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                                                   The authors examine the long-term effects of promotion and advertis-
                                                 ing on consumers' brand choice behavior. They use 8 1/4 years of panel
                                                 data for a frequently purchased packaged good to address two questions:
                                                 (1) Do consumers' responses to marketing mix variables, such as price,
                                                 change over a long period of time? (2) If yes, are these changes associ-
                                                 ated with changes in manufacturers' advertising and retailers' promotional
                                                 policies? Using these results, the authors draw implications for manufac-
                                                 turers' pricing, advertising, and promotion policies. The authors use a two-
                                                 stage approach, which permits them to assess the medium-term (quar-
                                                 terly) effects of advertising and promotion as weil as their long-term (i.e.,
                                                 over an infinite horizon) effects. Their results are consistent with the
                                                 hypotheses that consumers become more price and promotion sensitive
                                                 over time because of reduced advertising and increased promotions.

       The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and
         Advertising on Consumer Brand Choice

   Trade promotions account for 50% oi lhe $70 billion bud-                              However, support lor value pricing strategy is not univer-
get of consumer packaged goods manufaclurcr.s (Progres-                               sal. There is an uncertainty in both industry and academia
sive Grocer 1995). Almost 70% of the finns have increased                             about the long-term impact of promotion and advertising on
their trade promotions between 1990 and 1995. Forbes                                  brand perfonnance. Some companies such as Heinz have
(1991) also reports an increase in consumer and trade pro-                            emphasized their continued reliance on promotions as their
motional spending tor consumer packaged goods manufac-                                main marketing vehicle (Wall Street Journal 1992). Others
turers—from 50% to 75% of marketing budgets during                                    cite such cases as that of Hi-C, which tried to switch away
 1985-90. Il suggests that this increase induced a loss of                            from promotion in the early 1980s and lost significant share
8-15% in the share of the top three brands in categories as                           (Busine.'is Week 1992). The empirical evidence to date is lim-
diverse as popcorn, dishwashing detergent, cat food, barbe-                           ited and mixed. Although many previous studies examine
cue sauce, and prepared dishes. The article goes on (o cite                           the short- and long-term effects of advertising (e.g., Clarke
several marketing managers who blame couponing and pro-                                1976), few focus on tiie long-term effects of promotions. As
motions for reduced brand loyalty. Business Week (1991) al-                           Blattberg and Neslin (1989, p. 93) note, "Almo., no rebc,
so contends that a shift of marketing dollars from advertis-                          has been conducted on the long term elT^         )f promotions.
ing to promotions is to be blamed for the drop in the num-                            Yet, it is critical to a brand's strategy." In summary, under-
ber of consumers that buy only well-known brands from                                 standing whether promotion and advertising hurt or help a
77% in 1975 to 62% in 1990.                                                           brand in the long run appears to be relevant, important, and
   In light of this, some companies now believe that promo-                           underresearched.
tions have made consumers more price sensitive, which con-                               We empirically examine the long-term effects of promo-
sequently has lowered the effective price companies can                               tion and advertising on consumers' brand choice decisions
charge (BrarulWeek 1993). As a result of this belief, Colgate-                        in mature product categories (i.e., we do not focus on
Palmolive. Ralston Purina, Quaker Oats, and Procter &                                 changes due to die product life cycle factors). Specifically,
Gamble (P&G) recently have curtailed the frequency of                                 we address the following two questions: (I) Does con-
their price promotions {Wall Street Journal 1996).                                    sumers' responsiveness to marketing mix elements change
                                                                                      over time? For example, are consumers becoming more
                                                                                      price sensitive over time? Is the price-sensitive segment of
                                                                                      consumers growing over time? (2) If such changes as in-
   •Carl F. Mela is an assi^lanl professor. College of Business Aclmiiiislra-         creasing price sensitivity occur, what factors affect these
lion. University of Notre Dame. Sunil Gupia is a professor. Graduaie
School of Business, Columbia University. Donald R. Lehmann is George E.               changes? For example, is the reduction in advertising ex-
Warren Professor, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University. The               penditures and/or increase in promotions iatluencing con-
authors rhank Infornialion Resources. Inc. and an anonymous company for               sumers' price sensitivity to the product?
providing lhe data and managerial inpiil for this sludy. and lhe edilor and
three anonymous JMK reviewers for their valuahle coin men Is.                            Investigation of these issues not only will enable us to
                                                                                      better understand the changes in consumer behavior over the

Jounml of Marketing Reseanh
Vol. XXXIV (May 1997), 248-261                                                  248
The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising                                                                                           249

lotig run. but also will provide useful marketing implications           tivity (Comanor and Wilson 1974). The second theory states
tor manufaclurers" pricing, advertising, and promotion poli-             that advertising increases competition by providing infor-
cies. To ensure consistent interpretation of long term                   mation to consumers that is likely to make consumers more
throughout this article, we begin by defining it.                        price sensitive (Nelson 1974). Mitra and Lyncb (1995) rec-
                                                                         oncile tbese conilicting theories by suggesting that advertis-
 What Is Long Term ?                                                     ing affects price elasticity through its inlluence on tvt'o mod-
   Similar to Fader and colleagues (1992), we characterize               erating constructs: Advertising can increase price elasticity
the effect of marketing actions on consumers' choice behav-              by increasing tbe number of brands considered; it also can
ior as follows:                                                          decrease price elasticity by increasing the relative strength
                                                                         of brand preference.
   1. Short-term effects: This is the immediate (e.g., weekly) elTect
      of proriiotion or advertising tin the sales or share of a brand.       Kaul and Wittink (1995) provide an excellent review of
      Most receni studies focus on these effeet.s. These studies gen-    the studies examining tbe impact of advertising on price sen-
      erally find very strong short term effect.s of promotion hut       sitivity. They also suggest tbat the apparently conllicling re-
      very weak or insignllleant effects of advertising on brand         sults of many studies might be indicative of the ditferent as-
      share (e.g., Guadagni and Little 1983; Gupta 1988; Tellis          peeLs of the problem on which tbe researcbers inadvertently
       1988a).                                                           focus. For example. Eskin and Baron (1977) study new
  2. Medium-term effect.s: Some studies attempt to go beyond             products, for whieb more advertising migbt attract addition-
      week-by week effcct.s of promotions. Most of these studies         al consumers who are more price sensitive, and Krishna-
      use a 4- to 16 week time frame. For example, Davis. Inman.         murthi and Raj (198.^) analyze a constant set of households.
      and McAlister (1992) study Ihe impact of promotions on con-        Researcbers seem to agree that if tbe advertising message is
      sumer auiludes; Ehrenberg. Hammond, and Goodhardt (1994)
      examine promotion cflects on brand shares; and Kim and             non-price-oriented and brand building, then it lowers con-
      Lehmann (I9').l) study changes in consumer sensitivities due       sumers' price sensitivity, whereas a price-oriented message
      to pro mot ions. Allhough many of these studies draw imphca-       could increase consumers' price sensitivity.
      tions about the long-term effects of promotions, we believe           In our application, we use a product category in whicb
      that effects of advertising and promotion in the following 4-      five of the nine brands advertise, all using a non-price ad-
      to-16 weeks qualify as medium-term rather than long-term ef-       vertising message. Furtbermore, tbe price of these five
      fects. Here, we define the impact of a current peritxl's adver-
                                                                         brands is. in general, higher than the price of tbe remaining
      tising/promotion on sales, share, or consumers' sensilivities of
      the subsequent 1.1 weeks (or quarter) as the medium-term ef-       four brands tbat do not advertise. According lo Boulding,
      fect of advertising/promotion.                                     Lee. and Staelin (1994). who use price as a proxy for the ad-
  3. Umg-tenn effecis: Previous studies find that advertising has a
                                                                         vertising message of a brand, firms charging bigher-than-av-
      substantial carryover etfect. The long-term eftect of advertis-    erage price bave a natural inclination to bave a non*price
      ing (or prointition) is the cumulative eflect on consumers'        message in their advertising. Tberefore,
      brand choice behavior, lasting over several years. One ap-            HJ: Non-price-oriented advertising is expected to reduce con-
      proach to capture the long-term impact of advertising is the              sumers' price sensitivity in the long run.
     distributed lag model (e.g.. Clarke 1976). We use a similar ap-
      proach here.                                                          Few studies, even those using disaggregate data, involve
  4. Effects of changes in marketing strategy: P&G's move frorTi         conducting analysis at tbe segment level. A notable exception
      high-low pricing to everyday low pricing is a gcKxl example of     is Krishnamurtbi and Raj (1985). who find that the impact of
     a change in marketing strategy. An important task for market-       advertising on consumers' price sensitivity is stronger for tbe
      ing managers is to as.sess the impact of these strategy changes
     on brand share or sales. Notice the distinction between long-
                                                                         more price-sensitive (or nonloyal) segment, and this effect is
     term effects and effects of a pohcy change. If a company            marginal (or the less price-sensitive (or relatively loyal) seg-
     changes its advertising in one period only and evaluates its cu-    ment. Tbis suggests a "tloor" effect; l( tbe loyal segment is
     mulative effect in future periods, it is measuring long-term ef-    completely price insensitive, increased advertising will have
     fects of advertising. Conversely, if the company cuts its ad-       no effect on tbis segment's price sensitivity. On tbe basis of
     vertising expenditure in half in all periods and .studies its ef-   these findings, we expect tbe following;
     fect on consumer choice, it is evaluating the effect of .strategy
     change.                                                               HJ: The long-term impact of advertising on consumers' price
                                                                               sensitivity is likely to be stronger for nonloyal consumers
   Our focus here is to study the long-term efTects of pro-                    than for relatively loyal (and less price-sensitive) consumers.
inoiions and advertising on consumers' price and promotion
                                                                            Although several studies address tbe issue of bow adver-
sensitivities. We proceed as follows: Wo start with a brief
                                                                         tising affects price sensitivity, almost none focus on the
review of (he relevant literature and development of
                                                                         effect of advertising on consumers' sensitivity to promo-
hypotheses. We then describe our modeling approach. This
                                                                         tions. To understand advertising's effect on consumers' pro-
is followed by data, variables, and results sections. We dis-
                                                                         motion sensitivity, we believe that promotions sbould be cat-
cuss managerial implications of these results and conclude
                                                                         egorized into two groups: price-oriented and non-price-orl-
with the contributions and limitations of this study.
                                                                         ented promotions.' Advertising tbat tnakes consumers less
       LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESES                                  price sensitive also sbould make these consumers less sensi-
                                                                         tive to price-oriented promotions tbat primarily focus on
Umg-Term Effects of Advertising                                          price cues. Conversely, advertising should increase con-
   Kconomists have developed iwo theories that predict                   sumers' response to non-price-oriented promotions that
opposite eftects of advertising on consumers' price sensitiv-
ity. The first theory suggests that advertising leads lo prod-             'We use the word promotions for all sates and irade promotions such as
uct differentiation, thereby reducing consumers' price sensi-            lemporary price reductions, feature, coupon, display, and so on.
250                                                                      JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, MAY 1997

enhance the awareness and visibility of a brand without                  PIMS data at the business unit level to conclude that adver-
focusing on price.                                                       tising decreases and promotion increases consumers' price
                                                                         setisitivity for large brands.
  H3: In the long mn, advertising will reduce consumers' sensitiv-
                                                                            Consumer behavior theories, empirical studies, and the
      ity to price-oriented promolions.
  H4: In the long run. advertising will increase consumers' sensi-       previous discussion about advertising suggest that over the
      tivity to non-price-oriented promotions.                           long run, price-oriented promotions will make consumers
  H5: In general, these effects are likely to be stronger for the non-   more price sensitive by focusing their attention on price
      loyal segment than for the loyal segment.                          cues. Non-price-oriented cues therefore will become less
                                                                         important to consumers. The opposite is likely to hold with
    As advertising is expected lo reduce consumers' price                increasing non-price-oriented promotions, which are likely
sensitivity and build loyalty, it is reasonable to expect that it        to work like advertisements (consistent with the empirical will reduce the size of the nonloyal segment.                      generalizations of Kaul and Wittink 1995). Therefore,
  Hg: Advertising will reduce the size of the nonloyal segment.            H7: Over the long run, price-oriented promotions will (a) In-
Long-Term Effects of Promotion                                                  crease consumers' price sensitivity, (b) increase consumers'
                                                                                sensitivity to price-oriented promotions, and (c) decrease
   Several theories suggest a negative long-term effect of                      consumers' .sensitivity to non-price-orientcd promotions.
promotion on consumers' attitude and behavior. Self-per-                   HJJ: Over the long run, non-price-orientcd promotions will (a) de-
ception theory implies that consumers who buy on promo-                         crease consumers' price scnsitiviiy, (b) decrease consumers"
tions are likely to attrihute iheir behavior to the presence of                 sen.sitivity to price-oriented promotions, and (c) increase con-
promotions and not to their personal preference for the                         sumers" sensitivity to non-price-oriented promotions.
brand (Dodson, Tybout, and Stemthal 1978). Increased pro-
motion in a category is likely to lead to a perception that the             Are results likely to be the same across the nonioyal and
key differentiating feature of hrands is the price (Sawyer and           loyal segments? Some studies suggest that promotion sig-
Dickson 1983). This simplifying heuristic then can lead to               nals that do not carry price information (e.g., displays) can
increased reliance on sales promotions for choosing hrands.              have a dual effect. According to Inman, McAlister, and
Operant conditioning principles also suggest that frequent               Hoyer (1990), these promotion signals have a positive
dealing in a category can cimdition consumers to look for                impact on the choice behavior of "low need for cognition"
promotions in the future, thereby making them more pro-                  people. However, high-need-for-cognitlon people react to a
motion prone.                                                            promotion signal only when it is accompanied by a substan-
                                                                         tive price reduction. By definition, loyal consumers are
   There are some theories that predict an opposite effect of            more habitual buyers and respond less to price and promo-
promotion. For example, leaming theory suggests that pro-                tions. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that, like the low
motions can help a brand through increased familiarity and               need for cognition consumers examined by Inman. McAlis-
experience. However, this effect is likely to be small for ma-           ter, and Hoyer (1990), loyal consumers will be less moti-
ture and stable product categories (like the one used in our             vated to process non-price-oriented promotion information
study), in which consumers have been familiar with almost                actively, This suggests that non-price-orientcd promotions
all of the brands for a long period of time.                             are likely to divert the attention of loyal consumers away
   Empirical research in the ;irca of promotions typically fo-           from price but in fact might make the nonloyal consumers
cuses on identifying the short-temi eltects of promotions (e.g.,         focus on price even more. Inman and McAlister (1993) sup-
Guadagni and Little 1983; Gupta 1988; Kamakura and Rus-                  port this view by suggesting that some consumers think of
sell 1989). These studies show that promotions have a large              promotion signals as price-oriented promotions (prohably
short-term elTcct on consumers' brand choice. Few recent                 the nonloyals), whereas others think of them as a non-price
studies examine the medium-term effect {over 4-16 weeks) of              promotion (probahly the loyals). Therefore,
promotion on brand share, brand evaluations, and consumers"
price setisitivity. Using data from four weeks before and four             H9: Non-price-oriented promotions will decrease the price sen-
weeks after major promotions, Ehrenberg. Hammond, and                          sitivity of loyal consumers and the price sensitivity
Goodhitrdt (1994) conclude that consumer promotions for es-                    of nonloyal consumers.
tablished brands have no noticeable effect on either subse-
                                                                            Consistent wilh our previous discussion, we expect price
quent sales or brand loyalty. Davis, Inman. and McAlister
                                                                         promotions to reduce consumers' loyalty by making them
(1992) use a controlled experiment over three months to con-
                                                                         more sensitive to price and price promotions. Therefore we
clude that promotions have no negative eflect on brand evalu-
                                                                         expect these promotions to the size of" the nonloyal
ations. However, these studies do not address whether promo-
                                                                         segment. However, the effect of non-price-oriented promo-
tions make consumers more sensitive to short-tenn (weekly)
                                                                         tions on consumers" brand loyalty and price sensitivity is
price and promotion activities. Kim and Lehmann (1993) ex-
                                                                         expected to be mixed (depending on the loyal or the non-
amine this issue using a four-month time frame and suggest
                                                                         loyal segment), which makes it hard to assess their impact
that promotions do make consumers more price sensitive.
                                                                         on segment sizes. Therefore,
   Two studies discuss the long-term effect of advertising
and promotions. Johnson (1984) analyzes 20 product cate-                    H|n: Price-oriented promotions are likely to increase nonloyal
gories to examine changes in brand loyalty over the period                       segmeni size.
 1975-83. He fmds no significant changes in a brand's share                 These hypotheses are summarized in Table 1.2
of requirements. However, if promotions have increased
over time, then it is difficult to say if a brand's share is high           -Price scnsiliviiy i.'; generally negative, indicating ihal higher prices
because of consumer loyalty for the brand or increased                   reduce brand choice probahiliiy. Therefore a pttsitivc sign in ihis labie indi-
hrand promotions. Bouiding. Lee. and Staeiin (1994) use                  cates reduciion in price sensitivity.
The Long-Term Impact of Promofion and Advertising                                                                                              251

