessageA.Text = "";
return true;
lblYearMessageA.Text = "Please select a year";
return false;
// This method tests the semester to make sure that it is not blank
// Only required for Add
private bool ValidSemester(string semester)
if (semester != "")
lblSemesterMessageA.Text = "";
return true;
lblSemesterMessageA.Text = "Please select a semester";
return false;
// This method updates the Course table
private void btnUpdateU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Indicate that this is the Update Tab for Error Message control
string theTab = "Update";
// Test that a course name has been entered
if (!ValidCourseName(txtCourseNameU.Text, theTab))
// Update the Course record in the Courses Table
var courseList = (from c in DB.Courses
where c.CID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbCourseIDU.Text)
select c).First();
courseList.CName = txtCourseNameU.Text.Trim();
courseList.Year = (int)int.Parse(cmbYearU.SelectedItem.ToString());
courseList.Semester = cmbSemesterU.SelectedItem.ToString();
courseList.TID = (int)cmbTeacherIDU.SelectedItem;
// Save the changes that were made
// Refresh the Bound controls
DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Courses);
lblCoursesMessageU.Text = "Course ID " + cmbCourseIDU.Text + " has been updated";
updated = true;
updated = false;
catch (Exception Ex)
// This method adds data to the Courses table
private void btnAddA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Indicate that this is the Add Tab for Error Message control
string theTab = "Add";
// Test that a valid course number has been entered
if (!ValidCourseID(txtCourseIDA.Text))
// Test that a unique Course number has been entered
if (!validUniqueCourseNumber(txtCourseIDA.Text))
// Test that a course name has been entered
if (!ValidCourseName(txtCourseNameA.Text, theTab))
// Test that a year has been selected
if (!ValidYear(cmbYearA.Text))
// Test that a semester has been selected
if (!ValidSemester(cmbSemesterA.Text))
// Create a new Courses object and add its properties
var newCourse = new Course();
newCourse.CID = int.Parse(txtCourseIDA.Text.ToString());
newCourse.CName = txtCourseNameA.Text.Trim();
newCourse.Year = int.Parse(cmbYearA.SelectedItem.ToString());
newCourse.Semester = cmbSemesterA.SelectedItem.ToString();
newCourse.TID = int.Parse(cmbTeacherIDA.SelectedItem.ToString());
// Add the new course to the database
// Create a new Qualification_Courses object and
// add its properties
var newQualCourse = new Qualification_Course();
newQualCourse.QCode = cmbQualificationCodeA.SelectedItem.ToString();
newQualCourse.CID = int.Parse(txtCourseIDA.Text.ToString());
// Add the new record to the database
lblCoursesMessageA.Text = "Course ID " + txtCourseIDA.Text + " added";
catch (Exception Ex)
// This method deletes the selected rcord in the update screen
// from the Courses table.
private void btnDeleteU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the course that matches the criteria in the course ID
// combo box
var deletedCourse = (from c in DB.Courses
where c.CID == (int)cmbCourseIDU.SelectedValue
select c).First();
DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this Course?",
"Confirm Deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
if (d == DialogResult.Yes)
MessageBox.Show("Course deleted");
else if (d == DialogResult.No)
MessageBox.Show("Delete operation cancelled");
catch (Exception Ex)
//Lookup the selected teachers name and put it in the adjacent label
//in the Update form
private void cmbTeacherIDU_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var teacherName = (from t in DB.Persons
where t.ID == int.Parse(cmbTeacherIDU.SelectedItem.ToString())
select new
lblTeacherNameU.Text = teacherName.FName + " " + teacherName.LName;
// Lookup the selected teachers name and put it in the adjacent label
// in the Add form
private void cmbTeacherIDA_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var teacherName = (from t in DB.Persons
where t.ID == int.Parse(cmbTeacherIDA.SelectedItem.ToString())
select new
lblTeacherNameA.Text = teacherName.FName + " " + teacherName.LName;
// Lookup the selected qualification name and put it in the adjacent
// label in the Add form
private void cmbQualificationCodeA_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var qualificationName = (from q in DB.Qualifications
where q.QCode == cmbQualificationCodeA.Text
select q.QName).First();
lblQualificationNameA.Text = qualificationName;
// This method exits from the Add screen
private void btnExitA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No;
// This method exits from the Update screen
private void btnExitU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SchoolSystem
public partial class MarksForm : Form
SchoolDataClassesDataContext DB = new SchoolDataClassesDataContext();
public MarksForm()
// This is what happens when the form is first loaded
private void MarksForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var studentList = (from s in DB.Persons
where s.Type == "Student"
select new { s.ID, s.FName, s.LName }
cmbStudentIDS.DisplayMember = "ID";
cmbStudentIDS.ValueMember = "ID";
cmbStudentIDS.DataSource = studentList;
var courseList = (from c in DB.Courses
select new { c.CID, c.CName }
cmbCourseIDC.DisplayMember = "CID";
cmbCourseIDC.ValueMember = "CID";
cmbCourseIDC.DataSource = courseList;
// Switch off the add student course panel
// It will be switched on when the user clicks the
// Add Course button in the view by students tab.
pnlAddStudentS.Visible = false;
// Put the default tab header in place
tabStudent.Text = "View Marks by Student";
// Set up the ToolTips for this form
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnAddStudentS, "Click here to go to the Add Record Screen");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnDeleteS, "Click here to delete the selected record in the Grid");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitC, "Click here to return to the Main Menu");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitS, "Click here to return to the Main Menu");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnPanelAddStudentS, "Click here to save the Record");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnPanelCancelS, "Click here to cancel the edit. The Record will not be
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnPanelUpdateStudentS, "Click here to update the Record");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnUpdateS, "Click here to go to the Update Screen for the selected
record in the Grid");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbPanelCourseIDS, "Select a Course ID from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbCourseIDC, "Select a Course ID from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbStudentIDS, "Select a Student ID from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPanelMarkS, "Enter a mark between 0 and 100 (decimal values are not
lblMarksByStudentsMessage.Text = "Click on a record to select it to update or delete it";
// This method fills in the Marks by Course screen data properties based on
// the criteria set by the Course ID Combo box selection
private void cmbCourseIDC_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// This method runs the script called by cmbCourseIDC_SelectedIndexChanged
// event. It is seperated because it is also called by the
// btnPanelAddStudentS_Click to make sure that the latest course
// information is displayed in the courses dgv after a student
// course record has been added.
internal void selectTheCourse()
// Reset the datagrid before performing the query
// because this method seems to append new columns
// to the datagrid when it is run.
dgvMarksC.DataSource = null;
// Select the Courses Marks with the Course ID
// selected in the Course ID Combo Box
var marksByCourseList = (from c in DB.Student_Courses
join p in DB.Persons
on c.SID equals p.ID
where c.CID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbCourseIDC.Text)
select new { c.SID, p.FName, p.LName, c.Mark }
dgvMarksC.DataSource = marksByCourseList;
// Setup the by course datagrid
dgvMarksC.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ID";
dgvMarksC.Columns[0].Width = 60;
dgvMarksC.Columns[0].ReadOnly = true;
dgvMarksC.Columns[1].HeaderText = "First Name";
dgvMarksC.Columns[1].Width = 120;
dgvMarksC.Columns[1].ReadOnly = true;
dgvMarksC.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Last Name";
dgvMarksC.Columns[2].Width = 120;
dgvMarksC.Columns[2].ReadOnly = true;
dgvMarksC.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Mark";
dgvMarksC.Columns[3].Width = 40;
// Get the Course name for the selected Course ID
// displayed in the Combo Box
var courseName = (from n in DB.Courses
where n.CID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbCourseIDC.Text)
select n.CName).First();
lblCourseNameC.Text = courseName;
// This method deletes a record from the student view datagrid
private void btnDeleteS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Make the selected row go a different colour.
dgvMarksS.CurrentRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Red;
DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
"Confirm Deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
if (d == DialogResult.Yes)
// Pick the criteria from the chosen row in the datagrid
int rowSelected = dgvMarksS.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
int deleteStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(cmbStudentIDS.Text);
int deleteCourseID =
// Get the record that matches the criteria
var deleteStudentCourse = (from s in DB.Student_Courses
where s.SID == deleteStudentID
&& s.CID == deleteCourseID
select s).First();
lblMarksByStudentsMessage.Text = "Course Record deleted";
dgvMarksS.CurrentRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.White;
// This method call makes sure that the course
// tab details have been updated.
// Update the Marks by student screen
else if (d == DialogResult.No)
lblMarksByStudentsMessage.Text = "Delete operation cancelled";
dgvMarksS.CurrentRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.White;
throw new NotSupportedException();
catch (Exception Ex)
// This method fills in the Marks by Student screen data properties based on
// the criteria set by the Student ID Combo box selection
private void cmbStudentIDS_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
internal void updateMarksByStudent()
// Change the Tab header
tabStudent.Text = "View Marks by Student";
// Reset the data grid before running the query
// because this method seems to append new columns
// to the datagrid when it is run.
dgvMarksS.DataSource = null;
// Select the Courses Marks with the student ID
// selected i n the Course ID Combo Box
var marksByStudentList = (from s in DB.Student_Courses
join c in DB.Courses
on s.CID equals c.CID
where s.SID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbStudentIDS.Text)
select new { s.CID, c.CName, s.Mark }
dgvMarksS.DataSource = marksByStudentList;
// Set up the by students Datagrid
dgvMarksS.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ID";
dgvMarksS.Columns[0].Width = 60;
dgvMarksS.Columns[0].ReadOnly = true;
dgvMarksS.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Course Name";
dgvMarksS.Columns[1].Width = 120;
dgvMarksS.Columns[1].ReadOnly = true;
dgvMarksS.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Mark";
dgvMarksS.Columns[2].Width = 40;
// Get the Student name for the selected Student ID
// displayed in the Combo Box
var studentName = (from n in DB.Persons
where n.ID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbStudentIDS.Text)
select new { n.FName, n.LName }
lblStudentNameS.Text = studentName.FName + " " + studentName.LName;
// This method presents the Add Student Course panel and fills
// the required data ready for data entry.
private void btnAddStudentS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string editing = "Add";
tabStudent.Text = "Add a Student Course / Mark"; //Change the Tab Header
private void btnUpdateS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string editing = "Update";
tabStudent.Text = "Update a Student Mark";
internal void displayTheEditPanel(string edited)
pnlAddStudentS.Visible = true;
pnlCourseIDOverlayS.Visible = false;
pnlUpdateRecordBtnS.Visible = false;
if (edited == "Add")
txtPanelMarkS.Text = "0"; // default value displayed
// Update the Course ID Combo Box
var courseList = (from c in DB.Courses
select c.CID).ToList();
cmbPanelCourseIDS.DisplayMember = "CID";
cmbPanelCourseIDS.ValueMember = "CID";
cmbPanelCourseIDS.DataSource = courseList;
else if (edited == "Update")
// Cover up the Course ID Combo box with a Course ID label.
// The combo box is not required in Update.
pnlCourseIDOverlayS.Visible = true;
pnlUpdateRecordBtnS.Visible = true;
int rowSelected = dgvMarksS.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
txtPanelOverlayCourseIDS.Text = dgvMarksS.Rows[rowSelected].Cells[0].Value.ToString();
txtPanelMarkS.Text = dgvMarksS.Rows[rowSelected].Cells[2].Value.ToString();
// Get the Course Name for the panel
var courseName = (from n in DB.Courses
where n.CID == int.Parse(txtPanelOverlayCourseIDS.Text)
select n.CName).First();
lblPanelCourseNameS.Text = courseName;
txtPanelStudentIDS.Text = cmbStudentIDS.Text;
lblPanelStudentNameS.Text = lblStudentNameS.Text;
// This method selects the course name in the Add Student Course panel
// when the Course ID combo box value changes
private void cmbPanelCourseIDS_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Get the Course Name
var courseName = (from n in DB.Courses
where n.CID == int.Parse(cmbPanelCourseIDS.SelectedItem.ToString())
select n.CName).First();
lblPanelCourseNameS.Text = courseName;
// This method updates the Student Course table with the data
// that was entered on the add student course panel. It also
// puts the Student ID that was selected for editing back into
// the Student ID combo box.
private void btnPanelAddStudentS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string editing = "Add";
private void btnPanelUpdateStudentS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string editing = "Update";
// This method is the guts of the Add / Update procedure called
// by btnPanelAddStudentS_Click or btnPanelUpdateStudentS_Click
// button event.
internal void addOrUpdateMark(string edited)
// Test the Mark value to see if it is a numeric
// and not a string or decimal
if (!validMarkIsNumber(txtPanelMarkS.Text))
// Test the Mark value to see if it is between 0 and 99
if (!validMarkInRange(txtPanelMarkS.Text))
if (edited == "Add")
// Test that the course ID has not already been selected for this student
if (!validUniqueCourseNumber(cmbPanelCourseIDS.SelectedItem.ToString()))
// Write to the student courses table.
var newStudentCourse = new Student_Course();
newStudentCourse.SID = int.Parse(txtPanelStudentIDS.Text);
newStudentCourse.CID = int.Parse(cmbPanelCourseIDS.SelectedItem.ToString());
newStudentCourse.Mark = int.Parse(txtPanelMarkS.Text);
else if (edited == "Update")
var updateStudentCourse = (from u in DB.Student_Courses
where u.SID == int.Parse(txtPanelStudentIDS.Text)
&& u.CID == int.Parse(txtPanelOverlayCourseIDS.Text)
select u).First();
updateStudentCourse.Mark = int.Parse(txtPanelMarkS.Text);
// Save the changes that were made
// Refresh the bound controls
DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Student_Courses);
//Put the existing Student ID back in the Student Combo Box
var studentListPanel = (from s in DB.Persons
where s.Type == "Student"
select s.ID).ToList();
cmbStudentIDS.DisplayMember = "ID";
cmbStudentIDS.ValueMember = "ID";
cmbStudentIDS.DataSource = studentListPanel;
int codeCount = 0;
int theCode = 0;
foreach (int id in studentListPanel)
if (id == int.Parse(txtPanelStudentIDS.Text))
theCode = codeCount;
cmbStudentIDS.SelectedIndex = theCode;
// This method call makes sure that the course
// tab details have been updated.
// Switch off the Add Student Course panel
pnlAddStudentS.Visible = false;
if (edited == "Add")
lblMarksByStudentsMessage.Text = "Student Course details added";
else if (edited == "Update")
lblMarksByStudentsMessage.Text = "Student Course mark updated";
tabStudent.Text = "View Marks by Student"; //Change the Tab Header
catch (Exception Ex)
// This method checks to see if the mark is an actual integer
private bool validMarkIsNumber(string markToCheck)
int number;
bool result = Int32.TryParse(markToCheck, out number);
if (result)
lblPanelMarkMessageS.Text = "";
return true;
lblPanelMarkMessageS.Text = "Enter a whole number between 0 and 100";
return false;
// This method checks to see if the mark number is between 0 and 100
private bool validMarkInRange(string markToCheck)
if (int.Parse(markToCheck) >= 0 && int.Parse(markToCheck) <= 100)
lblPanelMarkMessageS.Text = "";
return true;
lblPanelMarkMessageS.Text = "Enter a whole number between 0 and 100";
return false;
// This method checks to see if the course number hasn't already
// been seleceted for the selected student.
private bool validUniqueCourseNumber(string courseID)
// Get the list of courses for the student
var coursenumbers = (from c in DB.Student_Courses
where c.SID == Convert.ToInt32(txtPanelStudentIDS.Text)
select c.CID).ToList();
// See if the selected course is on the list.
foreach (int course in coursenumbers)
if (course == int.Parse(courseID))
//lblPanelCourseNameS.ForeColor = 192, 0, 0; ??
lblPanelCourseNameS.Text = "This course number is already used by the student";
return false;
return true;
private void btnPanelCancelS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pnlAddStudentS.Visible = false;
tabStudent.Text = "View Marks by Student"; //Change the Tab Header
lblMarksByStudentsMessage.Text = "Add/Edit function cancelled";
// This method exits the Marks by Student Screen
private void btnExitS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No;
// This method exits the Marks by Course Screen
private void btnExitC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SchoolSystem
//Written by : Paul Smyth
//Date of last issue : 9/9/2015
// This form displays the required data entry mechanisms for the user
// to add, edit and delete Qualification records.
