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                                                                    Strategic WTSTLE R TEEDRI SEIforIRPoverty ,VN O V E M B2E0R1 1 0 1 1
                                                                              S L alliance DP S T A MT A M A alleviation
                                                                        N E WN E E   ET           IE PER A, NO EMBER             2
                                                                    (ALIANSI STRATEGIS UNTUK PENANGGULANGAN KEMISKINAN)

                                                                                E D I SI 1 , D E SE M B E R 2 0 1 1 | VO LU M E 1 , D E CE MBE R 2011


Sujana Royat (Kemenko Kesra),
Bambang Widianto (Tim Nasional
Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan,

TNP2K), Alexander Irwan (Ford Foundation)

                                            Kabupaten­Blitar,­Jawa­Timur­berpartisipasi­dalam­pengukuran­tanah­untuk­land reform.
Chief Editor
Katiman Kartowinomo (Kemenko Kesra)
                                            Together with the National land Agency BPN, poor farmers in Kulonbambang Village in Blitar District,
Editor                                      East Java, participated in the land mapping for land reform.

Yaury Tetanel (Komite Kemitraan Indonesia
untuk Penanggulangan Kemiskinan –
KKIPK), Katiman Kartowinomo (Kemenko
                                             Dari redaksi
Kesra), Luh Nyoman Dewi Triandayani
(KKIPK), Fakhrulsyah Mega (KKIPK)

Contributors                                tanah: asset dan akses
aceh: Azharuddin
north Sumatera: Kominta Sari Purba          Menuju Sejahtera
                                                     emiskinan memang bisa                        pa­ ar­yang­memungkinkan­me­ e­
                                                                                                     ­                               r
                                                                                                                                     ­ ­
West Java: Surahmat, Eva Patimah, Umar

                                                     di­ efinisikan­ secara­ luas,­
                                                       d                                          ka­mengelola­asset­mereka­un­ uk­ t
Alam, Yudi Kurnia, Daden Sukendar,

                                                     baik­ fisik­ maupun­ non­                    men­ ukupi­kebutuhan­hidup.­

                                            fisik,­baik­praktis,­pragmatis­mau­                         Dalam­ edisi­ perdana­ ini­ se­   ­
central Java: Zakaria, Gunung Wiryanto

                                            pun­ filosofis.­ Tapi­ sebenarnya­                    ngaja­ sidang­ redaksi­ me­ i­ ih­
yogyakarta: Triwahyuni Suci Wulandari

                                            be­ ang­ merah­ yang­ bisa­ ditarik­
                                               ­                                                  tema­ terkait­ dengan­ perta­ ah­ n­
                                                                                                                                ­ a
South Sulawesi: Mulyadi

                                            dari­kemiskinan­adalah­ketiadaan­                     karena­ tanah­ mem­ unyai­ fung­ i­
                                                                                                                        ­               s
east nusa tenggara: Paul

                                            asset­dan­akses.­                                     yang­ sangat­ strategis­ seka­ i­ us­
Bali: Luh Debora Murthy

                                                 Asset­ bisa­ diartikan­ sebagai­                 vital­ untuk­ menang­ u­ angi­ ke­
                                                                                                                          g l
West nusa tenggara: Siti Sanisah

                                            hak­penguasaan­terhadap­sumber­                       mis­ inan.­ Selain­ itu­ dari­ bebe­

                                            da­ a­yang­tangible­seperti­tanah,­
                                               ­                                                  rapa­ kasus­ sengketa­ tanah,­ yang­

                                            dan­akses­dapat­diartikan­sebagai­                    me­ upakan­feno­ ena­gu­ ung­es,­
                                                                                                       r             m        n
                                            hak­masyarakat­miskin­untuk­ikut­                     ter­ impan­ perma­ a­ ahan­ men­
                                                                                                      s                s l

                                            menentukan­alokasi­sumber­daya­                       dasar­ yang­ menjadi­ bom­ wak­ u­   t
SAPA Secretariat

                                            yang­ non­tangible­ seperti­ bi­ it­
                                                                               ­                  yang­ seolah­ menunggu­ pe­ icu­m
Address: Jl. Kesehatan IX No. 8, Jakarta,

                                            dan­ ternak,­ dan­ keuangan­ dan­                     un­ uk­ meledakkan­ berba­ ai­
                                                                                                     t                               g
Telephone and fax 62 21 3865213

Dari redaksi                                                                     SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011

     masalah­ sosial­ di­ negeri­ ini.­         struktural­melemahkan­mereka.­             tiga­ wilayah­ tersebut­ menun­
     Ma­ a­ ah­ pertanahan­ juga­ sebe­
          s l                                        Seiring­ dengan­ kemampuan­           juk­ an­ bahwa­ land reform­ yang­
     nar­ ya­ mencerminkan­ multi­
          ­                                     me­ eka­ mengorganisir­ diri­ un­
                                                    r                                      se­ ak­ dulu­ diwacanakan­ dan­ te­
     pro­ lem­ baik­ dari­ sisi­ ekonomi,­
          ­                                     tuk­ mem­ erjuangkan­ hak­ mere­
                                                            p                          ­
                                                                                       ­   lah­ di­ a­ angkan­ menjadi­ pro­
                                                                                                     c n
     ke­ dilan­sosial,­budaya,­good go­
        ­                                       ka­atas­asset­dalam­bentuk­ta­ ah­ n
                                                                                   ­       gram­nasional­Badan­Pertanah­ n­ a
     vernance­ dan­ demokrasi.­ Sebut­          yang­dipelopori­oleh­Kinan,­ke­ i­   h     Nasional,­ bukanlah­ sesuatu­ yang­
     sa­ a­ satu­ masalah­ yang­ di­ ng­
       j                              a ­       dupan­ masyarakat­ di­ perke­ un­ b        ‘menakutkan’­ dan­ tidak­ masuk­
     kat­dalam­salah­satu­topik,­yaitu­         an­ tersebut­ sudah­ men­ adi­ jauh­
                                                                             j             akal.­ Land reform­ da­ am­ bentuk­
     per­ a­ alahan­tanah­yang­terjadi­
          ­ s                                   lebih­ baik.­ Apalagi­ apabila­ akses­     asset­ dan­ akses­ re­ orm­ justru­
     di­ Blitar,­ tempat­ dimana­ sang­         ter­ a­ ap­pengambilan­keputusan­
                                                    h d                                    men­ adi­simpul­da­ i­be­ ang­per­
                                                                                                   ­            r    n         ­
     Pro­ ­ amator­ dan­ Wakil­ Pre­ i­
          ­l                              s     un­ uk­ alokasi­ sumber­ daya­ yang­
                                                   t                                       masalahan­ ke­ is­ in­ n­ dan­ ke­
                                                                                                           m ­ a
                                                                                                               k               ­
     den­ kita­ sekarang­ lahir­ dan­ di­       in­ a­ gi­ le­ juga­ bisa­ mereka­ per­
                                                  t n b                                    sen­ angan­ yang­ kusut­ untuk­ ke­
                                                                                                 ­                             ­
     besarkan.­Issue­pertanahan­yang­           oleh.­ Hal­ serupa­ juga­ terjadi­ di­     mu­ ian­diurai­dan­menjadi­solu­ i­
                                                                                                ­                            s
     di­ isahkan­oleh­Kinan,­De­ an­Pe­
       ­                          w         ­
                                            ­   Ka­ u­ aten­ Garut­ dan­ Bandung­
                                                    b p                                    tepat­untuk­mem­ er­ aya­ an­dan­
                                                                                                              b d k
     na­ ehat­ Paguyuban­ Pe­ ani­ Ar­ o­
        ­                       t         y     di­ ana­asset­dan­akses­terhadap­
                                                  m                                        men­ ejahterakan­masya­ akat­pe­
                                                                                                   ­                  r
     Blitar,­ tentang­ bagai­ ana­ ti­ ak­
                             ­          d       tanah­ diberikan­ dan­ dibuka­ se­         ta­ i­yang­miskin.
     ber­ ayanya­ para­ pekerja­ per­ e­
          ­                             k
                                        ­ ­     hingga­ masyarakat­ dapat­ lebih­                Tantangan­ yang­ harus­ diha­
     bunan­yang­tadi­ ya­adalah­pe­ ilik­
                      n             m
                                    ­           leluasa­untuk­mengatur­kehi­ up­  d        dapi­ selanjutnya­ adalah­ bagai­   ­
     kebun­menunjukkan­bahwa­ke­ ia­    t
                                        ­       annya­dan­membebaskan­diri­dari­           ma­ a­ mereplikasi­ upaya­upaya­
     daan­ asset­ dan­ akses­ bisa­ di­ ki­
                                       a ­
                                       ­ ­      masalah­kemiskinan.­                       ino­ asi­ land reform,­ yang­ pada­
     batkan­oleh­kebijakan­yang­se­ ara­
                                      ­              Cerita­ sukses­ land reform di        inti­ ya­ membuka­ akses­ and­

     lanDholDingS: aSSetS anD                                                              born and raised. The issue raised
                                                                                           by Kinan, advisor to the Association
     acceSS to ProSPerity                                                                  of Aryo Blitar Farmers, showed how
                                                                                           incapacitated the field workers felt,
                                                                                           who in fact were the original owners

              definition of poverty can             In this first edition of this pu-      of the agricultural estate where they
              be wide-ranging, because          blication, the editors have selected       toiled as laborers. This case shows
              it encompasses both the           the theme of landholdings because          how non-ownership of assets and
     physical and non-physical, the             land ownership is not only strategic       access can be a direct result of
     practical, the pragmatic, and one          but also vital in the effort for com-      policy that by default takes away a
     can even be philosophical about            munities to overcome poverty.              community’s power over assets.
     it. In fact, the basic tenet running       Often land dispute cases are like               In tandem with the community’s
     through a discussion on poverty is         icebergs, with the larger portion          capability to organize themselves to
     that there is a glaring lack of assets     of the problem buried out of sight,        fight for their land rights with Kinan
     and access to resources. Assets can        creating a social time bomb waiting        taking up the cudgels, life for this
     include the rights over tangible           to detonate. Landholding issues are        community has taken a turn for
     resources, such as landholdings.           in fact a reflection of a multitude        the better. This would be further
     Access could include the rights            of problems, including ones with an        enhanced once they have gained
     of poor communities to take part           economic, social injustice, cultural,      access to their rights to determine
     in determining the allocation of           good governance and democracy              allocation of intangible resources. A
     non-tangible resources such as             dimension.                                 similar situation happened in Garut
     seedlings, livestock, financing and            One of the topics we have              and Bandung regencies, where
     market decisions, which could em-          taken up is the one concerning land        assets and access to landholdings
     power them to fulfill their own basic      disputes in Blitar, the place where        were opened up, enabling the
     daily needs.                               Indonesia’s first president was            communities to manage their own

SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011                                                     from the editor

mem­ eri­ an­ asset­ tanah­ kepada­
         b k
         ­                              baik­pusat­maupun­daerah,­swasta­         warning­ system­ terhadap­ per­    ­
pe­ ani­dan­masyarakat­miskin,­ke­
   ­                                    dan­kelompok­lainnya.­                    ma­ alahan­permasalahan­ sosial­
wilayah­wilayah­ lain­ yang­ mem­            Program­ SAPA­ yang­ didu­           yang­ mungkin­ akan­ mun­ ul­    c
punyai­tanah­potensial­untuk­‘di­       kung­ oleh­ berbagai­ stakeholders­       dan­ me­ er­ ukan­ pena­ gan­ n­
                                                                                              m l
                                                                                              ­                n   a
bagikan’­ kepada­ petani.­ Upaya­       ber­ paya­ menjadi­ katalisator­
                                            ­                                     yang­ cepat.­ Yang­ pasti­ pe­ ang­
upa­ a­positif­kemitraan­yang­te­ ah­
       y                         l      agar­ good­ will­ dan­ willingness­       gu­ angan­ kemis­ inan­ me­ erlu­
                                                                                     l              k          m
diupayakan­oleh­BPN,­Pemerintah­        dari­ semua­ pihak­ terkait­ refor­       kan­ upaya­ yang­ konsis­ en­ dan­
Daerah,­dan­Swasta­menjadi­best         ma­ agraria­ dapat­ tumbuh­ dan­          terus­ menerus.­ Banyak­ cara­ dan­
practices dan lessons learned­yang­     ter­ em­ atani­ dalam­ jeja­ ing­ ke­
                                           ­ b                     r              jalan­ bisa­ ditempuh­ menuju­ ke­
perlu­ ditularkan­ seluas­luasnya­      mitraan­ yang­ saling­ meng­ n­   u
                                                                          ­ ­     sana,­ dan­ reforma­ agraria­ men­
un­ uk­mempercepat­pengurang­ n­
   t                              a     tung­ an.­ Upaya­upaya­ ter­ e­ ut­
                                              k                        s ­b       jadi­satu­kunci­sukses­untuk­me­
kemiskinan.­Yang­lebih­urgen­lagi­      diantaranya­ dengan­ mengem­              wujudkannya.­
adalah­bagaimana­melembaga­ an­k
                               ­        bang­ an­ resource­ center­ di­ 15­
                                              ­                                          Selamat­membaca.
pola­pola­ kemitraan­ yang­ telah­      kabu­ aten/kota­ sebagai­ basis­
terbukti­ efektif­ meningkatkan­        data­ kemis­ inan­ yang­ akan­ di­
ke­ ejahteraan­ rakyat­ ke­ da­ am­
   ­                           l        per­ aya­ oleh­ pemerintah­ dae­
                                            ­                                ­
                                                                                             Katiman Kartowinomo,

ke­ ijakan­ dan­ program­ peme­
   ­                                    rah­ masing­masing­ untuk­ mem­
                                                                                                 Pemimpin Redaksi

rin­ ah­daerah­secara­reguler.­Jadi­
     ­                                  pertajam­ tar­ et­ kebijakan­ dan­
da­ am­ inovasi­ land reform ini
   l                                    program­dae­ ah.­Yang­lebih­pen­
me­ erlukan­ good will­ sekaligus­
     ­                                  ting­ lagi­ adalah­ resource­ cen­ er­
willingness to do­dari­pemerintah,­     akan­ menjadi­ salah­ satu­ early­

lives and free themselves from          sector can produce best practices
poverty.                                and lessons learned to be spread
     The success stories of land re-    far and wide to reduce poverty.
form in the three areas are strong      Even more urgent is the need to
evidence that the notion for land       institutionalize those partnerships
ownership, long a favourite discour-    that have proven effective in increas-
se of the National Land Agency is       ing the prosperity of communities,        poverty databases. This data can
nothing to be “scared” about, nor       by the creation of policies and go-       then be enhanced by the local
is it an improbable one to make it      vernment programs. Land reform            governments in each locale to
real. Land reform in the form of        innovations urgently need good will       enrich their policy targets and local
asset and access reform can in fact     and political will on the part of both    programs. More importantly, the
be the central solution to poverty      local and the central governments,        resource centers can act as an early
alleviation and social gaps, and it     as well as actors in the private sector   warning system for social problems
can empower and create prosperity       and NGOs.                                 that can emerge at any moment,
for poor farming communities.                The SAPA program participated        needing rapid and careful handling.
     The biggest challenge ahead        by various stakeholders aims to be-       Poverty alleviation needs consistent
is replicating the innovative efforts   come a catalisator for goodwill and       and constant efforts. There are
for land reform, the central point      willingness of all parties involved       many roads and avenues that can
to open up access and provision         in agrarian reform. We hope this          be taken, and agrarian reform is one
of land assets to farmers and poor      reform will grow and create bridges       of the key solutions that could lead
communities, in areas with enough       between partners and networks,            to the pathway of success.
land to be redistributed to farmers.    and be of benefit to all. These               Happy reading,
     Effective partnerships created     efforts include the establishment
between the National Land Agency,       of resource centers in 15 cities/                     Katiman Kartowinomo,
local governments, and the private      regencies as the repository for                               Editor in Chief

Data                                                                        SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011

