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Safety Meeting Starters (SMS)
for January 2012
Happy New Year and Happy January! - - The theme of the 2013 Rose Bowl Parade was taken
from Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the places you’ll go.” This year, our safety record and performance holds
that opportunity…to go to great places. Think about a year without injury, a year without an
emergency room visit, a year without a fatality. “The places we will go” depend, in part, on
continuous communication and awareness, and Safety Meeting Starters can help you and your
team with that goal. Each month, SMS is packed full of helpful and timely safety information to
help you and your team identify and control hazards and raise safety awareness. Happy New
Year…and let’s go to great places in 2013.

Safety Committees in 2013 - - Give your committee the tools needed for
success in the New Year. The Total Safety Committee Checklist—A Step-
by-Step Handbook for Safety Committee Success!

Don’t you wish that safety committees came with instructions? After all,
our committees are major investments in time and resources, yet they
all too often fall short of expectations. Instructions, guidelines and tips
for committees are scattered in procedures, sprinkled on the Internet,
and scribbled on napkins…until now. The Total Safety Committee
Checklist is your one-stop-shop for a month-by-month checklist of safety
committee activities. Find both the basic ‘must do’ material for those
committees that are just getting started, as well as extra credit items for highly effective
committees. Safety committees finally have instructions!

Price: $12.95 - - save $4.00 per book, use 84PBESHF discount code
To Learn more or order click here;

Join us on Twitter! - - Why wait for SMS every month? Find tons of great safety news and
articles from the SafeStrat Twitter feed;

Thanks again and pass this along. Remember, no one gets hurt today! God Bless, Matt.

             Matt Forck, CSP, JLW | | 573.999.7981
SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!                    2

S.A.F.E. (See Accidents Forever Eliminated) at Work
- A Motivational Safety Column!

Safety, Your Choice

You awaken and immediately decide, it’s going to be a great day or you decide that it’s not.

You drive to work and the car in front of you suddenly cuts you off, you can choose to
immediately respond with understanding or with anger.

You get to work and your boss tells you about a change in operations that will happen next
week. You can choose to be excited about the opportunity or fearful of the change.

Later in the day, you are asked to lunch by a couple of new guys from another department. You
can decide to make new friends and go or be small and kindly decline.

Before you leave for the day, you receive an email about giving to an annual charity campaign.
You can choose to give freely or hold on tightly.

When you get home, your toddler asks you to play ‘batman and monsters.’ You can make the
choice to join in the fun or refuse.

At dinner, the dog jumps on your lap again, who let the dog in anyway? You can choose to be
patient and calmly let the dog out or you can show your frustration and fatigue.

After dinner, your oldest child brings in his math test, he earned a ‘B.’ You can chose to
encourage and recognize the effort or tear him down by asking why it wasn’t an ‘A.’

When you go to work in your shop later in the evening, you can choose to wear PPE and work
safely or you can make the choice not to wear it.

At bedtime, as you turn off the light, you can choose tell your spouse what he/she means to
you or you can keep quiet.

What kind of day would it have been if you chose the former in all cases? What type of day
would it have been if you had decided on the latter in all situations? In these cases there are
not any ‘rights’ or ‘wrongs’ just simple choices. The hidden secret of life and safety is that we
are a product of the simple decisions we make each moment. Each day we make hundreds if
not thousands of choices. Today, make the choice for safety…and decide now what kind of day
it will be.

©2013-SafeStrat, LLC-All Rights Reserved

                                           Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
                                                 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!           3

Safety Tidbits—the most information packed pages in safety!
Quotes of the month, to begin 2013:

                                Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
                                      Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!                          4

Safety Articles of Interest:

ESPN’s Hannah Storm set to return 3 weeks being burned in propane gas grill

NEW YORK — ESPN anchor Hannah Storm will return to the air on New Year’s Day, exactly three weeks
after she was seriously burned in a propane gas grill accident at her home. Storm suffered second-
degree burns on her chest and hands, and first-degree burns to her face and neck. She lost her
eyebrows and eyelashes, and roughly half her hair.

Storm will host ABC’s telecast of the 2013 Rose Parade on Tuesday. Her left hand will be bandaged and
she said viewers might notice a difference in her hair texture where extensions have been added. “I’m a
little nervous about things I used to take for granted,” she said by phone this weekend from Pasadena,
Calif. “Little things like putting on makeup and even turning pages on my script.” The award-winning
sportscaster and producer was preparing dinner outside her home in Connecticut on the night of Dec.
11 when she noticed the flame on the grill had gone out. She turned off the gas and when she reignited
it “there was an explosion and a wall of fire came at me.”

                                        Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
                                               Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!                               5

“It was like you see in a movie, it happened in a split-second,” she said. “A neighbor said he thought a
tree had fallen through the roof, it was that loud. It blew the doors off the grill.” With her left hand, she
tore off her burning shirt. She tried to use another part of her shirt to extinguish the flames that
engulfed her head and chest, while yelling for help. Her 15-year-old daughter, Hannah, called 911 and a
computer technician who was working in the house grabbed some ice as Storm tried to cool the burns.