// It reads and writes to the following tables with SQL TO LINQ procedures
// Qualification
// Qualification_Courses
// There is an extra tab on this form which displays 2 datagrids.
// This tab screen is used to add or delete courses to qualifications.
// The user clicks the record to add or delete and then clicks the
// Add or Delete button to perform that action. A panel with basic
// instructions can be called up by clicking a Help button on that tab.
public partial class QualificationsForm : Form
SchoolDataClassesDataContext DB = new SchoolDataClassesDataContext();
// This bool is used to switch off a section of code that updates the
// qualification ID combo box in the updateData method. This item does not need
// to be refreshed after an update procedure because no course record
// has been added or deleted. The benefit of this is that the updated
// record in the Update Tab can still be displayed after the update
// process has been completed instead of the first record in the
// courses table.
bool updated = false;
public QualificationsForm()
private void QualificationsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
pnlHelpC.Visible = false; // Make sure the Help panel is closed.
// Load Course data into the available courses dataset view
// in the Add Delete Courses Tab
var courseList = (from c in DB.Courses
select new { c.CID, c.CName }
dgvAvailableCoursesC.DataSource = courseList;
dgvAvailableCoursesC.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ID";
dgvAvailableCoursesC.Columns[0].Width = 40;
dgvAvailableCoursesC.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Name";
dgvAvailableCoursesC.Columns[1].Width = 152;
// Setup the ToolTips for this form
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnAddA, "Add the Qualification Record you have entered");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnAddC, "Add the Course you have selected in Available Courses
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnDeleteC, "Delete the Course you have selected in Courses Table");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnDeleteU, "Delete the selected record from Qualifications");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitA, "Return to Main Menu");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitC, "Return to Main Menu");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitU, "Return to Main Menu");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnUpdateU, "Write the updated record to Qualifications");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbDurationA, "Select the duration period for this qualification from
the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbQualificationIDC, "Select the Qualification you wish to inspect from
the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbQualificationIDU, "Select the Qualification you wish to
update/delete from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtQualificationIDA, "Enter a unique Qualification ID");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtQualificationNameA, "Enter the Qualification Name");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtQualificationNameU, "Change the Qualification Name");
//This method performs the required updates for all tables and combo
//boxes used by this form.
private void updateData(bool fromUpdate)
// Update the Qualification data
var qualList = (from q in DB.Qualifications
select q).ToList();
// Update the Qualification ID Combo Box
// as long as this method wasn't called by the
// update button event method.
if (fromUpdate == false)
cmbQualificationIDU.DisplayMember = "QCode";
cmbQualificationIDU.ValueMember = "QCode";
cmbQualificationIDU.DataSource = qualList;
// Update the Qualification/Course data
var qualCourseList = (from c in DB.Qualification_Courses
select c).ToList();
//Update the Qualification/Course ID Combo Box
cmbQualificationIDC.DisplayMember = "QCode";
cmbQualificationIDC.ValueMember = "QCode";
cmbQualificationIDC.DataSource = qualList;
// Clear the Text fields on the Add Tab
// This method fills in the Update screen data properties based on
// the criteria set by the Qualification ID Combo box selection by using
// the selectTheRecord method. selectTheRecord method is also called by the
// btnUpdateU_Click event
private void cmbQualificationIDU_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// This method ensures that the correct data is displayed after an update
// has been performed or the user has selected a different Qualification ID
// in the update screen. It is called by the cmbQualificationIDU_SelectedIndexChanged
// and btnUpdateU_Click event
internal void selectTheRecord()
string selectedDuration; // Store for the selected Duration branch
// Select the Qualification record with the Qualification ID
// selected from the Qualification ID Combo Box
var qualification = (from q in DB.Qualifications
where q.QCode == cmbQualificationIDU.Text
select q).First();
txtQualificationNameU.Text = qualification.QName;
// Put the right duration in the Combo Box
selectedDuration = qualification.Duration.ToString();
switch (selectedDuration)
case "1 month":
cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 0;
case "2 months":
cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 1;
case "3 months":
cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 2;
case "4 months":
cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 3;
case "5 months":
cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 4;
case "6 months":
cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 5;
case "7 months":
cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 6;
case "8 months":
cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 7;
case "9 months":
cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 8;
case "10 months":
cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 9;
case "11 months":
cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 10;
case "12 months":
cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 11;
// This section contains a series of methods that tests the data entry
// fields for both the Add and Update Tabs. Each method tests what is the
// current screen is and creates an error message if required. They are
// activated by the Add and Update Button events.
// This method tests the qualification ID
// to make sure that it is not blank.
// Only required for ADD
private bool ValidQualificationID(string qualificationID)
if (qualificationID != "")
lblQualificationIDMessageA.Text = "";
return true;
lblQualificationIDMessageA.Text = "Please enter a valid qualification ID";
return false;
// This method tests the qualification name to make sure that it is not blank
private bool ValidQualificationName(string qualificationname, string tab)
if (qualificationname != "")
if (tab == "Add")
lblQualificationNameMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblQualificationNameMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblQualificationNameMessageA.Text = "Please enter a qualification name";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblQualificationNameMessageU.Text = "Please enter a qualification name";
return false;
// This method tests the duration entry
// to make sure that it is not blank.
// Only required for ADD
private bool ValidDuration(string duration)
if (duration != "")
lblDurationMessageA.Text = "";
return true;
lblDurationMessageA.Text = "Please enter a valid duration ID";
return false;
// This method updates the Qualification table
private void btnUpdateU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Indicate that this is the Update Tab for Error Message control
string theTab = "Update";
// Test that the qualification name has been entered
if (!ValidQualificationName(txtQualificationNameU.Text, theTab))
// Update the selected record in the Qualifications table
var qualification = (from q in DB.Qualifications
where q.QCode == cmbQualificationIDU.Text
select q).First();
qualification.QName = txtQualificationNameU.Text;
qualification.Duration = cmbDurationU.SelectedItem.ToString();
// Save the changes that were made
// Refresh the Bound Controls
DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Qualifications);
MessageBox.Show("Qualification Code " + qualification.QCode + " updated");
updated = true;
updated = false;
catch (Exception Ex)
// This method verifies the data added in the Add screen
// and then writes the data to the Qualifications table.
private void btnAddA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Indicate that this is the Add Tab for Error Message control
string theTab = "Add";
// Test that the qualification ID has been entered
if (!ValidQualificationID(txtQualificationIDA.Text))
// Test that the qualification name has been entered
if (!ValidQualificationName(txtQualificationNameA.Text, theTab))
// Test that the duration has been selected
if (!ValidDuration(cmbDurationA.Text))
// Create a new Qualifications object and add its properties
var newQualification = new Qualification();
newQualification.QCode = txtQualificationIDA.Text.Trim();
newQualification.QName = txtQualificationNameA.Text.Trim();
newQualification.Duration = cmbDurationA.SelectedItem.ToString();
// Add the new Qualification to the database
MessageBox.Show("Qualification " + newQualification.QCode + " added");
catch(Exception Ex)
// This method deletes the selected Qualification listed in
// the Combo box from the Qualification Table. It also
// deletes the associated Qualification_Course table records too.
private void btnDeleteU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var deletedQualification = (from q in DB.Qualifications
where q.QCode == cmbQualificationIDU.Text
select q).First();
var deletedQualificationCourse = (from c in DB.Qualification_Courses
where c.QCode == cmbQualificationIDU.Text
select c).ToList();
DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this Qualification?",
"Confirm Deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
if (d == DialogResult.Yes)
MessageBox.Show("Qualification deleted");
else if (d == DialogResult.No)
MessageBox.Show("Delete operation cancelled");
catch (Exception Ex)
// This method selects The Qualification/Course data to display based
// on what is selected in the Qualification ID Combo Box. It also
// Looks up the Qualification name for the selected qualification.
// The Available Courses datagrid is updated by the UpdateData method
private void cmbQualificationIDC_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var qualCourseList = (from q in DB.Qualification_Courses
join c in DB.Courses
on q.CID equals c.CID
where q.QCode == cmbQualificationIDC.Text
select new { q.CID, c.CName }
dgvCoursesC.DataSource = qualCourseList;
dgvCoursesC.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ID";
dgvCoursesC.Columns[0].Width =40;
dgvCoursesC.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Name";
dgvCoursesC.Columns[1].Width = 152;
var qualName = (from n in DB.Qualifications
where n.QCode == cmbQualificationIDC.Text
select n.QName).First();
lblQualificationNameC.Text = qualName;
// This method copies the selected record from the available courses datagrid
// and copies it to the qualification courses table. Then it updates the
// qualification courses datagrid.
private void btnAddC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Store the current selected Combo value so that it
// can be selected after the process is finished.
var theQualificationID = cmbQualificationIDC.SelectedIndex;
//Select the selected Course ID from the Course datagrid
int rowSelected = dgvAvailableCoursesC.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
var selectedCourseIDNumber =
// Check that it is not already been added to the
// selected Qualification
var cidList = (from q in DB.Qualification_Courses
where q.QCode == cmbQualificationIDC.Text
select q.CID).ToList();
foreach (int c in cidList)
if (c == int.Parse(selectedCourseIDNumber))
MessageBox.Show("The selected course has already been added");
// Use the selected Qualification Code and Course ID to
// create a new Qualification_Course record
var newQualificationCourse = new Qualification_Course();
newQualificationCourse.QCode = cmbQualificationIDC.SelectedValue.ToString();
newQualificationCourse.CID = int.Parse(selectedCourseIDNumber);
MessageBox.Show("Course added to Qualification");
// Recall the selected combo value
cmbQualificationIDC.SelectedIndex = theQualificationID;
catch (Exception Ex)
// This method will delete the selected record in the
// Qualification_Course datagrid
private void btnDeleteC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Store the current selected Combo value so that it
// can be selected after the process is finished.
var theQualificationID = cmbQualificationIDC.SelectedIndex;
// Identify the Qualification_Course record to delete
// from the datagrid.
int rowSelected = dgvCoursesC.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
var selectedCID = dgvCoursesC.Rows[rowSelected].Cells[0].Value;
var deletedQualificationCourse = (from c in DB.Qualification_Courses
where c.QCode == cmbQualificationIDU.Text
&& c.CID == (int) selectedCID
select c).First();
DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this Qualification?",
"Confirm Deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
if (d == DialogResult.Yes)
// Recall the selected combo value
cmbQualificationIDC.SelectedIndex = theQualificationID;
MessageBox.Show("Qualification Course deleted");
else if (d == DialogResult.No)
MessageBox.Show("Delete operation cancelled");
catch (Exception Ex)
// This method exits from the Add screen
private void btnExitA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No;
// This method exits from the Update screen
private void btnExitU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No;
// This method exits from the Change Courses screen
private void btnExitC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No;
// Close the Help Panel
private void btnCloseHelpC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pnlHelpC.Visible = false;
// Open the Help Panel
private void btnHelpC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pnlHelpC.Visible = true;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SchoolSystem
//Written by : Paul Smyth
//Date of last issue : 9/9/2015
// This form displays the required data entry mechanisms for the user
// to add, edit and delete student, teacher and administrator records.
// It reads and writes to the following tables with SQL TO LINQ procedures
// Person
// Teacher
// Student
// Administration
//Even though this form is called StudentsForm, it also includes
//code to operate the requirements for the Teacher and
//Administrator forms too. This version was neccessary to
//reduce the code duplication that resulted from running
//three very similar forms.
public partial class StudentsForm : Form
SchoolDataClassesDataContext DB = new SchoolDataClassesDataContext();
// This bool is used to switch off a section of code that updates the
// Person ID combo box in the updateData method. This item does not need
// to be refreshed after an update procedure because no course record
// has been added or deleted. The benefit of this is that the updated
// record in the Update Tab can still be displayed after the update
// process has been completed instead of the first record in the
// courses table.
bool updated = false;
public StudentsForm()
private void StudentsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Update the form header
this.Text = MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + " Form";
// Set up the initial help messages
lblAddMessage.Text = "Enter the new " + MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + " details and press the
Add Button";
lblUpdateMessage.Text = "Select a " + MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + " ID to edit from the
Course ID drop down box";
UpdateData(updated); // resets the fields and combo boxes
// Setup the form according to what menu option was selected.
// The fields relating to person will stay the same on the form
// and extra fields will be added for the required student,
// teacher or administrator option.
if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Student")
lblQNameA.Enabled = true;
lblQNameU.Enabled = true;
lblQualificationCodeA.Enabled = true;
lblQualificationCodeU.Enabled = true;
cmbQualificationCodeA.Enabled = true;
cmbQualificationCodeU.Enabled = true;
lblStartDateA.Enabled = true;
lblStartDateU.Enabled = true;
dtpStartDateA.Enabled = true;
dtpStartDateU.Enabled = true;
lblTeacherRegA.Enabled = false;
lblTeacherRegU.Enabled = false;
lblTeacherRegMessageA.Enabled = false;
lblTeacherRegMessageU.Enabled = false;
txtTeacherRegA.Enabled = false;
txtTeacherRegU.Enabled = false;
lblAdminRoleA.Enabled = false;
lblAdminRoleU.Enabled = false;
lblAdminRoleMessageA.Enabled = false;
lblAdminRoleMessageU.Enabled = false;
txtAdminRoleA.Enabled = false;
txtAdminRoleU.Enabled = false;
else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher")
lblQNameA.Enabled = false;
lblQNameU.Enabled = false;
lblQualificationCodeA.Enabled = false;
lblQualificationCodeU.Enabled = false;
cmbQualificationCodeA.Enabled = false;
cmbQualificationCodeU.Enabled = false;
lblStartDateA.Enabled = false;
lblStartDateU.Enabled = false;
dtpStartDateA.Enabled = false;
dtpStartDateU.Enabled = false;
lblTeacherRegA.Enabled = true;
lblTeacherRegU.Enabled = true;
lblTeacherRegMessageA.Enabled = true;
lblTeacherRegMessageU.Enabled = true;
txtTeacherRegA.Enabled = true;
txtTeacherRegU.Enabled = true;
lblAdminRoleA.Enabled = false;
lblAdminRoleU.Enabled = false;
lblAdminRoleMessageA.Enabled = false;
lblAdminRoleMessageU.Enabled = false;
txtAdminRoleA.Enabled = false;
txtAdminRoleU.Enabled = false;
else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator")
lblQNameA.Enabled = false;
lblQNameU.Enabled = false;
lblQualificationCodeA.Enabled = false;
lblQualificationCodeU.Enabled = false;
cmbQualificationCodeA.Enabled = false;
cmbQualificationCodeU.Enabled = false;
lblStartDateA.Enabled = false;
lblStartDateU.Enabled = false;
dtpStartDateA.Enabled = false;
dtpStartDateU.Enabled = false;
lblTeacherRegA.Enabled = false;
lblTeacherRegU.Enabled = false;
lblTeacherRegMessageA.Enabled = false;
lblTeacherRegMessageU.Enabled = false;
txtTeacherRegA.Enabled = false;
txtTeacherRegU.Enabled = false;
lblAdminRoleA.Enabled = true;
lblAdminRoleU.Enabled = true;
lblAdminRoleMessageA.Enabled = true;
lblAdminRoleMessageU.Enabled = true;
txtAdminRoleA.Enabled = true;
txtAdminRoleU.Enabled = true;
throw new NotSupportedException();
// Setup thetooltips for ths form
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnAddA, "Add the " + MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + " Record you have
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnDeleteU, "Delete the selected record from " +
MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + "s");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitA, "Return to Main Menu");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitU, "Return to Main Menu");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnUpdateU, "Update the " + MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + " Record you have
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbPersonIDU, "Select the "+ MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + " ID to
edit/delete from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbQualificationCodeA, "Select a Qualification Code from the drop down
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbQualificationCodeU, "Select a Qualification Code from the drop down
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbStateA, "Select a State from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbStateU, "Select a State from the drop down list");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtAddress1A, "Input the first line of the Address. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtAddress1U, "Input the first line of the Address. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtAddress2A, "Input the second line of the Address. This is
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtAddress2U, "Input the second line of the Address. This is
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPhoneA, "Input a phone number. Either a mobile number or a land line
number with the correct area code for the state. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPhoneU, "Input a phone number. Either a mobile number or a land line
number with the correct area code for the state. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPostcodeA, "Input the Postcode. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPostcodeU, "Input the Postcode. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtSuburbA, "Input the Suburb. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtSuburbU, "Input the Suburb. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtTeacherRegA, "Input the Teacher Registration. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtTeacherRegU, "Input the Teacher Registration. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtFirstNameA, "Input the First Name. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtFirstNameU, "Input the First Name. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtLastNameA, "Input the Last Name. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtLastNameU, "Input the Last Name. This is required");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(dtpDateOfBirthA, "Select the Date of Birth");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(dtpDateOfBirthU, "Select the Date of Birth");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(dtpStartDateA, "Select the Student's Start Date");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(dtpStartDateU, "Select the Student's Start Date");
// This method performs the required screen updates for all text and combo
// boxes used by this form. It is called by the btnAddA_Click
// and btnUpdateU_Click event
private void UpdateData(bool fromUpdate)
if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Student")
// Select the Student record from the Person & Student database
var personList = (from p in DB.Persons
join s in DB.Students
on p.ID equals s.SID
select new
// Update the Person ID combo box data
// as long as this method wasn't called by the
// update button event method.