                                 Table 1
                    SUMMARY OF HYPOTHESES                                     (3)

                                      Impact on
                                 Consumer Sensitivity to                      where
Long Term                            Price        Non-price      Segment             K^ = share of the sth .segment. 0 <'K^< .Zn^= 1 and
tmpact of                Price     Pmmotions      Promotion.^      Size             P*^^, = probability that household h in segment s buys brand i at
Advenising                                                                                 time t.
Price Promotions
Non-price Promotions                                                            The segment-level choice probability is a logit model:

   •This effect is expected to be positive for loyal consumers and negative
for nonloyal consumers.

                                                                              where Pojo^ and p^^ are segment-specific parameters esti-
                     MODELING APPROACH                                        mated for each quarter q.
                                                                                 Although the marketing response pimimeters, [i^^, are not
   We begin by briefly describing the multinomial logit
                                                                              brand specific within a segment, the net effect ot the mar-
model we used to capture the impact of short-tenn (weekly)
                                                                              keting activity of a hrand is a convex comhination of seg-
price and promotion activities on consumers" brand choice
                                                                              ment-level response parameters. The weights in this convex
behavior. We then extend this model to a segment-level logit
                                                                              combination depend on within-segment brand shares, which
model, which allows for consumer heterogeneity in
                                                                              typically differ substantially across brands and segments
response parameters (Kamakura and Russell 1989), Next,
                                                                              (Kamakura and Russell 1989). This approach allows for
we suggest that the slope or llrst derivative of the logit
                                                                              hrand-specit'ic responses and consumer heterogeneity with-
model with respect to, for example, price is a better measure
                                                                              out making the number of model parameters very large. In
of consumers' sensitivity to short-term marketing activities
                                                                              our application, estimating brand-specific response parame-
than are the response parameters or elasticities. This is fol-
                                                                              ters does not provide better fit or insigbts.
lowed by a discussion of the distributed lag model used to
capture changes in consumers' sensitivities over time as a                       When the segment-level logit parameters and segment
function of quarterly marketing activities such as advertis-                  sizes are estimated, we can obtain a household's posterior
ing. Finally, we discuss estimation issues.                                   probability (Wqjj) of belonging to a segment s in quarter q by
                                                                              Bayes' rule:
Modeling Consumers' Brand Choice Behavior
   Single-Jiegment logit. The probability that household h
buys brand i at occasion t is captured by the multinomial
logil model (Guadagni and Little 198.^):                                      where L^^'is, the likelihood of household h's purchase history
                                                                              given that it belongs to segment s in quarter q.
                                                                              A Measure of Consumers' Sensitivities to Short-Term
                                                                              Marketing Activities
where the deterministic part of the utility is                                    The segment specific parameters, (J, represent consumers'
(2)                   V,f = p , .                                             response to weekly price and promotion activities of hrands.
                                                                              We could use these parameters, which vary over time (quar-
   The vector X^, includes short-term (weekly) marketing                      ters), to capture changes in consumers' sensitivities to short-
variables such as price and promotion, as well as household-                  term marketing activities. However, logit models pose a spe-
specific variables such as brand loyalty. The parameter p^j is                cial problem because the logit parameters arc identified only
a brand-specific constant, and p is a vector of parameters for                up to a scale constant (Ben-Akiva and Lerman 1985). This
variables X;',. One ot our key objectives bere is to test explic-             scale constant is inversely proportional to the variance of the
itly whether consumers' sensitivities to short-term market-                   error in the utility function. Therefore, comparison of p
ing activities (which are a function of P parameters) change                  parameters across time or models is not desirable because
over time and if these changes are correlated with marketing                  the comparison is confounded by the error variances {Swait
activity such as advertising over the long run. Because some                  and Louviere 1993).
long-term marketing variables are reported (at least in our                       It is possible to use elasticities instead of mt)del parame-
data set) on a quarterly basis, we estimate (i for each quarter               ters as measures of consumers' sensitivities to short-term
q, This is consistent with previous research (e.g., Moore and                 marketing variables. Unlike the elasticities in multiplicative
Winer 1987) and the managerial judgment of the company                        models (Krishnamurthi and Raj 198,^). the elasticities in log-
that provided us the data. (In the Estimation .section, we pro-               it tiiodels are scaled by brand choice probabilities. This scal-
vide more details about the choice of a quarter as the time                   ing implies thai low-share brands will tend to have high
period of analysis.)                                                          elasticities, though consumers are not necessarily more re-
    Multiple-segmt-nt logit. We allow lor consumer hetero-                    sponsive to the marketing aciions of stiiall-sharc brands
geneity in response parameters by using segment-level logit                   {Guadagni and Little 1983). Scaling also introduces asym-
models. Instead of specifying these segments a priori, we                     metry into cross-elasticities, even though there might he no
use the latent class or mixture modeling approach advocat-                    underiying asymmetry in consumer (Russell,
ed by Katnakura and Russcil (1989):                                           Bucklin, and Srinivasan 1993).
252                                                                                  JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, MAY 1997

    We therefore use ftrst derivatives or slopes as our measure                               Yi(q - Dsx ~ '3St quarter*.s value, that is. lag term;
of consumers' sensitivities. The first derivative represents                                          Zjq = vector of quarterly marketing variables, such as
change in brand share for one unit change in an independent                                                 advertising, for brand i. quarter q;
variable, such as price. In the logit model, for segment s the                                         Cq = control variables, .such as economy, for quarter q;
first derivative of market share of brand i in quarter q with                           Ctjs, Xjs, Yis. 5s = parameters to be estimated; and
respect to one unit change in an independent variable Xj is                                          Gjq^ = enor term.
given by                                                                                This model has several important features. First, the
                                                                                     model parameters (y) represent the medium-term (quarterly)
(6)                • i qsx                                                           impact of advertising and promotion on consumers' .sensi-
                                                                                     tivities. Second, the decay parameter {X) indicates how long
   For discrete (0,1) independent variables, such as promo-                          the effect of advertising and promotion on consumers' sen-
                                                                                     sitivities last. Third, the cumulative long-term effects (over
tion, the discrete analog of the first derivative is
                                                                                     infinite time horizon) of marketing activities, such as adver-
                                                                                     tising, are captured hy 9 = y/( 1 - X). When the estimates and
(7)                          Y-   =
                                                                                     the variance-covariance of y and X are obtained, the variance
                                                                                     of the long-term effect 6 can be estimated using Cramer's
where APj^, is the change in purchase probability due to                             theorem, which enables us to test for the significance of &*;
change in the Xj variable from 0 to 1 (e.g., from no promo-
tion to promotion scenario).                                                         (9)        Var(9) =                 Var(y) +
   Note that there are three important features of this mea-                                                 (I - xy-                (1 -
sure. First, it does not suffer from the scaling problems men-
tioned previously. Second, for a given value of P^^^, this
measure is the highest when Pj^, = .5. This is intuitively ap-
pealing because it suggests that consumers have the highest                             An implicit assumption of the model in Equation 8 is that
response to price and promotion when they have the highest                           the decay parameter X is identical for all quarterly market-
level of uncertainty of whether to choose a particular brand.                        ing variables such as advertising and promotion. Although
Third, even if all brands have the same ^^^^ parameters,                             this makes the model parsimonious, it potentially is a very
brands will have different responses to their marketing ac-                          restrictive assumption. In other words, if the long-term
tivities as measured hy the first derivatives.                                       effects of advertising last for several years but the long-term
   In summary, in the first stage of our model, we estimate                          effects of promotions last for only a few quarters, then this
segment-level logits and then compute first derivatives with                         assumption can lead to erroneous conclusions. Following
respect to price, price-oriented promotion, and non-price-                           Johnston (1984, p. 347). we test whether advertising, price
oriented promotion for each quarter of the data.                                     promotion, and non-price promotion have different lag
Modeling the Long-Term Impact of Advertising and
Promotion                                                                            Estimation
   The .second stage of our model captures the impact of                                The model is estimated in two stages. In stage one. we
quarterly marketing variables, such as advertising, on quar-                         estimate the segment-level logit model by maximum likeli-
terly sensitivity {first derivative) estimates using a distrib-                      hood (Kamakura and Russell 1989). From this stage of the
uted lag model. These models (e.g., the Koyck model and                              analysis we obtain parameter estimates for each quarter. We
the partial adjustment model) have been used extensively in                          chose a quarter as the appropriate window or interval length
marketing to capture the carryover effects of advertising                            for several reasons. First, we have SV^ years of data, which
(e.g., Clarke 1976). The Koyck model, for example, makes                             suggests that a larger window (e.g., 1 year) will leave us
the assumption that the advertising effect has a geometric                           with few observations for the second stage of the analysis;
decay over time. The partial adjustment model assumes that                           second, because the median interpurchase time in our appli-
in the short run consumers adjust their behavior only par-                           cation is approximately six weeks, a shorter window (e.g., a
tially to changes in the environment. For example, frequent                          month) will leave us with few observations and unstable
promotions can lead consumers to expect promotions in the                            coefficients in the first stage of the analysis; third, infonna-
future, thereby making them more price sensitive. However,                           tion on some of the marketing variables (e.g., advertising) is
this shift in price sensitivity is likely to be gradual, as con-                     available on a quarterly basis; and fourth, the managers of
sumers slowly adjust their behavior to the new market envi-
ronment. These assumptions lead to the following modeM:

                                                                                         •'Var(ei = g l i t where gis ihc vetlor of first derivatives of the function g
                                                                                     Ihat define.s the reliilionship between 6 and y. K (i.e.. 6 = g(Y, ) = yl{ - >.)».
where                                                                                and Z is the variance-eovariancc matrix for the parameter estimates y and
                                                                                     )L. This implies that
              Yjqs^ = con.sumer response in quarter q for hrand i in
                      segment s, with respect to .short-term marketing
                      variable X, .such as price;
                                                                                               Var(G) =
                                                                                                                 r X)
                                                                                                                                 Cov(y. A.)
                                                                                                            39                                        rlX
   'Bolh Ihc Koyck and ihc partial adjuslmeni models' formulations arc
.similar to Ettuucion 8. Hciwcvcr, in ihc Koyck mtxicl. errors are .•;erially cor-
reblcd. wherea.s these errom are independent in ihe partial adjustment
model (John.ston 1984). We tesi for error correlation in our eslimalion.               Appropriate substitution then leads lo Equation 9.
The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising                                                                                                     253

[he company that provided us the data believe that most sig-                   dent variables (such as price and promotion) as per Equation
nificant marketing decisions are made on a quarterly basis.                    6 or 7. We then use these first derivatives as dependent vari-
   Our initial attempt at estimating .segment-level logit mod-                 ables in Equation 8. which is estimated by ordinary least
els on quarterly data indicates that even a quarter is too short               squares.
a period to obtain stable parameter estimates. Given this
dilemma (i.e., a desire lo have quarterly parameter estimates                                                      DATA
so that we have enough observations for the second stage                          The data and managerial input for our application were
analysis, while needing a longer time interval to obtain more                  provided by a major consumer packaged goods company
stable parameter estimates in the first stage), we use a                       and Information Resources, Inc. The data contain panel,
rolling three-quarter window for estimating the segment-                       store, and demographic infonnation for a consumer non-
level logit. Specifically, we assume the parameter estimates                   durahle category in one market area for 8 ^ years, from Jan-
for data covering quarters 1, 2, and 3 to represent quarter 2.                 uary 1984 to March 1992. The spon.soring company also
estimates from quarters 2, 3, and 4 to represent quarter 3,                    provided quarterly advertising expenditures for all brands.
and so on. Although this procedure could smooth out some                       Because scanner data began to proliferate approximately ten
of the quarterly fluctuations in coetficients, it also will                    years ago, it is only now tbat researchers can use this infor-
smooth out random error. In the spirit of moving averages,                     mation to make long-term inferences regarding changes in
this prtKcdure captures the overall trend in coefficients in                   consumer behavior. Our study is one of the llrst to utilize
the 8!^ years of data. More important, it provides us with                     this long a period of disaggregate data.
more stable parameter estimates, which are essential for
                                                                                  We cannot reveal the product category or the brands. The
drawing meaningful conclusions.^
                                                                               category is a household nonfood product. The median inter-
   When we obtain quarterly estimates of p parameters, we                      purchase time is 6 weeks, and the mean is 12 weeks. The
then can compute tlrst derivatives with respeet to indepen-                    category has several characteristics that make it particularly
                                                                               suitable for our application. First, like most other consumer
   'We conducted an oilcnsive sensiliviiy unalysis fur our choice of the       packaged goods, advertising in this category bas declined
"window" length of ihree quarters. Using a sub-sample of Ihc data, we          over time relative to promotion (Figure 1). This enahles us
compared ihe coctTicicnls of the three quiirter window wilh the coefficients   to examine the effecis of these changes, if in fact they exist.
from one-quarter and five-quancr windows. The results were not slatisti-
caliy significanlly diflerent acrt)ss thtrsc scenarios. We acknowledge that    Second, this is a mature product category. Therefore, our re-
using the three-quarter window parameters could inflaie the lag parameter      sults will not be confounded by changes over the product
in fy.]u;itinn 8.                                                              life cycle (Sethuraman and Tellis 1991; Tellis 1988b). Final-

                                                                          Rgure 1
                                                  CHANGES IN CATEGORY MARKETING ACTIVITY

                   Frequency of Discounts                                                                          Advertising
 Percent                                                                            Dollars (000)

