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Vol. 13, No. 3
                 S ALVO
                 U.S. Army Watervliet Arsenal, New York              March 31, 2013

    Who are Sequestration’s
      most vulnerable?

                                                   Story begins on page 3
                                                          Photo by John B. Snyder
Page 2						                                                  Salvo	 		                                               Mar. 31, 2013

   The last two months have challenged our                         sense at the Pentagon that the pain of furloughs should
professionalism, patience, and mental agility as we                be equally shared throughout DOD.
learned to live in the new environment with sequestered               There are other consequences to this fiscal
budget cuts and furloughs. I am proud of how you have              uncertainty that are playing out.
handled yourselves. The last minute news last week of                 We have cut or downsized several upcoming
a delay in issuing furlough notices is a perfect example.          community events. Based upon action taken by the
But was it a reprieve? Don’t count on it says a Pentagon           Army and feedback from you, we are reducing our
spokesperson.                                                      plans for our 200th Anniversary. The Department of the
   Last week, Congress passed a Continuing Resolution              Army has place a tight restriction on our participation in
budget that has new guidance for how the Defense                   community events.
Department should implement the $46 billion in cuts to                I am also reducing the number of cell phones and
this year’s budget. DOD leaders say they need about                BlackBerry’s on low usage users.
two weeks to work through the revised guidance before                 Additionally, we are considering moving many of
we can issue furlough notices.                                     our planned maintenance projects for such things as
   I know that I am speaking to the choir when I say               upgrading our infrastructure and capital investments for
this delay does little to lessen the stress that many              new machines that are not under contract to a later date.
of you have in regards to Sequestration or what the                   There is a lot that we still don’t know and that
Department of Defense calls “fiscal uncertainty.”                  we don’t have any control over. But what we do
   I can tell you that this delay has not stopped the              have control over we must do so with 100 percent
command from planning for the potential effects of                 commitment. For those orders and projects that we can
furloughs and neither should you. Your senior leaders              execute, we must do with such intensity and purpose
and I are working through various scenarios, literally             that our quality remains high and our commitment to
investing hundreds of hours of planning time just trying           making shipments on time is unblemished.
to mitigate the effects of furloughs on our mission.                  We have 200 years of riding the ebbs and flows of
   Many of you have shared your stories with me                    defense budgets and we will weather through this storm,
regarding furloughs. For some, you have already                    too. You are too good to lose focus now. After all, I
canceled summer vacation plans. For others, you are                know that you have tradition, history, and a sense of
concerned about losing your house or your apartment.               pride that will allow us to make mission, on time.
   The bottom line is that furloughs will negatively
effect the Arsenal and every worker. I am trying to                                     Mark F. Migaleddi
get the Arsenal exempt from issuing furlough notices                                      Commanding
because as you know the Arsenal receives its funding                                     Manufacturer 6
through our sales and not from Congress. But there is a
Commander, Col. Mark F. Migaleddi            The Arsenal Salvo is an authorized monthly publication for members of the Department
Public Affairs Officer, John B. Snyder    of Defense. Contents of the Salvo are not necessarily the official views of, or an endorse-
Editor, John B. Snyder                    ment by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, or
Photographer: John B. Snyder              the Watervliet Arsenal.
                                             News may be submitted for publication by sending articles to Public Affairs Officer,
Arsenal Facebook Page @                   1 Buffington Street, Bldg. 10, Watervliet, NY 12189, or stop by office #102, Bldg. 10,
                                          Watervliet Arsenal. The editor may also be reached at (518) 266-5055 or by e-mail:
Cover photo is Brian Martino, left, and The editor reserves the right to edit all information submitted
Joshua Feldman.                           for publication.
Page 3						                                                      Salvo 	          			                               	        Mar. 31, 2013

                                                                                                                Photo by John B. Snyder

   First year apprentices, Tim Lever, left, and Joshua Feldman check the tolerances one more time for the finish turning of a 60mm mortar
   tube. Cover photo is Brian Martino, left, and Joshua Feldman.