Soon, police and rescue teams arrived at the house. Storm’s husband, NBC sportscaster Dan Hicks, also
had returned home with another of the couple’s three daughters. As her mother was being treated, the
younger Hannah calmly said something that, days later, her mom could laugh about. “OK, Mommy, I’m
going to do my homework now,” she said.

Storm was taken by ambulance to the Trauma and Burn Center at Westchester Medical Center and was
treated for 24 hours. “I didn’t see my face until the next day and you wonder how it’s going to look,” she
said. “I was pretty shocked. But my overarching thought was I’ve covered events with military members
who have been through a lot worse than me, and they’ve come through. I kept thinking, ‘I can do this.
I’m fortunate.’”

Other than going to Christmas Eve Mass, Storm hadn’t been outside until her trip to California. ESPN
reworked its anchor schedule while she was recovering, and NBC and the Golf Channel rearranged their
staffing while Hicks attended to his wife. Storm is set to host her fifth Rose Parade, with some changes.
She’s left-handed, and taking notes is almost impossible. Dressing and showering are challenges, too.

Storm said that long before her accident, she’d been inspired by Iraq War veteran, actor and “Dancing
With the Stars” winner J.R. Martinez, the grand marshal at last year’s parade. He was severely burned in
a land mine accident while serving overseas. One attraction of this year’s parade that she was eager to
see — the Nurses’ Float, and she hoped to use that moment on air to thank everyone who had taken
care of her.

Storm wants to anchor “SportsCenter” in Bristol, Conn., next Sunday. After that, the Notre Dame alum is
ready to go in person to watch the No. 1 Irish play Alabama in the national championship game at
Miami. She said the school reached out after hearing about her injuries and had been very supportive.

“More than anything, I feel gratitude,” she said. “Something like this really makes you appreciate
everything you have, even the chance to wake up on New Year’s Day and do your job.”

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast,
rewritten or redistributed.

From the Twitter Feed - - why wait for the end of the month Safety Meeting Starters when you
can get near real time safety updates from my Twitter feed! Join today; or @safestrat.

Safety News from January:
        We’re nearing the end of National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month: RT to
        help prevent tragedies. #drivesober

                                           Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
                                                 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!                          6

I'm already thinking about some big presentations I have to deliver in 2013. Solid advice
here: …

These 12 books have shaped not only the way we work this year, but how we think and
the conversations we're having:
books-2012-find-fulfillment-get-productive-and-create-healthy-habits …

Key life- and career-lessons from people who've made it big

New OSHA Webpage on Preventing Backovers in Construction

A heads up for the electric-utility industry re: OSHA's Cranes & Derricks standard

OSHA Investigating Worker Death at McWane Foundry | Business / Economy / Financial
financial-crisis/osha-investigating-worker-death-at-mcwane-foundry/ … via

2012 Look Back: Wyoming takes steps toward safer workplaces: via

#Carbonmonoxide poisoning is a danger during #winterstorms. Stay warm safely. Don’t
use gas stove to heat home. #co

Wishing you, your family, team and organization a very blessed and SAFE Christmas and
Holiday season.

OSHA has launched a website addressing protection of workers during post-Sandy
cleanup and recovery efforts. There...

Temperature -40 at North Pole, AK Wind chill -58 F NIOSH
#safety info for #WorkingInCold anywhere

Awesome RT @MattNorlander All other Connecticut police officers are banding
together so not one Newtown cop has to work Christmas Day.

It's the first day of #winter - If you are #WorkingInCold review NIOSH tips & stay safe
and healthy in frigid weather

Fatal falls among older construction workers, roofs and ladders are particularly risky for
older construction workers

OSHA Investigation: Postal Service Failed to Protect Worker from Heat

                               Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
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SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!                          7

       OSHA investigating fatality at factory | :
       factory#.UNPRm-Xjp1I.twitter …

       Santa Please...Holiday Safety Message #constantcontact

       Dumb Ways to Die. If you have not seen this, you are missing out. Great insights for
       engaging young workers; …

       Claremont firm fined after workplace fatality | New Hampshire NEWS02

The Safety Notebook:

   Safety Duct Tape - - 72 minutes of safety material to recharge your batteries for only 99 cents!
   Keep Going for Safety - -

Give your Safety Committee the Right Tools in 2013 - - Give your
committee the tools needed for success in the New Year. The Total Safety Committee
Checklist—A Step-by-Step Handbook for Safety Committee

Don’t you wish that safety committees came with instructions? After all, our
committees are major investments in time and resources, yet they all too
often fall short of expectations. Instructions, guidelines and tips for
committees are scattered in procedures, sprinkled on the Internet, and
scribbled on napkins…until now. The Total Safety Committee Checklist is
your one-stop-shop for a month-by-month checklist of safety committee
activities. Find both the basic ‘must do’ material for those committees that
are just getting started, as well as extra credit items for highly effective
committees. Safety committees finally have instructions!