     Konversi lahan, Pembangunan
     Pertanian, dan Kemiskinan di indonesia
     Oleh, Yauri G.P Tetanel

         ndonesia­sejak­lama­telah­mendeklarasikan­diri­               Data­ pada­ grafik,­ menunjukkan­ bahwa­ jumlah­
         nya­ sebagai­ negara­ agraris.­ Hal­ ini­ tentu­ saja­   lahan­sawah­di­pulau­jawa­terus­mengalami­penurunan­
         tidak­terlepas­dari­potensi­dan­kesuburan­lahan­         dibandingkan­dengan­luas­lahan­sawah­diluar­pulau­
     yang­dimiliki,­akan­tetapi­juga­karena­sebagian­besar­       jawa.­ Penurunan­ lahan­ sawah­ dipulau­ jawa­ sebesar­
     penduduknya­menggantungkan­mata­pencahariannya­              10,37­ juta­ hektar­ atau­ 0,31­ %­ /­ tahun.­ Disamping­
     pada­ bidang­ pertanian.­ Walaupun­ demikian,­ dalam­        masalah­alih­fungsi­lahan­sawah,­persoalan­lain­yang­
     beberapa­ dekade­ terakhir­ ini,­ pembangunan­ sektor­       tidak­kalah­pentingnya­adalah­tanah­terlantar.Dalam­
     pertanian­ mengalami­ ketertinggalan­ dengan­ pem­           Peraturan­ Pemerintah­ No­ 11­ Tahun­ 2010­ ­ tentang­
     bangunan­sektor­lainnya.­Contoh­yang­dapat­dilihat­          Pe­ ertiban­ &­ Pendayagunaan­ Tanah­ Terlantar­ dise­
     secara­kasat­mata,­adalah­tidak­adanya­keberpihakan­         butkan­bahwa­yang­dimaksud­dengan­obyek­pener­
     pemerintah­ dalam­ melindungi­ alih­ fungsi­ lahan­          tiban­ tanah­ terlantar­ meliputi­ tanah­ yang­ sudah­
     pertanian.­ Walaupun­ telah­ diterbitkan­ sejumlah­          diberikan­ hak­ oleh­ Negara­ berupa­ Hak­ Milik,­ Hak­
     kebijakan­ dan­ regulasi­ untuk­ mencegah­ alih­ funsi­      Guna­Usaha,­Hak­Guna­Bangunan,­Hak­Pakai,­dan­Hak­
     lahan­ pertanian,­ namun­ pada­ kenyataannya­ alih­          Pengelolaan,­­atau­dasar­penguasaan­atas­tanah­yang­
     fungsi­ lahan­ pertanian­ terus­ meningkat­ setiap­          tidak­ diusahakan,­ ­ tidak­ dipergunakan,­ atau­ tidak­
     tahunnya.­Data­BPS­menyebutkan­terjadi­alih­fungsi­          dimanfaatkan­ sesuai­ dengankeadaannya­ atau­ sifat­
     lahan­pertanian­sebesar­100­ribu­hektar­per­tahun.­      ­   dan­tujuan­pemberian­hak­atau­dasar­penguasaannya.
     Berikut­ ini­ adalah­ grafik­ mengenai­ perkembangan­        Data­BPN­menyebutkan­bahwa­di­Indonesia­masih­ada­
     luas­lahan­sawah­di­Indonesia.                               sekitar­7,2­juta­hektar­tanah­terlantar.­
                                                                                            Alih­ fungsi­ lahan­ sawah­
                                                                                       di­ pulau­ jawa­ dipicu­ juga­ de­
                                                                                       ngan­ meningkatnya­ jumlah­
     Grafik 1. Perkembangan Luas Lahan Sawah

                                                                                       pen­ uduk­ setiap­ tahun­ yang­
     di Indonesia (Juta Hektar)

                                                                                       mem­ erikan­ tekanan­ pada­ me­
                                                                                       ning­ atnya­ kebutuhan­ lahan­
                                                                                       untuk­ permukiman­ mau­ un­    p
                                                                                       pem­ angunan­ infrasruktur­ lain­
                                                                                       nya.­ Meningkatnya­ alih­ fungsi­
                                                                                       lahan­ pertanian­ menimbulkan­
                                                                                       an­ aman­ yang­ serius­ terhadap­
                                                                                       ke­ ampuan­ negara­ dalam­ pe­
                                                                                       nye­ iaan­ pangan.­ Bahkan­ pada­
                                                                                       tahap­ tertentu,­ Indonesia­ mulai­
                                                                                       dianggap­ telah­ kehilangan­ ke­
                                                                                       beberapa­ komoditi­ penting­ per­
                                                                                       tanian­ yang­ menjadi­ konsumsi­
                                                                                       harus­ diimpor­ dari­ negara­ lain.­

SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011                                                                                      Data

Berikut­ ini­ adalah­ beberapa­ komoditi­ penting­ yang­               nurunan­ jumlah­ penduduk­ miskin­ dari­ tahun­ ke­
harus­diimpor­Indonesia­dari­negara­lain.                              ta­ un,­ namun­ demikian­ jumlah­ penduduk­ mis­
                                                                       kin­ yang­ tinggal­ di­ perdesaan­ masih­ cukup­ ting­ i.­g
                                                                       Bah­ an­ diduga­ bahwa­ sebagian­ penduduk­ mis­ in­
                                                                            ­                                                  k
                                                                       yang­ berada­ di­ perkotaan­ merupakan­ juga­ pen­ u­   d
Tabel 1. Posisi & Rerata Volume Impor Indonesia

                                                                       duk­ perdesaan­ yang­ melakukan­ urbanisasi­ un­ uk­    t
Terhadap Bahan Pangan

                       Beras    Jagung    Kedelai    Daging    Gula    mendapatkan­ penghidupan­ yang­ lebih­ baik­ di­ per­       ­
                                                                       kotaan.­Dalam­beberapa­tahun­terakhir,­pe­ e­ in­ ah­
                                                                                                                         m ­ t
 Bahan Pangan

                                                                       mulai­memfokuskan­untuk­mendorong­im­ le­ entasi­
                                                                                                                      p m
                       437,99   962,24    1.180,55   13,60    822,76

                                                                       program­program­ penanggulangan­ ke­ iskinan­ di­
 Rerata Volume Impor
 (Ribu Ton)

                        13       22         11        33        2

                                                                       perdesaan,­ seperti­ PNPM­ (Program­ Na­ ional­ Pem­
                                                                                                                    ­              ­

                                                                       berdayaan­ Masyarakat).­ Walaupun­ demi­ ian,­ pro­
                                                                       gram–program­ penanggulangan­ ke­ is­ inan­ yang­
                                                                                                                m k

                                                                       dilakukan­ belum­ sepenuhnya­ menjawab­ persoalan­
    Kebijakan­ negara­ yang­ belum­ berpihak­ pada­                    dasar­yang­menjadi­akar­kemiskinan­di­ ingkat­desa­
per­ anian­juga­berdampak­pada­aspek­lainnya­yaitu­
    ­                                                                  yaitu­masih­timpangnya­distribusi­kepe­ ilikan­dan­
tingkat­ penyerapan­ tenaga­ kerja­ pada­ sektor­ per­                 penguasaan­ lahan.­ Hampir­ sebagian­ besar­ tenaga­
tanian.­Jumlah­tenaga­kerja­yang­bekerja­pada­sektor­                  kerja­pertanian­diperdesaan­merupakan­buruh­tani­
pertanian­ menunjukkan­ penurunan­ dari­ tahun­ ke­                    atau­ penggarap­ yang­ bekerja­ dengan­ upah­ yang­
tahun­ dan­ menjadi­ salah­ satu­ faktor­ penting­ yang­               sangat­ minim.­ Kondisi­ ini­ tentu­ saja­ tidak­ bisa­ ha­
mendorong­terjadinya­urbanisasi­masyarakat­desa.­                      nya­ diselesaikan­ dengan­ menginisiasi­ program­ pe­       ­
    Penurunan­jumlah­tenaga­kerja­di­sektor­perta­ i­ n
                                                      ­                nang­ ulangan­ kemiskinan,­ akan­ tetapi­ mem­ u­ uh­
                                                                              g                                           b t
an­akibat­alih­fungsi­lahan­serta­tidak­adanya­ke­ i­ ak­
                                                 bj                    kan­ komitmen­ dan­ kebijakan­ politik­ peme­ intah­r
an­pemerintah­yang­melindungi­produksi­hasil­perta­                    yang­kon­ isten­untuk­mengakhiri­ketimpangan­yang­
nian­dalam­negeri­juga­menyebabkan­dam­ ak­serius­
                                             p                         ber­ e­ anjangan­ pada­ sektor­ pertanian.­ Berikut­ ini­
                                                                           ­ p
dalam­penanggulangan­kemiskinan.­Kecen­ erungan­
                                              ­                        adalah­ gambaran­ mengenai­ perkembangan­ kondisi­
yang­ terjadi­ selama­ ini­ memang­ menunjukkan­ pe­                   kemis­ inan­di­tingkat­perkotaan­dan­pedesaan.

Grafik 2. Perkembangan Jumlah Penduduk Miskin di Perdesaan & Perkotaan (Dalam Juta Jiwa).


Data                                                                        SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011

     land conversion, agrarian Development,
     and Poverty in indonesia
     By Yauri G.P Tetanel

        ndonesia for quite a long time now has referred to            The graph shows that the number of paddyfields in
        itself as an agrarian country. This of course relates     Java is on the decline (10.37 million hectares, or 0.31 per
        very much to the country’s fertile soil and land          cent per year) in comparison to figures of land devoted
     potential. But it also refers to the fact that a major       to paddyfields outside of Java. Besides the matter of
     portion of the population depends on agriculture for         shifting of land function, another issue which is just as
     their livelihood. It is ironic then that in the past few     serious is that of fallow land.Government Regulation No.
     decades, agrarian development is lagging far behind          11, 2010 governing Order and Utilization ofFallow Land
     when compared to progress enjoyed by other sectors.          statesthat fallow lands to be put in order include plots
     An outstanding case in point is the fact that the            furnished with rights bestowed by the State in the form
     government provides practically no protection against        of Right of Ownership,Right of Livelihood Utilization,
     shifts in the usage of agrarian land. Even though policies   Right toBuild Upon, Right to Use, and Right to Manage,
     and regulations exist in abundance to waylay alteration      or basic power over plots not managed for business,
     of agrarian land functions, the reality is, agrarian land    not utilized, or land not made use of in line with its
     continues to decrease as years go by. Data by the Bureau     condition or characteristics or the aim of the rights and
     of Statistics show that these shifts occur to the tune of    basic power over bestowedby the State.Datafrom the
     100 thousand hectares per year. Follows is a graph of        Bureau of Statistics show that some 7.2 million hectares
     paddyfield development in Indonesia.                         of land are left fallow, or not made good use of.

     Graph 1. Paddy-Field Development in Indonesia

     Source: Land Size and Its Usage, Bureau of Statistics

SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011                                                                                   Data

    Shifts in usage of agrarian land on the island of                      The decline in numbers of the workforce in the
Java is triggered by yearly population increases which                 agriculture sector is a direct result of changes in land
create huge demands for housing areas and other types                  usage, as well as the fact that the government pro-
of infrastructure. This shift in agrarian land usage has               vides no protective policies towards domestic agri-
created major pressures on the country’s ability to                    culture products. This in turn has created serious
ensure food security. On a certain level, Indonesia is now             poverty challenges. Statistics show that even though
perceived as having lost its food sovereignity. Several                poor communities are on the decline in Indonesia, the
staple agricultural commodities, such as rice, now has to              number of poor populations in villages are still quite
be imported. Follows is a graph that shows important                   high.
staples that Indonesia imports from other countries.                       It is estimated that figures for portions of the poor
                                                                       in urban centers are also the self-same figures for
Table 1. Position and Average Food Import Volumes                      poor communities in villages who have migrated to
by Indonesia                                                           the city to seek out better livelihoods. In recent years,
                                                                       the government has focused on poverty alleviation
 Food Type           Rice
                                           Soy       Meat     Sugar    programs, such as the PNPM (the National Community
 Average Import     437,99    962,24     1.180,55    13,60   822,76
                                                                       Empowerment Program) in village areas. Yet, these
                                                                       programs have not touched on the inherent cause
 (in thousand         13         22         11        33           2   of poverty at the village level, i.e. the glaring gaps in
 Tons) Levels
                                                                       distribution of ownership and access to landholdings.
Source: USDA, Grain: World Markets & Trade, Dec. 2007, quoted by       A big number of the agricultural workforce in villages
Kompas daily
                                                                       are field labourers or hired help who work for a very
                                                                       basic minimum wage.
    Policies that do not support growth in the agriculture                 This state of affairs obviously cannot be solved
sector also have impact on another aspect, that of the                 by a mere initiation of poverty alleviation programs.
absorption of people working in that sector. Statistics                They need real commitment and consistent goverment
show a definite decline on the numbers of people                       policies to end longstanding gaps in the agriculture
working in agriculture through the years, and this is                  sector. Follows is a graph on the development of poverty
one of the main factors behind the migration of village                growth in urban centers and villages.
communities to urban centers.

Graph 2. Development of Poor Populations in Villages and Urban Centers (in millions)

Source: Poverty Data and Information, Bureau of Statistics

Data                                                                          SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011

                                                                    ter­ ebut,­ se­ arang­ CRI,­ IDEA­ (Institute­ for­ Deve­
                                                                        s          k
     apa Manfaat
                                                                    lop­ ent­ and­ Economic­ Ana­ ysis,­ Yogyakarta)­ dan­
                                                                        m                           l
     Sistem informasi Desa (SiD)
                                                                    FORMASI­(Forum­Masyarakat­Sipil,­Kebu­ en),­seba­
     Gagasan­pengembangan­Sistem­Informasi­Desa­(SID)­              gai­bagian­dari­SAPA,­be­ erjasama­untuk­se­ ara­ber­
                                                                                              k                     c
     Sejarah SID

     yang­ di­ pe­ asikan­ oleh­ perangkat­ desa­ pertama­
                o r                                                 tahap­membangun­SID­di­selu­ uh­desa­di­Kabupaten­
     kali­ muncul­ di­ ta­ un­ 2008­ di­ Desa­ Terong­ di­ Ban­
                         h                                          Gunung­ Kidul­ dan­ Kebumen.­ Untuk­ tahap­ pertama,­
     tul,­Yogyakarta.­Pemerintah­desa­ingin­membangun­              di­ Gunung­ Kidul­ SID­ di­ angun­ di­ Desa­ Nglegi­ dan­
     sis­ em­ layan­ n­ publik­ di­ desa­ yang­ baik,­ leng­ ap,­
         t           a                                     k        Girikarto.­Kedua­desa­tersebut­di­ ilih­menjadi­loka­
     dan­ cepat­ berdasarkan­ data­ berbasis­ computer­             si­awal­pe­ gem­ angan­SID­karena­disana­IDEA­dan­
                                                                                n     b
     yang­ aku­ at.­ Pemerintah­ Desa­ Terong,­ yang­ telah­
                 ­                                                  PKM­(Peningkatan­Ke­ er­ ayaan­Masyarakat),­da­ am­
                                                                                            ­ d                          l
     menge­ al­ COM­ INE­ Resource­ Institution­ (CRI)­
              ­         B                                           kerangka­program­SAPA,­telah­mem­ asilitasi­dilaku­
     me­ a­ ui­ pengelolaan­ jaringan­ radio­ komu­ itas­ di­
          l l
          ­ ­                                          n            kannya­Ana­ isis­Kemiskinan­Desa­Parti­ ipatif­(AKDP).­
                                                                                 l                            s
     Yogyakarta,­ me­ inta­ bantuan­ NGO­ tersebut­ untuk­
                       m                                            AKPD­kemudian­diintegrasikan­ke­dalam­SID­supaya­
     mem­ angun­ sistem­ infor­ asi­ pengelolaan­ sumber­
            b                      m                                perencanaan­dan­pengambilan­keputusan­desa­bisa­
     daya­komunitas.­                                               responsif­terhadap­kebutuhan­orang­miskin.
           SID­di­Desa­Terong­mulai­ di­ a­ gun­ pada­perte­
                                          b n
     ngah­ n­tahun­2009.­Pada­akhir­tahun­2011­ini,­SID­
     te­ ah­ diuji­ obakan­ di­ sejumlah­ desa­ di­ Yogyakarta,­
       l           c                                                SID­mempunyai­tiga­basis­data­utama,­yakni­basis­data­
                                                                    Apa isi SID

     Jawa­tengah,­Jawa­Timur,­dan­Jawa­Barat,­me­ iputi: l          kependudukan­desa,­basis­data­keuangan­desa,­dan­
     •­ Bantul,­Yogyakarta­­      :­    3­desa                      desa­ adalah­ bagian­ pertama­ yang­ dibangun­ untuk­
     •­ Gunungkidul,­Yogyakarta­­ :­    2­desa                      menjadi­data­dasar­yang­bisa­dijadikan­rujukan­bagi­
     •­ Klaten,­Jawa­Tengah­­     :­    8­desa                      pengembangan­data­dan­informasi­lainnya.­Basis­data­
     •­ Magelang,­Jawa­Tengah­­ :­      2­desa                      kependudukan­ ini­ menyimpan­ data­ dasar­ keluarga­
     •­ Temanggung,­Jawa­Tengah­:­      1­desa                      yang­ mencakup­ data­ kependudukan­ berdasarkan­
     •­ Pacitan,­Jawa­Timur­­     :­    1­desa                      data­ Kartu­ Keluarga­ (KK)­ dan­ data­ individu­ per­
     •­ Tasikmalaya,­Jawa­Barat­­ :­    1­desa                      Nomor­Induk­Kependudukan­(NIK).­

     What a village information                                     mid-2009. By the end of 2011, the SID had already been
                                                                    tried and tested on a number of villages in Yogyakarta,
     System (SiD) is for                                            Central Java, East Java and West Java, covering:
     History of SID
                                                                        Bantul, Yogyakarta              :   3 villages
     The notion to develop a Village Information System (SID)           Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta         :   2 villages
     operated by the village administration was first sounded           Klaten, Jawa Tengah             :   8 villages
     out in 2008 at the Terong Village in Bantul, Yogyakarta.           Magelang, Jawa Tengah           :   2 villages
     Village administrations had a dire need to establish good          Temanggung, Jawa Tengah         :   1 villages
     public service systems that were comprehensive and                 Pacitan, Jawa Timur             :   1 villages
     rapid, and ones that used accurate computer-based                  Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat         :   1 villages
     data. The Terong Village administration, already familiar
     with the Combine Resource Institution (CRI) through                 After a successful SID trial run in all those villages,
     a community radio network project in Yogyakarta,               CRI, the Institute for Development and Economic Ana-
     requested NGO assistance to push through the idea of           lysis (IDEA) in Yogyakarta, and the Forum for Civil So-
     establishing a community resource information mana-            ciety (Formasi) in Kebumen, members of SAPA, are now
     gement system.                                                 working together in steps to form SID in all the villages
          SID in Terong Village began to be established in          throughout the Gunung Kidul and Kebumen Regencies.

SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011                                                                                                     Data

     Data­ dalam­ SID­ dapat­ diolah­
secara­ statistik­ dan­ juga­ dapat­
dijadikan­ data­ dasar­ pengolah­ n­
ad­ inistrasi­ dan­ keuangan­ di­
ting­ at­desa­terekam­pula­dalam­
sis­ em­ ini.­ Kegiatan­ urusan­ ke­
uang­ n­ desa­ yang­ bersifat­ ha­
rian,­ bulanan,­ dan­ tahunan­ da­
pat­ disimpan­ dan­ dipanggil­
kem­ ali­ datanya­ dalam­ format­
stan­ ard­ yang­ telah­ diatur­ oleh­
pe­ erintah­ kabupaten.­ Modul­
ke­ angan­ dalam­ aplikasi­ SID­ ini­
da­ at­ mencetak­ secara­ langsung­
la­ or­ n­ kas­ buku­ kecil­ sebagai­
  p a                                      Staf­Pemerintah­Kabupaten­Bangka­Barat­berkunjung­ke­Desa­Terong­di­Bantul­untuk­
buk­ i­ transaksi­ keuangan­ desa­
     t                                     mempelajari­SID.

hingga­jurnal.­                            Staf of West Bangka District Government visited Terong village in Bantul to learn about Village
                                           Information System (SID).

Siapa yang mengumpulkan dan melakukan

Data­awal­SID­Terong­dibangun­de­ gan­mengguna­
                                       ­                              Karang­Taruna­selama­3­minggu.­Untuk­selanjutnya,­
updating data?

kan­ hasil­ sur­ ei­ Data­ Dasar­ Keluarga­ –­ Profil­ Desa­
               ­                                                      proses­pengelolaan­data­dan­update­data­dilakukan­
yang­ diterbitkan­ oleh­ Ke­ enterian­ Dalam­ Negeri­
                              m                                       oleh­ staf­ pemerintah­ Desa­ Terong.­ Sekarang­ SID­
di­awal­tahun­2010­yang­merupakan­ker­ asama­an­
                                               j                      Desa­ Terong­ sudah­ bisa­ diakses­ melalui­ internet­ di­
tara­ pemerintah­ desa­ dengan­ lembaga­ masyarakat­                  http://terong­­ Se­ ang­ SID­ Nglegi­ dan­
desa­ seperti­ dusun,­ RT,­ dan­ Karang­ Taruna.­ Proses­             Girikarto­ bisa­ di­ kses­ di­­
input­data­1605­Ke­ ala­Keluarga­(KK)­ke­dalam­SID­
                       p                                              dan­

At the beginning, the Gunung Kidul SID was established in             on their Population Central Number (NIK).
the villages of Nglegi and Girikarto. The two villages were                Data in SID can be crunched statistically, and can
selected because it was there that IDEA and Association               also be used as basic data to organize documents. Ad-
of Community Empowerment (ACE), as part of SAPA                       ministrative and fiscal village documents are recorded
Program, facilitated a Participatory Village Poverty Ana-             into the system. Fiscal activity of the village, from the
lysis, or AKDP. This AKPD was later on integrated into the            daily, monthly and yearly records can be filed and retrie-
SID, to ensure all village planning and decisionmaking                ved in standard format as organized by the regency ad-
were responsive to the needs of the poor.                             ministration. Financial modules when applying SID can
                                                                      be printed directly into the ledgers as proof of monetary
What Are SID’s Contents?                                              transactions right up to when they are recorded in the
SID contains three main databases, i.e. the village                   village’s journal.
population figures, the village’s fiscal database, and
information on the village’s resources. The village                   Who compiles and updates data for SID?
population database was the first part to be established              Initial Terong village SID data was constructed using
to become the basic data for reference when creating                  survey results on Basic Family Data from the Village
further databases and information systems. Population                 Profile published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in
data covered basic family data including population                   early 2010, a joint-program between village adminis-
details, family data, and data on the individuals based               trations and village agencies, including hamlets, RT and

Data                                                                       SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011

          Update­data­dilakukan­ber­ arengan­dalam­fung­ i­
                                      b                       s    juga­akan­bisa­memanfaatkan­SID­untuk­menentukan­
      SID­untuk­pelayanan­publik.­Setiap­hari­dalam­pro­ es­
                                                           s       prioritas­dan­penyaluran­program­pro­ ram­mereka.­
      pelayanan­publik­kepada­warga­desa,­staf­peme­ in­ ah­
                                                       r t         Dengan­ demikian,­ program­program­ mereka­ akan­
      desa­akan­ selalu­ menerima­ update­ perubahan­ atau­        lebih­ sesuai­ dengan­ kebutuhan­ masya­ akat­ desa,­
      koreksi­data­dari­warga­yang­datang­ke­kantor­desa­          terutama­penduduk­miskinnya.
      untuk­melakukan­urusan­administrasi.­Perubahan,­ko­      ­       Sinkronisasi­ sistem­ juga­ akan­ memungkin­ an­k
      reksi,­ dan­ pembaruan­ data­ dapat­ dilakukan­ saat­ itu­   pe­ e­ intah­kebupaten­menampilkan­berbagai­doku­
                                                                      m r
                                                                      ­ ­                                                 ­
      juga.­Warga­dapat­melihat­hasil­update­data­itu­me­      ­
                                                               ­   men­ kebijakan­ perencanaan­ dan­ penganggar­ n­ se­
                                                                                                                     a    ­
      lalui­satu­komputer­di­ruang­tunggu­kantor­desa­atau­        per­ i­Pagu­Indikatif­Kecamatan­(untuk­sistem­ting­ at­
                                                                       t                                               k
      melalui­website.­Jika­ada­data­yang­salah,­warga­da­ at­
                                                           p       kecamatan)­ dan­ Pagu­ Indikatif­ SKPD­ yang­ berbasis­
      melaporkannya­secara­langsung­atau­melalui­sms.              Dinas­ (untuk­ sistem­ tingkat­ kabupaten).­ SID­ juga­
                                                                   akan­ menawarkan­ sistem­ sms­ gateway­ yang­ me­      ­
                                                                   mung­ inkan­ warga­ untuk­ mengirimkan­ data­ hasil­
      Tim­Koordinasi­Penanggulangan­Kemiskinan­Daerah­             moni­ oring­ yang­ mereka­ lakukan­ sendiri­ terha­ ap­
                                                                          ­                                            d
      Apa manfaat SID

      (TKPKD)­Gunung­Kidul­sangat­mengapresiasi­inovasi­           pro­ ram­program­ pembangunan­ yang­ ada.­ Sistem­
      SID­ dan­ mempersilahkan­ data­ tersebut­ digunakan­         informasi­ interaktif­ pengembangan­ SID­ saat­ ini­ se­
      sebagai­ dasar­ pelaksanaan­ program­ daerah­ di­ dua­       dang­ terus­ dikembangkan­ dalam­ sebuah­ sistem­
      desa­ tersebut.­ Rencananya,­ SID­ akan­ diagregasikan­      online­di­alamat­­Keber­
      dengan­ sistem­ yang­ ada­ di­ tingkat­ kecamatan­ dan­      ada­ n­ sistem­ yang­ interaktif­ ini­ dapat­ mendorong­
      kabupaten.­ Sistem­ ini­ tidak­ hanya­ memungkinkan­         terlak­ ananya­ program­ pengentasan­ kemiskinan­
      pemerintah­ yang­ lebih­ tinggi­ untuk­ memonitor­           yang­efektif­dan­efisien.

      Karang Taruna. Data input processing of 1605 Heads of        towards the SID innovation, and has allowed their data
      Households into the SID was conducted by the village         to be used as the base for implementation of regional
      administration with the help of Karang Taruna members        programs in the two villages. According to plan, SID
      for three weeks. In the next step, data management           will be aggregated into the Sub-district and Regency
      and updating will be carried out by administrative staff     systems. The system does not only make it possible
      of Terong Village. The Terong Village SID can now be         for higher offices to monitor processes occurring on
      accessed on Nglegi and          the ground at village level, it also provides inputs for
      Girikarto SID can be accessed on http://nglegi.sidesa.       each Government Agency to examine priority issues and                     and decide appropriate programs. Finally, programs
          Data updates can be carried out in tandem with           created will be responsive to the community’s needs,
      the SID function of servicing the public. Each day in the    in particular the needs of the poor in that community.
      process of servicing the village public, village adminis-        Synchronization of the system will also make it
      tration staff will keep on receiving alterations or data     possible for Regency Administration to present policy
      corrections from village members visiting their office.      and budgeting documents such as the Sub-district
      These alterations and corrections can be done right there    Budget Platform and the SKPD Budget Platforms. SID
      and right away. The community can see the updates as         can also offer a gateway equipped with short messaging
      they are processed into the computer in the waiting          system that would make it possible for community
      room of the office, or on the website. Incorrect data        members to send personal monitoring results on
      can be reported directly or through short messaging          existing development programs. Interactive information
      texts using cell phones.                                     systems to develop SID are currently being designed
                                                                   into an online system on
      Why SID is Needed                                            The existence of an interactive system can really push
      The Local Poverty Alleviation Coordination Team              forward the implementation of effective and efficient
      (TKPKD) of Gunung Kidul has shown much appreciation          poverty alleviation programs.

SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011                                                                      inovasi

Kerjasama Multi Pihak dalam Pelaksanaan Reforma Agraria:
Sebuah Jalan Keluar Baru dalam Penanggulangan
Kemiskinan di Kabupaten garut dan Bandung
       awa­Barat­sebagian­besar­penduduknya­ber­ ata­m
       pen­ aharian­sebagai­petani,­sehingga­ke­ ika­dari­
          c                                      t           nerima­ manfaat­ terhadap­ sumber­sumber­ eko­ omi­   n

       tahun­ke­tahun­luas­tanah­garapan­se­ akin­ber­
                                               m             dan­politik­serta­partisipasi­ekonomi­politik,­modal,­
kurang,­isu­kepemilikan­tanah­menjadi­topik­ha­ gat.­n       pasar,­ teknologi,­ pendampingan,­ peningkatan­ ka­ a­  p
Disinyalir,­semakin­banyak­orang­menjadi­miskin­ka­          sitas­ dan­ kemampuan­ yang­ memungkinkan­ petani­
rena­tidak­lagi­memiliki­lahan­untuk­di­ arap.­Mereka­
                                            g                untuk­ mengembangkan­ tanahnya­ sebagai­ sumber­
yang­ dahulu­ petani­ pemilik­ sawah,­ beralih­ menjadi­     ke­ idupan.­Asset reform­tanpa­diikuti­access reform
buruh­tani­atau­petani­peng­ a­ ap.­Di­daerah­daerah­
                                g r                          tidak­ akan­ berhasil­ membuat­ petani­ keluar­ dari­
se­ erti­ Kabupaten­ Garut­ dan­ Ban­ ung,­ kemiskinan­
    p                                    d                   kemiskinan.­ Sebaliknya,­ asset reform­ yang­ diikuti­
ti­ ak­dapat­terlepas­dari­ma­ a­ ah­kepemilikan­tanah.­
  d                             s l                          dengan access reform­akan­menjadi­jalan­keluar­ba­
Maka­ketika­Pemerintah­me­ geluarkan­program­re­
                                n                            gi­petani­untuk­keluar­dari­kemiskinan­,­seperti­yang­
forma­ agraria­ yang­ merupakan­ perpaduan­ antara­          terjadi­di­Kabupaten­Garut­dan­Bandung.Sesung­ uh­    g
asset reform dan access reform,­ disambut­ baik­ oleh­       nya,­reforma­agraria­bukanlah­sesuatu­yang­baru­yang­
se­ ua­pihak,­utamanya­petani­tanpa­tanah.­
    m                                                        dapat­ dikategorikan­ sebagai­ sebuah­ inovasi.­ Te­ api­
       Asset reform yang­merupakan­penataan­kem­ ali­ b      re­ orma­agraria­menjadi­sebuah­inovasi­ketika­dalam­
penguasaan,­ kepemilikan,­ penggunaan­ dan­ peman­           pelak­ anaannya­ menggunakan­ dan­ melahirkan­ me­
fa­ tan­ tanah­ berdasarkan­ hukum­ dan­ peraturan­
   ­                                                         tode­baru­yang­mendatangkan­keberhasilan.­
per­ ndang­undangan­ pertanahan,­ mencakup­ re­ is­
       ­                                              d           Dalam­ reforma­ agraria­ saat­ ini,­ ia­ tidak­ hanya­
tri­ usi­ tanah­ dan­ legalisasi­ aset.­ Sedangkan­ access
     ­                                                       sekedar­asset reform,­tetapi­juga­diikuti­access reform.­

Working Together to Implement Agrarian Reform:
innovations in Poverty alleviation in garut and Bandung

        large portion of the population in West Java         political resources, giving them access to capital, the
        relies on farming for their livelihood. This         market, technology, assistance, capacity building, and
        makes the issue of ever-decreasing landholdings      participation in political economy, and increasing their
over the years a hot topic for discussion. Many people       capability to develop land as their source of livelihood.
became destitute for no longer having land to farm           Asset reform without access reform is of no use to
on. Many former paddy-field owners had to become             farmers embroiled in poverty.
field laborers, working on land owned by other parties.          On the other hand, the combination of the two re-
In areas such as Garut and Bandung, poverty is very          forms has provided a way out of destitution for farm-
much related to the issue of land ownership. Thus, when      ers in Garut and Bandung. Agrarian reform, of course,
the government declared an agrarian reform program,          is nothing new, and cannot even be dubbed as inno-
i.e. a combination of asset reform and access reform,        vative. But it is innovation if in its implementation,
the move was applauded by stakeholders, especially           new methodologies are enacted with successful end
landless farmers.                                            results.
     Asset reform, which is a reorganization of owner-           The current agrarian reform program does not
ship and the right of use over land based on law and         only deal with the issues of assets and access, it also
by-laws, also includes redistribution of land and lega-      involves all stakeholders, encompassing the central and
lization of assets. Access reform is the process of          local governments, the private sector and NGOs, and of
providing beneficiaries an access to economic and            course the landless farmers.

inovasi                                                                    SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011

      Dalam­ pelaksanaannya­ pun­ melibatkan­ seluruh­                Potret­ keberhasilan­ petani­ (dan­ buruh­ per­ e­
      pihak,­tidak­hanya­pemerintah­(pusat­atau­daerah),­         bunan)­ yang­ mem­ eroleh­ kombinasi­ asset reform
      tetapi­juga­swasta­dan­lembaga­swadaya­masyarakat,­         dan access reformdalam­bentuk­tanah,­modal­(tidak­
      serta­ masyarakat­ penerima­ tanah­ (petani­ tanpa­         hanya­be­ upa­uang),­dan­ketrampilan­me­ alui­peng­
                                                                            r                                 l
      tanah).­ Keterlibatan­ multi­ pihak­ ini­ membutuhkan­      organisasian­yang­di­ akukan­oleh­LSM,­dapat­dilihat­
      koordinasi­satu­dengan­lainnya,­agar­reforma­agraria­       di­Kabupaten­Garut­dan­Bandung.­
      dapat­berjalan­dengan­baik.­Maka­pembagian­peran­               Di­Desa­Sagara,­Kecamatan­Cibalong,­Kabu­ aten­
      masing­masing­ menjadi­ sebuah­ keharusan.­ Secara­         Garut, buruh­perkebunan­yang­menjadi­sasaran­pe­
      umum,­ pembagian­ peran­ yang­ terjadi­ adalah:­ BPN­       lak­ anaan­ reforma­ agraria­ berhasil­ meningkatkan­
      berperan­dalam­proses­asset reform­(redistribusi­dan­       taraf­ hidupnya­ secara­ signifikan.­ Sebelum­ memiliki­
      legalisasi­tanah),­ada­kalanya­swasta­juga­berperan­        tanah­ (kebun­ karet),­ mereka­ bekerja­ sebagai­ bu­
      dalam­asset reform,­yakni­ketika­memberikan­tanah­          ruh­ perkebunan­ dengan­ upah­ per­ bulan­ sebesar­
      mereka­untuk­diredistribusikan.­Pemerintah­Daerah­          220.000­ rupiah.­ Setelah­ memperoleh­ tanah­ seluas­
      dan­LSM­lebih­banyak­berperan­dalam­access reform,          rata­rata­ 1­ hektar­ per­ kepala­ keluarga­ dan­ ta­ a­
      walaupun­ dalam­ lingkup­ kegiatan­ yang­ berbeda.­         m­ n­ karet,­ pendapatan­ mereka­ per­ bulan­ men­ a­
                                                                    a                                                  c
      Pemerintah­Daerah­berperan­dalam­pemberian­mo­              pai­ 7.000.000­ rupiah.­ Tentunya,­ mereka­ dibekali­
      dal­serta­peningkatan­kapasitas­dan­keahlian­dalam­         dengan­ ketrampilan­ dalam­ mengelola­ per­ ebunan­
      rangka­ membuka­ akses­ ekonomi­ bagi­ petani­ pe­ e­
                                                        n         karet­ dan­ juga­ pemasarannya.­ Peme­ intah­ Daerah­
      rima­ tanah.­ LSM­ berperan­ da­ am­ pengorganisasian­
                                      l                           dan­ Lembaga­ Swadaya­ Masyarakat­ bekerjasama­
      dan­pe­ ingkatan­kapasitas­petani,­se­ ingga­mereka­
              n                                h                  dalam­ pengorganisasian­ buruh­ dan­ peningkatan­
      mampu­mengelola­modal­yang­akan­mereka­terima­              kemampuan­dan­ketrampilan­mereka.­

