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No. 2: The Project Management Issue             December 2012

Xamun Project:          Xamun Task             Xamun CEO:
  The most robust        Boards:            The Online Task Board
project management    Awesome threesome      will set your project
   tool out there     for task management             free
Inside Ruminate
Headlines of the Month
   Xamun Project: The Most Robust Project Management   1
                   Tool Out There

   The Incredible Power of the Online Task Board       6
   Xamun Task Boards                                   11

Xamun Updates                                          14

Xamun Tips
   #4: Converting Subtasks into Task Cards             15
   #5: Importing Tasks via Templates                   17
   #6: Using the Ticket Board                          19

More From                               21

                                Ruminate December 2012 | i
From the Editor
  Breathe and use Xamun Project.
  This is the key message of the second issue of Ruminate. And that’s why the cover image was
inspired by Keep Calm and Carry On, a propaganda poster produced by the British government in
1939 during the beginning of the Second World War. This poster was intended to lift the morale of
the British public in the event of a Nazi invasion of the UK.
  Project management is at the center of Ruminate December 2012, which features articles on the
topic or on our project management app called Xamun Project. At times, managers who run projects
get overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done. With Xamun Project, you’re always
on top of your project deliverables. And the great thing about Xamun Project is, you run your project
as a team. This collaborative type of work coincides with the principles of agile software
  It’s very challenging to run projects across a team of creative or knowledge workers, even more so
if the team is distributed across various locations. Since Xamun Project is cloud-based, it also enables
                           you to be at the helm of your project as if everyone’s in the same room.

                              There are more dimensions to Xamun Project, which you will see in the
                           next couple of pages. I invite you to read on and see how project
                           management can be a breeze with Xamun Project. Happy reading!

                                                                              Burns Puzon
                                                                               G&A Manager, Xamun

PS: Also in this issue of Ruminate, we’re introducing a new section called “More from”, which features even more articles from our blog.

                                          Find us on

                                                           Ruminate December 2012 | ii
Headlines of the Month

    Xamun Project:
                            The Most Robust
              Project Management Tool
                                     Out There

 P   roject management is comprised of planning, organizing, securing,
 managing, leading, and controlling resources to achieve certain goals. It’s
 not as easy as it sounds, and it gets extremely challenging for distributed
 teams. Xamun Project was designed to help you manage your entire project
 in a single place – wherever you, your team or your clients are in the world.
   Xamun Project is integrated with the rest of the apps in Xamun, making your project delivery as
 tight-knit as possible and keeping project risks to a minimal. Xamun enables you to keep everyone in
 the team to stay on the same page, make them aware of project responsibilities, and encourage
 transparency and accountability.
              The following areas in project management are covered by Xamun Project:

                                                        Ruminate December 2012 | 1
Xamun Project: The Most Robust PM Tool Out There

Task Management
   Xamun Project has three types of work boards for managing tasks. The Task Board for
general types of projects, and the Scrum Board and Kanban Board for software development
projects. Each board has specific features that will cater to different types of projects.

Time Tracking
   Time Tracking is as important as accomplishing a task. By monitoring your team’s
productivity, you will be able to track the progress of the task assigned to them. Inside Xamun,
the time tracking app is called the Xamun Timesheet. As a timesheet approver, you are able to
approve timesheet entries or remind employees with unfiled timesheets with a simple
messaging feature that can be accessed anywhere as long as you are connected to the web.

                                                         Ruminate December 2012 | 2
Xamun Project: The Most Robust PM Tool Out There

Issue and Bug Management
  Working to improve tasks for a better project results is also part of project management.
Xamun Helpdesk enables you to quickly address issues or bugs like what your support system
does. The catch is that you don’t have to exit your app then log in to another app for this to
function. It also appears similarly like your Project Board making it easier to familiarize with.

 Social Collaboration
   Businesses are quickly becoming social, be it on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, having an
 online presence is considered an edge. With Xamun, you can turn your business social by using
 Xamun Community and Xamun Marketplace. Discuss your projects, post links, and attach files
 as easy as using Facebook or Twitter. Xamun will automatically create your groups when you
 post a project. All team members in that project will be able to throw ideas, post files, and
 update project status.

                                                        Ruminate December 2012 | 3
Xamun Project: The Most Robust PM Tool Out There

Daily Status Monitoring
  On your Xamun Project app, a Daily Status tab enables you to have a full view of which
project tasks are done for a particular day. Eliminate the process of going to-and-fro team
members to check status updates. In an Agile Setting, team leaders are able to perform daily
stand up meetings where impediments are identified.

Project Summary
  In Xamun Project, identifying your whole project health is possible. Get a quick overview of
your project by using the Report tab. Report tab holds general project details such as the team
members, as well as a pie chart summarizing all tasks’ status and the project plan. You can
import this to a PDF that you can send or print out for a client.

                                                       Ruminate December 2012 | 4
Xamun Project: The Most Robust PM Tool Out There

Time Off Management
   In doing a project, you can’t ignore the work-life-balance that you and your team members
need. Manage your team’s time-off requests anywhere you are. Time-Off Manager, a Xamun
applet allows you to approve/deny leaves of your team members that will enable you to plan
your project deliverables accordingly.

Schedule Management
  Xamun My Day is your daily task scheduler in Xamun. You can schedule daily tasks and
appointments, be it personal or project related, where you can set to share to other task assignees.
My Day is now integrated with Google Calendar and Windows Live Calendar.

                                                       Ruminate December 2012 | 5
Headlines of the Month                                                         Lean
                                                                             Arup Maity

The incredible power
of the             ONLINE TASK BOARD
 H     ave you ever tried getting something done that requires a concerted
 effort from a bunch of people? Have you ever organized an event such as an
 alumni homecoming for your high school class, a New Year’s party for your
 club, or a fundraiser for your favorite cause? How about something in a
 more formal setting, such as leading a team for a project at work?
   It sure is difficult. The challenge doesn’t
 come from the tasks at hand; most of the time          In my experience, in order to resolve this

 those are not the problem. You may even say it         conflict, one must master the process of:

 would be so much easier if you did it all by
 yourself, right? However, doing it all by              1. Breaking down the entire project into

 ourselves is very inefficient, after all the concept      smaller parts;

 of “division of labor” is supposed to be one of        2. Distributing these smaller parts among

 the greatest social achievements that helped              members of the team;

 human beings progress. So what’s the cause of          3. Monitoring the progress on “who is

 this conflict? If it’s so easy for each member of         supposed to do what” before you run out of

 a team to do things separately and it only                time; and

 makes sense that a team would be more                  4. Re-planning if some original assumptions

 efficient of you split a set of tasks among its           change during the course of doing things.

 members, then why does it become harder to
 get things done when more people join a team?

                                                          Ruminate December 2012 | 6
The Incredible Power of the ONLINE TASK BOARD

  These activities above, known to some as project management, are causes the
difficulty if not carried out properly. When we do it alone, those four activities are taken as a
whole and are performed in our minds, but in a team this set of activities tends to be overlooked.
Some people even think all those things above are actually a waste of time: they would rather get the
work done immediately than plan and check it. The thinking is, “it’s all good until things get done”. If

                              (Doesn’t always mean you’re on the same page.)

a team is doing similar things regularly and all members are familiar with the tasks at hand, risks are
lowered from repetition. Then again, if someone slips due to some unforeseen reason, the whole
project can be at risk.
  Do I mean to say most people don’t do this? No, not really. There usually is an effort
among project teams to meet and plan. It’s actually fun to do it, specially at the start of the
project. Nothing much gets done in these kickoff meetings (most of the time). Most people after a
kickoff meeting resort to emailing each other or making an Excel list and updating it – until some
point in the process, things gets out of control and they simply drop all those activities
together and just ‘go with the flow.'