Price: $12.95 - - save $4.00 per book, use 84PBESHF discount code
To Learn more or order click here;

                                        Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
                                               Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!                             8

                   SAI - - Safety Awareness Items
             (ideas to get raise your team’s awareness!
             Braille Card         How Important is Eye Protection? (Hand out a card
                                  with this phrase typed in braille print).

             Brewed Tea           Brew Some Safety Today.

             Bubbles              Don't Blow Safety to the Wind.

             Bug Spray            End Bad Habits.

             Bumper Stickers      Can be printed with any number of slogans and
             Bungee Cord          Secure Loads or Don't Stretch the Rules.

             Business Card        Have each employee’s name printed on a business
                                  card. Other information includes job title, “safest
                                  worker,” or job description, i.e. “safe production.”

             Butterfingers        Positive Control, Don't Let Safety Slip Away.

             Calculator           Safety Adds Up Exponentially.

            Calendar, pocket      Safety is 24/7.

             Can Chicken Soup Safety Makes Everyone Feel Better.

             The Untapped Secret To Selling Safety -And 401½ Tangible Items Guaranteed To Help
             Make That Sale! - - How well do you sell safety? The truth is that we are at the mercy of
             our ability to sell, no matter how “tight” the presentation. Regardless of our education or
             the facts surrounding an issue, we are still in a position where we have to make the sale in
             order for a positive change to take place. And, the better we are at selling, the greater our
             results. The fact of the matter is that there are secrets to selling…even selling safety. One
             such previously untapped secret is revealed here and your safety results will never be the
             same! “Matt’s passion for safety continues to shine through as he drives to inspire us to be
             the best we can be” wrote Bill Dampf, safety professional with three decades of
             experience. “Through this latest effort, he provides us with hundreds of ways to promote
safety awareness to our employees. Although keeping our workers safe is always a challenge, this simple
approach to helping us sell safety can be a tool that all of us can use.” Price: $8.99 - - AND use this
discount code to save $2..00 per book, B9F5UNDN. Order from this link;

                                         Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
                                                Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!               9

ISMA-Involved Safety Meeting Activity
Activity:                  What’s Missing?

Estimated Time:            5 Minutes

Materials Needed:          The attached sheet as an overhead or PowerPoint Slide

Reference materials:       See ISMA below:

Place sheet below on an overhead and ask one question: what is missing?

The answer: nothing, this is the way it’s supposed to be. The only numbers intended to
be on this slide are the ones listed.

The Take-a-ways:
Too often, we try to change others or dig deep trying to find something that’s not there.
Accept people for who they are. Use each person’s strengths to accomplish the team’s
goal. In safety each of us has strengths and talents that can contribute to the success of
the organization, find and nurture those talents in others instead of putting things in
where they were never intended.

Let this also be a reminder of ‘blind spots.’ Everyone misses some detail from time to
time…it takes the entire team to see the entire picture.

Source; Activity source, Mark Towers, Used with

                                   Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
                                         Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!               10

    1, 2, 3, 4,
   6, 7, 9, 10.

                  Want 101 ISMAs? Check out ISMA (Involved Safety Meeting
          Activities—101Ways to Get Your People In Involved! at Matt’s website;

                      Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
                            Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!                    11

SPOT-M –(Safety Picture of the Month)


Double check your PPE…and make sure it is
        the ‘right’ PPE for the job.

Choose in favor of your safety!
Send me your safety picture…if we use them you get a FREE book! Send to

                                      Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
                                            Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!                             12

Tools for Pros!
Safety Committees -A MAP for Success
By Matt Forck, CSP & JLW

To create real change within an organization, on must alter resources, values or procedures, this
according to Clayton M. Christensen author of the New York Times Bestseller, An Innovator’s Solution.
To be successful, safety committees need sufficient time and budget (resources). The organization must
establish a value base that fosters safety. But, once those are in place, we still need a means (procedure)
to cultivate safety committee success.

Finding the pot holes…
In the past, safety committees have done as well as can be expected. We have asked them to set goals
in an attempt to ensure their proactive success and we have encouraged and supported these goals. But
in failing to offer a specific action plan we have asked our committees to ‘play ball’ without defining the
field. Imagine a baseball team attempting to ‘play’ without a defined field, a pitcher’s mound, home
plate, batter’s box, bases, fowl lines or assigned positions.

A team can play hard but without a defined field it is hard to win. And, in the past our committees have
at times played hard, bringing awareness initiatives forward or offering fix-it solutions to issues. Yet,
rarely does a committee stay focused and on task each month throughout a year. Often, instead of
being consistently proactive and awareness driven, they become reactive, engaged in few if any safety
awareness activities. Some fall into the trap of exhausting a great deal of time discussing items that are
not safety related. Most have a plan for a few months but few have a plan for each month. Many, in an
attempt to do something, grab issues that should have already been addressed by management. And,
management lets the committee have the issue, thankful that they are doing something. Again, our
committees are playing hard, they are just not sure of the ‘field.’