  40                                                                                  500


                                                                                      200 •


   0 I IIIII IIIM IIIIII                    I II1IIMM I                                  0
    1984   1985   1986    1987   1988   1989    1990   1991   1992                       1984       1985   1986   1987   1988   1989   1990   1991   1992

                                 Time                                                                                    Time
254                                                                                      JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, MAY 1997

ly, there were no major brand entries or exits during the pe-                            (e.g., advertising, feature) are brand oriented rather than de-
riod to complicate the analysis of advertising and promo-                                signed specifically for a brand size. Previous studies use
tional effects.                                                                          brand, instead of brand size, for similar reasons (Krishna-
   The category consists of eight major brands that account                              murthi and Raj 1991).
for approximately 85% of the market. We consider all other
brands, along with private-label and generic brands, to con-                                                         VARIABLES
stitute a ninth brand. There are four major sizes, and there is                          Short-Term (Weekly) Variables
a great deal of switching among sizes. The two medium
sizes repre.sent appro.ximately three-quarters of the market                                We include the following short-term variables X^, (for
share, and the largest and smallest account for approximate-                             household h, brand i, occasion t) in the logit model.
ly one-eighth each. There are 11 stores in this particular                                  Price. Price for a brand is the actual shelf price in dollars
market. The panel data include l.'i90 households making                                  per ounce, net of all discounts. The existence of multiple
54,731 product purchases over 8!^ years, that is. 33 quarters.                           brand sizes poses a problem for creating a price variable tor
The demographics of the panelists roughly match the demo-                                competing brands. We use mininwm shelf price per ounce
graphics of the United States on age, family size, education,                            across different sizes of a brand as the price for that brand
and children; though the panelists in our study had slightly                             for several reasons. First, in our data the average unit price
higher incomes. Approximately 92% of households pur-                                     differential among the three largest brand sizes, which con-
chased more than one brand during the period of the study.                               stitute the bulk of purchases, is approximately 3%. Second,
Households did not enter or exit the panel during the study                              the average price differences across brands are far greater
period. The lack of entry or exit could raise questions of                               than are the average price differences across sizes of the
maturation or mortality, however, any disaggregate long-du-                              same brand. Third, and most important, a weigbted average
ration study will suffer from this limitation/' By having the                            price fonnulation is likely to underestimate the true price
same households, we are uniquely able to monitor exposure                                variation in the marketplace. For example, if a retailer offers
to promotions and track concurrent changes in behavior. As                               a 15% discount on the largest size of a brand that accounts
we mentioned previously, conflicting results about the im-                               for, say, one-eighth of the volume, then the weighted aver-
pact of advertising on consumers" price sensitivity can be                               age percent discount will be (.15 x 1/8). or less than 2%.
explained partially by whether advertising is attracting new                             Given size switching in this category, such averaging will
price-sensitive consumers {Eskin and Baron 1977) or reduc-                               understate price effects. Fourth, consumers swiich heavily
ing the price sensitivity of existing consumers (Krishna-                                among sizes, which suggests that minimum price per ounce
murthi and Raj 1985). By having a fixed set of households,                               more accurately reflects their price search behavior
we avoid this potential confounding. Table 2 provides some                                  Price promotions. We classify three types of promotions
descriptive statistics of the data.                                                      as price promotions: (!) temporary price reduction (TPR),
                                                                                         (2) feature, and (3) coupon. Temporary price reduction and
   Although most brands in our product category have four
                                                                                         coupons always are accompanied by price di.scounts and are
sizes, our unit of analysis is a brand, not brand size. This
                                                                                         therefore clearly price-promotion signals to consumers. Fea-
cboice was made for tbe following reasons: First, with nine
                                                                                         tures almost always are accompanied by prominent pricing
brands and four sizes, even a single-segment logit model
                                                                                         information with Mttle product information.
will have a large number of parameters. This problem in-
creases dramatically in a multi-segment logit tnndel. Sec-                                  We define a brand to be on feature or TPR, or as offering
ond, a model witb 36 br:ind-size combinations is likely to vi-                           a coupon if any size of that brand is on feature or TPR or of-
olate the UA property of the logit model. Third, manage-                                 fering a coupon. Although the data provide infonnation
ment believes that most marketing actions in this category                               about coupon redcmpti<m. there is no infonnation about tbe
                                                                                         recency of coupon drop. Therefore, we assume a coupon
                                                                                         drop for a brand occurred in a week if the total number of
  ^tn the spirit of cohort analysis, we checked our data to sec il" the per-
centage of purchases on discounl or brand switching for three dilfcrcnt age              redemptions for that brand by all households in the panel da-
groups of panelists dilTered over time. We found no sigaificant dillerences.             ta exceed one standard deviation higher than the average

                                                                          Table 2
                                                       DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS OF THE DATA

             Market                  Price              Advertising
             Share                (S/oumes)               ($000)                     TFR'                Feature             [hsptuv            Coupon
Brand     1984     199}         }9!i4    }99}          }984     /yy/                 I      }99}       t984    }99}       }984     }99I      }984     }99I

1         .38       .38          .057     .060         393       128           .27          .55         .04    .09         .08     .19        .07      .10
2         .07       .10          .054     .059         142        30           .12          .40         .07    .03         .05     .14        .12      .04
3         .19       .13          .057     .063         225        57           .12          .43         .01    .04         .00     .12        .14      .04
4         .04       .10          .052     .056         144         0           .10          .54         .01    .04         .04     .19        .00      .04
5         .08       .07          .057     .062         278        44           .08          .42         .00    .05         .02     .15        .05      .15
6         .09       .06          .049      049           0         0           .03          .15         .00    .01         .02     .05        .14      .04
7         .04       .03          .029     .0.34          0         0           .04          .08         .00    .01         .00     .02        .25      .06
8         .00       .04          .061     .054           0         0           .08          .28         .00    .02         .00     .05        ,00      .42
9         .11       .10          .024     .030           0         0           .18          .21         .01    .01         .02     .06        .06      .04
   'TPR (temporary price reduction). Feature. Display, and Coupon variabtes rcpresetit ttie proponioti of times the category was discounted, featured, dis-
played, or couponed in that year.                                                                                                   i
The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising                                                                                                        255

weekly redemption for that hrand across the entire period of                        which we use quarterly marketing variables to explain
the study. In other words, a significant increase in coupon                         changes in consumers' sensitivities. These results provide a
redemption is assumed to be an indicator of a recent coupon                         test of our hypotheses.
   Non-price promotions. We classify display as the non-                            Stage One: Estimating Segment-Level Logit Models
price promotion variable. Typically price is not the dominant                          Choosing the number of .segments. For each time period,
focus of displays. Similar to features and TPR, we define                           we calibrated the single-segment choice model and then
display as a binary (0.1) variable that is 1 if any size of the                     proceeded to fit multi-segment models for two and three
brand is on display. 0 otherwise.                                                   segments.** We used the Bayesian Infonnation Criterion
   Brand loyalty. To contrt)l for observed differences in                           (BIC) and segment interpretability as guidelines to select the
households' purchasing patterns, we include a brand loyalty                         appropriate number of segments (Bucklin and Gupta 1992).
variable (e.g.. Guadagni and Little 1983). A household's                            For all time periods, the BIC values favored a two-segment
loyalty for a brand is defined as that brand's share in the last                    solution over a single-segment solution. Three-segment
four purchases of that household (on average four ptirchas-                         solutions were occasionally better, and ofien worse, than the
es represent one year of purchase history in this category).                        two-scgmont solutions. Across time periods, the average and
Previous studies use similar or even fewer purchases to as-                         maximum gain in BIC in going from two to three segments
sess brand loyalty (e.g.. Chiang 1991 used four weeks of                            were .30 and 23, respectively. Even the maximutn gain in
coffee Our tneasure enables a household's loy-                         going from a two-segment to a three-segment solution rep-
alty for a brand to cbange over time, tbat is, we do not as-                        resented a percentage gain oi' only .5% in the BIC for that
sume that hrand loyalty for a household remains constant                            period, at the expense of 15 additional parameters. Because
over eight years.''                                                                 a constant number of segments over time facilitates inter-
                                                                                    pretation (Moore and Winer 1987). we chose a two-segment
Quarterly Variahles                                                                 solution for all titne periods.
   Quarterly variahles (Z,^) for each brand i and quarter q are                        The two segments appeared to be relatively loyal and non-
ope rationalized as follows:                                                        loyal segments, which is consistent with the conceptualiza-
   Advertising. Advertising is the total advertising expendi-                       tion of Krishnamurthi and Raj (1991), Bucklin and Gupta
ture (in intlation adjusted dollars) for brand i in quarter q in                    (1992). and others.
the market area.**                                                                     Average sensitivities of consumers across all time periods
   Price promotions. Once again, tbe intensity of price pro-                        were as follows:
motion by a brand in a quarter is captured by tbree types of
                                                                                          Consumer                                                Nonloya}
promotions: (I) TPR, (2) feature, and (3) coupon. Specifi-                                Sensiiiviiv lo                                          Segment
cally, we define tbe feature activity for brand i in quarter q
(Fn,) as the proportion of times brand i is on feature across                             Price                                 .28                 -1.70
                                                                                          Price promotion                       .02                    .04
all stores and all weeks of that quarter. Similarly, we define                            Non-price promotion                   .03                    .09
frequency of price discount.s as the proportion of times a
brand is on TPR in a quarter Finally, coupon intensity for                             These results show ihal, as expected, consumers in the
brand i in quarter q is defined as the proportion of times that                     nonloyal .segment are more price and promotion sensitive
brund uses C[)upons in that quarter. Quarterly price promo-                         than are consumers in the loyal segment. The price sensitiv-
tion is defined as a sitnple average of quarterly feature, TPR,                     ity (or slope) estimates are equivalent to price elasticities of
and couponing activity of a brand.                                                  -.51 for the loyal segment and -1.02 for the nonloyal seg-
   Non-price promotions. Our non-price promotion variable                           ment. These estimates are somewhat lower than the average
is the proportion of times a brand is on display across all                         of-1.76 reported by Tellis (1988b), who used a meta-analy-
stores and all weeks of that quarter, operationalized similar                       sis of several product categories.
to the long-term feature variable.                                                     Consumers' .sensitivities over time. Over the 29 quarters
                                RESULTS                                             of the calibration period, in addition to segment size and
                                                                                    brand-specific constants, we estimated 348 response para-
  We first present the results of the first stage analysis, in                      meters in the first stage of our analysis.'" Of these. 316 co-
which we calibrate segment-level logit models to obtain                             efficients were significant and correctly signed (e.g., the
quarterly parameter estimates and consumers' sensitivities.                         price parameter was negative, as expected), 8 were signifi-
Next, we discuss results from the second stage analysis, in                         cant and incorrectly signed, and 53 were insignificant. No-
                                                                                    tice that under the null hypothesis of zero paratneter value,
    'Results were insensitive to slightly different operauona!i/;atiiins of         using a 5% significance level would yield 348 x .05 = 17 co-
lirand loyally. Also, parameters in the first stage were .similar for
models with or without tlie hrand loyalty variable.
    "Because [i parameters are esiimated for a quarter, it could be unreason-               also compared a single segment mixlel with brand specific parame-
able tosuj^gest that adverti.sing tor the f/tdrf current quarter (including cnd-    ters for price, promotion, and so on with a .single segment model in which
itf-quiirter advertising) affects consumers' sensitiviiies for that quarter         the parameters for short.term marketing variables were constrained to be
(which include consumer response al the beginning of the quarter as well).          the same across brands. LIsing Bayesian Informaiion Critcrmn (which
Therefore, the quarterly advertising variable was created by phase-.s}iifiinf;      penali/.es a model for estimating additional parameters), a model with the
advertising by half a quarter. In other words, for the current quarter of           .same parameters for brands performed hctier than did a nunlcl with brand-
April-June, advenising was detmed as half the advertising expenditure for           specific parameters. Moreover, this constrained mi.>del was found to tx;
April-June plus half the advonising expenditure for January-March. We               more stable over time.
also delined the lag terms accordingly. Once again, this adjustment did not            '"For each quarter we estimated 12 response parameters: 6 parameters
affect Ihe empirical results. We obtained similar results for other quarterly       for each of the two segments. Therefore for the 29 quarters, we get 6 x 2 x
variables.                                                                          29 = 348 coeftkieius.
256                                                                           JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, MAY 1997

etTicients as significant, by chance. In other words, it is pos-                                              Table 3
sible to obtain approximately 8 coefficients as significant                       CHANGE IN CONSUMERS' SENSITIVITIES OVER TIME
and correctly signed, and 8 coefficients as significant and in-
correctly signed, by chance.                                                 Consumers'                             Chaniies                Significance
   Next, we used these estimates of parameters and segment                   Sensitivity to                        Over Time                   Level
sizes and Equations 6 and 7 to compute consumer sensitivi-                   1. Loyal Segmenl
ties to price, price promotion, and non-price promotion for                     Price                               Increase                  P<.001
each quarter q." We perfonned a simple trend analysis for                       Price [*romolion                    Increase                  p<.00!
each brand and segment by regressing quarterly sensitivities                    Non-price Promotion                 Decrease                  p<.05
against time. To control for exogenous macroeconomic fac-
                                                                             2. Nonioyal Segmenl
tors, we used recession (0,1) as a covariate because con-                       Price                               Increase                  p<.00
sumers couid become more price sensitive during a recession                     Price Promolion                     Increase                  p<.00
period. Consistent with the economics literature, we define a                   Non-price Promolion                 Decrease                  p<.05
quarter to be in recession if it was a period of three or more
consecutive quarters with negative growth in gross domestic                    Nonloyal Segmenl Size                Increase                  p<.05
product. Two interesting results emerged from this analysis.
First, consumers in the nonloyal segment became more price
sensitive over time. whcrea.s loyal consumers showed little                  changing over time?"—is a resounding yes.'2 Of special in-
change in their price behavior. Second, the nonloyal con-                    terest is the result that price and price promotion sensitivi-
sumers also demonstrated increasing sensitivity to price pro-                ties are increasing over time. Our findings have important
motions and reduced sensitivity to non-price promotions,                     implications for managers and researchers who attempt to
though these effects were weaker than were the effects for                   draw empirical generalizations using meta-analysis or to
price. The promotion effects for the loyal consumers were in                 compare the results of two or more studies conducted over
the same direction as for the nonloyal consumers, though the                 different time periods. For example, Tellis (1988b) and
brand-level coefficients were not significant.                               Sethuraman and Tellis (1991) find average price elasticity to
   We also conducted a trend analysis for the nonloyal seg-                  be around -1.7. However, our results suggest that these av-
ment size (Ti) with ln(Ti/l - 7i) as the dependent variable, and             erages are likely to change over time. We next examine ihe
trend and recession as the independent variables. This re-                   reasons for these changes.
gression showed a significant increase in the size of ihe non-
loyal segmenl over time, which indicates that an increasing                  Stage Two: Impact of Marketing Activity cm Consumers'
proportion of consumers have become more price and pro-                      Sensitivities
motion sensitive over time.                                                     The puqxise of the second stage analysis is to test explic-
   Pooling across brands. It is possible that consumer sensi-                itly if advertising and promotion aftect consumers' price and
tivities for most brands could show a positive but insignifi-                promotion sensitivities over the long run. We used the dis-
cant trend. However, if we conclude from these results that                  tributed lag model described in Equation 8. in which con-
consumer sensitivities are not changing over time, we may                    sumers" sensilivities (i.e.. first derivatives) to weekly price,
be making a Type II error by not appropriately pooling in-                   price promotion, and non-price promotion activities for each
formation across brands (Dutka 1984). Pooling results                        brand and segment were the dependent variables, and qutU"-
across brands also can be thought of as a "meta-analysis"                    teriy advertising, price promotion, and non-price promolion
across several brands.                                                       of that brand were the independent variitblcs along with the
   One possibility is to run u c«/egory-level regression,                    lagged dependent variable. We also included recession as an
which gives us a single-trend parameter for the category                     independent variable to control for exogenous macroeco-
rather than separate trend parameters for the nine brands. Al-               nomic factors. We first ran Durbin's test to check for serial
though this approach increases the sample size and pools ihe                 correlation of errors in a distributed lag model (Johnston
information across brands, it also could lead to erroneous re-                1984, p. 318). Out of 54 regressions (2 segments x 3 depen-
sults if the parameters for brands arc so far apart that pool-               dent variables x 9 brands). 47 regressions had no correlation
ing across brands increases the variance of the category-lev-                in the errors. Therefore, our formulation seems to be con.sis-
el parameter, making it insignificiint. Treating ihe results                 tcnt with the partial adjustment model. Next, we performed
from different brands as independent replications, we use                    a test as per Johnston (1984. p. 347) to see if the decay para-
Fisher's pooling test (Fisher 1948; Rosenthal 1978). Pooled                  meter k is different for advertising, price promotion, and
results that arc based on this test arc summarized in Table 3.               non-price promotion. For all nine brands, we could not
   These results suggest that the answer to our first ques-                  reject the null hypothesis that all of the decay parameters are
tion—"Are consumers' sensitivities to marketing variables                    the same.