                                                         Ruminate December 2012 | 7
The Incredible Power of the ONLINE TASK BOARD

                                                       By now you should be asking me, “What,
    So you may ask, how about
                                                     then, is the solution?” What do I think makes
getting one of those project                         getting projects done easier, more fun and at a
                                                     lower risk? If the team is sitting in the same
management                 software          like
                                                     room all day, perhaps all you need to do is take
Microsoft Project and trying to                      a wall, divide it into three columns (To Do, In
                                                     Progress, and Done), get a bunch of post-its,
keep tabs on everything that’s
                                                     write down what needs to be done, and each
getting done. Sure, this is better                   person just picks up what they are going to do
                                                     and update the wall. Maybe do a short 15
than nothing, but the trouble is,
                                                     minute meeting every day to collaborate and
this is a centralized command                        update each other, benefit from the collective
                                                     wisdom     and    getting   the   project      done
and control kind of thinking.
                                                     successfully. This practice works, for sure.

  One person has to take this role and run after
everyone in getting things done and finding out      However, in a lot of projects
if they are doing what they are supposed to and
                                                     today, you don’t spend the day
what stage it’s in etc. This type of centralized
effort is not very efficient for a number of         together, you don’t even get to
                                                     meet each other often. Heck,
• The project manager becomes responsible
  for the success and failure of a project, thus     team members may even be
  allowing     team    members    to    be    less
                                                     from a different city, country,
  responsible for the overall success
• Reduces the benefit of collective wisdom that      or continent. What do you do
  comes from collaboration and visibility
                                                     now? Is there a liberator in
• This     still    does    not   provide     the
  communication and collaboration needed on          sight?
  regular basis for project success

                                                       Ruminate December 2012 | 8
The Incredible Power of the ONLINE TASK BOARD

                            (Introducing: The Incredible Online Task Board!)

  Welcome the world of web 2.0 and online             Incredible Online Task Board together
collaboration. There are many online solutions        with a more social collaboration wall like
out there to choose from. Some thoughtful             Facebook      for   free-flowing    and    easy
people came up with tools to make task lists          communication, then you have what we
online that can be seen by all team members           call a perfect combination.
and be updated as required. This can work for
rather simple projects, but it lacks the benefit of      In fact, we made a version of The Incredible
collaboration and overall visibility. Some teams      Online Task Board and a collaboration wall
even resort to using blogs where they can write       after experiencing the above issues first hand in
down the tasks and update each other in real          dealing with projects both in-house and with
time. That can work, too, I guess. But nothing        clients across the world. The nature of these
works like The Incredible Online Task                 projects span from something as simple as a list
Board.                                                of things to fix, to complicated multi-year
  It’s similar to the real-life or physical task      projects building complicated products, to the
board using a blank wall, but this time               implementation of a business process across
distributed teams can work seamlessly – as if         different departments, to hiring a specialized
they’re in the same room. If you use The              resources for an upcoming project. We’ve seen

                                                         Ruminate December 2012 | 9
The Incredible Power of the ONLINE TASK BOARD

                        (The Incredible Online Task Board is available in Xamun)

it all, and after several months of using what we created, we are definitely seeing the benefits.
  What we created is called Xamun. It exists in two versions – Lite and Business. The former is
tailor-made for those users that need the task board and a collaboration wall, while the latter is a
robust version that extends to other different functions and areas of management and allows you to
run your entire business online.

  The power of The Incredible Online Task Board is at the heart of Xamun, and you can see it for
yourself by visiting and taking a 30-day free trial.

***This article originally appeared on Arup Maity’s blog, Lean Common Sense.

   Arup is the founding President/CEO of BlastAsia, Inc. Under his leadership, BlastAsia has grown
from a modest four member organization to one of the largest .Net providers in its segment in the
Philippines, having more than a hundred technical staff in its pool. He is very much involved in every
aspect of the organization from business development to process improvement initiatives.

   Arup Maity, through his effective leadership, drives the organization towards the realization of its
strategic goals and guides the company in implementing balanced corporate governance and quality

   Arup brings diverse experience in project management and general management practices in
various roles and industries. He started his career by managing projects in civil construction and
consulting. After taking up his MBA from the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in 1997, he joined
the Business Consulting in the area of Real Estate as Director for Business Development heading the
Business Planning Group of Landco Pacific Corporation, Inc. Arup then started LandExcel Consulting,
Inc., a business consulting company focusing on real estate and retail. As a senior partner in
LandExcel, the concentration of his experience has been in managing Market research, Feasibility
Planning, Pricing and business strategy for top business houses in Philippines for the Green Field and
problem projects.

    As a member of the Project Management institute (PMI), Arup is a Certified Project Management
Professional (188635) and more recently, a Certified Scrum Master and member of the Scrum
Alliance. He is also an adjunct faculty of Project Management and IT Strategy at AIM since 2002. An
active member of the Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA), Arup has served as a Director
from 2006 to 2008.

                                                         Ruminate December 2012 | 10
Headlines of the Month

 Xamun                                                                Because almost anything
                                                                      can be turned into a
                                                                      project, Xamun

  Task                                                                introduces a new way of
                                                                      running different types
                                                                      of projects in one place.

  T    o kick start a project, it is important to accomplish smaller tasks to get the project on the right
       track. But even before working on a task, we usually like to list down all the things that needs
  to be done to see our working timeline and predict the outcome of the project. By accomplishing
  smaller tasks, you can already celebrate small successes, and the more intimidating tasks are easier
  hurdles to get over. Ultimately, task management is at the heart of managing a project.

    There are several task management tools to choose from: it can be a simple checklist or a more
 elaborate task board. A task board is a visual task management tool that shows tasks in columns or
 lanes – typically To Do, In Progress, and Done – in order to organize a project team's work. Xamun
 Project has three different types of boards. Xamun’s Task Board is perfect for general types of
 projects, while the Scrum Board and the Kanban Board are specially designed for agile software
 development projects.

           Task                              Kanban                               Scrum
          Board                               Board                               Board
    For general projects              For software projects                For software projects

                                                          Ruminate December 2012 | 11
Xamun Task Boards

          Task Board
             If you have general projects lined up, Xamun
          Task Board is recommended. Track the
          progress of your project and update the tasks
          assigned to your team in real time. The task
          cards on the board carry your task information
          and you can drag and drop these cards based on
          their progress status.
             You can also use the drag and drop function
          when assigning a task to a team mate by
          dragging and dropping their photos into a task

          Kanban Board
             Kanban is a specialized project management
          methodology so if you’re doing projects that are
          leaning towards this methodology, you can
          choose to set your Board type to Kanban.
             Carry out the Kanban software development
          process easily where you can limit work-in-
          progress, manage workflows, implement
          feedback     loops,    and     improve     team

           Ruminate December 2012 | 12
Xamun Task Boards

                                            Scrum Board
                                               Alternately, you can also choose the Xamun
                                            Scrum Board if you have projects that needed to
                                            be implemented on this methodology. Product
                                            owners can track, monitor, and virtually
                                            manage scrum projects together with a
                                            distributed team.
                                               The Scrum Board also enables your team to
                                            perform release management and sprint
                                            planning, as well as conduct virtual daily
                                            standup meetings. Like the general task board,
                                            you can also size estimations, add subtasks,
                                            post on discussion feeds, attach files, and
                                            categorize tasks.

   Xamun created these three board type to fit your task management needs, and we’re
just getting started. They’re all available in Xamun Project, one of the six online
apps in Xamun Productivity for Business accounts.

  For just $12/month per user, get everything you need to manage projects, people,
and clients.

                                             Ruminate December 2012 | 13
Xamun Updates
 Xamun introduces Pipeline
   To make Xamun a more complete solution,
 we’ve created Xamun Pipeline, an online
 sales management app that includes its
 own Deal Board, Deal Cards, Resource and
 Product License Allocators, and Progress lanes.