if (fromUpdate == false)
cmbPersonIDU.DisplayMember = "ID";
cmbPersonIDU.ValueMember = "ID";
cmbPersonIDU.DataSource = personList;
// Update the Qualification Code Combo Box display
var qualcodes = (from q in DB.Qualifications
select q.QCode).ToList();
cmbQualificationCodeA.DisplayMember = "QCode";
cmbQualificationCodeA.ValueMember = "QCode";
cmbQualificationCodeA.DataSource = qualcodes;
// Reset the Student start date to todays date
// on the Add Tab
dtpStartDateA.Value = DateTime.Today;
else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher")
// Select the teacher record from the Person & Teacher database
var teacherList = (from p in DB.Persons
join t in DB.Teachers
on p.ID equals t.TID
select new
// Update the Student ID combo box data
// as long as this method wasn't called by the
// update button event method.
if (fromUpdate == false)
cmbPersonIDU.DisplayMember = "ID";
cmbPersonIDU.ValueMember = "ID";
cmbPersonIDU.DataSource = teacherList;
txtTeacherRegA.Clear(); // reset the teacher registration text field on the Add Tab
else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator")
// Select the Administrator record from the Person & Administrator database
var adminList = (from p in DB.Persons
join a in DB.Administrations
on p.ID equals a.AID
select new
// Update the Student ID combo box data
// as long as this method wasn't called by the
// update button event method.
if (fromUpdate == false)
cmbPersonIDU.DisplayMember = "ID";
cmbPersonIDU.ValueMember = "ID";
cmbPersonIDU.DataSource = adminList;
txtAdminRoleA.Clear(); // reset the Administrator registration text field on the Add
throw new NotSupportedException();
// Reset all the Person Fields on the Add Tab
dtpDateOfBirthA.Value = DateTime.Today; // Reset the birthday to todays date
// This method ensures that the correct data is displayed for the student, teacher
// and administrator when either the update screen is updated or the
// value in the student id combo box has changed.
// It is called by the cmbStudentIDU_SelectedIndexChanged
// and btnUpdateU_Click events
internal void selectTheRecord()
string selectedState; // store for the selected state branch statement
// Select the Student record from the Person & Student database
var person = (from p in DB.Persons
where p.ID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text)
select p).First();
txtFirstNameU.Text = person.FName;
txtLastNameU.Text = person.LName;
dtpDateOfBirthU.Value = person.DOB;
txtPhoneU.Text = person.Phone;
txtAddress1U.Text = person.Add1;
txtAddress2U.Text = person.Add2;
txtSuburbU.Text = person.Suburb;
// Put the right State in the State Combo Box
selectedState = person.State;
switch (selectedState)
case "NSW":
cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 0;
case "VIC":
cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 1;
case "QLD":
cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 2;
case "SA":
cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 3;
case "WA":
cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 4;
case "ACT":
cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 5;
case "NT":
cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 6;
case "TAS":
cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 7;
throw new NotSupportedException();
txtPostcodeU.Text = person.Postcode;
if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Student")
// Select the required data
var student = (from s in DB.Students
where s.SID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text)
select s).First();
dtpStartDateU.Value = student.Sdate;
// Update the Qualification Code Combo Box display
var qualcodes = (from q in DB.Qualifications
select q.QCode).ToList();
cmbQualificationCodeU.DisplayMember = "QCode";
cmbQualificationCodeU.ValueMember = "QCode";
cmbQualificationCodeU.DataSource = qualcodes;
//Put the correct Qualification Code in the Combo Box
int codeCount = 0;
int theCode = 0;
foreach (string code in qualcodes)
if (code == student.QCode)
theCode = codeCount;
cmbQualificationCodeU.SelectedIndex = theCode;
// Lookup the selected courses name and put it in the adjacent label
// on the form
var qualname = (from n in DB.Qualifications
where n.QCode == cmbQualificationCodeU.SelectedItem.ToString()
select n.QName).First();
lblQNameU.Text = qualname;
else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher")
// Select the required data
var teacher = (from t in DB.Teachers
where t.TID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text)
select t.RegNo).First();
txtTeacherRegU.Text = teacher;
else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator")
// Select the required data
var admin = (from a in DB.Administrations
where a.AID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text)
select a.Role).First();
txtAdminRoleU.Text = admin;
throw new NotSupportedException();
// This method fills in the Update screen data properties based on
// the criteria set by the Student ID Combo box selection. The script that
// performs this has been moved to the selectTheRecord method.
private void cmbStudentIDU_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// This section contains a series of methods that tests the data entry
// fields for both the Add and Update Tabs. Each method tests what is the
// current screen is and creates an error message if required. They are
// activated by the Add and Update Button events.
// This method tests the First Name to make sure that it is not blank
private bool ValidFirstName (string firstName, string tab)
if(firstName != "")
if (tab == "Add")
lblFirstNameMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblFirstNameMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblFirstNameMessageA.Text = "Please enter a first name";
else if(tab == "Update")
lblFirstNameMessageU.Text = "Please enter a first name";
return false;
// This method tests the Last Name to make sure that it is not blank
private bool ValidLastName(string lastName, string tab)
if (lastName != "")
if (tab == "Add")
lblLastNameMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblLastNameMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblLastNameMessageA.Text = "Please enter a last name";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblLastNameMessageU.Text = "Please enter a last name";
return false;
// This method tests the birth date to make sure it is not the current
// date - ie, it hasn't been overlooked
private bool BirthNotToday(DateTime dob, string tab)
if (dob != DateTime.Today)
if (tab == "Add")
lblDOBMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblDOBMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblDOBMessageA.Text = "Please enter the correct birth date";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblDOBMessageU.Text = "Please enter the correct birth date";
return false;
// This method tests the Phone to make sure that it is not blank
private bool ValidPhone(string phone, string tab)
if (phone != "")
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please enter a phone number";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please enter a phone number";
return false;
// This method tests the phone number to make sure that it is a numeric
private bool ValidPhoneNumber(string phoneNumber, string tab)
if (tab == "Add")
int n1;
bool isNumber = int.TryParse(txtPhoneA.Text, out n1);
if (isNumber == true)
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "";
return true;
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please enter just numbers for phone number";
return false;
else //if (tab == "Update")
int n1;
bool isNumber = int.TryParse(txtPhoneU.Text, out n1);
if (isNumber == true)
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please enter just numbers for phone number";
return false;
// This method tests the phone number entry to check that it is only 10 characters long
private bool ValidPhoneNumberLength(string phone, string tab)
if (phone.Length == 10)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please enter just 10 digits for phone number";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please enter just 10 digits phone number";
return false;
// Check that the right telephone area code is selected for the right state.
private bool ValidPhoneForState(string state, string phone, string tab)
if ((state == "NSW" | state == "ACT") & int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 02)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
else if (state == "VIC" & int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 03)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
else if (state == "QLD" & int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 07)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
else if (state == "SA" & int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 08)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
else if (state == "WA" & int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 08)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
else if (state == "NT" & int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 08)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
else if (int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 04) // Mobile Phone
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
switch (state)
case "NSW":
case "ACT":
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 02";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 02";
case "VIC":
case "TAS":
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 03";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 03";
case "QLD":
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 07";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 07";
case "NT":
case "SA":
case "WA":
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 08";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 08";
case "":
if (tab == "Add")
lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please select a State to verify the area code";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please select a State to verify the area code";
throw new NotSupportedException();
return false;
// This method tests the address1 to make sure that it is not blank
private bool ValidAddress1(string address1, string tab)
if (address1 != "")
if (tab == "Add")
lblAddress1MessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblAddress1MessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblAddress1MessageA.Text = "Please enter an address";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblAddress1MessageU.Text = "Please enter an address";
return false;
// This method tests the suburb to make sure that it is not blank
private bool ValidSuburb(string suburb, string tab)
if (suburb != "")
if (tab == "Add")
lblSuburbMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblSuburbMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblSuburbMessageA.Text = "Please enter an suburb";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblSuburbMessageU.Text = "Please enter an suburb";
return false;
// This method tests the state to make sure that it is not blank
private bool ValidState(string state, string tab)
if (state != "")
if (tab == "Add")
lblStateMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblStateMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblStateMessageA.Text = "Please select a state";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblStateMessageU.Text = "Please select a state";
return false;
// This method tests the postcode to make sure that it is not blank
private bool ValidPostcode(string postcode, string tab)
if (postcode != "")
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Please enter a postcode";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Please enter a postcode";
return false;
// This method tests the postcode to make sure that it is a numeric
private bool ValidPostcodeNumber(string postcode, string tab)
if (tab == "Add")
int n1;
bool isNumber = int.TryParse(txtPostcodeA.Text, out n1);
if (isNumber == true)
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "";
return true;
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Please enter a numeric value for postcode";
return false;
else // tab = Update
int n1;
bool isNumber = int.TryParse(txtPostcodeU.Text, out n1);
if (isNumber == true)
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Please enter a numeric value for postcode";
return false;
// Check that the right postcode is selected for the right state.
private bool ValidPostcodeForState(string state, string postcode, string tab)
if (state == "NT" & int.Parse(postcode) >= 800 & int.Parse(postcode) <= 899)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
else if ((state == "NSW" | state == "ACT") & int.Parse(postcode) >= 2000 &
int.Parse(postcode) <= 2999)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
else if (state == "VIC" & int.Parse(postcode) >= 3000 & int.Parse(postcode) <= 3999)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
else if (state == "QLD" & int.Parse(postcode) >= 4000 & int.Parse(postcode) <= 4999)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
else if (state == "SA" & int.Parse(postcode) >= 5000 & int.Parse(postcode) <= 5999)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
else if (state == "WA" & int.Parse(postcode) >= 6000 & int.Parse(postcode) <= 6999)
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
switch (state)
case "NT":
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 0800 and 0899";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 0800 and 0899";
case "NSW":
case "ACT":
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 2000 and 2999";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 2000 and 2999";
case "VIC":
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 3000 and 3999";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 3000 and 3999";
case "QLD":
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 4000 and 4999";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 4000 and 4999";
case "SA":
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 5000 and 5999";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 5000 and 5999";
case "WA":
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 6000 and 6999";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 6000 and 6999";
case "TAS":
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 7000 and 7999";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 7000 and 7999";
case "": // make sure that there is something entered for state
if (tab == "Add")
lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Please select a State to verify the postcode";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Please select a State to verify the postcode";
throw new NotSupportedException();
return false;
// Check that data has been entered for the teachers registration
private bool validateRegistration(string registrationNo, string tab)
if (registrationNo != "")
if (tab == "Add")
lblTeacherRegMessageA.Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblTeacherRegMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblTeacherRegMessageA.Text = "Please enter a registration number";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblTeacherRegMessageU.Text = "Please enter a registration number";
return false;
// Check that data has been entered for the administrator role
private bool validateRole(string roleName, string tab)
if (roleName != "")
if (tab == "Add")
lblAdminRoleMessageA .Text = "";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblAdminRoleMessageU.Text = "";
return true;
if (tab == "Add")
lblAdminRoleMessageA.Text = "Please enter an admin role";
else if (tab == "Update")
lblAdminRoleMessageU.Text = "Please enter an admin role";
return false;
// This method adds a Person to the Person and
// Student/Teacher/Administrator tables
// once the data on the form has been validated.
private void btnAddA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Indicate that this is the Add Tab for Error Message control
string theTab = "Add";
// This section of code applies to the data entry fields
// for the Person table
// Test that a first name has been entered
if(!ValidFirstName(txtFirstNameA.Text, theTab))
// Test that a last name has been entered
if (!ValidLastName(txtLastNameA.Text, theTab))
// Test that a proper birth date has been entered
if (!BirthNotToday(dtpDateOfBirthA.Value, theTab))
// Test that a phone number has been entered
if (!ValidPhone(txtPhoneA.Text, theTab))
// Test that the phone number is numeric
if (!ValidPhoneNumber(txtPhoneA.Text, theTab))
// Test that the phone number has only 10 digits
if (!ValidPhoneNumberLength(txtPhoneA.Text, theTab))
// Test that the correct area code for phone number has been entered
if (!ValidPhoneForState(cmbStateA.Text, txtPhoneA.Text, theTab))
// Test that address1 has been entered
if (!ValidAddress1(txtAddress1A.Text, theTab))
// Test that a suburb has been entered
if (!ValidSuburb(txtSuburbA.Text, theTab))
// Test that a state has been entered
if (!ValidState(cmbStateA.Text, theTab))
// Test that a postcode has been entered
if (!ValidPostcode(txtPostcodeA.Text, theTab))
// Test that the postcode is a numeric
if (!ValidPostcodeNumber(txtPostcodeA.Text, theTab))
// Test that a correct postcode has been entered
if (!ValidPostcodeForState(cmbStateA.Text, txtPostcodeA.Text, theTab))
// Test that a Teacher Registration has been entered
if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher")
if (!validateRegistration(txtTeacherRegA.Text, theTab))
// Test that an admin role has been entered
if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator")
if (!validateRole(txtAdminRoleA.Text, theTab))
// Create a new person object for the student and add its properties
var newPerson = new Person();
newPerson.FName = txtFirstNameA.Text.Trim();
newPerson.LName = txtLastNameA.Text.Trim();
newPerson.DOB = dtpDateOfBirthA.Value;
newPerson.Phone = txtPhoneA.Text;
newPerson.Add1 = txtAddress1A.Text.Trim();
newPerson.Add2 = txtAddress2A.Text.Trim();
newPerson.Suburb = txtSuburbA.Text.Trim();
newPerson.State = cmbStateA.SelectedItem.ToString();
newPerson.Postcode = txtPostcodeA.Text.Trim();
newPerson.Type = MainMenuForm.MenuChoice; // either Student, Teacher or Administrator
// Add the new person to the database
// Get the newly created person ID number
var newPersonID = newPerson.ID;
if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Student")
// Create new student object and add its properties
var newStudent = new Student();
newStudent.SID = newPersonID;
newStudent.Sdate = dtpStartDateA.Value;
newStudent.QCode = cmbQualificationCodeA.SelectedItem.ToString();
// Add the new student specific data to the database
// Setup the required courses for the Student_Course Table
var courseNumbers = (from c in DB.Qualification_Courses
where c.QCode ==
select c.CID).ToList();
int index = 0;
foreach (int c in courseNumbers)
var newStudentCourse = new Student_Course();
newStudentCourse.CID = courseNumbers[index];
newStudentCourse.SID = newPersonID;
newStudentCourse.Mark = 0;
catch (Exception Ex)
else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher")
// Create new teacher object and add its properties
var newTeacher = new Teacher();
newTeacher.TID = newPersonID;
newTeacher.RegNo = txtTeacherRegA.Text.Trim();
newTeacher.Password = "teacher"; // A new Default password
// Add the new teacher specific data to the database
lblAddMessage.Text = "Teacher ID " + newPersonID + " was added with a temporary
password 'teacher'. rnPlease get " + txtFirstNameA.Text + " to change this password as soon as
else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator")
// Create new administrator object and add its properties
var newAdministration = new Administration();
newAdministration.AID = newPersonID;
newAdministration.Role = txtAdminRoleA.Text.Trim();
newAdministration.Password = "adminis"; // A new default password
// Add the new student specific data to the database
lblUpdateMessage.Text = "Administrator ID " + newPersonID + " was added with a
temporary password 'adminis'. rnPlease get " + txtFirstNameA.Text + " to change this password as soon
as possible";
throw new NotSupportedException();
lblUpdateMessage.Text = "ID " + newPersonID + " was added";
catch (Exception Ex)
// This method updates the Person and Student/Teacher/Administration
// table once the data has been validated.