A wise truth reads, "The arrow that hits the bull's eye is the result of a hundred misses." Our committees
have shot many arrows, some hitting the bull’s eye and some falling short. Over the last few years, I
have taken keen note of what arrows have hit and which ones missed. In so doing, I introduce the Safety
Committee MAP (Monthly Awareness Plan), a strategy that will hit the bull’s-eye month after month.

Begin the drive…
To begin the MAP process, brainstorm using the following questions. Where are our workers taking
shortcuts? What are we doing that gets us hurt? What safety rules are neglected? Which safety rules are
the most important? What does our peer observation data tell us? What training do we need this year?
What needs does our community have? What holidays do we celebrate? Twenty minutes of
brainstorming can produce a hundred or more possible themes.

Pick your favorite twelve. These will be your safety themes for the year (one per month with a monthly
template provided below). You and the committee have the discretion to change a theme if needed but
at least you have established your framework for the year.

                                          Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
                                                Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!                              13

Shifting into gear…
For each theme the committee should develop a MAP (Monthly Awareness Plan), each MAP should
include the following.

Two Safety Activities. A safety activity is something done outside of a safety meeting that brings
awareness to safety and your monthly theme. It might be a note taped to a locker, stickers or awareness
items in trucks or at workstations etc.

An Involved Safety Meeting Activity; which is a safety meeting that involves the entire group. It can be a
game, activity or exercise that gets everyone involved. There are references that can help with this such
as the attached book, ISMA –101 Ways to Get Your People Involved, internet search using key words
‘games trainers play’ or resources at libraries or book stores.

An outside safety speaker. This is an individual from outside of the work group that can share his/her
insights on the monthly theme. It might be a subject matter expert from the community (police officer,
doctor) or an individual from another part of the company.

Distribute at least one type of safety educational material during the month; this is an item such as a
quiz, cross word puzzle, word search or other educational game. It can be used during a safety meeting
(or some other time) to educate the group on the monthly theme. These can be easily found on the
Internet or created using inexpensive ‘word game’ software.

Finally, hand out at least one safety trinket per month. A safety trinket is a tangible item that is given to
employees to bring continued awareness to the monthly safety theme. For example, a Crunch Candy Bar
can be used to remind co-workers not to be caught in a ‘line of fire’ crunch.
Once each have chosen at least two safety activities, an outside speaker, an involved safety meeting, a
quiz and a trinket, assign responsibility for each to ensure the task is completed.

Why unfold the MAP?
The MAP concept does seven unbelievable things for your organization. The MAP shows caring. The soft
side of safety is about relationships. Our people don’t care what we know until they know we care.
People know that you care when you are there for them, out front and visible. The MAP framework
fosters caring and relationships.

Involvement. So many committees have asked me in the past, how do I get my coworkers involved? We
typically think someone is involvement when they come forward to deliver a safety meeting or write a
safety quiz. Let’s face it, that doesn’t happen often. When following the MAP, everyone is involved.
When I hand an employee a safety trinket or include him/her in an involved safety meeting activity
he/she just became involved in safety. And, involvement equals participation, which leads to ownership
that equals results!

The MAP fosters safety committee teamwork. Did you know that a Belgium Draft Horse could pull 8,000
pounds by himself? If you team two horses together they can pull 18,000 pounds. If you train them to
work as a team, they can pull 25,000 pounds. Too often, committees are lead by one or two individuals.

The MAP engages the entire committee, in the end, making them more effective. The MAP keeps focus.
Committees will be focused on their monthly activities and are more likely to divert concerns that can

                                           Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
                                                 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture!                                14

be handled outside of the committee to the proper parties. You can’t hit a target you can’t see but with
this plan you’ve defined your targets and your arrows, it’s a win/win.

The MAP is HESA or High Energy Safety Awareness. ‘Reaction’ and ‘creation’ have the same eight letters.
When you react you respond in the same fashion in which you have always responded. Yet when you
create, you think before you act. Maintaining HESA makes our workers think, thus creating safe
situations instead of reacting to old habits.

The MAP communicates to the work group. When the committee is being reactive, the work group
often doesn’t even know they exist because the committee is contributing nothing to safety. When
following the MAP framework there will be no doubt the committee is out-in-front and that workers are
actively supporting the safety of their peers.

The MAP changes behaviors in a ‘safer’ direction. Since the monthly themes are picked based on a high
number of incidents in a certain area, past injuries or weak safety habits, these monthly activities
continue to encourage safe behavior, challenging and changing at-risk behavior.

Driving Home Safe…
Have you ever wondered why the white strip is painted on either edge of a narrow two-lane highway?
Well, when oncoming headlights, fog, snow or rain blind a driver, all he needs to do is find and focus on
the white line. If the driver doesn’t have a focus, he can easily lose control and drive off of the road. If he
focuses on the yellow centerline, he can easily cross that line into on coming traffic. Although visibility is
poor and the driver can’t see ahead, he knows that continued long-term focus on the white line will get
him to his destination safely.

The Safety Committee MAP (Monthly Action Plan) is our ‘saving’ white strip. Open the MAP and drive
knowing that you are changing your safety culture, one MAP at a time.