                                                                                ''To contlrm furlhcr whether the long-term series of consumers' sensi-
                                                                             tivities to price and promotion is evolving, for ail nine hrands we performed
                                                                             the unit roiit test suggested by Dekimpe and Huns.scns (1995a). We found
                                                                             strong evidence of evolving sensitivities in ihe nonloyal segment and some-
  ' 'Tt) ohioin consumers" sensitivity lo price pn>moUon. we used a simple   what weaker evidence for the loyal segment, We also fnund the advertising
average of eonsumers' sensilivity lo TPR. feature, and coupoos. Results      and promotion variables lo have unit roots. We thank Marnik DeKimpe for
were not sensitive to difTerenI weighting schemes.                           making the necessary program available for this test.
The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising                                                                                                         257

   Using this brand- and segment-specific regression, we es-                              of this effect is on the nonloyal consumers.'^ Ftirthermore, we
timated the Y parameters associated with each of the quar-                                find that less advenising helps to increase the size of the non-
terly variahles (see Equation 8). These parameters rellect the                            loyal segment. This dual effect (i.e., a redtiction in advertising
quarterly (medium-tomi) effect of advertising and promo-                                  leading to an iticrease in the size of the nonloyal segment and
                                                                                          making consumers more price sensitive) shows a poweriul
tion on consumers' response sensitivities. Results from these
                                                                                          role of advertising in reinforcing consumer preferences lor
hrand-speciHc regressions were pooled according to Fish-                                  brands. Table 4 also shows that reduction ( in adver-
er's method. We estimated the long-temi impact o( advertis-                               tising reduces (increases) consumers' sensilivity to non-price
ing and promotion on consumers' sensitivities [9 = Y''(' ~ ^)l                            promotion for the nonloyal consumers. In other words, adver-
and its variance for each brand and segment. We then pooled                               tising makes non-price promotions such as displays more ef-
brand-level results using Fisher's method.                                                fective. Moreover, our results indicate that if u market has a
                                                                                          large "loyal" segment, then using an unsegmented model ean
   Finally, we also regressed the size of the nonloyal seg-                               lead to insignificant and/or substantially smaller advertising
ment (jc) against quarterly marketing variables. Specifically,                            effeets. This might explain partially the inability of many re-
we used log(7i/l- K) for each quarter as the dependent vari-                              searchers to fmd any advertising effects iti scanner data.
able and quarterly advertising, price promotion, non-price
promotion, and recession as independent variables along                                 2. Price pnmwtions. As expected, in the long aiti price promo-
with the lagged dependent variable. Because the segment                                    tions make consumers more price .scnsilive in both the loyal
                                                                                           and nonloyal segments. They also train nonloyal consumers to
sizes were not brand specific, we used the mean category                                   look for promotions, thereby making them more sensitive to
level variables (e.g., average category advertising) as our in-                            price promotions.
dependent variables. The purpose of this regression was to                              3. Non-iyrireptimiotinns. Non-price promotions have signitlcant
see if. for example, decreased advertising expenditure made                                effects only on consumers' priee sensitivities. Consistent with
consumers less brand loyal.                                                                our hypotheses, these promotions make loyal consumers less
                                                                                           price sensitive and make the nonloyal consumers much more
The Long-Term Effects of Advertising and Promotions                                        price sensitive. These results are consistent with prior litera-
                                                                                           ture that suggests opposite effects of certain promotions for
   Results of both the medium-term (over one quarter) and                                  different consumers.
long-tcnn (over infinite horizon) impact of advertising and
promotion on consumers" price and promotion sensitivities                             Several additional insights emerge from our
are given in Table 4. To facilitate comparison and discus-                         First, the results are identical for the medium term and kmg-
sion, we have also included the hypothesized signs for these                       term effects of advertising and promotion (except for the
effects. Overall, we found support for many of our hypothe-
ses. Although some of the results were insignificant, none                            I 'Although our data show advenising expenditures to be declining over
were signillcant in the wrong direction.                                           lime, we ex[K.vt iiur results lo be bidirectional (i.e., we expect an
                                                                                   increasc/dccrcjse in advenising expenditure to rcduce/incrcasf consumers'
   . Advertising. Consi.stenl with several previous studies (e.g.,                price sensiiiviiy). Also, when the price parameter (which i.s negative) is
      Krishnamurthi and Raj l')85). we tlnd that a reduction in ad-                used as a dependent variable, a positive coefficient for advertising implies
      vertising make.s con.sumers more price sensitive and that most               that advertising reduces price sensitivity.

                                                                          Table 4
                                                              HYPOTHESES AND RESULTS

                                                                    I. Hvpothi'sized Signs
                           Loyal Segment                                                            Nonloyal Segment
                               Impact on ("onsumer Sensitivity lo                                         Impact on Consumer Sensitivity to
taring-Term                               Price          Non-price         Lfmi; Term                                 Price          Non-price        Segment
Impact of                  Price       Promotions        Promotions        Impact of                   Price       Promotions        Promotions         Size
Price Promotions
Non-pdco Promotions          •«-
                                            I                 +
                                                                           Price Promotions
                                                                           Non price Promotions          :            I                                   *

                                                             2. Results for Medium-Term Effects
Advenising                   ns             ns                ns           Advenising
Price Promotions                            ns                ns           Price Promotions                                              ns               ns
Non price Promotions                        ns                ns           Non price Promotions                        ns                ns               HS

                                                               i. Results for Long-Term Effects
Adveriisini:                 ns             ns                ns           Advenising                    +              ns                4-
Price Promotions                            ns                as           Price Promotions                             •t-              ns               ns
Non price Promotions                        ns                ns           Non-price Promotions                        ns                ns               ns
  Note: Price sensitivity is generully negative. Therefore, a positive sign (e.g.. ad-price) indicates a decrease in price sensitivity. Significance is based on
pooled Fisher test wilh p < .05.
258                                                                                     JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH. MAY 1997

                                                                             Table 5
                                              REGRESSION RESULTS FROM SECOND-STAGE ANALYSIS'

                                                        iMyat Segment                                          Nnnloyal Segment
                                                            Price-       Non-price-                                 Price-        Non-price-              Nontoval
                                        Price             Promotion      Promotion                 Price          Promotion       Promotion               Segmeni
Impact of                             Sensitivity         Sen.silivity   Sensitivity             Sensitivity      Sensitivity     Sensitivity               Size
Ug(>.)                                     .384*             .461*           .410*                   .516*          .285*             .389*                  .639*
Advertising                                .0007             .000            .000                    .008*          .000              .0003*               -.0001*
Price Promotion                          -.374*            -.023           -.006                  -1.2O7*           .080*             .Oil                   .059
Non-price Promotion                        .349*             .041            .011                 -4.368*           .020            -.029                  -.047
Recession                                -.106"            -.003           -.012*                  -.015            .005            -.001                  -.001
R^                                         .29               .32             .39                     .56            .35               .27                    .74
   'Numbers in ihis table are weighted averages of Ihe parameters from brand-level regressions, where weights are proponional lo inverse of Ihe parameter
variances (R- is a simple, nol weighied average across brands). Therefore, they represent medium-term effects of advertising and promotion on consumers'
sensitivities. Parameters with p < .05 based on pooled Fisher test are repre.sented by an a.sterisk.

"effect size," which we discuss subsequently). Second, the                             size in the medium term for each of the two segments.'
average R- for the second stage analy.sis is .37 (R- = .26).                           long-temi effect size is then simply the medium-term effect
The model fit j s slightly poorer for the loyal segment (aver-                         size divided by (I - ), where  is the decay parameter.
age R- = .34. Rl= .21) than tor the nonioyal segment (aver-                               We give the effect sizes in Table 6. Three key results
age R2 = .39, R2 = .30). This is an intuitively appealing                              emerge from this table: First, consistent with previous re-
result, which suggests that long-term marketing variables                              search, advertising effects are generally smaller than pro-
can explain better the changes in the behavior of nonloyal                             motion effects; second, long-term effect sizes are approxi-
consumers, who by definition are affected by marketing                                 mately 1.5 to 2 times larger than medium-term effect sizes;
variables more than are loyal consumers. This is also                                  and third, the changes in price sensitivities are greater than
reflected in more significant signs for the nonloyal segment                           the changes in promotion sensitivities.
than for the loyal segment. Third, the decay parameter X
varies from .29 to .52 with an average of .41 (see Table 5).                           Summary of Results
This indicates that on average the long-term effects of adver-                            In summary, our results suggest lhe following:
tising and promotion are 1/(1 - .41). or 1.7, times their
medium-term (quarterly) effects. The decay parameter also                                •Advertising helps a brand in the long run by making con.sumers
suggests that 90% of tbe cumulative effect of advertising                                 (especially nonloya! ones) less price sensitive as well as by re-
and promotion on consumers' sensitivities occurs within                                   ducing the size of the nonloyal segment.
                                                                                         "In the long run. price promotions make both loyal and nonloy-
three quarters, which is similar to the result obtained by
                                                                                          al consumers more sensitive to price. An increa.sed use of such
Clarke (1976). Finally, though recession bad no impact on                                 promotions also trains consumers (especially nonloyai ones) to
consumers' sen.sitivities in the nonloyal segment, it                                     look for deals in the marketplace. On average, we find these ef-
increased consumers' price sensitivity and reduced tbeir                                  fects to be almost four times larger for nonloyal consumers tban
non-price promotion sensitivity in the loyal segmeni.                                     for relatively loyal consumers.
                                                                                         •As expected, we found thai non price promotions have difFerent
How Large Are the Lang-Term Effects of Advertising and                                    effects for loyal and nonloya! consumers. Although these pro-
Promotions?                                                                               motions act like advertising for loyal consumers, making ihcm
                                                                                          less price sensitive, tbey make the nonloyal consumers focus
   Our previous discussion indicates the directional effects                              even more on prices. In other words, these promotion.s reduce the
of advertising and promotions. It is also useful to assess the                            price sensitivity of loyal consumers but significantly increa-se the
magnitude of these effects. We estimated the medium- and                                  price sensitivity of nonloyal consumers. The effects lor nonloy-
long-term effect sizes as follows.                                                        als are almost 12 times larger tban the effects for loyals.
   To estimate the medium-term impact, 7. we note from                                    To the extent that increased price and promotion sensitiv-
Equation 8 that the parameter y = dY/3Z represents the                                 ity of consumers can be considered undesirable outcomes,
change in consumers' sensitivity (Y) for one unit change in                            our results confirm the conventional wisdom that in the long
the quarterly variable Z. Tberefore, (y/Y) x 100 is the per-                           run, advertising has "good' effects and promotions have
cent change in consumers' sensitivity for one unit change in                           "bad" effects on consumers' brand choice behavior. Note,
     We use the average Y and Z values to arrive at the effect                         however, that these results are ba.sed on the analysis of only
                                                                                       one category in one market.

                                                                                          '^Striclly speaking, we should evaliiale changes in Y for each brand, seg-
                                       f),Share Price                                  ment, and quarier. However, our "aggregale" approach should provide us
                                                        .,, Price . .
     HBeeausc price elasiieity ri =                  - Y          It IS easy to        with a good approximation. For example, in the conlexl ol' di.screte choice
                                             e Share        Share                      models, Ben-Akiva and Lerman (19K5) indicate that errors due to aggrega-
show thai under certain conditions.            X 100 also represents percent           tion across consuniers are relatively small if all consumers have the same
change in x for one unit change in Z.                                                 choice set.
The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising                                                                                                      259