private void btnUpdateU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Indicate that this is the Update Tab for Error Message control
string theTab = "Update";
// Test that a first name has been entered
if (!ValidFirstName(txtFirstNameU.Text, theTab))
// Test that a last name has been entered
if (!ValidLastName(txtLastNameU.Text, theTab))
// Test that a proper birth date has been entered
if (!BirthNotToday(dtpDateOfBirthU.Value, theTab))
// Test that a phone number has been entered
if (!ValidPhone(txtPhoneU.Text, theTab))
// Test that the phone number is numeric
if (!ValidPhoneNumber(txtPhoneU.Text, theTab))
// Test that the phone number has only 10 digits
if (!ValidPhoneNumberLength(txtPhoneU.Text, theTab))
// Test that the correct area code for phone number has been entered
if (!ValidPhoneForState(cmbStateU.Text, txtPhoneU.Text, theTab))
// Test that address1 has been entered
if (!ValidAddress1(txtAddress1U.Text, theTab))
// Test that a suburb has been entered
if (!ValidSuburb(txtSuburbU.Text, theTab))
// Test that a state has been entered
if (!ValidState(cmbStateU.Text, theTab))
// Test that a postcode has been entered
if (!ValidPostcode(txtPostcodeU.Text, theTab))
// Test that the postcode is a numeric
if (!ValidPostcodeNumber(txtPostcodeU.Text, theTab))
// Test that a correct postcode has been entered
if (!ValidPostcodeForState(cmbStateU.Text, txtPostcodeU.Text, theTab))
// Test that a Teacher Registration has been entered
if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher")
if (!validateRegistration(txtTeacherRegU.Text, theTab))
// Test that an admin role has been entered
if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator")
if (!validateRole(txtAdminRoleU.Text, theTab))
// Update the student record in the person database
var personList = (from p in DB.Persons
where p.ID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text)
select p).First();
personList.FName = txtFirstNameU.Text.Trim();
personList.LName = txtLastNameU.Text.Trim();
personList.DOB = dtpDateOfBirthU.Value;
personList.Phone = txtPhoneU.Text.Trim();
personList.Add1 = txtAddress1U.Text.Trim();
personList.Add2 = txtAddress2U.Text.Trim();
personList.Suburb = txtSuburbU.Text.Trim();
personList.State = cmbStateU.SelectedItem.ToString();
personList.Postcode = txtPostcodeU.Text.Trim();
// Save the changes that were made
// Refresh the bound controls
DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Persons);
if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Student")
// Update the student record in the Student database
var studentList = (from s in DB.Students
where s.SID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text)
select s).First();
studentList.Sdate = dtpStartDateU.Value;
studentList.QCode = cmbQualificationCodeU.SelectedItem.ToString();
// Save the changes that were made
// Refresh the bound controls
DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Students);
else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher")
// Update the teacher object and add its properties
var teacherList = (from t in DB.Teachers
where t.TID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text)
select t).First();
teacherList.RegNo = txtTeacherRegU.Text.Trim();
// Save the changes that were made
// Refresh the bound controls
DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Teachers);
else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator")
// Update the administrator object and add its properties
var adminList = (from a in DB.Administrations
where a.AID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text)
select a).First();
adminList.Role = txtAdminRoleU.Text.Trim();
// Save the changes that were made
// Refresh the bound controls
DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Administrations);
throw new NotSupportedException();
lblUpdateMessage.Text = "ID " + cmbPersonIDU.Text + " was updated";
updated = true; // Do not reset the Person ID combo box
updated = false;
catch (Exception Ex)
// This method deletes the selected Person id in the update table's
// id combo box.
private void btnDeleteU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
"Confirm Deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
if (d == DialogResult.Yes)
int idToDelete = (int)cmbPersonIDU.SelectedValue;
// Get the record that matches the criteria in the ID
// combo box
var deletedPerson = (from p in DB.Persons
where p.ID == idToDelete
select p).First();
if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Student")
var deletedStudent = (from s in DB.Students
where s.SID == idToDelete
select s).First();
MessageBox.Show("Student deleted");
else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher")
var deletedTeacher = (from t in DB.Teachers
where t.TID == idToDelete
select t).First();
MessageBox.Show("Teacher deleted");
else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator")
// Delete the administrator record
var deletedAdministration = (from t in DB.Administrations
where t.AID == idToDelete
select t).First();
throw new NotSupportedException();
else if (d == DialogResult.No)
MessageBox.Show("Delete operation cancelled");
catch (Exception Ex)
// Update the Qualification Name label every time the Combo Box value changes
private void cmbQualificationCodeA_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Lookup the selected Qualification name and put it in the adjacent label
// on the form
var qualname = (from n in DB.Qualifications
where n.QCode == cmbQualificationCodeA.SelectedItem.ToString()
select n.QName).First();
lblQNameA.Text = qualname;
// Update the Qualification Name label every time the Combo Box value changes
private void cmbQualificationCodeU_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var qualname = (from n in DB.Qualifications
where n.QCode == cmbQualificationCodeU.SelectedItem.ToString()
select n.QName).First();
lblQNameU.Text = qualname;
// This method exits from the Add screen
private void btnExitA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No;
// This method exits from the Update screen
private void btnExitU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SchoolSystem
// Written by : Paul Smyth
// Date of last issue : 9/9/2015
// This form allows the user to update his/her password.
// It prompts the user to input a new password twice, the
// second time is to verify that the first password was typed as
// intended. Once the new password has been validated, the
// Teacher/Administration table is updated.
// It takes the static variable personID from the logonForm
// to indicate theID of the user that has logged on to the system.
// This information is used to select the correct record from
// the teacher / Administration table to receive the password
// update.
public partial class ChangePasswordForm : Form
SchoolDataClassesDataContext DB = new SchoolDataClassesDataContext();
public ChangePasswordForm()
private void ChangePasswordForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
clearPasswords(); // clear the text fields
lblPasswordMessage.Text = "Enter a new 7 character password.rnThen re-enter it for
verification purposes";
//Set up ToolTips for the form
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPassword1, "Enter a new 7 character password");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPassword2, "Re-enter the new password rnfor verification
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExit, "Return to Main Menu");
toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnUpdate, "Update the changed password");
// This method tests that the entered password is 7 characters long
private bool validPasswordLength(string thePassword)
if (thePassword.Length != 7)
lblPasswordMessage.Text = "The password must be seven characters long. rnPlease try
return false;
lblPasswordMessage.Text = "";
return true;
// This method compares the two entered passwords
private bool validComparePasswords(string password1, string password2)
if (txtPassword1.Text != txtPassword2.Text)
lblPasswordMessage.Text = "The re-entered pasword is not identical. rnPlease try
return false;
lblPasswordMessage.Text = "";
return true;
// This method clears the password text fields
internal void clearPasswords()
private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No;
// This method checks the data input and if it is ok,
// write it to the Persons table.
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Test to see that the first password entry is the required length
if (!validPasswordLength(txtPassword1.Text))
// Test to see if the two password entries are identical
if (!validComparePasswords(txtPassword1.Text, txtPassword2.Text))
// Update the password entry in the table
if (LogonForm.personType == "Administrator")
var newPassword = (from p in DB.Administrations
where p.AID == Convert.ToInt32(LogonForm.personID)
select p).First();
newPassword.Password = txtPassword1.Text;
// Save the changes that were made
// Refresh the Bound controls
DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Courses);
else if (LogonForm.personType == "Teacher")
var newPassword = (from p in DB.Teachers
where p.TID == Convert.ToInt32(LogonForm.personID)
select p).First();
newPassword.Password = txtPassword1.Text;
// Save the changes that were made
// Refresh the Bound controls
DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Courses);
lblPasswordMessage.Text = "Password has been successfully updated";

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School System C# Code

  • 1. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SchoolSystem { // Written by : Paul Smyth // Date of last issue : 9/9/2015 // // This is the logon screen. It takes a user ID and a password from the user // and checks it against the data stored in the Teachers / Administration tables. // public partial class LogonForm : Form { SchoolDataClassesDataContext DB = new SchoolDataClassesDataContext(); //This variable defines the menu access option based on the Person Type public static string personType = ""; // This variable stores the user ID so that it can be used // elsewhere in the program public static string personID = ""; public LogonForm() { InitializeComponent(); } private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Application.Exit(); } private void btnLogon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // look up ID in Persons database and test to see if the // one entered is valid. If valid, return the Type value // so that the password can be checked. var loginTest = (from i in DB.Persons where i.ID == Int32.Parse(txtUserID.Text) select i.Type).First(); if (loginTest == "Administrator") { // lookup password from Administrator file var passwordTest = (from p in DB.Administrations where p.AID == Int32.Parse(txtUserID.Text) select p.Password).First(); if (passwordTest == txtPassword.Text) { //lblMessage.Text = "Password is correct"; // Open the Main Menu Form for Administrators personType = "Administrator"; // sets up the main menu for administrators personID = txtUserID.Text; // used in the changePasssword form this.Hide(); //Hide the logon form
  • 2. MainMenuForm administratorMainMenuForm = new MainMenuForm(); administratorMainMenuForm.ShowDialog(); clearFields(); this.Show(); // show the logon form when user logs off } else { lblMessage.Text = "Password is incorrect"; clearFields(); } } else if (loginTest == "Teacher") { // lookup password from Teacher file var passwordTest = (from p in DB.Teachers where p.TID == Int32.Parse(txtUserID.Text) select p.Password).First(); if (passwordTest == txtPassword.Text) { // Open the Main Menu Form for Teachers personType = "Teacher"; // sets up the main menu for teachers personID = txtUserID.Text; // used in the changePasssword form this.Hide(); //Hide the logon form MainMenuForm teacherMainMenuForm = new MainMenuForm(); teacherMainMenuForm.ShowDialog(); clearFields(); this.Show(); // show the logon form when user logs off } else { lblMessage.Text = "Password is incorrect"; clearFields(); } } else { lblMessage.Text = "Customer ID is invalid. Please contact your Data Administrator."; } } catch (Exception) { lblMessage.Text = "Customer ID is invalid. Please contact your Data Administrator."; } } private void LogonForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblMessage.Text = "Please enter a valid User ID and Password.rnClick Logon or press Enter to continue.rnClick Exit to Quit."; clearFields(); } public void clearFields() { //Clear the text entry areas and prepare the login form a fresh entry txtUserID.Clear(); txtPassword.Clear(); txtUserID.Select(); } } }
  • 3. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SchoolSystem { //Written by : Paul Smyth //Date of last issue : 9/9/2015 // // This form sets up the Main Menu which allows the user to // navigate the key functions of the software. // // It takes the static variable personType from the logonForm // to indicate if the user is a teacher or administrator. It // uses this variable to switch on the menu items the user has // access to. // public partial class MainMenuForm : Form { // Holds the user selection which will be used // in the chosen Form selected from this menu. // It will either be Student, Teacher or Administrator // depending on the user choice. public static string MenuChoice = ""; public MainMenuForm() { InitializeComponent(); } private void MainMenuForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Update the form header this.Text = LogonForm.personType + " Menu"; lblMainMenuMessage.Text = "Click on an option"; // Set up which button options will be available for Teacher if (LogonForm.personType == "Teacher") { btnCourses.Enabled = true; btnQualifications.Enabled = true; btnMarks.Enabled = true; btnTeachers.Enabled = false; btnStudents.Enabled = false; btnAdministrators.Enabled = false; btnChangePassword.Enabled = true; } // Set up which button options will be available for Administrator else if (LogonForm.personType == "Administrator") { btnCourses.Enabled = true; btnQualifications.Enabled = true; btnMarks.Enabled = false; btnTeachers.Enabled = true;
  • 4. btnStudents.Enabled = true; btnAdministrators.Enabled = true; btnChangePassword.Enabled = true; } } private void btnLogoff_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Return to the logon screen this.Close(); } private void btnMarks_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu MarksForm marks = new MarksForm(); marks.ShowDialog(); this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits marks } private void btnQualifications_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu QualificationsForm qualifications = new QualificationsForm(); qualifications.ShowDialog(); this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits qualifications } private void btnCourses_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu CoursesForm courses = new CoursesForm(); courses.ShowDialog(); this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits courses } private void btnAdministrators_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // The StudentsForm is used for maintaining // Student, Teacher and Administrator data this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu MenuChoice = "Administrator"; StudentsForm students = new StudentsForm(); students.ShowDialog(); this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits administrators } private void btnTeachers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // The StudentsForm is used for maintaining // Student, Teacher and Administrator data this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu MenuChoice = "Teacher"; StudentsForm students = new StudentsForm(); students.ShowDialog(); this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits teachers } private void btnStudents_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // The StudentsForm is used for maintaining // Student, Teacher and Administrator data
  • 5. this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu MenuChoice = "Student"; StudentsForm students = new StudentsForm(); students.ShowDialog(); this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits students } private void btnChangePassword_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide(); //Hide the main menu ChangePasswordForm password = new ChangePasswordForm(); password.ShowDialog(); this.Show(); // show main menu when user exits passwords } } }
  • 6. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Linq; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SchoolSystem { //Written by : Paul Smyth //Date of last issue : 9/9/2015 // // This form displays the required data entry mechanisms for the user // to add, edit and delete Courses records. // It reads and writes to the following tables with SQL TO LINQ procedures // Course // // public partial class CoursesForm : Form { SchoolDataClassesDataContext DB = new SchoolDataClassesDataContext(); // This bool is used to switch off a section of code that updates the // course ID combo box in the updateData method. This item does not need // to be refreshed after an update procedure because no course record // has been added or deleted. The benefit of this is that the updated // record in the Update Tab can still be displayed after the update // process has been completed instead of the first record in the // courses table. bool updated = false; public CoursesForm() { InitializeComponent(); } private void CoursesForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateData(updated); // Set up the initial help messages lblCoursesMessageA.Text = "Enter the new Course details and press the Add Button"; lblCoursesMessageU.Text = "Select a Course to edit from the Course ID drop down box"; // Setup the ToolTips for this form toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnAddA, "Add the Course Record you have entered"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnDeleteU, "Delete the selected record from Courses"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitA, "Return to Main Menu"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitU, "Return to Main Menu"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnUpdateU, "Write the updated record to Courses"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbCourseIDU, "Select the Course ID to edit/delete from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbQualificationCodeA, "Select a Qualification Code from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbSemesterA, "Select a Semester from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbSemesterU, "Select a Semester from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbTeacherIDA, "Select a Teacher from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbTeacherIDU, "Select a Teacher from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbYearA, "Select a Year from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbYearU, "Select a Year from the drop down list");
  • 7. toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtCourseIDA, "Enter a unique Course ID"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtCourseNameA, "Enter the Course Name"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtCourseNameU, "Edit the Course Name"); } // This method performs the required updates for all tables and combo // boxes used by this form. It makes sure the correct data is displayed // for the chosen ID private void updateData(bool fromUpdate) { // Update the Course data var courseList = (from c in DB.Courses select c).ToList(); // Update the Course ID Combo Box // as long as this method wasn't called by the // update button event method. if (fromUpdate == false) { cmbCourseIDU.DisplayMember = "CID"; cmbCourseIDU.ValueMember = "CID"; cmbCourseIDU.DataSource = courseList; } // Update the Teacher ID Combo Box display var teachercodes = (from t in DB.Teachers select t.TID).ToList(); cmbTeacherIDA.DisplayMember = "TID"; cmbTeacherIDA.ValueMember = "TID"; cmbTeacherIDA.DataSource = teachercodes; // Update the Qualification Code Combo Box display var qualificationcodes = (from q in DB.Qualifications select q.QCode).ToList(); cmbQualificationCodeA.DisplayMember = "QCode"; cmbQualificationCodeA.ValueMember = "QCode"; cmbQualificationCodeA.DataSource = qualificationcodes; // Reset all the Course text Fields in the Add Tab txtCourseIDA.Clear(); txtCourseNameA.Clear(); } // This method performs the selection process for the courses // data when either the update screen is updated or the // value in the courses id combo box has changed. // It is called by the cmbCourseIDU_SelectedIndexChanged // and btnUpdateU_Click event internal void selectTheRecord() { String selectedYear; //store for the selected Year branch string selectedSemester; //store for the selcted Semester branch // Select the Course Record with the Course ID selected // from the Course ID Combo Box. var course = (from c in DB.Courses where c.CID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbCourseIDU.Text) select new { c.CName, c.Year,