Matt Forck, CSP and JLW leads safety conferences, seminars and keynote presentations on safety’s most
urgent topics including leadership, accountability and cultural change. Matt has also published seven
books and dozens of articles. Contact Matt, learn about FREE resources or inquire about having Matt
speak at your next event through his website;

                                           Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981
                                                  Safety Strategies…for LIFE!

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Safety Meeting Starter (SMS) Jan 2013

  • 1. Safety Meeting Starters (SMS) for January 2012 Happy New Year and Happy January! - - The theme of the 2013 Rose Bowl Parade was taken from Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the places you’ll go.” This year, our safety record and performance holds that opportunity…to go to great places. Think about a year without injury, a year without an emergency room visit, a year without a fatality. “The places we will go” depend, in part, on continuous communication and awareness, and Safety Meeting Starters can help you and your team with that goal. Each month, SMS is packed full of helpful and timely safety information to help you and your team identify and control hazards and raise safety awareness. Happy New Year…and let’s go to great places in 2013. Safety Committees in 2013 - - Give your committee the tools needed for success in the New Year. The Total Safety Committee Checklist—A Step- by-Step Handbook for Safety Committee Success! Don’t you wish that safety committees came with instructions? After all, our committees are major investments in time and resources, yet they all too often fall short of expectations. Instructions, guidelines and tips for committees are scattered in procedures, sprinkled on the Internet, and scribbled on napkins…until now. The Total Safety Committee Checklist is your one-stop-shop for a month-by-month checklist of safety committee activities. Find both the basic ‘must do’ material for those committees that are just getting started, as well as extra credit items for highly effective committees. Safety committees finally have instructions! Price: $12.95 - - save $4.00 per book, use 84PBESHF discount code To Learn more or order click here; Join us on Twitter! - - Why wait for SMS every month? Find tons of great safety news and articles from the SafeStrat Twitter feed; Thanks again and pass this along. Remember, no one gets hurt today! God Bless, Matt. Matt Forck, CSP, JLW | | 573.999.7981
  • 2. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 2 S.A.F.E. (See Accidents Forever Eliminated) at Work - A Motivational Safety Column! Safety, Your Choice You awaken and immediately decide, it’s going to be a great day or you decide that it’s not. You drive to work and the car in front of you suddenly cuts you off, you can choose to immediately respond with understanding or with anger. You get to work and your boss tells you about a change in operations that will happen next week. You can choose to be excited about the opportunity or fearful of the change. Later in the day, you are asked to lunch by a couple of new guys from another department. You can decide to make new friends and go or be small and kindly decline. Before you leave for the day, you receive an email about giving to an annual charity campaign. You can choose to give freely or hold on tightly. When you get home, your toddler asks you to play ‘batman and monsters.’ You can make the choice to join in the fun or refuse. At dinner, the dog jumps on your lap again, who let the dog in anyway? You can choose to be patient and calmly let the dog out or you can show your frustration and fatigue. After dinner, your oldest child brings in his math test, he earned a ‘B.’ You can chose to encourage and recognize the effort or tear him down by asking why it wasn’t an ‘A.’ When you go to work in your shop later in the evening, you can choose to wear PPE and work safely or you can make the choice not to wear it. At bedtime, as you turn off the light, you can choose tell your spouse what he/she means to you or you can keep quiet. What kind of day would it have been if you chose the former in all cases? What type of day would it have been if you had decided on the latter in all situations? In these cases there are not any ‘rights’ or ‘wrongs’ just simple choices. The hidden secret of life and safety is that we are a product of the simple decisions we make each moment. Each day we make hundreds if not thousands of choices. Today, make the choice for safety…and decide now what kind of day it will be. ©2013-SafeStrat, LLC-All Rights Reserved Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
  • 3. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 3 Safety Tidbits—the most information packed pages in safety! Quotes of the month, to begin 2013: Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
  • 4. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 4 Safety Articles of Interest: ESPN’s Hannah Storm set to return 3 weeks being burned in propane gas grill accident NEW YORK — ESPN anchor Hannah Storm will return to the air on New Year’s Day, exactly three weeks after she was seriously burned in a propane gas grill accident at her home. Storm suffered second- degree burns on her chest and hands, and first-degree burns to her face and neck. She lost her eyebrows and eyelashes, and roughly half her hair. Storm will host ABC’s telecast of the 2013 Rose Parade on Tuesday. Her left hand will be bandaged and she said viewers might notice a difference in her hair texture where extensions have been added. “I’m a little nervous about things I used to take for granted,” she said by phone this weekend from Pasadena, Calif. “Little things like putting on makeup and even turning pages on my script.” The award-winning sportscaster and producer was preparing dinner outside her home in Connecticut on the night of Dec. 11 when she noticed the flame on the grill had gone out. She turned off the gas and when she reignited it “there was an explosion and a wall of fire came at me.” Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