  Home to Sequestration’s Most Vulnerable
                     By John B. Snyder                                 and Technical Excellence for cannon and mortar manufac-
                                                                       turing. Essentially saying, there is no other manufacturer in
                                                                       DOD that has the Arsenal’s capability to manufacture can-
    Prior to March 1, the dire consequences of Sequestra-
                                                                       nons and mortars.
tion, or what the Department of Defense calls “fiscal uncer-
                                                                           The Arsenal workforce of 600 federal employees is not
tainty,” were hyped from the highest offices of the land. So
                                                                       the highly paid federal workforce that one might find in
it may have been a shock to some that America didn’t fall
                                                                       the Washington, D.C., Beltway. They are true middle class
off a cliff as we rolled into March.
                                                                       Americans whose average hourly pay is less than $28.
    After all, the stock market continued to set new records,
                                                                           For this Army manufacturer, the effects of Sequestration
Americans still flocked to spring break resorts, and national
                                                                       have already imparted a huge financial toll, as well as a tax
retail sales continued to grow. For most Americans, life
                                                                       on the mental well being of the workforce. And, the Arse-
went on without so much as a second glance at the Con-
                                                                       nal hasn’t even started to furlough its employees, which is a
gressional and White House budget battles that have put
                                                                       requirement of Sequestration.
our nation into such a precarious position.
                                                                           Hundreds of hours of prime time have already been di-
    But the negative effects of Sequestration are slowly and
                                                                       verted from the Arsenal manufacturing mission to assess,
quietly gaining momentum, as if a snake was uncoiling
                                                                       plan, coordinate, and to respond to higher headquarters all
from its rest. And just like a snake, once it uncoils the pain
                                                                       in the name of fiscal uncertainty. That diversion of labor
could be irreversible.
                                                                       still continues at an exceptional high rate as the Arsenal
    At a small Army post in upstate New York, is the
                                                                       fights hard to take care of its workforce, while trying to
Watervliet Arsenal. Situated on just 143 acres, is America’s
                                                                       mitigate the slippage of manufacturing schedules.
oldest continuously-operated Arsenal having supplied hard-
                                                                           There have always been challenges throughout the
ware to the U.S. military since 1813.
                                                                       Army, as well as at the Arsenal, to balance the notion of
    Last January, the Arsenal’s importance to the Army
was finally recognized when Secretary of the Army John
McHugh designated the Arsenal as a Center of Industrial                          Story continues on page 4, See Sequestration
Page 4						                                                   Salvo	 		                                              Mar. 31, 2013
Sequestration cont.                                                      Brian Martino joined Feldman in this year’s freshman
                                                                     apprentice class.
                                                                         Martino came to the Arsenal with an extensive work
“taking care of the troops” with “mission accomplishment.” history that includes 15 years of manufacturing experience.
    But unless something changes soon, both will suffer at           Despite that experience, he said he doesn’t mind starting at
Watervliet.                                                          the bottom floor because he was just happy to get a job with
    Two things that are the most pressing on the minds of            a great future after being unemployed for some time.
the Arsenal workforce: making mission and how to survive                 “When I found out that I was selected for the apprentice
the devastating effects to their personal lives that will come program, I quickly moved from Connecticut into an apart-
from being furloughed.                                               ment that is close to the post,” Martino said. “I signed a
    The Arsenal has 200 years of pride of providing the war two-year lease based on what my pay would be and now,
fighter with the right products,                                                                  with a potential loss of 20 percent
at the right time, and at the right                                                               of my pay, I am worried about
place. It cannot be understated                                                                   paying my rent.”
that missing production sched-                                                                       Martino said he has already cut
ules wears on the morale of this                                                                  back by stopping his contributions
small workforce because this will                                                                 to his 401(k) account and by not
happen on their watch. The fact                                                                   having cable TV in his apartment.
that they have no control over the                                                                   “I don’t have anything else to
outcome of this fiscal uncertainty                                                                cut except my food bill,” Martino
does not matter. Making mission                                                                   added.
is a matter of pride, history, and an                                                                Michael Smith, who is an ex-
Arsenal tradition.                                                                                pediter at the Arsenal, is use to
    So, who are the most vulner-                                                                  tough times. He is a former Army
able?                                                                                             Ranger who retired after 20 years
    Joshua Feldman is a first-year                                                                of deployments that caused him to
apprentice who began his training                                                                 miss much of his family life. He
last August. He has served in New                                                                 has been at the Arsenal since last
York’s Army National Guard and                                                                    November.
so, the Army was in his soul.                                                                        Smith said he thought life would
    Feldman speaks highly of his                                                                  be different after he left active
Army service and about how                                                                        duty.
proud he was, and still is, when he                                                                  “I left the Army because I
was one of the 14 selected for an                                                                 wanted to spend more time with
Arsenal apprenticeship. Nearly                                                                    my family,” Smith said. “Due to
                                                                          Photo by John B. Snyder
470 applied for those coveted 14      Arsenal expediter Mike Smith checking his inventory of
                                                                                                  the upcoming furlough and the
slots.                                raw material that will soon become handles for the 60mm loss of pay that goes with it, I can’t
    “This was my dream job,”          mortar system.                                              afford to move my wife here.”
Feldman said. “I’m a blue collar                                                                     Smith said he and his wife have
worker at heart and I have always loved to work with my              already cut back by not eating out, not visiting each other
hands.”                                                              as much, and by not being able to get a home or an apart-
    He said that when he landed the job at the Arsenal, he           ment near the post. He lives in an economy hotel because
thought this was it. After years of searching for his dream          he is maintaining two households until he gets situated.
job, now he could finally settle down and raise a family. Or His wife currently lives in Plattsburgh, N.Y.
so he thought.                                                           Feldman, Martino, and Smith are the Arsenal faces to
    He and his girlfriend bought a house, got engaged, and           Sequestration. And, as many in the Arsenal workforce,
will have a baby in the near future. Feldman said had he             they are cutting back and even eliminating some of the
known that he would lose up to 20 percent of his pay this            basics of life, such as giving one’s spouse or child a kiss
year he would not have bought his house or financed his              goodnight. They are stressed but remain proud. Although
furniture.                                                           they say they will stick it out, one wonders if they can
    “I thought I had done everything right,” Feldman said.           afford to. After all, federal pay has been frozen for nearly
“With the potential to lose nearly $3,000 of my pay over             three years and now federal employees must take a 20
the next six months has caused a significant amount of               percent pay cut on top of it.
Page 5						                                               Salvo	                                                Mar. 31, 2013

   Watervliet’s upgrade will reduce risk
   to Artillerymen, logistical footprint
                    By John B. Snyder

    The Arsenal announced this month that it has com-
pleted its first shipment of 19 M20A1 Breech Block Kits
as part of a $22.6 million contract for the U.S. Army to
upgrade the M119A2 105mm howitzer.
    “This order is one of the largest contracts the Arsenal
has and it involves more than 61,000 hours of direct la-
bor,” said George Roach, the Arsenal program manager
for this order. “This first shipment will end up in the
hands of artillerymen at Fort Bragg, N.C.”
    The scope of this order is to manufacture more than
650 upgrade kits with
monthly shipments of the
kits to continue through
                                                                                                   Top: First-year machin-
August 2015, said Roach.                                                                           ist apprentice Cale Kneer
    “Although the order                                                                            preparing a 105mm
was received in 2011, it                                                                           breech block for drilling
took a significant amount                                                                          at the Watervliet Arsenal.
                                                                                                   Throughout the machine
of lead time to purchase                                                                           shops, it is common to
raw material, design fix-                                                                          see first-year apprentices
tures and gauges, and for                                                                          working on critical pieces
the customer to conduct                                                                            of equipment for U.S.
testing prior to going into
full production,” said                                                                             Left: Arsenal machinist
Roach. “This was no                                                                                Francis “Frank” Taylor is
easy project and it took                                                                           grinding rails on a 105mm
                                                                                                   breech block.
the entire Arsenal, from
contracting to our friends                                                                          Photos by John B. Snyder

at the Army’s Benét Laboratories, to make this shipment         fication will reduce the number of breech block assembly
on time.”                                                       parts by 30 percent, which reduces the logistical footprint
    Why a redesign?                                             and maintenance time. Additionally, the new breech block
    In 1987, an agreement was reached with the British          was optimized for wear resistance, which directly im-
Royal Ordnance Factories to produce the M119 howitzer           proves the historical firing pin protrusion issues we set out
to replace the M102 howitzer. It entered service with the       to correct, Brooks said.
U.S. Army’s 7th Infantry Division in December 1989.                 The M20A1 breech blocks carry the firing mechanism
    Several years ago, Benét Labs discovered a wear-            and close the breech end of a 105mm cannon when firing.
driven, safety-related flaw in the British design, albeit one   They are, as are the cannon tubes, high-pressure vessels
that did not put Soldiers at immediate risk. This finding       that are machined to extremely tight tolerances that are
was significant enough, however, to effect a change to          measured in thousandths of an inch.
the technical manual that required artillery crewmen to            Although the Arsenal’s business model has changed
verify and measure the firing pin protrusion before every       in recent years from a focus on cannon production to the
live firing, said Jeanne Brooks, a Benét Labs mechanical        production of mortars, non-tube manufacturing, such as
engineer.                                                       with the M20A1 breech blocks, also helps the Arsenal to
    The breech block improvements under this new modi-          maintain a steady workload, said Roach.
Page 6						                                                      Salvo				                                                  Mar. 31, 2013

      There’s gold, nope, bronze treasure
                  located here
                                                              By Mark Koziol

   This sketch of Fort George in 1813, obviously before it was destroyed by U.S. forces, is courtesy of Canada’s Library and Archives.
   The inset photo is a picture of the gun as displayed in the Arsenal museum.