  • 8. c.Semester, c.TID } ).First(); txtCourseNameU.Text = course.CName; // Put the right year in the Combo Box. Either year 1 // year 2 or year 3. selectedYear = course.Year.ToString(); switch (selectedYear) { case "1": cmbYearU.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "2": cmbYearU.SelectedIndex = 1; break; case "3": cmbYearU.SelectedIndex = 2; break; } // Put the right Semester in the Combo Box selectedSemester = course.Semester; switch (selectedSemester) { case "Autumn": cmbSemesterU.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "Winter": cmbSemesterU.SelectedIndex = 1; break; case "Spring": cmbSemesterU.SelectedIndex = 2; break; } // Update the Teacher ID Combo Box display var teachercodes = (from t in DB.Teachers select t.TID).ToList(); cmbTeacherIDU.DisplayMember = "TID"; cmbTeacherIDU.ValueMember = "TID"; cmbTeacherIDU.DataSource = teachercodes; //Put the correct teacher Code in the Combo Box int codeCount = 0; int theCode = 0; foreach (int code in teachercodes) { if (code == course.TID) { theCode = codeCount; } codeCount++; } cmbTeacherIDU.SelectedIndex = theCode; // Lookup the selected teachers name and put it in the label // adjacent to the Teacher ID combo on the form var teacherName = (from t in DB.Persons where t.ID == int.Parse(cmbTeacherIDU.SelectedItem.ToString()) select new
  • 9. { t.FName, t.LName }).First(); lblTeacherNameU.Text = teacherName.FName + " " + teacherName.LName; } // This method fills in the Update screen data properties based on // the criteria set by the Course ID Combo box selection private void cmbCourseIDU_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectTheRecord(); } // This section contains a series of methods that tests the data entry // fields for both the Add and Update Tabs. Each method tests what is the // current screen is and creates an error message if required. They are // activated by the Add and Update Button events. // This method tests the course number to check // that it is valid. // Only required for Add private bool ValidCourseID(string courseID) { if (courseID == "") { lblCourseIDMessageA.Text = "Please enter a valid numeric course number"; return false; } else if (int.Parse(courseID) >= 0 & int.Parse(courseID) <= 99999) { lblCourseIDMessageA.Text = ""; return true; } else { lblCourseIDMessageA.Text = "Please enter a valid numeric course number"; return false; } } // This method tests the course number to check that it is // not a duplicate. Only required for Add private bool validUniqueCourseNumber(string courseID) { // Lookup the existing course numbers var coursenumbers = (from c in DB.Courses select c.CID).ToList(); foreach (int course in coursenumbers) { if (course == int.Parse(courseID)) { lblCourseIDMessageA.Text = "This course number has already been used"; return false; } }
  • 10. lblCourseIDMessageA.Text = ""; return true; } // This method tests the course name to make sure that it is not blank private bool ValidCourseName(string coursename, string tab) { if (coursename != "") { if (tab == "Add") { lblCourseNameMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblCourseNameMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblCourseNameMessageA.Text = "Please enter a course name"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblCourseNameMessageU.Text = "Please enter a course name"; } return false; } } // This method tests the year to make sure that it is not blank // Only required for Add private bool ValidYear(string year) { if (year != "") { lblYearMessageA.Text = ""; return true; } else { lblYearMessageA.Text = "Please select a year"; return false; } } // This method tests the semester to make sure that it is not blank // Only required for Add private bool ValidSemester(string semester) { if (semester != "") { lblSemesterMessageA.Text = ""; return true; } else { lblSemesterMessageA.Text = "Please select a semester"; return false; } }
  • 11. // This method updates the Course table private void btnUpdateU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Indicate that this is the Update Tab for Error Message control string theTab = "Update"; // Test that a course name has been entered if (!ValidCourseName(txtCourseNameU.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Update the Course record in the Courses Table var courseList = (from c in DB.Courses where c.CID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbCourseIDU.Text) select c).First(); courseList.CName = txtCourseNameU.Text.Trim(); courseList.Year = (int)int.Parse(cmbYearU.SelectedItem.ToString()); courseList.Semester = cmbSemesterU.SelectedItem.ToString(); courseList.TID = (int)cmbTeacherIDU.SelectedItem; // Save the changes that were made DB.SubmitChanges(); // Refresh the Bound controls DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Courses); lblCoursesMessageU.Text = "Course ID " + cmbCourseIDU.Text + " has been updated"; updated = true; updateData(updated); selectTheRecord(); updated = false; } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } // This method adds data to the Courses table private void btnAddA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Indicate that this is the Add Tab for Error Message control string theTab = "Add"; // Test that a valid course number has been entered if (!ValidCourseID(txtCourseIDA.Text)) { return; } // Test that a unique Course number has been entered if (!validUniqueCourseNumber(txtCourseIDA.Text)) { return; }
  • 12. // Test that a course name has been entered if (!ValidCourseName(txtCourseNameA.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a year has been selected if (!ValidYear(cmbYearA.Text)) { return; } // Test that a semester has been selected if (!ValidSemester(cmbSemesterA.Text)) { return; } // Create a new Courses object and add its properties var newCourse = new Course(); newCourse.CID = int.Parse(txtCourseIDA.Text.ToString()); newCourse.CName = txtCourseNameA.Text.Trim(); newCourse.Year = int.Parse(cmbYearA.SelectedItem.ToString()); newCourse.Semester = cmbSemesterA.SelectedItem.ToString(); newCourse.TID = int.Parse(cmbTeacherIDA.SelectedItem.ToString()); // Add the new course to the database DB.Courses.InsertOnSubmit(newCourse); DB.SubmitChanges(); // Create a new Qualification_Courses object and // add its properties var newQualCourse = new Qualification_Course(); newQualCourse.QCode = cmbQualificationCodeA.SelectedItem.ToString(); newQualCourse.CID = int.Parse(txtCourseIDA.Text.ToString()); // Add the new record to the database DB.Qualification_Courses.InsertOnSubmit(newQualCourse); DB.SubmitChanges(); lblCoursesMessageA.Text = "Course ID " + txtCourseIDA.Text + " added"; updateData(updated); } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } // This method deletes the selected rcord in the update screen // from the Courses table. private void btnDeleteU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Get the course that matches the criteria in the course ID // combo box var deletedCourse = (from c in DB.Courses where c.CID == (int)cmbCourseIDU.SelectedValue select c).First();
  • 13. DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this Course?", "Confirm Deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (d == DialogResult.Yes) { DB.Courses.DeleteOnSubmit(deletedCourse); DB.SubmitChanges(); updateData(updated); MessageBox.Show("Course deleted"); } else if (d == DialogResult.No) { MessageBox.Show("Delete operation cancelled"); } } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } //Lookup the selected teachers name and put it in the adjacent label //in the Update form private void cmbTeacherIDU_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var teacherName = (from t in DB.Persons where t.ID == int.Parse(cmbTeacherIDU.SelectedItem.ToString()) select new { t.FName, t.LName }).First(); lblTeacherNameU.Text = teacherName.FName + " " + teacherName.LName; } // Lookup the selected teachers name and put it in the adjacent label // in the Add form private void cmbTeacherIDA_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var teacherName = (from t in DB.Persons where t.ID == int.Parse(cmbTeacherIDA.SelectedItem.ToString()) select new { t.FName, t.LName }).First(); lblTeacherNameA.Text = teacherName.FName + " " + teacherName.LName; } // Lookup the selected qualification name and put it in the adjacent // label in the Add form private void cmbQualificationCodeA_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var qualificationName = (from q in DB.Qualifications where q.QCode == cmbQualificationCodeA.Text select q.QName).First();
  • 14. lblQualificationNameA.Text = qualificationName; } // This method exits from the Add screen private void btnExitA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } // This method exits from the Update screen private void btnExitU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } } }
  • 15. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Linq; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SchoolSystem { public partial class MarksForm : Form { SchoolDataClassesDataContext DB = new SchoolDataClassesDataContext(); public MarksForm() { InitializeComponent(); } // This is what happens when the form is first loaded private void MarksForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var studentList = (from s in DB.Persons where s.Type == "Student" select new { s.ID, s.FName, s.LName } ).ToList(); cmbStudentIDS.DisplayMember = "ID"; cmbStudentIDS.ValueMember = "ID"; cmbStudentIDS.DataSource = studentList; var courseList = (from c in DB.Courses select new { c.CID, c.CName } ).ToList(); cmbCourseIDC.DisplayMember = "CID"; cmbCourseIDC.ValueMember = "CID"; cmbCourseIDC.DataSource = courseList; // Switch off the add student course panel // It will be switched on when the user clicks the // Add Course button in the view by students tab. pnlAddStudentS.Visible = false; // Put the default tab header in place tabStudent.Text = "View Marks by Student"; // Set up the ToolTips for this form toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnAddStudentS, "Click here to go to the Add Record Screen"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnDeleteS, "Click here to delete the selected record in the Grid"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitC, "Click here to return to the Main Menu"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitS, "Click here to return to the Main Menu"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnPanelAddStudentS, "Click here to save the Record"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnPanelCancelS, "Click here to cancel the edit. The Record will not be added"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnPanelUpdateStudentS, "Click here to update the Record"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnUpdateS, "Click here to go to the Update Screen for the selected record in the Grid"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbPanelCourseIDS, "Select a Course ID from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbCourseIDC, "Select a Course ID from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbStudentIDS, "Select a Student ID from the drop down list");
  • 16. toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPanelMarkS, "Enter a mark between 0 and 100 (decimal values are not permitted)"); lblMarksByStudentsMessage.Text = "Click on a record to select it to update or delete it"; } // This method fills in the Marks by Course screen data properties based on // the criteria set by the Course ID Combo box selection private void cmbCourseIDC_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectTheCourse(); } // This method runs the script called by cmbCourseIDC_SelectedIndexChanged // event. It is seperated because it is also called by the // btnPanelAddStudentS_Click to make sure that the latest course // information is displayed in the courses dgv after a student // course record has been added. internal void selectTheCourse() { // Reset the datagrid before performing the query // because this method seems to append new columns // to the datagrid when it is run. dgvMarksC.DataSource = null; dgvMarksC.Columns.Clear(); dgvMarksC.Rows.Clear(); // Select the Courses Marks with the Course ID // selected in the Course ID Combo Box var marksByCourseList = (from c in DB.Student_Courses join p in DB.Persons on c.SID equals p.ID where c.CID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbCourseIDC.Text) select new { c.SID, p.FName, p.LName, c.Mark } ).ToList(); dgvMarksC.DataSource = marksByCourseList; // Setup the by course datagrid dgvMarksC.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ID"; dgvMarksC.Columns[0].Width = 60; dgvMarksC.Columns[0].ReadOnly = true; dgvMarksC.Columns[1].HeaderText = "First Name"; dgvMarksC.Columns[1].Width = 120; dgvMarksC.Columns[1].ReadOnly = true; dgvMarksC.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Last Name"; dgvMarksC.Columns[2].Width = 120; dgvMarksC.Columns[2].ReadOnly = true; dgvMarksC.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Mark"; dgvMarksC.Columns[3].Width = 40; // Get the Course name for the selected Course ID // displayed in the Combo Box var courseName = (from n in DB.Courses where n.CID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbCourseIDC.Text) select n.CName).First(); lblCourseNameC.Text = courseName; } // This method deletes a record from the student view datagrid private void btnDeleteS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
  • 17. try { // Make the selected row go a different colour. dgvMarksS.CurrentRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Red; DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", "Confirm Deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (d == DialogResult.Yes) { // Pick the criteria from the chosen row in the datagrid int rowSelected = dgvMarksS.CurrentCell.RowIndex; int deleteStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(cmbStudentIDS.Text); int deleteCourseID = int.Parse(dgvMarksS.Rows[rowSelected].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); // Get the record that matches the criteria var deleteStudentCourse = (from s in DB.Student_Courses where s.SID == deleteStudentID && s.CID == deleteCourseID select s).First(); DB.Student_Courses.DeleteOnSubmit(deleteStudentCourse); DB.SubmitChanges(); lblMarksByStudentsMessage.Text = "Course Record deleted"; dgvMarksS.CurrentRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.White; // This method call makes sure that the course // tab details have been updated. selectTheCourse(); // Update the Marks by student screen updateMarksByStudent(); } else if (d == DialogResult.No) { lblMarksByStudentsMessage.Text = "Delete operation cancelled"; dgvMarksS.CurrentRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.White; return; } else { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } // This method fills in the Marks by Student screen data properties based on // the criteria set by the Student ID Combo box selection private void cmbStudentIDS_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateMarksByStudent(); } internal void updateMarksByStudent() { // Change the Tab header tabStudent.Text = "View Marks by Student";
  • 18. // Reset the data grid before running the query // because this method seems to append new columns // to the datagrid when it is run. dgvMarksS.DataSource = null; dgvMarksS.Columns.Clear(); dgvMarksS.Rows.Clear(); // Select the Courses Marks with the student ID // selected i n the Course ID Combo Box var marksByStudentList = (from s in DB.Student_Courses join c in DB.Courses on s.CID equals c.CID where s.SID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbStudentIDS.Text) select new { s.CID, c.CName, s.Mark } ).ToList(); dgvMarksS.DataSource = marksByStudentList; // Set up the by students Datagrid dgvMarksS.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ID"; dgvMarksS.Columns[0].Width = 60; dgvMarksS.Columns[0].ReadOnly = true; dgvMarksS.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Course Name"; dgvMarksS.Columns[1].Width = 120; dgvMarksS.Columns[1].ReadOnly = true; dgvMarksS.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Mark"; dgvMarksS.Columns[2].Width = 40; // Get the Student name for the selected Student ID // displayed in the Combo Box var studentName = (from n in DB.Persons where n.ID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbStudentIDS.Text) select new { n.FName, n.LName } ).First(); lblStudentNameS.Text = studentName.FName + " " + studentName.LName; } // This method presents the Add Student Course panel and fills // the required data ready for data entry. private void btnAddStudentS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string editing = "Add"; tabStudent.Text = "Add a Student Course / Mark"; //Change the Tab Header displayTheEditPanel(editing); } private void btnUpdateS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string editing = "Update"; tabStudent.Text = "Update a Student Mark"; displayTheEditPanel(editing); } internal void displayTheEditPanel(string edited) { pnlAddStudentS.Visible = true; pnlCourseIDOverlayS.Visible = false; pnlUpdateRecordBtnS.Visible = false; if (edited == "Add") {
  • 19. txtPanelMarkS.Text = "0"; // default value displayed // Update the Course ID Combo Box var courseList = (from c in DB.Courses select c.CID).ToList(); cmbPanelCourseIDS.DisplayMember = "CID"; cmbPanelCourseIDS.ValueMember = "CID"; cmbPanelCourseIDS.DataSource = courseList; } else if (edited == "Update") { // Cover up the Course ID Combo box with a Course ID label. // The combo box is not required in Update. pnlCourseIDOverlayS.Visible = true; pnlUpdateRecordBtnS.Visible = true; int rowSelected = dgvMarksS.CurrentCell.RowIndex; txtPanelOverlayCourseIDS.Text = dgvMarksS.Rows[rowSelected].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); txtPanelMarkS.Text = dgvMarksS.Rows[rowSelected].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); // Get the Course Name for the panel var courseName = (from n in DB.Courses where n.CID == int.Parse(txtPanelOverlayCourseIDS.Text) select n.CName).First(); lblPanelCourseNameS.Text = courseName; } txtPanelStudentIDS.Text = cmbStudentIDS.Text; lblPanelStudentNameS.Text = lblStudentNameS.Text; } // This method selects the course name in the Add Student Course panel // when the Course ID combo box value changes private void cmbPanelCourseIDS_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Get the Course Name var courseName = (from n in DB.Courses where n.CID == int.Parse(cmbPanelCourseIDS.SelectedItem.ToString()) select n.CName).First(); lblPanelCourseNameS.Text = courseName; } // This method updates the Student Course table with the data // that was entered on the add student course panel. It also // puts the Student ID that was selected for editing back into // the Student ID combo box. private void btnPanelAddStudentS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string editing = "Add"; addOrUpdateMark(editing); } private void btnPanelUpdateStudentS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string editing = "Update"; addOrUpdateMark(editing); } // This method is the guts of the Add / Update procedure called // by btnPanelAddStudentS_Click or btnPanelUpdateStudentS_Click // button event. internal void addOrUpdateMark(string edited)