  • 5. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 5 “It was like you see in a movie, it happened in a split-second,” she said. “A neighbor said he thought a tree had fallen through the roof, it was that loud. It blew the doors off the grill.” With her left hand, she tore off her burning shirt. She tried to use another part of her shirt to extinguish the flames that engulfed her head and chest, while yelling for help. Her 15-year-old daughter, Hannah, called 911 and a computer technician who was working in the house grabbed some ice as Storm tried to cool the burns. Soon, police and rescue teams arrived at the house. Storm’s husband, NBC sportscaster Dan Hicks, also had returned home with another of the couple’s three daughters. As her mother was being treated, the younger Hannah calmly said something that, days later, her mom could laugh about. “OK, Mommy, I’m going to do my homework now,” she said. Storm was taken by ambulance to the Trauma and Burn Center at Westchester Medical Center and was treated for 24 hours. “I didn’t see my face until the next day and you wonder how it’s going to look,” she said. “I was pretty shocked. But my overarching thought was I’ve covered events with military members who have been through a lot worse than me, and they’ve come through. I kept thinking, ‘I can do this. I’m fortunate.’” Other than going to Christmas Eve Mass, Storm hadn’t been outside until her trip to California. ESPN reworked its anchor schedule while she was recovering, and NBC and the Golf Channel rearranged their staffing while Hicks attended to his wife. Storm is set to host her fifth Rose Parade, with some changes. She’s left-handed, and taking notes is almost impossible. Dressing and showering are challenges, too. Storm said that long before her accident, she’d been inspired by Iraq War veteran, actor and “Dancing With the Stars” winner J.R. Martinez, the grand marshal at last year’s parade. He was severely burned in a land mine accident while serving overseas. One attraction of this year’s parade that she was eager to see — the Nurses’ Float, and she hoped to use that moment on air to thank everyone who had taken care of her. Storm wants to anchor “SportsCenter” in Bristol, Conn., next Sunday. After that, the Notre Dame alum is ready to go in person to watch the No. 1 Irish play Alabama in the national championship game at Miami. She said the school reached out after hearing about her injuries and had been very supportive. “More than anything, I feel gratitude,” she said. “Something like this really makes you appreciate everything you have, even the chance to wake up on New Year’s Day and do your job.” Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. From the Twitter Feed - - why wait for the end of the month Safety Meeting Starters when you can get near real time safety updates from my Twitter feed! Join today; or @safestrat. Safety News from January: We’re nearing the end of National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month: RT to help prevent tragedies. #drivesober Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
  • 6. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 6 I'm already thinking about some big presentations I have to deliver in 2013. Solid advice here: … These 12 books have shaped not only the way we work this year, but how we think and the conversations we're having: books-2012-find-fulfillment-get-productive-and-create-healthy-habits … Key life- and career-lessons from people who've made it big New OSHA Webpage on Preventing Backovers in Construction A heads up for the electric-utility industry re: OSHA's Cranes & Derricks standard OSHA Investigating Worker Death at McWane Foundry | Business / Economy / Financial | FRONTLINE | PBS financial-crisis/osha-investigating-worker-death-at-mcwane-foundry/ … via @frontlinepbs 2012 Look Back: Wyoming takes steps toward safer workplaces: via #Carbonmonoxide poisoning is a danger during #winterstorms. Stay warm safely. Don’t use gas stove to heat home. #co Wishing you, your family, team and organization a very blessed and SAFE Christmas and Holiday season. OSHA has launched a website addressing protection of workers during post-Sandy cleanup and recovery efforts. There... Temperature -40 at North Pole, AK Wind chill -58 F NIOSH #safety info for #WorkingInCold anywhere Awesome RT @MattNorlander All other Connecticut police officers are banding together so not one Newtown cop has to work Christmas Day. It's the first day of #winter - If you are #WorkingInCold review NIOSH tips & stay safe and healthy in frigid weather Fatal falls among older construction workers, roofs and ladders are particularly risky for older construction workers OSHA Investigation: Postal Service Failed to Protect Worker from Heat Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
  • 7. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 7 OSHA investigating fatality at factory | : factory#.UNPRm-Xjp1I.twitter … Santa Please...Holiday Safety Message #constantcontact Dumb Ways to Die. If you have not seen this, you are missing out. Great insights for engaging young workers; … Claremont firm fined after workplace fatality | New Hampshire NEWS02 The Safety Notebook:  Safety Duct Tape - - 72 minutes of safety material to recharge your batteries for only 99 cents! Tape/dp/B005Q2XQM6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dmusic&qid=1319715328&sr=1-1  Keep Going for Safety - - work/keep-going-for-safety.html Give your Safety Committee the Right Tools in 2013 - - Give your committee the tools needed for success in the New Year. The Total Safety Committee Checklist—A Step-by-Step Handbook for Safety Committee Success! Don’t you wish that safety committees came with instructions? After all, our committees are major investments in time and resources, yet they all too often fall short of expectations. Instructions, guidelines and tips for committees are scattered in procedures, sprinkled on the Internet, and scribbled on napkins…until now. The Total Safety Committee Checklist is your one-stop-shop for a month-by-month checklist of safety committee activities. Find both the basic ‘must do’ material for those committees that are just getting started, as well as extra credit items for highly effective committees. Safety committees finally have instructions! Price: $12.95 - - save $4.00 per book, use 84PBESHF discount code To Learn more or order click here; Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