    With Xamun Pipeline, can now efficiently
 manage your upcoming projects and enable
 your sales team to drive your company's

                                                   Xamun unveils Helpdesk
                                                      Another new addition Xamun's Productivity
                                                   apps is Xamun Helpdesk, designed
                                                   for issue or bug management.

                                                      With it, you can now create support
                                                   tickets for certain issues raised by customers
                                                   and other stakeholders, assign them,
                                                   and address them right away. Xamun
                                                   Helpdesk is fully integrated with Xamun
                                                   Project, where tickets automatically appear on
                                                   the task board as soon as you assign them.
                                                   Tickets can be assigned to individuals, project
                                                   teams, or departments to better serve both
                                                   external and internal clients.

 Xamun launches integrations
    We know how important your current apps
 are, so we’ve integrated Xamun with third-
 party appps.

    Chat, call, and set-up face-to-face meetings
 through Skype on Xamun Project. Sync your
 schedule with Google or Windows Live
 Calendar and Xamun My Day. Import your
 contacts on LinkedIn and Facebook
 to Xamun Community. The great thing is, we’re
 only getting started!

                                                    Ruminate December 2012 | 14
Xamun Tips                      # 4: Converting Subtasks into
                                      Task Cards
           Xamun Project is mainly made up of task cards that swim across
    lanes on the task board. In these task cards, you can write subtasks to
    break down major tasks.
        Sometimes, these subtasks are still quite complex and heavy.
    What you can do in Xamun Project is to convert these subtasks into
    task cards.

   On the task card, you can see the subtask list which is found below the Task Description. If it’s
 missing, it’s most likely hidden. To show your subtask list, go to Other Options panel found on the
 right side of the task card and click on Subtask. To hide your subtask list, all you have to do is click on
 it again. (Note: if you hide/show the subtask list on one task card, it will apply to all your other task

                                                         Ruminate December 2012 | 15
Converting Subtasks into task cards

   After converting, your new task cards will look like this:

  Your subtasks are now task cards of their own. Converted subtasks will appear as yellow task cards.
When you click on a converted subtask, you can set various details like in a regular task card. The
green tab above these converted task cards is the parent task.

  To learn more, you can watch our Xamun Video Tutorial on Converting Subtasks to Task Cards.

                                                        Ruminate December 2012 | 16
Xamun Tips                       # 5: Importing Tasks via
         One of the most tasking duties of starting a new project is filling out
    tasks. Templates are very useful when you are working on
    similar types of projects under different clients. Save time by
    importing similar tasks to your new project so you could focus on other
    activities at work.

                                                       Access project templates by
                                                       clicking on the Template Icon
                                                       found at the right side of the
                                                       Masterlist header.

 You can also find the template icon
 when you click on the Project

                                             Ruminate December 2012 | 17
Importing Tasks via Templates

                                                                  Upon clicking the Template icon,
                                                                  the templates window will pop
                                                                  up. It will look like this:

Choose the project that contains
the tasks that you want to import.
You can choose from your
existing projects, company
templates (if you are in a
corporate setting), and public

  Once the importing is done, the tasks will load on the Masterlist lane where you can edit it like
your regular task cards.

  To learn more, you can watch our Xamun Video Tutorial on Using Templates to Get Started.

                                                    Ruminate December 2012 | 18
Xamun Tips             # 6: Using the Ticket Board

     The newly implemented tab on your Project Sidebar is called
   the Ticket Board. The Ticket Board is where you create tickets for
   tasks that are related to customer support or product/
   service enhancement. You will also land on the Ticket Board
   when you access it via the Helpdesk app. Xamun integrated the
   Ticket Board inside Xamun Project so it will be accessible in just one
   click. Noted on the left side of the Ticket Board tab is the number of
   tickets that you need to attend to.

                                         Ruminate December 2012 | 19
Using the Ticket Board

  Your Ticket Board looks like your typical Xamun Board. It also has customizable swim lanes where
you can monitor your ticket progress.

   Creating a ticket is easy, too. Use the provided form, fill out the details, and click OK. After that, it
will appear on the New lane then you can assign it to your team members by dragging and dropping
their photo on the ticket card.

  Assigning a task to someone will enable the ticket card to appear on that person’s Task Board in
Xamun Project. It will be converted into a task but it will carry a special Ticket icon so your team
member knows which to prioritize first.

  To learn more about the Tip, you can watch our Xamun Video Tutorial on Using the Ticket Board.

                                                          Ruminate December 2012 | 20
More from

 Why Use Time Tracking
 For Creatives?
 Yes, yes we know. Creative types want their freedom and independence when doing
 the work that they do. Tracking time would be stifling and detrimental to the creative
 process. Or would it?

 W        hen would tracking time be beneficial to a creative agency and its staff? Why do some design
           labs and creative houses use time tracking tools such as those in Xamun to resounding
 success? Here are some convincing reasons why time tracking for creatives can be a good thing:

 Time tracking lets you know how much                  Time tracking allows you to charge
 time you spend on a project                           clients appropriately
   Why is it important to know how much time             Once you know how much time you put into
 you spend on a project? Having a tool to track        each of your projects, then you can bill your
 the time you put into each project gives you the      clients properly. The project that takes the
 clarity to temper your creative activities with       longest time to do and eats up the most hours
 practicality. It also gives you a concrete and        should, logically, be the ones that pay you
 measurable basis for analyzing past projects as       more. This is only fair for you, your clients, and
 well as to plan for future ones.                      your staff.

 Time tracking allows creatives to manage              In short, time tracking is a great tool for
 their time wisely                                     creatives
   Creatives are notorious for haphazard time            Time tracking need not be the enemy of
 management. If this is the case in your               creativity that it is usually made out to be.
 company, then it is up to the agency to instill a     When productivity and the completion of a
 system that allows the artistic staff to be able to   project is the end goal, then having a system of
 work productively within reasonable limits.           time management could even be beneficial to
 This kind of planning ensures that time is not        each one of your creative staff and to the
 wasted on unnecessary things and that there           company as a whole.
 will always be enough time to do the creative
                                                                                Source: FunctionPoint
 work that must be done.
                                                       Ruminate December 2012 | 21
More from

 Top 5 Problems of Remote Workers
 Today and How To Solve Them
 Now that we our lives are global, more and more businesses are seeing the benefits of
 having a virtual office: reduced operations cost, happier staff, and increased
 production to name a few. On the flip side, there are a few problems that arise from
 working remotely.

 R     emote workers face problems that are not usually seen in a traditional workplace. So if you
        want to make the most out of your business and motivate your remote workers to their fullest,
  watch out and prepare for these trouble spots:

 Training is tricky
   If your remote workers have recently transitioned from in-office to a remote working place, you
 better brace yourself for difficult training sessions ahead. It will take more effort on your part, as well
 as patience, because the only form of communication that you’ll have with your employees will be
 thru emails and IMs.
   To clear up any misunderstandings and issues faster, assign knowledgeable support staff that
 could provide guidance with your new remote employees. This way, they will feel that they have a
 mentor whom they can always call for help.