  A captured British-made smoothbore gun from the
War of 1812 is on exhibit in the Arsenal museum. This gun
                                                                      A few inches below the gun’s muzzle is an elaborate sec-
                                                                      ond seal embedded into the gun. It is the Major General of
                                                                      Ordnance Coat of Arms. Surrounding the design of a lion
fired upon American forces during a May 1813 battle for               and crown are the words “Tria Juncta in Uno.” Translation:
Fort George. The British fort, located on the eastern end of          three things joined into one.
Lake Ontario along the Niagara River, was bombarded into                  The “Second War for Independence” occurred because
submission by guns fired from the nearby American Fort                of the impressments of hundreds of American sailors by the
Niagara in western New York, as well as from several U.S.             British navy. Also, for years belligerent European nations
naval vessels.                                                        had been challenging the sovereignty of the newly founded
    What makes this gun so unusual is that it bears both the          United States; American right to expand westward was
original gun identification impressions and markings made             being challenged; and the right for the U.S. to practice free
after the 1813 battle.                                                trade. Unofficially, vocal and hawkish members of Congress
    The 2,400-pound, seven-foot long bronze gun is a muzzle           desired to see Britain lose their Canadian colony to lessen
loading weapon manufactured to fire 12-pound shot. Unlike             Brittish influence in North America, as well as to stop the
most artifacts owned by museums, this gun has significant             Brittish roadblock to American westward expansion.
markings on it forever dating critical times in the life of the           The Battle for Fort George was the beginning of the
weapon.                                                               American assault on the Upper Canadian region of Ontario,
    At the breech end where the knob or “Cascabel” is located         with the ultimate goal being the capture of Toronto, the
are the words: “W. Bowen Fecit 1760.” William Bowen was               capital of Upper Canada. On the morning of May 25, 1813,
the master British founder who oversaw the cannon’s mold-             the American guns at Fort Niagara and several U.S. Naval
ing and casting in 1760. A few inches away, an inscription            vessels began a bombardment on Fort George. Dozens of
added by the Americans after 1813, reads; “Taken at Fort              artillery guns assaulted the fort, shattering buildings and
George U C May 27, 1813.” The “U C” is an abbreviation                setting them on fire. After hours of concentrated artillery
for Upper Canada.                                                     assault, the fort was in ruins, forcing the soldiers (British,
    Just above the American inscription is a stylized version         Canadian and various Native warriors) to evacuate to the
of the British royal coat of arms. The words seen inside a            nearby plains.
band is the royal motto, in French, saying: “Honi Soit Qui                Before dawn of May 27th, more than 6,000 American
Mal y Pense.” Translation: evil to him who evil thinks.               Soldiers landed near Fort George and advanced westward.
    Beneath that line is the official motto of British monarchy,      A small group of British soldiers located outside the fort
first adopted in the 15th century, and written in French read-        mounted a brief defense of their positions but were soon
ing: “Dieu et mon Droit.” Translation: By God and my right.           overwhelmed by the 10 to 1 American advantage in soldiers.
Page 7						                                             Salvo	 			                                         Mar. 31, 2013

  New capability will
   speed machining,
 delivery to warfighters
                                  By John B. Snyder

    The Watervliet Ar-
senal announced this
week that it is testing
two new high-tech ma-                                                                         Top: Arsenal Foreman
chines that when fully                                                                        Paul Nieckarz checking
operational in about                                                                          out the new Mori Seiki
                                                                                              machine that is cur-
two weeks will have                                                                           rently being prepared
the potential to reduce                                                                       for production.

machining on select                                                                           Left: Arsenal machinist
components by up to                                                                           Joey Zwack, left, is hold-
                                                                                              ing a 81mm base cap
60 percent, according                                                                         that was just machined
to Paul Nieckarz, an                                                                          in less than 30 minutes.
                                                                                              Meanwhile, Harvey
Arsenal manufacturing                                                                         Downs, Boldt Machinery
foreman.                                                                                      Inc., is working through
                                                                                              the programming on the
    “These two ma-                                                                            new machine.
chines are the first                                                                           Photos by John B. Snyder
delivery of a nearly $4
million upgrade to the Arsenal’s minor components manufacturing operation,” Nieckarz said. “Each machine
replaces 40-year-old technology that was required to machine precision components for 155mm howitzers and
mortar systems.”
    The machines will not only enhance the Arsenal’s capability to expand its product line, they will also en-
hance the Arsenal’s capacity to meet the high demands of urgent orders for U.S. troops, Nieckarz said.
    “With this new capability, we are moving from a machine that could only machine on one axis before a new
set up was required to one that can machine on nine different axes,” Nieckarz explained. “For example, a two-
hour process to machine an 81mm base cap went from 120 minutes to about 24 minutes, a savings of about 60
    Initial feedback from two Arsenal machinists who are training on the new machines bode well for the future
of this new technology.
    “Although there is a lot to learn about these machines, what I have seen so far excites me to think about the
machining possibilities that we might achieve once these machines are fully operational,” said Joey Zwack, an
Arsenal machinist.
    Twenty-year machinist Tom Ostrander echoed Zwack’s comments by saying, “I have been here a long time
and I never thought I would be able to run any machine as fast or as technologically advanced as these new ma-
chines. These machines will make a huge difference in our ability to move product through quicker.”
    These Mori Seiki machines not only can do precision cuts down to one micron, which is one millionth of a
                                                                    Story continues on page 8, See Machines
Page 8 				                        	                   Salvo	 			                             Mar. 31, 2013

Machines cont.
meter, but they can do so faster and with improved
quality control. At the end of the day, the Arsenal will
improve its quality and its ability to machine parts
    These latest two pieces of equipment are but two
of five major equipment buys as part of a nearly $4
million contract to improve machining on minor
components for weapon systems. Because the
Arsenal cannot build new buildings to improve
its capability, it must therefore transform                                           Top: One of two Mori
underutilized space and aging machinery                                               Seiki machines that
                                                                                      were being installed
to remain competitive in a tough defense                                              in March.
manufacturing market.
                                                                                      Left: Twenty-year Ar-
    Machine by machine, square foot by square                                         senal machinist Tom
foot, the Arsenal is, through a program called                                        Ostrander is check-
                                                                                      ing the tolerances
the Capital Investment Program, methodically                                          on the new high-tech
opening up floor space for high-tech                                                  machine.
manufacturing.                                                                        Photos by John B. Snyder

             Arsenal History Trivia
                                                               Contracting Thoughts
                                                               In 1816, just one year after the end
                                                           of the War of 1812, Arsenal Commander
                                                           Maj. James Dalliba was in a quandary.
                                                           For several years, Congress and the U.S.
                                                           Army had not provided funding for the
                                                           Arsenal despite the fact that Dalliba
                                                           was trying to improve the Arsenal.
                                                               With great frustration, he provided a
                                                           solution for the building of the Arsenal
                                                           without government funds.
                                                               “Purchase materials wanted on cred-
                                                           it by promising payment when the gov-
                                                           ernment furnishes you with the means,
                                                           but don’t make yourself personally re-
                                                           sponsible for the money.”
                                                               Maybe today’s commander should
                                                           consider such means ...
Page 9						                                             Salvo				                                         Mar. 31, 2013

                   CPAC - Planning for furlough
                            Civilian Personnel Advisory Center

For some, sequestration and the resulting furloughs will cause a significant financial hardship. In an
effort to provide employees with as many available options as possible, CPAC has compiled the fol-
lowing resources to help you plan and make the best financial decisions for your individual situation.
Please note that CPAC does not suggest or encourage any of the options below. These have been
provided as a means of educating the workforce on available options so that employees can make
the best decisions for their individual circumstances.