           Obviously, this involvement of multi-stakeholders           In the village of Sagara, Cibalong, in Garut, we
      needs thorough coordination to ensure that reform is        now can find field laborers beneficiaries of agrarian
      carried out well. Each party has their own well-defined     reform who have improved the quality of their lives
      role. And so the National Land Agency, and in certain       significantly. Before obtaining ownership of their rubber
      cases the private sector, take care of asset reform when    plantation land, they had been workers earning monthly
      divvying out their land for redistribution.                 salaries of Rp 220,000 (just a little under USD 25). After
           Meanwhile, local governments and NGOs are more         receiving rubber saplings and land to the amount of
      involved in access reform, though both holding differing    one hectare per household, their income multiplied to
      roles. While the local administrations provide capital      Rp 7,000,000 (almost USD 800) per month. They were
      and expertise to open up economic access to program         also given trainings in plantation management and
      beneficiaries, NGOs help farmers to organize themselves     marketing techniques. The local government and NGOs
      and assist in capacity building so that farmers can         had worked closely together to organize these workers
      manage their assets and landholdings well once they         to enhance their capacity and provide them with the
      have received them. Portraits of successful farmers and     skills they needed.
      field laborers, beneficiaries of a combination of assets         In Bandung regency, coordination and division of
      and access reforms being enacted in the form of provision   stakeholder roles were key to the success of agrarian
      of land and capital (though not necessarily financial),     reform in the village of Cipelah. Local Government
      and increased capacity organized by NGOs, can now be        Departments, known as SKPD, defined each of their
      observed in the Bandung and Garut areas.                    roles and coordinated with other SKPDs, ensuring that

SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011                                                                    innovation

    Di­Kabupaten­Bandung,­koordinasi­dan­pem­ agian­
                                                b                    Melalui­ program­ reforma­ agraria­ (asset reform)­
peran­para­pihak­menjadi­kunci­keberhasilan­reforma­             sebanyak­200­KK­memperoleh­sertifikat­tanah­ru­ ah­  m
agraria­ di­ Desa­ Cipelah.­ Pembagian­ peran­ SKPD­             tinggal­mereka.­Selain­itu,­tanah­yang­diobyek­reforma­
(Satuan­ Kerja­ Pemerintah­ Daerah)­ dan­ koordinasi­            agraria­ dialokasikan­ untuk­ pertanian­ dan­ pem­ a­  b
antar­ SKPD­ berjalan­ dengan­ baik,­ sehingga­ tanah­           ngun­ n­fasiltias­umum.­Dengan­demikian,­tanah­yang­
seluas­ 84,2­ hektar­ berhasil­ diredistribusi­ ke­ ada­
                                                  p              sebelumnya­hanya­menjadi­lahan­tidur­dapat­diman­
petani­penggarap­yang­sebelumnya­menggarap­tanah­                faatkan­untuk­menanggulangi­kemiskinan.
yang­ dikuasai­ oleh­ PT­ Millenia­ Indonesia­Cibuni­                Jika­ berjalan­ dengan­ baik,­ reforma­ agraria­ yang­
Estate.­ Beberapa­ SKPD­ yang­ terlibat­ dan­ bentuk­            memadukan­ antara­ asset reform dan access reform
keterlibatannya­dapat­dilihat­dalam­tabel­berikut:               dapat­menjadi­sebuah­alternatif­solusi­dalam­upa­ a­    y
                                                                 penanggulangan­ kemiskinan.­ Keberhasilan­ pe­ ak­    l
                                                                 sanaan­ reforma­ agraria­ membutuhkan­ keter­ i­ atan­
                                                                 swasta,­ maupun­ LSM,­ dan­ tentunya­ masya­ akat­  r
 No       SKPD                     Progam Kegiatan

 1    BKP3             Desa­Mandiri­Pangan

 2    Distanhutbun     Penyediaan­bibit­budi­daya­tanaman        yang­ menjadi­ sasaran­ program.­ Karena­ melibatkan­
 3    Diskoperindag    Pelatihan­koperasi                        banyak­pihak,­maka­koordinasi­dan­sinergi­para­pihak­
 4    BPMPD            Alokasi­Dana­Desa­(ADD)                   menjadi­sebuah­keharusan.
 5    Dinas­SEDAPE     Infrastruktur­Irigasi

 6    Disnakan         Penyediaan­bibit­ternak­domba/kelinci

 7    Kepala­Desa      Alokasi­Dana­Desa­

84.2 hectares of land were successfully redistributed                 In this agrarian reform program, 200 households
among farmers formerly working on land managed by                received certificates for their homes and land of abode.
PT Millenia Indonesia-Cibuni Estate. SKPDs and their             Land dedicated to the reform was allocated for farming
forms of involvement can be glanced at in the following          and public amenities infrastructure. Thus, plots of land
table:                                                           formerly lying fallow are now being utilized to overcome
       SKPD (Local Govern-                                            If all goes well, agrarian reform combining the con-
 No                                     Program Activity
        ment Department)                                         cepts of asset reform and access reform can be a solution
 1    BKP3                      Village Food Sovereignity        in the effort to alleviate poverty. Success in this endeavor
      Forest, Farming and       Provision of horticulture see-
                                                                 would need the involvement of all concerned, including
 2                                                               local and national government administrations, the
      Plantation Office         dlings
      Cooperatives, Industri-
                                                                 private sector, NGOs, and of course the communities
 3                              Cooperatives training            targeted in the programs. As a multi-stakeholder effort,
      es and Trade Office
                                                                 solid coordination and synergy among the parties should
 4    BPMPD                     Village Fund Allocation (ADD)
                                                                 be an imperative.
 5    Dinas SEDAPE              Irrigation Infrastructure
      Animal Husbandry Of-      Provision of sheep and rabbit
      fice                      livestock starters

 7    Village Head              Village Fund Allocation

Stakeholder’s opinion                                                         SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011

                                                                     tersebut.­ Kegiatan­ reforma­ agraria­ di­ Jateng­ telah­
       Dodi Kholid imron                                             menampakkan­ hasil­ yang­ dapat­ mem­ erikan­ jalan­
                                                                     keluar­ dari­ permasalahan­ kemis­ inan­ yang­ ber­
                                                                     sumber­ pada­ ketiadaan­ aset.­ Di­ Cilacap,­ melalui­
                                                                     pro­ es­ mediasi­ denganantara­ masyarakat­ dengan­
       (Kepala Kantor Wilayah Badan Pertanahan Nasional

                                                                     PT­ RSA,­ tanah­ seluas­ 284,12­ ha­ diredistribusikan­
       Provinsi Jawa Tengah)

               ebagai­Kepala­Kantor­Wilayah­Badan­Perta­ ah­
                                                         n           ke­ ada­ 5.141­ petani­ penggarap,­ di­ Desa­ Kauripan­
               an­Nasional­Provinsi­Jawa­Tengah,­Bapak­Dodi­         Kec.­ Subah­ Kabupaten­ Batang,­ melalui­ mediasi,­
               Kholid­ Imron­ banyak­ berkecimpung­ dalam­           konflik­ pertanahan­ dapat­ diselesaikan,­ dan­ tanah­
       reforma­ agraria,­ terutama­ karena­ di­ Jawa­ Tengah­        seluas­ 32,72­ Ha­ berhasil­ diredistribusikan­ untuk­
       masalah­kemiskinan­banyak­terkait­dengan­masalah­             kurang­lebih­144­petani­penggarap,­di­Desa­Trisobo­
       kepemilikan­aset.­­Dari­4.840.798­KK­miskin­di­Jawa­          Ke­ amatan­Boja­Kabupaten­Kendal,­melalui­mediasi,­
       Tengah,­sebanyak­1,26­Juta­KK­tidak­memiliki­rumah.­          konflik­pertanahan­antara­masyarakat­dan­PT.­KAL,­
       Keadaan­kemiskinan­yang­disebabkan­oleh­ketiada­ n­ a
                                                           ­         dan­tanah­seluas­11,5­Ha­berhasil­diresdistribusikan­
       kepemilikan­ asset­ tersebut­ mengakibatkan­ ter­ adi­
                                                         j           untuk­kurang­lebih­500­petani.
       nya­sengketa­dan­konflik­pertanahan­yang­sis­ emik.­
                                                       t                  Selain­ dalam­ bentuk­ redistribusi­ tanah,­ refor­
       Data­ Tahun­ 2011­ me­ ampakkan­ jumlah­ konflik,­
                                n                                    ma­agraria­secara­utuh,­yang­merupakan­per­ aduan­
       sengketa­dan­perkara­di­Jawa­Tengah­mencapai­347­             antara­asset reform dan access reform­juga­telah­ber­
       kasus,­dengan­detil­rincian:­konflik­sebanyak­5­kasus,­       hasil­ dilakukan.­ Kerjasama­ terbesar­ dalam­ rangka­
       seng­ eta­sebanyak­102­kasus,­dan­perkara­sebanyak­
             k                                                       access reform dilakukanmelalui­ MOU­ antaraKanwil­
       240­kasus.­                                                   BPN­dengan:­Pemprov.­Jawa­Tengah,­Bank­Indonesia,­
            Permasalahan­ tersebutlah­ yang­ harus­ diha­ api­
                                                         d           Diperindagkop,­Dinas­Peternakan,­Pemkab­Semarang,­
       dan­dicarikan­jalan­keluarnya­oleh­Kanwil­Badan­Per­          PT.­SidoMuncul,­Bank­BRI,­Bank­Jateng,­PT.­Indolakto,­
       tanahan­Nasional­Prov­Jateng­dibawah­kepe­ impinan­
                                                   m                 PT.­ Cimori,­ PT.­ Sari­ Husada,­ danPT.­ CitaNasional.­­
       Bapak­ Dodi­ Kholid­ Imron.­ Reforma­ Agraria,­ yang­         Access reform­ tersebut­ diwujudkan­ dalam­ bentuk­
       me­ upakan­ program­ Badan­ Pertanahan­ Nasional­
          ­                                                          pengembangan­klaster­tanaman­obat­dan­sapi­perah/
       men­ adi­jalan­keluar­yang­efektif­bagi­per­ asalahan­
             j                                    m                  sapi­potong.­

       Dodi Kholid imron                                             conflict, 102 cases of land disputes, and legal tussling
                                                                     amounting to 240 cases.
       (Head of Provincial National Land Agency, Province                These cases had to be provided with solutions.
       of Central Java)                                              Agrarian Reform, a program under the National Land
                                                                     Agency has been deemed as being the most effective

               s the Central Java office Head of the National        of these solutions. Agrarian Reform in Central Java has
               Land Agency, Dodi Kholid Imron is very familiar       been most successful in the alleviation of poverty caused
               with agrarian reform issues, especially in light of   by non-ownership of assets. In Cilacap, a process of
       the fact that in his region, much of the issues of poverty    mediation between the community and PT RSA company
       are directly related to the matter of asset ownership. Of     resulted in 284.12 hectares of land being redistributed
       4,840,798 poor households in Central Java, 1.26 million       to 5,141 landless farmers. In the village of Kauripan,
       of them do not own housing. Poverty as a result of non-       Subah, in Batang, mediation resulted in 32.72 hectares
       ownership of assets has periodically caused systemic          being redistributed to around 144 landless farmers. In
       conflicts and disputes over landholdings. In 2011, 347        the village of Trisobo, Boja, Kendal, mediation between
       dispute cases were recorded, covering: 5 cases of             the community and PT KAL company resulted in 11.5

SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011                                                 Stakeholder’s opinion

    Menyadari­ pentingnya­ peran­ dan­ keterlibatan­      Alliance for Poverty Alleviation)­ untuk­ bersama­
ba­ yak­ pihak­ selain­ pemerintah,­ Kantor­ Wilayah­
  n                                                       sama­ mendorong­ partisipasi­ petani­ tidak­ bertanah­
Badan­ Pertanahan­ Propinsi­ Jawa­ Tengah­ dibawah­       dalam­ pengambilan­ keputusan­ pelaksanaan­ pilot
kepe­ im­ inan­ Bapak­ Dodi,­ bekerjasama­ dengan­
     m p                                                  projectreforma­ agraria­ di­ Jawa­ Selatan.­ ­ Melalui­
pihak­swasta­dan­lembaga­swadaya­masyarakat­yang­         kerjasama­ini,­diharapkan­reforma­agraria­di­Propinsi­
peduli­dan­mem­ okuskan­kegiatannya­pada­isu­tanah.­
                 f                                    ­   Jawa­Tengah­dapat­berjalan­semakin­baik,­sehingga­
Oleh­ karena­ itu,­ Kantor­ Wilayah­ Badan­ Pertanahan­   petani­ yang­ miskin­ karena­ tidak­ memiliki­ tanah­
Propinsi­ Jawa­ Tengah­ menyambut­ baik­ kerjasama­       semakin­berkurang,­dan­kesejahteraan­rakyat­sebagai­
yang­ditawarkan­oleh­KPA­(Konsorsium­Pembaruan­           tujuan­akhir­dari­reforma­agraria­dapat­tercapai.

hectares of land being redistributed to around 500        and cattle for meat products.
farmers.                                                      Realizing the importance of having a multi-stake-
    Besides showing solid results in     the form of      holders approach including other parties beside govern-
redistribution of land, comprehensive agrarian reform,    ment agencies, the Land Agency of Central Java under
which is a combination of asset reform and access         Dodi worked in cooperation with the private sector
reform, has also been successfully implemented. The       and NGOs committed to land issues. The Central Java
biggest joint-effort for access-reform was conducted      office embraced wholeheartedly an intiative to work
under an MOU between the Head of the Land Agency          closely with an Agrarian Reform Consortium (KPA) under
and the Provincial Government of Central Java; Bank       the SAPA Program. Participation for non-landholding
Indonesia; the Industries, Trade and Cooperatives         farmers towards the right of self-determination and
Department; Animal Husbandry Department; Regency          decision making was the aim in an agrarian reform pilot
Government of Semarang; PT Sidomuncul; Bank BRI;          project in Southern Java. It was hoped that the joint-
Bank Jateng; PT Indolakto; PT Cimori; PT Sari Husada      effort would result in a decrease in the numbers of very
and PT Cita nasional. Access reform was created in the    poor farmers, and that community prosperity could be
form of cluster development for herbs and dairy cattle    increased substantially.

Stakeholder’s opinion                                                       SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011

                                                                   memiliki­ daya­ (kemampuan)­ untuk­ meninggalkan­
                                                                   perkebunan,­ mereka­ pun­ dibatasi­ haknya­ atas­
       (Dewan Penasehat Paguyuban Petani Aryo Blitar

                                                                   kepemilikan­ ternak,­ untuk­ kambing­ tidak­ boleh­
       (PPAB) & Presidium Paguyuban Warga Tani


              erjalanan­ hidup­ Bapak­ Kinan­ adalah­ sejarah­     SMP­ nya­ pun­ tidak­ diperbolehkan­ bekerja­ keluar­
              perkebunan­Kulonbambang­dan­gerakan­buruh­           perkebunan.­ Bahkan­ pilihan­ politik­ pun­ dibatasi.­ ­
              perkebunan­untuk­keluar­dari­eksploitasi­yang­       Tidak­ ada­ karyawan­ yang­ diperbolehkan­ memilih­
       terjadi­di­perkebunan­tersebut.Eksploitasi­buruh­di­        selain­ memilih­ partai­ politik­ yangberkuasa­ pada­
       perkebunan­Kulonbambang­terjadi­dengan­masuknya­            saat­itu.­­Sanksi­bagi­yang­memiliki­pilihan­berbeda­
       PT­ Sawit­ Guni­ Kawi.­ Petani­ yang­ pada­ awalnya­        adalah­ pengusiran.­ ­ Maka­ pekerjaan­ sebagai­ buruh­
       memiliki­ hak­ kepemilikan­ tanah­ di­ perkebunan­          perkebunan­adalah­pekerjaan­turun­temurun.­­
       Kulonbambang,­ berbalik­ menjadi­ buruh­ karena­                Diskriminasi­ yang­ dialami­ terus­ menerus,­ serta­
       kepemilikan­tanah­mereka­beralih­ke­PT­Sawit­Guni­          beban­ harus­ memikul­ anggapan­ bahwa­ menjadi­
       Kawi.­ ­ Masa­ ini­ ditandai­ dengan­ rendahnya­ upah­      orang­ persil­ bodoh,­ miskin­ dan­ tidak­ berdaulat,­
       yang­ diterima­ oleh­ buruh,­ dan­ berbagai­ bentuk­        menimbulkan­dorongan­dalam­diri­Bapak­Kinan­untuk­
       diskriminasi­ lainnya.­ ­ Pada­ tahun­ 1999,­ upah­ yang­   mulai­memperjuangkan­hak­buruh­perkebunan­agar­
       diterima­adalah­3500­rupiah­per­hari,­dengan­waktu­         mereka­dapat­menjadi­pemilik­tanah­yang­memiliki­
       kerja­dari­pukul­06.00­hingga­pukul­14.00.­­Karyawan­       kedaulatan.­ ­ Perjuangan­ tersebut­ tidak­ mudah,­
       perempuan­ yang­ hamil,­ tetap­ harus­ bekerja­ hingga­     tantangan­datang­tidak­hanya­dari­pihak­perkebunan,­
       2­ minggu­ sebelum­ waktu­ melahirkan,­ dan­ kembali­       tetapi­juga­dari­para­buruh­yang­merasa­takut.­

                                                                   field laborer received a salary of Rp 3,500 a day, with
       (Member of Advisory Board Aryo Blitar Farmers
                                                                   working hours from 06.00 am to 2 pm. Pregnant female
       Club, member of Presidium of Kulonbambang
       Farming Club                                                workers had to work til at least two weeks before the
                                                                   expected due date and were expected to return to
                                                                   work one month after giving birth. To disenfranchise

              inan’s lifestory is the history of Kulonbambang      the workers, the company limited the right to ownership
              Plantation and plantation worker movement            of animals. One person could not own more than two
              to come out from the exploitation that occurs        goats, and only one head of cattle. Their children who
       there. Exploitation on plantation workers started to take   had reached middle school were not allowed to work
       place when PT Sawit Guni Kawi entered the picture.          outside the plantation. If the offspring did dare to work
       The company began exploiting worker farmers. Farmers        outside, the parents would be dismissed from the
       who were orginally landholders of their own estate in       plantation. Even their political aspirations were stunted.
       Kulonbambang were turned into laborers to work the          All worker farmers were to vote for the ruling party at
       land now held by the company. Wholesale exploitation        the time. Sanction was swift and cruel: dismissal from
       was evident in the very low wages the workers received,     the plantation. Work in the area then became a family
       besides many other forms of discrimination. In 1999, a      affair, going down from parents to offsprings.