{.•isues of Causality                                                               b) for the following reasons. Increasing promotion and re-
   This study is correlational in nature. It is possible that                       duced advertising makes consumers more price and promo-
changes in consumer behavior bave led to changes in mar-                            tion sensitive. This leads finns to offer even more price pro-
keting activity rather than changes in marketing activity lead-                     motions to obtain short-term gains. However, all finns en-
ing to changes in bcbavior. We empirically tested for causal-                       gage in this action. This form of competitive action bas two
                                                                                    effects; First, it makes tbe overall promotional intensity in
ity by running a simultaneous equation model as follows;
                                                                                    tbe category higher, thereby making consumers even more
    Price sensitivity = f(Lag price sensitivity. Ad. PP. NPP, Recession)            price sensitive over time (as we find); and second, competi-
     PP sensitivity = f(Lag PP sen.sitivity. Ad. PP. NPP. Recession)                tive matching of promotional spending leaves tbe relative
    NPP sensitivity = f(Lag NPP sensitiviiy. Ad. PP. NPP. Recession)                promotion across firms to be largely the same, thereby bav-
                  Ad=f(Lag Ad of brand. Competitive Ad. Price                       ing little effect on tbeir market share. In other words, it is
                        sensitivity. PP sensitivity, NPP sensitivity)               conceivable tbat though consumers are becoming more price
                  PP=f(Lag PP of brand. Competitive PP. Price                       sensitive because of increased promotional activities of var-
                        .sensitivity. PP sensitivity. NPP sensitivity)              ious fimis. "tbe offsetting competitive activity plays a role in
                NPP = f{Lag NPP of brand. Competitive NPP, Priee                    the maintenance of what appears to be stationary and zero
                        sensitivity, PP sensitivity. NPP sensitivity),              order behavior" (Bass et al. 1984, p. 284). leading to sta-
                                                                                    tionary market shares. This highlights tbe importance of
where PP is price promotion and NPP is non-price promo-
                                                                                    studying tbe long-term effects of promotion and advertising
tion. The first three equations represent our second-stage
                                                                                    on not only tbe changes in market share or sales, but also on
analysis and the last tbree equations capture the reverse
                                                                                    changes in consumer behavior.
causality (i.e., the effect of changes in consumers' sensitivi-
ties on marketing activities). We estimated tbese equations
at a brand and segment level using two-stage least squares.                                                CONCLUSION
We then pooled the results across brands using Fisher's pro-
                                                                                      Our purpose was to develop and empirically test a model
cedure, as indicated previously.
                                                                                   to understand tbe long-temi impact of advertisitig and pro-
   Of the seven significant results obtained in Table 4. four                      motion on consumers' brand choice behavior. Specifically,
sbow causality only in the proposed direction alp < .03. and                       we set out to find if consumers' responsiveness to marketing
tbree show bidirectional effects (and two of them have p-                          mix variables cbanges over time and, if so. why. To address
values tbat are almost ten times smaller in tbe proposed di-                       these issues we used a unique data .set that includes store
rection tban in the reverse direction). Although these results                     environment and purchase history of more than 1500 buuse-
do not rule out reverse causality completely, they do lend                         hold for 8'4 years for one frequently purchased consumer
support for the proposed causal effects.                                           packaged good in one market.
                                                                                      At least in our data set, consumers have become more
Competitive Reaction
                                                                                   price and promotion sensitive over time. We found two seg-
   Recent articles by Lai and Padmanabban (1995) and                               ments of consumers—^loyal. or relatively less price-sensitive
l^cKimpe and Hans.sens (1995a. b) suggest tbat market                              consumers, and nonloyal, or price-sensitive consumers. Our
shares arc stationary (i.e.. not evolving over the long run) for                   results show that the size of the nonloyal segment has grown
a majority of product categories. Lai and Padmanabban                              over time. In otber words, a larger number of consumers
(1995) also llnd the long-term effect of promotions on mar-                        have become increasingly more price and promotion sensi-
ket shares to be largely insignificant.                                            tive over time.
   In contrast, we find long-term effects of advertising and                          We used quarterly advertising and promotion policies of
promotions on consumers' sensitivities to price and promo-                         brands to help explain tbese changes in consumer behavior.
tions, not on tbe market shares of various brands. We con-                         Our results confirm the conventiotial wisdom tbat in tbe long
jecture that our findings are consistent with those of Lai and                     run. advertising reduces consumers' price sensitivity and
Padmanabhan (1995) and DeKimpe and Hanssens (1995a,                                promotions increase consumers" price and promotion sensi-

                                                                          Table 6

                                                        Loyal Segment                                                      Nonloyal Segment
                                              % Change in Consumers ' Sen.titivily to                              % Change in Consumer.' Sensitivity to
                                                             Price              Non price                                        Price            Non-price
1% Increase in                             Price           Promotion            Promotion                      Price           Promotion          Promotion
Mvdium-Term Effects
 Advertising                                 ns                ns                   ns                            .15              ns                .10
 Price Promotion                           -.37                ns                   ns                         -1.20              .08
 Non-price ProintMion                        .35               ns                   ns                         ^.37               ns

UmgTenn Effects
  Advertising                               ns                 us                   BS                            .30                                .15
  Price ProiiTolion                        -.61                HS                   ns                         -2.50              .It
  Non-price Promotion                        .57               ns                   ns                         -9.02              ns                  ns
  'We focus on only significant effects {p < .05). Note that negative numbers for price imply increase in price sensitivity.