BUDGET - A Plan for Your Paycheck

Budgeting is a plan or a road map of how you will reach your financial goal. Just as you would not take a vacation
without first doing some planning – you should also not spend your paycheck before you plan for your expenses. To
get started on creating your budget:

•	       Know how much you spend each month, as well as your income. If you are married, include your spouse in
creating this budget.
•	       Prioritize your expenses by creating a list, starting with the most important and working your way down to
the least.
•	       Break down the costs of each expense. Be realistic when doing this. If you choose too small of an amount
for the expense, you may quickly overspend that category and become discouraged when you don't stay within your
•	       Stick with the allotted amounts for each category.

Once you have created your budget and start using it the first month, don't be dismayed if you have to readjust
some of the amounts. It is easy to forget seasonal expenses like your kid's summer recreational activities, school
enrollment expenses, and so on. If you want more information on creating a budget, here are some helpful web-

TSP – Furlough Impacts and Options

If you are currently contributing a percentage to your TSP, your contributions will decrease in direct proportion to the
reduction in your basic pay; simply stated, if your income decreases, your TSP contributions will as well. Therefore,
you may find that lowering your contribution percentage is not necessary. However, if you find that you would like to
decrease the percentage further, you can do so at any time using the EBIS system. You can also increase it at any
time using the same system.

If you are currently making TSP contributions based on a dollar amount, that dollar amount will not automatically
decrease with your reduction in pay. You may want to revisit whether that amount is still appropriate given the ex-
pected impact of your furlough.

If you are a FERS participant, also keep in mind that any reduction in your basic pay will impact your Agency Auto-
matic (1%) and Agency Matching Contributions proportionally.

                                      Story continues on page 10, See CPAC
Page 10   					                                           Salvo	 	               	                            Mar. 31, 2013

CPAC cont.
Terminating your TSP contributions
If you are making traditional contributions, remember that those contributions are subtracted from your pay before tax. Be
aware that stopping this type of contribution could potentially increase your adjusted gross income and, as a result, your
income tax liability. You may want to check into this further when making a decision to reduce your contributions.

Financial hardship withdrawal
Another alternative for accessing your TSP funds, should you face financial hardship as a result of being furloughed, is a
TSP hardship withdrawal. Before you consider this, keep in mind a few things:
•	      If you take a hardship withdrawal, you will not be able to make any TSP contributions for 6 months after having
received your funds.
•	      You may withdraw only your contributions and the earnings associated with them, and the total amount cannot
exceed your financial hardship.
•	      You must pay income tax on the taxable portion of any withdrawal, and you may also be subject to a 10% early
withdrawal penalty tax.

TSP Loans
Taking a TSP loan allows you to borrow money from your TSP account and repay that amount for the loan amount plus in-
terest. You can continue to accrue earnings on the money you borrowed after you pay it back. Before you request a loan,
you should know the following:

•	       Loan payments are made by payroll deduction. If, because of a furlough, you don’t earn enough per pay period
for your agency to deduct the required payment, you will be responsible for keeping your payments up-to-date so that you
don’t risk a taxable distribution. (Properly repaid TSP loans are not subject to income taxes or penalties.)
•	       You can continue to contribute to your TSP account and, if eligible, receive Agency Matching Contributions.
•	       If you already have an outstanding loan when you get furloughed, you need to make sure that you stay up-to-date
on your loan payments.

For more information on TSP, please visit:

                                                                                      Shawn & Robert


                                                   Easter Egg

                                                         March 23rd
                                                          Photos by John B. Snyder
                                                                                               Sophia & Dad
Page 11						                                                Salvo	 			                                        Mar. 31, 2013

Lean Manufacturing:
                 “VSA A3 from TPOC A3”
               A multimillion dollar acronym
                                                     By Mark Ripley

I bet that headline really grabs your attention. Yes, more     A3’s are the documents we use during Lean events to both
Army acronyms, but these are actually Lean acronyms.           guide the event process and record (and track) the results.
                                                               One page contains everything relevant to the event. There
TPOC stands for Transformation Plan of Care. This docu-        are nine boxes that guide a team through the event, step-
ment is the guide for our Lean activities. A team led by       by-step. You can use an A3 for a TPOC, VSA, Rapid Im-
Arsenal Commander Col. Mark Migaleddi put together the         provement Event or a Just Do It event.
original document and reviews it every month to make sure
we are carrying out the planned actions and achieving the      But, back to the headline. One of the two original VSA’s
planned goals.                                                 from our TPOC analyzed the M9 Base Plate value stream.
                                                               We had a series of Lean events originating from the VSA
The TPOC comes from the Arsenal’s Strategic Plan. You          and much of the processing was in the Weld Shop. Al-
can see our TPOC status on the wall in the hallway outside     though those guys did a great job, the events truly touched
Col. Migaleddi’s office in Building 10 – it’s called the       several other processes such as receiving and receiving
TPOC Mission Control Center (MCC). Take a look some-           inspection.
                                                               Bottom line: When comparing the original process time to
VSA stands for Value Stream Analysis. A value stream is        the process time clocked out by the operators, the Arsenal
the sequence of value adding steps from start to finish for    saved $1,895,040 manufacturing 561 units of the M9 Base
processing everything we produce – from a cannon tube to       Plate. Wow!
a material delivery to an accounting report. A value stream
can be high level (“manufacturing” or “enterprise”) or         I have no illusions that this was entirely due to Lean. Greg
lower level (M20 Breech Block or a maintenance process).       Marcklinger and Greg Stone and their team in the Weld
In essence, a TPOC is an enterprise (all of WVA) VSA.          Shop had great ideas for improvement before Lean ever got
VSA’s also have a MCC and team meetings to track prog-         there. But still…wow! So, jump on board - and bring your
ress and ensure goals are achieved.                            great ideas.