 Issues on hardware and software compatibility
   Not all people are technologically inclined and having a remote work setup can be frustrating,
 especially when issues on hardware and software arise. Without any IT support staff nearby,
 productivity time will be drastically affected.
   It’s best to practice being proactive and provide your employees with guidelines for fixing issues.
 You can also provide tutorials and FAQs on how to properly use the tools that you will provide. This
 way you’ll save your remote workers downtime and the hassle of dealing with hardware and software

                                                         Ruminate December 2012 | 22
Top 5 Problems of Remote Workers Today and How To Solve Them

No social life
  The office is one big social space for many
people and the transition from on-site to
remotely working can be a shock to newbies.
Having a new work environment all to yourself
will be a new experience, plus it takes some
time to accept the fact that they’ve lost the
social aspect they’ve always been used to.
  To save your staff from the loneliness of
working alone, organize regular staff event so
that they’ll get the chance to know the other

people they’re working with in the cyber office.
                                                    Promotion can take a long time
                                                      Working remotely can be a big challenge for

Rewards are somewhat intangible
  Most remote workers feel their worth being
                                                    those who want to climb up the ladder of the
                                                    workforce. With the work distribution, they will
                                                    feel more often than not more like a tool to get
disregarded and their efforts unnoticed because
                                                    the job done without their abilities being
of the cyber barrier in remote workplaces. As a
                                                    noticed. This is especially true when companies
supervisor, make them feel valued by giving
                                                    also employ on-site staff.
them positive feedback to increase their morale.
                                                      As the employer, it is your responsibility to
While a tap on the back and a verbal praise is
                                                    make it clear that promotions are performance
next to impossible in a remote working place,
                                                    based, so that remote staff will feel they are as
spending time to make a customized short
                                                    visible and valuable as on site employees.
email on their job well done will suffice.

  While remote working provides numerous benefits, there are also problems that need to be dealt
with. This way, the distribution of workload will be easier and your work staff will be happier and
more productive and satisfied with how you handle the business.

Source: GigaOm

                                                    Ruminate December 2012 | 23
More from

 Motivate Employees
 With a BIG CAR
 What do employees really want? Their paychecks plus the benefits
 would be your instant answer, but there’s more to that. Although a good salary is
 important, it’s only a part of what they love about their jobs. What they really want is
 simply, a BIG CAR.

 T     hat’s right. Having a BIG CAR not only makes your workers feel satisfied, it also helps keep
       them motivated. But this doesn’t mean you’ll have to give each of them a Hummer (we know
 that’s too much). BIG CAR is simply an acronym, and we’ll tackle what each letter means below.

   Belongingness is a human need for the mind and soul and it greatly affects how someone
 functions, especially socially and mentally. Remember your employees are human beings too and the
 sense of belonging in the workplace is what keeps them stay and motivated.
 Make your employees learn about you and each other better through fun side activities like parties or
 sports. Simple chit-chats over coffee or even free company shirt giveaways can make them feel a part
 of a big family.

   Employees are always eager to apply their skills and knowledge to their jobs. They have a lot to
 suggest in fact so let them be free to share these ideas during work. No one wants to be a robot who
 just takes orders.
   Let everyone involved by sharing your ideas, listen to theirs and even have a healthy argument to
 prove each other’s points. With these, your employees would feel important, be more interested and
 gladly accept challenges.

   Learning doesn’t stop after studying. It’s a continuous experience and should definitely be
 available to your employees. Fewer learning activities create less motivated employees and thus lead
 to less productivity.
                                                       Ruminate December 2012 | 24
Motivate Employees With a BIG CAR

  Prevent having stagnant employees and give them a reason to be excited with new challenges and
responsibilities by offering learning opportunities both in and out of the office. More than acquiring
new knowledge, training your employees lets them renew their energy and creativity, driving them to
perform better.

  “How are you?” A simple yet meaningful question that shows that somehow in your tight schedule
you still have the time to show your employees that you care.
  Short personal whats-ups, asking for what they need, or just a “Hello” with a sincere smile
connects you to your people, even if you’re just passing by their cubicles. Easy but it could be a day

  There’s no point in doing something if you don’t have a goal. You and your employees must have a
clear line of sight on what should be done and where you want to go.
  Share to your employees the company’s goal and assign them their missions that should be
accomplished for a certain time. This will tell them where they’re heading and push more to reach the
goal. In the end, they’ll feel better knowing that they were a part of creating something big and

  Getting noticed and feeling appreciated are what your employees want the most. After long days of
hard work to finish something, the best thing they can hear from you is that they did a good job and
you fully appreciated it.
  Saying “You did well!”, rewarding certificates of recognition, or giving better incentives to those
who deserve it will create happy and fully engaged employees. These will also drive other workers to
work better.

  Start having that BIG CAR in your company, make sure it’s working fine and nothing’s missing to
have a productive and happy ‘road trip’ with your workers.

Source: MindFlash,

                                                      Ruminate December 2012 | 25
More from

 How To Get Pricing Right
 For Your Business
 H        ave you ever wondered why a lot
          of people are willing to pay a lot of
 money for products with low quality? Or
 have you ever looked around shops and
 wondered why so many items have prices ending in the amount .99? Well, it’s really a
 pretty basic concept in marketing: the way you price your product affects what your
 customers think about it.
   Here’s something every marketer should know: every customer has her own preconceptions
 regarding any product or service they will be buying. In other words, everyone has a price range; it’s
 simple psychology.
   When you quote a price that’s outside their price range, whether it’s too high or too low, you better
 be able to justify it or say goodbye to your sale. Here are some pricing tips to help you close more

 Bundle your products
   There are two ways that businesses get
                                                         Bundling your service is all about giving the
 pricing wrong today: the first is when they
                                                      client an idea of the value of the product
 bunch all their services together into one
                                                      without itemizing every bit with a cost estimate.
 generic and vague offer: something like “IT
                                                      People today are task-oriented, so every service
 Solutions: $3,500.” People are likely to shy
                                                      should be broken down into tasks, not
 away from this because they have no idea what
                                                      timetables. Make sure that the client knows
 the value of the product is. Similarly, you should
                                                      what he or she is getting and that every element
 also avoid pricing each item individually, as this
                                                      of your service bundle is essential to the whole.
 lead customers to question the value of each

                                                        Ruminate December 2012 | 26
How To Get Pricing Right For Your Business

Charge for value, not cost.
  A sure way to get yourself stuck working
without making any real income is thinking          Options, options and options

that value is the same as cost. When you price        Avoid backing the potential into a corner

your items, don’t price them by thinking about      where he or she has to say yes or no to your

what they cost you and then add a bit of            price. Make sure you offer options. This actually

markup. That’s transactional thinking and quite     puts your potential customer into a state of

frankly, it won’t get you either income or          mind where they’re already decided on getting

customer loyalty.                                   your service, and only just have to decide on

  Think about what a specific customer would        customizing their personal experience.

be willing to pay for what you have to offer. The
key here is to get patronage, not a single
transaction. Remember that repeat business is
what every enterprise thrives on.

                                                    Use discounts for the right reasons
                                                      When you do offer discounts, do it to
                                                    encourage right customer behavior. Don’t offer
                                                    discounts just to get customers, it devalues your

Don’t blink: reduce value, not just price           business. Offer discounts for paying up front, or

  Some customers like to play a bit of ‘business    for paying with cash, not credit card. Use

chicken’. Cite a price and they’ll haggle, asking   discounts to make things more convenient for

you to lower the price or threaten to walk away.    you, not to get customers.

Whatever you do, do not give a discount. This         The right pricing strategy will not just give

will get them thinking that the service you offer   you better income, it will also get customers in

is at a lesser value than they thought. If you      the right mindset about your business. Try

really want to work with that specific client,      these strategies out and tell us which of these

take a look at the items on the bundled price       pricing techniques work for you.

you quoted and ask them which services or
elements they would be willing to forego in         Source: MindFlash,
order to pay less.

                                                    Ruminate December 2012 | 27
More from

 Get Inspired By Copying The Best
         reat ideas are often inspired, be it
         from nature, existing tools, and
 other great ideas. Think about it: if the
 apple hadn’t fall from the tree, Isaac
 Newton wouldn’t have thought about
 that universal force that pulls everything
 to the Earth’s surface we all now know as
 gravity. A new concept will always
 attribute itself to an older concept. We
 get ideas from other ideas, and we really
 can’t do without inspiration.

   In the workplace, inspiration is one of the driving forces behind creativity. Sometimes, though,
 expressing an idea, no matter how great, can be difficult. It’s hard to tell others exactly what you
 want, so you have to give them something they can base their work on.