Sapa edisi 1 desember 2011
Sapa edisi 1 desember 2011
Sapa edisi 1 desember 2011
Sapa edisi 1 desember 2011

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Sapa edisi 1 desember 2011

  • 1. SAPA VOLUME 1, DESEMBER 2011 Strategic WTSTLE R TEEDRI SEIforIRPoverty ,VN O V E M B2E0R1 1 0 1 1 S L alliance DP S T A MT A M A alleviation N E WN E E ET IE PER A, NO EMBER 2 (ALIANSI STRATEGIS UNTUK PENANGGULANGAN KEMISKINAN) PROMOTING INNOVATION, COORDINATION AND PARTICIPATION IN POVERTY ALLEVIATION PROGRAMS E D I SI 1 , D E SE M B E R 2 0 1 1 | VO LU M E 1 , D E CE MBE R 2011 KEMENTERIAN KOORDINATOR BIDANG KESEJAHTERAAN RAKYAT Advisor Sujana Royat (Kemenko Kesra), Bambang Widianto (Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan, Bersama­dengan­Badan­Pertanahan­nasional­(BPN),­petani­miskin­di­Dusun­Kulonbambang,­ TNP2K), Alexander Irwan (Ford Foundation) Kabupaten­Blitar,­Jawa­Timur­berpartisipasi­dalam­pengukuran­tanah­untuk­land reform. Chief Editor Katiman Kartowinomo (Kemenko Kesra) Together with the National land Agency BPN, poor farmers in Kulonbambang Village in Blitar District, Editor East Java, participated in the land mapping for land reform. K Yaury Tetanel (Komite Kemitraan Indonesia untuk Penanggulangan Kemiskinan – KKIPK), Katiman Kartowinomo (Kemenko Dari redaksi Kesra), Luh Nyoman Dewi Triandayani (KKIPK), Fakhrulsyah Mega (KKIPK) Contributors tanah: asset dan akses aceh: Azharuddin north Sumatera: Kominta Sari Purba Menuju Sejahtera emiskinan memang bisa pa­ ar­yang­memungkinkan­me­ e­ s ­ r ­ ­ West Java: Surahmat, Eva Patimah, Umar di­ efinisikan­ secara­ luas,­ d ka­mengelola­asset­mereka­un­ uk­ t ­ Alam, Yudi Kurnia, Daden Sukendar, baik­ fisik­ maupun­ non­ men­ ukupi­kebutuhan­hidup.­ c Deden fisik,­baik­praktis,­pragmatis­mau­ Dalam­ edisi­ perdana­ ini­ se­ ­ ­ central Java: Zakaria, Gunung Wiryanto pun­ filosofis.­ Tapi­ sebenarnya­ ngaja­ sidang­ redaksi­ me­ i­ ih­ ml yogyakarta: Triwahyuni Suci Wulandari be­ ang­ merah­ yang­ bisa­ ditarik­ n ­ tema­ terkait­ dengan­ perta­ ah­ n­ n ­ a South Sulawesi: Mulyadi dari­kemiskinan­adalah­ketiadaan­ karena­ tanah­ mem­ unyai­ fung­ i­ p ­ s ­ east nusa tenggara: Paul asset­dan­akses.­ yang­ sangat­ strategis­ seka­ i­ us­ lg ­­ Bali: Luh Debora Murthy Asset­ bisa­ diartikan­ sebagai­ vital­ untuk­ menang­ u­ angi­ ke­ g l West nusa tenggara: Siti Sanisah hak­penguasaan­terhadap­sumber­ mis­ inan.­ Selain­ itu­ dari­ bebe­ k ­ layout da­ a­yang­tangible­seperti­tanah,­ y ­ rapa­ kasus­ sengketa­ tanah,­ yang­ KOMSENI dan­akses­dapat­diartikan­sebagai­ me­ upakan­feno­ ena­gu­ ung­es,­ r m n hak­masyarakat­miskin­untuk­ikut­ ter­ impan­ perma­ a­ ahan­ men­ s s l Publisher menentukan­alokasi­sumber­daya­ dasar­ yang­ menjadi­ bom­ wak­ u­ t SAPA Secretariat yang­ non­tangible­ seperti­ bi­ it­ b ­ yang­ seolah­ menunggu­ pe­ icu­m ­ Address: Jl. Kesehatan IX No. 8, Jakarta, dan­ ternak,­ dan­ keuangan­ dan­ un­ uk­ meledakkan­ berba­ ai­ t g ­ Telephone and fax 62 21 3865213 Website: Email: 1
  • 2. Dari redaksi SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011 masalah­ sosial­ di­ negeri­ ini.­ struktural­melemahkan­mereka.­ tiga­ wilayah­ tersebut­ menun­ Ma­ a­ ah­ pertanahan­ juga­ sebe­ s l Seiring­ dengan­ kemampuan­ juk­ an­ bahwa­ land reform­ yang­ k ­ nar­ ya­ mencerminkan­ multi­ n ­ me­ eka­ mengorganisir­ diri­ un­ r se­ ak­ dulu­ diwacanakan­ dan­ te­ j pro­ lem­ baik­ dari­ sisi­ ekonomi,­ b ­ tuk­ mem­ erjuangkan­ hak­ mere­ p ­ ­ lah­ di­ a­ angkan­ menjadi­ pro­ c n ke­ dilan­sosial,­budaya,­good go­ a ­ ka­atas­asset­dalam­bentuk­ta­ ah­ n ­ gram­nasional­Badan­Pertanah­ n­ a vernance­ dan­ demokrasi.­ Sebut­ yang­dipelopori­oleh­Kinan,­ke­ i­ h Nasional,­ bukanlah­ sesuatu­ yang­ sa­ a­ satu­ masalah­ yang­ di­ ng­ j a ­ dupan­ masyarakat­ di­ perke­ un­ b ‘menakutkan’­ dan­ tidak­ masuk­ kat­dalam­salah­satu­topik,­yaitu­ an­ tersebut­ sudah­ men­ adi­ jauh­ j akal.­ Land reform­ da­ am­ bentuk­ l per­ a­ alahan­tanah­yang­terjadi­ m ­ s lebih­ baik.­ Apalagi­ apabila­ akses­ asset­ dan­ akses­ re­ orm­ justru­ f di­ Blitar,­ tempat­ dimana­ sang­ ter­ a­ ap­pengambilan­keputusan­ h d men­ adi­simpul­da­ i­be­ ang­per­ j ­ r n ­ ­ Pro­ ­ amator­ dan­ Wakil­ Pre­ i­ k ­l s un­ uk­ alokasi­ sumber­ daya­ yang­ t masalahan­ ke­ is­ in­ n­ dan­ ke­ m ­ a k ­ ­ den­ kita­ sekarang­ lahir­ dan­ di­ in­ a­ gi­ le­ juga­ bisa­ mereka­ per­ t n b sen­ angan­ yang­ kusut­ untuk­ ke­ j ­ ­ besarkan.­Issue­pertanahan­yang­ oleh.­ Hal­ serupa­ juga­ terjadi­ di­ mu­ ian­diurai­dan­menjadi­solu­ i­ d ­ s ­ di­ isahkan­oleh­Kinan,­De­ an­Pe­ k ­ w ­ ­ Ka­ u­ aten­ Garut­ dan­ Bandung­ b p tepat­untuk­mem­ er­ aya­ an­dan­ b d k na­ ehat­ Paguyuban­ Pe­ ani­ Ar­ o­ s ­ t y di­ ana­asset­dan­akses­terhadap­ m men­ ejahterakan­masya­ akat­pe­ s ­ r Blitar,­ tentang­ bagai­ ana­ ti­ ak­ m ­ d tanah­ diberikan­ dan­ dibuka­ se­ ta­ i­yang­miskin. n ber­ ayanya­ para­ pekerja­ per­ e­ d ­ k ­ ­ hingga­ masyarakat­ dapat­ lebih­ Tantangan­ yang­ harus­ diha­ bunan­yang­tadi­ ya­adalah­pe­ ilik­ n m ­ leluasa­untuk­mengatur­kehi­ up­ d dapi­ selanjutnya­ adalah­ bagai­ ­ kebun­menunjukkan­bahwa­ke­ ia­ t ­ annya­dan­membebaskan­diri­dari­ ma­ a­ mereplikasi­ upaya­upaya­ n daan­ asset­ dan­ akses­ bisa­ di­ ki­ a ­ ­ ­ masalah­kemiskinan.­ ino­ asi­ land reform,­ yang­ pada­ v ­ batkan­oleh­kebijakan­yang­se­ ara­ c ­ Cerita­ sukses­ land reform di inti­ ya­ membuka­ akses­ and­ n ­ lanDholDingS: aSSetS anD born and raised. The issue raised by Kinan, advisor to the Association acceSS to ProSPerity of Aryo Blitar Farmers, showed how incapacitated the field workers felt, who in fact were the original owners A definition of poverty can In this first edition of this pu- of the agricultural estate where they be wide-ranging, because blication, the editors have selected toiled as laborers. This case shows it encompasses both the the theme of landholdings because how non-ownership of assets and physical and non-physical, the land ownership is not only strategic access can be a direct result of practical, the pragmatic, and one but also vital in the effort for com- policy that by default takes away a can even be philosophical about munities to overcome poverty. community’s power over assets. it. In fact, the basic tenet running Often land dispute cases are like In tandem with the community’s through a discussion on poverty is icebergs, with the larger portion capability to organize themselves to that there is a glaring lack of assets of the problem buried out of sight, fight for their land rights with Kinan and access to resources. Assets can creating a social time bomb waiting taking up the cudgels, life for this include the rights over tangible to detonate. Landholding issues are community has taken a turn for resources, such as landholdings. in fact a reflection of a multitude the better. This would be further Access could include the rights of problems, including ones with an enhanced once they have gained of poor communities to take part economic, social injustice, cultural, access to their rights to determine in determining the allocation of good governance and democracy allocation of intangible resources. A non-tangible resources such as dimension. similar situation happened in Garut seedlings, livestock, financing and One of the topics we have and Bandung regencies, where market decisions, which could em- taken up is the one concerning land assets and access to landholdings power them to fulfill their own basic disputes in Blitar, the place where were opened up, enabling the daily needs. Indonesia’s first president was communities to manage their own 2
  • 3. SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011 from the editor mem­ eri­ an­ asset­ tanah­ kepada­ b k ­ baik­pusat­maupun­daerah,­swasta­ warning­ system­ terhadap­ per­ ­ pe­ ani­dan­masyarakat­miskin,­ke­ t ­ dan­kelompok­lainnya.­ ma­ alahan­permasalahan­ sosial­ s ­ wilayah­wilayah­ lain­ yang­ mem­ Program­ SAPA­ yang­ didu­ yang­ mungkin­ akan­ mun­ ul­ c punyai­tanah­potensial­untuk­‘di­ kung­ oleh­ berbagai­ stakeholders­ dan­ me­ er­ ukan­ pena­ gan­ n­ m l ­ n a bagikan’­ kepada­ petani.­ Upaya­ ber­ paya­ menjadi­ katalisator­ u ­ yang­ cepat.­ Yang­ pasti­ pe­ ang­ n upa­ a­positif­kemitraan­yang­te­ ah­ y l agar­ good­ will­ dan­ willingness­ gu­ angan­ kemis­ inan­ me­ erlu­ l k m diupayakan­oleh­BPN,­Pemerintah­ dari­ semua­ pihak­ terkait­ refor­ kan­ upaya­ yang­ konsis­ en­ dan­ t Daerah,­dan­Swasta­menjadi­best ma­ agraria­ dapat­ tumbuh­ dan­ terus­ menerus.­ Banyak­ cara­ dan­ practices dan lessons learned­yang­ ter­ em­ atani­ dalam­ jeja­ ing­ ke­ j ­ b r jalan­ bisa­ ditempuh­ menuju­ ke­ perlu­ ditularkan­ seluas­luasnya­ mitraan­ yang­ saling­ meng­ n­ u ­ ­ sana,­ dan­ reforma­ agraria­ men­ un­ uk­mempercepat­pengurang­ n­ t a tung­ an.­ Upaya­upaya­ ter­ e­ ut­ k s ­b jadi­satu­kunci­sukses­untuk­me­ kemiskinan.­Yang­lebih­urgen­lagi­ diantaranya­ dengan­ mengem­ wujudkannya.­ adalah­bagaimana­melembaga­ an­k ­ bang­ an­ resource­ center­ di­ 15­ k ­ Selamat­membaca. pola­pola­ kemitraan­ yang­ telah­ kabu­ aten/kota­ sebagai­ basis­ p ­ terbukti­ efektif­ meningkatkan­ data­ kemis­ inan­ yang­ akan­ di­ k ke­ ejahteraan­ rakyat­ ke­ da­ am­ s ­ l per­ aya­ oleh­ pemerintah­ dae­ k ­ ­ Katiman Kartowinomo, ke­ ijakan­ dan­ program­ peme­ b ­ rah­ masing­masing­ untuk­ mem­ Pemimpin Redaksi rin­ ah­daerah­secara­reguler.­Jadi­ t ­ pertajam­ tar­ et­ kebijakan­ dan­ g da­ am­ inovasi­ land reform ini l program­dae­ ah.­Yang­lebih­pen­ r me­ erlukan­ good will­ sekaligus­ m ­ ting­ lagi­ adalah­ resource­ cen­ er­ t willingness to do­dari­pemerintah,­ akan­ menjadi­ salah­ satu­ early­ lives and free themselves from sector can produce best practices poverty. and lessons learned to be spread The success stories of land re- far and wide to reduce poverty. form in the three areas are strong Even more urgent is the need to evidence that the notion for land institutionalize those partnerships ownership, long a favourite discour- that have proven effective in increas- se of the National Land Agency is ing the prosperity of communities, poverty databases. This data can nothing to be “scared” about, nor by the creation of policies and go- then be enhanced by the local is it an improbable one to make it vernment programs. Land reform governments in each locale to real. Land reform in the form of innovations urgently need good will enrich their policy targets and local asset and access reform can in fact and political will on the part of both programs. More importantly, the be the central solution to poverty local and the central governments, resource centers can act as an early alleviation and social gaps, and it as well as actors in the private sector warning system for social problems can empower and create prosperity and NGOs. that can emerge at any moment, for poor farming communities. The SAPA program participated needing rapid and careful handling. The biggest challenge ahead by various stakeholders aims to be- Poverty alleviation needs consistent is replicating the innovative efforts come a catalisator for goodwill and and constant efforts. There are for land reform, the central point willingness of all parties involved many roads and avenues that can to open up access and provision in agrarian reform. We hope this be taken, and agrarian reform is one of land assets to farmers and poor reform will grow and create bridges of the key solutions that could lead communities, in areas with enough between partners and networks, to the pathway of success. land to be redistributed to farmers. and be of benefit to all. These Happy reading, Effective partnerships created efforts include the establishment between the National Land Agency, of resource centers in 15 cities/ Katiman Kartowinomo, local governments, and the private regencies as the repository for Editor in Chief 3
  • 4. Data SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011 I Konversi lahan, Pembangunan Pertanian, dan Kemiskinan di indonesia Oleh, Yauri G.P Tetanel ndonesia­sejak­lama­telah­mendeklarasikan­diri­ Data­ pada­ grafik,­ menunjukkan­ bahwa­ jumlah­ nya­ sebagai­ negara­ agraris.­ Hal­ ini­ tentu­ saja­ lahan­sawah­di­pulau­jawa­terus­mengalami­penurunan­ tidak­terlepas­dari­potensi­dan­kesuburan­lahan­ dibandingkan­dengan­luas­lahan­sawah­diluar­pulau­ yang­dimiliki,­akan­tetapi­juga­karena­sebagian­besar­ jawa.­ Penurunan­ lahan­ sawah­ dipulau­ jawa­ sebesar­ penduduknya­menggantungkan­mata­pencahariannya­ 10,37­ juta­ hektar­ atau­ 0,31­ %­ /­ tahun.­ Disamping­ pada­ bidang­ pertanian.­ Walaupun­ demikian,­ dalam­ masalah­alih­fungsi­lahan­sawah,­persoalan­lain­yang­ beberapa­ dekade­ terakhir­ ini,­ pembangunan­ sektor­ tidak­kalah­pentingnya­adalah­tanah­terlantar.Dalam­ pertanian­ mengalami­ ketertinggalan­ dengan­ pem­ Peraturan­ Pemerintah­ No­ 11­ Tahun­ 2010­ ­ tentang­ bangunan­sektor­lainnya.­Contoh­yang­dapat­dilihat­ Pe­ ertiban­ &­ Pendayagunaan­ Tanah­ Terlantar­ dise­ n ­ secara­kasat­mata,­adalah­tidak­adanya­keberpihakan­ butkan­bahwa­yang­dimaksud­dengan­obyek­pener­ pemerintah­ dalam­ melindungi­ alih­ fungsi­ lahan­ tiban­ tanah­ terlantar­ meliputi­ tanah­ yang­ sudah­ pertanian.­ Walaupun­ telah­ diterbitkan­ sejumlah­ diberikan­ hak­ oleh­ Negara­ berupa­ Hak­ Milik,­ Hak­ kebijakan­ dan­ regulasi­ untuk­ mencegah­ alih­ funsi­ Guna­Usaha,­Hak­Guna­Bangunan,­Hak­Pakai,­dan­Hak­ lahan­ pertanian,­ namun­ pada­ kenyataannya­ alih­ Pengelolaan,­­atau­dasar­penguasaan­atas­tanah­yang­ fungsi­ lahan­ pertanian­ terus­ meningkat­ setiap­ tidak­ diusahakan,­ ­ tidak­ dipergunakan,­ atau­ tidak­ tahunnya.­Data­BPS­menyebutkan­terjadi­alih­fungsi­ dimanfaatkan­ sesuai­ dengankeadaannya­ atau­ sifat­ lahan­pertanian­sebesar­100­ribu­hektar­per­tahun.­ ­ dan­tujuan­pemberian­hak­atau­dasar­penguasaannya. Berikut­ ini­ adalah­ grafik­ mengenai­ perkembangan­ Data­BPN­menyebutkan­bahwa­di­Indonesia­masih­ada­ luas­lahan­sawah­di­Indonesia. sekitar­7,2­juta­hektar­tanah­terlantar.­ Alih­ fungsi­ lahan­ sawah­ di­ pulau­ jawa­ dipicu­ juga­ de­ ­ ngan­ meningkatnya­ jumlah­ Grafik 1. Perkembangan Luas Lahan Sawah pen­ uduk­ setiap­ tahun­ yang­ d ­ di Indonesia (Juta Hektar) mem­ erikan­ tekanan­ pada­ me­ b ­ ning­ atnya­ kebutuhan­ lahan­ k untuk­ permukiman­ mau­ un­ p pem­ angunan­ infrasruktur­ lain­ b ­ nya.­ Meningkatnya­ alih­ fungsi­ lahan­ pertanian­ menimbulkan­ an­ aman­ yang­ serius­ terhadap­ c ke­ ampuan­ negara­ dalam­ pe­ m ­ nye­ iaan­ pangan.­ Bahkan­ pada­ d tahap­ tertentu,­ Indonesia­ mulai­ dianggap­ telah­ kehilangan­ ke­ daulatan­atas­pangan.­Sebut­saja­ beberapa­ komoditi­ penting­ per­ tanian­ yang­ menjadi­ konsumsi­ masyarakat­banyak­seperti­beras,­ harus­ diimpor­ dari­ negara­ lain.­ Sumber­Data­:­Luas­Lahan­&­Penggunaannya,­BPS 4