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  • 1. CARL F. MELA, SUNIL GUPTA, and DONALD R. LEHMANN* The authors examine the long-term effects of promotion and advertis- ing on consumers' brand choice behavior. They use 8 1/4 years of panel data for a frequently purchased packaged good to address two questions: (1) Do consumers' responses to marketing mix variables, such as price, change over a long period of time? (2) If yes, are these changes associ- ated with changes in manufacturers' advertising and retailers' promotional policies? Using these results, the authors draw implications for manufac- turers' pricing, advertising, and promotion policies. The authors use a two- stage approach, which permits them to assess the medium-term (quar- terly) effects of advertising and promotion as weil as their long-term (i.e., over an infinite horizon) effects. Their results are consistent with the hypotheses that consumers become more price and promotion sensitive over time because of reduced advertising and increased promotions. The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising on Consumer Brand Choice Trade promotions account for 50% oi lhe $70 billion bud- However, support lor value pricing strategy is not univer- get of consumer packaged goods manufaclurcr.s (Progres- sal. There is an uncertainty in both industry and academia sive Grocer 1995). Almost 70% of the finns have increased about the long-term impact of promotion and advertising on their trade promotions between 1990 and 1995. Forbes brand perfonnance. Some companies such as Heinz have (1991) also reports an increase in consumer and trade pro- emphasized their continued reliance on promotions as their motional spending tor consumer packaged goods manufac- main marketing vehicle (Wall Street Journal 1992). Others turers—from 50% to 75% of marketing budgets during cite such cases as that of Hi-C, which tried to switch away 1985-90. Il suggests that this increase induced a loss of from promotion in the early 1980s and lost significant share 8-15% in the share of the top three brands in categories as (Busine.'is Week 1992). The empirical evidence to date is lim- diverse as popcorn, dishwashing detergent, cat food, barbe- ited and mixed. Although many previous studies examine cue sauce, and prepared dishes. The article goes on (o cite the short- and long-term effects of advertising (e.g., Clarke several marketing managers who blame couponing and pro- 1976), few focus on tiie long-term effects of promotions. As motions for reduced brand loyalty. Business Week (1991) al- Blattberg and Neslin (1989, p. 93) note, "Almo., no rebc, so contends that a shift of marketing dollars from advertis- has been conducted on the long term elT^ )f promotions. ing to promotions is to be blamed for the drop in the num- Yet, it is critical to a brand's strategy." In summary, under- ber of consumers that buy only well-known brands from standing whether promotion and advertising hurt or help a 77% in 1975 to 62% in 1990. brand in the long run appears to be relevant, important, and In light of this, some companies now believe that promo- underresearched. tions have made consumers more price sensitive, which con- We empirically examine the long-term effects of promo- sequently has lowered the effective price companies can tion and advertising on consumers' brand choice decisions charge (BrarulWeek 1993). As a result of this belief, Colgate- in mature product categories (i.e., we do not focus on Palmolive. Ralston Purina, Quaker Oats, and Procter & changes due to die product life cycle factors). Specifically, Gamble (P&G) recently have curtailed the frequency of we address the following two questions: (I) Does con- their price promotions {Wall Street Journal 1996). sumers' responsiveness to marketing mix elements change over time? For example, are consumers becoming more price sensitive over time? Is the price-sensitive segment of consumers growing over time? (2) If such changes as in- •Carl F. Mela is an assi^lanl professor. College of Business Aclmiiiislra- creasing price sensitivity occur, what factors affect these lion. University of Notre Dame. Sunil Gupia is a professor. Graduaie School of Business, Columbia University. Donald R. Lehmann is George E. changes? For example, is the reduction in advertising ex- Warren Professor, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University. The penditures and/or increase in promotions iatluencing con- authors rhank Infornialion Resources. Inc. and an anonymous company for sumers' price sensitivity to the product? providing lhe data and managerial inpiil for this sludy. and lhe edilor and three anonymous JMK reviewers for their valuahle coin men Is. Investigation of these issues not only will enable us to better understand the changes in consumer behavior over the Jounml of Marketing Reseanh Vol. XXXIV (May 1997), 248-261 248
  • 2. The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising 249 lotig run. but also will provide useful marketing implications tivity (Comanor and Wilson 1974). The second theory states tor manufaclurers" pricing, advertising, and promotion poli- that advertising increases competition by providing infor- cies. To ensure consistent interpretation of long term mation to consumers that is likely to make consumers more throughout this article, we begin by defining it. price sensitive (Nelson 1974). Mitra and Lyncb (1995) rec- oncile tbese conilicting theories by suggesting that advertis- What Is Long Term ? ing affects price elasticity through its inlluence on tvt'o mod- Similar to Fader and colleagues (1992), we characterize erating constructs: Advertising can increase price elasticity the effect of marketing actions on consumers' choice behav- by increasing tbe number of brands considered; it also can ior as follows: decrease price elasticity by increasing the relative strength of brand preference. 1. Short-term effects: This is the immediate (e.g., weekly) elTect of proriiotion or advertising tin the sales or share of a brand. Kaul and Wittink (1995) provide an excellent review of Most receni studies focus on these effeet.s. These studies gen- the studies examining tbe impact of advertising on price sen- erally find very strong short term effect.s of promotion hut sitivity. They also suggest tbat the apparently conllicling re- very weak or insignllleant effects of advertising on brand sults of many studies might be indicative of the ditferent as- share (e.g., Guadagni and Little 1983; Gupta 1988; Tellis peeLs of the problem on which tbe researcbers inadvertently 1988a). focus. For example. Eskin and Baron (1977) study new 2. Medium-term effect.s: Some studies attempt to go beyond products, for whieb more advertising migbt attract addition- week-by week effcct.s of promotions. Most of these studies al consumers who are more price sensitive, and Krishna- use a 4- to 16 week time frame. For example, Davis. Inman. murthi and Raj (198.^) analyze a constant set of households. and McAlister (1992) study Ihe impact of promotions on con- Researcbers seem to agree that if tbe advertising message is sumer auiludes; Ehrenberg. Hammond, and Goodhardt (1994) examine promotion cflects on brand shares; and Kim and non-price-oriented and brand building, then it lowers con- Lehmann (I9').l) study changes in consumer sensitivities due sumers' price sensitivity, whereas a price-oriented message to pro mot ions. Allhough many of these studies draw imphca- could increase consumers' price sensitivity. tions about the long-term effects of promotions, we believe In our application, we use a product category in whicb that effects of advertising and promotion in the following 4- five of the nine brands advertise, all using a non-price ad- to-16 weeks qualify as medium-term rather than long-term ef- vertising message. Furtbermore, tbe price of these five fects. Here, we define the impact of a current peritxl's adver- brands is. in general, higher than the price of tbe remaining tising/promotion on sales, share, or consumers' sensilivities of the subsequent 1.1 weeks (or quarter) as the medium-term ef- four brands tbat do not advertise. According lo Boulding, fect of advertising/promotion. Lee. and Staelin (1994). who use price as a proxy for the ad- 3. Umg-tenn effecis: Previous studies find that advertising has a vertising message of a brand, firms charging bigher-than-av- substantial carryover etfect. The long-term eftect of advertis- erage price bave a natural inclination to bave a non*price ing (or prointition) is the cumulative eflect on consumers' message in their advertising. Tberefore, brand choice behavior, lasting over several years. One ap- HJ: Non-price-oriented advertising is expected to reduce con- proach to capture the long-term impact of advertising is the sumers' price sensitivity in the long run. distributed lag model (e.g.. Clarke 1976). We use a similar ap- proach here. Few studies, even those using disaggregate data, involve 4. Effects of changes in marketing strategy: P&G's move frorTi conducting analysis at tbe segment level. A notable exception high-low pricing to everyday low pricing is a gcKxl example of is Krishnamurtbi and Raj (1985). who find that the impact of a change in marketing strategy. An important task for market- advertising on consumers' price sensitivity is stronger for tbe ing managers is to as.sess the impact of these strategy changes on brand share or sales. Notice the distinction between long- more price-sensitive (or nonloyal) segment, and this effect is term effects and effects of a pohcy change. If a company marginal (or the less price-sensitive (or relatively loyal) seg- changes its advertising in one period only and evaluates its cu- ment. Tbis suggests a "tloor" effect; l( tbe loyal segment is mulative effect in future periods, it is measuring long-term ef- completely price insensitive, increased advertising will have fects of advertising. Conversely, if the company cuts its ad- no effect on tbis segment's price sensitivity. On tbe basis of vertising expenditure in half in all periods and .studies its ef- these findings, we expect tbe following; fect on consumer choice, it is evaluating the effect of .strategy change. HJ: The long-term impact of advertising on consumers' price sensitivity is likely to be stronger for nonloyal consumers Our focus here is to study the long-term efTects of pro- than for relatively loyal (and less price-sensitive) consumers. inoiions and advertising on consumers' price and promotion Although several studies address tbe issue of bow adver- sensitivities. We proceed as follows: Wo start with a brief tising affects price sensitivity, almost none focus on the review of (he relevant literature and development of effect of advertising on consumers' sensitivity to promo- hypotheses. We then describe our modeling approach. This tions. To understand advertising's effect on consumers' pro- is followed by data, variables, and results sections. We dis- motion sensitivity, we believe that promotions sbould be cat- cuss managerial implications of these results and conclude egorized into two groups: price-oriented and non-price-orl- with the contributions and limitations of this study. ented promotions.' Advertising tbat tnakes consumers less LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESES price sensitive also sbould make these consumers less sensi- tive to price-oriented promotions tbat primarily focus on Umg-Term Effects of Advertising price cues. Conversely, advertising should increase con- Kconomists have developed iwo theories that predict sumers' response to non-price-oriented promotions that opposite eftects of advertising on consumers' price sensitiv- ity. The first theory suggests that advertising leads lo prod- 'We use the word promotions for all sates and irade promotions such as uct differentiation, thereby reducing consumers' price sensi- lemporary price reductions, feature, coupon, display, and so on.
  • 3. 250 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, MAY 1997 enhance the awareness and visibility of a brand without PIMS data at the business unit level to conclude that adver- focusing on price. tising decreases and promotion increases consumers' price setisitivity for large brands. H3: In the long mn, advertising will reduce consumers' sensitiv- Consumer behavior theories, empirical studies, and the ity to price-oriented promolions. H4: In the long run. advertising will increase consumers' sensi- previous discussion about advertising suggest that over the tivity to non-price-oriented promotions. long run, price-oriented promotions will make consumers H5: In general, these effects are likely to be stronger for the non- more price sensitive by focusing their attention on price loyal segment than for the loyal segment. cues. Non-price-oriented cues therefore will become less important to consumers. The opposite is likely to hold with As advertising is expected lo reduce consumers' price increasing non-price-oriented promotions, which are likely sensitivity and build loyalty, it is reasonable to expect that it to work like advertisements (consistent with the empirical will reduce the size of the nonloyal segment. generalizations of Kaul and Wittink 1995). Therefore, Hg: Advertising will reduce the size of the nonloyal segment. H7: Over the long run, price-oriented promotions will (a) In- Long-Term Effects of Promotion crease consumers' price sensitivity, (b) increase consumers' sensitivity to price-oriented promotions, and (c) decrease Several theories suggest a negative long-term effect of consumers' .sensitivity to non-price-orientcd promotions. promotion on consumers' attitude and behavior. Self-per- HJJ: Over the long run, non-price-orientcd promotions will (a) de- ception theory implies that consumers who buy on promo- crease consumers' price scnsitiviiy, (b) decrease consumers" tions are likely to attrihute iheir behavior to the presence of sen.sitivity to price-oriented promotions, and (c) increase con- promotions and not to their personal preference for the sumers" sensitivity to non-price-oriented promotions. brand (Dodson, Tybout, and Stemthal 1978). Increased pro- motion in a category is likely to lead to a perception that the Are results likely to be the same across the nonioyal and key differentiating feature of hrands is the price (Sawyer and loyal segments? Some studies suggest that promotion sig- Dickson 1983). This simplifying heuristic then can lead to nals that do not carry price information (e.g., displays) can increased reliance on sales promotions for choosing hrands. have a dual effect. According to Inman, McAlister, and Operant conditioning principles also suggest that frequent Hoyer (1990), these promotion signals have a positive dealing in a category can cimdition consumers to look for impact on the choice behavior of "low need for cognition" promotions in the future, thereby making them more pro- people. However, high-need-for-cognitlon people react to a motion prone. promotion signal only when it is accompanied by a substan- tive price reduction. By definition, loyal consumers are There are some theories that predict an opposite effect of more habitual buyers and respond less to price and promo- promotion. For example, leaming theory suggests that pro- tions. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that, like the low motions can help a brand through increased familiarity and need for cognition consumers examined by Inman. McAlis- experience. However, this effect is likely to be small for ma- ter, and Hoyer (1990), loyal consumers will be less moti- ture and stable product categories (like the one used in our vated to process non-price-oriented promotion information study), in which consumers have been familiar with almost actively, This suggests that non-price-orientcd promotions all of the brands for a long period of time. are likely to divert the attention of loyal consumers away Empirical research in the ;irca of promotions typically fo- from price but in fact might make the nonloyal consumers cuses on identifying the short-temi eltects of promotions (e.g., focus on price even more. Inman and McAlister (1993) sup- Guadagni and Little 1983; Gupta 1988; Kamakura and Rus- port this view by suggesting that some consumers think of sell 1989). These studies show that promotions have a large promotion signals as price-oriented promotions (prohably short-term elTcct on consumers' brand choice. Few recent the nonloyals), whereas others think of them as a non-price studies examine the medium-term effect {over 4-16 weeks) of promotion (probahly the loyals). Therefore, promotion on brand share, brand evaluations, and consumers" price setisitivity. Using data from four weeks before and four H9: Non-price-oriented promotions will decrease the price sen- weeks after major promotions, Ehrenberg. Hammond, and sitivity of loyal consumers and the price sensitivity Goodhitrdt (1994) conclude that consumer promotions for es- of nonloyal consumers. tablished brands have no noticeable effect on either subse- Consistent wilh our previous discussion, we expect price quent sales or brand loyalty. Davis, Inman. and McAlister promotions to reduce consumers' loyalty by making them (1992) use a controlled experiment over three months to con- more sensitive to price and price promotions. Therefore we clude that promotions have no negative eflect on brand evalu- expect these promotions to the size of" the nonloyal ations. However, these studies do not address whether promo- segment. However, the effect of non-price-oriented promo- tions make consumers more sensitive to short-tenn (weekly) tions on consumers" brand loyalty and price sensitivity is price and promotion activities. Kim and Lehmann (1993) ex- expected to be mixed (depending on the loyal or the non- amine this issue using a four-month time frame and suggest loyal segment), which makes it hard to assess their impact that promotions do make consumers more price sensitive. on segment sizes. Therefore, Two studies discuss the long-term effect of advertising and promotions. Johnson (1984) analyzes 20 product cate- H|n: Price-oriented promotions are likely to increase nonloyal gories to examine changes in brand loyalty over the period segmeni size. 1975-83. He fmds no significant changes in a brand's share These hypotheses are summarized in Table 1.2 of requirements. However, if promotions have increased over time, then it is difficult to say if a brand's share is high -Price scnsiliviiy i.'; generally negative, indicating ihal higher prices because of consumer loyalty for the brand or increased reduce brand choice probahiliiy. Therefore a pttsitivc sign in ihis labie indi- hrand promotions. Bouiding. Lee. and Staeiin (1994) use cates reduciion in price sensitivity.
  • 4. The Long-Term Impact of Promofion and Advertising 251 Table 1 SUMMARY OF HYPOTHESES (3) Impact on Consumer Sensitivity to where Nonloyal Long Term Price Non-price Segment K^ = share of the sth .segment. 0 <'K^< .Zn^= 1 and tmpact of Price Pmmotions Promotion.^ Size P*^^, = probability that household h in segment s buys brand i at Advenising time t. Price Promotions Non-price Promotions The segment-level choice probability is a logit model: •This effect is expected to be positive for loyal consumers and negative (4) for nonloyal consumers. where Pojo^ and p^^ are segment-specific parameters esti- MODELING APPROACH mated for each quarter q. Although the marketing response pimimeters, [i^^, are not We begin by briefly describing the multinomial logit brand specific within a segment, the net effect ot the mar- model we used to capture the impact of short-tenn (weekly) keting activity of a hrand is a convex comhination of seg- price and promotion activities on consumers" brand choice ment-level response parameters. The weights in this convex behavior. We then extend this model to a segment-level logit combination depend on within-segment brand shares, which model, which allows for consumer heterogeneity in typically differ substantially across brands and segments response parameters (Kamakura and Russell 1989), Next, (Kamakura and Russell 1989). This approach allows for we suggest that the slope or llrst derivative of the logit hrand-specit'ic responses and consumer heterogeneity with- model with respect to, for example, price is a better measure out making the number of model parameters very large. In of consumers' sensitivity to short-term marketing activities our application, estimating brand-specific response parame- than are the response parameters or elasticities. This is fol- ters does not provide better fit or insigbts. lowed by a discussion of the distributed lag model used to capture changes in consumers' sensitivities over time as a When the segment-level logit parameters and segment function of quarterly marketing activities such as advertis- sizes are estimated, we can obtain a household's posterior ing. Finally, we discuss estimation issues. probability (Wqjj) of belonging to a segment s in quarter q by Bayes' rule: Modeling Consumers' Brand Choice Behavior (5) Single-Jiegment logit. The probability that household h buys brand i at occasion t is captured by the multinomial logil model (Guadagni and Little 198.^): where L^^'is, the likelihood of household h's purchase history given that it belongs to segment s in quarter q. (I) A Measure of Consumers' Sensitivities to Short-Term Marketing Activities where the deterministic part of the utility is The segment specific parameters, (J, represent consumers' (2) V,f = p , . response to weekly price and promotion activities of hrands. We could use these parameters, which vary over time (quar- The vector X^, includes short-term (weekly) marketing ters), to capture changes in consumers' sensitivities to short- variables such as price and promotion, as well as household- term marketing activities. However, logit models pose a spe- specific variables such as brand loyalty. The parameter p^j is cial problem because the logit parameters arc identified only a brand-specific constant, and p is a vector of parameters for up to a scale constant (Ben-Akiva and Lerman 1985). This variables X;',. One ot our key objectives bere is to test explic- scale constant is inversely proportional to the variance of the itly whether consumers' sensitivities to short-term market- error in the utility function. Therefore, comparison of p ing activities (which are a function of P parameters) change parameters across time or models is not desirable because over time and if these changes are correlated with marketing the comparison is confounded by the error variances {Swait activity such as advertising over the long run. Because some and Louviere 1993). long-term marketing variables are reported (at least in our It is possible to use elasticities instead of mt)del parame- data set) on a quarterly basis, we estimate (i for each quarter ters as measures of consumers' sensitivities to short-term q, This is consistent with previous research (e.g., Moore and marketing variables. Unlike the elasticities in multiplicative Winer 1987) and the managerial judgment of the company models (Krishnamurthi and Raj 198,^). the elasticities in log- that provided us the data. (In the Estimation .section, we pro- it tiiodels are scaled by brand choice probabilities. This scal- vide more details about the choice of a quarter as the time ing implies thai low-share brands will tend to have high period of analysis.) elasticities, though consumers are not necessarily more re- Multiple-segmt-nt logit. We allow lor consumer hetero- sponsive to the marketing aciions of stiiall-sharc brands geneity in response parameters by using segment-level logit {Guadagni and Little 1983). Scaling also introduces asym- models. Instead of specifying these segments a priori, we metry into cross-elasticities, even though there might he no use the latent class or mixture modeling approach advocat- underiying asymmetry in consumer (Russell, ed by Katnakura and Russcil (1989): Bucklin, and Srinivasan 1993).