   That’s where the “peg” comes in.

   “Peg” is ad-speak for “inspiration” or “basis.” It’s what you show your team to give them an idea
 for the kind of look or feel you’d like for a certain product. For every project, it’s important to give
 your team a peg so they can see a more concrete concept of what you want, and work within
 reasonable limitations.

   Here’s an example:      you want a neat, magazine-type website where you can introduce your
 company, boast of your previous achievements, show your products and services, while connecting
 with your clients. You can explain all these to your team, but for additional inspiration, you can give
 a peg, such as they can follow.

                                                        Ruminate December 2012 | 28
Get Inspired By Copying The Best

  Pegs can definitely make you and your team’s life easier. With good reference, you can:

- create clearer communication lines between you and your team.

- whip up better ideas, products, and executions by revolutionizing previously effective concepts

- save time by doing away with back-and-forth paper and email work due to revisions.

  Now, you might ask yourself: “I’m getting all these really neat ideas from other people and using
them as pegs — does that mean that I’m plagiarizing them?” Don’t worry, you’re not. Getting
inspiration from great pegs isn’t idea stealing — as long as you don’t copy it pixel by pixel. Many great
writers, artists, and photographers all have their own sources of inspiration. What they did was to
take an old idea and transform it into something wholly new and relevant, and call it their own.

  So the next time you brief your team about a new assignment, give them something to work with.
Inspire them with an old concept, let them build on it, and watch them create something bigger and

                                                       Ruminate December 2012 | 29
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to manage your projects, clients, and people