           Production area before Lean 6S                                 Production area after Lean 6S
Page 12						                              Salvo	 			                                 Mar. 31, 2013

             Arsenal’s Salvo Survey
     Just as surveyors of old, the Arsenal public affairs officer recently did some surveying
work to determine if this newsletter was giving the workforce what it needed. Eight questions
were asked to determine if the Salvo was providing the right content, in the right format,
and at the right time. Eighty-two folks responded. And, no, the above picture is not of the
public affairs officer ... this guy looks younger and not as much traveled.
                               Here are the top results:
Q1: Do you read the Salvo and if so, how often?
	     -79% said yes, each month.
	     -20% said yes, every other month.
Q2: If you read the Salvo, how do you access it?
	     -81% said they access it on the common drive.          Many thanks to those who
	     -10% said by Facebook.                                 participated in the survey!
Q3: What is the preferred way to get the Salvo?
	     -44% said by PDF in an email.
	     -42% said by a link in an email.
Q4: What do you like most about the Salvo (open-ended question)?
	     -It keeps us current on what is going on at the Arsenal.
	     -Pictures, positive attitudes, and the well-written stories.
	     -The variety of stories and updates.
Q5: What recommendations do you have to improve the Salvo (open-ended question)?
	     -78% said they like it as is.
	     -Others said to bring back the Face of Strength page, add a classified section, and
       more updates on workload.
Q6: How long have you worked at the Arsenal (demographic question)?
	     -54% have less than 10 years at the Arsenal.
	     -29% have more than 21 years at the Arsenal.
	     -13% have between 11-20 years at the Arsenal.
Q7: How frequently would you like to receive the Salvo?
	     -90% said they want to get it every month.
Q8: Is the current format easy to read?
	     -94% said yes.
                                                                        Photo from

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Watervliet Arsenal Newsletter: SALVO 31 March 2013