  • 5. SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011 Data Berikut­ ini­ adalah­ beberapa­ komoditi­ penting­ yang­ nurunan­ jumlah­ penduduk­ miskin­ dari­ tahun­ ke­ harus­diimpor­Indonesia­dari­negara­lain. ta­ un,­ namun­ demikian­ jumlah­ penduduk­ mis­ h ­ kin­ yang­ tinggal­ di­ perdesaan­ masih­ cukup­ ting­ i.­g Bah­ an­ diduga­ bahwa­ sebagian­ penduduk­ mis­ in­ k ­ k yang­ berada­ di­ perkotaan­ merupakan­ juga­ pen­ u­ d Tabel 1. Posisi & Rerata Volume Impor Indonesia duk­ perdesaan­ yang­ melakukan­ urbanisasi­ un­ uk­ t Terhadap Bahan Pangan Beras Jagung Kedelai Daging Gula mendapatkan­ penghidupan­ yang­ lebih­ baik­ di­ per­ ­ kotaan.­Dalam­beberapa­tahun­terakhir,­pe­ e­ in­ ah­ m ­ t r Bahan Pangan mulai­memfokuskan­untuk­mendorong­im­ le­ entasi­ p m 437,99 962,24 1.180,55 13,60 822,76 program­program­ penanggulangan­ ke­ iskinan­ di­ m Rerata Volume Impor (Ribu Ton) 13 22 11 33 2 perdesaan,­ seperti­ PNPM­ (Program­ Na­ ional­ Pem­ s ­ ­ Peringkat Sumber­Data­:­USDA,­Grain­:­World­Markets­&­Trade.­Desember­2007­ berdayaan­ Masyarakat).­ Walaupun­ demi­ ian,­ pro­ k ­ gram–program­ penanggulangan­ ke­ is­ inan­ yang­ m k dikutip­melalui­Harian­Kompas. dilakukan­ belum­ sepenuhnya­ menjawab­ persoalan­ Kebijakan­ negara­ yang­ belum­ berpihak­ pada­ dasar­yang­menjadi­akar­kemiskinan­di­ ingkat­desa­ t per­ anian­juga­berdampak­pada­aspek­lainnya­yaitu­ t ­ yaitu­masih­timpangnya­distribusi­kepe­ ilikan­dan­ m tingkat­ penyerapan­ tenaga­ kerja­ pada­ sektor­ per­ penguasaan­ lahan.­ Hampir­ sebagian­ besar­ tenaga­ tanian.­Jumlah­tenaga­kerja­yang­bekerja­pada­sektor­ kerja­pertanian­diperdesaan­merupakan­buruh­tani­ pertanian­ menunjukkan­ penurunan­ dari­ tahun­ ke­ atau­ penggarap­ yang­ bekerja­ dengan­ upah­ yang­ tahun­ dan­ menjadi­ salah­ satu­ faktor­ penting­ yang­ sangat­ minim.­ Kondisi­ ini­ tentu­ saja­ tidak­ bisa­ ha­ mendorong­terjadinya­urbanisasi­masyarakat­desa.­ nya­ diselesaikan­ dengan­ menginisiasi­ program­ pe­ ­ ­ Penurunan­jumlah­tenaga­kerja­di­sektor­perta­ i­ n ­ nang­ ulangan­ kemiskinan,­ akan­ tetapi­ mem­ u­ uh­ g b t an­akibat­alih­fungsi­lahan­serta­tidak­adanya­ke­ i­ ak­ bj kan­ komitmen­ dan­ kebijakan­ politik­ peme­ intah­r an­pemerintah­yang­melindungi­produksi­hasil­perta­ yang­kon­ isten­untuk­mengakhiri­ketimpangan­yang­ s nian­dalam­negeri­juga­menyebabkan­dam­ ak­serius­ p ber­ e­ anjangan­ pada­ sektor­ pertanian.­ Berikut­ ini­ k ­ p dalam­penanggulangan­kemiskinan.­Kecen­ erungan­ d ­ adalah­ gambaran­ mengenai­ perkembangan­ kondisi­ yang­ terjadi­ selama­ ini­ memang­ menunjukkan­ pe­ kemis­ inan­di­tingkat­perkotaan­dan­pedesaan. k Grafik 2. Perkembangan Jumlah Penduduk Miskin di Perdesaan & Perkotaan (Dalam Juta Jiwa). Sumber­:­Data&­Informasi­Kemiskinan­BPS 5
  • 6. Data SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011 land conversion, agrarian Development, and Poverty in indonesia By Yauri G.P Tetanel I ndonesia for quite a long time now has referred to The graph shows that the number of paddyfields in itself as an agrarian country. This of course relates Java is on the decline (10.37 million hectares, or 0.31 per very much to the country’s fertile soil and land cent per year) in comparison to figures of land devoted potential. But it also refers to the fact that a major to paddyfields outside of Java. Besides the matter of portion of the population depends on agriculture for shifting of land function, another issue which is just as their livelihood. It is ironic then that in the past few serious is that of fallow land.Government Regulation No. decades, agrarian development is lagging far behind 11, 2010 governing Order and Utilization ofFallow Land when compared to progress enjoyed by other sectors. statesthat fallow lands to be put in order include plots An outstanding case in point is the fact that the furnished with rights bestowed by the State in the form government provides practically no protection against of Right of Ownership,Right of Livelihood Utilization, shifts in the usage of agrarian land. Even though policies Right toBuild Upon, Right to Use, and Right to Manage, and regulations exist in abundance to waylay alteration or basic power over plots not managed for business, of agrarian land functions, the reality is, agrarian land not utilized, or land not made use of in line with its continues to decrease as years go by. Data by the Bureau condition or characteristics or the aim of the rights and of Statistics show that these shifts occur to the tune of basic power over bestowedby the State.Datafrom the 100 thousand hectares per year. Follows is a graph of Bureau of Statistics show that some 7.2 million hectares paddyfield development in Indonesia. of land are left fallow, or not made good use of. Graph 1. Paddy-Field Development in Indonesia Source: Land Size and Its Usage, Bureau of Statistics 6
  • 7. SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011 Data Shifts in usage of agrarian land on the island of The decline in numbers of the workforce in the Java is triggered by yearly population increases which agriculture sector is a direct result of changes in land create huge demands for housing areas and other types usage, as well as the fact that the government pro- of infrastructure. This shift in agrarian land usage has vides no protective policies towards domestic agri- created major pressures on the country’s ability to culture products. This in turn has created serious ensure food security. On a certain level, Indonesia is now poverty challenges. Statistics show that even though perceived as having lost its food sovereignity. Several poor communities are on the decline in Indonesia, the staple agricultural commodities, such as rice, now has to number of poor populations in villages are still quite be imported. Follows is a graph that shows important high. staples that Indonesia imports from other countries. It is estimated that figures for portions of the poor in urban centers are also the self-same figures for Table 1. Position and Average Food Import Volumes poor communities in villages who have migrated to by Indonesia the city to seek out better livelihoods. In recent years, the government has focused on poverty alleviation Husk Food Type Rice Corn Soy Meat Sugar programs, such as the PNPM (the National Community Average Import 437,99 962,24 1.180,55 13,60 822,76 Empowerment Program) in village areas. Yet, these Volumes programs have not touched on the inherent cause (in thousand 13 22 11 33 2 of poverty at the village level, i.e. the glaring gaps in Tons) Levels distribution of ownership and access to landholdings. Source: USDA, Grain: World Markets & Trade, Dec. 2007, quoted by A big number of the agricultural workforce in villages Kompas daily are field labourers or hired help who work for a very basic minimum wage. Policies that do not support growth in the agriculture This state of affairs obviously cannot be solved sector also have impact on another aspect, that of the by a mere initiation of poverty alleviation programs. absorption of people working in that sector. Statistics They need real commitment and consistent goverment show a definite decline on the numbers of people policies to end longstanding gaps in the agriculture working in agriculture through the years, and this is sector. Follows is a graph on the development of poverty one of the main factors behind the migration of village growth in urban centers and villages. communities to urban centers. Graph 2. Development of Poor Populations in Villages and Urban Centers (in millions) Source: Poverty Data and Information, Bureau of Statistics 7
  • 8. Data SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011 Setelah­berhasilnya­ujicoba­SID­di­berbagai­desa­ ter­ ebut,­ se­ arang­ CRI,­ IDEA­ (Institute­ for­ Deve­ s k apa Manfaat lop­ ent­ and­ Economic­ Ana­ ysis,­ Yogyakarta)­ dan­ m l ­ Sistem informasi Desa (SiD) FORMASI­(Forum­Masyarakat­Sipil,­Kebu­ en),­seba­ m Gagasan­pengembangan­Sistem­Informasi­Desa­(SID)­ gai­bagian­dari­SAPA,­be­ erjasama­untuk­se­ ara­ber­ k c Sejarah SID yang­ di­ pe­ asikan­ oleh­ perangkat­ desa­ pertama­ o r tahap­membangun­SID­di­selu­ uh­desa­di­Kabupaten­ r kali­ muncul­ di­ ta­ un­ 2008­ di­ Desa­ Terong­ di­ Ban­ h Gunung­ Kidul­ dan­ Kebumen.­ Untuk­ tahap­ pertama,­ tul,­Yogyakarta.­Pemerintah­desa­ingin­membangun­ di­ Gunung­ Kidul­ SID­ di­ angun­ di­ Desa­ Nglegi­ dan­ b ­ sis­ em­ layan­ n­ publik­ di­ desa­ yang­ baik,­ leng­ ap,­ t a k Girikarto.­Kedua­desa­tersebut­di­ ilih­menjadi­loka­ p dan­ cepat­ berdasarkan­ data­ berbasis­ computer­ si­awal­pe­ gem­ angan­SID­karena­disana­IDEA­dan­ n b yang­ aku­ at.­ Pemerintah­ Desa­ Terong,­ yang­ telah­ r ­ PKM­(Peningkatan­Ke­ er­ ayaan­Masyarakat),­da­ am­ b ­ d l menge­ al­ COM­ INE­ Resource­ Institution­ (CRI)­ n ­ B kerangka­program­SAPA,­telah­mem­ asilitasi­dilaku­ f me­ a­ ui­ pengelolaan­ jaringan­ radio­ komu­ itas­ di­ l l ­ ­ n kannya­Ana­ isis­Kemiskinan­Desa­Parti­ ipatif­(AKDP).­ l s Yogyakarta,­ me­ inta­ bantuan­ NGO­ tersebut­ untuk­ m AKPD­kemudian­diintegrasikan­ke­dalam­SID­supaya­ mem­ angun­ sistem­ infor­ asi­ pengelolaan­ sumber­ b m perencanaan­dan­pengambilan­keputusan­desa­bisa­ daya­komunitas.­ responsif­terhadap­kebutuhan­orang­miskin. SID­di­Desa­Terong­mulai­ di­ a­ gun­ pada­perte­ b n ngah­ n­tahun­2009.­Pada­akhir­tahun­2011­ini,­SID­ a te­ ah­ diuji­ obakan­ di­ sejumlah­ desa­ di­ Yogyakarta,­ l c SID­mempunyai­tiga­basis­data­utama,­yakni­basis­data­ Apa isi SID Jawa­tengah,­Jawa­Timur,­dan­Jawa­Barat,­me­ iputi: l kependudukan­desa,­basis­data­keuangan­desa,­dan­ basis­data­sumber­daya­desa.­Basis­data­kependudukan­ •­ Bantul,­Yogyakarta­­ :­ 3­desa desa­ adalah­ bagian­ pertama­ yang­ dibangun­ untuk­ •­ Gunungkidul,­Yogyakarta­­ :­ 2­desa menjadi­data­dasar­yang­bisa­dijadikan­rujukan­bagi­ •­ Klaten,­Jawa­Tengah­­ :­ 8­desa pengembangan­data­dan­informasi­lainnya.­Basis­data­ •­ Magelang,­Jawa­Tengah­­ :­ 2­desa kependudukan­ ini­ menyimpan­ data­ dasar­ keluarga­ •­ Temanggung,­Jawa­Tengah­:­ 1­desa yang­ mencakup­ data­ kependudukan­ berdasarkan­ •­ Pacitan,­Jawa­Timur­­ :­ 1­desa data­ Kartu­ Keluarga­ (KK)­ dan­ data­ individu­ per­ •­ Tasikmalaya,­Jawa­Barat­­ :­ 1­desa Nomor­Induk­Kependudukan­(NIK).­ What a village information mid-2009. By the end of 2011, the SID had already been tried and tested on a number of villages in Yogyakarta, System (SiD) is for Central Java, East Java and West Java, covering: History of SID Bantul, Yogyakarta : 3 villages The notion to develop a Village Information System (SID) Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta : 2 villages operated by the village administration was first sounded Klaten, Jawa Tengah : 8 villages out in 2008 at the Terong Village in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Magelang, Jawa Tengah : 2 villages Village administrations had a dire need to establish good Temanggung, Jawa Tengah : 1 villages public service systems that were comprehensive and Pacitan, Jawa Timur : 1 villages rapid, and ones that used accurate computer-based Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat : 1 villages data. The Terong Village administration, already familiar with the Combine Resource Institution (CRI) through After a successful SID trial run in all those villages, a community radio network project in Yogyakarta, CRI, the Institute for Development and Economic Ana- requested NGO assistance to push through the idea of lysis (IDEA) in Yogyakarta, and the Forum for Civil So- establishing a community resource information mana- ciety (Formasi) in Kebumen, members of SAPA, are now gement system. working together in steps to form SID in all the villages SID in Terong Village began to be established in throughout the Gunung Kidul and Kebumen Regencies. 8