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Ruminate December 2012

  • 1. Ruminate The Best of Xamun Blog + ^ Updates + Tips No. 2: The Project Management Issue December 2012 KEEP CALM AND GET THINGS DONE Xamun Project: Xamun Task Xamun CEO: The most robust Boards: The Online Task Board project management Awesome threesome will set your project tool out there for task management free
  • 2. Inside Ruminate Headlines of the Month Xamun Project: The Most Robust Project Management 1 Tool Out There The Incredible Power of the Online Task Board 6 Xamun Task Boards 11 Xamun Updates 14 Xamun Tips #4: Converting Subtasks into Task Cards 15 #5: Importing Tasks via Templates 17 #6: Using the Ticket Board 19 More From 21 Ruminate December 2012 | i
  • 3. From the Editor Breathe and use Xamun Project. This is the key message of the second issue of Ruminate. And that’s why the cover image was inspired by Keep Calm and Carry On, a propaganda poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of the Second World War. This poster was intended to lift the morale of the British public in the event of a Nazi invasion of the UK. Project management is at the center of Ruminate December 2012, which features articles on the topic or on our project management app called Xamun Project. At times, managers who run projects get overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done. With Xamun Project, you’re always on top of your project deliverables. And the great thing about Xamun Project is, you run your project as a team. This collaborative type of work coincides with the principles of agile software development. It’s very challenging to run projects across a team of creative or knowledge workers, even more so if the team is distributed across various locations. Since Xamun Project is cloud-based, it also enables you to be at the helm of your project as if everyone’s in the same room. There are more dimensions to Xamun Project, which you will see in the next couple of pages. I invite you to read on and see how project management can be a breeze with Xamun Project. Happy reading! Burns Puzon G&A Manager, Xamun PS: Also in this issue of Ruminate, we’re introducing a new section called “More from”, which features even more articles from our blog. Find us on Ruminate December 2012 | ii
  • 4.
  • 5. Headlines of the Month Xamun Project: The Most Robust Project Management Tool Out There P roject management is comprised of planning, organizing, securing, managing, leading, and controlling resources to achieve certain goals. It’s not as easy as it sounds, and it gets extremely challenging for distributed teams. Xamun Project was designed to help you manage your entire project in a single place – wherever you, your team or your clients are in the world. Xamun Project is integrated with the rest of the apps in Xamun, making your project delivery as tight-knit as possible and keeping project risks to a minimal. Xamun enables you to keep everyone in the team to stay on the same page, make them aware of project responsibilities, and encourage transparency and accountability. The following areas in project management are covered by Xamun Project: Ruminate December 2012 | 1
  • 6. Xamun Project: The Most Robust PM Tool Out There Task Management Xamun Project has three types of work boards for managing tasks. The Task Board for general types of projects, and the Scrum Board and Kanban Board for software development projects. Each board has specific features that will cater to different types of projects. Time Tracking Time Tracking is as important as accomplishing a task. By monitoring your team’s productivity, you will be able to track the progress of the task assigned to them. Inside Xamun, the time tracking app is called the Xamun Timesheet. As a timesheet approver, you are able to approve timesheet entries or remind employees with unfiled timesheets with a simple messaging feature that can be accessed anywhere as long as you are connected to the web. Ruminate December 2012 | 2
  • 7. Xamun Project: The Most Robust PM Tool Out There Issue and Bug Management Working to improve tasks for a better project results is also part of project management. Xamun Helpdesk enables you to quickly address issues or bugs like what your support system does. The catch is that you don’t have to exit your app then log in to another app for this to function. It also appears similarly like your Project Board making it easier to familiarize with. Social Collaboration Businesses are quickly becoming social, be it on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, having an online presence is considered an edge. With Xamun, you can turn your business social by using Xamun Community and Xamun Marketplace. Discuss your projects, post links, and attach files as easy as using Facebook or Twitter. Xamun will automatically create your groups when you post a project. All team members in that project will be able to throw ideas, post files, and update project status. Ruminate December 2012 | 3
  • 8. Xamun Project: The Most Robust PM Tool Out There Daily Status Monitoring On your Xamun Project app, a Daily Status tab enables you to have a full view of which project tasks are done for a particular day. Eliminate the process of going to-and-fro team members to check status updates. In an Agile Setting, team leaders are able to perform daily stand up meetings where impediments are identified. Project Summary In Xamun Project, identifying your whole project health is possible. Get a quick overview of your project by using the Report tab. Report tab holds general project details such as the team members, as well as a pie chart summarizing all tasks’ status and the project plan. You can import this to a PDF that you can send or print out for a client. Ruminate December 2012 | 4
  • 9. Xamun Project: The Most Robust PM Tool Out There Time Off Management In doing a project, you can’t ignore the work-life-balance that you and your team members need. Manage your team’s time-off requests anywhere you are. Time-Off Manager, a Xamun applet allows you to approve/deny leaves of your team members that will enable you to plan your project deliverables accordingly. Schedule Management Xamun My Day is your daily task scheduler in Xamun. You can schedule daily tasks and appointments, be it personal or project related, where you can set to share to other task assignees. My Day is now integrated with Google Calendar and Windows Live Calendar. Ruminate December 2012 | 5
  • 10. Headlines of the Month Lean Common Sense Arup Maity The incredible power of the ONLINE TASK BOARD H ave you ever tried getting something done that requires a concerted effort from a bunch of people? Have you ever organized an event such as an alumni homecoming for your high school class, a New Year’s party for your club, or a fundraiser for your favorite cause? How about something in a more formal setting, such as leading a team for a project at work? It sure is difficult. The challenge doesn’t come from the tasks at hand; most of the time In my experience, in order to resolve this those are not the problem. You may even say it conflict, one must master the process of: would be so much easier if you did it all by yourself, right? However, doing it all by 1. Breaking down the entire project into ourselves is very inefficient, after all the concept smaller parts; of “division of labor” is supposed to be one of 2. Distributing these smaller parts among the greatest social achievements that helped members of the team; human beings progress. So what’s the cause of 3. Monitoring the progress on “who is this conflict? If it’s so easy for each member of supposed to do what” before you run out of a team to do things separately and it only time; and makes sense that a team would be more 4. Re-planning if some original assumptions efficient of you split a set of tasks among its change during the course of doing things. members, then why does it become harder to get things done when more people join a team? Ruminate December 2012 | 6
  • 11. The Incredible Power of the ONLINE TASK BOARD These activities above, known to some as project management, are causes the difficulty if not carried out properly. When we do it alone, those four activities are taken as a whole and are performed in our minds, but in a team this set of activities tends to be overlooked. Some people even think all those things above are actually a waste of time: they would rather get the work done immediately than plan and check it. The thinking is, “it’s all good until things get done”. If 4 (Doesn’t always mean you’re on the same page.) a team is doing similar things regularly and all members are familiar with the tasks at hand, risks are lowered from repetition. Then again, if someone slips due to some unforeseen reason, the whole project can be at risk. Do I mean to say most people don’t do this? No, not really. There usually is an effort among project teams to meet and plan. It’s actually fun to do it, specially at the start of the project. Nothing much gets done in these kickoff meetings (most of the time). Most people after a kickoff meeting resort to emailing each other or making an Excel list and updating it – until some point in the process, things gets out of control and they simply drop all those activities together and just ‘go with the flow.' Ruminate December 2012 | 7
  • 12. The Incredible Power of the ONLINE TASK BOARD By now you should be asking me, “What, So you may ask, how about then, is the solution?” What do I think makes getting one of those project getting projects done easier, more fun and at a lower risk? If the team is sitting in the same management software like room all day, perhaps all you need to do is take Microsoft Project and trying to a wall, divide it into three columns (To Do, In Progress, and Done), get a bunch of post-its, keep tabs on everything that’s write down what needs to be done, and each getting done. Sure, this is better person just picks up what they are going to do and update the wall. Maybe do a short 15 than nothing, but the trouble is, minute meeting every day to collaborate and this is a centralized command update each other, benefit from the collective wisdom and getting the project done and control kind of thinking. successfully. This practice works, for sure. One person has to take this role and run after everyone in getting things done and finding out However, in a lot of projects if they are doing what they are supposed to and today, you don’t spend the day what stage it’s in etc. This type of centralized effort is not very efficient for a number of together, you don’t even get to reasons: meet each other often. Heck, • The project manager becomes responsible for the success and failure of a project, thus team members may even be allowing team members to be less from a different city, country, responsible for the overall success • Reduces the benefit of collective wisdom that or continent. What do you do comes from collaboration and visibility now? Is there a liberator in • This still does not provide the communication and collaboration needed on sight? regular basis for project success Ruminate December 2012 | 8
  • 13. The Incredible Power of the ONLINE TASK BOARD (Introducing: The Incredible Online Task Board!) Welcome the world of web 2.0 and online Incredible Online Task Board together collaboration. There are many online solutions with a more social collaboration wall like out there to choose from. Some thoughtful Facebook for free-flowing and easy people came up with tools to make task lists communication, then you have what we online that can be seen by all team members call a perfect combination. and be updated as required. This can work for rather simple projects, but it lacks the benefit of In fact, we made a version of The Incredible collaboration and overall visibility. Some teams Online Task Board and a collaboration wall even resort to using blogs where they can write after experiencing the above issues first hand in down the tasks and update each other in real dealing with projects both in-house and with time. That can work, too, I guess. But nothing clients across the world. The nature of these works like The Incredible Online Task projects span from something as simple as a list Board. of things to fix, to complicated multi-year It’s similar to the real-life or physical task projects building complicated products, to the board using a blank wall, but this time implementation of a business process across distributed teams can work seamlessly – as if different departments, to hiring a specialized they’re in the same room. If you use The resources for an upcoming project. We’ve seen Ruminate December 2012 | 9