  • 1. Vol. 13, No. 3 S ALVO U.S. Army Watervliet Arsenal, New York March 31, 2013 Who are Sequestration’s most vulnerable? Story begins on page 3 Photo by John B. Snyder
  • 2. Page 2 Salvo Mar. 31, 2013 Commander’s Corner The last two months have challenged our sense at the Pentagon that the pain of furloughs should professionalism, patience, and mental agility as we be equally shared throughout DOD. learned to live in the new environment with sequestered There are other consequences to this fiscal budget cuts and furloughs. I am proud of how you have uncertainty that are playing out. handled yourselves. The last minute news last week of We have cut or downsized several upcoming a delay in issuing furlough notices is a perfect example. community events. Based upon action taken by the But was it a reprieve? Don’t count on it says a Pentagon Army and feedback from you, we are reducing our spokesperson. plans for our 200th Anniversary. The Department of the Last week, Congress passed a Continuing Resolution Army has place a tight restriction on our participation in budget that has new guidance for how the Defense community events. Department should implement the $46 billion in cuts to I am also reducing the number of cell phones and this year’s budget. DOD leaders say they need about BlackBerry’s on low usage users. two weeks to work through the revised guidance before Additionally, we are considering moving many of we can issue furlough notices. our planned maintenance projects for such things as I know that I am speaking to the choir when I say upgrading our infrastructure and capital investments for this delay does little to lessen the stress that many new machines that are not under contract to a later date. of you have in regards to Sequestration or what the There is a lot that we still don’t know and that Department of Defense calls “fiscal uncertainty.” we don’t have any control over. But what we do I can tell you that this delay has not stopped the have control over we must do so with 100 percent command from planning for the potential effects of commitment. For those orders and projects that we can furloughs and neither should you. Your senior leaders execute, we must do with such intensity and purpose and I are working through various scenarios, literally that our quality remains high and our commitment to investing hundreds of hours of planning time just trying making shipments on time is unblemished. to mitigate the effects of furloughs on our mission. We have 200 years of riding the ebbs and flows of Many of you have shared your stories with me defense budgets and we will weather through this storm, regarding furloughs. For some, you have already too. You are too good to lose focus now. After all, I canceled summer vacation plans. For others, you are know that you have tradition, history, and a sense of concerned about losing your house or your apartment. pride that will allow us to make mission, on time. The bottom line is that furloughs will negatively effect the Arsenal and every worker. I am trying to Mark F. Migaleddi get the Arsenal exempt from issuing furlough notices Commanding because as you know the Arsenal receives its funding Manufacturer 6 through our sales and not from Congress. But there is a Commander, Col. Mark F. Migaleddi The Arsenal Salvo is an authorized monthly publication for members of the Department Public Affairs Officer, John B. Snyder of Defense. Contents of the Salvo are not necessarily the official views of, or an endorse- Editor, John B. Snyder ment by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, or Photographer: John B. Snyder the Watervliet Arsenal. News may be submitted for publication by sending articles to Public Affairs Officer, Arsenal Facebook Page @ 1 Buffington Street, Bldg. 10, Watervliet, NY 12189, or stop by office #102, Bldg. 10, Watervliet Arsenal. The editor may also be reached at (518) 266-5055 or by e-mail: Cover photo is Brian Martino, left, and The editor reserves the right to edit all information submitted Joshua Feldman. for publication.
  • 3. Page 3 Salvo Mar. 31, 2013 Photo by John B. Snyder First year apprentices, Tim Lever, left, and Joshua Feldman check the tolerances one more time for the finish turning of a 60mm mortar tube. Cover photo is Brian Martino, left, and Joshua Feldman. Home to Sequestration’s Most Vulnerable By John B. Snyder and Technical Excellence for cannon and mortar manufac- turing. Essentially saying, there is no other manufacturer in DOD that has the Arsenal’s capability to manufacture can- Prior to March 1, the dire consequences of Sequestra- nons and mortars. tion, or what the Department of Defense calls “fiscal uncer- The Arsenal workforce of 600 federal employees is not tainty,” were hyped from the highest offices of the land. So the highly paid federal workforce that one might find in it may have been a shock to some that America didn’t fall the Washington, D.C., Beltway. They are true middle class off a cliff as we rolled into March. Americans whose average hourly pay is less than $28. After all, the stock market continued to set new records, For this Army manufacturer, the effects of Sequestration Americans still flocked to spring break resorts, and national have already imparted a huge financial toll, as well as a tax retail sales continued to grow. For most Americans, life on the mental well being of the workforce. And, the Arse- went on without so much as a second glance at the Con- nal hasn’t even started to furlough its employees, which is a gressional and White House budget battles that have put requirement of Sequestration. our nation into such a precarious position. Hundreds of hours of prime time have already been di- But the negative effects of Sequestration are slowly and verted from the Arsenal manufacturing mission to assess, quietly gaining momentum, as if a snake was uncoiling plan, coordinate, and to respond to higher headquarters all from its rest. And just like a snake, once it uncoils the pain in the name of fiscal uncertainty. That diversion of labor could be irreversible. still continues at an exceptional high rate as the Arsenal At a small Army post in upstate New York, is the fights hard to take care of its workforce, while trying to Watervliet Arsenal. Situated on just 143 acres, is America’s mitigate the slippage of manufacturing schedules. oldest continuously-operated Arsenal having supplied hard- There have always been challenges throughout the ware to the U.S. military since 1813. Army, as well as at the Arsenal, to balance the notion of Last January, the Arsenal’s importance to the Army was finally recognized when Secretary of the Army John McHugh designated the Arsenal as a Center of Industrial Story continues on page 4, See Sequestration
  • 4. Page 4 Salvo Mar. 31, 2013 stress.” Sequestration cont. Brian Martino joined Feldman in this year’s freshman apprentice class. Martino came to the Arsenal with an extensive work “taking care of the troops” with “mission accomplishment.” history that includes 15 years of manufacturing experience. But unless something changes soon, both will suffer at Despite that experience, he said he doesn’t mind starting at Watervliet. the bottom floor because he was just happy to get a job with Two things that are the most pressing on the minds of a great future after being unemployed for some time. the Arsenal workforce: making mission and how to survive “When I found out that I was selected for the apprentice the devastating effects to their personal lives that will come program, I quickly moved from Connecticut into an apart- from being furloughed. ment that is close to the post,” Martino said. “I signed a The Arsenal has 200 years of pride of providing the war two-year lease based on what my pay would be and now, fighter with the right products, with a potential loss of 20 percent at the right time, and at the right of my pay, I am worried about place. It cannot be understated paying my rent.” that missing production sched- Martino said he has already cut ules wears on the morale of this back by stopping his contributions small workforce because this will to his 401(k) account and by not happen on their watch. The fact having cable TV in his apartment. that they have no control over the “I don’t have anything else to outcome of this fiscal uncertainty cut except my food bill,” Martino does not matter. Making mission added. is a matter of pride, history, and an Michael Smith, who is an ex- Arsenal tradition. pediter at the Arsenal, is use to So, who are the most vulner- tough times. He is a former Army able? Ranger who retired after 20 years Joshua Feldman is a first-year of deployments that caused him to apprentice who began his training miss much of his family life. He last August. He has served in New has been at the Arsenal since last York’s Army National Guard and November. so, the Army was in his soul. Smith said he thought life would Feldman speaks highly of his be different after he left active Army service and about how duty. proud he was, and still is, when he “I left the Army because I was one of the 14 selected for an wanted to spend more time with Arsenal apprenticeship. Nearly my family,” Smith said. “Due to Photo by John B. Snyder 470 applied for those coveted 14 Arsenal expediter Mike Smith checking his inventory of the upcoming furlough and the slots. raw material that will soon become handles for the 60mm loss of pay that goes with it, I can’t “This was my dream job,” mortar system. afford to move my wife here.” Feldman said. “I’m a blue collar Smith said he and his wife have worker at heart and I have always loved to work with my already cut back by not eating out, not visiting each other hands.” as much, and by not being able to get a home or an apart- He said that when he landed the job at the Arsenal, he ment near the post. He lives in an economy hotel because thought this was it. After years of searching for his dream he is maintaining two households until he gets situated. job, now he could finally settle down and raise a family. Or His wife currently lives in Plattsburgh, N.Y. so he thought. Feldman, Martino, and Smith are the Arsenal faces to He and his girlfriend bought a house, got engaged, and Sequestration. And, as many in the Arsenal workforce, will have a baby in the near future. Feldman said had he they are cutting back and even eliminating some of the known that he would lose up to 20 percent of his pay this basics of life, such as giving one’s spouse or child a kiss year he would not have bought his house or financed his goodnight. They are stressed but remain proud. Although furniture. they say they will stick it out, one wonders if they can “I thought I had done everything right,” Feldman said. afford to. After all, federal pay has been frozen for nearly “With the potential to lose nearly $3,000 of my pay over three years and now federal employees must take a 20 the next six months has caused a significant amount of percent pay cut on top of it.