  • 9. SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011 Data Data­ dalam­ SID­ dapat­ diolah­ secara­ statistik­ dan­ juga­ dapat­ dijadikan­ data­ dasar­ pengolah­ n­ a dokumen.­Catatan­bukti­kegiatan­ ad­ inistrasi­ dan­ keuangan­ di­ m ­ ting­ at­desa­terekam­pula­dalam­ k sis­ em­ ini.­ Kegiatan­ urusan­ ke­ t ­ uang­ n­ desa­ yang­ bersifat­ ha­ a ­ rian,­ bulanan,­ dan­ tahunan­ da­ pat­ disimpan­ dan­ dipanggil­ kem­ ali­ datanya­ dalam­ format­ b ­ stan­ ard­ yang­ telah­ diatur­ oleh­ d pe­ erintah­ kabupaten.­ Modul­ m ke­ angan­ dalam­ aplikasi­ SID­ ini­ u da­ at­ mencetak­ secara­ langsung­ p la­ or­ n­ kas­ buku­ kecil­ sebagai­ p a Staf­Pemerintah­Kabupaten­Bangka­Barat­berkunjung­ke­Desa­Terong­di­Bantul­untuk­ buk­ i­ transaksi­ keuangan­ desa­ t mempelajari­SID. hingga­jurnal.­ Staf of West Bangka District Government visited Terong village in Bantul to learn about Village Information System (SID). dilakukan­oleh­pemerintah­desa­dengan­bantuan­tim­ Siapa yang mengumpulkan dan melakukan Data­awal­SID­Terong­dibangun­de­ gan­mengguna­ n ­ Karang­Taruna­selama­3­minggu.­Untuk­selanjutnya,­ updating data? kan­ hasil­ sur­ ei­ Data­ Dasar­ Keluarga­ –­ Profil­ Desa­ v ­ proses­pengelolaan­data­dan­update­data­dilakukan­ yang­ diterbitkan­ oleh­ Ke­ enterian­ Dalam­ Negeri­ m oleh­ staf­ pemerintah­ Desa­ Terong.­ Sekarang­ SID­ di­awal­tahun­2010­yang­merupakan­ker­ asama­an­ j Desa­ Terong­ sudah­ bisa­ diakses­ melalui­ internet­ di­ tara­ pemerintah­ desa­ dengan­ lembaga­ masyarakat­ http://terong­­ Se­ ang­ SID­ Nglegi­ dan­ d desa­ seperti­ dusun,­ RT,­ dan­ Karang­ Taruna.­ Proses­ Girikarto­ bisa­ di­ kses­ di­­ a input­data­1605­Ke­ ala­Keluarga­(KK)­ke­dalam­SID­ p dan­ At the beginning, the Gunung Kidul SID was established in on their Population Central Number (NIK). the villages of Nglegi and Girikarto. The two villages were Data in SID can be crunched statistically, and can selected because it was there that IDEA and Association also be used as basic data to organize documents. Ad- of Community Empowerment (ACE), as part of SAPA ministrative and fiscal village documents are recorded Program, facilitated a Participatory Village Poverty Ana- into the system. Fiscal activity of the village, from the lysis, or AKDP. This AKPD was later on integrated into the daily, monthly and yearly records can be filed and retrie- SID, to ensure all village planning and decisionmaking ved in standard format as organized by the regency ad- were responsive to the needs of the poor. ministration. Financial modules when applying SID can be printed directly into the ledgers as proof of monetary What Are SID’s Contents? transactions right up to when they are recorded in the SID contains three main databases, i.e. the village village’s journal. population figures, the village’s fiscal database, and information on the village’s resources. The village Who compiles and updates data for SID? population database was the first part to be established Initial Terong village SID data was constructed using to become the basic data for reference when creating survey results on Basic Family Data from the Village further databases and information systems. Population Profile published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in data covered basic family data including population early 2010, a joint-program between village adminis- details, family data, and data on the individuals based trations and village agencies, including hamlets, RT and 9
  • 10. Data SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011 Update­data­dilakukan­ber­ arengan­dalam­fung­ i­ b s juga­akan­bisa­memanfaatkan­SID­untuk­menentukan­ SID­untuk­pelayanan­publik.­Setiap­hari­dalam­pro­ es­ s prioritas­dan­penyaluran­program­pro­ ram­mereka.­ g pelayanan­publik­kepada­warga­desa,­staf­peme­ in­ ah­ r t Dengan­ demikian,­ program­program­ mereka­ akan­ desa­akan­ selalu­ menerima­ update­ perubahan­ atau­ lebih­ sesuai­ dengan­ kebutuhan­ masya­ akat­ desa,­ r koreksi­data­dari­warga­yang­datang­ke­kantor­desa­ terutama­penduduk­miskinnya. untuk­melakukan­urusan­administrasi.­Perubahan,­ko­ ­ Sinkronisasi­ sistem­ juga­ akan­ memungkin­ an­k reksi,­ dan­ pembaruan­ data­ dapat­ dilakukan­ saat­ itu­ pe­ e­ intah­kebupaten­menampilkan­berbagai­doku­ m r ­ ­ ­ juga.­Warga­dapat­melihat­hasil­update­data­itu­me­ ­ ­ men­ kebijakan­ perencanaan­ dan­ penganggar­ n­ se­ a ­ lalui­satu­komputer­di­ruang­tunggu­kantor­desa­atau­ per­ i­Pagu­Indikatif­Kecamatan­(untuk­sistem­ting­ at­ t k ­ melalui­website.­Jika­ada­data­yang­salah,­warga­da­ at­ p kecamatan)­ dan­ Pagu­ Indikatif­ SKPD­ yang­ berbasis­ melaporkannya­secara­langsung­atau­melalui­sms. Dinas­ (untuk­ sistem­ tingkat­ kabupaten).­ SID­ juga­ akan­ menawarkan­ sistem­ sms­ gateway­ yang­ me­ ­ mung­ inkan­ warga­ untuk­ mengirimkan­ data­ hasil­ k Tim­Koordinasi­Penanggulangan­Kemiskinan­Daerah­ moni­ oring­ yang­ mereka­ lakukan­ sendiri­ terha­ ap­ t ­ d Apa manfaat SID (TKPKD)­Gunung­Kidul­sangat­mengapresiasi­inovasi­ pro­ ram­program­ pembangunan­ yang­ ada.­ Sistem­ g SID­ dan­ mempersilahkan­ data­ tersebut­ digunakan­ informasi­ interaktif­ pengembangan­ SID­ saat­ ini­ se­ sebagai­ dasar­ pelaksanaan­ program­ daerah­ di­ dua­ dang­ terus­ dikembangkan­ dalam­ sebuah­ sistem­ desa­ tersebut.­ Rencananya,­ SID­ akan­ diagregasikan­ online­di­alamat­­Keber­ dengan­ sistem­ yang­ ada­ di­ tingkat­ kecamatan­ dan­ ada­ n­ sistem­ yang­ interaktif­ ini­ dapat­ mendorong­ a kabupaten.­ Sistem­ ini­ tidak­ hanya­ memungkinkan­ terlak­ ananya­ program­ pengentasan­ kemiskinan­ s pemerintah­ yang­ lebih­ tinggi­ untuk­ memonitor­ yang­efektif­dan­efisien. proses­yang­terjadi­di­tingkat­desa,­tapi­setiap­Dinas­ Karang Taruna. Data input processing of 1605 Heads of towards the SID innovation, and has allowed their data Households into the SID was conducted by the village to be used as the base for implementation of regional administration with the help of Karang Taruna members programs in the two villages. According to plan, SID for three weeks. In the next step, data management will be aggregated into the Sub-district and Regency and updating will be carried out by administrative staff systems. The system does not only make it possible of Terong Village. The Terong Village SID can now be for higher offices to monitor processes occurring on accessed on Nglegi and the ground at village level, it also provides inputs for Girikarto SID can be accessed on http://nglegi.sidesa. each Government Agency to examine priority issues and and decide appropriate programs. Finally, programs Data updates can be carried out in tandem with created will be responsive to the community’s needs, the SID function of servicing the public. Each day in the in particular the needs of the poor in that community. process of servicing the village public, village adminis- Synchronization of the system will also make it tration staff will keep on receiving alterations or data possible for Regency Administration to present policy corrections from village members visiting their office. and budgeting documents such as the Sub-district These alterations and corrections can be done right there Budget Platform and the SKPD Budget Platforms. SID and right away. The community can see the updates as can also offer a gateway equipped with short messaging they are processed into the computer in the waiting system that would make it possible for community room of the office, or on the website. Incorrect data members to send personal monitoring results on can be reported directly or through short messaging existing development programs. Interactive information texts using cell phones. systems to develop SID are currently being designed into an online system on Why SID is Needed The existence of an interactive system can really push The Local Poverty Alleviation Coordination Team forward the implementation of effective and efficient (TKPKD) of Gunung Kidul has shown much appreciation poverty alleviation programs. 10
  • 11. J SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011 inovasi Kerjasama Multi Pihak dalam Pelaksanaan Reforma Agraria: Sebuah Jalan Keluar Baru dalam Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Kabupaten garut dan Bandung awa­Barat­sebagian­besar­penduduknya­ber­ ata­m pen­ aharian­sebagai­petani,­sehingga­ke­ ika­dari­ c t nerima­ manfaat­ terhadap­ sumber­sumber­ eko­ omi­ n reform­merupakan­proses­penyediaan­akses­bagi­pe­ tahun­ke­tahun­luas­tanah­garapan­se­ akin­ber­ m dan­politik­serta­partisipasi­ekonomi­politik,­modal,­ kurang,­isu­kepemilikan­tanah­menjadi­topik­ha­ gat.­n pasar,­ teknologi,­ pendampingan,­ peningkatan­ ka­ a­ p Disinyalir,­semakin­banyak­orang­menjadi­miskin­ka­ sitas­ dan­ kemampuan­ yang­ memungkinkan­ petani­ rena­tidak­lagi­memiliki­lahan­untuk­di­ arap.­Mereka­ g untuk­ mengembangkan­ tanahnya­ sebagai­ sumber­ yang­ dahulu­ petani­ pemilik­ sawah,­ beralih­ menjadi­ ke­ idupan.­Asset reform­tanpa­diikuti­access reform h ­ buruh­tani­atau­petani­peng­ a­ ap.­Di­daerah­daerah­ g r tidak­ akan­ berhasil­ membuat­ petani­ keluar­ dari­ se­ erti­ Kabupaten­ Garut­ dan­ Ban­ ung,­ kemiskinan­ p d kemiskinan.­ Sebaliknya,­ asset reform­ yang­ diikuti­ ti­ ak­dapat­terlepas­dari­ma­ a­ ah­kepemilikan­tanah.­ d s l dengan access reform­akan­menjadi­jalan­keluar­ba­ Maka­ketika­Pemerintah­me­ geluarkan­program­re­ n gi­petani­untuk­keluar­dari­kemiskinan­,­seperti­yang­ forma­ agraria­ yang­ merupakan­ perpaduan­ antara­ terjadi­di­Kabupaten­Garut­dan­Bandung.Sesung­ uh­ g asset reform dan access reform,­ disambut­ baik­ oleh­ nya,­reforma­agraria­bukanlah­sesuatu­yang­baru­yang­ se­ ua­pihak,­utamanya­petani­tanpa­tanah.­ m dapat­ dikategorikan­ sebagai­ sebuah­ inovasi.­ Te­ api­ t Asset reform yang­merupakan­penataan­kem­ ali­ b re­ orma­agraria­menjadi­sebuah­inovasi­ketika­dalam­ f penguasaan,­ kepemilikan,­ penggunaan­ dan­ peman­ pelak­ anaannya­ menggunakan­ dan­ melahirkan­ me­ s fa­ tan­ tanah­ berdasarkan­ hukum­ dan­ peraturan­ a ­ tode­baru­yang­mendatangkan­keberhasilan.­ per­ ndang­undangan­ pertanahan,­ mencakup­ re­ is­ u ­ d Dalam­ reforma­ agraria­ saat­ ini,­ ia­ tidak­ hanya­ tri­ usi­ tanah­ dan­ legalisasi­ aset.­ Sedangkan­ access b ­ sekedar­asset reform,­tetapi­juga­diikuti­access reform.­ Working Together to Implement Agrarian Reform: innovations in Poverty alleviation in garut and Bandung A large portion of the population in West Java political resources, giving them access to capital, the relies on farming for their livelihood. This market, technology, assistance, capacity building, and makes the issue of ever-decreasing landholdings participation in political economy, and increasing their over the years a hot topic for discussion. Many people capability to develop land as their source of livelihood. became destitute for no longer having land to farm Asset reform without access reform is of no use to on. Many former paddy-field owners had to become farmers embroiled in poverty. field laborers, working on land owned by other parties. On the other hand, the combination of the two re- In areas such as Garut and Bandung, poverty is very forms has provided a way out of destitution for farm- much related to the issue of land ownership. Thus, when ers in Garut and Bandung. Agrarian reform, of course, the government declared an agrarian reform program, is nothing new, and cannot even be dubbed as inno- i.e. a combination of asset reform and access reform, vative. But it is innovation if in its implementation, the move was applauded by stakeholders, especially new methodologies are enacted with successful end landless farmers. results. Asset reform, which is a reorganization of owner- The current agrarian reform program does not ship and the right of use over land based on law and only deal with the issues of assets and access, it also by-laws, also includes redistribution of land and lega- involves all stakeholders, encompassing the central and lization of assets. Access reform is the process of local governments, the private sector and NGOs, and of providing beneficiaries an access to economic and course the landless farmers. 11
  • 12. inovasi SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011 Dalam­ pelaksanaannya­ pun­ melibatkan­ seluruh­ Potret­ keberhasilan­ petani­ (dan­ buruh­ per­ e­ k pihak,­tidak­hanya­pemerintah­(pusat­atau­daerah),­ bunan)­ yang­ mem­ eroleh­ kombinasi­ asset reform p tetapi­juga­swasta­dan­lembaga­swadaya­masyarakat,­ dan access reformdalam­bentuk­tanah,­modal­(tidak­ serta­ masyarakat­ penerima­ tanah­ (petani­ tanpa­ hanya­be­ upa­uang),­dan­ketrampilan­me­ alui­peng­ r l tanah).­ Keterlibatan­ multi­ pihak­ ini­ membutuhkan­ organisasian­yang­di­ akukan­oleh­LSM,­dapat­dilihat­ l koordinasi­satu­dengan­lainnya,­agar­reforma­agraria­ di­Kabupaten­Garut­dan­Bandung.­ dapat­berjalan­dengan­baik.­Maka­pembagian­peran­ Di­Desa­Sagara,­Kecamatan­Cibalong,­Kabu­ aten­ p masing­masing­ menjadi­ sebuah­ keharusan.­ Secara­ Garut, buruh­perkebunan­yang­menjadi­sasaran­pe­ umum,­ pembagian­ peran­ yang­ terjadi­ adalah:­ BPN­ lak­ anaan­ reforma­ agraria­ berhasil­ meningkatkan­ s berperan­dalam­proses­asset reform­(redistribusi­dan­ taraf­ hidupnya­ secara­ signifikan.­ Sebelum­ memiliki­ legalisasi­tanah),­ada­kalanya­swasta­juga­berperan­ tanah­ (kebun­ karet),­ mereka­ bekerja­ sebagai­ bu­ dalam­asset reform,­yakni­ketika­memberikan­tanah­ ruh­ perkebunan­ dengan­ upah­ per­ bulan­ sebesar­ mereka­untuk­diredistribusikan.­Pemerintah­Daerah­ 220.000­ rupiah.­ Setelah­ memperoleh­ tanah­ seluas­ dan­LSM­lebih­banyak­berperan­dalam­access reform, rata­rata­ 1­ hektar­ per­ kepala­ keluarga­ dan­ ta­ a­ n walaupun­ dalam­ lingkup­ kegiatan­ yang­ berbeda.­ m­ n­ karet,­ pendapatan­ mereka­ per­ bulan­ men­ a­ a c Pemerintah­Daerah­berperan­dalam­pemberian­mo­ pai­ 7.000.000­ rupiah.­ Tentunya,­ mereka­ dibekali­ dal­serta­peningkatan­kapasitas­dan­keahlian­dalam­ dengan­ ketrampilan­ dalam­ mengelola­ per­ ebunan­ k rangka­ membuka­ akses­ ekonomi­ bagi­ petani­ pe­ e­ n karet­ dan­ juga­ pemasarannya.­ Peme­ intah­ Daerah­ r rima­ tanah.­ LSM­ berperan­ da­ am­ pengorganisasian­ l dan­ Lembaga­ Swadaya­ Masyarakat­ bekerjasama­ dan­pe­ ingkatan­kapasitas­petani,­se­ ingga­mereka­ n h dalam­ pengorganisasian­ buruh­ dan­ peningkatan­ mampu­mengelola­modal­yang­akan­mereka­terima­ kemampuan­dan­ketrampilan­mereka.­ bersamaan­dengan­pemberian­tanah.­ Obviously, this involvement of multi-stakeholders In the village of Sagara, Cibalong, in Garut, we needs thorough coordination to ensure that reform is now can find field laborers beneficiaries of agrarian carried out well. Each party has their own well-defined reform who have improved the quality of their lives role. And so the National Land Agency, and in certain significantly. Before obtaining ownership of their rubber cases the private sector, take care of asset reform when plantation land, they had been workers earning monthly divvying out their land for redistribution. salaries of Rp 220,000 (just a little under USD 25). After Meanwhile, local governments and NGOs are more receiving rubber saplings and land to the amount of involved in access reform, though both holding differing one hectare per household, their income multiplied to roles. While the local administrations provide capital Rp 7,000,000 (almost USD 800) per month. They were and expertise to open up economic access to program also given trainings in plantation management and beneficiaries, NGOs help farmers to organize themselves marketing techniques. The local government and NGOs and assist in capacity building so that farmers can had worked closely together to organize these workers manage their assets and landholdings well once they to enhance their capacity and provide them with the have received them. Portraits of successful farmers and skills they needed. field laborers, beneficiaries of a combination of assets In Bandung regency, coordination and division of and access reforms being enacted in the form of provision stakeholder roles were key to the success of agrarian of land and capital (though not necessarily financial), reform in the village of Cipelah. Local Government and increased capacity organized by NGOs, can now be Departments, known as SKPD, defined each of their observed in the Bandung and Garut areas. roles and coordinated with other SKPDs, ensuring that 12