  • 14. The Incredible Power of the ONLINE TASK BOARD (The Incredible Online Task Board is available in Xamun) it all, and after several months of using what we created, we are definitely seeing the benefits. What we created is called Xamun. It exists in two versions – Lite and Business. The former is tailor-made for those users that need the task board and a collaboration wall, while the latter is a robust version that extends to other different functions and areas of management and allows you to run your entire business online. The power of The Incredible Online Task Board is at the heart of Xamun, and you can see it for yourself by visiting and taking a 30-day free trial. ***This article originally appeared on Arup Maity’s blog, Lean Common Sense. Arup is the founding President/CEO of BlastAsia, Inc. Under his leadership, BlastAsia has grown from a modest four member organization to one of the largest .Net providers in its segment in the Philippines, having more than a hundred technical staff in its pool. He is very much involved in every aspect of the organization from business development to process improvement initiatives. Arup Maity, through his effective leadership, drives the organization towards the realization of its strategic goals and guides the company in implementing balanced corporate governance and quality objectives. Arup brings diverse experience in project management and general management practices in various roles and industries. He started his career by managing projects in civil construction and consulting. After taking up his MBA from the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in 1997, he joined the Business Consulting in the area of Real Estate as Director for Business Development heading the Business Planning Group of Landco Pacific Corporation, Inc. Arup then started LandExcel Consulting, Inc., a business consulting company focusing on real estate and retail. As a senior partner in LandExcel, the concentration of his experience has been in managing Market research, Feasibility Planning, Pricing and business strategy for top business houses in Philippines for the Green Field and problem projects. As a member of the Project Management institute (PMI), Arup is a Certified Project Management Professional (188635) and more recently, a Certified Scrum Master and member of the Scrum Alliance. He is also an adjunct faculty of Project Management and IT Strategy at AIM since 2002. An active member of the Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA), Arup has served as a Director from 2006 to 2008. Ruminate December 2012 | 10
  • 15. Headlines of the Month Xamun Because almost anything can be turned into a project, Xamun Task introduces a new way of running different types of projects in one place. Boards T o kick start a project, it is important to accomplish smaller tasks to get the project on the right track. But even before working on a task, we usually like to list down all the things that needs to be done to see our working timeline and predict the outcome of the project. By accomplishing smaller tasks, you can already celebrate small successes, and the more intimidating tasks are easier hurdles to get over. Ultimately, task management is at the heart of managing a project. There are several task management tools to choose from: it can be a simple checklist or a more elaborate task board. A task board is a visual task management tool that shows tasks in columns or lanes – typically To Do, In Progress, and Done – in order to organize a project team's work. Xamun Project has three different types of boards. Xamun’s Task Board is perfect for general types of projects, while the Scrum Board and the Kanban Board are specially designed for agile software development projects. Task Kanban Scrum Board Board Board For general projects For software projects For software projects Ruminate December 2012 | 11
  • 16. Xamun Task Boards Task Board If you have general projects lined up, Xamun Task Board is recommended. Track the progress of your project and update the tasks assigned to your team in real time. The task cards on the board carry your task information and you can drag and drop these cards based on their progress status. You can also use the drag and drop function when assigning a task to a team mate by dragging and dropping their photos into a task card. Kanban Board Kanban is a specialized project management methodology so if you’re doing projects that are leaning towards this methodology, you can choose to set your Board type to Kanban. Carry out the Kanban software development process easily where you can limit work-in- progress, manage workflows, implement feedback loops, and improve team collaboration. Ruminate December 2012 | 12
  • 17. Xamun Task Boards Scrum Board Alternately, you can also choose the Xamun Scrum Board if you have projects that needed to be implemented on this methodology. Product owners can track, monitor, and virtually manage scrum projects together with a distributed team. The Scrum Board also enables your team to perform release management and sprint planning, as well as conduct virtual daily standup meetings. Like the general task board, you can also size estimations, add subtasks, post on discussion feeds, attach files, and categorize tasks. Xamun created these three board type to fit your task management needs, and we’re just getting started. They’re all available in Xamun Project, one of the six online apps in Xamun Productivity for Business accounts. For just $12/month per user, get everything you need to manage projects, people, and clients. Ruminate December 2012 | 13
  • 18. Xamun Updates Xamun introduces Pipeline To make Xamun a more complete solution, we’ve created Xamun Pipeline, an online sales management app that includes its own Deal Board, Deal Cards, Resource and Product License Allocators, and Progress lanes. With Xamun Pipeline, can now efficiently manage your upcoming projects and enable your sales team to drive your company's growth. Xamun unveils Helpdesk Another new addition Xamun's Productivity apps is Xamun Helpdesk, designed for issue or bug management. With it, you can now create support tickets for certain issues raised by customers and other stakeholders, assign them, and address them right away. Xamun Helpdesk is fully integrated with Xamun Project, where tickets automatically appear on the task board as soon as you assign them. Tickets can be assigned to individuals, project teams, or departments to better serve both external and internal clients. . Xamun launches integrations We know how important your current apps are, so we’ve integrated Xamun with third- party appps. Chat, call, and set-up face-to-face meetings through Skype on Xamun Project. Sync your schedule with Google or Windows Live Calendar and Xamun My Day. Import your contacts on LinkedIn and Facebook to Xamun Community. The great thing is, we’re only getting started! Ruminate December 2012 | 14
  • 19. Xamun Tips # 4: Converting Subtasks into Task Cards Xamun Project is mainly made up of task cards that swim across lanes on the task board. In these task cards, you can write subtasks to break down major tasks. Sometimes, these subtasks are still quite complex and heavy. What you can do in Xamun Project is to convert these subtasks into task cards. On the task card, you can see the subtask list which is found below the Task Description. If it’s missing, it’s most likely hidden. To show your subtask list, go to Other Options panel found on the right side of the task card and click on Subtask. To hide your subtask list, all you have to do is click on it again. (Note: if you hide/show the subtask list on one task card, it will apply to all your other task cards.) Ruminate December 2012 | 15
  • 20. Converting Subtasks into task cards After converting, your new task cards will look like this: Your subtasks are now task cards of their own. Converted subtasks will appear as yellow task cards. When you click on a converted subtask, you can set various details like in a regular task card. The green tab above these converted task cards is the parent task. To learn more, you can watch our Xamun Video Tutorial on Converting Subtasks to Task Cards. Ruminate December 2012 | 16
  • 21. Xamun Tips # 5: Importing Tasks via Templates One of the most tasking duties of starting a new project is filling out tasks. Templates are very useful when you are working on similar types of projects under different clients. Save time by importing similar tasks to your new project so you could focus on other activities at work. Access project templates by clicking on the Template Icon found at the right side of the Masterlist header. You can also find the template icon when you click on the Project Name. Ruminate December 2012 | 17
  • 22. Importing Tasks via Templates Upon clicking the Template icon, the templates window will pop up. It will look like this: Choose the project that contains the tasks that you want to import. You can choose from your existing projects, company templates (if you are in a corporate setting), and public templates. Once the importing is done, the tasks will load on the Masterlist lane where you can edit it like your regular task cards. To learn more, you can watch our Xamun Video Tutorial on Using Templates to Get Started. Ruminate December 2012 | 18
  • 23. Xamun Tips # 6: Using the Ticket Board The newly implemented tab on your Project Sidebar is called the Ticket Board. The Ticket Board is where you create tickets for tasks that are related to customer support or product/ service enhancement. You will also land on the Ticket Board when you access it via the Helpdesk app. Xamun integrated the Ticket Board inside Xamun Project so it will be accessible in just one click. Noted on the left side of the Ticket Board tab is the number of tickets that you need to attend to. Ruminate December 2012 | 19
  • 24. Using the Ticket Board Your Ticket Board looks like your typical Xamun Board. It also has customizable swim lanes where you can monitor your ticket progress. Creating a ticket is easy, too. Use the provided form, fill out the details, and click OK. After that, it will appear on the New lane then you can assign it to your team members by dragging and dropping their photo on the ticket card. Assigning a task to someone will enable the ticket card to appear on that person’s Task Board in Xamun Project. It will be converted into a task but it will carry a special Ticket icon so your team member knows which to prioritize first. To learn more about the Tip, you can watch our Xamun Video Tutorial on Using the Ticket Board. Ruminate December 2012 | 20
  • 25. More from Why Use Time Tracking For Creatives? Yes, yes we know. Creative types want their freedom and independence when doing the work that they do. Tracking time would be stifling and detrimental to the creative process. Or would it? W hen would tracking time be beneficial to a creative agency and its staff? Why do some design labs and creative houses use time tracking tools such as those in Xamun to resounding success? Here are some convincing reasons why time tracking for creatives can be a good thing: Time tracking lets you know how much Time tracking allows you to charge time you spend on a project clients appropriately Why is it important to know how much time Once you know how much time you put into you spend on a project? Having a tool to track each of your projects, then you can bill your the time you put into each project gives you the clients properly. The project that takes the clarity to temper your creative activities with longest time to do and eats up the most hours practicality. It also gives you a concrete and should, logically, be the ones that pay you measurable basis for analyzing past projects as more. This is only fair for you, your clients, and well as to plan for future ones. your staff. Time tracking allows creatives to manage In short, time tracking is a great tool for their time wisely creatives Creatives are notorious for haphazard time Time tracking need not be the enemy of management. If this is the case in your creativity that it is usually made out to be. company, then it is up to the agency to instill a When productivity and the completion of a system that allows the artistic staff to be able to project is the end goal, then having a system of work productively within reasonable limits. time management could even be beneficial to This kind of planning ensures that time is not each one of your creative staff and to the wasted on unnecessary things and that there company as a whole. will always be enough time to do the creative Source: FunctionPoint work that must be done. Ruminate December 2012 | 21