  • 5. Page 5 Salvo Mar. 31, 2013 Watervliet’s upgrade will reduce risk to Artillerymen, logistical footprint By John B. Snyder The Arsenal announced this month that it has com- pleted its first shipment of 19 M20A1 Breech Block Kits as part of a $22.6 million contract for the U.S. Army to upgrade the M119A2 105mm howitzer. “This order is one of the largest contracts the Arsenal has and it involves more than 61,000 hours of direct la- bor,” said George Roach, the Arsenal program manager for this order. “This first shipment will end up in the hands of artillerymen at Fort Bragg, N.C.” The scope of this order is to manufacture more than 650 upgrade kits with monthly shipments of the kits to continue through Top: First-year machin- August 2015, said Roach. ist apprentice Cale Kneer “Although the order preparing a 105mm was received in 2011, it breech block for drilling took a significant amount at the Watervliet Arsenal. Throughout the machine of lead time to purchase shops, it is common to raw material, design fix- see first-year apprentices tures and gauges, and for working on critical pieces the customer to conduct of equipment for U.S. troops. testing prior to going into full production,” said Left: Arsenal machinist Roach. “This was no Francis “Frank” Taylor is easy project and it took grinding rails on a 105mm breech block. the entire Arsenal, from contracting to our friends Photos by John B. Snyder at the Army’s Benét Laboratories, to make this shipment fication will reduce the number of breech block assembly on time.” parts by 30 percent, which reduces the logistical footprint Why a redesign? and maintenance time. Additionally, the new breech block In 1987, an agreement was reached with the British was optimized for wear resistance, which directly im- Royal Ordnance Factories to produce the M119 howitzer proves the historical firing pin protrusion issues we set out to replace the M102 howitzer. It entered service with the to correct, Brooks said. U.S. Army’s 7th Infantry Division in December 1989. The M20A1 breech blocks carry the firing mechanism Several years ago, Benét Labs discovered a wear- and close the breech end of a 105mm cannon when firing. driven, safety-related flaw in the British design, albeit one They are, as are the cannon tubes, high-pressure vessels that did not put Soldiers at immediate risk. This finding that are machined to extremely tight tolerances that are was significant enough, however, to effect a change to measured in thousandths of an inch. the technical manual that required artillery crewmen to Although the Arsenal’s business model has changed verify and measure the firing pin protrusion before every in recent years from a focus on cannon production to the live firing, said Jeanne Brooks, a Benét Labs mechanical production of mortars, non-tube manufacturing, such as engineer. with the M20A1 breech blocks, also helps the Arsenal to The breech block improvements under this new modi- maintain a steady workload, said Roach.
  • 6. Page 6 Salvo Mar. 31, 2013 There’s gold, nope, bronze treasure located here By Mark Koziol This sketch of Fort George in 1813, obviously before it was destroyed by U.S. forces, is courtesy of Canada’s Library and Archives. The inset photo is a picture of the gun as displayed in the Arsenal museum. A captured British-made smoothbore gun from the War of 1812 is on exhibit in the Arsenal museum. This gun A few inches below the gun’s muzzle is an elaborate sec- ond seal embedded into the gun. It is the Major General of Ordnance Coat of Arms. Surrounding the design of a lion fired upon American forces during a May 1813 battle for and crown are the words “Tria Juncta in Uno.” Translation: Fort George. The British fort, located on the eastern end of three things joined into one. Lake Ontario along the Niagara River, was bombarded into The “Second War for Independence” occurred because submission by guns fired from the nearby American Fort of the impressments of hundreds of American sailors by the Niagara in western New York, as well as from several U.S. British navy. Also, for years belligerent European nations naval vessels. had been challenging the sovereignty of the newly founded What makes this gun so unusual is that it bears both the United States; American right to expand westward was original gun identification impressions and markings made being challenged; and the right for the U.S. to practice free after the 1813 battle. trade. Unofficially, vocal and hawkish members of Congress The 2,400-pound, seven-foot long bronze gun is a muzzle desired to see Britain lose their Canadian colony to lessen loading weapon manufactured to fire 12-pound shot. Unlike Brittish influence in North America, as well as to stop the most artifacts owned by museums, this gun has significant Brittish roadblock to American westward expansion. markings on it forever dating critical times in the life of the The Battle for Fort George was the beginning of the weapon. American assault on the Upper Canadian region of Ontario, At the breech end where the knob or “Cascabel” is located with the ultimate goal being the capture of Toronto, the are the words: “W. Bowen Fecit 1760.” William Bowen was capital of Upper Canada. On the morning of May 25, 1813, the master British founder who oversaw the cannon’s mold- the American guns at Fort Niagara and several U.S. Naval ing and casting in 1760. A few inches away, an inscription vessels began a bombardment on Fort George. Dozens of added by the Americans after 1813, reads; “Taken at Fort artillery guns assaulted the fort, shattering buildings and George U C May 27, 1813.” The “U C” is an abbreviation setting them on fire. After hours of concentrated artillery for Upper Canada. assault, the fort was in ruins, forcing the soldiers (British, Just above the American inscription is a stylized version Canadian and various Native warriors) to evacuate to the of the British royal coat of arms. The words seen inside a nearby plains. band is the royal motto, in French, saying: “Honi Soit Qui Before dawn of May 27th, more than 6,000 American Mal y Pense.” Translation: evil to him who evil thinks. Soldiers landed near Fort George and advanced westward. Beneath that line is the official motto of British monarchy, A small group of British soldiers located outside the fort first adopted in the 15th century, and written in French read- mounted a brief defense of their positions but were soon ing: “Dieu et mon Droit.” Translation: By God and my right. overwhelmed by the 10 to 1 American advantage in soldiers.
  • 7. Page 7 Salvo Mar. 31, 2013 New capability will speed machining, delivery to warfighters By John B. Snyder The Watervliet Ar- senal announced this week that it is testing two new high-tech ma- Top: Arsenal Foreman chines that when fully Paul Nieckarz checking operational in about out the new Mori Seiki machine that is cur- two weeks will have rently being prepared the potential to reduce for production. machining on select Left: Arsenal machinist components by up to Joey Zwack, left, is hold- ing a 81mm base cap 60 percent, according that was just machined to Paul Nieckarz, an in less than 30 minutes. Meanwhile, Harvey Arsenal manufacturing Downs, Boldt Machinery foreman. Inc., is working through the programming on the “These two ma- new machine. chines are the first Photos by John B. Snyder delivery of a nearly $4 million upgrade to the Arsenal’s minor components manufacturing operation,” Nieckarz said. “Each machine replaces 40-year-old technology that was required to machine precision components for 155mm howitzers and mortar systems.” The machines will not only enhance the Arsenal’s capability to expand its product line, they will also en- hance the Arsenal’s capacity to meet the high demands of urgent orders for U.S. troops, Nieckarz said. “With this new capability, we are moving from a machine that could only machine on one axis before a new set up was required to one that can machine on nine different axes,” Nieckarz explained. “For example, a two- hour process to machine an 81mm base cap went from 120 minutes to about 24 minutes, a savings of about 60 percent.” Initial feedback from two Arsenal machinists who are training on the new machines bode well for the future of this new technology. “Although there is a lot to learn about these machines, what I have seen so far excites me to think about the machining possibilities that we might achieve once these machines are fully operational,” said Joey Zwack, an Arsenal machinist. Twenty-year machinist Tom Ostrander echoed Zwack’s comments by saying, “I have been here a long time and I never thought I would be able to run any machine as fast or as technologically advanced as these new ma- chines. These machines will make a huge difference in our ability to move product through quicker.” These Mori Seiki machines not only can do precision cuts down to one micron, which is one millionth of a Story continues on page 8, See Machines