  • 13. SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011 innovation Di­Kabupaten­Bandung,­koordinasi­dan­pem­ agian­ b Melalui­ program­ reforma­ agraria­ (asset reform)­ peran­para­pihak­menjadi­kunci­keberhasilan­reforma­ sebanyak­200­KK­memperoleh­sertifikat­tanah­ru­ ah­ m agraria­ di­ Desa­ Cipelah.­ Pembagian­ peran­ SKPD­ tinggal­mereka.­Selain­itu,­tanah­yang­diobyek­reforma­ (Satuan­ Kerja­ Pemerintah­ Daerah)­ dan­ koordinasi­ agraria­ dialokasikan­ untuk­ pertanian­ dan­ pem­ a­ b antar­ SKPD­ berjalan­ dengan­ baik,­ sehingga­ tanah­ ngun­ n­fasiltias­umum.­Dengan­demikian,­tanah­yang­ a seluas­ 84,2­ hektar­ berhasil­ diredistribusi­ ke­ ada­ p sebelumnya­hanya­menjadi­lahan­tidur­dapat­diman­ petani­penggarap­yang­sebelumnya­menggarap­tanah­ faatkan­untuk­menanggulangi­kemiskinan. yang­ dikuasai­ oleh­ PT­ Millenia­ Indonesia­Cibuni­ Jika­ berjalan­ dengan­ baik,­ reforma­ agraria­ yang­ Estate.­ Beberapa­ SKPD­ yang­ terlibat­ dan­ bentuk­ memadukan­ antara­ asset reform dan access reform keterlibatannya­dapat­dilihat­dalam­tabel­berikut: dapat­menjadi­sebuah­alternatif­solusi­dalam­upa­ a­ y penanggulangan­ kemiskinan.­ Keberhasilan­ pe­ ak­ l sanaan­ reforma­ agraria­ membutuhkan­ keter­ i­ atan­ lb seluruh­pihak,­baik­Pemerintah­(Pusat­dan­Daerah),­ swasta,­ maupun­ LSM,­ dan­ tentunya­ masya­ akat­ r No SKPD Progam Kegiatan 1 BKP3 Desa­Mandiri­Pangan 2 Distanhutbun Penyediaan­bibit­budi­daya­tanaman yang­ menjadi­ sasaran­ program.­ Karena­ melibatkan­ 3 Diskoperindag Pelatihan­koperasi banyak­pihak,­maka­koordinasi­dan­sinergi­para­pihak­ 4 BPMPD Alokasi­Dana­Desa­(ADD) menjadi­sebuah­keharusan. 5 Dinas­SEDAPE Infrastruktur­Irigasi 6 Disnakan Penyediaan­bibit­ternak­domba/kelinci 7 Kepala­Desa Alokasi­Dana­Desa­ 84.2 hectares of land were successfully redistributed In this agrarian reform program, 200 households among farmers formerly working on land managed by received certificates for their homes and land of abode. PT Millenia Indonesia-Cibuni Estate. SKPDs and their Land dedicated to the reform was allocated for farming forms of involvement can be glanced at in the following and public amenities infrastructure. Thus, plots of land table: formerly lying fallow are now being utilized to overcome poverty. SKPD (Local Govern- If all goes well, agrarian reform combining the con- No Program Activity ment Department) cepts of asset reform and access reform can be a solution 1 BKP3 Village Food Sovereignity in the effort to alleviate poverty. Success in this endeavor Forest, Farming and Provision of horticulture see- would need the involvement of all concerned, including 2 local and national government administrations, the Plantation Office dlings Cooperatives, Industri- private sector, NGOs, and of course the communities 3 Cooperatives training targeted in the programs. As a multi-stakeholder effort, es and Trade Office solid coordination and synergy among the parties should 4 BPMPD Village Fund Allocation (ADD) be an imperative. 5 Dinas SEDAPE Irrigation Infrastructure Animal Husbandry Of- Provision of sheep and rabbit 6 fice livestock starters 7 Village Head Village Fund Allocation 13
  • 14. Stakeholder’s opinion SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011 S tersebut.­ Kegiatan­ reforma­ agraria­ di­ Jateng­ telah­ Dodi Kholid imron menampakkan­ hasil­ yang­ dapat­ mem­ erikan­ jalan­ b keluar­ dari­ permasalahan­ kemis­ inan­ yang­ ber­ k sumber­ pada­ ketiadaan­ aset.­ Di­ Cilacap,­ melalui­ pro­ es­ mediasi­ denganantara­ masyarakat­ dengan­ s (Kepala Kantor Wilayah Badan Pertanahan Nasional PT­ RSA,­ tanah­ seluas­ 284,12­ ha­ diredistribusikan­ Provinsi Jawa Tengah) ebagai­Kepala­Kantor­Wilayah­Badan­Perta­ ah­ n ke­ ada­ 5.141­ petani­ penggarap,­ di­ Desa­ Kauripan­ p ­ an­Nasional­Provinsi­Jawa­Tengah,­Bapak­Dodi­ Kec.­ Subah­ Kabupaten­ Batang,­ melalui­ mediasi,­ Kholid­ Imron­ banyak­ berkecimpung­ dalam­ konflik­ pertanahan­ dapat­ diselesaikan,­ dan­ tanah­ reforma­ agraria,­ terutama­ karena­ di­ Jawa­ Tengah­ seluas­ 32,72­ Ha­ berhasil­ diredistribusikan­ untuk­ masalah­kemiskinan­banyak­terkait­dengan­masalah­ kurang­lebih­144­petani­penggarap,­di­Desa­Trisobo­ kepemilikan­aset.­­Dari­4.840.798­KK­miskin­di­Jawa­ Ke­ amatan­Boja­Kabupaten­Kendal,­melalui­mediasi,­ c Tengah,­sebanyak­1,26­Juta­KK­tidak­memiliki­rumah.­ konflik­pertanahan­antara­masyarakat­dan­PT.­KAL,­ Keadaan­kemiskinan­yang­disebabkan­oleh­ketiada­ n­ a ­ dan­tanah­seluas­11,5­Ha­berhasil­diresdistribusikan­ kepemilikan­ asset­ tersebut­ mengakibatkan­ ter­ adi­ j untuk­kurang­lebih­500­petani. nya­sengketa­dan­konflik­pertanahan­yang­sis­ emik.­ t Selain­ dalam­ bentuk­ redistribusi­ tanah,­ refor­ Data­ Tahun­ 2011­ me­ ampakkan­ jumlah­ konflik,­ n ma­agraria­secara­utuh,­yang­merupakan­per­ aduan­ p sengketa­dan­perkara­di­Jawa­Tengah­mencapai­347­ antara­asset reform dan access reform­juga­telah­ber­ kasus,­dengan­detil­rincian:­konflik­sebanyak­5­kasus,­ hasil­ dilakukan.­ Kerjasama­ terbesar­ dalam­ rangka­ ­ seng­ eta­sebanyak­102­kasus,­dan­perkara­sebanyak­ k access reform dilakukanmelalui­ MOU­ antaraKanwil­ 240­kasus.­ BPN­dengan:­Pemprov.­Jawa­Tengah,­Bank­Indonesia,­ Permasalahan­ tersebutlah­ yang­ harus­ diha­ api­ d Diperindagkop,­Dinas­Peternakan,­Pemkab­Semarang,­ dan­dicarikan­jalan­keluarnya­oleh­Kanwil­Badan­Per­ PT.­SidoMuncul,­Bank­BRI,­Bank­Jateng,­PT.­Indolakto,­ tanahan­Nasional­Prov­Jateng­dibawah­kepe­ impinan­ m PT.­ Cimori,­ PT.­ Sari­ Husada,­ danPT.­ CitaNasional.­­ Bapak­ Dodi­ Kholid­ Imron.­ Reforma­ Agraria,­ yang­ Access reform­ tersebut­ diwujudkan­ dalam­ bentuk­ me­ upakan­ program­ Badan­ Pertanahan­ Nasional­ r ­ pengembangan­klaster­tanaman­obat­dan­sapi­perah/ men­ adi­jalan­keluar­yang­efektif­bagi­per­ asalahan­ j m sapi­potong.­ Dodi Kholid imron conflict, 102 cases of land disputes, and legal tussling amounting to 240 cases. (Head of Provincial National Land Agency, Province These cases had to be provided with solutions. of Central Java) Agrarian Reform, a program under the National Land Agency has been deemed as being the most effective A s the Central Java office Head of the National of these solutions. Agrarian Reform in Central Java has Land Agency, Dodi Kholid Imron is very familiar been most successful in the alleviation of poverty caused with agrarian reform issues, especially in light of by non-ownership of assets. In Cilacap, a process of the fact that in his region, much of the issues of poverty mediation between the community and PT RSA company are directly related to the matter of asset ownership. Of resulted in 284.12 hectares of land being redistributed 4,840,798 poor households in Central Java, 1.26 million to 5,141 landless farmers. In the village of Kauripan, of them do not own housing. Poverty as a result of non- Subah, in Batang, mediation resulted in 32.72 hectares ownership of assets has periodically caused systemic being redistributed to around 144 landless farmers. In conflicts and disputes over landholdings. In 2011, 347 the village of Trisobo, Boja, Kendal, mediation between dispute cases were recorded, covering: 5 cases of the community and PT KAL company resulted in 11.5 14
  • 15. SAPA NEWSLETTER, VOLUME 1, DECEMBER 2011 Stakeholder’s opinion Menyadari­ pentingnya­ peran­ dan­ keterlibatan­ Alliance for Poverty Alleviation)­ untuk­ bersama­ ba­ yak­ pihak­ selain­ pemerintah,­ Kantor­ Wilayah­ n sama­ mendorong­ partisipasi­ petani­ tidak­ bertanah­ Badan­ Pertanahan­ Propinsi­ Jawa­ Tengah­ dibawah­ dalam­ pengambilan­ keputusan­ pelaksanaan­ pilot kepe­ im­ inan­ Bapak­ Dodi,­ bekerjasama­ dengan­ m p projectreforma­ agraria­ di­ Jawa­ Selatan.­ ­ Melalui­ pihak­swasta­dan­lembaga­swadaya­masyarakat­yang­ kerjasama­ini,­diharapkan­reforma­agraria­di­Propinsi­ peduli­dan­mem­ okuskan­kegiatannya­pada­isu­tanah.­ f ­ Jawa­Tengah­dapat­berjalan­semakin­baik,­sehingga­ Oleh­ karena­ itu,­ Kantor­ Wilayah­ Badan­ Pertanahan­ petani­ yang­ miskin­ karena­ tidak­ memiliki­ tanah­ Propinsi­ Jawa­ Tengah­ menyambut­ baik­ kerjasama­ semakin­berkurang,­dan­kesejahteraan­rakyat­sebagai­ yang­ditawarkan­oleh­KPA­(Konsorsium­Pembaruan­ tujuan­akhir­dari­reforma­agraria­dapat­tercapai. Agraria)­melalui­kerangka­program­SAPA­(Strategic hectares of land being redistributed to around 500 and cattle for meat products. farmers. Realizing the importance of having a multi-stake- Besides showing solid results in the form of holders approach including other parties beside govern- redistribution of land, comprehensive agrarian reform, ment agencies, the Land Agency of Central Java under which is a combination of asset reform and access Dodi worked in cooperation with the private sector reform, has also been successfully implemented. The and NGOs committed to land issues. The Central Java biggest joint-effort for access-reform was conducted office embraced wholeheartedly an intiative to work under an MOU between the Head of the Land Agency closely with an Agrarian Reform Consortium (KPA) under and the Provincial Government of Central Java; Bank the SAPA Program. Participation for non-landholding Indonesia; the Industries, Trade and Cooperatives farmers towards the right of self-determination and Department; Animal Husbandry Department; Regency decision making was the aim in an agrarian reform pilot Government of Semarang; PT Sidomuncul; Bank BRI; project in Southern Java. It was hoped that the joint- Bank Jateng; PT Indolakto; PT Cimori; PT Sari Husada effort would result in a decrease in the numbers of very and PT Cita nasional. Access reform was created in the poor farmers, and that community prosperity could be form of cluster development for herbs and dairy cattle increased substantially. 15
  • 16. Stakeholder’s opinion SAPA NEWSLETTER, EDISI 1, DESEMBER 2011 P Kinan bekerja­sebulan­setelah­melahirkan.­Agar­buruh­tidak­ memiliki­ daya­ (kemampuan)­ untuk­ meninggalkan­ perkebunan,­ mereka­ pun­ dibatasi­ haknya­ atas­ (Dewan Penasehat Paguyuban Petani Aryo Blitar kepemilikan­ ternak,­ untuk­ kambing­ tidak­ boleh­ (PPAB) & Presidium Paguyuban Warga Tani lebih­dari­2­ekor,­sedangkan­untuk­sapi­hanya­boleh­ Kulonbambang) 1­ekor.­­Anak­anak­mereka­yang­telah­menyelesaikan­ erjalanan­ hidup­ Bapak­ Kinan­ adalah­ sejarah­ SMP­ nya­ pun­ tidak­ diperbolehkan­ bekerja­ keluar­ perkebunan­Kulonbambang­dan­gerakan­buruh­ perkebunan.­ Bahkan­ pilihan­ politik­ pun­ dibatasi.­ ­ perkebunan­untuk­keluar­dari­eksploitasi­yang­ Tidak­ ada­ karyawan­ yang­ diperbolehkan­ memilih­ terjadi­di­perkebunan­tersebut.Eksploitasi­buruh­di­ selain­ memilih­ partai­ politik­ yangberkuasa­ pada­ perkebunan­Kulonbambang­terjadi­dengan­masuknya­ saat­itu.­­Sanksi­bagi­yang­memiliki­pilihan­berbeda­ PT­ Sawit­ Guni­ Kawi.­ Petani­ yang­ pada­ awalnya­ adalah­ pengusiran.­ ­ Maka­ pekerjaan­ sebagai­ buruh­ memiliki­ hak­ kepemilikan­ tanah­ di­ perkebunan­ perkebunan­adalah­pekerjaan­turun­temurun.­­ Kulonbambang,­ berbalik­ menjadi­ buruh­ karena­ Diskriminasi­ yang­ dialami­ terus­ menerus,­ serta­ kepemilikan­tanah­mereka­beralih­ke­PT­Sawit­Guni­ beban­ harus­ memikul­ anggapan­ bahwa­ menjadi­ Kawi.­ ­ Masa­ ini­ ditandai­ dengan­ rendahnya­ upah­ orang­ persil­ bodoh,­ miskin­ dan­ tidak­ berdaulat,­ yang­ diterima­ oleh­ buruh,­ dan­ berbagai­ bentuk­ menimbulkan­dorongan­dalam­diri­Bapak­Kinan­untuk­ diskriminasi­ lainnya.­ ­ Pada­ tahun­ 1999,­ upah­ yang­ mulai­memperjuangkan­hak­buruh­perkebunan­agar­ diterima­adalah­3500­rupiah­per­hari,­dengan­waktu­ mereka­dapat­menjadi­pemilik­tanah­yang­memiliki­ kerja­dari­pukul­06.00­hingga­pukul­14.00.­­Karyawan­ kedaulatan.­ ­ Perjuangan­ tersebut­ tidak­ mudah,­ perempuan­ yang­ hamil,­ tetap­ harus­ bekerja­ hingga­ tantangan­datang­tidak­hanya­dari­pihak­perkebunan,­ 2­ minggu­ sebelum­ waktu­ melahirkan,­ dan­ kembali­ tetapi­juga­dari­para­buruh­yang­merasa­takut.­ Kinan field laborer received a salary of Rp 3,500 a day, with (Member of Advisory Board Aryo Blitar Farmers working hours from 06.00 am to 2 pm. Pregnant female Club, member of Presidium of Kulonbambang Farming Club workers had to work til at least two weeks before the expected due date and were expected to return to work one month after giving birth. To disenfranchise K inan’s lifestory is the history of Kulonbambang the workers, the company limited the right to ownership Plantation and plantation worker movement of animals. One person could not own more than two to come out from the exploitation that occurs goats, and only one head of cattle. Their children who there. Exploitation on plantation workers started to take had reached middle school were not allowed to work place when PT Sawit Guni Kawi entered the picture. outside the plantation. If the offspring did dare to work The company began exploiting worker farmers. Farmers outside, the parents would be dismissed from the who were orginally landholders of their own estate in plantation. Even their political aspirations were stunted. Kulonbambang were turned into laborers to work the All worker farmers were to vote for the ruling party at land now held by the company. Wholesale exploitation the time. Sanction was swift and cruel: dismissal from was evident in the very low wages the workers received, the plantation. Work in the area then became a family besides many other forms of discrimination. In 1999, a affair, going down from parents to offsprings. 16