  • 20. { try { // Test the Mark value to see if it is a numeric // and not a string or decimal if (!validMarkIsNumber(txtPanelMarkS.Text)) { return; } // Test the Mark value to see if it is between 0 and 99 if (!validMarkInRange(txtPanelMarkS.Text)) { return; } if (edited == "Add") { // Test that the course ID has not already been selected for this student if (!validUniqueCourseNumber(cmbPanelCourseIDS.SelectedItem.ToString())) { return; } // Write to the student courses table. var newStudentCourse = new Student_Course(); newStudentCourse.SID = int.Parse(txtPanelStudentIDS.Text); newStudentCourse.CID = int.Parse(cmbPanelCourseIDS.SelectedItem.ToString()); newStudentCourse.Mark = int.Parse(txtPanelMarkS.Text); // DB.Student_Courses.InsertOnSubmit(newStudentCourse); DB.SubmitChanges(); } else if (edited == "Update") { var updateStudentCourse = (from u in DB.Student_Courses where u.SID == int.Parse(txtPanelStudentIDS.Text) && u.CID == int.Parse(txtPanelOverlayCourseIDS.Text) select u).First(); updateStudentCourse.Mark = int.Parse(txtPanelMarkS.Text); // Save the changes that were made DB.SubmitChanges(); // Refresh the bound controls DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Student_Courses); } //Put the existing Student ID back in the Student Combo Box var studentListPanel = (from s in DB.Persons where s.Type == "Student" select s.ID).ToList(); cmbStudentIDS.DisplayMember = "ID"; cmbStudentIDS.ValueMember = "ID"; cmbStudentIDS.DataSource = studentListPanel; int codeCount = 0; int theCode = 0; foreach (int id in studentListPanel) { if (id == int.Parse(txtPanelStudentIDS.Text))
  • 21. { theCode = codeCount; } codeCount++; } cmbStudentIDS.SelectedIndex = theCode; // This method call makes sure that the course // tab details have been updated. selectTheCourse(); // Switch off the Add Student Course panel pnlAddStudentS.Visible = false; if (edited == "Add") { lblMarksByStudentsMessage.Text = "Student Course details added"; } else if (edited == "Update") { lblMarksByStudentsMessage.Text = "Student Course mark updated"; } tabStudent.Text = "View Marks by Student"; //Change the Tab Header } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } // This method checks to see if the mark is an actual integer private bool validMarkIsNumber(string markToCheck) { int number; bool result = Int32.TryParse(markToCheck, out number); if (result) { lblPanelMarkMessageS.Text = ""; return true; } else { lblPanelMarkMessageS.Text = "Enter a whole number between 0 and 100"; return false; } } // This method checks to see if the mark number is between 0 and 100 private bool validMarkInRange(string markToCheck) { if (int.Parse(markToCheck) >= 0 && int.Parse(markToCheck) <= 100) { lblPanelMarkMessageS.Text = ""; return true; } else { lblPanelMarkMessageS.Text = "Enter a whole number between 0 and 100"; return false; } }
  • 22. // This method checks to see if the course number hasn't already // been seleceted for the selected student. private bool validUniqueCourseNumber(string courseID) { // Get the list of courses for the student var coursenumbers = (from c in DB.Student_Courses where c.SID == Convert.ToInt32(txtPanelStudentIDS.Text) select c.CID).ToList(); // See if the selected course is on the list. foreach (int course in coursenumbers) { if (course == int.Parse(courseID)) { //lblPanelCourseNameS.ForeColor = 192, 0, 0; ?? lblPanelCourseNameS.Text = "This course number is already used by the student"; return false; } } return true; } private void btnPanelCancelS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { pnlAddStudentS.Visible = false; tabStudent.Text = "View Marks by Student"; //Change the Tab Header lblMarksByStudentsMessage.Text = "Add/Edit function cancelled"; } // This method exits the Marks by Student Screen private void btnExitS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } // This method exits the Marks by Course Screen private void btnExitC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } } }
  • 23. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Linq; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SchoolSystem { //Written by : Paul Smyth //Date of last issue : 9/9/2015 // // This form displays the required data entry mechanisms for the user // to add, edit and delete Qualification records. // It reads and writes to the following tables with SQL TO LINQ procedures // Qualification // Qualification_Courses // // There is an extra tab on this form which displays 2 datagrids. // This tab screen is used to add or delete courses to qualifications. // The user clicks the record to add or delete and then clicks the // Add or Delete button to perform that action. A panel with basic // instructions can be called up by clicking a Help button on that tab. public partial class QualificationsForm : Form { SchoolDataClassesDataContext DB = new SchoolDataClassesDataContext(); // This bool is used to switch off a section of code that updates the // qualification ID combo box in the updateData method. This item does not need // to be refreshed after an update procedure because no course record // has been added or deleted. The benefit of this is that the updated // record in the Update Tab can still be displayed after the update // process has been completed instead of the first record in the // courses table. bool updated = false; public QualificationsForm() { InitializeComponent(); } private void QualificationsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateData(updated); pnlHelpC.Visible = false; // Make sure the Help panel is closed. // Load Course data into the available courses dataset view // in the Add Delete Courses Tab var courseList = (from c in DB.Courses select new { c.CID, c.CName } ).ToList(); dgvAvailableCoursesC.DataSource = courseList; dgvAvailableCoursesC.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ID"; dgvAvailableCoursesC.Columns[0].Width = 40; dgvAvailableCoursesC.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Name"; dgvAvailableCoursesC.Columns[1].Width = 152;
  • 24. // Setup the ToolTips for this form toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnAddA, "Add the Qualification Record you have entered"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnAddC, "Add the Course you have selected in Available Courses Table"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnDeleteC, "Delete the Course you have selected in Courses Table"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnDeleteU, "Delete the selected record from Qualifications"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitA, "Return to Main Menu"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitC, "Return to Main Menu"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitU, "Return to Main Menu"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnUpdateU, "Write the updated record to Qualifications"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbDurationA, "Select the duration period for this qualification from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbQualificationIDC, "Select the Qualification you wish to inspect from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbQualificationIDU, "Select the Qualification you wish to update/delete from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtQualificationIDA, "Enter a unique Qualification ID"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtQualificationNameA, "Enter the Qualification Name"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtQualificationNameU, "Change the Qualification Name"); } //This method performs the required updates for all tables and combo //boxes used by this form. private void updateData(bool fromUpdate) { // Update the Qualification data var qualList = (from q in DB.Qualifications select q).ToList(); // Update the Qualification ID Combo Box // as long as this method wasn't called by the // update button event method. if (fromUpdate == false) { cmbQualificationIDU.DisplayMember = "QCode"; cmbQualificationIDU.ValueMember = "QCode"; cmbQualificationIDU.DataSource = qualList; } // Update the Qualification/Course data var qualCourseList = (from c in DB.Qualification_Courses select c).ToList(); //Update the Qualification/Course ID Combo Box cmbQualificationIDC.DisplayMember = "QCode"; cmbQualificationIDC.ValueMember = "QCode"; cmbQualificationIDC.DataSource = qualList; // Clear the Text fields on the Add Tab txtQualificationIDA.Clear(); txtQualificationNameA.Clear(); } // This method fills in the Update screen data properties based on // the criteria set by the Qualification ID Combo box selection by using // the selectTheRecord method. selectTheRecord method is also called by the // btnUpdateU_Click event private void cmbQualificationIDU_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectTheRecord();
  • 25. } // This method ensures that the correct data is displayed after an update // has been performed or the user has selected a different Qualification ID // in the update screen. It is called by the cmbQualificationIDU_SelectedIndexChanged // and btnUpdateU_Click event internal void selectTheRecord() { string selectedDuration; // Store for the selected Duration branch // Select the Qualification record with the Qualification ID // selected from the Qualification ID Combo Box var qualification = (from q in DB.Qualifications where q.QCode == cmbQualificationIDU.Text select q).First(); txtQualificationNameU.Text = qualification.QName; // Put the right duration in the Combo Box selectedDuration = qualification.Duration.ToString(); switch (selectedDuration) { case "1 month": cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "2 months": cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 1; break; case "3 months": cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 2; break; case "4 months": cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 3; break; case "5 months": cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 4; break; case "6 months": cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 5; break; case "7 months": cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 6; break; case "8 months": cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 7; break; case "9 months": cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 8; break; case "10 months": cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 9; break; case "11 months": cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 10; break; case "12 months": cmbDurationU.SelectedIndex = 11; break; } }
  • 26. // This section contains a series of methods that tests the data entry // fields for both the Add and Update Tabs. Each method tests what is the // current screen is and creates an error message if required. They are // activated by the Add and Update Button events. // This method tests the qualification ID // to make sure that it is not blank. // Only required for ADD private bool ValidQualificationID(string qualificationID) { if (qualificationID != "") { lblQualificationIDMessageA.Text = ""; return true; } else { lblQualificationIDMessageA.Text = "Please enter a valid qualification ID"; return false; } } // This method tests the qualification name to make sure that it is not blank private bool ValidQualificationName(string qualificationname, string tab) { if (qualificationname != "") { if (tab == "Add") { lblQualificationNameMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblQualificationNameMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblQualificationNameMessageA.Text = "Please enter a qualification name"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblQualificationNameMessageU.Text = "Please enter a qualification name"; } return false; } } // This method tests the duration entry // to make sure that it is not blank. // Only required for ADD private bool ValidDuration(string duration) { if (duration != "") { lblDurationMessageA.Text = ""; return true; } else { lblDurationMessageA.Text = "Please enter a valid duration ID";
  • 27. return false; } } // This method updates the Qualification table private void btnUpdateU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Indicate that this is the Update Tab for Error Message control string theTab = "Update"; // Test that the qualification name has been entered if (!ValidQualificationName(txtQualificationNameU.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Update the selected record in the Qualifications table var qualification = (from q in DB.Qualifications where q.QCode == cmbQualificationIDU.Text select q).First(); qualification.QName = txtQualificationNameU.Text; qualification.Duration = cmbDurationU.SelectedItem.ToString(); // Save the changes that were made DB.SubmitChanges(); // Refresh the Bound Controls DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Qualifications); MessageBox.Show("Qualification Code " + qualification.QCode + " updated"); updated = true; updateData(updated); selectTheRecord(); updated = false; } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } // This method verifies the data added in the Add screen // and then writes the data to the Qualifications table. private void btnAddA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Indicate that this is the Add Tab for Error Message control string theTab = "Add"; // Test that the qualification ID has been entered if (!ValidQualificationID(txtQualificationIDA.Text)) { return; } // Test that the qualification name has been entered if (!ValidQualificationName(txtQualificationNameA.Text, theTab)) {
  • 28. return; } // Test that the duration has been selected if (!ValidDuration(cmbDurationA.Text)) { return; } // Create a new Qualifications object and add its properties var newQualification = new Qualification(); newQualification.QCode = txtQualificationIDA.Text.Trim(); newQualification.QName = txtQualificationNameA.Text.Trim(); newQualification.Duration = cmbDurationA.SelectedItem.ToString(); // Add the new Qualification to the database DB.Qualifications.InsertOnSubmit(newQualification); DB.SubmitChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Qualification " + newQualification.QCode + " added"); updateData(updated); } catch(Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } // This method deletes the selected Qualification listed in // the Combo box from the Qualification Table. It also // deletes the associated Qualification_Course table records too. private void btnDeleteU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var deletedQualification = (from q in DB.Qualifications where q.QCode == cmbQualificationIDU.Text select q).First(); var deletedQualificationCourse = (from c in DB.Qualification_Courses where c.QCode == cmbQualificationIDU.Text select c).ToList(); DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this Qualification?", "Confirm Deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (d == DialogResult.Yes) { DB.Qualifications.DeleteOnSubmit(deletedQualification); DB.Qualification_Courses.DeleteAllOnSubmit(deletedQualificationCourse); DB.SubmitChanges(); updateData(updated); MessageBox.Show("Qualification deleted"); } else if (d == DialogResult.No) { MessageBox.Show("Delete operation cancelled"); } }
  • 29. catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } // This method selects The Qualification/Course data to display based // on what is selected in the Qualification ID Combo Box. It also // Looks up the Qualification name for the selected qualification. // The Available Courses datagrid is updated by the UpdateData method private void cmbQualificationIDC_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var qualCourseList = (from q in DB.Qualification_Courses join c in DB.Courses on q.CID equals c.CID where q.QCode == cmbQualificationIDC.Text select new { q.CID, c.CName } ).ToList(); dgvCoursesC.DataSource = qualCourseList; dgvCoursesC.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ID"; dgvCoursesC.Columns[0].Width =40; dgvCoursesC.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Name"; dgvCoursesC.Columns[1].Width = 152; var qualName = (from n in DB.Qualifications where n.QCode == cmbQualificationIDC.Text select n.QName).First(); lblQualificationNameC.Text = qualName; } // This method copies the selected record from the available courses datagrid // and copies it to the qualification courses table. Then it updates the // qualification courses datagrid. private void btnAddC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Store the current selected Combo value so that it // can be selected after the process is finished. var theQualificationID = cmbQualificationIDC.SelectedIndex; //Select the selected Course ID from the Course datagrid int rowSelected = dgvAvailableCoursesC.CurrentCell.RowIndex; var selectedCourseIDNumber = dgvAvailableCoursesC.Rows[rowSelected].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); // Check that it is not already been added to the // selected Qualification var cidList = (from q in DB.Qualification_Courses where q.QCode == cmbQualificationIDC.Text select q.CID).ToList(); foreach (int c in cidList) { if (c == int.Parse(selectedCourseIDNumber)) { MessageBox.Show("The selected course has already been added"); return; } }
  • 30. // Use the selected Qualification Code and Course ID to // create a new Qualification_Course record var newQualificationCourse = new Qualification_Course(); newQualificationCourse.QCode = cmbQualificationIDC.SelectedValue.ToString(); newQualificationCourse.CID = int.Parse(selectedCourseIDNumber); DB.Qualification_Courses.InsertOnSubmit(newQualificationCourse); DB.SubmitChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Course added to Qualification"); updateData(updated); // Recall the selected combo value cmbQualificationIDC.SelectedIndex = theQualificationID; } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } // This method will delete the selected record in the // Qualification_Course datagrid private void btnDeleteC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Store the current selected Combo value so that it // can be selected after the process is finished. var theQualificationID = cmbQualificationIDC.SelectedIndex; // Identify the Qualification_Course record to delete // from the datagrid. int rowSelected = dgvCoursesC.CurrentCell.RowIndex; var selectedCID = dgvCoursesC.Rows[rowSelected].Cells[0].Value; var deletedQualificationCourse = (from c in DB.Qualification_Courses where c.QCode == cmbQualificationIDU.Text && c.CID == (int) selectedCID select c).First(); DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this Qualification?", "Confirm Deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (d == DialogResult.Yes) { DB.Qualification_Courses.DeleteOnSubmit(deletedQualificationCourse); DB.SubmitChanges(); updateData(updated); // Recall the selected combo value cmbQualificationIDC.SelectedIndex = theQualificationID; MessageBox.Show("Qualification Course deleted"); } else if (d == DialogResult.No) { MessageBox.Show("Delete operation cancelled"); }
  • 31. } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } // This method exits from the Add screen private void btnExitA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } // This method exits from the Update screen private void btnExitU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } // This method exits from the Change Courses screen private void btnExitC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } // Close the Help Panel private void btnCloseHelpC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { pnlHelpC.Visible = false; } // Open the Help Panel private void btnHelpC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { pnlHelpC.Visible = true; } } }
  • 32. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Linq; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SchoolSystem { //Written by : Paul Smyth //Date of last issue : 9/9/2015 // // This form displays the required data entry mechanisms for the user // to add, edit and delete student, teacher and administrator records. // It reads and writes to the following tables with SQL TO LINQ procedures // Person // Teacher // Student // Administration // // NOTE //Even though this form is called StudentsForm, it also includes //code to operate the requirements for the Teacher and //Administrator forms too. This version was neccessary to //reduce the code duplication that resulted from running //three very similar forms. public partial class StudentsForm : Form { SchoolDataClassesDataContext DB = new SchoolDataClassesDataContext(); // This bool is used to switch off a section of code that updates the // Person ID combo box in the updateData method. This item does not need // to be refreshed after an update procedure because no course record // has been added or deleted. The benefit of this is that the updated // record in the Update Tab can still be displayed after the update // process has been completed instead of the first record in the // courses table. bool updated = false; public StudentsForm() { InitializeComponent(); } private void StudentsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Update the form header this.Text = MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + " Form"; // Set up the initial help messages lblAddMessage.Text = "Enter the new " + MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + " details and press the Add Button"; lblUpdateMessage.Text = "Select a " + MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + " ID to edit from the Course ID drop down box"; UpdateData(updated); // resets the fields and combo boxes