  • 5. 252 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, MAY 1997 We therefore use ftrst derivatives or slopes as our measure Yi(q - Dsx ~ '3St quarter*.s value, that is. lag term; of consumers' sensitivities. The first derivative represents Zjq = vector of quarterly marketing variables, such as change in brand share for one unit change in an independent advertising, for brand i. quarter q; variable, such as price. In the logit model, for segment s the Cq = control variables, .such as economy, for quarter q; first derivative of market share of brand i in quarter q with Ctjs, Xjs, Yis. 5s = parameters to be estimated; and respect to one unit change in an independent variable Xj is Gjq^ = enor term. given by This model has several important features. First, the model parameters (y) represent the medium-term (quarterly) (6) • i qsx impact of advertising and promotion on consumers' .sensi- tivities. Second, the decay parameter {X) indicates how long For discrete (0,1) independent variables, such as promo- the effect of advertising and promotion on consumers' sen- sitivities last. Third, the cumulative long-term effects (over tion, the discrete analog of the first derivative is infinite time horizon) of marketing activities, such as adver- tising, are captured hy 9 = y/( 1 - X). When the estimates and (7) Y- = the variance-covariance of y and X are obtained, the variance of the long-term effect 6 can be estimated using Cramer's where APj^, is the change in purchase probability due to theorem, which enables us to test for the significance of &*; change in the Xj variable from 0 to 1 (e.g., from no promo- 2y tion to promotion scenario). (9) Var(9) = Var(y) + Note that there are three important features of this mea- (I - xy- (1 - sure. First, it does not suffer from the scaling problems men- tioned previously. Second, for a given value of P^^^, this measure is the highest when Pj^, = .5. This is intuitively ap- pealing because it suggests that consumers have the highest An implicit assumption of the model in Equation 8 is that response to price and promotion when they have the highest the decay parameter X is identical for all quarterly market- level of uncertainty of whether to choose a particular brand. ing variables such as advertising and promotion. Although Third, even if all brands have the same ^^^^ parameters, this makes the model parsimonious, it potentially is a very brands will have different responses to their marketing ac- restrictive assumption. In other words, if the long-term tivities as measured hy the first derivatives. effects of advertising last for several years but the long-term In summary, in the first stage of our model, we estimate effects of promotions last for only a few quarters, then this segment-level logits and then compute first derivatives with assumption can lead to erroneous conclusions. Following respect to price, price-oriented promotion, and non-price- Johnston (1984, p. 347). we test whether advertising, price oriented promotion for each quarter of the data. promotion, and non-price promotion have different lag structures. Modeling the Long-Term Impact of Advertising and Promotion Estimation The .second stage of our model captures the impact of The model is estimated in two stages. In stage one. we quarterly marketing variables, such as advertising, on quar- estimate the segment-level logit model by maximum likeli- terly sensitivity {first derivative) estimates using a distrib- hood (Kamakura and Russell 1989). From this stage of the uted lag model. These models (e.g., the Koyck model and analysis we obtain parameter estimates for each quarter. We the partial adjustment model) have been used extensively in chose a quarter as the appropriate window or interval length marketing to capture the carryover effects of advertising for several reasons. First, we have SV^ years of data, which (e.g., Clarke 1976). The Koyck model, for example, makes suggests that a larger window (e.g., 1 year) will leave us the assumption that the advertising effect has a geometric with few observations for the second stage of the analysis; decay over time. The partial adjustment model assumes that second, because the median interpurchase time in our appli- in the short run consumers adjust their behavior only par- cation is approximately six weeks, a shorter window (e.g., a tially to changes in the environment. For example, frequent month) will leave us with few observations and unstable promotions can lead consumers to expect promotions in the coefficients in the first stage of the analysis; third, infonna- future, thereby making them more price sensitive. However, tion on some of the marketing variables (e.g., advertising) is this shift in price sensitivity is likely to be gradual, as con- available on a quarterly basis; and fourth, the managers of sumers slowly adjust their behavior to the new market envi- ronment. These assumptions lead to the following modeM: •'Var(ei = g l i t where gis ihc vetlor of first derivatives of the function g Ihat define.s the reliilionship between 6 and y. K (i.e.. 6 = g(Y, ) = yl{ - >.)». where and Z is the variance-eovariancc matrix for the parameter estimates y and )L. This implies that Yjqs^ = con.sumer response in quarter q for hrand i in segment s, with respect to .short-term marketing variable X, .such as price; Var(G) = r X) [Cov(y. Cov(y. A.) Var(X) 39 rlX 'Bolh Ihc Koyck and ihc partial adjuslmeni models' formulations arc .similar to Ettuucion 8. Hciwcvcr, in ihc Koyck mtxicl. errors are .•;erially cor- reblcd. wherea.s these errom are independent in ihe partial adjustment model (John.ston 1984). We tesi for error correlation in our eslimalion. Appropriate substitution then leads lo Equation 9.
  • 6. The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising 253 [he company that provided us the data believe that most sig- dent variables (such as price and promotion) as per Equation nificant marketing decisions are made on a quarterly basis. 6 or 7. We then use these first derivatives as dependent vari- Our initial attempt at estimating .segment-level logit mod- ables in Equation 8. which is estimated by ordinary least els on quarterly data indicates that even a quarter is too short squares. a period to obtain stable parameter estimates. Given this dilemma (i.e., a desire lo have quarterly parameter estimates DATA so that we have enough observations for the second stage The data and managerial input for our application were analysis, while needing a longer time interval to obtain more provided by a major consumer packaged goods company stable parameter estimates in the first stage), we use a and Information Resources, Inc. The data contain panel, rolling three-quarter window for estimating the segment- store, and demographic infonnation for a consumer non- level logit. Specifically, we assume the parameter estimates durahle category in one market area for 8 ^ years, from Jan- for data covering quarters 1, 2, and 3 to represent quarter 2. uary 1984 to March 1992. The spon.soring company also estimates from quarters 2, 3, and 4 to represent quarter 3, provided quarterly advertising expenditures for all brands. and so on. Although this procedure could smooth out some Because scanner data began to proliferate approximately ten of the quarterly fluctuations in coetficients, it also will years ago, it is only now tbat researchers can use this infor- smooth out random error. In the spirit of moving averages, mation to make long-term inferences regarding changes in this prtKcdure captures the overall trend in coefficients in consumer behavior. Our study is one of the llrst to utilize the 8!^ years of data. More important, it provides us with this long a period of disaggregate data. more stable parameter estimates, which are essential for We cannot reveal the product category or the brands. The drawing meaningful conclusions.^ category is a household nonfood product. The median inter- When we obtain quarterly estimates of p parameters, we purchase time is 6 weeks, and the mean is 12 weeks. The then can compute tlrst derivatives with respeet to indepen- category has several characteristics that make it particularly suitable for our application. First, like most other consumer 'We conducted an oilcnsive sensiliviiy unalysis fur our choice of the packaged goods, advertising in this category bas declined "window" length of ihree quarters. Using a sub-sample of Ihc data, we over time relative to promotion (Figure 1). This enahles us compared ihe coctTicicnls of the three quiirter window wilh the coefficients to examine the effecis of these changes, if in fact they exist. from one-quarter and five-quancr windows. The results were not slatisti- caliy significanlly diflerent acrt)ss thtrsc scenarios. We acknowledge that Second, this is a mature product category. Therefore, our re- using the three-quarter window parameters could inflaie the lag parameter sults will not be confounded by changes over the product in fy.]u;itinn 8. life cycle (Sethuraman and Tellis 1991; Tellis 1988b). Final- Rgure 1 CHANGES IN CATEGORY MARKETING ACTIVITY Frequency of Discounts Advertising Percent Dollars (000) 40 500 30 200 • 10 100 0 I IIIII IIIM IIIIII I II1IIMM I 0 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Time Time
  • 7. 254 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, MAY 1997 ly, there were no major brand entries or exits during the pe- (e.g., advertising, feature) are brand oriented rather than de- riod to complicate the analysis of advertising and promo- signed specifically for a brand size. Previous studies use tional effects. brand, instead of brand size, for similar reasons (Krishna- The category consists of eight major brands that account murthi and Raj 1991). for approximately 85% of the market. We consider all other brands, along with private-label and generic brands, to con- VARIABLES stitute a ninth brand. There are four major sizes, and there is Short-Term (Weekly) Variables a great deal of switching among sizes. The two medium sizes repre.sent appro.ximately three-quarters of the market We include the following short-term variables X^, (for share, and the largest and smallest account for approximate- household h, brand i, occasion t) in the logit model. ly one-eighth each. There are 11 stores in this particular Price. Price for a brand is the actual shelf price in dollars market. The panel data include l.'i90 households making per ounce, net of all discounts. The existence of multiple 54,731 product purchases over 8!^ years, that is. 33 quarters. brand sizes poses a problem for creating a price variable tor The demographics of the panelists roughly match the demo- competing brands. We use mininwm shelf price per ounce graphics of the United States on age, family size, education, across different sizes of a brand as the price for that brand and children; though the panelists in our study had slightly for several reasons. First, in our data the average unit price higher incomes. Approximately 92% of households pur- differential among the three largest brand sizes, which con- chased more than one brand during the period of the study. stitute the bulk of purchases, is approximately 3%. Second, Households did not enter or exit the panel during the study the average price differences across brands are far greater period. The lack of entry or exit could raise questions of than are the average price differences across sizes of the maturation or mortality, however, any disaggregate long-du- same brand. Third, and most important, a weigbted average ration study will suffer from this limitation/' By having the price fonnulation is likely to underestimate the true price same households, we are uniquely able to monitor exposure variation in the marketplace. For example, if a retailer offers to promotions and track concurrent changes in behavior. As a 15% discount on the largest size of a brand that accounts we mentioned previously, conflicting results about the im- for, say, one-eighth of the volume, then the weighted aver- pact of advertising on consumers" price sensitivity can be age percent discount will be (.15 x 1/8). or less than 2%. explained partially by whether advertising is attracting new Given size switching in this category, such averaging will price-sensitive consumers {Eskin and Baron 1977) or reduc- understate price effects. Fourth, consumers swiich heavily ing the price sensitivity of existing consumers (Krishna- among sizes, which suggests that minimum price per ounce murthi and Raj 1985). By having a fixed set of households, more accurately reflects their price search behavior we avoid this potential confounding. Table 2 provides some Price promotions. We classify three types of promotions descriptive statistics of the data. as price promotions: (!) temporary price reduction (TPR), (2) feature, and (3) coupon. Temporary price reduction and Although most brands in our product category have four coupons always are accompanied by price di.scounts and are sizes, our unit of analysis is a brand, not brand size. This therefore clearly price-promotion signals to consumers. Fea- cboice was made for tbe following reasons: First, with nine tures almost always are accompanied by prominent pricing brands and four sizes, even a single-segment logit model information with Mttle product information. will have a large number of parameters. This problem in- creases dramatically in a multi-segment logit tnndel. Sec- We define a brand to be on feature or TPR, or as offering ond, a model witb 36 br:ind-size combinations is likely to vi- a coupon if any size of that brand is on feature or TPR or of- olate the UA property of the logit model. Third, manage- fering a coupon. Although the data provide infonnation ment believes that most marketing actions in this category about coupon redcmpti<m. there is no infonnation about tbe recency of coupon drop. Therefore, we assume a coupon drop for a brand occurred in a week if the total number of ^tn the spirit of cohort analysis, we checked our data to sec il" the per- centage of purchases on discounl or brand switching for three dilfcrcnt age redemptions for that brand by all households in the panel da- groups of panelists dilTered over time. We found no sigaificant dillerences. ta exceed one standard deviation higher than the average Table 2 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS OF THE DATA Market Price Advertising Share (S/oumes) ($000) TFR' Feature [hsptuv Coupon Brand 1984 199} }9!i4 }99} }984 /yy/ I }99} t984 }99} }984 }99I }984 }99I 1 .38 .38 .057 .060 393 128 .27 .55 .04 .09 .08 .19 .07 .10 2 .07 .10 .054 .059 142 30 .12 .40 .07 .03 .05 .14 .12 .04 3 .19 .13 .057 .063 225 57 .12 .43 .01 .04 .00 .12 .14 .04 4 .04 .10 .052 .056 144 0 .10 .54 .01 .04 .04 .19 .00 .04 5 .08 .07 .057 .062 278 44 .08 .42 .00 .05 .02 .15 .05 .15 6 .09 .06 .049 049 0 0 .03 .15 .00 .01 .02 .05 .14 .04 7 .04 .03 .029 .0.34 0 0 .04 .08 .00 .01 .00 .02 .25 .06 8 .00 .04 .061 .054 0 0 .08 .28 .00 .02 .00 .05 ,00 .42 9 .11 .10 .024 .030 0 0 .18 .21 .01 .01 .02 .06 .06 .04 'TPR (temporary price reduction). Feature. Display, and Coupon variabtes rcpresetit ttie proponioti of times the category was discounted, featured, dis- played, or couponed in that year. i
  • 8. The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising 255 weekly redemption for that hrand across the entire period of which we use quarterly marketing variables to explain the study. In other words, a significant increase in coupon changes in consumers' sensitivities. These results provide a redemption is assumed to be an indicator of a recent coupon test of our hypotheses. drop. Non-price promotions. We classify display as the non- Stage One: Estimating Segment-Level Logit Models price promotion variable. Typically price is not the dominant Choosing the number of .segments. For each time period, focus of displays. Similar to features and TPR, we define we calibrated the single-segment choice model and then display as a binary (0.1) variable that is 1 if any size of the proceeded to fit multi-segment models for two and three brand is on display. 0 otherwise. segments.** We used the Bayesian Infonnation Criterion Brand loyalty. To contrt)l for observed differences in (BIC) and segment interpretability as guidelines to select the households' purchasing patterns, we include a brand loyalty appropriate number of segments (Bucklin and Gupta 1992). variable (e.g.. Guadagni and Little 1983). A household's For all time periods, the BIC values favored a two-segment loyalty for a brand is defined as that brand's share in the last solution over a single-segment solution. Three-segment four purchases of that household (on average four ptirchas- solutions were occasionally better, and ofien worse, than the es represent one year of purchase history in this category). two-scgmont solutions. Across time periods, the average and Previous studies use similar or even fewer purchases to as- maximum gain in BIC in going from two to three segments sess brand loyalty (e.g.. Chiang 1991 used four weeks of were .30 and 23, respectively. Even the maximutn gain in coffee Our tneasure enables a household's loy- going from a two-segment to a three-segment solution rep- alty for a brand to cbange over time, tbat is, we do not as- resented a percentage gain oi' only .5% in the BIC for that sume that hrand loyalty for a household remains constant period, at the expense of 15 additional parameters. Because over eight years.'' a constant number of segments over time facilitates inter- pretation (Moore and Winer 1987). we chose a two-segment Quarterly Variahles solution for all titne periods. Quarterly variahles (Z,^) for each brand i and quarter q are The two segments appeared to be relatively loyal and non- ope rationalized as follows: loyal segments, which is consistent with the conceptualiza- Advertising. Advertising is the total advertising expendi- tion of Krishnamurthi and Raj (1991), Bucklin and Gupta ture (in intlation adjusted dollars) for brand i in quarter q in (1992). and others. the market area.** Average sensitivities of consumers across all time periods Price promotions. Once again, tbe intensity of price pro- were as follows: motion by a brand in a quarter is captured by tbree types of Consumer Nonloya} promotions: (I) TPR, (2) feature, and (3) coupon. Specifi- Sensiiiviiv lo Segment cally, we define tbe feature activity for brand i in quarter q (Fn,) as the proportion of times brand i is on feature across Price .28 -1.70 Price promotion .02 .04 all stores and all weeks of that quarter. Similarly, we define Non-price promotion .03 .09 frequency of price discount.s as the proportion of times a brand is on TPR in a quarter Finally, coupon intensity for These results show ihal, as expected, consumers in the brand i in quarter q is defined as the proportion of times that nonloyal .segment are more price and promotion sensitive brund uses C[)upons in that quarter. Quarterly price promo- than are consumers in the loyal segment. The price sensitiv- tion is defined as a sitnple average of quarterly feature, TPR, ity (or slope) estimates are equivalent to price elasticities of and couponing activity of a brand. -.51 for the loyal segment and -1.02 for the nonloyal seg- Non-price promotions. Our non-price promotion variable ment. These estimates are somewhat lower than the average is the proportion of times a brand is on display across all of-1.76 reported by Tellis (1988b), who used a meta-analy- stores and all weeks of that quarter, operationalized similar sis of several product categories. to the long-term feature variable. Consumers' .sensitivities over time. Over the 29 quarters RESULTS of the calibration period, in addition to segment size and brand-specific constants, we estimated 348 response para- We first present the results of the first stage analysis, in meters in the first stage of our analysis.'" Of these. 316 co- which we calibrate segment-level logit models to obtain efficients were significant and correctly signed (e.g., the quarterly parameter estimates and consumers' sensitivities. price parameter was negative, as expected), 8 were signifi- Next, we discuss results from the second stage analysis, in cant and incorrectly signed, and 53 were insignificant. No- tice that under the null hypothesis of zero paratneter value, 'Results were insensitive to slightly different operauona!i/;atiiins of using a 5% significance level would yield 348 x .05 = 17 co- lirand loyally. Also, parameters in the first stage were .similar for models with or without tlie hrand loyalty variable. "Because [i parameters are esiimated for a quarter, it could be unreason- also compared a single segment mixlel with brand specific parame- able tosuj^gest that adverti.sing tor the f/tdrf current quarter (including cnd- ters for price, promotion, and so on with a .single segment model in which itf-quiirter advertising) affects consumers' sensitiviiies for that quarter the parameters for short.term marketing variables were constrained to be (which include consumer response al the beginning of the quarter as well). the same across brands. LIsing Bayesian Informaiion Critcrmn (which Therefore, the quarterly advertising variable was created by phase-.s}iifiinf; penali/.es a model for estimating additional parameters), a model with the advertising by half a quarter. In other words, for the current quarter of .same parameters for brands performed hctier than did a nunlcl with brand- April-June, advenising was detmed as half the advertising expenditure for specific parameters. Moreover, this constrained mi.>del was found to tx; April-June plus half the advonising expenditure for January-March. We more stable over time. also delined the lag terms accordingly. Once again, this adjustment did not '"For each quarter we estimated 12 response parameters: 6 parameters affect Ihe empirical results. We obtained similar results for other quarterly for each of the two segments. Therefore for the 29 quarters, we get 6 x 2 x variables. 29 = 348 coeftkieius.