  • 8. Page 8 Salvo Mar. 31, 2013 Machines cont. meter, but they can do so faster and with improved quality control. At the end of the day, the Arsenal will improve its quality and its ability to machine parts quicker. These latest two pieces of equipment are but two of five major equipment buys as part of a nearly $4 million contract to improve machining on minor components for weapon systems. Because the Arsenal cannot build new buildings to improve its capability, it must therefore transform Top: One of two Mori underutilized space and aging machinery Seiki machines that were being installed to remain competitive in a tough defense in March. manufacturing market. Left: Twenty-year Ar- Machine by machine, square foot by square senal machinist Tom foot, the Arsenal is, through a program called Ostrander is check- ing the tolerances the Capital Investment Program, methodically on the new high-tech opening up floor space for high-tech machine. manufacturing. Photos by John B. Snyder Arsenal History Trivia Contracting Thoughts In 1816, just one year after the end of the War of 1812, Arsenal Commander Maj. James Dalliba was in a quandary. For several years, Congress and the U.S. Army had not provided funding for the Arsenal despite the fact that Dalliba was trying to improve the Arsenal. With great frustration, he provided a solution for the building of the Arsenal without government funds. “Purchase materials wanted on cred- it by promising payment when the gov- ernment furnishes you with the means, but don’t make yourself personally re- sponsible for the money.” Maybe today’s commander should consider such means ...
  • 9. Page 9 Salvo Mar. 31, 2013 CPAC - Planning for furlough Civilian Personnel Advisory Center For some, sequestration and the resulting furloughs will cause a significant financial hardship. In an effort to provide employees with as many available options as possible, CPAC has compiled the fol- lowing resources to help you plan and make the best financial decisions for your individual situation. Please note that CPAC does not suggest or encourage any of the options below. These have been provided as a means of educating the workforce on available options so that employees can make the best decisions for their individual circumstances. BUDGET - A Plan for Your Paycheck Budgeting is a plan or a road map of how you will reach your financial goal. Just as you would not take a vacation without first doing some planning – you should also not spend your paycheck before you plan for your expenses. To get started on creating your budget: • Know how much you spend each month, as well as your income. If you are married, include your spouse in creating this budget. • Prioritize your expenses by creating a list, starting with the most important and working your way down to the least. • Break down the costs of each expense. Be realistic when doing this. If you choose too small of an amount for the expense, you may quickly overspend that category and become discouraged when you don't stay within your budget. • Stick with the allotted amounts for each category. Once you have created your budget and start using it the first month, don't be dismayed if you have to readjust some of the amounts. It is easy to forget seasonal expenses like your kid's summer recreational activities, school enrollment expenses, and so on. If you want more information on creating a budget, here are some helpful web- sites: TSP – Furlough Impacts and Options If you are currently contributing a percentage to your TSP, your contributions will decrease in direct proportion to the reduction in your basic pay; simply stated, if your income decreases, your TSP contributions will as well. Therefore, you may find that lowering your contribution percentage is not necessary. However, if you find that you would like to decrease the percentage further, you can do so at any time using the EBIS system. You can also increase it at any time using the same system. If you are currently making TSP contributions based on a dollar amount, that dollar amount will not automatically decrease with your reduction in pay. You may want to revisit whether that amount is still appropriate given the ex- pected impact of your furlough. If you are a FERS participant, also keep in mind that any reduction in your basic pay will impact your Agency Auto- matic (1%) and Agency Matching Contributions proportionally. Story continues on page 10, See CPAC
  • 10. Page 10 Salvo Mar. 31, 2013 CPAC cont. Terminating your TSP contributions If you are making traditional contributions, remember that those contributions are subtracted from your pay before tax. Be aware that stopping this type of contribution could potentially increase your adjusted gross income and, as a result, your income tax liability. You may want to check into this further when making a decision to reduce your contributions. Financial hardship withdrawal Another alternative for accessing your TSP funds, should you face financial hardship as a result of being furloughed, is a TSP hardship withdrawal. Before you consider this, keep in mind a few things: • If you take a hardship withdrawal, you will not be able to make any TSP contributions for 6 months after having received your funds. • You may withdraw only your contributions and the earnings associated with them, and the total amount cannot exceed your financial hardship. • You must pay income tax on the taxable portion of any withdrawal, and you may also be subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty tax. TSP Loans Taking a TSP loan allows you to borrow money from your TSP account and repay that amount for the loan amount plus in- terest. You can continue to accrue earnings on the money you borrowed after you pay it back. Before you request a loan, you should know the following: • Loan payments are made by payroll deduction. If, because of a furlough, you don’t earn enough per pay period for your agency to deduct the required payment, you will be responsible for keeping your payments up-to-date so that you don’t risk a taxable distribution. (Properly repaid TSP loans are not subject to income taxes or penalties.) • You can continue to contribute to your TSP account and, if eligible, receive Agency Matching Contributions. • If you already have an outstanding loan when you get furloughed, you need to make sure that you stay up-to-date on your loan payments. For more information on TSP, please visit: Shawn & Robert Emily Easter Egg Party Mason March 23rd Photos by John B. Snyder Sophia & Dad
  • 11. Page 11 Salvo Mar. 31, 2013 Lean Manufacturing: “VSA A3 from TPOC A3” A multimillion dollar acronym By Mark Ripley I bet that headline really grabs your attention. Yes, more A3’s are the documents we use during Lean events to both Army acronyms, but these are actually Lean acronyms. guide the event process and record (and track) the results. One page contains everything relevant to the event. There TPOC stands for Transformation Plan of Care. This docu- are nine boxes that guide a team through the event, step- ment is the guide for our Lean activities. A team led by by-step. You can use an A3 for a TPOC, VSA, Rapid Im- Arsenal Commander Col. Mark Migaleddi put together the provement Event or a Just Do It event. original document and reviews it every month to make sure we are carrying out the planned actions and achieving the But, back to the headline. One of the two original VSA’s planned goals. from our TPOC analyzed the M9 Base Plate value stream. We had a series of Lean events originating from the VSA The TPOC comes from the Arsenal’s Strategic Plan. You and much of the processing was in the Weld Shop. Al- can see our TPOC status on the wall in the hallway outside though those guys did a great job, the events truly touched Col. Migaleddi’s office in Building 10 – it’s called the several other processes such as receiving and receiving TPOC Mission Control Center (MCC). Take a look some- inspection. time. Bottom line: When comparing the original process time to VSA stands for Value Stream Analysis. A value stream is the process time clocked out by the operators, the Arsenal the sequence of value adding steps from start to finish for saved $1,895,040 manufacturing 561 units of the M9 Base processing everything we produce – from a cannon tube to Plate. Wow! a material delivery to an accounting report. A value stream can be high level (“manufacturing” or “enterprise”) or I have no illusions that this was entirely due to Lean. Greg lower level (M20 Breech Block or a maintenance process). Marcklinger and Greg Stone and their team in the Weld In essence, a TPOC is an enterprise (all of WVA) VSA. Shop had great ideas for improvement before Lean ever got VSA’s also have a MCC and team meetings to track prog- there. But still…wow! So, jump on board - and bring your ress and ensure goals are achieved. great ideas. Production area before Lean 6S Production area after Lean 6S
  • 12. Page 12 Salvo Mar. 31, 2013 Arsenal’s Salvo Survey Just as surveyors of old, the Arsenal public affairs officer recently did some surveying work to determine if this newsletter was giving the workforce what it needed. Eight questions were asked to determine if the Salvo was providing the right content, in the right format, and at the right time. Eighty-two folks responded. And, no, the above picture is not of the public affairs officer ... this guy looks younger and not as much traveled. Here are the top results: Q1: Do you read the Salvo and if so, how often? -79% said yes, each month. -20% said yes, every other month. Q2: If you read the Salvo, how do you access it? -81% said they access it on the common drive. Many thanks to those who -10% said by Facebook. participated in the survey! Q3: What is the preferred way to get the Salvo? -44% said by PDF in an email. -42% said by a link in an email. Q4: What do you like most about the Salvo (open-ended question)? -It keeps us current on what is going on at the Arsenal. -Pictures, positive attitudes, and the well-written stories. -The variety of stories and updates. Q5: What recommendations do you have to improve the Salvo (open-ended question)? -78% said they like it as is. -Others said to bring back the Face of Strength page, add a classified section, and more updates on workload. Q6: How long have you worked at the Arsenal (demographic question)? -54% have less than 10 years at the Arsenal. -29% have more than 21 years at the Arsenal. -13% have between 11-20 years at the Arsenal. Q7: How frequently would you like to receive the Salvo? -90% said they want to get it every month. Q8: Is the current format easy to read? -94% said yes. Photo from