  • 26. More from Top 5 Problems of Remote Workers Today and How To Solve Them Now that we our lives are global, more and more businesses are seeing the benefits of having a virtual office: reduced operations cost, happier staff, and increased production to name a few. On the flip side, there are a few problems that arise from working remotely. R emote workers face problems that are not usually seen in a traditional workplace. So if you want to make the most out of your business and motivate your remote workers to their fullest, watch out and prepare for these trouble spots: 1 Training is tricky If your remote workers have recently transitioned from in-office to a remote working place, you better brace yourself for difficult training sessions ahead. It will take more effort on your part, as well as patience, because the only form of communication that you’ll have with your employees will be thru emails and IMs. To clear up any misunderstandings and issues faster, assign knowledgeable support staff that could provide guidance with your new remote employees. This way, they will feel that they have a mentor whom they can always call for help. 2 Issues on hardware and software compatibility Not all people are technologically inclined and having a remote work setup can be frustrating, especially when issues on hardware and software arise. Without any IT support staff nearby, productivity time will be drastically affected. It’s best to practice being proactive and provide your employees with guidelines for fixing issues. You can also provide tutorials and FAQs on how to properly use the tools that you will provide. This way you’ll save your remote workers downtime and the hassle of dealing with hardware and software incompatibility. Ruminate December 2012 | 22
  • 27. Top 5 Problems of Remote Workers Today and How To Solve Them 3 No social life The office is one big social space for many people and the transition from on-site to remotely working can be a shock to newbies. Having a new work environment all to yourself will be a new experience, plus it takes some time to accept the fact that they’ve lost the social aspect they’ve always been used to. To save your staff from the loneliness of working alone, organize regular staff event so that they’ll get the chance to know the other 5 people they’re working with in the cyber office. Promotion can take a long time Working remotely can be a big challenge for 4 Rewards are somewhat intangible Most remote workers feel their worth being those who want to climb up the ladder of the workforce. With the work distribution, they will feel more often than not more like a tool to get disregarded and their efforts unnoticed because the job done without their abilities being of the cyber barrier in remote workplaces. As a noticed. This is especially true when companies supervisor, make them feel valued by giving also employ on-site staff. them positive feedback to increase their morale. As the employer, it is your responsibility to While a tap on the back and a verbal praise is make it clear that promotions are performance next to impossible in a remote working place, based, so that remote staff will feel they are as spending time to make a customized short visible and valuable as on site employees. email on their job well done will suffice. While remote working provides numerous benefits, there are also problems that need to be dealt with. This way, the distribution of workload will be easier and your work staff will be happier and more productive and satisfied with how you handle the business. Source: GigaOm Ruminate December 2012 | 23
  • 28. More from Motivate Employees With a BIG CAR What do employees really want? Their paychecks plus the benefits would be your instant answer, but there’s more to that. Although a good salary is important, it’s only a part of what they love about their jobs. What they really want is simply, a BIG CAR. T hat’s right. Having a BIG CAR not only makes your workers feel satisfied, it also helps keep them motivated. But this doesn’t mean you’ll have to give each of them a Hummer (we know that’s too much). BIG CAR is simply an acronym, and we’ll tackle what each letter means below. Belongingness Belongingness is a human need for the mind and soul and it greatly affects how someone functions, especially socially and mentally. Remember your employees are human beings too and the sense of belonging in the workplace is what keeps them stay and motivated. Make your employees learn about you and each other better through fun side activities like parties or sports. Simple chit-chats over coffee or even free company shirt giveaways can make them feel a part of a big family. Involvement Employees are always eager to apply their skills and knowledge to their jobs. They have a lot to suggest in fact so let them be free to share these ideas during work. No one wants to be a robot who just takes orders. Let everyone involved by sharing your ideas, listen to theirs and even have a healthy argument to prove each other’s points. With these, your employees would feel important, be more interested and gladly accept challenges. Growth Learning doesn’t stop after studying. It’s a continuous experience and should definitely be available to your employees. Fewer learning activities create less motivated employees and thus lead to less productivity. Ruminate December 2012 | 24
  • 29. Motivate Employees With a BIG CAR Prevent having stagnant employees and give them a reason to be excited with new challenges and responsibilities by offering learning opportunities both in and out of the office. More than acquiring new knowledge, training your employees lets them renew their energy and creativity, driving them to perform better. Connection “How are you?” A simple yet meaningful question that shows that somehow in your tight schedule you still have the time to show your employees that you care. Short personal whats-ups, asking for what they need, or just a “Hello” with a sincere smile connects you to your people, even if you’re just passing by their cubicles. Easy but it could be a day maker. Achievement There’s no point in doing something if you don’t have a goal. You and your employees must have a clear line of sight on what should be done and where you want to go. Share to your employees the company’s goal and assign them their missions that should be accomplished for a certain time. This will tell them where they’re heading and push more to reach the goal. In the end, they’ll feel better knowing that they were a part of creating something big and successful. Recognition Getting noticed and feeling appreciated are what your employees want the most. After long days of hard work to finish something, the best thing they can hear from you is that they did a good job and you fully appreciated it. Saying “You did well!”, rewarding certificates of recognition, or giving better incentives to those who deserve it will create happy and fully engaged employees. These will also drive other workers to work better. Start having that BIG CAR in your company, make sure it’s working fine and nothing’s missing to have a productive and happy ‘road trip’ with your workers. Source: MindFlash, Ruminate December 2012 | 25
  • 30. More from How To Get Pricing Right For Your Business H ave you ever wondered why a lot of people are willing to pay a lot of money for products with low quality? Or have you ever looked around shops and wondered why so many items have prices ending in the amount .99? Well, it’s really a pretty basic concept in marketing: the way you price your product affects what your customers think about it. Here’s something every marketer should know: every customer has her own preconceptions regarding any product or service they will be buying. In other words, everyone has a price range; it’s simple psychology. When you quote a price that’s outside their price range, whether it’s too high or too low, you better be able to justify it or say goodbye to your sale. Here are some pricing tips to help you close more deals: Bundle your products There are two ways that businesses get Bundling your service is all about giving the pricing wrong today: the first is when they client an idea of the value of the product bunch all their services together into one without itemizing every bit with a cost estimate. generic and vague offer: something like “IT People today are task-oriented, so every service Solutions: $3,500.” People are likely to shy should be broken down into tasks, not away from this because they have no idea what timetables. Make sure that the client knows the value of the product is. Similarly, you should what he or she is getting and that every element also avoid pricing each item individually, as this of your service bundle is essential to the whole. lead customers to question the value of each element. Ruminate December 2012 | 26
  • 31. How To Get Pricing Right For Your Business Charge for value, not cost. A sure way to get yourself stuck working without making any real income is thinking Options, options and options that value is the same as cost. When you price Avoid backing the potential into a corner your items, don’t price them by thinking about where he or she has to say yes or no to your what they cost you and then add a bit of price. Make sure you offer options. This actually markup. That’s transactional thinking and quite puts your potential customer into a state of frankly, it won’t get you either income or mind where they’re already decided on getting customer loyalty. your service, and only just have to decide on Think about what a specific customer would customizing their personal experience. be willing to pay for what you have to offer. The key here is to get patronage, not a single transaction. Remember that repeat business is what every enterprise thrives on. Use discounts for the right reasons When you do offer discounts, do it to encourage right customer behavior. Don’t offer discounts just to get customers, it devalues your Don’t blink: reduce value, not just price business. Offer discounts for paying up front, or Some customers like to play a bit of ‘business for paying with cash, not credit card. Use chicken’. Cite a price and they’ll haggle, asking discounts to make things more convenient for you to lower the price or threaten to walk away. you, not to get customers. Whatever you do, do not give a discount. This The right pricing strategy will not just give will get them thinking that the service you offer you better income, it will also get customers in is at a lesser value than they thought. If you the right mindset about your business. Try really want to work with that specific client, these strategies out and tell us which of these take a look at the items on the bundled price pricing techniques work for you. you quoted and ask them which services or elements they would be willing to forego in Source: MindFlash, order to pay less. Ruminate December 2012 | 27
  • 32. More from Get Inspired By Copying The Best G reat ideas are often inspired, be it from nature, existing tools, and other great ideas. Think about it: if the apple hadn’t fall from the tree, Isaac Newton wouldn’t have thought about that universal force that pulls everything to the Earth’s surface we all now know as gravity. A new concept will always attribute itself to an older concept. We get ideas from other ideas, and we really can’t do without inspiration. In the workplace, inspiration is one of the driving forces behind creativity. Sometimes, though, expressing an idea, no matter how great, can be difficult. It’s hard to tell others exactly what you want, so you have to give them something they can base their work on. That’s where the “peg” comes in. “Peg” is ad-speak for “inspiration” or “basis.” It’s what you show your team to give them an idea for the kind of look or feel you’d like for a certain product. For every project, it’s important to give your team a peg so they can see a more concrete concept of what you want, and work within reasonable limitations. Here’s an example: you want a neat, magazine-type website where you can introduce your company, boast of your previous achievements, show your products and services, while connecting with your clients. You can explain all these to your team, but for additional inspiration, you can give a peg, such as they can follow. Ruminate December 2012 | 28
  • 33. Get Inspired By Copying The Best Pegs can definitely make you and your team’s life easier. With good reference, you can: - create clearer communication lines between you and your team. - whip up better ideas, products, and executions by revolutionizing previously effective concepts - save time by doing away with back-and-forth paper and email work due to revisions. Now, you might ask yourself: “I’m getting all these really neat ideas from other people and using them as pegs — does that mean that I’m plagiarizing them?” Don’t worry, you’re not. Getting inspiration from great pegs isn’t idea stealing — as long as you don’t copy it pixel by pixel. Many great writers, artists, and photographers all have their own sources of inspiration. What they did was to take an old idea and transform it into something wholly new and relevant, and call it their own. So the next time you brief your team about a new assignment, give them something to work with. Inspire them with an old concept, let them build on it, and watch them create something bigger and better. Ruminate December 2012 | 29
  • 34. ’ It s the only tool you ll ever need to manage your projects, clients, and people Sign up via for a 30-day FREE TRIAL