  • 33. // Setup the form according to what menu option was selected. // The fields relating to person will stay the same on the form // and extra fields will be added for the required student, // teacher or administrator option. if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Student") { lblQNameA.Enabled = true; lblQNameU.Enabled = true; lblQualificationCodeA.Enabled = true; lblQualificationCodeU.Enabled = true; cmbQualificationCodeA.Enabled = true; cmbQualificationCodeU.Enabled = true; lblStartDateA.Enabled = true; lblStartDateU.Enabled = true; dtpStartDateA.Enabled = true; dtpStartDateU.Enabled = true; lblTeacherRegA.Enabled = false; lblTeacherRegU.Enabled = false; lblTeacherRegMessageA.Enabled = false; lblTeacherRegMessageU.Enabled = false; txtTeacherRegA.Enabled = false; txtTeacherRegU.Enabled = false; lblAdminRoleA.Enabled = false; lblAdminRoleU.Enabled = false; lblAdminRoleMessageA.Enabled = false; lblAdminRoleMessageU.Enabled = false; txtAdminRoleA.Enabled = false; txtAdminRoleU.Enabled = false; } else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher") { lblQNameA.Enabled = false; lblQNameU.Enabled = false; lblQualificationCodeA.Enabled = false; lblQualificationCodeU.Enabled = false; cmbQualificationCodeA.Enabled = false; cmbQualificationCodeU.Enabled = false; lblStartDateA.Enabled = false; lblStartDateU.Enabled = false; dtpStartDateA.Enabled = false; dtpStartDateU.Enabled = false; lblTeacherRegA.Enabled = true; lblTeacherRegU.Enabled = true; lblTeacherRegMessageA.Enabled = true; lblTeacherRegMessageU.Enabled = true; txtTeacherRegA.Enabled = true; txtTeacherRegU.Enabled = true; lblAdminRoleA.Enabled = false; lblAdminRoleU.Enabled = false; lblAdminRoleMessageA.Enabled = false; lblAdminRoleMessageU.Enabled = false; txtAdminRoleA.Enabled = false; txtAdminRoleU.Enabled = false; } else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator") { lblQNameA.Enabled = false; lblQNameU.Enabled = false; lblQualificationCodeA.Enabled = false; lblQualificationCodeU.Enabled = false; cmbQualificationCodeA.Enabled = false; cmbQualificationCodeU.Enabled = false;
  • 34. lblStartDateA.Enabled = false; lblStartDateU.Enabled = false; dtpStartDateA.Enabled = false; dtpStartDateU.Enabled = false; lblTeacherRegA.Enabled = false; lblTeacherRegU.Enabled = false; lblTeacherRegMessageA.Enabled = false; lblTeacherRegMessageU.Enabled = false; txtTeacherRegA.Enabled = false; txtTeacherRegU.Enabled = false; lblAdminRoleA.Enabled = true; lblAdminRoleU.Enabled = true; lblAdminRoleMessageA.Enabled = true; lblAdminRoleMessageU.Enabled = true; txtAdminRoleA.Enabled = true; txtAdminRoleU.Enabled = true; } else { throw new NotSupportedException(); } // Setup thetooltips for ths form toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnAddA, "Add the " + MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + " Record you have entered"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnDeleteU, "Delete the selected record from " + MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + "s"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitA, "Return to Main Menu"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExitU, "Return to Main Menu"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnUpdateU, "Update the " + MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + " Record you have entered"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbPersonIDU, "Select the "+ MainMenuForm.MenuChoice + " ID to edit/delete from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbQualificationCodeA, "Select a Qualification Code from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbQualificationCodeU, "Select a Qualification Code from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbStateA, "Select a State from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(cmbStateU, "Select a State from the drop down list"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtAddress1A, "Input the first line of the Address. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtAddress1U, "Input the first line of the Address. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtAddress2A, "Input the second line of the Address. This is optional"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtAddress2U, "Input the second line of the Address. This is optional"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPhoneA, "Input a phone number. Either a mobile number or a land line number with the correct area code for the state. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPhoneU, "Input a phone number. Either a mobile number or a land line number with the correct area code for the state. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPostcodeA, "Input the Postcode. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPostcodeU, "Input the Postcode. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtSuburbA, "Input the Suburb. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtSuburbU, "Input the Suburb. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtTeacherRegA, "Input the Teacher Registration. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtTeacherRegU, "Input the Teacher Registration. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtFirstNameA, "Input the First Name. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtFirstNameU, "Input the First Name. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtLastNameA, "Input the Last Name. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtLastNameU, "Input the Last Name. This is required"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(dtpDateOfBirthA, "Select the Date of Birth"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(dtpDateOfBirthU, "Select the Date of Birth"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(dtpStartDateA, "Select the Student's Start Date"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(dtpStartDateU, "Select the Student's Start Date"); }
  • 35. // This method performs the required screen updates for all text and combo // boxes used by this form. It is called by the btnAddA_Click // and btnUpdateU_Click event private void UpdateData(bool fromUpdate) { if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Student") { // Select the Student record from the Person & Student database var personList = (from p in DB.Persons join s in DB.Students on p.ID equals s.SID select new { p.ID, p.FName, p.LName, p.DOB, p.Phone, p.Add1, p.Add2, p.Suburb, p.State, p.Postcode, s.Sdate, s.QCode } ).ToList(); // Update the Person ID combo box data // as long as this method wasn't called by the // update button event method. if (fromUpdate == false) { cmbPersonIDU.DisplayMember = "ID"; cmbPersonIDU.ValueMember = "ID"; cmbPersonIDU.DataSource = personList; } // Update the Qualification Code Combo Box display var qualcodes = (from q in DB.Qualifications select q.QCode).ToList(); cmbQualificationCodeA.DisplayMember = "QCode"; cmbQualificationCodeA.ValueMember = "QCode"; cmbQualificationCodeA.DataSource = qualcodes; // Reset the Student start date to todays date // on the Add Tab dtpStartDateA.Value = DateTime.Today; } else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher") { // Select the teacher record from the Person & Teacher database var teacherList = (from p in DB.Persons join t in DB.Teachers on p.ID equals t.TID select new { p.ID, p.FName, p.LName, p.DOB,
  • 36. p.Phone, p.Add1, p.Add2, p.Suburb, p.State, p.Postcode, t.RegNo } ).ToList(); // Update the Student ID combo box data // as long as this method wasn't called by the // update button event method. if (fromUpdate == false) { cmbPersonIDU.DisplayMember = "ID"; cmbPersonIDU.ValueMember = "ID"; cmbPersonIDU.DataSource = teacherList; } txtTeacherRegA.Clear(); // reset the teacher registration text field on the Add Tab } else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator") { // Select the Administrator record from the Person & Administrator database var adminList = (from p in DB.Persons join a in DB.Administrations on p.ID equals a.AID select new { p.ID, p.FName, p.LName, p.DOB, p.Phone, p.Add1, p.Add2, p.Suburb, p.State, p.Postcode, a.Role } ).ToList(); // Update the Student ID combo box data // as long as this method wasn't called by the // update button event method. if (fromUpdate == false) { cmbPersonIDU.DisplayMember = "ID"; cmbPersonIDU.ValueMember = "ID"; cmbPersonIDU.DataSource = adminList; } txtAdminRoleA.Clear(); // reset the Administrator registration text field on the Add Tab } else { throw new NotSupportedException(); } // Reset all the Person Fields on the Add Tab txtFirstNameA.Clear(); txtLastNameA.Clear();
  • 37. dtpDateOfBirthA.Value = DateTime.Today; // Reset the birthday to todays date txtPhoneA.Clear(); txtAddress1A.Clear(); txtAddress2A.Clear(); txtSuburbA.Clear(); txtPostcodeA.Clear(); } // This method ensures that the correct data is displayed for the student, teacher // and administrator when either the update screen is updated or the // value in the student id combo box has changed. // It is called by the cmbStudentIDU_SelectedIndexChanged // and btnUpdateU_Click events internal void selectTheRecord() { string selectedState; // store for the selected state branch statement // Select the Student record from the Person & Student database var person = (from p in DB.Persons where p.ID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text) select p).First(); txtFirstNameU.Text = person.FName; txtLastNameU.Text = person.LName; dtpDateOfBirthU.Value = person.DOB; txtPhoneU.Text = person.Phone; txtAddress1U.Text = person.Add1; txtAddress2U.Text = person.Add2; txtSuburbU.Text = person.Suburb; // Put the right State in the State Combo Box selectedState = person.State; switch (selectedState) { case "NSW": cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case "VIC": cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 1; break; case "QLD": cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 2; break; case "SA": cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 3; break; case "WA": cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 4; break; case "ACT": cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 5; break; case "NT": cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 6; break; case "TAS": cmbStateU.SelectedIndex = 7; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); }
  • 38. txtPostcodeU.Text = person.Postcode; if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Student") { // Select the required data var student = (from s in DB.Students where s.SID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text) select s).First(); dtpStartDateU.Value = student.Sdate; // Update the Qualification Code Combo Box display var qualcodes = (from q in DB.Qualifications select q.QCode).ToList(); cmbQualificationCodeU.DisplayMember = "QCode"; cmbQualificationCodeU.ValueMember = "QCode"; cmbQualificationCodeU.DataSource = qualcodes; //Put the correct Qualification Code in the Combo Box int codeCount = 0; int theCode = 0; foreach (string code in qualcodes) { if (code == student.QCode) { theCode = codeCount; } codeCount++; } cmbQualificationCodeU.SelectedIndex = theCode; // Lookup the selected courses name and put it in the adjacent label // on the form var qualname = (from n in DB.Qualifications where n.QCode == cmbQualificationCodeU.SelectedItem.ToString() select n.QName).First(); lblQNameU.Text = qualname; } else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher") { // Select the required data var teacher = (from t in DB.Teachers where t.TID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text) select t.RegNo).First(); txtTeacherRegU.Text = teacher; } else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator") { // Select the required data var admin = (from a in DB.Administrations where a.AID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text) select a.Role).First(); txtAdminRoleU.Text = admin; } else { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } // This method fills in the Update screen data properties based on // the criteria set by the Student ID Combo box selection. The script that
  • 39. // performs this has been moved to the selectTheRecord method. private void cmbStudentIDU_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectTheRecord(); } // This section contains a series of methods that tests the data entry // fields for both the Add and Update Tabs. Each method tests what is the // current screen is and creates an error message if required. They are // activated by the Add and Update Button events. // This method tests the First Name to make sure that it is not blank private bool ValidFirstName (string firstName, string tab) { if(firstName != "") { if (tab == "Add") { lblFirstNameMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblFirstNameMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblFirstNameMessageA.Text = "Please enter a first name"; } else if(tab == "Update") { lblFirstNameMessageU.Text = "Please enter a first name"; } return false; } } // This method tests the Last Name to make sure that it is not blank private bool ValidLastName(string lastName, string tab) { if (lastName != "") { if (tab == "Add") { lblLastNameMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblLastNameMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblLastNameMessageA.Text = "Please enter a last name"; } else if (tab == "Update") {
  • 40. lblLastNameMessageU.Text = "Please enter a last name"; } return false; } } // This method tests the birth date to make sure it is not the current // date - ie, it hasn't been overlooked private bool BirthNotToday(DateTime dob, string tab) { if (dob != DateTime.Today) { if (tab == "Add") { lblDOBMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblDOBMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblDOBMessageA.Text = "Please enter the correct birth date"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblDOBMessageU.Text = "Please enter the correct birth date"; } return false; } } // This method tests the Phone to make sure that it is not blank private bool ValidPhone(string phone, string tab) { if (phone != "") { if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please enter a phone number"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please enter a phone number"; } return false; } }
  • 41. // This method tests the phone number to make sure that it is a numeric private bool ValidPhoneNumber(string phoneNumber, string tab) { if (tab == "Add") { int n1; bool isNumber = int.TryParse(txtPhoneA.Text, out n1); if (isNumber == true) { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = ""; return true; } else { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please enter just numbers for phone number"; return false; } } else //if (tab == "Update") { int n1; bool isNumber = int.TryParse(txtPhoneU.Text, out n1); if (isNumber == true) { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = ""; return true; } else { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please enter just numbers for phone number"; return false; } } } // This method tests the phone number entry to check that it is only 10 characters long private bool ValidPhoneNumberLength(string phone, string tab) { if (phone.Length == 10) { if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please enter just 10 digits for phone number"; } else if (tab == "Update") {
  • 42. lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please enter just 10 digits phone number"; } return false; } } // Check that the right telephone area code is selected for the right state. private bool ValidPhoneForState(string state, string phone, string tab) { if ((state == "NSW" | state == "ACT") & int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 02) { if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else if (state == "VIC" & int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 03) { if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else if (state == "QLD" & int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 07) { if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else if (state == "SA" & int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 08) { if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else if (state == "WA" & int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 08) { if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update")
  • 43. { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else if (state == "NT" & int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 08) { if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else if (int.Parse(phone.Substring(0, 2)) == 04) // Mobile Phone { if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { switch (state) { case "NSW": case "ACT": if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 02"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 02"; } break; case "VIC": case "TAS": if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 03"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 03"; }; break; case "QLD": if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 07"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 07";
  • 44. } break; case "NT": case "SA": case "WA": if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 08"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please change the Area Code to 08"; }; break; case "": if (tab == "Add") { lblPhoneMessageA.Text = "Please select a State to verify the area code"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPhoneMessageU.Text = "Please select a State to verify the area code"; } break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } return false; } } // This method tests the address1 to make sure that it is not blank private bool ValidAddress1(string address1, string tab) { if (address1 != "") { if (tab == "Add") { lblAddress1MessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblAddress1MessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblAddress1MessageA.Text = "Please enter an address"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblAddress1MessageU.Text = "Please enter an address"; } return false; } } // This method tests the suburb to make sure that it is not blank private bool ValidSuburb(string suburb, string tab) {
  • 45. if (suburb != "") { if (tab == "Add") { lblSuburbMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblSuburbMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblSuburbMessageA.Text = "Please enter an suburb"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblSuburbMessageU.Text = "Please enter an suburb"; } return false; } } // This method tests the state to make sure that it is not blank private bool ValidState(string state, string tab) { if (state != "") { if (tab == "Add") { lblStateMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblStateMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblStateMessageA.Text = "Please select a state"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblStateMessageU.Text = "Please select a state"; } return false; } } // This method tests the postcode to make sure that it is not blank private bool ValidPostcode(string postcode, string tab) { if (postcode != "") { if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = ""; }