  • 9. 256 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, MAY 1997 etTicients as significant, by chance. In other words, it is pos- Table 3 sible to obtain approximately 8 coefficients as significant CHANGE IN CONSUMERS' SENSITIVITIES OVER TIME and correctly signed, and 8 coefficients as significant and in- correctly signed, by chance. Consumers' Chaniies Significance Next, we used these estimates of parameters and segment Sensitivity to Over Time Level sizes and Equations 6 and 7 to compute consumer sensitivi- 1. Loyal Segmenl ties to price, price promotion, and non-price promotion for Price Increase P<.001 each quarter q." We perfonned a simple trend analysis for Price [*romolion Increase p<.00! each brand and segment by regressing quarterly sensitivities Non-price Promotion Decrease p<.05 against time. To control for exogenous macroeconomic fac- 2. Nonioyal Segmenl tors, we used recession (0,1) as a covariate because con- Price Increase p<.00 sumers couid become more price sensitive during a recession Price Promolion Increase p<.00 period. Consistent with the economics literature, we define a Non-price Promolion Decrease p<.05 quarter to be in recession if it was a period of three or more consecutive quarters with negative growth in gross domestic Nonloyal Segmenl Size Increase p<.05 product. Two interesting results emerged from this analysis. First, consumers in the nonloyal segment became more price sensitive over time. whcrea.s loyal consumers showed little changing over time?"—is a resounding yes.'2 Of special in- change in their price behavior. Second, the nonloyal con- terest is the result that price and price promotion sensitivi- sumers also demonstrated increasing sensitivity to price pro- ties are increasing over time. Our findings have important motions and reduced sensitivity to non-price promotions, implications for managers and researchers who attempt to though these effects were weaker than were the effects for draw empirical generalizations using meta-analysis or to price. The promotion effects for the loyal consumers were in compare the results of two or more studies conducted over the same direction as for the nonloyal consumers, though the different time periods. For example, Tellis (1988b) and brand-level coefficients were not significant. Sethuraman and Tellis (1991) find average price elasticity to We also conducted a trend analysis for the nonloyal seg- be around -1.7. However, our results suggest that these av- ment size (Ti) with ln(Ti/l - 7i) as the dependent variable, and erages are likely to change over time. We next examine ihe trend and recession as the independent variables. This re- reasons for these changes. gression showed a significant increase in the size of ihe non- loyal segmenl over time, which indicates that an increasing Stage Two: Impact of Marketing Activity cm Consumers' proportion of consumers have become more price and pro- Sensitivities motion sensitive over time. The puqxise of the second stage analysis is to test explic- Pooling across brands. It is possible that consumer sensi- itly if advertising and promotion aftect consumers' price and tivities for most brands could show a positive but insignifi- promotion sensitivities over the long run. We used the dis- cant trend. However, if we conclude from these results that tributed lag model described in Equation 8. in which con- consumer sensitivities are not changing over time, we may sumers" sensilivities (i.e.. first derivatives) to weekly price, be making a Type II error by not appropriately pooling in- price promotion, and non-price promotion activities for each formation across brands (Dutka 1984). Pooling results brand and segment were the dependent variables, and qutU"- across brands also can be thought of as a "meta-analysis" teriy advertising, price promotion, and non-price promolion across several brands. of that brand were the independent variitblcs along with the One possibility is to run u c«/egory-level regression, lagged dependent variable. We also included recession as an which gives us a single-trend parameter for the category independent variable to control for exogenous macroeco- rather than separate trend parameters for the nine brands. Al- nomic factors. We first ran Durbin's test to check for serial though this approach increases the sample size and pools ihe correlation of errors in a distributed lag model (Johnston information across brands, it also could lead to erroneous re- 1984, p. 318). Out of 54 regressions (2 segments x 3 depen- sults if the parameters for brands arc so far apart that pool- dent variables x 9 brands). 47 regressions had no correlation ing across brands increases the variance of the category-lev- in the errors. Therefore, our formulation seems to be con.sis- el parameter, making it insignificiint. Treating ihe results tcnt with the partial adjustment model. Next, we performed from different brands as independent replications, we use a test as per Johnston (1984. p. 347) to see if the decay para- Fisher's pooling test (Fisher 1948; Rosenthal 1978). Pooled meter k is different for advertising, price promotion, and results that arc based on this test arc summarized in Table 3. non-price promotion. For all nine brands, we could not These results suggest that the answer to our first ques- reject the null hypothesis that all of the decay parameters are tion—"Are consumers' sensitivities to marketing variables the same. ''To contlrm furlhcr whether the long-term series of consumers' sensi- tivities to price and promotion is evolving, for ail nine hrands we performed the unit roiit test suggested by Dekimpe and Huns.scns (1995a). We found strong evidence of evolving sensitivities in ihe nonloyal segment and some- ' 'Tt) ohioin consumers" sensitivity lo price pn>moUon. we used a simple what weaker evidence for the loyal segment, We also fnund the advertising average of eonsumers' sensilivity lo TPR. feature, and coupoos. Results and promotion variables lo have unit roots. We thank Marnik DeKimpe for were not sensitive to difTerenI weighting schemes. making the necessary program available for this test.
  • 10. The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising 257 Using this brand- and segment-specific regression, we es- of this effect is on the nonloyal consumers.'^ Ftirthermore, we timated the Y parameters associated with each of the quar- find that less advenising helps to increase the size of the non- terly variahles (see Equation 8). These parameters rellect the loyal segment. This dual effect (i.e., a redtiction in advertising quarterly (medium-tomi) effect of advertising and promo- leading to an iticrease in the size of the nonloyal segment and making consumers more price sensitive) shows a poweriul tion on consumers' response sensitivities. Results from these role of advertising in reinforcing consumer preferences lor hrand-speciHc regressions were pooled according to Fish- brands. Table 4 also shows that reduction ( in adver- er's method. We estimated the long-temi impact o( advertis- tising reduces (increases) consumers' sensilivity to non-price ing and promotion on consumers' sensitivities [9 = Y''(' ~ ^)l promotion for the nonloyal consumers. In other words, adver- and its variance for each brand and segment. We then pooled tising makes non-price promotions such as displays more ef- brand-level results using Fisher's method. fective. Moreover, our results indicate that if u market has a large "loyal" segment, then using an unsegmented model ean Finally, we also regressed the size of the nonloyal seg- lead to insignificant and/or substantially smaller advertising ment (jc) against quarterly marketing variables. Specifically, effeets. This might explain partially the inability of many re- we used log(7i/l- K) for each quarter as the dependent vari- searchers to fmd any advertising effects iti scanner data. able and quarterly advertising, price promotion, non-price promotion, and recession as independent variables along 2. Price pnmwtions. As expected, in the long aiti price promo- with the lagged dependent variable. Because the segment tions make consumers more price .scnsilive in both the loyal and nonloyal segments. They also train nonloyal consumers to sizes were not brand specific, we used the mean category look for promotions, thereby making them more sensitive to level variables (e.g., average category advertising) as our in- price promotions. dependent variables. The purpose of this regression was to 3. Non-iyrireptimiotinns. Non-price promotions have signitlcant see if. for example, decreased advertising expenditure made effects only on consumers' priee sensitivities. Consistent with consumers less brand loyal. our hypotheses, these promotions make loyal consumers less price sensitive and make the nonloyal consumers much more The Long-Term Effects of Advertising and Promotions price sensitive. These results are consistent with prior litera- ture that suggests opposite effects of certain promotions for Results of both the medium-term (over one quarter) and different consumers. long-tcnn (over infinite horizon) impact of advertising and promotion on consumers" price and promotion sensitivities Several additional insights emerge from our are given in Table 4. To facilitate comparison and discus- First, the results are identical for the medium term and kmg- sion, we have also included the hypothesized signs for these term effects of advertising and promotion (except for the effects. Overall, we found support for many of our hypothe- ses. Although some of the results were insignificant, none I 'Although our data show advenising expenditures to be declining over were signillcant in the wrong direction. lime, we ex[K.vt iiur results lo be bidirectional (i.e., we expect an increasc/dccrcjse in advenising expenditure to rcduce/incrcasf consumers' . Advertising. Consi.stenl with several previous studies (e.g., price sensiiiviiy). Also, when the price parameter (which i.s negative) is Krishnamurthi and Raj l')85). we tlnd that a reduction in ad- used as a dependent variable, a positive coefficient for advertising implies vertising make.s con.sumers more price sensitive and that most that advertising reduces price sensitivity. Table 4 HYPOTHESES AND RESULTS I. Hvpothi'sized Signs Loyal Segment Nonloyal Segment Impact on ("onsumer Sensitivity lo Impact on Consumer Sensitivity to Ntmhyal taring-Term Price Non-price Lfmi; Term Price Non-price Segment Impact of Price Promotions Promotions Impact of Price Promotions Promotions Size Adveni.sing Price Promotions Non-pdco Promotions •«- I + - + Advenising Price Promotions Non price Promotions : I * 2. Results for Medium-Term Effects Advenising ns ns ns Advenising Price Promotions ns ns Price Promotions ns ns Non price Promotions ns ns Non price Promotions ns ns HS i. Results for Long-Term Effects Adveriisini: ns ns ns Advenising + ns 4- Price Promotions ns as Price Promotions •t- ns ns Non price Promotions ns ns Non-price Promotions ns ns ns Note: Price sensitivity is generully negative. Therefore, a positive sign (e.g.. ad-price) indicates a decrease in price sensitivity. Significance is based on pooled Fisher test wilh p < .05.
  • 11. 258 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH. MAY 1997 Table 5 AVERAGE EFFECT OF ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION ON CONSUMERS* SENSITIVITIES REGRESSION RESULTS FROM SECOND-STAGE ANALYSIS' iMyat Segment Nnnloyal Segment Price- Non-price- Price- Non-price- Nontoval Price Promotion Promotion Price Promotion Promotion Segmeni Impact of Sensitivity Sen.silivity Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity Size Ug(>.) .384* .461* .410* .516* .285* .389* .639* Advertising .0007 .000 .000 .008* .000 .0003* -.0001* Price Promotion -.374* -.023 -.006 -1.2O7* .080* .Oil .059 Non-price Promotion .349* .041 .011 -4.368* .020 -.029 -.047 Recession -.106" -.003 -.012* -.015 .005 -.001 -.001 R^ .29 .32 .39 .56 .35 .27 .74 'Numbers in ihis table are weighted averages of Ihe parameters from brand-level regressions, where weights are proponional lo inverse of Ihe parameter variances (R- is a simple, nol weighied average across brands). Therefore, they represent medium-term effects of advertising and promotion on consumers' sensitivities. Parameters with p < .05 based on pooled Fisher test are repre.sented by an a.sterisk. "effect size," which we discuss subsequently). Second, the size in the medium term for each of the two segments.' average R- for the second stage analy.sis is .37 (R- = .26). long-temi effect size is then simply the medium-term effect The model fit j s slightly poorer for the loyal segment (aver- size divided by (I - ), where is the decay parameter. age R- = .34. Rl= .21) than tor the nonioyal segment (aver- We give the effect sizes in Table 6. Three key results age R2 = .39, R2 = .30). This is an intuitively appealing emerge from this table: First, consistent with previous re- result, which suggests that long-term marketing variables search, advertising effects are generally smaller than pro- can explain better the changes in the behavior of nonloyal motion effects; second, long-term effect sizes are approxi- consumers, who by definition are affected by marketing mately 1.5 to 2 times larger than medium-term effect sizes; variables more than are loyal consumers. This is also and third, the changes in price sensitivities are greater than reflected in more significant signs for the nonloyal segment the changes in promotion sensitivities. than for the loyal segment. Third, the decay parameter X varies from .29 to .52 with an average of .41 (see Table 5). Summary of Results This indicates that on average the long-term effects of adver- In summary, our results suggest lhe following: tising and promotion are 1/(1 - .41). or 1.7, times their medium-term (quarterly) effects. The decay parameter also •Advertising helps a brand in the long run by making con.sumers suggests that 90% of tbe cumulative effect of advertising (especially nonloya! ones) less price sensitive as well as by re- and promotion on consumers' sensitivities occurs within ducing the size of the nonloyal segment. "In the long run. price promotions make both loyal and nonloy- three quarters, which is similar to the result obtained by al consumers more sensitive to price. An increa.sed use of such Clarke (1976). Finally, though recession bad no impact on promotions also trains consumers (especially nonloyai ones) to consumers' sen.sitivities in the nonloyal segment, it look for deals in the marketplace. On average, we find these ef- increased consumers' price sensitivity and reduced tbeir fects to be almost four times larger for nonloyal consumers tban non-price promotion sensitivity in the loyal segmeni. for relatively loyal consumers. •As expected, we found thai non price promotions have difFerent How Large Are the Lang-Term Effects of Advertising and effects for loyal and nonloya! consumers. Although these pro- Promotions? motions act like advertising for loyal consumers, making ihcm less price sensitive, tbey make the nonloyal consumers focus Our previous discussion indicates the directional effects even more on prices. In other words, these promotion.s reduce the of advertising and promotions. It is also useful to assess the price sensitivity of loyal consumers but significantly increa-se the magnitude of these effects. We estimated the medium- and price sensitivity of nonloyal consumers. The effects lor nonloy- long-term effect sizes as follows. als are almost 12 times larger tban the effects for loyals. To estimate the medium-term impact, 7. we note from To the extent that increased price and promotion sensitiv- Equation 8 that the parameter y = dY/3Z represents the ity of consumers can be considered undesirable outcomes, change in consumers' sensitivity (Y) for one unit change in our results confirm the conventional wisdom that in the long the quarterly variable Z. Tberefore, (y/Y) x 100 is the per- run, advertising has "good' effects and promotions have cent change in consumers' sensitivity for one unit change in "bad" effects on consumers' brand choice behavior. Note, We use the average Y and Z values to arrive at the effect however, that these results are ba.sed on the analysis of only one category in one market. '^Striclly speaking, we should evaliiale changes in Y for each brand, seg- f),Share Price ment, and quarier. However, our "aggregale" approach should provide us .,, Price . . HBeeausc price elasiieity ri = - Y It IS easy to with a good approximation. For example, in the conlexl ol' di.screte choice e Share Share models, Ben-Akiva and Lerman (19K5) indicate that errors due to aggrega- show thai under certain conditions. X 100 also represents percent tion across consuniers are relatively small if all consumers have the same change in x for one unit change in Z. choice set.
  • 12. The Long-Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising 259 {.•isues of Causality b) for the following reasons. Increasing promotion and re- This study is correlational in nature. It is possible that duced advertising makes consumers more price and promo- changes in consumer behavior bave led to changes in mar- tion sensitive. This leads finns to offer even more price pro- keting activity rather than changes in marketing activity lead- motions to obtain short-term gains. However, all finns en- ing to changes in bcbavior. We empirically tested for causal- gage in this action. This form of competitive action bas two effects; First, it makes tbe overall promotional intensity in ity by running a simultaneous equation model as follows; tbe category higher, thereby making consumers even more Price sensitivity = f(Lag price sensitivity. Ad. PP. NPP, Recession) price sensitive over time (as we find); and second, competi- PP sensitivity = f(Lag PP sen.sitivity. Ad. PP. NPP. Recession) tive matching of promotional spending leaves tbe relative NPP sensitivity = f(Lag NPP sensitiviiy. Ad. PP. NPP. Recession) promotion across firms to be largely the same, thereby bav- Ad=f(Lag Ad of brand. Competitive Ad. Price ing little effect on tbeir market share. In other words, it is sensitivity. PP sensitivity, NPP sensitivity) conceivable tbat though consumers are becoming more price PP=f(Lag PP of brand. Competitive PP. Price sensitive because of increased promotional activities of var- .sensitivity. PP sensitivity. NPP sensitivity) ious fimis. "tbe offsetting competitive activity plays a role in NPP = f{Lag NPP of brand. Competitive NPP, Priee the maintenance of what appears to be stationary and zero sensitivity, PP sensitivity. NPP sensitivity), order behavior" (Bass et al. 1984, p. 284). leading to sta- tionary market shares. This highlights tbe importance of where PP is price promotion and NPP is non-price promo- studying tbe long-term effects of promotion and advertising tion. The first three equations represent our second-stage on not only tbe changes in market share or sales, but also on analysis and the last tbree equations capture the reverse changes in consumer behavior. causality (i.e., the effect of changes in consumers' sensitivi- ties on marketing activities). We estimated tbese equations at a brand and segment level using two-stage least squares. CONCLUSION We then pooled the results across brands using Fisher's pro- Our purpose was to develop and empirically test a model cedure, as indicated previously. to understand tbe long-temi impact of advertisitig and pro- Of the seven significant results obtained in Table 4. four motion on consumers' brand choice behavior. Specifically, sbow causality only in the proposed direction alp < .03. and we set out to find if consumers' responsiveness to marketing tbree show bidirectional effects (and two of them have p- mix variables cbanges over time and, if so. why. To address values tbat are almost ten times smaller in tbe proposed di- these issues we used a unique data .set that includes store rection tban in the reverse direction). Although these results environment and purchase history of more than 1500 buuse- do not rule out reverse causality completely, they do lend hold for 8'4 years for one frequently purchased consumer support for the proposed causal effects. packaged good in one market. At least in our data set, consumers have become more Competitive Reaction price and promotion sensitive over time. We found two seg- Recent articles by Lai and Padmanabban (1995) and ments of consumers—^loyal. or relatively less price-sensitive l^cKimpe and Hans.sens (1995a. b) suggest tbat market consumers, and nonloyal, or price-sensitive consumers. Our shares arc stationary (i.e.. not evolving over the long run) for results show that the size of the nonloyal segment has grown a majority of product categories. Lai and Padmanabban over time. In otber words, a larger number of consumers (1995) also llnd the long-term effect of promotions on mar- have become increasingly more price and promotion sensi- ket shares to be largely insignificant. tive over time. In contrast, we find long-term effects of advertising and We used quarterly advertising and promotion policies of promotions on consumers' sensitivities to price and promo- brands to help explain tbese changes in consumer behavior. tions, not on tbe market shares of various brands. We con- Our results confirm the conventiotial wisdom tbat in tbe long jecture that our findings are consistent with those of Lai and run. advertising reduces consumers' price sensitivity and Padmanabhan (1995) and DeKimpe and Hanssens (1995a, promotions increase consumers" price and promotion sensi- Table 6 MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION ON CONSUMERS' SENSITIVITIES' Loyal Segment Nonloyal Segment % Change in Consumers ' Sen.titivily to % Change in Consumer.' Sensitivity to s Price Non price Price Non-price 1% Increase in Price Promotion Promotion Price Promotion Promotion Mvdium-Term Effects Advertising ns ns ns .15 ns .10 Price Promotion -.37 ns ns -1.20 .08 Non-price ProintMion .35 ns ns ^.37 ns UmgTenn Effects Advertising ns us BS .30 .15 Price ProiiTolion -.61 HS ns -2.50 .It Non-price Promotion .57 ns ns -9.02 ns ns 'We focus on only significant effects {p < .05). Note that negative numbers for price imply increase in price sensitivity.