  • 8. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 8 SAI - - Safety Awareness Items (ideas to get raise your team’s awareness! Braille Card How Important is Eye Protection? (Hand out a card with this phrase typed in braille print). Brewed Tea Brew Some Safety Today. Bubbles Don't Blow Safety to the Wind. Bug Spray End Bad Habits. Bumper Stickers Can be printed with any number of slogans and messages. Bungee Cord Secure Loads or Don't Stretch the Rules. Business Card Have each employee’s name printed on a business card. Other information includes job title, “safest worker,” or job description, i.e. “safe production.” Butterfingers Positive Control, Don't Let Safety Slip Away. Calculator Safety Adds Up Exponentially. Calendar, pocket Safety is 24/7. Can Chicken Soup Safety Makes Everyone Feel Better. The Untapped Secret To Selling Safety -And 401½ Tangible Items Guaranteed To Help Make That Sale! - - How well do you sell safety? The truth is that we are at the mercy of our ability to sell, no matter how “tight” the presentation. Regardless of our education or the facts surrounding an issue, we are still in a position where we have to make the sale in order for a positive change to take place. And, the better we are at selling, the greater our results. The fact of the matter is that there are secrets to selling…even selling safety. One such previously untapped secret is revealed here and your safety results will never be the same! “Matt’s passion for safety continues to shine through as he drives to inspire us to be the best we can be” wrote Bill Dampf, safety professional with three decades of experience. “Through this latest effort, he provides us with hundreds of ways to promote safety awareness to our employees. Although keeping our workers safe is always a challenge, this simple approach to helping us sell safety can be a tool that all of us can use.” Price: $8.99 - - AND use this discount code to save $2..00 per book, B9F5UNDN. Order from this link; Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
  • 9. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 9 ISMA-Involved Safety Meeting Activity Activity: What’s Missing? Estimated Time: 5 Minutes Materials Needed: The attached sheet as an overhead or PowerPoint Slide Reference materials: See ISMA below: The ISMA: Place sheet below on an overhead and ask one question: what is missing? The answer: nothing, this is the way it’s supposed to be. The only numbers intended to be on this slide are the ones listed. The Take-a-ways: Too often, we try to change others or dig deep trying to find something that’s not there. Accept people for who they are. Use each person’s strengths to accomplish the team’s goal. In safety each of us has strengths and talents that can contribute to the success of the organization, find and nurture those talents in others instead of putting things in where they were never intended. Let this also be a reminder of ‘blind spots.’ Everyone misses some detail from time to time…it takes the entire team to see the entire picture. Source; Activity source, Mark Towers, Used with permission. Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
  • 10. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 10 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10. Want 101 ISMAs? Check out ISMA (Involved Safety Meeting Activities—101Ways to Get Your People In Involved! at Matt’s website; Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
  • 11. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 11 SPOT-M –(Safety Picture of the Month) PPE? Double check your PPE…and make sure it is the ‘right’ PPE for the job. Choose in favor of your safety! Send me your safety picture…if we use them you get a FREE book! Send to Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
  • 12. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 12 Tools for Pros! Safety Committees -A MAP for Success By Matt Forck, CSP & JLW To create real change within an organization, on must alter resources, values or procedures, this according to Clayton M. Christensen author of the New York Times Bestseller, An Innovator’s Solution. To be successful, safety committees need sufficient time and budget (resources). The organization must establish a value base that fosters safety. But, once those are in place, we still need a means (procedure) to cultivate safety committee success. Finding the pot holes… In the past, safety committees have done as well as can be expected. We have asked them to set goals in an attempt to ensure their proactive success and we have encouraged and supported these goals. But in failing to offer a specific action plan we have asked our committees to ‘play ball’ without defining the field. Imagine a baseball team attempting to ‘play’ without a defined field, a pitcher’s mound, home plate, batter’s box, bases, fowl lines or assigned positions. A team can play hard but without a defined field it is hard to win. And, in the past our committees have at times played hard, bringing awareness initiatives forward or offering fix-it solutions to issues. Yet, rarely does a committee stay focused and on task each month throughout a year. Often, instead of being consistently proactive and awareness driven, they become reactive, engaged in few if any safety awareness activities. Some fall into the trap of exhausting a great deal of time discussing items that are not safety related. Most have a plan for a few months but few have a plan for each month. Many, in an attempt to do something, grab issues that should have already been addressed by management. And, management lets the committee have the issue, thankful that they are doing something. Again, our committees are playing hard, they are just not sure of the ‘field.’ A wise truth reads, "The arrow that hits the bull's eye is the result of a hundred misses." Our committees have shot many arrows, some hitting the bull’s eye and some falling short. Over the last few years, I have taken keen note of what arrows have hit and which ones missed. In so doing, I introduce the Safety Committee MAP (Monthly Awareness Plan), a strategy that will hit the bull’s-eye month after month. Begin the drive… To begin the MAP process, brainstorm using the following questions. Where are our workers taking shortcuts? What are we doing that gets us hurt? What safety rules are neglected? Which safety rules are the most important? What does our peer observation data tell us? What training do we need this year? What needs does our community have? What holidays do we celebrate? Twenty minutes of brainstorming can produce a hundred or more possible themes. Pick your favorite twelve. These will be your safety themes for the year (one per month with a monthly template provided below). You and the committee have the discretion to change a theme if needed but at least you have established your framework for the year. Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