  • 46. else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Please enter a postcode"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Please enter a postcode"; } return false; } } // This method tests the postcode to make sure that it is a numeric private bool ValidPostcodeNumber(string postcode, string tab) { if (tab == "Add") { int n1; bool isNumber = int.TryParse(txtPostcodeA.Text, out n1); if (isNumber == true) { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = ""; return true; } else { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Please enter a numeric value for postcode"; return false; } } else // tab = Update { int n1; bool isNumber = int.TryParse(txtPostcodeU.Text, out n1); if (isNumber == true) { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = ""; return true; } else { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Please enter a numeric value for postcode"; return false; } } } // Check that the right postcode is selected for the right state. private bool ValidPostcodeForState(string state, string postcode, string tab) { if (state == "NT" & int.Parse(postcode) >= 800 & int.Parse(postcode) <= 899) { if (tab == "Add")
  • 47. { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else if ((state == "NSW" | state == "ACT") & int.Parse(postcode) >= 2000 & int.Parse(postcode) <= 2999) { if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else if (state == "VIC" & int.Parse(postcode) >= 3000 & int.Parse(postcode) <= 3999) { if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else if (state == "QLD" & int.Parse(postcode) >= 4000 & int.Parse(postcode) <= 4999) { if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else if (state == "SA" & int.Parse(postcode) >= 5000 & int.Parse(postcode) <= 5999) { if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else if (state == "WA" & int.Parse(postcode) >= 6000 & int.Parse(postcode) <= 6999) { if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = ""; }
  • 48. else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { switch (state) { case "NT": if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 0800 and 0899"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 0800 and 0899"; } break; case "NSW": case "ACT": if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 2000 and 2999"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 2000 and 2999"; } break; case "VIC": if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 3000 and 3999"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 3000 and 3999"; } break; case "QLD": if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 4000 and 4999"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 4000 and 4999"; } break; case "SA": if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 5000 and 5999"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 5000 and 5999"; } break; case "WA": if (tab == "Add")
  • 49. { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 6000 and 6999"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 6000 and 6999"; } break; case "TAS": if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Postcode must be between 7000 and 7999"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Postcode must be between 7000 and 7999"; } break; case "": // make sure that there is something entered for state if (tab == "Add") { lblPostcodeMessageA.Text = "Please select a State to verify the postcode"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblPostcodeMessageU.Text = "Please select a State to verify the postcode"; } break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } return false; } } // Check that data has been entered for the teachers registration private bool validateRegistration(string registrationNo, string tab) { if (registrationNo != "") { if (tab == "Add") { lblTeacherRegMessageA.Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblTeacherRegMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblTeacherRegMessageA.Text = "Please enter a registration number"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblTeacherRegMessageU.Text = "Please enter a registration number"; } return false; } } // Check that data has been entered for the administrator role
  • 50. private bool validateRole(string roleName, string tab) { if (roleName != "") { if (tab == "Add") { lblAdminRoleMessageA .Text = ""; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblAdminRoleMessageU.Text = ""; } return true; } else { if (tab == "Add") { lblAdminRoleMessageA.Text = "Please enter an admin role"; } else if (tab == "Update") { lblAdminRoleMessageU.Text = "Please enter an admin role"; } return false; } } // This method adds a Person to the Person and // Student/Teacher/Administrator tables // once the data on the form has been validated. private void btnAddA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Indicate that this is the Add Tab for Error Message control string theTab = "Add"; // This section of code applies to the data entry fields // for the Person table // Test that a first name has been entered if(!ValidFirstName(txtFirstNameA.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a last name has been entered if (!ValidLastName(txtLastNameA.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a proper birth date has been entered if (!BirthNotToday(dtpDateOfBirthA.Value, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a phone number has been entered if (!ValidPhone(txtPhoneA.Text, theTab)) { return; }
  • 51. // Test that the phone number is numeric if (!ValidPhoneNumber(txtPhoneA.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that the phone number has only 10 digits if (!ValidPhoneNumberLength(txtPhoneA.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that the correct area code for phone number has been entered if (!ValidPhoneForState(cmbStateA.Text, txtPhoneA.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that address1 has been entered if (!ValidAddress1(txtAddress1A.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a suburb has been entered if (!ValidSuburb(txtSuburbA.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a state has been entered if (!ValidState(cmbStateA.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a postcode has been entered if (!ValidPostcode(txtPostcodeA.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that the postcode is a numeric if (!ValidPostcodeNumber(txtPostcodeA.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a correct postcode has been entered if (!ValidPostcodeForState(cmbStateA.Text, txtPostcodeA.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a Teacher Registration has been entered if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher") { if (!validateRegistration(txtTeacherRegA.Text, theTab)) { return; } }
  • 52. // Test that an admin role has been entered if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator") { if (!validateRole(txtAdminRoleA.Text, theTab)) { return; } } // Create a new person object for the student and add its properties var newPerson = new Person(); newPerson.FName = txtFirstNameA.Text.Trim(); newPerson.LName = txtLastNameA.Text.Trim(); newPerson.DOB = dtpDateOfBirthA.Value; newPerson.Phone = txtPhoneA.Text; newPerson.Add1 = txtAddress1A.Text.Trim(); newPerson.Add2 = txtAddress2A.Text.Trim(); newPerson.Suburb = txtSuburbA.Text.Trim(); newPerson.State = cmbStateA.SelectedItem.ToString(); newPerson.Postcode = txtPostcodeA.Text.Trim(); newPerson.Type = MainMenuForm.MenuChoice; // either Student, Teacher or Administrator // Add the new person to the database DB.Persons.InsertOnSubmit(newPerson); DB.SubmitChanges(); // Get the newly created person ID number var newPersonID = newPerson.ID; if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Student") { // Create new student object and add its properties var newStudent = new Student(); newStudent.SID = newPersonID; newStudent.Sdate = dtpStartDateA.Value; newStudent.QCode = cmbQualificationCodeA.SelectedItem.ToString(); // Add the new student specific data to the database DB.Students.InsertOnSubmit(newStudent); DB.SubmitChanges(); // Setup the required courses for the Student_Course Table try { var courseNumbers = (from c in DB.Qualification_Courses where c.QCode == cmbQualificationCodeA.SelectedItem.ToString() select c.CID).ToList(); int index = 0; foreach (int c in courseNumbers) { var newStudentCourse = new Student_Course(); newStudentCourse.CID = courseNumbers[index]; newStudentCourse.SID = newPersonID; newStudentCourse.Mark = 0; DB.Student_Courses.InsertOnSubmit(newStudentCourse); DB.SubmitChanges(); index++; } } catch (Exception Ex)
  • 53. { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher") { // Create new teacher object and add its properties var newTeacher = new Teacher(); newTeacher.TID = newPersonID; newTeacher.RegNo = txtTeacherRegA.Text.Trim(); newTeacher.Password = "teacher"; // A new Default password // Add the new teacher specific data to the database DB.Teachers.InsertOnSubmit(newTeacher); DB.SubmitChanges(); lblAddMessage.Text = "Teacher ID " + newPersonID + " was added with a temporary password 'teacher'. rnPlease get " + txtFirstNameA.Text + " to change this password as soon as possible"; } else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator") { // Create new administrator object and add its properties var newAdministration = new Administration(); newAdministration.AID = newPersonID; newAdministration.Role = txtAdminRoleA.Text.Trim(); newAdministration.Password = "adminis"; // A new default password // Add the new student specific data to the database DB.Administrations.InsertOnSubmit(newAdministration); DB.SubmitChanges(); lblUpdateMessage.Text = "Administrator ID " + newPersonID + " was added with a temporary password 'adminis'. rnPlease get " + txtFirstNameA.Text + " to change this password as soon as possible"; } else { throw new NotSupportedException(); } lblUpdateMessage.Text = "ID " + newPersonID + " was added"; UpdateData(updated); } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } // This method updates the Person and Student/Teacher/Administration // table once the data has been validated. private void btnUpdateU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Indicate that this is the Update Tab for Error Message control string theTab = "Update"; try { // Test that a first name has been entered if (!ValidFirstName(txtFirstNameU.Text, theTab)) { return;
  • 54. } // Test that a last name has been entered if (!ValidLastName(txtLastNameU.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a proper birth date has been entered if (!BirthNotToday(dtpDateOfBirthU.Value, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a phone number has been entered if (!ValidPhone(txtPhoneU.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that the phone number is numeric if (!ValidPhoneNumber(txtPhoneU.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that the phone number has only 10 digits if (!ValidPhoneNumberLength(txtPhoneU.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that the correct area code for phone number has been entered if (!ValidPhoneForState(cmbStateU.Text, txtPhoneU.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that address1 has been entered if (!ValidAddress1(txtAddress1U.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a suburb has been entered if (!ValidSuburb(txtSuburbU.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a state has been entered if (!ValidState(cmbStateU.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a postcode has been entered if (!ValidPostcode(txtPostcodeU.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that the postcode is a numeric if (!ValidPostcodeNumber(txtPostcodeU.Text, theTab))
  • 55. { return; } // Test that a correct postcode has been entered if (!ValidPostcodeForState(cmbStateU.Text, txtPostcodeU.Text, theTab)) { return; } // Test that a Teacher Registration has been entered if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher") { if (!validateRegistration(txtTeacherRegU.Text, theTab)) { return; } } // Test that an admin role has been entered if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator") { if (!validateRole(txtAdminRoleU.Text, theTab)) { return; } } // Update the student record in the person database var personList = (from p in DB.Persons where p.ID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text) select p).First(); personList.FName = txtFirstNameU.Text.Trim(); personList.LName = txtLastNameU.Text.Trim(); personList.DOB = dtpDateOfBirthU.Value; personList.Phone = txtPhoneU.Text.Trim(); personList.Add1 = txtAddress1U.Text.Trim(); personList.Add2 = txtAddress2U.Text.Trim(); personList.Suburb = txtSuburbU.Text.Trim(); personList.State = cmbStateU.SelectedItem.ToString(); personList.Postcode = txtPostcodeU.Text.Trim(); // Save the changes that were made DB.SubmitChanges(); // Refresh the bound controls DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Persons); if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Student") { // Update the student record in the Student database var studentList = (from s in DB.Students where s.SID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text) select s).First(); studentList.Sdate = dtpStartDateU.Value; studentList.QCode = cmbQualificationCodeU.SelectedItem.ToString(); // Save the changes that were made DB.SubmitChanges(); // Refresh the bound controls DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Students);
  • 56. } else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher") { // Update the teacher object and add its properties var teacherList = (from t in DB.Teachers where t.TID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text) select t).First(); teacherList.RegNo = txtTeacherRegU.Text.Trim(); // Save the changes that were made DB.SubmitChanges(); // Refresh the bound controls DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Teachers); } else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator") { // Update the administrator object and add its properties var adminList = (from a in DB.Administrations where a.AID == Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonIDU.Text) select a).First(); adminList.Role = txtAdminRoleU.Text.Trim(); // Save the changes that were made DB.SubmitChanges(); // Refresh the bound controls DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Administrations); } else { throw new NotSupportedException(); } lblUpdateMessage.Text = "ID " + cmbPersonIDU.Text + " was updated"; updated = true; // Do not reset the Person ID combo box UpdateData(updated); selectTheRecord(); updated = false; } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } // This method deletes the selected Person id in the update table's // id combo box. private void btnDeleteU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", "Confirm Deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (d == DialogResult.Yes) { int idToDelete = (int)cmbPersonIDU.SelectedValue;
  • 57. // Get the record that matches the criteria in the ID // combo box var deletedPerson = (from p in DB.Persons where p.ID == idToDelete select p).First(); DB.Persons.DeleteOnSubmit(deletedPerson); if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Student") { var deletedStudent = (from s in DB.Students where s.SID == idToDelete select s).First(); DB.Students.DeleteOnSubmit(deletedStudent); MessageBox.Show("Student deleted"); } else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Teacher") { var deletedTeacher = (from t in DB.Teachers where t.TID == idToDelete select t).First(); DB.Teachers.DeleteOnSubmit(deletedTeacher); MessageBox.Show("Teacher deleted"); } else if (MainMenuForm.MenuChoice == "Administrator") { // Delete the administrator record var deletedAdministration = (from t in DB.Administrations where t.AID == idToDelete select t).First(); DB.Administrations.DeleteOnSubmit(deletedAdministration); } else { throw new NotSupportedException(); } DB.SubmitChanges(); UpdateData(updated); } else if (d == DialogResult.No) { MessageBox.Show("Delete operation cancelled"); } } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } } // Update the Qualification Name label every time the Combo Box value changes private void cmbQualificationCodeA_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Lookup the selected Qualification name and put it in the adjacent label
  • 58. // on the form var qualname = (from n in DB.Qualifications where n.QCode == cmbQualificationCodeA.SelectedItem.ToString() select n.QName).First(); lblQNameA.Text = qualname; } // Update the Qualification Name label every time the Combo Box value changes private void cmbQualificationCodeU_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var qualname = (from n in DB.Qualifications where n.QCode == cmbQualificationCodeU.SelectedItem.ToString() select n.QName).First(); lblQNameU.Text = qualname; } // This method exits from the Add screen private void btnExitA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } // This method exits from the Update screen private void btnExitU_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } } }
  • 59. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Linq; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SchoolSystem { // Written by : Paul Smyth // Date of last issue : 9/9/2015 // // This form allows the user to update his/her password. // It prompts the user to input a new password twice, the // second time is to verify that the first password was typed as // intended. Once the new password has been validated, the // Teacher/Administration table is updated. // // It takes the static variable personID from the logonForm // to indicate theID of the user that has logged on to the system. // This information is used to select the correct record from // the teacher / Administration table to receive the password // update. public partial class ChangePasswordForm : Form { SchoolDataClassesDataContext DB = new SchoolDataClassesDataContext(); public ChangePasswordForm() { InitializeComponent(); } private void ChangePasswordForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { clearPasswords(); // clear the text fields lblPasswordMessage.Text = "Enter a new 7 character password.rnThen re-enter it for verification purposes"; //Set up ToolTips for the form toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPassword1, "Enter a new 7 character password"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(txtPassword2, "Re-enter the new password rnfor verification purposes"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnExit, "Return to Main Menu"); toolTip1.SetToolTip(btnUpdate, "Update the changed password"); } // This method tests that the entered password is 7 characters long private bool validPasswordLength(string thePassword) { if (thePassword.Length != 7) { lblPasswordMessage.Text = "The password must be seven characters long. rnPlease try again"; clearPasswords(); return false; } else {
  • 60. lblPasswordMessage.Text = ""; return true; } } // This method compares the two entered passwords private bool validComparePasswords(string password1, string password2) { if (txtPassword1.Text != txtPassword2.Text) { lblPasswordMessage.Text = "The re-entered pasword is not identical. rnPlease try again"; clearPasswords(); return false; } else { lblPasswordMessage.Text = ""; return true; } } // This method clears the password text fields internal void clearPasswords() { txtPassword1.Clear(); txtPassword2.Clear(); } private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No; } // This method checks the data input and if it is ok, // write it to the Persons table. private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Test to see that the first password entry is the required length if (!validPasswordLength(txtPassword1.Text)) { return; } // Test to see if the two password entries are identical if (!validComparePasswords(txtPassword1.Text, txtPassword2.Text)) { return; } // Update the password entry in the table if (LogonForm.personType == "Administrator") { var newPassword = (from p in DB.Administrations where p.AID == Convert.ToInt32(LogonForm.personID) select p).First(); newPassword.Password = txtPassword1.Text; // Save the changes that were made DB.SubmitChanges(); // Refresh the Bound controls
  • 61. DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Courses); } else if (LogonForm.personType == "Teacher") { var newPassword = (from p in DB.Teachers where p.TID == Convert.ToInt32(LogonForm.personID) select p).First(); newPassword.Password = txtPassword1.Text; // Save the changes that were made DB.SubmitChanges(); // Refresh the Bound controls DB.Refresh(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, DB.Courses); } lblPasswordMessage.Text = "Password has been successfully updated"; } } }