  • 13. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 13 Shifting into gear… For each theme the committee should develop a MAP (Monthly Awareness Plan), each MAP should include the following. Two Safety Activities. A safety activity is something done outside of a safety meeting that brings awareness to safety and your monthly theme. It might be a note taped to a locker, stickers or awareness items in trucks or at workstations etc. An Involved Safety Meeting Activity; which is a safety meeting that involves the entire group. It can be a game, activity or exercise that gets everyone involved. There are references that can help with this such as the attached book, ISMA –101 Ways to Get Your People Involved, internet search using key words ‘games trainers play’ or resources at libraries or book stores. An outside safety speaker. This is an individual from outside of the work group that can share his/her insights on the monthly theme. It might be a subject matter expert from the community (police officer, doctor) or an individual from another part of the company. Distribute at least one type of safety educational material during the month; this is an item such as a quiz, cross word puzzle, word search or other educational game. It can be used during a safety meeting (or some other time) to educate the group on the monthly theme. These can be easily found on the Internet or created using inexpensive ‘word game’ software. Finally, hand out at least one safety trinket per month. A safety trinket is a tangible item that is given to employees to bring continued awareness to the monthly safety theme. For example, a Crunch Candy Bar can be used to remind co-workers not to be caught in a ‘line of fire’ crunch. Once each have chosen at least two safety activities, an outside speaker, an involved safety meeting, a quiz and a trinket, assign responsibility for each to ensure the task is completed. Why unfold the MAP? The MAP concept does seven unbelievable things for your organization. The MAP shows caring. The soft side of safety is about relationships. Our people don’t care what we know until they know we care. People know that you care when you are there for them, out front and visible. The MAP framework fosters caring and relationships. Involvement. So many committees have asked me in the past, how do I get my coworkers involved? We typically think someone is involvement when they come forward to deliver a safety meeting or write a safety quiz. Let’s face it, that doesn’t happen often. When following the MAP, everyone is involved. When I hand an employee a safety trinket or include him/her in an involved safety meeting activity he/she just became involved in safety. And, involvement equals participation, which leads to ownership that equals results! The MAP fosters safety committee teamwork. Did you know that a Belgium Draft Horse could pull 8,000 pounds by himself? If you team two horses together they can pull 18,000 pounds. If you train them to work as a team, they can pull 25,000 pounds. Too often, committees are lead by one or two individuals. The MAP engages the entire committee, in the end, making them more effective. The MAP keeps focus. Committees will be focused on their monthly activities and are more likely to divert concerns that can Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!
  • 14. SMS-Powerful Information for a RESULTS driven safety culture! 14 be handled outside of the committee to the proper parties. You can’t hit a target you can’t see but with this plan you’ve defined your targets and your arrows, it’s a win/win. The MAP is HESA or High Energy Safety Awareness. ‘Reaction’ and ‘creation’ have the same eight letters. When you react you respond in the same fashion in which you have always responded. Yet when you create, you think before you act. Maintaining HESA makes our workers think, thus creating safe situations instead of reacting to old habits. The MAP communicates to the work group. When the committee is being reactive, the work group often doesn’t even know they exist because the committee is contributing nothing to safety. When following the MAP framework there will be no doubt the committee is out-in-front and that workers are actively supporting the safety of their peers. The MAP changes behaviors in a ‘safer’ direction. Since the monthly themes are picked based on a high number of incidents in a certain area, past injuries or weak safety habits, these monthly activities continue to encourage safe behavior, challenging and changing at-risk behavior. Driving Home Safe… Have you ever wondered why the white strip is painted on either edge of a narrow two-lane highway? Well, when oncoming headlights, fog, snow or rain blind a driver, all he needs to do is find and focus on the white line. If the driver doesn’t have a focus, he can easily lose control and drive off of the road. If he focuses on the yellow centerline, he can easily cross that line into on coming traffic. Although visibility is poor and the driver can’t see ahead, he knows that continued long-term focus on the white line will get him to his destination safely. The Safety Committee MAP (Monthly Action Plan) is our ‘saving’ white strip. Open the MAP and drive knowing that you are changing your safety culture, one MAP at a time. Matt Forck, CSP and JLW leads safety conferences, seminars and keynote presentations on safety’s most urgent topics including leadership, accountability and cultural change. Matt has also published seven books and dozens of articles. Contact Matt, learn about FREE resources or inquire about having Matt speak at your next event through his website; Matt Forck | | (573) 999-7981 Safety Strategies…for LIFE!